The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 29, 1900, Image 3

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JANUARY 29, 1900.
Bilious headache, yellow skin, coated
tongue, fevered Hps. Hadyan caret.
Fifty ceDie.
Ladies H jou are looking for number
one vtlees in knit underwear, call at tbe
Kovelty Store.
Willis Kramer was up from Myrtle
Creek firet uf the week. Observer,
Grants Pace.
Ex-Senator S. A. Dawson of Albany,
passed through Friday on his way home
from a visit at Ashland.
TbeKural Narihweet and 6emi-weekly
Plaideaixk both one year for only 2
price ofone paper alone.
Two-thirds of yoar life is spent ia your
shoes. Try the Novelty Store shoe?, no
be'ter made for tbe money.
The specific remedy for troubles of the
blood, kidneys,' stomach, liver, is Uood
SaraaparflU, the great blood purifiar.
G. W. Carter, of Canyooville, post
master and merchant of that place, wa
doing business in Boeebnrg, Saturday.
After all , others fail to give you talis
faction take your watch to J. T. Bryan
and be will make it run for you. (nlid)
Take a "equiot" ts you pies by
Churchill A Woolley. See their win
dow display of silver ware and Eastman
A fine (Do C. G. Conn, cornet model
sclo alto horn, burnished silver, gold
1 tipped, good as new. Only $25 at T. K.
A. F. Rogers, the genial representa
tive of the Blake, McFall Paper Co., of
Portland, was in the city Friday nd
Saturday last.
If vou are tired and dull, can't get
rested, and have no appetite, take
flood's Sirsapariila. It enriches and
aitalizcs tbe blood.
J. M. Macy and family, of Oakland
Oregon, arrived in Med lord Tuesday and
will reside here permaoently. Mr. Macy
will open a blacksmith shop on tbe
Weet Side. Medford Mail.
will atop a cough at any time, and will
core tbe worst cold in twelve hours, or
money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 ds.
v Vor sale at Eapp's drug store.
The latest in photos at Graves' gallery
Oakland, Or., is tbe stamp or fun pict
ures, and the Celoron panel for portraits.
Gat some of the fan pictures and sur
prise your friends with a smile.
County Trtaearer George Dimmick re
turned from Kellogg Thursday evening.
He says his brother, Tbeo. Dimmick,
had a close call for bis life and had not
fully recovered from the exhaustion and
exposure when he came away.
F. B. Thirkield, Health Inspector of
Qhicago, says, "Kodol Djspepaia Cure
cannot be recommended too highly. It
cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di
gests what you eat and cures indigestion,
heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia.
A. C. Ma raters & Co.
Dr. I)arrin can be consulted free a1
the McClallen House until Feb. 18th.
Hours 10 to 5 and 7 to 8 daily. Tbe
poor free, except medicine. Tbe cure of
seminal weakness, lost manhood, vari
cocele, hydrocele, gonorrhea, sphilis and
stricture a specialty, as well as all chron
ic disease. Batteries and belts fur
nished if necessary. Catarrh . cured
for $-5 a month. Eyes tested ftee and
glasses fitted.
Our Door Swings in
- We are always glad to have you come in. Buying or not
buying has nothing to do with it. Come in and get familiar
1 with the stock. Then wheu jrou want something in the line
Honest Footwear you'll know where to come. Another lot of
of the celebrated WATERPROOF SHOES just received.
Conform to the wearers foot. Perfection in workmanship,
pretty in design. Scroll Top Vesting Patterns in Ladies'
and Misses' goods. Buy them now the probabilities are you'll
pay more for them after awhile.
Remember we sew all rips free of Charge.
lie Place.
jjre; Always the Cheapest.
specially call your attention to
Doilies, Table Scarfs, Etc. The prices are right and will
please you from any point of view. A multitude of good
things for the Holidays in Collarettes, Fancy Skirts, Fas-
cinaors, Gloves, Etc. Seeing our full assortment is the
only method we know of that will convince 3'ou, that 3-011
have made a mistake, in not buying your goods from us
wear, Fancy Shirts, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Muf
flers, Fancy Suspenders, Etc., and speaking about prices,
we are not only as low, but lower than other firms, whose
boast inay be that they sell cheap. Goods and prices talk
for us.
Our line of shoes is unsurpassed, we sell and recommend
the well known Douglas Shoes for men, which means ab
solutely the Best. Get into a pair of them and make j-our
feet glad. Pay us a visit and we promise to show j-ou
more and better values than 3-011 will find elsewhere.
I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor.
For first-class tlectitry go to Dr
Little of Oakland.
None like the . Bradley & Metcalf bjots
at the Xovelry Store.
You can get the best 50-Jent overalls
at the Novelty Store. Try Item.
For fine shoes ask for Dr. A. Reed's
cushion shoe, at Joeephson's.
Ges. K. Qaine, of Riddle, came over
Saturday morning on a bueineee visit.
Special sale of silk plushes for 35, 40,
50 and 75 cents per yard at Josephson's.
J. W. Arnold went to Roseborg, la6t
Saturday. Tbe Leader, Cottage Grove.
Heartburn, coated tongue, bad breath,
constipation. Hadyan cures. All drug
gists, 5J cents.
Miss Kate Buick of Roseburg, left
Monday for Redding to visit relatives.
Valie Record, Ashland.
A 6' foot cro:6-cut eiw, nearly new, -to
trade for a trunk, watch or wood. Ad
drees, D. H. Keid, Rcseburg.
The insurance policy for comfort is
found ia our line cf shoes, Novelty Store
shoes are uoequaled for tbe money.
You will find justwbat yoa want in a
pocket knife, out of that last consign
ment jast received at Churcbili &
Rev, llarbit, pastor of the M. E.
Church at Wilbur, came in Friday even
ing to attend quarterly meeting at Eden
bower Sunday night.
Born, to the wife of Wm. Hodeonof
West Robeburp, Jan. 25th., a son, This
is another republican voter result of
McKinlej prosperity.
Dr. Isabel Sedgwick has now secured
offices and residence at the S. E. corner
of Casa and Main slreers in the home o!
Mr. Gej. H. Churchill.
Oa Monday W. G. Wright melted up
(140 worth of g3ld for W. H. L, of
Jacksonville, who extracted it from a
pocket near tbe Apple ga'.e. Valley Rec
ord, AthhnJ.
G. H. Appl'on, Justice of Peace,
Clarksburg, N. J., eaye, "DeWitt'a Little
Early Risers are tbe beet pilla made for
constipation. We uae no others."
Quickly cure all liver and bowel troubles.
A. C. Marjtera & Co.
If yoa overlook us yoa have made
mistake. We are the people you are
looking for, we have tbem. Low prices
are at our store. Rice & Rick.
House Furnishers.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mann arrived in
Medford yesterday from Cottage Grove,
Mr. Mann ia tbe gentleman who has
purchased tbe South Oregon Eye. Pos
session of tbe plant is to be given Feb
ruary let. Medford Mail.
sick headache, indigestion and conetipa
sion. A delightful herb drink. Re
moves all eruptions of tbe skin, produc
ing a perfect complexion, or money re
funded. 25cts. and 50 cts. M. F. Rapp,
J cst Received. A large liue of string
instruments, violins, mandolins, guitars,
banjos, also a large stock of smaller in
struments. Violins from (4 up. Mando
lins from 7 up. Accordions 2 to $10.
Other instruments in propsrtion. Great
value in these instruments. See them
at T. K. Richardson's.
J. I. Bevry, Loganton, Pa., writee, "I
am willing to take my oath that 1 was
cured of pneumonia entirely by the use
of One Minute Cough Cure afters doctors
failed. It also cared my children of
whooping cough." fjnickly relieves and
cures coughs, colds, coup, grippe and
throat and lung Children all
like it. Mothers endorse it.
A. C. Marsters & Co.
our lines of Linens,
We are showing an elegant line
of Holiday Novelties in Neck
A fine liue of spray pumps at Ch arch
ill & WooIIey's.
Call on Gaddis Bros, for hay and oats,
at tbe Kosbey barn.
Wanted To purchase a gcod panther
skin. hoqaire at tbis office.
Price reduced oa Winchester ritles at
Cborcbill & WoolIt-yV.
Bond, the watchmaker sells fp.claclca
at lowest pi ices aud can fit tbem cor
rectly. Pimple, eruptions, sweaty bands and
feet are cured by Hudjan. All druggists
0 cents.
Special sale of children's scarlet all-
wool underwear fjr 33 cents per garment,
at Joaephfon'e.
Sick headache, fullness in 6tomacb,
pain in bowels. Hadyan cures. All
du;gists, 50 cents.
A fine easy rocker is a joy forever and
Strong has a late shipment that will
make anyone joyous.
Either chickens or turkeys can be
hatched in a Petelama Incubator, See
them at Churchill & Woolley.
Do you know a bargain when yoa see
it. They are looking yoa straight in
the eyes when yoa are in oor store.
Rice & Rice.
Capt. S. S. Mathers, accompanied by
his famous deg "Jack," le.t Ash:3nd fcr
Roseburg, Monday night. Ashland
Just Beetle icocey jcu could have
made if yoa had bought an incutator
last season. Talk with Churchill &
E. DuGas. M. D., member Board of
Pension Examiners. Office. Marsters
buildiug residing corner Dacglan and
Jackson street.
Jo&t arrived at S.roue'tj Furniture
Store, a late shipment of fine rcckers,
call and se them they are worih looking
at and will not lata Ion;.
Mrs. Miller has moved her music
studio to 419 Laoe St., and can accom
modate a few more pupils at either piano
or organ at the her etadio or at lbs home
of the pupil. Lessons 25 cents each.
All peculiar female troubles, irregular
menstruation, leuco-rhoea, displacement
etc., are confidentially treated, as well as
all acute, chronic, private and nervous
diseases of whatever nature, if curable;
no cases if not curable.
At a recent meeting of the creditcrs of
Joy & NefT. bankrupts, of Oakland, R.
L. Sabin was selected as trustee, Com
missioner Abraham appointed as ap
praisers of the property B. J. Bovingdon,
A. F. Stearns and Z. L. Dimmick.
are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures
heart burn, raising of the food, distress
after eating or any form of dyspepsia.
One little tablet gives immediate relic f
25 cts. and 50 cts. For sale at M. F,
Rapp's drug store.
J. B. Sceedon and Cbae. Soeedon, of
Nevada City, Cat., came in from the
south tbis morning, called to Marshfield
by the death ut their brother at that
place. Tbey will try to get through to
morrow, if possible, ia order to attend
their brother's funeral.
A Grand Masquerade Ball.
On the evening of Feb. 14tb, 1900, tbe
Nat;ve Sons of Joe Lane's Cabin No. 1G,
will give a masquerade ball. Ao excel
lent timo is anticipated and meaDS will
not be spared to make the occasion a
most enjoyable one.
Will C. Hildebrand.
Mr?. Si.o WillU is vitldug fri. .It in j
Stilloy Riddle of Cau)ouvil is n
Roseburg visitor today. '
Prof. Jas. Davis of Looking (JLtse hub
doiug business iu town Saturday.
Wm. Beckley of Elkton was in the
city this morning looking after business.
Burr Jones, a:. iS. P. fireman has been
transferred to a run south and will move
to DjuEinuir.
John L. Arzucr, one of Can)otivi!I's
prominent cituer.s and business men, 's
in tbe city today.
Napjloon Rice, of the lirm4'jf Kioe &
Rice, tha House Furnishers, ia spending
a few days iu Portland.
V. R. Thompson of 1'ir.pqua Ferry,
whs in the city ttio last of t lie week
thick it) liand-t w iih friends
Bond but tho nicest brjfze cbeks f o
holiday presents, muet be sold at boin
pric-. Come and koI okp.
Wm. Waddlr, t-t Roseburg, arrivnj in
the Valley jehterdy, call-.d as a witnets
in the Cullius ia9e. Tidings.
Atthur P. Jilins)n of Portland, sr
rivid 1 ere Saturday uioniiuj; on a visit
tt his mot! ir, Mrs. F. II. AppelhtfT.
When you come to Portland remem
ber aud have your t. -lb fixed by Ir. M.
W. Davis. lOo.'a Firtt .St. (j24)
F. M. Uaoorrt, otm uf Myrile Creek's
oldest and mot prominent citizen U in
tho c'uv today anJ calied ut this cilice
MibS Peat! Churchill' came home
Monday, from a f?w days vii-it in
Southern O.egon. Tim Leader, Cot'aje
Judjj lU.iii.ton Mid (i-o. Prown,
d:'riit :'.t rr.ey, turn- le tified from
Lino 1 lo'.itity. tilit-ro t -y ere ulU'tld
in' our'.
Tliey won't lay egs but "uii'ic grc
ious'' liuw ility mill ett nn. I hicti tbem
that lie- Petaluma incubator sold by
Churcbiil it Woolley.
We will send you tie semi-weekly
Plaishealek aiid the- U.egon Poultry
Journal, the l-c-t poultry jmrnil in the
Northwest, loth for fl.TJ.
We acknowledge I leawnt call this
week from Key. II. II. Buikuer of liar, bo ha been codu-'ing religious
BPrviccs at Acme. Farmer West.
Rev. X. J. Harbil, of Wiltur. will
prr.ach at KJeubowcr, text Surdiy, Feb.
4ta., at 11 'click a.m. Tbe people are
CDrpially invi'ed to tins.1 services.
Olea. W. II. Dyiirs was iu tho tity
Saturdav iatervieoing fiiendsbnt wert
south on tbe evening train ; te js Mrs.
Byars is stili in very oor health.
Mr.'. N. Bjyd recive-l a letter staling
that J. S. Piaster had died at Boiee,
Idaux ou the S'.b., iefct. Mr. Pias'er
was fjrinerly a rcbident of R weburg.
Tne Petaluma iocuhator keeps "ever
lftici itt it," never lets go nnti! the
chickens come. Yuikeys equliy as
well. Oct pi ices , at Churchill .t WooV
Taylor Beckley lf: liid.iy fr the far
north expecting to exploru tie frcreu
gold fields of Cape Nome i:i l; e rpring,
Taylor is one of the advanc: guard of
t'aa coast.
Ivy Morrif wbo has beeu living near
Oaidinerfcr to cr three years pst,
moved back to his &oelaw ranch a few
days ago and proposes to engage iu log
g'.ng. Florenie West.
A. M. llarricgt)u a brought before
Jujtics Miller, last Fridiy, oharged with
threateaiog au assau'.t, but the hearing
of the case wa pjsipjned uutil tcday.
N. N. Chapma is the complaininj wit
ness. Oeo. Rapp, the grore:ymao near the
depot, was taken soJJen'y very sick the
first of last week, aud for a while his life
was de?paired of, but through the heroic
eSbrts of the doctor aad nuises, the tide
was turned and he is now abb to be
Conductor A. Kviogtou, cf thtt . P.
Co., who runs between Orao's Pass and
Rcseburg, cut the tip of the thumb of
his right baud oil, Monday. lie was
closing a drawer iu the locker of the Cd
booeeaud caught hia thumb iu the ac
tion. Tiding".
Havn g purchased the deuial practice
of Dr. Strange, Dr. Cheadle ia hereto
stay aud wishes to thank the people of
Roebnrg and vicinity for their liberal
patronage of tho past year. All work
will receive the roost careful attention
in the future as iu the past.
lien mith cf Mareh6eld, au old ao
quaintance of J. L. Stratford, was in tbe
city lat week, and called at Ibis office
while (he reliab'.e I'lundlalkk was run
ning from theprefs at the rate of from
13 to 20 copies p; r minute. Ren is a
ruBtling block mau and well known all
through this part of the state.
Charley Dully of this city last Wed
nesday shipped a box containing 23
dozen and 5 frogs to a firm in San Frf.n
cieco, for which he guts from 75 cents to
$1.50 per dozen. Tho boy expects to
make frequent shipments and develop
tlii a novel industry. There are some
croaknrs left. Herald Coqnille City.
Dr. Darrin makes a specialty of di
seases of the eye, ear, nose, throat,
catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, la grippe,
consumption, dyspepsia, constipation;
heart, liver and kidney diseases; and
permanently cures all diseases of the
genito-urinary organs in either sex, such
as syphilis, bbod taint?, scrofula, gleet,
gonorrhea, stricture, seminal weakness,
spermatorrhoea, Iobs of manhood, and
loss of desiro or sexual power in'mao or
The largubt sale of Coos couuty timber
lands for some lime was consummated
this week. The North Bend mill,
through i!s n;nnuger, L. J. Simpson,
purchased in all "QSO acres of old growth
timber situated on Daniels creek in T.
20 S.. It. 11 W. The company al eady
owns 01Q acres in Ilia adjoining township
and this, with it recent purchase, gives
it control of tho finest body of timber in
Coos county. This timber can nil be
reached by railroad up Daniels creek,
which road wo understand is to hi built
right away. There is cuough ti rubor on
tbe tract to keep the mill running for 15
years. Herald, Coqnille City.
Caro Bros, at Oakland
Offer for sale t bo following kooiIh nt cost
I they aro over stocked in them :
I M ir lriiilimlipq cnllrnlt.nH. caniiR. drHia
bliirln and a large assortment of gouts'
and hoys' rubber clothing.
-r 301 ana 303 Jackson St.
Eggera' Good Luck.
Dr. Darriu'd visit in Roeburg has
been marked with good resu'.ts. Not
only has he been crowded with patients,
but tbe marvelous results acbeived in
his treatment by electricity is almost be
yond belief. Uae cure in pirtico!ur U j
that of Mr. Eggers' we'.l aud favorably
known, whose card we pubiiah below.
Tbearxof furiog disease by electricity
can be clasteJ with tbe other ditoveries
of tbe diy, and who knows but what all
diseases and ills of tbe flesh will t e coc
quered by this subtle force. It i a
theme for study and reflection.-
Dillahd, Or., Jan..21,ly00
KmroH Plmxdealkr: Aher reading
the notice of tbe arrival in Roscbuig, of
the famous Dr. Darrin, I wish tj make
the followicg Etatement.
I soffered for over fifteen j ears w i:b
utarrh and for over five years my right
ear had discharged more or less every
day, and I bad got so deaf that I could
net bear one word in ten oltrJinary
conversation. The discbarge from my
ear and my almost constant backing and
spitting bad become very an-.oying to
xy family, and so much annoyance to
myself that I many times wished myself
dead. I tried macy i atari h remedies,
bat I constantly got worse. I visited D.-.
Darrin at Grants Pase, Or., during tbe
summer f 1S36, and his first app'.icpticn
stopped tbe discharge from my ear, and
his electric treatment restored my hear
ing. I would not be in tbe condition
that I was in before visiting Dr. Darrin
fcr one thousand dollars, and would a!
vise thoee suffering as I was, to visit the
doctor at once and be cored. I reside
with my brother-in-law, F. M. Beard,
when in Roseburg.
JSO. U. Llit.EUs
Dr. Darrin will remain until February
I j, aud can lie consulted at bis cCices at
the McC'allen House. Roeebur?, free
from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. daily; Sundays
II a. m. to 3 p. m. Charges low anJ
reasonable according t circumstances
and ability to pay. He gives free and
confidential examinations to ail at the
office or by letter. He treats all diseases
of tbe eye, ear, nose, throat, catarrh and
deafness, as well as acute, chrooic, priv
ate and nervous diseases of whatever
nature, if curable ; no cases Uktn if not.
Out of tow a patients are treated with un
failing success through correspondence;
one visit desirable, but not necessity.
Write for symptom blank and circular.
Letters cf inquiry promptly answered.
Rare Opportunl'y.
Fine new piano for rent, inqiiro of
Mrs. K. L. Appelhoff, 9lt, Oak St.
For Sale or Trade.
A poultry raucb, well improved, of 34
acres, lj.J miles from Rosebnr. Call on
or address, C. J. VaxZiLC.
VEATCH-MCDOLE Thursday, at the
home of the bride's paraDts near the
Divide, Mr. John Veatcb, to Mice
Addie McDoIe.
Mr. Veatcb acd bride are among the
most highly esteemed youog people of
tbis community, Mr. Veatch being the
son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Veatch, the
bride the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
McDole. Numerous friends will join
with tbe Leader in extending congra'ula
tions and wishing tbe happy couple a
pleasant voyage over life's sea. Cottage
Grove Leader.
RING. At the home of W. B. Lamb,
his son-in-law, last Thursday eveuirg,
W. C. Ring aged 73 years.
Three children survives him, Mrs. Lamb
being the only one residing in Oregon.
Tbo remains will be shipped to Cedar
Falls for burial, that being the former
residence uf Ihe deceased.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Itartlflclally digests the food and aids
Nature in strcnKthening and recon
structing the "xliausted digestive or
gans. It is the. At est discovered digest
ant and tonic. Is'o other preparation
can approach it in elllcicncy. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
all other results) of imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E. C DeWttt A Co., Chicago.
A. C. Marsters & Co.
a special inducement to cash customers
we will give
$25 each month
aii e one holding-the lucky number.
All amounts settled within 30 days will
be considered as cash. Each purchase en-.
titles you to one number. Our reputa
tation for selling the best goods for the
lowest prices is owing to the fact that we
yJir cash and in lar&e quanties, which
enables us to maintain the same low figures
The Remain of Conrad Oegax, Who
Disappeared in San Francisco
Two Weeks Ago, Has Been
Word bag reached tnis city this after
noon. tht tbe b fy -l Coorad Oegax, of
Duusmuir, formerly of Ahlanl, wa?
found in the biy of San Francisco today.
Oegax, it will b remembered, left
D insmuir daring tha first week in Janu
ary for San Francisco, and from there
wrote a letter to his wife seodiLg her his
niooey.and toUicg her that by tbe time
she would receive the letter be would be
in the waters of the bay.
The letter was rit'en from tbe Unit
ed States hot!, wherj ihe unfortunate
man remained coe night, after which all
trace was lost of him.
His brother, A. B. Oegax of this city,
aad bro:her-ic-law Frank Oreen of
Ujnsmuir, went to Saa Francisco, and
aided the aulhoritirs in search for their
relative, but without result.
Tbo deceased ex-trainman was well
known in his city having been in the
employ of tb S. P. Cj.. for a number of
years and uU I August, when he em
barked in the grocery business in Dons
muir. He was UDivereaily liked and re
spected by all wha cams iu contact with
him acd his sad endioe, the result of a
temiotary aberration of the mind, is
deeply regretted.
No arrangements have vet been made
as to the disposition of the remains, but
it is thought they will be brought to
Duiiemuir for interment. Ashland
should always be kept in
the house for the fol
lowing reasons:'
FIRST Because, if any member
of the family has a hard ccid, it
Aiil cure it.
SECOND Because, if the chil
dren are delicate and sickly, it will
make them strong and well.
THIRD Because, if the father or
mother is losing flesh and becom
ing thin and emaciated, it will build
then up and give them flesh and
FOURTH Because it i? the
standard remedy in a'.l throat and
lung affections.
No household should be without it
It can be taken in summer as well
?s in winter.
x. and $ a!l druggists.
5COTT Jt UOWNE, Chemist, New York.
- - -N ... rjUltsS
We have a small assortment of these
goods left, aad rather than keep any
over, we will dispose of them at cost.
They are all of the latest styles aud best
makes see them.
j Warners Rust Proof Corsets,
.We Kalama.oo Corset Company,
arc ! McCall Bazar Patterns,
agents Gordon Hats and
for Salem Woolen Mills Tailor Made
Rosebunr. Ores-on.
Testimonials of Dr. Darrin's Success
la L'matilla County.
Those wh are disposed to doubt Dr.
Damn's cores will hare their doubts
shaken on reading the following card :
Dr. Darrin: Your treatment for the
pas", eight rnootbs'has cored n.e of kid
ney trouble, inflammation at tbe neck cf
the bladder and diabetes. For years I
Lave been obliged to relieve my bladder
uiaoy times a day and at night, render
ing sleep almost impossible. I cow fe-1
like a new una. I shall never fail to
consult you whenever 1 need medical
aid. The treatment yen gave me Kr do
biiitated condition from tbe effect of the
grip was entirely sccressfol. I can be
referred to at any time at Pendleton, Or.
Ekxxst Rhodes
At tbe End of His Tether.
Harry C. Collins, wtiose criminal
melboda at "raising the wind" have be n
recently fully published in the Tiding?,
was arretted in Junction City, LiLe
county, Toesday, cn a warrant iseu d
out of Justice Stewart's court, cbargicg
him with obtaining money under fahe
pretenses, from I, L. Hamilton cf Med
ford. Colling has signed a bank draft
on Wm. Wad S'e, of Iivwlurg, f jr tbe
sum uf 25, in favor of Mr. Hamilton,
which was caiied by tbe Medford bank,
and on its presentation to Wa idle was
repudiated and returned to the Me if jrd
bank when Hamilton as endorser had to
repay the amount.
Collins was brought to Mettford yester
teiday morning, by Constable Wee.
Jcbcioa and hid his bviri.i l-f r Jus
tice Steward, wbi bvid bim t i apr
before tbe nrx. tcra of (a- ci.cuit court
in tbe sum of $000.
He seemed to have an idea that he
could "fix" the matter up, and was rath
er crest-fallen when he learned that the
authorities were awkr. cf his crocked
wcik in Ashland, G rai ls Pjf, Hariis
burg at d Marshfield. That Cotiius will
ecpy the hospitality cf tbe state author
ities in Salem after his brief eiay in the
Jacksonville, goes wilboot the saving.
What Scrofula Is.
Scrofula ia a disease as old as autiiju ty.
It has been handed down for genera
tions aud is the Fame today as in
early limes. It is emphatically a di
sease of the blooJ,' and the only way to
cure it is by purifying the bicod.
That is just what H xd'e Sarsaparilla
does in every case where it is given
a faithful trial. It eradicates all iter ur
ties from !h blood, and cures the
sores, boils, pimples and all forms of
skin disease duo to scrofula taints in
tbe blood. Hood's Safs.) par ilia has won
the grateful praise of vast number
of people by its grand and compjeto
cures. Dou't allow scrofula to de
velop in your blxnl. Cure it a once by
taking Hood's SaisaparilU.
A bg reducliou in Eastman K Jak,
at Churchill & Wooll V.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In theCouuty Court of tbe Slate of Orccoo
for Loug!a Colin IT :
In tbe mmuer uf the male of Loaina iitcbeU,
Notice is btfi by rhtu thai tbe ondtnigned
administrator of tbe above cnliUed estate files
bin final account therein on the Z-'d day of Jan
uary, and on tbe d dar of January, 19)0,
tbe jod;re of the above o titled Court duly
made an order appointing Tuesday, HarchMb.
1jO altberocnty coon boose inBoaebar boag
Coaniy, Oregon, at 10 o clock a. m-of laid day
aa tbe time rand place it t brarini; objection
thereto, and lor tbe final settlement of aaid
estate, and any and all penona bavins; any
jeeUons to aid bnal account, or any part tfeere
ot, are hereby notilied to file the same ta tbe
a'oove entitled eoart and cause, on or befurc the
time set "for said final settlement.
Kunebura Oregon, Jan. Zt, 1300.
By Honorable Commissioner letter N ' of
November Is, l.f, this office was directed to or
der a bmrinif to determine the character of tbo
following drscrfbed tract of land, lo-wit: the
E of W i and W of NE Bee 3, T S,
heretofore a1jnded to be mineral in character
(Ueifioo of Ortober lSTv) bat bow alleged by
tbe Oreeon and California Railnjod Compdsy to
be essentially non mineral in character, alt
mineral (if and were contained) having bees,
since said dt.islon, extracted or taken froni
said tract.
Wherefore, ia conformity w i'h the instract
ionsofuid letter a beating is hereby ordered,
the testimony to be taken at this office, beiora
the Register and Receiver on Kndav. April C
10 at io o'ciock a. m., and he paruea hereto
are herv'.v summoned to appear at said time and
p!scc aixl fnrni-h testimony in support of their
respective claim.
Paid bearing to be conducted in aceordanc
with parafaph 106 et (oi of the U. a. Mining
Laws and Regulations.
In the Circuit Court, of the 8Ute ot Oregon
for Donglas Countv.
W. L. Chapman. vraintifT )
Vary Chapmtn, Defendant 1
To M17 Chapman. Defendant above rr.aanfl
Yoa are hereby repaired to be and appear in
the alve entitled Court and answer the ami-t-U'.nt
tie1 againsi you theiein on or before tno
lat lay of the iarae prescribed ia order for tbe
publication of tnis summons, which period of
time is six weeks from the dale oi the first pab
liration of tiiis sammor s.
id 6m date of said pnblication bring on
the :5th day oi Jannary, la0 and the last date
of publication being the sth day ot March,
1 .-!, and v;u are hereby notified that it you
fail to so appear and answer said complaint, tbe
plaintiff will apply to ihe Court for the relief
applied for in plainttf" complaint, town:
I hat the marriage contract now existing be
tween plainiifr and defendant be forever dis
solved aud wt aside, and that plain riiT have a
decree of divorce and for such other relief as
Fbailbejust and equitable, and for ' hi cost
ami disbursements of this salt.
This summons i published by Torder of Hon.
Joe Lyons Judee of the County Cours oi Ioug
Us County, made a: Chambers at Rosebbrg,
Orvcon, January . 1?.
listed Roeburg. On-con, Januarr 2. ls).
J. S. MKK1.EY,
Attorney lor riaintiff.
Referee's Sale.
v. U. Wi:kinon,aud Ellen L. V ilk-1
insnn, his i:e. and Jake Whiiavre j
aud Carrie W hitacre, hia wi ie. j
Plaintiffs I
vs. '
W. 11. Cvle aa.I Su-an B. Cole, bis
wife: H. .'. Cole, and A. lic Cole, j
hisuife: Joel A. Cole, aud Lena!
Cole, his wife: I.vd'.a IX ole, wid-1
on : . ud D. J. Cole, A. C. Cole. R. M
Cole and K. V. Cole. Minors aad j
heirs at law of SidneyCole,deeeasl
and E- U. Youns, A.G. ouug and
tieorie Stearns, partners doing
luines umlt r tte drm name and
style of E. ti. Young & Company
Defendant, j
Notice i hereby siven that tbe undersigned,
referee in the above emitiet cause, pursuant to
au order of the above intitlo! court made and
enteitd in the journal Ihsrcof. of date Decent-bi-r
?. i".'.', will on fatuMav. the iith day of
Fcbrnary, 1.W, at -J o c ock ".). 111. of said day at
the court hooe from 4r in Roseburg, t'regoa,
sell for cash in hand, at public auction. In one
body or in separate parrel, the following de
scribed real properiv. iwit:
The SW , of the SK . slid theSE 'i af the 8
V '.snd theW jof me N v ',of fe. 4: the
S'.ofthetfW '..MUdtheK 'ofSNj-S; lota i,
." aiid 1. of See. . and all tba: part of the Uarret
B. Yauripec Donation Land Claim Xo. il. Iving
iu See. and the W '.of the SE and Ihe'K '
of theS V Aof See. Is: a'l ia township ' douln.
of KinRetJ West of the Willamette Meridian ia
Douglas county, Oregon, containing s. 47 acre
more or !cs.
l)tet this 'Jlth day of January, 11W, at Rot.
burg, Oregon.
C. A. McOEK.
Referve iu the above entitled cause. .
Showri iit 9'4'e f your feelings aad tbe
ut- y ur ii.-siiti 88 veil. Impure
tli : :: -li.i r?:! apparent ia pale aiJ
fal!r-- i-'i'"' s; ji , vituples and skin
eru;-:i - "u are feeling weak aod
o: i'ii 1 ! not have a haltby ap
iiear:iio. y. 11 !iiir.!.t try Acker's Blool
Kiis.r. I- ciir-i .J hlcod diseases wher
cheap ii'i'U'a'i la q I fO called puriHe.-8
fxil ; kniui ihii, spII rvery bot'la
mi u -os:tfve guarantee.
How'4 Th s?
We oftt r Om H and red Dollars Uewi'd
L-r any o.i!-e ( Cntarrh that ear.notle
on ret! !v i!i' Cn'urrb Cure.
F. J. C!l KN CY ct LX., l'ropB. Toltv!o.t.
We tlirt uu.Iersina I have kuowu K. J.
CLeney for the last 15 vears, and helievw
hiu perfectly honorable ia all busini-ra
triiiisnt'titina and tinaucially able 'o ear
rv out anv ouliirations nuido by their
West A Tunis, Wboleealt Uiuggiste,
Toledo, O.
W aiding, Ivinnau A .Mtivia, Whole
eal Prtiiitts'.B, Toledo, Ohio.
llall'a Catarrti Cure Is take ti iutornV
ly, acting directly npii the bl-Kxl anil
luuttMifl suriai'H of the nvteio. Iriee Toe
per bottle. Sold by all" dm jsism. TJt.
mom li 1 f.-do.
S . Ooelu't indie.i'it tpiality. '.ewaie
I'aeoiintfrieit and worthtei 8 culve iffertd
or lX-Witi'd V'ilch llz. I Salve. De
Witt's ia theoiily oiiinal. An infallible
cur? for piles and nil 'kin disease.
4 O. iUreterst't Cn.