The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 08, 1900, Image 2

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.. 1 Thursday.
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rjftte Heaths.
FEBRUARY 8, 1900.
At a natter of new, and by lesscnol
the fact that there tree great mmy
vaocratt end populists in the county
whs read no county ipm except the
fLaiMXM, we publish in this usue
tH dstbacrat and Dopnlitt calls for
Btt central cooaaiittso meetings.
The goverBoierit tecripts in excerf o
ios-o.ditn.-s in Vu inon'li ci! Jsnoary
ware eearly $.000,UX. or at the re'- cf
tlW.000.000 a rr f mi-plan. Tle
creekon bare stopped cmahinc alut
.Va laaaCii-irecj ii our seveuue law, mid
a sray raj-ed them to begin
raitlal?a an the lb"r il uf the iu 8
Jest at lUia tin e, oU-n Bvmrk Cocb
raa and the oher g..ld democrats a
triviar. desperately to ihir.k well ol M-
JJryaa and overlook Lis siivr issue, it is
Cat dkbeartening to have tbecatidi
t allies , the rxpt:lit?, setv potue
p-a the demooratif- prty thst they mill
emieate Mr. Brian early, on I 10 to 1
pVrofie. and -m all iheu in-it lhat lie
deatocratic national convention "ibdoiES
the vra'iorm and it lendidstF," other
wise they threaten a separate ticket.
There ere 75.OC0 poe iiiot iu the ilsi
fie! service of the United States, accord
irj to the acnacl rr-f ort of ii e tivil ser
vice commission. And h democrats
ere still referring to the kard s'ep"
ef the administration when the President
foek VtX el the ciyil serTlce sutue three or
for IbeeaanJ po-iti-ms at.icri h-n'.d
IttM liitt been (diced thuetinder. If
Mtli actios is a luukwaid Hep, what
weald fee ttie act itn .! ti e d-n-ocrate
theesselres shcotd tt-.ey get an oppor
taaity in tt ie liirrcu.m? Id the 1KHJ
vletforai ihey Irarkly eaj that to the
victor ueJaog the sinnis, reariiios of
the effect on the public service.
The Review of Kose bog , undoubted
ly the biggest (?) piper on earth, alto
fited by one of the biggest ecandal
MBfjera end black mailers cn eatt'i,
seeking two of the i i-gest things on
earth, M very nmcli exwi-i-i that the
fnggei should due t J c miiueut cpon
the Harvey abduction case, and then
tftssenti the fact that tte Oiegonian
thoogbt sufficient iy weil of the article to
rjTe it space. Tt e hogget taas said
atefhinj it eaonot subetaotiate, and Las
Mt reflected op-iti railroad men who are
gealiemen, bot apon tt.e class to which
this bu Harvey end, undoubtedly, Tat
(sreea, belong. Bohemia Nugget.
It has been claioued thst the douio
eratfc petty will be in e strouger poeiiica
"thbj year than it wae 10 1S96, hecaoee
Vhlie then adver was the only issue, now
the party Uaa number of iseuee to
saseee troes, cay, it can even uke theji
aU, silver, an:i-:rast, anti-expan-
siea, end with three issues, can meet
(be dsmanda of every section. This
would offer an attractive program were it
at tor the fact that many o'. the men
S who favor one of these iesurs are u-alier-i
abry opposed to the others, and vice ver
sa.- For instate e, Boorke Cot hran ie a
eld democrat who s urdity fonghl eilver
ia I899;batbe ie willing to allow eilver in
the platform if the priccipaHesoe is anti
imperialism. Senator Morgtn on the oth
er bead, if a silver democrat, bat he ie
a atroeg expansionist, and he believes
that aay ether course thtt adtclaaatlon
fer exaanaion weald be the caetlieet mu
fakee. Henry Watterson ia a gold
democrat who eaye free sih er ie done for ;
bet Le urges txpanHon u a democratic
olley and aa a national necessity.
Chairmaa Jones and Senator Pcttigrew
are both eilver sneti and ardent' anti
etraasiooiets. n'or McLaortn tees
ia expansion necsst'y lor the Kioto.
These men are auJ they are not
fe be fooled fct-j seeini; one iseoe need
eae part of thr couo'ry and another in
a dif'erent sectin. ft appere lhat the
work ef organize g the variuoa discDrdant
elementa of the democratic party into an
bsrmonioas noity is hen u'-an indeed, if
swt ejaiis impossible.
Republican Editors Meet.
The biennial meeting cf the 0?ji n
Eepnblican Editorial Association took
pbtce in Portland Monday. Contrary to
(be nana! custom, the country editors
talked much business and little politics.
Heretofore the political feature of the or
giaization has been kept oppermoet,
bot at thie reesion, owing to the eett'e
Skaat of all factional differences and the
ittrk ct interest in political affairs at
present, the aeeocialbn got down to hard
Ihe following officer e wre elec'.td for
the ebsuing term of two years: Presi
dent, D. M. C (rault, Hillsboro: secre
tary, XVi-liam J. Clai ke, Gervias ; treac
Fr, S. S. Train, Albany; executive
aoesmUtee, J. B. Eddy, Forest Grove;
J.J. Wbituey, Albany; C. L. Ireland,
Uoro. With the exception of Mr. Ire
Itad, who is a oli r, this wsa a re
election of the foi tiit-r board of officials.
fix new mem bets were elected, mak-iag-
the membership 20.
Oak Camp W. of w., 0f this city held
a esse ti of last Mondsy evening. Two
bv membsrs were iniated and the rego-
Isr rontioe cf binee was attended to j
after which tbe Ladie of the Circle were
lavited in and a general literary
aad social time was enjoyed by all.
The South African war question was de
bated by N. T. Jewett, J. A. Buchanan,
J. L. Long aod C. H. Fieher very ably
aad intelligently. It was decided by
wi. ..... .t.,... "" "t-1
tween the affirmative and negative. !
The ladies of the Ciicl.. did fall henor to j 0f , fiitble location for a tish hafebery.
tbe occasion by furnishing the wood j H vxptcts to remain about a week, to
hoppers an ejallnnt liiaO whicli was make a lh.,rtmgh examination of ir.
rlisenased in rpWar worttnn (lrQtiian.
J. M. Church of LaGrande, is
Chosen for President.
The Gold Stand ird and
Retention of i
ihe Philippines Endorsed Dele
Kates to Nationul Coaventioo.
roRri.A.v, Or., l'b. 0. Thj 6tate lie
pnblican Ltagaj of Oitrgou, htld u bi
ennial conventbn iu tuis city t!y.
The convention wos composed uf al
most $00 delegates, iprcsenlint; be
different clubs of th ttdte. The uiutt
ing was very barmonioue anl enthusi
astic, there Ixjitig but one cjntebt, uud
that a fiicudly one, over tbo elccliou of
a president. The cooveution was called
to crdtr ly President Gatch, and J. B.
Kddyot Fcrst Gsovp, Walt-.r L. To.z
of M'oodbura aud K C. WrigUt of Pcrt
Uud, wt-ro elected assisiaut sccit-taries.
After tbo appointment of a committee
on credentials caueisang cf Dr. Kuyken
dall of Lace, I. A. Matrum uf AVasbiiig-
ton, J. W. Wtl.h of Clatsop, ul F. W.
Muitey of Multnomah uud cetreUryJ.
P. Kentelr, the convention edjoutntd
till 2 p. tn. When the convention con
vened in the altera jon, I'tef il. u Gatch
deli vert d his biecutal addrtrs which was
an eloquent exposition of repuHiican
principles. A committea on resolutions
was appciuted consisting of W. II. II.
Duforof Waico coanty, Wallace Mc
Camant of Multnomati, . 1). Stratford
of Djuglas, Mark Lilis u( IVU a:a L 11.
Eeeder of Umatnla. Tue election it
officers being annoan.ed, Wallace Mc
Camant of Portland uumiualed J. M.
Church of LuGiaace. ai.d Walter L
Toozs of Woodburu, nju:iuatcd J. AV.
Scriber also of LiGno'.le. Church was
elected o ti e tiret ballot reieiyirt; 509 of
the Tlio vole catt. The convention then
adjourLed to 8 p. m. Whrn the conven
tion cji veaed in the evrnln; etesion,
the eleticn of officers nd d..'l(gts to
the national convention wat cjm;-Ieted
ai follows :
Vice-prwcidtftit I. A. Macraui, tf
Wafihing'on county.
Execn'ive committee :
Atlarje J W. Meldrum, of Oack
amaa cojo'v.
Fust corgre.-siouai dis'rict TheoJoie
Cameron, ol Jackson coanty.
Second CjcgrtssLcsl distric' G W.
Johnson, cf Va--co cjunty.
Delegates to nst'ooa! convention :
At large O. V. Hurt, of Benton; V.
H. Moore, of herxan ; Chester V. Dolph
of Multnomah ; D. F. liardman of Linn ;
W. A. Howe, of Yamhill; S. B. Eakin,
of Lane.
Fint congressional district J. C. Hay
ler, of Tolk ; W. H. Odcll, of Marlon ; E.
D. Etratforf, of Douglas; C. S. Moore, of
Second corigreeeionai dittricl J. II.
Jobaunsoo, of Clatsop; J. E, Uaeeltice,
of Multnomah; V. U. Conyers, of Col
ombia; I. S. Geer, of Harney.
The following resoluuons which were
drafted and submitted by the committee
on resolutions were then adopted.
8j long as either of the great political
parties advocates the free coinage c!
silver, the financial question is the
paramount question before the American
people. The republican clubs of the
state of Cregon, in convention assembled
reaffirm their loyalty to tha gold stand
ard and their opposition to the free coin
age of silver. We believe the best and
most stable dollar in the world should be
issued by legislation to the laborer as the
fruit cf bis toil, and to the farmer aa the
price of his crop. We are in sympathy
with the efforts of the republican sena
tors and representatives in congress to
enact legislation for Ibis purpos?.
We hear:ily indores the Philippine
policy of tho present administration.
These islands have been won by Ameri
can blood and purchased by American
treasure; they should remain a perma
nent par: of oar nation.! domain. We
cannot neglect our duty to give them a
t table government n-r can we afford to
ibrow away the great opportunity they
give us for the development ol our Ori
ental trade.
The republican party was fotaied for
the purpose of fighting the battles of free
labor. Throughout it whole histoay, it
has bean the champion of the people,
and of the American laborer in particu
lar, We are opposed to the monopoliza
tion of commerce and industry by truBts,
and are in favcr of all jalicioue leg'ih-
tion looking t the curtailment of their
It is the sense of this convention of re
publican clubs of Oregon that tha consti
tution of the United States ebouid be
ameLded in relation to the manner of
choosing members of the United States
senate, act that they thould be elected
by direct vote of the people. Farther re
solved, that cor senators and representa
tives in congress be requested to work
and vote for any measure that will bring
about this proposed reform.
We extend our sympathy to tho fami
lies of the Oregon volunteers who lost
their lives in the Philippines, and we re
quest ice f ecreiary oi war to mate pro
vision for the removal of Ihe remains of
these dead heroes to the end that they
may repose in Oreg jn soil, and
Whereas, the war department has
failed to csmply w ith the request of our
governor for the return to the state
for burial, our sa'dh r boys who lost
their lives for their country.
Therefore, he it re60lvtd that we com
mend the cjurfe taken t y our governor,
and demand lhat our dead heroes be re
turned to their families and friends in
our state, and that the governor be re-
qiested to convey
tbis resolution to
President McKinley, with the
that he comply w ith the same.
requeet !
Tbtre being no humutSK
convention adjourned.
ne.i ijtuunsEioner Kee l sfaric.I Hiis
ViniW fnr it I'mn,,.. rr in ......t.
La ei Fiom Sou h Africa.
V.oi.r Hkau Laaukr, IyadTsmith, Feb.
0. inoe yeateiday llm British, with
naval acl other gutie, have bombarded
our positions on the Upper Tugela.
Troops cros p.I t lie rivr wt that point
and Kclendrift with the object of storm
ing our potuiuue. At Jtho former, Gee
eral Durbcr bent thotu back end they
rrcro3sed in great confusion. Fighliog
contiiitit s at Kclendnft with Btaudtrton
and Johiititiesbur); cciiimandos. . There
were no cueualties o our eide. The
c.nnjnsdittg was tlio fiercest yet expert
; euc-u. laara was continuous nrmg an
1 day lout:. This ruorniog it recom-
I uiet.evd wi'li an incivased number
I gune.
Roberts and Kitchener to the Front.
Cwe Tows. Feb. 7. Lord Roberts
andGcncMl Kitchener have slatted for
tbe front.
L-jnuon. Feb. 7. The Associated Preos
lean s that tbe war olfice tiday received
a telegram baying briefly lhat B'lller had
again recroseed tho Tugela river Febru
ary 3, and iu uj advancing upon Lady
It Will Take a Month Yet to Get
Ready for It.
Lomks, Feb. 7. Wh'.lu susinse re
garding Bullcr'a movements uud opera
tions affecting the fate of Ldy6mith con
tinues unrelieved even bj- the vaguest
diEimtcb, there comes from other quartets
interesting news in the announcement
that Lord Rooms and hi thief of staff,
Lord Kitchner, havj L-fi lor the front.
As thia information w held op fcr sev
eral hours by the censor, it seems to in
dicato that aa important movement is
on foo'.
A dispatch from Sterkstroom, dated
C it moroiog announces that tbe Boers
are a'tacking General at aero from two
directions. Firing was then proceed
i lg by the outposts.
A delayed Sterkstroom dispatch, dated
February 5, ssys bodies of troops left
camp February 3, and that important de-
velopements wcte expected. It is quits
probable this explains RoberV depart
ore, and that the commander-in-chief
wishes eiter to Lm present afor to super-
vise tne long-intended movement by
Gatacre to join forces with Kelly-Keoney
and tbenca s'rougly reinforce French,
completing the Utters work at Colesberf
and establishing without fear of serious
opposition an advanced position for lbs
main movement.
This ol course, is greatly supposition,
aud it ran be confidently said that toe
departure of Roberts and Kitchener for
the front does not indicate that the main
advance has leguu. The commandera,
it is admitted will probably te back ia
Caje Town within a abort time. It is
pointed out that the term, "going to the
front" must not be interpreted ioto sn
idea that the gTeat movement opon Pre
toria by way of Bloemfoolein has se
riously commenced. It will be a month
or perhays much longer before this can
be brought about.
In the meanwhile, the preliminary
steps are likely to enliven the campaign
with ebarp fighting, aod news from
Sterkstroom, Thebns and Colesberg is
eagerly awaited. The sitoat'on regard
ing Buller, owing to lack of ail definite
information, is as futile as it was yester
day. Our War.
Manila, Feb. 5. Brigadiet-Geaeral
K ibbe'e 'Tpeditioc ia the islands of Lo
tos, Ley to and Saruar has occupied pei
maoenlly and garrisoned nine towns.
A thousand insurgents armed with
rirles and over 50 W armed with wooden
swords, bows and arrows, were encoun
tered during the entire trip. The troops
killed 75 natiyes, 11 ol wuom had rifies.
Tbe American losses were one man kiled
and nine wounded.
Chosen Senator From California (o
Succeed White.
SAtBAMcno, Cel., Feb. C Tbe Call
forr.ia legislature today balloted for
United States senator to succeed Stephen
M.White. The vote in the senate was
as follows :
Thomas R. BarJ, republican 27
James D. Pbelau, democrat 10
In the assembly the vote stood:
Bard 59
Tlielan 20
White 1
Bard was declared elected in both
houses. Both bcuses will meet io joint
session tomorrow to ratify tha election.
The senate tbis afternoon refased to
adopt rcEoldiioca recommending the me
diation of this country in the English
Transvaat war.
J. L. Deaey has eoid out his large
mercantile business at tbis place to Son
neman &. Co., late ot Salem. Mr. Dew
ey retires from this business with tbe
confidence and esteem of all his custom
ers, wbo very much regret that other in-i
terests neeu ma whole attention mak
ing this sale necessary. The new firm
comes among us with hiiih commenda-
tiou, and will no doubt retain all of Mr.
Dewey's former patrons.
Hazel, the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. H.l. Sluter, who has been seri
ously ill with typhoid pneumonia, ia con-
valeecine under the skillful treatment of
Dr. u . H. rlanagan.
Mrs. W. H. Redfield of Glenuiont. ia
critically ill. Dr. Harris is in attend
ance, and we hope to soon be able to
chronicle her recovery.
Lambert Sheppard. who has spoot the
past t ro years in Idaho, is visiting rela
tives at (ilendale.
Grant Levons of Galesville, is engaged
in invoicing at tbe Dowey store, aud C.
T. Nail is aleo at work at the same place.
T. W. Billings, of tbe Douglas mine, is
at Glendale today.
Miss Edith Dewey is visiting Miss
Maud Werner at this place.
i We understand that Roseburg parties
! have bought the corner lot opposite M.
T. Chase's store and will erect a large
two story building. The first floor is to
be used aa a saloou and tbe tipper t-tory
for a public hall.
Politics ia eniirosBing much of Ihe at
tention of the atronger x in Ihta place, i
Democratic County Central Commit te
Toe Democratic County CouUl Com
mittee is hereby callod to meet nt the
court housi in Rosohur;, Oregon, on
Saturday, Fkiiri aby 10, 1000,
At 10 o'clock s. in. for the purpose of
Bxing the time and placzs f.i holding
tbe primaries uud county convention,
apportioning the number of delegates to
which each preciuct U entitled and for
tbe transaction of such olbor I usinrns as
may come before tbe comtuiitec.
tvery member ol tbe comruittco is
urged to be present aa matters of ruat
importance will comu before the citn
mittee. B. W. Sntosi;, Cliairman.
Peoples Party County
Ccn ral Com-
Notice is heteby given lhat ttie I'.'o
pies Party Central Coin roit'eo, of D.-u;;-las
ounty will meet at tb-J cju:t Ii jum.
iu Rseburg, Orcgjii, on,
Satckoav, Fr.nst auv 10, 1 JO,
Al 10 o'clock a. in. for tho purp m-.- I
fixing dates for iioiding lb ptiui.tii.s
and county conventuu ami tieMajTivg
the numbei of delegatus to which oscb
precinct is entitled, nud trauacling S'ich
Other business as may pro:totly onio
before the committee.
A full attendance ia canucily d-8iret,
and every member is urgel to bJ p oi
Rxeburg, Oreg u, JairiAiy 3), 1J.H)
Rat C. I'uovrx. CViaitinin
Pioneer Dead.
Al the 1 erne cf !.m dniighin, Mrs
Naocy J. Welktr, in tbi ity Tuesday.
Feb. 6, 1900, Mr. M. Tip'.os, at Mi? ag.
of 62 years and 8 inuntbe.
Mr. Tipton was one of tbe early set
tlers in Oregon, coning with bis family
from Missouri in 1S5I. After living one
year in tbe Willamette Valley, ho came
to Ibis county and tattled on Ihe North
Umpqua river and bat lived in this vic
inity eyer since.
Mr. Tipton acquired Ure property in
terests consisting of land aud livo ft xk,
bot eventually oaiag to utiavoiJjtblo c::
cametances lost the most of it. Ha was
a Sturdy, active citizen a.i I helped uia'e
rially to quicken ine pu'.sc ol comuitrci 1
iodustry in this cjunty.
Five eons and daughter are llt to
mouru bis deat.'i. Th.y are: J. II.
j Tipton of Denver, 1 laho ; J. B. acd Fred
M. Tipton of Burn?, Or. ; John Tipton or
Garden Valley; Win C. Tiptiu of Glide;
Mrs. Nancy J. Wclker cf Rxeburg.
Tbe funeral was held today, Be v. Win.
Thornton conducting the services. I he
interment in Oik Cu-tk cemetery.
Another name is ad Jed to the litt f our
pioneer dead.
The Following is a List cf Studcuts
Enrolled at tbe Roscbnrg Academy
During the Year.
CLAMiU AL C'-1 Ml .
Myrtle Campbell, Lillian Cfitetcr, Kata
Follerton, Ruth Hami.tou,
Sheridan, Pendleton, Or.; Lenore Sheri
dan, Or. ; Clarence Gcdlrey, Bert Hus
ton, Thoe. McCarthy, W. 11. Richard
son, Unas. MratlurJ, Lee lborntcn,
John Townsvad, Thoe. Towns nd.
Zelia Byron, Olalls, Or.; Adda Cooer,
Sadi Hattield, Melrose, Or.; Lulu J.
Hnghcs, Glide, Or.; Ora Mote, Ruth
Mote. MiLnieStantou.BafiaCity, Wyo.;
Agnes Tnompran, Winatou, Or. ; EJna
Winston, Winston, Or.; John Byron,
Olalla, Or.; Clifford Leonard.
Silvia Brown, Efiie Collins, Culver.
Grace Good. Neita Good, Stella Hamil
too, Ellena IieeJ, Lolie Sacry, Roy
Bellows, Waiter Hoover, Medford, Or.;
Walter Leonard, Oriu Richardson, W d
ter Tooley.
si'ca.tL n."iJE.NT..
Bessie Coshow, Lucy Dro'.Iinger, Clyde
Faulkner, Frank Goodman, Looking
Glass, Or., Fred Hamilton, Eugcne.'Or. ;
Chas. Hess, Win. Jonee, Waller Mf
Laird, Sitkom, Or. ; Claud Livingston,
Peel, Or.; Isadora SchwatU, Fred Wins
ton, Or.
Total 50.
This is a very gratifying (bowing for
lb first five months of the institution :
Wetting Bells in Edenbower.
Miss Florence Notiage of Scottsburg,
and Sam Wylie of Roseburg, were hap
pily united in marriage at the icsidence
of Mr. aod Mrs. Calvin Wylie in Eden
bower, Monday evening tbe 5th inet., by
tbe Rev. J. T. Cotton of the M. K.
Churb, South, of Roseburg, Or.
The wedding though quiet, was pret
tily conducted throughout, and bespoke
tLe good taste of Mrs. Wylie,
Tbe bride is tbe oldest daughter of Mr.
and tin. S. M. 3oltge, and U a very
baaaUfol yoaog lady, possessing many
sterling qualities. She was nicely at
tired In beautiful white silk dies9, re
lieved with ribbon and lace, and she bore
h'felf with (grace end composure
' oguoat tbe tryiug ordeal.
The groom is tho oldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Calvia Wylie of lidenbower, aod is
a rry prosperous and popular young
matt. He at present ia employed as
brakeman on the S. P. R. R. Ho wore
a suit of conventional black and appeared
a worthy protector for the one to w bom
he had pledged hia troth for ever and
The beautiful ct remouv was faultlessly
conducted by Rev. Cotton and the re
sponses weie clear and distinct from the
bride and groom, arid delivered with im
pressive solemnity indicating a full reali
zation of their importance iu timo to
Alter mo ceremony an pariooK ol a
very sumptuous eupper amply provided
aud elegantly served by tbe hostess.
ltiey were tlie recipients ot many very
valuable and useful pi taenia.
Tbe happy couple will remain here for
a short time, but tho good wishes of the
community and a host of friends will go
go with them wherever ihey may locate.
Among ihoee pieeent wero: Mr. and
.Mrs. Calvin Wylie, Rev. J. T. Cotton,
Mr. ami Mrs. H. A. Smith, Miss Lulu
Cloyd, Floyd Weaver, Mrs. Cloyd, Wal
ter Wylie, Mr. Powell, Miss Josie
8mith and Miss Ifattie Cloyd.
ne didn't complain if you were a little
despondent or irritable at times. Now
ne aoes. lie h
the same man.
He didn't un
derstand then.
He doesn't
now. Then he
thought it was
caprice and
liked it. Now
he thinks it is caprice
and doesn't like it.
Ijttt now he's busy pet
ting money.
If he realized the full truth
he would tie more than anx
ious to have the wife he loves
take the right remedy to restore her to
true womanly health. Most men don't
know that when a woman is weak, nerv
ous, irritable and despondent, there is
invariably something radically wrong
with the delicate feminine organs with
which her entire physique is in sensitive
touch. There is one, and just one rem
edy, tried and proven, that will put
tilings nglit wuen trie
feminine organism is
weak or diseased. It is
Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. It re
storer, perfect health to
the weakened organs,
and makes them strong,
clean and virile. It
makes wifehood happy,
and motherhood easy. V-
It Itanish'is morning
sickness anil all other discomforts that
precede maternity. It makes lalxr light,
short and almost painless. It helps to
make real " new women." An honest
druggist won't urge upon you a sub
stitute. Mrs. Kmcrsou Allcu. of Dorct. Ontario Co.,
Out., writes- "I can truly fifty thfat I think Ir.
Merer' moiiciiw-s tlir best l-havr ever urd. I
wai in very voor health for a Ions time, flatinrr.
from the birth of my little pirl. 1 tried dirfereut
doctor and different mediciues. I derived very
much more benefit from y)r medicines thaa
from any other 1 have ever used. I took four
bottles of !'avorite rreeription ' nud three hot
tie of ' Golden Medicnl Discover-,' and I always
keep the ' 1'clUts ' iu the house.' '
Owing to the Great Demand For His
Personal Services.
Hie odor has concluded to extend
his vis'.t in Ujsrburg and will remain at
the McClalV-n Hotiso until March ISlh,
that atfrri'iog those who have net yet
btJ aa o;; jr.un ty uf consulting him a
chance t- do 8. They will receive a
frank opinion fre of charge. In a ma
jority of ca&.'d cn!y 03 interview is re
qtiireJ. Ttie biltcci: cf liestruei.t can
bo coudoe'ed without interruption of
busiuts'. To tlivwo unable tjcvme qaee-
ioa blanks will be furnished 1 y mail up
on applicatioa.
Tbe dwtor'a treat meat corists of the
latest discoveries in the application cf
electricity, sup;'!inii'e I by medii-inea
if ntces-ary.
The majority of h:s ca.-ea h'j-re n.ttues
are presented, wee f a chronic nature
anii ad batllel the swill oi go id (hys;
ciins, thm ihoair.-g 'm s jp riority cf
electricity, when edn-iriistored by one
who has uiaJe ill me a rpviiii siady
tiocJ electricity came into proxicecccas
a remedial a-ect.
The i'jdi;criminae t'.to tf citctricity
should bi guardsJ again?!, unce, hke aoy
olbor r'me.!y, it niay act adversely, un
eas rescrttvd by oae thoro'.ighly tin lei
(tauding in edict.
B.lowwcgtva cf sell known
pe j;-l ia the e'ate, wtu have been
cjre 1
J ha Martin, Cove, Or., hjdrocvle,
cure! 10 year 60.
Prcf. J. P. Ljney, of tbe Portland
high s.hoo", reiidencii S:., catarrh fcr
yetra, succtrsfjl tr. a'ed.
RicbarJ Paireti. Mldd e'.oa, Or., deaf
ness, ore 1 ia 10 minut-3. Ilia uncle,
Wm. Parrelt, was curj.t oi dsafuc&a 10
years ag).
Senator tui. Ctn i it'.t s u, Charles,
Biker City, U, heart t-.iab'e and gon
era! nervous cVbility, ctuul trid giii.ed
30 pouiiila.
Mrs. P. Hcs' daahler ronUiaest
corner 2J an 1 Mar.-hali street, IV t land,
goitre ilire neck! fr years, cured w ith
electricity alone.
Ex-Sheriff A. S. Schwp daughter,
51 's Third St., Portland, loss of appetite,
liver complaint ar.d rheumatic iictirulia
fjr six months, ccred.
D. J. Grain ai 'a child, Springtii-ld, Or.,
piiafuily ni!! c;edi h granulated ecu-junctivitu.-,
complicjlod with n'i-ra td
the ete'.alls fcr uuie motitii?, cured.
J. A. Liujsley, ncv3 agent on t tie N.
P. It. R., residence Mt. Tabor, Orc jn ;
consuuptioa, bronchitis uud catarrh,
cured and gained fifteen pound.
Ernest Rhodes, Pen tkton, kidney
trouble and duhctcs ; he had to relieve
his bladder hourly, night and day, all
his life, cured in seven months by Dr.
W. Hays, 4JJ Cjmmer.-ial atreat, F. ist
Portland, Or., iuthmma'.ion neck of
bladder and sciatic ualism ; came
on crutches to the doctor, cured and left
crutches, at the doctors otlice.
Mrs. F. E. Dewey, U30 Davis St., Port
land, deafnej!, nervou And general de
bility, heart disease, dysj-epsia, liver
complaint aud female trouble iu all its
various complications, prmacunlly
F. D. Uenrici, ui .iitavi.U, Ore., form
erly St. Helens, Ore., lame back aud
kidney trouble 4', curi.l ; also hia
wife was cired of di-c'iargin . ear and
Dr. D.u riu ia how located at th& Mc
Calico House, KoseiMirg, until Marc'o. IS
lioutidle healed if ill. II your eyes
trouble you tho doctor vill leet your eyes
free i'iid fuin.pli glasfea if necessary.
J. M. Mark
went to Riireburg laet
Miaa Florence Nottago pf Soltsburg,
I aseed through hero Saturday en route
to Roseburg.
Beckley Bros, brought a large baud of
calves up from South Ten Mile last
W. P. Reed of Gardiner, returned
from Roeoburg Friday.
Mrs. F. D. Oar left fur AbcrJten,
Wash., last Saturday.
-'Itia very probable that Elktou can
again bca&t of it mill by text summer.
Elder Ford and Rev. W. S. Gordon
ueiu some very interesting meetings
uere last week.
Alfred B. Haines lias lately purchased
cf Wm. Beckley the Smith farm at Iho
The now trail Irotu hera ti Lion lake
is being rapidly cmplated..
Tha directors of thi.i li:trict will ro-
cive inaa lor tlis completiog of tho
school houso up to the date of February
W )
i. i
For 30 days will offer some
PAPER in order to make room
; for Spring Stock.
Sec our $26.00 Sewing Machine, also
have secured through the Special agent,
Mr. J. R. Jones, the celebrated Singer
Sewing Machine that can make you
special inducements an and prices nev
er before offered in Douglas county.
If you contemplate buying a machine
call on or addresss
Roseburg, Oregon.
Watch our Window
We will heep constantly on hand a Fresh and
Clean Supply oP mi I ja .
Confectioneries, Fruits,
and Vegetables.
We have just what
Sheridan Block.
Roseburg Pharmacy
M. R RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drugs, Toilet .Articles. Patent lledi-
ciue Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
Soaps, PaiutB and Oils.
photographic Supplies...
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Ciiil aud Exaiuise then?.
Good Service, Good Goods, and Good Prices
Durins: the Holidays?
IF SO. '
Have us call twice or three times a week for your
orders, if you are within the city limits.
Drop us a postal card or 'Phone 201.
Call in and see our Fancy Decorated
Haviland China and other China Ware.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
t79T c?ureJXBKja:BfajKc3r.
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties
Prune and Hoj Lands of best quality, in choice locations
quantities to suit intending purchasers, at . reasonable
prices ana easy terms, inquire ot
Hatalinaa, JFu A mama
Tealer ia
Flour, Feed, Groceries, and Country Produce.
Highest price for Country Produce.
Roseburg, -
Mrs. N. Boyd,
Carries a full
just what you
luigcne Flour.
.1. B. Ciiitwu, of this citv, died at the
insane asylum, TnesJay, February 0,
I'.MO. Mr. Caution was formerly city
niarbhall tf Koscborg for two terms.
Heloavoj a wif j and tivo children to
mouru hii eaJ aad uutimely death.
Hii eldest soj, Claude, ia at preseut iu
Alaska ou olhcial business. Tbe re
mains of Mr. Cannon wero brought to
tbia ci:y on Ihe overland AVednes lay
morning. Iu the afternoon funeral ser
vices were hold at tho family homo on
Kano street, foilowe l hy interuicut in
the Odd IVIloa's cemetery. The By in
pathy of nil is extended to tho breaved
For Sale.
around land. Kmuiira nl
, - A .... v .
For sale or trad , 4 ) acrea of uoo.l lim
ber land, on Kite creek, 5 mile.i from
Dillard ftutioii, Oipoh ; joo I road, liv
iiiii streaui of r an J Wittlcinont all, . ,
Horohnrs, Oro,
Bargains h-
; i
1. i
- 1
you want. Call and see us.
Coiantjr, Ol
- - Oregon.
line of the very best flour
want. Exclusive agent for
Also all grades of Roseburg
John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind., says, "1
never used anything as good as One
Minute Cough Cum. We are never
without It." Quickly breaks up coughs
uuu couis. uures ail throat aud lung
troubles. Its uao will prevent consump
tion, i ieaeant to take.
A. C. Maraters & Cj.
Severe nervous spells, bearing dowu
pains, loa) of appetite. Uudyan cuies
All druggets, 50 cents.
A hrga pauther hide, fresh, head aud
claws left on the hide. Want the skull
loft whole. Will pay $3 for a good
hide in this condition.
Geo. J. Laxoesbkbg,
Boeebur,;, Or.
la care of tbe 1'L.UNutAiXK.
"I had dyspepsia for years. No medi
cine was so effective as Kodol Dyspepsia
yCure. It gave immediate relief. Two
battles produced marvelous results."
writes L. H. Warteu. Albany. Wis.' It
dinars what you eat and ranont fail to
; ! v.
A t
Thorough prepiration for Collote. Urn
T..chnf, or lor buslocat. Instruction glrea
tn Latin, Greek. French, German, afatematica,
NaluraJ bciem e, Uintop, foiliab, Snortaand,
Typewriting, Feomauihip, and H Jfien- Able
awmuntn, low rate. For farther particular
aildren tbe principal.
C. T. Whittlebbt, A. B.
Roeebnrer. Or.
KefeiJeDCf, Cor. Donglas and Chad-
wick bts., one block above
Court House.
Here is aa opportnaity to get
First-Class Fhotograpba at
tLe very lowest rates. All
sizes from 8X10 down to tbe
very smallest.
The Latest fad
Is a Calling or Boaiaess Cud
with your photo (stamp size
eight positions in set of 100.)
Set-lQO-ne&t cards with photo
name, business and address if
desired thereon, only 12.
The Wagon Gallery,
John H. Taylor,
Waon by idc erf Gun T1..1.
bhp,ja;kon street, rnotograpner.
City Treasurer's Notice. '
notice is Hereby given to an persons
l. t 1 1. . .
uwmuig xwarauurx cuj varraaai laoonea
prior to May 9, 1895, to present
the same at the city treasurer's office ia.
the city hall for payment, aa interest will
cease thereon after tbe date of this
Dated at Boetburs, Or., thia 4tb day
of January, 1900. ILlxit C.&UXXV,
Wood Wasted.
Sealed bids to foxniab 80 tiers of oak,
aod 20 tiers of old fir, 20 inch wood to be
delivered at tbe school boose in Boee
bars on or before September 1, 1900, &
be received by tbe undtaffaed until 12
o'clock noon of February I, 1300. A
bond conditioned to tbe faithful perform
ance of the contract to furnish said wood
mast accompaoy each bid. Tbe board
reserves tbe rhiht to reject all bidt-
By order board of directors, Dist, 2o.
4, Koeebnr;, Orr jjio, January 6, 1900.
School Clerk.
A first-class restaurant has been
opened on Cass street, opposite the
de ot, at which may be had fresh oys
ters, chxkea, steaks, slews, loncbee, and
besides meals at all hears, reimlar meala
are served. Loaches and quick meals
for railroad passengers a specialty. For
that hansrr feelinff bm inra and !! mt
Duffy's restaurant, rices reasonable.
Administrator's Notice of Sale.
tue and in pursuance ol aa order and deaee
of Uie Coanty Coart of Ooataa Countr, Ore
gon. lu y maie oy the Hon. Joe Ljooa, Jadf
of ia:tl Court, and entered of record on the jiil
Jay of September. 14, ordering; and directing
tbe undesigned administratora to cell the real
property hereinafter described and beloncinx;
u the Estate of Karl kUmmeil, deceased, the
tatd adminUtratora wiii pruceed to aeU on and
alter the tint day of March, UUO at priTate asie
for caa in Land or part caah aad credit, upon
the said premises, in one body or in teparate)
pareeU a mar be tor tbe beat iaterrau of aaid
estate the foUoving described real property,
The Conation Land Claim of WUXiam P. Haw
kins No. 4.' NoiLtkation 450 T SB S R west
conlainin; lt30 acres. al fractional lots Bo. 4
aad i ot secUon No..SmTpa)81lt West eoa-
kaiuiuic ivjo acres exceptant- traaa toe above de
scribed premises a certain tract of land hereto
fore conveyed to Fordy Vf frsan eontainins; U.06
arraad 1 acre told to School District Ko.a;
also ine Donation Land Oaia mi Jamea and
KUen Catching Ha. ii being parts mt wwttrna
i. and J6 in Ip. SO S S W est excepting frota
uie inn e aeecnoea uonaoan lauid Claim o.
CS that certain piece or parcel ol land beloBC
inc to said ilsini lying and being oa the Nortai
side of Cow creek heretofore conveyed to Wm.
L. C. H.hoL-t also .ii of aa acre berefcfor coav
Teyed loA. M. Beaty: also J acres and trac
tion conveyed to Sanderson aad OEmore- alasj 1
acre of land sold to bebool Discuct ho. 30; toe
.utiA. n I I T t ' V . . w . . .
v. u. v. ou. oaxeoy oiauioeu
and to be sold coataiaing iSLH acres : aiso taa
8W!;of the S K !4 and lot No. 2 of Sec. kj u
To A) S St West containing xjq acres; alas the,
M W 4of thXXof SecUon SoTpM ii K
Wctcontalhlns i acres a!st the S E'Viof-ttisJ
N S of (section i in Tp 30 8 R Wast'enntaiB.
in w acres also lot N.. 1 and the S X ll 61 that
SKJaOf scUon JbTpSOS E West u.t.ipt
S.SO acres ail of said premises being situated la
Douglas Coanty Oreean snd containing ia all
to -.U acres more or less.
DaUM at Roseburg, Oresoe, this first dar of
February, l:v).
i;eo. w. carter,
Ailmlniatrawrs oi the EstM of Kad LlmmaL.
Notice for Publicatioa.
Vnitcd States taad OBicc.
Rosebanr.Or., Febrnary 3. IS
Notice Is herebv given that the foUowiaV
named setUer has riled notice ef hia intention to
make final pnxjf in support of his claim, aad
that said proof will be made before tho Keciater
and Receiver. C. S. land Ofiea at aVsk-barv.
Oregon, on March 14,10. viz;
On H. E. No. 46i, lor the SWi tHi. 8IL;
w4, xi sw4 'as, t. as aw mT w.
He names the loiiowina wiinsaas to mot hia
continuous residence upon aad eulUvaUom of
said land, tU: J. F. Tbomaaoa, Hettoa She.
nutkor. of Roseburg, Oregon, William TlMoa,
James Brett, of GUJc, Orcgea.
tCP) J. T. XWDT.E8.
Roseburg Market.
Eggs 20c per doz.
Butter Country i'5c.
loui try quietens.
ruisedv f-'.oOt
Prunes Italian 3(35-
silver, extra
choice, 5yf 6 per lb.
heat JOyr i.e.
Data -jyoOc.
MillstutT Bran. $17: mi, Idling. -
shorts, ; chop, f 10.00 per ton. ;
Hav Timothv !m ll : cWnr -.
Oregon wild hay, JtJdr? per ton.
n ooi ionrioc.
rotatoes 55(f GO per bu.
What Scrofula Is.
Scrofula is a disease as oli ta ahtlqoitv
is nas oeen uanaea down for genera
tions and is the same today as ia
early times. It ia emDhatk-nllv .
ueaae ot toe Dioojsnd the only way to
cure it iby punfyiox tbe blood.
That is just what Hood's Ssnaparffle,
doea In every case where it is vivan
a faithful trial. It eradicate, ail imnnr
ties from th blood, and cures the
sores, boils, pimples and all forms of
skin disease due to scrofula tainta in
tbe blood, liood's Sarsaoarilla haa rm
the gtateful praise of vast numbers
of people by its grand and complete
cures. Ikm't ull-nv scrofula, to de
velop in your hlcxl. Cure it at once
v A.C. Msritsrs ACa.
tAkinxUoiid's.SirTiaiariila "