Tbe-Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beeii " lnhso for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of , and has frf-f J1- sonal suior ision since its infancy. 74tCUte Allow no oiirt to dwpive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants aud Children Exnerieneo against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea aud "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach aud Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ntt rnTiim commm -r hvrh ktucct. new vo errr. p UEIBUBQ DIVISION SO 476. B. OK I. K v meets every second and fourth Suulay. v MEN'S RKLIEF COW'S KO. 10. M K ETC Ant and Uiird Fridays in caep month. r EKO POeT. KO. -19. U. A. R., 1IFETS TBI A. V first aud third Thursday of each month. at 1 p. m. a LPHA LODGE, KO. 47, K. OF P.. MlfETS " trr Wednesday evening at Odd Fellow Halt. Viaititta; alDlKhla tn rod .landine or itaily Invited to attend JOrj SIK EU.I, C. C. c.h.fi-her,k:.k.s. LAC BEL LODGE. A. F. A A. M., REGfLAB meetings the id and 4tb Wednesdays in each month. El'liEKE L PARROTT W. M. K.T. Jbwbtt, S ecy. R06EBCRG CHAPTER. KO. 8. 0. E. S.. MEET? the first and third Thursday of each mania. MRS. E. 1. STROUD. V. V. MArVE EAST. Sec y. MODERN' tt WDJIBOK AMERICA. MKtT ooJirt and Ihitd Tueslrr of each month in the rid Jiaonic hal. H . W. Muj.ee, V. C II. U Maeetkks Clerk. OODMES OF THE WORU. Hk Can; Ko.l. mceu at the Odd KeIlow" Hah IB Eoscburc, every lft, Srd and blh Mondaj erenine. Visiting neighbors always welcome. J. A. BCt HASAN, C. C. K.T. JEW ETT. Clerk. PH1LXTAEIAK LOiXiE. KO. S. I. O. O. T. meets 6atunly creainj of each week at tfeeir kail is Odd Fellow Iemple at Rosebud . ltcmbtrtof the order in good stand;n arrinrit 4 to attend. cllAS. OLE -OK K. G K.T. JkWBTT, 6ec"y. B. P.O. ELKS, ROSEBCRG LODGE. KO. S, hold their regular communications at the I O. O. F. hall on second and fourth Thursdaf i ach month. AU members requested to at tend regularly, and all Tinting brothers cor- Atauy lOTitea to attend. DOUGLAS WATTE, E. B IKA KIDDLE, feecreLary. OOSEBUEQ LODGE, KO. 1C A. O. C. V. meets the second and four;h Monday; of ech month at JO p. m. at Odd Fellow Hal'. Members of. the order in good standing are tu rned to attend. T. McClALI EX, D. 5?. WEsT . Eccordcr. Finencier New sod Improved Passenger Epuiq merit, via Sunset Route. New Orleans Express (No 10; ai d Pa cific Express ;So. 9) betweT San Fran cisca and El Paso, have be-n pippeo with free reclining chair cars, freeli from the shop and in every convenience of ap pointment equal to the beet in operation. Each car is equipped with 53 reclining Chairs, nine of whiibare in a separate tuokiog compartment. Both first and socood-ciass tickets are accepted for pas wage in these cars. These special con veniences and tbe coi.gei.ial climate tbrongb which these traits paee will doubtless make the !u;K-t Route very popular for travelers tliid winter. Notice for Publication. United fftatco Land Ollice Roseburg, Or. January u, Kotiee t hereby civen that the followin; named settler has tiled notice of liis iuteniiou to make final proof in supxrt of ln claim, nnd that said proof will be ma'le before tbe Kegisier and Recti rer. United btsnn Land Office at Eoteburs;, Oregon, on March xv.tft, viz: WILLIAM II. KORCKOS& On his H. E. So for the E'i SK'f. ' i KE.'i Section 2s T. T. South, U. 7 West. Me names the following witnetiw-fi to prove hir continuous residence uson and cultivation of sak land, viz: Orwm Bactl. A. . Biiell, of Looking Glass, Oregon, James Bravely. I). Jsr via, of Eoscburg, Oregon. 1 1 J.T. BRIDGE, (jI2t7) Ke,iter. Foints East. The "Podland-Chicagj Spm-ial," which leaves the .Union depot at 8 p. m. daily is equipped with strictly up-to-date roomy Pailmau sleepii g carf, and frre reclining chair curs, K'eam heated and elecUL' lighted. The Earoiean plan dinins t r service is a special Jeatnre of excellence: on this line. Delicate china, flowers, Fiotless linen, first c!as c-ioking and attet'.'ive servants add to the com fort ol travelers A new library car is attached to these trains. As the name indicates, these care are fitted op as a librsty and reading room Book cases "ontainmit all the standard works, tbe current peroneals and daily papers are at the 1ippofl of all first and second class passprger. Time never harmx heavily on the pan sengers' bands while traveling on this train, and before rtno is awara at ft the train nulls into th Union deot at Chi cago. For fall information regarding the movement of theee trains, rates, etc . call on or address V. a. Schilling, Portland, Or. Ur J. F. iivE.SK, ItofeS-urg, Or. "I am indebted to One Miimle Cough Care for my health and life It corH me of lung tronble fol!oit)g grippe" Thousands owe iheir lives to the prompt action of this never failing remedy, ft cures roughs, colds, croup, bronchi' in, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents :uti sumption. It is the only harmless rem dy that gives immediate retulta. .. CMarPtfrB A Co. boon made under his per- Signature of Administrator's Sale Property. of Real la the C.mnty Court of State of Oresou iu and for Dousrla 1'ountv. In the matter of the Ei-tate of Dclimla Hill, Kottefi. herebT ciren that tt.o umWrMCK-d alminitratorw!th uill annexed, of the E-'ate I of Delinn lli'.t. f1Veaiied, pursuant to an order I of the above entitled Court ma le and en'cred in ttie Journal thereof, of date January .'ml. A D. lsW. will proceed t'M;ll on and utter lh .mi. a. rweed to wll on and attor the l..th dav of Febniarv, 10, at private itie lor .h tn Vi. t ., iKu M.n.iMi K..ni , tr ill ttiO notice deM-rib.1, in one bolr or in M.-(uirHie ar- eels as may I for the bet inu-rvi of said Es ute, tlte following decrlbe.l nal pnrt, to- '; . , . . . , Beginning at a fost SJMclatnr Vt-tof quarter section V"t between Sections T an. I :. and Irom hich a pine tree inches in diameter, uia'ked c. s. B. T. bear North H degree, we-t :i imks. distant thenee North .". Clisius to a ;o a K' Killt SP.C0 (. baiD onth of Southwest corner of K. R. Hill donation claim, thenoc Vet S chains to Nor'.heast corner of the isnd nowonneuby A. D. Ottineer. tltence Soath 1 1 ham? to Mouth east comer of same land, thence West 1S.2S Chains to the Southwest corner of same land. and the Last boundary ot the E. Bunion dona tion claim, thence South 1 ; Chains to Hie t-outh west corner of the sv . oardiner dooati claim, thenee East alone t!ie South boundary of the same, 41.14 Chains to place of eg:iining eenuun:ug ". acres, niore or less, ex. epttng therefrom the n ilbur Cemetery, a. so excepting tliercironi one half acre for 'family bu.-viug eroimd. Alllving ;n &x-uon 7 in Tornhn J.s &. K. ei iu uoi2ia c ouniv. uregon. Also tbefolIOKing desenbea premises to-wst: B-cisn:ng at the Southeast cirner of the E Bunion donation claim, tbeuce W e t aionir the South boundary of said claim, 7 jOChain to tbe middle ol the County road, thenee aioni; the white otk tree inches in diameter, thence ,h:S3rvS $t: south . degrees, w,-i along center of Main street or uuur -iM naius. inen-e aionj inei, land now owned by g. E. Counts, S.uth m de - grees, Lst 1.M thaills to Nesl boundary ol land now owned br J. A Hann. thence North J dirrees. East : Chains to the Konhwt cor - to his Kortheat corner, thence sc-utb so de - grees, et 4 mains to nis t-.utDeast corner ana a creek, thence uo said creek tv." . d.-r--. East 11 chains to the East boundary of the w. Jcnk - inail.in.liill f', m i m 1 1. .. . ... V.-.rfn Kl -It f V.. ... thence Korth iP. degrees. East 7.Jj Chains, thenee North !M4 degrees. East 3. . Chains to the North boundary of J. Knykendall donation claim. 'thence West 3 W Chains, to place of be ginning. conta:ning -'.J6 acres All in Section 7, Township a"., S. K. 5 Wft. Also a lot in the town of Wilbur, joining E. II. pttinger land on the Korth, . feet by ij feet in size, all in Douglas County, Orecon. Dated this Ua day ol January A. V., 19C0, at Roebunt, Oregon. DWIGHT REED, Administrator, with Jil annexed, Estate of Delinda H IU. Deccated. it IS Administrator's Notice of 5ale of Real Property. Notice is hc-eby given tLat by virtue and In pursuance of an order and decree of the CouuLi Court of Douglas County, Oregon, dniy made by lion. Joe Lyons, Judge rf said Court, and en tered on the It li day of January, ll ordering and directing the undersized to sell the real property, hereinafter described, belonging to the estate of James K. Hi'.ctiell. deceased at public auction, in the manner prvidi b law. 1 r the a e of real propertv on execution I will on Monday, the lvnh day of February, 1J0, at the hour of one o clock, in the afternoon of said day, t the Court House door, in the city of Kosebu'g, l-uglas County, or.iwn, oiler for sale end sell at public auction, to the highest and bet bidder for cash, tbe following described real propertv, to-wlt: Ihe fractional W'; of the KW' of Sec, 3, fractional E ol KE'4. nn d Lot No. 5. ol Sec. 4, Tp. T., S. of R. 4, W . w illamctte Meridan. eon uiuing 1-xil acres. Also Donation Lan-l Claim of Jonathan Mmi:ion and w ife. Koli!i ation No. 4W, Certihcate No. 11.;, Claim 41. being parts of Sections :;, 4. f and 10, in Tp. 27 6 of R. 4. W., containing 2 i-ii) ai res. Also Lots No. s 1 snd J. of oec. 4. Tp. :TS. of R. 4, W. containing 17.ZM acres, also Lot No. 1, ol Sec. Iu, Tp. s. uf K. 4, W .. containing 'li.lj acres, and containing in tne a t'greatc acres more or less, ail in Douglas bounty. Oregon Said real proi-erty will be sold subject to the right of dower ol E. (-. Mitchell, widow cf ta-id deceased, therein, JOHN HAMLIN. Administrator ol Lie citate of Jamci K. Mitch ell, deceased. 1 Notice. United States Land Office, RoSEBiau, Or., Nov. Zs, lbW. To whom it uiay concern: Notice is hereby given that t he Oregon and California lUilroad Co. has tiled in this ofhee a list of lands situated in the townships described below, find lias applied for a patent for said lands; that the list is on to the public for in spection ni a cony thereof bv deseriotive sul,- diTitions, has been )osteiI iu a convenient place in this olbce, lor the inspection of all persons interested and the public generally: South of base line aud West of Willamette Meridan. T S6, R 1. NWNE'i.SvelO. T R i. Part of V.i Sec 3, and part of Si .-c.'. 11. T35. Hi. SE'i NESc.-. 3. T ii, R . KWCiSE'iSecI. T 1-7, R a. Iits 1 and 1 Sec. 1. T J7, 11 4. NWU.E;i,SecJ. T i. III. LoU 1. 2, 3 and 4, Sec. Lt. 1' 3k R 5. KW'iS;;. Seel. T 3 R 5. Part of (' i Sec. jl, and part of SE'4' S.-c. T , R li. Lot 5, Sec. I.-. T "-j. R ;. Ktv;,i kw;;, cc. n. t .. 11 r... Ail of be:. 1,3, A, 7,9, II, 11, I', 17, 1'., 1!1, 2.1, i 27,2J,:ii,:yaiid:;'i. ithiii the nt st sixty davs following the date oftliis notice, protests or contests against the claim of the compatiT to any tract or subdivis ion w ithin liny section or part of section, de soritcd in t lie list, on tlie ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agricul tural pur-Hiscs, will be received and rioted lor lejKirt to the General Land Office at W ashing ton, D. C. J. T. BRIDGES, Register. J. II. BOOTH, f 1'-' Receiver. Administrator's Sale. N"tije Is b'Ttly (rlvtii tin- uulr!iKl.'l l!i a'linlui-trutor ol tlic tuali- nl llulilali Wllwin, il'-cf-sw-il. In )mr-uniir- i,f anonli-rof tlie ('iiiitiry t.'ourt H Duuelcs i'ouoiv. Ktsteof in ii, ilui v mad- anil tut red on the :;rl day il Ja-unry, 1'.n, v ill aftf-r tti 1'ith Jay nf Ktb ruary, l'.M, nt laddie. IwmiicImk uunly. Mate nl or'-f;'iii.M-!l at privati r-ale lor i-a.sli iu haiil. the i.ilU'Wiuf !M:rilHl real roer(y, to-vit: Die Nciu'h h Hi I of donation claim No. 41 ol W 1 1 1 i u in I.. WlL-on aud wife, bcinn jart of fitc ti.m :i4 in 'J'nwS..lii 0, 8. It., W., VV II. Mer. in Iioh)1kh County, Uri rom, and tlie i-aid south alt o i Mini claim ioiituiinu.' lW.'t'l ncren, more or less. lati-d at Kiddle, Iioimlfls Colililyj Ongr n, MiisCth lay ol Jtmuary, l."jo. GfcOKGE K. ('VISE. AdminixIrHlnrOf Ihe estnfol Huldah Wilso Ikiv-axei:. . j,st7 Ingails on the Twentieth Centnry. This congreB opens a brand new vol ume in llio liiaiory u( tin United Statm. Old tilings liive paeaed away. JSitice Appomattox a ueiieraluin Iiah icone. All tlio irea! t-ivil and military leailera of that e uci are dead. The questions that for halt a century divided partiea, inun- dHtiiiK tli" nation with blood and con villeins it lont afterward, are cryatalized in statutes or eetlled ty the logic of events r extinct, State right, the ce gro, reconstruct ion, the crime of '73, the theft of the presidency, greenbacks, the tariff, b veri meut by ii. junction, free tx-itiaj-e of eilver, are do tnore. The cock's shrill claiiou or the echoing horn may perhaps liereaftei rouee them from their loly bed, but nut before the end of Merlin ley 'a eeolid Urn,. In theii place appears the cold stand ard, monopolies, the Nicaragua canal, Cu' a, tneular posecsciono, colonial de- peodenciee, the war in the rhilippinei, world competition aud commercial su premacy. This, B'j far as disclosed, is the piejrraoi of the twentieth c: niury, in which congress lias the iuitia'ivc. It U Lot wanting in the rimulut f novelty, nor, in opportunity lor etaiesuianpuip, elcqueuce in debate, oratory and leader ship. If there lie any mute, inglorious Webbters or Patrick Henrys in the cen ate cr house, let them now apeak out or forever after boll their peace. They need be mate and inglorious no longer, The iccawiou is here. The country ie impatiei.t to hear from them. But the toiling millions w ill not be content with tiresome compilations from cyclopedias nor diligent threshings of last year's straw ricki. They have had surfeit o cheap rhetoric aud stage thunder. They waui the real thing. Destiuv, which punctuates history witit its surprises stood with tragic uia-k at the thrreii K of the senate. The vice president was dead. At the pjttals of the house its sardonic visage wore an inscrutable smile, l.eed was not speaker. No man ever loved power and prominence and publicity more than Reed. They were ioceoee and in toxication to him. lie was surrounded by a phalanx of choir boiB swinging in ceiue and flunkeys bearing tijgons, who .... ,-. - ,, , disturbed his equilibrium. lie .forgot i !::. ,k. ..r ... '"" l" 'u' 10 misee. i or some reason, or ict do reas loo, possibly from conviction, perhaps , ..,.. i. r'l.imll " n.t, u.,.... " against the measures of bis party and . . . the policies Of the admlClStratiOU. lie , , ..... .-,,..i.t. .......i, did not measure accurately the strength and momentum cf the forces witu whit tle was coLleoJing. He was like whaler caught in the ice pack of pjlar seas. The slow, silent, relentless irre sistible masses close iu, and tlie voyage is ended. If any student of human pas Linn hlirea th-t Ra.i roalls- nrelera I r the dull, obscure routine of a lawjer' Icffice to the splendid fame, opportunity and power of the speakership, lie is too green to barn. This session of cjogress will e spec ially interesting and important because it will formulate the i-sues of tbi comin I presidential campaign and lay out tho f repablicanism J and democracy. Both parties will play ... 1 lor position, ana escu win try to put me .11... : . i . i . I01"" ,B1 uvle 1 New times, it is said, demand ne 1 manners nid new men, bnt not here T. t:.:i i.utorr f tl,a fniio.1 stt iae PC'"Cl lilSlory 01 the Lmted Mates 1 has moved from the becincicc. and Wl 9 I move to the end, in a r.arrow orbit d fiuej by the conflict between two (beo ies cf (tie constitution. Whatever the isiues, war, peace, fiuauce, espaDtion imperialiaci, these are t tie limi's. Som limes one will prevail, sometimes tbe i.-ibcr, accorjing tj tli- mood and tempe uftLe pen-le. It i.iueJ or dubious, tbey put oa (be brakes. When alert, buoyant acJ eacgaine tbey open the tbtottle and give ber eand. One theory is that of tbe doctrinaire who regards goveraiuent rs a fixed problem", in which all details and metboi'B are to be ad jadged by strict construction ot tbe ex press grants of power in the constitution. This is democra-ty. The other theory is that of tbe practical politician who sees that in the complex and conslantly cbangicgofa nation's daily life theap plication of predetermined conceptions is impracticable, and that be is wisest who adaps himself to measure that are momentarily fit, leaving questions of ethics subject to considerations of public welfare to take care of themselves. Tbis is republicanism. The republican pariy has ireen in power cloea upon forty jeara. It has made mittakc. It has some lough lead er, some equalid boeses. It has occa sionally conceited too much to popular errore. Now and then the people. have got vexed and kicked Ihe stuffing out of it. Cut the estrangement has only been casual and temporary. The majority has been with it, is with it still, and is likely to reruaia with it for an indefinite time to come. Tbe causes of the prodigious vitality of the republican parta are not fartoeeek. It ban great respect for the constitutions, but is not afraid of it. If tbi constitution utauJs acros the path of the people, why so iu:idi worse for the constitution. If it wante to abolish slavery, or make paper money legal len der, it find tbe way. If there are no precedents it makes them. It wastes no time fur reverie. It is strictly up to date and ready for all emergencies. It cares nothing for consistency. It is not de ferred froai taking a certain course today because it purs Jed another yesterday. Sjllicient unto ton-mow is the evil thereof. The passage ot the gold standard cur rency biil bv the house was a striking example of the habit i and methods of the republican party. It has boxed the compass on tho money question. It created Ihe legal tender greenback and proyided for the resumption of specie payments, rur ten years H carried on a desperate llirlntion wiih silver, and Iheu ut the end, vutpd for tho single gold standard with ttntlnisiasiic unanimity, reinforced by eleven democrats, which rej'iired heroism. It may not bo so liort and eapy in the eeuate, where the procedure is mediaeval, hut the result will be the Mime, and the people will say Amen. Tin man who aims at nothing iilneyrt hitM it, hik) this up'ieare to bo the predicament of the democrats. They have no alliniiative policy. Whatever Hie republicans are for they nre against, and for that reason th?y vot"d in I he r.cgativu on the gold standard without otl'ering an umandinent fur free t-ilver. In opposing expansion, (lie enlargement of our national bounda- riffl i-itlinr by ptirr-.li.tw or -onqnf-fit, they are acting indespite of the greatett names on their illustrious roster, and slurring the traditions of the mo.st gtot iom perioila of history. While it is true thtt the ge iius of our institutions does uot contemplate the acquisition of terri tory whose inhabitants may not become citizens, and ultimately t o incorporated into the constituency, there is no more practical difficulty in dealing with Puer to Kico than with the District of CJom bia, which is neither state cor territory; and is governed bv commissioners ap pointed by the president ond coiitiru.ed by the senate. The same may ba said of Hawaii aud the Philippines. Or, if this be uudesir able, both could be attached for judicial ud executive purposes to either of the acific states with their consen. Dis tance forms no obstacle. Electricity has nnihilated both space and time. With telegraphic connection, the Philippines might as well belong to California and Hawaii lo Oregoti, as the Isles of Khoals ) New Hampshire, Nantucket to Mass- acuusetts, or Long Island to New York Thttl the iusurreclioli of Aguinaldj will be suppressed and some plan of govern ment devised by the reptibiicius in due seasjn, iB established by the summary disposition of Pettigrew's resolution lo ay on tho table, the most into'.ctit mo tion known to parliamentary law. It is the most formidable weapon of a despot ic and resolute majority. It cuts off debate, and is a knockout if it prevaiU. If the republicans in congress hive a weak spot in their armor, it is on the subject of trusts and tuoi opohes. The message of tbe president shows how ser iously the queetiou has engaged p'iblic attention. The majority ts.uarrow, and the encroachments of the money power are etreuuous aud subtle. The people demand radical and aggressive but jott legislation. For failure the party iu power will be held responsible. The present Anti-Trust law is a carious illus tration of tbe iuaccuracies of history. It is generally ktiowo as the "Saeruian Act,'' and is popularly suppos! to have been drawn ty the venerable statesman from Ohio. The original bill was report edly Mr. t-uenuau from the coinnrtlee oa tinaLce. I' was debated lor several ! -day j in the ecii.xte, and found lo lo so . defective that it was rather unceremoni ously re'erreJ lo the cuuj.itte iu thej " judiciary, where Mr. LJmuudr, the cbairioau, look it iu baud and lepjiled the tneasare exac'.Iy as il now statics on the Etalale bock. Il was much enecre l ; at lor a while as a tub to a whale, bat; the recent lecieiou ol the supreme court S'jowj (.bat it wan one vl (be most pro found and (ar-reacbiu-; enactments vl ; modern times. ; SUBSTANTIAL PROGRESS. Every Line of Business in Good Con. dition at.Roscburg. Duritig the putt year Koseburg baa made substantial progress in every liue of business. Many new stores have been opened, and all are doing a good busi ness, while the o!dr establishments have generally increased their premises, and number of employes. Fife new brick stores have been built, and many small frame structures remodied for ! business purposes. Many new reeiden ces were built ; Etid there are Lot enough (o supply tbe demand. Tne county coartnouee has been remodeled at a ccet of I1C.00O. Tbe Southern Pacific railroad has bui.t a eabstantial passenger depot, a commodious Ireighihouee, and rularged tba road yards, entailing an outlay of over foO.OX'O. These improvements give Roseburg tue most extensive and best depot and yard facilities cf any station on the Southern Pacific in the Hate, ex-1 cept fort lan J. Other improvements j are planned by the .company. Notwith standing these additional facilities for handling traffic, the business of ths road has increased to such an extent in the past year that tbe f.tcilities are strained to handle tbe business. The banks have largely added to their deposits, with a marked incre! in tbeir general business. One of tbe saeh and door factories has enlarged its premises and increased its output 100 per cent. A brewery and ice plant was installed by practical men with ample capital. Koseburg's population is 2500. V. S. K. Buck, in Oregonmn. A De-perate flsn at Large. Martin Kelly, bo on Tuesday, De cember -0, was sentenced to 5 years in tbe Oregon penitentiary by Judge II. K. llanna, of tbis county, es caped from tbe Insane Asylum, Salem, Friday aud is at large. Kelly bad served one year in tbe penitentiary and mani festing symptoms of insanity bad been transferred to tbe insane asylum. Tbe crime for wbicb Kelly was convicted was tbit of robbing Tim Clnnty, a eection- banJ, on a freight train of tbe S. P. Co., between ibis city anJ Siekiyou. Kelly is a desperate cbaractei to bd at large. Wbilo corjfined to tbe jsil in Jacksonville, in company with F. It. Smith wbo killed Peter Xeleuu, Le tore oil tbe corrugated ceiling of tbe jail and cnt a bole through tbe roof, and but for Smith informing tbe jailer Kelly might have mad good bis eecaje at that time. K'lly at tbe time of bis sentence by J: ' : r Ilaona for tbe crime of which be v. onyictcd conducted himself in such a crossly insolent, diereepecllut and abmive mauner that the judge recalled him, and increased bis term of incarceration fioiu 4 to 5 years. Ash land Tidings. S3 far the winter in Coos county has been unuaually mild; iu fact if it were not for tho denuded condition of tbs trees and a little excess of raiu occaeiocally, we would ecarcely realiza that wioter is is here, niackoemes, rasji-jerriej are in all fitagee, from I, loom lo lipo fruit; roses and other Ibwera are pleutiful aud tbe grass is growing riiM along. Coipulle City Hulietiu. The editor of the Eugene Register vieited K jHoVjur last week. Oa hia re turn be caused the following to be print ed which striken a retponeive chord in every heart down this way: "Rueoburg is more cuiilident than ever that the eteel rails will ecou link that city with the Cxih bay country. It is a cousuui malion ilevotitly tc be wished and if tbe Rose burj- cilizeos cau bring it there will nut be many days elapse before the iron horse will be pufQog and enortiug back und forth as lie plys the east aud west trafl'n: twixt coast and inland." Coiuille City I'nllntin. CUIUS 11(11 Is the result of repented acute attacks. Th liver and spleen are principally affected. They act as storehouses for the malarial poison and the Mood takes it from them. The poison must be driven out of the system. BCD TAN will destroy the action of the poison and event tially drive out the last particle of it from tbe system. In addition to this, HVDYAK will restore the lost app e. It will builo up ths weakened system. II C D Y AN will make new blood and new flesh. The pains In tho bones will disappear. Hl'OV AN has cured others and It wilt cure you. We describe tho symptoms. Study them carefully. They are yours. Du not d'Uy longer, but take ni'UYAN now and you will be cured. HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS: I. CONSTANT HEADACHE AND TROUBLED BRAIN. Take HUDYAN and your headache will disappear. 2-3. PALE OR YELLOWISH COM PLEXION. HUDYAN will establish a free circulation of pure bloo l and cause the cheeks to assume their na'ural color. 3. L033 OF APPETITE AND OSAW INO IN THE STOMACH. HUDYAN will restore tut appetite and tbe digestion of food will become perfect. 4. FE2LIN3 OF WEIGHT OVERTHB LIVER. Thit Is dus to the enlsrgement ot the liver. It ii filled with the poison of ma- larin. UlDYAX will drive out the poison and cause the org in t J asumc its natural sire. 5. HEAVINE33 IN THE REGION OF THE SPLEEN. Tiie spleen becomes rreatly enlarged. HUOYAN i'.t les-n ths cor.gcv.icn an I n'li the hearineaa to disap pear. You art suffering from Chronic Malaria and you can bo cure I. HID VAN will relieve your everv symptom and make yon well. HID" VAN can t obtinel ol all drtiggisu for Soc. Ier paeksge, or packages for U .'). If your druggtxi does n"t keep ii, send direct to tha III' its AN KKMKIIY rOMHANT, San Fran ric. Caltiornla KememlH-r that you can consult tho HAIIYA.N DOCTOR FKEsli. Call and ee the diK-lors. Yott mar call and see them, or write, as you desire. Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY. Car. 8scVsa, M.rk.t sad Cilia Ss., tea Frsacisca, Cal. TUEBIRECTROt-'lET ) Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. jOm-s cbuica of two !avo:;te routes, via the j t SIOS PACIFIC Fast Mail Line, or the RIOORASUE socuic Unit I.01A at tbe time 1 1 i days to Salt Lake 2)2 days to Denver lli days to Chicago 42 days to Xew York Free HcclitsloK Cbalr cars, l'n bolMtercd Xonrlal." Sleeping Can, PnlliiMa Palace Sleep ing CarsXopcratrd on all traiuM. tn turtber lulornia'iri apply 10 J. F UIVANS, Agt., Hotel ci g C. O. Terry, . W. E Coman, Trsr Pass. Agi Oca At- l-'l TbiraSt . Tct: si a Or. Notice. rsiTBt State. Lji.no Cirrus, KcK-burc, Crown, Nov. 11?. To wl'.iu it may evneern: Notifc is bcrthj- given that tbiOrotron Jt Call lornia Kailnal t'ompanr has filed In this cflic s Lit of lands situated Id tbe lownshitx do scntxMl Ulow, and has applied (or a patent lor said lands: that the list is open to the public (of lDnrxction and a cop? thereof by dcscnpllre subulrlsions, has hoc a postol iu w convenlenl place in this office lor the inspecUou of all vx sons interwtcd and to tha public (erjcrallr: South ol base Hue and al ol Willam ette Meridian, Tp S.'. K U Wi. 6; Kv.sl. Sutho( base line and Wcstol Willamette Mcr Tp. J. B. 4. I Part ol S'i cc. 3: part of W' Sec. JU Tp Jl , K S. 6' . Sec. 33. Withiu the next ruty days lullowiijz tlie data ol this uot ice, protests or contests scam! the claim ol the Couipany to any tract or subdivis ion wlthio an teciioo or part ol secliou, de scribed In the lift, on the ground that tbe sarne is more ahiable (or mineral lhan (ur agricult ural purposes, will be received and noted (ur ie K1 rt to tne lieucral Land Uniee at naKhlneton J.T BBIDOKS, Rimnttr. J. H. BOOTH, Receiver (uitI0) We Have the Best and Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS, s-i -i-.:ili-7-.-,iarsiS The favorite of the Army and Navy. A few of the ships equipped with the Blickens derfer Typewriter during the Spanish-American War. No. 5, $35. St. Paul, Gloucester, Topeka, Buffalo, Oregon, Texas, Indiana, Potomac, Yankee, Frolic. All goods fully guaranteed and sold on the installment plan. Band Instruments, Guitar's, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Accordions,' Autoharps. In fact almost anything in the musical line can be had at the T. K. RICHARDSON STORE. iX X Examine our line of SPRAY PUJ1PS f The best assortment of Pumps ever brought to the County. We carry the celebrated DEMMING, MEYERS, BEAN, GOULDS POMONA. The best Corbalized Spray Hose and the famous Dem ming New Bordeaux Nozzles. Send us your order. Churchill & Woolley. Cass Street Market Wholesale Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Hay, Grain and Flour. D0ZIER & MARTIN, 'PhoneJMain 181. PrOpS. P. Benedick. ... Any JobWork donejat Reasonable p"- nn Triumph Prune Grader F01 Green and dried Prunes. Compact, Practical, Accurate. Send for circulars and testimonials to) WALTER M0RLEY, Patentee and Get your SCHOOL We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Prices are Right. . . . a. c.TBrEfis & co. Our WYLIE PILKINCTON, .Successor to O. W. XOAH.) . .- General Blacksmithinp; AimM HOBIEIUOEISH. rROTTINQ AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY. RXPAIB1KQ OF All. K1SD3 PBOilPTLT DOSE. Shop oa Corner WaatalnKton aad Kane 8ta., Roacba.sT including CHICKERINGS, WEBER, KIM BALLS, NEEDHAM. Besides these we have other good Pianos but cheaper in price but not in quality. BL1CKENSDERFER m it 1 .n 1 19 fWsar 1 3ssBBBaBBsassaTBBBBlsw; cit r? j ajHrOr': . ? v. .-,: 5V yo;Lii" and Retail Dealers in Game in Season, r DndertaBi1 nnd Embalme?. $ Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon. SUPPLIES Marsters. 1 . No. 7, $5Q. The Blickeusder fer is rapidly dis placing the more complicated and higher priced ma chines, as it does the same work equally as well (if not better). 40,000 now in use. v-rt Northbou d I departs 7 :30 a. m. Sonthboonj Rooebarg local. No. 18. arrives 5 :20 p. m. Northbound overland, No. , ar rives 10:33 a. m.; departs 10:45 a. m. bootbboond overland. No. J, arrives 15 a. m.; departs 4:25 a.m. F 8 EIGHT TBAI5S. Northbound fast tbrongb freight. No 221, arrive 4 :10 p. m. ; departs 620 p. m. South bound fast tbrongb freight. No 222, arrives 7 .-00 a. m.; departs 8KX)a 1. Northbound mixed train No. 222 arrive at 2 -55 p. m., Sunday, Wednesdays and rriaays. aparts v:uu a.m.. Handava Thursdays and Saturdays. ooutbboond rsiied tram ro. 226 ar rives at 3 :00 p.m.. 00 Sundays. Mod. days and Fridats, departs 7:15 a. m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. XaTHOBirr Chcch corner of Halo and bus streeta. Bnnday Bervlc: Preaching, 11 a. at and 8 00 p. m.; Sabbath school, M a. m.; U A. Walker, Baperlstendent; Claaa Ksotlnf at cloae of tha momlnf serrtce; Zpworth Laacts 7:00 p. m. T. 8. Colfrey, Preatdent. Prayar Meeting, Wednesday, at 7 : p. m. G. S. ABBoui, Paator. Panoaage, coraor Mala and Laa. C jriTmo Basra us CHVacx oa fowler street. Boaday serrtee, at 11 a. m. aad 7 JO p. m. Pray er Beetiag. Thursday eveoiag. Ha LccT M. Corur, Pastoe. Gaoaoa a CHcaca. Corner Caaa and Main streeta. Servteea on seeood aad Irn;."'""NJ Banday moraing of each month and ererjr evening. Special serf ices annooseed ik. Jt me to time. Ear. Jem Dawson, Missionary. M. E. Cacaca, Socra. Serrieeserexy Boaday omlDg aad evening. Bav J T COttov, Pastas Binisr Chub. corner of Lane aad Boo treeta. Sumlay serrtce: Preaching at 11 a. at. and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath School at 10 a. bl, O. P. Coahow, saperintendeat, rYayer meeUng at 7:30 Wednesday evening. S. A. Docglus, Pastor Tirt t'HBisTLa t'acBca Corner ol Plaa and Woodward streeta. Sunday servlc-es Preaching both morning and erening. Buaday school at 10 a. m. T. P. S.C. K.atS 30 m. m Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at 30. A cordial welcome and greeting awaits L W. A. Wood, Paator PiasT PaasBTTsaiaji Chcbcb Comer ! Caaa and Rose streeta. Sunday service: PahUe worship, 11 a. m., sn 1 a p. so.; "-Mtli school. U s. a. I. P. 8. C E.st 7 p as. Prayer meeting, Wedueaday evening 7:3a . J. A. Townsw. Pastor Taa W. c. T. C. will hold iu regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of every month si T JO p. m. in the Xpworth Leajrus roota of the M. X. Church. O.RAflCO. L trail ABBTXV Fast 8lt Lake. Denrr, Ft Part Mail Worth. OmahaKa s- Mail S p. 111. sasClty,3i.Ua ; h i- S:stsm. eago..:-. j . i Spokane ' Walla Wsl!a Lewiatoa. j Epohaae Flyer , Spokane, ilinaeapolis. Flyer 3-ijp. m. ; bt. Fsa', Uuloth, Mil- 8 a.m. : wmuki, Chicago and Kask , i : S p. m. ocxax SraaJTsarr 4 p. m. i i All Sailina; dates subject ! tachange. i For San Fraaeiseo Sail Dec 3, 8, 13. 18, 3, . 2s and every i days. Daily Colt a si a Sitkb ! Ip. m. EjtunJay TBaJtaas Ex.. Bon. i S p. m. To Astoria and Way Saturday Landings. M p. m. ' C a, m. W'lXLiaaTTB Brm - jujk au Exunday ,Ei Son Orecon City, Kewberg, i alem k V ay-Land s 7 a. m. WuxawBTra ksa Tax- 3a p. m TueaThur" hiu. Bitbbs. Mon.Wcd aad Sal. Oregon City, Dayton and and Way-Landings. S a. 'tu. ! WiLLiBtTTB Kit sb 4 30 p. m. Tues.Thur Mon. Wad and Sat Portland to CorsaHia and and Pit. and Way-Landings. I ' j Leave ! S5ksa Bivxs ' Lcare Kiparla 1 Lewiatoa l:a) a. in. '. Riparia to Lewialon Daily Daily .8:30 a. m. J. F. Givans, Agent, Koseburg, Or. W. H. Hurlburt, Gen. rass. AjrV, PoiUand,Ot TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THS STATS A of Oregon tor Douglas county. Nora Helm, Plain ti ff, ) vs. J Suit in Equit) lor Fletcher Helm, Defendant) s divorce. To Fletcher Helm, the above named de fendant: - In the name ol the Statt. oi Oregon, tou ars hereby required to appear and answer ths computet tilud against you in the above en titled suit on or before the first day of the next regular term ol tho above entitled court toutt: loaday March. 5th, 14 And if you fall ta appear or answer said complaint, within said time, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief, demanded in her complaint as follows: For a decree, of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendeitt, and lor such other reiki as to ths court may appear equitable This Summons is published bv order of Hon. J. W. Hamilton, judge ot said court, which or der is dated January 6, 1900, and ths time pre scribed in said order for the publication of Una summons is once a week tor six weeks proceed ing the nrt day of said term of court, and ths day oi the first publicatio of this summons his January S, 19V0, )JSC ) Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Appointment o Exuect rix. Jotloe la; hereby civcii that the undersigned Wa ou tbe Hth dav of November. 1AW, duly appointed as executrix of the last will ana testameai ol l.eotve X. Kusseli. deceased. Ail persons bavin claims atrainst said estate are nereoy reiuirea to present tbe same properly reritled, to tnud executrix, at Oakland, Douglas county, Oregon, within tlx months from the aate octvoi. Dated this 16 ilay of November, 1S99. FRANCIS L. RUSSELL. Executrix. Notice for Publication. Cxitfd staus Li-nOrrK. Koseburg. Oregon, Decent ber 30. 199. Notice is hereby given that tbe following named settler has filed notice rl bis In Motion to make final proof in support cj-'bia claim, and that said proof will be made fc-'Tore tfe Begistur and Receiver V. a. Land 0fMat Jxoseburg. Oregon, on February 10, 1AX) i- . ISAAC BAILEY, On bit B. E. No. W60,for thlats 13. 14. U and IS Sec. 14, Tp. SO 8, R. 4 W. Uo names the follow ing witne-sses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of raid land, vl.: Rem Fate, and Johu Perdue, ot Davs Creak, Oregon, aud Robert Stewart and J. B. Fullerton of Caoyonville, Oregou. J. T.BRIDGES. Begfst er. s