The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 12, 1900, Image 4

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Tli Kiud You Have Always Bought, and Mliicli lias been
iu use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of
. and has
Allow urt
AU Counterfeits, liuitatious and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that triile with and endanger the liealth of
tit!' tuts and Children Experience agrainst Experiment.
Caori;i is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothhis: Syrups, It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, 3Iorphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ae is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays revcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and flatulency. If assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
K. BM(a erery Koond and iourUi t-uody.
Brat and tiura rnaayi ia earn mouia.
rt and third Thursdar of each month,
at i p. n.
rerr WediiecdaT eTeninit at Odd Fellow
Ball. VUiUnir toif hu la jood Ho.liog cor
tituly iarlled to attend.
MK El 1.1. C. .
C.H.FisHEK, K.K.1?.
A. F. A. M.. REGltLAB
Deetins the 2d and 4th Wednesday in
S.T. Jcwcrr, S ecy.
the trtt and third Thuivlayi of cn
MR--. E. J. STROUL. 'v- V.
MACiiE RAaT, sec y.
nn f.rn aud I hi tit raeitday nf each mouib
ia the ' id Maaouie bail.
H. W. MU.LCB, V. C.
H. L. Maa5TEK. Clerk.
UrOODifES OF THE W ORM'. k t r,:p
Jio. 1Z. l at tlic OJ-i Kc!!u" HaU
in Rosel-nrc, every lt, 3rd a:id MS Mouilny
ctvbidc. Viutiug ue;gUboi always welcome.
N. T. JEW E1T. Clerk.
BecU ta'.nrdav evening ci each week al
thtir hall in Odd Fellow Tt:nile ml KttKbuiX-
MBrrtol the order in c xxl nno-lmc are mill
attae attend. cli.VS. OLEO S. 0
S. T. Jtwsrr, 6ec'y.
hoW their regular communication" at (he
I O. O. F. hall on pcoond and fourth Thurtdar
i each month. All member rwjuotcd lo at-a-4
resalarle. and all visiting brother cor-
Jllj MTiictl to aitcna.
IRA RIDDLE, Secretary.
AV Biecta the eecond and fo-.;rib l! -uJ)-i'l
ca month al7:i0 p. m. at Odd Feilima llai"
Hemben ol the order in good (landing mt a
Tiled to attend.
T. McCLAI-LlN. D. . WtsT i
Sco-.r!-. r. "i
!tm kdtl loi?r"ett f'6nnr tii'iiio,
New Orleans Express (No. 10 and Ta
eifje Express vNo. 9) between Sau Fran
otsco and 1 Paso, have been equipped
with free reclining chair care, fresh from
tbs shop and in evtry convenience of ap
pointment equal to the best in operation.
Each car is equipped villi 53 reclining
Chairs, nine of which are in a separate
smoking compartment, lioth first and
secood-claes tickets are accepted for pas
sage in - these care. Those special con
veniences and the cocgenial climate
through which these trains pass wi.l
doubtless make the Sunset Route very
popular for travelers this winter.
Notice for Publication.
United b!au.t Land Oilice
Eoaeburg, Or.. January IA I'M'
Notice U hereby ghen that the' lolloirin-r
fcamed aelUcr has hied notice of hi intention
to maae final proof in support of hir claim, iind
that aaid proof will he made before the lu-ij.nt.-r
and keceiver. United Stale Land Oflice at
hoaebnrg, Oregon, on March :.l-.o.i. vi.:
Oa hi H. . So lor the K:, kK'i,
6'j NK.1; SecUon 28 1. 27 bouth, K. 7 West. He
aaoica the following witues.- to j.rove bin
cetlnuons residence upon and cuitivationof
aM land, viz: Orv.u, A. S. BueiL
ef IxKikiuj; G'.aaa, Oregon, Janict Bacly, D.J nr.
via, of Boteburg, Oregon. 1 1
J.T. BRirx.Es,
012K) Knnr.
Points East.
The "Portland-Chicago Special,"
which leaves the Union depot at 8 p. m.
daily is equipped with strictly up-to-date
roomy Pullman sleeping cars, and free
reclining chair cars, steam heated and
e'rectric lighted. The European plan
dinine tar service is a special .feature of
exoellem-e on this lice. Delicate china,
fliwers, spotless linen, tiret class cooking
i.d attentive servants add to the com
lort ul i ra velera.
A new library car is attached to t!i se
As the name itidira't-s, thete cars arc
fitted up as a library and resdiii); rooui.
Book cases "ontairiinx ali the standard
works, lb current jroiica!s and daily
pspers are at the disposal of a.'l first and
second class passeiiers.
Time never ha rut heavily on the pas
Mogers' hands while traveling uu this
rraio. and 'e(ore one is aware of it the
train pulls into the Union depot at Chi-caa-o.
For full information reardiut; the
movement of liies f rains, rates, etc.,
call on or add re e
V. .1. Si lllLUNt,,
Portland, Or.
Or J. 1-'. (h i ns,
Itosc'.itirg, Or.
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my health and life It cured
tne of lung trouble following grippe."
Thousands owe their lives to the prompt
action of this never failing remedy. It
cures congbs, colds, croup, bronchi.:, J
pUVWaMUUIBi ! I JJ" lTJ V IUI .'' Skli I U
troubles. It early usi prftvents con '
.1 t, . . . . 1
atnaMji , t a awsi rn an w r avn av aivi 1 1 1 m n n '
eumui-iou. iui..iiir inriaiwii r-m
Aw that o vna immiutinla rui.11 II 11
A. C.Mirfiforq ,Co
born made under Ins per
sonal supervision since Its Infancy.
omi Id deceive vou in tin.
tTW TT. HI W VO ClX-f.
! Administrator's Sale of Real
j Property.
la ta County Court ot la'.e ol Oreuoii in anJ
for 1kh;c1s i oimty.
I lninemmier 01 me t.oiaie pi iwiii'm
N'otice it h.-rebr Cix-. n i!ist lh- nn l-Tf im-i
adniimvtrat'-r wuh uill annexed, ft the t'ie
f Itolinfl It: I. .l----avj. TuirMmni 10 an ra-r
of The itbovf f ui.l.o.l i inirt mad.- and
in Ihe Joithh! th.-reof. f date .'aii'iary -iw.
1). 1hv. will n-eed t" seil arid .tftrr th.
1Mb dv ot Kebnian. l-.KV. al piitai-" m-- '
cttli in hand, on lb.- -r'niie li. ivinailer 1:1 tnr
n-uice ties-rib"!, in one ikhsv .-r 111 vejrt'
Cf l a uiav fie lor il- N-l u-,ter.iv "t 5id l.
tate. tbe folIowiiiK dwrilx-d r. a! ' '-. r '"
rt. rinuii:; mi a il ?.2Sein--iisain-r
eoti..n it l.slueen teetins 7 an-i . mi-1 lii
which a ihuo tree in. tis in diameter, nia'od
si. B. T.. ).-r Xorih II .1eere. . - iniv.
distant ihen.-e North t liaiiw t. a . jteml
' i3 1 r.a;n v.ut'.i t So.'.llnv.'M comer -i r . u.
Hill d. .iwliiin i-::in. tlit-nrt Wt h'.'is
to Sr:hM o-rn. r .f iho land n..-. uu nt-; '
A. 1. utiin'-tT. tiit-nee Somh i haiu to rniii:-
east corner of vir.r lnnd. tlionr-o West 1 '.'
C'!iain to i!n- Souiiiwisi .rnr .-f mw l:.d.
and the Eajt bonn-iarv ol the E. B'inioti .ioi--tli'tn
claim. t:H'n-e Son:h 1 Chain to th xmh-
el corner ..f the . W. i.anlin-r donaii a 1
claim, th.-n- S Lat a.oiic l:ie .vuth l.fmt-iarr 01
Ihe aa:ne. I belli to n'.ate ! Dr::iii.u-
ronlainiiu; "".y- aervs, mun.-or lew. ex. ef.nie
thereip.m the Wilbur Cemetery, a. - t-x.-viitius
tlierefntm cue hah acrv lor imuiiy bur) ins
tron nd.
All!mc mtvti.-n . 111 i.wn-h.i -V. -. n
et in iH-ucla- Cvuuty. Oregon. the foilo iiiic dvw.-r.bvd pri-mi- t-w ..:
lu-ismiif t the oulhea; c-rner t-t tne 1.
Bunion donation ela-.m. thence V alouc ll:e
South tK.un-lary of a!d ciann, T.'.J Chain 10 ii-.
l.iuMlc of tiie County road. Uier.oe alone i!ic
sanie ik.ulh i?1 , .iesrtt-, W .-si 4 Chain to a
white oak tree imhe. ia dia'uct.T. il:e'".i-?--ut!i
! 1 - d. urev. W.-t . t'baiuo, thence
Aittli M' ,i.rtv Vmt I t'liil-11-.. t i'
South i." " decree. Went tuom: .-enur of !h:;i I
ol Wilbur 2 .H h.u. themv ai.-ni: ihe
at7"ii hl.Cvvnd:
laud uo
m0 t.i im t u ns 10 tt.i ihjiiiiu::i "1 .
land now owned i-yj. A. llan-cn. liuniv Nor:h
S decreo Et 2 Chains to the Nonbw--t t or-;
ncr, thein-c soitii vi degree, haft l- loam
to his X.-r:hcat corner, Uu-nit; toui!i . tSc
gree. Wel 4 Chains to Lis i?outheii'. corui-i nud
a cret-t, tiieue up :aid creek d- grt- s Hut
11 Chain to the EaM lounda-y hi iho V. Jenk
ins donation claim, thence North 20 -i Cha.iis
thenec Norih decree-. Eat T.; CLain.
thence North it1 decree. Eai 3.T Ciaixi to
the N.-r.h t-oundarr ! J. KiiTkendali .Ic-uatiou
ciaim,;iiicuce el S ,l Cl.ain. 10 i.:ae 01
finninu.eon'.ainiug .as at-r-sv
A im ecfc.tii .. lown.uitt .. I.. i-
Aio a k-t ... ihe town ..I w i.hur. .-inn in: t .
;. alt in ltougiaa C'-ant-, onx-on.
!...ihi i.i! J.mix-r A Ii.. !-. a
iiMn. ' '
DWIoHT K! t"l.
-'.-'.-niiii-'i .tr;. i-i'li "
I- I;-iiii I..... I 'f'-..
- - - - - -
Atmi nit rater's Notice tf
cf Real l'ro!rty
No.iee is heebv given that bv vinieard in
purraauee .dan order and decree .tihe1-ount
loan of DouiilaaCouutv, Oregon, du.y made by
Hon. Jtw JudR cf said Court, a-i m
tired on the 4 1 h dav of January, l'.0.oni ring
and directing the uuderautned to acil the r.-ai,riy,h- reinafterduriid.beioi.iui; i- 'he
eetate of Jamca K. Milthiil. .Iwxaed at l-ui.:ic
auction, in ihe niauuer pn.vidaa by ia, t'-r tne
a'ie of leal prnperlv on exeeuliou I ii on
Monday, the r.'th diiyof lel.ruan, l?, at the
hour of one o'clock, in tho aH.-mo.-a of aid
dax, i the Court Houe door, in ihe ity oi
hoetnn:, Ix-uslas Comity, r--c.n, oll.r lor
and txt bidder for eaali. the follow iaK .Ic-cnlx d
IU" iraetionai oi me oi r-o-., "
fracti'-nal ol SE' 7. mi d Lot No. j. of i-v. , I I Jeveloncd. hut the public road shuOl J
Tp. 27. . of B. 4, . WiUam.-tte Jlen-lan. eon-! , , , . . ..
Uiuiug 1;-1 a. r. -a. Also ixmation Land claim j not hi lics'.ected, hen 0U fclop lo con-
!:t,rtiSrs.',, uV ctaiW,iir ! H , much is traasrteJ over
parts of Sa. tions :, 4. 9 and M. in Tp. 27 ii. ol Ii. ! j -;. Tio lolluwini; ligUteS are taken
i. vv., containing o !.' an.! , , . . . ,
and s. ol otx. 4. Ti-. r.of K.4, ., contain :r.s j Iroai tiie report ol the engineer in charge
it.-.. a-res. also Lot No. i, d irec lo, Tp. 2T oi , ,, ... i?,-,... inn'iiiv Odice at Washinc
R. 4. W.. oontainina iiti acre, and containing 01 1:C li0A J ''ce at. ,'U"J
in th- a pirreeaK- USM acres morx; or lets, a l in ! jr,., J, (J. The total weight of larui pro
Ixuglaa ii.uaty. Oregon . ' . io-. . . c-j ?
Said real properly wiu Oe tola hi loeel lo Uu-
riuiit of doner oi K. t". iiitcheil
widow i f :-l
deceased, therein,
A'hiiinisiratur oi tae estate of James K-JIi-i'j-eil,
-Mueand in pui-uaneo! an onl-r and de-iee
of the County Court of Douglas County, re-
?on. dulv made by the Hou. Joe Lyons. Ju Ik
of said Court, and entered of record on the uli
day of September, 1S..', ordering and directiau
the undersigned iflminKtratois P ell the
property here.naltr de.;ribed and belonging
to the Evta'.e of Kurl KimiiieH, d i-e.e.l, IS-i
said administrators will pnicwl to sell uu ant
after the Hint day of March, Lc"i al privalo salv
l'T ta-h iu iiani or part cn-)!l iui.1 credit, up.-!,
the a:i preinis- !., in one boJy or iu npa-a'-nanx'.b
i uiav Ia- forth:b.M. int-re-is cl id
estate the following descri t-d rial prop.-rty,
The Doiiati'in I ul ciaiiu .f William )'. Ilan
kins No. 4J No'.itiiulioii 4 Tp. :l 3 ii ti w t-.t
ccntainiiiK l- ai-rvs. a o IniellonHl lots No. I
and , oi neetiou No. Jo in Tp ri K ii c-t eoii
lalliilii? acres txcctiug iroui the aboV- di
senbed premi-'h a c-i tain tract oi land hcr.-t.-10M
:oi.v..-;ed to I'urdy Wilson oiitaininir M . j
a. nsjund 1 ai re f .id to school liiatiict No.
al- lue lioriuti.'ni I.iiil iili-iui oi .Iiidh s aii'l
Kllen Cat. uin No. I i b..ini par: of hecl:ou-
2 and Jo iu Tp. '' It ii ex'-ejitii.c from i
tne pi-Kie oi-Hirii-a uouaiion i.a:iu citi.iu o.
iJ that certain pn-ee or pHrei-1 uf land beioi:
ini lo -uid i iai:n lying and beiin; on the North
-.idi-ol Cum er..ek heic'.'itore eom eyed toWni.
P. iLiwLiu; io mi re hen-tuiore c-ineyct i
L. C. NiuhoU. ai.o .4 of kli aire hiretotoio , mi-
veyed lo A. f. hia'.y: ttl.-ol aen-iund a f;ac-
uon i-.ineyiii u .-aiiuriToii au.i v-iimoie: nio I
acre of land ol.!r.)i-.-l!oollii.t-iet N .. J";
poruoit oi the i. I. i . No. i : hereby dc.Ti'.ci
anu to tic foul r..n:a:n:m- i'.'J .- u re
niM. is,. -
W 1 of !!: -! ii ', ulld lot No. of etc
Tu :.'i 6 It Hi-.l lolili-'.uili'.' l'..'J . T'-i-; lllo
N W t ol Uie N L ! , of .-eU.on ; i 1 p .! o 1
Wet lo ai:. ' uio t!ie M1, of Ihe
N k 'of r-ciiou . " in Tp o ti l; o We-t con tain
ins Iu a. lei :o I-ot ' I iind the S I. ' t of Hi.
SI. of fti-e:ioii J.j Tp . '. - K t VV.t coniHimn
li..o a'-ri' nil oi , i-l pr.-tii.?.i-s li.-in -.ittialed in
U"MKia! C.-utiiy li-."'ii and coiitainiiig ai all
4.i.'.v ai r. more 01 i-
laU .l at Ko !mr.:, Hii i;..u. this i'.mt duv id
Icliruary, p. . .
AdiuiirV.iat.'r'! o: tin- i.-n.iu ..1 Kail Ktuiuie'..
Atlministratoi 's alc
! police In lu rily tivm H.,,t th- u.-l .iiki -. I
A'tlie ndiiiiuhtriiUir of l!:.- e'ttle of 11.. uinii
Hiiaori, do-eawl, In puriUnti.-e oi HUnr.l.n l
1 In' f '.inn 1 1 I :nlrf 1.1 Iliitii.Cf.h I'inmi. .1.1...1
Or-vii, duly iuad- and eup-ied on the :;id dav i
..I Ju-.uary, !...), III alter the loth day of hi'
ruarv, rn, at i'.ifldle. iiouilH Couiitv. Stat.-oi i
Of ou..U at private Mile lor eah in hand. !"' -oj"'niK I'roiieny oiie. iiiuum
ihe loilowijig d.tciibed real property, td-tvii: j pay a ihareufit on accntmt of the In
The aotuH fiaif of donation claim 'no. 4i oi ,.r..a(1 value of their pro.erty resulting
UiJn1:" improvement, lam sure that
' t r I .. a-.. ' .1 ' a.....
aifotMiid claim -o..taUiiff p..'c acre.-, more
Uf It-'l.
.V"!";1 ?' Ri,1,d:-- I"";?1 toniity, Orejt.,11
'. Iua 6th duy of January, Idou.
,1..,1 r,..i-.r nl llm Hl.ilniil Ui.I.1,.1. . ,1 .
c-v-!. I'tv
The Road Question.
Uosmi Kc;, Or F. b. l',H',l. ! 1 urkevs uro iv uat-y I J rami a? cluck-Kiui.-k
1'i. v mm ..m:u: Willy it allow Jriuur t!n-.-k-. ami i.i..,iiUi lit; raimd on
metpaOi in j'-ur va'uaiil Uec lor a j 1 ' every,
f-w rjuibli a ill -Mian o i tli- nuV jjut o( i uJ Uu.l lliey out lesi to rai- IIihii ciih
roads? Tli .i.iesiiou of improved" l.ijih. I r kiiuls rf poultry. 1.) I.e HictufB.ul
ways u.t I to limine that, can b" 'U"t have firon ami vUoroua
Jitri)jarJe I by ihu per-pte. I'tie improve- breeding Block.
Hitut of cjutity r.iaJi in thit tite is! 1 tmii.lle my lir.! Kenlly, iui have
c'.iielly uii'i-ri n of the economy rela'-I each one ho tamo that I can cattily pick
itiK piiucipully to the waste '.f efiort iu tbtnn up, iu tho held, ur vtbirevar I
hauling over bad road?, the Having io 1 choose. A i-irkey hen that, ia wild is of
nioiiey, titi.e u nd energy in li.inliun over "Q
Rood ouos.-
Tbts i u it i ul cost iu itnpioviny roails and
the tlillcrciice in uiaiiit.titiiig gom! and
bad out'?, the total cost ol uiaiiitai.imtl
roads in i?oo t order, raiiiies on acinjiint ol
v oying c-mditi i.s, between ua wide !iui-
ita idinost no l!u ini-ial cojt of construe-
tiji-. SiilhVe ti g.iy that our prcs-.'td
method of spending money repairing
e.irili roads becomea each ear a toal
lo without v improving their
rndition, they nrr, as a role, the most
expei eivo rea-?e that can be used.
I I. e building of good roadi effers oj.-
01 1 uui: ics kr iiiauilolii mistake iit,t
for ho etii'iuious aad'e of public funds, (old
It ccr it be true, that what in worth do- j
ing at ail s wor h floiug well, it in im-1
p'.iatioully tru-j in building roads.
The trouble in building roa-la is la
having to i' y for the:n. Tte all pre-1
va'.luiic ijuesiion in maur fclates i how to
rais-money to bniM roadu; a couutry
road tx ahiue in ver has, dots not now,
n-jr do 1 inn k it ever will accomplish
..w. - - -
this; then it i- teas-onable to aupKiee
that fcon.e other plau mutt be adopted,
and tins u what ii agitating a umuta-r oi
elates today. This state need changes
ia our prcseut road laws. The people o1
this tale thould fe'ect men for the legia-
latuie that w ill no", overlook the fact
that our leads need legislation, a id that
iliey have suffered for the teed of it.
Tiuc 'he last leic'.aluic did make some
k'jod roa'l laws such as the election of
road tupervisora and the cucouragcoieul
it gie 1-r iho adoption of wide tires,
Tin- law now gives a rebate on road, tax
ol H per wagon with tires not lees than I
J ircLes id j. and a further rebate of 121
niure on wacous with tires not less than
4 inches in width, upon which there is a I
a difference ofat least S inches in lue
Ui K'h of the front and rear axle eo con
strutted thst Ihe font and rear wheels
will not come in cctitacl with the same
road turface. The law which provides
for the electioo of road supervisors is a
. . I ... ....I il. a ..llw.J ctinlllil tiv all I
gw ulc t.. -
uh nns tw; a r.on-political one. No man
E..ouii t eiCtTita io iua-. utut.o u
oniv .lualidi-atuu is that he needs the
ac.ik. The read i.eeds the man ana 11 ib
u-porUnt that the road siioum get toe
Le.-i uiiiu Lr :uaJ.', 1.1 the district. It
has taken i! !t r tta'es than Oregon niary
... i. ..... - lo I
V" 'v . ,
iTa i '.li. i ii-h ii. it ui uui ,vibwi
present 6.;t-S ioU luettiod 01 roaa uiiilUfcij t,j oa Uit.a) .j poUl0t 0d
one of which is working out Uses, m-
-ti... dotiiil meet ot'POSitiCU at
tirt a' it has iu ether Mates. It
is Ire-
queiitly thought wron; mil uru.ers
wron; thit farmers
tbould -ay road tases in casj, f0
they could the eier work theui oil., au.l
here is much jistice la tilts position, lor I
Ihe laruier pays his IdU share ot taes ;
1 hut 1 think that the depljraU.e con-i.iicn
very excclUnt reason
! , .. H ulionl.l ir-t cut of the. woods and
why we s boold gst out ot the wowls and
c .
aiop: laws lliat other states are;
8ucc?ssiu:. Many here auow uai
least 50 per cent more wo.k can lie uone
with caEU tas on the roads than cur
present system, but even the adoption ol
the cash ux STsteai, wi.l omy renctras-
! s:t a !.-. it mill i.ot accouiolisil a !. It
..... . .. ...nt airri
, u-- v T ' ., r - , miumi i
- .,.. j ma knnw that ariCtlllDrd IS tilC
I "
b ;.c and Sinew, IU"" 'try louuuauvu
. ... t,;, t. -,.rir!s; U Tit'."!'
i ra til
,fii,i ... terii-K o: Sviii "".OvO,
,.. i .-,.', K-.t -r 1.1, en. ri..."i- rnrpius
ior txpait.
A great injustice has Ctreo OOOe tho
j t xllit couutry in expecting
. . ...
i them aious to build and maintain public
I ... , ,Ih- .
highways, while UhtOid millions have
U expended upou railroads, rivers
I 1 ,, , ,
, bavo been made naviiiolP, canais
been heavily subsidised by ciliee, coun
t:e, states aud the nation, by subscrip
tions', cash donations and grants ol ex'
j leLSIve tracts of public land?. 101S may
; be a! riht too lor this country needs to
, UUCIS ior inc year i w-
The Chief of Forestry of this de-
partaient makes the very safe estimate
that 3,750,000,000 cubic feet of lumber
mill products and lumber used fur fuel,
adding timber used for railroad conatruc-
tin?, 4s5,0u0,0iX) c ibic feet makes a
, , ., .t-, 11,1,1 rfni ruhV feet which at
! tot .1 cl 0,-J,ocVJ,lol CU0.C leet WIUCU a
."0 p'jiin.l pt-r cunic lout gives '.'o.oJo.UOu
t'jns, !.! !i; i ttie total farm pro-duct-i
gives ol3,24J,-77 tons and the av
erage cosi of marketing a ton of farm
p.. .ducts it $o.0J. In lh Pacific coast
states the c.itt i-5.1J per ton and iu the
Atlantic and Northern states l ti7, an
average cost of 25 cent ;er tip per mile,
while the coi-l of hauling to market the
laim products is fJ 10,4 14,0054 The
information 1 have regarding the coat ol
hauling in foreign countries and iu a few
j;ooJ road district iu this couutry iiidi-
catca iioarlv two-thirds of tha total
cost as due to the bad ccnilnioii uf the
I cuitend that ns roads are lor public
nee, 'i e ui-e el all th n;ople, all should
siiatc the expense of their construction
atul lliailltHliai;i-0 mid the State should
i ,r.rpiv thare in t'lii woik.
larirelv Miarc in t.iis woifc.
! New JciSey H probably the leading
1 roaij maWiiirf time and sue is uouutiess
' building more roads and Letter roads lor
less tnonev per mile than any other state
in the Union. Male aid was l'ret sug
iti sled by the fanners of that state, aud
the ncvcFPary laws for its catablienuient
were parsed and have since become just
ly tiopular.
t'nder the state aid law the coil of
.uilding macadamised roads are divided
'.1 III.. I
i "UlOng IUO fciaie, wio l.o.ill. aim urn nil-
1 i'dniri; property owners. Property owu
ers pay 10 per cent of the cost, the state
pays ill ai!'l the county tho balance.
Plans are mado by (he county engineer
urn! submitted to the st ite highway coin-uiisniotu-r
for approval.
The Stat appoints an enginetr to eu-
prrvirfii. division ol the cost lik
that IH Upt and propei. ihe State
should not be called U10I1 to pay all, and
. . j- . ... . i...i 1
..I : I... f 1 I. .it 1 . ac S U ! Anl,l
wurk l0, ttIe.t advantiis". and the enor-
moos mud tai that the fajrmprs now nav
' annnally would contribntfl largely to liiis
pnd if nnnlisd nronerlv
eini II npi'iir.i yiwf-ri i.
- S. O, It ttiTitrw.
How to Rflifc Turkeys.
use as a mother
We ratue tho poults with their natural
luilher; as with in th. y never do well
with common bene.
We nmntliy allow tho hens t'J choueu
tueirown nest ing places, but if the lo!
cation is imputable, whin they wtn to
et we place them with their i gj9 iu 8
coop and remove them to the gardtn,
close tho entrance for a day or two to
keep tliu hou with the rgg, mid have no
luilticr uoiibie win i
We dust the lieu thoroughly with pure
lersian ir.eeot powder two or Unco days
belore the hatch is .lue.
uen tiie putilta are twenty lour l.ourB
we give them a coop to lli.-iiit-t'lvea.
The coop thoulJ have a bond lljor, but
keep to or tluee iucheb of dry aand on
the tlnor all the liin.
lor the lirt lo days they mo t- d .1)
dry light brca-l. c-umbit'd veiy line, th u
give lhe:n eome cracked w heat ; feed r g-
ularly and always feed larly iu ihe
morniig. From the first we let them
have free rang.3 if tne weather it tine.
Wheal boiiel in sour u-.ilk is fer
lliey bhouUI be examined every i!ay
(or hea l lice. If any uu found, ibiH
with insect pjwder, and uea o:.c drop of
ewect oil on their heads; too nuicli nil
will kid them, l'uey "siially come to
their coip to roott, but if no!, thty
should be driven Lome
I, n it let l'ie hen out with bor I too.
while ttie grass ia wet with ikw. After
(be firrt fi.-ur wtek they aio v ry,
but will i: Lear oiitiue:neiit, and
should be a l id to it.aiu al wi.l. They
re great inift deptroyers tn the farrr,
aUJ leo eat !are ijiiautitii-s tf cel I
seeds, The past three vcrs our loss
with the ) o lug is Us than seven per
cent. X
A lirim r wLo ba-i raiftid Ur'e s ui.ii v
.. .
years, and wbo takes pleasure iu makiug ,
experj!1,entJ wntes tl nt chan oa!, tu.--!
wrf,.i .n.i .i;..,. .r.. olit., in Btr. i
' .
respects. It isafatt t.iatnvye fa c. n-
. , , ,
,arccal than one w uid j
- - a
BagWct ji.bout a knowledge of themis
u? lJereisan c..nct of or e t-
i-irkete weiv iwiuuoi iu yvu ;
in- . - -' . :
I . j-our ajjiers cf the same brocl
laariHiri aril !i1a(iTtrtli flia fitu irliii I
i.,i..,t ,i. ,;..t..
i . , . o ,
I hat with utie i-itit ol very nneiv j.uiver-1
,,e., c5llllcoai ..j ti,e:r f32j
,.illll..oai .a -;.), tiie:r fl,..
u,iXod meal and loi'.cJ i-i tatoes lliey
LaJ .j .,!cll,,fui e.,,.iT 0J
eliaarcoa.! ia their uen. The vicht weie
ki.,e,j cu ,,lC tJlUiC j4r .( tl J9 a
jjuorcUtfe u; lI)e al)j a Julf pounds- tach
in (.or oi ,i,e f.w Is w hich had been e.ip.
pjieJ wiUl cj.y,, lM? Wu tuuch tho
iai.eati auJ the btini superior iu
piut uf tendeimf s aud tlavar." I'oul-
try (juua,
One Advantacc.
One a Jvauia w i;h ducks over altncet
auv oilier lowls kept on the farai 1 Itseir
I . .
IreeJoru froai iiisva--s. Ihtie is Ics
rik o( disease with d Kks than wiiit anr
'.'tip r r'.A-t .f p ,! lry. ",:i-y ,-.t'i iuv.;
a fj-r ri.-,- bi'ii.; li.e ! an-i ;iv
en dry, couil.o .abie .jUviTteis a r:i;lit
wit a c3u3:Jerab!e luiky iocd rather than
too much grain they can easily bo kept
healthy aod thrifty.
This is .jaito an advantage, as with
both chickens ud turkeys there is con
siderable risk of loss by disease. Practi
cal Ponltryuian.
The Poultry Business.
Our advise to .persons IbirAiug uf gj
ing iuto the poillry b lemcsa is to feel
their way step by step, carefully watch
ing their opportunities, the markets at
hand, etc., ar.d theu make the hand that
pays cut, stive the hand that rcctives
what comes in. We knu there is mon
ey iu poultry, esccia!ly in thoroughbred
The demand in this country today for
the popular breeds of thoroughbred
poultry, is far iu exoecs ol the supply.
We knovr this to be the case. What is
needed sre men and wo men of intelli
gence, industry and ambition who will
put thought and work into tho busir.t-es
of thoroughbred poultry rjising, with a
yiew to excelling ail other if they can in
producing choice fowls. Fur mis class of
people, wbtr9 the opportunity is good
and their Eitrrouodii g-i seiva their inter
ests, there are hundreds of dollars a yeur
to bo made in poultry culture. Reliable
Poultry Jourua'.
I'oultry for Profit.
i 1 real;. ! u iiving prclil f rum poultry
a btgiuiicr has many thiugi to c.uloud
with. In tho lirst place ho must have
yards and rouu.s pjopcrlj fencid and di
vided. Ttie best re-uits aio obtaiucd
when theso things are a settled fact. Au
acre or two of ground is all that is neces
sary to derive a living trout pou.'trv iu
tho way of eggi and Selling surplus stock.
TV. .1...1 :.. 1 . 1: .... 1 . I
111 Diun 111 ju.i nuut a cuiiiuu qj Jeet
long, aud 1J feet widi-, divided iuto S
pens and yards; the yards should bo 1J
by IbO fee, and uot over 12 hens in one
yard or pen. With this numbers of hens
you should average 8 cgs per d.ty from
good slock per pot).
The pens could be divided so as to
have a scratching shed underneath by
laying a tight floor 2'. lo 3 feet from the
ground and opens to the touth sido onlv.
This would be a saving ono-half in roof
ing tin J labor, by making a walk at the
north si.h. on level with the loundatiou
you could feed your fo-U either above or
below, wliirii would leave' tho roosting
now 'J by 10 amply larga enough for 12
The less fowls you have in a pen the
bctttr resubs jou wiU have. This fact
alone causes many to 1 -t puiltry raining
alone i8 thr Prst mid. in (qj great.!
nere a ..r.-cr. s fio ai.i.atc.l that tl.t-y
vn nnilit lmj.inn to fti-conto-
date .i'lil I., nit their living U ussuriul from
theiii, if propeily fed, watered and cartd
Iho lirt.t vvint. r 1 b.'gi-i L.-i'pin x puu!-
I I.iiiwIi! i ix l-.-n i mil iiiii- t mill
- . I a t .lei li'-.x for i in. Hi n n rooin, and
other buxo.-i fo7 pi ratcbing hfils, and got
from tiireo to lour eggs every Uy. This
esperiei.c of my own m.d fro u what 1
have read convinces mi! that :f piuptr'y
hat.dlid n pftson can ktep l.OtK) hiens
profitably us.wtll us ten and if peug and
yards ore properly situated, can tako
caie of them with a"tintante of om man.
Ii'u mt-ro supposition with me, but if the
roiults-are go.l in i n.all Uocka the pure
ly will be the eauie in large (locks, if
coiiditii-iiH ate feitiiilar. An Dhtervtr in
Advert i: t.
As Usual the Hen Leads.
In a recent bulletin, ieucd by the de
partment of agriculture, the following
manurial values of manure from the
dillurent l.irin animalx and from hen
is given: Sheep, $3 ol) per ton : calves,
'l IS; i-inc, f ; cows, l 0-; horses,
'l -1; lieci.. 1 07. Shewing that
the bin maiinro in worth more than
twice as much ns the manure from any
of the other. I'oultry and Horse Re
Ii tUe result ot ivi-cnlcl aonto attstki. TTi
liver an.l spleen urn principslir affected.
They act lorchin5- for the mitlarial
ui jf i itiwiiii'inr, iir me mniariat
poison ami the M M takes it from them.
The po:on rhiut
drlrt-n o'lt of j
'hetyslera. HI D- 1
TAX ill d.:lroT J
l'ie action ot tht i
joison and even; ;
iiRl'ijdrivcoul rhr ,
last particle of n '
from the lyntcm. j
In addition lo j
thi, HI' II VAN
will r-lr-e lb
toat pp
will t.uii-. up ths j
mutketird '.rm. i
HID VAN -ill j
make new Mood
'f-1 " f-"
The p.n In the hone nil!
di:-; "r tit tY AM hai cured others a:rl .
S-.nlr tli v.a cr .'fully. Thy ar; yours. 1i ; 0
got d-.-y I'.-lj.T, JMt tS9 Pl IU AN HOW
and vou i'.i t .-nied.
ii.uHjjl) fiani.t. it-, nuu i rtn t
... . ,, ,. i., . i . h vt.!i iti-.i-r. i 1
" i
22. pali OR yellowish cost-i
PLEXIOK. HUDYAH m fiaM;h a tree ,
-,r' a.a.i-.n o
l' l."..- 1 Ul cit ;nr envfta t -
to aimi? tuir ua'ura! iwr.
T .n- AP?)r,r.TK awdonaw-
prtl! r-:on- 111
i.i:e and tb d-;r;ioa of
1..1 v. Ill vOf !fj.-:c t
l.TtrEK. T!.: ill - t th c:ilr;--incnt t-t
.. i: , tt,.b ,:)!. ,,:-, c
:tu. HtnV.W k .trite out the ifion and i
caairtheSin t-auase iu aataral
i OF THE SPLEEN, liie 'l-eri roirei
rrat; ui a-s I. HUDTAN wiu !! the
: . , K.ri-. , a ....
Yo'J an iS -r:r.t Iwm fhrpal-i Malaria and
r.-oi run l Ml 11 V AX ttnl rr'..eve tmir
I rv rv virt '.oin and ffiae to well. Ht'D
I 1'AX tan l-o pl-tatnM -t nil rtrvrcut for ;
w ) ttf.f ' " t--. kac l"T 1. II jour
-trutff -li- ri.-l kf;. if, afnd direct to lh
Ht DitV KE.MEUV COMPAXV, Sun 1'ran- '
ctn. t'aUfvrfli Krat-mN-r tl-l tou tro i
eon.ult the BIDVA.X DOCTOR KtB.!
Call and the doctors. Vou may ra.l and i
tee them, or wrne. as you dealre. Addre.a (
Car. Sleclrtoa, Markat sad Elln St..
a Fnaciaco, Cat-
Montana, lit all,
Colorado and all
tasltrn Quints.
Itivra choice of lo favorite route, via the
I N10N PACIFIC Fast Mail Line, or Ihe
KIO l.RANPE reeuic Liaea.
Ixn-k at the time
i-' tktys to Salt Lake
2 'z Uays to Deuvcr
yi days to Chicago
4 'i days to Xcw York
lac ltcvltotuit C'Uatr cars, I'p
lioItcrcd Tourist (ilceplus;
Cart, I'ntluiau l'alacc Stccp
init tars operated on all
fc. tuiihcr iui.rui'lertap.Jy io
J. F. U1VANS, Agf., lioteLtig
C. O. Tero', W. E Coman,
Trer Fust. Ari, Gen Atrt.
l-'l Third St . foi 1 a i u Or.
cum pus
i fr
-A . fx
We Have the Best and
Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS,
7'.- fc--iia-.-
The favorite of the Anuy and Navy. A few of the ships equipped with the Biiekens
derfer Typewriter during the Spanish-American War.
St. Paul,
1 exas,
All goods fully guaranteed aud sold on the installment
Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Accordions, Autoharps.
tle lnnsical ine can be j d t
PieK J
Examine our line of
The best assortment of Pumps ever brought to the
County. We carry the celebrated DEMMING,
best Corbalized Spray Hose and the famous Dem
miug New Bordeaux Nozzles. Send us your order.
Churchill & Woolley.
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail Dealers
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 181.
P. Benedick.
Any Job Work done at
Reasonable "
Triumph Prune Grader
Foi Green auddried Prunes.
Compact, Practical, Accurate.
Sent? for circulars and testimonials to
Patentee and
Get your.
We have a Complete
stock of TEXT BOOKS
and the Finest Stock of
ever brought to this city.
Our Prices are Right. . . .
A. C.llSTERS & CD.
T ,aeceoor to 0. W. NOAH
CW(n ai-jiI Rl n r'Ur emit Vi In rv
v. viivi v,a Lmviwiiiiuiiil
Sbup oa Corner Wathlniton and Kane Sta.. Rouha.'i
Besides these we have other good
Pianos but cheaper iu price but not
in quality.
F v - ' " TtrE-aWBa1ayg?y fL
Game in Season,
Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon
At Marsters.
No. 7. $50.
The Blickeusder
ier is rapidly dis
placing tho more
complicated and
higher priced ma
chines, as it does
the same work
equally as well (if
not better). 40,000
now iu use.
plan. Baud Instruments,
Iu fact almost anything in
r . fcK- III I
W , K . c 11, T -26 U k 2 W.
He l..
I lie flo iiitr w!lii-w to prore bin ennttDUou.
ni.lfiire upon nl enltivvtion ol IJ Uld'I,
vi: . K. hi.iith. J. V. WrigUt, W. A. gmilh, W.
C. Tiutou, of Oli'lu, Or. Kon.
Railroad Time Table. ;
Moitbhoui,.J liosebcra local. No. 17
departs 7:30 a. m.
fntathboon 1 itofiebarx local, No. 18,
arrives 5:20 p. ro.
Northbound overland, No. 5, r-
rives 10 :35 a. in. ; departa 10 :45 a. m.
HoQthbonnd overland. No. 6, arrives -
4:1-5 a. m.; departs 4:25 a.m. v
Northbound fast through freight, No
221, arrives 4:10 p. no.; departs 5:20 p.
Southbound fast through freight. No
222, arrives 7:00 a. m.; departs 8:00 a
Northbound mixed train No. 222 arrives
at 2 -55 p. rjo., Sondays, Wednesdays and
rridays, departs 9:00 a.m.. Mondays
Thursdays and .Saturdays.
Southbound mixed tram No. 220 ar
rives at 3:00 p.m.. oo Sundays, Mon.
days and Fridats, departs 7:15 a. m.
Mondays. Thursdays and Saturdays.
MiTuooiar Cacacu comer of Main and Laaa
(trecta. Sanday Serrlee: Preachinf, 11 a. at
and S:00 p. m.; Babbath school, 10 a. am.; L.
A. Walker, Superintendent; class Meeting al
close of the momlns aerrice; Xptrorta Leaa-M
7:00 p. m. f. 8. Go-Jfrey, FrtaidenL Prayer
Meeting, Wednesday, at 7:& p. m. r V-
O. E. ASKuLO, Pastor,
Faraoaagc, comes Main and Laa.
Ckitco Bhethrxs CHCacH-on yowler ttrect.
Sunday Krrice, at 11 a. m. and 7:3) p. m. Pray.
er meeting. Thursday evening.
Mr. LCCT M. fc TU r, Factor.
ST. GK..B..E CUI'ECB. Corner Caaa and
Main streets, bcrrlces on second and fourth 4.
Sanday morning of each month and CTery So3-
CTcniug. bpecial mrv ices announced from
'me to time. liar. Jou.x Dawaoir,
M. K. CaiEca, b"JCT. Services every teunday
corning ao-1 crcuin?.
K 1 T C0TTO5, PaaUM
Barrisr Cm a. a corner of Lane and Soak
ueeta. Sunday aerrice: Preaching at 11 a. a.
and 7:30 p.m. eabbath School at 10 a. nu, O. P.
Coahow, Mipcriutcndcnt. frayer meeting rt
7:30 Wedncaday evening.
K A- Ituctlas, Paator
FiMsrt Cnauiiajr Cncaca Corner ol lino
and Woodward klreeta. Sunday terricca
Preaching both rcornmx and evening, Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Y. P. o. C. E.attJD p. m
Prayer meeting each W ednesday evening at
7 JO. A cordial wckonie and greeting awaits
all. W. A. WtajV
Kia.-T I'aaBTTEaias Chi sen Corner rCaa
and Rose ttreela. Sunday aerrice: Public
woriLip, 11 a. m., nl a p. m.: Sabbath,
chool, 14 a. m. Y. P. 6. C. E. at 7 p. ia.
Prayer meeting. Wtdm.-5.lar evening 7:30
n- J. A. Tow5vrD,
Tars W. c. T. C. ill hold il regular moins
on the econd and fourth Mondays every
month at 73) p. u. in the Ip-irUl Uat
room of the M. K. Church. ' ;
i Fant
t Mail
j i Lp.BL.
Sr. m.
Salt Laie, Denvr, F t.
Monh. Umahaal n
tasCilyi.lxxi - h i
caoi ii:-
3 4j p. ni.
Walla Wi: Lcwiaton.
poljne, Minnear-'lis, Flrer
waukie, Chicago and
tp. m. . ncEi-TiAM-atr
4 p. w.
' Ail Sailin? dates ubjcti
V ji S. n FrtKiiC"
-a:l !. . 1;. a,,
a, and Tery .'ia
p. m. '
lo p. m.
To Astoria and War
Landing!.. JKx. bun
a. n
W iLi.Arrr Eixk
l oci p. ai
tx. &un
Orepn Citr. Nearberg,
talem ac Way-Land s
a. ci.
and ral.
WuiaarTTE Aso Yaa
aiu. Rivaa..
Oregon Citr, Dartoo
and Way Landings.
O p. m
TueThur- ;VlpWri
and oat. Portland to Certain and ajid rri
and Way Lainlingg.
Riparia -l:eu
a, m.
s-xais RiTaa
Kipana to Lewislou
j Lc e
' Daai7
S:o0 a. ia.
J. F. Qivans,
W. H. HurlburtK.
Gen. rasa. Agt.,
Foi Hand, Oi
Agent, Rosehurg, Or.
A of Uroron for limmr
V" . . II . . . 11'.. -
'wi. uuiu r laiuna,
Fletcher 11 dm. Defendant, a .Vv...
suit in T.,uit) lot -
To Fletcher Helm, the above aimed de
fendant; lu theuaweof thcbUrt 0 Orvon. too anr
hereby re.,uirc-d to appeal aud answer the:
eomvLtibt hied against you iu the above en
tmed suit ou or before lha firt day of tho
next reguiar term ol the above entitled court
Monday March, jih, And JOu tail
to apiar or answer iaij complaint, ithi
;aid time, for ant thereof vlaiutiff ill ,-
lo the court for the relief demanded ! i"?
conivlaiut aa follows: her
For a decree of dtorco dissolxine ,K v .
of matrinionv ejtaiing betwea , ,Q'X-nda
defendeiit. aiVl ior such other Vl""ti" a"d
court way appear e-nutabk- -euel aa lo the
This 5-ummona i puUiaho . .
J. W. UanuUr.ii, iuLV .- y order c.f Hon.
dor ia dated January , yt ? hitl1
scribol iu said order & tj "A 1 UmV
ing tne tlr.1 day ot v. , , or WJi prececJ.
January , W. " ol Una aummouahia
Attorney for riaiaufr.
Notice of Appointment 0 Exuect
ri. police K hereby v-heu that the undersujiied
, Wasoutho Hth dar ,.f November
du.y appoluu-d aaeseeutrix of tho la7t i!l ii.t
teMainento cieorvo T. Russell, deceased. All
per..ns haviu claima asainst aaid estate are
virTaJi '""'O Present the tamo properly
verified, to jiud executrix, at tailaud, Douxiai
daVoSn-,rc'S,,U ithiU ,,X iZ.
Dated this 16 day of November, ISS.
ExccutxU. -
Notice for Publication.
United states Land Cufic-.
Rosc-hlinr. tlr ITfhritarv :1 10
Cl v4r -
Notice la hfrebv fiven that tfti follixtini.
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make Anal proof in support of hi- claim, and
that said proof will be uia le before the Kegiater
aud Receiver, V. a. Land Office at Boaeburv.
Oregon, on March 11. T.MJ. viz;
On H. E. No. MoJ, for the sVi. NE'i.
N W., N i SW . see. as, T. S6 8.. R4 wl
He names the following iinesma u nmn h;
continuous residence upon and cultivation ol
said land. vL:; J. F. Thomasou. Horton Shoe
mater, oi Koseburv, Oretton, Wliliaiu Upton.
James Brett, of LriiJe. Oresnn.