;tAry;n.'3gcr-syr ft?,;,-: 4 , The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has Seen " in use for over 30 years, has Ixirao the signature of s-rf and has born made under his per- LjCS ?flfl , sonal supervision since Its Infancy. S-CUcJUV. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is substitute for Castor Oil,. Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other "Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kid You Haie Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Ttc erwrmtm eosi" aT wtMtav tmrr, nivvom crrv. Z STATE OF OREGON, EXECUTIVE DEPAEntKXT. ' Salem, November 21, 1899. Ia accordance, with the provisions of an act entitled "An act submitting to the lectori of the State of Oregon at the gen eral election to be held on the first Mon day in June, 1900, the pending ptouceed constitutional amendments," approved Febraarr 18, 1S99, 1. T. T. Geer. Gover nor of the Stat of Oiegon, do hereby canae the. following proposed amend mettta to the constitution of the State Oregon, aa certified to by the Secretary of State, to be 'published for five consec utive weeks in "Te Boeeborg Plaix BKALUt," a ne spaper published in the Second Judicial District of the State Oregon. Done at Ue Capitol iSEAL! at Salens, 0-ijon, th twenty-first day of Nov ' ember. A. D. T. T. GKER, By the Governor : Governor. F. I. Dt.VB, Secretary of State. tENATE J0INTRE80LCTI0N No Be it resolved by the Senate, the fionse conenrring, That the following amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oregon be and is hereby pro posed: "That Section 10 ol Article XI of the Constitution of the State of Oregon and the same is hereby abrogated and in lk thereof Section 10 cf Article XI shall , t aa follows: AnncLK XI. "Section 10. No county, city, town school district or other municipal corpo ration shall be oilowed to become in elebted in any manner or for any , or pose to an amount ioclnding present existing indebtedness in the aggregate exceeding ivt per centum on the value of the tax able property therein to be ascertained ny the last assessment for State and ueanty taxes previous to tbe incurring i sweh indebtedness. "Adopted by the Senate Jan. 30, 1S93. C. W. Fcltos. Fresident of the Senate. "Concurred in by the House Feb. 2. . P. Kkady, Speaket of the House. "Adopted oy the Senate Jan 31, 1S95. Joseph Simon, President of the Senate. ''Concurred in by the House Feb. 1815. Cms. 6. Moobes, Speaker of the House. r IN ATE JOINT UESOLUTION No. 13. Be it rdsolvetl by the Senate, the i loose concorrina: Tbat the following -aendment to the constitution of the - te of Oregon, in lieo of Section Ten ( Article Seven (7) be and the same i teby proposed, to wit : "Section 10. "The Legislative Assembly may pro vide for the election of Supreme and Cir cuit Judges in distinct classes, one of which classes shall consist of five Jus uces of the Supreme Court, who shall not perform circuit doty; and tin other (-lass shall c insist of as many Circuit Jodgea as nwy be deemed necessary who shall bold full terms without allot ment, and who shall take the same oath as the Supreme Jndges. The Legislative Assembly may create ? aaany Circuits as may be necessary, 'Adopted by the Senate Feb. 15' 1893 C. Vf. Fcltos, President of the Senate ' Concurred in by the House Feb. 15 W. P. Keady, Speaker of the House "Adopted by the Senate Jan. 31, 1S95, Jobei u Simox, President of the Senate. "voacurred in by tbe House Feb. 6. 1835. CHAS. B. MoOREd, Sieaker of tbe Hoose." HUUfcJS JOINT KESOLCTION No. 10. Resolved by th House, the Senate COieorrin: Tnat the following mmfmi meat to tbe J..na iiotio'. ol the State of Oregon be and hereby is proposed : "That tbe C-umtitaiioa te amended l ddmg Article 19 follow, to-wit: .KTI"LE XIX. .c... : 1 T owmuu i. i ue necef-sjry use s Isnds for the construction of reservoirs r storage basics f. r the purpose of irriga tor for rigbts of war fr the construction of canals, ditebee, flumes or tipes to con vey water to tbe pV of use for any use ful, beneficial, or necessary purpose, or for drainage or for drainaitu . of mines or the working's there of, by means of loads, raiioj.Js, tramways, cats, tunnels, shads, hoiming works, dump or other necessary means to thtir complete development r any other nse necessary to the comr letel- ' veloprment of the natural resources of i the State or preservation of the health of Signature of its inhabitants, U hereby declared to be a public use and subject to the regula tion and control of the State. "Section 2. Tbe rubt to appropriate the unappropriated waters of any natnral stream to beneficial usas shall nver be denied "Section 3. The use of all waters now appropriated for sale, rental or distiibu tion, also of all waters orivinally appro priated for private use, but which, after socb appropriation, has heretofore been or nay hereafter t- folJ, rented or dis tributed, is hereby declared to be a pub lic use and s abject to tbe regulation and control of t'i State in tbe manner pre scribed by law. Bet the right to use and appropriate such waters shall t enbject to snch provision) of law for the taking of private property for public or ntiva'.e ufe as piovided in Section 18, Ar ticle 1, of tbe Const it ntion of the State of Oregon. "Section 4. " Tbe right to collect tax es or compeoati:i for the nse of water supplied to any county, city, town or water district or inhabitants thereof, is a fracchise, and cannot be exercised ex cept by authority of and in a manner prescribed by law. "Adopted by tbe House Feb. 15, (Signed Mn:h7, 18fi3.; W. P. Keady. Speaker oi tbe Hooee. "Adopted by lle Senate Feb. 17, 1S93 (Signed March 23, 1593.) C. W. Ft LTOS, President of tbe Senate. "Adopted by tbe House Feb. C, 1S95. Cuas. B. Mooass, Speaker of tbe House. "Concurred in by tbe Senate Feb. 13, 1S95. JOSETH SlXOX, President of tbe Senate. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. Proposing an amendment to the Con stitution of the State of Oregon bv re pealing Section 35 of Article 1. "Resolved by the Uouse, tbe Senate concmring: That Section 35, of Article 1 of tbe Constitution be and hereby is repealed. "Adopted by the Hoose Jan. 11, 1S93. W. P. Keady. Speaker cf tbe House Concurred in by tbe Senate Jan. 30, 13U3. C. W. Fcltox, President of tbe Senate. "Adopted by the Uouse Jan. 30, 1895 Cuas. B. Moore, Speaker of tbe House. "Concurred in by t ha Senate Feb. 12 1S95. Joseph Suiox, President cf tbe Senate." , SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION SO. 7 Be it resolved by the Senate, the House concurring: lhat the following ameodment to the Constitution of tbe State of Oregon be and is hereby pro posed: AK11CLK i. "Tbe elective franchise in this State shall not hereafter be prohibited to any citizen on account of sex. "Adopted by tb Senate Feb. 6, 1895 Joseph Simox, President of the Senate. "Adopted by the House Feb. 6, JS95 Cuas. B. Moobes, Speaker of the House. "Adopted by the Senate Jan. 31, 1SD9, T. C. Tayloh. President of the Senste. "Adopted by tbe Houbo Jan. 31. 18 99 E. V. Carter, Speaker of the House UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF OREGON, Office of Secre tary of State. I, F. I. DUNBAR, Sec retary of State of the State of Oregon, and Custodian of the Seal of said State, do hereby certity hat I 'have compared the proceedioK copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 4, of the Legislative Assembly of 1S03, "Municipal Indebt edness Amendment ;" Senate Joint Resolution Nj. 13 of the Legislative Assembly of 1893. "Judiciary Amend uieiit;" lionfrH Joint Resolution No. 10 t-f the Initiative Assembly of 1893. 'Trriuatioo Amendment;" Hoii'e Joint Resolution No. '2 of the Letiii-lativo As Hemhlyof 1893, "Kepealinit An.enil nient;" and Senate Joint Keo.utk.n No. 7 of the Iaielaiive Assembly of 1895, "EqnBl Suffrage Aujcndmeut," wi'h original copies uo on file in this of)i;e nmt that the same is a corret.. trauscript therefrom and (lie w bolt thereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I ban hereunto set my Hand SEAL! and affixed hereto the Keal of tin; Stale of """"' Orecon. Done at tbe Captiol, at Salmi, Oregon, this Third day of November, A. D., 1899. F. I. DUNBAR, Secretary cf St ate. STATE LEW 6.3 MILLS Less Money to be Provided Than Last Year. NGIRES OF PREVIOUS LEVIES. liow Taxable Valuations Have Run In Oregon for a Dozen Years Past Many Change. Salem, Jan 11 Governor Geer, Secre tary of State Dunbar and Slate Tie-snrer Moore, acting jmtly, today fixed the state tax levy at 6.3 mills, which npon a valuation :f 12d,282,879. will raise 757, 782 13. Lw year the tax w5.7 mills, and up.n taxable properly valued at fl33.533.oi7 l!e emu ot fiOi.n,! i,v was raied. T.ie higher ley tbi-i year was due to ttie lower Yalusliuu and 10 several other ... . . . . r . . caunu. tirsl, iina r hi a aoi l-i 'lie iaei legislature abolishing the leo syst-m, $55,000 trnui be paid in etluride t the district attorney of the several districts. Formerly, theso oiucisld weie paid most ly in fees in the counties. Second, three items amounting o (45,000, which, on account of p'es of busi,ici had been omitted from the estimate made by tbe olJ txjard last yeir, ha t to be met These were: Compensation for rejected Oreg-JU volunteers, f500); replacing building of the agricultural college, which had been destroyed by fire, fio,- CK0: to reimburse the coxtnision which represented Oregon at the Omaha ex pedition, (.lS.OOO. A uoticeab'.e featuie of tbe levy is lhat Multnomah county, by tbe reduction of valuations, will pay 144 903 lees thai last year, when it cantributed $244,302 The following tabU shows, first, the total taxable property in each county, as shown by tbe aforesaid summaries ; sec ond, the total amoubtof revenue to be raised for the fiscal year ending D cein ber 31, mO, for eUte purposes, whici is not provided for by special taxation and apportioned to each county of tbe state of Oregon, to be levied and collected an piid into tie state treasury by each of said counties, being the resulting rale of t a vat ion of 6 3 mi'ls on the total taxable nr.?nertf cf the state ($120,233,879). re v a quired to raise the sum of (757,782.13 Net taxable Slate tax property of each county Bker $ 2.775.790 f 17,487 48 Benton 2.625.272 16.539 21 Clackamas. . . . 4.367.960 27,518 15 C'ateop 2,506.165 IG.166 84 Columbia 1,450,545 9,133 43 Coos . i 2.659,171 16.752 78 Crook 1,715,739 10.809 47 Curry 562.413 3,543 20 Douglas 4,057,690 25,063 45 Gilliam 1,005,364 6,333 79 Grant . 991.353 6,245 52 Harney 2.33J.7S0 14.702 81 Jackson 3,371,766 21.242 13 Josephine.... 1,149,305 7.240 62 Klamath 1,477,973 9.311 23 Lake 1,465,617 9.233 39 Lane 5,353,941 33,761 32 Lincoln 761,841 4,799 60 Linn 6.726,100 42,374 43 Malheur 1.1SS.273 7,486 12 Marion ....... 7,923.043 49,915 17 Morrow lWl.149 7.995 64 Multnomah... 31,659,771 199,456 56 Polk 4.400.040 27,724 03 Sbeiman 1,333,863 8.433 35 Tillamook.... 1 .27,041 7,919 36 UmatiUa 6 &A033 43.400 94 Union 3 631,305 23,192 22 Wallowa I,0b0.663 6.682 18 Wasci 3.143,102 19,801 54 Washington . . 3.2SS.2I0 20,715 72 Wheeler 845,677 5,327 77 Yamhill 4,920,503 30,997 63 Total ll20.2S2.8rJ I757.7S2 13 A. Y. Bsacb and wife, prominent peo ple of Lakeview, were on tbe delayed passenger, Friday, going north. Mr, Beach is editor of the Lakeviow Exami oer, and represents tbe great inJand em pire that ia immensely rich in resources and needs, and needs but a railroad which it will soon have, to make it one of the greatest countries on earth. TOTAL OP 81 y M ARIE 8. ine tout ot me summarise ol tne as seas me nt rolls of ths various counties of me state ot uregon lor tne year 1SJ9, as filed in the office of tbe secretary state, is as follows: Number. Valoe. Acres tillable land, 2,740,105 (26,233,460 Acres nontillable land 10,714,204 20,709,89; Improvements on .deeded lands 7,163,935 Acres wagon road lands 234,590 161,47 City and town lots 21,219,179 Improvements on city and town lota 13,5t0,619 Improvements on lands not deeded or patented 643,162 Miles railroad bed 1,837.57 5,340,460 Rolling stock 697,540 Street railway bed 25.305 Miles telegraph and telephone Jioee 3,642.10 224,746 Sleamboats.sailboats, station ary engines, mannfacur- lug-machinery 2,345,739 Merchandise and stock in trade 6,206,546 Farming implements, wair ous. etc 1,887,-106 Money 1.536.148 Notes and accouuts . 0,540,605 Shaeaof stock 14.096 972.750 Household furciture, watch es, jewelry, etc 3,125,354 Horses aud mules. . .162.802 2,478,774 Cattle ...379,250 .1,559,839 ....80,234 3 4,823,782 Stieep aud goals. 2,227,563 Swine Dogs 168,486 80 Gross value of all property. .(128,373,108 Exemption 8,090.229 Total net value. -(120,282,879 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. following is h comparative statement of valuation of Uxable property, tbe rate of the state levy and the state revenue raieed for each of the past 12 years: Taxable Revenue valuation Rate ot levy raised. . 1887 ( 84,888,580 5 1-5 mills ( 551.420 02 1888 85,893,4-29 4 313,573 71 1889 101,o97,341 6 009.584 04 495,423 52 758,500 99 1,121.845 72,132 29 451,198 15 093,333 04 572,707 88 472,209 80 761,441 39 620.310 50 1800 114,077,783 4 12-35 18111 151,700,200 5 1802 100.263,640 7 1893 108,083,005 4 3-10 1894 150,309,383 3 f ' 1895 144,445,426 4 . 1896 143.17C.071 4 ii u 1897 134,917,104 3 1 2 189) 133,533,577 5 7-10 Av.'13t,0SI,8C3 4.7397 - Highest valuation, 1893 $168,088,905 Laweat valuation, 1887. .. 84,838,580 Highest rate of lovy, 1892 7 mills Lowest rate of levy, 1894 .3 mills Greatest am't of revenue raised 1892 $1,121,845 61 Lowest am't of reyenuo raised 18S8 $ 343.573 71 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS New York has twelve times aa many; churches as Berlin. Refreshments are not served at par ties because guests are hungry, but be cause people drop their reserve when eating begins ind become sociable. A firm in America is turning out large quantities of jmper tiles which are nsett Tor rooting. lhey are re ported to be hard and tough, aud the glazing appears to be of the nature of Japanese Inc. They are said to be ex ceedingly cheap, and can be fashioned in anj- color or shape to suit the pur chaser. According to official reports the weight of paid mail matter originat ing in Chicago during the 35 days be tween October 3 and November 0, when the mails were officially weighed by the government, was 3,bS2 tons. Counting government free mail, tranches and sacks, tbe total weight was 4.976 tons. During the same pe riod the postal receipts from stamps and postal cards was (CC3.94S. It- is proposed owing to the number of accidents that occur each year that the Maine legislature pass a law pro hibitinir the wearing bv hunter of buff-colored clothes which may be mis i:iken at a distance for a deer. Ordi nary hunting clothes are the worst twssible thing for a man to wear in the northern woods. Accidents have been most frequent and several hun ters are killed annually, often being' shot by their friends, who think they see a deer. t!reat Salt lake is receding on ac count of the excessive drain made ujton it. by irrigation enterprises. This Iske is not fed by underground springs, but by the Jordan and other rivers, and when the waters of these streams ore intercepted by irrigation "urposes the water supply of the Salt Ink'. is. of course, diminished bo that the evaporation which is constantly going on is not made up by a new supply. In time it looks as if tbe lake will be only a bed of dry salt. The director of the meteorological r.bervaloy on Mount Blanc has been considering the advisability of install ing the Marconi wireless telegraphy system upon the mountain. The ordi nary system of telegraphy is ued nor mally, but the great snow drifts have played havoc with the telegraph wires, It is believed that the wireless svsteni of telegraphy would prove not only valuable from a scientific point of view, but would also increase tbe safety of travelers upon "he moun tain. LONDON IN 1784. There Mere Maar Ulchwatraaea aad Feofaads ea ta Ra4 Braaa Ksstktri Stales. In 17j4 M. La Combe published a book, entitled A Picture ot London. In which inter alia he says: "The high roads 30 or 40 miles, round London are filled with armed highwaymen and footpads." This was then pretty true. though the expression filled s some what of an exaggeration. The medica student of 40 or 50 years ago seems to have been anticipated in 17S4. for M. La Combe tells us that "the brass knockers of doors, which cost from !2 to 13 shillings, are stolen at night if the maid forgets to unscrew them' a precaution which seems to have gone out of fashion. "The arrival f trie mails, our autbor snvs, "is un certain at all times of the year. Ter sons who frequently receive letters should recommend their correspond ents not to insert loose papers, nor to put the letter in covers, because the tax is sometimes treble, and alwavs arbitrary, though in a free countrv But rapacity and injustice are the dei ties of the English." M. La Combe does not give us a flat tering character! "An Englishman. he says, "considers a foreigner as an enemy, whom he dares not offend open ly, but whose society he fears; and he attaches himself to no one. Perhaps it was so in 17s4, but such feelings have nearly died out at least among edu cated people. M. La Combe, in another port of his look, exclaims: "How are you changed, Londoners! Your women are become bold. Imperious nnd expen sive. Bankrupts and beggars, coiners, spie and informers, robbers and pick pockets abound; the baker mixes alum in his bread; the brewer puts opium and copper filings in his beer; the milk woman spoils her milk with snails." Gentleman's Magazine. A Valtare aa a Trlek Bird. To teach a big black vulture at, many tricks as a poodle has been the diver sion of an English collector of uncanny pets. This monster bird, which has a fine sense of humor, will execute at tbe word of command an uncouth ice. using its huge wings to sup t ment the motions of its feet now trailing them on the ground, now cov ering its head with, them, and anon flapping thm lugubriously. But the vulture's most engaging accomplish ment is to beg for food. When, he de sires a choice shinbone he scorns to perform th undignified antics of a poodle, but prostrates himself with true oriental humility, drooping in every quill aud resting the top of his bald head on the ground. This self- abasement is so complete that it has u nobility all its own. The bird's mas ter is greatly attached to it, among other reasons because the. great lon gevity of its species suggests the thought that il may have taken part in the great migration Inspired by the mortality uniong Russian Norses nt Sebastopol. Moreover, it ia a relative of the condor of the Andes, largest of all birds. N. Y. World. Ia the Tvortb Land. When poverty comes in at the door of an Eskimo cottage love doesn't fly out at the window because, it Is win- ilowless. Chicago Daily News. Size doesn't indicate ooalitv. TUwurn of counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWi'l's Witch Hazel Salve. De- Witt's is the only original. An infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. A, C. Marsters fi Co. mini imp la lb reault ot rrpeatod aouta attacks. The liver ani spleen r? principally affected. They act a storehouses tor too malarial poUon and the blood tnkei It from them. The poiaon moat be driven out ot thetyitom. BCD YAK will destroy tlie action ot the poison and event ualljr drive out thr last particle of it from tlio system. In addition to this, B V D V A N 2.-2 f Hill ivbu'ib mo 33 lost rp e. It will builu up the weakened syatero. nVDVAN will make new blood and new flesh. Tho piu In tbo bones win disappear. III'DY AN has cure.t others and It will euro rou. we describe the nympiomt. Studv them carefull. They are yours. Uo not delay longr. but take nt'IlYAN now and you will be cured. HERE ARE YOOR SYMPTOMS: 1. CONSTANT HEADACHE AND TROUBLED BRAIN. Take HUDYAN and your hcadm-lie will disappear. 8-2. PALE OE TELLOWISH COM PLEXION. H U OYAN will citablUh a free circulation of pure bloo-t and cause the cheeks to assume their ua'ural color. 3. L033 0F APPETITE AND GNAW ING IN THE STOMACH. HUDYAN will restore tha appitito and tbe digettioo ot food will become perfect. 4. FEELING OF WEIGHT OVER THB LIVER. This is duo to the enlargement of the liver. It U filled with the poison ot ma laria. Bl'DVAX will drive out the poison and cause tbe organ to assume Its nutursl site. 6. HEAVINESS IN THE REGION OF THE SPLEEN. Tlio spleen becomes ireatly enlarged. HUDYAN will le:n the congestion and cause the heaviness to disap pear. You r suftertu from Chronic Malnrta, and rou can be cured. Ill'DY AN will relieve rour every svmttom aud mako you well. Hl'I- YAN ran be obtained of all dmeeists for Arte, per packaire. or 6 patkg--s tor IJ. ). If your Sruigt't does not ki-ep it, send direct to the HI U VAN HR.MKIIY COMPANY, San Fran riseo. California Kemember lhat rou ran Mn.nlt tlm Ul IIVAV DMCTOK fKEK Call and see the doctors. You may call and see them, or write, as you aesire. aatirvas HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. SocHm, Market sad CI Us Sit., tea Fraacisca, Cat I II HT. THE DIE EOT ROCTKT Montana, Utah, Colorado anil all Eastern Points. tinea choice of two favorite routes, via tbe CMOS PACIFIC Fast Mail Une, or the KIOURANDE Sccolc Lines. Look at the time ijj days to Salt Lake 2 days to Denver days to Chicago 42 "days to New York Free StecltssluK Cbtalr cara, I'p- raototcred Totsrlat tlecpla Cars, Pnllinau Palace tileep- lasx raralopcrated on tralua. II fM further infonus'irrl apply lu J. F. UIVAN5. Jgt., Rweluri" C. O. Terry, W. E Coman, TrT Psf. Aru Gea Aet. Ul Third St fori si o or. Notice. rjtrrso Stts, Ind onus. Utsi-butx, Oregon, Jfov. ?s. ix. To wk-tn. it may ct'Ocern: Notice Is hcretiy ien that the Oregon Jt Cali fornia Kailroad Company has Hied in this othca a !Ut of lands situated in the lowiuhii de icrtbed below, and ha applied for a patent fur said lands; that the list ia open to the public for inspection and a copy thereof by dncriplive subdivisions, has Ixtru posted iu a convenient place in this ofbee for the inspection of all per sons Interested and to the public generally: South nf base line ami East ol Willam ette Meridian. Tp S K I. W8Wjec. si. South ol base line and West of Willamette Her Tp. J, R. 4. Part of K'.jjcc. : part of WJj Sec. at. K'4S'; M t . w. r ndfc'jtf 4Scc. ti S'jSW'.Sec.J TpS7,K7. 8;Bec.tt. Within the next sixtv dars folUmin iho of this Dot ice. protests or contest sKaiiiot the claim of the Company to any tract or subdivis ion wiinm id section or part ol section, de scribed In toe list, on tbe giound that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agricult ural purposes, will be received and noted for re port to the itcneral Land C'fllee at W ashington J. T. BRIDGES, Register. J. H. booth, (na-tlOj Receiver ''I We Have the Best and Cheapest PIANOSand ORGANS, . .1 - T" I r-" -4 The favorite of the'Army andJNavy. A few of the ships No. 5, $35. St. Paul, Gloucester, Topeka, Buffalo, Oregon, Texas, Indiana, Potomac, Yankee, Frolic. All goods fully guaranteed Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Accordions, Autoharps. In fact almost anything in the musical line can be had at the T. K. RICHARDSON STORE. ' ' iisrr 'J ; You Purchase! See our stock POCKET KNIVES, AIR GUNS, VELOCIPEDES, STEAM ENGINES, HOT AIR TOYS, EASTMAN KODAKS, WINCHESTER RIFLES, STEVENS FAVORITE BOYS RIFLES. Our stock is chuck full of the useful as jvell as orna mental. Call and see at Churchill & Woolley's. Cass Street Market Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, Hay, Grain and Flour. DOZIER & MARTIN, 'Phone Main 181. PrOpS 'Wt'', -vvvswww r rr tr r. oeneaiCK 9 ... 4 Any JobJWork doneat f Reasonable p" Triumph Prune Grader Foi Green and dried Prunes. Compact, Practical,fAccurate. Send for circulars and testimonials to WALTER MORLEY, Patentee and Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon. Get your. SCHOOL We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought tojthiscity. Our Prices are Right. . . . ' A. D.TERS & CO. WYLIE PILKINCTON, Successor to Q. W. KOAH.) General Blacksmithing AIWM UOBMEriHOEIIVe. rROTTINQ AND RUNNING1 PLATES A SPECIALTY. RXPAIRINQ OF ALL KiSDS PBOifPTLY DOSK. -Shop on Corner Waaltlaftton aad Katie Bts., Roacfaaa: including CHICKERINGS, WEBER, KIM BALLS, NEEDHAM. Besides these we have other good Pianos but cheaper iu price but not in quality. I BLIGKENSDERFER, derferJTypewriter during the Spanish-American War. and sold on the installment 1 i Undertai nnd Emtolmsi. SUPPLIES Marsters. '--to iff i--'?- - equipped with the Blickens- No. 7, $50. The Blickensder fer is rapidly 'dis placing the more complicated - and higher priced ma chines, as it does the same work equally as well (if not better). 40,000 now in use. plan. Band Instruments, -V V. VtVVVVt v I "rr vncfnii' twis. Northbourw fast Ibroagb froitbt. 221, arrives p. m.; depart 5 :?0 p. m. 8cmtbboand fast tbroneb fm'zhL Xa 222, arrives 7. -00 a. m.; deperU 8;C0a m. North hod nit miiMt Iraia lt o.(-. . -.. .'v,te.M,.,n St Z DO D. m.. Bilnrfava W AnmAmm m-A Fridajs. deparU 9:00 a. m., MondaTa Tbarcdaya and atonlata. oooiuDoonu oil xed Uain Bo. 228 ar rive a at 3:00 p.m., ou Koodays, Mon. dajaaod Fridass, departs 7:15 a. n. Mondays. Tborsdayt and Satordaya. Xsthodist Cien a-comer of Maim and Lana (toeoiau Bandar Serrlec: Preaching, 11 a. as and 1:00 f. m.i Sabbath sebool, a. sa. U. A. Walker, Snperintendant; Class Mee"" at elosa of ths svnulnc aerrtee; Zpnrortk : 7:00 p. as. W. S. Qo&btj. frcsideaL. 1 Meeting, Wednesday, at 1M p. ss- G. B. AaVOLD, rati raraooage. eornav Kali tad Uarran Basra aaa cneaci-aa rra-W . andar aerrtea, at U a. as. aad 1M p. as. J tt neeting, Thsrsdaj evealng. . I Mrs. Leer M. CoTiie, Fal Bt.6iobos's CHuacH-Cocacr Caa Maiaatreeta. Bervieea oa aeeosd aad i Sanday aaarolng of each amoatk and ever; evening. Special aerrlcaa aanosaeec 'setotlinc Eav. Jo DA-mpi . Mlaafoo' M. K. Cacacar, Sotrra.-ei vices evarr 9r oining and evening. .. J Bsv J I Corro. aaf ( si B1 Bimn Cacaca comer of rreeta. 8unday service: Freachinc at 1 and 7:X) n. ta. Sabbath School alio . . Coshow, aaperintendeaL rrsyer saeatfesg 7:30 Wednesday tventng. "-v A. DtXHLAM, Past FlacT Cbjustlsji Caracs Comer of and Woodward atreeta. Saaday Preaching both morning and erasing, Eaadsy school at 10a.m. T.P.8.& E.atSJO p. a. Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at 7 JO. A cordial arrleomo and gzeetiag straita Jl. W. A. Woo. Pastor . Piasr PaadTTBsuas CHiacn Caner of Csaa and Bos stiecta. Saaday serriee: Pnbiir worshjp, 11 a. m., aal a yx bl; au chool, 10a.m. r. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting. Wedwcaday evening T.K tn t. A. TOWSSSJID, Paslos Tag W. C. T. C mill hold ita regular meetings . en the second aad fonrth Moajdays of every month at 738 p. m. in the ZpworUt leagoe room of tbe M. K. Church. i LarAar Aa Fast Mail p. m. Fall Laka.DaivT.FL Worth. Omaha Ka B aasCityi.UMi Ch i cgo anKas at I 1 Spot sne Walla .Walla Levistoa. Fiver I Sookane. HinaeaDolis. J. ti s m.' fee Pan!, Uulalh, Mil- a. P- J ocbas ETautsair i AH Sailina; dates subject! tocnaage. : Kor San Francisco : Sail Dec 3, 8, 13, IS, 3, JS, and every i days. Daiiv CoLrasii Krrsa tTAEJL5 To Astoria enelWay LaaUings. Kxjsuniiaj ax. S p. m. Saturday t.m. a m. WixuaxTTB Bjvsa Oreeon Citv, Kewtterg, Ssuem a Way-Land's Exunday n 7s.n. lWiuarrrs "Avd T- TQea.Than niu Srvaas. Mem .Mom.) and eet. I Orveoa Citv, Davtoal aac and Way-Laadings. I 4 iL'm. ! WtLLAarm Taea.Thni.1 and Sat. PorUand to CorrsJlU and j and Way-Landings. ! Leave Siiria Saaa Rim l a a. m. Riparia to LewUton Daily J. F. Qi van's, W. H. Huiibt A rent. Soeeborg, Or. Gea. Pass. Agt 7UIUSUM,U Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon cat. Itartlflriftllvrlitwts thp trvA anif a! Nature in strengthening and recc Btructlng the uhausteri dipesliTsj t gruifl. Itlsthe.Vestdisco vered digf ant and tonic. Sa other rrrrat.; can approach it in efficiency. It f sranuj relieves and permanently eni Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartbnr., Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckHeadache,Gastialgia,Cnimps,ana HI other results of imperfect diratioo. rrvparts ojr c- t uasmi l. Notice of Appointment o Eruect- rix. XTetice K hereby (riven that the nn Jersirned daly appointed aaexeeutrix of the last will and testament of Ueoiiro T. Russell, deceased. Ail Cersons basing claims against said estat ara rreby reuirad to pteaent the. same properly verified, to said ezroutrix. at Oakland. Dous-laa county, Oreguo, within six uionths Iront tho date ht-reot. Datad this 16 day of November, 1S9. FRAXCld L. RU5SKLL. - , Executrix. Notice for Publication. Cjtitfd Staiss Laxd Omen. Roaeburg. Oregon, December SO. Notice is berebr rtren that the follow in - named settler ba died no tic of hia intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, aad that said proof will bo jnaaV before the Rer Istut and Heceiver V. & Law tira t Soaebarg, Oregon, on Febraary rO, fcu; vL ISAAC ntnTS On his H. S. No. W60J(ora?tsSH 15 and 1 Sec. It. To. 30 8. B. IV. Ue namesv't fallow. lug witness toprovs nueonunuoiui lidenc upoo and cultivation ol said land, vie: Hi'ui Pita, and John Pardne. oi Cava Craak. Oreeon, and Robert Stewart and f. B. FuUcrtoa oi Canyonvill, Oregon. J. T. BRIDGES, Beaiawr. O.RAfiO aBtt; i f Le Lew Dt a t -4 - t