s 'elablcPrcparaUoarorAs- ness arfl&st.Conkains ntitffr Opnim.Morptfifte nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Omitm Sufmr Apcrfect Remedy forConstipa- ! Hon. Sour Sloroach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness jmd Loss of Sixer. Tac Simile Signature of IXACT COPT OF VBAPPCB. Society ITIeettng. D OSEICRQ DIVISION KO 76, H. OF L. R, assets every second and fourth bunday. lirUHEK'B RELIEF rottr NO. 10, SIEETE Brat and tin nt RririaTB in atfh m.n 1 h T KNO POST, NO. ?, li. A. L, UFET8 THI N- tnt and Uilrd Thursday nf each month, 1LTHA LODGE. Sa 7, K. OF P., ME ITS every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows nan. uuunc k.night id imxt standing cor- aiauy invitee to aueaa. JOi MICEI.I.l. C. C. C. H. FISHER, K. K.S. LATtEL LODGE. A. F. A. H.. KEGtLAS BMCtinn the 2d and t'-h Wednetdar ia I BOD.1&. KlXiESE L PARROTT W. Ii S. T. Jim, 8"ecy. TJ OFEBCRO CHA PTER. NO. S.O. E. B..JI KITS iv toe first and third Thursdays of each Malh. MRS. E. J. STROrD, W. V. MAUDE BAST. Sec'y. tOUERS WOODMEN OF AMERICA. MEET on fefvt and tbiid TuesUy of each month ia the rid afaosic hL II. W. M!LUC, V. C H. L. M abstbb. Clerk. TITUUDIIZS OF 1HE WOKLII. Oak Can: " No. LL meets at the Odd Fellov Bali tat Roaebunt, ercry 1st, 3nl and Mb Monday ereaiac- wtung neighbor always weJeusae. J. A. BCt HASAN", C.C. K. T.JEW El T, Clerk. TBUJtTARlAN LOiKjE. SO. , 1. O. O. F snta Saturdir Mwiirf of nch Twk s: t thwt j BtBl ? te kail in Odd Fellow Temple at Rmebure. neraoi toeoracr in gnoa aianainc imnTii MataenA. lUAi. OLE -ON . O S. T. Jttnr, fcec'j. In P.O. ELKS. ROSEBCRG LODGE. SO. XJ6, I koM their .eaniiar conununicaliozi at the i t . O. F. hil on aecund aud tounh Tbundar I -mt each aaonth. AU mrmberc requested to at i f. .:... wA .11 n . i .. timuj iBTtted to attend. DOUjLA8 WAITE, E. B IRA RIDDLE, eccreutrr. ROBEBCRO LODGE, SO. 16. A. O. V. W. aeeta the second and fourth Mnndaycol aaonth at 7 A) p. m. at Odd Fellows lial' Vast ban of the order in food standing Kiein Titaa to auena. T. McClALLEX, D. I?. WtrTi Recorder. Finencier New sad Improved Passenger Epuiq raent, via Sunset Route. Sew Orleans Eiprea (N 10; at d l'a 8e Expreae So. 0) betwrei s jn Fran -iiKoandEl I'aso, Lave bern j'iippeo with free reclining chair cars, fresh f:om in acop ana in ert-ry convenience ol p potntntent equal to the bee! in operation. Caeta car ia eaoipped with 53 reclining Cbaira, nine of width are in a eopatate lanoking compartment.' U:th first rod aacood-claac titk-sts are accepted for pas- aage in these cars. Hire? special con veniences sod the congenial climate through wbich tlnto trai- s ..fs will deabtleea make the i-u-iM't Ilou e verv popular for travelers this winter. Notice for Publication. I'uiled Mau-s ljnd Ofl'ice Kel)unr, Or. Jaiiusrr li, Stire i I.erbT tueu that the" fi:ioiri; raaed seftier has tiltrd notice f Lia iiitvnliou ta aaaae final prof in nu.iurt of his claim, and that said proof will be ma4e before the KKitcr aa aiecetrer, tnitea Msi.-n Land Omce at Raeljurf, Oifot, on March j.l;ui, viz: WILLIAM II. NOKCKOSS. fm his H. E. No s-v.i, for the E1, fcE'i, sr,;, ejection 2) i. T, South, K. , West. Me S aae tte (ol)onine witne4 to irove hif I eeatiauoiM reia-.nce uson and cnlurationof tare land, viz: Orson Bu i). A. . Kueil. I i Loekinf Glass, Orctron, Jamei Bt-aselr, I. Jr I t, d Roscbure, OreRon. f I j J.T. BRIDGES, Jt2t7) RepiMtr. Points East. The "Fotland-Cbicaco which leaves the Union depot at 8 p. xa. eany ia equipped wnii strictly up-to-dtt r,mv l'ailmau b!coti: n car, and free j reclining chair car, team heated atd electrio lighted. The European plan dining car service is a 8jecil .feature of excellence on tbi line. Delica'e cliina. , Bowers, eKtle!8 linn, tirt cla caking and attentive servants add to the com Jert t travelers. k w library car is attached to tin ee : Iraiwa. Am tbe name itidictet, theen cure are fitted op as a library and reading room , Book eases -OLtaimnn all the standard worka, the current "-o ticale and daily papers are at the .)!cp.sl of all lirHt and x (eiDd class paeser pra. Time never bantix heavily on the tan aengerc' hands wliile traveling on this train, and elore or is avaro of It the train pulls into the Union depot at Chi cago. For full informal (on regarding the Movement of tbem trains, rates, etc.. call on or address V. a Schilling. Portland, Or. Or J. F. Givi.ns, Eife'Hirir, Or. "I am indebted to One Minuta Cough Care for my health and life. It cure! fne of lung tronble fol!oing grippe." Thousands owe their lives to the prompt action of this never failing remedy. It cures roughs, colds, croup, broncliitjp, neamonia. criDne and throat and lunir troablee. Its ear.y use prevents onj Ota lit ion. It is the only harmless rem sly that fives imnmdialo remits. i. ' . r, .,"! . , A. V..Mnreuri v Co. ET9 P ill For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature The Kind You Have Always Bought. P 111 Ttf emrauR covmht. new voitat Cfrv. Administrator's Sale of Real Property. l:i the County Court of State of Oregon in an for lotii:las 4'otintv In the matter of ;heEtate of Delinda Ui'A. IWthhiI. Notice is lionelr cirrn that th, tmtl,.ripTitl Mnunisiramr lth n ill annexed, of the tsiati of De!ia"n II:!'. -n-asetl. i.iin.u.nt lo in nrAf of tiiestMivreuiuiitl Court ma'le and entered in me journal thereof, of rtate Januarj -ti, A. iJ. iu ii-eea i.e:! on ana atier th l.rfh dflT kf Fi'lirti.rt- In .1 . Miv.rA ..'-d I.. cah In liaiul, ou the renii-s hen inai ter in the notice desenbt-d, in one bodv or in separatf j.ar ce'is a laav 1 ft;r the test Intervals ol said Es tt, the loiloniuir described real froHrty, tv nil. Brginnhic at a jxwt 9.JSthain West of utiarte section t bilueen S ti.iiis T and .v sua from which a pine tree a. inches in diameter, marked C. S. B. T-, tas North 14 decn-es. We't 72 links. diMant then-e North S V Chains to a point 'C t haio South ot Somhmtt corner of V. K Hill's donation Ciaim. th.-niv Wet - s4 1 h.i,, to Northeast corner oi the land now oxi net! t.y a. u. v.iuaireT. uieiice nwu , i nams lo oulti- east corner of same land, thence et 1. I hams to tbe S..utliwet corner of same intid, and the East boundary ot the K. liuntnn dona tu.n claim, tbenee boclh I", Cliains to the smith W-St corner of th S W. i;arotni-p diin.t.nn rlaiui. thence Et alon? the Smth boandary of lae same, i.m nam to place of l;:iii;ac containiug ?t).,V acres, more or less, eiepntina 'herefrom the Wilbur Cemetery. n':o cxeeiine HR-rciroin une nan crc lor taiiuiy tjurjlng All ljine in Eeetion 7 in Township 3S. S R West in Domlas Countv. Orer.m. Also the foiloe. ing dr:bed premises t-it IieCinnina at the Sonthf ..t ritrn.r nt th.. v Bunion donation elmim, thence West alonx the bouth boundary of said claim, 7.5o chains lo tne middle of the County road, theoee alonp the same South Jss'4 dcitrfes, V-st 4 .s) Chains to a white oak tree inches in diameter, thence South lf'i decixes, West 5. Chains, thence ;-ouiu e. uearecs. r.asi tha n?, tuenee South 2.'1 - dcire-. West alone tenter "f Mam sureet of Wilbnr 2.40Cha:n, tbenee aonc the land now on tied br S. E. Count?, Suth w de rrees. East 14 Chains to West boundary ol iana now owned by j. li.m-en. theme North 30 dtfrees. East I Chains to the North west cor ner, thenr South (t) degree. Eart l.M Chain to his Northeast corner, thence South J de f sf-. West 4 Chains to his Siuthest corner and a creek, thence up said creek ti1, decrees. East i. itiuit tu me uii oounuary ol the . Jenk ins donation claim, thence North 30 'JU Chains tbenee N!rth 2S derrees. East 7.i5 Chaui, lucmt .-"onn y4 U'-?lves. tasl CCalUS to the Nor.h boundarr i.f J. Kuvkentlall ton.ti.,fi claim, ".tbenee Ww 3.W Chains, to place of be- i:iuiiiui:..-oni;niu jji acres- Ail in Section ., Township SC., g. R. :-, WeU Aisoa lot in tbe town of Wilt.ur. i.inimr r it Otttnper land on the North, Si fivt be ii icct in size, an in lxiorlas County, Oretron. I'aiemis ctnaayot January A. v., 13W, a D II HT Rt Fit Admiaiftrator, with will annexed, Estate of Administrator's Notice of 5ale of Real Property. .. . . . uice is hcoebT cTvcn trial- r,T vlrtuf suit in pursuance of an order and decrn- ot the (urt of Douclas bounty, Oretjon. duly made by -jns, juqio ri saia (.our:, ana en tered on the 4th day of Jamiarr. orti.-rin and dtrectinc the luideriiirned to sell th nil property, hereinafter described, beionijinj to the mate oi james X- aiiicoeli. oeceased at public auction, in the manner providod b law, for the sa.e of real proaerty on execution I will on Monday, the LUh day of Februarv, l'Jut. at the um:r oi one o Clock, in the afternoon of said nay, i me Court House dorr, ia the city of Kosehu-c, Doae'.as Countr. orceon. offer ior sale r.nd sell at public auction, to the hichest and best bidder for cub, the following described rcai orojieriY. to-tvit: The fractional K of the N"lV':of S-c, ?., fractional El,of .VP,, ami Lot No. 3. ol S"c. 4, Tp. 17, S. of R. 4. VV. Willamette Meridan. con taining 14.51 acres. Also Donation Inil Cl.im Of Jonathan Mmmons and wife. Xntifiratinn No. ., Certificate No. H.K, Claim 41, bcint parts of Soctions :;, 4. 9 and lo, in Tp. 27 6. of R. 4. W., containing 3 J.."o acres. Also Lota Na'a 1 and L. of Sec. 4. Tn. S7S. of K. 4, W ., containine 17.S-Jaeres. also Lot No. 1, of Sec 10. Tt.Z7 s..f It. 4, W.. conlainlne 2i.45 acres, and containing iu fcu- a itkivhi: oj.u, acres uiiiw or lea. ml in lk)ueis t-otnuy. urecon Said real property Hill be sold m Meet to the r.cui of dower oi E. C. Miti hell. n i.l'.. v r.i ..ol ".ltchi. querela, JOHN" HAMLIN, Administrator of tac estate o' James K. .Mi till cii, auceascu. Notice. t'nited States Laud OCiee. I:oSEltl'R(; tlr i,e " To whom It may concern: Notice is hereby civeu that t he Or. enn and California Kailr-d Co. l nM.le.1 in this ofl'n-c a list of landx itiiatel in the townships described below, and has applied for a patent for raid lands: that the list is oieu to the t.nhoe fur in. K-ction and a copy thereof by descriptive nilc u.xisioiis, uas oecn ts:ca m a convenient place in this ofii'e, f.r the inspection of all persons interested and the public ser.erally: Siiith of base line and West of Willamette Meridan. T 36. Ii I. SW'.'NE'i.e,L-c2i. T iJ. K 2. Part of Sec 3, and Part of W'.t !-ec. 11. TJj. Bi K'i XEJi Sec. 5. T 2i. H a. 'W4EiSlxSl. t:;,kj. Lot 1 and Sec. 1. I 27, K 4. NW'i NEf,.Scc:i;. 7 no. K4. Lots i, 2, 3 and I, Sec. 23. I :u. It .. W.'4S!',Secl. Part of S' j Sec. 21, and part of SE'. f?ec. T2,R,. 1 A-u K d. ot s, sec, 1.. T :ii. R fi. ',' !. Sec. 17. T.K, Kfi. " " '.7.' 1 ' lj. !VJi, 2.!, 23, ii, 'ii, ol, .li and :;;. Within the utt slxiv davs follnwirur the loi. ftliis notice. ntolcnV or e.. in. ..is ,riti.i n,.. laim of Hie eomnanr to auv trnet or snlalivis. On Within flIIV SW-lirOi ..r.art ..f ..tIA.. .ln scnljcd in the lm, on the ground tht the same more valuable for mineral than for acricul ural purimses. will be received ml m..l i,. reiKirt to the General Ijind Oflice nt Waehing- in, U.K. J.T. BRIDGES, Register. .1. II. BOOTH, n.'.itlu Receiver. Administrator's Sale, Votlce is fccrely given thut the limit rvignol s'lhe administrator of the estate of Hmdah Alison, nr-eeiseii, in tmrMianee of an order o lie County Court r.l riouclin Countr. Stale m Or gou, riuly uiRiie and entered on tiie :;nl dav f Ja- iinry, l;i ill after the loth day of Feb"- rnnry, r.', at Kiddle. Douglas ountr. Male of on'an.N:ll at p iviiie sale lor cash in hand, the following it'ScriUd real property, to-uit: The souti hnlf of donation claim No. 41 of l lllism 1.. Wilson and wii.-, being prt ofw; lion ::4 in Township :;u, H. K.,; W., Wil. Mir in Dougias County, Oregon, and the suid south " 1 ,'1"il" '0":"ing m.u acres, more DbU-I at Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon 'I'isCth day of January, i:xi. .... , , ,. K- ,t-'INE, Admiiiislriilorof iheeMaleof Jliildah Vil . Deceaso"'. jj IN NEED OE A HATCHERY. Cannerymen of tha Lower Umpqua Want flora Salmon. J.C. Z i:i:w ilt, ii (iuJiner, who is pending a few days in Portland, saya the run of steel head salmon has been very good this wi-iter on I be Umpqua, and- (be fislnrmin of that portion of Douglas county are doing; vt-rr well catching tbem fur ;b Poitlaud market, The fish are fnighted by wagon to Drain, over a very bad road of 30 rriles, which fellows the Umpqua river, but the pi ice paid by dealers at Drain, 6" a cents a pound, makes it an object to both fieher man and teamster. There ate two cannerits near ttie mouth of tbe Umpqua now, one having been built by the (iardiner l.utut.er Company las: euuiiurr. The run of fish was light, bow eer, and both Tanneries only euceedod in putting up a total of 10, 0. Fishermen over there think a hitc'.iery is badly nerded somewhere on the Umpqua, and they are cute toe would have been in operation by this time, were it not for the drowning of Fish Commissioner McGuire and State senator Reed last summer. Of la'e nothing l:a baeti heard of the proposed hatchery above tbo mouth of E k cteek, and pet pie of the Lower Ump qua fear the matter has b.-eu dropped. Mr. Ztimwalt looks forward to the erection of a new saw mill at liardinur this summer, as interested pirlieshave been looking over the ground. The lum ber sawn at (.! trdicei finds a market at San Francisco, being taken out cf the Umpqua by tteamer, and this trade, to gether with the canneries, makes Gardi ner qilto a lively line. A good wagon roat, however, is bidly needed between Scottsbirg and Drain, about 35 miles, bit thii wjuld cost more money than the taxpaye 8 of DoagUs county would be wiling tj par, at present. The trda o! Gardiner, like that of all S loih ern Oregon coast print, goes to Sn Franci'c instead of to Por.lanJ, be cause no raiiroad has yet tapped that territory, and the wsgjn roads to points abeg the Southern Pacific are very poor. Ore,oiian. Oregon Notes. TheCoivaLs te'ephotie sis eiu cou tiini 8) pl oaef. A Eugene min has loaded 100 ban of hops on one car." A Neitoeca ma a ba 77ocaa?e of cheece awa tas shipment Burns In'ead- to boil I a stone j til, to supply a long-felt want. In the Silver creek country, Harney county, a week ago, enow was all gone and it was raining. Fish Cjmmisjiontr Reed eiys that ilia Cooe bay salmon hatchery will be built the coming simmer. Charles Dully, a Coquille City bo, has shipped a bos of 23 frogs to San Francisco. He gets 75 c to $1.50 a doa en for them. Some ranchers on I'oisoa ctetk report that iu their pirt of Harney county stock feed is as good in the mountains as i was in April last. J. F. Alien's s'ure in Fox valley was entered last Tuesday night by burglars, who rfled the money-drawer, but took nothing else. They git about f 10 in charge. Tne Eugene district has levied a 5-tuill schjol tax, and has funded its fsOOO in debtedness at G per cent. It employs two principals at fJD per month, and 10 teachers at 45 per n.outh. The Harcey County Mews eaja that Burns is by far I he : ji progressive city in E&bteri. Oregon, nd thn present year will witness tha erection of many sub stantial butiaess boiidinge. A crowd of yoacg toughs have been diatnrbing religious exerciecs at Free- water. Three of them were arrested and fijed last week, and it ia thought the an noyance will cow stop. The Ltandon Recorder eaya that Co quille cattle buyers have been on the river the past week offering 14 per Lead for choice Iast-epring calves, and 6 cents per pound for dreseed beef. In many parts of Harney ounty, the Bares News says, there has been no snowfall us yet, and stock is getting along well without being fed. Pansien aadu'Lcr tijeerd are bloomiog out cf doari in Bern. A qumtity of ripe raspberries aim t gallor. is reported by the Ccquille Herald to have teea picked at that place on New Year 'd day by tro ladies, who Barpri'fd their friends with fresh berries aud cream. A Marion county farmer of German nativity went to tbe county seat recently to take out naturalization papers in or der that he might register as a voter. His 7-yoar-old daughter told Ler teacher that her papa li-il g:ne to Salem to be ciyiiizsd. On an alder t;ea on a Light bluff near the mouth of North river tells the li aaoo Journal, Surveyor Vickery has found his inscription, cut in a tree ajd grown over: ",L. is. survey caniD. No. 14. December 10, 1S55." I bis is the date of he first survey of Pacific county. A woman suing for a diverse, has been ordered to pay $4 a week alimony to her hubLand, pending the decision of the court, tie is a caeo that needs the at- entijn cf tbe reformers, eaya the Myrtle 'oint Enterprise. Tilings are coming to a line paea in this country when tbe court expects a man to live on f 4 a week. crap game at held up in Juncticn a few days ago, tells the Eugene Guard. I seems that ore tf the players had ost a few dollars, and, on "going broke" ip. reached over the table and helped nnse f lo the hank roll. On being re- Itieste.i to give tip he refused, but by an ek'jiient argu neut being put up by the anker, hi; was forced to do ho. This ed another sport to try tho nauie racket, h'tt the ilfiler whs becoiniuK tird of this, and proceeded to break cane over the would-! e had mtiti'a head. 'Alu r diietors failod to cure me of IiticntiiMiia I ned t.)no Minute Coutrli ' 'tiro iiml three hottleeof ittrured me. ft iiitlsothn best remedy on eartii for whooping t'ouxh. ft cured my grand children of the worst -an8," writes Jno. lierry, Lngantun, l'a". It is the only harnileee reineilv that :ivp. immediate leiiiilts. (Jtiws couiiliH, coldd, croup and throat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption. Children always like it. mothers endorse it. j A. C. Marntrrs A Co. Drain Items. (Watchman.) Merchant W. W. Kent wan n county teat visitor Tuesday. ' Born, to tbe wife of Arthur S:o.:krr, Jan. 20, l!)0t), a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark of Coru slock, wert visiting D niu relatives over bundsv. Mis. L. M. Petkins made Collage i Grove a brief visit Tu-sday Mies Reesie Johneon, of Lorane, is a guest of relatives and numerous friei da in thia city. R P. Goiu, of JeU'eraon, a foruier gradnatH of the Normal here, fpent Sun day in this city. C. II. Jones, of Cottage Grove, is spending the week with liU daughter, the AVafchman editor. Chas. Russell of Lorane, went to Med ford Tuefday to attend bis father's f i- i eial. Johnnie Kitecton, who has bien st r. cusly ill wiilr typhoid feyer, is reported some belter today. Mrs. E. S. llarze, who has been un iting relatives here went to Cottage Grove Wednesday for a week'a visit. Aunt Kttie Churchill tt'ttirntd to Oakland Wedneed.y, alter a few tlays visit with Mrs.C. F. Counts. Archie Leonard of Roscburg. came up on today's express, to remain with friends in this city for a few days. Miss Mae Cowan, who is tcactiit.g the Scotts Valley school, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in this city. Mrs. J. A. Scott and two children, of Voncalla. were guests of their many friends iu this city Tuesday and Wednes day. Mrs. L. St. Oere returned home from Portland Wednesday, having spent the past two months witti her mother in that city. Arch Mctitlire has dieCOIitinutd llH studies at the Normal anil we under stand will eoon adept a clerkship in Black's store. He weut t j Elkton Tues day for a few d.tys visi'. Mi-e Mary I'm rup, f near Yoccalla, i is spending the woek iu this city, a guest ' of Mrs. tfirrell. Her sis'er, who has i been stopping here fjr some tiuie, has! returned .o one. lit, ai.d will mon le-j gitt her spring term f echo '. J. I. Jones aud J. E. Lia is, of Cottage i Grove, made Rosehurg a butlness visit : fir.-t of the week. Little LU L.wis, who spent tao areks with ti e Watch - man editor at Rosehurg, accoiucanied her father bu-kt) her home at Cottage Grove. M&d a ui 6s Ei.a Bort aud Ada Mires ; went to Yoncall. Fridav. to atteml a ' meeting of the X stive Daughters'. WeUii.c choice of two favorite rouies, via the understand ihit tin members of that j order expect to at rive here in a b;dy oa ! tomorrow's train, to hold a meeting; here and initiate a number of thn"ua-J tiv daughUra" of this vicinity. A lunch is being pr p ireJ and a good t'me j nlicipited. j Wert lo)r, who has been attending j the I'ort land business coliege, is home j for a few weeks. His mother and fatni-! ly are very much worried over nut I cirg able to receive any word, cither by letter or telegram, froai the husband and father, G. W. Moore, an I lear thu he is in Spokane, where he wai Us, heard from, a victiui to the smallpox. We hope, however, thtt such is not the case and that they will sjju receive a mes eace to that effect. C. E. HasarJ moved his stock of gja eral merchandise into his new brick building thia week, and will soon have everything fixed op ia a neat and at tractive order. Tha building ii well finished, having a Urge glass front and being Sued wit'u the new gasoline lights, hich giye splendid satisfaction. Mr. Hasard invites his nutnerout customers to call oa him in his new qairters, where they will continue to receive the best ol ireatm?nt. February Weather. The following data, covering a period of 22 years, have been compiled from Weather Barcau at Koeeburg, Oregon, for the month of January for 22 years. TLMI'JIt.UVBt. Mean or normal temperature, 42 de grees; the warmest month was that of 1SS3, with aa average cf 43; the coldest month was that of 18a7, with an average of 34; the highest temperaturo was 72 onti, ISSd; the lowest lempera'tira was 3 on 13, 1SS4; average date on which nrsi "Ki.iiog" irost occurred in autumn, Oct. 14; average date ou which last "killing" frott occurred in spring. Mav Precipitation (rain and melted snow.) Average for the month, 4.73 icches; average number of days with .01 of an inch or more, 10; the greatly monthly precipitation was 11.50 inchea in IS91 ; the least monthly precipation wa- Q.70 inches in ISS'J; the greatest amount of precipitation recorded in any 24 consec utive hours was 4 13 inches on 2Sth, the grcalest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive hours (-ecord extending to winter of 1SS4-S5 onl) was 10.5 inches on 3rd 1S37. CLOl'BS AND WEATHER. ' erage number of e'ear dayp, 4; y cloudy days, 10; cloudy days, 14 W1M. Tne prevailing winds have been from the southwest ; the highest velocity of tte wind was 30 miles frotu tlie southwest on OTIh IK'kt Tuos Giinsox, Weather Bureau. Price of tl jur nt Uurns has "dropped" to $'J a barrel . Pendleton has added four ne hoie carts to its fne department. 11 e l- . . . . li. v. noniietnanp, who ui uceu in mercantile hueipctis at rjaieiu for some years, has sold out, nml may go tu fSuuipter,- Tlie i-nrolitueot in Kuetie'd public schools is Oli'J this jear-431 gitls and 47S tajye an increase of 73 pupils in a year. Lane county has mado a contract to have its paupers cared for at !f3 per we. k for a.luliH aud if 2 for children under 10 years of age. As a drover was biinging a baud of beef cattle into Pendleton on the 2t)th, two were killed aud two maimed by hunching on a railroad track in front of a pant-ing train. BUROHIG ilfl la the result of repented acute attacks. The liver and spleen arc principally affei ted. They act as storehouses for the malarial poison and the Mood takes It from thom. The poison must be driven out of Ihcsystem. II I' D VAN will destroy the action of the olson and event ually drive out the last particle of it from the system, tn addition to this, U CD VAN will restore the lost app e. It will liuilo up the weakened syMe:n. HUD VAN nil) make new blood and new flesh. The pains In the bones it ill disappear. IICDYAN lias cured others and It will cure you. We describe the symptoms. Study them carefully. They are yours. I- not d.-Uy long-r, but taks 11CDYAV now and you will be cured. HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS: I. CON3TANT HEADACHE AND TROUBLED ERA.IN. Talis HUDYAN and your headache will disapiiear. 2 2. PALE OH TELLOWISH COM PLEXION. HUDYAN will csiat.lish a free Circulation of pur.' blivi I an I cause the cheeks to assume their n' urst color. 3. LO330? APPETITE ANDQNAW- INO IN THE 3T0MACK. HUDYAN j will rctore t!is a;;'-tite and the digestion of food ttiil become srfect. 4. FEELIti'3 OF WEIGHT OVEUTHE LIVER. Tiiis is du? to the eiilar;,e:neut of Hie liver. It ii filled with the poi.ort ot ma laria. Itl'OVVV will drive out the (m.son and cautc theory in to assume Its natural si:c 6. HEAVINE33 IN THE RE3I0N OF THE SPLEEN. The spU-on t--o:aes greatly enlarged. HUDYAN " l. s, n the congo.ien an 1 .-.:. the heaviness to l.ap. ilnijiliM iH not k,., t. ttt H-n-l .iirrt to tli IU Ml 4 IIKMKOY COMiMXV, fcn Kr-ii- cic". fail if r nil ll'iiipmkf tht um run ,i... in nviv liiiemnu Vlirfc: ! Call and see the dm-tors. You may call and see them, or write, as you desire. AMrrs HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY. Car. Stccltoa, Warkst aad Elba Sts-, Saa Fraaclsca, Cal. r lliEDIRECT.ROCIF.T I i llnnfrn3 lltrih ! IllUIl IdilU, L Idll, ' j CO 1 016(10 Mil M Eastern Points. CNION PACIFIC Fast Ma ! KIO GRANDE Scea.c Lines. Line, or the Ixnik at tht:uie ij days to Salt Lake z 2 days to Denver da to Chicago 4J2 days to Xew York Free KccIIdIuk Cliaiir cars, l"p-; taolwtcrcd Tonrlsl Hlcrplui; ' Cam, rnllmaia Palace Hlecp- i tog CareLopcratrd on all , train's. fo. further iu.'onr.a'icc'app'y to J. F. UIVAN5. Agt., HoteUig C. O. Terry, W. C Coman, Tr? Psts. Akl lien Act. l-'l Thirl St . fcii a: t Or. Notice. l.tiTSIl ,TtTt. Land uiiu e. j Kctchure. i'rvson, Nov. . 1.. i lo wi.-ei, it may ct.acem: 1 Notitc ia hcrri.y Riven that the On seu .v Call- j forula Rsi'.nd Company hai Blot iu th: eihee I a )..; of lands i;uaied in the toninif de ' crioei K'iow. and l:a s'p.iel for a pat- nt for I said lauds; that the iiM l open to &c public for inspection and a copy thereof by desenptite j sulwiviioas. Ims txxn potttii In a convenient ! place in thin ofiiee for the inspection ot all per- sons IntcieMcd and to the public gencralir: ! bouth of law line and Ka-t ot Vti'llat.i- ette Meridian. Tp K I. W'jStH.Mr.Sl. s.'ililll'l UMT IICCJIM noioi niuilll ,C JUT vXots?: , ,..,1 m.i , l n, i :.. . N K'7 h Sof Tt. J. K 7. an ! fc!, .-F' M'. 7-".- N'W. Sec. 3 j 1 p o, K 7. 8'.: Sec. ij. I Witliiu the next sikty .!a (tiioaii:s the dntv j ol this notice, protects or contests result the i claiui of the Company to any tract or auhdivis- j on iiiua an section or part ol section, de scribed in the lit, on the grounj that tho Mini is more valuable for mineral than lor agricult ural purposes, will bo received end noted (or le port to the i.eueral Ijiud Oflice at HaIliupten J. T. BRIDGES Revi-tcr. J. II. HOtJilf. Keccncr (lltli!) 1 We Have the Best and Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS, L ' The favorite of the Army aud No. 5, $35. St. Paul, Gloucester, Topcka, Buffalo, Oregon, Texas, Indiana, Potomac, Yankee, Frolic. .' All goods fully guaranteed Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Accordions, Autoharps." In fact bnost uiythiu 'iu the musical line can be had at the T. K. RICHARPSOX STORK: ' asassSMBataaastaasassaaasssBsasB ark'i ravi --X i fie-K Examine our line SPRAY PUHPS Tlal)c.st assortment of Pumps ever brought to the County. Wc carry the culcunitcd DKMMIXG, MKVKRS, UKAN," GOULDS POMONA. The best Corlialized Spray Hose and tlie famous D:-m-niinj New Pordeaux Xczlcs. He:ul us your order. Churchill Cass Street Market Wholesale " . 1" VGb I a ailU L-UI CCi M r r ( 1 in tt i C . IlilY, VJIclIIl tiliU j f none mam iai. P. Benedick. . i a :1 it I Any JobJW'ork doncat Reasonable P.it ir- Triumph Pot Grec: 1 Compact, Practical, Accurate. Scuc for circulars and iestisxor.i .us t WALTER A10RLEY, Patentee and Manufacturer, Sal-jrj. Ore: Get youi 5CH00L We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of ' SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Our Prices are Rteht. ... A. G. MARSTEHS & .t, ,1 A A A A A II A ,v v ,. , . - . ! VMVWWWWVVVWVVV i xv wvi it pan General Blacksnnithins: -si tacaisii::-a.&3is: a.Tt'5. rRorn.Na and running plates a specialty KEi'AlKIN'i OF ALL SISW TKCMTr: V r-.;r. Shofi oa Corner V.-s:it n; toil including CHICKHRIXGS, WKBKR, KIM BALLS, NKHDHAM. Besides these we have otlicr Pianos but cheaper iu price but iu quality. WD Navy. A few of the ships BLiGKEE dcrfcr Typewriter during the Spanish-American War. T- - 77-r .:-' it:,;, -.- aud sold on the installment . . .. " 'i 'cr VV-tvA--".'. rw x s tN. r OI & Woolley. and Retail Dealer in - MeatS Fish and Garue in Season, ! r. , , f e 1 0 U I . DOZIER & MARTIN, p Tops. as . UndsrtH tnd Err.Lalir.Ei1. $ on. SUPPLIES At Marsters. 00 by. fi f.yf. ji A. fr I txj r-rr-MM autl lianc StH.. ilosthu .- rfj' iut equipped with the Bliekens- ... .1 .,. -i. otvit I- n. Ci;S- ! . .i..Ui C i l'--l : lUK'S work i:ol better), now iu use. ti"i (s - , plan. i.at-.a mst rumen ts, :V c :n;c tin.- ' Railroad Time Table. Northbound Roceborg local, Ko. v ie.arts7;30a. m. Soathbonn-: Rosebnrg local, No. 18, i arrives 5:20 p. m. oi tij bound overland, No. 6, at i ves 10 :3r a. in. ; departa 10 :45 a. m. Santhbound overland. No. 6, arriTSai 4.1 " a. m.; departs 4:25 a.m. FftetGIfT TRAINS. Nirthbound fast through freight, No 221, arrive 4:10 p. m.; departs 5:20 b. tn. Southbound fast through freight, No 222, arrives 7:00 a. m.; departa 8:00 a m. Noiihhoucd mixed train No. 222 arrivee at 2 55 p. no., Sunday, Wednesdays and Fridays, depart 0:00 a. m., Mondays y ., Thursdays and Haturdaya. I South ooond mixed train No. 226 ar rives at 3:00 p.m., on Sundays, Mon days and Fridai. depart! 7:15 a. mi Mondays. Thursdays and Saturdays. t 1 I ' MethiiIiint Pm-iru-Minipt Af V.l. mnA 1 sreeu. Sunday Berrloe: Preaching, 11 a. as' and S.oz p m.; oabbath school, 1 a. as.; L A. Walker, guperintendent; Claaa Xeetinc a, close of tha moraine service; Zp worth Laafwe :Wp. m. T. S. Godfrey. President. Prayer Mc-etiug, Wednesday, at 7.30 p. m. (i. R. A ait old, Pastor, Parsonage, corner Hain and larae. f'in Btnatis Cuckcb on Powlcr street iaiiuaj service, ai 11 a. m. ana 7 JO p. ax. rnj er meeting. Thnrsday evenloc Mrs. Lcct M. CuTtiP, Pastor. St. oxoB'.a's Chcxch. Corner Caaa aad Main streets, fccrricea on second and Umrfi. eunday morning of each month and every 8aa-t evening, special serrices annooneed troaat me to time. Kv. Johs Dawso, afiaslonary. M. E. Chi sen, Socth. Service every Snaday o-n;ng aa-I evening. Rav J T COTToa, Pasta Battist Cucxch corner of Lane and Koaa t.-eetx. Sun lay service: Preaching at II a. as, and 7: 0 p. m cabbath School at 10 a. nu, O. P. Coshow, rapcrintendeoL irsyer meeting at 7:30 Wedncs-lay eveniruj. x. A. DocsLaa, Pastor Fiet CUKLjm.i CniscH Corner of Ptne aul Woodward streets. 8 outlay serrieea Preachics both morniaic and erening, Baada clir..l at 10 a- m. T. P. S. C. Z. atSuS) p. as Prsjcr meeting each Wednesday evening at 7.2). A cordial welcome and greeting awaita l - W. A. Woo. Pastor Fit--T 1'bsttesias CuCBCH Corner of aad Rose s'rvets. Sunday service: Pnblir worihi;', 11 a. m., ant a p. m.: 'Ktli school, 1J a. ia. V. P. 8. C. E. at 7 p. a. Priy.-r icixtlnff. Wednesday evening 7: JO r:- J. A. Tovjairn, Pastor Tas iv. c. T. I". will hold its regular meeting on tLe econ-l snl fourth Monday of every tr-.otu at 7a p. Ei. ia the Xpworth Leagne wa of the M. E. Church. O.RAil CO. i -i iMa j Aaaiir i i ; i F-s ralt Lake. Denvr, t U Fast Ma. I Worth. OmthaKs n- Mail 3 p. I.-. ; !aCity,Si.L' i " h 1- :lim.a- . k.i:ie Walla Vt'al'a Lewiston, : Epokaue r iyir Spokane, Minneapolis, Flyer J lp. m. st, Pau Dululh. XU- Sa. m. waukie. Chicago and 1 Last. ; i p El. A".: railing dates subject to cnange. For eaa Franeitco Sail Dec S, s. I t, IS, 3, , aad every days. I3i!v Ex.Suudayi p. m. " j aiurdav , lt p m". ! tVtXKBIA RlVEB STB AH BBS To Astona and Way Landings. Iti. enat t- a. m. WlLLAMXTTB RlVBB i jii p. m. Ex. n i..Snt..:ay: Ores-n City, Newberr, saiem & w ay-iauid s 7 - V'.. WtlX-lMBTTB AXD Ta TuosThnn HitxRlvBat. aa l Sal. Oregon City, Dayton and Way-Landing. S 30 pm ifon.Wed and Tue.Thurs JlonTwed an 1 sat. Portland to Corvallis and aad FrL and Way-Landing. I a. Ill, WILLAJIETTB Rtvam S- n I.eeve Kitiaria l::i. ia. I'ai'.v SNAKB BlVIB Riparia to Lewiston Leave Lewiaton Daily 3:30 a. m. J. F.Qivans, W. Ii. Hurlburt, Gen. Pass. Ant., PoiUaad, Ot Aent, Koscburs, Or. X THECIRCVIT COCRT OF THK STAIK t-ltlrOiron for Doilv-Iaa ismntr - Nora Helm Flaintia". j c., . , v. Suit ia S.iuitj for F.etcner lUvm, Defendant) a divorce. I Fletcher Helm, the above named tte- i'-iiin!i i : in the name of the statt of Oregon, you are h-itfhr required, to appear and answer tha ec in-1 Ut hied against vou in the above en i.Uol nit on or before the first day of tha next regu'.ar term of the above entitled court Mo-d.y March, 5th, 1S0. And if jou fall to Appear or answer tajd complaint, within snid time, for want thereof plainliiT will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her co:npla:n( a follows: Fora tUvree of divorce dissolving the bonds oi matrimony existing between plainUrr aud deiet: ieut, aud lor such other relief as to the court iray appear equitable Tins Nimiiiuui is published by order ot Hon. .1. W. lljmilton, judee of said court, which or- ' o. r is iis:cil January 6, 1900, and tha time pre scribed in said order for the publication of thi xiiuraoi.s is once a week for six weeks precced- '' toe t;rt itay of aid term of court, and tbe day oi the lir?t publicatio of this summons his January , I'.W. l.'ilT.) Attorney lor Plaintiff. Notice of Appointment o Exuect rix. "Voi . e i hereby ctven that tho undersigned - Uasoutho luh dav ot November, law, dmy appointed asexecutfix of the last will and --"-leiu oi i.eiMso i. Kussell, deceased. All p rions tiaviuii claims avainat said estata are i. .eo re-imroi topiesenl the same properly Vk'nt:t'l, to Mid e.veiitrix, at Oakland, Douglas county, lircson. within ti-c monih. I mm ih Jute hereof. Daied this u; dav of November, 1S99. FRANCIS L. RUSSELL. Executrix. Notice for Publication. t'Mtrn si.vurs Last Orrit a. Kosebure, Oncou. December :V. 1.i. N'o.iec i hereby s.lea that tho .aiowiu toiv.io t Pettier has filed noliew r-f hf intaaitiuii lake liii.il proof in surport oi biscNim. and tli.lt s:;, ntnui will Kn mad hefont the Krcrsti r mid licce-.vo- I". S. Land Oflice 'at Ruaeborg, Uire;roti, a iVbrusry 10, 1HC0 vis: " .. li.tAC BAILEY, - ln l-.is If. E.No. fiw.ifor thejots 13 14. U and 16 11. Tn tlilri U .1 W II.. n,mMlh. r.tll.,u.- fins: witiusMH tofroe his continuous residence upon and Clllnaliou oi raid land, vli: ,'"'",n'-lu' Robert "tewirt and j. o,caav0uviiie,cSon. i-eiu r.i:e, and John Perdue, of Days Creek, XL. ruuerton BRIDGES iieRist.er V A.