I I I i ' "WNTYV The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has heen .in use for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of and has Jty'f Z1- sonal supervision since its lutaucy. T&ccJuM Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes aro but Ex- periments that trifle with and endanger tho health of 5 Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops . and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic t substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears the The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Socletr Kleetlaf. P OSKBURO DIVISION NO 476. B. OFUL, v mceu eTerj second and fourth Sunday. WOMEN'S RtXIKF CORPS KO. 10. MEETS fiitt and third Fridays in each month. r SKO POST, KO. 29, U. A. &., A. R XFET8 THI rst and third Thursday ol each month. at ! p. m. ALPHA LODGE, K 47, K. Oh P., MKIT8 ntrf Wednesday evening at Odd Feilows Halt Visiting Knights In gaoi standing cor liaUjtnTited to aliend. .... JO? Jilt El.IJ, C. C. C.H. FISHER, K. K.S. LAUREL LODGE, A. F. A A. M., RECrULAI meetings the 2d and 4th Wednesday in each month, EUtiESE L PAKROTT W. M. S.T. Jiwrrr, Secy- pOSEBCRG av tha tint CHAPTER. KO. 8. O. E- S.. MEETS the tint and third Thursdays of each " mania. M KS. K. J STKOl" I, W. M. MA IDE EAST, Socy. Mol'tKN WOODMEN OK AMERICA. MEET on tint and ihit.l Tuesday of each Inonlb in the id Maaouic hull. H. W. MiUtE, V. C II. L.'JI vaSTER. Clerk. U-OODMES OF THE WORLD. Oak Carr.P So. U. rueets at the Odd Fellows" Hall in itoteburg. every 1st, 3rd and jib. Monday evening. Visiting neighbors always welcome. J. A. BUCHANAN, C. C. Jf. T. JEWETT. Clerk. T-.BII.FTARIAV LOuGE. KO. , L O. O. F. A nr.ii Katnrdar ereninc of each week at their hall in Odd Fellow Temple at Boneimn;. Membersof the order in good standing areinvit cd to attend. cllAS. OLEtON K. G S. T. Jcwbtt, Sec'y. n P.. ELKS ROSEBURG LODGE. KO.SJ6, L. boij their regular com munua lions at tha I O. O. F. hall on second and fourth Thnredaf f each month. Ail member requested to st- trad refrularly, ana ail ruuung orumer c-w auaily invited to attend. DOCGLA8 WA1TE, E. S I ft A B. RIDDLE, secretary. rtOPF.BfTRa LODGE. KO. 16. A. O. C. W v meet the aecond and fourth Monday- of vv.h month a; 7 ;) p. m. at Odd Fellow Hal'. Mem ben of the order In good atanding arc in- rued to attend. M. T. XeCi.Al.LIS. O. S. WEST Recorder. Fincneier NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TJVITED STATE-LaSU OFK.CK. Soscburg, Orepon, February l'.t, liWtf. Xn:iv in herebv eiven that in om;liaiice with the provisii-n!' t'f Uic a- of Congress vt ione 3rd. luTS. entitled -Anacl for the -ale of timber land? iu the states of t alifomia. Cregun Nevada and Wafhinton Tenit-ry."' OLAK M. OIOS. Of Washburn. Countruf Bartield hla c ol Wii eonaia, baa this day hied in thi office his eworu tatemvnt No. KA, for the purchase of the r-vv of Section Ko.li. in Tuwn-,biu Ko 24 south Knm n 3 west, and irill offer proof to ilionr that the land sought la more valuable for it timber or unc than (r agricultural purpiwe, and to establish his claim to said land before the Bcguttcr and Booci er of thi offiec at Rose burg, "regou. on TlinrdT the 3 day of May, fl. Ha names a wilue?: Sivert Oie. of Wcehburu W iseonnn, Jaob Johnxon, of W ah tiurn. W isronsio. Ocar l.nnd-.'reen. of Wah hum. W icouin, David Itedland, of Wahturn, Any and all perunn claiming adveiely the above-deeerlbed lands are reue'.ed to file their claim in thie "mee on or h-!ore w:n 'lay oi Hay. lvjj. J. T. BRIDGE. . m3p Register Notice for Publication. Vnited State" Ijinil Office, nosEBiao ire.. March. 1. law. NoTico is herebv given that the fo?lowT)ig named acltler nan tiled notice of hl intention to make final tiroof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be u.ade ix-iore Register . r. ' 1 I . .!..... U . a 11a nceeiv er aivcu o-oi iu-i uww "t burg, Oregon, on Airil 14. vir.: ESCILV J. ( ENTERS, formerlv Einilv J. Thrush, 011 her H. E. No. J1IS for the N. W. l Sec s, T ;. , S. R. b W. the names the following witnesses to prove ber continuous residence upon and cultivation iifaaidlund viz- J.R. Wilson. W. H. Thomp son. Frank Huntley and C. W . Mecuiu, ail of CAUtaa Valley, Oregon. J, T. BRIDGES, p Register. Hoints East. The 'Tottliind-CbicaKO Social," whicli leaves the Union depot at S p. m. diljr i ejtiippeJ witli strictly up-to-date room' Pullman slecuioz cars, and free reclining chair cn, steam heated aud electric liglited. The Karoean plan dinins car eervice le a special feature of excellence on this line. !icie china, tiowert, ftitleP8 linen, first !' c wking and attentive servante add lo the coui lort of travelers. A ne library car i attached to theee trains. Aa the uame indicate, thesn cars are fitted up aa a library and readme room Book casHjs ontatnmn al! fhe standard works, the current t"dtcals and daily papers are at the dippopal of all tirst and second class passenger. Time never lianga heavily on the pnn engert' hands while traveling on thip train, and before on is aaare of it the train pulls into the Union depot at Chi cago. J-or full infortuatptn rregardin the movement)! thee trains, rates, etc.. call on or aJJref V. , liH lllLMNv;. roi tland. f tr. Or J. F. jiv( ns, ' U'jev'inrK, t r. ; "I tax Indebted to One Minut Couth ; Care for my health and life It cured me ollong trouble fol!oinr gtippe." Theuaanda owe their lives to the prompt action ol thia never failing remedy. It eorea coughs, colde, croup, hronchiiii", pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung troubles- It early iibo provente c-in eomption. It i the only liarmlees rein df hs.t fivf"! immediate ruwilts. A. C.Marr.lcrs & Co. boon made under his pcr- Signature of mwvomi crrr. Notice for Publication. I'nited Elates l-nnd OflUe. RoKBt Ru, Orecoa. February I'-iM. Notii-e isherr-bv given liiat the following named settler ha tiled notice of hi iuteutioa to make linal vroof in fUpiKrt of his claim, and that Slid proot will be made befcru the Regieler and Beret ver. U s. Ijind Offlee at Kotxburg. Oregon en March 3, lftiti. xlr: Si U1T LANDER On H E No. ::7, fo r the K1 . SE' , . N 1 i K' ,! W'.Xt'.'d.i T'.V.S.RsW. He names the follonring witne to pnive fc U continuous residence uioii aud cultivation of Mud land. vl.- William I. Lander. Archibald O. lU-eof MelroM?. Orejron. W: H. Hunter oi Wanlton. Oregon, Samuel Alexander ol Cleveland, Ore- pou. 1 Kejister. Notice for Publication. Cnik'tl State-. Land Otliec, Ilorcr.t tm, Oregon. February lio. NtKiee if hereby given that the foliowin nanied set tier has : iexl noti-e of his intention to make ti lid proof in ii))ort of his i !a;m. and tuat uti prwi win ue luaoe ociorc i'c negi teraud Receiver. L S Ijiud Otiiee at Uoteburc Oregon on March ., l'Ani. ir : !LJ.iJM J l.A.M'r.ll On II. E. No. Jv.foi tlieN'4 NW1;. sE1. NV4 N E1 . StM .. ce j.. lo' tf, I! S W. He nan).- the following witueNsc to prove In Contmuou: residence ciwn aud cuiuvntion of said Inud, vii: ejtt l.-iu.ler, ArebilialdO. Rom.-, . d Mel rose. On-cou. W..I1. Hunter of W arvltou. Oregon. Samuel Alexander of Clev t land, Orea- -u. J. T. BRIDGES, I Regu-ler. Notice For Publication. Tniteii ST vtks Lv mi Office. Rvse!un:. Oregon, February !t. 1:K. Koltv.-c i8 hereby given that in compliance r-ith the provi-ioii of the act of t'ongret-- of Juuc3, 1ST, enticed An act fvr the sale of lim ber lauds in the ktateiof t a'ifomia, Oregon, Nevacaaad Washington Territory." ANDREW E, KAliDKLU Of Marshtield, county of t'oos, Siatj of 0n--on, has this day tiled in this office h-s sworn ttstc ment No. M, lor the purctae ot" the lots t. S1. KW (. of Section No. iu Tou uthip No. 27 south. Range No. 10 W est, and will oiler proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for airrirultural parposj-, and to etabii-h his claim to sa d laud before the Register and Receiver of this offieeat Rosebnrg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 12t!i day of Mav, Lv. He names as wilueocs: Aibv rt E. Bettv-. of Marshfield,Oreinn, W. H. Smith of Marsnfield, Oreiron. (.-. H. Herron. of Marshtield, Oregon, E. W. Kardcllof Marshtield. Oregou. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-describej .ands are re-iuestiif to tile their claim in this oflicc 011 or before said Uth Usv cf Mav, lo. J. T. BRrjGEf, Register. Notice for Publication. Vsnao State-, Ead Oimt, Uorcburg. Cre;:on, Feb l"-. l.-,.'.. Noti'c is hereby given that in compliance aith the provi-ioni of tise act 01 t ongrev of June 3. lt7s, entttied "An aet for the Kale of timber lauds in theSia'.c of t aliiornia, Oregon, Nevada, and W'ahington Territorv," FRANK V. POTTER OfA-hlnnd, County of A-h'atid. (State of Wis consin, has this day tiled in this o:!ic las mura (laiciuent No. ko1.', for the purchase of the south ea-.t quart'T. of Section No. 10, in low n-hip No. 24 South, Ranee No. a Wet!, aud will oiler proof to "how that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for acricuUural pur- Kiscs. and to establish hisclaiiu to sai-1 laud fore the Ueeiter and Reeeiverof thisofliw at Rosebiirg, Oregon, on Fridy, the 27th day o( April, VM'. He names a.i witne en Michael N Oii-Ud of Wahburu, Wi., John W. Hel land of Wa-hburu, Wi, Charlie '-eLvrt, of W ashburn, Wn, E. T. Dewolf oi Woodland, Wis. Any and all pcrous claiming aderely t!ie above-le-cribel land-are requested to tile their claims i" this olliec on or lelor said Ttli day of April, 1M. J. T. BRIDOES Iieui-U.T. A2lip Administrator's Notice of Sale. V-OTICE Is HEREBY OlVES THAT BY Y1R A tuc and in pursuance oi an order and deciee of the Ojaniy Court of Dui;l :onntv, Ore gon, duiy made by the Hon. Joe l.yon, Judge of said Court, and eiilcrcd of record on the ith day of September. 1.', ordering and directing the under-igned administrators to sell the real property hercinaiter dew ribed aud belonging to tile Estate of Karl Kiiuiiicll, deceased, the ta:d administrators will prosee-d to sell oil and after the tirst ly of March, 1'Jon at jiriv ale sale for ca-b iu hunJ or part cash and credit, upon the 'aid preinij-eg, in one body or in scpuratc )aroels as mav be for the bcM. 'interests ot suiil e-tale tlie fo.lowing described real properlv. towit: r ' The Donation Ijind Oaim of Willimu I'. Haw kins No. 4i Notification 4 ' Tp. d It w est cculuiniiig aerv.-. si-o frocUomil lots Ko. 4 aud ::ol nectiou No. 2ii 111 Tp ; A Utt West con taining I'J.Os acres excepting front the above de scribed premifccs a certain tract of land hereto fore conveyed to f'uiily W ilaon 1 ouUiinlii!; to nj a r ';ind 1 acre tild to School District No. 20; alw liic lioiiatin Land t'laiiu of Janies aiin Ellen Catching No. 4 t being parts of Sections 2 and 2ii in Tp. :i S R ( West excepting from the above de-crilicd Donation Laml claim No. 4-i that cci lain piece or parcel of land belong ing to said claim lying and being on the North ide. of Cow creek heretofore conveyed loWin. I'. Hawkins: also "aeres heretofore coiiveved to L. C. NiehoIs;also .4 " of uu acre heretofore, con veyed to A. M. Bcaiy: also2t acres and a frac tion conveyed to Sanderson and Climore: also 1 acre of laud fold lo School Dist-ict No. 20; the portion of Hie D. 1.. C. No. -i t hereby described and lo be sold containing 1!'2 a) 11 'res; also the S W 1 ,' of the sj E t and lot No. 2 of .Sec-. 20 in To :tuj K6 West containing 40.2.J acres: also the N W '4 of the N E !t of section ::"iTp:iU!3 no West coiitailiiiig 40 acres also tlie NE1; of the X E 'i of Section X) in Tp M 8 R 0 West contain ing 4U acres also Eot No. 1 and the HE1, of tlie S E of Section 20 Tp 1M S R 6 West containing W.flu aeR- all of said tircmiscs being situated iu Douglas County Oreiron auif containing i;i all 4-iil.y. acres more or less DaU'dat Roscljurg, Oitguli, this first duv of Fcbnisrv, ;ko. W.CAKTER. FRiEDEUICKA KIMMEI.. Admitiistratote of the E-luteef Karl Kiiuuie:, dceea-ed. Notice for Publication. I'uiUd ttaks Ijind Ollit-.-. ! Hosuburn, Or., K' bruury ;(, r.j ' Notice lu roby kivoii that the follou inn ' timiK-tl iifttler Iihh tilil linliff- ftf htv iiir,-nti,.t t.. ! mukutinai prixji iti siiniiort ol Jus claim. mil that said rotjf will be uiale l-fore tin-Kc'klster ! and Kewlver, U. K. Land ORice at Bos"buri. i Oregon, on Mar:li 11 vm. viz: Ou If. t. No. Wii', for tlie tiW'l NE'i, HE'i Ue names the foliowinar iiiieM to t.rove hi. ' noulinuoaa mideuee upon and ciilthation ,f ; said land, vU; J. Jr. Ihomatoii. HorUm Bhoe- maker, of Koseburp, Oregon, William Tipton, I .).uj's ureii, oi uij'n;, regoii. (f'.p) J. T. BKflXil H. Ii'-M f- POULTRY YARD Keeping liens Confined. Over-fa ! in i id lne arjvth two causes of mo t d bibIitb to ou'try,aud as neiiher if them are itift a rs, we luve or.rselvea to bhtne f r all the mary con eequnt.ces thst follow npen their heels. Poultry in ouuueinnt must be led dif fercntly from those which htve a free inn o' grass or woijlatid. In the Utter they rve!, tuitiiing over all tho leaves, aud ecra tolling away, mound and under old logs fr their favorite grubs at;d bJr. It you havi not mtJd it a busitiHf" to watch your limits and chick cirefuUy, yon do not real's! what a Utge uiu-mnt of graa and green fod they will eat in a day when it is nt hand, and when they have n'lt b?en overfed ith grain or Bcrapr. And this is nut all, cither, as hens uied rough food and eome thiog lliai wiv -a bulk as well as nutti uieut. Even though you feed U10 couttiied birds the eauie idcntieal food tuey ob tained for tlieiutelvca on a good run, it would not be the fame, as they would lack the exercise eo necessary for thefr health, and thcrefure iu c mflneineut, the eauie identical food would bo too much lor them, this is why succesaiul raisers of poultry in coolitiemeut always throw grim to their fowls in straw. tLus compiling 1 hem to work tlioir pajaige A'io, ti&pging a cabbage head just out of Btatding reach eo that they niupl jntup for every pick at i This is a good njeteut, and t xctcise is necesaaiy lor tueir i.csitii, out u our iooi was composed n.trf of Mtto;eiiui:B ele ments and lisa of the hydrocarbon, eb pccialiy the oi's and fats, there would not be eo much necessity for this constant training down prtceec, lee" over fat hens who stop laying and want to Fct. lees sluivrishnees iu our yatds, and more fei- ti ity in our egis. T irre ae still in 'his enlightened gn wh ttafl their cbickecs, both old and ytu )(,'. .ov, rn 11 ueeiui iu ttie oui try business, as laid or bicou U in the kitchen, hut not as a regular diet l! you want lo fatten poultry, in acold snp ia winter, or when a hen U poor acd on tba: account is not Uyinj?, aud needs a little help, etc., corn isj iatlhe thin,?, and the yellower, tho better, hut as a gcueral diet, it is about aa had a thing as you can give, e peciaify, in hot weather. While I am on the corn question, I might add that sweet corn is great im provement over field corn, and not opan to the same injections as the yellow corn, besides being- especially, if not more, ac ceptable to the fowl?. .Siuantooi is a sweet corn that yields well, aoJ it is well wortu tlie lime 01 pouuryiuea to raise a lot of this for their fowls, b-it when you want iat, or when a eu Jen cold spell "omeson, ye.U ueia orn is jasi tue thing, unless your fowls are already fat euoac,h, ia whith case, let them burn otl a few ounces each; it will do them good. Ileitis must generally be partially boiled befois the hen w ill accept them as food, acd the first two or three time with some bones, ecraye, or crackling to give them an acceptable flavor, acd they will be accepted without question. Often some of the smaller beans will be eaten raw, but there is no economy in so feed ing them. leans, cost too much, you say. Well, there are heavy bearing varities that it would pay to raise for the purpose, be sides, in the cities the grocers bare last y-ur's beans and they will sell them cheap, and often when they are wormy, all but give the a-ty. They will en- c?urage tiz laying a well as peas, and do not fa'.lca a corn does. We need to 'eed peas and beans to our fowle, acd those things that icoke eggs Kipe dried peas the fowls may object to at tirst, partly because they are not ac cuctomrd to them, and partly because their parents and grandparents dil cot eat them. There is much more in the Utter statement than appears on first sieLt. Later on, I will speak of this. Clever and torn fodder, busks, t-ilks. etc., w ell chopped up, are all well known by readers ef poultry journals, and while bulky still contain more oitiogen to an they are credited with generally at all events, they are not full of fattening ma' i.eriel. The f pent malt frebh and warm from the trewery, before it is allowed to stand and sour, is very acceptable food once or twice a week for fowls, but not oftener. It tncourags laying and keers the bow els fre?. All the fattening aits of the malt are removed, and what remains U mainly bone and eg-forming material. When it can be had cheap, it is an txiel'ent material to make the bulk of a worm or msggot.brerd:ng pit us it will almost alone e:ve for tha Lurpoae. Bran, fctldel fnd mixed with boiled potatoee, adding a dash of ground crack lings, is a good morning fie J, say once or twice a week in winter, but bran as a regular diet, is decidedly objectionable. In the spriug of thenar or wuen moult ing, a tablcspoouful of Hour of sulphur, or epeon salts, to every forty or fifty fowls, is a good addition. Take it ail around it is beet always to keep 1 ens a little hungry, as it is best for thetn and best for the owner's egg tuarker, and avoid corn and fate. We will riine puoipUius aud squashes, and the smaller ones it cut iu half, and oc casionally led in the run, the hens will clean them out, leaving the meiest shells which can be cut op and boiled with scraps and nerved as a morning feed. Vh'n hens an: restricted to a small run and do uot have the time to scratch ttud chase graettboppers and other in eects, it is difficult to keep them from gett me, to j f tt, or to feed them so as to avoid it Hint therefore, buy device aod 1 Ian that wlli give then exercise id de sirable, and they need to be provided with green ami bulky food. ISy all tneaiiri, if obtainable, lot them run, the more tvy have the better. My hens which have, an tmliuiil ;vl ru rijrf , turpi ietd me thin niumier by ttie av:d:ty wi'lt which ihay a!e out the email iiieriiicktiH which I cut in halves and It t l-tr Ihein, anil tho rinda and !-'(-eU- Muni UK' ImilHt) IIK'V L'li'aneu till IU , t ,t. : t "hoit ird:'i . In llittw uionths' lime I i lid, l.y eaieliil a. coniitl ui feed, ecics, icliick, cl:. , that tnv hens have given me I""''1 ''idanrn of one dollar and Bcven- leen vv:uiH K(r ,mi. I'rof. Ice. I. Oolc , man, in roultry Keeper. A wriler in tho New Yoik World uives tho following mode of kenping fowlt froe fiom lice; "FoMlw ihc t-f tnirty wl r.inninc at large I l.avn tftiv hen Inn88 a "hex about three flt fctjuure utid eight-te-n It clie deep, tpun at the tup In this I put a piiiftil of eaiid or ro,ul dirt, a I'atl'ul of ait-sliti kfd lime, u pailf'll of wood ashee, fivd pounds uf sulph" and ona of inn-cl pow'i'r pyiilitntu). About once a week I mix with this few 1'JarU id cent, aud then t i mil t 9te the hei. c' t in and FCiaii li. N.kir.lijl vi ruitn that ti le-U !;'! c.t'i auivivi' thirt tieititu'tit. Hcahli)- lei, piolnccil by a very miiiUtn iui-ect tlie u!a: prevent ed by it. I have a roosting p!ac for ti.y fowls to occupy in the summer iu an 11 11 shelter I hen paik. This is mote com fortable uti.l healthful for thrtu tlisiu a close, th'.diered room, aud less liah'u to breed cruiiu." Chicken Lice. Lice are the pest of the chicken busi ness. There i neither profit nor pleas ure in liev-i-jfeeie I poultry. One of ihe greatest problems in chickeu raising is how to keep rid of lice, and I wish to give a faw pointers which I have ob tained oa thia subject from ixperienco and observation, hoping they may prove as useflul to others as they have to my self. Akucwled,(0 of the Lalure and habits of these vermin is ueceeeary to an easy mastery of thu louse problem. However mny varieties if chicken lice thete may be, there aro radially but two kiuds iu this country :ho lare grey and tbo enidll red oties jud' thee diiTer wMely in their nature at.d l.ab its; Hie eseu'ial ditrerence btiuj iu the fact that the largs lico breed un l live oa tlie fow'.F, while the small one's tried, and live aioct of the lime, eUewbcre than on the fowls. It is eeldom, if evtr, that bu'.h kinds of lice aro to te f-.uud on acy ore ptn ol fowls at the eame liuie. Aud, an a ru e, he remedy for only one kind is needed in aoy one cat. Kjtueuibtfr that (or all practical pur poees the larg ) lice never leave t te fow U ; but breed and live on them; and there- j lore the remedy lor llice must be up-1 plu-d d. reel t 1 tSe (ol-. Du;t is unci de.v.h to ;ice, but for tare wot!, the dust bath is uot reliable for the reason t'.iat .: - .1 : 1. f ... 1 ... ... . lucic ie u:utf ht it uuuifii?., ivjii ui v n j 10 every llxk which will t ut ihoroughiy dust them-elvos, Aud on these do lice j rulTl'rf.! l'drsian, to he had at d: og btoic thor miofitv aiirdii.,1 t,i iiti'h arid -w r tf ftivtrl . 1 f " j The p3der may be applied in any of j tue many anewn wave, just eo u 11 tuor- ..... r. - .1 OUghly done. Taking the powder te- tween the thumb and fioer aud work- log it in among the Ifathers, 1 think is .1.. ,,,:.r....,. IT... application sctiicieot, but don't too confident. Oreae lil ktd Hoe, hut when applied to the (owls. 1 thiuk tl:e rained aa bad aa the disease. Te email rtd lice ne.t, lud and live most ol ttie lima on r-jost poles anJ in the walls of the butlJio;, forain on the Iols at night. My way cf treat ii j; i tbee ia to trap and burn tUcui. This I ' . .1 do by tnakmir cracks or ao.es on ll.e under side of the riost poles for the lice . u i i Ti t. -:.. tu ursk stun iiccvi iu. uia ouii uirii natural inclination. I have ttie perch:s eoarranKedas to be readi.'y removed ' am replace J. i remove eacn p;i:e, eat- , , -. , urate it tuth keros:ne, sUnd u oa et:d, touch a ligh'ed match to its ljaer end I and replaca it as soor as hlsted cff. If ' properly arranged it does uot take a minute to remove, cleanse and rt place a pole. This should be done s.s ofien acd as fre.jueiit aa the casa requires, which is to deteraiinei by inspection. Whenever Ike are to ha found on the poles i and there is where they wi.l he found if there are any on the premi es,; it is time to b'.azs tbem off, if it is every da. I once thoroughly cured a very bad ca-j this way in less than thirty days. Dust and insect powder for the large j lice, but fire for the small ones. I Im-e seen the dust under a chicken the! alive j with the small red lice acd am of the opinion dost will tot kill thete as it doee ' the Uro ones. In lidding a place that baa become oyertnu with tbete lice, whitewasLing will exreii'e matters, be tides being otherwise aJvaotagous, tut it Ii not a necessity. Tor it is only a question cl time svt ei tvery Iou;o will finJ it wty oato the fowl, acd frcui ' tbem to the uuJereiJe vl the perches. And if these are k pi clean, tba premises will toon ba rid of !i:e. Tbete email lice I are especially annryinj atrjenj; senium bene. With these about th9 bait plan 1 1 have tried ii fo remove the btn and ea bom tha nestrnj, s:crcb lb? box and supply ntw nesting tvcry two or tlueoj diyj until th) lies diapp;ar. Bringing in the Returns. The Poultry Keeper says : There i. no reason why the farmer, should not haw something for tale from bis poultry yard every week in tbe year. There are times wt en tbe bees will not lay because they areia tbe moulting ntagj, which takes away about three months in thu year, mostly during July, August and s ptem ber, or perhaps beginning and ending later. As eggs will then not be eo plentiful the chicks should bo made fat and sent to the market?. The poultry but-ine-8 perttMis of sotnet bing com i tic in nil the ti'r . which urov'.des the cmitil for u. rating the bu.-iues. After one lias become established iu the poultry busi ness the receipts ehould exceed the ex penses every mouth in the year, and chicks may ba batched early, or as long as tbe bens will become broody and sit, but they should be sold before the winter sets in, as by that time tbe bens should have finished the moulting process and be ready for 'aying sgiin, and will need the room that is occupied by the chicks. By eeliiog chickj during th latter part of the year there will not bo tho usual interval between I ho protita that come in. Coarse oatuie.ii is a splendid Iced for young poultry Success iih poultry depends ulinot entirely on cledUliut'bR. bee that tho home ami )ml if tho (owl 3 are con- tine! ate kept nbitoltiiely cleau. Don't let llm chicks tc't wt, but if they arc caught in a Hidden thower, a Mann bafket l ehind the kitchen stove ill d'i wonders for tliem, even when they seem almost gone. ),)ti't forgot that chickens need air. Open the windows of the hen house wido and lot in the pure air. Put up siatn, or better yet, heavy wire nauitijj tJ kr cp out inlrndoia. .iMv 60 YEARS' V EXPERIENCE :: t "a "W Trade Marks fl: jsV DcatCNS 'rMf' Copyrights 4c. Anon sending a okctcli xnd dPeript!on m7 antckl H9crtaln onr opinion freo w I101 her ail lnTniion Is prohnttljr ,:itental!e. I'onininnlt-a-Sloim strict I rconadmillnl. Handbook on Patent tent IriHi. filileat ivinvin-f fttr neurinir patents. i'uionta taken thronuh Muun & Co. receive ipi-fiai not it c, without clmrije. In tlie Scientific Jlmerican , linnilsoniely lllnstrnted weeklr. I.nrcest ctr--nlml-m of anr elpntide journal. Terms, l i a -ir: four months, fL Bold bjr all news1pler. KUKS&Co.""' New York ItrnTieli Dill. a. Ki Y f t. WuMnatun. D. (. Notice for Publication fNITKIl STATES LAND OKKCK. Kosaiii Rii, oiv , Ki-bruare, ZS. l'AO. NuilLV i hret)- Klvtn that tlie following uanieil settler lias tilfdnoliee of li Is Intention to ninke final proof in nijinort of his claim, and that said proof will lc nude before tlie lt'Rl'.er and Receiver United Hates Land Olliccal ttoMV Imm i"lrstr(iti r n Av.rll 1J 1'atii vl-.- REL fiEN K.B.MfTir',' on Ills If. K. No. (,5,17, for t tie H. E. H. K. ! K-o ti. nnd llic N, E. li N. K. Kc. 1, Tp. . IV. s . lie names tlie follau iug witnesres to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aid land v;x: Kii Miller. John Drown, John Miles, and T. I Brewer, ail of Mvrtle Creek, Oregon. np J. T. BBItXJES, Kcglstcr. Is the result of v pentc 1 acute attacks. The liver and spleen ure principally affected. They act as storehouse for the malarial poison and tlie M o.l tukes it from them. The joison muit bo driven out of tbpfyitem. HI D VAN will destroy the action of the poison and event uallj drive out the last particle of it from the system . .v.. , 1 In addition to this. HI DYAN will restore tbo ht upp t. It will Luiio up tha weakened system. HID VAN will make new blood j n.i r . 'II will s'i. The pains In the bones will ' IU' I) VAX has cured others an I j ve-i. w describe fhe symptoms, j Study then rarefi!'.;?-. They are yours. I,j ; not liii'T. but take Hl'DTAM nosr ! and v.,u will t cured. HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS: !. CON3TAXT HEADACHE AND! .ir livn U'-he will vlispi-ear. : PALE OK YELLOWISH COM- j i CT rTlnv u.-rwau , t ,.!.hnsh . free l a k, v . w M a - - - - 1 j cir Ttil.inon of p-.ue bloot and caose Ihe cheeks j i to assume their natural eo.or j 3. L033OF APPriTH AXDOJiw- ; f . iai ou-iava. j f(1i ci;1 tct-nm" ir;e.-i. j 4. ?2Ll:- OP WEIGHTOVEaTHB i I LIVES. Th- is J 1 to the eatargeaent of j I ln''l'"'r- !t ' s:: 5 v' rovon wt tea- t ! ,c"'t" llt'DV tri:lt;iroi: th (wisoa n.1 j iteoiii i: l ss-saaia its nalnrat sixtL j & iEvi:;E33 ! of TH3 SPLEES IK THE HEOIOK T"te -ii.ieea bcomea i cu::I tjr. . 1 HUOYAN i l ! j a ii tlie ucaviaesi to Jsap- ' , 11 an 1 I .... . ... . i . w.:.h. ..t I rn.- ''.lie 'r.-m I'hrcau' Msiariaand :;t -1. Ill DY tN wiil relieve Tour I t f ?';: y tii'.i :n is,'. ir.me i nil. HID. I . '.fil i - , SCftecl'";f' l'.t tfj t- .t,:i-.i:i-l o" ail !r3rc:sts for Cic. it - rattsK -s tur go?. if your i!r"csi-; ''.o. rl fc-Tf seiil vlirerl to the ! "l kmkiy company, San Fran- j I civ". '. .:f-irn ' K-!tfml."t t?!st yn'i rn 1 ror.sir.t tue ntYx uorioax rnt. . Tal! u l re v vliwtors. Voj taar caj and j , ...cr st.uvoudaiK. Advirasa HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY. Car Stockton, W.ra.1 aad ClU Sta ' t Ss Fraacisc. CL i the pieect;roitk r Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Un tho.ee vf tu favorite xuutw, via the CMOS PACIFIC Fast Mail Line, or the KtO liKANUE ifctnlc Lima. No Change of Cars Oa the FurilanJ Chicago Special, "the finest in Ite West.'" lCfjulpped vitli Jlcruiit Stan-lard Sleeper? F ine Now Orliuary (Tourift) f-locjra Stilrb l.ibntry-r.nffct Cars 1 SpU'iulM liituT (iiicaU a la carte) Frco Kocliiiiii t'hair t'ar-Comfortable- Coachfs and Smokers Kntirc Train CompleU-ly Vcstibulol Fv,. fiittlK'r inf inuf'iPi ti'liy ( J. F. U1VANS, Apt., UoteLtig j C. O. Terry, W. E Comau, ' GtD AeU iri Puns. tm. l.-l Tbirvl St . Fci. i u Or. esr II.' We Have the Best and Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS, . I 1 -I If-si'5r--i ill J 111 .Hi The favorite of the Army aud No. 5. $35- St. Paul, Gloucester, Topeka, Buffalo, Oregon, Texas, Indiaua, Potomac, Yankee, Frolic. . All goods fully guaranteed aud sold ou the installment Guitars, Baujos, Maudolius, the musical line can be had i ' " - BWK&KB00fBBttjmKHKKRtBUU&BBnRnt-xicaum.-nav - - .f ...... t . sasJWywrssSlB?gjsw3jSjtsSJwajBjsvai " ...... - v5V ' " ' Mr. Koht. McKwtn, of Micro, Florida, writes i't L. A Ien AC-.; "My g:rdrD spot was 150 x feet. My seed cott $10.00, Fertilizer $0.00, Help alto;ether $3.00. ;This fall wa4 the firt tima I n d the -FLASUT JK." (Mo. 4 combined Hill and Drill Seeder) and I made clear f If 0.00 and enough left lo do me uolil I can get another crop." You can do as well if ycu Vse the "Planet Jr. Garden Tools." Churchill & Woolley. Distributors for Southern Oregon. SEND US ONE DOLLAR rAOliB $38.50 XWONOER .'j . f , - r - Jp i-ZTJ .es f. 4i.o m o.o. n n nn nr a - r i r . . v ; .. -n is - . s- :''K9-jdA Thia Saddle is made on lr ; ' &issBss I6lnch Genuine V s :tU" F Kelson Heav rr i, lr - Get your. SCHOOL i .1 ill J& HI li EJ.ECa.NT 1 LTMIlu We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Our Prices are Right. ... A. C.TBtERS & GO. m su. a brf a a a a sw a a -a a ax. iauccexsoc to 0. W. NOAH j General Blacksmithing; HOBBslJEaHUKUCU. TROTTINa AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY. KEFAIRlNQ OF AU EISD3 PKOilPTLY DONE. i aopoa Corner Waablnjctoa and Kane 81s., Boaebn.c Cass Street Market Wholesale Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, F S. Godfrey, 'Phone Main 181. Props. mm iucludiug C1IICKHRINGS, WEBER, KIM BALLS, NEEDHAM. Besides these we have other good Piauos but cheaper iu price but quality Navy. A few of the ships derfer Typewriter during the Spauish-Americau War. t V v; ..... X'f 1$S5 Violins, Accordions, Autoharps. In fact almost anything in at the T. K. RICHARDSON STORE. CTT THIS Alfc OlTSSBSKB TO IS WITH Oil BOLLaa, "i" SPECIAL HIGH GRADE $38.50 STOCK SADDLE sf frriakt C. U. U. akjert t (iialuu VOUCtM EXAMINE IT .tTOornaitfrrt1it ap-'t. ui'i ir taisi frrtKciij solUiactjr, csarti a rcswaeal. n Extra Fine High Crade Saddle jvdttveqn.1 M Hftddic "I'l r..rr.Qf'". at from 533,50, aod Ira lit a !5Kor Ladesma or y Steel Fork.. rittrrru.v n:Li:rri:B vawmiuk cayfkfis Tsl:l boui4 ir mil cantle.stel ltlwcoTpredtmip. . irvrt oxbow nraf-s tKHiaa, ft Ofsirea. w.s mtmt THEE IS WADE EXTRA STRONG 1- t, i inch will Urrup ie&iaerv, I 4neh ti strmp. lone rs tftr sv.1. l-inh t- bokle on offside. ke&.T -titon iw-rftH ' rin s-ittf-a trrtnt cinrti, snfjr cotton llttEir flsnkrinh. cca&ertiag smfx, Loop scat, ssl and jockey il ne pire. HAND RAISED STAMPING a llla-trsusl. U'rlsht cf l.adlr .ht S& t4 twkM lr tbipoif . '. poanO. flsUblil IS OILI ABUtl II.MIOirilH m iiu-v. WRITE FOR FRES VEHICLE, HARSESS AND SADDLE CATALOGli E, shflio( a lull line ( Cawbty and Bancber outhts at tn lowest snces rrerquetco. Auuras. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Ins.) CHICAGO, ILL tsnn, litwa v. m iiri.tsj; many-ISMir ) SUPPLIES At Marsters. and Retail Dealers in i pi h 'w riot 1- i. iC 4i hll equipped with the Blickens- No. 7, $50. The Blickeusder fcr is rapidly dis placing the more complicated aud higher priced ma chines, as it does the sauie work equally as well (if uot better). 40,000 now in use. plan. Band Instruments, Notice for Publication, UsiTcn fiTT htm orrti :m V.wbunr, Oreifon, March 1. 1OT. .N'dicc U hereby ;ivcn that tha foiiowinK nsmci iHl--r i hWt notice of hi inteutio '. inaka final proof iu nupporf of hw ;lalm, and that said proof will lie made bcfure I lie tUtjia-t'-ratid Kweiver, United state Land OrfSca at iiochurs, Oregon, on a prills I'M, riz: HA ML EL ALKXAKDEB. On II K No 9J06, lor the B'i N W' 4, Lota J and t, 4, T 26 B, K S W. He namea the following witresacs to prove his comlnnoua residence n pen and cultivation of said land, via: A. t. Rote, W.J lender, S. Lander, 5. Curry, all oi iJ Koteonrg, Oieron. a - J. T. EEIDGK?r aeglatcr.V-- Railroad Time Table. Xorthltoanc Eoeebars local, No. 17 departs 7 :30 a. m. Southbound Bosebarg local, No. IS, arrives 5:20 r- m. Northbound overland, No. 5, ar rijes 10:35 a. m. ; departs 10:45 a. m. bontnbound overland. No. 6, arrive 15 a. m.; departs 4:25 r.w. FBKIGHT TKAIXS. Northbound Let through freight, No 221, arrives 4 :10 r. no. ; departs" 5 :20 p. m. Southbound fast through freight, No OOO ir,IIMTnns m .lanarli a m . . , . .ww . , wvi'MMV v ,w m m. Northbound mixed train No. 222 arrive at 2-55 p. m., Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, departs 9:00 a.m., Monday! Thursdays and Hatordays. boutbbound mixed train No. 226 ar rives at 3 .-00 p. ta.. on Sundays. Mod. days and Fridats, departs 7:15 a. m. iiontiays, lnarsdays and tsatardaya. CHURCH SERVICES. MxTHonisr CucacH corner of Main and Lane streets. Sunday Berriee: FreacMnf, 11 a. at and 8:00 p. m.; Babbath school, 10 a. K.; L. A. Walter, Euperintcndent; Class MeeUnc at cloae ot the momlnf serrlce; Xpwortk Learo 7:00 p. m. I. 8. Godfrey, PreatOenU Prayer kteeting, Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. G. K. AxxoLD, Putor, Parsonage, comer Main and Laoe. CaiTai) Britbeis CacacH on Fowler ttrect. r3unda7 icrrice, at 11 a. m. and 7:39 p. m. PrT- . er neet:D5. Thursday creninf. " Mrs. Lcct at. Ccrur, Factuc St. bcusvbc s CBt'acH. Corner Caaa and Main streets. Service on second and Jotutk - fianday morning of each month and ercry 8aa- creninc;. Special services announced Iroai me to time. Kav. Jojui Sawsosi, Missionary. ' M. E. Chcbcu, oucih. -bcrriccseTery guaday .-orniog and ereulng. Kt J I C0TTO5, Pastof Barrm Cut atii corner ot Lane and Bos UeeU. Sunday service: Preaching at 11 a. m and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath School at 10 s. m O. T. Coshow, aapcrintendenL Praver meetine at :30 Wednesday cyening. . X. Ducgla, Pas tot PiasT Cbbistlax Cucbxh Comer ot Pin aud Woodvaid strreU. Sunday lerriees Preaching both morn ins and evening, Sunday school at 10 v in. T. P. S.C. E.attJO p. m PraTer meeting each Wednesday evening at 7J0. A cordial vckome and greeting awaits J- W. A. WjvjD. Pastor PiaT PuBTTEnias Cncacu Comer of Caa and Rote streets. Sunday service : Public tnhip, II a. m., aal & p. m.: Vbath school, 10 a. m. V. P. 8. C E. at 7 p. m. Prayer mevtins, Wedncsdsy evening 7:30 ot- S. A- Tow5$as. 4 Pastor Th W. C. T. C. iU bold its regular meetingB on the second and fourth Mondays ol everr month at 730 p- m. in the Xpworth leaga room of the U. S. Church. 0.R.&J1 CO. bsi'Aai AKBIIV Fast ; ?lt Lake. Denvr. F t- ! Fast Mai! Worth. OmUiaKa n- ! Mail 8 p. in. . sasCitv3i.f,i ' i- j i:iip.ssu i caxo 1 1 i i . Spokane Walla Walla Leaiston. flyer Spokane, Minneepoli?, S: li p. ra. St. Pan:, Duinth, Mil- , vankie, Chicago and ' East. Spoku Flyer 8 s. hi. S p. m. ' ocian STXAXsmr 1 : All ssulius; dstes f ubject! to cuacav. For 3aa Fntneisco SU Dec. 3. 8, 1J, IS, 3, 3S snvl eyerj" i la jsl DaUy Exjsunvlav Sp. m. S-tunly U p. m. IVtl'Slbll Kitu To Astoria uid Wsy Ijutvlings. "JSP 6. m. Ei-Suuvlsy Wu-L.txtTrs Hi VIS 4.jU p. m. Ex. .Sua Orec.m Citr. Sewbers, fralem & Way-Land s Wnx-oiana And Ta. 11 1 Li. Kivis. 3 30 p. m Moo. We d Tues.Thur aud Oregon City, Dmytoui aai Wsy-Landiuss. ! aul (5 a- 'nt. I WiLLanETia Sivaa ! p. m. Tues.Thurs Mob. Wed and sat. Portiaixl to CorvalUs aud and Fri. and Way-Lauding s. Leave Riparia 1:S0 a. 111. Daily isiu Kites Riparia to Lewis ton 1 Leave Lew Is tou DaUy S:A a. m J. F. Qivans. Ageut, Ktvrebars, Or. W. H. Huriburt, Uen. Pass. Agt., Pot OaiiO, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Cnited States Laud Office. KosEBt'E.i, Orvgou. Mnrvh i, lJOO. Nvtieo is lierebv vriven tbat in eompliancc with ihe provisions ot the aet of Congress of ' JuneS. 15. S, eu'.itleii "An net for lUesal.of timber lamis in tlie StaU's of Califoruia, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territorr. ANDREW J. D.NON. Of Ashlaud, t'ouuiy of UaySeld, iUle of Wiscon sin, has this day iiled iu this olliee hts sworn statement Xo. ssr, for the pun-hascof th SK'iof pection No. 4, iu Township N'o. '.'t. S.. Range No. 3 W, and will otter proof to show that tho land so-iitlit is more valuable for its timber or stone thu foratfrievltnral purposes, and to es tablish hiselaiut to said land before the Regis ter aud Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Ore gon, on Saturday, tbe 2nd day of June, 19UIK He name" as witnesses: " J. C. Turnev, L. G. Da wolf, of Portland, Oregon, L. Perdue, aud Kd ward Kone. f Oakland, Oreson. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abive-deseribed lauds are requested to hlo Hieir elaiuis iu thia office on or before said '2nd viayof June. l'AW. J. T. BiUDecs, Register. Notice for Publication. United State Land Om a, Uoseburg, Oreson. February 16, lyw). Nttiee is hereby given that In compliance with tbe provisions of ihe act of Congress ot Juue 3. InTS. entitled "n aet for the sale of tim ber lauds in the States oi California, Oregon, Nevada and YnshiUKton Territory;'' IIKIC W. KAKDEl.l, of Marsbflvld. Couuty of Coos, State of Oreiion, has this dy tiled iu this otliee his sworn state ment No. 4. for Ihe piirrbasa of the tottTTTTk; 3 NK'4. of t-veiion No. 2, in lowuship Xo. r. Ku kT No. 10 W., and will oiler proof to sAow thattho laud sombt i more vaiuabl ior Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish his claim to said laud os-foro the Register and Kmvivi r of this ottlee at Rose burg, Oregou. on Saturdav, the lith dav ot alav, l'.K). It. names as witness: Albert . Bettvs, of Marshtield, Oregon: A. E. Kardell, oi Marsh, held, Oregon: W. U Smith, of Marshtield, Ore gon; Geo. U. Herrou, of Marsbiield, Hregon, Any and ail persons claiuiimr adversely tha above-described lands are requested to file their t-aiins iu this otliee oil or before said l'.Th day of M:it, UW. J. T. UKIliK.S P.?:i3!'-r. Y i