r f S1WI 1MB III III II MI II... THE PEOPLES 5TQRE. Clothing for MEN, YOUTHS' and BOYS', a most complete line at prices that send competition glimmering. nrc RflMFflRTX F IIIIIUIIIIII uuiilvi mi wiiivj ...... j We can, and will save you money on these goods, if you will visit us now. Ladies' W rappers from .6oc up, which are certainly splendid values and cannot be dupli cated at present prices. Children's Coats and Capes, a splendid variety, aud as to prices, wc will not be under sold. Wc are offering Special inducements on CRASHES, LINENS, etc. Matchless values in UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, FASCINATOR'S, Etc. All our goods are Standard quality and if you want the BUST, see that it comes from M.O. Warner of Eu,-eoe.i in thncityl' ' I JO E PEOPLES I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor. THE PLAlNDEALER.j,." MARCH 5, 1900. LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. 1 Mrs. S. K. Land is visiting iu Myrtle (Creek. ' MARCH 5, 1900. f Miss Mary Cole, of Tj-? ia vUiiinj; j Call ou GaJJia Bros, f-jr lmy al cats, ' I friends in this city. j at the BuBhoy barn. j The GarJiner Creamery, it is said will Bond, the watchmaker eeils FjHttaclea j start up about March -0!b. i at lowest prices and car: lit tbein cor- PwacU trees are in bloom. j Attorney L. Bilyea s over from Eu- rectiy. II. L. Eogies ol Peel, was over cjatur- j Eene Friday attending court. D. 1. Fislier received a coop cf tlior- day. For fine 6boeJ aek for Dr. A. lvee-J's ' onphbrcd game iliickenR from Eugene Hon. J. T. Budges went to Drain Sat-, cushion shoe, at Josef lisonV. Saturday, orday. MiseJettie Jones i t this city, spi rit ' Trembling hands, weak liuiLa and uu- Capt. Mathers is suUerirjg Irons beo- Sunday vising Oakland friends. Ftcady cait. Hadyan cure? matiem. i m g Weaver cf Myrt'.e Creek aia.io a gists, 50 cents. Dunn's solid spray will do the business. : business trip to Wilbur last Friday. Churchill & wooiiey een it. ; j j Gilliam of Canyo sville is atteud-! woo! underwear fur : " cents per uaraient, L. A, Blackmao, from Dolban, was j jcg j0 business matters in this city. ' at JorephgonV. Tisiting in the city? laBtweek. gi 8aic 0.8;ik piuslie for 33, 40. '' (ieo. A. Xortnan and laxity arrived putting our pianos in lone Mi.a Ettu 1 ltnU loft b't'viny f jr ! Spofcmu, Was'j., l,r an exti-micr vi: lr. Marou 1st, 2nd and 3rd, Dr. Lr, the well known optician, will ho in lt06e hur. Hadyan cures sleeplessness, bad drt-nms and night sweats. Fifty cents all druggists. Dr. Ieabel Sedgwick, M. D , will test and fit glasses, at her office, corner Cass and Muin Mreets. If you niu lookiiiK fur trunks, teles-.'opes and valines tit very reasonable price", oil at the Novelty S:oie. Mr.J. Hutchinson of Hi-Uoggs, came over Fiiday and is viiiting friends and relatives in tl ia city. ('a March 1st, 2nd and 3rd be cure and eeo Dr. Lowe, the mtll known optician. This will ho Dr. Liwe's lG'h trip toKose- biirr. L-.in. Taylor has secured a large cou tract at lloseburg for cutting wjo.1. He will ship In eri8iau today. Junction Time?. Mr. i!ud Mrs. W. Wright returned this morning from their extended vis-it in (he south, and leport having lud an excel lent time. A, i-. Buell of Lioking litis was dj ir.g tiiisides) iu the city Saturday and le'.t tome hard ceh in the treasury of tbo Tlaixuealkk. , J. A. Scatt of Yonrall was in the city shaking hinds with friendj Tuurf day. Mr Scott and faaaily wilUtart for Missouri Tuesday.' Mrr. F. J. Belt-", wh i Ins ,." ihe patt ffW month at Hmrithiirg, ca e in on the lcc.ll Thursday cvenii and til remain iudt-nnitrly. Dr. Ch-adle, the dentist, Tn little briik eppa'ite 8loctim' hall. (i-J and see 1 ioj when you want good work. Hh j Owing to the Ureal Demand For His prices are reieoDau.e. I El Laog an S. 1". brakeniau baa jz, u ri s "if1 As a special inducement to cash customers we will give $25 each month to the one t holding the lucky number. All amounts settled wthin 30 days will be considered as cash. Each purchase en titles you to one number. Our reputa tation for selling the best goods for the lowest prices is owing to the fact that we buy for cash and in large quanties, which enables us to maintain the same lowjfigures 9 OSEPHSOFS, 301 and 303 Jackson St. Roseburg, Oregon. DR. DARRIN TO REMAIN. moved his family to this city from Port land, Mi63 Uersbey, a sister cf Mrs. Lang accompanied them. Ashland in the nejr future is to have a fine brick tchojl buildiog with two All drug-j elor:es na uasemeiii. mere ar now I four rchool hotlding-' within the city ! Imiila. special saio ct clitidreti ccatkt a..- Hon. James Byron of O.a.la, was co- 153 snj 75 conis per yard nt Jrscpbson'e. 1 from the Er.st lait ek, an ! are xhit- log DDSinefS la luecujr i-nuiuii. It is uuthiug unu'ual uow-a-days to see our people of tbe city nostly women busy with spida an I rake pUoling early garden. Verily, woman is man's In ipraeet. P. K. ShaniLroofc. of Um?11 Ferry ' g relatuea in th.s aty. j ... , . M ... ,h if(l ... . 1 .... ; . ........ . . - m. ? ... . . . vvw..vw. ueo. aiwnuB 01 v-u . wa;ietuiogiouu8itit98 niatifrs ia mis timigi mai art- ikiut man iuv price, i retnrnej roII, Francisco a few davs C!!S since. It is understood that Mr. Ho ! hraujii wss eucceMful in the b"inees city Satorday with a load 01 appies. j c,ty. Hadyan is now sold ai 00 cents per j jt u repcrted that A. M. Siaipgjn hs Personal Services. Tbe debtor bsa concluded to extend bit visit in lioseborg and will remain at the McCUIlen Uoufe unt I March IStb, thus affitdini those alio have not yet Disturbed Bruin. VYhili tr;ivc!iig 'hroagh the dense wot J in tliH vicinity of Eel like seven miles south of Oardiner last week, Fred Wells rf Mip!e"oa, and Henry Winter of Gar.iiner came suddenly opon a bear's dt-n in the holi.i cf a lirga sprace tree. Her bejrjih'p a t iiking 10 I e disturbed . . . l.i 1'. I r 1. ... ; 1... 1'., bad an opportunity o' contulticg hiui a - " ' V . a tack :!:e intru'ler., nut a well directed chancsto do ft. They will frank opinion free of charge receive a ! In a rta t.hir new sto.-fc cf plain aud fwUi-.-y linings j.iit rocriv-d at th? N Store. package by all druigietr. Oet IloJyan. j bocgUt the Gardiner Lumber Mills iiu i TbeKoral Xortbwestand Semi-wetkly Jbusicesi. It never "tluckg" like h n, hat jatt Plaidkaub both one year for only. ? 2 Elmer Wimherly, proprietor of the ,!,e f'a3ie 11 , cal il oul eh: that , siliomjlioeebari Backet Store visited D.ain ! l a Incubator co.d l y C:;urchi.l A I j yesterday. pvooley Taia in loins, pa2ed eyelid, palpita E- IuGa3. M. P., member Board of 0f tbat c i . . Cool B.y News Marsters Trof. H. J. Bobinett has removed Winchester to hia home in North Ejse burj. Tired limbs, acting joints and pains in musclee. Hodyan cures. All druggists, 50 cents. Hon. A. M, Crawford who baa been suffering with rheumatism, is almost , , , I , . . , . ... . father as much better. Quite a number of people from differ- j will beat two dozen hen: a setting and j ' t rt. nf ihn nntv are in town, at- never cares what the old man ia a lioinz. Miss Myrtle Campbell started Friday which called h:m to the city . . . 1 . g .... I . pal 1 j t'l gh; iej urs wrub upwjJiti er Sjiurduy. It is rumored that they jre in the employ 01 the Ik. a:M win cxiui::.o ;n iimrer res wrcs f Cipt. S. 5j. Mathers, the spacial ant ! of tli-i 1". S. Oenerul Ltnl Oih.v, was in ! Ashlar.d Tuesday and Wednesday, and left for JaikeonviLe, wbera he goes to tendinis curt. tionofbfeart. HnJv.m eur.. All Him. ! I'enaion Esiminer. OSice. gist. 50 cents. building refidinrr corner Douglas end 11 .1 , :., .' Jackeoc strett. vw vu u. u. iiiuB:uuiuer uu your; bicycles acd be will put them in first! Mr" Mjriln' h'' c1,eJ io Xew 1 class order for you. lcrk by tte news of hia f.itoer a serious , bust evidence ia a perjury- case. Ash- ulness has returned aud reports his l-ird Tidine The Julia Abraham Cabin No. 5, Na tive Daughters of Oregon will giv an Irish cilico hall on St. Patrick's Eve, March lGlh, at the Opera Houie. Sap per will be served by the Native Large and beautiful assortment of lace i Good reads are coming and good tikes 1 curtains ran be found at the Novelty I are already here at H. G. HousholderV, j etc re; prices 50 cents to ?2 50 per pair. S Koeebarp, Oregon. W. J. Mahoney, S. P. agent, who has for Colorado, where she wi'l spcid the summer with relatives. She will slop over in TcrtUnd fir a few day?. ACKERS' ENGLISH REMEDY j Daughter in the banquet hall. Chickensand turkevs galore, hatched ! been on the fick list, returned from bis j iU f! a 1t any M Mrs. Harriet Eyans, Hinsdale, 111., with a peUlomi incubator. Talk with Churchill & Woolley about them. Tbe specific remedy for troubles of the j enre the wort coll in twelve hours, yr j writes. "I never (ail to relieve my chil refunded. 25 ctu. aud 50 cie. I dren from croop at once by utiujt One home in Oakland, last Weduesiav. r. pn.,n:., I money iorsale at Rapp" dru:; fctor. Misses Mary and Emma Thompson, of i . ... " . . blood, kidneys, stomach, liver, is Uood'a ; Coles Valley, arrived on last uighfa local ! . '.' .hM,. ... Sarsapariila, the great blood purifior. for an extended visit with their ecnain, . voa . . Hon. Kobert Booth came in Saturday , apd visited with relatives in this city yesterday, going to Saginaw this mo:n-; inj. K. B. Tnrpin iett lor Gardiner, Tues day, to take a position on the lag Hunt er. He was accompanied by hia farrily. Florence West. We will send yon the semi-weekly Plaixdsalsb and the Oregon Poultry Journal, tbe best poultry journal in tbe Sortbweet, both lor fl.75. M. B. Smith, Butternot, Mich., eays, CeWitt'a Little Early Kisera are the very best piUa I eyer osed for costive ness, liver and bowef troubles." A. C. Marsters & Co. Uaaager Strong is entitled to the thanks of the respectable people of Rose turg, for bis action in barring the pes tiferoos Duncan Clarke gang out of tbe Opera House. . The latest in photos at Graves' gallery Oakland, Or., is tbe stamp or fan pict ures, and the Celoron panel for portraits. Get some of the fan pictures and sur prise your friends with a smile. F. 8. Godfrey now baa charge of tiie boeineee management of tbe Dozier & Martin Meat Market. Tbe market will be, onder his management, first class in every respect and its patrons will get first class eery ice in every respect. Wm. Orr, Newark, O.. says. "We never feel safe without One Minute Coogb Core in the boose. It saved my little boy'e life when he bad the pneu monia. We think it is the best medi cine made." It cares csagln and all lung diseases. Pleanant to take, harm less and gives immediate resnlts. A. C. Marsters & Co. Miss Mabel Van Bur en. One thousand hedge plants for sale, well rooted, $2.50 per hundred. K. Richakdu.v, j brings certain relief, cares my headache J t0WDe DQi sim Rosebunr. Or. ! ctl never gripe." The gently clcanfe i. ' , 1'08eDDr' n(1 invigorate the bowels and liver. ilT bl 10 secure ice origioai wiicu uazei i . I ! Minute Coaeh Care. I would not feel safe without it." uickly cures coasts, colds, grippe and all tbroit and lung diseases. A.C. Marsters & Co Severi! rich strikes wcrerepcrted from uiit-fg in Southern Oregon, last week shot Iro n a riil? in the hands of M iority of caseslonly one interview is re- " . r ' .. . . . . . . ended her career, liuu luvessigatinir, paired. The balance of Ire.tment caul fl bJen be conducted without interruptiio cf. rf tosmess. 10 mow un.oie o w -j"" Th(J ca,m U9 e dj j of ,t ,u tion blanks w,,l be Inru.shed t.y L mp,ina i;sUt l.ouee.-Fionca We,-. upoo application. i - i Rov. W. E. Sitzer, W. Cnton, N. Y., NINE DOCTORS FAILliH. ! writes, I bad dyepepsi oyer twenty ; years, and tried doctors and medicines i without !teneti 1 was uerS'i lej to use A Wonderful Cure How it Was Done j Kodtl Dyspepsia Curj and i: helped me , , . A i Irouj the ttart. I believe it to re pac- by An AdverUsiog Doctor. cea for ail forxs of indi 'ton. It dt- j gests what yo:i eat. Card to the l'ablic. I hel tht 1 1 A. C. Martter A C ould not be doing my duty to woman- ; TiTc rrT sind if I did not let them k:.ow how , . ? , i .. badlv a!5icted I have oeen, and how and I u09 l.u- x St i oaoiy ..iigicM uc i state of vour health as well. Impure where to be cured. Ten years ao i was j ,,5 m,j:es ap,rent l0 a pai0 aoj taken with painful menatruatioa and! tall .- complexion, pimples acd skin 1,... K..n i,nhU iht ince that i eruptions. If you arefeeliog weak and r a irn.M. ' orn out and do not have a haltbv ap- time. accompanied with womb trouble , , fe!oT, in every conceivable way. About three j j;j;xlr. uCOre all blcod diseases where months ago tbe climax came and I waa cheap Sarsparilla an 1 so called purifiers prostrated with pain through the heait, ; 'il ; knowing thie, we wli every bottle chest and longs, and confined lo ny bed ou from excessive bemorrsge or flowing, j After nine doctors of different schools of A CT I A practice gave me up, 1 applied to Dr.j XmMO I VillM Drrin, and be baa cared ui 5 so 1 can For Infants and Children. Tie IM Yea Have Alwajs Bought I am overjoys J wi:h fie result o! the) Bears cire. salve, ask for DeWitt's Witch Hazel 1 It is reported that Jasper Wilkins has Salve, well known as a certain cure for !solJ bU conl hand store oa Jackson piles ana sain uiseasee. ieware 01 Book & Job Office, Rosehurg, Or. Lewis Ackermao, Goshen, Ind., says 'DeWitt's Little Early Risers always Teess are not fake reports to boom the pie statements of facts, as cur red and indicate tint worthlesi counterfeits. Tbey are dan gerous. A. C. Marsters & Co. MOKI TEA l'OSITIVELY CURES sick headache, indigestion and constipa tion. A delightful herb drink. Re moves all eruptions of the ekin, produc ing a perfect complexion, or money re funded. 25cts. and 50 cts. M. F. Kapp, druggist. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Care in my family with wotideriul results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgerink, Overisei. Mich. Digests what yon eat. Cannot fail to care. ( A.C. Marsters & Co. Sheriff W. W. Withers went to Rose burg today, where be accompanied Hugh Fatter son, prisouer, charged with tbe rape Grov court will conene Monday. I'.nene Guard. at reel to E. E. Llodett, recently of Ls Aogelos, d!. We wish Mr. Rlodg? t s access. P. J. Bond tejucts ns to anuoui.ca that owing to the poor health of himself and family, he will spend the summer 11 the country. All person? haviuj work at his shop will call aud ;t tbe same. quaali mining is just begioning in this part of the state. Au accident occurred at the govern meet works at Ran don, Saturday, that caused operations U be shut down for the time being. A blast was fetctr in the quarry which burled a tlC-ton rock against the hoisticg engine, completely demolishing both engine and boiler. new one baa been telegraphed for. MarshCeld Sun. A. F. Hunt, of Ashland, sou ofUiiclei Jep Hunt, of Oakland, has been vis iting with his father who is ipitc sick. He made the Plai.ndk.vixr office a pleas ant call, Friday, and reports Jackson county strongly republican. ACKERS' DYSPEPSIA TABLET j are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. Married. Notice for Publication. Ciottdtaiks LoOr n, KoKbunr, Oregon, February 11. ICO. Notice r. hereby riven that tbo fuUuwiug-uamc-d actiler baa filed notice of hia intention to make final proof in tupport of hi claim, and that mill proof wilt bn male before the KecUur and Uecetver C. S. Lau.i Oflice 'at KoKbarK. Orvgon, on, Karen 29, 10 tu: JAMES B. BCTLER On H. K. So. 75e3, for the total, 7. 3. XW'J SW, SW',. eec. lS.Tp.22 8.R.7 W. lie name the following wlUMiaea to prove bis continuous residence a von and caltlvauon of Mid land C. I . Beetle?, C ft- Franklin, John Binder and I". W. Bevkier. all vl Eikton, Oregon. J. T.BKIDGEp. ll'-'P Beciater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. toiled Slates Land Offl.-e, BuVEBi BX, OreCun, Feb. 34, 10. Notice ic berebr cien that in emtiimncv with the proTMiona of the act uf Congrers of Jouei, 18, entitled "An act for the sale of limberlands in the states of California, Oregon, K et ada, and Washington Temtnrr," WILLIaM A.WKE.NN Of Manhfield, Cotintjr of Coos. State of Ow gun, has this dar filed in this office hi sworn uiem nt Xo. for the purchase of the of 5.-C. Xo. 3), In Tp So. A) C. R No. SW. and ill offer proof to snow that the land joacht i more valuable for ita limber or sb.be than for ajtricaltural purrxnc, and to estaWih his claim to ajd land before the Regiler and Receirer of thW offioe at Roaeburg. Or. on Taeviaj tbe J)th day of May, 1J0O. He names as lwitne's- joud lositm, jonn Herron, cnanes a. Mei lin, Frank Kofrcrs, all of Kanhacld, Oreeon. Alt and all persons claiming adversely tbe abdve-described iand up reinested to tile their claims In this office on or before said JC'lh day of May.lJW. P J. T. BRIDGE?, Register. Mrs. E. A. Aulk. sigB roof AN OPEN LETTER. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Cnited State. Land Office. RosiSTBii, Or-, February It. 19CW. Notice 1 hereby given that incompliance with the Truvisions of tbe act of Coajnera of June 3, lrs, entitled "An act for the saie of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gon, SeTada and Mashinrton Territorv," CHARLES A. MtTUN Of llarsdifieid. County of C.wa, Slate of Orecon, has this day riled in this office his sworn state ment No. for the pnrchara of the 6W'4 of tee. No. K, in Tp. No. ia a. ft. No. 10 W, and will offer proof lo show that the land sought is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricalinral purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Keceirer of this on ice at Ksteburr. Or., on Tuesday, the autb day of Vay. lXO. He names ss witnesses: W llliam Wienn. Frank Ricers, J. Yoakam. R. Veln. all of Marshticld. oreson. any and ail persons claiminc aleraelr the above described land are requested to tile' their ejaims in this office on or before sW 2"th day of May, l.x J. 1. tlKlLMit, p Register. Notice For Publication I'siTin tnxttn Lajta Ornc, Rose bant, Oreeon, February 14, 1S Notice is hereby given that ia eosapliaafw with the i.rovixions of tbe act of Coeares ef June Jrd, 17, entitled "An act for the isCe CI Umber lands in the (states of California, 0ft goo, Nevada and Wahingion Terrilory," V LLLIAM H. SMITH, Of Vanhneid. County of Cooa, State X Orsewg. has this day fiiedln this office his ewera ment No. MS, for the purchase of the Pisfi N'ibW'iot w-ction No. a. Township Tie gl South, Rane No. 9 West, an I will offer proof V show that the land soogat is mere valuable (er iu timber or stone than for agrienJtaral yst poses, anl lo establish hisciaiai to said Hnahe fore the Kecister and Receiver of this offiea at Rosebure. Orecn. on eatorday the t-th flay M Mar. IH He names as wiinrse: 6e. V. Herron, of Marbheld, Oreeoo. Albert E. Bttf. ol Marsuheli, u regon, t. w . Kantcii, oi wm- i field. Oretron, A. . KardeU, of Marsh 3eld, Gt gon. . Any and all persons claiming adver-Jy lis avedi-vcribea lands are requeatfid to Sr Lf claims in this office on or before said Ulh Ssy of May.lJW. J. T. BRIDGE. Rtfuibr. NDtice for Publkatioa. I'MTID CTATSS LD OFncg. Rosebur. Oregon, February 16, IM Notice ia berebr civen that ia eosanlinnea wita the provisions of the act of Cosrgresa ef June 3, 1S7H. entitled "An act for the saie ol tiss- bur lands in the atasea of caiituraia, vregoa, Nevada and Wahtnrton Territory:'' RtUBKN C. PEtkl. of Ashland. County of Ashland, Male ef Wl aia. has this day filed ia this office bj statement Na Ml, for the purchase of the B of taction No. 12. in Township No. 21 8. Rang No. 1 and will offer proof to show that tae land soaeht is more valuable for ita Umber a stone than for agricultural porpeaea, aad fs tblish his claim to said land before the Baa la ter and Receiver of this office at Rosebarf , Ore gon, on Friday the XTlhdayof April. KMX. Be names as witnesses: T. W. Potter, ol Ashlaad, vViscvnDin: Ldward C. Btevena, of Washbara, Wiseonun; j. C. Torney, of ForUaad, Oiaum; u i. iewo.t. ol roruanu, uregeo. Tne Following Letter Volumes for Dr. Danio's AVode of Treatment. Spiaks j J Dr. Darrit Dear Sir : It is w ith Rreat pleasure and a thankful beait. I ib to inform you that I am cured of salt rheuui, which I have suffsrjd a i.b f jr 20 yeats, at timea so bad that my bands would crack to ti e bone, and tny body was also affected. I have no words that EMULSION in hot weather, ? luanaiuioe?s u w i . i.r.- ;i ,j j: a. . uui v uu vci. to . vi. il ai.u ui- IF YOU ! 9 it need nci lose fiesn in summer J if you use the proper means 9 to prevent it You think j. ; vou can't take SCOTTS ? . of aucoover, aU., .. - ... ndition. and can be re- gest it 5S well in Summer 8$ ' - in u.mljr ! i nM !it In ape of Winnie Thome, of Cottage 1 " ,illIe tlh,et iTM nmJiato relief, e. Tbe Djuslas County circuit cl3- aa'J 50 ct9' For Bale at M. F. Il.tpp's 'rug rtor Mr?. Calvin Zimmeruiau, MiiCjbar(;, Jcbt HiXLivtD. A lrtre lino of string j l'a., says, "As h speedy caro for coughs, is , I i : banjos, also a large stock of smaller in struments. Violins from ? 4 up. Mando lins from $7 up. Accordions f- to f 10, Other instruments in proportion value in these instruments. Sio tl cm ' at T. K. Uicbardscn'e. ADKAIIAM-FKATEK At tte Presby terian manse, in this city, February 2ti 1900. Mr. Carl Abraham, of Portland, and Miss Daisy O. Frater, of this city were united in the boly bonds of mat rimony, Rer. J. A. Townsend officiat ing. Mr. Abraham U employed as a mail clerk ou the local, and is a young man of sterling integrity ; be is a brother of Iaador Abraham, Ue proprietor of the People's Store in this city. The bride is the youngest daughter of lion, and Mrs. V. A. Frater, aud for tbe past three years has been her father's assistant in the posloffice; she has a hoet of admiiing can express nty Mrs. K. Sherrerts baa known my condition terrcd to. Refer anyone to uie Or. Very respectfully yours. Mks. M tsniA P.MLY at aod Erig8 Hjtel, fanyoovilie. Or.. Aprils to lGtb. in winter It k nnt I:kf ihe. ? uardiLer, j ' plain cod-!ier oil, which is t t diilicu't to taKe at any time. '9 If you are losing flesh, you arc losing ground and 3 fS 3 9 i - , i von n.'fri Dr. Darrin will be at Hotel Kiddle, j J Riddles, Or., March 19tb to April la:,.; f.-.UI,. rmnU An 0UUU 3 CIIIUI5IUII s: and must have it to keep up J ? your ficsh and strength. If 9 you have been taking it and prospering on it, don t fail to ; continue until you are thor- oughiy strong and well. Notice for Publication. raiTEP Statu Lajid orri. a. Rosebnrr, Oregon, Feb. it. 1M. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of JuneS, 1?". entitled '"An act for the sile of timber lands in tbe "tales nf ralifomia, Oregna, Nevada and Washington Terriuire. FRANK K. R(.H,Ks , Of Harahnc'd. County of C.. tate of Oreu, has this day tiled in this oflice his sworn suite raent No, Ki6. for the purcbaeof theNW1, of tsec NoJ6 in TpS2 6 S. R No.lt) W. and wiii offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for aitri cultuial purposes, and to etblish hi claim to aid laud bcKre the Register and Receiver of this etlacat Reburg, t'rnn.D, on Tarsday. the Jnh day of Slav. 10. He name as wiluees Charies A. Mctlio, F. Haisey. K. Weeden, W il liam Wrenn, all of Xanhtield, Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming ad erm'ly-ihe ahove- deserlbud lands are reiiuested to tile their rlainu in this office on or before said AUh day of May, Any and ail persona claiming adversely Use . above-desvTibed lands arc reqaested to file tneir claims in this oflice on or before said 27 th day of AprU, i'.X). J.T. RRirXiES, aJ6p Register. Notice For Publication. C.f rrso Stts L3d Orrwa. Rrburg. Oreipja, February IX 1909 Notioe is hereby gien that ia oompliaae with the provisions of the act ef Congress ee June S. ls.S, entitled "An act for the sale ef tins- ber lands In the State rf California, Oregoa. evaaa,ana aninHn lemtory, CHRISTIAN O. DA Rl- Of Washburn Countv of Bayfield, State of Wis eocnn, has uiis aay hlea in wis orace aia i ttatement No. sUS. for the porrhase of the hS'i of evction No. 2, in Township No. 2( seuui. Karure ..: west, aaawui oner prooi t anew that the land sooxht is more valuable for its timber or tone than for agricultural porposea, and to establish his claira lo said laud before the Register and Receiver o this office at Hose brine, Oregon, on Friday the -T day of April. l'j. He names as witnewes: James C Toruwy. of l'onland, "rvgon. L. T. DeWuli, of Woodland, nashineton. aavard c bt-rvena. of Asaisaa. i-..Uiiii, Frank W. Potier, of Ashland, Wisconsin. Any and all pcrsoua claiming adversely the above descriotu lands are return ted lo tile their claims in this oihec on or benne said J7 day ef Apm, TAW. J. 1. SUWIU, (ap) Register. 1AO. J. T. BKIDOES. Register. colds, croup aod eore tbroat One Minute Cougb Cnre is uneqialeJ. It is pleasant i . : t . r 1 . : ' . . "I V" r V" V." T v friends who join wilb tbe I-lamndealr. Imrrol JBs reuindv that produces innnedi-1 in wishing tbe worthy couple a long lite . i iro.t i ate results. It enros tTonchitie, pneu-, of unal'oytd toy and prosperity. niouia, enpfe auu turjai auu iu;: u;u- j ease?. It will prevent toneu-nptun. Bicycles. A. C. Marrters A Co. Indian War Veterans, Attention. Hon. T. A. Wojd, Grand Comuander of tbe Iudian War Veterans of the Pacific Northet, will be in Koeeburjt, Tburt day, March 8, 1000, and will deliver an address to the veterans at 8! cuui's hall at 1 o'clock of that day. llerueniber tbe date. All Indian War Veterans of D og- las county are invited and reipiested to be present. tonimittee. Deafness Cannot be Cured This is the Store where you pick at the Top and Pay at the Bottom. The new goods are now ready and this is cur invitation for you to come and see them at your earliest convenience. The new stock is worthy of more than usual commenda tion. -AVe expect that you will be better pleased than ever with our new goods. Lace Curtains -f f and Draperies. We would be pleased to bLow yoa as pretty a line of Lace cnrtaina as yoa ever looke.1 at. Hanging at 50c and 75c. $1.00, H.25, ?1.50 and $2.00 per pair, ine better graaes are not Hen's Furnishings. Do you remember those sb'tts we $2.50 Buys them. The most serviceable MeiTe Dress j Shoe yoa ever owned for the money, j Its true ve Lave better, also cheaper j soM , J"oU- maJe fal1 Bize of Kood ones, bnt no greater value for tbo rong material with filled ueatna money thau this ?2.50 Shoe. We ! guaranteed not tj rip and you gave alao show the same stock in wido lubt j such hard knock?, aud they returned Ten dollars,(12,15 and $10 all ia good conditiou, these prices aro gocJ for 13 days. We want to make room for onr large t-toe It of new wheel, Imperials and Cievelanda, wbich wo will sell this sea son at prices from $23 to $30. Just think of a wbrel like tbe Imperial for $23, Tbey don't need any recommendation, they recommend thetcirlvcs. We Bold 54 lis: season, and tbey are all giving good satisfaction. T. K. KlCHARUSDS, Rozebnrg, Or. Surprise Parly. t avt v. v a v. Ht.1) v.-a,to,ive wc. jr. d $1 .00, jl 1 drtlHli. SOoTT X BOWNE, Chrmists, New York. Notice for Publication. CXtTED STTATES LA.V O OKFICK, Rojibi a.j. Ore.. March S, T.V0. Notice is hcrvbr Riven that ia compliance with tbe provisions of the act ol Congreta of jiius.is.s, enuuvl "An act fur tur sale l limtx-r lands in Ihe Stales uf Califof ma, O gon, Nevada aad Washington Torritorr," FBANK M. MAKiO.N of Oakland, Coanlr of Douirla. tiutc of Orcsnu, nas mis uay niea in taisomcc nis sworn s'au nont Xo. KS5. for the !iun hasf of tne S. V. of Section No. 10, in Township Xo. 24 8. Ranee .-o. a w.aua wui oner pnoi to snow mai tae laud soucht is more valuable fo- its timber or stone than for agricultural purpo-. and to es tablish hia claim to said Un.l rx-iore tiic Kcsis terana Krceiverof this ofhee at H.xobtirc. Ore gon, on Thursday the loin dar of May 1AW lie names as witiies-: E. E. To.rtn, Charles HqdI, Grant Taylor, aad It. H. Miller all of Oakland. Douglas County Ovson. Auy and all icrsons claiming alverscly the above described lands are reiuestvd ! tile their rlaim. in this office on or before said loth day of May 19X. p " J.T. BRIDGES. Register. Notice for Publication. V'ITD states Lxso Ornia, Ron-burs;, Oregon, Febrnary Vt. tiW. Notice is hereby given that in compliaac wilb Ihe prowions of tbe act of Congress of JuneS, UTs, entitled "As act fur toe saie of tim ber lands in the siates of California, Oregoa Nevada and Washirurtoa Territory:" ElWAki C. s-TKYEJiS, of Washborn. County of Kay neld. state of Wis consin, has this day riled in ihia office hia asrorat statement No. fT, for the purchase of the north eait .uaxlor of St-clion No- 10, ia Township. No. U South Rang No, S West, and will Oder proof to show thai the land sou (til is more valuaoia for its timber or stone than for agricultural j toe .esis Roseburg. Oregon, on rriday, thesia day ef iral nur ses, and to establish his claim to said land be ne the Register and Receiver nf this omn at Fr Annl. 1.U0. lie names as witnexes: Charlie tieisert, ef Washburn, Wis.: Michael N. CUtad, of Wash, burn. Wis: James C Turner, of Portland, Ore gon: Frank W. PoUcr, of Ablatnl, W is. Any and alt venous churaiue: adversely ta above-described lands are reursted to file their claims ia this office on or before said '."7tt da of April. 1AJ. i. T. KKI1MES . a-p Register. less than 3 yds long and very wide. . i.olir fVn,... I rood sorvico. Jnst received a now Also have neat designs in curiam, ... en i . in- Swieo and Scrim. Striking patterns id comfort every pair of them, j line of these good eh.rts and 8elling in Silkalene, Satteen, Golden and j We have a large asnorttnent of Men's j them at the old price of 50 cents. Denim Draperies, call and see these! Heavy Plough Shoes. Give ns a j Also have o large assortment of excellent values. ! tT& anj we W1li d0 you good. ! Dress Shirts, CoHarB and Neckwear. Tbe students of the Uosoburg Academy to tbe number of about 25, stormed tbs castle of Prof. AVhitelsy oa last Sat urday evening. The evening was pleas antly spent with games and social visita tion aud was jironounced a pleasant affair. TI.oeo preBont were: Misses Kato Fullerton, Lillian Crltreer, Mntide McMiller, Kllenu Ueed, Agnes Thomp son, Zelia llyroti, Alico Grabaio, Minnie Stanton, Mrs, C. T. Whittolsey, Fred Wiuhton, Isi St-liw.irtz, John Byron, John Townsend, Clare Codfrey, Walter by local applications, as tbey cannot reach tbe diseased portion oi tbe ear. There is only one way to cure deafnees, and that ii by canstitutional remedies. Deafness is ciu;ed by an iotlained con- klition of ttie mucous lining ot the Eustachian Tube. Whn ibis tube gt'tj inthmed you have a rurublintt sound or imperfect bearing, and ben it is entire ly closed deafness is the rosolt, and un less the inflammation cau be taken oul and this tube restored to its normal ton dition, hearioK will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which is nothing but an intlaaied condition of the mucous surface. We will give One Hundred Dollars for auy case ot Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cared by Ball's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggiste, 75c. Hall's Family Tills are the beat. Ill I IIEI'I il. We have now open au elegant line of NEW WASH FAUUICS consisting of Fancy Zephyr Ginghams, Fine Silk Striped Ging hams. Fancy Piqrea French Percale?, German Calicos, Whit Goods, Etc., Etc., ) m New Embroideriea ami Insertions, Laces and Iiit-rrtiuiip, to niateb, Allover Embroideries, Trackings, an Apliqno Yckiugs, All kinds fancy Dress Trimmings. Remember our 9 oz., 50 cent overall, when you need a new pair. Guaranteed not to rip. j Hoover, Tom Townsend, TIioh. MaCarthy nins-niitm iiai n xi t 1 ru r-wfrr I Walter Tooluy, Waller 1tird, Walter ...HUMflu iu man oam mukl. jzxz x lows, and Prof. C. T. Whittlenr-y. Attention, Please I Tho Hoseburg Exchange Hook Store can'give you reasonable rates on both new and second hand books. Alio au thorized t;nnt for tho S, F. Call. , . A. H. S EVE ft RON, Op, pont ollice, HonolmrR, Or. IN (101 DEPARTMENT We have everything thiit is new and desirable, will repay von. ) Au examination A new Hue of Ladies Silk Dress Skirts aud Wash Suits. ) Tho swi'lleut liuo of Mens Underwear in the city. C. I. I. STORE. FISHER & BELLOWS. -. - . . . -. . Notice for Publication. - rsiiEK Statils Land Orrua, iUweburg. Oregon, February ii. l.U. Notice is hcrci-y Kivcn tbat iu cotapllanee . with tbe proisionof the act of Oougresa of June.".. 1TS, cntiilol "An act fur U sal ot timtr taoJ in the states California, Oregoa, Nevada ami Washington Territory, ' MIt HAELN. OlSTAX) Of Whlinrn,'J ui:ty of BaytHsld. State el Wia conMn. hu- th;s da liletl iu UiisofDo; bis iwsn ttaU'iH. nt. No. KS for the purchase of to iouthwol n r:orot Section No. i, ia Town shii. N. -1 xi h. Range Xo. S West, and lll otter r-rvn t. h(. that the laud sought ia more valuable for it- limbvror stone tbaa forasri cultural 1'Uim-. and to establish his claim to aid land beiore the Register and ReciTeruf this otlice at Roscburc. Oregon, on Friday, lha JTta duy of April. l.M. He names as witnesses: Vrank W. rVtteroi Ahland, Wlscousiu. Jamea TiimeTot Porilaud. Oregou. KdwardC. te oik, ot AshlaiM, Wisconsin, John W. Hetland of Washburn. Wlscousiu. Ai.y and all irs.ns claiming adversely tho aove-describcti lauds are requested to lilo their c'aims in this office ou or before said, .171 h day ot April, J. T. BRID8KS, RcCUfte. AiTp Notice for Publication. . Vsiiku stjitks Ljind Orrua, Kosebnrg, Oregon, February t. tM. NolKv is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jim ;. IsT. eutitlcd -An ot lor tho sa.'e ot limlier laut"! in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada anu Washington Territory:" JOHN W. 11EI.1.AN . of Washburn. County of Havrield.State of Wto cousin, has iblsdav rtlcl in this otic bis sworn si lenient No. S, ir thopurchaM.' of the Lota , l, 1 NE"4 ol section mi. in lownsnip rto. i H Souta Ramie N. i West, aud will offer nrW i tushow that the lud.iuht iamora valuablo I for its timber or stone than lor agricultural pur ! poses, and to establish his claim to said land be inre the tieglstr aud Receixercf this othe at 1 Ktwrbiin;. Oregon, ou Friday, the JTtb day of ' April. 1- e names as wilnosaea: Michael N oistii.l. of Washburn, Wis.; Edward C. Stav- ens. of Ashland. Wis.: Charlie tieisert. of Wash I bum. Wis.; .lamest". Tutucy, of Portland, Orv- gon. any auo n.i in.TM.us ciauuius aaversaiy too almve-deM'ribed binds are requested to hU Iht"" elaiinstu thisortiee on or heioro 27th day T April, I'l'l. J. T. BRItOK, J tp i 1 i i 1 1 v V