J!NrcSc?PrtpiA'aoarorAs-sirhfiMifig- fiaJTCOT andBcguta ling Ckiaa5alBowcls of rIss rtJkSwnialns neitlwr Opiucilarpfe!TC nor HinfttJ. ISot Nahc otic. 4uM Arrftf tScmcdv for Cons tioa- Ml f t n!nilwAa Hi iion,oouroionasu,wiaiii-o. &cs cftdLoss or Sleep. I Smile SifaSturc of Society meeting. DO'IBCRO DIVISION NO Si, B.GF L.L ta every xvud anc fourth Suly. t iron KK 6 kJSUEF COiU'S KO. W. MVETS rsa mod tided Fiidiy in nh iniDth. T SVO POST. SO. T. A. R-. SIFETS THS each rncmUj, first and third Thursdays si z p. m. of Al.rU A LODGE, KO. 47. K. OF P., MF.KT6 to- Wedaeday evening at Odd Fellows' PnM. VltiCns koisrbt In tool standing cor Baity tavttsd to attend JOi MK'ELl.I C.n.FISHKR,. R.S. C. C LACRFX LODGS. . F. A A. M.. RFUrLAft mnusn tbe 24 and th Wednesdays in sen month. ECGESE L FAKKOTT W. M. N.T. Jttm, S ecy. Rofkbur6chapteb.no. a.o. e.8.. meets the first afld tbtrvl Tautvdiy ol erb MRS. E.J STorD, W. X. . MATDE RAST, Sec y. ODERS WOODMEN OF AMtKJCA. HEKT JXL on rlr-t and thi'd Tue t ff vch. niocVb the 1 Maioaic h 1. H. W. Uiuci, V. C H. L. Makstxbi, Clerk. tTTOOEMIN OF THE WORLD Oak Cac:p KO.U&. WKCts at tbe Odd Fellows' Hi. 1 lanbut, c-ery 1st, Sri ad il4 Moudaj TBlDt". Visilinc neigh Urt always wclconr. J. A. BUCHANAN, C.C. K.T. JEWETT, Clerk. PHLLETAR1AX LOuGE. KO. 1- O O. T. meta 8aturday preuing ot atii w-k at tbtr ball in Odd Fellow Tempi? at Rosebara. (sberaoi the order In rrwvi nn !:nr rr mril a ( attend. c H AS. OLt. K.T. Jaw art, 6ecy. Tl P.O. ELKS. UOSEBCRG LODGE. KO.S2C. J boM their repnlar communicaiiom at th I O. w. ball n foonu and louno innrsasy ii anrb irnlh All meaibern requested to at- brad scaiarly. and all TUxting brotben Cir- iauy taritcd is aiu-na. D0CGLA.B WAIT1, X. B 1EA RIDDLE, Eeeretary- TJ03EBCRO LODGE, J mwu the second SO 1. A. O. C. W. Beets the second and fnnrth Mnndyro( sh awnth at 7 JO p. ra. at Odd F'.lonvBal . Bteatben ol the order in good ctaadinc kit'ii riled te attend. T. McClALl IX. D. S. WEi-T Eeeorder. Finencior New and Improved Pa&seoger Epuiq nient, via Sunset Route. New Orleane Express (No 10 atd Pa cific Express ;So. 9) between Sin Fran eiteoaodEl Paso, have t q iip, eo with free rec'ininjt chair care, (reeh f.-om the aheai and io erty cot.veit-nre of ap pointment eqnai to the beet in operation. Xaeh enr ia eacipped with 53 reclining Chair, nine of his h are in a eep.i-i.te taiobipg com;iatttaeDt. Bjth Cret and second-class tickets are accepted for pas age in these cire. Tbfee special con renienees and the congenial climate threnth which t;i-.f iraiie pre will deabtlees make tbe unret Koa'e verv pepalar for travelers this winter. Notice for Publication. Coiled tnn Land Orlice RowburK, Or . Januarr 12, li. Kettee is herebr riven ibst toe ioUovinz Bsaied settler bat filed notice of his intention t saake final uroni in sutuort of bisclnnn. and that said pmol will be maac before the li-fuu-t im iteeeiTer. Liuua Miio .nd UBice at -Xsseburx, Oreetw, on March 3 .1SK viz: WILUAU II. OKCKOSs. h H. E. ho h-i, U tbe El, fc'E'i, 'A ''E.1 hertioo 2b T. 27 (sou-.h, K. West, ilt Bastes tee foUnsinr aitues to prove bi eatlBiMms Rsidente :on and culiivationof said land, viz: )rxu Bo. U. A. s. hu.jil, vf-Lnokinr Glass, Oresoti, Jatnes Beawl v, I). Jr- sls, of Rotebnrg, OreKon. 1 012t7J Keii.wr. - ' Holnts Kast. The 'Pj;IIapH-f!l.ti'iiir.i S -riI " which leaves tbe Udiuii depot at S p. m daily i f quipped wiihelricily un-t-date reoray Pullman eleepit-ir cr, aa-i frfe retiming chair cur, s'eam leited and "electiio figbted. Tii Eaf(an plan dining car service ;e a special feature of fxeclienee) on IM Imp. Hellene china, fl jaere, sHitieM jji,en, first t:!a-H v, xikinj i.u ai'ei' ive wr tram-au kj the coin- tert at lrareler. A new library ca- ia atucbevi to tin ee fraiaa. A tbe name iinhci i-e, t!ie citif are ctred ur as library at.! reading room Borik ea ir.tiiii'tiic al! tde ttnndnril werka, th cmreoi pt-ro-ticals and daily papers are at tbe 'ir'fl! i f a'l firtt anil eraond clan iar-i wr- Time never haiws tirarilv on I be as aengre' hnnila lii - trvi-!inc mi ibie train, and etorp : is aare ,4 Jt tde train juills in'.i tlie Uni tfi dep t at Cni Cagsi. For full informal ion legnrilina; . tbe saoreruentiof these train", ra'es, s-t.-., call on or address V. A f-rillLUNG. Portland, Or. Or J. F. GiVK.vg, R -p iuig. Or. I IX CT CCPV OF VRAPFEB. "I am indebted to Oue .Minotn Cuuyb Cure for tny hrnltb d !ift Jt cured me of lung fronble f.)!!on.i; lipiie " Tbnuaarid ne thiir li'vea U tbe prompt anion of tfiia tiever failing remedy, ft cores foagba,' colda, croup, - broncitms, pneumonia. rippe and throat and luug trouble. Ita early use prevanu r-.m siiflap'ifiri. It ia the only harmles r m dy taat gives immediate retain. - a. C-M-tra & Co - ill For Infants and Children.! The Kind You Have Always Bought T) Sigtature -Aw V... The Kind You Have s Bought. THC CCMT.UH IMV, M TCH CrT. i .r ii I Administrator's Sale Property. of Real la the County Conrt of State of Orc-pon in and for Doupls Countv. In the matter of the Etate of Deliuda Hill, De.-cad. Notice is herebr ciren that the undcrslfued sdmlniftrat.tr vi uh will annexed, of tbe Estate of IKHitJ'!! l'il'. dr,ed. tmnuaut to an order m me sooveeuiiueu court maue ana emerea in the Joii-rsl tnereof. of date January 2nd. A. D. 1SM0, will jiroeeed tn tell on and after the l.'ith dar of F.hrttiir- at Titivate sale lor cash In baud, on the premises hereinafter in the notice dewribed, in one IxkIt or in si'parate par colti as may be for the bet intereui . f said Es tate, the following described real pmi-erty, lo- vi it. B-S'.uniii at a j-, 9.2Jettn Welof Uarler section poftt bvtvreen Sei tioiis 7 and s. and from u hich a pine tree inehes in diameter, ma-ked C. S. B. T., bears North 14 decrees. We-t 72 links. di:snt tbence North Si JO Chains to a point t on Chain fonth ot 8outhw.-t comer of F. R. Hili's donation eiaim. thence West 22.3 Chains to Northeast corner of the land now owned by A. D. Ottinfrer. thence South 7 Chains to South east corner of same land, thence West la.25 Chains to the Southwect corner of same land, and tbe East boandarr ot the E. Bunton dona tion claim, thenre S3Uth ir Chains to the Sontb rret corn.T of the S. W. oaidiner donation claim, thence Ea5t aiotig the Sooth bonndary of tbe same, 41.14 Chains to place of hettinn'ing eonlainin; 7u.V acres, more or less, excepting therefrom tbe Wilbur Cemetery, liM excepting therefrom one half acre for family burjing ground. All trior in Section 7 in Town-hip 26, S. B. W et in Douclss County, Oregon. Also the following described premise Uvwit: Beginning at the boutbeaxt corner of tbe E. Bunion donation claim, thence West along the South boundary of said claim, 7 jU Chains to toe middle of the County road, thence along the same South .TS'j degrees, tt est 4 SO Chains to a white csk tree, an inches in diameter, thence South lf's degrees. West 5.40 Chains, thence souin s'i entrees, tasi L40 ccains, tnenee South decrees. West alonr renter of kfain street ot n'Ubcr 240Cbaitt9, theace alone the land now owned by S. h. Counts. Nuih bs de- crees. East 14 Chains to West boandarr of land now owned by t. Hansen, thence North 30 degrees. East t Chains to tbe North we-1 cor ner, thence South WJ degrees, East 1 K'i Chains to nis AOTiceut corner, tnenee sou in :v oe grees, West 4 Chains to bis Smtbeast corner and a creek, thence up said creek deerees. East 11 Chains to the East boandarr of the W. Jenk ins donation claim, thence North 10.) Chains, thence North 23 degrees. East 7.?S Chains, tnenee North degrees. East S.TS Chains to tbe Nor.h boundary of J. Kuykendalt donation claim. ;tbe nee West I M Chains, to place of be- cnnnins.cDtaimng2iiSa'res' AU in Section 7, Township SR, S. B. 5 West. Also a lot in toe town of Wilbur, tointnr E. H Otttnger land on tbe North, 35 feet by bi feet in sine, all in Douglas Countr, Orecon. Dated this Cth day of January A. D., I90U, at booo n:, uregon. DWIGHT Rl ED. Admicirtrator, with will aunejted, Estate of viuioa nui, veceaseu. .tt Administrator's Notice of Sale of Real Property. SoiKre is hereby given that fcy virtue and in pursuance of an order and decree of the CountX Court of Douclas County, Oregon, duly made by Hon. Joe Lyons Judge cf said Court, and en tered on the 4lh day of January, 15t ordering and directing tbe undenaimed to sell tbe real property, hereinafter described, belonging to the estate of James K.Mitchell, deceased at public auction, in the manner provided by law, lor the a'e of real property on execution I will on Monday, the 19th day of Februarr, 1900, at tbe hour of one o'clock, in the afternoon of said nay, at tbe Court House door, in the city of Kosebu-e, Douglas County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at imbue auction, to tbehurhest and best bidder for cash, the following described resi proper, t, io-wu: The fractional W' of tbe SWUi of Sac. 3. fractional U of- N K' an d Lot No. 5, of Sec 4, Tp. 27. S. of K. 4, W. Willamette Meridan, eon tAining K3.31 acre. Also Donation Land Claim of Jonathan Simmons and wife.-Notification No. 4uu, Certificate No. U.K. Claim 41. being psns oi sAciions .;, 4. ana ill, in i p. 27 s. ot K. 4. W.,conuining 3 2.50 a-rt. Also Ixds No.'s 1 snd 2. of Sec 4, Tp. 27S. of K. 4, W., conUining 17.iv aeres. also Lot No. 1, of Sec 10, Tp. 27 S. ol R. 4, W.. conuininc 22.45 acres, and containing in ..ue a ggrewe wu.tk acres more or less, ail In uuuiss . iuuiy. vrresrou Said real property w ill be sold tubiect to the right of dower oi E. C. Mitchell, wido w of isid ucceaseu. increm, M JOHN HAMLIN, Aanimiatrstor of tae estate of Jamea K. ilitch ell, deceased. Notice. United State Land Office, K.rSERt a.,, Or., Nov. 2, 1U9(. To whom it may concern : Notice is hcrelireivcn that Ihi-Onnn and California Railroad Co. has filed in this office a list of landf situated in the townships described below, snd has applied for a patent for said lands; that the list is open to the nublic for In. speoiion and a copy thereof by descriptive sub divisions, has been posted in a convenient place in this onicc, for the inspection of all pcrtons interested and tbe public retitrallv: South of base line and West of Willamette Meridan. T S. R !. NW"i NE',Sec2V 1KB J. ran of Sec 3, and part of WJ- See. U. Ti, Ki SK'iNE'iDccS. T 2i. R 3. NW;sE'4 6cc31. T R 3 Lots l'at.d-2 Sec. L T 27, K 4. X'!, NEii,Sec33. T o, R 4. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Pec, 29. i -a. r 5. NWii8!i,gecl. rr . . . X SO, S 9. Part of Sec. 21, and part of SEU' Sec. T. RC. Lot S, Sec l. T 3j. R r.. XWJi NW4,8ecl7. T. K6. All of Sees. J, 3, :,, 7, 9. 11. 13. t:,. 17. 19.21. 2.1 .25. 27, 29, 31, : and .. Within the utxt sixty dav following tbe date if I Ins notice, protests or contests atalni-t the Llairu of the comiriuir to any tract or subdivis ion within any section or oart of wtinn a. scribed in thelist, on the eronnd that the same s more valuable for mineral than for agricul ural purposes, will be received and nnuwi i, rerort to the General Laud Office at Wathina- J. T. BRIDGES, Keeiner, J. If. BOOTH, n2?tl0 Receiver. Administrator's Sale, V"'''- ' nerely given that the undrralguod. AMlie administrator of the estate of Huldan tllson, decessed, in pun-nance of an ordered lie County Court of Douirles Countv. Ktaianf Oresou, duly insdu and entered on the 3rd day ol Ja-rt-nry, l:io, will after the lOthdiiy of Feb ruary. pjoii at KID die. Douglas County, btateof ireBon.seii at private sale lor cash in hand, !m fullnwinz deserll-U real nroriertr. to-wn- Tlie sou ft l.alf of donation claim No. 41 of WilLnm L. Wilson aud wife, being part of soc- Inn :s4 io Township !.0. S. R..; W.. WiL ifei. n Douglas County, Oretron, and the said south ait oi sain eiaim coiHalulnc li..r.2 acres, mora or k-ss. Hsil at Kiddle, Douglas County, Oregon 'his Cth day of January, V.w. GEORGE K. QCINt, Administrator of the estate Of Huldah Will Deceased, JM7 the 11 O m )A ."tit I 'Kcv-.i jft. 1 Alway ALLOWED. Lit of th Warrants Drawn at January Term of Court. Be it re'i.erub-rexl that at a reguhr term of the County Court of the County of DouyUfl mid State of Oregon, begun I and lie. J in the County Quart room at Roecburg, Douglas County, Oregon, on January 3rd, 1900. for the transaction of regular County business, at which were I present, Joe Lyons, Judge; M. D. Thompson, Commissioner; J. F. Gazley, Clerk, and 11. L. Stephens, Sheriff. Among other things, the following ac count were allowed aud warrants or dered drawn, toe it: II A Biakely, Indg't assistance. . I 70 00 GV Short, Bounties 3 00 300 V S Bwtou , Geo Haynea " 3 00 J D Cornuit " 3 00 W W Walker " 3 00 E L IUoe - " 3 00 J.D Walker . " 3 00 rrcy Beals 3 00 Fd Gadecke " 3 q0 WMBranharo " 3 00 B F Goodman " 3 00 Ernetst Short " 3 00 A S Peters " 3 00 M D Howard " 3 00 Leais Thomaeon " 3 00 WJEmary ' 9 CO W A Tearce J- . J 15 CO John Krue " 3 00 J W Hall Poor Farm 80 CO Ed Douipiar A cot paupets at - pcorfarnii 21 00 B W Sirong Court House supplies 190 00 Review I'ub Co printing & sta tionery 115 05 Koeeburg Plumbing Co repairs OH Plaiudealer Pab Co printing J J Ilinkle Deputy Sheriff U M Oatman " JMIiobinaon " " WLCobb " " Lawrence Michaels " Win Tbiel Deputy Aaeeasor A Sa'ituan clock for Poor Farm.. Peter Nelson Deputy Sheriff H W MUler Jury List V C London " " E McBroom " TE Singleton" " Lee Love Wm Tipton - " 6 85 14 CO 0 TJ 25 00 12 50 2 50 2 50 15 00 4 00 0 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 3 CO Edgar Walker" Grant Clajtjn" " W W Walker " O II Bueil " h. S Boell " Peter Jones " " The KJitum Suti jnery Co Geo D Barnard A Co stationery and recorde A Wil'.ard, Poor Farm A F Babrke, paopei-Mrs. Sbaltx, E J Key B, material and work, poor farm J F Wright, Indg't Halter Mrs Belle Collins, pauper P Benedick, paupers CEWade, " . E J Page Ed Lister, depoty eherift B J Trowbridge, " R L S.ephens, 8: ys Brookhart . . Gk supreme coart, tiodfrey ts 2 00 2 00 9 80 91 05 5 70 43 55 30 CO J 9 17 25 83 CO 17 00 15 0fj 000 4 80 6 05 Dooglaa county 25 75 John F Give a, conrt bailiff. .... 2 00 Ira B Riddle, deputy district at torney Good A Poet, board of jury E DaGas, ioqaeet Qailbaug & Xoah TCLow, inaane Wm Moon 11 50 51 CO 10 00 5 00 R L Stephens, board of prisoners 121 00 J C Dine, asaeasora de-.k 0 H . . 1 50 Mai A Van Bnren muring Clerks & Jndwa efficee 22 00 FPBiown, CHaipplies 4 7 Peter Hit ajn work at CH yaalt 1-50 Carl Hoflmar, repairs on Cll.. 15 00 RiceA Rice, Ublea lor C H 4 05 Emery J Davidson, piling wood. . ' 2 25 WE Daveopo.t wood 31 00 S W VanZ.le work at C H 10 15 D S West, insurance 20 00 Glies & Prndhomme, registration blanks 96 75 Jai F Yoomana 12 50 H Mooney, Uickethier bridge. ... 26 00 G S Lthey, Winchester bridge.. 10 00 Frank DeWitt 4 50 Frank Gillam " C 00 Wayne Giilatu " " 0 00 Gus Baocb, Looking Glaea bridge 10 50 H R Dimmick. bridge work No 3 7 50 A E Cooper, 3 00 J W Scolding, eiewet StOres road 2 CO FA Clements, viewer S: Ores road 2 00 J H Stocker, yiewer StOres road 2 00 H Putnam, chainman " " 2 1)0 C Rogers " " 2 00 F D Potter, axemaa" " 2 00 OFThieleorveyor " 7 50 Wm M Aldricb, lumber Diet No 54 13 50 John Bidwell, work Elk creek bridge 6 00 Harry Williams, work Little river bridge 12 00 G P Wi.liams, work on Little river bridge.... 12 00 J Evarts, work Little riyer bridge 12 00 Perkina & Biedaoe, lumber 21 18 C E Haskell, roads & B 1 10 James Hancock, " 5 50 Churchill & Woolley R & B, C II & fnor farm 19 85 R Jennie, Looking Glass bridge. . 18 00 Mrs. A W Cotton, roads No 36. . 7 00 A M Simmons, Looking Glaea bridge 13 50 Geo Robinson, lumber 9 35 BJBovingdon, " 3 20 Clarke & Baker, " 5 80 Thomas Wikoo, roads 1 00 H L Ingalis, deputy sheriff 3 75 Hamilton Drag Co, paupers, sta tionery 442 05 J W Buckley, Smith's ferry, to date P2 CO J D Coruutt, bounties 3 00 David MtCollum, bridge lumber. 18 35 David MtCollum, " 17 40 Pet kins & Bledsoe, " 4 55 C II Byera, " 4 00 J B Route, " 13 W GarJiutr Mill Co, Rd aud Brg. . 24 55 Wm Sagabetd, roud work 7 75 C Heddan, 2 35 Geo Byers, " 7 50 E Mo.-er, bridge work 2 35 Henry Witte " 12 30 ENBradloid, " ' 4 00 j K llarteock " 6 90 Stearns & Cnenoweth, biidge ma terial 18 10 J A Underwood, paupers, Wright 3 05 Wollen berg Bros, panpera...... . 2 10 Page de Dimmick, " 10 00 If M Oatman, constable. 2 50 CLAIMS V 0 London, itn on poor farui ... 2i b E H Piiikslon, deputy elieriff . . . 25 00 J V Mullen, drayago 2 60 E V Hoover, county physician ... 25 00 J F Barker, crrtr in tax sules . . 1 55 W T E,mery, bounties 12 00 W A Pearce, " 3 00 L Villepiqtie. " 3 00 G W Dlmmick, contng fund 330 60 Rice & Rice, etatiorery 1 00 L A Walker, electric light flxturm court houaw 160 20 Irwin, Hodsun & Co, election laws I 75 Glaus & Prudtnrome, registration supplies 32 65 B J Bovingdon,$brh)gd lumber. . . E H Pinkston, " II W Davis, roads and bridge?. . . 9 10 24 00 21 60 6 00 R L Stearns, rupt tf bridge wotk WT Carter A A Miller " WO Austin " Arthur Austin ". A E Hartley Jahn Sbult L li Carter , " W Landkeikii g " Clarke & Baker, hiiJe'.lumber. . 1 50 9 00 6 00 4 -"K) 7 50 12 50 75 ? 4: Parrott Bros, paupers 7 50 A C Mareter. pauyere, ataliunery E T Wade, overpaid 'OS tax re mitted Roeoburi; Water C-o, water for Nov. and Dec, 1S09 W A r-miley, road supv dial No 1 52 50 2 20 15 00 42 00 Wm Sagaberd No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS - 19 20 21 "2 23 24 25 20 27 2S 29 SO 31 32 Si 34 30 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 43 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 5S 59 CO CI 62 03 64 61 5(i 70 00 II R Dnumick II W Davis W A Peasley W U Lawrence, James Ambrose, Geo McDvogall, Henry Witte, Ben Huntington, A W Howden, C A McNabb, 63 50 10 CO 70 CO CO CO 84 00 16 00 20 00 44 00 52 00 40 CO J F Rive, C R Wet tenbeifer, 23 00 J C Qaatif, A E Smith, 20 00 16 00 82 00 48 00 20 00 22 00 22 CO 44 00 IS 00 25 00 14 00 79 00 8 00 ) CO 0 (0 R L Sterte, R L Winiiiford, Frank Gorrel!, E T Woodruff, E K LaBtie, E H O tinter. S D Cnapmau, L L Mathews, J J Thornton, Jamea Djlan, RA Wood.ofJ. J r Spaugb, M L Bu3hnell, W S Broi, W S Jobn&on, PE Cooper, R L McLaughlin, T L Brewer, I S Weaver, EFStar, W N Moore, E L Rice, S R Brie '..in, J R Wileoo, N O D.an, R S Stewart, Jacob Brick, John Albro, JLDewer, A Msthews, S H Moncon, WC Tipton, J O Gnnter. L F Wolcott, 20 CO 50 CO 14 00 10 CO 20 00 40 00 GO 10 31 00 12 CO 50 00 25 00 20 10 70 00 40 00 20 00 40 CO 34 00 as co 8 00 27 CO 42 CO 72 00 75 CO 20 00 S4 00 L F Andersen. D H Leaox, Wm Dewar, M C Ruckle. John Shnltx, S II Wilaon, J H Mnmpower, WF Gillam, 8 Uebardr J A Stayer, I Winningham, J W Hedgepetb, 30 CO 14 CO 60 00 62 00 0 00 28 00 30 00 52 00 it" C C Behnke, road supplies 1 50 Glass & Prndhomme, registration 1 10 C J Defining, pauper, Bond 4 50 Dr. C W Wbitcomb, iedg. assist ance, Harlow Tboa Wilaon,' road supplies. . N W School Furniture Co, teals CH M D Thompson, Com, Jan term . CD Drain, deputy sheriff 25 00 11 3 441 00 79 20 25 00 The Apple Market. The Rural Northwest of Portland, in ita las', if sas of Feb. 1st, eaye: We no'ei in our last ieaue that the enpply of applet of low grade was aliont exhaaft'd. They have now practically diaappta'ed except at some of the low price 1 retail groceries Dealers have noth'ni to sell at wholesale at lees than f 1.25 per box and the bulk of the eupply is beld at f 1.75 for four-tier apples. For large an 1 highly colored apples 2 00 a box it tbe wholesale price. The greater part of the supply is now comiog from Ssuthern Oregon which is sending up larga quantities cf Red Cbeek Pippins and Walbridge and some Yellow Newtons and other varieties. The largest and roost highly colored ap ples seen are from Lafayette in the Wil lamette Valley, mostly Baldwins and Ben D-svi. There are a very few fancy from Hood River. There is also qnite a eupply of Cali fornia apples on the raaiket, mostly yel low varieties. They do not as a role compire well in appearance with theOre gii ipp'es with which tbey are compet- 2. .U a general proportion the apples now oa stle averaze smaller than those which aie rold hie in ordioary tear. Good Books. Mr. J. W. Mote of this city baa te cured the agency for a number of hew and Etandatd books, among them being tbe Life and Works of Dwigbt L. Moody and the Boer-British War. He will make a thorough canvass of the city and connty and has a list of Looks frrm which some excellent selections can be made. Mr. Mote is an old citizen of the county and we cheerfully recommend him to tbcfo persons to whom he. "may prefent hia bjuke. Give him a bearing and examine his books. Ador doctors failed to cure me of pueumenia 1 used (Joe Minute Cooeh ure and three bottlesof it cured me. It ia al60 llit beat remedy on earth for wbooiiing uoukIi. It cured mv erand- t'bildren of tbe worst casts." writes Jno. Kerry, Logantou, Pa. It is the onlv harmlriee remedy that givea immediate reanlts. Cores coughs, cold?, croup and throat and luog troubles. It prevents consumption. Children always like it. mothers endorse it. - A. C, Marater j A Co. iii mni la the result ot repeated acuta attacki. The liver and spleen are principally affected. They act ai storehouses for the malarial olson and the blood takea it from them. The poison must be dxrrew out of the system. H CD IT AN will destroy the action of the poison and event, ually drive out the last particle of it from the system. In addition to this, HVDVAK will restore the lost app a. It 2.-2 3 5 will builu up the weakened system HO D TAN will make new blood and new flesh. The pains in the bones will disappear. HTDTAN haa cured others and it will cure you. We describe the symptoms Btudy them carefully. They are yours. Do not delay lonasr. but take ntJOTAN now and you will be cured. HERE ARE YODR SYMPTOMS: 1. CONSTANT HEADACHE AND TROUBLED BRAIN. Take HUDYAN and your headache will disappear. 2-3. PALE OS TELLOWTSH COM PtXXION. H U D Y A N will establish a free circulation of pure blood and cause the cheeks to a&suma their na'ural color. 8. L03S CP APPETITE AND ON AW INO IN THE STOMACH. HUOYAN will restore tin appnite and tb digestion of food will become perfect. 4. FEELINO OF WEIGHT OVEBTHB LIVES. This ia duo to tbe enlargement of the liver. It Is filled with the poison of ma laria. Ul'DT lN will drive out the poison and causa the org in to assume its natural siie. 5. HEAVINS33 IN THE REGION OF THE SPLEEN. Tbe splaen becomes greatly enlarged. HUDYAN l leti the congestion an t cause the heaviness to disap pear. Yon in suffering from Chronic Malaria and vou can be cured. UL'DYAM will relieve your every svmptom and make you well. BID. ptorn VAN ran be obtained of all druggists for Me ner nacksre. partner, or a packages lor t! JH II your driirem does not keep it. send direct to th HI u i AN KICHKUY COMPANY, ban rran- ri-eo, California Kamember that you can consult the HtDYAN ttOCTOIV VREB. Call and sea the doctors. You may call and see them, or write, aa roe desire. Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. teclrtoa. Martial sad Ellis Sta.. taa Frssciasa, Cat air- tux dirzct;roctkt Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Uires choice of two favorite -votes, via the I S ION PACIFIC 'ast VJ1 Line, er the BIO U RAN DE Scenic Lirrew Look at the time i x2 days to Salt Late zi days to Denver days to Chicago 4 days to New York Frcee atecltailas Ctoattr core, fp bolsters-. T am riot Sleep! nst Cart, ltsissata Palace B lee ga in X CarslLoperateMl on - all traits. Fu. further Inform s'icr" apply to J. F. G1VANS, Agt., Koeelctg C. O. Terry, W. E Coman, TrsT Pass. Agt. LM Third St . Gea Art. Fell sio Or. Notice. C5ITED t-TSTC-S La5D or ma, Ecscburg, Oregon, Nov. 2s. 1899. To whom it may concern: Notice Is hereby giren that tbe Oregon at Cali fornia Railroad Company has filed in this office a fist of lands situated in the townships de scribed below, and has applied for a patent for said lands: that the list is open to the public for inspection and a copy thereof by descriptive subdivtsiona. has been poaied in a convenient place in this office for the inspection of all per sons Interested and to the public generally: Booth of base line and East ot Willam ette Meridian. Tp 3?. Rl. 'JJ tw. . South of base line and West of Willamette Mcr Tp. &. R. Parlof N', ores, part of WJ. Sec. Ta 21 K 5. SE!4SW4Sec andfc',, SI' Sec. K. Tpl. K7. , Within the next sixty days follow Uig the daw ol this notice, protests or contest against the claim of the Company to any tract or subdivis ion wtthlo sn section or part of section, de scribed in the list, on the ground that the same Is more valuable for mineral than for agricult ural purposes, will bo received aud noted for re port to the l.vneral Land Office at Washington J. T. BRIDGE. Register. J. H. BOOTH, (uH0) Receiver 'J r7 III We Have the Best and Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS, i t.''-'-sVi.M i -i The favorite of the Army and No. 5, $35. St. Paul, Gloucester, Topeka, Buffalo, Oregon, Texas, Indiana, Potomac, Yankee, Frolic. All goods tuny guaranteed and sold on the installment plan. Baud Instruments, Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Accordions, Autoharps- In fact almost anything in the musical line can be had at the T. K. RICHARDSON STORE. Examine our SPRAY PUflPS The best assortment of Pumps ever brought to the County. We carry the celebrated DEMMING, MEYERS, BEAN, GOULDS POMONA. The best Corbalized Spray Hose and the famous Dem niing New Bordeaux Nozzles. Send us your order. Churchill & Woolley. Cass Street Market Wholesale Fresh and Cured Hay, Grain and Flour. DOZIER & MARTIN, 'PhoneJAIain 181. PrOpS. P. Benedick- Any JobJWork donejat Reasonable n it. Triumph Prune Grader Foi Green and dried Prunes. Compact, Practical, Accurate. Send for circulars ind testimonials toj WALTER MORLEY, Patentee and Get your. SCHOOL We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Our Prices are Right. . . . A. c.TB!ers & co. & AhVM TE DIT Jtsb a a A A A A l-V. A A 1 A A A , ;8aoceaaor to O. W. NOAH.) General Blacksmithing; abm aisLB aia.BB KfliasLca k aar a . rROTTINa AND RUNNING. PLATES A SPECIALTY, BXPAJBIKQ OF ALL KCCDS PROMPTLT DONS. 81i9p oa Corner Waahlagton and Kane Sta., Roseba.g including CHICKERINGS, WEBER, KIM BALLS, NEEDHAM. Besides these we have other good Pianos but cheaper in price but not in quality. ' THE BLICKENSDERFER, Navy. A few of the ships derfer Typewriter during the Spanish-American War. youi line of and Retail Dealers in Meats Fish and Game in Season, i Hnileriaei1 End Embalmer. Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon. SUPPLIES mm At Marsters. trI TVI r-Tr- TVT equipped with the Blickens- No. 7, $50. The Blickensder fer is rapidly dis placing the more complicated and higher priced ma chines, as it does the same work equally as well (if not better). 40,000 now in use. Ii f 1 Rosebur,w V OU II E No 7 V the following wluL, residence npon and ak vU: O. E. Smith, J. F1f..lw C. Tipton, of Glide, Oregon. t . J. T. balut Ea Railroad Time Table. NorthbouLd Roeebnrg local. No. 17 departs 7 0 a. m. Sonthbonod Roeebnrg local. No. IS. arrives 5 J20 p. m. Notthbound overland, No. 6. ar rives 10 ;35 a. m. ; departs 10 :45 a. aa. Soothboond overland. No. 6, anfrcai :15 a. m.;depans45 a. m. FBXIGBT TEARS. Northbound fast throogh freight, So 221, arrives 4 :10 p. m. ; departs 5 2Q p. m. 8outbbonnd fast throogh freight. No 222, arrives 7.-00 s. m. ; departs iiOOm m. Northi-ocr.d mixed train No. srriaa at 2 -55 p. ra., Sunday., Wednesdays and rriaays. aeparie ;w a.m., MtrDdara Tborsdays and Saturdays. bontnboand mixed train Aa. Tin ar rives at 3:0) p.m.. on Honda va. Hob. days and Fridata, departs 7:15 a.m. Mondays. Thursdays and Savtordaya. MrrHODirr Chcxc a corner of Mala aa4 Laas streeta. Sunday Berries: Preaching, 11 a. aa and S:00 p. m.; Babbath achool, la a. ax.; L Walker, Bnperintendent: Class XaatlsaT at close of the morning serries: Xpwortk Taafns 7:00p. m. F. S. Godfrey. FrealdeBt, rasysr Moeting. Wednesday, at 7:30 p. nt. G. B. Axjcolo, Pastor, Paraoaace, eorncr Vain aad Isas, CurraD Barraaaa CaTcacat oat Fowlaw Sunday serrice, at U a. m. sad 72B p. aa. Pxay- i amMJi. iBunuaf CTrsiSf. " ..7 Mrs. Leer M. CcTLir, PBasoc BT. GroBoa 8 CHCacBV-Comer Cass aaaf Mais streeta. Berriees on second aad fearf Banday morning of each month sad every Boa- everunf. special aerrieea annowaesd trosa 'ma to time, Bar. Josur Dawsow, lTtaataaamF M. E. CaTcaca, Boctw. Berrieea evsry tuaclay -orninf aad evening. ' Rv J T Conow, Paatea BamsT Cbcbcb corner of Lsas aad Boas treeta. Sunday scrciee: PreecUiurar.il a. as. aud 7:30 p. as. Sabbath School at 10 a. BL, O. P. Coahow. annerintendent. reaver naeetlBaT at 7:30 Wednesday evening. a. A. Docclaj, Pastor 1 . Pvasr CnaxsTLur Chcbch Corner sf Plas and Woodward streeta. Bandar aarrleaa Preaching both morning aad ereninr. 80., school at 10 a. m. Y.P.8.C. K.aXtdB aw xa Prayer meeting each Wedneadav srsBiacat 7.X. A cordial weJooai and arreatiiiar awmila all. W. A. Woosu Paatsr Pimsr PaasBTTaaLaJi Chcbch Corner ml Cass . and Boas stseet. Sunday aerrlee: PabOf -worship, II a. m., sal A p. m.: caxkbsta ehool, 10a.m. T. f . L C L at 7 . Bs. Prayer meeting, Wednesday rrening T:M m. J. A. Towjrasjnj, TatB W. C. T. U. will hold Ita nwnlar asMtinaB on the second and fourth. Mondays of arrerv month at 7 JO a. m. ia toe Xnworfh Lestaru room of toe M. X. Cburch. O.RA1 CO. Lktabt Fast 1 Salt Lake. Denvr, P t. Maii Worth. mshaa:a n- ,4 p. nu I sasCity3(.Loa i a I-cago.tvk- Spokane : Walla Walla Lewis ton. Flyer j Spokane, Minneapolis, i ii p. m. . St. Pan', tmlolh, Mil ; waukie, Chicago and East. Spokaas Flyer a a. at. P- ra. Ocbaw SrxAJCHir 1 4 p. aa. AU Sailing dates subject to cnange. i ' For Saa Praneiseo ; Sail Pec S, S, 13, IS, a, : a, aaa every aaya. DsUr CoLraaLi Rrvam Stbambbs To Astona and Way Landings. 4- as. Ex .Sunday Zx. ana 8 p. m. Saturday Id p. m. a.m. WiixAXBTTa Bxvaa Oregon Citv, Newbarg. Salem x Way-Lead a Ex-tunday 7 a. m. WnXAMXTTa an Taji- 3 J0 a. at Moa.wed TneaThurs aiu. RivBaa. Oregon City, Dayton and Way-Landings. and Sat. II. m. WltLUItm Bnris U4B aa. Tues.Thurs! iMoaTwad ana sat- roruaoxi to corvaHia and and Fri. 1 ana nay-Laadinga. Leave Riparia l:a)a. m. Daily S3 A KB RlVIB Riria to Lrwiston Leave Lewtstoa Daily 8:30 a at. I J. F. Qivans, W. H. liuriburt. Gen. Pass. Agt., PottJaad,Ol Agent, Boseborg, Or. TS THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATX of Oregon for Douglas county. Nora He i 111 Plain Ufl", i v , v,v , , Suit iaEquitj for Fletcher Helm, Defendant) a divorce. To Fletcher Helm, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon aiw hereby required to appear and answer that corapl ii. t hied against you ia th. above aa titled suit on or before th. first day of ta next regular term of the above entitled court towit: Monday March. 5th, 190u. And if yon fall to appear or answer said complaint, withia said time, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint as follows: For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendeut, and tor such other relief as ta the conrt may appear equitable This Summons is published by order of Boa. J. W. Hamilton, judge of said conrt, whiea or der fs dated January S, 1800, and th time pre scribed in said order for the publication of taia summons is once a week for six waeks praceed- ing the first dav Of Said term of ennrt. and thai day of the first publicaiio oi thla aomatoaaaia vauuaxy a, Me- F.W.BENSON, ) Attorney for rialntiff. Noticeof Appointment o Exuect- Tlx. jvjotiw Is; hereby given that the undersigned Was on the 14th dav of November, las., duly appointed as executrix of the last will sad testament ol tieoiir. T. Russell, deceased. All persons having claioa against said estate are hcreby reHjuimt to p.-esent the sam. properly verified, to said executrix, at Oakland. Donilaa county, Oreyon, within lix months from tho uaiv uvnvi. Dated this 16 day of November, 1S99. FRANCIS L. RCSSEIX. Executrix. Notice for Publicatron. rMTTD Staibs Lad Or tub. Roscburg, Orcgoa, December 30. lir. Notice is herebv riven that tha following. named settler has filed notice of hi. intention Mail :aJS. to make final proof in support sfhis claim, aad that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver U. 8. land Ofiics 'at Koeeburg. Oregon, cn Eebroary 10, 9M vli ... ISAAC BAIXEx, V . On h is H. E. No. R0,for thePoU 13, 14. 10 and la Sec. 14, To. SO 8, R. 4 w. H nam s the follow ing witne&es tj prove hlj conCnu oas resideDOS uiion and Calttvation cf said land, vis: Kern Fate, and John Perdue, ol Dava Creak, Oregon, and Robert stew art and J. B. f uliertoa of Canyonviiie, Oregon. J. T. B SIEGES . ; w . ; ,.rf,AJt!,ii