wmmm AgctablcPtcparaGbafor As similating CicToodandRcCula ting theStomachs andBovids of Promotes "Digestion.Cheerful ncss and Rest.Contains neither Opmm.Morphine nor Mineral. KOT NARCOTIC. Mx Scnnm lSt4 HinmSnJ tla.wja in Ftmr. A perfect Remedy Tor Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Wbrms .Convulsions Jcvcrish ness and Loss of Sleep. lac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. 'iliVI--: ii " 'J TJCACT COPY CF VHAPPEB. Sacl.ty MecUmg T3UBEB0RQ DIVISION KO 476. B. OF LI meets every tecoud and fourth Sunday. WOMEN'S RELIEF COtU-S KO. 10, MEETS Ant and Uiird Friday in each month. TJENO POST, NO. 79, U. A. B, MFKTS THS Am and third Thursdays of ei moclh, t 1 1. in. A LPttA LODGE. KO. 7, K. OF P.. MEETS every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellowf Hall. Visitior Knurhu In good standing cor dially Invited to attend JOS MICELU, C. C. C.H.FIsnER,E. R. S. LAUREL LODGE. A. F. A A. Jt, REGCLAB meeting the 2d and 4ih Wednesdaye In each month. ErGEXE L PARROTT W. M. N.T. J win, S'ecy. TJ OSEBURG CHAPTER, KO. 8. O. E. S.. MEETS the first and tbtrd Thursdays of each areata. MRS. E. J. STROUD, V. M. MAUDE EAST. Sec y. ttOUERN WOODMEN" OK AM K RICA. MEET a on firrt and thitd Tuesday of each tuontb ia the rid Masonic hatl. H. W. M'XUB, V. C B. L. Mabstbbs, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Oak Camp Ko. LA. meets at the Odd Fellows' Hell fa Boscbunr, erery 1st, 3rd and Sin Monday renin. Visiting neighbors always welcome. J. A. BCt HASAN, C.C. X. T. JEWETT, Clerk. pHILElARIAN LOiiGE. KO. . 1. O. O. F. 47 meets Saturdav evening of each week at their hall In Odd Fellow Temple at Roseburg Members of the order in good standine are invit aatoauend. cilAS. OLE-UN K. G If. T. Jbwett. Sec'y. p P. O. ELEi:. R06EBCRQ LODGE, KO. S26, hold their regular communication! at the I O. O. F. hall on second and fourth Thursday I each month. All members requested to at tend regalarly, and all visiting brothers cw- Siauy mviiea to attend. DOCGLA3 WAITE. E. R l IRA RIDDLE, Secretary. DOSEBCRG LODGE. KO. 1. A. O. V. W t meets the second and fourth Mondar.of J even month at 7 30 p. m. at Odd Fellows Hal' Jwvauww va .w uiwei in kwu tWUUiUI UC 111 lM K IWIIII T. JIcCLALI.ES, Recorder. D. . WT Finencier New and Improved Passenger Epuiq ment, via Sunset Route. New Orleans Express (No 10 aud Pa cific Ezpreea So. 9) between t?tn Fran ciacoaadEl Paso, have bcea quipped with free reclining chair cars, fresh from the ahop and in every convenience of sjv ptrintment eqaal to the beet in operation. Each car ia equipped with 53 reclining Chairs, nine of w hich are in a eeparate nicking compartment. Both first and second-class tickets are accepted for pas sage in these cars. These special con veniences and the congenial climate through which these trains pass will doubtless make the nnset Rome very popular for travelers this winter. Notice for Publication. United StnU Land Ollice Koseburp, Or . January 12, 1W. Notice in hereby piveu that the" f'iUowiui; named settler has lik-d notice of his intention to make tinal rof in support of htsciaim, und that said proof will be made before the Rtrieter and Receiver, United statt-s Land Office at ftoseburt;, Ororor, on March 3.W.', viz: WILLIAM H. KOBCROs. Ob bis H. E. Ko b'ci, for the E'i HV.'i, V-i tit-H bection a T. 27 South, R. 7 West. Me names me following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aid land, vii! Cnuu Baell, A. S. BueiL of Looking Glass, Oregon, James Bvawly, D. Jar via, of Roseburg, Oregon. 1 1 J.T. BRIDGET, 012t7) Resit..r. Foints East. 'The "Poitland-CliicaKo SpM-ial," which leaves the Union depot at 8 p. ro. daily ia equipped with strictly up-to-date roomy Pot! ma a deeping car, and free reclining chair chts, s'earu heated aD J lertrio lighted. The European plan dinina car service is a special feature of eicellence on tbia line. Deiicate china, flowers, spotieRB lim-n, firet cla choking and attentive servant !J t the coin tortot travelers. A new library car in attached fo three Iraios. Aa the naaie indici'es. thes cars re fitted op as a library anl readint; room 3ook caaes -OLtai tunic all the atandanl works, tbe current pero.iicaU and daily papers are at the Hipoarof all GrKt and second class passet ger.. Time never hanax hearilv ou the pas sengers' hands hi!e travelinj; on t ir train, and before on is aware of H tin train pulls into the Unioti depot at Chi cago. - For full information regarding the movement of them trains, rates, He . call on or add ret c V. A. ScillLLIXG, Portland, Or. Or J. 1". Givenh, Uo'eSmg, i)r. JII,111 '''til 1 iti&ek- Ill at2k FB j5. H3 jCCk J "lam indebted to (hie Minum Coujsh Care for my health ami life It cured me of lung tronhle following ctip"." Thousands owe their lives to the prompt action of this never failins remedy. It cures coughs, coldfl, croup, oruinliiiiB, pneumonia, g'ippe atnl throat end luiii; troubles. Its ear!y uw; prevenfH con sumption. It ia the only Imrmlefs i-prn dy that givPR immediaiH reeulle. A. C.Marutcrs & Co. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature The Kind You Have Always Bought. TM CCmYAUn CDKMNV, NCW TOR ClTY. Administrator's Sale of Real Property. la the County Court of t-tate of Oregon in and for Douglas CouniT. In the matter of the Estate of Dolimla 11:11, Dervaetl. Kotice is Ivereby Riven that tho undersisncii administratc-r ith ill annexed, of the E'ate ofDelinrts Hill, 'ceased, pursuant to an order oi tue auovv enutieo court maae ana en'erva in the Journal thereof, of date January .'ml, A. i. isw, hi proeeeu tseii on ant alter tne 1 tn Oavot Kbnmn-, rxv, at private sale lor cash in hand, on the premises hecvinaiter in the notice deenbfd, in one ltxlv or in si-parale par cels a may be for the test iutereu of said Es Utte, the followins described real pnpvrl , to it: B-ginnini at a poet 9.2M-bin West of -luarter ecimn pt ttieen eUols ana !. ami irom hich a pine tree X inches in diameter, uin-lo! C. S. B. 1 ., bears North 14 degrees. Wet Ti link d:stant thence North ." Chains to point a 0OChain South of oiilhe.t comer of F. It. Hill dunaunn claim, thence Wt i! s9 1 hnius to or:heat corner of the Und now owned bv A. 1. Ottinirer. thence South 7 Chains to South east comer of name land, thence West M.i5 Cham to the southwest corner of same land and the East bound r of the E. Bunton dona tion claim, thence South 1U Chains to the suth t corner of the s W". Gardiner donali.-o olaiui. th-n-e East alone the South bouudarT oi the same, 41.14 Chains to place of hegjRiiine eonuiining 7o.,v acres, more or less, excepting increimin tue n t.our Cemeterv, aiv exeeptiuft therefrom one half acre for family burjiug grouno. All lyin in Section 7 iu Tiwnship ai. S. R. W est in Doucias County. Oregon. Also the follow iuc described nremises to-i Beeinnine at the Southeast corner of the E Bunton donation claim, theuce West alone the South boundary of said claim, 7-o0 Chains to tne middle oi the County road, thence alontr the same South So1, deirrees, West 4 oO Chains to a white oek tree i inches in diameter, thence South If', d.f rees. West 5.40 Chains, tbenee South dcnt-s East I.i Chains, tlem-e Sooth 2."- fleerees, west aloue center of Main street of ilbur i40.halus. thenw alone ihe land now owned by . E. Couuis, South t de crees. East 1.M Chains to West boundary of IaDd now on ned by J. A Hansen, thence North 30 degrees. East : Chains fo the Northwest cor ner, thence South 0 degrees. East l.So Cluiins to his Northeast corner, thence South 30 de grees. West 4 Chains to his Southeast corner and a creek, thence up said creek degro-s. East 11 Chains to the East boundary of the W. Jenk ins donation claim, thence North 10.3) Chains, taence Norih 2T1. decrees, East 7.5 Chains, thence North S i dejrrees. t 3.7S Chains to the Nor.h boundary of J. Kuvkendall donatiou c'iaim,;tiience We-t 3 -V Chains, to place of be ginning, containing J.'.JC acres All in Section 7, Town-hip i'., S. R. Wet. Also a lot in the tow n of Wilbur, joinine E. 11. Otiinger land on the North. 35 feet by 5i icct in si?e, ali in Douglas Countv, Orciron. Date-lthis Cthdayol January A. D., 13i, at Bcsebnr, Oregon. DW IGHT KEEP, Adminitrator, with will annexed, Estate of Delinda UU1, Deceased. jMi Ad nlstrator's Notice of 5ate of Real Property. Notice is hereby given that by virtue and -in pursuance of an order and decree of the Count-i Court of Douelas Countv, Oregon, dw!v made by Hon. Joe Lyons, Judge cf said Courtj and en tered on t he -II h dav of Jauuarv, ordering and directing the undersigned to sell the real property, hereinafter d-scn bed, beloiigiug to the estate of James K. Hitcbcll, deccasoi at public auction, in the manner proTidsd br law, for the a.e of real propertv on execution I will on Monday, the l'Jth day of Eebruarv, 1j0, at the hour of one o clock, in the afternooB of said day, at the Court House door, in the city of liosebute, Douglas County. Oregon, ofler for sale aud sell at public auction, to the highest aud best bidder for cash, the following described rel propertv, to-wit: The fractional W' of the XK1; of Sec, 3. fractional E'i of NE'4. and Lot N"6. 5. of sec. 4, Tp. 17. S. of K. 4, VV. Willamette Meridan, con taining liit.Si ai res. Also Donation Land Claim of Jonathan Simmons and wife, Kotiti.-ation So. 4. Certificate Ko. 1110, Claim 41, being parts of Sections ;i, 4. and In, in Tp. 27 6. of R. 4. W., containing 3 2.50 acres. Also Lota No. s 1 and 2. of sec. 4, Tj. STS. of R. 4, W . containing 17A acres. Also Lot No. 1, of Sec 10, Tp. Ti S. of Ft. 4, W.. conutinine '22Ab acres, and containing in the a cere-rale. bSj.W acres more or less, all in Douglas County. Oregon Said real property will be sold subject to the riv'ht of dower oi E. C. Mitchell, widow of said deceased, therein, JOHN HAMLIN, Administrator of tac estate O' James K. Milch ell, deceased. Notic?. United States Land Office, K'jskbcbo, or., Nov. as, lsyj. To whom it may concern: Notice ia hereby given that t he Oregon and California Railroad Co. baa filed in this office a list of lands situated in the tow nships described below, and has applied for a patent for said lands: that the list is open to the public for in spection und a toj.y thereof by descriptive stib aivisions, has been posted in a convenient place iu this othPe, for the inspection of all persons interested and the public generallv: South of base line and West of Willamette Meridan. TS6, R 1. KWUNE'i.eecii. T 83, K i. Part .if E! j sec a, and part of W U tec. 1!. T". R2. SE!i NE'4 Sec. 5. T ii, R 3. N'!4SE'.iScc 31. T J7, R 3. Ixits 1 and J Sec. 1. T 27, R i. NW '4 N E'i, Sec 33. Tan, K4. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Sec. i. 1' S2, R 5. NW'i SW;,Secl. T a5, & ; Part of Uli Sec. 21, aud part of fcE'i tz. Ixit 6, Sec. L". T R i.. SWJi KW'i, S-.-c.17. T. it(,. All of Sees. 1, 3, 5. 7, U, II, I I, .,, 17, 1J.21, 2.!, 25, 27,2-j, 3l,:tiand ::. ' Within thu ucjl sixtv davs followlnir Hie oi this notice, biotcsls or contests against the claim of the companv to any tract or subdivis ion w ithin any section or part of section, de scribed in the list, on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agricul lursl purposes, will be received and noted lor reiort to the General Lund Office at Wathing- J. T. BRIDGES, Register. J. H. booth, iiz-UO Receiver. Administrator's Sale. "Vol ice is hcrcly given that the uudf rsigno 1 sthe administrator of the estate of llm.tul. Wilson, deceased, in pursuance of an order of the County Conn ol Douiilen ountv. htsteoi Oregon, duly made unit entered on the ::rd cIhv ( .In uiiitv, rni, will after iiit; iiith dav of Ki-ii. ruary, J 'Jim, at Kiddle. Douglas 'ounty" Slate of Oregon, sell at pi i Mite sale lor cash in hand, the following described real ptoperty, t,o-wil: The south hull of donation claim No. 41 of William I.. Wilson and wile, being part of scc- iion.Hin low ic.iiip ;:u, h. k., i, w ., wil. ifer. ill iooKills t .oiiiiiy, (iri ulol a n't the sajil south .! less " '"u,"-mu ' 1"' r'- ! Duied at Riddle. Douglas Comity, Oregon, -.nut uiii ouv oi .inniini v, jifisi. 'gkokgk k. wise. Administrator of llic estate of iliilduh Wilson, JjeceaHct. jsi; a i ii ELECTION OFFICERS. The Judges and Clerks Selected for the Several Voting Precincts. t he County Court haa aelected Ihe fol io ing election boards for the several preeino'a of the county tor the ensuing two years: J Umpqua Juices: V A McCall, L M Parrott, Win Viuson. Clerks: Sam RftBt, ii. L Mareters. Deer Creek Judges: V R Uuizell, SVan llouten, GeoCoxi Clerks: Geo Ryron, John Hamlin. Millwood Judges: L T Thompson, A;il Churchill, E E Euimitt. C erkt: 15 U Sutton, Louis Decker. Kellogg Judges: T P Maupiu, Geo Elliot, (ieo B Gohle. Clerks: C II Maupiu, H E Andru?. Ojkland JndgeB: J S Hunt, E H Pinkston, P G Eubauke. Clerks: Phil Beckley, J. H Cochran. Calapooia Judges: J as Ellison, I Miller, B J Bjviugdon. Cteiks: Fr.nik Gorrell, J A Underwood. Uosehurg Judges: J C Aiken, John McKeau, II C Siocuui. Clerks: C L Hamilton, F S Gjdfrey. We6t Roseburg Judgea: G V Ke- zartee, R C Crown, Joe Micelll. Cier ks : Geo Worthiug'.on, E P Preble. Rid JU Judsee: J R D.'an, J L Lier, B F Nichols. Cleiks: G Vi Wouacott, P A W-lsou. Cnuyouviln. Jadges: J L Ciough, John Jackson, Al s lew art.- Clerks: J B Fo'd, is VI Morgan. Cow Cieek Judges: Graut Lerens, John Bailev. T B Johns. Clerks: S R Miller, H. Dyer. Glendale Judges: Y L tjuiitb, C E Daugheriv, C P Totten. Clerks: G G F.liiir, Ambrose Marnball. Camas Valley Judgee: Geo finilh, Je. S'.andley, ABC Whipple. Cierks: B.-u J Tow bridge, D J Noah. Teu Mile Judges: John McClelland, Sim BUbiu, O II Flook. Clerks : U Z Ireland, O E Holdridge. Cvil Bend Judges: VV A fciintuous, U R Challenor, L A Kent. Cteik4: S L DiiUrd, Edgar Walker. Mynie Creek Judges: J S lunna vin, Hiram Gallop, C W Rice.' Clerk;: Alfred Coroutt, Chas Richey. Wilbui Judg.-s: EELiBrie, James Ewatt, John Agee. Clerks: GW Short, G W Grobbe. Esjt. Umpqui Judges: Geo fchroui, W J Hughes, D C Livingston. T-lrrks: Will Bond, I Matthews Mt Scott Jodgee: A irchlosman, N N Chapman, W H Shoemaker. Clerks: V L Singleton, H A Blakely. Looking Glass Judges: B F Good man, Lincoln Grimes, Geo E Matthews. Cleika: I B Howard, JaS A Davis. rata Creek Judges: C D Drain, J J Hedden, J A Sterling. Cleiks: L M Perkins, Lee Baiker. Comstock Judges : Joe titchey, W U Lawrence, John Andrews. Clerks: F M Stewart, H W Stewart. Yoncalla Jrdges: A W Lamb, Wal lace Thompson, W V Lewis. Clerks: Frank Helliwell, John Kruse. Coles Valley Judges : M F Callahan, Frsrier Ward, E M Marsters. Clerks: S D Evans, E W Diller. Lake-Judges: S B Colvin, E B Mil ler, I B Howard. Clerks: S J Shram, Scott Morris. Gardiner Judges: R T Ash worth, J J Criteser, J S Gray. Clerks: EJ Har graves, John Lyster. Scottebnrg Judges: A E Oiouf, P P Palmer, Clark McAfe.-. Clerks: V G Grubbe, Fa Sagaberd, Jr. V. kton Jadges: G W Benedict, J M Stark, J 'I Robii on. Clerks: FF Weiis, SH Brown. Perdue Judges: Anderson Bullock, Jrs P Shaw. Frank Fate. Clerks: X Far long, R W Thomason. JIBV LIST. Followiug is the list from which lbs circuit coot; iarors for 190 J will be drawn : Rosebnrg Precinct D W Hunter, Jas Harpham, R L McLaughlin. J M Row ley, C W Smith, Henry Lander, D II Lenox, Cyrus Smith, Frank B Waite, S D Wbiteett, Wiley Pilkington, Chas Schnaufler, A O Rose. . Kellcgg Precinct Geo B Goble, Chas H Maupin, Geo X Eliiott, C A Daily, Wm Mocrea. Perdu9 Precinct Cuas Met, John Perdue. Umpqua Precinct W J Landers, J I Chpman, Ii J Wilkius, Fred Laugh, 4J C Stanton, T J Criteser, D P Fisher, Wm Watkina, G W Perry. J K Tooley, Thos Co'.bourne, Henry Woodward, II M Martin. West Roseburg Precinct E S Hodeou, G W Rapp, H S Conn, W I Garner, J T Mabley, Jos Wharton Sr. E T Preble, D S Stockwell, Ii J Robinett. Calapooia r.'jcint t T B Fagan. J M Ellison, Dwight Reed, C G Darland, P G Eubanks, J A Cole. Oakland Precinct Robt Hall, H Cockeram, J L Hunt, John Hogan, P C Parker. C L Chenoweth, II C Under wood, T J Medley, J C Young, LW Dunham. Scottsburg Precinct T V Andrews, Wm S3i;aberd, Fred Weatberly, TN Grubbe. Elkton Preoinct A B Haines, H G Brown, J J Heuderer, Robt Haney, J L Keul, F F Wells, C L Beckley, John Binder. Uke Precinct W S Carl, B F Wilkes, Gardiner Precinct Robt Wade, Sol Perkins, Chas, Mark", R G Balderree, C E Ricker, Henry Hanson. Cow Creek Precinct L II McEfroy, Wm McGiunie. Cituas Valley Precinct Jacob Denn, R L Martindale, Woi Oddy, G M Prior, A It C Whipple. Looking Glass Preciuct Jolio Ilea 8 ley, J T Spangh, James Denning, John Fitzgerald, Goo Marsh. East Umpqua Preciuct U V Watson, Peter Paraaou, 0 E Smith, A Matthews Albert Wilsor-. (latapooia Precinct Frank Gorrell, E Harteock, , II Davis, TJ Hiuginbotbam. Rid.lle Precinct Stilly Kiddle, PA Wilson, A 1'- Nichols, M W Pruner, J S Pardee, John Hchopp, (ieo Ctltsforth, l.enia AhIi. Mt Scott Preciuct O Barker, C S Malth'tws, K B Chapman. Coles Valley Piecinc Pat Murphy, S O E.t ery, Wm Kamp, S I) Evaus. L T Thompson, W E MarsterB, 11 A Wood ruir. Canyonvillu IVccino -J ItPickotl.G W P.o-l-uTl M If Jul.o.n.l ' n.ui.l ! Hughes, J W Pardee, J L Clotigh, Ophlr i Byais, E D Day. Yoncalla Precinct Geo Applogate, Jos McKee, II Morgensen, A J Lee. A W Limb. M V Kinman, Z L Cos, P V Coffey, W J Hanan, L E Warner. Deer Creek Precinct S C Bartrum, Geo Weber, J B Morris, 0 P Barnard, E Hatfield, C II Odn, Ejoa Dixn, W F Gillam, I) 0 McWilliams, John McClel land, Arthur Cloake, E A Kruse, Peter Hansen, S II Monson, S D Stephens, T K Richardson. Millwood Precinct E E Emmett, C L Germond, Geo Bennett. Wilbur Preciocl John Agee, T J Gil lam, Kre l Brczio, N T Day, JasCojpar R J Farusworth. Ciyil Bend Precinct S C Miller, W A Gridley, Edgar Walker, David Thomp son, Chas Winston, F L Dillard, IB Nichols. Ten Mile precinct F4D Newlaud, M L Bushnell, Jai Byron, O E Holdridge, Wm Irwin, W E Cochran, W II UoaIh. Glendale Precinct F O Pio'.ner, W II Red field, J A Jacques, J L Deey. Myrtle Creek Precinct II M Oitman, Jarues Dannivan, T. E Strode, J D Strong, Jacob Brjwo, B R Joues, Henry Wiley, H W Pratt, Joshua Fawcett, J C Truman, John Hall. Coms'ock Precinct R J D-jLviuey, W II Gray, Jos M Ritchey. Pass Creek (Precinct E S Lowe, Aug Hickatbier, Wm Hedrick, Tbos Cox, Clark Fegles, J W Spalding, Wm Wiee, L L Ltntz, J II Stocker, Howard Sjnt.h Sam Jones. KOAU 8l'l'RVl01tS. Following are Ihe road eupervisora just appointed, with their post office ad dresses and number of their districts: 1 J C Flint, Ada. 2 LB Carter, Alece. W A Smiley, Gardiner. S H Wilson, Gardiner. Arthur Wa!ker.Smpeon. Wm Burchard, Scot'.sburg. Cbas Franklin, Elkton. John E Leiaotu, Elkton. . J esse Tli jin psoti, Millwood. E T Wo jdrJlT. Cleveland J E Williaiuf, Loukiig Glass. T J Willia.ua, Ten Mile. o 4 5 ti 7 8 10 11 li 13 :i 13 Id 17 IS 10 S R Brisbin, Oialu S S BjiMt-.ger, Bro.ka.iy. f Wm Thump on, Camas Valley. Geo K Q'lii.e, Kiddle. G W Wonacjtt, Riddle. DB ReJGeU, Gleudale. 20 A O Mattoon, Drain. 21 David Griggs, Comstock. 22 Wm Helawell, Yoncalla. Robt Long, Yoncalla. Geo McDoagall, Yoncalla. Henry W.tte, EU Head. A J Dear, Oakland. P S Darland, Oakland. E E LtBiie, Wilbur. E II O.Unger, Wilbur. S H Munson, Roseburg. E Brothers, Roeeburg. M C Raille. Rossborg. L L Mathews, Roseburg. J J Thornton, Oak Creek. S D Chapman, Glide. II L Engles Peel. Cbas A McGee, Rofeburg. N T Jewetf, Koseburg. R L McLaughlin, Roseburg. Wm X Moore, Myrtle Creek. T L Breaer, Myrtle Cret-k. A L AJy, Myrtle Creek. Andrew Brook, Caoyonville. L L Perdue, Perdue. John Albro, Galesville. 23 23 30 21 32 33 3i 35 3U 37 3S 30 40 41 42 43 44 45 Drain Items. (Watchman.) D. Hedden was visiting friends in Yoncalla Saturday. B.-ntoa Mires spent several Oakland last week. davs in Hod. W. W. Wilson ot Yoncalla, was an out-of-town visitor Sunday. Hon. J. T. Bridges of the U. S. Lsud Office, in Roseburg, was in the city Son day. MibS Hannah Wilson was in frcrn Yon calla San lay, returning Monday even ing. Rev. . E. Gardner letorned to this city Tuesday, from Myrtle Creek, where be went to fill an appolotment. Robert Bailer, who is wot king at Coin slock, came down from there on Satur day's train, and returned on the follow ing day. Mies Mae Roberts left on Sunday's train for Cottage Grove, where she is slaying at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Henderer. Recent additions, e are told, to the trait ing school, Lave brought the total enrollment up to 133. This is a large increase over last year. Mrs. Gei. Jones came jp on Thurs day's s'aje, eorouta to her home at Aberdeen, Wash., after a visit m iib rela tives and friends at Elkton. Miss Sallie Wilbctn, who has been visiting relatives and frienda in Elkton ank vicinity, came op Thursday, on her way home to Cottage Grove. Mrs. W. W. Wilson and children, of near Yoncalla, passed through this city on Sunday's local, for Divide, to yisit Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. MoDjle. Mrs. Addie Spragr.e, accompanied by her daughters, Myrtle and Ruth, went to E' -n Tuesday. They will visitjrela t . a in Gardiner before returning to tins city. W. A. Perkins returned from his trip to Sa'em nt.d Portland Friday. He was accompanied home from Salem by his grandchildren, Fred and Mildred Perk ine, whose homo is in that city. Mr. und Mrs. J. II. Nosier were regis tered at the McCallister Hotel Sunday, They arrived on the 3:47 train, from Eugene, where they were recently mar ried, and left on Monday's stage, for Co quille City, where they will permanent ly reside. Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Barzee and daugh ter Lela, of Minto, Oregou, are visiting at the homo uf the former's brother in this city. Miiu Lela will attend school here, whilu her patents 'visit points in Douglas and Coos counties with a view of securing a suitable location. Medford Bnrglars in Eugene. Homo of thu plunder taken from the blurt) of Messrs. Shone & Schermerhorn, in Medford, when il was burglarized re cently, has been found in Etigone, in the po-seHsioii of two men named James Norton and Chas Monte, who are under arrest there for attempted burglarly in Engeno. TidingH. emu iiflp the result of repeated acuta attack. Ths liver and spleen are principally affected. They act as storehouse for the malarial poison and the blood takes it from them. The poison mutt be driven out of the system. BUD VAN will destroy the action of the poison and event ually drivoout the last particle of it from the system. In addition to this, HUDYAN will restore the lost app e. It will bulla up tba weakened system. BCD VAN will make new blood and new flesh. The pain in Ihe bone will disappear. Hl'OYAN has cured other and It will ruro you. We describe the symptom. Study them carefully. They arc yours. Do not delay longer, but Uke BUDYAN now and you will be cured. HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS: 1. CONSTANT HEADACHE AND TROUBLED BRAIN. Take HUDYAN and your headache will dLisppear. 2-3.- PALE OR YELLOWISH COM PLEXION. HUOYAN will establish a free circulation of purj blood and cause the cheek to assume their na'ural color. 3. LOSS O? APPETITE AND ON AW INO IN THE STOMACH. HUDYAN wil! restore Hot appetite and the digestion of food will become perfect. 4. FEELING OF WEIGHT OVERTHB LIVER. This is due to the enlargement ot ihe liver. It i tilled with the poison of ma laria. HCUY.W will drive out the poison and cause the org in to assume its natural sire. 6. HEAVIIIE33 IN THE REGION OP THE SPLEEN. The spleen become greatly enlarged. HUDYAN will lessen the congesticn and cause the heavinesa to disap pear. You aik suffering from Chronie Malaria and you ris be cured. Ill'DYA.V will relieve your evert symptom and make you well. HI O VAN can be obtained of all druggist for ioc. per package, or s packages for IJ.So. If your druggist doc no; keep it, send direct to the Mi ni v HKMKliV COMPA.x Y, San Fran- rlC", Californii Kcmember that you can consult the Ml l)YN DOCTORS VHEK. Call and see ihe doctors. You mat call and see tbem. or write, as you desire. Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY. Car. Stockton, Market sad Ellis St., Sa Fraacitca, Cat I LI T HE DlREl T:R0L"TKT 1 Montana, Utah, Colorado and aSI Eastern Points. (Jives choice of iwu favorite routes, via the' UNION PACIFIC Vast Mail Line, or the KIOtiBANPEiscenlcUnc. Look at the time i Ja days to Salt Lake 23 days to Denver days to Chicago days to New York Free HcclltsliiK Cbalr cars, tp tsolatcred Xourlat; Bleeping Can, Paltsnam Palace Bleep lax rarXoperated on all tralus. fu. further lnfonn'WIppiy 10 J. F. OIVANS, Agt., RoseUig , O. Terr-, W. E Comaa, TrT rs. Agt. l-'l Third El . Geo Agt. ret: :o Or. Notice. Csitbd States, Land orrua, Uoscburg, Oregon, Nov. ?g, lr. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the Oregon k Ca'l fornia Kat.road Company has filed in this office a !.: of lands sitnated in Ihe townships de scribed below, and has applied for a patent for said lauds: that the list Is open to the public for inspection and a copy thereof by descriptive subdivisions, has been posted in a convenient place in this office for the inspection of all per sons intcirsted and to the public generallt. South of base line aud East of Willam ette Meridian. Tp 3?. K l. H'jiwjjiw.si. South oi Use hue and Weelof Willamette Mcr Tp. A R.4. i'artof N't ore : part of W'i Sec. ;L Tp Jl , K &. XtU SWJkr andlji!,6rScc.85. Tp K ,. N'-s sWi.Sec.3 Tp S7, K7. b! : tjec. S5. wlthiu the next sixty days following the dale ol this notice, protests or contest agaiurt the claim of the Company to any tract or subdivis ion within an section or part of section, de scribed in the list, on Ihe giound that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agricult ural purposes, will be received and noted for le pori to the tiencral Land Office at Washington J.T. BRIDGES, Register. J. H. BOOTH, Receiver (utl0 Pi OREGON RY.i? We Have the Best and Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS, ft f-s -T I 'ffg-'T-'" . ; I! y The favorite of the Army and Navy. A few of the ships equipped with the Blickens derfer Typewriter during the Spanish-American War. No. 5. $35. St. Paul,- Gloucester, Topeka, Buffalo, Oregon, Texas, Indiana, Potomac, Yankee, Frolic. All goods fully guaranteed Guitars, Banjos, Maudolius, the musical line can be had f a. yo6 piK Examine our SPRAY PUflPS The best assortment of Pumps ever brought to the County. We carry the celebrated DEMMING, MEYERS, BEAN, GOULDS POMONA. The best Cprbalized Spray Hose and the famous Dem niing New Bordeaux.Nozzles. Send us your order. Churchill & Woolley's. Cass Street Market Wholesale Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, Hay, Grain and Flour. DOZIER & MaRTIN, 'PhoneJMain 181. PrOpS. r ii is r. oeneqiCK -m Any JobWork donegat Reasonable r Triumph Prune Grader F01 Green and dried Prunes. Compact, Practical, Accurate. Send for circulars and testimonials to' WALTER MORLEY, Patentee and Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon Get" your. SCHOOL We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Our Prices are Right. . . . - A. C.MARSTERS & CO. vwww AYL-IE pilkington. Successor to O. W, NOAH. J General Blacksmithing ATM MM WOUaKHHOEIlt-ti). rROTTINO AND RUNNINQ PLATES A SPECIALTY. KKFAIRINQ OF ALL EIXDS PKOilPTLY CONE. Shop ou Corner Washington and Kane Bta., Bsseba; including CHICKERINGS, WEBER, KIM BALLS, NEEDHAM. Besides these we have other good Pianos but cheaper in price but not in quality. 1 BL1CKENSDERFER, and sold on the installment r ft s . . Violins, Accordions, Autoharps. In fact almost anything in at the T. K. RICHARDSON STORE. line of and Retail Dealers in 0 Untai1 End Entalner. $ SUPPLIES fTiB- At Marsters. No. 7, $50. The Blickensder fer is rapidly dis placing the more complicated and higher priced ma chines, as it does the , same work equally as well (if not better). 40,000 now in use. plan. Baud Instruments, Northbou d RoseourgtU:toito departs 7:30 a. m. fSonthbooal Rosebnrg local. 5o.lt. arrives 6 :20 p. m. Northbound overland, Na. 5. rives 10 :3o a. m. ; departs 10 :43 a a. boatbboond overland. No. 6, arrival :15 a. m. ; departs 4 :25 s. m. FBEIOHT TBAD.a. Northbound fast tbroneh freiabt. Ko 221, arrives 4:10 p. m.; deparu 5:20 b. m. Southbound fast tbrongh frsiabt, 27a 222, arriyes 7:00 a. m.: departs 8.-00 m. Northbonnd mixed train No. 299 urlw at 2 -55 p. ta., Sunday, Wednesdays aad Fridays, departo 9:00 s. Mondays Thursdays and Saturdays. Bout n two nd mixed train Ag. S2 ar rives at 3 K t. m.. on Snndat. Um days and . Fridats, departs 7U5 a. ss. Mondays, Thursdays and Satnrdsys. XarnonisT Chcixh corner of Haln and Lta'' - treeta. Sunday Berrtea: Preaeaiag, n a. and 8:00 p. m.; Sabbath school, IS a. m.; I A- walker. Superintendent: Claaa XaaUa) a ctoM of the morning sertlee; Xpwertk TtiaT 7:tP- m. W. 8. Godfrey. Praatdeat. Prara Meeting, Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. G. R. AaxoU, Pastor, Panooage, eornar Main and Lata i C5itbd Barraaxw Ckcbcx on Powlsr atne 8anday service, at U a. m. and 7J0p.mv. Pr- er meeung. Thursday evening. , Mrs. Loct M. Ccrur, Paster. BT.tiloauc s CHCacav-CorBcr Caaa a Main streets. Bervices on second and foorr Sunday morning ot each month and erery Bar evening, bpecial services anaooaecd trot me to time. Ear. low Dawsov, Mlasioaary.t M. E. CatatH, Boctb. Serviees every Saada -otning and evening. f Ear J T COTTOt. Pastf Baitist CHcaca comer of Lane and aa! ueets. Sunday serttoe: Preaching at 11 a. a sad 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m O. loaaow, sopenntendeot. rrayar matHag :30 Wednesday evening. H. A. Docglas, Pastor PiasT CBauitajr catacH-Coratr at Pin and Woodward streets. Enadaw anlaaw Preaching both morning and erenlnc. Baada school at 10 a.m. Y. P. E.C. E. atCSB m. at Prayer meeting each Wedneadav mtnina- at 7.30. A cordial welcome and greeting swmSi J- - W. A. Woe, Pastor FiBST Pasaarrxauui Cacacai Corner of Caaa sad Bose streeta. Sunday service: PabUe worship, 11 a. m., anl a p. nv: Babaafa school, 10a.m. Y. P. tLCE.at7w.av. Prayer meetinc. Wednesday evening 7:30 J. A. Towssum, Psetor Tata W. C. T. TJ. will hold its regular meetinai on the second sad fourth Moadays of arny month at 730 p. ra. in the Xpwortht Tssgns room of the M. X. Church. 0.RANCQ. I-ESAiT Ajonrv Fast Salt Lake. Denrr. Ft I Pact Mail Worth. Omaha K a n- I Mail S p. m. sasCltyi-Loa Ci i- 1 (49.. Spokane ' Walla Walla Lewis ton. Flyer i Spokane, Minneapolis. 3:43 p.m. I St. Paul, Duluth, MU ! waakie, Chicago and East J Bpohana rly la. 8 p. m. ! ocsuw SraiapHir j AU Sailing date subject, f A rh.nfv ' For San Francisco ! Sail Dee. 3, S, 13, IS, 3, i and every 5 days. DaUy Exunday s p. m. Saturday IS p. m. CoLraaiA Krvxa STB AS BBS To Astoria and Way Landings. Ez.-.Sna. a. m. Exunday Wiuisim Krvxa Oregon Citv, liewberr, Salem i Way-Land s it iuj. au jEzSna Is. in. IWnxAarrrv km Yaw-il xi w. ia ToeaThnrsI atuRivsas. Moa.wtd" anatau I uregon ury, laytoni ana ana n ay-unaing. 6 a. m. WlLLAJf ETTE Birtiw a-wt a Tues-Thurs! M on Wed and Sat. Portland to CorvaEI and and Fii. and Way-Landings. ' ' i Leave Ripaxia 1:3) a. m. Daily SN ABB KiVKB Riparia to Lewiston iLearo Lswtatea Daily 8:SS a. as. J. F.Qivans, agent, Rosebnrg, Or. W. Ii. Harlburt, Oen. rats. Agt, PoiUaaa, 0 TS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE -a of Oregon for Douglas county. Nora Helm.. Plaintiff, vs. J Snit in Equity for Fletcher Helm, Defendant) a divorce. To Fletcher Helm, the above named de fendant: Id the name ot the Stati of Oregon, von ara hereby required to apiiear and ans-war th. compl.tivt filed against yon in the above aa tiiied suit on or before the first day of tho next regular term ot the above entitled court towit: Monday .March. 5th, 1900. And if yon fail to appear or answer said complatwt, within said time, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint as follows: For a decrew of divorce dissolving tho bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendent, and lor each other relief as to th. conrt may appear equitable This Summons is published by order of Hon. J. W. Hamilton, judg of said conrt, wbieh or der 1 dated January 6, 1900, and tho tiss. pro scribed in said order for the publication oi this summons is once a week for six week pietud ing the first day of said terra of conrt, and at day of the first publicatio of this summons his January 8, 1900. . F.W.BESSON. )3t7.) Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Appointment o Exuect rix. V-otice i hereby given that the undersigned waaou the ltih day of November, 1S8S, duly appointed a executrix of the last will and tMt.lltllllt At IVMM. ft U 1 Jl ... . v. ltri. 4. nuwi-u, UCWWVU. M.II nerson-i navinv rlmima ' n.r iA .... hereby required to ptesent the tame properly verified, to said executrix, at Oakland, Douglas county, Oregon, within tix months from the date, nereoi. Dated this lti day of November, 1&9. FRANCIS L. Rl'SSELL. Executrix. Notice for Publication. rstTFD STA1BS LAND OrrtCB, Roseburg, Oregon, December 30, 1S9. Notice is hereby given that the follow me" named settler has filed notice of hi latsatio . to make final proof in support of bia claim, aad A that said proof will be made before the Blst-r" . V and Receiver V. s. l.aa.l office fat Koseburg, Oregon, on February 10, 1900 ri: ISAAC BAILEY, On his H. E. No. SOOO.Ifor theJots 13. 1-t. 13 and IS Seo. 14,' Tp. 30 S, R. 4 W. tic names th. follow ing witnesses to prove nts continuous raaidsnea upon and cultivation of laid land, vti: Hem Fate, and John l'erdne, of Davs Croat, Orcton, and Robert Stewart and J. B. PuUerton of Canyonville, Oregon. J.T. BRIDGES. Raglst er. at