The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been iu use for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of and has boon made, under his per sonal supervision siuco its infancy. Y, SZacJuAsZ Allow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeit, Imitations and Substitutes arc but Ex periments that triilo with and endanger the health of Infants aud Children Exierienec against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance.. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms aud allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, eures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. UN CMMNT, 8clctr nceUap. ft 06EBURQ DIVISION NO W. B. OF L. t, meets every second and lourlh Sunday. WOMEK'8 RELIEF COR1-3 NO. 10, MEETS flat and third Fridays in cacti mouth. ft IKO POST, KO. 29, O. A. K,, ilFKTS THI irst and third Thursdays of each month, at t p. m. ALPHA LODGE, KO. 7, K. OF P., MEETS every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows Hstt. Visiting Knights In good standing cor aially invited to attend. JOS. MICE 1.1. 1, C. I'. C.H. FISHER, K.R.S. LAUREL LODGE, A. F. A A. M , REGULAR meetings the 2d and 4th Wednesdays in each month. EUGENE L. PAEROTT W. M. K. T. Jswbtt, S'ecj. ft 06EBCRG CHAPTER, KO. 8. 0. E. 8.. MEETS the first and third Thursdays of each month. MRS. E. J. STROCD. W. M. MAUDE RAST, Sec y. tOUERS WOODMEN OK AMERICA. MEET AA on first and third Tuesday ot each month in the t Id Masonic hail. H. W. Muxes. V. C. H. L. Maksteks. Clerk. rOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Osk Cat.p Ho.tiz. meets at the Odd Fellow' Bail ta Roseburg, every 1st, 3rd and 5th Monilay evening. Visiting neighbors always welcome. J. A. BCCHASAS, C. C. N.T.JEWETT, Clerk. pHiLETARIAS LOxtGE. KO. , I. O. O. F. A meets Satordsv eTening of each week at their hail In Odd Fellow Iemple at Roseburg. Memberaof the order in good standing areinTit ed to attend. - cli.VS. uLESoS K. G K.T.Jewstt, Bec'y. BP.O. ELKS. BOSEBCKG LODGE, KO. Si6, hold their regular communication at the I O. O. F. hall on second and fourth Thursday af each month. All members requested to at ead regularly, and all visiting brothers or Auulr invited to attend. DOCGLAS WA'TE, E. B 1R1 B. RIDDLE, Secretary. pOSEBCRG LODGE, KO. 1, A. O. C. W. t- meets the second and lourlh Mocdsy of Wh month at 70 p. m. at Uld fellows tlai'. Membeia of the order in good standing are in sited to attend. H. T. McCt.AI.LES. D. S. WEST Recorder. Fincueier NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Csited 6TATELaSD OFFiCr. Bxncburs. Orccon, Fcbruau- li. Km). Ko!ioc i" hereby given tbat in comiiliane ith the jimvi&ious cf the ait of Congress nl ' June 3rd, l7s, cniillcd "An act fur hc ale l timber landMn the Mates ol alilomia, Crvsou Kcvada and W ashington Territory.' OLAF M. OLsOS. Of Wasbburn, ( ounty of Baytield Ma c of Wis consin, has this day tiled in lhu olliee Ins sworn statement No. Sjti. for the pun.-b.tsc ui the '! of Section KoJi. iu ! u-hip No 21 south Rang No. 3 west, fid will offer proof show that the land soueht is niore valuable for i timber or tne than for agricultural pnrioe, and to etabl!o hu claim to said land before the Becirter and Bcucivcr of thin office at Kose burg, Oregon, on Thursday the 3 day of May, He names " vitnc-ic: bn ert Oie. of Washburn Wisconsin, Jacob Johuou, of W a.-h-buro. Wisconsin, OK-ar I.uudcrccu. of Wa-.h- hurn. W ix)ueui, Da id ltcdland. ol Washburn, n luconsin. Anraud all penous c-laimiug adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their ciaims in this oSiceonor b lore iwid 3 day of May,190i). J. T. BRIDGES, iu3p K-.-gisttv Notice for Publication. United States ljuid Oilice Roseburg, Or.. January 1 13i. Notice in hereby pitu that tbe following named settler bmx tiled notice of bis inteutiou to make linal proof iu sup;ortof hi claim, sud that said proof will be made before tbc Keeixt'-r and Receiver, United Mat-n Land OSice at Roseburg, Orecoo, on March :.lyu, viz: WILUAM II. KORCROsS. On bis H. E. No for tlie E', SE'4', Bi KEJi SecUon T. T. South, R. 7 West. He names tbe following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of aid land, viz: Omin Baeil, A. BnelL, of Looking Glass, Oreg.jD, James Beaw:ly, D. J ar ris, of Roseburg, Oregon. 1 1 J.T. BRIDGES, jl2tT) Resincr. Points East. Iho "roitlaod-Cbicaifj Sjwiial," which leaves tbe Union depot at 8 p. m. daily is equipped with strictly up-to-date roomv 1'ailroan sleeping car, auil free leclining chair car, s'eaui het-d and electric lighted. The Earop-an pUn dining car service is a epecial feature of excel If dp on tbia line. lelicaie china, fltwers, spotless linen, firet claim c joking and attentive servants add to tlie coirj tort ul travelers. A new library ear is attached to thege traios. As tbe Dtme ind:cte. thes care' are fitted op as a library arid read in if room. Book cases 'Xintainiiik all tbe standard works, tb current peroneals and daily papers are at tbe disposal of all first and second class passengers. Time never ban if 8 bearilr on the iws sengere' bands while travfling on this train, aod before on is aware of it tln traio pulls into the Union de(iot at Chi cago. For full information regarding the luovementof these trains, rates, etc.. rail on or addreee V. a. Schilling. l'orlland, Or. Or J. F. GivKNs. Koseburg, Or. "I am indebted to One Miuute CouRb Cure lor my health and life It cured me of lung tronble following grippe." Thousands owe tbeir live to the prompt action of tbie never failing remedy. It cores coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung rrnnhlas. Ita earlv nee tirevents con sumption. Itiatbeouly harmless rem tj that givot immediate rennltfl. A. CMarsters &Co 3 TBttT. WtWWW eiTV. Notice for Publication. United States Ijtnd tflicc. Uotui S'., Oregon. February I'.'t'. Notii-C is hereby given tliat tlie following naiUMl sctlSf r has nltxl notice of hi iiitciiliot to maic linal proot iu supor ol his claim, aud lh;it said proof wiil be made bciorc the 1;ci t r i . . ,- ... i , . . . . . . i1 . - Oregou on Marfh ri, vxk, vi: M I'TT LAXIIKH On H E So. ft:.for tbeKUSU',. SW'4'E 6W'. Si ' s.v v T 3". S. K '. tie u.-t:ie tlie following wnu..cs to prove ris communis resnleiKv uioii sua t-uttiraiion oi nr.m. mi- wuuain I. Lander. Arcnioaia u. Ki-oi Mclrvrsc. Oregon. W: II. 'lunter of Ward ton, Oregon, Sauiucl Alexander oi Cleveland, Ore gon. j. i. r.tuin.fcr-. I Register. Notice for Publication. ("nited tU- Ijiud OtUee. i:.i:iiUK'i, irecou. Fcbni ar yJO. Iti. Notice is hereby Riven that tbe folli'veiue named settler ha-siiled notii-e of his intention to maket.nal vroofln sii);ort of his e!ini. Knd that said proof will be made hefre ll.e Ki-si-terand receiver, I! S Land Ofliee at Uofeburg, Orccon un March 39, ltM. vir: WILLIAM J 1 AN" PER On 11. E. N. for the N!. XW'j, HK'.NW',. N L' SW',,, See , 1 S, It W. lie namos tlie following witnesses, to prure his continuous eidenee jku and etii'.itation of said iisud, vi: Scott lender. Archibald O. Hok-, Mil rose, On-Jon. W. 11. Huutcr of YA'ardton, Oepou, Samuel Alv van dcr ol C ie In 3d, On-s- -n. . J. BKllXiEs, V Kegister. Notice For Publication. IMiiii statu Lvnd Orrire. K-isebure. urcgon, lebniary -. Um. Notice i lierebr given that in compliance with the irovi-iou m tlie act of C'onercs- of Jane 3. l';, eutit;et An act for the n!c of lim ber lands in the Statei-of California, Oregon. Xevaaaau l Washington Territory,'' AXDKEW KAkDhLL, Of Marhl'n Id.Countr of t oos, stale of On-con, has thisdsr tiled iu this utlice h- sworn state ment No. e-kt, tor the pun.-haof the lot 4. S1 j SWij, ol Section No. J, in Tournsliir. No. -T South, K ir.gc K. 10 West, and will oiler j.mof to show that tlie land sought is more vaiuable fur its limber or stone than for agricultural &urj,wo. and to ctlabiMi hi claim to said land ?fore the K-.-gister aud Receiver of t!n vSiceat ltoie'ourg, ' 'regon, ou Satunlay. the lith dny of May, l. He names as wiuil-sse: A'.bert K. Betty, of Marhficid. Oregon, W. H. Smith oi Marshficid. Oregon. O. H. Uerron. oi ManhScld, Orccon, E. W. Kanleilof MarsliiieM. Orec-u. Any and all per-oiis clainiing adversely the above-decribcj lands arc resulted to tile their claims in tbis otlicc ou or before aid Uth dav of Mac. law. J. T. BUIUC.KS, Keg isttr. Notice for Publication. . I'KITIII STM, LANU UFtltC, UuM;burs. Orccon, Keb 1", lv'.'.. Notice u hereby given tiiat in comtdiauce vtitb the j rov iion-- of iho act ol t.onret of June:;. lb.'. entitled "An act for the mIi-ui litntx-r lauds in tbeS aU-s of California. Oii-fon, Nerada. ai.d Waliingum Tprritoie, ' FRANK W. IVTTrK Of Ashland, County of Abiaad. tstateoIWis eiiin, har this day riled in thin olficc liii snorn statement So. fcf. for tin. purchase of ibe K-ulh eat quart.-r. of Section No. 10, in 1 "own-hip No. H South, Eanse No. n West, and w ill oiler proof to show Ibat Ibe land soucbt is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural vur-OS'-S, and to cstubiieh li s claim to said laud before the Kegister and Kccciverof this office at Eoseburg, Oregon, on Friday, the 2Tih daj- of April. I!".'. Ile names a vvitne-sen Micliael N Oistad of Washburn, Wis., W. H.i land of Washburn, Wi , Charlie .isrrt. of Washburn, is., L. T. lewoif of W.llsiid, Wis. Any and ail i. rous clainiia ndverv.-lr (lie above-described lands are rciue.sUs! to ide their claims in tus oilice on or bciorc snid day of Atri!, l'.'OO. J. T. BKIl'liKS Kefl-ter. Administrator's Notice of Sale. VOTIC'K IS HI EEBV OIVES Til AT BV MK A' lue and in pursuance ot an order and decie ol the Couuty Court of Uajf.'!as Countv, Ore gon, duly made by the Hon. Joe Lyons, Judge of said Court, and entered of record" on the it'll day of September, lS'J, ordering and directing the undersigned administrators to sell the n property hereinafter described and b longing to tlie Kstnia of Karl Kimiuei!, deceased, the said administrator) will proceed to sell on nud alter the first day of March, al private mlc for cash lu bnnl or part cash aud credit, upon tbc a'.1 preiniw-s, in one body or in tcpaiatp patceisai nine lx-for the b st intcrcsis (,f utUl estate tlie fo.Iouing described rial properly towil: The Donation ljuid Claim o! William I'. Ilaw kius No. Notification i t Tp. ;i d It j w est cctitaining liii) acres, also fractioiml lots No. I and oi Se-ctiou No. 2o in Tji i s K t V est con taining ISJ.'jS aeres excepting frrfin the above de scribed premises n Certain nact of laud hereto fore coiivevcl to I'urdr Wilson i ontainiiie bl.oi ai-rcsland 1 acremld toSehooi Iiisttict No. Ju; a!j the Donation Laud Claim oi James niM L'ilen Catching No. being parts of Sections iand Jo in Tp. :M S H ; West excepting lrom the above described Donation Laud Claim No. 43 that certain piece or parcel of land belong ing to said claim lying and being on the North ide id Cow erc-lc heretofore eoiiveyiil to Win. 1'. Hawkins; also ini-res heretofore c'otiveved to L.;. Niehols:aiso .1 of an acre heretofore con veyed to A. M. Bealy: al Jl acresand a frac tion conveyed to Sanderson und iilinoie: also 1 acre of land told to tic lined Dist-ict No. 2"; tlie portion of the D. L. No. 41 hereby described and to be sold containing l'.j il aeres: also ibe - W 1 1 of the 6 E 'A and lot No. Jof Sec. -Ju in To : S Eii We-t cuutainine I'j.JJ acres: aiso the N W '4 ol the N K !j of section Z- 1 p ;W S It (i West contailiiii? lo acres aKo the S K '4 of the N E 'i ol Si-ction .j i in Tp ,Arl K fj West contuiu iim -lu ai res also Lot No. J nnj ti,c H L ' I of the S i: !il se-tioii 'i, 1 p :;o s K 6 West ciiutaining t0.ij acres nil of said premises being situated in Douglas County Oreitoii aud containing iu all; seres jiiore- -r iess Dated at Koseburg, Oregon, this first lav of Februsrv, l M. KO. W.CAUTl.U. HUhl'EltlCKA KIMMKL. ; Ailminisirntoisof the F.-latc ol Karl Kiinmu:, dceea-eil. Notice for Publication. l'nited States Lund Ofliee. Itiiseliutv, Or., Kcliruary VMM Notiix: 1- heretic iven tliat the fullnuiiiK named settler lias filed uolid- ol his intention to make film! i".r in suiiurl il his hum, ami tbt snid iiroiil 'vill he iiiude beforu the Krister and Keceivor, I', ri. Land Ortico at Enscburg, Oreueu, un Mareli 1 1. 1'JUO. vi: (iKANVIU.K H. SIAV On II. K. N'. hi'-', fur the 'SK!4, bEi NW'. N'j Si;, nc. '-":, T. K. 4 V. He names the follow i an niineSMf to throve his cuniinuims residenee udu and ciiltieaUun of said land. i; .1. K. 'I boinason. liurtxiii Bliue maker (if llusebun:, Urektuli, William Tlnton. I Jsmes Brett, of Glide, Oregon. x'P) J. 1 . HKID'.t.M, lt"i.s.lef UNITED STATES TREASURY STATEMENT FEBRUARY The p nernl stock of money held iu the United States treasury a aeeeata of the (iovoroiuent, on February 1, 11100, was: Gold, $21S,I3,t17 ; ufand ird eiher do! Ur, $12 03st,40!; subsidiary silver, 14.917,001 ; tieamuy notes oi lS'.W, 1,834,510; Uniled States notes, f 14,(03,704 ; rational lurik note, $(,1S2,0S:! ; total, f 258,803, 34o. 1 his ptatematit of money held iu the Treasury as asfesis of l he Government ilut e not include depot-its of public money iu tins National Hank Depoiiitarici to the credit the Treasurer of the United States, and amounting to $107. &6,i!0. The f ilowing table shows the amount of money iu circulation on February 1, I'M) as compart d with the amounts in circulation ou February 1, 13'J:i, and Jatni- a-y 1, 187i: URiO. Ib'i'J. IST'J. Go'd Coin t;i'J,447,I70 fti'Ju.'.itw.-lijO ir'JG.StW.SjO GoUI Certitkite lS4,SS2,Sb'J 33,0ol,930 21,1S:,230. Standard Silver Dollaie... 7,83S,0Kl 0o,42;),063 3,790,721 Silver LVrtiticites 390.519,043 392,337,081 413,300 Subsidiary S.hvr 73,429,413 (i'.l,0S3,51tj (i7 ,982,001 Treasury Notes of IS;) 80,010,710 '.13,993,753 United States Notes 317,500,312 309,013,158 277,1)93,511 Cnnency Cei titieates, Act of Jine 8, 1872. . 14.580,000 22,170,0110. 33.1".)0,U)9 Natij.ial ttatik Notes 240,883,701 237,370,019 . 314,339,398 Total $2,003,149,355 $l,!)13,2o0,577 $810,200,721 j For a rs'detnptiou of outstanding cettilicate un exact ciuivul-ul iu amotiut ol the appropriate kiuda of money ia held iu the Tieasury, and is not inclu le.l it the J accouut o! aiotiey held as attests of tbe lioveruiuent. i Tbe populatiou of tbfjrnited States llv5.CKX. which Wculd make tbe amount in The Uirl I Loved at School. Cr'nuii s.uux city Journal.) Wbt-n the mellow daya of autumn wrap the hills in purple ha.e, And the sun s enis all tho fearer for the t hcttntfs of the days, Comes a lovely uiparition through tbe iuis'8 of other yearp. And 1 dou't know why it is to that my tyes will 6wiui with tears, For h hate to judge euiotioua by the txt lock's rote aud rule, Aod 1 only know Put .biokiu of tbe g'rl I It-It at school. Of the decie-t browu velvet are the sweetly tluuh'.ful cyep, A idlhi cheeks are like tbe rose that cur grannies used to jdiie. Not ths pamjiered, pinky blossoms ibat the hothouse dea's out At four dcl'ars per dozen and with paste- bosrJ wrapped about, j liut the u-ar clJ uaruaK rosea mat j moald bt.!d their pink till V ok i Just the s rt I u?ed to gather fo- the irl ; 1 l.ved at t-cbool. And tbe lp?, no, no! nut rah?!. or tbe c-V.Joesa ol the mine Chills the jeei'j burnisbeJ eurface, thocuh tie fiery rays may shine In tbe glaring of tbe gislight; fitter far da they cirrjpaie With tie glow iu yendtrr chalice; the tame fragraccj lingers there. Tbo same thr.ll runs through uieas when on the orRio stool I sot tie first and only kit-a ol her I loved atichoil. Anaiueiorra u grim -s.u, misty veil growi tluu, " And tbe u!ver;beit tual iiaiteu uer, t.te iKrt utna-il aliiittinir in All that eirth rKiud of bcaveD.LieK.Bl, -Nj - l!.uk I Ke - oat foil- U Ve' Jo' 4 "Caver UiU:'er; For I paeJ i. my anjer from tbe girl 1 j Co9l,ow eudia Sot 1 lovid a, acbool. i No- Nor Uel v-- 'a. And I knsw oo if tbe tleetiuu of tbe j divorce ; F. W. Cecson for PUT. parpie au'ntuu days j No. a, II. M. llariia vs. II. - - Brings u i nearer to tlie greeting at t!ie mte'.ics of oar wijs; If it be I may not tuiet ber tilt we'te crotsui the 6ygtan pool, Yet I think tb at I 8'iall greet her as tbe - 6WHl:da-6c:,ool. m CIRCL'iT COLRT DOCKET. For the Term Which Convenes on)i''iu' Monday. March 4. A. Tliiit'. llirat ys. Emma Naeburg, partition ; L. L. Watson, Atty. for I'ltT., A. M. C'rawlordj Atty. fur Deft. 1. Tbo?. IIirt v. Kami a Nasburg, partitiun; 1'. L, Wntson, Atty. for riff., A. M. Crawford, Ally, icx Deft. C. II Wollenberg vs Grant Leveus, to recover money; J. C. Fullertou, F. W, Benson, Attya. fjrl'13". Willis & Kice, Attys. for Di-ft. D. Jaiius Aoibrum vs Johu l'rei-j churn, to recover mousy ; ieo M Drown, j J. C. Fullertm, J. A. JJuchanan, Attys. j for IMT., F. W. Bensou and O. 1. Cc ebow, Attys. for Deft. E. George fimitn vs. A. S. Ireland, et al, foreclosure ol mortgage ; J. C. F'ul lerton, Atty, for ltJ., A. M. Crawford, Atty. for State LinJ Board, F. jloaian Mendell vs. Naucy II. Mendell, suit fur partition real properly: L. F. Conn and F. W. Binson, Attye. for Deft., Wii'i & Kice, Attys. for Tiff. G. T. It. Sheridan vs. John P. Dju can,e'al, mo. ion to confirm sale; Co show A S ieridsT, Attve. for 1'iiT. II. i. i. Warnn, el al, vs. Chan. BrUECtu, et al. action at law; F. W. Benson, CjjIiow & r-beridm, Attys. for PdT'., J. S. Medley and A. M. Crawford, Atty. for Dtffl. ; remanded to Circuit Court by United Slates Dia'rict Court of Origin. I, John C, Il issey vs. Ii. L. Miuard, e. al, suit; Codnw & Sheridan for PlfJ., Willis & Bice for Dfle. J. B. B. Sutton vi. Clark & Biker, action at law to recover money ; Coebow ii Slif ridau for Pill'., Willis & Kice for Dcf.'B. K. I. F.. vs. J, A. Munday, fore closure; Willis & Itiee fur Piff. L. Emma M. Cariisle ve. Dorce B. Carlisle, 'divorce; .). .A. Buchina.i for pur. M. 'Stale Land i'.jard vs Syutha A, Bijiiii, et al, furt'clobure ; A. M. Crawford fur Pin":., J. C. Fullertou for Def's. N. G. ft. WaMier, et nl, -vs. Chas. Brutieati, et al, eait in eijuily; F. W. iViitou f.nd CjhIiow A Sheridan for Pill'.., Mrd'ey, Crawford, Woodcock aud I lev burn ior Del'.r. . N Kitulay Mining Co. v. Cbns. liruiiciKi, euit in eipiity ; F, W. Benson i iiil IJiwhu & Sheridan for Phi's., Craw, Medley an ' Woidcock for Defta. P. J. M. Young vj. Frank Scbweuk er, t al, co.itiriiiatiiin ; CohIiow & Sheri dan for PUT. i. J. F. B.ttker At Co. vi, F. L. Ash, to recover money; F. W. Benson for Plfla. Claries M. CIobo va. (Jeo. W. Iliildlo, 1, 1900. February 1, I'.hJO, was CBliuiateil at 7T,- circulation per capita, fJ j.i'S. et al, foreclosure; Milton Suiilh und I. D. Kiddle for l'itf., CoshoW A Sheridan for Deifs., ti. W. aud Helen Kiddle. ?. Johu Cotklcreaee vs. Mary Cotk lerease, divorce ; Brjon t Long for I'M. T. VV. M. Wilkinson, et al, ve W. il. Cole, et al, parlitiou ; J. A. Kuchanau (or rilTe., J. C. Fullerton, V. W. Ceasou, and J. 11. Shupe Tor P.-fts. U. Mrs. H A. MtCUren vs l-'oci Bart, action to recover money ; J. "A iluchanan f ir 1"JJ. V. A. K. Orcwn vf C. V. CUy- bourneand mle, cootirumtijn ; Crdio j & nrridan Ivr IMF. S W. lufur V Menefte Va J. 1". Sivenrr e' al, action on note; A. M. Craaf rd f r r;c. X. O.K. t!.W"n, et 1 vs. He'cher & rattereou ; J. A. 1'. jchanin and C S. ' Jat'ksju fcr I'.tlr., Kyroii t (.).'! Deft Y. Con timed. Z Eel. 1. II. IjuilbaUK ve. S ir.ft.ern Pacific li. K. Co , damage"; C. i. Jack Son, A. M. Crawford and F. Ci. MiceMt for rid., Kenton 'i Muir at;d Wilis l.'tce for l ftp. AA. Z.L. LHa.iLick v. E J. I'.ue, . . . . .. , , , . . . , auua. rr. .-iciij .i.i.nti-, iii vieroir , J. C. Fullertou for l'.ff. BDt II. L. Maretcrs xt. Fredeiick V. Carrnt-r. etui, motion to niskrt ilevd ; J. A. Uocharau Altr. for I'M. v- t 1 1 1 t..l ......t.i: ... I . L tin v, l . e . i. .sc iaujjiiiiu a. i. iv , iv'.v " - - - s . McLaoI,!io,'.ivo,; Ky-on & Long lorjl aiartaa.d 1 . ... No. 2. JaaiCS 11 U'iies and v . Col- ... u-iit;. x- w..- .,..1 iti jtiuia Co., suit io f j litv ; j. Y. Colvi aud J. C. Falk-rtcn lor lffs., Willis A .,.oe or 1ef,? 1 . ain?, t-necover tuoiier ; A.M. Craw-j ! ford for IM7., Willis & Kice for Dsfu ' j 'o. ti. F.IU J. Clark v. Oio. K. ' i Clatk. divorce; Wi;Ls & lice lor Tiff.! j Coebo A Sberidau for Deft. j No . E.F.Xtir8. K.te K. StiT, di.jl.lOniana, 11311, I vo te; Willis A like lor PliT. ' r i j J II No. S. K. D. virabaui ve. (ieo. K. ahd LOlOrduO dflQ 811 i Eiizibetb Wuine, action on a note ; Wil-i liaJk liice -for riiT., F. W. Denson for! a-3StCm POliltS No. Olivo Audersou vs. B. j j stepheus, datnagee; Geo. M. Brun for pitr. No. 10. W. L. Chap'jiau s Slary Chapman, divorce; J. S. Medley fjr Piff. No. 11. Harriet .Mulnix vs A O. Mattoon, foreclosure ; Cosbo it Sheridan for Piff. No. 1- E. . Young & Co. vj Jas. E. Mauning, et ux, to recover money ; F. W Benson for Pill". No. 13. J.F. Kose vs J. II. WLitectt, to recover money ; C. S. Sackcoi for Piff, Cosbow & Sheridan for Deft. No. 11. George Mducen vs Jacksjti Monroe, to recover rxweession and dam ages ; J. C. Fullertoa for Piff.,Costiow A Sheridan for Deft. No. V. John Nichols vs Emma Nichols, divorce: J. C. Fullerton for Piff. No. ltJ. II P. Brookhart vj S. P. Co , appeal from Justice Court; Willis A Rice, for Appellants. No. 17. L. T. Thompon vs J. F. Barker as adiur., ct al. action 01 under taking; Coshow A Sheridan for PUT, F. W. Bensou for J. F. Barker, Deft. No, IS. L. T. Thompson va Anna M. LonsT, et al?, to lecovci money ; Coshow A Sheridan for Piff. No. l'J. J. F. 1.060 vs Marks est., ac tion at law ti reoovea money; C. S. Jtcksou for Piff., F. W. Benson for D . .20. L. li. Ilarringtou vs .N. ,X. C lapmau, actiou at law to recover mon ey ; Willis A Kicj for Piff , Coshow A Sheridan for Deft. No. 21. Amelia Deulschey vs Ernest Deutschkey, diverce; F. G. Micelii for Piff.. J. C. Fuilertm for Deft. No. 2-. Joseph Bennett vs Peter Oie son, action at law to recover mouev ; J. S. Medley for Piff. No. 23. John Seiber vs Charles J and Olivo Anderson, to deteruiitiM legality of ceitaiu traneferj of property; Willis A Kice for Piff. No. 21. W. B. Singleton vs William Latijib, action tj recover mouey ; J. A. Uucbaii.-ii fer l'.t'f. No. 2o. W. P. E ii.'ry vj W. li. Nease to recover money; J. A. Buchanan for Piff. No. 2"). E. DuG.ti vs Eilhei and L. N. Smith, appeal from Juatico Court; J,C Fulli-rlon fur 'Appellant 4. No. 27. Statu of Oregon vs George Clary, forgery ; Geo. M. Brown, Diet. Any, It 13 HtitiotilicoJ H prubablu that u c.ill will I'" ttiaile wilbiu two weeks (or all warrants oiHstamlitiK Rainst Clatsop County bcitriiin dates prior to February i, isos. Referee's Sale. IS THE CllvCU IT COURT OK TllK STATE OF OKKi.ON FOR DOUGLAS CDITNT V: W . M. MIKliiMin,uiiil Kilcn L. Willi-) iiiKon, bin wile, and Jake WliKucre Mini Carrie Wbitacre, bin iie, I'liilutillH v. ' W. II. Cole imil Susan II. Cole, his wife; II. .1. cole, and Acidic Cole, lii wile: Jncl A. Cole, and U na I Cole, his wife; l.vdia 11. eole, wld- I nwiaiid 1). J. Cole, A. C. Cole, K. M. oie ami K. v. t oie. Minors und neirsiii ia oi riiiini'yi.oie.iicceaseil ami K. i. Voime, A.o. t niinu and ieoi-se Mirarn, partners iloiim biifine under the tirm name and style ot E, i. Vouug A- Com. any U.'feiiilauts. Notice i hereby uivtnthat the undernigni-il. referee ill tlie above entitled eauae, purhiiaiit to an urderof tlie above intitled court made and euieriil in tin-jourual tliereol, ol date Decem- iw, w in on hatunlay, the 21tli day ol Ivbruary, l'joo, at 2 o'clock ;i, m. of aald day at Hi" court house front door iu ltojebiirj?, OreKoti, sell fur cash iu bund, at public auction, In one liody or in separate parcels, the following ile scribed real jiropcrlv, ton it: i hi-CW 1 1 of tnetiE 1 and thefcE 1 ' uf the S W slid the VV of me N W'iof see. 4; the N of the sV ' ,, and the K of Sec. ;'.; lota I, ." and ti of See. s. and all that of tlie (iarret II. Vanrlper Donation Land Claim So. W, lvlnif iu bee. , und the '.jof the SK and thc'K 2 of theSW 1,'ufSce. In; nil ju towiielup J') tiout'li 1. 1 liaise 6 West of the illaiuc'.'.e Meridian iu DouKiio. county, Oi-cgmi, comali.iiiK acres more or lek. DatCfl tliis JliU day ! Janimiy. VMM, ut Koc hurg. treuii. t". A. McliKK. Kcfeaciil .iro, e eiilitled cause. Is the result of repeatc I acute attacks. The liver and spleen are principally affected. They act cs storehouses for the malarial poison and the l'!:l takes It from them. The poison must tie driven out of the system. Ill D YAX will destroy tho action of the I-oison and ercn uslly drive out the last particle of it from th system. In addition to this, Bl'DVAV will restore the lost app e. It will buib. up ths weskened system. U I'D VAN will make new blood and hew !'..-t!i. Tlie pains in the bones will fii .;!;;--,r IIUI11" N' b cured others ani 1: v ,'.! euro .o i. c descrll the symptoms. 5t:t tv !i-.';n iirr'uiit. They are yours. I'o not .1 :iy !.n it, but ts nt'OTAS now and -:i v.iil tie cured. HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS:! 1. C3,rrVNr IIEAQACHB AND! .1373" ) r.r.Ai.r. ti- kudyan i an ! yo ;r i.- ! i ii will disippesr. 2 2. P.Y.: Ol YELLOWISH COil PLEXTON. KUDYArJ ill c;aSUh a free ru t::..-rt )'.: b'.oi I en I causa the checks loa -sii:!:- ti.-:: na-urat i nior. 3. LOIl 0 APPETITE ASDOSAW- . - , " nil r II I . and the diecst.on of ? Ui ill It i 4. KZ2L:;.0Yz:GarOVERTaB ) LIVEIi. Ti i ili: u the ealargcmeM ol In Uver. !t !i.5s.t with the poisoa of ma iar;.t. Ill'UTA.V iil drive ou: the poison and cause theorg m t a-witae its natural site. 15. HEAVINESS IX THE JiEOlOM 0? TEE SPLE2S. liie st.'.ecn becomes " tratly e:a:S-l. KUOYAN "1 len tbe i cuiii.' n as-t riie the heaviness to dUap- I vu:i.?swritfi. Ill DT. ul relieve vonr erv mi-i-i'-'i aiil r.!s.e you trc:i. HID. j v cm !- l--tf..r.rd .l ali dr;:rj:iis for is-. i f- r rvoxs' . ' " rcivfrs ior ; . i ... .......... ... .. .--t.-1. ... S ' ..1. if roitr : r. k-ej. il, send direct to the ! ; hi u an iik i "S;! 'the' hi ir;iV t, cssn rran- ; K- rc-iv.tH r tnst von rnn ; IIYAX DOCTOR FRtK.i a ! iii see tlie doctom- You uiy caa and tc '.hi ni, or rue, as you desire. Address j ( RUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY. ! Car t,.eM... M.., ..d Ellis 8 $.. Frss.i.c C.L j rri"r 1 TUB I!KEcIT.RLU"IKr Uno t!:o:ec id two invure rvmtes tia the I'MUN I'.M'UIC last Mail Uue, cr the KIO .. KAN HE rcculc Lines. Iax'I; at the time i2 days to Salt Lake 2)1 days to Denver 3 i j d.iys to Chicago 4j days to New York Free HccUnliiK Clialr cars, l'p liotMtsrrcd Tourist Hlecpinjj; Carst, I'ulluuaii Palace Sleep inn Cart operated on all traltist. fs.. niftier inf niip'ici -(apply to J. F. GIVAN5, Ajrt., BoteLcig C. O. Terry, W. E Coman, Tr?T I'ass. Akl. Gen Act. l-'l ThirJs-t . IVr ! :o Or. mm mm , Yi We Have the Best and Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS, Rflpj i' rrifSi" -. ie!ai '!! .' The favorite of the Army and Navy. A few of the ships equipped with the Blickens derfer Typewriter during the Spanish-American War. No- 5, $35- St. Paul, Gloucester, Topeka, Buffalo, Oregon, Texas, Indiana, Potomac, Yankee, Frolic. All goods fully guaranteed aud sold ou the installment plan. Baud Instruments, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Accordions, Autoharps. Iu fact almost anything in the musical line can be had at the T. K. RICHARDSON STORK. 8. Tlie people of tbo Pacific Coast sunt East last year over $3,XJ0,(KJ0 in' har i cafb for rKn and .'poultry. Tbis Ktcat Bum of money ought all of it to Lave gone into tbe pockets of Pacific Coast poultry keepers. It pays to keep fowln, bat they must be managed right No big ranch is necessary, thousand are making money with fiinall and W-;e tlocli small potil Til 31UM1IL.V telis all about it. Not in of Lens in villaire trardeus Hint ; V '..m n"., i, ',' w ri i,l orebnrd. Frnit erowiotr and t.'' 1. AlJvM Vtil try lireediDtr ao toEPlht-r linIy. ? 'timtlf I E PACIFIC COAST FAN'CIEUS ' tuoiisanos or nines away, out rtgbt nere -r-on this Pacific. Coast. It tells bow to maku poultry-keeping imy.'bow to build coops, how to feed for 1-gg. how to cure (litea, bow to tell good fowl from poor ones, in t-borr, how to make money with bens. It's bright, prac tical, money making, iuraluttble ii all who keep fo!s of any kind. It is brim full of good reading aud'bedtitifully illustrated. If you keep a dozen or a thousand hens you want the FANCIEIW ilONTHLY. Take no'bicg else said to be jtistjus good get the best. It costs but little. Otie Dollar pays for it 2 yearr-, or it will bo sent on trial ono jear for 7 cents. Don't put off subscribing: Do it today Send one dollar for 2 years or 75 cents for one year, to Churchill & Woolley. Cass Street Market Wholesale Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and tiliay. Grain and Flour. DOZIER & MARTIN, 'Phone Main 181. Props. '. i-aHtffei?M will - E ro-:. G;Vt IT T9t MQNTMS' TitAl I. I i. -r.B"t ft? will Truro Mtr 9-. a'. ur m rr tv4 I: - - i t li.uo si s ail tmiv V--ntl in :r . - , . i-rthis wr ihlc lABnrr - f ri' rrr mPrrr4 by mmr bsc. ; vVARE OF IMITATIONS TSZZZZZ: tm.J afc.a MaM- unie-r & tmtnf-a. Vlth wiaMisV- 1rirm4 ta.tWnMsfMalwirMaktB4wktarrt. f J.J g CURDICK Hi uu ever iomii KY XH PtlTO tt .) ailictk sar anla n ii rl a Sr- r Mt tto patnC dr ! yti p-, " f v V and tV a f eTi?rl Viti ia. a-a nz :;.Itri T-t ;f : tif tM lthi- li.rc "Acr-nrsEAnS," : I JCt yOUr. i--rre' ss. W . I 4. I I H L U Z J 1 -wji SCHOOL SUPPLIES -aZLAt Marsters. - We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Our Prices are Right. . . . A. C.TlSTERS & CD. i WYLIE PILKINGTON, 5 isucceasor to G. W. SOAH.l General Blacksmithing fROTTINQ AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY. KEfAIKIKU OF ALL. KISUS PKUilPTLY DONE. aliop ota Corner Washington and Kane Sta., Roscbu.c kT SAAAAAAAAAtAAAAAAAAiAr nscrite iucludiug CHICKKRINGS, WKBHR, KIM BALLS, XEEDHAM. Besides these we have other good Piauos but cheaper in price but not in quality. BL CKEN8DERFER HOSE 111 III. JU Vs tiki I ?iL2 and Retail Dealer in Game in Season, win Tna "it i . - i " Qvt MH 9r fvia siEiHck u iiriMsi tiiiT. VK1T H.lf iiM. una thk taa' h,.w MatrrlalMf r ?v mXfiL y i::ti ; I XL" ft I PS,fi. 1-J EMU III f r.v fr" I ts f .ti v....:..ysA4 i sal tlt.?V.'i a 1 SOLID QUARTER SAWED 0K "tsi eimn,i ctbw open with fc '! ientrth ta! and In pLar tow otd and fterTmtrd rMoel ftrn-t nwkvi dra wrr . rri r (our ractvr. adjustAt; irrdz. (nccuii'.eSTO tno rtar.d liawa Iarpa Mic - Wwi, poiUTe four n'Un fi. t thrrja-tinx Tinrtinr iiiitt;e. tuti matst bntbia winrr. mdjartabir brm. patent 1"t--?! hw-raJor impro lotm ka4 a m f 4rrata4 asd rmaiW aad aaltaa! mm. tUNKKrl crU . rvaalav. Bail ltnW aa anmi a It-ai awstaa m. mrf kat wtacajarat U tmt4 ' l m.r Fre 13 tmactJOQ Book tii rit hn a" -a,n ran it ad do vther p'ata or any mod of Itvr '.rk- a soTar' fc. 4ia traanx i mrt ita erctj icacatir. IT mTS YOU N0Trll aadlBtosfclmropar ttn " ry j'r (rir ;tar th- gift bo. i.r' Ttr3 ir jfi ,ur Kt :.t4 :. OfttfUE ItfiA Chicago, Ili. FOR. D si No. 7, $50. The Blickcusder fer is rapidly dis placing the more complicated and higher priced ma chines, as it does the . same work equally as well (if not better). 40,000 now in use. i Notice for Publication. UJOTBD STiTfS LKD OITlC - f U.jscljur, Oregon, Jan. 22. 1!9. Notice is hereby ziven that the following named settler has filed notice of his iutentlo J, '.'. make anal proof Iu support of bis claim, and that Mid proof will fe made before tbe Rcis, ter snd Receiver, United States Land Ofllcealy Kosebnnr, Oregon, on March ft, l'.iOO, riz: CilAKLEH CLARK t on If ESo 71ir. fortliSE'ihK!i, W UHE1 S W ' , M Ki, Whs It, T J6 8 k 2 WT. He nam the following niimwi to prove lii7 cnttoin residence upon and enltivction of Mid la viz- t). e. smith, J. r. vvnirnt, w. A. umiu . Umltlyf ReST- 1 :pton, ol Ulide, Oregon. i. EKU Railroad Time Table. Northbound Koeeborg local, No. 17 departs 7:30 a. m. Hoathbonn ! Koeeburg local, No. lfj. arrives 5:20 p. m. Northboand overland, No. 5, ar rives IQ.'Vj a. in.; departs 10:43 a. ra. Southbound overland. No. 6, arrives 4:15 a. ru.; departs 4:25 . ui. FBE1UHT TKALN8. Northbound fast I brooch freight, No 2i'i, arrives 4 :10 p. m.; departs 5 :'2Q p. Ml. Southbound fast through freight. No 222, arrives 7:00 a. ra.; departs 8:00a in. Northbound mixed train No. 222 arrive at 2 -55 p. m., Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, departa 0:00 a.m.. Mondays Thursdays aod Saturdays. hootbbonnd mixed tram 2o. 226 ar rives at 3:00 p.m., on Sundays, Moo. days and Fridays, departs 7:15 a. m. Mondays. Thursdays and Satordayi. CHURCH SERVICES. Mcthoiit CucBcu comer of Main and Lane streets. Sunday Uerrice: Preaching, 11 ts. and 8:03 p. m.; Babbath school, 10 a. m.; L. A. Walker, Superintendent; Class Meeting at close of tho morning service; Ipwortk Leagoa 7:00 p. m. F. 8. Godfrey, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. G. R. AasoU, Pastor, Parsonage, corner Main snd Ltae, CiiTti) Bbzthkis Cuubch on Fowler street. Sunday service, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Pray er meeting. Thursday eTening. Mrs. Lcct M. CcTtar, Pastor. ST. GiuK'.es C hc at H. Corner Cass sad Main streets, berries on second snd fourth Sunday morning of each month and eTery 8nn- cvenuig. Special services announced frosi me to time. Ejiv. Jam Dawso.i, Missionsry.. - M. E. Chi:k.ii, eoCTu.-SftTiceseTery Sunday ning ami evening. Bit J T Cottoii, Pastes Birrm Chibch corner of Lane and Eose treets. Sunday service: Preaching at li a. m and 7: 30 p. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. nv, O. P. : 7:30 w tMccly CTt'Oin. A. Ducolas, Pastor Fia-t Casifius Cut. atH Corner of Pln ani Woodo-ard streets. Sunday -scrrieca Precoir.g both morain? and erening, Sunday school at 10 a. m. T. P. S.C. E. at 6:30 p. m Prayer meeting eaeh Wednesday evening at 7.30. Aeordud welcome and greeting awaita X W. A. Wooe, Pastor Fibt PuBTTEttiA5 Cuckcb Corner of Cast and Eue streets. Sunday serriee. Puhlir worship, 11 a. m., an 1 8 p. m.; Sabtwih school, la a. m. V. P. 8. C E. at 7 p. m. Prayer nievtias, Wednesday eTening 7:J0 oi. J. A- TosrssMD, Pastor Tbb w. c. T. C. w ill hold its regular meetings ou the sccund and fourth Mondays of every mpnih at 7:30 p. m. in the Epworth League room of the M. E. Choreh. ORAfi CO. Ltl'AtI Ahsiit I Fast Salt Lake. Denvr, F t. i Fast Mail Worth. Omshalva n- i Kail & p. iu. . sasCity,: L4 : a t- I ! ca . :.- s'Fvikane Walla Walla Leniston. Spnkauv Kljer pokaue, Minneapolis, i Flyer J ljp.i:i. M. i'au'., Duiulh, Mil- a- m. tiaukie, Chicago and . I xz. $ . m. ih:ba-" SrKAXsutr- p- m. A:! Sailing dates subject to change. Fr 6an Francisco j JsaiilV-c. S,8, l:i,lS il. as and evrry 5 days. i Daily Ex .Sunday Sp- m. Saturday it) p. m. CeLrsBU Kivkb .-TliMSR-i To Astoria and Way Landings. 4 Tp- sa- Ex. Sun i a. m. ' Ex.uuday WlLL.tXKTTS RtVIK reu City, Sewben;, Salem k Way-Land s 1:30 p. 111. Ei.j.Sua a. in. Wuiiarrrs At Ym- 3 3D . m aiij. Kivta. ! if on. Wed Oregon City, Pay ton! and and Way Lauding j. j Tues.Thursi aud Sal. 6 .'m. i WiLUutETTK Bivaa 4-30 p.m. Tues.Thur Mod. Wed and Sat. Pvrtlaud to tn ailis and and Fii. and Way-Landings, j I I Leave : Lew iaton DaUy 8:3t a. m. Lcbto Ririatia I SO a. m. Daily Snakc Ktvir. Ripana to Lewiston J. F. Oivans, Aent, Eo$cburg,'Or. W. H. Hurlburt, Gen. I'less. Ajrt, PotUand, Or. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE A ofOreson for IVraglas county. Nora Helm, Plaintiff," i vs. Austin Euuitj ior Fletcher Helm, Defendant.) a divoree. To Fletcher Helm, the above named de fendant: In the name of the Matt, of Oregon, you aro hereby required to apiear aud answer the eouipi.ui tiKd asainst you in the above en titled suit un or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court twit: Moaday March. 5lh, And If you fall to aiiear or answer said complaint, within said time, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relif t demanded la ner complaint as follons: For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and dciendent, and lor such other relief as to the eourt may appear equitable This: Summons is published by order of Hon. J. W. Hamilton, judjre o! said court, which or der is dated January 6, I90O, and the time pre scribed iu said order for the publication of this summons is once a week for six weeks preeced ins tbc tir-t day of said term of court, and the day ot the lirst publicatio of this summons his Jiiuuary , uw. F. W. BESSOS, (r'-7.) At tornev for PlnlntitT. Notice for Publication. Vsited Status Land Orn a. Kocburg, Oresou. February lo, l'.W. Notice is hereby given that In compliance ith the provisions ot the act of Congress of June 3, lSTs, entitled "An act for the sale o tim ber lauds in the States of California, W:i, Nevada aud Washington Terri; .ryr' f KKIC W. KAKOEI.L, KJF of Marshfleld. County of Coos State of OfTScu, tins this day tile I in this otlice his sworn state liietit No. bi ior the pureha.-e oi the lots 1.2, s1 NK'4', of Section No. .', in fonnsbip No. 27 s. Range No. lit W.. snd will oiler proof to show that lite land sou cat i- more valualile for its timbor or stone tnan for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before the Kegister aud Receiver ol this oftiee at Kose burg, Orevou, on Satunlay, the l'th dav of Mar, 1 Ita names a itnca-: Albert K. Bettvs, viarshtield, oresron: A. E. Kardetl, of Marsh field, Oregou: W. H. Smith, of Marshtield, Ore gon; Geo. a. Herrou, of Marshtield, t'regou. Any and nil ieroiis claiming adversely the above-deacri bed lands are requesleil to file their eluims iu Xlili ofliee ou or before said 12ltt day of .M:ty, J. T. BRIDGES, Kvintur A i