AelaUclVcparatioaror As similating BsfToodaivdRcguJa tirig thcStomachs aolBovels of Rtwnolcs "Kgestion,Cheerful-messandRcst-Contains neilter OpiutfuMorptiine nor Mineral. ISot Narc otic. la.lm Smi- IhAiswim Jmc A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Compulsions Jeverish- tuess and Loss or Sleep. " TacSinale Signature of TEW "YORK. XXACT COPy OF WRAPFEB. " Society IfccUaga. DOHEBORU DIVISION NO 476. B. OF L. S. mceta every second and fourth. Sunday. timuicv-K Rki Trv raupii icr in utrn) W Inl ud third Fndava in earn month. v ft EKO POST, KO. , U. A. R., 1IFKTS TBI ant and third Thursdays of each month. m z p. ai. ALPHA LODGE. KO. 47. K. OF P., MEETS Terr Wedncsdar evenine at Odd Fellows HalL Visiting Knichti In rood standing cor- iiaxiy inviteo. io aiiena. JOS. MH'El.I.I, C. C C. II. FISHER, K. R.S. LAUREL LODGE. A. F. A A. M., REGULAR mocuncs the :M and 4U Wednesdays in cacn Bionm. EUGENE L PAKKOTT W. M. .T. Jkwirr, S'ecy. D OSEBPRG CHAPTER. KO. 8. 0. E- 8.. MI ITS lx- the tint and third Thursdays of b lata. M Ka. E. i. SiTKOf L, W. V. MAUDE KAj-T. Sec y. JOOEKX Wl)tuf AMERICA. MKtt on fir.t and ihitd Pnedayof each month la the rid Masnnie ha'l. II. W. 34UJ.LS, V. C. tl. I .Makstkk, Clerk. IVHIDMES OF THE ORI.l. Oak lar.: No. U. meets at the Odd Fellow' HaU IB Koscliunt, every 1st, 3rd and oth Jloudaj crcninf. isiting neighbors aiwaya wcicome. J. A. BUCHANAN, C. C. N. T. JEW El T, Clerk. PEILETAEIAN LOtKrE. NO. 8. I. O. O. F. Beeta Baturdar evening of each week al ineiruuin iraa reauw leaspie at boaeonrg. Men ben of the order in good t landing are inrit K. T. Jewett, Bec"y. f P. O. ELKS, ROSEBCEU LODGE, KO. 135, u hold their regular oommunicationt ai the I O. O. F. hall on reevnd and fourth Thurnltf M each month. Ail member! requested to at lend reieaiariy, and ail visiting brother! cw- ataue tuTiiea u aiiena. 10U0LAS WAITE. E. R iltB. KiIDLE, Secretary. DOSEBCEG LODGE, KO. Is. A. O. C. Av saeels the second and fourth Moodav rtcfi month atTDD. ra. at 0.1d Fellow Hal tesabeta of the order ia good standing are Io nian u ixen,i 1 T I . 1 f v. .. w Recorder. Fineucier NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United stite- I.xi Orr: i. Rieiiin:. Orecon. Febniarr 1 1! K:ioe i hereby civen thai in comt. nance with tbc firmisioB oi ihe a-4 ol Cmigrc- d June ard, l7t. eutiucd ' Aa act for .lie ah- ol luaber land? iu the Mates of a.rorrua. Crenon Nevada ana animum lernbirr OLAF M. OLSON' Of Wasl'burn. l ountvnf BaTheid Maie of Wis enniiill. haa I hi dnv f : i ( in t h i. (,li .-j I , i . ..... n iiesani o. iv. lor the purvtmsc ol toe I " oi section o.ia in rmminpjo 2 south I XLMU&m .-.O. a 1BI, aim mill ,Ji;eT fllOOI lit SHOW I tnat toe land soueht Is more valuab'e for itel timber or trnc than for aiieultural numi, I and to eUblio his claim to said land before I the Reeistcraud Receiver of this oSicc at K-?c-1 wirg, regon. on 1 huradsT thcSdavof Msv, I !.?. He names a ilne-so: Sivert Oie. of I W'ashbnni Wisconvin. Jacob Jobnvin, of W ah- I mirw, niM-ontio. u-sr i.andrecn. ol a-h-1 " "moer or sioue man lor acricultural pur Hurn. iv.-ouiii, Dand Kcdlaud. oi Wa-hburn, I I'O'''. and p vsiabUsb bis claim to said I.nd nuconsiD. Aurand all riaimine advenlr the I alvc-lovrltcd lands arc remedied to hie their I claims in inj oiuceouor b lore Mid s dv of I May, UiJ. J. T. BfUDJE- ntp U'-giste, Notice for Publication. I'niled SUles fjinil Office. llosEBi a., ore., Mr..b, 1. l.V NotH is ucTeby irircn that the fe'lowins name.i etth-r nan tiled uo'iec of hi inn-niion to make final proof in support of his claim, aud ibataaid proof will l luade belore Recistcr I aiidRi!iciverraitds'aUUndomcTat RoNt-1 burc, Oregon. on Ai-r:l U. li. viz EMILY J ENTERS t.nncrly Emily J. Toruh. ou her U. E. Xo. no lor tne . w. see s, ip. , S. R. W. Mse name loe fol.on jng witnesxes to prove ber continuous residence urou and cultivation olsatdlaod vu: J. K. iisnn, H . H. Tliomi. I J. l.flhIWjt?. 1 v cwsisicr. Points East. me "roitland-Cbicairo .Social," which leaves the Union depot at S p. m. ilai.y i-equipped wub ell let ly .up-to-date 5 ?oi"; ,!' "'r's- 'ractionul lots No i l. .i i . , "land.ioi Section Xo. 2. iu Tp)S Rt, e,t con. r-soin ruilmao sleet.lri; cars, and free taluins li. acres excei.tius; Iro... Tthe ab?.T,VH" re, lining chair, ar,, n,eau, heated electric lighted. The European ulan I rcVn'1, 1 acre i.d utSch .oi n, strict x.. -n-- . . , ' " I ai the DouaU li LiukI Claim nf Jul,.,-, ,,Ti' dimoe car service is a sjecta .feature of r 'lcn Catchin No. ,.; bci:iK part, . rxcelleoee on tl.i hr-.e. Delicate china. I tl .were, vit.esw in.. first cs coking and at'eolive Bcrvant add to lort ol travelers i.oj livui I A new library car i attached to tin o i trains. AS me name indices, llieee cam are I HUM op as a Horary and readinir room . I uousuira --ui.HiiiM.1: au me Standard I n . . . ,i , . r works, the current perolicals and daiv 1. papers are at the dieoH (,f ail first and second class pa'ei.j:r!'. Time never hane heavilr mi tlm sengere' himls while traveling on this train, and riefore on is aware of it the train pulls into the Union detiot at Chi cago, For lull information reeardiun the movementlof these trains, rates, etc call on or addrees V. A. St'llILLIXU, Portland, Or. Or J. F. Given. Kose'jirjr, r. "I am indebted to One Miuuto Couh Care for my health am! life ft cured me of lung tronble followinir jriippe." Thoosanda owe their lives to the prompt acuun ot inn never uiliti remotlv. Ii earea coughs, coldn. croup. brorchitiM "e d throat and hn. I'"" , . ' , 1 I " lT . ' 1 . . ""'K t - ruuoie;. its ear. v. prrventH con .. . . T.T . , 1 juio.iuu. it ih me oiiiv iirmiei.i reni I thal. irivon immoili-ilA roanlic IV'Vt For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always . Bought fa Beaxs the Signature of . The Kind You Have Always Bought, ill ItietKTIB. GPMMNT. .t TO t'TT. Notice for Publication. i nitotl Slates 1-aud Office. KosEui e;. Orecon. February stv. I-M. t Notice ishcrcbv gien that the follow ini:- namcd settler bus filed notice of his k make tiual proof in support of his claim, and I make tiual proof In aupno: Inn Ml 1 I U5i,t iJ Proof l mde before the K-gi ; r ' n,l Keeetvor 1, S. I anrt lrtif k,-m..,iit n-i Keccircr. L s, l-aud Oflicc at I 1 In 'i"!!!! .til 3 1 lui.i , . vnegon ou Msren irw, ru: KOTT LANDER On H K V.. for the E. SK' .. SV : l SV . E1 St . T 3'. S. K S ' He names the louowmjt itn;s'5 to prove Cis coutniimue rc-siaeneo ion and cuaivnti.m of Rtud i.tna viz- WUiiain J. Lnndor. Archibald O. i:wcif Melrose. Ores tin. W: li. Hunter of Vxnit.ui Oregon, Samuel Alexander of CIcveiaud, ore- "011. J. T. liUIlx.ES, Ke-isur. Notice for Publication. Cniled Mate Land Otliee. K'KBi r.., Oresiw. EebrnarT -t. l:i Nuliec ir herebT siven thnt lae'foilnniiiff nacied settler has tiled notiee of his iruetitioii to maketinal ro'( in tupori of eiaiir. acl that said proof will be uiade tetret!ie l:ea! terand Keceicr, C S Laud Oilkt at I; im I.ii.t. On-Rou iu March I'M-, vir- W1L1 I AM J I.AXnEK On H. E. X.. . u.r the X', XW-. E . S X E'4 s . T t, It a w. He name the follow in aitnesse to tirove h, sntiiiuiu residence njon and cultivation of taid lnd, viz: -SiJtl Ijiu.ler, Archibald O. Kosv, Mel rie., W. II. Hunter of Wardtou, OA-jon, a'Jiud Alexander of Cclnad, Orecii. J. T. BKIiXiEs, I" Kegis'.cr. Notice For Publication. Vsnen St irts Ln Outer. UoM burc. Oregon, Fehruary Hie. u ueiei sum mai in roinpiiaace mth the pro. lMoc ..f the act of Congree. of fuiui'i - au aci lor tue sale ol tim ber laud in the State of l alifomi. nr...,. Nevada and M'ahingtoB Territory " ANDREW K k-!:mii of Marhtield, ounty of Cos, Mate of Om-iIi, has this day hied in tbis oflice h s norn nate lucnt No. WO. for ihe purcba-er.f the lui. s, i. S'. KW'i. of Seetion Xo. , ia Tnn!i:p No. -T SontU, H.,nge No. Jtf W.t. and will etler pnwif tothow that the land suucht is more valuable for its umber or stone thsn for agricultural purposes and to eUbHsh his claim to a:.l land before the Register and Receiver of tbisorticeat lojebunt, Oregon, on Saturlav, the lith dm- of May, lyo. He names as wituesxi.: Albc-t 1 e;iy. oi Marshheld. ure-.-on, W. H. Smith of, Orecou,E. W. Kardellof ilarshheld. Oregon. Any and all nervous elaimini; advenier the above-deseri bed lands ar- re-ioesteil to tile'their rlaiui in this onice on or before aid I.'tb dav of -va;, i:w. J. T. BRT-jGEs, Notice for Publication. I'.MTtD bTlTrvs Land orrp e, . Ii0M:burc, Creiron, Fen !... with the provMon. ol f the act ..1 .aire-, of -olie Is hercbv fflen !)i.t in,.-,lM..... u"e . ie.s. cnmiea "An act for the naif of iauua in tnreiaici oi lainoniia, On-von - ' " "-oiugoil JeiTUOIV, . . r ka k . f OTTER "t A-hiand, Lountrnf Ahlnd hi.ioniu , uu,':n. has this day filed in this oS;c.- his nurn statement No. M?, for the pup liasof the south ea.i ijuan-r, oi section o. lo, in I ow nhiuXo. !;,ulh, Ranc No. :! West, aud will oiler proof J ?ow that th': land w.ujrhl is more valuable io. ioiciue i.-c;t;er an-i Ketcivcrof thmofh.-. l noseourg, urecou, on rriduv. iheihilrr April, lie iismci u ;uii'.vi! vh..i : uim "i "anuuru. Hi., John W H. l "aui.urn, Charlie ci-rt. of rani,, i. i. lieu Oil Ot W.wlUlid. " 13. Anyandall ncrwiis clai'min- .1. n aljove-ilecribcd laudn I a i. ..- . " ' V1", uue oa or bclorc ia jrtii lnv oi J. T. BKI1U.ES . .. Kesitcr. AdminicMlnrc Vs: t o AQmin,stratOr S Notice of Sale. VOTICK IS HEREBY OIVES THAT BY MR. tue and In noriiatir ,i i , of the Conniy Court of Douelsa Countv. ire- tou, uu.y maue by the Hon. Joe LTous.Jn.iee day of September lrj nrderiior in 1 IM I nilrl s..J I - ' . . to the Estate of Karl K a.- ti.i . said admini-.traiorn ili i.r..o...i'i.. ...n . . after the lirst day of March, lim at riatl. ...n. or cah iu ban J or part cn.h nd cn-lit. upon tbc m'.i uremitu-.. in on,. ... i.. . ' -- - AU BlTlliriliC parcels mmy be for the 1-M intere-ts oi N,i. tlic lodowinj; described rial properly, 1 tie Dllllltidll l.lllt I'luiin ..I U I, ,r . - ; . too ii iu . US VI- Kins Xo. 4i Notification 4 Vi Tt. :st a ii .; r.'1". in. Tp. :w s R o West excei.tine fr ,m iXXe . . . tiaiin ii iiiK aiiQ Demi; on theXonh miA ..lul... l..l.. ... J . . 1 . p ' u h . i r nerel"u'r: conveyed to Win. L. U Nicfaoih: also .si of an a. re heretofore eon. veed to A. Jf. B. atv: slo-i i-r..,i . i. " . v .1 '17':'''- ncrei.iiore cmeved to "uu coineyeu 10 .-anaTm and iilinori: nlkTi Iil:.n (.i.. i v 7' L- . 1 . iel. -No- tt,. i to be ol J containin-- 1 - iiiw" wniici'. I,, i . ,1(1, 4 iiercny "lecril,fd ) res: al... tl... .. "',ll::.s "t ID . .l BUI, e-t coiitaiUlt)!.' Pi.J l acre. - at... n... Ue,t coiitail,,,, i,) acr(., aNo Illo N : u ()f h J E . ttioii . in Tp M S K ii West contnlu- llllf 4ll ll.-nf. a I i.l V.. I t .1.... .. . . . . - - - ..'. . nun iuc J3 r. : o th,. I 'f'V'l -"V:'" SR -t containing Jim.!. ? f-",J '"'"" beiiutoituat.. In Dougla. Countv Oreoli ar ... , . i,ii.V., acres more or leu Ilat.wlat b. , , , . . . February, : """'. nm day f :;0. W.I'AKTl.R. ElilEI.'F.HII'l.' i L-iMML-i Admilli.-tlNlor. of the I -int.. i'l'..i'l- i Ueee.e,. "' """"""""'., Notice for Publication. I tiit-il Kat. Land oitic.-KoM-burir. Or.. K. l.nn.rv -t i .... X'olie i-. Ii.-reby kivcii that II,.". f.'.n.... named Mttier hsv litel not ire of his intention io make lnoil nrf in .111,1.0, 1 of lii. .1.1... .. .. , tbiit snid iiroof ill be made bclor,. 11,..' li..-' and Iteciver. t'. s. Iaii.1 OHien .1 H.....1 Oregon, on March II TK..1 ' ' OK A XVI I.I. E S. Mi" III! It V Vft kJ.., ... ,1... , .... 1 Vll'l VI wii I - .... ...'' " -. . ... ... ..... v,--.., t m co-. i r ' . K. '' 4.-- 2 I, -"1 - D., li. 4 M . names the f.iiion ing iviiiiccM H , prve hi ' der ,!ru"''l'u 'l!lli'tio11 of ! ... ('Ulllllliiouh anilaa - l. vl; J. F. Thomasou. Ilorhm SI,oP maker, of itotiburir, Ortirou. William Tim..,. I.,.,... U..r tr ,i.:i,.l.. ....... . i ...., v " J. T. Kltllil.E.S, AW WW 1 1 POULTRY YARD. How to Keep Poultry. Every lonlity ktvirr t-lioi!.t loiui in- berthif e ratil'tir.-. i ( il.e nios' esseutial I'oinls o I'e fntirnl in lie tuananciiieii'. util taieuf jMHiliry, it fiic- C ?s desire I. Fowls nu' thrive in x iJir'V, foul house. Tlie 11 m r i-!k uld be ket't eorupti lously ileunatid drv,atl in- w nllu cliottlil be wliite or liiue-WHs-heil tao nr tbrte times a yeiii- to prevent lice an t uther lu- Beet 6U from k vittir tio.itie. 1UJ me'ils are itijiiiiou, t ot on'y to the uwti er, but to the fjlt". Some sacked lime hotiM ;it nil uiihm be k'jit in a box ner.f at hand bi ill i. eonie ( it m il be scat tertd ov-r ti.e . rt . ( . pi j. ll(ul injurioua bud lis wilt t.e iniiiflifd I'otihry kept iu dauiji at i! ditly t iluali jua are easily attuked by ctnb, and lb a often ads in roup, wliiUt .M'tiiijs chickens confined in tolJ or dismal i Inces are liable to be attacked by scrofula. rou! try kft'nr3 cfu-u isp rieueo a dillicully in eccurin; a dry 11 mr fur their Stock, l.rick and ttone floors ate too Ci;d, and doors constructed ifiho for mer ruatciiiil iuib: e the foul moisture that is cast Uon A dry floor may be made by diniti otitlbo tite a fjol deep, aid then ti'lii'a this up with grav el ir I t'inl cliy mt prcsed down. Ov er ih: aticther coating cl grave! or cin-iK-r ai-lms may ! e pl-cd. tojfeilier with iiuie and wilier. Hie wli-ib: btin we'l mixed (and properly levied. Wooden ll.ore, ulttiuugli dry, jjt Jou! in time, and damp urieing frotu tl.u wai-binf; of auie, if cleatiliueES is 1 1 be recurcd H ol jectionab!e. All droppir.-its fiii t.l.t ie t i tui.e,! arav frciueiitly. If t.e food be ihronu on kul surface thepuiltry will swallo the tilth with it, and undotib edly seiiou? results wid sometimes er.sue. When fowls have an Ubluiiited icnte, I auJ ran S' whete they pleoae, there is com; arativcly littlo trouble with them, bin when they are cctifioed in a limited space t lit ir wellare requires considera (i m Itshml i I iinoible fir their excrtment, and this can only Ikj avtiJed by strict alleniiou to cleaul;neS9. It 1 as been proven over aud over again that a few fowls well hciK-ed, kept clean ar.d regularly attended to nil! prove much more remunerative than a larger number crowded together in at, innilli cieut f-iace. IVrthcs eliould a!was be plaved lvw. From eighteen inches to two feet is (suf ficient height from the tlxr. F'yiog from lrgli p.'rches is conducive t j oruieed feet, and heavy birds occasionally frac ture their hreaet l-oce. A pole three or four inches in diamettr, rpl.t in two exjua! parts, and hied with the round side upaard, wii! make an excellent crch. L)-y do.-.t or is an absolute ceceE eity in every Louse to that the fowls may roll in the same. to clean lhemeelv?s and get ii J o! ihe fleas cr ether parasites with which they may be infested. Where white fowls are rrated sand is prefetable to cinder duet, as the latter makes the plumage dirty. Fowls al- I lowed to roini at will, alway make dust heaps, and retire to them daily to enjoy I , ,, . i .i. ,U8 ,axary 11 a ul Feeding For Egs- litre iaa su'.ij ct that cne woul I think weald become tlrea iture from over use, hut yet it is one whicii U of ureat import :::ce, and if expeiiet cesa-e given, we are -it fearful that U" hi rIi can be said on I ie eut j-?ct. We fe-1 very uiocb as does the wriler in the Michigan .Fancier who eiys: Tne bet way oi icediog to Induce hens t j lay has uot been discovered as yet, we feel tare. There are Ilocks that lay well and flock that do nyt, and the difference is usually due to the difference iu the care and ijnality ot foot! they get. We have been interested in these rxatters for ' gt,J ' Uj8Dy ear8-Bna Bomeiimes we UlTS ! . i oeeu le lo ttiiufc l bat wekuewagrestdeal on ihe (object. atidjutt as we were consid ering whether it is our duty to give tie w orld the bent tit of our knowledge, or keep it for our own special nee, some thin): has turnei up ti convince u? that we did not know very much about it. (i-iifti; f.irihtr Ihe w riter gives some ex which wee .iisidfr of value and say A friend who gjt a mixed food made to order that wss composed of wheat, corn, oils, barley and Canada peas, told us on the q. t. that he was going to get Ijtofc;:3 in the near future, but the bene did r.ot seem to understand what was expected of them. They laid, but no better than they had got iuto the habit of doing. Then we bought a part of that Ux-k and turned them in our yard and did not feed them any thing bu' (ho ecrapes from our kitchen and those that tbe neighbors on oiher side thre over 10 them, aad the neigh bars hav ben p'elty liberal iu ibis re spect. Once ia a while we threw the hens some cracked corn or a little wheat an j -yjry day they got a head of sun flower seeds as a dainty. These hens were totuiion to fair Plymouth Hocks a year cl I. We have had hem six weeks and in that time they baye laid on an j average more than three-dtiarlers the number of eRi every day that tber were liens, and they show 110 signs of bs in we-uy of well doing. They baye running waler from tbe hydrant to drink, an-J there i a good place for them to get a dust hash in a place where we had a lettti.te bed in the spring. There is a plentiful supply cf grass in the yard for ll.e flock, and they take advantage of it. The; have a comfortable place to elsep, and nre net bothered with lice. They are 1I10 bett investment we ever made in the way of poultry, for we have all ihe fresh eggs we can uso in our fam ily, au 1 the cct ii nolhing. Wo belie' e it is the era-s urn! Ihe vatiely of food that makes Iheui lay. They get every thing, iroiu t-talo bread and cold potatoes to Fcraps of meat and bits of pies aud puddings, and can choose w hat they like bent. tine of them was killed a few days ago and 1-1 o was the Mtent hen we ever saw. f lart i.n I ird wt r- absolutely cov cr.dwith fit, and the judications were 1 lliai H e was avmir recu at v. T ln 1 the way, knocks the props out from un " " ' the theorv that an over-fat lion will , .. ' not lay. TV'e hojie 1'. Know iiioi.! jtbont feeding j Cots the baiter eho will !;, and .fth get i noutfh to make her fat !: ill eog litmi' t i lay. Poultry as a Tarm Industry. K rrvtary M rton wiiics tlmt bid 1). pattmetit is now enMKed in cullecijtii; etai is: ic upon t!ie pouliry industry wli -ii iiMinlied nro Ka'iliod that in .iiy who no think p .u;try cm no tiituie will be convinced id (he fact that llieie is something in it. And at the depart n.enr has pliiied the pouliry in iliiitirv aniotij; its important ! lat.cher, it, u"il in i be future tecive iikiio utiei: tion, and far mi rn will take a j-reaii-r ii. terettiulhe welfare of Ihii depurttneu'. Cur annual impoitatiun f r tlin pa-i sis years baa averaged lo exceed $1,200, OiX); countiuK our own production gives us a yearly ciinfumpiion cfovtr 320, (WO.000. Our trit nd. The; dure btenbcr of Kila- wortb. Kauiiite, ha been i-tiirii e; up (ho department. He induced Hu m Jo iu Vfstiga'e the poultry iu vari itm toreiiin CouutricH Ihionh the Auicriciu 0 inmlti. Cou?ut..r lep.irta No. l.V.) is more than half t::ken un w Hi ti.e rrpjrti id lLo poultry it.dustty. V make the follow ing cxtracfe : "Taken a a whole but liltbi iitttrett ia taken iu poultry ustde from b'une c ni eunpt::b. A feA of the cotitilriiH py parlicular altrii'i.jti and at.d poll try are exported in great number, whiiih affords ijuita an incumc to the product re. The kingdom of Heitfidm. a little lurir- erthuu tbcbtato ifVermiiH, exported iu 1SJ1 poultry and e-gs t j tl.u valuu if 1.1W.0JO. The Fti.ill republic of wiU-l erlat.d imp jr s fr j n Italy and Frai.ce i eiTitSaud poultry to U.u vjlm: of $.',tU aiOiOyearly, What is the matter Willi Ihe A'lieiictii frmer that be tuppU thU de niHiol to a grean-r extent than i7o,tn)j? the value i t poultry and egg-i in Fraiav i-7il tK)J,LfO tuily. From the manner rali!:g, cheap feed, cheap lind and Biicvt-i-s in learing which liie I'niied ! Malta put-ires tli -re ii no irin.ii al.yi Au.etiiuiii. lam.ot tike tlie Kiu'.iMi trade in tin p'olcct from Frai.c.-. Freights are high, hut they wii I :ns offset by the euccrM uf the American j breeder. The French breeder id cue-1 lending with I i li i 1 21 . I I ,t ! ln,ii..,ti r-nre. we, di.M,. d ,, .o, e,eip lecJ, el they tiinceJ. lotiiiclii's that a lit rj an piumi-l is! taken in rail ib poult 'y, there aaccete 1 attends them. The common p.-t.plo tl 1 tbe European Cbuntrits who follow raising of poultry are off cially and, educationally than t!io-e countries w hich tlo itut fillo thi- in-' dustry. There id iu the V,st one tf the bread-' It at. I. t.r ,r,.,. ., I 1 1 I ...... ...v. cuitivaiiou nl poultry l be found nj - where. It is au lu.-.r.tLSe. iodii!:rv and should be treated as such, fir upo.i it de - ends the lu'.ore of mmv a ..e-son. ' MCC.IV'IIU bi "ui, iur touiuilll and we etiould work earnestly and faiih - folly for the advancement ol whatever , . ,i,.t ourlian.18 tinJ to t.o, 8 that it mar le i both sjccessfj! and profralie. . Hens and Blackberries. v , i - i i ,, , ' luci; o we Vlitttd a UCy in I- docunty, Me., who we hd heard was makicg a sciccta cf poultry and i-u a'i fruits, atl lini much interested in the snbject we 1 ought an interview. We found the lady in ijiteelicn ta be a widoir with tbrte small children. A farm uf JO acres, ouc cow, two hundred heus, about a quarter of an acre cf tlick'orres. an ordinary farmncuse, a small barn and a hen house ccmpleteJ her worldly posstg- sbr.e. She told m thai when her hus band died thete was a morlgsg? oa the farm tcr tearly its value, and after rhe found herself alone in the world she be- . t , . gau to iock a rou a 1 lor some way or meaas to support btr childreu, and if possibicclear the mortgage on their Ittile home. JSiie thought of everything a wo man usually dots uuder like circum stances, ecc'j as washing, ironing, drese niakin?, etc., but nono of tue in ee med lo r ffcr any inducement equal to the de mand, and tbo finally concluded to try and do it On the farm. She kcew by ex pedience that she could mak; her hetis pay, and Lai an i leaihat email fruit i would too, if she could only mature to do the work herself. After considerable icjuiry anion;; her friends she decided to try blackberries, and accordingly iu tbo spring ni.t 100 plants and set them out in hen yards. When we were there the berries had jdst begun to ripen, and she told U) that she had j ist picked them the day befire, getting . thirty-two ijuarts, and the plants were etill.kadcd to cver-Vc r in;. I have never seen such blackber ries as those, they were all large and of fine flavor. The plants bad been set cut twoyesrt when we saw them, aud had never hadary cultivation or care ex cepting what lbs hens give. .Slje told as she kept her bens in the yar Js u jti after ha;ing, then let them run, shutting them out of the yards entirely, thm m-k ng the yards serve a doubla purpose. Her poultry h'jes were cheap, built cu the side of a hill, aud nsembleda pair of stair. Kich houso was aLo it 10 bv 2 feet, and Iberu were eix ot them y faced the southwest, and the yard e on the west sid. llerhebs paid .tr Jl Sti per head uboVd cxpeuses, giv ing her the neat little sum of ?;17J. From her blackberries she go' 180 quarts whicii she told at an average price tif 10,' tf' cents i-er iiuarl ut her door bringing her in f Iil.5o, which alicd to her poul try profits tnaka ft.lJ.oS, of which she saved (200 and paid o!F 'ha re natni ig mortgage. She said Ihe first year was' the hardest, and 6he had' hard work to pay fjOand the interest, but she has lust got things wlero she can hitidle them to an advantage. Her poultry is all pure blooded Plymouth Ilocks of the brown egg strain, aud she ehip3 all her eggs to Boston, getting from four to eight cents above the hcnie market price. Here is an object lesson it would be well form to copy, it ehows what pluck and pers'verenco can do, mid is no moro than any one might tl 1 under sim ilar circumstances. I. S. Cummings in Poultry MtiU-rpritjo. Some fouls are hard to keep uilhin bounds, others are easy. It is well reinetii ) r Ibis in making choice of breed. Let; w cu k n em in voting f,j Jh froniji.iuh fredinu and forced growth. MM 6o YEARS' (PS A 'rm, C0PVRI0HT8 AC. Anynninillng a nketrh and dnncrlntinn ma? quickly Hscertaiu our opinion free whether au Invention in probnhly patefitnhle. I'nnimunlrn. UniiaatrictlycoiitKlmitUl. Iliuidbookon Patents sent tre. OMet aeencr for aecurniir pateutK. Patent nkn thniuirh Munn A Co. recclre tl-rrnu iviikc, wii noub ennrife, in IDo Scientific American. A hniHlxomotT Illustrated wocklr. I.nrirmit eir--iilailoii of any Bmenttllo Imiruiil. Tornm, ;i a vi-ir: months, L Sold by all newsdealer. Fv-UNN g Co.3Gt8d New York I-m.icli Ortic.-, ifii V fit. tVml llluluu. D. C. Notice for Publication. tr SITED STATES I. A XI) OKFCE. KoKiu i:.i, Ore , February, 2h. lwi. is lit-rebv eivf ii th.r n... t.. Nutfoi named w-ttler has lil. d notice of hi, intent m .. i nake Enal prM, ,,, of ni, clal, .! .Vol k ., .' 11 . ,""1t' lH '"n "iHKer i. r.. , .! i --jiaies i.ana Ulhccnt Row tjurs, Or gon, on April n, i:mi vii- KEL'liEN K. SMITH ' on his H E. So, r.j.')T, for IheH. t. H F ' Ji.-Kn.ltl.cN.E.! N.E.; K. j.'xjVA He iiBiiRs iho follow iiiB nltnen-es to prove li. 1 1T! ' ? VJL"." V " "I-"" d cultivation Mili. ..-i r I idynn, Jiutu t reek. np J. T. BRIDGES, P.orihter. ClillC IfLff Is tha result of r.-pemcd ncuts attack. The liver snd rpleen ere principally affected. They act m storcli-mscs for tlio mslarinl j pwUon ,nh" tnkes it from them. The po!on must I driven nut of thetj-stein. IIVD V AN will destroy J the action of the j poliKin and event j "ally drive out the last particle of it I from the s;ste:n. , In addition to this. Dt'DVAX 111 restore the lost app e. It will Lull', up th weakened system. Hl'DYAN will nuke new blood n l ncr r. .ii. The pains in the bone will d;v; .r. Hl'DYAN' has cured others and It will cu;e joa. We describe the symptoms. I Study tlie:a!ly. They are yoars. Do not d !y lnn.j:r. but take lirDVAW now ami y,,u cill I cured. HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS: I. CONSTANT HEADACHE AND TR0C2LXL EKAIN. T. HUDYAN and your he U. he will .li-pper. 2 2. FAT-E OS YELLOWISH COSI PLEXION. KUOYAH will establish a free tir.-u'.a'i.m of par.- blon I and Cause the chocks to av-an.e i!i.r ih utk' r.-'.iK. 3. L03S0F APP2TITE AKDQSAW- I IHO Hi THS STOAOK. HUOYAN j r;,1 r.-.'r-. tii . ;;-.t:t ail the d.gesiion of fi-rl v. ill U-eo.-.-v j.-rie.'. i 4. FEELIl.-3 0FViaHI0VEaTHB ! . LIVEE : Tl: i ! ''.:. t ihe rnlarscmcnt ot j St '111- I Hith the poisoa ol isa- i ' lr.a. til iYV .:;: drive out the poison and 1 cau ;1 c'1'i ':l l " iu n"!ur1 ! HEAVIXE33 1 THS BEQION :0F7KS SPLEEN. Ta, ;-!rcn becomes j iU lessen the : ! ,-.., ....-.-..-.1 milYA rra'.l c j ro:is--:i. anl finf tbe hcarincss to disap- i f"ar- I You art :3 'r.u; fr "i i hrcni - Mlriaandi I yo.; b? Hl ov V will rehere tour ' ivint'tusi a i wen. mo-! j per i-v k-; i for !.' . If your I ! ilreeci.t iv ifi k p it, aeivl direct to the ' in m a kkmijiy company. sn Fran- I clco. 'fc.ifi.rrt! Keiember tst vou can I j roouii tii-; HI UV.t lUCTOR VltLK . ! i C. t- ' ,!e diM tor". You csv call aad i j t;.cn:.or write, as you desire. Address - HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY. Car. SloH, Mir! salt Ell Sw tss Frsacisea, Cat. I the iirect;sol"teti Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. ilirtli-c of m.i lavuiiie route-, via tbe I XMX l At iHC Kat Mail Une. or tbc KIO liKAXliK .-eeuli- Lints. No Change of Cars On the p. ifiltn.l ( hicaco Social, -'the llnit in tl Wi-sl." lliuipped W illi llhr.tnt t,nid;inl I iiii- New llnliuary iTi'tiri-t ! Sli-c.r ni rb l.ibr.try-l'.ttiTct ':tr. SpleinlM Piner t meals a la c.irtc; Fr.v Htvliiiiiig t'hatr t'ar C"iiil..rt;ibl.' O'achcs aud Smoker? F.ntire Train Cotuph uly Vttibulitl ft.. Iiu Ibcr inforins'irr'.apply io J. P. 0IVAN5, Agt., otcLi:iS. C. O. Terry, W. n Comau, Tr,. I'ltv.. aku. Ui Thirl St . lien Airt. Ten at o Or. i Iff i s- We Have the Best and Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS, '.t i 1. . . -.. f.";-i The favorite of the Army aud Navy. A few of the ships equipped with the Blickeus derfcr Typewriter during the Spanish-American War. No. 5. $35- St. Paul, (iloucestcr, Tope kit, Buffalo, Oregon, Texas, Indiana, Potomac, Yankee, Frolic. Y- 4 - :.J-4- All goods fully guaranteed Guitars, Baujos, Maudolius, Violins, Accordions, Autohgis. EGGS AN Mil Th'u ijeonlu of tlio I'dcitij Ooait mmt Eaht Iat yenr over ?3,00!),(00 in bar ! ca.-b for tga aud poultry. Tbis meat entu of moupy ought nil of it lo have gone into the pockets of Pacific Coast poultry keepers. It pay9 to keep fowls, bat they must be manuRel riRbt No big ranch is necessary, thoDBBudrt are making money with email and largo flocks of hens in village ' gardens and BUiall orchards. Fruit growing and poultry breeding go together finely. THE PACIFIC COAST FANCIERS MONTHLY tells all about it. Not thousands of miles away, but right here od tbis Pacillc Coast. It tells how to njhk potiltry keepinir uv. how to build coops, how to feed for eggs. Low to cnie dincf, Low to tell good fowls from poor oues, in short, how to make money with heu.. It's bright, prac tical, money making, invHluabIi to all who keep fo Is of any kind. It is brin; full of good readiog and.beautifally i!lustra!d. If you keep s dozen or a thousand hens you want the FANCIERS' MONTHLY. Tako no'hing else- said good get the best. It c ibts but little, Ot.e Dollar pajfor it 2 yearr-, or it will be sent on trial one year for 73 cents. Don't put ciT subset ibing! Do it today Snnd one doliar fur 1 years or 75 cents for one year, to Churchill & Woolley. eii : rxj MDinas'itiAii ;. .. r, ..y ,v..u arp n- ; . I " ' a.i I h.t ii ,o, in n,r -. i ; :l.;o f -r piin ricnirr rorilin41fi:f Kouw. cr . mutations .trie. s fear far.r!4l r;a p.crv I'IMIl -sr ' ..rr. rszm-Jr&rr'mmih' kM 4 3i -- -f i r -wr. IV H III UKIB hiUIOI tit.. ""t rri . T"K'4:Ii"S 1 r th it i llshil b..' hi nt!er ' v -: f i 1 " m??.-jS$rS I C....V.,V-V.I Get your. i.t--. -V V. SOLID QUARTER SAWEO 0K H Mil eimtT,Hs .i-tm. WiSt 1J5W-A SCHOOL SUPPLIES lZ" At Marsters. We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Our Prices are Right. . . . A. C. MARSTERS & CO. yvyvvwwwvvwvwvwvwvv ? WVI 11. iit w rsirS-rr-rxi V 1 i f " . a a 1 i-ai 1 a a a a .successor 10 O. W. NOAH.) General Blacksmithing rROTHNa AND RUNNINO PL.TES A SPECIALTY, REFAIRLS'G OF ALL KIND9 PROJIFTLY DONE. SSp aa Coruer Washlomoa and Kane Sts Uosebg.c 4? oa Corner Wasbloxton and Kane Ma.. Uosebg.c jCass Street Market I Wholesale and Retail Dealers Fresh and Cured Meats 'Phone Main 181. iiirlni1iniY CHICKKRIXGS, WEBER, KIM BALLS, NEEDHAM. Besides these wc have other good Pianos bat cheaper in price but uot in quality. I BL1CKEN8DERFER, " -- - H1"- " Miass' ' ...ttc . " ,i mm i " and sold on the installment , V-rrirp 1Z 'A W "sj- m. 1 Tl sssSIWsssssassafisfrss lit MILLION llll. -.A i M fc- i-f taaue k u t1". ln,c",Tour.'ivrr - hsrM. I pun k r T Kill MH.H i . jin trii ohriMl with lull lenelh tahl aod brad In plfw lor ilrnlminir fn.n r , A a iVfr ' "-wis iliAsASiES b.-fl 1 rkimtHnUBfi flni.h. flrt mMkcl draxreolla. rrt . Iner sajBLietmaie. rtiainKmylh Iruo KumL IM UnHMM ImI. positive f'HjrBVXi'rflfl. rtr iniu ...r .n.. a-inin. palrnl trnt-m Iterator tnnnfH 1-m ws-ti. u ' y r . i . w im.p,vrn ml.H'.L- CTTT. 4n( TitU- hr. Ta;rn ycs-l. Inl h IMaM, ImnlH mm nwM mm WaMlWly ,Url CUARAMTEEO IhlltlMlwlKiMtoMlinl w,rM "oi" '- mf- t'Tj aiutsaw k r.uM r. o..r Frea la- 3-rurroa Boclt !" 1'iM tnwmnti,nmrn ma It ajid d3tthT pUi or r.y ' :i mi i-'t -r;. 1 ! tw' KMNiUuwiimt tit. mt nvklM. I" C'.t:" fj.'iTlif'-'fi "rii(rt,iH,. -nmfrr : - - . - " v.r i . it t;vt i., . : . . , - -i ir tw ( 1.. e; rft : . - ' - r.- i ,.att-..1 i-.' in Fish and Game in Season, F. S. Godfrey, Props. FOR i Li" : iriv,c't'i? mm m No. 7, $50. The Blickeusder fer is rapidly dis placing the more complicated aud higher priced ma chines, as it does the same work equally as well (if not better). 40,txx now in use. plan. Baud Instruments ot : tie! In fact almost any thine in ion M 11 Notice for Publication I'atTKOtjTaTTs f.ssn min . R" ebunf, Orejon, Jan. 22. VMS-. notice is lurch-, eieen t J. at. i hu L.iu.lnj nauw-41 eiiier k f.leU uoticaof Jtis Intention .? pr.x.l in support of 1im claim, and IhaL .alii .,r,M v f 1 1 . a i.. , .. . .,, mvI ucioro ii. e ifceria n-rand Keeeiver. Lniteil Mate Land OfOceal heliun-', Oregon, on March 6. 1W0, viz I HAKLEH CLARK ' ''. N'' r th- S I ' r S E :, w K H e . , . , " . xie names the following a Itm sbes to prove his eonttuuou rcKideiiee upon and enlllvction of wld lacW C Tipton, ol Glide. Oniion. T P.Rrru.ya M Register. Railroad Time Table. Nortfcboubd P.oaeburg local, No. 17 departs 7:30 a. m. fcoothboun' P.oeebarg local, Xo. Iff, arrives 5:20 p. m. Northbound overland2o. 5, ar rives 10 :35 a. in.; departs 10:45 a. m. Sonthbound overland. No. 6, arrives 4:15 a. in.; departs 4:25 e. rr. FREIGHT TRAINS. Northbound fust through freight, No 221, arrives 4 :10 p. m. ; deparU 5 .20 p. m. Southbound fast through frtight, No 222, ariiTis7:0Oa. m.; departs 8:00a m. Northbound mixed train No. 222 arrives at 2-55 p. m., Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, departa 0:00 a.m., Mondays Thursdays and Saturdays. Southbound mixed train No. 220 ar rives at 3:00 p. ra., on Sundays, Mod. days and Fridays, departs 7:15 a. m. Mondays. Thursdays and Saturday I. CHURCH SERVICES. SlmioiHst Cmikc u-torncrof Ifaia and lau s'jeta. Hundsy Serrice: Preachlaj, U . n and 00 p m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. ax.; JU A. Walker. Superintendent; Class Keetias; at' cloac ot the morn ins; sot ice; Xpwortk Leacn 7:Wp. m. F. 8. Godfrey. Preaideat. Prayer afeetiiuj. Wednesday, at 1:30 p. m. ii. R. Aksold, Paatar, Parsonate, corner Vain and LaM. Csitck BkCTHMs CacBcu-on Fowler street, oonday serrlce, at 11 a. m. and 7 n b er meetins;. Thursday ertnins. Mrs. Lcct It Ccrur, Pastor. St. GoE..a Cai'acB.-Coraer Cass and Main street, aerrices on second and fourth Sunday morning ol each month aad erery Son creainf. Special services announced from, me to time Ear. j0m Dawson. Miimirjairy. 3. E. Cmikch, Sopth. -ocrrices every candaj orning and evening. Rv J T Cottox, Pastot BarnTCntrH corner ot Lane and Rortt iretu. Sunday service: Preacbiar at Ii a. as and 7:00 p.m. Sabbath School at 10 a. bl, O. P. Coaaow, saperinteBdent. rTaycr meeting rt :3 We.lncs.lay evening. S- A. DocuLaa, Pastor Fia-vr Cnauru5 CiicacB Corner at Ptnti and Woodward strceta. Sunday snricew Preaching both moining and erenisss. Swwday school at 13a.m. Y.P.8.C. E.MCJu p. Prayer niteting each Wednesday evening at T.30. A cordial welcome and give tin i? awaits W. a. W ood, Pastor Fiayr 1'is.bitcsiix Cucecm Consta-of Casat and Rose streets. Sunday serrioe-: Public, worship. 11 a. m., anl st p. nv; Babkauh school, 10 a. m. r. P. 1C E. at 7 sv. aa. Prayer meetins, Wedi.ti.A .evening ;;jo m- J. A. Towxsaaav, Pastot Ta U". f. T. C. ill hold :U regular meetingsj oa the second and fourth Monday of cverr month at 7J0 p. m. io the Xpworta Leagua room of the SI. X. Chareb, O.RAflCO. L-araEt j AKBIKY Fast i Salt Lake. Denvr, F L Fast Mail Worth. OmshaKa n- Mail a p. ia. : sasCily...Loa a t- S j c-v . i : . I Spokane Walla Walla Lew is ton, '. pokane, Minneapolis, I Spt'katii!. Flyer Sw. m. " r iycr 0 lo p. m. I t r-aui, Dululh, Mil wau tie, Chicago and East. p. m. ikjla.'c Snuxaie I 4 p. i All Sailing dates sabject to change. For San Franeise SaUDee. 3, S. 10, 18, 3, Paily Ettntla; p. m. ' Salurdav 10 p. ml Coli-wbia Rivia A.tor.a and Way- Lanvlin-. 6 a. m. I Willi a rrra Kitsk i"7, Exundavj Oregon Cilr. Ncwbere. baiem Way-Land a x. iun i a. ni. WOLAJIlTTS) A50 Ta HIU. RlVKSLa Tues.Thurs M 3D p. m and Sal. iy. Daytoti aad ay-Lau.luigs. Moo. We d and 6 a. 'ill. IVtti.wm. a, Tues.Thurt1 H'3B P- m 'ilon. Wed and sat. Portland to Corrallla and and Fri. Leave Riparia l:Ai a. ul. Daily Ssaxx R:Tk KJparla to Lewiaton Leave ' Lewi. ton ' Daiiy 8:A a. m J. F. Oivans. Agent, Roscbure, Or. W. H. Hurlburt, Gcu. Tass. Act., Portland, Or. JSTHKCIRCHT COURT OK TUC STATE r: ofJrKon for Douglas ivunty. Nora Helm, PlaiuliiT, 1 Fletcher ItelnV-n..!..,,.,.... - ?.!' E'i I" lo h.elcher Holiu, the above nam vimaaiia,; 111 tht! llallllf lif t)is Stan .( hereby required to .niax and .m'.;., vomplaUt tiled airaiust you iu ihe above en tilled suit ou or before the first day ol the- Uwitr UnU U"S "b0VC nt""i court Moadsv March. Sth. IHM sn.i u said time, for want thereof plaintiff vv til apply 1 in her . . tor ma reiift ueiua implaint as follows: For a decree of divorce dissolvin of inatrimonv i :.""5 .!,.r,na7 defendeut. and lor such o h.V.CT1""" court may appear equitable w 1 v"H.Ur.??u0nS PuWhl by Older of Hon, J. . Hamilton, in.tini ,;. . ........ si-rihed in said order for the pnblicaiioa of thf (:t:.) F. W. BENSON. At torney for Plaintiff. Notice for Publication. t'MTKD States Land OTm a, KOMiburg, Oreirou.'Vebruary 16. pui i,it V,0 ls bv.Ky 8'v:u that In r.a7pUance IVIlll iho tir,r,....n. .1... .... .. t r.v..rlv.M., v., ak oi i.omrreMi of June S. f..s. entitled "An act for the 1 oTTini. ber lands in the Slates of California, Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory-" S. URIC W. KAKlhlLl of Jlsrshfleld. Cniuty of Coos, Sl; ul Orvir.viij has this day bled in this onic hiVsw, rn sut-' nieiit No. M-s (or the purchase of iheYo Nf4, of wimii No.J, inTon.hip No. 27 V Ranee No. hi W.. and will .Th... Ti P NO. ww soim-Dl ts more vuluaMa for it i.l . I..."-"' C"T". aui'T and to establish his claim to "aid TaudSefort the Register and Rc-eeivcr of this oftice Ko burg. Orvwn, on Saturday, the K'th da ,.f aUv lAW. 11. names as witnesses- Alh,tV o.M AU! HUU ail IkCfSOlIH du nlin.. ..1 . . ' .. . -"'i,nl. are revested t., a their 4. narshlield, Oit-Kon; K K.u i ii !.' d, Oregon:' W. II, Sn.Uh vilI,.?1- -.Ueo. U. Herron.ol Mh..i.i vrc- A. C.Mars e aima iu uus umc oa or before said l'ith dav ut ill ay, YK 4. T. BRIDUE-S f