The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 19, 1900, Image 2

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The i i. LL&" :
e. u. eiEATroai).
i v ; rhunday.
' '.or aad ruulialier
Subscription Rates.
Om Year . 00
Blx Month! 1
rtuee Moo thi
MARCH 19, 1900.
Only the Transvaalers Will Be Sent
to the Island.
. 3
. 5
. 7
. 5
. 5
A county convention of tbe republican
yoUrs of Douglas county, Oregon, is
hereby called to meet at the Court House
in Roeeburg, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. m.
on Tburaury April 5th, 1900, for tbe pur
pose of electing delegates to tbe etate
convention which meets at Portland, Or.
April 12, 1900, and delegates to the
Congressional Convention which meets
at McMinnville. Oregon, on April 11.
1900, And to nominate candidates for the
vaiioos county offices to be voted for at '
tbe coming June election.
Tbe primaries will he be'.d in the re
epoctive preuiocts on Saturday March 31
The apportionment for said convention
ball be 1 delegate at large for each pre-t-inct
an 1 1 delegate for each 15 votes or
fraction thereof of 10 votes cast for lion.
I. T. ier for governor at the state elec
tion of lS'JS, as follows, lo-wit :
Precinct. ' So. delegates
Roeeburg 7
Deer Creek 9 9
West Koseburg 5
Cole; Valley
Mt. Scott
rasa Creek
Myrtle Creek
Civil Bend
Millwood.... .
Calspooia 7
East Umpqua
Looking Glass
Cow Creek
Camaa Valley
ToUl 13S
It was recommended that tbe voters of
each precinct, nominate a candidate for
road supervisor, for each roal district in
their precinct, as well as candidates for
justice of the peace and constable, and
certify their names to tbe convention for
ratification, it is requested that tbe
voters of each precinct elect one parson
to serve as a member of the County
Central Committene, and that that per
pod attend the County Convention for the
purpose of meeting with the committee at
its organization. It ia further recom
mended that in the precincts of Roeebarg
West Eosebure, Utnpuaa. Deer Creek
Oakland and Caiapooia the poll
be opened at 1 o'clock p. m. and
twmain rmn tintil 4 n. m and that in all
other precincts the primaries be called
to order at 2 o'clock p. ro. and remain
open as long as those in charge may
think proper.
Dated at fioseburg, Oregon, this 6th
dav of March. 1UM.
E. D. Stkatfobd,
6. C. Flint, Chairman.
Court Adjourned For the Term
Judge ll.ui'.iitin bus practically cleared
t he docket i f lint March trrtu and ad
i.jurnetl Cv iut to miet June 3, l'JOO. The
term just (Instil wast I tuore than the
ttvtragi i;LiK)ilaiice. In the mining case
of. Warner et al va Jenniugs Drcs., the
court alter hearing arguments dissolved
the injunction, which heretofore pre-
1 vented Jennings Bros, from working the
London, March 17. A disj auh n the
Exchange Telegraph CoiDpany from
Cape Town, dated today, fas it has heen
decided lo setd only the Tran.vtt!wa to
St. Helena, the authori its fmdit-g it
difficult to prevent conflicts between the
Free S htrs ami the Trant-.vaalere,
Colcu-1 S;hiel, whj was captured in
Natal in th ear v narl of lha war. has a
.,.. .M.i A, ir, .,rnt him mine. This leaiee them in control with
frotn doina himself bodily viuleuce
Captain Johuson and Third Officer
lioltege, of ohe steamer Masc.hout. cap
tared by a British cruiser and subse
quently re'eased, were drowu. d in a gal
last night. Four others were drowned,
and a boav'j crew from the Cheehire is
Transporting of Prisoners Delayed.
Cars Tews, March 17. The dsparlure
of the transports with the Boer piisouers
for St. Helena was delayed ou account ol
tbe fact that many Uoera have teen tick,
including many infectious difeaees. The
authsrities are etriviuglo complete lhe
isolated hoppital by Wtddcsday, and the
transports will probably sal', that dav.
. o
. 3
. C
. 7
Hop. A. M. Crawford, who a t'ue
leading: attorney m the big tiiitutijj case
of 3. G. Warner et al va Bruneau & Jen
nings, tried in this city a few days ago,
has been highly cuuipliniected for his
successful management of lh rase
This action, which was for the purpose
cl settling the title to one of tbe richest
mines in Oregon, was cue of the most
important ai well as meet hotly consist
ed of any tried in Douglas county, for
many years. Mr. Crawford h reeoi
nized as one of tbe most able and
thoroughly reliable nfninj lawyers in
the slate and he more than tusUinel his
previous reputitijn in ibis case.
E. E. Sparr, Eddie O'Briea, Tbos. Sol
livan and Geo. Mabon, tbe four bnys
who were convicted by Justice Miller of
killing a goat, an offense of which they
were probtb'y rot guilty, have fjerved
out he terra ot th-. ir confinemen. ii the
county jail and have been dis
charged. They complain very bit
terly of tbe food fircishtd them by
Sheriff Stephens, cn which they were
compelled to work cn the public roads.
They haye left with us a statement of
of what they claim to be the facta in re
gard to the mattea, and if on investiga
tion we find their ftary to t9 correc, we
i hall pobliah it.
pjer to wo:k the mine. Cases were
dit-p mod ol uh follows titics our last re
port :
A. Tliof. llhst vs. Emun at)llrg,
pai ution ; D. L. atson, Ally, lor I lit.,
A. M Crawford, Ally, fjr Def:. Con
tinued for term.
B. Tho?. Hirst v. Kmma Nasburg, j
paitition; V. L, ateon. Atty. lor fill.,
. M. Crawford, Atty. for D.'ft. Con
tinued for term.
C. 11 Wolh.'nberg vs tiraut Lever.s, ta
recover uionsr; J.t. i-a.ierion, i , v ,
Beusoii, Attys. for I'id' , Willis & Kice,
Attys. for Djft. Co.ilinusd for term.
1. Julias Aiiibrnni vs John l'ret.-
chcrn, lo recover mon-y ; Geg M Brown,
J. C. FuUertjn, J. A Buchanan, Attys.
forr.fl'., F. W. Beasou aud O. 1. Cc
show, Attys. for Deft. C mtinued for
F, Sjloann M.-uiet. vj. N'aucy H.
MeuJell, suit for pirtiiiou real property :
L. F. Cna aud F. W. Bensou, Attys.
for Def;., Wiilia & Hice, Alive, for l'lff.
Laud sold by A. E. Clijton, G. W.
Scott aud F. M. Goo! leferees, to John
and Johu G. Doruer for $2000.
G. T. U. Sueridaa va. John 1. Dun
can, e: al, motion lo touhrin sale; Cu-
thow & Siierid ill. Attre. for l'ill". tHn-
II. 1. Wariuti, el a!, vs. Chas
Brui,eiu, c al. action at law; F. W.
Bejeon, Coiuw & Shenlin, A'.tyj. lor
P,Ji., J. S. Medley and A. M. Crawford,
Aliy. for DeJts. ; reman Jod to Circuit
Court by United S'.ates D.s.rict Court of
Oregon. JuJgmeut for Difts.
J. B. B. Sottoa Vd. Clark & Biker, J
action at law to recover money ; Coihow j
Rice for Piff. Hefcrren i- t.!-. lljion
to take testimony and report ot i.ext tit
ular term.
No. 24. W. B. Singleton vs William
Laugh, action to iccover money ; J. A.
Buchanan for riff. Continued.
No. 25. V. T. Emery va W. It. Neise,
to recover money; J. A. Buchanan for
rilT. Referred to F. G. Micelli to mko
evidence aud report the facts and law in
the c6u nt the next regular term of
No.',2(. K. Dutiaa vs lOsther and L. N.
Smith, appeal from Justico Court; J, C
Fullerton for Appellants. Judgment for
No. 27. State of Oregon vs tleorge
Clary, forgery; (ieo. M. Brown, Diet.
No. 2S. State f Oregon va Bert II at -dnbrook,
assault ; Ceo. M. Brown Dist.
A'ty. Dismhsed ou motion of the dis
trict attorney.
No. 29. S'.aU of Oreaen viCollii s,
tt'cc"-. tieo. M. Bromi, Disl. A'ty.
Cji.timnd for tho term
Mo'.i jn l irniii' v trial in the of
the estate of D. If. O'liluatig vs. lhe S.
l Co., action for Jjninseii, overru'td.
I'laintilT given until May let to tilo a bill
of exceptions upju which to base an ap
lu the cmsis of 1'. L. aud MT. 15. Willi
vs. G. . Smith, involving the costs in
previous euits, nas settled by allowing
ftj in the former and f 71 in the latter
c.iee in favor of the defecdant, Smith.
Anna Kect vs. B. M. Kent; order cou
lirruiog sah'.
Voderlakin of A. M. llnrintiton
k.ep the peace is discharged.
And the place to get them is at
I Strong's Furniture Store.
y a
We have never shown as elegant a line
of CARPETS as we have in stock aud
on the road. See our Room Size velvet
Rugs. Also Art Squares. Our Mo
quctte Rugs are of the latest designs
and styles. We can show you the best
line of Tapestry Curtains ever shown
in Douglas County. Also a good line
of I,ace and Novelty Curtains.
Our motto is Good Goods and Honest values.
B. W.
Koseburg, Oregon.
: v saa v ; a.. aa::: . i : .
t i
Notice for Publication.
Cm kit KtuU-ii Land Oflice,
KuKKUCRii, Oregon, February 'JO, WO.
Notice If hereby given that tbe following
named aettkr ban tiled notice of bU intention to
make final proof in Rtipport of his claim, and
tl-nt .pM -roof will be made before the Kegin
. : i: ' ,-r'tver, U H Ijtnd OUice at Koteburg,
u..... March , 1M0O, viz:
On H. E. No. H, for tbe NWli, HE'ISW'i,
NE! HWJi, ec H, T 2f. 8, K W. He names the
following wituense to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of said land,
vlx- licott Lander, Archibald O. Rose, of Mel
roae, Orejron, W. II. Hunter of Wardton, Oregon,
Hamncl Alexander of Cleveland, Oregon.
Rosebarg Academy
Classical and
Notice For Publication.
t KIT Kb tTATEH Land Of Pl I.
Ii.- burir, Oregon, February lii, l'MO.
Notice is hereby given that in comoltance
with tbe proTisioDH of the act of Congress of
June a. IX!, entitled ' Aa act for the site of tim
ber lands la the euites of Lalifornia, Oregon,
Nevada aud nshineton Territory."
Of Mapibliell, Loiioty of Coos, r-tate of Oreaon,
ins iay men in mis omce ms s 5rn smte
mcnt No. M4, fir tt'e pun hase of tbo H'j NE'v
fct'i N W'i, of trect'on No. 2, in Township No. a
toiith, KanKe No. 9 west, and will ofler pr.xf to
show that the land sought Is more valuable for
Its umber or stone man for agricultural riur-
toaes, ana to establish bis claim to said land bc
ore tbe Register aud Receiver of tbis oflice at
Kcscbiirg, Oregon, on riaturiay. the 1-th day of
Mar, l'ju). He names as witnesses : William II.
bmith, of Manhiield, Oregon, Allien E. Bettjs,
oi iarsnneio, Oregon, t.. . ivaraeii. ol ,Maru
lieid, Oregon, A. E. Kardcll, of Marsh field, Ore
gon. Any aud all irons claiming adveiM-ty the
above-described lauds are requested to file their
claim in tins office on or before said 1-lh day
Ol May, ijw.
Drain ll-nts.
A Riddle Republican.
Fusion baa a very alluring aipect to
Brother Gillette and Brother Gazley. If
it wasn't far tbe office hooters and office
haUera in tbe populist party, there
won!d be very few advocates of fusion in
that party. It's the men with axes to
grind who toiler and bring about fueion.
Bryan will speak in Albany on March
2ath, the day of the republican county
convention. lie will then go to the state
of Waahingtoo and return to Oregon to
speik at Koreborg o j April 5th, the dy
. of tbe republican county c invention in
tbis county, This would indicate an
earnest deaire on the part of tbe demo
era tic managers totecare a crowd for
him to speak to.
K. B. Hendricks hai began the publi
cation of tbe Pacific Homestead at Sa
lem. It ia declare! by the management
to be tbe intention to famish the farm
ers and stockraiaers of tbe Pacific North
west, a nrst-class journal devoted to their
interests, and judging by tbe firet issues
of the journal, the claim will be amply
sustained, as tbe paper will cotupare
favorable with any of its kind published
in the United States.
A few weeks axo the Review declared
that the republican bosses were trping to
force D. R. Shtmbrook on to the ticket
for sheriff sgtinat tbe wish of nine-tenths
of tbe republican voters of tbe county.
Now this self-conititnted guardian of re
publican interests says that the bosses
are trying to sbelvs Dave in the interest
of some other candidate. The attempts
of the Review to create dissension in the
ranks of tbe republican party willjend
boat as did its attempts to break up tbe
public schools of Rxeburf.
It is whispered that Judge J. V. Ham
ilton of this city is to be tbe democratic
candidate for congress in tbis district
against Hon. Tbos. H. Tongue, and that
tbe advent of Bryan in Oregon is for the
purpose of furthering the interest of
Jodge Hamilton. Tbe fact tbatR. S.
Sheridan of Roeeburg, wbo ia chairman
of the democratic etate central commit
tee, has charge of Dryan's itineracy, and
that the only threj speeches are to be
made in Oregon, aud these at Salem,
Albany and RoEebur-, all in the first
district, leads as to believe that there is
something in the rumor.
The Douglas county delegation to the
republican slate convention will probab
ly present to the convention the name of
Judge J. C-Fullerton of this city, as a
candidate for presidential elector. But
few men in Oregon are better known or
hare a larger number of personal friends
thsu has Judge Fullerton, and while we
have no doubt of tbe result of the presi
dential election in Oregon, yet tbe wis
dom of making np tbe electoral ticket of
men wbc are personally popular has
been demonstrated over aod over again,
when In close states those candidates
who are personally popular have been
elected while tbe remainder of tbe ticket
has been defeated.
Riddle, Oregon, March 17, 1JJ0.
Editor Plmxdsalek : The near ap
proach to the priaiarir? causrg more or
less palsticil jsiip, and haviog singled
with tbe voteri of Southern 'Dougias in
the last two weeksllind the tent:;netit
of most republicaas are in favor of put
ting op the Etron&eet men for candi
dites. Because a man deeirrs a nomin
ation and pushes his claims before a con
vention, is not always a good reason why
he should hi feltc'i.l cs a'p.
Let republicans select their representa- & Patterson ; J. A. locjanau and t
Tention. Lat candidates ba selected far Defl3- JtiJjjaient for Dehe
.Ij:i;i T. Miller of ll.i titir'. vali.-y,
w as i i loii Mou.lcy.
M. T, St-prilt was in Drain Friday ind
Wtnt t j (iariiincr.
C M. Ile:i-.!:'."cr ii CV.'.atfo liruveas
a l).-ain vi?it.r Saturtiav.
Al IViLir s ti.-fK'd tbrotigh hero on hia
way bo:ne frt iu Porl'ar.d.
J. M. St tik, ol 1 tt. u, pasM?J ihr-jtil.
Watch our Window
We will keep constant!- on haud a Fresh and
Clean Supply of" latw-aw
Confectioneries. Fruits,
and Vegetables.
We have just what you want. Call aud see us
su.ri.ia,, nut. -ew-WM. CURRIER.
.t. c,.;.!,,, ( .rl'irT U i;s .t Kiw filr io j tiirou o i. nfoi j-.-Miir-
Def. s. CoLtiaUtf J for repjv; of Bef- rre.
K. I. F.Kioc vs. J. A. Muuday, fore
closure; Wi:lis A. litce for IMP. Bforrtd
to J. II. hups Ij take testitnjuy .J re
port next teiai
L. Kmma 11. t'iilUls vs. Djue B.
Cir.itU-, tlivur.e; J. A. Bjuaiua.t for
Vi'S. litmis?cJ.
X. U. G. Waruer, ct ol, Vi. Chug.
Cruueau, tt a1, mil in equity; F. V.
B'.-iiEoa ni Cos'jjw Sber.dan for
PiJi., Md:ey, Crawford, '.Yoodcock and
liebara for l.i e. Veidict lor IeftB.
P. J. M. Youa; vj. Frjck tchweuk
cr, tt al, coydrmatiou ; Coeiuw Slieri
dan .jr Confirmed.
S. jolia CatW!crea.'e va. Mi:; Cota
lereitse, diw-ctf ; CrjonA Long far Pi J.
Dicree of diyo.-ce.
V. A. F. Bn;u yj C. W. Cby
bourne tu 1 vils, coLiiriuation ; Cobhow
& .SjtriJu for l'ill. Conilrmation.
X. U. K. OhU"u, et al vs. Fletcher
jRoseburg Pharmacy
Miss Lnla App'.i'. y.ti ii -i iite i:l at h-r
K gtfi atrvet. Mit-ne li-'gia-
BS. 11. L. Marate-a vs. Frederick W.
Carpenter, et ux, motiou o make deei;
J. A. Bjchaaaa Atty. f jr Pla". Ordered
Jced n.aJe.
No, 1. U. O.!g liu va. L:tite
their fitness and stan Jing, and my words
for it, the republicans can io over the
three-headed mouttroeity that will cp
pose them. Then there is plenty of good
material in the rep nbiican rank.;. Fcr
etite senator several names that have been
mentioned wbo would make excellent
candidates. Among others, the name cf
W. B. Clarke, the sage of Mill wood, is
often mentioned. Mr. Curke is a man
of the people, and closely identified with
the industrial intereets of tbe county .
At the head of the ticket Mr. Clarke
wonld be a ho3t in himself. The nan es
of ex-Mayor Ma raters, Judge Fullei'.oo,
Geary Young of Oakland are also u tn
tioael. But it was net tbe intention of
this article to mention candidates but as
a word of encouragement to republicans
to turn out to tbe primaries. L-t eg
give a long pull, a strong pull, an J a pull
all together.
Aged Citizen Dead.
Mr. V. Hughes died al his home at
Lone Rock on the East Uniptjua on Sun
day, March lS'.h, aged 83 years. .Mr.
Hughes wai bo-n in Crawford county,
Missouri, and moved to California in
1349. He returned to Missouri and after
living there a few years returned to Cali
fornia and came to Oregon in 1S70, locat
ing on the East Umpqua in this county,
where he resided until his death. j
Mr. Hughes wae a pioneer of the pio- j
neers, bavinz crossed the plains ihree j Chapman, divorce; J.
times with ox teams. lie was always an ' Piff. Decree,
upright and honorable men and rvia-j, I No. 11. Ilirriet Mulnix vs A O.
honored and re'pec'.ed by all who kti ;v Mttoon, foreclosure; Coehow il Sheridan
him. He united with tbo M. E Church fr 1'iii'. JodmcLt for plaintiff for
South some time ia the eeventie?, .ml ji-7-i.Sl with interest and f 25 attorneys
lived a consistent Christian life, express j fees.
ing on his dying Led his faith in Christ. No. 13 J. F. Rose vs J. H. WhiUctt.
home ou
II Hi. J. T. BrMgts was doing bueiuets j
io our io:i ."s itur Jay rem itnin;; over )
Sunday. I (m
Hon. W. A. iVrkiu?,of Hudsou Milir, j Q
pised through on his way f:oui Boss
burg, Friday.
Mrs. John Ejrl came down from l't
etoek ou Monday's local, on a busii.ess
v i-it.
Miet Au'.iitj I a) lor, ol Ujms'.oi'K, is
writing friend and relatives iu l'raln,
at present.
W. F. Jeatlt a LueicccS man of ttirdi
ner passed ti.rouch Drain ou hi j nay to
San Francisco Friday.
Chas. Moruingstar returned to his
home near Walker- tatiou Friday Lis
brother Lrnett heinjj much better.
Wilier Liird, of B'e"ter valley, a
slu !eat of the Drain public school about
thirteen years as;o, was vUiling old
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drns, Toilet Artn.h's. Patent Medi-
citn'j. Ciyars, Ktatiouery, Toilet
Soaps, Taints and Oils.
photographic Supplies...
Tile celehr.itofl Wacra-Ane Pvrlntip P1at
C Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Cull and Examine them.
Notice for Publication.
United States L.isDOrnct,
lt.jx.huni. Oregon, February 1", l'XK.
Notice in i.ereuv cien (bat in compliance
nil I He nroTUlonn ..1 lae acini iouktcmoi
Jane i, lfrsv. enntlea "An bci lor tlie aie ol tlm
txT ianda in tne MU s ol California, Oreg3
Nevada and WasliiniU'ii T-rritonr, '
Of Washburn, Cuonty of Bayfield, Slate of Wis
eoiinln. bas tUil -lay tdt-d In ttii" ollice hi" rnroni
Dtau-uieot . lor tne tiurenax.- oi tne iau
i, I. N ;i ol Section M). 'I, in lownmp o.
21 bouth Kanice Ko. 3 Weat. and will oiler proof
totliowtbat me una aougtitis more valuable
lor iu iiinoer or utonc man lor aencnitarai
tanoe, iil uetablih his claim to aid
land belorc the Kegiau-r and Keceirer of this
office at Koebnrir. Oryon, on Friday tb 27tb
nay oi, tie nanus witnessie:
Christian O. Uaulof Washburn. Wirconsiu, t-
T. IX- oil ol o.l.aii., Wabui;loii. J. lm" .
Holland of Washburn. Wisconsin, Frank W.
I'o'.U r of Ashland, of Wisconsin.
Any and all persons claiming adveiseir the
above-dest ribed lands are retiated to tile tilt I r
claims in tbis oflice on or before said -Tth day of
April, IS J. T. BEIDOEd,
ai p Kegister.
A special teueher for each department. New
students n-ceived at any time. Fur particular
address the piinclpaL
C. T. Whittlesey. A. li.
liobehurg. Or.
Resi deuce, Cor. Douglas and Chad
wick hits.
Three Daily Trains Between Odgen
and Denver.
The increase in transcontinental travel
by way of Salt Lake City io consequence
of the ecenic and other attractions of tbe
ronto, has recently justified .the Rio
Grande Western Railway Fa connection
with lhe Dibyer & Rio Grande and Col
orado Midland Railroads says tbe Salt
Lake Tribune, in eetabliabing a triple
daily fast passenger service between O-
den and Denver. All of these trains are
equipped with tha latest appliances, im
provement and cars. This road no
operates through sleepers between Chi
cago, Oden and Sam Francisco, also a
perfect dining car service. Send 2c post
age for literature, rates or other informa
tion to J. D. Mansfield, 253 Washington,
Portland; or Geo. W. Ifeinlz, General
Taisenger Agem, Salt City.
Roseburg Market.
Eggs 12.!.jC per doz.
Batter Country 25c.
Poaltry-Cbickens, mixed,
Prunes Italian 3(55; silver.
cnoice, 5(26 per lb.
Wheat 40f42c.
Oats 25 Q 30c.
Millstnff Bran, $17; iai idlings $22;
shorts, $13.00; chop. $16.00 per ton.
tlay IimotbY 9fll; clover. $78:
Orezon wild hay, $6Vt7 per ton.
Wool 16-3 20c.
Potatoes 55S 60 per ba.
Notice For Publication.
K-jsibunr. Oregon, February W,
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
mltb t'je roTiiion of tbe act of Covsnm of
June . rd. 1ST 8, entitled' An act lor lue ale of
timber lanes in tbe ebilcs of t aiiforuia, 'reoo,
cvauaana nauinein lemiorr,
Of W aihbnni. Conntv of Barfl'-ld. .State of Wis-
coDsin, bas ttis day t.ied in tbis oftice hit sworn
statement No. vJ, for the purchse of tbe
Lots I ana sn-i oi t'. oi
6t-vtiou Ko. A. in Township No. H satb.
Range No. 2 Wjst, and will oner proof to abow
that the land sougtt is more valuable for lu
timber or st ne titan Mr agricn.turai purposes.
ana to estubiun ms ctaira to said land before
tbe Register and Receiver of this office at
Koccburs Oreeon, on I.'iursiUT the 3rd. da of
Jiuy. Uv. Heuanias wiines: David Ued-
isnu.ol wasnoarn. Wisconsin. Jacob Jvbnsou
Washburn. Wisconsin. Oscar Lnndnen. of
Wanbburn, Wisconsin, Olaf Olson, of Washsarn,
Any and a. irnou cialminc advervi v tha
above describsd lands are requested to i.le their
riaonis in mis ocice on or oeiore ssi.i im asy ot
jsay, iau. . J. l. BitiLnja.-,
mop lwtutcr.
Good Service, Good Goods, and Good Prices
During the Holidays?
friends here the first of tbe meek.
S. K. CawlfielJ, mha has been vieitinjc
with hia sister, Mrs. W. S. Appleate, ia
Uayhurst vjlley, returoed to KoBeborg
on Kridsy's local.
J. R. McAfee and wife rasieJ thrcugh
cLaUfchhn, t.ivorca; i.yron & Loag for , , . ' . ,'
... ' mher their son reside?. Thev ltiVnJ
acting into the hotel Lusicess there, hav-
I'ltr. Decrcj of divorc
Nj. 2. Jaaaca llji-jjs and G. W. Col
vis vj. Willis & K. : aaJ Blue Gravel
Mmiag Cj , uit ia v alt y ; G. W. Colvirf
and J. C. lal'j.icn fjr l'.ffs., Willis &
Rice for Defte. ContinueJ for term.
No. 1. No.- Helm vs. Fletcher Helm,
divorce; V. W. Becsoa for PifT. Decree
cf divorca.
No. 5, II. M. Slartia vs. II. A.Chaui
paitie, toiecaver moue.v; A. M. Craw
ford for P.ff., Willis & Rice for Dfft
No. 0. :ia J. Clark vi. Gto. .
Clark, divorce; Wi. I s & Rice lor Piff.,
Coshoiv & SLeriJan for Deft. Referred
t) Jclm II. Saupe to take testimony and
report on tho first day cf the next term
of co;irt.
No. 7. 11. 1". Neir vs. Kate K. Nell", di
vo ce; Willis it Ri;e br Piff. Decree.
No. S. K. D. Grahaoi vs. tieo. K. and
Elizabeth tiuine, action on a note ; Wil
lis it Rice f jr Piff.. F. W. Benson for
D.-ft?. Judgaieut for Ddi.
No. y. Olive Anderson vs. R. L.
.Stephens, damages; Geo. M. Brown fcr
Dfr. JuJginent for Dlt.
No. 1), W. L. Chap.nai vs Slary
MsJley for
Mr. Hughes leave; a larga family an 1
a wide circle of frisnds to mourn his 1 js?.
His widow and four sons and two daugh
ters survive him.
The funeral mill take place tomorrow,
Tuesday, at 1 p. ru., int'-rur-nt in the
Oak Creek cemetery.
Railroad Building Record Threat ened
Ciiicaoo, March 10. The Railway
Age eaj s :
More miles of new railroad mere built
In tbe United states Inst year than any
since 1890. There is every indication
that the present year mi'l witness even
greater activity. It. th agret'ate there
are nearly o'J.OOO miles of projected road.
The Creamery Meeting,
The creamery meeting held in this
city on bet Saturday mas quite well at
tended, every thing heing considered.
Steps mere takcu to incorporate a com
pany aud pu" in a c.-eatnery at once.
Lack of spice mill not permit us to dis
cuse the matter fully iu this iteuo. We
mil! giv a full accouut of the plan as
outlined by those interested inThureday's
; f r $1, lifter a trial ty j'iry.
T. K. Richardson today iuoiyeJ aj No. 21. Amelia Deutschey vs Ernest
large shipment of bicycles, Imperials, : DoutschUey, diverce; F. G. Micelli for
SraldinaB and Clevelands. i Piff., .1. C. Fullerton for Deft. Referred
to recover money; C. S Jackson for Piff,
Coshoiv it Sheridan fcr Deft. Judg
ment for defendant lor $52.2$.
No. 13. John Nichols vs Emma
Nichols, divorce: J. C. Fuderton for
Pill. Decree of divorce, aud plaintiff
confirmed in the ownership of the real
property involved, a!ij tj recover his
costs and tlif-b lrsiiiiyat?.
No. 10. 11. P. Drojkbart vs i. P. Co.,
appeal from Justice Cjurt; Willis & Rice
for Appellants. Judgaieut for defend
atr. Nj. 17. L. T. Thouipfou vs J. F.
Darker as admr., et al. action on under
taking; CcBhow it Shenian for PllT., F.
W. Beusou for J. F. Barker, Deft. Con
tinued. No, IS. L. T. Tioinpsou vs Anna M.
Louy, ct a'?, to iccover money; Coehow
it iSheridan for PUT. Continued.
No. l'J. J. V. Rose vs Marks est., ac
tion at law to roovea mouey; C.
S. Jackson for PUT., F. W. Beusou for
Dt'lt. Continued.
No. 20. L. (j. Harrington vs N.N.
Chapman, nciiiu ut law to recover mon
ey ; Wiliis it Rica for PUT, Coshow &
Sheridan for Deft. Verdict for defendant
James In in an of Looking Glass was
doing bunioeft in the city today 'Mil did
not forget to call at tois office w ith some
hard rash for the building fund.
to .1. A. Buchanan.
No. 23. John Seiber vs Charles J and
Olive Anderson, to dterni ins legality of
certain lranpf'iM l property; Willis t
ing sold thrir property Gtrdiner.
Miss Liora irdner, a graduate of the
C. O. N. i., aud a successful tchool
teacher, made tb3 olli.e a pleasunt call
Friday. She 1 as yul HoisLeJ a six
months' terui , cf Monument, Grant
cjuuiy. She returned home on account
tt her father's continued illness.
Chas. Safley metmith a very p.tinful
accident Friday, while splitting wooil
near hi; botr.e; a piece of the steel wedge
he mas using broke clTmhentho sledge
struck it and was driven into his thigh.
He qait work and cams to town, had the
piece cf steel extracted by Dr. Wade,
and malkeJ home.
F.lkton Notes.
Fine weather laet week.
Mis. C M. M inter, of Kelloe, mas in
town Saturday.
Mrs. Wallace Frejer, of Kelloj, was
io town Friday.
Commissioner Thuuison hai returned
from Ro:ehurg.
Rev. Gordon preached an interesting
sermou here, last iSundty.
Mr. J. A. Smitn is expected home
from Eastern Oregon soon.
Mr. Ilutchins, of Gardiner, relumed
from Portland, a few days ago.
John Warner of Yoncalla, mas in
town Friday, with A, E. Kent.
Mies f'arz'e, from Drain, passed
through Saturday on her way to MareL"
Fred McNeil has gjno to Gardiner to
get employment in one of the logging
1 ' . S: range f itsseJ tiirough hero re
l og to his house, wfter an extended
vi :. to const tow us.
A cocial dance was given in Rydell's
h:i: , J-'riday, March 7th, which was
q'. e largely attended.
Tho public school will commence
March 20th. At tho close of the piivate
Bchool, March 23rd, an entertainment giyen by theechool.
The Excelsior literary Eociely gave an
open meeting last Thursday evening.
The subject debated upon was '"Resolved
that women should have the right to
vote." The judges' decision was in
fayor of the affirmative.
Who? "
Letter List.
Remainiug uncalled for iu the Rose
burg poHtolfice:
Euckner.Mibo Litlio Karr, Jnu.
Coalts, J. II. Sulye, Win R. 2
Clayton, James Smith, Fred
Cuuitl, J. E.
Pet sons calling for tlieee letters mill
pleai e nute lhe date on which they were
advertised, March 1!), 1000.
The le4W)rg will bo charged for at the
rate of oiig cent each.
Wv A. FitATiiit, P. M.
Have us call twice or three times a week for your
orders, if you are within the city limits.
Drop us a postal card or 'Phone 201.
Call in and see our F ncy Decorated a
Haviland China and other China Ware.
lValer in
Flour, Feed, Groceries, and Coun ry Produce.
Highest price for Country Produce.
Kosebur?:, - Oregon.
s. N. Boyd,
Desires to close out her large and select stock of China
and Glassware and will give tbe best bargains ever
offerep in the city. Call aud prove the truth of this
f i"i r
Undertaker1 end Embalmer.
Any Job Work done at
Reasonable p" n
There ii more Catarrh in tbis section
of tha coun'ry than nil ether diseases
put together, and until the last few
years wjs tupposed to bo incurable.
Fcr a grent many years doctors pro
nounced it a local d-scare, mid prescribed
locil reui-dies, and by constantly failing
to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it Inerrable. Science has proven catairh
to to a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catttrth Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, ia the
only couetitutioucl cure onthe market,
It is taken internally in dotes from 10
drops to a teaspobnful. It acts directly
on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the
system'. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills si'd the best.
Goats for Sale.
I have a fw Angora goats for sale.
Call t r address,
L. A. Maesters,
Cleveland, Oregon.
Nervousness, weakness, exhausted
ricrvoui vitality, rheumatism. Hudyan
cures. All druggists, W) centfl.
Throat Troubles
" BardwelL Ky .. where I live, ia in the c
trcme western part of the State aud only a
few miles from Cairo,
111., where the Ohio
empties into the Mis
sissippi River. It ma;
be that throat troubles
are common hero be
cause of loca-
tion, but.
whatever the
reason. I rind
it wbc to con
stantly keep a
supply of
Acker's Eng
lish Remedy
for Consump
tion on hand
It ia the best
thing I ever
came across
for coughs, colds and throat troubles, and
I have used it in my family for years. Xo
druggist here can be depended upon to have
it always, so I am writing this letter to V.
II . Hooker & Co.. L'JO Broadway, N. Y., to
order a dozen bottles at a time. My wife is
bothered lately with sore throat and difficult
breathing, but just as soon as the dozen bot
tles get here, I will give her a few doses, and
she will certainly be well again. I expect to
write, another letter in a short time saying
my wife is enrol, for I feel absolutely sure it
is what she needs." (Signed) T. A. White.
Sold ot 2"x, Me. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the United States and Canada : and in Eng
land, at Is. 2d., 2s. ttd., 4s. 6d. If you are not
satirilied ul'ter buying, return the bottle to
your druggist, and get your money back.
Il aiithnrizt lhe aboif QMonnter.
W. II. UOOKLli iir CW., rrupntt. Xew iurt
For sale by M. Rapp,
Notice for Publication.
KoM-burc. Orecon. Febrorv 17. 1 0.
Notice is hereby zimn that in tomollaaet
with me i.ruv mom ( the act ol Coninras ot
Juae J. lr, entitled "An act for tbe fate ol
timber land in the (tales ol California, Oregon,
.Nevada ana tnnum lemtorr:
o( Wabbarn. Countv of BaTf.eid. ?tte of W'ia-
cousin, hat th. day filed in this oilice bis sworn
statement No. V f.-r the purchase of the SE!,
ol s-ectfoa No. li, ia Turnhiu No. 24 s Banee
o. 3 n . and ill ooer r roof to snow that tne
land sought is mure aluaKe for lis timer or
stoac than for arieultunil purnoses. and to rv
laonsri ms claim to said land belure the Kev.s-
ter and Receiver of this cflice at brebars. Ore-
eon, on Thursday, the third dayofUav, VamI.
Be naiuea as witness?: iaT:a ueano, oi
axhbun:. W uconsin; bivert Oie. of W ashborn,
w xseonsin: lal Jl. Olson, of w abburn, icou
sin: Jacob Johnson, of W asbbnm. Wisconsin.
Any and all persons clainuns adversely the
above-deseTibed lands are reiuesd to file their
claims ia th: office on or before said Sr-1 day of
way, law. j. i. Bmi)ot
mSj Register.
I'MTBO Statu Lisn Ornca.
Koseburg. Oregon, Jan. "S, 1VJ.
By Honorable Commissioners letter "N o
November JS. l5i. this office was diivcted to or
der a hearing to determine the charaeter of the
lolkwinirtt-cnied tract ot land. to-w:t: the
E . ol N W and W , of NE ?i Sec J, T i5,
heretofore ad; adzed to be mineral inebaraeier
.(decision of October , 1TC) but now alleged by
the Oreiron and California Railruad Comptloy to
be esseutiaily noa mineral in character, all
mineral (if and were contained) having been,
since said decision, extracted or taken from
said tract.
Wherefon in conformity with the Instruct
ions of said letter a ia hereby ordered
the trsUmony to be taken at this oinee, before
the RcsiMer and Receiver on Friday, April 6.
ISM) at 10 o'clock a. m., and :he parlies hereto
arc hereby summoned to appear at said time and
place and furnish testimony iu support of their
respective claims,
said bearinc to be conducted in accordance
with paragraph 10S et eeq of the C. a Miuics
Laws icq. jvegauoD.
J. T. BlinXiES,
Notice For Publication
United Slate Laud Oflice.
Kosbscba;. Oreson. liarch lt. IlW.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Conreoi
June a. 1S7S, entitle.1 An act fer the sale of
timber lands in the States ot t'aliiorula, Or.ou
Nevada anil W"astiinctn Territory,"
tf Ashland, County of Ashland, State of Wis
consin, has this duv filed iu this office bis swora
statement No. SW, Tor the vnn hase of the NE'x
of Stctiou No. -t. in Townip No. 21 S, Ranse
No. 3 W, and will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
sloue lima lor asrricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said laud oefore the Regis
ter and Receiver of this othce at Koseburc, Ore
ton, on Tuesday, the J2nd day of My. vjw H
namea as witnesses; U ci. DcWolf, of WI
land. WashinKtou. James McCuIly, Gcone H.
Mcc'loud, Daniel D. Kennedy, ail of Ashland,
W i-consiu.
Any and all persons elaimlne adversely the
abeve-deerlbed lands are reiuesled to file their
claims in tnis cmee on or belorc said ml day ol
-uay, m
J.T. BKimas,
For Infants and Children.
Tt!8 Kind You Have Always Bough
Bears the
Sigaftnre of
Caro Bros, ai Oakland
Offer for Bala tha following gooda at coat
aa they ara over stocked in them :
Mackintoshes, collarettes, capes, dress
skirts and a large assortment of gents
and boys' rubber clothing.
United States Land Office,
Ro-Bi o. Orc-ron. March. 10. 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of tiie act of Congress of Jane 3,
la.s, enuuea -.n at v lor tne sate of timber
lands in the Slate of California, Oregon, NeTada
and Washington Territory.''
Of Athtand, t'oumy of Ashland. State tA WIs
conin, hits this day filed in this office his sworn
statement No. KM, ior the purctaseof tne NK'
of Section No. 18. in Township &. S4 S, Ranae
ho. 2 W, and will offer proof ta snow that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
sto'e than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish bis claim to said land before the Resristes
and Receiver oi this othce at Rosebarg. Oregon,
on Tuesday, the ili-J day of May. lt H
names as witnesses: 1. O. UeW oil, of Wood
land, Washington, James C. Turner, of Port
land, Oregon. Jame McCuilj, Daniel D. Ken
nedy, of Ajhiand, Wisconsin.
Auy and ail persons Cisiminc adversely the
abovedeacribed lands are requested lo file their
cla ms in this otcc on or before said Zladday
of May, lMi.
J. T. Bbimss
Notice For Publication.
Roburg, Oregon, February 19, 1SCU.
Notice is hereby eiven that in eomtllanee
with the provision- of the aet of Conr of
June ;rd. l7 etiutled "An act for the sais of
timber lands ia th sutes of California, Oregon.
Nev ada and t ashin gton Territory.'- -DAVID
Of Washburn, County of Bayfield. State of Wis
etinsio. ha this day filed in this othce his sworn
statement. No. So., tor the purchase of the fcE1
of Section Ko. li, in Tontnip No. St soatn.
Kamje o- i n est, na will oner proof lo snow
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Poavbunr.
Orv-gon. on Thursday the 3rd day of Hay, lSoy.
tie name as witnesses- bivert Oie, o w ash
burn, V iscoas.u, Oial 3L. Olson, of Washbnrn.
Wisconsin, Jacob Johnson, ot Washburn. Wis-
c-nsin, Oscar Lundgren, of Washburn, Wiscva-
Any and all persons claiming adverse! v he
above-described lands ans requested to file
their e'ainis in this office on or before aajd 3rd
day of Hay, 130A.
u3p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Csitso Statu Lind Omrt,
Kosebnrr, Oivkoq, Febrnary, 13, lJUu.
NotK-e is hereby given that in compliance
with the prv1u.cs of the act of Congress) of
June 3. LT, enUUcd "An set for the sale of
timber lands iu ice States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washicston Territory ;"
of Washburn. County of Bmyueld, State of Wis
consin, has tills day fikd in this office his swotn
statement No. Sa, for tbe purchase of the
St', of MV.'i and lots 3. 4 and 5
of .ejection No. 6, fn Township Na 21 South
Range No. 2 W . and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
audio estaslish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this omce at Rose
burg. Oregon, on Thursday, the ird dav of May,
LAO. lie names as witnesses: David fiedland.
ol Washburn, Wisconsin; Sivert Oie. of Wash
burn, Wisconsin; Olaf M. Qlesoii, of Washbome.
Wisconln; Oscar Londgren. oi Washburn, Wis
consin. Auy anl all persons claiming adverselT the .
abov e-desenbed lands are requested to file their
cit ims in this office on or beiore said ord day ot
Mky, 10. J. T. BRIDGES,
m3p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cmtkd State.- Lam Orncx,
Ko-eb!ir, Orewu, February liW.
Njtico is hereby siren that in eomnlian
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
nut . . . euuucu -. a act tor tae s.e ol um
ter lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Wsshincton Territorv:''
of Marshfield. County of Coos, State cf Orecon,
has this day tiled in this otiiee his sworn state
ment No. Mi, for the purchase of tbe SE'i of
Section N j. jo, in Townsnip No. 'JS S, Range o.
J W and will oiler proof to show that thu land
sought is more valuable for its timber or atone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
hia claim to said land beiore the Register and
Receiver of this office at Rseburg. Oregon, on
Saturday, the 12th dav of May. lAH. Ha names
as witnesses: Win. iL Smith, of Marshiieid.
Oreton. tieo. H. Herrou, of Marshneld, Orecon;
E. VV. Kardcll, of Marshiieid, Oregon; A. E. kar
delS, ot Marshneld, Oregou.
Auy and all persons c'.aiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile tnei: in this othce on or before said 12th day ct
May, 1!0. J. T. BRIDGES,
ViiiU-d States Land Ortvic.
Roeb b.. Oregon, March 10, 1'JtM.
Notice is hereby sdved that in compliance
with the provisions of the aet of Congress of
June a. 1?TS. entitled ".In act ior the sale of
timber lauds iu the States oi California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Wahiuctoa Territory,"
George u. mccloc'd;
Of Ashland, county of A-hland, State of Wis
consin, hits this dav hied iu this ortice his sworn
statement No. n, tor the purchase of tho NW'i
of Section No. is. in Tovvnshio No. 2f 1. Range
No. 2 W, aud will offer prooitoshovv that tho
land sought is more valuble for its timber or
stone thau for agricultural purposes, and to es
tiiblish his claim loaid lan.t before the Regis
ter sad Receiver of this otiiee at Rosebunr. ln
gou. ou Tuesday, the 22nd dav of ilav, I;ioo. Ho
tixBH-s as witnesses: L. G.'PcWolf, of Wood
laud, washingtou, James MeCullv. Siias H. Uan
na, Daniel D. Kennedy, all of Aslilaud, Wiscon
sin. Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
above-described lauds are requested to file their
claims in this ollice ou or before said 22ud dav
Ol May, l-W.
J. T. BRirxiss, '
Ten dollars, 12,15 auJ f 16 all in good
condition, these prices are good for 15
days. - We want to make room for onr
large stock of new wheels, Imperials and
Clevelands, which we will sjll this sea
son at prices from $25 to $50. Just think
of a wheel like the Imperial for $25,
They don't need any recommendation,
they recommend themselves. We sold
54 last season, aud they are all giving
good satisfaction.
T. K. Richardson,
Rosehnrj, Or,
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially dipeststhe food and aids :
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the ..xhausted digestive cr
gans. It i3 the. Vest discovered digest
ant and tonic. Ko other preparation!
can approach it in efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hearthurn,
VlntnlnrA &iir .vrsvrtin, Vinuo
SickHeadaclie.dastialtria.Cra trips, and
U other resultjiof imperfect digestion.
Praparad by . C. Cs W'tt A Co.. Chicago.
A. C. Marstcrs vS: Co.