The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 15, 1900, Image 2

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6m Tew ...
tare Months-.-
.'.jruiia1 rublisker
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Tbe British don't appear to ba able to
find tbe "ojen door," in South Af ica.
The South is tor eapanrion
the Nicaragua cual just the
tbe rest ot tbe country.
and for
awe as
his Forces at Chevelry risde a Recon
noissance Het tru Burghers Near
Uncle Sam lias Sixty-one New Ves
sels Bulhilng-Tliy Will inquire
in Officers Alone, 2000 NL-v Men.
FEBRUARY 15, 1900.
What hat become of AguinalJo?
General Bailer has again crossed the
Ittgela river that if, he baa crossed to
tbe Bide farthest frm th Boers.
The democr.tU re iu lavor of an early
national convention. That's all right,
but there may ba danger from sprouting
in the shock.
i Brighara H. Roberta has other troubles
i besides three wives and the seat in con-
I'resideiitMcKinley has shown hiacus-
la.tnm ... 'L-aAntnif 11, M 1 1 lU I ft id'
i.: !.. .1.- v--....,oi,icre83he was not permitted to sittu
IroaHo. hot using his personal influence i prosecuted for cohabiting .th
t . .....flli Mitkmeni of the difficult v. Miss Magie Ship-bis third wife.
Uindov, ri. li. ltie only war news
otaoykiud (his nioraiitg id an utlicial
dispatch from Buller from Chevelry an
nouncing a rccounoiesance at Spring
Gold, resulting in n gaiu of grouud on
either side. Captain Hamilton Russell,
Lieutenant C. Churchill and 10 meu were
wounded and Lieutenant
iuil 10 uicti wore wounded and Lietiten
iiiKlou and ix men were
ed ly the Uotrs. The dispatch contains j
deui'ed accounts ol a tut nppearr to be
K.veo ibe convicts are partisans in i
Kentucky. The man pardoned by vlov-
ernor Taylor refused to accept a pardon '
utiles H came from the uinn whom Le
rottderel to Ihj legally entitled to issue
Government Cable Defeated.
Per ha pa Biily Mason i.- rttlit,' re
uiaiks tba Louisville Courier-Journal in
a reflective tone of voi.v, "in thinking
thai tbe Filipino are a capable of selt
caveroment as the people of tbe state
that sends Billv Maron lo the
States wnate."
Tbe lveview keeje up he dirty, con
temptible fight on Governor Geer. This
is the reward which licet gets tor ap
poiotieK ifcree of tlie Review's clofest,
political and personal friends as regents
of Use Draia Koruial scLool from this
county, and two or three uiore of the
same political faith and personal rela
tions as directors and manager of the
district fsir.
Wamiinutos, Feb. 13. The house
committee ou interstate and foreign com
merce today decided by a vote ol 8 to 5
to report a l'dcilic cable biil along the
lines of the Sherman bill, defeating by 5
to S the Corliss proposition lor a goyern
meutowuerahip. Mr. W. C. Coiur has begvu the pub
lication of a paper in this city, under
the name of tbe Koeeburg Oracle: He
Uu'ted I announces that in politics it will le in
dependent and that it v. ill giow as the
business will iuetify. Mr. Conner is a
good all around newspaper mat., is a
forcible and iiitereeting wiiier and will
make a third paper succeed in lioioburg
if anybody can.
Conflicting railroad interests have
much to do with the trouble in Ken
loo y. The Louisville & Kihvil:e rail
road, which is tbe great feeder cf the
business of Louisville, was for Taylor for
governor. The Cincinnati Southern, the
livai of tbe former, and wnicii is the
road that take southern trade into Cin
cionati, was interested in tbe Goebel side
of tba contest. There ia a great deal in
that Blue Grass "mix up" that outsiders!
Cape Colony, Natal and Bcchuanalaod
Must Bi Divided. '
Nkw Yobk. Feb. 13. A dispatch
tbe World from The Ilagaa says :
Dr. U. P. X. Muller, tbe Orange Free
state minister to the Netherlands, is re
ported to have said ia an interview :
The war is the beginning of bu col
lapse of England's power in South Africa
The lunger th war lasts, the heavier
will be the Gonditi-jne ot peace, for Log
land will tu conw out of it without giv
ing important concessions.1
The young Tranrvaaier, secretary of
don't understand.
All the talk tint is being indulged in
by a certain class of newspapers, in re
Hard to tba paper trust bavin put u; tbe
price of white paper, and calling on con-;
grass to take the tariff off paper and j
paper pulp, ia all rot and if tbe editors of
these papers have got sense enough to
run newspaper, they know- it. It is
true that the price of white paper has
advanced daring the past year until the
Kibscriptioo price of a paper like the
Plalsdkalkk, will hardly pay for tbe
paper on which it is rioted, but the
facta -ere that tbe demand for white
paper during tbe past 5 ear bas been
enormously increased, and at the same
time tbe supply baa decreased. White
paper is manufactured iroui wood pulp,
made from logs, saw ios if you please,
and millions of feet cf logs are used
every year in tbe manufacture of paper.
Tbe paper mills are located in tbe New
England and Atlantic statee, and tbe
timber for these rail!: corn's largely from
tbe Maine fores is, and is cut to be floated
out daring the spring rise in the streams.
Last spring there was no water to
float out the logs, consequently there
eras a shortage and a very heavy one in
tbe timber supply for tbe paper mills.
Two years supply of timber is now lay
ing on tbe banks of the streams ready to
Boat out next spring. This county ex
ports wood pulp in large quantities and
- the supply being short (he demand
both at home and abroad increased tbe
price just as a shortage in (be wheat
crop would pat up the price of wheat.
Jeet how it woutd help os to take tbe
tariff off wood pnlp when we export that
article Instead of importing it is some
thing that we can't understand. One
thins that would help would be tbe
building of more pp?r mills in Oregon,
where we have an abundance of raw
material and splendid water power to
work it up.
If , our demo-pop friends would use
some of their energies in a'tempting to
induce capitalists to invest tbeir money
in manufactures in this country, instead
f bowling about tbe oppression of capi
tal and doing evertbiog in tbeir power
to drive away capital, (bey could accom
lih something for the good of Oregon.
j the legation, added :
'Both lepublice will have fuli freedom
and independence. Further, England
will have to give up those parts of Cape
Colony, Natal and Becbuacalahd, where
the inhabitants have thrown in their lot
with tbe republic,. for they mwt not le
left in tbe lurch."
Gunboat Princeton, Acting Under Or
ders, Has Raised the Colors Over
Tatanes and Caiagaa Isles.
Manila, Feb. 12. It U reported that
tbe gunboat Princeton visited Tatanes
and Calsgtn il.;uJ, wbichwere omitted
from the Taria treaty ot peace, being
north of 20 degrees of latitude, raised
American flags and appointed native
governors. It is added that tbe Prince
ton found a Japanese flag at Bayal it
land, and refrained from landing tteie,
pending orders.
The Princeton occupied tbe Northern
islands under a government crder. The i
report that the Japanese fU- was found
fljijg is not confirmed, but there are ru
mors that Japan intended to take the ic
Unde. The natives willingly substituted
American for the insurgent officials and
took tbe oath of allegiance.
Tbe natives of Samar add Ley to are
returning to tbeir towns and normal con
ditions are being resumed.
Unconfirmed rumors from native
sources say that General Pio del Pilar,
the insurgent commander, died of fever
iiuimportaut operations. Ihoyomy tend
to thruw luht on the situation by i rav
ing that the B jrs nre actively following
'Juller'a every move.
From Lord Ujleria at Modder river,
where all ejes are turned, lhtre i.1 no
Nkw Yobk, Feb. 14. The ota)chre
auuouncing the British "retirement" at
Kensherg aro not yet satisfactory. "Our
lostes are not yet kuoau," says the
Daily Mail's correspondent. There va9
hot tlghtiug nil day aud at night the
British retreated.
This news is the moro deprcssiux to
Loudon, because only a lea' dnys ago it
was believed General Freuch was able 'o
take Cotesburg. If the Boers aie able to
defeat General Clements iu a decitive
engagement, they may threaten Lord
Roberts' bate of supplies at DeAar jauc
tiou. This unexpected show of strength
by the Boers at Coletberg bas amazed
those who were predicting an easy march
for Lord Roberts through tbe Free State
Tbe experts who saw in General Balier'a
capture and abandonment of Vaalkrantz
a hue piece of strategy, say that Gener
al Clement's retreat to Rensberg ia patt
of tbe same policy, to ebgage large forces
of Boers while Lord Roberts demolishes
It is believed that General Bulier has
w ithdrawo his whole force quarter of a
uii.Iiou men, and Ibis force to put down
two small republics whose united white
population is iupp)eed not to exceed
450,000 men, women, children and
Citlandors. Nothing but this fact was
needed to demonstrate the futility cf the
ministerial scheme of army reorgrniza
t.on laid before parliament cn .Moaday.
" fl.e preciee nature 6i Ix;d Roberta,
movements ou Modder river and Orange
river are wrapped in mystery. Certain
it ia that the country General French
maneuvered the Boers out of in Nortncrn
Cape Colony has been reoccupied by tbe
Boers. General Balhir is keeping bis
own secrets, but we may lock for another
move on his pai I in a day or two, prob
ably east of Co-eneo."
The Mcrning Post'a war expert rays :
'The announcement of new appoint
ments cor firms tbe soppoeitien that a
largs force has now been assembled st
Modder river. Tbe offensive cannot be
carried on along the whole line and tbe
commander-in-chief must determine the
point at which Le will act. It looks as
though the Boeis bad taken tbeir forces
away from Magesrfontein to reinforce
the commander at Colesberg, where i
victory would threaten the British com
manications between Cape Town and
Modder river."
The expert compa;ea tbe situation to
the American civil war at the time when
tbe army of the Potomac tieid alt tbe
Confederate foicee in Virginia, while the
WtEtern armies moved down the Mlssii-
sippi and through tbe Lcart of the con
federacy to Atlanta and Satannah and
the: e north to General Lte'a rear.
ASiniiOTvN, teb. 14. The secretary
of the navy has sent to t ho senate netatt-
iwunt of the number of vtgfel t-.mlrr
construction and of naval ntlicera availa
ble. The statement wa- made iu roc-
poue to a resolution of inouirv. It
I alinva that llicrn ni'ft (1 vepseUnf nil
i:u. i
- . v...:i.i:.... .i ii .. .. :.u
. umnsta nun uuiiumc, auu iuui, nnu
! these vessels tn commusion. they, to
cap 1 mttlmr with thonn umv in iniv u-tiuhl ip-
iuiro .WW olhcerH, whereas tiier. ate
puw onlv 10S4 othVers. There are
14,000 men in (ho navy.
Up to noon Tuesday voters had regi
tered as follows :
Lake, 0; Looking Glass, 14; Millwood,
2; Mount Scctt. 12; Mvrle Creek, 59;
Oakland, 102: l'aea Creek, 1)5 ; Uii.lle,
bcotUburg, IS; iv 'pebur, M ; ten
Mile, 7 Umpqi. 70: AY est Rfebur,
43;AVil! ur, S; Yonealla, 2(i; Calapooia
31; Camas Valiey, 3; Canyonvii'e, 33;
Perdue, 1 ; Civil Baud, 44 ; Coms-iock, 80 ;
Colea Valley, ;)2; Cw Creek, 3; l)er
Creek, 78; Kjst Umpq:ia, 10; F.lkton,
37; Kelloc,', 4; Girdiner, 2; Gletjdale,
40. Total. 1030
This w about one-fourth of th toUl
vote of tho couuty.
Lawrence Uiwe ia in the bonkn
coutitv jail to answer the charge of stea!
ing two horses from a Cninaroau.
Tho three branches of the "reform
forces" of Linn county are to meet at
Albanv. on the lO'.h. and attempt to
make a fusion for the cotting campaign.
Joseph Stone is pu'ting out a new
seven-acre hopyard, on ciee-k, a
few miles from Cress-ell, despite the dis-
conracin;; market. He has received be
tween 6M3 end 7001 hop rooti from
California to Lint it with.
The I'alles is cousiJering a proposition
tj establish a woolsconring mi'.l at that
point tha civ to gnirjiutas $23,000
worth of 0 percent urst-tui'tgage bond.,
payable in 10 years, and the promoter to
assume the remaking flj.OOJ worldr
A feature of a political clu meeting at
Burns, last week. wa a phrenological
addre-s by a Udv, who f-xamiued the
heads of several prospective cindidatea
for otlice, reported favorably ot each on
and slid she wished sh-3 had the privi
lege of voting for them. '
V. F. Bowker, of Crivj county, was
killed near Hay crock on tbe 2J inst
He was driving a term down a grade
when a break of the harncsi let the
tcngus of the wagon drop, and he was
pitched or dragged oil by bating to tl e
lines. A wheel pa?ei ever his r.exk and
caused instant death.
Tbe savingc-b:i:ik srsleni introduced
in the public schools of Salem, on Janu
ary 1, ia proving a wonderful euccesr,
says ti c Statesman. Though only in
operation a month, already a comfortable
balanca is in the bank to the credit rf
the pipile, and the amount is growing
steadily. The total number of depositors
for the month was 37d 205 bojs scd 171
girls. The t)!al amount deposited was
$372.1)4, or neatly 1 for each depositer.
Sentence. The wretched I
prisoner w ho listens 1 i
to the rcauitig of
his death warrant is
not more surely
doomed than the
man who is threat
ened with dread
consumption and
fails to take tbe
right method to re
pulse its attack.
The child mat ia
born with a shallow.
narrow chest ; the
youth who daily
crouches over an
office desk ; the me
chanic who toils in
an atmosphere of
dust, and the woman whose household
duties constantly restrict her to the close,
heated atmosphere of her home, all live
under the blighting shadow of consump
tion. There is but one sure protection
against this wholesale murderer of men a
sound healthy body; pure, rich, red blood;
and clean, clear breathing organs. Dr.
Pierces tJolden
Medical Discovery
makes a man hun
gry, and really hun
gry men are usually
healthy. I'.ut that
isn't the whole bat
tle you may nil a
stove with fuel, and
if the prate is clog-
j;cd with clinkers
and the chimney
with noot. you will
have no fire. The
Golden Medical
Discovery sees
that fuel burns
that the life-civine
elements of the food
are absorbed into the blood, end that new.
healthy tissues arc built up in the breath
ing organs, it prevents consurupuon Dy
curing all the abnottnal conditions which,
if neglected lead up to consumption.
Mo. 1'isic K. Clark, of Kntcrprisc. Shelby Co..
Mo . writes: "1 hal despaired of cvT setting
welt. I had tvecti ia liau health for tvrclvr year.
Jtad ache all through inc. nnmi) hatnU. cold
feet, and everything I nte lislmseI tnc: bowels
constipated, wa rry ticrvou. depressed and
cleapouticm. i iinie latexi s-x ikwhc m in.
Piere' tloldcn Medical Discovery, and ray
health is now good. "
Constipation disappears while you sleep
when you take Dr. fierce a reiitta.
ucii genua ;
J For 30 days will offer some
PAPER in order to make room
y for Spring Stock.
See our $26.00 Sewing Machine, also
have secured through the Special agent,
Mr. J. R. Jones, the celebrated Singer
Sewing Machine that can make you
special inducements an and prices nev
er before offered in Douglas county.
If you contemplate buying a machine
call on or addresss
Winter term will begin
11, 1899.
Classical aso
Thorough preparation lot ColleKe, tor
TMCblnf, or lor buslneaa. Inttrui lion fle
lo Lalla, deck, French, Oennan, MtUmitio,
Natural ScleDee, Uiun, fnKliih, boonhaad.
TypcwritlDg, Penmanahip, and Hygiene Able
ajwlatants. low rate. For further parti col an
address the principal.
C. T. Whittlmzy, A. B.
Bosebare; Or.
KeideDce, Cor. Doaglaa and Chad.
wick bfs., one block abore
Court Honsa,
Roseburg, Oregon.
N.N.N AiA -.3. ...,,-.l.N.Al : N , . IV
Watch our Window
Object is to Oust the Governor From
the Offks So He Can Take it Him
selfNo Legislative Quorum.
Icbabod, my boy, me tbongbt I beard
yon apeak of yoar aire thia mo-niag
tbe "old man." Yon are eighteen years
of age, are you not? Juet eo. That is
tbe age when callow youth baa bia first
attack of big bead. You imagine at tbia
moment tbat you know it all. I observe
by tbe cat of your trousers, tbe angle cf
your bead, tbe flavor of your breatb, tbe
style of yoar toothpick ehoes and tbe
swagger of your walk tbat you are badly
gone on yourself. Tbia ie an vrro.- of
youth wbicb yoar unt ie can overlook,
bnt it pains biin aorely to bear you
speak in term of disrespect of one you
sbould never mention eave by tbe t-acred
name of "father." He may not be op to
yoar style in tbe modern art of making a
fool of y ousel f, but ten to one be forgets
more in a week than you ever koew.
lis may not eojoy Knotting gutter snipes
cboppad fine and enclosed in delicate
tissos paper, but be bas borue a good
many bard knocks for your cake and is
entitled to all tbe reverence your shal
low Drain can master.
Bye and bye, after you are tbrougb
knowing it all and b gin to learn some
thing, 70a will be aebauied to louk in tbe
glass, and will wonder where tbe fool
killer was when you were ripe for tbe
sacrifice, aod when tbe "old man" grows
tired of Ibe journey and slops to rest,
and you fold bis bands across bia boHom
and lake a lock at bis face tbat ba grown
so beautiful mdeaih, yen will feel a
sting of regret tbat you ever ppoae of nitn
in so grossly and diereapecful a man
ner; and wben other eprouto of imbecili
ty use tbe language tbat go delighted
yon in your germiua' period of iuh
booi, you will feel like cbuing them
with. thin e:ick and craibiu tbeir
f kails to see if there is any braia tissue
on the inside. Bob Bnrdette.
CixcissATi, O., Feb. 14. Holding tbat
tbe federal court bas no jurisdiction in
tbe conteeta in Kentucky, Judge Taft
this afternoon refused to grant tbe appli
cation for an injunction against the Ken
tucky state board of elections aud the
democratic contestants for state offices
other than governor and lieutenant-governor.
Fkaxkf.'UTmKv., Feb. 14. Governor
Beckham's suit to compel Governor Tay
lor to surrender tb3 office of governor tu
him will be filed this afterncon. Jadge
Price has prepared a petition, which will
be in tbe nature cf an injunction and quo
wartanto proceedings.
FHSkFOET, Ky., Feb. 14. Tbe house
and senate met at 11 o'clock this morn
ing. Both bouses lacked ijuoraru and
adjurned until tomorrow.
Circuit Court Jurors.
The following list of circuit court jurors
have been drawn for tbe term which con
venes Monday, March otb :
L P Fieher, painter, Uoecburg.
Geo W 1'uckett, fanner, Canyouviile.
HD Evans, " Coles Valley.
W J Hanan, " Yoncalla.
G V Perry, laborer, Itoseburg.
J J Henderer, farmer, Elkton.
Jas Dunnivau, " Myrtle Creek.
C 8 Mathews, " Oak Creek.
Geo B Goble, ' Kellogg.
J T Mabley, " Roseburg.
M V Kinuiau, horticulture, Yoncalla.
J AV Pardee, farmer, Canyonville.
HC Stautoo, merchant, Roseburg.
F F Wells, farmer, Elkton.
LT Thompson, farmer, Coles Valley.
Frauk B Waite, stockman, Kjeeburg.
J A Cole, farmer, Oakland.
Pa Wilson, farmer, Riddlee.
C P Barnard, " Roseburg.
Geo Applegate ' Yoncalla.
Clatk FegeU, " Drain.
BU Jue, Myrtle Cretk.
W H Coale.-, " Ten Mile.
f VV Hunter, " Ropeburg.
Jas Byron, Olalla.
C L Cbuuuweth, merchant, Oakland.
A B Hiioas, farmer, Elkton.
Peter Hansen, carpenter, Edenbowtr.
F L DillarJ, farmer. Dillaid.
H G BrcD, " Elkton.
TI J Wilkius, merchant, Roseburg.
A Rush of Business Causes Dr. Darrln
to Postpone Leaving Until
March 18.
We will keep constantly on ha
Clean Supply oP sal
Confectioneries, Fruits,
and Vegetables.,
We have just what you want
a Fresh and
Dr. Darria, tho emiueut pbysician
and fpecia'iit. at iba repeat of many
Irien lsani tbe greit interest 6howo by
tbe EntTdring and alll.ctel in Usabur.
has con-en cJ to stiy with na until
March IS. Tba truly woaderfi'
curej be bis accomplished ara bjin tes
tified to bv a host of attiicted suifercrs
who can bi seen and consulted on the
miraculous car.-s o i tbeir behalf. It is
safe to say that io specialist hs at
tained tbi prominsuco o! D-. Uirria in
this couctry, aid he cannal help but
meet with trand auccesa.
Dr, Darrin'a v't-it ii Rjeebirg has
been markeJ with co-xl resales. No:
only has hi been croardjd wi'h pti-bt'.
bat the mirveloai resul s a:heived in bia
treatment by ehc'.ricity i aluost beyond
Looking Qiass.
Over One
Hundied Cases
in Lane
The following official report to
Lane county court speaks for itself:
Ectitss, Or., Feb. 12, 1900.
To tbe Hon. County Court of Line Co.
Gentlemen: Haying been requested
by yoar honorable body to determine tbe
nature of tbe eruptive diseate now pre
valent in tbe vicinity of Crow, Panther,
Mound aod Hadleyville, and advise you
regarding tbe nature of tbe same, beg to
submit tbe following repoit:
On Sunday, Feb. 11, 1900, we visited
tbe neighborhood of tbe epiJeaiic, ex
amined several caees in different stages
of tbe disease, and enquired into tHe
history and nature of tbe epidemic. Al
together about 100 persons have been
affected. Although none, with one pos
sible exception, have died with tbe dis
ease, it being in a mild form. Several
have been seriously ill. At present
time there are one or two cases that are
critical. After a thorough examination
we unqualifiedly pronounce tbe disease
to be smallpox in the discreet, or mild
form, with nobyuip'.um lacking to make
the diagnosis absolutely certain.
Respectfully submitted,
W. L. Cheshire, M. D.,
1. A. P.u.vk, M. I).
Scott sburg. ,
Mr. P. P. Palmer went to Ashland
last week.
Mr. H. Weatberly bas returned from
Mr?. Mary Wilsou arrived at Long
Prune on the lOtti and began her labors
on tbe l-'tli.
The warm bright days draw out the
croquet plavers, and the interest in tbe
game ia uuabited.
ii. iJ-iLioaipsou ana u, Witter were
ia town a few days since.
Dr. Alex Patterson was iu town last
It is with regret that we note the fact
that Miss Cottage lias permanently re
moved, being recently married at Eden,
bower, from our vicinity, but we extend
our congratulations to be fortunate
young man aud express our best willies
for tbeir future hapioess.
Mrs. Moiliu Weatheily hat gone to
Gardiner ou a visit.
The tiphing season is about over for tbe
Tbe lannera aie all very busy plowing.
Grandma Davis has been visiting in
town for some time and was a welcome
Everything i tl jurtshing in i.'ir neigh
borhood Mia3 Acnij Buahnell of Ten Mile
spent several days in our valley last
week visiting frinJs blJ relatives.
E. Morgan and daughter spent Sunday
at Ten Mile visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mis. M. S. WeatbetforJ of
Civil Bend, were visiting relatives bcra
Anderson Vaaioy of Coos county, waa
in our midst SunJay.
It. Andrea met with quite an acciJeut
last Tuesday. While cutting wood a
tree be was felling accident! twisted and
be was thrown uulr it. It is booed he
will eoon recover.
Changes in real estate are becom icg
quite numerous ia cur valley of late.
We welcome tbe Btranger to our valley.
Upon consulting tbe county papers
lately ;we see tbat our "Hon. County
Court" bas appointed an entire free sil
ver board of judges in oar precinct for
oar coming election. Is this right and
just we would ask? Not but what tbey
are all honorable, upright men, tut as
we have a uumber of staunch republi
cans still in our ranks we fail to see why
we should not be represented in the
judgeship of the coming election.
How Urinary Dis rases Are Success
fully Treated by D. Darri n.
To the Public : la appreciation cf Dr.
Danin'd wonderlu! skill as a specialist, I
take great pleasure in extending bim
(through the paper) my sincere gratitude
for what be baa done for ni, with tbe
bone tbat suSering humanity will avail
thenselvei cf ibe pjwer, should any be
atibc'.ed ai I was For 10 years I was a
great and constant sufferer from stricture
and bladder trouble, wbicb finally com
plicated my kidneys, producing general
debility and ether agonizing difficulties
tbat made ma an invalid all those years
iht politicians treated me throughout
tbia time, bat to no avail, S3 I onclu le I
to try Dr. Dairin, ar.d ths result I mU
to give to tbo world, with lbs a lrica not
to gi to any bnt a specialist, as I did,
wbo3e skill ia undisputed. I am now a
wdl man and caa b) referred to at any
lime in Ten ileton, Cregon.
J. E. Tavlou-
Cured in Ten Minutes.
Sheridan Block.
Call and see us
Roseburg Pharmacy-
M. F. RAPJ Prescription Druggist.
Drngs, Toilet Articles, I'atent lledi-
ones. Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
Soape, Paints iod Oils.
Here is an opportunity to Ret
First-Class Photographs at
tbe very lowest rates. All
sizes from 8X10 down to tbe
very smalleiL
The Latest Fad
Is a Calling or Baaiaees Card
with yonr photo (stamp aoze
eight positions ia set ot 100.)
Set-10O-neat cards with photo
name, business and address if
desired thereon, only $2.
The Wagon Gallery,
John H. Taylor,
Wagon by aide of Una TVifrerrinVir
shop, jaciwn street. Jriioiograpner.
photographic SoppIie&
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Call and Examine them.
Good Service, Good Goods, and Good Prices
During the Holidays?
Have us call twice or three times a week for your
orders, if you are within the city limits.
Drop us a postal card or 'Phone 201.
Gall in and see onr Fancy Decorated
Haviiand China and other China Ware.
A first-class restaurant bas
opened on Cass street, opposite tLa
dejot, st wbicb may be bad freeh oyc
tere, chicken, steaks, atews, lunches, and
besides meals st sll boors, regular meala
ate served. Lunches and quick meala
for railroad passengers a specialty. For
that hungry feeling be sure snd call at
Daffy's restaurant, arices reasonable.
Notice of Referees' Sale.
Bate el Sulomoa SI en Jell and 5ancy B. Mes-
dttll place
Tirtoe of an aider duly made and catered
in the Circuit Court of the Stmie of Oregoa lor
Douglaa County on the BID day of December,
19, In tbe case of sotomen Uendell r Kaney
H. JfendeU, rait tor partiUon of real propertr
athoriiD( nd directing; oa to do ao, wa will
on tbe 13tb day of Karrh. 1900, at jSoeloek in
tbe forenoon of aaia aay. at toe conn noaaa
door In Roaebaxr, Ureron, Oder for uie and Kit
In one body to tbe bigbect bidder for cue la
band, the lol lowing described real property, to
Lota 1.2. 3. J.S.C and 7 and tbe SZ1 at BWli
of &ec, 10 Tp. 27, 8. fL 7 v., eontainiBe 1HJU
acre, aao ueuouauoo Lanaciaunoi wm.
W. Walter, SoOncatioa "o- K7, deaexlbed aa
BeKtnmnx at a point s.fe cbaina Horui ana
3.M cbain, East from tbe Southwest earner of
ee. 3 in Tp. C, B. R. 7 West, runninj tbeaee
hut 56.07 chains, thence booth 56.17 cbaina,
thence West chains, thence Jiortb SAMJ
chains to the place of beginning, eontainiac
la. acres. Also tbe Etf t half of tbe fcJE'i of
Sec 3 To. -27 S. K.7 Wear. Wiliaaiette Iferidiaa.
containinaO acres. Also the North half of the)
North hall of eec , Tp. 27, R. I W., contain
ing I'jO acres.
A. tu. iUt
F. M. 0OOD,
Transfer of Catholic Priests.
f iebvias, Or., l'eb. 11. Kev. Arthur
Laoe, who baa leen in charge of tbo St.
Louis Catholic church for the past three
years, has been given charge of an
Astoria Catholic church, and Kev. Father
Chabot, of St. Francis' church, Portland
t ill, at an eaily date, take charge of tbe
.St. Louia parish.
lluv. Mr. l.aue is a ton ol tho late
Hon. Lafayette Laue, aud a grandson of
General Joseph Lane, lie is cue of tl.e
few native-born OrcKonians in the priesthood.
Taken Up.
Or.o black and hito speckled
atoil'J years old. K-tr marked
crop oil ribt aud upper bit in l'-ff,
sucking calf ; one red aod white
about two years old. UumtfUied.
" If. Bl'RT,
Voncilla, Or.
Mies Maggie Armstrong etill remain
quite pick, suffering from a gathering in
h?r throat. Crilnrian, Lrdtanon.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Itartiflciallydigcststlic food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing tbo "xhpusfed digestive or
gans. It is the . M est discovered dipest
antand tonic. Jso fit her preparation
can approach it in ctlicicncy. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Slckjleadaclie, G ast 1 al k i a , Cram ps, and
ll other result .sof imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E. C. DeW" A Co.. CQlcago
A. C. Marsters Co.
For tea years prir to gjing under Dr
Darrin'a e!ejtrical treatmeot, Sept. 12, '.
bad been gradually growing dtaf with a
constant riueiue in uiy ears. For the
past five years 1 could not hear ordinary
conversation. With one trea meet of
ten minutes 1 can hear nearly as o'l as
ever in my hfe. f cau conscientiously
rccommand Dr. Darria's new euro for
deafnefs, and cau be referred to at Mer
lin, Or., by letter or ia ptraon.
Mr. M tr'ia'e tea'iinoaial ia given be
low :
10 the rt'HLic :
For souio years my uatuo baa appeared
in the papers aa beiug cured by Dr. Dar
rio of hydrocele. I wish to say to any
and all that ths cure was perfect and
lasting. 1 waa cured eight years ago an I
have nsvr had any return of the troub
le. I will farther state that two years
ago Dr. Darrin cured my grandchild.
Miss Dany Wright," living at my bouse.
She had b.-eo disagreeably anTmted with
a loathsome ca'arrh for a lonu lime.
Her cure ia per.naiient and lasting. Re
fer to uia at Cov., Or., where I have
lived ol yeara. Jyiis Martin,
Mk. I'.wtou: 1 notice by your paper
tbat Dr. Darriu is in lloeeburg. 1 wish
to state that I w;:a cured by Dr. Darriu
four yeard ago of cut.irrh, rtysj ep-ia aud
sour etcniach. 1 cjntiut recomiuend Dr.
Darriu too highlr. Ksfer tj me on Deer
Creek, teven ruilos from Koaeburg.
Mr8. Haklan Stanton.
Dr. Darriu will remain until March 13.
aud can ba consulted at bid otlice at the
McCl alien House, Roseburg, free from
10 a. m. to S p. in. daily; Sundays 11 a.
m. to 3 p. ra. Charges low and reason
able according to circumstances aod
ability to pay. He gives free and confi
dential examination to all at tbe office or
by letter. He treatsall diseases of the
eye, ear, nose, tb-oat, catarrh and deaf
ness, as well as acute, chronic, privato
and nervous diseases of whatever na
ture, if curable ; 110 cases takev, if tiot.
Out of town patients are treated with un
failing success through correspondence;
ono visit doairalile but not necessary.
Write for symptom blank and circular.
Letters of inquiry ( runptly answered.
Dr. Darrin will straighten ciia eyes,
operate on stticture, hydrocele, varicoc
ele and tumora March let, 2nd, ;!rd and
Dealer in
Flour, Feed, Groceries, and Country Produce.
Highest price for Country Traduce.
Roseburg, - Oregon
Mrs. N. Boyd,
Carries a full line of the verj best flour
just what you want. Exclusive atrent for
Eugene Flour. Also all grades of Roseburg
it Has
For Sale or Trade
A poultry ranch, well improved, of 34
acres, 1 '.j miles from Hjaeburg. Call ou
or address, U. J. YanZile.
Never Failed
Mr. C. S. Peaslec, the well-Vnown druggist of
Morgan CityLa., is highly thought of in his neigh
borhood because of his skill and care in tilling pre
scriptions. The best physicians in the place send
their paticntstohis store whenever they can. Any
thing which Mr. Peaslee may say can be depended
upon absolutely, la a letter to W. H. Hooker &
Co., New York City, proprietors of Acker's English
Remedy, he says. In all my many years' experi
ence as a druggist, I have never handled a medi
cine of any nature that gave such complete satis
faction as Acker s English Remedy for Throat
riuI Lung Troubles. I have sold hundreds of
bottles, and have yet to learn of a single case
wnerc ie rauea 10 cure, in
croup, it nets with a cer
tainty that is really mar
velous. My wife 'Yes not
take much stock vi medi
cine, but she lli-S involute
faith in Acker's l' -yiish
Remedy, alwavs h v it
at her elbow 11 .-ft he
children are o icu'si-.l by
croup at night, ii is a
positively harmless rem
edy, as I can personally
testify. I know of a little
girl who accidentally drank a whole bottle. She was, of course, sick at her
stomach lor a short time, but the sickness passed away, and then the child was
in better health than ever before. I can understand why Acker's English Rem
edy is so cflicacious, because 1 am a druggist. It is not a mere expectorant,
but a strengthening, invigorating tonic as well. While it heals the irritations
of the mucous membrane, it also builds up tbe constitution and purifies tho
blood. 1 endorse it absolutely."
Sold at S5c 50c. aud $1 a bottle, throughout tbe United States and Canada;
and in Fngland, at is. 2d., 2s. 3d.. 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buyiasr,
rcf.; n the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
I" antharUe the above guaranke. It. It. HOOKER Jt CO., Protmtiors, Xev York.
For sale by M. F. Rapp, Druggist.
A large panther bide, fresh, bead and
claws left on tba hide. Want tha sknil
left whole. Will pay 13 for a good
bide in this condition.
Roseburg, Or.
Li care of tbe Plaisdealex.
John Dirr, Posey ills, Ind., says, I
never used anything aa good aa One
Minute Cousrb Cure. We aro never
without it." Quickly breaks op coughs
and colds. Cure? all throat and lung
trouble. Iu use will prevent con sump
tion. Pleasant to take.
A. C. Marsters & Co.
"I bad dyspepsia for years. No medi
cine waa so eff eetive aa Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It gave immediate relief- Two
bottles produced marrelons resalta."
writes L. H. Warren. Albany. Wis. It
digests what yoa eat and cannot fail to
A. C. Marsters A C?t
Notice of Final Settlement.
Ia the County Court of the State ol Oieajoa
for Douglaa County :
Id tha matter ot the estate ol Louisa Jlitchell,
Notice la hereby given that the undemgned '
administrator of the above entitled estate ftke
hi final account therein oa the 2M day of Jan
uary, l'X). and on the &d day of January, 1W,
the jadge of the above entitled Court dnly
made an order appointing Tuesday, March 6Us ,
13t ) at theanty court house inltoeebarc Doug
Coanty, Oregon, at 10 o clock a. m. of said day
as the time .and place for hearing objection a
thereto, and for the final aeulement of said
estate, and any and all persons having any ob
jections to said hnal account, or any part there
ot, are hereby notified to file the same ia the
time set '.lot said anal settlement.
Koseborg. Oregon, Jan. 3, 1900.
By Honorable Commissioner a letter -'N ' of
November JS, 1A"9, this orGoe was directed to or
der a hearing to determine the character of the
follow ing described tract ol land, to-vit: the
S E i"w ? W 01 "iK - T S5
heretofore adJaJeed to be mineral in character
(laeision of October Cs l$7t) but now allesed by
the Oregon and California Railroad Compdny to
be cewurially non mineral in character, all
mineral (If and were contained) having been,
since said deci;uB, extracted or taken froaa
said tract.
Wherefore, in conformity with tho instruct
ions of said letter a neai ing ia hereby ordered,
the testimony to be taken at tills office, before
the Rceioier and Receiver on Friday, April 6,
It at li) o'clock a. m., and :he parties hereto
arc hereby Kururaoucd to appear at said time and
place and furnish testimony in support of their
respective claims.
Said bearing to be conducted in accordance)
with panwaph 106 et se of the C. 3. Miuing
Laws and Kegulations.
In the Circuit Court, of the
for Douglas County.
V. L. chapman, FlaiutirT
Mary Chapmen, Defen.lau
Any Job Work done at
Reasonable Pna n
Mrttort Bnd EmklmBP. $
State ot Ore eon
To Mary chapman. Defendant above mamed
You are hereby required 10 be and appear in
the above entitled Court and auswor the cam
plaint tiled agaiusi vou therein on or before the
last day of the iiinc prescribed in order for tbe
publication of tuis sumuions, which period of
time ia six weeks from the date oi IbeBmt pub
lication of this suinuiocs. i
Said tint date of said pnblieatHxak iiag on
tho Silh day of January, 1300 aud the Isas date
of publication beim; tho siti dayoi afarcb
l'), aud you aro hereby notiiidl that if you
tail to so appear and answer said complaint, the
plaintlfTuiU apply to the Court for tbe relief
applied fur in plaintiffs complaint, towil:
That the marriage coutract now existing be
tween plaiulitl' and deieudaut be forever dis
solved and sot aside, and that plaintiff have a
decree of divoreu.and for such other relief aa
shall be just and equitable, and for hlseostn
aud disbursemeuts of this suit.
This lummous is published by "order of Hon.
Joe Lyons. JuUsre of the county fours of Doug
las County, made at Chambers at Kosebhrx,
Oregon, January SJ, !.
Dated Roseburg, Oregon, January 'i". 1. '
Attorney tor I'liunUflT.