The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 25, 1900, Image 2

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i,4 Thunday .
Ttl rUJKI)
A .:
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Subscription Rate.
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(is Kontai .
..-' 00
.. 1 00
fare Monthly
JANUARY 22, 1900.
Tbe republican state convention
meet about the middle of Apr 1.
We sire ia this iseue tbe boundaries
of tbe new precincts snd roi districts.
It will bi noticed that namerou changes
here been mads and it will be in order
for you to find out "where you are at"
before you attempt to register or vote.
Better preserve thi paper.
We have received a number t letter,
not only from neaepaper tnn of the
state but from prominent citizens and
officials us well, complimenting us on an
editorial which piared iu tbe Tla'IN
ukvlkk of a recent date, relative to the
Ttifludjoe of the con my jress in politics.
:Tbauks, Gentlemen.
Xite Review takes up lbs tiiSit in favor
' of the peddlers against the business men
of Roeebur'. Ttiis was to I exited,
as that paper ban of late been CDmplaiu
inwoftbe p.tronase. or rathei, lack of
patronage, given it by the tusiwss iuen
of Roseburg, an l uktuilr.s ine of
bWckiuailing tbeiu iuto moie liberal
An Eastern exc.iaoge speakiug of the
suicide of a well known pohtirian whose
failure in life bad been attri'muxl to poli
ties says: "Politics hada't so much to
do with it as a pair of red shoes. When
a married man follows off shoes worn by
any other woman than hi? wife, to the
distance that this mau trav-d-ul, he is
bound to find hell at tbe end of his path.
A man who travels the roa J to hell
abould get back in tioie 'o to to work as
usual next morrrinz."
We wonder why it is that the friends
and political m-nj:'T of Hod. Thos. U.
Tongue think it ntc a y to be eternally
cay in z natty, m?n 'h:ngs cf Hon. Bin-g-r
Hermann. On'y list f-und.y ti e
Salem Statesman, publist-el ty R. J.
Hendricks, who is the chairman of the
congressional committ"-, and Mr.
Tongue's political manager in this dis
Jktrict?conta:ned ooe of tbe mast nnreas-
L 1 . . , , ,
onaoie, unjust ana ungeouemauiy reier
eoces to Mr. Hermann ttvat has ever ap
peared in that paper, and Hendricks
never misetd an opportunity to say
mean things about him. Four years ago
when Tongue defeated Mr. Hermann for
congress, not only Mr. Hermann, hut
very friend of hie in and out of Doug
las county gave Tongue their earnest,
hearty support . and tave continued to
do so since that time. Today there is a
candidate against Mr. Tongue in every
county in the district, except in this
Mr. Hermann's own county, while men
a'l over tbe die'rict arv conspiring to de
feat Toogne for a renoiniiialioo. They
have been joined by no citizen of Doug
las county, so far as we know, and we do
know that neither Mr. Hermann nor
any of his friends in Douslas county
have laid a straw in the way of the re
nomination of Mr. Tungue; and yet
there area lot of fellows who think
there ia yet no way of showing their
friendship for Tonene bur ty saying
mean things of Hermann. Tongue
should be praying to be saved from his
fool friends.
Two Will be Elected by the Next Two
Legists ures.
State senators elected ntxt June will
have an opportunity to rote for two
VitV-ed States Senatois. aa the term oi
both Senator McBrids and Senator Simon
win soon expire.
Senator McBriJs's eiccessor is tj be
elected next winter. Toe eeaator is
a ixioos to succeed himself, but tbe
i-iiancea against him are heavy, in fact,
t isconceJed tint nst.r McBride will
it be in it.
There are several prominent men
w lose tiames re used in speaking of
oator McBriJe's successor, any one of
a jom may be the fortunate wearer of
1 -e toga. Binger Hermann, laid coui-
issioner, has bc-n quetly )u-tling for
.8 place, and trii!g to work up a sys-
aatic b'jom with success that has been
1 - im fair to uiid 1:iog. Telegram.
What Hath God Wrought."
Skw York, Ju. 21. Mrs. Acnie Ells
w Mtb Smith, widow of Keeweil Smith,
f -under of tbe Century Company, died
ai ber home here today, aged 73 years.
1; was Mrs. Smith who, in 1844, when
a 4 a girl oi 17, teat the umoos first
lei graphic meseage, "What hath God
wrought?" Irora the United SUtes su
- preme court room, Washington, to Balti
. om. Her father, Henry L. Ellswonb,
a sou of Chief Justin Olivrr Ellsworth,
w tt tbs first commissioner of patents,
Sod has been called ' the father of the
pmeui cmce. nc uaa neen a college
' friend of Frofecsor S. F. B. Morse. To
gether they bad ecdeivored to icdace
wujicji 10 paes Kill graciing JU,UUU
for tbe nooetrocti'jn of a trial line be
tween Washington an I Baltimore.
'Mo'WIti i beeu eeekini; the belp of
congress since ISoS, bat it was not until
tbe last five minutes of the session of
1843-44 that tbe bill was passed. It was
Annie Ellsworth w ho carried (the news
of tbe passage of tbe bill to l'rofeeeor
Morse the ntxt morning and be assured
ber that Ehe should send the first mee
sage. Tbe Canal Bill Will Pass.
N'kw Yokk, Jaii. 22 According to the
Hersld's Washington correspondent, the
Hepburn Morgan Nicaragua canal bill
will l passed during tbe present eeseion
of coni(rets. Speaker Henderson in in
favor ol tbe bill aud for prompt action.
Senator Frye, ( resident pro tern., wants
action by the senate, and expresses the
belief that the bill will b passed at an
tarty flate.
Boers Hold Spionkop, and All Efforts
to Dislodge Them Have So
Far Failed.
London, Jau. 24. t l. M. Tbe es
trone tension caused by what may be
jus'ly designated ! be most anxious paure
sim-e the wsr bpgmi ha not l eeu re
lieved up t tt.e time of this writing tave
t daily tttcck exchange tuuior, which
tc lay bapiwus to have bceu started by
the bull, who assert that General War
ren has captured Spioukopf.
Anxiety in regard to neas is visible on
all sides. Tbe war office was besieged at
an early hour this morning, ami the
clubs aud other resorts liable to receive
earlr news have been crowded with
eager impirers. It is generally rccog-
n're.1 that the Eo-r position, if ever
taken, can only lie captured Ht a Ire
mendious cost.
Losoos, Jao. 4. A dispatch from
Pretoria, dated Jauuarr 23. soaewbat
amplifies the. dispatch of January 22,
from tbe Boer head laaiser, cabled by the
Associated Press last evening. It esys:
"Four oi five times during the day the
British replaced their wearied soldiers
br fresh ones. The Boer casualties to
date are one man killed and two slight
ly wounded. Our men are in excellent
spirits. There is a large slaughter of the
"British. General Botha is now in sole
command. General Cronje having been
sent elsewheie."
Toe same dispatch, evidently referring
to the itn ttion t Colenso, eays :
"One o! the large Boer Maxims was
temporarily disordered, but was soon re
tailed. Tbe Britieh north camp ia
jccnftiMou. People are observed treking
aimlessly in a'l direction.'-
As le af'.ercojn progr'seed the ex
citement on Pall Mall reeched a nigh
pitch, bu: th war-office officials reiter
ated at 3:30 p. m. the olt-repeated state
ment that "Nothirg had bru received
from General Boiler." Tbe snspense
was increased by tbe belief that General
Buller would never havj published hie
intention to attack the Boer at Spion
kopf unless sitisSed that tbe assault
wooll be carried out before the news
couid be published, and it was fal.y an
ticipated that tbe news of his success or
failure would reach Ixmdon in a few
The cabinet niiuieters called at the war
office after lunch to ask for news.
pKtrokiA, Jaii. 20. The number of
British prisoners now here are tbirty
two hundred.
IVxiLtTvx, Jan. 20. Umatiila
lists will meulion 'no fusion this
Today's confereno settlad that.
Steamer Wrecked.
year. Skattle, Wash., Jan. 23. A special
to the Times from Port Townsend eays :
The steamer Cottage City reports the
total Iobj of the steamer Tow nee a d near
Haines Mission, Alaska, and also reports
having found tbe etoimer City of Seattle
with propeller missing. She towed tke
City of Seattle to Juneau.
Edenbower Items.
3'edding bells are ringing.
"We've tried in vain to risk our braiu,
For something "cute" to say.
But all cur funny fancies must
Have floated far away."
Mr. Evert and family have moved to
Mr. Laird, of iiivereide, has made
quite an improvement on his resi
dence. Chares Verrell and Msrk Munson
are busy painting the new church.
. E. Norlhrup, who has been vieitiig
his mother, Mrs. Hansen, left Sunday
morning for his home at Fiebers,
Mr. Mjeber and family left last week
for Silverton, Oregon.
Andrew Hansen is very busy with bis
violin and guitar at present.
Elijah Srmer and John Mun?ou are
busy cutting woo'.
Clyde GadJis passed through Hih St.,
Where did "K" learn to spell? Sure
ly it was nat in Japan.
Mrs. Moriarity contemplates leav
ing for Alaska, in a few weeks.
Mrs. Will Harvey has been oa tbe
sick list for several days.
There will be services held in tbe
school house next Sunday, at 2:30
o'clock, p. in., by Rer. Suuiiner
ville. One of our young ladies captured a
Cbinaman, a few ays ago.
r. AND j.
Fine Paintings.
Al -
Mrs. W. A. S:uick, art teacher in
bany C'jllee, has 011 exhibition at the
Albany Furniture Company's store, a
beautiful collection of paintings, in oil,
water and pattol . Tbe tttidies embrace
landscapes aud flowers. A painting in
oil of lila: is pronounced by experts to
be equal lo the bet t work of the country '
De amsie. 1 1. lana-scapes Don. l,er
brush also show tbe true artiet's touch, j
Mrs.Smick- work in Albany College j
embraces draw,uK' from hie, sketching, ,
pastel, water crors and oil ainting. !
These paintings speak unmistakably ol i
the excellence of the art experiment of '
the college. tlbauy Herald.
Mrs. Smick who has Wen teaching in '
the Albany College f r feveral yers, was '
a resident of Rueebur for many yeais
and her lsr,te circle of friends will je
pleased to notice tbe above words of !
commendation. Mr. Smick 's work ;
however, speaks for itself and tbe people
of our city are acquainted with the fact
that ehe is not an amateur but rather a I
master with pei.cil and brush.
Description of the Road Districts of
Dougtrs Contity.
J Following is a description of all road
j districts of Douglas county as rtcon
i structed at tbe present term cf county
court. The descriptions have baen care
fully compared, and are no doubt cor
rect Our leaders would do well to pre
set ve them carefully fer future refer
M8TH1CT XO. 1,
Ueginuiug at l'acibc ocean on feet ion
i liue httween sec 4 and 'J tp l'J s r 12 w,
1 theuce east to ec comer ee1 B'- etc 1
jtp l'J s r 12 w, south, Ji mile, east (4
uide, sou'h 1,'i miles, east 'a' mile, south
mile, east mile, south mile, cast
miles, eouth miles, wtst to
Pacific ocean, aloug ocean beacn to place
of beginning.
lWgiunitig oa ue corner sec 12 tp l'J
r 11 w, tbeuce. south 34 miles, we6t 5'4
miles, north mile, west 4 mile, north
2 mile, west ,'a mile, ncrlh l.'.j miles,
west .'4 mile, i.orth a mile to county
liue, eatt on coun'y line to place of be
ginning. D1STKICT .so. o.
Beginning on Pacific ocean on tecli )u
line tnftweeu sec 5 and 8 tp 20 s r 12 w,
thence east to ne corner sec 12 tp 20 s r
12 w, south O.'g miles, east 0 miles to
4 post tetwren sec 2o tp -I s r II w, and
sec 30 tp 21 s r 10 w, south lo Umpqua
river, down Umpqua liver to Paiific
ocean, up beach to place ot brginniog.
DISTEtCT no 4.
Bejiuuing on county line at nw corntr
sec 7 tp 19 s r 10 w, theuce south 0 miies,
wee tO miles, south Us miles, east 0
miles, north l'j miles, east 14 milee,
north 3 miles, east 4 miles, north to
county line, westerly along county line
to place ot beginning.
UlbrSK T no 5.
Begiuning on Pacific ocean on county
liue between Douglas and Coos counties,
at a point due west of ee corner rec 36 tp
22 e r 11 w, theuce east on county line lo
se corner sec 30 tp 22 s r 11 w, north lo
tbe Umpqua river, down Umpqua river
to Pacific ocean, on ocean beach to
place ot beginning.
IMSTBlCr no. 0.
Beginning at sw corner sec 31 tp 22 a r
10 w, north !) tnils to nw corner sec V)
tp 21 s r 10 w , east 14 miies to ne corner
kc 20 tp 21 s r 8 w, south 5 miles to ee
corner sec 8 tp 22 s r 8 w, west 1 mile,
south 4 miles, west 1 mile, south to ta
corner see 13 tp 24 s r 9 w, west C miles
to county line, along county line
westerly direction to place of begin
Eetiinniog sn county line betweeu eec
2j p Itls r 8 w, and sec 30 tp 19 s r 7 w,
thence soma to the sw corner eec 31 tp
20ir7w, west 4 miies. south to the sw
toraer sec i) tp 22 it 8 w, west 1 mile,
sooth 2 miles, east 4 milee, south to
Umpqua river, op river to "4 section
corser between sec 10 and 11 tp 23 s r 7
w, east to '4 6ec corner between sec 7
anc 8 tp 23 a r 6 w. north I3 milee, west
1 nile, north to county line, westerly on
county line to place of beginning.
tnsraicT. xo 8.
legiunicg sw corner sec 18 tp 23 s r 8
w, thence north 0 cdies, east 1 milei
north 2 miles, east 4 miles, south to tbe
Ua-pqua rivei, op Uincqas river to tp
Hat between r 7 and 8 tp 23, south to se
eerier sec 13 tp 23 a r 8 w, west G miles
to f'ace cf tieginnii
beginning at sw.corner sec IS tp 24 s r
S w, tbence north 0 milee, east U miles,
nor.h to Umpqua river up Umpqua river
lo section line between sec Id and 11 tp
23 s r 7 w, east to center cf sec 8 tp 23 a
r 6 w, south 'J milee, weet 4 miles, north
o Umpqua river, up said river to section
line between sec 17 and 20 tp 24 s r 7 w,
twest to place of beginning.
D1STEKT no 10.
Beginning at se corner sec 2 tp 20 s r 7
w, tbence north 8J2 miles, west 2 miles,
north to Umpqua river, up said river to
section line betweeo sec 17 end 20 tp 24
s r 7 w, west to county line, southerly
slung county line to a point due west of
place of beginning, east lo place of be
ginning. district no. 11. 1
Begin on Unipqua river on eec
tion line between eec 23 and 24, tp 25 s
r 7 w, thence eouth tonw corner sec 12,
tp 20 8 7 w, west to county line, souther
ly along said county line to a point due w
of se corner eec 30, tp 20 s r 8 w, east to
said corner, eouth 2 miles, east to Ump
qua river, down said liver to the place of
Beginning at the ne corner sec 17 tp 27
r(i w, tbence west 8 miles, north 2
miles, wen to county line, eouth arly
atonic county line to a point due west of
se corner sec 8 tp 28 e r 7 w, east to said
corner, tcuUi 1 mile, east 3 miles, north
1 mile, east 1 miles, north 1 miles, eaet2
milee, north 5 miles, pi ice of beginning.
MJSTIUl'T no. 13.
Beginning at ne corner eec 23 tp 23 s r
7 w, tbence west 3 miles, north 1 mile,
west to county liue, southerly along said
county line to a point due wast of Be cor-
j ner sec 33 tp 2 i s r 8 w, east to said
iner, souih2 miles.east 1 mile, noi
d cor-
nortb 2
mile, east 5 miles, north 1 mile, east 1
mile, nurtli 1 mile, east 1 mile, north 1
mile to place of beginning.
district no. 14.
l -ginning at ne corner sec LO tp lis s r
7 w, tbenc south 7 miles, east 1 mile,
south 1 mile, west J miles to sw corner
8e(J 34 tp ofJ , , 8 w norlh 4 mJ, j
Bor, eset 5 rai,e UQfii j
m,;ef ettBt , luile north , eMt j
to ln pI,t, o begi0UiaK.
district so. 15.
Beiriuniitg at nw sec 7 tp 23 S r
w theiu-o east to Umpqua river, up
'ai'1 river 10 llje el ,iu8 between sec
27 "u'1 in lP 2S e r 0 w, south to ne
"--oriier eec 4 tp 29 3 r 0 w, east 1 mile,
south 5 mi;ee, weat 5 miles to sw corner
"'c tw -9 r " w. north 9 miles to nw
ec 1J tp ib tn w, east 1 mile,
""r,L 1 ,ha t0 ,lace of beginning.
district nj. 10.
Heifinnini? nt w ;ornr bpp 34 in "a a r
8 w, thencn south 0 miles to so corner see
S3 Ip 29 a r 8 w, east 3 uiili-n lo ee curur j
tp 29 s r 8 w, south 6 miles to se corner to
tp SO s r 8 w, west 0 miles to sw corner
tp 30 a r 8 w, south 0 miles to as corner
tp 31 s r 9 w, west to county line, north
on county liue to a point due west of I
place ot beginning, east to place of be
ginning. ins hot no. 17.
Beginning at ne corner on sec 1 tp 30 I
r 7 w, thence south 4 '.J miles, east 2 1 .j
unlef, north 1 mile, east 2 miles, norm
4 mile, west mile, north 11'4 mile,
west 1 niih, north 1 mile, we-t i miles,
north 1 mile, west 1 mile thence north 1
mile, east 4 miles, south 1 mile, east 2 1
miles, south 3 mi'es, east 1 mile, south 3
miles, west 1 mile, south U miles to to sec 30 tp 31 a rt w, west H miles I
to sw corner sec 31 tp 31 s r 8 w. north G
miles to nw cornei sec 6 tp 31 s r 8 w,
east ti miles lo se corner sec 36 Ip 30 s r
8 w, north 6 miles to nw corner tp 30 e,
r 7 w, east U miles to place of begiuning.
Beginning at ne corner cn sec 1 tp 30 s
r 7 w, thence south V - miles, east
miles. mr:h 1 tuile. east 2 miles, uorth
)i mile, weel uii'e, north l'j miles,
west 1 mile, north 1 mile, west 2 miles.
north 1 mile, weel 1 mile to place ol be
uisTiticr no. 111.
Beginning at ne corrcr to 32 s r 0 w,
them e west to county line between Doug
las and Coos couuties, 6outh to south
boundary lino if couutr, easterly along
said southern boundary to a l oint due
south of place of beginning.
fcl-TRICT no. 20.
B.'ginniog at tbe sw corner etc 31 tp 22
s r ti w, thence east 4 miles, noiiu
miles, east S miles, to se corner sec 24 tp
22 s r 5 w, north 3 mile.", west 1' miles
north to county line, northerly along
said line to a point due north of place oi
beginning, south to place of beginning.
DlSTllllT no. 21.
Beginnug at ce corner sec 12, tp 22 s r
5 w, tbeute west 1'.. miles, nor.h to
county liue, southerly along said county
line to a point due east of place oi oegin-
ning, west to place of beginuiug.
ihthict no. 22.
Beginning at ne corner tec 25 tp 22 s r
o w, theme bjuiIi 2'a miles, w 1 mile,
south .' j mile, west 5 miies, north 1 mile,
wel 2 miles, iK.r'h 2 miVe, east 3 miles
to place of begiouing.
dthiii no. 23.
F-ecionicK at nw cor sec 3 Ip 23 8 r 0 w
thence south I,1 miles.east '; mile.soutb
44 miles, eaetV . miles, north 2 miles
eist 2 miles, south 2 miles, east 2 miles,
north 1 mile, eatt 1 mile, north 4 miles,
west 5 miles north 1 mile, wrst 5 miles
to place of beainuiog.
distort xo 24.
Beginning at nw oruer sec7lp22sr
4 w, tbence east to county lioe, souther
ly along county line to a point doe east
of ne corner section 4 tp 23 a r 4 w, west
to said corner, south 1 mile, west 1 mile,
south 1 mile, weft 2 miles, sonih ?
miles, west 1 miie, north 4 miles, east 1
mile, north 5'; miles to place of begin
ning. Disraicr no 25.
Beginning at sw corner tec 32 tp 23 s r
4 w, tbence eatt to county line northerly
on county linn lo a puiot due east of ne
corner sec 4 tp 23 s r 4 w, west to
point, south 1 miie, west 1 mile, eoutb 1
mile, west - miles, south 3 milee, east 1
mile, south 1 mile to place ol beginning.
district no 20.
Beginning at tn-juib of Calapooia creek
in sec 2o, tp 23 s r 7 w, tbence following
meanderiogs ot said creek to a point cor
responding to a southerly extended lice
of Cedar st, Oaklacd, northeast lo east
line of O & C R K right of way .southerly
along said right of way to Locust et, ce
on Locust Bt to 2nd av, northwesterly ca
2nd av to Court st, northerly to end of
Court Bt, ne direction lo ew corner sec I
34, tp 24 s r 3 w, north on eec liue be
tween sec 33 and 24, tp 24 s r 5 w to Cat-
apooia creek, following meacderiegs ot
said creek in easterly direction to tp line
between tp 24 and 23 S r 3 w, east on
said tp line to ee corner tec 31, tp 24 e r
4 w, north 1'4 miies, east 1 mile, north
yi mile, east 4 miles, north 4'j miles to
county line, west 00 tp line between tp
23 and 24 to se corner sec 31, tp 23 s r 4
w, ncrth 1 mile, west 1 mile, north 't
mile weat 1 mile, south mile, west 1
mile, eouth 1 mile, west 2 miles, north 2
miles, west 2 miles, eoutb 2 miles, west
4 2 miles, south 4'j miles, west 2'? miles
sooth to Umpqua river, up Umpqua
river to place of beginning.
Begin at mouth of Calapooia creek in
sec 23, tp25er7w, tbeoce following
meandering of said creek to a point cor
responding fo a southerly extended lice
of Cedar st, Oakland, tbenco in ne direc
tion to east lioe of O & C R R right of
way, along si id right cf way in souther
ly direction to Locust et, ns Locust at to
2nd ar, northwesterly on 2nd av to Court
at northerly to eDd of Court tt, tbence
in ne direction to ew comer sec 34, tp 24
s r 5 w, north on eec line between sec 33
and 34, tp 24 s r 3 w to Calapooia creek,
following meandering cf said creek in
easterly direction to tp lioe between Ip
24 and 25 8 r 5 w, east on said tp line to
se corner eec 31, tp 24 s r 4 w, north 1'4
miles, east 1 mile, north '4 mile, east 4
m:b, norlh 4'a miles to county line,
. .ice in southerly direction along
entity line to a point dje east of aw
corner se: 18, tp 25 s r 3 w, west t .i stid
point, eoutli 3 miles, west 6 miles, north
2 miles, west 0 miles, south 2 miles,
west 5 miles to Umpq i river, north
westerly following Umpqua river to place
of beginning.
district no 28.
Beginning at ne corner sec 1 tp 20 a r
0 w, tbence south 2'4 miles, west mile
south 1 mile, west '4 mile, eouth to
junction of North an J Sju'.h Umpqit,
down Umpqua river to tp liue between
tp 25 and 20 s r G w, eat 00 said tp line
to place of baginning.
DISTRICT no. 29.
Beginning at nw corner sec JO tp s
r 5 w, theuci sjuth 4'.' miles, west Js'
mile, south 1 mile, west '4 mile, eouth
to North Umpqua river, up sai.l liver to
so coiner sec 17 tp 20 R r 5 w, east 4
miles, north 5 miles, weet 0 miles to
place of brginniug.
DiTTBJcr no. 30.
Begiunibg at center of tec 12 tp 27 s r
0 w, theuce sou'h lo South Umpqua
river, down said river to junction cf
North and South Umpqua, up North
Umpqua lo section lino between sec 25
and 20 Ip 30 fl r fi w, south to 4' section
tost betweeu 11 and 12 tp 27 r0 w, east
place ot bgiooitir.
Begin at a point on 8 Urn ton a river at
west end of Douglas st. theuce east on
Douglas st to Pine st, south on Pine st
to Lane st, cast on Lane st to Rose st,
north on Rose st to Deer creek, up Deer
creek to sec line between ecc 19 and 20,
tp 27 s r5 w, n irth on said sec line tosw
corner sec 32 tp20sr5 . east 1 mile.
norm to North Umpqua river, down
umpqua river to section line between
sec L'o and 26 tp 20 s r 6 w, south to i
post between sec 11 and 12 tp 27 s r 0 w,
east mile, south to South Umpqua, up
baio river to place of beginning
Beginning on Deer Creek at north end
of Rosa st. south on Ross st to Oak at.
east on Oak st to Chanwick st. north on
Chadwick st to Waihii gton st, east to
center of sec l'J tp 27 s r5w. south K
mile, east 65j miles, north '3 miles, west
3 milee, north 1 mile, west 3 miles, south
to Deer creek, down Deer
creek to place
of beginning
DlfcTBKT no 33-
Beginniug at sw corner sec 20 tp 27 s r
4 w, thence east 5 miles, -north 3 miles.
wtsto miles, south 3 miles to place of
DlsTKKT xo. 34.
lieginntng at nw corner sec-1 tp26a
row, thence south 3 miles, east 2 miles,
south 1 mile, east 8 miles, north 2 miles,
west 1 mile, north 2;a' miles I. Umpqua
river, upUmpqna river to tp lioe be
tween tp 'J6 s r 4 w, and tp 28 a r 3 w,
north to ne corner sec 1 tp 2 s r 4
west 0 miles, south 3 miles, west 4 miles
to place of beginning.
Uaginmtg at ne corner sec 25 tp 2i a r
1 w, thence south 1 mile, west 1 mile,
north to North Umpqua, op said river to
tp line between tp 20 s r 3 w, scd Ip 20 a
r 4 w, north to nw corner sec 19 tp 25 s r
3 w. east to county line, south along
count j line to a point due east of place of
beginning, west to place of beginning.
district .v. 30.
Beginning at ew corner sec Ip 28 a r 3 w
tbence north 'J miles, east to county line,
eouth along tbe county lioe to a point due
east cfieco'ner sec4tp2S sr2 w, west to
eaidciruer, smth2 miles, west 0 miles.
north 2 miles.wsst 3 miles, to place t-f be
ginning. district no. 37.
B:gm at a joint on S Umpqua river at
a poiot s .m'b of s end of Mill st, Iheoce
up S Umpqua to wbere sectiia lioe be
Iweeo stc 3 and 10, tp 28. s r C w cresses
saiu nver wear. 1 mi e to sw correr a c
4, tp 28, s r 6 w, north 5 milee, east to
Umrqua river, up Umpqua to pslot
opposite west end i f Douglas st, east on
Douglas st to fine st, south Pine st to
Mosber st, west 00 Moeber st to Mill
st, south on Milt et to place cf begin
ning. DISTRICT NO 38.
Beginning at point on S Umrqua river
corresponding to an extended south lioe
of Mill st, Roseburg. north on Mill at to
Mosher st, east on Mcsber e to Tine st,
north oa Pi 00 st to Lane st, east on
Lane st to Rose st, north oa Rose et to
Oak st, east 00 Oak st to Chad ck et,
norm on Chadwick etto Washington et
eatt to renter of sec 19 tp27 s r 3 w, south
miie, east 2.'4' miles, sooth 2 milee,
east mile, sooth I'4 miles, east
mile, south 1 a mile, east 1 mile, south i
miie, east 1 mile, south 1 mile, west to
South Umpqua river down said river to
place of beginning.
Beginning at nw corner sec 27 Ip :
r 3. w, I he nee eouth 2'4 miles, east
mile, south I.'4, east t mile, south
' mile, east 1 mile, south )i mile, evst
1 mile, north 1 mile, eatt 4 miles, north
1 mile, east 2 miles, north 3 miles, weet
9 miles to place of beginning,
DISTRIRT no. 40.
Beginning cn S. Umpqua river on sec
j Hne between sec 22 snd 27 tp23sr0w,
thence east to ne corner sec 25 tp 23 a r
o w, sooth to se corner tec 23 tp 30 s r
5 w, west 1 mile, south 1 mile, west 3
miles, south 1 mile, west 2 miles, north
3 miles, west 2 miles, north to nw corner
sec 2 tp 29 a r 0 w , weet to sw coruer sec
34 tp 28 S r 6 w, north to South Umpqua
river, down said river to place of begin
ning. DISTRICT no. 41.
Beginning at ne corner sec 13 tp 28 s r
5 w, thence east 4 miles, north 1 mile,
east 5 miles, eouth 2 miles, east G miles,
north 2 milee, cast to county lice, south
along county line to a nointdueeastof sw
corner sec 31 tp 28 s r 3 w, west to said
point, south 2 miles, west 4 miles, south 1
mite, weet 2 miles, north 7 miles to place
of oegioniug.
district xo. 42.
Beginning at nw coruer tec 19 to 29 s r4
w, theuce east 2 miles, north 1 mile, east
4 miles, north 2 miles, east to county lice,
bon h along county line to a point due
east of of sw corner sec 30 tp 29 8 r2 w,
west to said point, north 1 mile, west 6
milee, south 1 mile, west 3 milee, south 1
mile, west miles, north 3 miles to place
cf beginning.
Dirruii r no. 43.
Beginuiug at sw corner sec 30, tp 31 s,
r5w, north to nw corner tp 31 s, r 5 w,
east tose coruer sec 31, tp 30 s, r 5w,
nonh;io nw corner tec 20,lp30a r 5 w east
o se corner so: 17, tp 30 s, r5 w, north to
ne corner sec 17, Ip 30 s, r 5 w. east tose
corner sec 11, tp 3 J e, r 3 w, north to ne
corner eec 11, tp 30 s, r 5 w, east to se
corner sec 1, tp 30 s, r 5 w, north to no
corner sec 1, ip m e, r o w, east to se
corner, see 33, tp 29 s, r 4 w, north to no
corner, seo 33, tp 29 s, r 4 w, east to ee
corner, sec 25, Ip 29 e, r4 w, north to
trie corner tec lo, Ip ID s r 4 w, east
to se corner eec 24, tp 29 s, r 3 w, south
to se corner tec 30, tp 29 s, r 3 w,
west to nw corner see 2, tp 30 e, r 3 w,
south to sw corner sec 2, Ip 30 , r 3 w,
west to uw corner wc 9, Ip 30 e, r 3 w,
south tosw corner sao 9, tp 3J e, r 3 w,
west to uw corner see IS, tp 30 s. r 3 w,
south to b corner sac 1M, tp 30 s, r 3 w
wea' to uw coruer sec IS, tp 30 e, r 4 w'
south to bw coruer sao 30, tp 30 s, r 4 w.
east lo se corner sec 30, tp 30, s r 4 w, south
to ew corner sec C, tp 31 s, r 3 w, east to nw
corner eec 9,tp 31 s,r3 w, south tosw cor
ner sec 9, tp 318, r3w,'eastto nw comer
eec 14, tp 31 s, r 3 w,south to co'iier seo
14, tp 31 s, r 3 w, west to nw corner sec
19, tp 31 s r 4 w, south to so corner,
eec 25, Ip31s r5 w, wost to place ot
niNTnicT no. 44.
I Bargains !
For 30 days will
PAPER in order
for Spring Stock.
See our $26.00 Sewing Machine, also
have secured through the Special agent,
Mr. J. R. Jones, the celebrated Singer
Sewing Machine that can make you
special inducements an and prices nev
er before offered in Douglas county.
If you contemplate buying a machine
call on or addresss
Roseburg, Oregon.
Watch our Window
We will keep constantly on hand a Fresh
Clean Supply of
Confectioneries, Fruits,
and Vegetables.
We have just what
Sheridan Block.
Roseburg Pharmacy
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drug, Toilet Articles, Patent Medi
ci Dee, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
Soaps, Faints and Oils.
photographic gnpplieg...
Til. rs1firati1 fo nri
C Cameras. .Triumph
Call and Examine them.
Good Service, Good Goods, and Good 'Prices
During the Holidays?
Have us call twice
orders, if you
Drop us a postal card or 'Phone 201.
Call in and see onr Fancy Decorated x
Haviland China and other China Ware.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
2sr cousaiHioM.
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
Dealer in
Flour, Feed, Groceries, and Country Produce.
Highest price for Country Produce.
Roseburg, -
Deginatnw corner sec 31,tp29sr2 w,
south to sw corner sec 31, tp 20 s t 2 w
west to nw corner sec 2, tp 30 8 r 3 w,
south to se corner eec 3, tp 30 s r 3 w,
west to nw corner ecc 9, tp 30 s r 3 w,
south totw corner eec 9, tp30s r3 w,
west to nw corner sec 18, tp 30 s r 3 w,
south to sw corner sec IS, Ip30sr3 w,
west to nw corner sec 24, tp 30 s r 4 w,
south to ew corner sec 36. tp 30 8 r 4 w,
east lose corner eec 30, tp30a r4 w, eouth
to aw corner eec 6, tp 31 s r 3 w, east to se
corner eec 5, tp 31 s r 3 w, south to ew cor
ner sec 9, tp 31 s r 3 w, east to se corner
sec 10, tp31sr3 w, south tosw corner sec
14, tp 31,8 r 3 w.east to sw corner sec 18,
tp 31 Br2w,eoutn tosw corner sec 31, tp
31 s r 2 w, east to county lioe between
Jackson and Douglas county, norttberly,
along said county Hne to a point due east
of place of beginning, west to place of be
ginning. Vote st Perdue.
UtSTBICT no. 43.
Ueginniogou county line betweenDoug-
laa and Josephine counties at intersect iou
of tp line between ranges 5 and 6 w. tbence
north to nw corner ot sec31tp31sro w,
east to ne corner sec 30 tp 31 s ro w
north to ue corner sec 24 tp 31 B r 5 w(
east to ne corner sec 24 tp 31 s r 3 w,
eouth to ne coruer tp 32 s r 3 w, east to
county liue between Jackson and Doug
las counties, westerly on county line be
tween Jackson, Josephine and Douglas
counties to placeof beginning.
to make ro
. i
you want. Call and see us.
yin fxrlnrt
Cut Film Cameras.
or three times a week for your
are within the city limits.
w Want
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Itartlflclally digests the food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the. 'test discovered digest
ant and tonic. 2o other preparation
can approach it In eQiciency. It- in
stantly relieves and permanently cores
Jjyspepsia, indigestion. Heartburn,
Flatulence. Sour Stomach. Nausea.
141 other results or imperfect digestion.
Prepare a cy c. l uawiti to, co'cago.
A. C. Marsters & Co.
For Infant 8 and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
F. B. Tbirkield, Health Inspector of
Qhicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Care
cannot be recommended too higblv. It
cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di
gests what you eat and cures indigestion,
heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia.
A, (J. Alarsters & Vo.
-Kosebnrg. C
Residence, Cor. Douglas and Chad
wick bts., one block above
Court House.
Here is aa opportnnily to (ret
First-Class Photographs at
tie very lowtst rates. All
sizes from 8X10 down to the
very smallest.
The Latest fad
Is a Calling or Business Card
with your photo (stauip bim
eight positions inlet of 100.)
Set lOO-neai cards with photo
name, business and address if
desired thereon, only f2.
The Wagon Gallery,
John H. Taylor,
Bbop,Jatonbtreet. UOtOgTapner.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding Douglas county warrants In
dorsed prior to and including March 14,
1399,to present tbe same at the treasurer's
office at tbe court house for payment
as interest will cease thereon alter the
date ol this notice.
Dated this thel 14th day of December,
1399, at the City of Roseburg, Oregon.
Gso. W. Dm hick.
Count v Treasurer, Douglas County, Or
Roseburg Market.
Eggi 20c per dcx.
Batter Country 25c.
Voultry Chickens, mixed. S2.50tit
Prunes Italian 335; silver, extra
choice, 5(?6 per lb.
beat 10(3 42c.
Oeta 25 30c.
Millstnff Bran. $17: middling 122:
shorts, tlS.CO; chop, I16.G0 per too. ;
Hav limotbT t9(t $11; clover. tTGLS
Orem wild bay, 0(7 per ton.
Wool loa 16c.
Potatoes 55(5 GO per bu.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
holding Boeeburg city warrants indorsed
prior to May 9, 1S33, to present
tbe same at tbe city treasurer's office ia
the city hall for payment, as interest will
cease thereon after the date of this
Dated at Kostburt-, Or., this 4th day
of January, 1900. H amy C. Sloctm,
City Treasurer.
Wood Wanted.
Sealed bids to farnub bO tiers of oak,
and 20 tiers of old fir, 23 inch wood to be
delivered at the school bouse in Rose
burg on or before September 1, 1900, will
be received by the undersigned until 12
o'clock 'noon of February 1, 1900. A
bond conditioned to the faithful perform
ance of the contract to furnish said wood
must accompany each bid. Tbe board
reserves the right to reject all bidv-
By order board of directors, Diet. 5o
4, Roseburg, Orrgm, January 6, 1900.
Clamjl Dillaxo,
School Clerk.
A first-class restaurant has been
opened on Cass street, opposite the
dejtot, at which may be bad fresh oys
ters, chicken, steaks, stews, lunches, and
besides meals at all hours, regular meals
are served. Lunches and quick meals
for railroad passengers a specialty. For
that hungry feeline be sure and call at
Duffy's restaurant, arice8 reasonable.
For Sale by
MRS. ft. BOYD.
Exclusive Agent.