The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 26, 1900, Image 4

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    L"Tho Kind You Have Always
- - iu use for over 30 years,
r and has
Jj7j sonal
f-CCCCAjAsZ Allvv
AH Counterfeits, Imitations aud Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants aud Children Experience against Experiment. .
CaMoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea aud Wind
Colic. It relieve Teething Troubles cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach aud Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
J Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For-Over 30 Years.
society necUag
mm every second and fourth Sunday.
t rat and third Fridays in each month.
piNO Post, ko. , u. a. r., meits thi
ant and third Thursdays of each month,
at t p. m.
every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellow
Wall. Tuuting koiiu In food Handing eor
inuly Invited to attend.
meetings the 3d and 4th Wednesdays la
each month.
K.T. Jawim, 6'ecy.
tha brat and third
Thursdays ut each
H US. K. J. STKOU I), W. M
ari)E sUsT, Bcc y.
oa first and thitd Tuesday ol each nioutb
ia the Id Matouic hull.
II. W. Mu.Lte, V. C.
IT. L. MARsraaK, Clerk.
' No. 12&. meet at the Odd Fellows- HaO
la ftetcburt;, every 1st, Srd and 5th Monday
wrains. Visiting neighbors always welcome.
N.T.J EW E1T, Clerk.
aeeets Saturday evening of each week at
Hielr hall in Odd Fellow Temple at Roscborr,
Mess hereof the order in good aiandinf are invu
aw te auaod. C.UAS. ULt'N K. U
5. T. Jawan, Bec'y. .
n F.o. ELK 8. ROSEBCRU LOlK.K. SO. S!6.
o. aold their rrguiar commuuicauont at the
I O. O. F. ball on fecund and fourth Thursday
ml aach moBtn. Ail member requested to at
trwd rcaalarlr, and all viailing brother! cr
imUj Invitad to attend.
IRA B. RIDDLE. ecretary.
aaeeta the aecond and fourth Mondavo(
trh maalh at? JO p. m. at 04d Fellows Ual.
Kembecs of the order la good (landing arc in
vitaa to attend.
' Recorder. Fincueier
Roscbur?, Orejroo, l-'ebruary 1?. lt.
Koiior is hereby given that in compliance
with the proenaoni! of the X of Congresn of
June grd, laTS, entitled "An act for the le of
timber lands in the ialca of Cali.'omia, Crecou
evada and W whinrtoa Territorj.''
Of Waabbnrs, (ouutr of Bsyiield in c oi Wiv
conaia. baa this day tile J in thus oflicc but awora
atalemiat No. tu6. for the purchase ot the
of Section in Township No 24 south
Rang No. 3 west, and will offer proof to ahow
that the laawi aomrht is more alualJe for it
Umber ar atone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before
the Rcclster and Receiver Of this office at K'e
burg, Orrgoa.on Thursday the i day f May,
1900. Ba pamea as Ttueiei: Sivcrt ;e, of
Washburn Wisconsin. Jacob Johnson, of ali
bura. Wiaconaia, Oscar Lnudirrecu. of Waih
I'Ora. Wisconsin, Iavid lleduuid, of Washburn,
: Wtaconiia.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are re-ueslcd to tile their
claims in this ofiiueonor b -fore iid 3 day of
May, 190U. J. T. BRIDGE.-,
map , Registe.:
Notice for Publication.
United lMr Land Oflioe
RoaeUirg, Or . January li. 1W.
Notice is hereby riven that tbc following
earned settler has Hied notice of his ii.tentiou
la make final proof in support of bisclaitn, and
that said proof will be made before the Kepister
and Receiver, United htates Mnd Office at
Rotebnr;, Orezoo, on March 3.1'.mi, viz:
Oa bis H. E. No ein.1, for the F.'j fcK'.
BU N Eli bectiou 28 T. T. Bouth, R. 7 est. He
namea the following witnesws to prove his
continuous residence uson and cultivation o(
said land, viz: Orson Boell, A. . Bneil,
of Looking Glass, Oregon, James Beastly, V. Jar
is, of Roscburg, Oregon.
fJLIlT) KeKisler.
The 'TuitlaDd-Chicagii Special,"
which leaves the Union depot at 8 p. m.
di!y is equipped with strictly up-to-date
room Pailmao sleeping cart, and free
reclining chair car, oieam heated and
electric lighted. The European plan
dining car service is a special .feature of
fxeellem-e on thin line. Delicate china,
i cere, xpoilen linen, tirst clasa cooking
and attentive servants add to the com
tort til travelers
A new library car ia attached to tin se
" Aa the uaiue indicates, these care are
fitted up as lihntry aud readiui; room.
Book caae "uotaiuiua all the standard
works, the current HTxxlicale and daily
rapere are at the ilirpoaal of all first and
second class paaac ivere.
Time never hauuH lieavilv on the ptis
aengert' bands while traveling on this
train, and before on is aware of it the
. train pulls into tlie Union depot at Chi
cago. For fall information regarding the
movementlof these trains, rates, etc.,
call oo or addre?
V. a. Schilling.
Portland, Ur.
Or J. F. Gn tNs,
Kosehurg, Or.
"I am indebted to One Minet Congh
Cora for my health aod life It cured
me of lung trouble following gtippe."
Tbooeacda owe their live to the prompt
aetion of (bis never failing remedy. It
caret coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
pneapionia, grippe and throat and lung
troubles. Iu early uso prevents cuo
setaption. It is the only harmless rem
if that gives immiwliat results. -
A. O.Mrf5tero & Co
Bought, aiul which has been
has borne t ho signature of
been made under his por-
supervision since its iufancy.
nn ono in lwivr voil ill this.
Signature of
Ks S7 , ?
9 VtftMY TfkCCT. MtW TOH ClTT.
Notice for Publication.
I'nitotl r-iads I Jtii Oflni-.
R.fc-tuin-i, Oi-:tia. Kebroary f.
NtU-c is heix-bv Kiveu that the l.ilKminu
mmol mitli r 1 at lilcd notice of h iiilemifo
to malic linal proof iu supKrt of hi clniiu. and
thl taiil pnxi niU M made befeiv Ibe K" i. r
and Reevi-er. U s. IjinJ tifliee at Ewbuii
Oivsfou nn Mnnh 1M, vU:
(iH E Ko. 'XV'. tr the K'.SK'. XW'i K'.'
sWK N E' wv . T S. K V. lie uu:im tlie
klmu-iti3 i- pnve ct canunto i-
rvsiuenee utan and cuiuvadou tfNUd I
yr- WUliain I. lender. Anl;li:l U. !; t
W, II. Hunter ! Wanlt.
Altiau.ier ol t U vtlan'l, lre-
J. T. 1.KIPT.ES.
Notice for Publieatton.
CniteJ tati Ijin 1 Oiliee.
Oregon. February LV. li.
Nuee whereby KHen teas the lll itiC-uaun-d
wtiler ha tiled nUx' ot bi- w tomiou to
make Dual p root in snpiiort of bis '.Rim.
thai Mill iroof will I made bcioivtlic Kiti
terand Keeeier. V. Laud Ofltce at Koebie.
Orveou ou Mareli 3', 1 '.. vir:
On II. E. No. ftV. lor the N'. SW1.. K'4 NW
Nt 1 ,. see , J e, K s u . iu- names tae
following nitiiOM'" t prove Ins contiuuous
It-id. n.-e upon aud culiiiation of taid land
tij: Sc!l Lmiiler. Arebibald O. K-. of Mel
rwe, Orir"i. W. 11. Hunter of ardtou, Ocsf
Ssiuutl Akiail'KTol t, OreS'u.
J. T. BKIIK.E?",
T Kegis'.er.
Notice For Publication.
l"srr:n t-TiTi.s LxNoOrru r..
Uei-unr. Oregon, Kcbruarv l". 1 .
Notice is ben-ty cl'U thai in eompliatice
n ifli tbc j-:n i-;ni oi the net ot Coium-w -f
JnueS. lb-, cuticcd Ao act for the ie of iim-b-.-r
lands lu the states of l aiilomia, Oregon,
Ncvauaaud V.'athincton TerTitonr."
of Marsh ti'-id. County of t'oos. rotate of Oregon,
hs ibis day tiled in this office h tnein Mal--ment
No. . lor the pun.ha-of the Iot f.
KW'i.ot Section No. 2, iu Township No. -T
fjoiith, k.inge No. 10 West, aud will otfer proof
to show that the land sought is more vaiuable
for Its timber or stone than for azrieuliiiral
purposes aud to establish his claim to sai'l laud
before the Kegisu r and Receiver of this otiieeat
Ktiseburg, Oregon, ou Saturday, the li'.hdsy or
Mav, Iav. He names as witnesse. AiU rt E.
Betty, of Marslifield. Orezon, W. II. Bmith ol
Marshtield. Orvson, O. H. Uerrou, ol Marshticld,
Oivrou, E.W. kardeil of Marshticld. Oreirou
Any aud all eroiis claiming adversely t'e
auove-decribe 1 iandsar' romesteii to tile thvir
rlaims in this office ou or before said Uth ds oi
Mav, llvW.
J. T. EKi-JOK,
Notice for Publication.
Laso vrru e,
Rosebun:. Oreson, Feb 1'), W.
Noli-c is hereby given tliat in compliance
with the prov ivion of the act ol Congress of
Junes. IsTs. entitled "An aet for the sale of
timbi-r lauds in Ue stales of t aliiornia, On-tou,
Ncvada.aud WaMilngnm Terri'.oiv, '
h"KANK W. i-oni k
Of Ahlaad, County of Ashland, State of Wis
consin, has this day tiled in this othee his sttoni
staleinent No. for the pun ha.e of the south
cast quarter, of section No. 10, in Township No.
H ."xnith, R&u?c No. : West, aud will oiler proof
to show tbai the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for acrH ullursI pur
pose's, aud to establish bis claim to said land
be fore the Ketrisier aud Receiver of thisolhe,
at Roseburg, Oregou, ou Friday, the 27ih day ol
April, 1L". lie names as witnessen Micliai-l
N Oistad of UasJihurn. Wis.. Jobn W. Ucl
land Of Wabburu, Wis, Charlie einTl, of
Washburn, w is., L. T. lctvoif of Wootlaiil.
W is. . ,
Any and ail t-roiu elaimiuz a lcrely the
above-lsribed laoiis are rciuesled to ule their
claims in this olhec on or bclore said J'tli day of
April, im
Administrator's Notice of Sale.
iN tue and in pursuance ot an order and deeieo
of the County Court of Dourlm Couniv, Ore
gon, duly ma.le by the Hon. Joe Lyons', Jndge
of said Conn, and enlered of record on the itii
day of Baptember. 1SW, ordering and direcline
the undersigned adiiiiulstrator to sell the real
property bercinaitcr dest:ribed and Is loiigius
to the Estate of Karl Kliuineli, d'eitsed,' the
said administrators will proPw-d to sell on and
after the nrst day of Man h, l'.l at jrivate stile
for cash in hani or part cab and tipoi,
the rat i premises, iu oue bly or in ceparate
parcchvas mav Ik-for tin-lo st inu'rrsts ol wild
estate the follonins des'.'ribeJ rial j-ropirlv,
The Donation I -au.l Claiin ot Williuin p. Man
kius No. 42 Notifieatiou 4 1 Ti. :K) S K C west
ccntuioitit: l' ai-res. siso frai tioniil lots No. 4
and oi hectiou No. 2ti in Tp 3n S R tl W est con
taining acres excepting from the ahore de
scribed premise a o riain tract of laud hereto
fore i-oiivee4 toi'urdr Wilson eoulaiiiins M oi
a rcund 1 sere fold to ishooi lJistiict No. -jn;
alsi the Lsud Cluiui ot .Tallies ami
hlleu CuU'hiui; No. 4 i beius parts of Sections
2aul .'6 in T. Ml S K t West exeepliiu; from
the aliove descrils d liiiatiou Laud Claim No.
4.; that ccrlain piece or paro l of lai; l beloui:
ini;tosaid riaiin. lying and being ou the North
sldoot Cow creek heretolure coiiveycd to Win.
1 Hawkins: also oaercs herctoiord conveyed to
L. C. Nirholfia'.s! .4 of nu acre lierctoforu con
veyed to A. M. B'-a'.y: also Jl acres ami a frac
tion eoliveye! to isaudcrsttii and Oilmur: nisri 1
acre of land sold to School iMst-lct No. I'o; the
portion of the U. L.C. No. 41 hereby descrilitd
and to be sold toniainiui! I'.'. i acres: also tu
si W '4' of the e E 1 , aud lot No. 2 of See. it in
To :) 6 R6 Wet eoutainiDi; Pi.J) acres: also the
N W lt ol the S K'i ol isc-tinn s.i I p :j s I;
We-t eoiilathiu; 4u ai res also the N h '4 ol the
N E 1 of Section in Tp Ju K 6 West contaln
i tie 4u aires also Ixit No. 1 nndtlieSK' of the
S K 'i of .Section a Tp ;:o SK West ciutai!iiiu;
40.0U acres all of Miid premises being sitmtted In
Douglas County oreirou aud eontaiuiiiij iu all
4;'s.'..i acres more or less.
listed at KoN.'burg, Oregon, this first duy of
Kehruarv, rM.
Admini-tratois of the Estate ol Karl Kiiuiue!,
deceaseil. -
Notice for Publication.
V lilted Kate Land Oiliee.
I. m II. lf..t.r.i... -I li...
Nutisc l In rc'bv Kiveii 'tiist the fi'iiinu iug
named multrlian liled nritlcc ol hl inteutioii tu
roufcu final pnf In nippurl d Ins ebtitu, and
tbai aid pro d will uv made iH-iore the Kc-iner
snd Keceirfr, V. H. Land Otlice at Boheburn,
Oregon. m ii, rm viz:
On II. K. No. W..', fur the. SW'V M!
N';,N','s'i : wt. a;,!, jiB., k. w .
lie liaises tin; lonov nig iineM.n iu prove nis '
contfuuous rvsiUfure uiun ati'l rulth ation ul i
said land, viz; J. K. TUndihaou. IIuiUiu biios
icaker. of Koseburit, Oreiruu, wiiiihim Tfjium, I
James Brett, of Glide, Oregon. .
i1-...i i t apirK.r
v.u,., .... ...........
Proper Foods and How to Feed Them
Ureeti Bone Green Stuff
Chit The Dust Bath
Winter flanagement.
A. C. liilbrt, manner of the Poultry
Department of tho Oituiuwa Experiment
Faun, ii his repot t saye:
Of I'ljual import to the proper housing
of the lay inn stock is the subject of foods
and how to leo I them eo us to secure a
continuous supply of new linl eggs
throughout the winter leasou. It baa
already been eaiJ that iu feeding for
eggs in winter the faruier should utilize
aa much avail ts popsiHe. It ia by the
udicione competition of the ration that
much of the waa'e may bo used. The
aim is to h.ive the rations both cheap
and effective To be effective tie rs
tious mutt be well balanced. That la,
they must ciulrjie tl e euVelilUf nla that
go 10 make bo'.h rgg and fbel!, at the
earuo time Uepirn: tlielayciein proper
conditioo and iicalili. What, luen, are
effective producing rations?
Cl'T gkkk.n uoni:.
So far, no rations have beeu found to
so nearly till tbc requirements for egg
and tlicil, bt the saute lime utilizing
what iJ, to a great extetit, watte, aa the
green I'Oise of the lurcher shops, or the
farm. These thould be cut up by small
mille, made for the purpose, or broken
op iuto Hue pieces and fed in the ratio of
one pound to every six'een Lens, ihree
times per wtek.
Cut bone is a'eo- txcelient to fatten
chickens intended for market. But
carefullhandling ii necessary in feeding
it. in other than j jditious quality, tor
our experience last winter in the oultry
house was that if fed every day, although
in small quantity, it made White Java
at:d White 1'! mouth Hock liei.a.eo fat,
toaatd the end of tho season, .;s to lay
uiiUsiroied eggs wiih thin shells.
Mr. M. E. Tatlr, of the California Kx-
peiimect Stution and Agricultural Col
le;e, in an address before the retaluma
1'jultry Association, endorses the value
of cut bene as follows
"Shells are not the ouly mur.e for tbc
lime necessary Kr g4 thelis. Ucnes
alsj contain a Urge percentage of lime,
as is seen from the following analysis of
ciean, dry bones of oxen and sheep:
Carbonate of lime
C to 7 per ceuU
Phosphate of lixe .53 to 03 per cent
I'tiosphate of magnesia. . . 1 to 2 per cent
Fluroide cf calcium - per cent
Organic matter Jo tp 30 per cent
"Fresh grevo bones alo contaio, be
sides the lime compounds, some proteins
ortljth formers which add to their value
as a pju'try food. The beet way ia to
have them brokeu up by a bone cutter.
One pjuod of the greet bones is gener
ally considered euo'.tgU fjr sialecn hem."
The rotation is certainly valuable
testimony to the worth of green bones as
a winter ration. The question ia often
asked "Where are bone mills to be
I, .!
Cane aiiils are made, t i be used by
hand, at a con of 15 t j 15 ; to be rnn by
machinery from f 15 upwards, according
to capacity. They are manufactured in
Montreal and Toronto and will, no doubt
be heard about through agents and the
aivertiiiog coiutna of newspapers.
In a previjus feocrt, farmers who ob
jjcl.tithe coet are advise J to club to
gvther, purchase a power machine, place
it ia or au jainiog a ceamery or factory
to which thev take uuU and util'ze the
pjwer to hs generrpy found iu such
baddings j cut th bones. It is the
w jrk of a few ruinates to thus cut op
boaes suffiitent for 100 hens. Where
t'jere is a will, no doutft, a may will lis
Another form of aas'.e which may Le
ufel with gojd eiTect is that of the kitcb
en and table. No better or more effect
ive ration can be inai'e than that com
posed cf the peelings cf potatoes, turnips
or o' vegetaules thoroughly cooked
and mixed with bits of bread, the whole
to be s'.irred into a still mass by the ad
dition ofjround wLea'.p, oats, bran, or
steamed and cut clover. Unmarketable
vegetables Loiled aud need instead of
grounl grain, iu the mash will make a
wholesome and welcome change.
A farmer who is in the neighborhood
of a town or city, with a winter market
of prices ranging from twecty-tivo to
thitty-Sve cents per doz.-n for new laid
eggs, is favorably situated, lie is not
only near a market of high prices, but
the slaaghter house and butcher shops
where green bones can bi purchased at
cheay cos', or if he likes to arrange for it
if he can secure the waste oftbe Lotels,
Oatbeo'iher baud the farmer who is
di6taut from u.h markets aud who sells
to a mindleman. niott be ccnteot wit"!
smaller profits, and to him the less cost
ly the ration the more valuable will it
be. To him alto shoul 1 the experiment
al work gain", on with the vi-JW of discov
ering cheaper and more effective rations
be diere interesting. It might be econ
omy af r all, iu his case, if there be
dilliculty in obtaining bone and meat, to
purchase some form of the blood or meat
preparations, granulated bone or ground
oyi-ter shells for supplying lime.
lilxi'l weal is feJ in the proportion of
one ounce to every ten hen, and cost
from $3.53 to $: 75 per 103 pound bag.
Tli3 cost of granulated boue ia $2 25 per
103 pound, and gro iud oyster shells
$1.25 per UH) pourds. A bag cf blood
meal of 103 pounds fed at the rate of five
ounces to fifty hens every day would last
300 days, or two winters of nearly five
months each. Oue hundred hens would,
of course, taka twice the quantity, or
coiiBume it in half the time. At our
poultry house green bones are delivend
at a co:-t if one to one ci.t aud a half a
tiKliF.N" biri'K.
Laying hens rexmre a liberal amount
of green stulf, and here is another good
opportunity to turn waste to good ac
count i i the thape of unmarketable
vegetables. A market gardener, who
t t . u . u,rw(l Plvmotilli Horku
I ept a UOCa OI Ucrreu t lyUJOUlU UQCK8,
! iuformed the wriler that his hens during
! , . ,. . , . , . .
i the winter did better laying and were
' more healthy on oata and plenty of cab
t base thou jjti auy ration he fed them.
. . , ..
In BUch a CUM JIII10 Kind of grit WOUld
. ,,v. . nt ,, .li M u ,1 1. 'reiriilaril v un,l
bve to bo s uppue i with regularity ana
n' lihpral niint it r. or Ilia continued
(finding of oats without it would bo very
fo make heus "'crop liouud " In
poultry houce durint; winter
lawn clippiuK?, which had tn e i cut ud
dried during tho cummer and carefully
put away, on beitiK tut into bkmI
lenllia aud 6leaued were very much
relished by tho hen. It wta fd by
itoelf, or mixed in the morning
The clovers pr.'rctved and treated in
the fame way were equally eattefuctory.
An occieional mash of turnips or carrots
mixed with the ".round grain" ia a whole
some change. Mangels, carrots and
turnips may be fed raw and will he care
fully picked by the bene. Speaking of
the value of green stuff in the winltr
production of eggs, Mr. 1. J. Limberl, a
well known poultry writer, says:
"Green food", ns has In n o-teti said,
arj to) sparingly given. Lees graiu aud
more grass ihould be the watchward.
Cabbage, turnip;, cut clover, onions, or
anyth'ng of a vegetable nat'ira cheapen
the cost of fceJicg, tend to keep up the
ejtg poiiuction aud cor'ee ijneutly more
prolit." This extract ia Kiv u in the re
port cf 1SD1, but it will berr repct:(ion.
Ia cafei where yegetablea. are scaicc, a
substitute may ba fcund in oata, barley
or wheat boiled and feed occasionally in
the shape of a warm mash alone or
mixed with small potatoes'.
Of almost as n.m li initortacce uh the
foodj is a knowledge of the proper way
to feed fheic' To overfeed is actually
woreo than ti e opposite trea'tueM. Hut
with proper kno ledge acid thorough ap
preciation of that which i being aimed
at, the lao extremes will he avoided. It
is in the medium course that success lies.
The beginner ia tempted to give wore
food to bis hen, which are beginning to
lay well, under the impression that le
will get better resulia by bo dolus. The
expeiieocad poultry man will tell you
that to avoid overfeeding is occ of the
hardest rules to observe. It ia the
cause of many of the i 1 tha' poultry '
More, it ia fatal ah-n practiced forauy
leoicth cf time,
To further stimulate ':
bene t'iat are do t it V air b.8t is
to !
thrash the horee giinf at his top tpeed ;
tl inaka him tro uuitrker. The tw.n fact-
or in iodicious feedinz 'n rxrcis1. The
three Kre.t factors i the winter produc ;
v-uii oi VKCf ait; rut none or luei ;, t'CfU
. , .... . .. . ;
biuu auu exerciee tut iwtie bii"u.o "
frd ia tjuautiiy t.f i-ne puuud lo every an. ,,,. t- !., h will lirfr
six eeu hens, or one nonce to each ht n. ( a 2. PAL.E OS YEL.LOWI3H C02I
Feed three timer l-er week, or one dai-v . PLEXIOX. HUOYAH a ill :aMish a free
if l.i, r. lavim- a. :l
Green f-Kxl Cabbage cjii be
(rotll the ceiling lo within Uo aoJ one-
bsiif fett from the Hoor. Feed tuacKeU.
carrots, turnip, etc.. ra : or t-otl the
latter and mix with ground trains i..:o a
Stiff rnah. Cl jver hay ihonld be cut
inf ntlArrMP l,nLtliit unit i'piniA'1 lv
Discing IU a I'ail and UOUrint! liOlilCir
water over the nigUt before it is maoted
for use. Cover t!,e pail after pouring in
iue uaiiios waer. eieaoieu may
bs fed alone or be. uiisnl in with
mit:i. Lawn clipping) miy Deniurta.-
ly treated.
-be ad ingenuity to keey the Iiyers in
exercisa (roui tuoruing until they gi to
roo?t. Throw all grain food into a inter,
composed oi cliatT, s'.raw, tu". hay, oat
bulls, dry lea v.-s, etc.; wbich should be
on the fljjr to the depth of lour, five or
six inches.
AN IMPORTANT 1.UT0K t.N ttl.Mia XA.NAlll:
MLNT. Ao inJifp -nsjlild tiotor ia successful J
winter management is to have the proper
fowls at a proper age, This is not a new
subjest, aa it has bee a treated at length
in previous reports, bnt it ia one regard
ing wbich icqairiee areet frequently
made, showing that its importance is
either not understood o' not appreciat
ed. Expiriecceha proved tha'. hens over
threi y;ara of age msuH eloaly that it is
lit) in tbe winter before they begin to
lay. Meanwhile, they will have eaten
apnacb, if not all, of the profit they
afterward make ia the remaining short
period of hig'i price). It is true that oc
casionally a three-year-old thorough! red
is to t e found that is a valuable breeder,
on account of certain good points she
poesesse). but that is a matter more di
rectly appertaining to the farmer, Lcse
aim is to obtain as many eggs as he can
from productive hen. Tbe most profit
able winter layers hive been found to
ba one and twoyeai-oll hens and
During the winter of 1S91-5, four early
White Java pullets I.-tiJ more egg) than
other farm pullets or hens of any other
And what was slid more gratifying,
tbe egjs laid by the same pullets in tue
spring, proved fertile in most cases and
the chicken) strong and robust, showing
descent from a strain of undoubted con
stitutional vigor. Aud it is in slock of
each quality that, the farmer will find his
beet money-makers. Again, the three-year-old
bens are not so pioStable, for
the reason that they are disposed to pot
on fat that is, the food which goei into
eggs in the younger bird, is more like y
to go iuto fiit with ihctn sad fat hens are
tiHeles) as breeders aud layers. Another
important consideration in selecting
winter layers i) to choose such breeds as
are more likely to put stimulating rj
ti i iuto eggs rather than fat.
I is well known to experienced breed
r. -nil, at pullets will stand more feeding
than older stock ; that rations calculated1
tig) into egs in the caee of the Spanish
clase, vr. : Leghorn, Minoras, Andahis
ians, etc., are more likely to go into fat
in UralimHe, Ccchinc, LanelmiiB, Javas
aud Plymouth Rocks, and certainly eo if
the birds bo old. But the main points
for the farmer .o be guided by in the se
lection of his laying stock are ;
1. Keep no hen for an active winter
layers over two yeaia of agr.
2. Weed out the noc-productive
fowl) from the money-makers. There
are, in all llocks, likely to be some
diones. To keep them it to detract froji
the profit made by the active layer.
'Vestern I'oullry Journal.
lid not dieapioiiite.I if one-third of
your chicks do not bear tbe characteris
tic tuaiks.
Cultivate iii yourself tho greatest pa
tience, quietude and perseverance if ycu
would insure success.
Lat the best mo'.hers care for the
Do not expect more than three
fourths of all your chicks will live
to mature American Stock Keen-1
er, - .
Referee's Sale.
W. M. Wllkiumti.aud Klkn L. Wllk-1
iiiNon, bin "lie, and Jnke Wliitacrc I
and t arrle Wbitacru, liN n He,
W. II. Cole nit'l HiiKau II. Cole, hi
wile; H. S. Cole, uud Addic Cole,
liln wile; Joel A. Colo, and I
Cole, bis wife; Lydia D. Cole, wiil
ow;.lnl D. J. Cole, A. C. Cole, R. M
t ula and iK. V. Cole, Minors ami
neini iiimu in Biuiii'yi;oie,iieceaM.'tl
and K. ti. Yoiiuk, A.U. Vuuns and
Uero euwrini, partitera doing
biiftiney under Ibe arm name and
elylcolK. O. Young V Company
Notice 1 hereby Riven that the underifncl,
referee in the aliove entitled vauite, pumiant to
an oruer oi me aoovc imuic'i court mane ana
entered in the ioliriml thereof, of date Decern-
uere, win on eatumay, Hie '.Mtn Ouy ol
February, 1!)0), at 2 o clock ;p. in. of said day at
Hie rourl house (rout dixir iu Koceburg, ttn-Kon,
sell for rash In baud, at public auction, In one
uo:iy or in xepuraiu parcel, the loi:owtiK a
wrioetl teal proiirtv. towlt:
lhc SW 't of tne hK 't, an.l the SE '4' cf Hie 8
W '4, and the V , of the N W , of fxc. : the
N'oftheMV '..and the K i of Se. ft: lot 4.
.unu uoi er. , aim an inai part oi the uairot
B. Vaurier Donation Land Claim No. U, Irine
In Sec. o, and the W )i of the fcE and ibe'E
ottheHW 'ofeiee. 1; all in towunhtp ii Bout'b
of Kaugefi eatof thu Wlllumet'e Meridian in
DouKlan county, Orcgou, contalniui; 1XW.47 acri-
moru or leal.
Dated this 2lth day 'f January, 1'XO, at Rosc
burg, Oresoii.
C. A. Mc(.F.E.
Ucfervcin Hi" ve entitled eaunc.
la the reult of rvpcateJ acute attacks. Ths
liTer ami spleen are principally affected.
Thcv act as storehouses for the malarial
poison and the lilnml takes it from them.
The poison most
be driven out of
thesrstem. UI D.
TAN will destroy
the action ot the
lison and event
ualiy drive out the
last particle of it
from tha system.
In addition to
this, Hl'DTAN
will restore the
UaU spp e. It
will builu up tha
eskened system.
Hl'DVlN 1U
make new Mood
and ni-w f.i-sh. The pains in the bones will
i dianrwr liruf iX has cared others and
ia ,.llrp ,,, Wa describe the symptoms.
Slu ly llu-ta carefully. They ar yours.
Do1 1 ' loT?
but take DIDTAM
sod you will I cured.
. .
Tar,rjBr Et E2At3. T.K HUDYAM
eir.-.ilailon of
to vum thir nvurnl rnlor.
i wiiv r orv tu
i-tile sad thed sestlua of
, 'JO, '' WN-nm ' pt 1
FEEMU 3 OF WEiorg.sama
LIVER. Tin. it d-4.- w the rnlariaitnt
i tnvliror. 11 it fillr-.f ailh lh r-oa of m
iv t v ..r ik. tfu.. .nil '
: cause mcorKin u iwmr lis unmni
oe THE, 8P"S?n Ji' 'pI
. cnnsv,..n .n J ,a, bcav.3r to disap-
I p,r.
,J"' '".r v "
verv 9virii:om anl nil vou wrll. Hl'D
fax i an be ubiainrd of all drtiriisis for ;we. I
. pr Mw-ii or -a.k(ir.s for J '. If your j
1 ilmcaiM dir rol krp it, snd direct to lh '.
! rlc caii'oraia i:e;nmbrr ihs vou ran j
conMiil tin
fa!l and a
HI Ut A. poctoks rnis.
Ih? dortors. lou icsr ra.l sad ,
see tbem, or artic, as you deslrt. Aodrcss
Cr StKktsa, Mir.t saa Ella) Sta,
Saa Fraacisca, Cau
Montana, Utah.
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
tiives tuuicc of twii favorite route, via the
VSIOS VACIFIC Fast MaU Uue, or tbe
l.oo al the time
ija days to Salt Lake
2 2 days to Denver
3ja days to Chicago
x2 days to New York
Free Kecliniuit Clialr cars, V
tiolstered Xourtal Sleeping
Cars, In!!uiAti Palace Slecp
tait Cars operated on all
F. fuitbcr iufonue'ioi'lai'plr in '
J. F. UIVANS, Agf., KoteLciJ
C. O. Terry, W. E Comau,
Twi I'sks. Aru
Ut Third St .
Geo Act.
Tor! si a Or.
We Have the Best and
Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS,
x 1
" Ws-w-C" ---- -
The favorite of the Army and Navy. A few of the ships equipped with the Blickens
dcrfcr Typewriter during the Spanish-AniericanWar.
No. 5, $35.
St. Paul,
All goods fuliy guaranteed and sold on the installment plan. Band Instruments,
Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Accordions, Autoharps. In fact almost anything in
the musical line can be had at the T. K. -RICHARDSON STORE. . , -.
The people ot tbo Pacific Coast sent
Eubtlitst yonr over J3.00U000 in harJ
cafeb for pkrh und iou!try. TLis ureal
sum of tuouey ought nil of it to have
gone iato the pockets of Vacilic Coawl
poultry keepors. It pays to keep fowls,
but they must be managed nght No
big ranch ia necessary, thousand are
making money with small and large
flocks of hens in village gardens aud
small orchards. Fruit growing and
poultry- brepding go togfithr finely.
fliuiitiji telis all about t. Not
thouaandrt of miles away, but right bere
ou this Pacific Coast. It tells how lo
make poultry-kenping py, bow to build
coops, how lo feed for eggs, how to cure diseases, how to tell good fowl'
from poor onesin hhort,'huw,iiiako money with Lens. It's bright, prac
tical, uiouey tuHkuig, invaluable to all who keep fola of any kind. It is
brim full of good reading and beautifully illustrated. If you keep a dozen
or a thousand bens you want the FAXCIEKS' MONTHLY. Take no'hing
else said justa good get the best. It costs but !ittle, One Dollar
pays for it 2 yeBrrs or it will be tent on trial one year for 75 cents. Don't
put eff subscribing! Do it today. Seud one dollar for 2 years or 73 pents
for one year, to
Churchill & Woolley.
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and
Hay. Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 181. Props
iikii tit tAtr t4tl .C-tf f ilrti.l.aSill.i.i.t
-"i en taiaii.r ii,; ) iirsi..- nf iSriii.i n! If I ja sB,
w sM;iai uner Kriee
Jriit -aK'- l t Jiw)vivMhvf'rsitit Will
r rm-h m!l.. fitVt IT THICE MANTHt
n h'W w will rrMre 5 urtiy ny iimy
! BUM ffsaaj fljllf mtmts sUnN
rab-aaV, Ua
Mtarflt drraa ciiai
DOW I l (. 11 a. mm4 ail T'iUt Wrnld tn txir 9r rwta 1. f Lr
. i tYVAMt vr.imuiiiivna Vr fit 1 1 i
i -1 k -.a-.. - uh -irtiiiisi I If 1
I --rta. Ha (W4 alarm M Mra ka 4WrsaU atsl wtaai bm aaad I 1 V. 1
d i THE BURDICK ln.7ZZESgJ!,EZr:Zi Hi JtJJ itt
'. 7 1. asa inn B4M. ana vas . at i I v.-'." ': :
I-iS? :
- at aTliM m - at
atMniMii CUARAMTEEO tl Harkt
i .t m rrrn iiiiiii.H n.unTnHMii'rw1iic..itoiimco iul.(L suaistn
r t DELAY. IN. K-"Sii A-f rh" i
Items. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III.
iQet your
We have a Complete
stock of TEXT BOOKS
and the Finest Stock of
ever brought to this city."
Our Prices are Right. ...
iaacceasor to Q. W. SOAH.)
I General Blacksmithing
Shop oa Coruer Washington and Kane 8t., Roscba.-f
Besides these vc have other good
Pianos but cheaper in price but not
in quality.
Hi urn DM8.
Game in Season,
.1 I
ess K!ca
TtlAl In
ym mrm at
-i I:
rUcal ihsaftl d roots ax f r im it,ti tn h vimsM aui s aassli'sT tamsV
4s. alaai
MlfcrropeavKh fnll mzh tar? ud W4 ia fuavp f or
XvmeA ad tsyr-ormtti rmMnsft rWh. ftiwrt Btrtel dnsr frntitL rr o for
etwlfTtV 4Vlia1M iTMMlif. rraalnvXmh irr ftsviMl. Wmmmt Urv Ml rm
tKl lour antHl'-n t-e-L it Ifcrrdinr TihraUn hutU. aa'mt o
tKMa wioaT mdjirft&bl brarlnr. fwtr: Unna hf-rmar.liaproTM Umm
hfL svtjtair prrruT fH. IrntTTv.rsMl L':taie- camsw plt ntWYr.
aa watwawy 41 nmrit ata4 wnmmmmft ami
lasliw Miriln ts7 sVasa tm faraii, ard enr Tr Io
TructlOtt Boo Uill i'trt aw f "i m n ra tl act 4m itfcrr alitn or anr
law of t? vork. A -w ' ' t fr-t-nii rrr a siriT
IT COSTS YOU NOTHING "2 f? mmm'.r9m9VT. "
.At Marsters.
av.1 J
No. 7, $50.
The Blickeusder
fer is rapidly dis
placing the more
complicated and
higher priced ma
chines, as it does
the same work
equally as well (if
not better). 40,000
now in use.
Notice for Publication. " -
I'hitkd brjTi Likd orma
Uombun;, Oregon, Jan. 'li,
Notice in bereb, given thai Uta follovlaf
Darned settler baa filed notice o bts fnteiMua
: make Dual proof in rapport of bis claim, aod
that sail proof will lie made before tbe Regis
ter ami Receiver, Coited tetatea Land Offleeat
koaeburg, Oregon, on March 6, l'J90, vis:
II K No 7. for thu K ,A t i, W i 8 t L K.
HWi4Nli4, fee it. Hit 2 VT. U names jf
the folowiDKitntws to prove his eon t to nous '
nuiilcucc upon ami eultlvction of said land i
vis: O. K. emith. I, Y. Wright, W. A. Smith, ST
C. Tipton, ol Ollde. On-goo.
Railroad Time Table.
Northbound Roeeburg local. No. IT
departs 7 :30 a. m.
Soothboand Roeeburg local. No. IS,
arrives 5:20 p. m.
Northbound overland. No. 5, ar
rives 10:35 a. in.; departs 10:43 a. m.
Southbound overland. No. 6, arrives)
15 a. at.; departs 4:25 a. m.
Northbound fast tbroogh freight, No
221, arrives 4 :10 p. m. ; departo 5 :20 p.
Southbound fast tbrongh freight. No
12, arrivea 7.-00 a. m. ; Jepr.rta 8.-00 a
Northbound mixed train No. 222 arrivea
at 2 -55 p. m., Sundays, Wednesdays and
Fridays, departa 9 :00 a. Mandayi
Thursdays and Saturdays.
boathbound mixed tram No. 226 ar
rivea at 3:00 p.m.. on Sundays. Mod.
days and Fridays, departs 7:15 a. m.
Mondays. Thursdays and Saturdays.
XaTuomsT Cacacii corner of Jfaia aad Laoa
(treeta. 8onUy Benrloe: Preavebiac 11 a. aa
aad p. aa.; Sabbath school, 10 a. aa.; L.
A. Wa'ker, Buperinteodeot; Claaa Xacdag at
doaa of the aaornlac serrlca; Kpwartk Leaoa
7:00 p. aa. F. 8. Godfrey. Freaident. Frajrer
at ee tins;, Wedneaday, at 7:30 p. m.
G. K. Aajou, Fas tor,
Panonace, comer Mala aad Laaa.
CKirau Bsrraax5 CHCaca on fowler stmt.
aanda? sen-Ice, at 11 a. m. and 7 JO p. aa. Pray
er atfeUng. Thursday evenioa;.
an. Leer It Cctue, Pastor.
Sr. Cacacau Corner Caas aad
Vain ttieeta. iiersices on second aad fonrtk
Banday moraine of each month and every 8aa
eTeninf. Special aenieea anaonneed troaa
'ma to time. Rzt. Joax DawsOK,
M. E. CarcacH, Soctb. berriOCTeTerj Sosday
aloe and evening.
Kae i T Cottoh, Pas tot
Bimu CacacH corner ot Lane aad Koaa
treeta. Sunday srrrice: Preaching at U a. aa.
aud T: p. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. nu, O. P.
Coahosr, aapcrintendeat. stayer meeting t
. -.30 Wednesday ereains;.
K. A. Ducsioa, Pastor
rianT cuaiimajc CaiaiH-Corner oi Pisa
and Woodward streets, gonday aenieea
Preachius; both momins; and erening. Sunday
school si 10 a. m. T. P. 8.C. E. atiJO a. aa
Prayer meeting each Wednesday eTeaing at
7 JO. A curlLal arrknme and greeting awaits
JU W. A. Wooa,
Tiest I'aaaaiTaaLtji Cucacu Corner ot Casa
and Row streets. Sunday aerrice: Pablae
worship, 11 a. m., aal i p. m.: H1Wth
school, 10 a. ni. X. P. 8. c. E. at 7 sa.
Prayer mcrtini;, WediHsday evening T.3
m. 1. A. Towjssjio.
Taa W. c. T. V. will hold its legaJar meetings
on the second and fourth Xontfays jot crery
month at '30 n. nu in the Xnworth LeaarM
room of the U. E. Chare a.
LciAS; . Lis , AaaxiT
J . .
Fst 1 Salt Lake. Denrr, Ft.) Fast
Mail i Worth. Omthasla n- 1 Mail
Is. m. ' sasCitTi.Lo'j ; a 1- I C:losuaa.
j case j
?j tanc Walla Walla Lewiston, '. Spokaue
Flyer Spokane, Minneapolis, ' Flyer
o ijp.ia. Si. Pan':, Duiuth, Mil- , 8 a. u.
waakie, Chicago and
' at- .
.i aa
a p. m. ' Ocbas STsuxsBir tp.
All SaJlns; dates subject - '
to change -
For San Francisco
fU Vvc. 3,8,13,15, 3,! .
'JS, and every 5 days. j r J
Dallr CoLrasiA Rma I p- as.
KiiunUaj tTsajtaas b. dan
Sp. m. To Astona and Way- ! .
Situxday Landings.
10 p. m. !
(S.B. Wituxirra Riti t JO p. at. '
Ex-fiuuday Ex. 6un
Orernu City, Newber, : . -"
suem Ot Way-Land s
7 a. m,
WiLLAxma And Yax- 3 30 i. m
bill Kivaa. !Moa.Wed
Orvgon City, Paytosi and
and tat.
ana ay-Laihiuigs.
6 a. UL WiLLSJieiTB KiTaa A-3 p. aa.
Tues.Thuri iMon. Wed
and aaL Portiaoil to Corrallis and and Fri.
, and Wsy-Landmgs.
Loare fxsaa Bitxb Leave
Ripaxia ; Lewlatoa
1:S0 a. si. : Riparia to Lewisloa Dally
Daily ; 8:30 a. bl.
J. F.Givans,
A sent, Soscbarg, Or.
W. H. Hnriburt,
Gen. rasa. Art.,
Portland. Or.
ofunson for Douglas county.
NonkHelio. PlaintilT,
vs. suit in E'luilj for '
Fletcher Helm, Defendant) a divorce.
!' KK'tuhcr Hclin, the above named de
Iu the uaiue of Uie Stat. tt Oregon, you are
hereby roqnirvd to appear and answer the
ciMiipl iUt tiled against you iu tho absne eu
lliied suit ou or bvfuro the first day ol the
next nftiUr term of Uio above eutiUcJ court
Moaday Blareh, 5th, : I'm Ami it you fail
to aear or answer said complaint, within
?aid time, for want thereof plaintiff will apply
to tha court for the relief demanded iu her
complaint as follow s:
For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds
of matrimony existinc between rilain tiff and
defendeiit, and lor such other relief aa to the
court may appeax equitable
i ma Mimnious it puuliehed by order of Hon.
J. W. Hamilton, iudso o! said roart. whinh ur
der Is dated January o. 1900, and the time pre
scribed iu said order for the publication of this
summons is ouee a week for six weeks proceed
ing the ur( day of aid terui of court, and the
ilav of tho first Dubliealiu of this siiimmiiiahU
Jnuuary 6, lyne.
r. W. BENOX.
(NT) AttorneyiorPWnti'.
Notice for Publication.
Csitkd Statis Land Omn,
Koseburg, Orcxou. Pvbruary 16, 1S00.
Nttii-e'ls hereby alven that In cuaiDllanca
n tlli tho provision of the act of Congress of
June s. it-., enutiea -an act tor me sale ot urn- -
ber lands In the States of California. Oregwnjf
Nevada and Washington Territory;'' C k
of Marshftelil. County of Coos, Slataot Oregon,
has this day n led in this oftce his (worn sut-
meui No. M. for the purebate of the lots 1, J, s!."
N'E;4', of tsoction No. J, in Township No. -Zl f,
Rau ire No. hi W., and will oiler pwof to show
that the land soiigbt N more valuable for its
limbor or stone than for agricultural purposes,
aud to establish his claim to said laud before
the Register and Receiver of this office at Rose
burg, Orejrou, ou Saturday, the l-'th day of alar,
i..wi n .. . i. .. . I i.' -a ...
ot Marahiield, l Hewn: A. t. Kardeil. ot Marsh
ticld, Oregon; W. H. Smith, of Marshtield, Ore
;n; tieo. 11. Hcrrou, oi Marsh field, trcgon.
Aey and ail iwrsous claiuunir adversely the
abuvc-deM-rlbed lauds are requested to tile their
clidms ia this otlice on or before said 12th day of
Jlj,l i. T. BKlDOES