j s 9 mm nwijw.il' 1 ;rQai. i Oochnfn of Oakland, baa been X'"XM sulUbte person for the 'oe tcbuol edaerintent'ent. ,r.m sc I tANUABY II, 1900. ,iio utty jean (rom now tle An er ( ,flag ill float ovtr every foot o! between Bymrnen Hoi ami Tietra - D-A Fargo, bo the kick en. mivht an well quit kir-ktng. li way be true it.ui the noww of con ticeitUl Europe are Hivitig Great Britain ihe m'd shoulder," but i one ot )rUie will lie in a burr lo k.ive lier a caatie tielU. Tlio r-tt-M nvv in ibe wrll is ail I aflmt, ltilianiticapprd by - He wprtalrans iu SjU'U Atrira. The government minis have Ira win all Die year and liav teen running "wight and day upon full coinage. Moro ""5Sas coined thla year than evt-r bWo--TlOS.KX).000 of gold and i?8,000," OJot silver. Not only are the mints running full Mart bat the mills are also running- Everything runs alien the republicans are tunning the c nntry. lite Review says that the three lead ing republican papers in the state, the Portland Oregon un, the Salem S ates- inta and the Kosehnrg Plaisdeiler, get out of their t-di'oiul mat'tr fr.m tbe ti. Louis Globe D.-tuccrat. II the Ke r-ave would copy its editorial matter krai almost any kind of a paper, tba yoaineM men of R welwirg mH not be complaining about supporting it. When the congrea. ncdi-r Thomas Jefferson appropriated iwm y millions dollars to meet the eirire expenses of tbe government V one er, people all I over the rountv burned members in f effigy fur appropriating ruch a tremen dona sum of money at one time. Tne congress, now in session, will vote twt nty-one million dollar to build time! warships and the anything about v. people wd! not think! Representative Toorie U the o'dt I meiswr of the Oregon delegation in congress, and Repreeentativd Mo. dy is the yonngeet. Two of tbe del gat ion are foreign-born, and the other tw are na "vT"5 son of Oregon. Mr. Tongue was born la Lincolnshire, England, June 23, ; 1841, and Senator Simon in Germaoy, in ; 1331. Senator UcBnde was bora in ; Yamhill coaaty, Oregon, March 13, 1334, I and Representative Moody in Browna viiie, Linn county, Oregon, November 0, 1854. Tbe aa Francisco Chronicle iuforuis OS that Hon. Binger Hermann, commie i aooer of tbe general land office in Wash- ;T5gton, baa recently visited that city on " return from some of our territories ea inspecting govern- sat Lands and needs o! the people. Ir. Hermann was accompanied by aev si United States senators wbo were ap pointed a cotnmiuee for certain duties in thr territories ij other otlicial wbo basev.Y aerved tbe people from Oregon has ever taken more pains t3 personalty tsquire A a to tbe needs of the common people U?aaka Binger Hermann. Bak r City-fiepubiH-n . '"Down with fusion!" is the cry that fomee from tbe populists of Teiss. After an all-day session of tbe state ex- tutive committee, Le'd December 3d, 4DJSOonceBent was made to tbe press that the - meeting was unanimously ajainst fusion of an kind for ibis year's unpaigm. and that there wainetone f iand of William J. Bryan io tbe mett. ing. JTbeyeven barred out Hon. Bar 4tt Gibbs, of Dallas, wbo was tbe pop n'iet nomioes for governor of Texaa in H03, because he declared bis intention -.f voting for Bryan next November. TUey rrgrded Brya very unfavorably, : vscaoee, while triring with fusion in jbraska, be worked with Tammany in Nw York and Goeoel m Kentucky, i !ie entire day was devoted to consider a'ioa of plana for the coming campaign, id it was decidrd to demand that tbe mSmuX committee call the national con- iSPflnn at least one month earlier than r tbe deatocratie or republican eon - 4ifBtiom. Fioallr U determined to , We middie-of-tbe-road tickets in tbe ' fleU is Tevaa this year for state, congrea ' eional, legialaiire and county officers, and rigorously to combat all efforts at lotion. Tbia will probably be satisfac tory news to Young, Courtney, Luce, Dr. Hill and other Oregoo populists wbo . labored strenuously two years ago to rave their party from annihilation and absorption, but it may not be very gratifying to the silver-democratic ttretnren, whi have been cb rirhing the fond hope of securing the rotes of the Eatlsts next June. Apparently tbe Hill' LnceYoung element will recivj much more consideration in tbe state snd coaaty conventions ibis spricg tban it ' waa accorded in 198. Onsjoiiian. SIGNIFICANT BANK FIGURES. In tbe latter part of the year 1892 tbe national banks of Oregon, Idaho and Washington bad, in round numbers: Deposits ..: 22.C30,000 Loans and discounts (32.000,000 In tbe latter part of the year 1899, tbe game banks held, in round numbers: Deposits $34,000,000 Loans and discoum's ' 7,000.000 Tbe Portland Weekly Dispatch, demo cratic, publishes tbe above comparison of tbe business of the national banks in tbe territory osmett ftV Teare M802 and 189i), and .then proceeds to emit a regular calamity bowl bjisod on tbe com parison claiming that the comparison gb ws a more unsatisfactory condition (J X. ..:nosa in 191 tl.an ir. 1H')- ". Jfwn the lengths to which un- jarty org ins will gf when it Se a point against tbeir fbad supposed that tbe . bad a eurp) jb of money bank, instead of becorr- was an evidence of good 1 fiFN i iwrnvs Mt'DnrTJFUJri , Nothing i wore memorable fcien utterrd regarding the conditK.o( aQirs ijribe Philippines than ajart.terf jt by thai brave; Geo. Laaton, whose dead body is now on the huh seas eu route to 4-bockiiu.il.e National Cemetery at Ar lington. This is what Gen. Laaton ha ld..LetJ.hejeopleof America re member ibe work" : "If I am shot by a Filipiuo bullet it might as well come from one of my own nreth-brfffe'l snow from obeervaiious csnfiroietl t.y c-ip'ured prisoners that the continuance of lighting is chiefly due to reports that are sent' out from America." Let those wbo have been (mint in the rear opon cur brave tneu at the front for many months past, read and reflect up on these words. Thoy are not the mere idle expressions of an editor at his deck butthev come to as from a brave and loyal eoMUr of the republic who was first of all, a soldier and never a poli tician. They coin from a soldier wbo wan. for many months, in the bent of the conflict, giving up at the list hid life, as be himself had slid, because of the "re nortaihat am aent out .from Anitrica." The blood of ihe hrave Lawton is upon the heads of those indiscreet, ill-advised and unpatriotic people iu our own conn try wbo have beeu encouraging the 1-ih- pinoi iu rebellion. This is a position from w hich they cannot etctpe. It is blasted shame than an American rhould have to know each thlups of his country men I Los Angeles Times. AN EX-KANSAS CONGRESSMAN COMHITS SUICIDE. On tbe aheruooa of December 30:b, at bis home in Southern Kansai, ex Con greeeman B. II. Clover committed sui cide by shooting bimselt with a gun. We kuew Ben Cljver for a number of years, 'bs farm on which he laid down the cares anJ dippoiutments of life be ing tut a few miles from our old uoaie In Southern Kansas. Tn years gj be was a prosperous farmtr, hoked op to by bis neighbors as a man of tnor than average ability, and of strict inlfgri:y and boneety. Wnen the alliance movement started in Kansas there was not a man in tbe state with greater influence and among the masstt thin B. H. Clover. He was president ot the state Alliatce and vice president ol the national Alliance. Tbe growth ol the order was phenominal, au 1 it increasing rapidly ia Kansas. The lead era ol the Alliance bad a power over tbe rural popa'ation of ibe stale that could not be anticipated, much less met uud counteracted Ia tbe councils of tbe Alliance leaders Mr. Clover was one of the foremost, if not the foremost man. Ia 1SS9 tbe Al lis nee bad gonj into to'ilics ia bis county and carried it. Thrn they an nounced tbe intention of goiog into olber csunties, and miking a conquest of the state- Their wonderful success is t mat ter h ia ory. Mr. Clover waa a leading candidate for governor, but did not secure the nomina tion. He was nominated for congress in the Third district and surprised tbe pop- alar and powerful BLsbop W. Perkins by defeating him by a mirity of 4,430 votes.no'.withstsn lirg lbs fact that there waa no such thing as fusion thought of at that time between tbe peoples parly and tbe democrats. Tbe democrat party in Kansas bad been for many years in a hopeless minority, and astute nd un scrupulous leaders of that party, saw an opportunity by a fasioa with the peoples party to eesk so mo political benefit for themselves and a gang of political farm era, with more of the gift of gab than poli ticil honesty, got coitrol of the peoples party, and in order to consumate a fa siondeal. Ban Clover, who bad at least made an honest and c jnscien' ioas repre sentative in congress, was turned down for a second term to make a place on tbe ticket for a democrat, and Jeff Hudson, a jack-leggei lawyer, waa given tbe nom inatioo, and toe Alliance or people party, which while standing alone bad a majority in almost every county ia tbe state, beg&n irom that time to diaintri gate and go to pieces. Clover and tbe other founders of tbe movement found themselves discredited and put aside to make places for a lot of political vsgs bonds, whose ideas of reform wss to get tbe beet office tbey could for themselves, and then make all tbey ceuld out of it. Hia fight against fusion gained for bim the bitter enmity of those of his party wbo were determined lo rell tbeir organ ization to siUsfy tbeir own personal ends, and a bitter perfection was begun on Ben Clover which ruined him finan cially, broke op his bome and finally bounded bim to death EXCITING. CONTEST CLOSED. Election at Forest Grove Results in a Divided Victory and General Jubiliation. Forest Gbove, Or., Jan. 9. Tbe larg est yote in tbe city's history was polled at Yesterday's election, 272. Frank T, Kane, ot tbe progressive ticket, wss elected msyor by four votes over tbe present incumbent, A. Hinmsn. Messrs. James 1. Buxton, Levi t Smith and Jacob 8. Buxton were chosen cooncilmen for a term of two years, the first two teing on the regular city tick et. Recorder Lotus L. Langley, of tbe same ticket, was re-elected by a majori tyof one. Treasurer W. S. Hadeon and Marshal EJ. J. Crang were re-elected without op position. Practically every man ho was eligi ble, and poRtibly a few wbo were not, cast tbeir ballots today. . For the past fortnight tbe campain had been on and last week, when tbe local newspaper ap peared with eight columns on tbe city election, about equally divided in sup port of both tickets, all other matters were suspended. Then came a series of circulars, getting more bitter and per sonal until election morning. Saturday evening a W. C. T. U. mass meeting with a lady lecturer handled the isiues without gloves, and last night Ihe Congregational church service was giveo over to Ibis topic of the hour. While Ihe "progressive," ticket declared its platform to be "retrenchment and reform," the opposition charged it with being "wet" (this is a dry prohibition town), and though personally tho can dates on both were unobjectionable, the college people put forth unusual efforts in faros of their nominees. OTP IN UlE'DItK Ml . Ir -M Since Sunday. THERE WAS NO FIGHTING THEN The Press Reduced to Conjectures and Criticisms of the Conduct of the War Butler Summoned. Lonkox, Jan. 10. The plight of Brit ish arms in South Africa i overebad owed for tbe present by the storm which is buisliug over the beds of tbe home government. Tlie Ianclieter speeches of Balfour, tha covernuitut lenler in the bouse of commons, ha loosened such I torrent of com ii:eut from the press and individuals of his own paity that were pailtanient to rcats'mble today it is doubtful if tbe conervativee would re- tain power in pite ol their tremendous mtjoiity of the past eeasou. The pent- up dissatibfactiou with Ibe government a lack of energy in waging the war is no I longer concealed When such ardent conservative papers ah the Times and tbe Globe come out boldly with r 'proof, there !a no kuowing where the agitation will end. Tbe pro vincial prees has already takeu up the cry. For tbe moment 111 '.our is the scapegoat, hut there is a terrible ro.l in piikle for the Marjuie of Ltosdowne, bile Lord Salisbury and oilier cabinet uiinUtcrs will not escape nnless a woo derful change comes over the wsr eitua tion. The Associated Frees learns that con servative leaders privately aouiii tne gravity of tbeir position, but fail ta see what can be done. In -the meanwhile success in tbe field will abate the popular clamor. Some of the conrervative pa' pers go so far as to regret the estreme ae of cabinet ministers and refer to the cabin t as a body of patriarchs. I nder these circumstances, it is doubtful wbeth- nmbia to tbe Edmunds act It is under cr the events transpiring before the re- stood special altentioa may be given by suf embling of parliament will be power- tbe committee to this feature. ful enough to restore confidence in the I nuht in tbe expectation of receiving tld-1 ings of some great stroke. I Veterans at tbe clubs and tbe militaiy writers in the morning journals busied I . . . . i themselves with patching op their the- ones. Changes were running upon me two main themes the necessity for the clearance of tbe south bank before tbe passage of the Tugela could be attempt ed, and tbe probability that W arren a division would aake a wide detour and cross tbe river 17 miles below Coleuao. General Boiler's delay iu operating in front of bis force seemed an insuperable objection to tbe first theory, sod there wereouly two facta to be cited in sup port of the latter conjecture. These wer the establishment of Warren's headquarters aa far down aa Escourt and ttiM annaront or.-a nation of Weenen bv British troops, since oue prsae dispatch which supped through the censor a bands described an exchange of flh- light signals witii those of tbe vilisge. General Boiler baa succeeded in coc fusing and bewildering tbe English pub- lie. if be baa not dazed and confounded tbe Boer generals. Battalions of tbe sixth division con - Unue to arrive at Cape town and the .a Princess of Wales, the hospital ship, is also at anchor there. Lord Roberta can now be looked for an y day. THE COTTAGE GROVE CASE. Tbe Girl Returned From - Roseburg Monday to Latham. Cottaok Gbovc, Jan. 10. Minnie Tborn, aged 15 yeara and U months, Ibe missing girl, waa located in Roseburg Sunday by ber node, wbo Jad vised her lo return bome. She returned to La- tham on Monday'a overland train, bbe claimed she was doped and taken away, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Harris and Sheriff Withers arrived here last night and are investigating tbe case, Tbey fiodthe girl to have heretofore An earnest and cardial invitation is ex borne a good name and ber family all tended to every citizen ol Roseburg and have a good reputation. Two or three vicinity, wbo believes that tbe success of persons are implicated in tbe affair, but the eirl seems unable at present to tell wbo the parties were. The district attorney says be will thoroughly investigate tbe case before arresting any one. if be does so. It ia donbtful whether tbe crime was com- mitted in Lane or Donclaa counties. If aa arrest ia made it will be late tonight before it ia accomplished. Guard. ANNOUNCES HIS CANDIDACY. Senator Brownell Says He Would Like to Succeed Tongue. Milwaukie, Or., Jan.19. Last evening the Milwaukie Republican Club, and a large'number ol citizens were addressed by Hon. George C. Brownell, on current topics. Incidentally, tbe speaker sn nounced thai be j entertained! en ambi tion to reach Washington in the official capacity of representative from Oregon, and tbat be was out for tbe seat now oc copied by Hon. T. 11. Tongue. Explan atory of this early statement bo said he believed such matters should be open above board and thoroughly discussed by tbe people. The epeaker also thought Clackamas county should receive at least this recognition at the hands of tne party for faithful republican work of tbe past. Mr. Brownell devoted most of bis time to expansion. The Milwsokiei club will be represent ed at the coming lus)e convention by delegates for 90 mT f-rs, Inst being its present strength, 4 mUsf said A famous doctor onUs said tbat to be healthy a woman should have a "good cry" at least every foitnigbt. So far as we ku'jw no one has ever placed a Unit npon how often niaukiud should laugh, and the popular theory is tbst tbe oftpoer one laughs tbe better. Looked j at from this point of view the projectors of that famous farce comedy, "At Gay Coocy ItlaDd" liave accomplished a vast I deal of Kd. It is certainly impossible to crowd auotber laugh into the two and one-half Louis consumed ia the per formance, for tbe audience laughs all tbe lime. CASE' r i Ay Takln-of TestWony B?un li '-- was? oi senior kij ft( u,t? 'vXsiiiNoroNk Jao.C. When the Uob erts couimittee resumed its session to day, Roberts went on with bin argu ment, begun yesteiday. lie reviurd the action of the constitutional conven tion of Utah, urging that this carrel out the requirements of congress for tbe ad mission of Utah as a state, namely, that polygamous marriages thould no longer be contracted. In particular, Roberts conteudef there was no reqahement by congress or in the constitutional conven tion that previously coulractud mtri monial associjtions should te interrupt ed. In the course ot bis argument, Rob erts said be had observed that tue ladies involved in this question of plu- ra wiveB were quite generally received in tlie eirclcs of eJentile ladies iu Utah He vehemently denounced what be characterized as the eeusationl crusade mde against bim, and ali-o tiie effort to arouse public lolling by saying tbe AiasMcan home "was iu danger." "II necessary," be etclaimed, '! could ca attention to ten thousaud evils which threaten the country without going to the state of Utah." In clorang, Kooerts satd that the pi trkxirun of the Mormon church toward the country could not bo questioned Wbeo a fond was raised for the survivors of the battle-ship Maine, the Mormon church had ciulribotrd one-fifth of the enliro amount. Wtieu tbi country's au tbority in the Philippines was questioned "Utah's guns, bandied by Utah men bad been in the forefrout of the fray." Schroader, the Gantile representative, stated that no further p lint would be made on RoSerte naturaliztiiou papers as it was drsired to exclude him from congress eK'itical!y and solely on tbe eroaud of his Keiog a i l vjuiuist. After the argument i cloeed, members of tbs committee at rached some impvtauce to thequee'.tou a-ked by Chairnisn Tayler, of Roberts, relative to tbe Utter being amendable while io the D.strict of Col- At 12:30, the argoni?nti on botti sidei were dosed, and the committee went in- to executive session. At tbe executive session it was decided lo close ibe. hear- ... mg aad the testimon;, nnless ex-iec rotary Carlisle desired tc be heard far. ther. Tbe committee then adjourned until 10 a. m. next Wednesday. There was no vote or other action on the final dispoeiticn of ibe rase. IN THE SENATE YESTERDAY. Resolutions Introduced lost of Ses sioa in.Memory of Hobart. WAaiuxuroN, Jan. 10. Frye laiJ ba- fore the senate today the report of the secretary of tbe treasury as to the depot I Uoriea cf internal revenue funds in na- Uonal banks. It was referreJ to the finance commitiee and ordered printed, Hale (Maine) introduced a resolution asking for information regarding the seiz ure of American property in Dilagoa bay declaring it had teen detained unlaw fully and ucjastly. Upon tbe objection 1 of Lodge, tbe teaolution went over Batler (North Carolina) ottered a loog 1 resolution on trusts and gave notice of a I ... epeeco later. I Business was suspended and tbe bal- lance of tbe session given up to eulogies I on the distinguished puV.ic services and private character of tbe late Vice-Fret i- dent Hobart. Republican Club Mecing. There will be a meeting of tbe McKin ley Republcan Club, at Slocum's ball, in this city on the evening of Wednesday, January 17, 1000, for tbe purpose of elect- ng b delegatea lo represent said club at the meeting ol tbe state league ol repub- lican clubs, which will convene at Port hind, Oregon, on February 6, 1D00, and for Ihe transaction of tucb other bostneea I may come before said club, including the election of officers for the ensuing term of two years. the republican party would be fot tbe good of tbe country, to be present and affiliate with us in this meeting A program consisting of vocal aud in etrumental music and speaking will be arrenged for by committees to be bere- after appointed. We hope to hsya large attendance and a pleasant acd profitable meeting. E. D. 8taaTFou, Pres. McKioley Republican Club. Looking Glass. Mr. Frsnk Newland ol Olalla was look iog after business matters here a few days ago. Mr. James T. Goodraau made a busi ness trip to the conuty seat on Monday .Mr. and Airs, lounger were viewing tbe sights in Roseburg last Tuesday, Mr. George Clarey of Roseburg spent several days in our valley last week. K ank Goodman entered school here J-auary 4th after attending, tbe echcol st the academy ia Roseburg nearly month. James and Frank Dinning and Wm Richards started for Coos county foes dsy. J. T. Goodman had the misfortune loose 12 feet of inch pipe sr. he was turning from Roseburg Monday. to re It evidently sank into tbe mud as it could not be found. People should take warning when traveling, and avoid the mud, as they may sink out of sight at any moment. Wild West. "Resolved, That January 1, llWii, marked the I'oginuioK of the twentieth century." This most important public question will bo debated by tbe Wood men of the World at their meeting next Monday evening. Affirmative, Thomas Gibson and F. S. Godfrey; Negative, N. T. Jewett and I,9e Wimberley, fol lowed by a free discussion by the mem bers. AH Woodmen are invited ta be present. Wanted The address of some one convenient to Boseburg, wbo will dress hear skins for rags. Notify this office. kCllAN i If f-.J r(vld List cf the Subscriber io thofrcsert Tlre. f Ji & 14 t EJ 13 n Following is a complete list of ibe sub scribers to the local telephone exchange. Main 201, Adklnson, P. D.& Co. Black smiths. Main 105, 'Abraham, I People's Store 'A !' irl Main 411, Agee, Roland ..Grocery Main 131, Bisl.furd, G. W. Flour Mills Main 281, Benson, F. W Law Office Mam 201, Barker, J. F.& Co.. . Grocery Main 291, Barker, J. F Residence Main 51, Barker & Cj Livery Stable Main 274. Benedick, P Undertaker Main 334, Bridges, J. T Residence Main 351,lljd, Mr. N Grocery Main 351, Bock ley & Howard, Meal Market, Main 184, lluick, D. IS. K Ileal Ette Main 294, Buick, D. 8. K. . . .Residence Main 181, Buchanao, J. A . . . .Law Office Miin 433, Bowen John Blacksmith Matu 355, Conner, W. C, Job Printing Main 124, Conner, W. C Residence Main 273, Churchill & Woolley,. . . .Ulw Main 373, Child, G. R Residence Mala 431, C antral Hotel,. . G. W. Pettit Main 352, Cass Street Market Main 184, Crawford. A M . . . .Liw Office Min 183, Carroll, S Kandy Kitchen Mln 27(5, Cation Bros Liyery Stable Main 423, Dj Gas, Dr. E Residence Main 184. Da Gas, Dr. E Office Main 245, Duffy'a Rsstaursut, J. D Par ker, Prop. Main 3S3, Denning Ilouie, C.J. Din ning, Prop. Main 123, Flint, S.C Rieide.ce Main 313, Fisher, Chas. U Residence Main 351. Flook Co., J. G., Sash and Door Fac'.ory. Main 433, Gaddis, W. V. Plambinr, tic Mala 295. Hasten. Ed Ree.dei.ee Main 321, Hildaburn. J. S , Imperial S loon. Main 10, Hansbrough, Jas. . . Residence Main 71, Hamilton Drug Co.. Druggists Main 31, Uonck, Dr. G. E OUca Mail 171, Houck, Dr. G.E Resid-nce Maiu 203, Henderson, S. E . . . Residence Main 341, Hoover, Dr. E. V Office Main 355, Houcholder, U. G. Bill Poster Main CI, JamieJon, W. H., Roseleaf Cfgar Store. Main 255, Josepbeon, Mrs. M , General Merchandise. Main 104, Josei'hsoo, Mrs. M., Rest dence. Msin 163, Krue G. W Groceries Main 191. Kohlhagea L. & Co., Meat Market. Maia 333, London V, C. Residence Msio 253, London & Miller, Insurance Main 421, Lucia, R. D Residence Main 313, McBroom, E Residence Main 21, McC.slleo Ho' el, Gl A Poet, Props. Msin 393. Marster, ILL Residence Main 81, Marsters, A. C Druggist Main 331, Mullen. J. W Residence Main 211, Otey, E. H Livery Stable Main til, Pacific Postal Tel. Co., M Fickle, Mgr. Main 43, Ptaindcalcr Pub, Co. News and Job Office. Main 1SI, Fatks, U. W Grocery Msin 413, Reed & Dikeuiao, Elite sa loon. Maiu 414, Koceburg Steam Laundry, Floyd Murphy, Frop. Main 101, Bean, P. C, Gem cigar store, Main 101, Rice Jt Rice, Furniture Main 254, Review Pub. Co. Main 243, Roseburg House, H. Jones, Prop. Main 103, Kapp. M. F Residence Main 303, Round House, S. P. Co. Main 41, Stratford, E. D Residence Main 371, Stroud, E. J Residence Main 121, Sedgwick, Dr. Isabel, Office and Residence. Main 271, Strong, B. W Furniture Main HI. S. P. Co. Depot. Main 151, iSo'diers' Home. Main 2iI, Sykes, S. K....... .Hardware Main 211, Twitcbell, Dr. J. C Office Main 231, Twitcbell, Dr. J. C. Residence Main 301, Thompson, A. T Saloon Main 161, U. S. Land Office. Main 275, Nan Buren, Wm., .Senate Saloon. Main 391, Wimberly. L Residence Main 184, Willi A Rice Law Office Main 244, Waddle, W.,MoDogram Saloon Main 141, Weiss, Max, Oregon Brewing & Ice Co. Main 221, W. U. Tel. Co., Mias Kate Buick, Mgr. Main 2o3, Ztgler & Co Grocery Twenty young ladies will lake part in the fancy step, wand and figure march ing which will form part of the Swedich Movement Eotertainment to be giveo at tha Opera House Friday evening. Bond baa the nictat brocae clocks fo holiday presents, must ba told at eons price. Come ani gel pp. OLD-FASHIONED WOMEN, Rave a very natural prejudice against any thing that offends tbeir fine sense of deli cacy. And for that reason numbers of such women have suffered in secret and ia silence the pang and pains consequent on the derangement or displacement of tbe delicate organs of sea. Any suffering to them was better than the shame of ques- ii j.L. tions and exam inations which probed modes ty to its veTy core. But while they could hide their suffering tbey could not conceal its rav ages. The dark ening circles beneath their eyes, the sallow skin, the cheek robbed of its roundness, the body shrunken by wasting flesh, all these signs marked the prescuce of a disease. To everv suf. frriug woman who values modesty Dr. Pierce's method of treatment is a boon be yond price. His remarkable remedy for all female disorders and diseases, " Favor ite Prescription," cures ninety-eight out of every hundred cases, no matter how obstin ate or complicated the disease may be. Any woman who needs more 1ielp may write to the Doctor for his free counsel and advice. Sucli letters come from thousands and are treated with absolute privacy. ' I write these few lines hopiug that some other suffering woman will try Dr. l'ierce-a med icines, a 1 did." write Mrs. O. 8. Adams, of l'argo, Cas Co.. X. Dak. " I had female weak ness very bad! v. so I had to be in bed part of the time. I was tired and sick all the time, could not do my housework : had fainting spells, ner vous headache, backache and pain iu my left side when I would lie down ; 1 had pains and nches all over. I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and had not taken two bottles when 1 able to be around again and do my work, with no pain. I have taken five bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, two of his 'Compound Kxtract of Smart-Weed.' and several vials of his Pleasant Pellets.1 I am feel inn better than I have for a (treat mnnv years. I thiuk Dr. Pierce's medicines are the greatest iu the world." When the bowels are obstinate, take Dr. I'ierce's Pleasant Pellets. They don't gripe. S am , ' iiif ,5H.Hf . if mm $ is near at B. W. ST RON, The Fir" wfiHas just what What's the matter with viiribtruas present. viso a i. i V; Mattress that you will wonder how you got a without after using one for a month. A Fine Oak Extension V: Oak Chairs are sensible Christmas presents. A nice Ladie's Desk or a Fine Oak Center Table will fill the bill. ? Our line of rockers is up-to-date and we have lots more coming in about a week. To see them is to be convinced that we know what nice chairs are. V i A H A A See our White Fur Rugs. Moquette and Smyrna Rugs. Call on us you will be need. A A B. A t A A Roseburg, Oregon. A. ; v. s :viv. , i v. s. Watch our Window We will keep constantly on hand a Fresh Clean Supply of Confectioneries, Fruits, and Vegetab!es. We have iust what Sheridau Block. M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist. Drngs, Toilet Articles, Talent Uedi- ciues, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet Soaps, Paints and Oils. photagfaphicJrppIiB-. The celebrated Magazine Cyclone "?U; Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras. Call and Examine them. EVERYBODY Should call and of China Ware. day trade. Anything you want at NEW BAKERY. Mrs. S. McConnell, in the Home Bakery and will nection with the bakery. NEW BAKERS. Everything will be new and Give us a trial and Points East. Tbe "Pott land-Chicago Special," which leaves tbe Union depot at 8 p. m. daily ia equipped with strictly up-to-date roomy PoUmaa sleeping cars, and free reclining cbair cars, steam heated and electric lighted. The European plan dining car service ta a special feature of excellence on tbia line. Pelicate china, flowers, spotless linen, first class cooking and attentive servants aJd to tbe com fort of travelers. A new library car ia attached to these trains. Aa the nsooe indicates, these cars are fitted op as a library and reading room. Book cases containing all tbe standard works, tbe current perodicala and daily papera are at tbe disposal of all first and second class passengers. Time never hangs heavily on the pas eengers' banda while traveling on tbia train, and before one is aware of it the train pulls into the Union depot at Chi cago. For full information regarding the movement of theee trains, rates, etc, call on of address Y. A. Scuiluxu, Tortland, Or. Or J. F. GivKse, Koseburg.Or. Koseburg Market. Eggs 20c per dost. Batter Country 25c. Poultry Cbickene, mixed, $2.50($ 4.00. Prunes Italian 35; Bilver, extra choice, 5Q pe' lb, Wheat 40tg42c. Oats 2530c. Millstuff Bran, $17; anJdlinaS ehortB, $13.00; chop, $16.00 per ton Bay Timothy $9ju; clover. Oregon wild bay, $07 per ton. Wool 15 10c. Potatoes Mfseo per bo. . ytrtTctt a White Iron Bt un r ij nice vvnue vurteu air A long A 9 ' 'A A Table and a nice set of t 4 A ii ?i a i A .t A A i A A A Also a good lne of sure to find what you W. STRONG. ia ;v;. : s ; i : . : S and you want. Call and see us luic riinniFn lllfl trUIUilLli. a see the magnificent display A special line for the Holi ...MRS. N. BOYD. late of Eugene, has invested overhaul everything in con NEW BREAD. of the very best materials. we will please yon. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Be ward for any case of Catarrh that ran not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Core. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, O. We tbe undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the laat 15 veers, and believe him perfectly honorable in all basinets transactions and financially able 'o car ry out any obligations made by their firm. West A Truax, Wholesale Druggie ta, Toledo, O. aiding, Rinnan 4 Mar fin, Whole sale Draggiatfl, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internal ly, acting directly npeothe bl'iod and mocona surface of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tgt, moniali free. DUFFY'S RESTAURANT. A firat-ciaea restaurant haa been opened on Case street, opposite tbe deiot, at which may be bad fresh oys ters, chicken, steaks, stews, lunches, and besides meala at all hoars, regular meals are served. Lanchee and quick meals for railroad passengers s specialty. For that hungry feeling bo sure and call at Duffy's restaurant, prices reasonable. TheRural Northwest and Semi-weekly l.UNDKALStt both one year for only $2 price ofone paper alone. L. T. Travis, Agent Southern K. R , Selios, Ga., writes, "I can not sav too much in praise of One Minute Cough Cure. In my case it worked like a charm." Tbe onlv harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cares coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. A. 0. MarBtera A Co. hiu Here ia aa opportunity to get First-Claas Fbotograptoja tbe very lowest rates. "SaZy sizes from 8X10 down to the very smallest. The Latest fad la a CalliDj? or Baaineea Card . with yonr photo (atawp nze eight poeitiooa in act of 100.) Set-100-oeat car da with photo name, business and address if deeired thereon, only 12. The Wagon Gallery, John H. Taylor, WZZZSgS? Photographer. Notice. Cnited Btatea Land O! Koaaacaa. Or Kor. 'A. io WBom ii may concern: Notice ia berebv riven that t he Onen California Railnjid Co. baa filed i Uim ofie a lut of land ntoaled in the town hi pa dcacriiwd below, and baa applied lor a patent lot aaid lands: tbat the list is oixn to the oublic for in spection and a copy thereof by deseripUr aub- oiTiaiuns, naa oeen pusmi la a eoaTeniesi place in this oftire, fur the iospectiua of ail prisons interested and the public f-narsilr: Booth of base lint and West of WlUaasette tteridan. T 36. R I HWi4l!i,Beei. ta, it Fart of KU Bee I, and part of W, Bee. IL Tli, Rl SF'J KW4gE!8eca. TZ7,BJ. LoU 1 and 2 Sec L T 17, R 4. SWiiSEJiSeeSJ. Tfci, R4. Lots t, 11 and 4, See. O. T'SiSi , SW49W'4.6eel. . " Part of Sec. ZL and part o UK' gee. T29. R4. Lot b, See. V. T3a.R. AHoleeca. 1, a, i. 7, , U, 13, ti, 17, M, 51, 2i,S, tl 9, j SJDU . Within th nesi rfxtr dars foilnwic the data of this notice, protests or eonlests against the claim of the company to any tract or subdivis ion wiimn any section or pan of seeooa, da scribed ia the list, on the groand that the same is mora TsJuabie for mineral than for agncnl toxal parposea. will be receiTed and noted tor report to the lieneral Land Office at washiac too.0. C. t. T. B8UIXK, Resrister. J. H.BOUTH, Bjyuo Reeeiyex. County Tmsarer's.Nockc. Notice ia hereby given to all parlies sr holding Douglas county warrant iaa vivt tw auiu lacmuutaj mms 4w - - 1 ; i: ir. l. , . 111 . IS99,to present the same at the treasurer' office at tbe court boose for payment, aa interest will cease thereon after tit) date of this notice. . DaUd this the! Hlli day of December, ISM, at the City of Koseburg, Oregon. Gbo. W. Dnuucx, County Treasurer, Doaglas County, Or Administrator's Sale. xjotke is ktrrely given that tbe WDdensi4, - Um admiafotraior ol tot aattta of Hiudaa a liana, deveaaed. is pursuance ol aa order of laeuHUtTikrart 1 les Coaatr. Btauaot wi irn. duty made and en hi, doty made and entered on IA 3rd day of January, ISM), will after ihe Mia day 4 ntarr, ia& at Riddle. Douglas County, state of Oti-gun.eell atprivaie aaie for caaa la haad, tb following described real niuimtj. t-wit: Too fouih. half ol donation claiiaa No. 41 of William I Wilson and wife, betas: part of ieo Uon M inTovnabip 3, & , W, WO. Her. In Donglaa County. Orecon. and tne said tooUa kali of said claim containing hdi.Si.mBix, amm r leaa. Dated at Riddle, Douglas Coanly, Oregon, this (ta day ol January, l&o. GIOEGE K. QrDfl. Administrator of tne estate of BuUah Wiiaos). voxaseu. fx, City Treasurer's Notice Notice ia hereby given to nil penona holding Boeeborg city wamnta indorsed prior to May 9, 1835, to present the same at the city treasurer 'a office) ia the city hall for payment, aa interest will cease thereon alter tbe data of thin notice. Dated al Boaeborg, Or., tbia 4th day of January, 1900. Iliur C. Sloctjts, Qty Treaanrer. Nevr asHf Improved Paaeffgqr Edf anest, via 5aouat Restta. New Orleana Expresa (No. 10) acd ? dfic Express (No. 9) between San Fran cisco and 1 Paso, have been equipped with free reclining chair cars, fresh from the ahop and in every convenience of ap pointment equal to tho beat in operation. , Each car ia equipped with 53 reclining' chairs, nine of which are in a separatsF smoking compartment. Both first and; second-class tickets are accepted for pas sage in these cars. These special con veniences and the congenial climate through which theee trains pass will doubtless make the Sunset Route very popular for travelers this winter. YOUR FACE Shows tbe stats of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, pimplea and skin eruptions. If yon are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a hoalthy ap pearance, yon should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures ail blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparilla and so called paritier fail; knowing this, we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. v 4 44 bo YEARS' r". a an t T ( Traok Marks DCSMKS "tti'4 COfV-JIMT4C. g AriTon tending a sketra and ocanigtion ntay 4alcali ascanain onr opinion free vaacaar an Inrentlon ta probaMy patentaeka, Coaimanlca UonawrtctlTeonttdentlal. Handbook on Patanta aent fraaw IMdcaa aaency foraecttrwa- aatauta. ' rtanta taken tbruuvh Muna a Co. lecalv tptrmil aetka, without chanra, la the Scientific flnerican. A handiomelr IWoatrated wekry. Tati erp. --ulailon of any aruuitule Joarnat. Terata, Kl a year; four montAa, Si. eoUbyall nawattoaiera, araiwft. U, S3S T fX Wukiaafun, U. W