1 WOStkOAt it,i' V.WNHtXil The Kind You Have Always Bought, aud which has hceu iu uie Tor over 30 years, has home the signature of - and has been made under his pcr-SVjf-fL. gonal supervision sinco its infancy. K 4Zc6LtM Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes p.rc hut Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Me Always Bought In Use For Oyer 30 Years. Tvc cm.ua CMw.r. mvmnmt a-racrr. .ra vesta err.. TJOSIBURU DIVISION NO B. OF US- aateu erery aeooud and fourth Euuday. Miuri'itrtici muM vn m mfitts UTOMKN 8 &KUEF COUi 1: ""P ! arsi ana uura fnuiTi in vw. bvuul f D EKO POST, KO. , U. A. R-, MFFTS THI trmt and third Thursdays of each month, at J p. m. ALPHA LODGE, KO. 47, C OF P.. MEETB every Wediieadsy evening at Odd Fellows Hall. Visiting Kuighte In good standing cor- 1 tally Invited la attend. JOS MICEUJ, C. C. . C. II. FISHER, K. K. S. T AC Eft. LOIXiE. A. T. A A. M., . REGULAR meetings tlx 2d and th Wednesdays ia rach month. 1TGENE L PARKOTT W. M. S.T. JiwrrT, S ecy. p 06XBCRG CILAPTLR. KO. S. O. E. S..MEKTS the lint and third Thuraday of each laBth. .MRS. E. J. STROri, W. M. NATUS RAiT. See y. fOUERS WOODMEN VV AMERICA. MEET i'-l- oa lirrt and Ihltd Tuesday of each luoulb ia toe ' kl Maaonic hail. U. W. Muxca, V. C H. L. XaKSTHn l lert. UruODMES OF THE WORLD. Oak Camp Ko. L5. meets at the Odd Eel low' Hafl la Roscburt;, every 1st, 5rd and 6th Monday ereninf- Vuiting neighbors always weloomr. J. A BCCHAXAX.C.C. K. T. JEVVETT, Clerk. pHlLETA-RIAK LOxXjE, KO. , I. O a meeta Saturday eyeninx of each ' O. F. f Tcninc of each week at their hail in Odd Fellow 1 em pie at Roaeburg. Meaner, of the order in cood tiandinr areinvu ed le attend. CHAS. OLESON K. 0 K.T. Jewitt, fjec'y. BP. O. ELXS, ROSEBCRQ LODGE, KO. KS, hold their reuiar communication! at th I O. O. F. ball on woond and fourth Thursday f each month. All members requested to at tend regularly, and all vuitins brothers Cr Aiallr inriicd to attend. DOUGLAS WAITE. E. R IRA B. RIDDLE, Secretary. nOSXBCRO LODGE, KO. IS. A. O. C. W. a meets the sei-ond and fourth Xondav, of rch aaonlh at 7 JO p. m. at Odd Fellows Hal'. Men bets of the order in good standing are in cited to attend. H. T. JIcCiAXLEX, D. .. WET Recorder. Finencier NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. CSITEO STATED L-VSD Orr.l Roseburg, Oreson, February ID, 19t0. Koiiec i hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the att of Congress of June 3rd, 17S, entitled "An art fur vlie .ale of timber land; in the t-tates of t alHorniayCrevon Kerada and W ahinnou Territory.' ' OLA K M. OLsON. Of Washbarn, County of Bsysld feia'c of Wis consin, has this day filed in thio oil ice bis sworn statement Ko. Kt6, for the purebasc of the tjj of Sectiou Ko.li, In T-auhipKo 24 south Rang) No. 2 west, aud w ill offer proof to slum that the land sought is more valuti'e for its Umber er stone than for agricultural purpwo, and to eMabllrh his claim to sshI land lx lore the EcKiter and Receiver of this office at Rose burg, Oregon, on Thnnalav the 3 day of May, '. He names an witne.: 6: vert Oic. ot Washburn Wisuouoiu, Jacob Johuxon, of Wai born, Wisconsin, tear l.undCTCcn. of Wash bum. Wiaconsin, David Iledland, of Waxbburn, Wisconsin. Any and all pemons claiming adversely trie aboTe-deserlbsa lands are re-iuested to file their claims in this ofiioeonor D-lore aaid day of May. J. T. BSIDJES, mop KcgistCu Notice for Publication. United States liul Office, IlosiBt Bo ore., March, 1. l'AH. Notice is hereby civen that tbe Mlowin named settler na tiled notice of hi. intention to make final proof in support of liis claim, aud that said proof m ill be luade before Repislcr aira j&rceiver niieo ?aies lasu uxnee ai &oe burg, Oregon, on April 14. Vi, viz: EMILV J. CENTERS. formerly Emily J. Thrush, on ber H. E. No. 711b for the S. W. : Sec. S. Tp. 29, S. U. b W. She namei the following witnesses lo prove ser continuous residence upon ana cultivation ol sat a land, viz? J. K. v lison. w . a. ibomp on, Frank Huntley and C. w. Mecum, all of lyaisas valley, urcgon. J. T.BRIDOKS, p K.iiiler. Hointa East. Tbe "1'ottland-Cbicajta ,- !," Which leaves the Union depot, at 8 p. ui daily is equipped with sti icily up-to-date room f raiiroan s'.eeoiog cart, and f"e reclining chair cars, steam heated and electric lighted. The European plan dining car service is a special .feature of czcellenie on tbis line. Delicate china, flawers, otlera linen, tirst class ciokine and attentive servants ald to the com fort of travelers. A new library car is attached lo tlitee trains. As the name indicjres, tlieee card are fitted op as a library and reading room. Book caes -ootaininn all the standard Works, the current t-rodicals and daily papers are at the !iep eal of all first and second class pasxr.gtrs. Time never banes lieavilv on l he pan engere' bands white traveling on ibis train, tod before on is aware of It the train pulls into the Union detiot at Cbi CtRO. for full information f regarding "the xaovement'of these trains, rates, etc., call on or address V. A. StlllLLISU, I'ortland, Or. Or J. F. Given, Koeeburg, Or. "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Care for my health and life. It cured me of lung trouble following grippe." Thousands owe their lives to the prompt action of tbis never failing remedy. It cores roughs, colds, " croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Itt early neo r:vents con sumption. It in Ibe milv harming? rein ily licit tiro iiiiui.ti:if h'huIi. .. U.Mareteta A Co. 7t V 4 JVk'i Signature of 3& Notice for Publication. Itlitcd Stales l-illd Oilier, ' KosKuran. Oregon. Icbruarv 31. l'.sJ Notice is hereby given 11ml the fllouiti I named settler ha tiled not ire 01 ms lnieuii' ' make rinal proof iu support ol his claim, an that said croof sriil be made before the l;-giet, .. .. , . . . t tau ncceivcr. c , i 1 1 a nicc ai nwiwi Oregon on March .", l'JUi, viz: Si. u 1 1 u.ii.k On B E Ko. ttXIT. for the K' . Si;' . . MV; SI sn'iNE'.'wis Tais.KSn. He names the fullowiuc im M Drove bU roimnuo1 residence uion aud cuUivati-n tf said ihuJ vu- wuiiain I.Lauder, Arcuinaid u. itosoi Melrose. Oregon. W: H. Hunter of Wardio Oregon, Manuel Alexander of Cleveland, re Sou. J. 1. MiiiiitN 1' K-.-gis-.er. Notice For Publication. rsiTED STATES LvSD OfTICr. Koscbure. Oreeon. Vebrnarv lo. lisM. Kotice i hereby given that in eomtliauoe itb the iroviuou of the act of Conrrvs- of Junes. 17n entu:el An act for tbe sale of tun b r landiiio the states of A ahlonv.a, Oregon noviut sU'i vi akninrion lerntorr. ANDREW K. KARDELL, of Marbfu ld. ouiitr of os. Hale of On-.- has thisday tiled in this oflk-e his snoru state ment No. Mt-, for tbe purchase of the lots .", 4. s. SW1,. f stii,.n No. i, in Tonuehin Ko. 'S: south. Range Ko. 10 West, and will oiler uroof to bow that tbe land ttoufcht is more valuable for its timber or stone than for acrienltural purpoCN and to olablish his claim to said land belore the Register and Receiver of this office at Kosebnrg, Oregon, on Saiurrtay, the litli d.iv .f May, 1AA). He names as wilm-e; AlN-rt E. Betty, of Maihncld, Orecon, W. H. Ismitii of Marshfield. On-cou, t. . U. Hirron. of Marthtield. Oresoa, E. VV. Kardellof MarsiiliclJ. Orvc.tu. Any and n'l it-.mi elaimin; adverm ix the above-derri be t isndsare rciuested to lile tlieir claims iu tnu ethce on or before said l.'Ui dav cf Mar.liMi'. J. T. BRtDC.l-j. Keeis'.er. Notice for Publication. USITEb STATE"-. Li0 UIFKE, Uoseburc, Crecon, Feb 15, ly.".'. Noti-e i hereby given that in rompilanee with the j.roviio3H of the act of Congress of Junes, lb. . entitled "An act for the aof timber lauds in theSiates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wahlngton Terriioiv, FRANK W. 1 "OTTER Of Ashland, County of Athiand, Slaie of Wi eonKin, ha., this day tiled in this oiliee bis .worn statement No. for the purchase of ibe s-uth eat-t quart.-r. of Section No. 10, in Township No. 24 South, Raaue No. 3 West, and will oiler ir-of to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or none than for agricultural )ur-J-oses. and to etabiith his claim to said land before Ibe Kecisier and Receiver of thisoan at Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday, the ?7h dsr of April, LMj. lie name a w itni-ej Micliael N Oud ol Wa.hburn. Wiv, J..hn W. Hol land of Waibuni, W i , Charlie cLktI, of Washburn, Wis., L. T. Dcuclf of W.Kxiiiiid, Wis. Any and all peirous elaimin: adercly tbe a!ove-lecribed lands arc re-iueU-d to Me their claims in this orlicc on or before said ."Till day oi April. f.W. J. T.BKIIR.ES KesirUI. Notice For Publication. United Slates Land office. Ro-iki b'., Oregon, March U, '. Nolle is hereby given that i:i compliance with the vroviskms of tbe act of Cougreas of June 3, Is, 6, entitled "An act for the sale of timber land in tbe States of Caliiornia, Oregon, Nevada and WahiOKion Territorv." JAMES ALL RUT STEM MERMAN, Of Jfsr-bfi. !d. C.'Uiity of ro. Slate of On-.-on, has this dar tiled in tbis office his sworn state ment Ko. l, for the purchase of tbe SK1; Nfc', KE';SE';Secr.,sw NV'4'. S1, b'4 ScA 14, ia Township No. 24 S., Ram:c No. il N ., and will oiler prv.f to show that the laud soucht U more valuable for its timber or stone tlian for agricultural purpo-, and to establi-h his claim toui'l land be lore the Kegi-ter and I'.e ceiv.r of this crlice at Hosebunt, Oregon, uu Monday the -'Kt day of May, Hi. He names ai witnesses: Wiiliam Turjien. of Empire, Orcpou, Charles E. Eduanls, of Enij.in-, Oregon, Ed ward E. Hinckley, of Marshtield, Oregon, Jcu Hansen, of Mathticld. tiregou. Any aud all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file theli claims in this olliec on or before said Jl day oi May. law. J. T. BKIDfJES. Register. Notice for Publication. l iiitcd Slates Land onic . llotlil B... Unvou. Mnrch, M, r.M'. Notice is h.reby given thai iu compliance ith the provision ol the act oi Congress of Junes, is.K, entitled "An act foi tbe sale of timber lamU In the states ol California, Oregon Nevada and Washington Termor ,'' WILLIAM TI'ltl KS. Of Empire, County of Coos, stale of Oregon, nas umuuy nieu in tuis omcc Ins sworn iate mentNo. S'JI. for tbe nurehase ot tbe n ' ski . Sec 1 1, V. N E!4 of Section No. XI iu Tonliiv Ko. 'J4 S., Range No. II W., and will offer pioof losliow Hint the land sough is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ol litis olliec at Kosebun: Op itou. on Mondnr tln -'i.t day of May, ri, He names as -witnewex: Aioen Hieiumcniiaii, Cbarlcn E. Kdwanls, Ed ward E. Hinckley, Jens Hansen all ol farh-i field, Oregon. Any aud all is-rons claiininir ndieru'lT iiiofi e-uim 1 1 oej.iniius an: c'ticsiei lolilclneir1 claims iu ins omce on or belore taid Jlst day of J. T. LKIDGE, Register. Notice for Publication. Cuilcl States lmi tlflice. K'j-IEBl Ri., Orejoii, M:in:li lutsi. Notice is heretiv ffivt-n thut in nimnli.n.ui Hitli the nr n isi. mis of t lie net of ( iiin-u- of I June ie,, cutitlca "in act lur tlio salo oi timber lands In the states of Caliloinia, I rii!ii, Nevada ami Wa-liiiieinii Territorv, ' WILLIAM H- ITBl'fcN-, Of fcmj.ire. County of Osis, Ktateof Oregon, l.nsi this day lilel ill tins olliec his sworn slnli iik-iil No. K.ti, for llie )'iireline of the si :t rii 1 4 ms- h, N'- NV'4 ol ei lion No. -J?., In Township No. .'4 l.aiiKi' o. il .. uiid H ill oiler T.roo( lo slmu Hint llie land sought Is more vuhiahle lor it t tinnier or iione insll lor Hsnculliiral jmrioM-i and to ' at uii' i -Ii his Inim Ui said liunl ln-ioi . the ItritiMor and lleeener of this i.rH.Ml t Roselmiij, urejron, on MondHV 1 1 - J I II ilnv of Mnv 11.. ,,u,,... ,. II A ii,ei't htem raiTiiiarj, li tis Hhiiscii. hdwnnl Hinckley, bsrUs t. Kdwnids nil nl ilurs'ii- ield. On uoti., Any aud all nersons clainiint; adveisi Iv is.. HUuve-dcMTliieu lauds are ieiiiekUd to bint llielr elHiiiiH In tills ottice on or U lore iild '.a. I:iy nl Mae. I ' .1. T. l!KIIil, UeglMer. A Scashell. BjmIu Mauulug Mclntobh Iu iSoincrvillu Journsl What eong aro tou tryiut; to smu me, 0 Bboll ot the S iutberu Sea? What wonderful cc 'un mel li -a Aie you r v i n i :o givij to tn i? Delicate, hi e and irni , With your spiral stair williiii, Throaih wliicli lit muais, iit by tit , Winds iu ami out and id. What eoul is imprisoned i.i y iu, That live 1 on that Southern shoro, That you took to r ur hoart tn its It :nbt from ear ill, And are holding; it tv -rmorc. Tender, wilh mouruful cflttitv, lta music U ra id jr tli in tear, As it ple.tda front ils eudwy prison, With a passion cf alient yenrs. Of the beautiful bygone ilnaui li!o On the warm Autra'ian eand, 0." the ho' no'd Bunsbiuo and brilliant floWftS That nar!u 1 thai in'au I land; 0: tbe life at d lore nd sweetooi'. Of the sorrow and passionate pain, The old world life a you !e!t it- Over 8nl over a;sin. Until that wonder u" moruirg. When viod (ball whisper low. Kt lie did by the (bores cf (iallilto So many years a. Tbe soul will teace its inoaiiin Aud wnt for the Matter's will. As tbo ear Mi ni i tkv and heaven on At tlicse util words, Te.icr ! CAN'T lili OVtRDONli. Do l:ooJ Commissioner Bailey on the Future of Dairying. Hlate l'uod ai.d Dury Couilnit'tiuucr Hittcy is a i;iel uelicver in t lie future of the dairying industry iu Oregon : "1 a:u waK'binz II. o dairying move Qictit tn Oregon," said he todjy, with a ureal ueul.ul iaterttt, because I see in il a gre.it fu'.u.c. Tbe agriculturists of this state are just beginning Ij realize the im portance o' diversi'Jed fartuinj;. A a re sult new industries are being established and farmer. will sooa wonddr whv ;hy did not b ;e their opportunities in these lines sooner. "I would not like to estiinU the amount of wealth in money," continued Mr. Bailey, "that da:rying when fully developed, will bring to Ibe 6tate, but it will be almost beyond belief. Further more development of the indastry will be the means of rec'aimins land that has had the life sapped out of it by the con tinued growth of wheat and other cereal crops. Uy diverEzfjrio the farming iIia land will be recuperated and son be come suaceptible of a lrgti e'a'.e oi culti vation." When asked it there was not danger t-f overproduction by reason of so many turning their atteation to dairying Mr. Bailey leplied: "I can see no dii.ger iu that direction. One can scarcely understand the quan tity of dairying products now btiogcoa sumed natil one investigates. Tolillas trate. While standing oh the train plat form at Tecdleton, a few days ago, I no ticed a large quantity of bu'.ter. being transferred from tbe train just in from the East to the train bound for Spokane. There wae fully half a car load. Upon inquiry I foind this was almost a daily occurrence. N'ov every 'pound of that butter should have ben made in Oregon. Tba. was but a drop in the bucket com pared witn the great quantities of Eastern butter cor. jurat d in the Northwestern market. "Ano'-hs" evidence jf the increased de-! mand for lu j fn'ure was a cirload of set tiers, men, women and children, future consumers, on the iraiu iu which I came to Portland. In the same manner the Western cauatry ii being tilled by new consumers. "Oregon is making mere butter today than ever before; yet never in its history has tbe price kep; up as it has for the past eeasoD. It is selling readily today for 27.' a cents, and has brought that much all winter. "Oregon is no: alone in this move ment. While at Boise, Idaho, last week, IattendeJ a meeting at which Mas or ganized the Idaho state Dairy and Pure Food Association. "As yet that elate has no pjre-fojd or dairying Uvi tj protect the industry, and the officials realize that in order to make a success of dairying, tbe local in dustries mus. be protected against pro cess butter, oleomargarine and butterine from tbe Middle West. But I do not lock for much success ia Idaho along dairy lines. Tbey arj at lbs present time making too much money out of cat tle aud sheep, and instead of that state being a competitor, I look for it to be a consumer of the dairy prod ucts.of Oregon for some time lo come. "A moat encouraging view for dairying in Western Oregon is tbe interest tbe Sonthern Pacific is taking iu the matter, Mr, Markham, occupyiug tba position that he does, aa geueral freight and Mes senger agent o- this campaur, cut djt greatdealfor tbe indmtry, anl ihein' fiuence that he is exerting and the en couragement that he is olliring backel up by sound jirlg ment, can have but one f olutioD, and that is cncceMS." Help Start a Creamery. The follotviuic good eenso is esprecsed in tbe columns of the Aoroia liorealis: Aurora citizens, who keep track of events have noticed lh.it nearly every town in tbe state bus established tr is preparing to build a creamery. We have recently conversed with former resi dents of Minnesota, who informed us that in that statj every township lias a creamery, and where before the location of such institutions even diversified farming someiiines failed in tlm realizt tion of e.jciaiion, in the; coii)tiiunitig in which the creatnerieH wero situated there Is now to be found money iu cir. u lal ion mid trade ood. A geiilleman le cantly (ruin Vermont IntH told lis I list in that KiiHlern hIiiIc tlio peopl wculd no Im; w ilhonl them. Wo d fily licur i:uiiipliiitH ironi mi farmera that i irmiiig h ii'il protituMe Why? HecaiiHi: they fail tu take such' ltpB aa will load Ibciii to prolitnldo mi -i!'il;ikiiii:H. In thin iiiimediatn vicinity iilmo-t Hnlo f(!,ioiileii('fi linn boeii placed upon the hopcrowintt, iiuhmliy. Tlie i;r..wer, to imrccnd in thin, iiiunl, fi:;ht Iiavc llie wcalhor propiiinn, tho c opiu fine condition a:l tUo mutke-t valuation abovu a certain figute, wUib h is roi this .tear by a lung wais. ( h- ors lo- k foi F.ttvati'iii from vltici crVp", tid if Hie market U poor i't ih , the e is the fioait rnis'nj money on it m-.r;. griuo and votiuir. tbo l'opult 'ii k-'t lilt' ihi-SH two tb'plnruiilti iiel-i urn not llio l iut rcMinrri'. U i t will.iu l 'i prov in-ei fitm peo)!o nf Aurora n I ibo far l v of llii- I t'Ciion In cur - a eie.un ry here, that ill h i i ducted "ii a bajis rentiiiieriitiv.t J; i ll. U'e d t:i t bUfit at ' cr.-anary t u co cp r-tiv-1 plan, imr miu that will pimdive lie mi:k Wo mean a creamery ttist will tab.itnr iiiik, maiiufai'turi' lm iii--f.it fiom ibe crchiti, ri t tint yo'i tli- rkiaimed milk, sell th i butter-fat and pav on ad the money received aficr deitucticg 3 cents per pound for mauufa-JturioK it. Ono hundred pjuuds of nii'ik will make 3,'s' poun 's of butter by tin new repara tor, which giini" 3 port ent ovtr ilio eld proces?. It not tbii wor.by of st liutis c.u.si.Icra tion and activity on ibe rcrl of our f.-ru;-era i nd also oui bu-ine. s mi n? Cnnntry butter now briiu-s In n '.5 to 3.) cei.t a roll, and m"ich tuts tikii-R i; in 'nie can tot ie' t'ia umrh for it in Pott! a-'. CreamHty butt-r demands a price i f from 53 to HO cuts a roll. Tbert-isa differencjof 3) ecu s in the farmtr's pocket, cr 21 vn's afu r tt:o li vi.ts ir paid tbo cteamerv for its part of li e work. There is ulw-y. a e o i uurket f.r creamery butter ami ib ti-id is wi.t:-i iri; tbroUfc'ti increased ikuiat.ds t,iu ibe Ori ent and AUfck't. The fleam ry tin I- il.e purchaser and stand cjd for a 1 ri U It is a f pleiidid rop'.'sili in nnJ shouM ! inter; sthll. ! Tl.o Aurora llwrivl.s mil m.deit.ikn to (hid a rcAi'nnciMe man to I uil 1 a cresin-1 ety in Aurora if tbe poop!.? v iM pu irai - j tec to furnish .1 with milk tro:n at !tat JOO os It will rf'jiiirj this trim tier ir.dacj ai.d pay a tr.un ( 1 usine.-s to it- i laVlisli n c:caiiiciy hero. o l elleve ; t.. ,t . . r. ; ..... 1 ttiis gtiar.ii t can i-c rusiiv .ct.nd. Wo-jdburn ': n week has found Ir in to 400 c s l ir pr-ij -o'ed c-earufy. and tin farai r-i ; lb it pe-tmi :r" iii - tbusiastic uver lie.- s i! j ci. Auv.ri cm do tliu sam- i li.a a .'crtil ti Id. 0 tli a :u- 11 ii u! 'ii- li;ier an d.'Wii lo lu?:tie.-d liltl wi.l pi , i; t OVERlHfi STATU. Enterprising Orejon Towns SliU Keep Up Creamery Agitation. ' The Coiiiiile creamery sUrted m far lbs seison of I'.KM last week, il will at present run Monday, Ycd.ieidts and Fiidayaof each week. A fmill rreamery in or n-ar IVr.dle - . tou, says lbs hwt OrvtMoi-, oaW be piotilableif properly cud acted. Thtre would be a Cd druiaud for iU prod-n :t and ample uiik cnlJ be Kcared up and down lLotiver fir in uses. Tb Com- merciil Association tau eatiiy secure the esUblis'imeat of cucn an fnterprie. C. II. Marihiin, o'. tin Southern Pacidc, states the Sa'.oia l-i-Ii peadctit, CUWUI,'U$ CMtJ muuuHivtf .u , n...ui - : .. .. . I i. ,,;.. ,UD "ux " " r, ,"J" cfliirt in Ih s 1 r.e. SI' Sljrkl:ain l.rs a .. , .. . . , ,- ., good heal, wh.ch 13 vei la lUAlleiS ap- pertaioing to the di?vebpmeut of the terests of the slate, and tlu people of tne j j valley shju'd tuck hiji tip. ) If Dallas takes np the creamery propo- i sition, she will see it thr jugh to a s-.ic-! cessful finish, assarcs the Observer. Oar busy factorial an I miUs give evi dence that mh-.'n our c'.:il;z'a eurt in to estib'iish a new industry, tLer cetibiiib it. All that is now required is ti get the creamery proj'scl under way there cm be no uncertainty t j ihe outcome. Tbe Independent says there are U57 caws guaranteed to tarnish milk reguiir- Iy for the new crramery to be started at WoodLiuro. The Union Kcpublicao hcits lo tee the eJart to tstablish a creaneiy at iammeryiile succeed, savins that it i an ideal place for such an industry. Oregon Notes. More than 7000 souls are no repre sented iu the l'oik cjutity mohair pool. There are lit chiMr.-n of school eo in the I.os'.ino district. tftock airtcrcJ txccj'tioiiily ueil in all portiocs of Oregon. lleppner's football team won frtui Walla Walla by a score of 12 to 0. A drunken man at The Dal iff, who lay down to sleep ou thcS'trect, was rohlwd of his hat and sl.ots. J A paper of Uniou county reports (hat the coantry aroun J is'.arkey is "tlotirisl. - ing like a ureen bay steer." Tccre are 10 iaA oiills iu the north ecd of Uoion county, employing in all :00 bands. The young men of I'kiaU Livii DraL' ized a trass band acd purchased ins'. ru tnetils A I'ertl'i ton paper suggests that as coyotes have been tiuite iiurce.-tns over there 1 his sprint;, 6bepnieu sub scribe liU rally to t li ? band fund. Corliss Mertitt, foriutrly editir of the Heppner Tixcs, sud C. K. Hicks, of the 1'cnJletoii V.ts'. Oftvouinn, are abojt to establish a paper a'. :lio new termiuus of Ih Columbia Southern Kiilroad, Sbani. r". M.Ciiirtei-, lh ctiterpribin iiian i K r of tbe Italm Folk warehous?, iu films ibe Heppner Times Unit about 111 H-e carload of wheat 1 elontlini? to Ihe Olden lhrclhcrs and Sam Wattield were shipped ljf-t S.iturday, the price received being 3-j culs pur IiiihIicI. Thi-ra are yet about 11,000 bushels of wheat iu his warehouse. Mr. Courier has every rea son to believu that a main moth crop of wheat and barley will be reaped iu Mor row county next fall, and tl at it wi 1 av erage at least 20 bushels to the acre. With this immense lo. n." grain even at 35 cents per bushel it will bnn moun tains of gold into the country. A. W. Market', a foiicitor and a des man of h.-!rn hk, Hi'Ules and farm imple ments for a fit. I.ouii tirm, started on a business trip to lirant county about 10 day , says the liaker City Republi can. ThelrtHt heard of him he was iu Caii)on Cily last Thursday t veniiis at a'tmut dusk. Since then ho bus not be.'ii i eecn imr iii-hi.1 froai. Tho supposition ir L'.hI lio I mn Iii'cii murdered and ilroppt'il into a proi'poct holo iu that iinie,bli.iitiooil, its ho wmi know 11 to have bail a ciuisiderahli! itunMiiit of money on his I'cimpm at that tiino, Tho sherilTand nlliorii h;iv bcin iicarrhinn for him fur qtvomI dayti, but can n;t no trace ol him. I t ' 44 to YEARS' I J. :f- 7'7'7 " " 'J ' Notice for PublkaUon. .- M4lJsnlt -,4 Trade Mark 3 SiV.. rpfyiU'i Copyrights Ac. Anron HpniUni; n fkelrh Bnd rtencrlntlon m7 quirk! asrortmii ir cplnion free whether an itivcnridii (a prthally putoiilnble. f'onimunlrH llonHstrttMlyronniiontifil. llfUifllKtokun t'ntenta km if lreo. ottlcAt iitfpni'y for ewurinz patents. l'nt-'in tnkoti throuuh Muun A to- receipt trtiU nticet without cliMrtco, lu tho Scientific Jlmericain A hin.Iwmrly Ulmfratti wwklT. T nrprffst rir--it!atHi 4f nnr in ior.iido Jonriml. Term. f;i a Tt-ir: tnir tiHMitiis, L Sold by all newnflcaJem. nMOo.35"5-New York l -1.. . '.1 tmv. V i-t. Wast-liiKlun. Notice for Publication. IMTI U STAT K LAND OFKC'K, Koskiu v.i., lire , Kcljruarv. W. l'.tort. Cilice Is lii rcl.y (,'iviii tliat the following luimeil M-tllcr lias lilcl nnlict' of bis inteutloii ni imrkc liimi tir.xii in mpiMirl ol his claim, and that said i.nHil will I niailc bcl .rn llic Kcgistcr ini nurciccr 1 umi Mates i.auq Oll.cc at Kom- uiirt,', urcgon, 011 Afrll 14, ri, vi: KKL BF.N K. SMITH, on liis I!. K. No. w.i.'iT, fur the S. C ' S F S-e .1. a tut the X. E. . N. E. .. Sec. Tp. ii 4 W. 1 He iisims thu fiiliowiiiK aitmcs to Prove lllS OlltllillOllS rt'-lflCIICC IIIHUI mill I'lilllclinn ol mi.l laii'l v z: Kli Miller. John Brown. John Miles, an IT. 1- Brewer, all of Myrtle Creek, (ir.-oll. ' on. up J. T. BRIlXiF.s, fleirisii-r. eewn iinin Il the result of n posto l acute attack. The liver ami spleen r.rc principally aSected. They act as storehouses for the malarial fxilson anil tlu- !! I Uios it from then). The poij-on must 1 driven out of thr;.-sle:a. II I D V A X a ill tli itror li e action of the 1-oison and event ti.illy drireoat the last particle of i! from tha system. I n addition to this. nrnvAN Will restore tl:S lost pp . It will l;;:e. up aeslinc'i s;cia. I II I DT AN will i i.ibU new l!rl i n:i.s in lh" bon 'M . ; j i"! divi;c J- It e m.iv i: llf'JV tst rurrl others si I I i. Ue .i,vrii' the symptot.i.. -: i -.. --..ii.v. ThT aro yours. I'i. .ii;-, t. it taif Ht'aVASr now' I r" I : ! ami i 1 nre-l HERE m YOUR SYMPTOMS: 1. OS.?AVr IIEADACH2 ASD ! Ia352i20 S2.i:r. TaS? HUOYAN j I n'' ',,'ir 1,1 !l" " 'i;r;Br- ! 2 2. PA.I2 OS TELLOWISH C01I- j plsxio:?. f.UDYAN ni;ic:ab::jhafree j j cir ui.i-.ioa of nr.- iiioo I 3l causa tbe rhrrks ! to atuie lhe:r rii urs.! clnr. 3 WJS07 AP?-7:T2 ASDOSAW- ! tHCJ IS TIIS STOjIACII. HU3YAH j :':'. r ove t:i. ,s;p.t:te sr.! iitJ ga'.ioa o( 1 1-1 r.: terjm-,crVvt. 1 TZZUZiSOr TI3HTOVEItTIIB : UV33. Ti.; is ! i: u If." f r.Ur.-em-nt ol j ; lt :, , Vl. s,iwa uf ! j iitnvw v. iii .lure c-j: the r"'nanl I j cc-e l.v; ::i a-Miae i'.s t:n!r.il tire. j 5. U2iVisS'J3 IM THr OF 3 E?p2:i. J.,, v.i. " BEQION ' eca beeomea j rrra'.'o e.i.;r;M. MUlJIA.s ! .css?a llie ' ron'':-:i an I la iss tie h.sf .a-sj to ditap- Voll a i i tr.tr rh.'.ml.- I.- M;.-:a an4 j ill rs-'.lev sour ! j ri ry t:-i-; itt ijv n wi:: i.l n.axJ iD'l w, 11. Ill Ik ! S A. H I- i.rn'-l : ail drtmists for ! jlt,f ,,t. .-it-. r i. ; k.ft.s iJT f. J. H your I e.r.:r.-: i!.-s . . ien.1 Jireet to U'.e in nt a in Mi:iiv nie.txv, tun mn-1 i t io aii:..rri-. v l.e'ce-nixr trst roa esa !c-oii!i;i i:.f hiuvax doctouh ski:;.! r.;1 v.t tor Voa sy raU a j ; w til-fm.or r:te.as v5a aesire. AiJrttt HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, j Car. StacVton, Marksl sad Ellis Sta. Ssa Frsae!ica, Cl. I j Montana, Utah, j j j i(; I Colorado and all Eastern Points. lies iliOAt f fa-j (avorile mules, via the? rSluX l Al lUC Past Mcil Line, t r llic illOUSAMiKrccnlcUuea. ' i No Change of Cars I Oa t!;e I'--t : !.i Cliicacj "llie limit iu i S the West.- ! i:cuippcd Willi j Kl.-.tiit Suinhird ShfjuT l ino Now Orxhnary vT"iiri-t) lf''ers ' Siiih-i Ii l.ilirnry-r.ttftVt I'ars SpU-inlid Pinrrr" uncals a la c-.truo Friv Kvcliniii t'hair Cars O'lufortablo l"afltcs and SiiH'kers I-'utirt" Train (.'nii!vU ly Witilji.iksl Fk. l:i::lu r liiliiriiii'i"r.aplr J. I-. UIVANS, Ajrf., KomLcii: I Terry, W. U Comaii, ' rr l s. ,iti. t tn Att. j i-'i rMnist . I'ci; :a or . 1 .-A 2 2 v -f- , 3 5 I r. - i v -'i. T'o- : RY.jl OREGON We Have the Best and Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS, I r j ! I !-.... . J, I L- '.5.1. IK ..3i.i L- 5.1,1 jrm The favorite of the Army and Navy. A few of the ships equipped with the Blickens dcrfer Typewriter during the Spanish-American War. No. 5, $35. St. Paul, Gloucester, Topcka, Buffalo, Oregon, 'is I exas, Indiana, Potomac, Yankee, Frolic. All goods fully guaranteed and sold ou the installment plan. Band Instruments, Guitars, Baujos, Mandolins, Violins, 'Accordions, Autoharps. In fact almost anything in the musical Hue can be had at the T. K. RICHARDSON STORK. "in ii it' si i si l liaiiTiun.il m I'Wiia ssistiilllini HWiHUli M' a HiimiPHiaiMiiiim n imamiaiiiiasains niiam i m in i -.... . Mr. KoM. McKwen, of Micco. FIrrida, write4 S, I . A:!en & O. ; "My gtrden spot was 10 x 275 feet. My seed co t $10.00, Feriilizcr $!).0O, Help altogether COO. This far wat ihe first liuu I ns d the 'PLANET Jit." (Mo. 4 combined Hill and Drill freed?!) rnd I rmde clear ll'O.CO ard enough left to do me until I can get another crop." You can dj a? well if yen nse ibe "Planet Jr. Garden Tools." Churchill & Woolley. SEND US ONE DOLLAR i rACUB $38.50 xs ! WONOER f' ' , J '' -.la--i'i f i'-? X- ; Get your. SCHOOL ! I I f Mr?.M i We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Our Prices are Right. . . . ' A. C.TBTERS & CO. WVVVWVVWSrAiA WVLal General Blacksmithing- AX MM HOn8GSIl.UCXrU. rROTTINQ AND RUNNINQ PLATES A SPECIALTY, KEFAIK1XG Of AU EIXD3 PROMPTLY DOSE. I Mrtop on Coruer Waabtnictata and Kane 81a.. Koseba.'ii T ! Sa AAA AAAA AAAAWAAAAAA At Cass Street Market Wholesale Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, F. S. Godfrey, 'Phone Main 353. Prop. iucludiug CH1CKKRIXGS, WEBER, KIM BALLS, NEED1IAM. Besides these we have other good Pianos but cheaper iu price but not in quality. THE BLICKEN8DERFER, i P ---Bate J Distributors for Southern Oregon. rrrmra is. isTiiimi TO is aira OIS MLLtB, and w SPECIAL HIGH GRADE Scad jott $38.50 STOCK SADDLE fey Ireigbt I. u. li. ntjHt t ciiailuUM. YOU CAS EXA!J!lff IT tTOcr,!pr-t,rH"rht IV J HI rSIB. II p. art If ba4 prrurltj Hti.fMlejr. cxartlr aa rvswacatea. n Extra Fino High Grade Saddle .ad lVeeual ot sa'l'Ue f.'4 ev.r, wtwr. at frrna li'sl u .oo. n o DDIPC 1Q Cf T' tkm t.tx4.sMti, ar ttZ.bo, and Iraitnt - i v in- I.Tii CsiIiC WV1I IllUk.. ftfUitfUf l.-1 &jA'V4 This Saddle is made on a 1555 or s : .li t'fj fselson Heavy Steel Fork.... V: if rsi:-riLiv fLF.T:i RtwsiDR rnvricEB K -i 1 1 TUl'l; bunl fr ro'l can:ie. strel leather covrrd .lirmps i r-V V , l er - ci'-h eil-w bra-, h-iitd, as aeaossl. iB .... bsai TREE IS MACE EXTRA STR0XG w.ikhi i liv h n.. l- turnip latners. l-iah tie strap, ez.ra lenff Ol near klfle, S-lnrh ti bccSl oa offside, bea.y er.-ttn f.. i-:rr1 MxmJi t-csi fr-mt cineh. heTT rtlon be'tinjrf.an'ceinrh. cc-BCuctia lrap. Loop scat, scat aad jockej all one rues. ELECAWT HAWD RAISED STAMPING as ll!a-trml-L WricSi or sasiale alMil S. racked -r mis'h. r-ucii. sijat busli aasii Si.oa roa iih ixt in v. WRITE FOR FREE VEHICLE. HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE, shcaina a lull line of Coaboy an Rancher uutnis ai me ijsresi prices ever quotes, auotvss. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL. IBtan, sulirl t, sr. usru.ny rslliM. laaar.) SUPPLIES At Marsters. r PILKINGTON, isuccessor lo O. W. SOAH 1 and Retail Dealers in FOR. E HIS! Sfti iVvM' iY-nV. r:K ;.-'p:. - i r fti I 1IP No. 7, $50. The Blickeusder fer is rapidly dis placing the more complicated and I,;.tii- nnVml , "ij;u-i 'iivvn iijci- chines, as it does the same work equally as well (if not better). 40,000 now in use. - v . Uhitxd STtTts Lir crms Uosetiunr, OrcKon, UarcB . 1300. Notice is herebr kivch tliat th foiiowins; mined M ttler has iileii notice of his iutriuio' 1" niaks tin ill proof in snpporl of his claim, and that Mid proof will he umoa beforo Dm Kt( la ter anil Ke";iver, L"nuel states Land Oilice at KoaubuRr, Oregon, on April 'Oi, WW, U; HAMLKL ALKXANDEft. On II E So 'im. for tli b'-, NW!,', Lofs 3 awl 1. Sec , T 26 ,K W. He names tbe following witr.t'c to prore bis coiiiinuous resilience " nrxQand cultivation of said land, vis: A.U, lloie, . J Landrr, & Lao'lcr, N. Curry, all of aT Koscounr, 0;e ;od. ay .T. T. BKIDGE8, Keglster. Railroad T.me Table. "orthbonnc Eosebnrg local. No. 17 departs 7:30 a. m. Kontbbonn.! Rosebnrg local, So. 18, arrives 5 :20 p. m. Northbound overland, No. 5, m- rives 10:35 a. m.; departs 10:43 a. m. bonthbonnd overland. No. 6, arrive 4:13 a. m.; departs 4:25 r. rr. FfiEIOBT TRAINS. Northbonn i f b: tbrongb freiibt, No 221, arrives 4:10 p. rr.; depart) 5:Z0p. m. Southbound fast throogh freight, No 222, arrives 7:00 a. m.; dep?.rta 8.-00 m. Northbound mixed train No. 222 axrivee at 2-55 p. m., 8undaye, Wednesdays and Fridays, departs 0:00 a.m., Mondays Tbnrsdays and Saturdays. boatbboond mixed tram No. 226 ar rives at 3:00 p.m.. on Hnndays. Mod. days and Fridajs, departs 7:15 a.m. Mondays. Inorsdays and Saturdays. CHURCH SERVICES. UsTiiotiis t'Hi acii corner of Hain anil Lame streeta. 8unday Berrlce: Preschinc, U a. m and t:00 p. m.; Babbath school, 10 a, aa.; L. A. W aiiceT, fuperintendeat; Class VceUnc at close of the morninf service; Ipvorta Leacna 7:00 p. m. F. 3. Gcdfrey, rrenOcnt, Prayer Site Liu?, WcdncaOjiy, at 7:30 p. m. C. R. AesoLO, Paalor, Parsonage, comer Xaln and Lane. I'MiTCK BeiTaus CucBca-onPowIersUcct, Sunday tc trice, at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. ra. ttJ- er raecLc;. Thursday evening. Mrs. Lcct Jf. CcTLir, Pastor, hr. tiioKi.c CncacH. Corner Cass and Main ttrecU. st-rricea on second and fourth Sunday morn in; ol each month and rrery 8un- CTcning. special sen ices announced from "me to time, Kv. Joaa CawiOK, Missionary. M. K. CHt bcm, fcofTH.-SciTiccserery Enaday -oiniog and evening. Kit J I COTTOJf, Pastot BarriST CnuBcu comer of Lane and Boac treets. Sunday service: Preaching at 11 a. as and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m., O. P. Caahow, snpcrintcndcnL Prayer Deetinz ft 7:00 Weilneaday evening. 8. A. DuCGLas, Paatur Pit-T CnaisTUtsr Cut kch Corner of Pine and Woodward streets. Snnday services Preaching both morning and evening, Snnday school at 10 a. m. T. P. 8. C. E. at 6 JO p. m Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at 7-30. A cordial welcome and greeting asraita aU. W. A. WouB, Fas lor FiaT I'aisTTsaixs Cucacu Corner oi Can and Eos: streets. Sunday serrice: PnbUr worsLip, 11 a. ul, sal 6 p. m.; Sabbath school, 30 a. m. K. P. B. C E. il I p. a. Prayer meeting, WeJi.es.lay eremng 7:J BU J. A. TOWS SIX D, . - Pastor TBS W. C. T. C. will hold its regular meetiags on the second and fourth Mondays of era? month at 7 JO p m. in tbe Ipworth League room of th M K Church. O.RAfiCO. lLJAUr us , Aaaiir i ! t ' I Fast fait Laie. Denvr. r t. 1 Fast Hail Worth. OussiiaKa n- : S(aU 8 p. ni. : sasCily.Si.Lj : ft I- i C:iifxa. . ea-J9 uu ; ?poLano Walla WalUi Leviston. potaue Flyer Spokane, Minneapolis, Flyer 3 j p. ra. M. Fan', ImluUi, Mil- ' Sa. m. waakie, Chicago and -Kasu j . ! e p. m. tious STa-Ut?dir I If. n. AU Siilinc dates subject to change For San Francircu ! Sail IX-c. s, si, 1 !. n, -ZS. and tvvry 5 Oays. 1 DaUv I Sjs JiiiuJa j S p. m. " 1 Saturday ) 111 p. m. I Cv'U EU Rivu Snxitcas To Atona and Way Landings. - !Kx. t:un Ca-m. Kx.tumlay! WlLLAMSTTB KtVItt fe-m Citr, Nrwbcrs, alem k Way-Land 4 p. m. El .sun Willi hittk And Tax-Is. SO p. m Tucs.Thurs HILL RIVBB. Mon.Wtf d and Sat. Oregon City, Daytun aott Way-Laudiugs. and t a. 'nu I Wu LAsriTa Kiran '4-3) p. m Tucs.Thurs Jlon. Wed aud Sat. Portland 10 Cvrvaliis and aud Fri. and Way-Landinsa. 1 LeaTC Riparia 1:5) a. iu. Daily SMU RlTKB Ripaiia to Lcwisun ! Leave Lewiatoa : DaUy 8:3t a. m J. F. Givans, Agent, Bosvbarg, Or. W. H. Murlburt, Gen. Fass. Act., Foi Hand, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Slates Land Office. Kossbi Oregou. Man h j, IXW. Nolieo is hereby given that in compliance Willi the provisions of the act of Couresa ol Junes, 17S, entitled "An act lor the sals oi timber lamls iu the Sutes of California, Oresvin, Nevada, and Washington Territorv. ANDREW J. DAXfXiS. Oi Ashland, County of Bayfield, Stale of Wiscon sin, has tbis day tiled iu this office his sworn statement No. ssT, for the purchased the SK1 iof Section No. 4, in Township No. 24, S., Kauire. No. 3 W, aud will oiler pnof to show that the land so ilit is more valuable for ita timber or stone thau for lurricultural purtHiaes, and to es tablish his claim to said land before the Regis ter aud Receiver oi this office at Kosebunr, Ore gon, ou Saturday, tbe Jud day of June, 1'AU. lie names as wituessea: J. C. Turney, L. O. De ttoll. of l'orlla'id. Oregon, L, fetdue, aud td ward Roue. ( Oakland, Oreirou. Any and all pcrsous claim iur adversely the abj e-desexibed lauds are reiuestvd to tile their claims iu this office on or betore said 'nd . day of June. IM. J. T. Bkitssks. Kcgister. Notice for Publication. VSITEI &T4TKS L-lD OFVH B, Kosebunr, Oreiron. Kebruarj- lo, lAtt Wtiee is hereby given that In compliance l iU tl:e piovisions of the act of Couresaof ! June s. i.s. eiiiiiicu "au act lor tne sale oi um- is r imiims 11, iiiv .-i.irs in i aiiiurnia, 'res:oB, Nevada and ashinxton Terrilorv;" KK10 W. KAKlifl.V, of Marshfleld. County of Coos, State of Orvurti, has thisday tiled in this otl'iee his sworn ment No. .si. ior the purehaso of the lots 1. 48Ws NK'4', of Seviion No. J, in Tonnship No. . Rau ire No. in W., aiitl will oiler proof to show that the lund sought is more valuable for ita timbnr or stone than for aiiricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud beforo the Kegister aud Receiver of this office at Rose burg, Oregon, on Saturday, the l-'th dav of Mav, 1:M. He names as witness:: Albert t. Bettv's, of Marsbiield, Ouuon: A. K. Kardell, of Marsh tield, Oregon: W. H. Smith, of Marshtield, Orv 3n; tieo. II. Herron, of Marshtield, iregoii. Any and ail ersous claiming adversely tba atove-ilasx-ribcd lands are requested to tile their ssiims in this olliee ou or before said lath day of M iv, l'sHi. J. T. DKllMiKS, Kcgislcr. 5? ) n