The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 25, 1900, Image 4

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    if "f
Feeding Young Chicks
i rfjfBHiMi j mm 8 1! ItM
' i-iMiWiii ay j! For Infants and Children.
XVtgctaUcIVcparaliottrorAs- j
slnuiating tttfTooi andRcgula- j
lingttKStQioachsaQlBowclsar jj
Promotes Kgestion,CJraiful
rc5s andRcst.Contains neither
Opnim.Morpbinc nor Mineral.
Hot Narcotic.
hsekrarwa ttrnnr.
A perfect Remedy forConslipa-
uon, sour sroiHucu.uiuiiiiuca
Worms .Convulsions .revensn-
twess and LOSS OF SLEEP.
lac Simile Signature cf
Society nwtlBp
meets every second and (ourih Sunday.
first an1 ti.inl Fridays in ea b r,mu:h
'S- first aud third Tburvity
ty. of each tnou'h,
at J p. m.
every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows
HalL Visiting Knights la good standing cor
tlailylnTited to attend
J.ts. MICEI.l.i. C. C.
C. H. FISHER, . K. 8.
meetings the 2d and 4ih Wednesdays in
each month.
K.T. Jewktt, Secy.
the first and thud Thursdays of each
on first and third Tuesd.v of each uiontb
ia the rhi Marouic ha'l.
H. W. M-.iJ.Ea. V. C
U. L. Mabstebs. Clerk.
" No. UX meets at the Odd Fellow' Hall
la Roscbarg, every ut, 3rd and 6th Monday
evening. Visiting ueighbort always welcome.
N.T.JEWETT, Clerk.
meets Saturdar evening of each week at
their hall in Odd Fellow Temple t Rose ban;
Members of Ihe order in irnnd siandioe reipv.i
ed to attend. cHAS. OLEH 'N N. 0
K. T. Jawrrr, 6ecy.
bold their regular communications al the
1 O. O. F. hall on second and fourth Thursdar
nf each month. All members requested to at
tend regalarl?. and all vUiting brothers cr-
aialiy inrited to attend.
IRA RIDDLE, Secretary.
xv meets the second and foonh Mundcvnf
ach month at 7 JO p. m. at Oi l Fp'.Wjwh Ua
Members of the order in good standing wie -n
wi'jea to auena.
T. McClAU IN, d. S. WEST a
Recorder. Fint-ncier
New and Improved Passenger Epuiq-
raent, via Sunset Route.
New Orleans Express (Xi 10at.d I'a-
cific Esprvea So. 9) betwni Sin Fran
-iecoandEl Paso, have Ntn njnipeo
witb free reclining chair cars, f resh f;o:n
;be (hop and in evt ry convenience of ap
I ointment eqaal to the best in opuration
3ach Car is equipped with 53 reclining
chair, nine of w hich ara io eepurate
'Oiokiog compartment. 11 h fir! zod
deond-cla6a t:ik.tts are m cepici for pas-
.-AKeia these care. Thes f petial con
ventencee and tt.e cocpnil climate
Itroagb which til-? trails pae will
-oamieM rjcate tie unpel Kon'e verv
f ipu!tr for travelers :iiis inter.
Notice for Publication.
United ptHtii' ljiod Ofiiee
Rosebiir, Or . Jauuiry i.'. l'Xn.
Notice io hereby iriveu that the I'lloin
.4med aettler bi Hied notice of iii ii.i-nt.t.n
: - make tioal proof in tupjKtrt of hirrlaim. and
at said proof wiil be ina4e before tlie Register
to Receiver, Lui:-d f-:ai- Lnd Office at
.jae'Mirg, .ireyor, on March t;
''1 his H. E. No for the E1 . SE'
NEV; Becuon 2x T. 27 8ou'h, K. T West. We
unea the following witncM- to jirove hi
'- ntinnons residenee uson and cultivation of
ta lana, viz: orvju Boeil. A. Bnell.
i uoosing blast, viregou, James beaselv, D. Jar-
i, ol Roicburg. Oregon. tl
f T.r.,,.-,..
:jI2t"0 RegiMer.
Points List.
The "Pr!lll-CijicaevJ S;r-i!,"
- ilcb le-aes the L'aion drpot t 8 p. ru.
: .ly is equipped witb s!ri..'ly na-t.i-dat
ay raiiiuan ileefii-c carf, and free
i '.'ning chair ears, K'eani leated nd
t. ."jio lighted. The European pi in
1 ime car service is a speHal feature cf
starellen on tl.i line. Delicate china,
iflowere, erxiliees linn, firt cla"-s ricking
arta attentive ercatit u M 1. 1 the cotn-
lort oi travelers
i A new library tar ia attached to these
? At the name iudicttee. tbts cjrs are
fitted up aa lihra.-y and readitur roo n
BtoB cases -octainum air h standard
works, the current fero licais and daily
"paper are at lh .lnal f.f all firs? and
fend class past.cer.-..
1 Time never hanr" ttaMlv on the pi
Vengere' handM hite traveiini: on t!i!
train, and lelo'v one is aaare of H t!if
ram pulls into the Union -it at Ctii
ago. For fall iilfo-ma'lor. refurilinj .1...
yaovement of thes t'ains. rates. -tc
tall on or address
V. a. Schilling,
Portland". Or.
Or J. F. GivKNtf,
Ilvfe'iurg, (Jr.
"I am inJebieiJ io (io Mimtte c.,,1,1,
'0iiV . 1:1-1
r mjg-gg I
vure for my health and life It -:irei!
he of lung Iron hie foi'oaiiig gMpi-."
'booearids oe their lives To
rtion of this never failing reri.'e li. It
tire coughs, colds, croup, iir-nu:iiiiiv
neumonia. griptje and throat r.;, Ir.z.g
Roubles. Its early use prev-ni .-n
umptiou. ItistliHonly harniltt-K rrm
y that gives immediate reenlls.
f A. C.Marstors & Co .
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
Always Bought.
Administrator's Sale
of Real
lu theCountv Conn of Stat - of Otcion in and
for Douglas County.
In the matter of the Estate of IHlit:!a Hi
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator :th uiil anneseil. if the Lstat
of Deiirt',n Hi:', 'e-.ined. i.urv.ialil to an ord
of liie nbne euiuil Court ma-ie and oii'tfwl
in lite Journal thereof, of date Jauuarr JnJ
D. l'.W. ili prueevd to sell on and alter ih
l"-th davot Febntare, l'. at piivate iui:c ior
cahin hand, on the ircniie here: natter in tlie
notice describol, in one IkkIv or in M-iarale ia
Cv'U as mav t for tlie fcct iuler!s of sai l E
kite, the following describe""! real pnen j , to
Beginning at a ttt 9 ielain Wot of 'iiiarte
section tot bttween jeelioiK and . and from
which a pine tree .u inches in diameter, nia'kod
t . s). H. 1., bears North 14 degree. We't Ti una
disbiut thence North Si Ciiains to a im
Sm0 Cbain Sonth l Southwest corner of Y. 1!
Hill s donsuon claim, thence "est 21 t hait
toNor.heast comer of the land now owned t
A. D. Oitincer. thence South 7 Chains to South
est corner of same land, thence West ltn.
Chains to the Southwest corner of fame land,
and the East boundary of the F- Bunton dona
tii.n claim, thence South l i Chains to the South
wcl corner of the S . Gardiner donau
claim, thencs East a on? tlie South boundary of
the same, 41.14 Cha:u to place of beginning
containing .o. acres, more or les. enpun
tbereinm the Wilbur Ccineterr. alo exceutin
therefrom one half acre for "fatnily burjing
All lying in Section 7 in Township 'JS, S. R
West in Doucla County. Oregon.
Also the following described premises to-i
Beginning at the outheat corner ot the I
Bunion donation claim, thence West alone the
South boundary of said claim, 7 jo Chains totne
middle of the County road, thence along the
same bouth ;t?'. degrees. West 4 . Chains to
white ok tree si inches in diameter, thence
South degree. West ".ci Chains, thence
souui oeirtes. h.ast 1.4i t hatns. tliem
Sonlhi?'-. dtffre- WtHit aioit7 i.nter uf Mm
street ot Wilbur iH'hi;a, thence along ilie
land n.-.w ounedby S. E. Counts, South wi de
gree, East 1.M Cha.ns to West boundan- of
land now on ned by J. A Hunsen, thence North
W di-erees, East 2 Chains to the Northwest cor
ner, thence Mouth 60 degrees. East 1.85 Chains
to his Northeast corner, tnenec B.-uih HO de
grees. West 4 Chains to his Southeast corner and
a cn-ck. thence up said creek rf, degrees. East
11 Chamt. to the East tioundary t the W". Jenk
ins donation claim, thence North 10. . Chains,
thence North is', degrees. East l.St Chains,
thence North degrees. s,t 3.7s Chains to
the Nor.h bounaarr of J. ICuykendall donation
claim .Jthence Wet 3 -iii Chains, to place oi be-srinnin-.
eontainiiiE JoJJS sens"
A.lia Section 7. Township S. K. "1 We-:.
Also a lot in the tow n of Wilhur, joinmc E. H.
Olt.ncer land on the North, 5i fe t by ii feet in
fie. ali in Douglas County, Orceon.
Dated this Cthdayot January A. D., 1X, at
Kosebure, Oregon.
Administratcr, ith wiilaunexed, Estate of
Deiinla UU1, Deceased. j:6
Ad nlstrator's Notice of Sale
cf Real Property.
Notice is heeby given that by virtue abd. in
pursnauce of an order and decree of the Count.i
Court of Douglas County, Oregon, duly made by
Hon. Joe Lyons, Judge ti said Court, aud en
tered on the 4th day of Januarv, Li. ordering
and directing the uudersurued io sell the n-at
property, hereiuafu-r described, belrtngini to the
estate of James K.Mitchell, deceased at public
auction, in the manner provided br Uw. for the
sa c of real progeny on execution I wiil on
Monday, the linh day of February. 1. at the
hour of one o'clock, in the afternoon of said
day, t the Court House doer, in the city of
Koseba'g, Douglas tXiuntv, tr-con, ofl'T for
saiesudeell at public auction, to the highest
aud best bidder lor cash, the following described
real propertv, to-wit:
The fractional W; of the NW'4of Sac, .
fractional E!,of SE!,. and Lot No. 5. of Sec. 4.
Tp. J7. S. ofR. 4. W. Willamette Meri.lan, con
taining l-sj,l .-re. Also Donation Land Claim
of Jonathan simmonn and uife. NotitM-ation
So. i. Certificate Nt 1I ;, Claim 4i. being
par:s of Sections :;, 4. f and In. in Tp. T. e. of R.
4. W., conuining 3 J.SO at-re. Also Lots No. a 1
and 2. of Sec 4, 1 e. iTS. of It. 4. con tm im:
17.J'J a ;res. Also Lit No. 1, oi Sec. M, Tp. 17 b. of
li. 4, W.. containing acres, and containing
in lb- a ggre?te ;i"i.i.i acres more or less, all in
Douglas c.iunty. Oregon
Said real properi y wi'J lie s..ld subject to the
right of dower oi E. C. Mitchell, widow of raid
deceased, therein,
Administrator of tae estate o' James K. Mitch
ell, deceased.
United States Land Office,
Kosei ifaii. Or., Nov.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that the Oregon and
California Railroad ( o. has filed in thiofl'e a
list of lands situated in the townships escrilK-d
below, and has applied for a patent for said
lands; that the list is onen to the mi blip, for in.
speotiou and a copy thereof by descriptive sub
divisions, has been posted" in a convenient
place in ten otiiee, for the inspection of all
persons interested ai d the public g.-rerallv;
Month of bast line and West of Willamette
T K 1.
Partol E' j Sec 3, and part o.' WJ tec. 11.
T Co, R
Sll'4 NE'. Sec. j.
1 21. R i.
T zi. R ;;.
Lots 1 and '1 sec. 1.
1 27, R d.
1 10, K 4.
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Sec. 2.1.
1 :rf. R ft.
T it ,, R 5.
Part of S'i Sec. 21, aud part of SE!;Sec.
Lot 5, See. I.'.
T 3.1, R
S!; Xtt'!i See. 17.
J js, K ft.
All of Sees. 1, :;, i. 7, 'J, 1 1, I t, 11, 17. Ill, 21. 21. 25.
it, .-J. oi, :u and :.
With'ti the lu m slxt v dues f, 11...
of Hits notice, ntotests or contests against the
ciaim rd the companv to any tract or subdivis
ion within any section ,r part of Motion, de-scnlx-d
in 1 In: list, on the ground Unit the uimn
is inore valiiHti e for mineral i!i i..r
lural pnrpt.s-.s, ill u- received and rioted lor
re)irt to the tieneral Land Office at Washitm
ton,D. .;.
J. II. lioO'l H.
n-'.ulo Receiver.
Administrator's Sale.
Votice is h rely given that the undersign,, r
-Mhe administrator of tlm estiiie of K, .1,1-1.
WHson, deceased, in tuir-iiunt of an order o
the County Court of Dougles, Couutr. stn. ..
Oregon, iluiy made and entered on tiie ::rd dae
f Ju fury, rn, w ill after the Mth dnv oi Ki h-
ruary. ri, at llildle. IxmivIhs ountv. state if
il'-ion . fed at ttrivHl-- snle lor cash 'in 1,1.
Ihe following itefcrihetl real iiionertr. in.tvn"
1 h sou! 1 l,H',I of donation claim No. 41 of
1111:1111 1.. w ntoii ari'I wile, leiiig part of wc-
ioii A in lownship :.ti. H. It., li W., Hit. ,Mer.
11 Ik. n; Couniy, riregnn, and the said south
all of said claim corituinini' lni .v r.. 1,...
lauil at liiddie. Doniiis Cotinlv, Oregon, 1
lus (.U. day ol .luUi.u,-y;l-jno.
Adniinisiratorof the Millie of 11 n'lriah w ii'son I
1 here is no great i ecret in feeding
chicks in brooders. Feed tbetrt in iliu
same mm. tier ai when they are willi
ben. It i to feed aayihioK
until thev arw thirtv.rix hourd old
Young chicks borb the yolk just be
fore comiu out, and need no food. Hut
they do need rest, and should be kept
quiet and undisturbed for a day at least.
The first foxd may tie rolled nals, whico
are sold by all grocers for Risking in
stantaneous oatmeal. Feed it dry; a
few bread 1:1 U'liba may lie given instead
of thi oatmeal if preferred. Feed every
wo hours the first three days.
After the chirk are thee i r lour da? s
old, they may be fed anything that they
will eat, and tiie greater the vari.ty, the
batter for the chicks. Food should
never b. too soft, but rather dry. and if
corn, wheat and oats are giound togeiher
and a raw egg added for every fifty
chicks, U.a whol being well tuixd and
scalded before feeding, it ill wake an
exce lent mixture. After tbechictsare
a week old, feel three time a day, but
between the meals scatter a gallou of
mi'.let seed in dtrt.tliaffor fine cut straw
to make iheni tested. Potatoes, stale
bread dtpptd in milk, c Hiked turnips,
table scraps, or anything thev will eat.
Keep a box of c arsely -ground hone,
oyster shells, grit, charcoal, and a larger
box of coal ashes, sifted (for dusting",
convenient for their use.
The time nf year will s um bp ou baud
that your foals will begin to moult
See that they are kept in the best of
heal b. Feed on nourishing foods give'
them a variety of teed ; corn, wbebt,
millet and bone meal. Unless they have
plenty cf grasshoppers see that .they
hava some meat scrape.
The Lanshann are boomed as great
winter layers. I bred theru for six years
and found them t o l etter w-nter layers
thai the Partridge Cochin, Wyandot,
riyxcutti Rock or Lrown Leghorn. Any
vigorous etraiu of pure bred poultry will
lay in the winter if properly fed and
and have comfortable quarter.
CboteJ meat should be fej twice a
week. It this cannot be had, use ground
meat, ous pound to ten pounds of tbe
scalded fx). IftK) much be given, it
will ciuse bowel disease. When the
chicks Ecratch and d 1st, it indicates good
health. If a chick droops, look on the
skin on the head and neck for grey lice.
If aoy lice are found ru1) head and neck
with melted larl. Never me kerosene
on chkke.'.Dor please of any kind on the
bod;e. lVrsian insect r poa-der, well
dusted into tbe featoers, will prevent tbe
mite from killing tbe chicks.
The food should coel about Cve cents
for every por.nd of chicken produced.
This is tbe result ot careful tests to ascer
tain that fact, but with a warm broader
house, aud the ch rks kept clean and
healthy, the cost may be reduced aa low
as four ceat. We do not advise attempt
ing the economy of food. Feed tbe
chicks all they will eat at earb meal,
and make them grow and gel tLem to
market aa soon as possible, but do Lot
force them, as overfeeding will ciuse
bowel disease. The chicks, if no draw
back has been met w ith, should average
one pound in weight when tbey are sev
en weeks old. Sotte will wuh wore,
and some lees, but lOj chicks, together,
should weigh 1(X) pounds. Something
depends on tbe I reed. Scrub chicks
may not weigh a pound until tbey are
ten weeks old. Any of tbe large treed of
fowls, such ai Brabmas, Cochins, Ply
mouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Javas,
Lsrg'haor, Dcrkicgs, Huodacsnr Indi
an Hames, will produce line broilers
ljuo etraid of giving too much
heat ' trocders nor aim to venti
late th 1. 1 vei l lalicn if chicks kills
mora b it in .e. When they are
dropy !ecd, and aie elegged ot
the ven 1 LUicales luck of beat ; hence
young chicks should have plecty of
warmth from the etart. Tbey mnst not
le chilled even for a minute, as damp
ness is fata'. Tbe drinking water should
be given in vessels that allow only the
beaks to g?t to the waer
It has been elated that ninety degrees
is a good temperature io tbe brooder,
but ninety-eight U batter. A bottom
heat brooder will cause leg weakness
when the chicks ae ten days old, and
sulphur and other nostrums should be
avoided, siood food is better for chicks
than medicine. Tbe troughs muat be
kept cleau and all surplus food removed
Board floors, covered with dry earth or
finely s.finl coal ashes are belter than
the ground in winter. Never use wood
ashes, as they are too much alkaline and
Raiting broilers is a winter business,
for tbey rhoulJ reach the rrarket in
April or May, at which time prices are
higher.!. Tbey may be hatched from
N07. 15th to Mart!) 15th, and the mar
ket wi 1 tike all that may be sent.
Price 4 average from thirty to sixty cents
per pound, according to quality. They
are sold in winter ready dressed beiog
dry picked aud made as attractive in
appearauce as poeaibie.
In order to try n experiment, we gave
a lot of chicks sulphur io their food,
while other loti. were not so treated.
Tbe resuk was that the chicks that bad
sulphur became weak in the legs, which,
however did not occur until the weather
became dntsp, when nearly one-third of
them wero affected. We have tested
the feediug of sulphur to fowls and
chicks several times, nnd the result is
always lameness. Our advice is to avoid
the use of Bulphur. Tbe use of Douglass
mixture which is composed of one pound
cepperae, two gallons watei, and one
ounce of sulphuric acid, will have a
eiaiilar effect, and its repeated use
causes death, the free acid acting upon
tbe tissue aud membranes, ending
fatally. Avoid all medicines. A healthy
fowl or c'uick will need uo tonic. It i3
well enough to give me licitie when neces
sary, but the indiscriminate use of nos
trums is wrung and injurious.
Even i: mojk in obtained from thor-ough-hied
egg producers, there w ill be u
great difference in bird of the same
flock. Sjine of nou-Htttirg breeds will
be (in lined to Hit, ;ind should he
slaughtered; others ot mo-t correct
sliHpe will he deficient in laying qual
ities, i'.tui must he culled out.
I.. T. Travis, Agent southern R. It,
Seliiiii, writes, "I ran not Bay too
loueii in praise fd Odo Minute Cough
Cure. In my haw ,il worked like a
charm." Th onlv harmless remedv
that gives iinineiliate. results. Cures
coughs, Colds, croup. I.roiicllitifl. and toll
'hroat and lung troubles.
A. C. Mnrstors & Co.
Poultry Notes.
l)o nut forget that fat Liens do not lay
well and their eggs do not Iiutcli wel'.
See that your fowl have stiull and
gr,t if yo.i live where no gravel is to be
Enterprise and energy is as iiecensary
in the poultry business as any other
Select your best cockerels and also
your best pullets and keep tbeui for
breeding purposes.
It will not do to trust to good luck in
the poultry business. Uood care aud at
tention is better.
In-breeding, if not practiced with dis
cretion, will result in the aeakonitigof
the vitality of your flocks.
Now is the time to sell al! your culls, I
mean fowls. They will soon quit la ing
unless you have warm quarters.
Keep only pure bred fowl, If you
want large, nice, plump boiler keep
only I'lymou'b Rocks or Wyandois.
Sow rye in August or Sepleu.ber lur
your foal.', it will make splendid pasture
this fall and neat spring.
Djtt't over-crod your uVick. Tiie.
breeders who give their chicks the best
attention will win the prices uo doubt at
the fairs this fail.
Tbe cheapest plan to kill lice is with
bailing water. You can heal targe
kettle of water to stand around tbe poul
try house and the way you can scald
tbeui is a "rution."
Dj not allow aoy kk1s of dirty stag
nant water to e'and around the poultry
premises. Pure cleau water, clean food
and clean houses will tend to make your
If your chickens have scales on their
legs apply an ointment made of eual
paits of kerosene and melted lard.
Every tiight bathe the leg-) witb this un
til the scales drop ctl.
The farmer who turns over a tew leaf
in poultry on I be farm, and adopts
"practical poultry raiaiug " it' he is scrry
it will be ttca isa be did not do so years
ago. Many a mortgage cut te liftel.
S:a!ey leg-i are very unsightlv. It is
canned by sui 1 1 itisacts burrowing uuder '
tbe scales of (!- legs. D.p the feet aud 1
legs in kesoi.e and l'o them to re
main aUju' i minute. Rpeat in a
few dj8
In correspjcditig relative i-i ihe sale
of a bird, do nut in any way misrepre
sent the bird or birds io question. It it
always pleasant to have a letter come
to you after the buyer received
the' bird stiling that be is perfectly
Daring hi tint weather the eggs
thori'd be gathered ofteo and kept in a
coo', dark prace. The oeilar is a good
place. If von hav any stale bad eggs
that you do uot care to oee yourself.
throw them away. Never hare the
audacity to -narket them.
During this minth and next, many
persons will be buying incubators and
brooders. This ia a wise ibiog to do if
yon get good machines, as a good incu
bator will often pay lor itself the first
hatch, especially if jaa get out o good
hatch early in the seoson.
The ideal place to fatten poultry is io
a small, dark apariment where tbey can
rio nothing but eat end keep quiet. Un
der such conditions they fas'en quickly
and moke lbs best cf meat. Remember
that while fattening the surroundings
must M kept ecropol-jdsiy c!ea.
ine beet way to preserve eggs is to
pot them in a oidd storage. Handle
every eg aod he furs they are all fresh
before you store them away. Limed eggs
are 'scarcely" fit to eat, aod are often a
dragon tbe market, cold storage eggs
sell almost as well as fresh eggs. In fact
it takes an expert to tell the difference.
Provide dust boxes for yonr foas,
filled witb fine dust, sifted coal ashes
and throw in a handful o.' insect pow
der. Scientists say that parasites have
little openings in tbe skin in roas along
the side of the body. Tbe dust closes
these openings and the parasites die of
suffocation as quickly as a person woald
if held under water.
Open a strict account with your flock
At this season cf tbe year, if ihe hens
have been cared for and fed ss tbey
ought, the egg supply will be oo the in
crease, aud to keep a strict account of the
cost in feed, and the returns received
will be a source of information tbat will
not only be interesting after awhile, bnt
will be instrnctive.
The poul'ry and small fruit farms offer
a peculiarly inviting field to women who
have no homes and most make their liv
ing by their cwn labor. It is useless to
give examples o! what woman can do in
the poultry business. She is a born
lover of pets and counts it do care to pro
vide for them. The whole trend of her
beiog is for the provision of those de
pendent upon her, whether they be
human or brute nature.
If the spring pullets ate not laying,
somebody is to blame not the hens.
It may be they are loo poor ; if this is the
trouble increase the feed, or it may be
they are to) fat. If the latter is the
trouble, diminish the feed gradually,
and make tha n work to get it. When
eggs are high, it pays to look up the
tr . iole and find the remedy if your hen
' ' iot lay. We agaio caution our read
i is about feeding corn if the fowls of fat,
and do not advise heavy feeding of corn
at aoy time, except when preparing birds
for market.
Atnovel method of killing chickene is
being introduced abroad. Instead of
sticking, bleeding, cutting the head oil,
etc., one takes the fowl in the left band
by tbe lege, catching the points of the
wings to prevent the fowl from flapping'
He lifis the fowl up, the head hanging
downward. With the light hand he
takes the head, catching the neck be
tween the first ami thitd fingers, the
thumb being on thrt face. The lingers
must not crush the head, but must feel
the hone at th-) hick of t'le head firmly.
Death ij vau'ttd by lifting the loft hand
and pulling don the right with a quick
jrfik, thereby dinlocaiii-g ihe neck at the
very point whete it joins the head.
IVath i-i instantaneous when done prop
erly, which can ho told by feeling the
neck, which ought 10 he quite, soft and
entirely detached from the head, so that
there h nothing hut flesh arid skin tie
twee.i t ie thumb and finger. By this
method i lime id no II jw of blood, hut the
blood is allowed to run into the head,
which h carefully kept hanging down
until after tho bird in plucked.
Is tha result of repeated acuta attack!. The
liver and spleen are principally affected.
They act aa storehouses for tha malarial
poison and the blood takes It from them.
The poison must
be driven out of
tbe system. H CD
VAN will destroy
the action of the
poisoq and svenl
ually drive oat the
last particle of it
from the system.
In addition to
this, D C D V A N
will restore the
lost app e. ft
will builu up tha
weakened system
H II D Y AN will
make new blood
and new flesh. Tho pains In the bones will
disappear. IICDVAN has cured others and
it will cure you. We describe the symptoms.
Study them carefully. They arc yours. Do
not delay longer, but take HUUVAN now
aud you will be cured.
I and your headache will disappear.
PLEXION. HUDYAN will establish a free
circulation of pure blool and cause the cheeks
to assume their na'itral color.
wilt restore the appMtte and tbe digestion of
food will become perfect.
LIVER. Thl Is dus to the enlargement ol
Ine liver. It is filled with tho poison of ma
laria. UCOTAN' will drive out the poison and
cause the org in to assume its natural ilie.
OF THE SPLEEN. The spleen becomes
greatly enlarged. HUDYAN wi ln
rongesticn and cause the heavineaa to disap
You ar suffering from Chronic Malaria and
you can be cured. Hl'OYAN will relieve your
every symptom and make you well. Ul'ls
YAX can be obtained of all druggists for Me.
per package, or 6 packages for IJ-SO. If your
druggist does not keep it, send direct to the
Hi nt A HKMKIiY COMPANY, San Fran California Remember that you can
consult the HI Y.N DOCTOR! PKEB.
Call and see ihe doctors. You may call and
see them, or rile, aa you deaire. Address
Car. StocMoa, Market aad Cilia St-.
aa Fraacisee, CsL
1 1
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the
UNION PACIFIC Fast Mail line, or tbe
KIO l.RANDE scenic Lines.
Look at the time
ija days to Salt Lake
2ly2 days to Denver
3a days to Chicago
y2 days to New York
Free Reclining Cbialr cars, l"p
DOlatered Toartat Sleeping
Cars, Pallusao Palace Sleep
nit Cars, operated on all
Ft further Informs Mcrl apply to
J. F. UIVANS, Agt., Koselcig
C. O. Terry, W. E Comau,
TrT l'tks. Agt. Geo Act.
I.'l Third SI . I'cri aio Or.
La !D Oitu I,
Rcscburg, Oregon, Nov.
To whoui It may concern: ,
Notice is hereby given that the Oregon dr. Cali
fornia Kailruad Company has Bled in this office
a !lt of lands situated in the tow nihil de
scribed below, and has applied for a patent for
said lands: that tbe list is open to the public for
inspection and a copy thereof by descriptive
subdivisions, has been posted in a convenient
place in this office for the inspection of all per
sons Interested and to the public generally:
(south of base line aud East of Willam
ette Meridian.
TpS?. KI.
W,S'i, ...
Suth oi bace line and West of Willamette Mer
Tp. J R. 4.
Part of N" , eec. 5; part of W Soc. JL
NL'i tv - ,) 8', V Sec. t i
N'jSW': !iec.s
8!,' Sec S5.
within the neat sixty days following tho data
of this notice, protests or eon testa against the
claim ot the Company toaay tract or subdivis
ion within an' neclion or part of section, de
scribed in tbe list, on tbe ground tbat the same
Is more valuable for mineral ihan lor agricult
ural purposes, will be received aod noted for re
port to lb (icneral Land Office at Vashingt6o
tV 5
We Have the Best and
Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS,
h 'V 1 1 :.-!J
The favorite of the Army and Navy. A few of the ships equipped with the Blickens
derfer Typewriter during the Spauish-American War.
No. 5. $35-
St. Paul,
All goods fully guaranteed and sold on the installment
Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins,
the musical line can be had at
You Purchase!
Our stock is chuck full of the useful as well as onia'
mental. Call and see at
Churchill & Wooliey's.
Cass Street Market
Fresh and Cured
Fish and
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'PhoneJMain 181. Props.
. r r i i
tr. oeneuiCK
Any JobWork donejat
f Reasonable p -
Triumph Prune Grader
Foi Green and dried Prunes.
Compact, Practical, Accurate.
Send for circulars and testimonials to
Patentee and
Get your.
We have a Complete
stock of TEXT BOOKS
and the Finest Stock of
ever brought to this city.
Our Prices are Right. . . .
Successor to O. W. KOAB.)
General Blacksmithing
Aim mm uojBaxHOjEaiv.
Stoop oa Corner Waablnarton and Kane Sta., Saseba.c .
Besides these we have other good
Pianos but cheaper in price but not
in quality.
m TTt"' ' JtrfC m
Violins, Accordions, Autoharps.
and Retail Dealers in
Game in Season,
Undertake? end EmMmsP.
Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon
"tr At Marsters.
No. 7, $50.
The Blickensder
fer is rapidly dis
placing the more
complicated and
higher priced ma
chines, as it does
the same work
equally as well (if
not better). 40,000
now in use.
plan. Band Instruments,
In fact almost anything in
rV v i i P
departs 7:
Sootbbound Rpaeburg local, No. 18,
arrives 5 -J20 p. m.
Northbound overland, No. 6, ar-
rives 10 :33 a. m. ; departs 10 :45 a. m.
Southbound overland. No. 6, arrives)
4:15 a. m.; departs 4:25 a.m.
Northbound fast through freight. No
221, arrives 4 :10 p. m. ; departs 5.-20 p.
Southbound fast throogh freight. No
222, arrives 7:00 a. m.; departs 8r00 a
North bound mixed train No. 222 arrives
at 2 '55 p. m., Sundays, Wednesdays and
Fridays, departs 9:00 a. m.. Mondavi
Thursdays and Saturdays.
Southbound mixed tram No. 226 ar
rives at 3.-00 p.m.. on Sondays. lion.
days and Fridats, departs 7:15 a. m.
Mondays. Thursdays and Satardayt.
Mrrnooist Cacaca comer ol Main aad Laas
strsett. Boaday aervlee: Fioai titiif. n a. at
aad :00 p. as.; Babbata school. 10 a, am.; L.
A. Walker, Bo peris tendons; Class Msstlaf at
close of the morning asrvleo; Jtprrafla tsag)
70 p. m. r. B. Godfrey, President. Prayer
Meeting, Wednesday, at 7:30 p. at.
G. R. Aajrou, Pastor,
Paiaooace, eoraer Mala aad laaa.
CiriTan Basraaajf Chpbch oa Powlor strosC
Sunday terries, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 . m. Pray.
er meeting. Tharsday evening.
Mrs. Leer at Crmir, Pastor.
br. fcioK.ii CnracH. Corner Cass sa
Main streets. 6e trices on secoad aad hrari'
Bonday moral ng of each month and every Box
evening.- Special aerricea aaaonnead boa
me to time. Karv. Jomw Sawsosr,.
M. E. Cacacsr, South. Services very Buds
-orning and evening. f
Rv J T COTTow, paste
Barnar Cacacn corner of Lao. aad Bo.
ueets. Sunday service: Preaching at U a. E
and 7:90 p. Baa Sabbath Behool at IS a. bl. O. 1
Coahow, aopcrintendeat. rrayer meeting ir
7:30 Wednesday evening.
M. A. Oocclas, Pastor
Piasr Caaumaji Ca lata Corner of Pins
and Woodward streets. Sunday ssrvtess
Preaching both morning aad evening. Bandar
school at ID a. m. T.P.8.C. E.atsJO p. m
Prayer meeting each Wednesday erening at
7 JO. A cordial welcome and greeting awaits
all. . W. A. Wooa,
Piasr pBAsBTTiBiaa Caracn Corner of Cans
aad Bos streets. Sunday service: Panne
worship, 11 a. m., ant 4 p. bl; Babbata
school, 10 a. m. t. P. B. C E. at 7 p. bu
Prayer meeting, Wedccsday evening 7:90
m. J. A. Tawmsaan,
Taa W. C. T. C. will hold its regular Bteetisgs
on the second and fourth Mondays of every
month at T JO p. m. in tho Xpworth IaagM
room ol the M. I. Church.
j Aaaixv
Palt Lake. Oenvr. P L
Worth. Omaha Ka n-aaCitv.Si-Lxi
Ci i
eago Fast
Spokane . Walla WalU Lew is ton, j Bpokaua
Flyer i Spokane. Minneapolis, i Flyer
3 iip. m.' fee Pan', Dolnlh, Mil- i Sa. aa.
; wan kie, Chicago aad
East. i
I 4
Ocsaa STXjUfsair
p. ai.
All Sailing dates subject
to change. i
For Ban Francisco
Sail Dec 3, 8, 13, IS, 23,1
ana every as ye.
To Astoria and Way
Landings. Ok-
,fjt.- Boa.
Kx -Sunday
8 p. m
10 p. m.
WTtxaxrrrs Rrvis
Oregon Citv. Kewberg.
Salem a w ay-land's
4 JU.P- aa.
lira. iwrxLaBrrrs An Taat- s-sa w.aat
Tnea-Thursl biu. Kit a as. i Hon. wed'
and SaL I Oregoo City, Dayton I aad Ft
and way-Landings.
WaLajtrrra Bxvsm
4:30 p. Bk
Moo. Wad
and Way-Landings.
Ssaks Btvsa Lear.
. Lewis ton
Riparia to Lewiston Daily
3:30 a. as.
1:9 a. m.
j. i-.uivans, w. n. narlburt.
Agent, Roseburg, Or. Gen. Pass. Agt,,
ioi tland, Ol
x of Oregon for Douglas county.
Nora Helm, Plaintiff,
. i Snit iniquity foe
Fletcher Helm, Defendant) a divorce.
To Fletcher Helm, the above named de
fendant: In the name ol the Statt of Oregon, yon am
hereby required to appear and answer the
compl i. t tiled against yon in the above en
titled snit on or before the first day of the
next regular term of the above entitled court
to wit:
Monday March, 5th, 1900. And if you fail
to appear or answer said complaint, within
raid time, for want thereof plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded in her
complaint aa follows:
For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds
of matrimony exiating between plaintiff and
defendent, and lor such other relief as to the
court may appear equitable
This Sammoni is published bv order ol Hon.
J. W. Hamilton, Jndge ot said court, which or
der ia dated January 6, 1900, and the time pre
scribed ia said order for the publication of this
summons is once a week lor six weeks proceed
ing the first day ol said term ol court, and the
day Of the first CUbbcatio nf thla nimnniuhla
January , 1300.
F. W. Ba-SSOjr,
CfctT.) Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Appointment o - Eauect-
Votice ia! hereby given that the underj"
A' Was on the lath d nf vik..:
duly appointed as executrix ol tbe last art
testament of Geoige T. Russell, deceasec
t arsons having claims against said esla
ereby required to present the same pr
verified, to said executrix, at Oakland, Dr
county, Oregon, within six months in
usie nereoi. -
Dated this 10 day of yovember, 1899. f
Execu ;
Notice for Publicatj
CsitvdStaiks La-iDOrru a, f
Roseburg, Oregon, December 30, I
Notice Is hereby given that the foil..
named settler has filed notice of his lotr
to make final proof in support of bis CVr
that said proof wiil be made before thelk
and Receiver V. S. Lant Office 'at aW
Oregon, on Febrnary 10, 1X0 vtt
On his H. E. No. SOCOJfor theHots 13. 1
Sec. 14, Tp. SO 8, K. 4 W. lie names tbe t
tug witnesses to prove nucouuniious res
upon and cultivation of said land
Kent Fate, and John Perdue, ol Davs
Oregon, and Robert Mewa-1 and J. B.'FuT
ot Canyonville, Oregon.