The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 18, 1900, Image 2

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fubiisuiu Alul.; .. I Thursday .
. . STRATFORD... '..u.toraad Publisher
Snbscriptton Rates.
ae Year
llx Months .
..JJ 00
.. 1 00
farea M oaths
JANUARY 13, 1900.
The editor of the Plaixdeaijikk may
be a liar, Fisher says Le is, tat beien't
both a liar and a forger.
America - put 954 ships m aler
last year uot counting the B.au5sh ships
tbat were tent to the bottom.
flit-re wa a eec'wt dimeter sigued by
tbt iireridiiig elder of the democrat
camp tin years ego y tbe terms of
which J. L. Dewey ws to be given tbe
nomination on the fusiou ticket tLii
year but tie ont itet i'.
Our trade with Cua, Porto U cj. iia
wtuaod tbe Philippines last year ex
ceede I $40,000, an in reaaa of over 103
Mr cent. When all ties J is'ands are
engaged in peaceful induMrr, tbepres
enl figures will 1 mulupiua many
Tbe census ecutiteraUon will legiu
Jare 1 text. In two wieks thereatter it
must be completed in all cilie having
over 8,000 popnla son, and in four weeks
in all ether district. Tue pay .is 2 cents
for each buth, 10co.tefr each farm,
acd St cents for each mauufactnring
A number of prominent democrats
hare called at tbe Plaikukaleb office
and eipreeeed their tbanks for tbe man'
fter ia which we ezpored the Review
lorgert. Tbey expressed tl eimelvea as
heartily diagnstel ilh tbe dishonorable
conrre being pursued by Ibe Review in
count j politics.
Tbe Review i s bccn ir.g A. E Xk-bols
of South Donglaa fur represenutire on
the republican ticket. Tbe republicans
are booming Mr. Nichols forcumniirsion
r. Tbe Review do sn't care a whoop
who is representative, bni it cares a
wboie lot who is comtnieoioner, and,
knowing Mr. Xicbole popularity, and
that if nominated he will be elected, at
tempts to switch bim from commissioner
to representative. Very nica echeme
that if it could te made to wo k.
Tbe Review calls on to give the
name of the permn wm furnished us
tbe information on which we exposed
tbe diareputaWe (ormy incite issue of tbe
11 tb. We pointed ont tbe manner in
which tbe information could be ob
tained, in tbe article exposing tbe forg
ery. We cannot, in good faith, divulge
tbe name of our informant, and, farther
more, will not do it. This is a rale in
newspaper offices that can not be violat
ed. If our informant ebonld eee fit to
reveal bis identity and exp -a? himself
to tbe maliciotu attacks of theee political
high-binders, tbat ia his 010 bnsineee.
ito not ksM ttKifliw Urn miH do it or
not. Keally, as the forgery was so
damsy as to deceive no one, we do not
An encouraging sign of tbe progress
that baa already been made in tbe set
dement of the Caban qneetin is tie
(set tbat 400 farmer aod mecbaofes
Nave jast sailed from tbis country to
Cnba, with tbe intention of establishing
4 permanent American colony in tbe
idand. This eolony is to be located near
fie port of Noevits. in tbe province of
P jerto Principe, in a tract consisting of
acres of virgin forest. Meet of tbe
"nigranta are from New York aod tbe
N w England states, like tbe bardy pio
n rs who built op tbe great West,
while Western and Southern states are
j;eo represented, ebowiug tbat tbe move
ment toward tbe colonisation of the new
territories iia natimal on. Tbe fact
tbat already Ameriran c don ies are be
ing projected in 1 bent regions U proof
that tbe tide of emigration has turned in
'1st direction. With American colonies
. : altered throoglioat the ilands, it is but
matter of time before tbe American
c ntiment will predominate and the
Americanization of theee inlands be com-'
.iete. Tbe disparity in ratio between
: te native inhabitants and the American
. tillers is no bar to the atcnmplicbment
"f this end. A lew etnrdy Yankees, in
troducing Yankee ida, will go far tow
ard leavening the entire mass, K. C.
Tbe annonocetifcMit that all the Euro
f wn powers had agreed to "tbe open
d tor." which tbe United States demand--
i in China, is one that is brim full of
importance to tbe people of tbis country.
This "open djor" is very eimple. All
ibe United States wants is an assurance
in advance that io the various "spheres
of influence" which are biug established
in China by the great powers of Europe,
tbe United States ebail te given the
same right of boMne ss and trade tbat are
given tbe most favored nation. For ex
ample, Tbe French are occupying a part
Of China and tbey have agreed tbat tbey
will giye to citizen cf the United States
all tbe rights and privileges of trade
that are enjoyed by the citizens of
France. Russia, Germany, Eogland
and Italy have all made f h same agree
ment. They will keep this agreement be
cause it is jast and also because it is
backed by a powerful nation with tbe
Oregon aod a fleet at Manila only a few
miles awsy.
The great Chineee market is being
opened aod developed. The United
States does not want Chinese territory,
but it does want to sell to the Chi
nese tbe flour and tbe meat which tomes
from American farms and the machiner.
and clothes tbat are the product of
American labor. President McKinley
aod bit administration are looking after
tbis great new market aad have doDe a
good job of it
McKloley-Club fleets.
Pursuant to the ca 1 of tbe president,
tbe McKinley Republican Club held its
regular bi-annual hnsicew meeting for
the purpose of electing officers for the
term of two year and for the purpose of
electing deviates to the State League of
Republican club', which meets at Port
land , February 0h, Wednesday evening.
The meeUtii wai called to orler by
PreMMit S'raif .nl, iu d S. C. Flint was
electrd ttrmpj.-a-y eccreiarj-.
Tbe f I'owinj "il'tee's were iln-u elect
ed fur n.e toroi ( to years: Preei'Lut, t
J. A. liiichaiMU ; 1st vice preeideiit, F.
V. Bensou; 2nd vice presideut, F. W.
Wooiley; secretary, John H. ShupeJ
treaaurer. F. S. tivlfre.v.
The f-'lioaing-n-niied ineiniierp of Ibe
clab.weie then olwte.l as delegates to at
tend the stale convention of Republican
Cinbe ' lie held nt Cortland on February
Oib: K. D. SrrUorJ. J. T. Bridgee, F
W. Bei.e in, A. C. Mareiers, Judge J. C.
Follerton. 1). !. K. Buick.O F.Godfrey,
K. L. Prroit and Harry Slocuot.
Pree)let(t Ubcbanan then appoiuted
the follow ioc committees:
Executive Committee A. 0. M ureters,
J. C. FolteitanF. W. Benson, E. D.
Stratford, A. M. Crawford.
Finance Committee D. S. K. BuickJ
S. C. Flint, O. F. G!frey, F. P. Brown,
Dr. K. L. Miller.
Membership Commitfee J. L. Strat
ford, C. W. Parrott, W. C. Conner, F.
V. Wooiley, M. McCoy.
The meeting was well attended and
was both enlliufciaslic and harmonious.
He Will Not Be Allowed to Remain
In Congress.
Wasiiisutcs, Jan. 17. The i-p.cial
committee of ihs house to invettijta-e
the case cf Roberts of Utah, today
reached a tiual conclusion. On (he
polygamous statu oi Roberta tbe com
mittee was onanitnos. aod agreed npon
a formal etatment tit facts Oa the
question of procedure to b J adopted the
committee was divided.
The mxjirity, consisting of all nieoi
bers except L!"lcliild and D.-arroond
favored exdaiioa at tbe outset. Little
field and Dbanuond will make minor
itv report favorable to seating Roberts
on bis prima facie rights and then ex
pelling bim.
Tbecommitte, in ita elatementa, finds
tbat about 1S78 Roberts married Loima
Smith, bi first and lawful wife, by
whom be has bad six children; that
about 1SS3 he manied as a plural wife
Celia Dibble, who had ever since lived
as such and has borne bim six children,
of which last were tains born Annuel 11,
1S97; that some years after hia marriage
to Celia Dibble tie contracted another
plural marriage with Margaret C. Shipp,
with whom be has ever eince liv;d in
babit and repute o! marriage.
Chairman Taylor was snthorized to
prepare the majority report. It will be
ready in a few days nod prospects are
that the sal j x:t wili be before tbe bouse
early next week. Daarmoad will sub
mit the views of tbe minority.
There ooght to be s me way devised
try Elcli oar- established bueioeea men
coald be protected against intinerant
venders of spurious wares and merchan
disc. Our business men are honest and
public-spirited citizens. They have
their homes here. Tbey pay taxes to
support tbe city and county, to boi'.d
reads and bridges, support schools and a
hundred other public necessities. They
contribute of tbe proceeds of thir busi
ness to all kiocLs of public and private
enterprises. Tbey are bonet and re'i
able in every way. Tbey guarantee the
quality of their goods and remain here to
make their guarantee good. And yet
when come tin-born salesman comes
along with a lot of cheap, shelf
or shop-worn goods, or damaged or
inferior implements or musical in
struments, which couIJ not be sold in
the Isrgnr cities at any price, tbey
are allowed . to place their shabby
worthless goods ij competition with
those of honest and reli ble dealerr.
Take as au illustration these facte. We
have in our city one or more hour at, re
liable dealers in musical iasiruuients
caesper ana 01 better qaauty than can
be bought elsewhere, and yet any un
scrupulous or unreliable foreign dealer
can bring io a car load of eld, second
band, weather stained . ru ! Harped
pianos or orgaus. and bv broebing tbem
op to look new and in good condition, eell
them in competition with the local deal
ers withqat, restriction. True it may
be said that jsole don'c hsve
to buv . tLese spurious goods
but the fakir is a plausible cues with
a smooth toogae and will no doubt suc
ceed in leaving eo;oe of bis goads with
oar people who will soon be looking for
someone to kick them for their folly in
allowing themselves to be taken in by
the fekire.
ilicuards & rrinjle s rsoious Georgia
Minstrels, a mammoth minstrel aggrega
tion, will appaar at the Roseburg Theat
er, Saturday, January 20th. This fa
mous firm is to the min.trel field, what
Barnaul & Bailey and the Ringliogs are
to tbe cirens; everything they attempt is
done with wonderful prodigality. Tbeir
show this season is hfcger, better and
brighter than ever, and will completely
dwarf anything ever attempted in tbis
popular line of entertainment. Half a
hundred performers are included in ite
make-up, a core of coveiUjp, a troupe
of Arabs kcown as tbe "Whirlinif Derv
ishes of tbe Desert," a military band in
cluding eight r-oloisie, a field bacd un
equaleJ, and its orchestra of thirty
pieces. This colossal combination trav
els in its own epecul train of Pullman
cars, and promises to be the biggest
show playing h-re tbis season. Reserv
ed seats 73 cent. For sale at Strong's
Furniture Store.
The delinquent subscriber and pro
craxlina or is always in great danger.
Read the fate of three taken from a Kan
sas paper: List week a delinquent said
he would pay up Saturday if be lived.
He's dead. Another Paid I'll eee you to
morrow, lie's blind. Still another one
eat'd, I hope !o pay you this week or go
to tbe devil. He's gone. There are
hundreds who ouijht tj take warning by
tbeee procrastinations and pay up their
Mrs. A. J. Hamilton, ! the Victory
mine, was visiting Ulendale friends lest
Mrs. Giaut Lcvens and Mrs. Wm.
Levens spent two dys at Glendale last
Prof. J L. Winchell is bookkeeper at
the large nurcaotile establishment of J.
L. Pewey.
Mis. lliltand Mm Ed Ma! lory, of
Upper Cow creek, were vUitiug Mrs. M.
T. Chaw yesterday.
Mr. aud Mre C. 1. fotteu of Glenel-
.eu, e..i lovjran,. x '"8t 10 j
viMtuwuu. uu av.ruu uv..-r I
Mre. F. 0.LPio'.nor, who lias b ea seri
ously ill with pneuiuoniri, i convalescing
under tbe skillful ireVineutof Dr. Hat-
F. O. l'lutiibr wanciil-jd home from
Wadswortii, Nevadii, on m caunt if his
wife's illness. Mrt. Piotner'a timer,
Mre. J. L. dough, 'f Cuoyonvilie, U iu
atteudanco upon her.
Mrs. Hardy Llliu", Grace C'-tmt-, Geue-
vieve Roberts, Evercd ai-d Hardy 10 1 1 i IT,
Reno and Jack Pl'turr, ere ick with
malarial fever aud tore throats. Dr.
llania is attendiug I lew.
K. A. Jonte, bu-iness manager of the
Gold Bui; uiiuts at Mt. KnuUin came in
from the mines to Gifiula'e on - Sunday;
Mm. Jones and M:-s Carrie Johm came
ilh hiiu, thefdnuer bavitig epent homo
weeks at tbe miues wi b Mr. Jonee, aud
the latter who h.13 charge of tha cook
bouse and tbe cjuiuiisary at the mines,
cams Iu aud le.'t for Roaeburg Ust Li;bt
to Lava some d-'Qial at rk done aud to
attend to other business ; bhs w ill rrlurn
to tbe mines iu about ten d.iv..
W. P. Totlen baa tendered hie residua
li)u lo the postmaster general t t-
master, which is much itvie'.ttd by bis
frieudf, as he has ma lo a careful abd
paiustakiug official. Other busiucrs
however, ueeded his at:eu;ijo; during
the time tbat will elapse, bcloro bid re'
auoalion is accepted, L. L. Hard, wbo
is strongly recommeuJe I as Mr. Tolteu's
successor, will have ctTTrge of the poet
office. Mr. liurd ho will be our next
postmaster is a gentleman well qualified
for tbe poiition, and beicg very popular
io this locality where he and bis wife
have resided for over a year, is the r:g'a
man for tbe place and bis appointment
as postmsa'er will give en'ire ealbfac-
We notice from late issue; of tbe Pi-iix
nBALKH, tbat other localities have spoken
of candidates for the vaiiocs offices L
the cominn election reason, so wo hava
talked with our repobhem friends in re
gard to their opinions on this tnbjact
and ss a lerolt we dud that Hon. Binder
Heimana ia ibe favorite in Sjuth Dong-
las for the United States senate, and we
can say personally we expect hie election
for that office ; as a grateful constituency
whom be bas served faithfully and well,
without party affiiliation, will tender
him this doe mead of appreciation.
Next, we heir favorably mentioned for
state eenetor, Oliver 8. GooJnougb a
man well qualified, and wbo bas hell
positions of trust in other states, a re
publican, who has never fal'ered ia his
strict adherence to the grand principle:
of tbe republican party. Next, is D. R.
Shambrook wbo cheerfully and valiantly
responded to our nation's call in the
boor of ber niel, aod severing the ten
der ties that bsund bim to bom?, wife
children and friends. lit fjllotad the
old flag across tbe wide Pacific, and stood
firm in ber efeno i:i .1 foreign lard.
And he has made a g j 1 1 cap tb!e officer
as a civilian; be is !j:.'iv the favorite in
South DouaUs fjr el. esiff, and if he is
nominated bis clecti n is sure.
Is it Felo Dc Sc?
from word received from Duasuiuir in
Asniaca .Monday tact, it appears as
though Conrad Gegax, formerly ol this
city, and an old and w.l known train
man of the S. P. Co.'e railroad, has again
made an attempt on his life, perhaps
Gegax left Lis home and family in
Dunemnir last week for a visit to Wi!-
I lows, Cal. Oa Suaday his w ile in Duns-
muir was in receipt of a letter from him
and a packet containing bis watch and
B3U30 money, the letter Mating that by
tbe tine she hid receive J it hi would be
engulfed in the bay meaning tbe bay of
Saa Francis:o; and that eince bis at
tempt on his life, iu August last, he felt
ashamed to face his former friends and
acquaintances. Green, a brother-in law
of the nnfortnnate man, left Dunsniuir
on the first train thereafter for San Fran
cinco in search of Gegax or a clue to bim.
Conrad Geax foimerly was in the
service of '-he S. P. Company as brake
man on the run sooth cf Ashland, and
later as a conductor on the branch of the
S. P. eyeteoi known aa thj McCloadlliy
erRailwav. He quit the employ of Ibe
company in August, purchased a clock
of goods and engaged in tun grocery
business in L inmuir. While arranging
bis goods in liis flora for display, on
August 2lPt, lie e;emed to have been
seized wi:hu eudden aberration uf the
mind, raided bis baud tc bis temples
and tben left the buiidiug, and walked
up tbe railroad track a short distance lo
it shed which be entered and shot hitu
self in the head, the bullet from bis pis
101 loading in ins hrain. At nrst it was
thought the eeli-ioilicted wcuud would
prove fatal, but by careful eurgery he te-
s 1
coverei. a nun; iwo weeas ago be was
ia A-hiaud, returning from a 6hort visit
with relatives at Hildhs, in Douglas
county, and frhorily n.'ter his return to
Dansmuir started for the San Fra.icisco
trip, which seems t have had a , fatal
ending and from which he furwarded
the wad letter together with his belong
ings to his wife.
Mrs. Gigsx is reported es beiug pros-
trated over tho unfortunate affair. The
letter which her husband wrote from fr'an
Francisco was on paper headvd with the
"a I" olthe United States Hotel, and
read as follows:
"You have always hven a goad, true
wifn to in and I hope you will be far
hat-pier wi'hont me than you could be
with me. Lam no good la myself or any
on h els I cannotlook anyone iu (he
face, Mnce I know tbat, I tried to kill my
self. My head aches aud I cannot Bleep,
mi I Ihii k thin is the best may to end it
Tbe police of Sail" FranciBco are en
gaged in investigating tbe disappearance
of Gegax. Ashlaud Tidings. -
Rozellc Putman's Cabin, No 15, leg
Mrs. EJyth Weatherred, grand secre
tary and state deputy, Native Daughters
of Oregon, instituted Rozelle Putman's
cabin, N j 15, at Yoncalla, Thursday
evening, January 11
Tha following ollicera rro elected aud
installed: Past tr?eident, Mrs. Wilsin
Burt ; president Mrs. Saliie Apprgate
Long; Orat vice-president, Mrs. Ma'y
T.emnn R'nrr- cnrnnrl vlcn-nrnflident. Mrs
Ada Putman Miser; third vice-president
Mrg,L,K.y Burt Samler; secretary
Madge Wilson; financial, tecretary Mies
Minnie Wilson; treasurer, Mrs Ad Day
Yett ; marshal, Miss Sue Bur! ; trustees,
Mrs. Mary Molnany Perkins, Mis. Susan
Wilson Cowan ond Mrs. Mary Bean lis
yard ; inside sentinel Miss Martha Let
some; outeide sentinel, Miss Minerva
Westeuhoieer ; historian, Mrs. Mary
Goddell Burt.
At tbe clow o! Iho inatallalio 1 a m tup-
taous supper was served io the ball, lo
which only Nativs Daughters were in
vited. All present were bjrn ia D'ugldS
county, with .the excep'tin of three.
Themajuiiy were tbo descendants of
Jease Applegate. The president, Mrs.
Sillie Applrgate Lone, made a very able
address, and told many iuteresiing oc
currency's of early days in Oregon. Eich
woman present also :ve iiicidttts of
pioneer life, and of lie r enthneiusm for
tho new order of Native Daughvra
The cabiu was named for the oldest
daughter of Je-e Appleate. She was
born in Missouri in 1?32, came to Ore
gon in 1843, and was married lo Charles
Frederick Potman in the Willamette
valley, m''ir g to Yoncalla valley io IS49
Mr. Putman was a bright and cultured
womau, a noble character, whose many
heroic deeds and kindoeeees. will ever
live in Ibe memory of those who kne
her. She nas indeed a typical pioneer
daughter. if aud mother. Mrs. Pat-
min died in ISlil.
After tbe i.aming of the cabin, reveral
le ters were read, wriiten by Rozlle
Applegite Putman to Eastern relatives.
frooi the Umpu'ia valley in 1847. These
letters giva interesting; aud historical
m titer, relative t ) tbe ei(ua!i n of Ore
gon at tbat lime.
1'robiLlf m cabin iu the state has, or
eyer will have, t uch an evening of his
torical events as on this occasion. As
tbe organizer and a nunibt r of women
from Drain were to take tbe 2 :30 a. m.
train . th members were an jrUed an op-
nortooitv to spend a long evening to
The cabin will two give a reception to
tbe floaters of Yoncalla vallay. New
cabins report a lare membership, and
much interest is leing manifested
Mrs. Weatberred will return from
S.u!heru Oregon, Tbuisday morning.
Republicans Refuse to Vacate, Not-I
m ithstanding the Legislature.
FsaSKrour, Kt., Jan. 13. Tbe eitua-
tiou in tbe contests for itovercor and tbe
state otSees and be ti-iestion of what is
going to tiSppeu aheo tbe final result is
declared are tonunt fruitful of tbe most
Ktrav.gut eiecolaiioo. If tbe adher-
ents of tbe rontestante. the republican
incuxbents cf the state offices, carry out
toe line ef procedure they now threaten
by refusing to vaca.e, even in case tbe
leislutore decides in favor of tbe demo
cratic cjntestants, the situation will be
ceriou, and it the statements of some of
tbe men hih in the councils of the state
are to b) credited, tl is ia what lby pro
psi to dj.
K. J. Hampton, eecre'ary of the repub
licai rtats centra! commiitec. predic'eJ
tonight tbat several thousand anU Uoeb
el men fixra all mparts of tbe state woold
bs here to protest by their presence
agaitst ensealing Taylor and Marshall,
and to sustain tbem if the legislature
Toted to tura them out. lie denied tha
any of thosj njw here are soldiers iu
citusn' clothing, as charged by the
Gcobel democrats. James AoJrew
Scott, oiie of the a'torneys f jr the c jn
testants in the minor state contestants
said tonight:
"The importation of soldiers and thugs
bere for the purpjee of intimidating the
legislature will not work; they are bluff
ing, and no trouble will occur. As for
their threats tbat tbey wili bold on in
spite of the decision of tho legislature,
they may do this for a few days, but the
caurts wuu.d recognize the regular state
government, aud it Mr. Taylor does not
then give in, be will subject himself to
prosecution, and all tbe penalties against
usurpation, which I have no idea he will
wint to encounter."
Most of the democratic leaders coin-
clda with Judg Scott. Ex-Governor
Bradley and all o! tbe republican leaders
hold tbat tbe contest proceedings are be
ing conducted in au arbitrary manuer,
without regard to the law, and that for
these reasons the decision , if adverse to
Taylor, should not be binding on bim
i Ley tile a hill ot specifications at to
tiieir objections to the trial of tbo con
tests and tha reasons why the proceed
ing are illegil. These are:
i nt the democratic members cf (be
1 . la(u e, wiih a lew exceptions, had
t nir minds made up and were cru
mittad in advance of the filing of the
contes's to vj'e to eeat Goebel aod Bsck
lum; that the committees trying (he
contests were fraudulently constituted
and can Ut.e no j let poere, be
cause of the fraudulent manner in
which tbey were drawn us charel
by tbe republicans and not de
nied by (Jierk Lsich; tint the tims el
lowed for introducing evidence is fo
abort as practically to amount to a denini
to the contestants of the right to prove
tbeir cases, and tint the lefasnl to accept
depositions as evidence operates in ibe
same manner. The sum total of tbe?e,
according to Govsrnor Tayltr's attorneys
brings ibocis.i within some ol tbe in
hibitions of th.i I Uh amend wnt to the
fodural confutation.
Tho contest loinmitteo in thecals of
Goebel vn Taylor and Beckham vs Mar
i huil met today and decided to hold con
tinuous FiMf-ioriH while nittiog as a con
test bond next week. The nittings of
the bord will b-) conducted in tbe hall
room of Iho capitol.
There is talk here today of au invest!
gttion next week by the grand jury of
tbe aliened use of state militiamen in
citizens' dreffl.
One of the Most Eminent Specialist
to Visit Roseburg, Jan. 23 to Feb.
18 His Succeaa In the Treat
ment of Disease Is Simply
We are pleaned to aunouuee that there
will soon bo a physician in Roseburg
Not simply a medical practiiioner. but a
physician of very high order of meiit
one whoee years of close atudy, close ob
servation, close practical experience, bas
enabled bim to draw not only testimoni
als, but the highest personal endorse
ments from the leading men of the
county congressmen judges, tic,
and hne success in the medical field is
todsy without a parallel. We allude to
Dr. Darrin, who will arrive in tbe city
and will have offices at the McClallen
Dr. Darriu has an 6'iviab'e rank in
hie profession as a wonderfully success
ful phykitiaii. He is tssentially origin
al in his method of practice, and those
wbo have been under his treatment are
surprised at the newness aud novelty of
his system of practice by elec!ricty. His
hones'y and straightforward advice be
fore taking a as has won for him tbe
conliJence of his patients as well as the
general public. Tbe doctor is a gentle'
man of genial social nntnre, and bis pri
vale practice is marked by the formation
of a persoual friendship with tuute with
whom he comes in professional coitac'
He is without doubt ooe of the most
thoroughly qualified pbeiciaos now be
fore the pnblic as his wonderful run s
of ilironic diates ran testify.
II. B. Herriog, Island City. Oregon,
loathsome discharge of the ear, cured in
one month,
Mrs. Al. Hudson, formerly of La
Grande, Or., now residing at liG'J Salmon
St., Portland ; paralysis ol one side and
ieeases peculiar to her sex, cured nine
years ago.
J. D. tlolIs'eMer. Baker City, Or., to
tal b.'iudness aud deafoese;lbe latter
cured and the eight nearly restored.
Ex-Poslmsster J. F. Johuson, Peodle
ton. Or., now j tiler at I'oitlaod, Or.
grannlated eyelids for years, cured.
J. J. Kern, ex-editor cf tbe Norib
western German paper "Friee P.rejse'
oi fortiaco, ur., ueaioess tor years, re-
slorrd. -
Ex-Ja Jge J. II. N wler, Ccquiile Cay,
Or., partial paralysis and breaking down
of the system, restored five years ago.
Conduc'or A. P. Corbran's son. South
Bend, Washington, impure blood, ca
tarrh, erxema, aod discharging ears,
Miss Kitlie Dickson, Seattle, catarrh,
al gastritis, severe pains in the stomach
and nervous prostration, cured and feels
like a new womac.
W.A. Austin's wife, 210 X. 13ih St.,
Portland, confined to her room nine
months with an eye atlliclion called
nervous abhorrence of light," accom
panied with inflammation, cured.
C. V. Fowler, Yakima. Wash., total
j deafness in one ear, cured in ten minntee.
I Also a Pterygium, or fleshy growth, was
removed from Ibe eye which bad nearly
rendered bim blind.
r. Darrin will arrive in Uoseburg
i.n 91 anil nainsain nntil Ph 1ft
Hours 10 a. m. too p. m.: evenings 7 to
S.; Sundays 10 to 3. Con.u!ta'ion free
and confidential. Ere treated and
glasses fitted. Catarrh Irea'ef fur ft a
month. Beits aod batteries furitioLcM
ifjnccef sary. Dr. ljrrin ill treat free
except medicines, any ca es he had in
former rieiu.
No Trace of Uegax.
Mrs. C. F. Gegax, of Diineinuir, baa as
yet rec;ieJ do iaformatiuo concerning
tbe wbereabotits of her basbanJ, hoee
letters asJ dtstppearaoee vero men
tboeJ ia the last issue of the Tiding.
A. li. tiegas, cf this city, who is io San
Francisco, Frank Greco, a brother-in-law,
and F. D. O.-r, of Willow?, fa!., a
relative, have been agisting tbe $an
Fr.mcieco authorities, in trjin? to find a
trace of tbe n issinj mao, a bo in bis Sit
ters to bis wile intimated tbat be wooIJ
seek relief from bis imagined troubles in
tbe waters of tbe bay t f Sao Francisco.
A first-class restaurant Las been
opened on Cass street, opposite tbe
dejot, at which may be had freeb oyt
tere, chicken, steaks, etews, lancbes, and
besides meals at all boors, regular meal a
aie served. Lunches and quick meals
for railroad paseengtrsa specialty. For
that hungry feeling be sure and call at
Daffy's restaurant, prices reasonable.
are not more deadly than the millions of
disease genus that are floating in the nir
we breathe and in the water we drink
gernis of t"phoid fever, malaria, con
munption. Compared to a disease germ,
a rattlesnake is a gentleman. He is a
fair fighter. He tells you to look out
He rattles before he strikes. You have
a chance to fight or run. The disease
germ sneaks in. It comes while you are
sleeping. It gains an entrance to the
blood. It propagates there. It multi
plies. In a few hours, or day, your
blood is full of its children millions of
them. They go all over your Ixxly seek
ing a weak spot. They don't rnttle
they strike. You feci listless, nerveless,
sluggish, feverish, and may he you're flat
on your back before you really know
there is anything the matter.
The only way to keep out disease
germs to keep from being sick is to
keep your blood pure and rich, and your
liver active ami healthy.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
the greatest tonic in the world, will do it.
Charles If. Snrrrnnt, of Plain City. Madipon
Co.. Ohio, writes: " During the summer sud la 11
of i8j I became all 'run-down,' nerve were out
of order and stomach out of order. I wrote to
Dr. Pierce tor advice, lie Mid I had general
debility, and advised Dr. Pierce'a ( '.olden Medi
cal Discovery. Since I (topped taking it about
one year afro. I have not taken any medicine of
any kind, mul have liren able lo work every day.
Mv appetite is Rood, lean eat three square meals
a dav, and I do nut frrl that mUewMc burninr
in the Momach after eating. My blood and
uerves arc in good shape."
Bargains !
ror 30 aays win
PAPER in order
for Spring Stock.
r al . y r
Roseburg, Oregon.
oee our j20.oo Dewing iviacmne, also
have secured through the Special agent,
Mr. J. R. Jones, the celebrated Singer
Sewing Machine that can make you
special inducements an and prices nev
er before offered in Douglas county.
If you contemplate buying a machine
call ou or addresss
Watch our Window
We will keep constantly on hand a Fresh
Clean Supply of
Confectioneries, Fruits,
and Vegetables.
We have just what
Sheridan Block.
Roseburg Pharmacy
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drags, Toilet Article, fatent Medi-
cines, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
. Soaps, Paiats md Oils.
phctograpMc Supplied.
ine ceieoratea Magazine uvcione n:
4 4 ar
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Call jail Examine them.
lolling Mill
stiti out of every ten nx-n who vmk n rolling mills. Iron Btandrfes and class factories die
f -Miuiiifti.m. Yua kuow btnt early in life these men pais away. Tbe oual symptom is a
luiu-ginr. H'ritent oxirli nm-tiroe short slid hsclinr. sometimes hard and dry. The patient
; : anaker ami thinner day lr tny. IV-ath eTentualiy oonaer. The trouble cotnes from
l.cti.-o hcak and the ronstaut tiihaiinr ot the Siio particles of dust and iron that fill the air.
. : particles, uiKler microtropc, show rnpred. sharp eilfs, which tear and mutilate the
:u-j;o lining of the thnat and luiias. Perpetual sores are thus funned, and bere it is that
i .o Komi of cnnsumMion find a place to feed and multiply. Acker's English Remedy was
..univirc1 In Enlaml. and is Ue only cure in the workt fc'- Rolling Mill Consumption. It
I vjI up Uic ton. MiT'tiinhciM the mucous membranes of the breathimr orpuis. pemtaiKntly
'! th cnurh. buiUi up tbe constitution and imparts ricor to the whole system. It must
c iin r euro or it cit you nothlna-. One Untie does wonder, Try it. What it baa dune fur
auay others it will ako do for you and your loved ones.
Fold at 2Tx--, SOe. and It a brittle throughout the Cnltcil ffutcs and Canada: and la
Enctand at la. M-, 'is. 3d.. 4. 6.1. If you are not U&ied aitcr btkitng. return Um KUi ta
your arugsiit, and get your money back.
M" OKiiwta: tXt abort gtuinzxtct. W. XL BOOKER C CA, Proprietor, yew Tors,
For sale by M. F. Rapp, Druggist.
A famous doctor once said TwmTxm
healthy a woman should have a "good
cry" at least every fortnight. So far as
we know no one baa ever placed a Unit
opon bow often mankind should laugh,
and the papular theory is that tbe
oftener one laughs tbe better. Looked
st from tbis point of Tiew tbe projectors
of tbat famous farce comedy, "At Gay
Shows the state of your feelings and tbe
state of your bealtb as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale aod
sallow complexion, pimples and skin
eruptions. If you are feeling weak and
worn out and do not have a baltbv ap
pearance, yon should try Acker's Blood
Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where
cheap Sarsaparilla and so called purifiers
fail ; knowing tbis, we sell every bottle
on a positive guarantee.
Points East.
The "Foitland-Cbicago Special,"
which leaves tbe Union depot at 8 p. m.
daily is equipped with strictly up-to-date
roomy Pullman sleeping car, and free
reclining chair car., steam heated aod
electric lighted. The European plan
dining car service is a special ,featuro of
excellence on tbis line. Delicate china,
flowers, epotlees linen, firtt class cooking
and attentive servants add to the com
lortof travelers.
A new library car is attached to these
As the name indicates, these cars are
fitted op as a library and reading room.
Book cases containing all the standard
works, the current perodicale aod daily
papers are at Ibe disposal cf all first and
second class passengers.
Time never hangs heavily on the pas
sen sere' hands while travelirg on this
train, aod before one is aware of !t the
train pulls into the Union depot at Chi
For full information retarding tho
movement of these trains, rates, etc..
call on or addrees
V. A. Schilling,
Fortland, Or.
Or J. F. Givexs,
Koceburg, Or.
The modern and most elective cure
for constipation and all liver troubles
the famous little pills as PeWitl's Little
ftariy reiser.
A. C, Marnters iV. Co.
to male
-a r . y
you want. Call and see us.
Administrator's Sale of Real
In the County Court of State o( Oregon In and
for Dotifflait I'minlr
Ia the matter of the Estate of Delinda Hill,
Notice is hereby siren that the undersiined
adminiKtrst.T with will annexed, of the Estate
of Delinda Hill, deceased, pursuant lo an order
a 1 aKm... . J . . 1
in tne Journal thereof., of date January 2nd. A.
D. 10. will procr yi to sell on and after the
L"th dav of rebruarv, ixw, at private sale lor
cash in hand, on the premises hereinafter in the
notice described, in one body or in separate par-
ecu u hist u ior ine cesi interests oi said es
tate, the following described teal property, to-
Beginnbig at a post 9.28 chains West of quarter
muoo posi Deiween sections 7 ana a, ana from
which a pine tree 36 inches in diameter, marked
C. 8. B. 1 ., bears North 14 defrrevs. West 72 links,
distant thcnrA North n j'
U.00 Chains South ol Southwvst ennnr nf F
Hill donation claim, thence West 2fi9 Chains
to Northeast comer of the land now owned by
A. D. Ottinrer. thence South 7 Chains to South
east corner of same land, thence West i&JS
Chains to the Southwest corner of samo land,
and the East boundary ot the B. Bunion dona
tion claim, thence South li Chains to the South
went corner of the S. W. liardlner donation
claim, thence East along the South boundary of
the same, 11. U Chains to place of beginning
containing 70.5S acres, more or less, exceptinc
...v ."v nuif wineiexy, aiso excepting
therefrom one half acre for family burying
S "
All l1njr in Section 7 in Township 2J, 9. S.
West, in Douelss County, Oregon.
Also the following described premises to-wit:
Bcxlnnint- at the suth- Lit ftinwr nf lh. V
Bunion donation claim, thence West along the
South boundary of said claim, 7.50 Chains to tnc
middle of tho County road, thence along the
same South 3S' 4 degrees, WesHouChaius to a
white oak tree 3ri inches in diameter, thence
.uiii ir-j, uegrees, nest a. -Hi mains, tnence
South 29s degrees. East I.tU Chains, thence
South i!'. degrees. West along center of Main
street ol Wilbur 2 -KM bains, thence along the
land now owned by g. K. Counts, South Mi de
grees, Eat 1 14 Chains to West boundary of
land now owned by J. A Hansen, thence North
SO degrees, East i Chains to the Northwest cor
ner, thence South 00 degrees. East Chains
10 his Northea&t corner, thence South SO de
grees. West 4 Chains to his Southeast corner and
a creek, thence up said creek j degrees. East
11 Chains to the East boundary of the W. Jenk
ins donation claim, thence North 10.20 Chains,
thence. North !B degrees. East 7.A Chains,
thence North (degrees, East S.7S Chains to
the North boundary ol 1. Kuvkendall donation
claim, ;Un'uee West 1') Chains, to place of be
ginning, containing 20.2S acres
All iu Sectiou 7, Township 3G, S. K. 5 West,
Also a lot in the town of Wilbur, joining E. If.
Ottinger land on the North, Si feet by Si ieet in
size, all in Douglas Countv, Oregon.
Dated this 6th day ot January A. D., 1900, at
Roseburg, Oregon.
Administrator, with will auuexed, Estate of
Delinda Hill, Deceased. jm6
S ze doesn't indicate quality. Beware
FS counterfeit and worthless salve offered
or DeWitt's Witch Hagel Salve. De
Witt's is the only original. An infallible
cure for piles and all akin diseases.
A. C. M sinters & Co,
Here is an opportnnity to Ret
First-Class Fbotographs at
tte very lowest rates. All '.
sizes from 8X10 down to ths)-'
Tery smallest.
The Latest fad
Is a Calling or Basiness Card
with your photo (slauip size
eight positions in set oi 100.)
Set-lUO-neat cards with photo
name, basiness and address if
desired thereon, only $2.
The Wagon Gallery,
John H. Taylor,
Wagon by ride ofJnn ptinfow-rNt,,
Shop, Jackaon street.
Cnlted Stales Land Office,
Kuaaacao, Or., Nov. 28, ISKr.
To whom it mar concern:
Notice ia hereby riven that tbeOrecon and
C'alilornla Raiiroaa Go. tiaaflled in UuaoSc a
lUt of land situated in tbe Urwaabipa deaerited
below, and baa applied for a patent for said
lands: tbat the list ia open to tbe public for in
spection and a copy thereof by deaeripUT sub
Oiviaions, bas been ported In a convenient
placa in this office, for the i rupee tioa of all
persons interested snd the public renetsJIy:
Smith of base line and West of Willaaaetta
T 34. a 2.
Fart of t'i See 3, and part of Bee. 11.
8Ei SEJi See. i.
f 23, K .
LoU 1 and 2 fete. L
T 27, B 4.
T K), B 4.
Lou 1, 2, 1 and t, iiee. O.
rsz, Ri.
Part of t?4 Sec 21, and part of OPA Ike
T2S, Bi.
Lot 5, etc V.
SW?4 SW8ec IT.
T A. B S.
AU of Sees. 1, a, S. 7, 9,11,13, 15,17, 1321, 3i,0,
i't a ox, a uu
Wiihin the nut dztr dan follnwiiw th data
of this notice, protests or contests against th
claim of the company to any tract or sabdiTfe-
no i wiuun any secuon or part of stea , M
bcribed ia the Li it, on the ground that tha saase
U moreraiaahie for minersl than for acrteol
taral purposes, will be received and aoted lor
report lo the General Land Office at Washing
ton, D. c.
I. H. BOUta,
B3tU v BceeiTsr.
Coonty Treassrrer'a.Notke.
Xot'ce is hereby given to all parties
holding Douglas ciuaty warrants ia
dorsed prior to and including March 14,
lS99,to present tbe same at the lreasorers
office at tho court booss for payment,
aa interest will cease thereon after the
date of tbh notice.
Dated thia the.'Hthday of December,
1399, at the City of Soaebnrg, Oregon.
Geo. W. Dixjtiar,
Coantr Treasurer, Dcajlai Conoty, Or
Administrator's Sale.
'V'oiice is herely given tbat the andendgao-J.
x Um adminitmtor of the estate of Huidaa
WllaoD, deceased, ia pttrsnance of aa order of
the County Court of Doagiea County. Stat of
Oregon, duly made and catered oa the M day
ot Jaousry, I9u, will after toe 10th day ol rotv
ruary, at Riddle. Douglas County. Stale of
Oregon. sell at private sale for cash in hand,
too following described real property, to-wit:
Tbo couth Bali of donation claim No. 41 of
t iUiaxa L. Wilson and wife, being Bart of see
liosj J4i Township 30, &. a W., WIL Xor.
in Douglas County. Orecoo. and the sand south
aaif of said claim containing ItiUaf acre, mora
Ot less.
Dated at Kiddle, Douglas County. Oregon,
thia tth day uf January, 1A.
administrator of the estate of Huidaa Wilson,
Deceased. jst7
City Trettsurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all peraona
holding Koseborx city wajrrants'indorsed
prior to May 9, 1305, to present
tbe same at the city treasurer's office ia
the city hall for payment, aa interest will
cease thereon after the data of thia
at Boseborg, Or., this 4th day
ol January, 190). Uakbt C. Slocto,
City Treasurer.
New and Improved Passenger EpnJq.
meat, via Sunset Rente.
New Orleans Express (No. 10) and Pa
cific Express (No. 9) between Saa Fran
cisco snd 1 Paso, hare been equipped
with free reclining chair cars, fresh from
the shop and in erery convenience of ap
pointment equal to the best in operation.
Each car ia equipped with 53 reclining
chairs, nine of which are in a separata
smoking compartment. Both first and
second-class tickets are accepted for pas
sage in these cars. These special con
veniences and tho congenial climate
through which theee trains pass wili
doubtless make the Sunset Eoute very
popular for travelers thia winter.
Administrator's Notice of
of Real Property,
Notice is hereby given that by Tirtae and In
pursuance of au order and decree of the CouaU
Court of Douglas Countv, Oregou, duly made by
Hon. Joe Lyons, Judga ef ssjd Court, and en
tered on the 4th dar of Jiduut. ltsn. min.
and directing tha undersigned to sell tho real
property, hereinafter described, belonging to too
estate of James K. Mitchell, deceased at publie
auction, in the manner provided br law, for the
sale of real proparty on execution. I will oa
Monday, the lth day ot February, 1900, at tho
hour ot one o'clock, in the afleraooa of said
day, at tho Court House door, in the city of
Koaeburg, Douglas County. Oregon, offer for
sale aud sell at public auction, to the highest
auvt best bidder for cash, tbe following described
resl property, to-wit:
The fractional WU of tha NWi. of Sec, J,
fractional K'. of Nlfi?.n.i 11 ,?. 7
Tp. 7. S. of R. 4, w. Willamette Meridan. eon
taiuing 1b3.31 acres. Also Donation Land Claim
of Jonathan Simmons aud wife. Notification
No. 4i. Certificate No. lliti. Claim 41. beinsr
parte of SaeUoni J, 4. and 10, in Tp. 27 8. of R.
4. W., containina Sil.oO acres. Also Lots No. a 1
and 2. ol Sec. 4, Tp. 273. of R. 4, W.. containing
AloLot No.l.olSec. 10,Tp.i7Srof
R. 4, W .. containing 2S.45 acres, and containing
in the a ggremte acres more or less, all ia
Douglas County. Oregon
,S?iJ Prolrty wiU be sold subject to the
ritrht of dower oi K. V. Mitchell i.i.,u. ,.t '
decea Kd. th erein.
Administrator of tae estate otJamea K. Mitch
tu, uecaseu. ,
For Infants aad CMldren.
T8 Kind Yea Hai3 Aajs BscsM
Signature of CC