The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 21, 1899, Image 4

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; The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has been
In use for over 30 years, has Ironic tho signature of
and has been made under his per-jf($7'?-ft-
sonal Bupcrvisiou sinco Its Infancy.
arUcA4A4 Allow no one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes' arc but Ex
periments that trifle, with and endanger the health .of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. . It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. - Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Peverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
' and Flatulency. It assimilates the. Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural steep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
""mTTbw'ii "i iiiiimi'm' "f ItCT' ' " ""'""". '".'I"-. "
Sujm, Xoveaber 21, 1SU9.
In ccordance with the provisions of so
act entitled Ao act enbujitticjt to tbe
electors oi the State of Oregon at the gen
eral election to be held on tbe first Mon
day in Jane, 1900, tbe pending proposed
coDititational amendments," approved
Feoroary IS, 1S99, 1, T. T. Geer, Gover
nor t tbe Stale of Oregon, do hereby
tbe following proposed amend-
moLta to the constitution of tbe State of
Oregon, as certified to by tbe Secretary
of State, to be published for five consec
utive weeka in "Tae Koeeborg Puus
dealsr," a newspaper published in tbe
Second Judicial listrict of the State of
Oregon. '
Done at tbe Capitol,
'PAl' at 8alem, 0rod, thie
jv-"L teotj-firstdy of Sov-
ember. A. D. 1S99.
By ibe Governor : Governor.
F. I. Di ndib,
SecreUry of State. t mppiied to auy county, city, town or
SENATE JOIXTKE8 OLUT10X So. 4 1 district or inbatiunta thereof, ta a
Be it reeolved bv the Senate, the fratt-hiee, and cannot be set-cised ex
Uooae concurring, That tbe following i Pl oiWiy of and in a mstuer
amendment to tbe Constitution of the j prescribed by law.
Slate of Oregon be and is hereby pro- j "Adopted by the House Feb. 13, 1SW.
. i
That Section 10 ot Article XI of tbe !
Corjetitntion of the Slate of Oregon be
and tbe aame ia herebv abrogated aed in !
lien thereof Section 10 of Article XI shall
be aa follows:
Amticle XI.
"Section 10. So county, city, town
' school district or other municipal corpo
ration shall be ollowed to become in
debted in any manner or for any porpoea
to an amount including present existing
indebtedness in the aggregate exceeding'
: . k. nln. iJ Ilia lav. I
able property thereinto be ascertained I HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION' NO. 2.
by the last aseeaament for Stale and : Proposing an amendment to tbe Cjn
County taxes previous to tbe inennieg etitutbn of tbe Ste of Oregja by ro
of each indebtedness. V t pealing Section 15 of Article 1.
-Adopted by tbe Senate' Jan. 30, 1SU3. ! "Boived by tbe Uoase, the Senate
CW.Fti.TOS. jConcutring: That Section 35, of Article
President of the Senate.
"Concurred in by tbe House Feb. ;
W. P. Keauv,
Speakei of tbe House.
"Adopted iy tlie Senate Jan 31, 1S95.
JoeErH Slmos,
President of tbe Senate.
"Concurred in by the House Feb. 4,
Speaker of tbe House.
Be it resolved by tbe Senate, tbe
House cooenrrioz : That tbe following
amendment to tbe conetitution cf tbe
Slate of Oregon, in lien of Section Ten
of Article Seven (7) be and tbe aame is
hereby proposed, to wit :
"Sectiok 10.
"Tbe Legislative Assembly may pro
vide for tbe election of Supreme and Cir
cuit Judges in distinct classes, one of
which classes eball consist of five Jns
licet of tbe Supreme Coart, who eball
not perform circuit doty ; and the other
class eball c insist of aa many Circuit
Judges as m-ty be deemed necessary,
who shall bold fall terms without allot
ment, and wbo eball take tbe same oath
as the Supreme Judges.
"Tbe Legislative Aesembly may create
as many Circuits aa may be necessary..
"Adopted by tbe Senate Feb. 15 lS'JJ.
President of the Senate.
'Concurred in by the House Feb. 15,
W. P. Keauv,
Speaker of tbe House.
"Adopted by the tfenate Jan. 31, IS'Jj.
Jostrii Simon,
Preeident of tbe Senate.
Concmrre-i ia bv the House Feb. 6,
Cn. is. B. MooitES,
Sieaker of tbe House."
Beaolved by (he House, the Senate
concorring: Tlmt the following amend
ment to tbe Constii.trUo-1 ol tbe State of
Oregon be and hereby is proposed :
"That tbe Constitution be amended b
adding Article 19 a follow, to-wii :
KinfLK xtx.
"rJe-tion 1. Tne cecessary nee of
lands for tbe cocptruction of reservoirs r
storage basioa fur lte purose of irriga--r
for rights of aav for tbe construction
of caaals, ditcuw, flumes or pipes to 411
vey water to the place of use for any nee-
lot, benelk-ul, or neceseary purpose, or
lor draioage or for drainage . of
tninei or the workings there
of, by meaui of toads, railroads,
tramways, cats, lanoeis, shifts, hoisting
works, damp or other necessary means
to tblrcoinplele development or any
other us) necessary t3 the comr lele de
velopement of the natural resource! ot
Hie Stale itt prepptvalion of tho lip-t'ilt oi
JrJ i
ita ioaliantv i hereby declared t be
a public nee a od snrject to the teil
tion and control of the S'ate.
"SeclionS. Tbe t'uht to appropriate
tbe nnapproprioteJ waters cfsny natural
stream to bant-fioial osss shall nver be
"Section 3. Tlie use of al waters now
approprutrid for pale, rental or dia'.riSu
tion, al60 of all waters orivinaily appto-
priated for private use, bat which, a( t
snob appropriation, baa here'olt re been
or may hereafter be aoIJ, rented or dis
tributed, is lie reby declared to be a pub
lic use and sat'ject to the rccolation and
control of t'ie S'a'.a in the wanner f re
scribed by Ida. Cot Ibe ribt, to use
and appropriate eocb waters ebail t
subject to such pruvision of law for tbe
taking of private property for public or
ptivate Dfe a pioviJe.! in Section IS, Ar
tide 1, of the Cons-titnti o of the cfute of
"Section 4. Toe r (gist to collect tax
es or cofufeoMUoo for Ibe uss of water
ia:nca aircn 4, to;...
V. P. Keaia.
Speaker oi tbe Uoaee.
Adopted by tbe Senate Feb. 17, 1S33
! vS-goed March 28, 1SV3.)
U. W.tlLKX,
President of tbe Senate.
"Adopted ty the lioose Feb. C, 1S93.
Cuts. B. Moouks,
Speaker of the House.
"Concurred in by tbe Senate Feb. 13,
President of tbe Senate.
1 oneutuuon ue ana ureuy is
"Adopted by tbe Hocse Jan. 11, 1893.
W. P. Klady,
Speaker of tbe House.
''Concurred in by tbe Senate Jan. 30
C. W. Fcltos,
President of the Senate.
"Adopted by tbe Uouee Jan. W, lsyO.
Chas. B. MonKts,
Speaker of tbe House.
"Couiorrtid io by the Senate Feb. 12,
Joseph Simo.v,
1'resident of the Senate."
Be it resolved by the Senate, the
House concuiring: lb it tbe following
amendment to tbe Constitution cf the
Sfate of Oregon be anJ u hereby pro
posed :
"Tbe eiec'ive franchise in this State
shall not hereafter be prohibited to any
citizen on a count of Eer.
"Adop'ed bv th- Senats Feb. 0, 1S95.
J OS E I'll SlMOS,
1'residcnt of the Senate.
"Adopted by tde House Feb. 0, IS'Jo.
Ciiif. B. Moougs,
Speaker of tbe House.
"Adopted br the Senate Jan. 31, 1SW.
- . . T. C. Taylou.
Tresident of the Seuste.
"Ad p'ed by tbe House Jan. 31, 18 VJ
E. V. Cautkh,
Speaker t ftbe House."
STATE OF OBlXiON, Office of Secre
tary of State I, F. I. DUNBAR, Sec
tetsry of State of the State of Oregon,
and Custodian of tbe Seel of said State,
do hereby certify bat I .have compared
the proceeding copy of Senate Joint
Resolution No. 4, of ibe Legislative
Assembly of 1S93, "Municipal Indebt
edness Amendment ;" Senate Joint
liesointion No. 13 of tbe Legislative
Assembly of 1'J3. "Judiciary Amend
ment ;" House Joint Resolution No. 10
of tbe I,i-iili!tivA Assembly of 1893,
'"Irrigation Amendment ;" House Joint
Resolution No. " of the Legit-lative As
euib1yof 1S93, "Repealing Aoend
incrit;" and henste Joint Resolution
No. 7 of tbe Legislative Assembly of
1895, "Eqnal SulTrage Ameudunt,"
' wih original copies now on 61a in this
""office and that the same ia a correct
trai'Scriut therefrom and the whole
hereunto Bet my Hand
ft cit' and aflised heeto tbe
-Sfc.ALj- ggj 0 -he state of
-- -- Orfgon.
Done at tbe Capitol, at Salein, Oregon,
this Third day of November, A. D., 1899.
FHreUry rf Stste.
Comet to the Grave of ad Old Love
in America Each Tear.
Voif( Never to Wed, Bat Marries
Another Whose loaaent He Ob-
talaa to Make the Borrow -
fat Joaraer.
If Guy de Maupassant bad lived only
to come to New York on the same boat
with Count Dessewyn what a romance
of love and devotion be could buve
written! But he Is dead now, und the
story that Count A. Dessewyn told fell
only on the ears of the ship s prosuic
pass-eiijrers. Though married, he conies
to tisit his lore of long ago, and with
his wife's eDtirc consent.
The count if. a distinguished-looking
nobleman from Hungary. Well dressed,
RfTiible. of courtlv bearinc and culti
vated maimers be looks the thorough
man of the world that he is. But a
romantic mission lias brought him here.
imsMtiu so tun or sadness unit devo
tion that it made him the most talked
of passenger aboard ship.
To those he got to know more mti
niatvly lie told his life story. Each year
he comes to this country to see the
love who stiil holds his heart, though
be lias wife and children at home w ho
know ail. But his love's life is devoted
to religion now, and his to the wife and
"lt was in my youth," exclaimed the
count, sadly. "I was chamois hunting
in the mountains, and after the day's
j-!ort 1 went to the hunt ball. There f
net my fate the woman who should
Ik mv bride. She was the beautiful
Mtriii Teresa Kisfauldy. We compared
l i te-. 1 found that she was the daugh
tor of one of my old professors at the
"That night I felt I had met the only
o:t:an who could enter whyllv into in v
life. iMic was so Iwnutiful. so sympa
'Jiciie, so spirit urlle, so altogether
i.c::veiily. I lingered long in the nioun
t:'.ins. We fell in oe end one beau
tifnl morning f offered myself to her.
Tor a moment she lid not reply
Then l;e said: "1 love von more deurlv
than life i!clf. but I raniint marry yon
mv s weet heart. I h;ive . tread v resolvetl
to demote mv life to religion and to hu
inanity's sKfTerinrs." Oh. Ibe sadness
of it! I ploatlol with bcr. offert'd her
ter thiiifr I had in the world, but she
would not j ietd. One last kiss and I
left her. weeping softly. I felt tbat I
-oust leave those leautiful mountains
as far Ix'liiml nu at 1 could.
"I lived 011 in hon though, praying
that she might rejient of her resolxe.
but I kisew hox was HM-less. when
one lav 1 received wont from her that
she bad taken vows of peretiinl celi
lacy in a nunnery. She did not berome
n nun: she simply wished to devote her
self io pood works wherever she found
oport unity.
"So I marritsl an estimable woman,
who bore Jicirs to my titles and estate
nnil proved herself an admirable mis
tress of my home. But the charm, the
spirit uelle character, the soul of my
sweetheart oT Ion? aco are not hers.
My wife knows nit. With her consent
f conic here once every year to visit the
woman who is now devoting herself to
religion in Atmricn. who, as a little
Magyar girl. I loved in the mountains
of Hungary. She lives in one of your
cities, where I am not at libertv to
Count IVssewyn told his story so
simply, so convincingly, that everybody
on the ship pitied his lot. There are
lines of care in bis face anil streaks of
silver in his hair far beyond his years.
He declined to tell where he was going.
Chicago Tribune.
Was Spokra hr Or. Jaaaca .,
Coah to Lord DatXerla ta Their
Yoaairr Daya.
Kev. "Dr. James McCob, lately the
prr.iiiriit of 1'riint-ton colleire. was a
man who oared always to steak a word
"in nasun or 01. of t-eaon; ior the
rMj1l. he wmll tri:-t the good chances
cf IiTe. IU-r.e Ir. McCos-h came to
hs cunitry ljrtl Dufferin frequently
invited him to bis mansion. Clande
Imy. near Dublin, where he was mak
in.' iinjtri.xemenis upon his estate and
entertaining much company; but this
was not enough to a!i-fv the doctor.
One day as the two were riding in
I nir KirK. nicy looseueo rem auu went
s.!owly. iintl the clergyman mistered
what he afterward called either "the
on rage or the inuiertinence" to sav
to his host:
"My lord, 1 fear you are not fulfilling
the end of your life.
Lord DufTerin turned to him some
what imperiously and asked: "What
do you mean?"
"I ni":;n that you hae talents aud
neeoii'ij'.'.Nhuirnts. You have great in
iMienee ixnn in your ilescent and vour
projMrty. and soniethin'r cood -and
f:ieat is exp--leiI of you."
"Hut. what, .said his lordship, "do
you c. cct nie to do?"
"! eNfMM-t you to devote yourself to
MatcMiuuisliip." was the reply.
"Do you think." said Dufferin
thoughtfully and earnestly, "that 1
have 'he talent for thi work?"
Dr. Mc'.osh assured him that he did
-, ...
iniiiK . ami me conversation con
tinued as they rode slowly homeward
No one can now t,ay whether thi;
talk had any influence on Lord Duffer
in". conduct, but it was not long be
fore -,c was deep in ioliticaI matters,
where he succeeded in quelling a, diS'
turbance. or as he afterward said, "pec
Ifymg Syria as the sand of the desert
is pacified, till the next breeze."
But his public career did not cud
there, for since theti he has been gov
enmr general of Canada, viceroy of In
din and ambassador to France. It inn v
1m that Dr. McCosh'a little wortf vvns
lhe influence that led him to begin
his long nnd brilliant public tecvice.
1 outh s Companion.
Loaelr Tribes.
I'crhaps the most isolated tribe of
people iu the world is the Tshuktahi
a people occupying the northern por
tion of the Mninsula of Kamskatka
and the country northward toward
ISering Straits. These people are prac
tically indvpendent'of Kussia, who ap
Icars to have reasons of her own for let
ting them alone. They have practically
no communication with the outside
world, and have only been visited two
or three times tbe last time by Maj.
de Windt on his journey through Si
beria. The inhabitant of the New Si
lierian islands are also practically alone
on earth, for they can only communi
cate with the mainland, and therefoi
tith the rest of the world, once a yftr,
and a succession of bad seasons might
isolate tiem for years. Thcpygniiea
of tEe" great Central African forests,
i they can be called a tribe, have also
been a people apsrt. For ages their ex
istence was little more than. legendary,
aid only two expeditions commanded
tiy w hite, men have ever jienctrated into
their abode. y. X, flua,
A German army officer estimates that
in the century juM closing no less han
:ii),f)im,ji ini-ii lime been killed in war
in civilized cniiiitries. -
Cavalrr Officer Whose laeaa
Matrimoar Cot Saver
The presence of a young cavalry offi-
. . . ... , m 1
cer in LUicago lately ana nis suuse
quent evolutions in the saloons of the
cit v have furnished the denouement 01 a
bob-tailed" romance ot the Spanish
The young man, who begged the re
porter to refer to him merely as Jack
son, recistered at a down-town hotel
and then Etruck into a double-quick for
the clubs of his friends. After the cus
tomary shuffle of introductory senti
ments, the lieutenant burst out:
"Say, fellows, I want you to get me
into Chicago society."
"There isu't any in the summer, re
plied one of the group. "Besides, we
couldn't anyway; we have our reputa
tions to look after, and we don't know
what you and Uobson have been doing
out there in the Philippines."
This and similar gibes were evidence
of the fact that only a full confession
would sufiiee, and one by one the men
were taken aside and allowed to view
the photograph of a beautiful young
woman. The warrior swore by the
blood of a hundred victories that he
would find the original of that picture
In the event of failure be e.xpicacU a
desire to be eaten alive by the tillp-
iuos. r
None if them recognized the yurj:
woman. Thev introduced him to sco-
of other society men and women, b-!t
they all stared blankly at the photo
graph and shook their heads. In final
d speration Lieut. Jackson produced in
Chicaco. III.. AprU 11. lSVS.-Mr Dear
Lieutenant: I have just seen rour likeness
in an April magazine and take the liberty
ot writing to you to ask a favor. ' I am fret-
tin old: I am r.f arlr 21. and begin to fear
thst I shall never be marrieJ. Now, all
the spinsters 1 ever knew Rave as tbe rea
son of their stride slate the (Jea that tbeir
lovers went away to the war and never
came back. I beKeve that the present war
again offers the same opportunity to every
VGur.e woman.
And this Is the favor: Ia the event of
your death in the war will you tstve mo
permission to ray that we were engaged to
be married? I inclose my photCRTaph and
remain sincerely. X. i.Z.,
General Delivery, Chicago Tost Office.'
The return mail carried an affirma
tive reply from the young officer, to
gether with his photograph. Thougl;
he begged her to write to him, he never
received any further communication
He served through the war in Cuba
without wounds or sickness, and was
then transferred to the Philippines
where the climate undermined his
health. Two weeks atro be landed in
San Francisco on sick leave, and came
ramediatelv to Chicago on bia w-iil-
the-wisp mission.
After days of continued search the
young woman was identified as a prom
inent member of North side society.
and a mutual friend volunteered to call
with the officer on the following even
t the sight of the bronzed face and
sound of tbe name tbe girl was startled
out of her self-possession, but rallied
during the pleasantries sufficiently to
continue the conversation.
"Lieut. Jackson has called," said the
friend maliciously, "to assure you of bis
best wishes."
"Oh, how nice of you, lieutenant,"
she exclaimed, with visible relief. "And
can t vou stay for a wedding too? It
will tie ntxt week."
The officer looked mystified. "You
don't mean to say you're engaged?" he
"W hy, yes; didn't you know it?" she
replied, with a scowl st the mutual
"But I 3 ou w hy. your letter
"till, yes, I know. lieutenant. But we
were to be engaged only in case you
died," was the consoling response.
Chicago Tribune.
sU.korate Dresalns Ia tfc. Lcb4
las r.atwr. ( Her Xaptl.I
The daughter ot a Zulu in comfort
able circumstances docs not leave her
father's kraal without much pomp aud
many queer rites, which doubtless arc
held by her people iu high estimation
It may be noted, too, that the mar
riage customs ot these dusky Africans
are subject to innumerable variations,
each tribe having its own peculiarities.
Hair-dressing, by the way, is an im
portant feature both to the bride and
bridegroom, and the attention paid to
the coiffure of the pair would shame
the performance of a West end hair
dresser who arranges a bride's locks
and fastens the orange blossom chap-
let. A cone-shaped erection, for in
stance, is the lawful coiffure of a Zulu
wife, and this cannot be legally worn
till the marriage rites are duly com
pleted. Save for the all-important one,
the head of a Zulu bride is closely
shaved, an assegai being used for the
purpose; whilst, as soon as a youth is
of a marriageable age, his head is shorn
to leave a ring around the scalp, and
then liberally besmeared with fat and
ochre, without which unguents no Zulu
would feel fittingly decorated for his
bride. When the bridegroom-elect has
been shorn of all his hair save the wool
on the crown, which is trained iu
circular shape and some four inches
in diameter, a ring is sewn to this, of
gum and charcoal: iu this the Zulu
thrusts long snuff spoons, needles and
small utility articles, and is very proud
of his ring, which is the badge of man-
nood. Cassell Magazine.
A Llttl. ftofs Taat Ia Told of
at rorclva Diplomat aad
l.aa "Waai.a.
These are the days of exaggerated
v vch, when simile runs into hypcr-
1h1c. In illustration a queer little
story is going the rounds which may
will be taken to heart by those con
cerned. A lately -arrived diplomat who
has been enjoving the summer at one
of the most fashionable watering places
had an American friend as his guest
During some conversation concerning
the country the diplomat, in reply to
a question as to wftat impressed mm
most, replied! "The most noticeable
thing which has struck my foreign
mind is, according to their own testi
mony, the extreme delicacy and physi
cal weakness of the American women,
young nnd old. There is hardly an
hour, that I do not hear some of them
proclaim that they are dying. They
die 'Of the heat, they die of the cold;
they "die of laughter and they die of
grief. And then, again, I have heard
the expression: 'I just expired with
surprise.' Of course this last 1 know
to be a joke. But it certainly in Curious
to note the extent to which American
womanhood is drifting to the grave,
if the sta tistics of their own pi .lnna
tious of the facts nre reliable. It is
really itiderful." So solemn was the
horrified diplomat that his auditor is
at a loss to know whether he was seri
ous cr'not. His name" is withheld be
cause on nothing arc diplomats so sens!
Vive us to bt published in criticism of
tlie fair sex. ' : "'
m lib
Is out oi order If jou hr the symptoms
enumerated on thts chart. Yob can be enrcd
without tha aid of Cnlomal, Bin Mass or
Quinine. Tbrr are mliiprals and are apt to
poison tbe blood. Why not add roar name
to tbe already large list of people cared by
Rl'DTAM llt riYAN has enrcd 10,000 oth
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Ilt'DYAN will cure all th abOTS syinp
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ae frasoiaae. Cat.
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l'i vi choice of two favorite routes,
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4J2 days to New York
Free KeclieMtsK Cbalr cara. rff
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Cars, Pullman Palace Sleep
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Fw. furl bcr iulurnier .afplt to
J. F. U1VAN5. Af., Bcwlurg
C. O. Terry, W. E Comau,
Trsi Pasa.agu .
l-'l rhirdSt.,
Gen Kt-
Fell a: o Or.
In ll.t Coom Court, lor the Count v f loux
Us. hurt of Ortf"ii .
la tu matter ut the estate ot lluldan. li n
To Wallace Stinstt. Prank Vynstt, Mary
Waucbrufavlmer. srah Macvt, Mill fcl.-t,
AiU-e J Hp.wn, lk th Lcc Msget. Hsrrlct .-,
Kolas ilsrct. Mattie ilscvt, tmcl iiayes, Ix-na
Uayes and Mattle llsyes. Orrelin g:
In the nam. uf the Slate ot Omron. you are
hereby cited and rvaniied to appear iu tbe
County Court ol tbe Male of On-con. lor ue
Counljof L'ooelas. at the court room thereof.
at Koscctng, in Ine vouoty ol iougla. on
TucKoay, the '.'nJ . day ol January, A. U. 10,
at 10 o clock, In tbe furenooa ol that day, tbt-B
and thi reto show cause If any there br, by an
onttr ot tbts court should not be made, author
izing ana airttriipg ine administrator, ucoie
K. Vjulue, to sell the real proprrty Ueloncmg to
said estate, at private sale for iu hand lu
ordi-rtopay od tbe indebtedness against miu
eataf, aixi w pay ine cwts and expenses oi si
minisuatkiu. eait isal property Is described as
follows, lo-wlt: Ibe sou in fcall of donation
claim numbeicd 41 ol William L. Wilson and
wile, being part ol section M, in townhip i
8. R. 6, . s IU. M r.. In touglas County, tiate
of Urreon, tbe said south bsif of (aid claim
coutaiu:ng lto.j acres mora or let. Tfiis cita
tion is lounoea on the vcriocd petition ol said
adminlLirator. said ii-liiion being now ou tile
in said vinirt.
Wiiucm, ibe Hon. Joe Ljous, judge 'ot tbe
Coun'y Court. if tbe Male ol Uietaio. for the
Couulv of Douglas, with tho seal ol said Court
atlixed, this tb.,lav of Xovcmber, IS'.".'.
Atli-st: J. f. Uaixkt, elrk.
(Sfal ) By ?. A UcCall, .deputy,
i .i4
We Have the Best and
Cheapest PIANOS and ORGANS,
t v 'i '"T ?r
The favorite of the Army and
No. 5, $35.
St. Paul,
Frolic. f
All good
Guitars, Ba.
the musical-line
- 'J
You Purchase!
- See our stock POCKET KNIVES, AIR GUNS,
Our stock is chuck full
meutal. Call aud see
Cass Street Market
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 181.
P. Benedick
Any Job, Work doneat
Reasonable p--e
Triumph Prune Grader
Foi Green and dried Prunes.
Compact, Practical, Accurate.
Scnc for circulars and testimonials to
Pateutee and
Get your.
We liave a Complete
stoekof -TEXT BOOKS
and the Finest Stock of
ever brought to this city.
Our Prices are Right. ...
ii ;im i Mil-
Besides these we have other good
Pianos but cheaper in price but not
in quality.
Navy. A few of the ships
derfer Typewriter during the Spanish-American War.
(d on the installment plan. Band Instruments,
ccordions, Autoharps. In fact almost anything in
of the useful as well asorna-
& Woolley's.
and Retail Dealers in
Game in Season,
Undertake? End Emlalmg?.
Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon
f-" At Marsters
equipped with the Blickens-
No. 7, .$50.
The Blickensder
fer is rapidly dis
placing the more
complicated and
higher priced ma
chines, as it does
the same work
equally as well (if
not better). 40,000
now in use.
I I blltllUbllkblls
' - i
Administrator's Notice.
rir a r
y it
i( th
uadrrsieDed waaoa tbe 2t)dd '
1WJ. duly ai-poinltd a1mlnistrau ui
oi ba'aaul Turner deceased. Ail per
log claim against a4l tiUle are I
quired to present the same, property v
the said administrator al cicottsbursr.
Couotr, Oregon, witbia six memos !
data hereof. .
lated this 5tn 1t of October.
Admlnbi trail r ol the estate
Turner, deceased. "
Railroad Tim Table.
Sorthboiitd Koseborg Iocs), ,
departs 7 :30 a. m.
Soathbonrx! Rose burg local, l:
arrives 6:20 p. m. .
Northbound overland, No. . 6,
rives 10:35 mi.; departs 10:45 m. t
Southbound overland. No. 6, ar
:15 s. m. ; departs 4 2S . n. i
raxtoHT nuncs.
Ncrtl.l our.d fast through freight, "
2-'l,arriv- 4:10 p. m.; departs 5
South bound (art throutb fre' 1, , .
222, srriTes 7:00 s. a.; deptsta S:C:
Northbound mixed train Ko. 222 in:;
at 2 55 p. m., 8undsf, Wedaee 's:s a
rridsTs. drtarts 900 s. m iizz.u-
Thursdays and Saturdays.
eoutbbooud mixed tram lio. 2. '
fifes at 3 -00 p.m.. on Sandsys.
days and Fridsts, depart 7:15 s. .
Mondays, Thursdays sod Saturdays.
SIsTHonurr Cause is corner of Ksia a&J I. . .
street. Bundar Berrtc: rieaehina;. II a. : .
and Sits p. as.; Sabbatk school, 10 a, m.; L.
Walker, Superintendent; Class HezC z j a;
closa of th tBomioc aerrke; tjnronk L
7-Wp. m. F. 8. Sodfrer, rnakieat. F . r
XeeUos. Wedneadar, at 7:39 . at.
G. B. AanoU, Pastor.
Fanoaace, comer Vaia and lU-5
Csitsb Basra ui Cucacs ea Fowler stnn -
Bandar aerric ttllt-ts. and 7:30 p. si. T..r
cr meetinx. Thursday areolae
Mrs. LOCT M. Cvtw, Truzr.
Bt. Gsoe. j's CHtrscH. Corner. . Casa
Main streets. Berrkes oa seoond 'end U:'...
iasdar morning of each taoata aad orerr tz- .
erenlnc. 8 peels! serrkes aaooonoed Iron'
"me to time. Iir.JoaiDia
Xissioct,,, .
at. K. Causes, Borrrtt.-SeiriocsoTarj Bssda?
-oi ains aad cTeoing.
Ba J T Corroa, Fast
Barrier Cut acH corner of Iaao aad Sc -e
treeta. Saadar service: Preaching at U a. n.
aad 7: p. bl dabbatil School at IS a. ta-, O. i-
Coahoi, superintendent, rrarer tacetlcr
7:30 Wedaeaday eTening.
K. A. Dovous, Faster.
Fuur CsaiSTULji CancsH-Coraer of PL:
and Woodarard streets. Bandar serried
Pi eat hi ng both morning aad ereoiag. SonJ?
chool at 10 a. aa. . T. P. 8.C. Z. ate 30 . si
Prayer meeting each Wednesday srtsuns at
7 JO. A cordial wrkome and sreaUax avaits
att, W. A. Wocb.
Ftsst PlAiBTTraiia Cacaca Coraer o! -.
sd Bose streets. Sunday serrkx: I
worship, ll a. au, aal p. as.; Ef -school,
10 a. ra. T. P. 8. C E. at 7 p
Frarcr meeting, Vedrcsday erening 7
u J. X. Tosrxsssr ,
-.. . r: r
Tax W. C. T. O. mil hold ita srfnlar net rt
oa the second aad fourth Mondays of - i
toooth at 7J0 p. m. ia tbe Xpsiarth
room of the M. X. Church.
Lai' as i
SAij cut
Fast i Ml Lake. Dearer, Ft. j F-'.
Vail j Worth. Omaha, Kaa- .
1p.m. j saaCity.tH. Louia,Cht- .
JeokaDe : Walla Walla Lewistoa. 6
Flyer -. Spokane, Minaeapol ia, : i
I:5 p. m. fit. Paa', UiUalh. afit- is.
waskie,Chieasa aad j
i Sask s
S p to. ' ncxaa ersiasarr
All Sailing dates subject1
to change. .
For isa Fraaeireo .
Bail Dee S.,13,iS, 21,
2S, aad every 5 daya, - i
Coir bt a'Sivr
To As tons aE W ay,
- landvM
Sp. m.
lttp aa.
Wouxim Bits
Oreron Cltr, Kevbers;,
ealeia Way-Laad a
Ex. 'cu 1.
7 a. m
IVrnjanrTTS a.n Txs-'j
Orefon City, naytOBi ai
and Way-Laadina. j
and Sal.
6 a. 'm. j WiLuiim Kivxa U-a p. t
Tues.Thurs. iil u. v
and Sat. Portland to Corrallls aad sxd ?n.
i aad Way-Iaodunja. I.
l:ii a. m.
Sass Sirra
f Lf-;
:Lr .. .
Kipana to Lewistoa I i ..
:8.SJ a. a.
J. F. Qivans,
Agent, Rase bury, Or.
W.H. Haribcrt:
Gca,Fs. J?t ., .
To The Unlortrsnr.
Dr. Gi".
This old rcflst:.
tha atast i: -SpeeiaUst
ail Sax.
, (
Strtctans. Srvt
ail lta ffvnD . 1 f .
uaaia, FWrta L -
Ity, lasacaaacy. r
JV aal Waaaaaaa ani '. t
!)Uic ol sett abusa and exoesa prodrtcuu- ,
1 olio wins; symptoms: sallow couuiaoance. c, .
spots under the eyea, paia ia th. bead, rr, ;
in the ears, loss oi oonhdeiH, didicteuc. 1 ; -proaehlnt
straneers, palpi tatioa of t b.-. c
weakness of the limbs and back. lorn ol inGio -y
pimples on tho face, eougha, ooDsaapiion. -.
DR. OiBBOX haapraeUead ta 8aa Jts.t-.mi
orer thirty years and those troaotod ahou.a not
tail to consult him and recela tbe teur r t
ait rreat skill sad experience. Tha doctor e
when others fail. Try bias. Cores STXafia!(,"
Persons cured at horn.. Charge reaaoe
Call irri to.
DKWJ. F. UIBBOK, 625 Kearny 81 San F
Notice of Appointment o Exue
Notloa Is hereby ctven that the nndorsi
Was on tbe ltth day of Norcmber, .
daly appotnted asexecutris of the last, si. .
tuatanient of .io!ire T. Russell, deeeasew-
Cersons bavins claims atcainst said esiaia '
ereby itquired to present tbe same pror
veritied, to said ax.outrtji, at Uakland, Dot.
coanty, Ongun, within six luouths Irou
data h rvol.
iated this 16 day of Sovember, 1S99. - .
Notice for Publication.
Cmisn Ststis L
Roseburg. Oregou
lerebr Kl-n Uia
17. ISf -
Notice Is hereby
named etfttler baa 1
tba hlio"
settler has filed notice of his lute
to make final proof ia support of his ebuc
that said proof will be made before th. 1
terand Receiver, United state Labd Of
Roseburg. Ore., on December W, lot, rlz.
On H E r.Vo. ?i, for tbe lls J and , F
TUS, RtlV. lie names the foiiowi-;
nenes to prove his continuous resideG'1
and culUvation of said land vis: tieor
William Nicbvus, J. T. Mayes, IVsiur .
of Riddle. Oregou.