C - 'nor: fc.-. - The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been in use for over 30 years, liars , and has k r Allow no All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes arc but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of lufants and Children Exjerienco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups.' It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other arcotic Mibstaucc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcverishuess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS SI Bears the The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Oyer 30 Years. tc cmnui cm" Society nettlap -possBCEQ torvisiox no tc, b. of ut, neela evcrj second and tourUi Sunday. - w w . " i-r" r i ursi ana uurvl inuji m nu vuuu v- nrvar Vft o J. A. R... MFETS THS Erst and third Thursdays of each moo lb, , at t p. m. - -" A LW1A LODGE, KO. 7, K. OF P., MEKT8 -i:- ,eiy Wednesday eveninc at Odd Fellow - HtlL V sailing kuitbU In good siaadine cor- jos a k tin. c. t . -- -c.ngnER,r. r.s. J AFRFX LODGE. A. F. A. M.. EEGTLAB '"" -r Biccungs the 2d aud 4th Wednesdays in eaca month. EUGENE L PAKKOTT W. M. W.T. JTi, S'ecy. P OfiEBC KG CHAPTER. SO. 8. 0. E. 8.. MEET? r the tirst and third Thursday oC ew nanth. MB. K. J. STKOri, W.51. - TlAfliE EAST, Soc y. MUOtKS lDMEOr AM h Kit A. JlKtT ta brU aud lliit.l Tuvxlay ot t ; U moinb in tb rtd Maiuii' nll- II. W. iluiE, V. C It. L. MiBfTEKs, flork. tiTOODHES OF THE WOKI.K. Oa tarr.o " Np. 1SV. iiiivU at the Odd KelloaV Halj fa Botebarc, every 1st, 3rd and Mb. Monday rveBinj;. Vitiling neighbors alaayi welcome. J. A. BCCHASAX, C.C. S.T. JEWElXOcrk. pHIUETAKLAJi IMoQE. HO. . 1. U O. Bccti RatuniaT A cuinc of each week tbcirbaUln OIJ Fellow Trmi '.e at U-ljutr Meaiberaof IbeorJcr in (nod uin!uic arcmvii d M aueod. iU.louoN X.u K. T. awarr, Scc'y. BT.V. ELKS, KOSEBCKO LODOK, KO. S36, boM their regular conimunicatioin at tin I t). O. F. hail on second and fourth Thursday I caeh month. Ail memben rcouoled to at' tra4 iraaiarlT. and ail visaing L-rothcrs c-ir- SiaUT lanlea lo attend. I'OCoLaS W.MTE, E. E BAB. RIDULE, feecrctarr. DOSEBC&G LODGE. KO. IS, A. O. U. W sV Becia the second and fourth Vouday uf ae saonlh at 7 JO v. m. at Odd FeUoaslia! Keabeaal tie order in good standing are In vited to attend. . T. McCtAIXEX. D. S. WEST Kocordcr. l"ii;c:icicr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION TjMTtD bnif Lank Offii r. Koecbure. Oreton. Kcbnuiry 1-J. !.'. Koiioe i hervbv civen that ia cumnliauce nth the provisini of tlie at ol Coiign- of Jfaword, IM8,enlilJed -An aet for ihe fale oi timber land? in the c.atc of alifornia, Cir-son Scvada and as!iinton Temtorj-. OLAP t. OLfOX. CI Wasbburo. ounlv,.f BartieM M e of Wis confia, baa this day hied in tim oft ice lus- no tatetunt 0. BJb, lor I lie purcDnw.' ol uie SW'i of bectiou Xo.U. iu T.mcliipXo 21 oiitU Hanc No. 3 west, aud will ofler i.roof l- how thai the land aougbt it more !u.tl.'.e for iu Umber or ttic than for agricultural punwes, and to establish his c'.aim to said land before the Beciater and Receiver of thi offiec at K'e- rxtrw. Or-rou, on Tliursdar the 2 day of May lift He names a ilneioJ Sivert )ie, of tVafhbnni Wisconsin. Jaob Jhn.jn, of Uali- uru. vsbx-onsiO. Oscar l.aiids-Teen. of isl l-arn. Wiconin, Ia id lledland, uf Wasiiburc, Hiaconsin. Anrand all Icnxn8 eiatmin( adversely the aboveKleiicrloed land are reiiealed to file tbeir eiatm in this oOiceonor t lore .ii. ', uav ol iUj, 1S"-J. J. T. BR1D jE, m3p Kegiste, Notice for Publication. Vnitcd state ljind UBi. Kosebi b- n-.. Mareb. 1. l'.1'. Notice i hereby iven that the following named cctiler nan lilcd uotitv of hl intention ft make una! tiroof in nuiiport of I -.is claim, and that aid proof w ill lie made bvforc BcciMer aud E"eeiver I ailed states Ind Oflice al Bxm; burg, Or.-gon,on Ai.iil n. l viz: KMILV J. EXTEKs, formerly Emilv . Thrush, ou her H. E. Xo. Tile fr the X. W. l See. Xp. ), K. 6 V. sue name the loliou inc witnesses lo urovc ber continuous rettideooe iin aud eultiva'ion ol said land. vi2- J. K. W llnon. x . U. 'iiiomi son. Fraak Huntley and C. W. )!ecimi, all of vamas v at ley, urcgou. J. T. BKIIHjE1. p K.gitcr. Hoints Last. Tho "rortUnd-Cbicanij Special,' ubich leaves tbe Union depot at S p. m daily ia equipped witb strictly ttp-tu-dale ro-juir 'ufltnan sleeping care, and free reclining cbair car, bteuui beated and lectrio ligbted. Tlie Karopeau plan etninj car eervice ia a i-pumal feature of etceiieni-e on ibis line. Deiicatu china, fleri. aptitiees lint-ii, first c!as cookinn aud attentive aerranta add lo tbe coin lort ot travelers. A new library car m attached to tin ee trains. as tue name luuicoe!', tueee care ure ntted op as a library and reading room Book cases "ontHinintc ail the etandard works, the current pfro-iicale and dai'y papers are at tbe diHpal of ail lirpt and second class pa6enj;-rc. Time never banicn heavily on tlie mh serjgere' bands while liaveiir); on thir train, and before n id a are of It Hip train pulls into the Union depot at Ctii cano. for full information regarding IIik motrement'of tbeee trains, rate, etc.. call on or addrera V. A. SclllLUS".. I'nrtlaud, Vr. Or J. F. (in i.ns, Kos;'jurj", llr. . "I am indebted to One Minute Cooub Cure for my bealtb and life. It cured ine of lung tronble folloaini? ir'ippe." Tbousands owe tbeir lives to the prompt aetion of this never failing remedy, ft caree toughs, colds, croup, broochitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Its early life prvenffl oon sumption. Itistbennlr tiarmleP'-i rem fj that i'ivfi iimnc'li-il" it-Mills. A. CMsr lPfB & Co. 1 UUUnjI Imrno tho signature of boon made under his per sonal suioi' vision iucc its infancy. .... one to deceive you In tins. Signature of TV. T MURIIV TCCT. NtW CPTT. Notice for Publication. United Plaits ljind Ottkv. l!i)suvii(..l)iwtiu. Kvbrtiarv . larni. Sulii-c i hereby Riven that tin- foihiM-ini:-" tiintl m tiii r has tiled nolicr-of hi- intention tii.it ssiJrrooi Receiver. I .Iand "flic at Kwliura Urx-TOii on Mnrt'h -V. ltu.. vi' Km l.A.VLKR n H K Kiv- fo r the K'. ,. S ' , K' ," S 1 4 N E1 k S-o T 3' "tt . Ik- names t In- MlowiiiS ritn:w to trve Ms cnumiu i resiik'iKv i:uh aud -uilivattin of ml vix- Wilhaul l.Lnndcr. AtvliiNaUl O. K.w ui Melirsc, oivitoii, W : H. llunlt-r of Vardtm, Orejou, alu.Kl AicsainK r oi t lervlaud, ltv- J. T. HKllx.ES Notice for Publication. t'uiUd Mates Lilid OiSif. Uo-i.r.i res.'u. February -M. l'. Sol ice if hereby eiven that the lii:ninc- naiiK-d wtUer has nied in;ix' of '.iir iiilentiou to make t.nal iri l:i s-ifj-ort tt lys !a;i. acl thai Kaid vtiMii will be made lH--re lio Kei Ivr and Ueeeiier, C 1-iuJ Otliec at KebNig. Oresou on lan h :, lt. i: WILLIAM J I.AM'EU On 11. E. No. -.l'.. iortue Nl-NW4. E',Nv,. S II' , MV . S- , I J. K " . lie names the lolkmiuc witne'fl b. iroe eAn.inuuu reMdenee iott and cuitn alien of Mid lwJ, ir: e.tt Uu.iiT, Arehitld (. Kw, of Mel i'. Ureirou. H . II. HuuU r Wanlton, iHvgjn, anuel Ak-mler ol t !e c:ial, Ore 'ii. J. X. BUllXiE?, 1' Register. Notice For Publication. Imii.:p MitnLisnOfnci. I. '!.' !'iip-. i 'regin, hebruary I -. I 1 herel'V ticn that in ejiiiiluuo- Xol. ailh lhc t:o :iou of the acl of Coixrvr of Juuc S. entil ol Au act for the sale oi f.in bcr land in the Uleof ( aUfoniia, Oregon, Xeaiaaud V.'aj.hiii!ion Tcrriti-ry." ANDREW E KAKPI II, i f Maruticld, l ounty oi 'nos Mate of ilrivon, lias tbity Mod in ibis olbce h orn at" ttient No. Me, lor the utvhaof tbe lot" s'; KW ' ,, of Sertioa Xo. i iu Tv" iihip No. T, south, h.iugeXo. lu West, and ill oiler ;-rol to-;b that tiielaud Koucbt is more valuable for its tiiubiTor stouc tba-i for airricuitural purjix, ud to etabibh lus ciauu lo -a:il land bef.-re lhc RcgisUr aud Ktoencrof lbi office at Ki;burc 'rvgon, on i'aiuniay, the Ulli day oi Ma, 1.M. lie names ns wiliics-. Abrri I.. Beity. oi Marhticld, Orecon, W. II. giniib oi MarsbQcM, UutOJ, C . il. Ucrron, oi Mirshlieid, Oregon, E- XV. Kardcllol Marshi.cM. Orvfuu. An and all iktikh claim.E? adversely tbe s'xieHlecnbc.l ands arc rc-iUetol to file'tiicir biii!i in tbi oilice ou or before said l.-;h dav cf Mae, J. T. BHIDOEs-, Kig Uter. Notice for Publication. riian stit. 1-JND Oi i n c. Xoli- e i hereby given tliat in foiiiviiauce ill, tliA i.ri. i.i..n. nl ,)-. a... .-.... aitb the irj iMon, of lh act oi l onsrc of June;;. lTs, entitled "An m t for lb- saleof limber lauds in theSiatcsof l alnomia, Op i;on, Nevada, aud M'ahing'-ou Territorv, FRANK. XV. l'intl: if .Xblaut. Ojuutyoi A-bland, 6:'eolW:n conin, hioi this day Hied in this oi'uv Ills sworn statement Xo. S31.', for tbe pun hnn- of the S"U!li ea-t tiiartT. of section Xo. 1.', in l o Dhip Xo. J4 south, Eanze Xo. XV es:. aud iU otU-r nof to -how that the land vuchi ;s more valuable l'orit timber or stone than for acnciiltunil ).ur IKjva, and t'i establish hisclaim to said land w lort the Hesiiter and Keo-iverof thisofbii at Biseburg, Oreg-m, on i'ridav, Uie :7th day of At.rii, i-a. He names a witoewn Michael X OiUJ of XVaiiibum. Wis.. J-.hu XV. U,-l-laud of Xali!,uni. Xi , Charlie ".eir!, of XVabturu, XV if ., L. T. bewoif oi XV.j.l!aiid, Wis. Any and all T'ruoiis claimiu-.- a hei-'iy tlie aNive-letribifl land arc rciuelei lo I. le their claims in lhi oilice on or before said Tili day of April, VW. J. T. BKIIn.KS Ken-U-r. .'.Jt'si Administrator's Notice of gale OTlCK H HKREUY OIVEN THAT II Y XIR- ' tue aud In puiusuce ol mr. onl.-r s:.d deciee of the Couuty Court of D.iul-Ihs Countv, i"n. cou, duly made by the lion. Joe l.vou', JuJite of said Court, and entered ol record" on the iiii day of September. 1 ..', ordering uud direclin the tinderigued adiniubtietons lo M.-1I the real property nereinsiUT d-v-ribcd and U.ougintf to the Estiits of Karl KiuimeK, duad, the said aamini-:rstor w ill pr...H fl to sell on mid aftei the iirst "lay of Mnn b, l al private Falc for i-ab in IianJ or part cash and cn-dii. upon the 1 prcuii! , lu oue b.ly or lu npjrute iwrceli n may ! for the ! t "inu rei ol tuiid estate the follouinu dis.ubcl nal prou- tiy lowil: ' r '1 he IJoiiailon Land claim of xvi:ii,on i- n. kius No. Notification I Tn. A K ii i cc-ntainiuc Ii.) acres. ai fraetiotial loi No. 4 and . ol bcctloii No. b, in Tp : ) S K XV est eon. laininu la.0 acres exccntiiuc from the Hl..,r.-1. . .-ribed premiM-s a is itiiin racl of lull-1 hcr.'Ui- lorr noiv.-c.l to rnrd XVilsou coniainim.' M Ui remind 1 acre Kid lo scli. k; tiia-riet N... ac altlie Jioiiuti.in Lund Cl.iim of .l::ics aim KUeu Catchiin; 'o. 4.1 b- liur i.aria of Nriinn. J and y iu Tp. .i i K u XV cm CNeeiiline fn.m the aliave dcM;iilnd lloiialion Lsud claim No 1-i that tt rlaiu pi. ee or pan el of laud Iwloni;. iue to aid claim lylui; and Kinu-oii llieXoith side of Cow eieck heretofore ooinevcd loWm I'. Hawkins: alwo ;Jacre heretolor e.,n.l i.. L. C. Xichol;a:o .4i of nn acre heretofore con. veyed toA. M. Beatyrals'iL'l aeres aud a frac tion conveyed to r-and roii and t.iimore: also l acre of land sold lo S liool Iijtici X.. ,i- n... portion of ihj ll. I,, c. No. i ! hereby dtcribid aDd to be r-oid i .inisiDin.-1...' i) acres: alfo tic S XV 1 , of Hie SK'i and lot Xo. -Jof fee. -lu in To .nj Kti XX'cl ciiiiiaininu' 41.'J scrc: aim Hie X XV 4 in the N fc 1 , of sulon a; Tp ; s ; l. XXi-t voiitiiiliiu; loaen-o hIko the S K of the X E 1 1 of f cctioii i in Tp M ii K tl XV est contuin niK 4U a rei also Lot Xo. 1 mid Ihe UK1.' .. n. 6 I !4 ol ert ion J'j Tn : il R 6 nii:aitiin Ili.tiU a' res all of s.iid or. mite iM'inir.iii, I i Dollela. Cotllilv Uivoll ail'i colllainilK' in ..II il.'.'.i at res more or lc-s liated al KoschurL'. Uncoil, this iirwi .i.iv ..r lr'ehrllsr , l'-t'. !.. XV.CAIfll.K. rl;il.l'Fi:ii;KA KIM ME!.. Adiuiiii-tmloi ol lhc I - ulc ol Knrl Kimim.- U c( lle t. Notice for Publication. t nltnl Mai' - Laud iMIii-i'. Hu-vbiir;-, Or., K-Iiiiiirv ::. I jimi Noiijt iv lurcbv Kivvli lliat tliv- luiloivinir naun-1 stiikr has tiled uotiiv of hit, intention to malic final jinvif In ni,KKt of Ins i laim, su.J tbat mid proof will be inu'le lit-fore Ibu Ke..iHvl slid Kt'tivr. V. S. Land Oiliew at R,.cl,iif,. (in edu, mi Mar:h 1 1, r.ntu. : UKAN'VJLLE S. MAV Oil II. K. No. 810.-, for tho M ' te.' 1, KK' N W4 B vc. IM, T. SnB.. It. s W . He nanie the following wiiuesten to urove his run til! nous resilience upon and cultivation of said Ino'l. vi.; J. l -I homiisim. Ilorton Blioe- maker. of Kosebure, OrtKou, William Upton, laiDos Brett, of Glide. On-eon. (I 'p; J. T. ItltllJr. I-:). .i r. IheUentlc Filipino. (Ak the Si-recant .-.ccs liiui.) Ub, I've li:tt'tl tbo ewevt Apuclio Uintah liis (.i xl-furpakvii lain'. Aii'l I've ttiukfj Hie tai in' !i.rstt;hiet wh ru hid Kotitiex marked tin) eauJ, A net I've niiii'iitrivl wilii iliu ilao tiown at "Caiuiy ly the lil the vent id Filipino Jy, lie beiln Vui a1 1 fer uie ! lit brnti'etu all fer uio, on,tl wiiolu iiniHorUl lot, hi liia f'i'i;mhy, nuibLiv cjunlry, where ' the climate's good ail 1 hot, Oli, I've tarkleil ted and yaller, aud I've i atlled wilJ ai d t.une, l'.ul. the gentle Filipino, ho in liili, lw jack and (:iue. tli hid timid little manlier and his svxei mid lovely emili-, And hia eu.-y jy uf ewvariu' thai he'tf loved jttall (lie while, Willi (be mute mi hid hliniity.imiipn out ter cttch j er ey v, A cd hia little rilh ready fer ter i!uuk yi'r liy ut.d by. lr plunk jvr by and hv, got-, ter shoot jer throuKh ihobaik, Ana Bkip away an lively as a epriuier down the track ; Ter ciime 'roui d wheu Ihvy pUnt yer, just ter drop his lililo tear. lrthe ;ent't Filipino ia a lender heaiteu dear. II 'o a playful as a Kitten, and hin pas tiuie, an a ilile, la lo slioct the llai;-er I nice men as i eort er April fool ; An 1 if he cau find a tree tcp and tit iii there with his cm And pick olT tlie chaps i hai 'e wouuded, l!nn lie Lnos he'a havin' fun. He koowa he's havin' fin, bey, n grand, Kood time all 'round. They ljuk 60 a kaard luniblin' from the 8"retcbtr Icr the ground ; l .'i Mich a joke fer pot 'em it ter kill 'eiu wberu they lay, Fer the gentle Filipino loves his pittty chiMib play. 'Couree I kuoH that he's a auj-el, pure and ahi'.o as ocean fjain, 'CauM 1 read t: in the pauiphleU that liny eend us here froia botEi-; Aud 1 know ttiat I'm a "butcher," Vaue th pamphleU say 1 an:, LI-.it 1 guete I'll keep ou tightiu' jest tlie eauie fer UdcIo Sam. fl.e Earue fer Vcde taiu, eou, fer j.at Lear tliia in mind 1 ho watch dec's better than tbo cura that eneak and rnarl behind : ' I'll try to bear up, sonehow, uudor- neatb my "murd'rer'd taict," Fer the geolle Filipino is a blame iueer kind er faint. Joe Lincoln ia Leslie' Weekly . Uenesis of .Natloas. Iho ieuctis of other cations baa beeo leseudary aud obs.-ute. They have bad an unrecorded infaucy aud rhildbccd of fable and mythology. Tbeir damn baa exerted from a dim twilight peopled with vague ebadows and pbantoiue, licds and fiiaots and Heroes whose loves and wars are wiitten in tbe Iiiad an J odes of the race. PiT. there is no Kouiulus and Kcuma Lus:nes about tbe United Sta'.ei of America; ucue oi i's foundeis were suckled by wolves on the banks of tbe James .or the iubo.-pitab!e tlivrve cf Massachusetts bay. Tbe forty thousand Eogiiebnien Lo migrated to Virginia aud New England in tl:e firtt ball of tbe ceventeentb cen tury are no strangers. We know tbeir names, where they wee born, why thev cia,e, tlie Uay aud hour they landed and .'iut they did when they set foot or shore. W'e know, f.r they have lolJ up, tiit MacFachoeetts was discovered by a.ciden; ttrd ee'.tie.: by mistake. The l'ilgtims did cot intend to land al I'iymoU'.b, ar-d they would not have remained there could have gotten away, ru-y tailed for the HudsoD, aud afitr a tempeetuous voyage of more tbau two oiootbs the Mtytlowtr anchored oil i Cajie Cud. ' trom jveuibcr 'J till December 22 they explored lite sunlc sea, and tLeu, land in g oa I'lyaioulh rock, loanded tbe famous colony without the knowledge cf tbe corporal ioo that claimed Ibeterritjry and without the sanction of the govern ment by which it was chartered. T,liey were neither ituucb better nor much wjrt-e Ui m the average Atneiican citi-s.-u:ti' y. Nv daubt they wanted tie right to aorehip Hod accordini lo the dictates of tbeir own conscience, but six days in the week tLey bad an incrvditily keen eye for the main chance. Tr.o:e eoivbre exiles brought iu tbeir cirgj many tliiuni that did not appear in the invoice. They unloaded from tiieir euai.up tue cicuieuis oi is civui.i- tion the most rapacious, the most arro gant, the njoa'. if leu'.lcss ever known iu tbe history ot coaukind. Those who tinned their nacfs to tiie cjuiptct of govt inii-nt iu tha' dingy cabiu releaeed social and political ideals of inconceiv able enetgy, self government, liberty if couscieuiT, universal cducatiou. Tbe same epint that enned that charttr wrote the I'jchratijn if Independence, tbe cous'itu'ioii, the I'roclauiatiou of limaticipition, glided the pen of Lincoln ntitdiea'beJ ihe eword of ('rant, trained the i;nr.s of l'ewey at .Manila and crested the epicn kr an 1 cpu!euce and power o the civili.ttioti of tlie i ineteetitli ceutuiy This pre: c iptiims l the pioneers were simple. Thi-y i-iu ueitlier drearu ers ,i or doctrinaires nor philosoph ers. They were not perpltxed with theo ies nor alutraetions. They were tiad of kinp. They were fatigued with I o.cditary distinctions of rank and birth nl station. They resolved to build a date iu which all men bIiouKI lie politically viu il. r-r tho divine right of kings they substituted the Rovereii?aly of the pjiple. In the place of preroga tive! and p-ivileges for the few they put 'iua! oi'j'ort'jiiitiej for all. They deter mined to secure the inimical ditl'ueiou of social and political tights among all cil'K.'ns accompanied by siillicient guir- anteee for the protcilioii of life, tho security of property, tho preservation of iheity. T;iey proj-icU'l that the means of education ehonld be co estensive with the dt!.-iij to know and that tho condi tions of Imppines should be oinmensu rate with the capacity to enjjy. AniiivcrcaiieH aro lhc exilapiittion points of history. The mind taken tnys Iprious pii'iiMite in thfir roltirn. Tim birthday of it here. rei-iillH him from tin) iiiib and he liven H":iin in Ihn souls o millions who rebears-j his trluitiph ui.d dnploru Inn dentil. I'pon the ilii.l plato'.f imiioui (-ciiturie? are the hoiird, nd tl.otig'i the iAi-mith ceutiirv d e not hfvi'i till I.ukmi v 1 . l'JOl, it ia not mitpproprtatu to rc-iomit the v.b' aeliieVL'iUoiit of iJeiiio. ra' i: priu cipk-a in the huudrcd yiari nuw diaii to i heir close. I- is certain lli.it iu ISOOmot-l H.it'.iiinc alvocales of demcctacv had 10 rtiii"iii tion of the coming grandeur and t;l.,r y ef the Kepuhlic lis are w8 tlien much lees than etio tuiilioti Eipiare mile.?, which was more than doubled in ISO: hv t!:e euddeti auu unauibidized acouiriiiuii id the l-ouitiiaii.i teiritory fioui Napoleod, and has si me heea increased by purchase and coiiijaeat lo tlneeai.il a half miiiioi.s exclusive of cur Hjescsioii8 in the Wet.1 Indies and the i'acilic. It is far within hounds to nay that humanity has made greater prore.ss in the iat hundred years than to all tin six thousand that preceded. In eveiything tu.it makes life rieh and Valuable and worth living fur health, couilVrt, liPau'y and happi:it-rt ihu humblest aitirau tnj yj what kius co'i'.d not purchase with t lit- r treastirej a ceuiury ago. When Jobu 1. blair, who died a few weeks ago at niuety-seveo, was bom, it took longer t g' fioiu Bjtfioii t.) V.'afh ington tban it does hoc tJ tinVel from I New Voi k to San I-'rar.ciseo, and cis: him I half as uiiiebto uiaktstbe jjunie A 'lhnej were no railroitig nor seamto.u-i nor telegra hs nor tch phonee. Tlie i nly ui'.'aus ul puolic c u.veia'.u'o weie Htne coaches, e.iilnig veteeU and cai.ai b -a-.f . Comtuunicatiou by n.ail una ni-iaily costly and uncertain. Cincinnati aud St. ! Louis wcie from ier out pos-t', abd the i name of Ctncngo aas no' written in the ! gazetted. There was mt a iriaijn' match in the woild. Fire, the icdiejieus-1 able uiinieter of civilization. as its-! seti'ed by being covered in tlie mliee at tiir-bt or etruik from the Hint uod s;el into tinder. Illumination wus by caudles. l.':i!iiiiiy for light, heal and power was tinkuown. The awful horroii of turgery and the au-e of tlra-li had not beeu mitigated by chloroform. In telligent eaiiitatum and t- ii ntitu u-i'.n-tion had not U-en discovered, t .-.etyie writer, the eenii g luihine aint anci:! tuia! machine: were phaii'.otiit: f hope. Kvcrv acic of t'.im was aoacd broaJcast. Z',"L:;';::u,::r;;l'y! It iaditbcult tocvuci-lxe tbecutidi ions and iucidciita of .sUtence Lei, J.b.i f.i . . . . . ..I ... , i Blair was bom, and incredible that the ; . . ., . i span of a SiOitle life ehouid inc.ude Iheco - miracles of discovery aud iuveu'.iuti 1 y ; which ear h has teen robbed of i.s te i t-reta and the 1-kieBcf tbeir mta-eii.. I T. ...;i ; . i...:i i i i. ,: , between cosnaiaia'.ies eea:a'el by such .... . inseparable uarnt-rs ai Urem ai.il Ilorida. Hut time and diiUtiio i.-. am nrvtfj'v ,n the trjt s-vi- (firinl rn a . 1 o .1 , . I I . ri sion ol thought, tbe clUi ou t..e truneit of ourtelviS end our couimodiiici', cur manufactures and our hsivest. Tr.e conuoent has ffbrunk to a span. Tbe oceans are ol-lilt red, London arid Pari-? and resin and New York are ce v'-door ne'g'i borf. Tbe c va. aic in.t:is':uje-.ts of our) race have rendered Jemtcracy poeible ! Steam, electii:itv ar. I machinery bve! emancipated mi'iiocs and !tf! them free! to pursue higher ran?s of elTot!. I.tbor has become more rcaiunerative. Tbe floods if wealth has laisfd mj riads to comfort aud many to slllaer.ee A.D. 2003 eeemi remre, but the in - tt ryal will pasj like a vision iu the nibt when one awafctth. Ua who sball t!l ifa atnrv that rfiritanL ninrnir . rri n.. c.i. --j ...1 b'.y assure t beiu that the encro.ubments of capital have been restrained and ,l,t labor has its jast reward, that tbe rich are no longer slllicted witb satiety ror the poor :th discontent, tiiat we li ive 1 wealth without. oMentation, liberty with- out iken'e, taxation witLojt opressioa, i the broidest edacation and the least or j rjjt caof uianaers. rerhap3 not. lis can hsrdly record any great sdiitiocal victories over nator unless it lie aerial navigation. We Lave cut juereJ toe earth and the sea. Some twentieth century Edison may conquer the at mofphere. J-MIN J. l.CU.tl.LS. February Weather. Mean teaip. 13, hia-hebt temp. tJ. date. 23; loweet temp. :;0. date V2 greatest daily range temp. 'JJ datr 1J ; Latt daily range of tt-u p. 5, date 3; mean temp, for thi j month for i'J yeats, 4J; average deficiency cf daily mean temp, daring month. 3; ace a mutated vlv-ticiency of daily mean temp, tim-e Jacuacy 1, 77 ; avrragc daily deficiency since Janu ary '.j; prevailing vluection ot wind, uoithweat; to'a! uioveuieul of wind, L'OOii miles; maximum velocity of wind, di rect io a and da'e 17 SV ou I'J. Total precipitation 3.00 iuches; oum- 1 1 ber of days with .01 ir.c'i or more of pro ration, i; average precipuion for i month for years, 4.70 inches; t ital deficiency in precipitation during mouth, l.'O inches; total precipitation from Sep. I, lS'J'.l, to date -1.42 inches; average iirecipitation from Sejit. 1 to date, 21.9- inches ;total excess from Sept. I, ISO'.I, to date, 0.50 inches; average precipitation for 22 we! seasons, 33.33 inches ; number of clear days, ', ; partly cloudy days, U; clou ly days, If; dat-.'s uf frost. Tito. Gihsox, Obreryer. '-(iood LiHtiiad in tbe lakes aud rivo s still continues," eiyo the Klumatl) lie publican. ".Is exui us it gets a liltle warmer, probably in Yarch, tbo lish iu Loel Kiyer will be sj lliick that a man witb a ii(i'.li( jrk or ehovt-l can throw out a waiion-lo.nl in an hour." Tbe D.init In Cieek KailfoJtl to be built bv tbo North Betid Mill Couipuuy to tap a body i over uOOO acres of timber land w biv-li tliej comi'uriy recently cauio iuto pnsMfHion of, ia now an assured fact, Kys the Marsblield Silii. AH of the im portant rijtbt of way liai been secured, and th first length of tho roail to le built ni l bo six tnilrs. The road a to lift ttmail 0r&llLA atnl Ilia an.niniu 'in.l i-ilt- ,iJ'"J " w""uc,tJ "-J . Fa2Lt.0? V.'I3HIOVEaiHB j COUtciUpi.it iU of its uurn bias achcive- LlVIi. r. - : : i a tli- rntsrsemrnt ol j tuentsiu the uincteectlt rettury. tM-;.v. r ! i i :.! in - ut-.n ui ma- i If time ana r pic i sitfoi tied no in iV W .iru.n w.M.a and ., , i i . .. if . cuw tueo'.H io a, iina its n:-iral sue, 1 tbtv dil la li:0, the Utnte i !a.ts. , Tr T,r.. i 15. HE.WIS23S IS THS REGIOX ' covlJ not esiot under ubj goreruuieit. . oy -jji SPLSHS. T..- .-a be-.-nxea ' It wotild not It) possible to uUAtatn gr.a:; e:i.asM. HUDYAN iii :e.-a the ' unity of uoritose or ideal if r ot interest I or.seu-a aat the heaviness to disap- iiiu Mock bavR been ordered from tho Kurt. . aMM BO YEARS' . Vi -tr EXPERIENCE mm Trade Marks Copyrights Ac. Autoim PPHfllriB n nkPth nd drurrinllon m7 qnloklr tiscortiim ti r opinion frcfi wliethr an iiivenii'tn N prhBily pntentnMc. f'onmiunlr'a. ti.nRlrte( tycnnildential. HnmitMMtkon PMenta pout tew. 1i1am( ntfeiiry fur BtHrunnir pteiitii. 1'attMits takon ttiroiitrh Aluim Sl Co. receive Bjm uu not u, without charge lu lu Scientific Jfmcrican K Imm1nmrlf lllin'rnted wprklr. I.nriMt rtr "iil.'ilten t( nnv orient itir Journtil. Term. $3 a "if I'i'ir months, fL tulilbyall rewadralera. ViUNN & Co.36,Brad- New York lirn-u !l imi irjj F Pt. Wasl lotion. 1. U Notice for Publication. f NI1KD riTAiKn LANUUKFCK Ko.lli un. Ore . K. hriinn- ?n Nulne is licroiiv Liven that the folloiviim i XZt!;Xti ttcxZ? ' Hint jmxif will be mi.lu before the lieoiM. r ml Kci elver I ntted titale- ljind Oilice hi Kwi'-liur,On-k;oii,oii April II, l'..i, viz IttL'HEN K. SMITH, on In-. II. K. No. ri7, for llieri. C. 8. F k7'v 0,1 11,0 N' E'' S1:-'- '--'hi.-;& Ho uain- tho rolluwitiK nitiuvn lo prove his ontiniiiiiia rvsidfiice luu.n m,.i f aid lan.l v: VM MiiL.r i..i... u....n Miles, audi. I. Bn-uir, all of Mvrlle Creek. I 11 1' J. T. BEIIXJES, ln-BlMer. It tUo re.-ult of r. po-.l J acuta attat ks. Tba liver and fiieen nrini ipaliy affected. ' They act as storehouse for the malarial j oion and takes It from them The t oii-on murt ; I driren ojt of ! t Ihrtytlcro. HI D- ! VAN aiil de:roy ' the action of th iiison and creni ual'.y drive out lhc from tba vi:cmi. i Iu addition in thi. ii tnvAx will r'-Mo-r the i !ut jp e. It will bull', up l he weakened lyt'.em. Ill UY AT will ( mute now llool I u I : di..; ll r. . . s;n : i. Thr p;iu:i In th bone iil i ifftiYAX hJ cur'd ether and I . i. We .1i-"-ritc the fvmptom. , .r itiKj-. Ihcr ar yourv 1 ! :i: -, b-it lak? lll'UYAN now! n I i HERE ARHOUR SYMPTOMS: 1- COr.'STAMT HEADACHE ASDi IBOUBLta BRAt:r. T.k- HUDYAM j 'i ' f'-'ir li- u nisi '!i"Hr. , -,. . nr 1 2 3. PALlt OS YELLOWI3H COM- j PLEXIOx. HUDYAM aiUeataMishafree Cir. -i:st;..:i t.f pu-j b".l an 1 eaj) lb checks a-ir-. tic.-ir :: u.- !.r. j 3. L033 0 7 A??E ?iT2 AHD OS AW ! ISO IS TllZ STOMACH. KUDYAll a.!', i. d;. n:- aud !Us d g-.-tiou of f,...! .) U-co:-.- --.-'e t. , 'J I tie fr.-rn fhreni." Ma'ariaand I . fllUTAM ai.l tf..frt roar nd irk-- you fti ;I. Ul U. 1 n:r.. I of all dritsz-.su for .'. i j v c-in i ' iir . i t"' I '-:. !' !;- ir I.' If jour , , 111 AN KKMKlY t OMl'.IXV, sn Iran- ! rivc .:!oTTV l.ttinifr irai vo'i can i ioi r.i t.n. hi tiTtx uucroKH .;.( (':! :. l ; no dtn ion. X u" i-y call and seo tiien:, or rite, as you desire. Address HUDYAN REMEDY C0KPANY. Car. Stscktea, Marasl sa Ellis Sta Ssa Fraacisea, Cat. 1 II 1 list UIRECTtROflKT 1 j llxnt 3fia Utah j it I Ull Idildy Uluil. j i COIOfOUO 0 II Q 311 :' ! pl C t pnn PAjntC i LUOlCIII lUllllOa , 0uc1 -- t favorne loutc, via the SSur I i No Change of Cars Ou ill.- lVr;'..i-i! Chicago Glacial, tin- tnut ia ttc West.'" i:qutppcd Willi l'.l j.inl Standjpl !ci-cr I "i st NViv trlin.iry ;T"iiri-i Skvvr Sht1i l.ihniry-Iltiffet t'ars S.lf-i'i'lid I'inrrs !iin-;iN ;t t.t c;iitc) Kr.t' Kccliniiii: t'hair far- 'lViiifrt;ib!i- ".'"iii-lift- mill Siiinki-r Knt in Train i'.niipU'U'ly Vttihtilv.il ! fiiiiln-r iut rina,iirtj-j; u UIVAS, Af., l.oicLtig. J. F, O. Terry, Tri-v rn. aru W. E Coman, llv-D Act. t l.'l riirdiit tct: s:o ur. 11 fd Tic I s - j tho l l.l 2 t f rs i f 1 We Have the Best and Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS, '-y X-? K-H I I Pi ' 4 t . . Vi. The favorite of the Army and Navy. A few of the ships equipped with the Blickens dcrfcr Typewriter during the Spanish-American War. No. 5, $35- bt. Pa ul,- Gloucester, Topeka, Buffalo, Oregon, Texas, Indiaua, Potomac, Yankee, Frolic. All goods fully guaranteed aud sold on the installment Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Accordions, Autoharps. tuc imisical line can be had at EGGS An KKll Tbo pooplo'uf tho l'Hi;ilio Cont auut East last yoar over ?:.(J0(),(KX) in harI cusli for vhh ami poultry. Tbis reai sum of money ought all of it to bavo gone into tho pockets of Pacific Coast poultry keepers. It pays to keep fowls, bat they must be managed right No big ranch is necessary, thonsandri aro making money with tmall and Urge Hocks of hens in village gardens aud small orchards. Fruit growiDg and poultry breeding go together finely. THE PACIFIC COAST FANCIEIiS MONTHLY tells all about it. Not thousands of miles away, but right here on this Pacific Coast. It tells how to moke poultry keeping pay, how to build coops, how to feed for eggs, how to cure ! from poor ones, iu fborf, how lo make ! l! nl liintiaD. I, u L ;n,..,l..r.l.l.. I ui! ' ' iuiciuquio ,v a. ..u.y wnu ui oujr kiuu. ii is bri"; fu" "f K0,' IettdiDg i:atifally illn.traled. If you keep a dozen or a thousand hens you want the FANCIERS' MONTHLY. Take no'hiDg else said to;ie jtiKts good get the bebt. It costs but !iltle, Oce Dollar paysjfor it 2 year, or it will te tent on trial one year for 7-3 cents. Don't put cfT bubscriL-ing! Da it foJity Send one dollar for '2 years or 73 cents for oti jeur, to Churchill SEND US ONE DOLLAR our $38.50 , WONDER Jr- I r ' - j:-- ' l-V.Ti: t r : in I'.rv.i. let your. SCHOOL 3t- 1 ' k ' A ' 1 'mm ill il t - if M ti l We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Our Prices are Right. . . . A. c.TBters & CO. ywwwwvwwwwvww-v sF nVT 11 tOII IV" I TJ rT"rsTSJ C jaTu x a a j i i a isucressor lo General Blacksmithing r0TriNQ AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY. REr-AIKlXG OF ALL SIXDS PROilPTLY DOXE. eiliisp u is Corucr Wastalnictoti and Kane 81.. Koteba.x jCass Street Market ' Wholesale Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, F. S. Godfrey, 'Phone Main iSl. including CHICK HRIXGS, WKBER, KIM BALLS, NEKDHAM. Besides these we have other good Pianos but cheaper iu price but not in quality. I BL1GKENSDERFER, a?fV. J- the T. K. RICHARDSON mi Million LI v, dir-ea-eF, Low to tell good fowls money with hens. It's bright, prac- lul.n Lnnn rn.,l ,1 .... I I. 1 Ti & Wool ley. OT THIS in4 ib to is aira osi tXMia, "d," !' SPECIAL HIGH GRADC send you our i HI $38.50 STOCK SADDLE hf b-Clckt t. O. it. Mkiert t lIMluliM. YOU CAM EXAMINE IT TaT? pcrfrtl MUdidtr;. cxArtlj a rcffwilta, An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle and t!ieril f f Arf- "":tl ermrrwber t trak .&.a t ijt fr-i' -r-.t UOU I IMUl.. JU.JU, i rrt'J. -.a This J?arlr!lrt ia mcrfa on a I v. nr 16-inch Cenuino Ladesma or Nelson Heavy Steel Fork.... 1 j - ur cii;-ki i I v m:lf.ctk! mamup covf.kcb T 1 . 1 , bup3 or T'tii cnlie. Xf-r 1 lrMh.rec"Ttl miitup itu' i oxtvw Kr. booCMl, uacsuvl. Kilt Btlmfcw,Wiii4. . TREE IS MACE EXTRA STRONG fr. tt wool i im h r ;' iir. urr'n. I. alii n, I : iah rtri. e"r lora B i- iflr, ia-h 1 1 :CL-kl vr offHT ItftTjr r-tlon iw:?rl Vfiiraf -i -h front cuvn. fcT e.Tii fcC'tiry f an' -tnh. cucc-jctiss t-rsp. Loop cat, catad yney ail ore l. fLECAMT HAND RAISED STAMPING As tlli3-t-r.t. WcifTRI. f rmS4l bwf S.' fMW t''lir.l I'.r .lr.t. I" IHMiitd.-, tHUattll IS OTILT ABOlt ii afiK toll toe !!.. WRITE F0 FREE VEHICLE. H1RHESS AMD SADDLE CATALOGUE, itooino; a fall lieecl Comovftnt Rancher OutUti at t loweit prices no tooted. A.ldrvi. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICA60, ILL. 9Mfi, lutin lawiBHiy itfjia. mmt.) SUPPLIES At Marsters. ia. a a -s. x i( O. w. XOAH and Retail Dealers in Props. V. r' 1 HI B f. - -Tf rl No. 7, $50. The Blickeusder fer is rapidl dis placing the more complicated aud higher priced ma chines, as it does the same work equally as well (if not better). 40,000 now in use. plan. Baud Instruments, Iu fact almost anything in M ipiii STORE Notice for PuMIcalbn; ? CirrraoBTAT s L4jn orrics jf" i , K'toT--, O eon, Jan. ',2 i N I N'-tice U hereby Riven that th tolo j nauiol rettler naa filed nolic of hi in-' 't make dnal proof ia mpport of hUCair hat ail proof will b mmiU before lhai trana heeelver, United rtiaten Land ol ! Ibmubun;, Oregon, on Mart n s, vm. f U: V i.HAkl.KH i t. auu cu H E No 711. for th S t y. Ki. W; 3 t S Vi 'iS -ell.T2 at 2 W.' Hea& tneioilowlnKwitw-siM-fltoprore biaeottif riilence iijm anil eulttTction of uld 1 t. Tipton, ofCilidf. Op-son. . T. BBIIXiES, KegijU:r. Railroad Time Tabic. Northboand Eoaoorg; local, No. 17 departs 7 :30 a. m. Koothbonn'J Eoaebonr. local, So. IS, arrives 5 -.20 p. m. Northbound overland, N. 5, ar rives 10:3.3 a. in.; departs 10:45 a. m. bootUDoana overland. No. 6, axrrrea 4:13 a. m.; departs 4:25 a.m. FBEIGHT TBAIKS. Northbound fast tbroozb freight. No 221, arrives 4:10 p. n.; depart 5 0 p. m. Southbound fast through freight, No 222, arrives 7:00 a. m.; deputa 8.-00 m. Northbound mixed train No. 222 arrivaa at 2 -55 p. m., Sondayt, Wedneedavs and Fridays, departs 9:00 a. m., Maodan Tbnrsdays and Saturdays. eontnboand mixed train No. 22Sar rives at 3:00 p.m.. on Sundara. KIob. days and Fridays, departs 7:15 a. m. juonaaye, innredays and Katordajl. CHURCH SERVICES. Xstrodist Carsca corner of HaXa aadlaaa slreeta. Sooday Berrlce: FreacMac, tl a. ta and S:00 p. m.; Sabbath school. 10 a. M.: h. Walker, Enperlatendeat- Class Vestiai at class of the morning sertlee; Xpworta laaaw 7:00 p. m. r. 8. Godfrey, FrraiAcul. Prayer Keeling, Wednesday, at 7: p. m. - . f - - C. K. AXuolJ), Title, I Paraoaace, corner Mala aa4 CxiTsit Bunux CircacH-on Fowler itRcC 5unda serTlce, at 11 a. m. and 7 JO p. m. rraj er mectiDg. Thursday evening. . Stra. UicT M. Cctuj", Pastor. Hi. lcuss Cm Caen. Corner Can and Xain streets, be rr Ices oa second and foarta Bundar morDing ol each month and ereryBaa CTenmg- Special serticca annoonead Irosa "sac lo time. Ext. Josus Dawson. VisakMury. M. E. CacacH, SoniL-bcitrioeasTCTT Soaday .-of BiDf aad CTcnlng. Rxr j T COTTV!t raalet Bxrrist Cut: a. n comer of lane aad Sosa treets. Sunday tcrritc: Prcachirx at II a. as and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath School at H a. bl, O. P. Coahow, soperintcDiicat. lrayer meeting t 7:30 Wednesday craning. 8. A. Ductus, Pastor rixj-T Cuktimxs cm sea-Corner of Pins and Woodvard streeu. gaadar serrices Preaching both morning and evening, Soadajr school at 10 a. m. T. P. 8.C. E. atiJO p. ns Prater meeting each Wednesday eTening at 7.3). A cordial welcome and greeting avails a3 W. A. Wooa, - Pastor t - FixjT Paaaarreaixs fire ecu Corner of Cata and Rose streets. Sunday aerriee: Pnblkr vorship, 11 a. m., ant 6 p. jbl; Sabbata school, 13a.m. T. f . 8. C E. t 7 s. . Prayi-r meeting, Wednesday- crrning 7:39 ot- J. A. Towjiaure, laator Tax W. c. T. C. m UI hold its regular meetings on tbe second and fourth Mondays of ererr -month at 729 p. m. in tbe Kprorth Leago rqom of the If. X. Choieh. - ' O.R.df1CO. Lkriai Asjoatr ! Fat ! Salt Lake, Densr, 1 1. Fast Mail ' Worth. Omiha&a a- Mail Sp.ni. sasCitvuLra : b i- C:16pjau I caio fpofcaae WailaWal a lara-iston, : 8pokaa Flyer Spokane, JUnoeapvlis, ; Flyer 3:tip. ia. St. Pan!, Uulnth, Jail- Sa.au , waakie, Chicao and ! East. i sp. nu i ocs ST-ajuir Sp. m. ' AU Saillns; dates subject! " tocan(u. For San Francis : SaU Svc 3, S, 1J; IS, 3, and ero-y 6 da j . . , Daily Cuix-bm Riv ysmnai EiiunJay Snuiu tii s p. nu To Astoria and IF ay- i Saturday Landings. t U p. ta. I s-n. ViairrTa Bivsb w Ex .Suuvlay ft Orvaon Citr, Xewbcrg. i salem Way-Land a I a. pi. Wum And Yxx- 3 (fiv-ihur- uiix Kit a a. o. audsaU Oregon City, Dayton a? and Way-LauJinjs. 1 ' t t a a. in. Wiua-rra Rivo j.- Tues.Ihurv jio, aud ?at. Portland to Cortallis and ana i ana nay-Landings. I H I LcaTe S.XASJS BlTSB Kiparia to Lcwiston i r Kipaxia 1 iu a. iu. Daily J. F. (iivans, Agent, Kusvliurs, Or. V. H. Hurl! Uen. l ass. Ajrt., For Hand, ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIQ United State Land Ofncva KvBBCBts, Oregon. March oj Notice is hereby given that ia corns iih the provisiont of the act o( Cong June .1. 18, entitled "An act for the timber laii.is in the States ol California, (J Nevada, and Wajhinston Tern to . t ANDREW J. DASSON. f Of Ashlaud, County of Raylleld, State of V has this day tiled in this oflice his statement No. fe7, for the purchase of ihe S-ction Nv. 4, in Township No. 24, S No. j V, and will offer proof to show IT i.uujuiiiumiiiore vaiuaDle tor 1 la tii svuue man lor aimenitirrai parpcxes, ant. tahlish bis claim to said land before thc ter and Receiver of this office at Rosebur son, ou Saturdav, the 2nd day of Jnnr lie names as witnesses: J. C. Turney, L- wolf, of 1'ortlsnd, Oregon, L. Perdue, ai Any and all persons claim iuc advenvv aojve-aescribed lauvl-v aro iwiueateA their claims iii thia office on or before s. Reg Notice for Publication. I United States Land Om Koseburg, Orecon. February 16, Netn-e is hereby given that In comr with the provisions of the act of Cong June 3, 17!S. entitled "An act lor the sale -ber lauds in the States of California, c! Nevada and Washington Terrfiory - t KKIC W. KAiAiLt, of MarshfleKl. County ol Consulate ot U has this day hied in this odice htf sworiv nient No. s4 for the purchase at the lots NK'4', of srection No. 3, In Township Nor. Ran ire So. 10 W., and will ofler proof tvi that ihe land sought is more valuable liuibor or stoue than for a,-rli"jluirl pu aud to establish his claim 14 said land t the Kesister and Receiver of this office ai burg, Oregon, on SMiiurvlav, the 12th vlav C ItM. He names ss witnvis: Albert 1 of Maixhlield, (iv,-on; A. t. Kardcll. af . Uclvl, Oregon: W. If. Siiulh. of MarshtieltJ fon; Geo. II. Herrou.of MarhSeld. trefi Any and all persons claimini; a.lwr-.- I above-iluseribed lands are rviiuvstvxt I" S! .. 1 aims in this office on or before said l2Ui ot nv.l i'l. J. T. bhliaiR.-!,