The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 21, 1899, Image 3

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Now's the time
and Here's the Place.
The People's Store; Always the Cheapest.
in. yS
t .
; -
We specially call your attention to our lines of Linens,
Doilies, Table Scarfs, Etc. The prices are right and will
please you from any point of view. A multitude of good
things for the Holidays in Collarettes, Fancy Skirts, Fas
cinators, Gloves, Etc. Seeing our full assortment is the
only method we know of that will convince youj that you
have made a mistake, in not buying your goods from us
We are showing au elegant line
of Holiday Novelties in Neck
wear, Fancy Shirts, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Muf
flers, Fancy Suspenders, Etc., and speaking about prices,
we are not only as low, but lower than other firms, whose
boast may be that they sell cheap. Goods and prices talk
for us. .
Our line of shoes is unsurpassed, we sell and recommend
the well known Douglas Shoes for men, whichmeans ab
solutely the Best. Get into a pair of them and make your
feet glad. Pay us a visit and we promise to show you
more and better values than you will find elsewhere.
I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor.
DECEMBER 14. 1S99.
J. W. Porter, of Brcckway, was in the
city, Tuesday.
W. B. Drake, of Myrtle Creek, was in
Le city, Tuesday.
G. W. Catching, of ginw, was io
Rosebarg, Tuesday.
V. Bound, of Eucklee, was among the
city visitors, Toes Jay.
N. L. Ginne-', of Looking Glass, was
suiosg the crowd in Eoseburg, Toee
tiayr "?JT. Spaugh, of Looking Glass valley,
was transacting business in Ibe city,
Tuesday. ,
Fimples, eruptions, sweaty hands and
feet are cared by Hudyan. All druggists
50 cents.
A good black kid glove can be iocnd at
the Novelty Store for $1.50. It will pay
to try oar kid gloyes.
(The specific remedy for troubles of tbe
iJiyeYBtomacb, liver, is Hood
im, the great blood puriSar.
lir.J.E. Love, druggist of Riddle,
Or., is ia tfce city on a visit with friends
kE J on business. Albany Democrat.
When yon come to Portland remem
ber and bare your teoth fixed by Dr. M.
V. Davis, 163,' First St. j24
- Afierall others fail to give you satis
faction take tout watch to J. T. Bryan
and he will make it run for joa. (nl4d)
Take s "squint" as yon pass by
b archill & Woolley. See their win
dow display of silver ware and Eastman
k j-Vkp.
A fine $65 C. G. Conn, cornet uicdel
e .'o alto horn, burnished silver, gold
l pped, good as new. Only $25 at T. K.
I: idiard son's.
T. Merchant arrived on the bay
from Gardiner Taursday. He says that
the ride down tbe beach was something
awful. Medford Mail.
The Ladies' Aid Society of tbe M. E.
Church have for sale carpet rags sewed
and wound. Call on Mre. O. F. God
frey or Mrs. A. C. Marsters.
Sirs. K. Chtxchill, Barlio, Vu, says.
'-'Onr baby was covered with running
-res. De Wilt's Witch Hazel balre
dber.' A specific Jor piles and
.. electees. Beware of worthless
c unleiieits. A. C. Marsters & Co.
Iry Morris and Mr. Perry came op
f : a th TJmpqua s few days ago to look
t':.jr business affairs here. Mr. Morris
k'.enda to move back to tbe Siaslaw
c?rt spring. Florence West.
? Tl stop s cough at any time, and will
c re the worst cold ia twelve boars, or
r :sey refunded. 25 cts. and 50 eta.
For sle at Rapp's drug store.
"1 had dyspepsia fifty-eevea years and
r ever foand permanent relief till I need
Ilcaol Dyspepsia Core. Now Ism wel
feel like new man' writes S. J.
r; ?juiug, Murray, Neb. It is the bee-
- j!act known. Cares all forms of in
. . eson. Physicians everywhere pre
ti. ie it. A. C. Marsters & Co.
George Carpy nss been tendered and
s a accepted s position as clerk in the
U. S. laad office at LaGrande, Or. Mr.
Carry has sold bis abstract business to
J. I). Hamilton ana will leaTe for La
brands ia a few days. His family will
probably remain in Rosebarg daring tbe
v Inter.
Go. B. Gob'.e, of Kellopg. was in the
city Tuesday.
For first class dentistry to Dr
Little of Oakland.
Mre. V. H. Drennan went to Portland
yesterday for a yieit.
Mr. and Mrs. McKay of Wilbur, were
in the city Tuesday.
For fine sboea ask for Dr. A. Reed's
cushion .eboe, at Josephson'r.
Lee Thornton, who has been attending
school at Eugene, ia home for a visit.
Special sale of silk plushes fur 35, 40,
50 and 75 cents per vard at Josepbson's.
Bond, the watchmaker seils spectacles
at lowest prices and can fit tbem cor
reclly. E. C Stoart, of Oakland, was among
the cot cf town visitors to Roeeburg
Pain in loius, poffed eyelid, palpita
tion of heart. Hudyan cures. All drug
glEte, 50 cents.
C. P. Snell, an attorney ot Medford,
was looking after business matters io
this city yesterday. . ( -
He that is warm thinks all so," but
many people are always cold because of
poor blood. They need Hood's Sorsapi
rill. You will find just what yon want in a
pocket knife, out of that last consign
ment just received at Churchill &
E. Da Gas. M. D member Board of
Pension Examiners. Office. Marsiera
bunding residing corner Douglas scd
Jackson street.
Dr. Isabel Sedgwick has cow secured
offices and residence at tbe S. E. coner
of Cass and Main streers in the home of
Mr. Geo. U. Churchill.
J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur
geons wanted to operate on me for piles,
but I cured tbem with DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles
and skin diseases. Beware of counter
feits. A. C. Marsters & Co.
If you ever look us you have made
mistake. We are tbe people you are
looking for, we bave tbem. Low prices
are at our store. Rice & Rice,
House Furnishers.
Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his
child's life by One Minute Cough Care.
Doctors bad given her op to die with
crocp. It's an infallible cure for coughs,
colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and
throat and lung trouble. Relieves at
once. A. C. Marsters & Co.
Geo. Estdt, the S. P. sgent at this
place, started on bis southern trip, Mon
day, in the interest of the Order of
Telegraphers. Mrs. Estes and daughter
Miss Bertha, will join him in California,
next week.
It takes but a minute to overcome
tickling in tbe throat and to stop s
cough by tbe nse of One Minute Cough
Cure. This remedy quickly cures all
forms of throat and lung troubles.
Harmless and pleaeant to take. It pre
vents consumption. A famous specific
for grippe and its after effects. A. C.
Marsters & Co.
sick headache, indigestion and constipa
sion. A delightful herb drink. Re
moves all eruptions of the skin, produc
ing a perfect complexion, or money re
funded. -Sets, and 50 cts. M. F. Rapp,
J 1ST Received. A large line of string
instruments, violins, mandolins, guitars,
banjos, also a large stock of smaller in
struments. Violins from (4 op. Mando
lins from (7 up. Accordions 2 to $J0.
Other instruments in propsrtion. Great
value in these instruments. See them
at T. K. Richardson's.
A fine line of spray putnps at Church
ill & Woolley's.
Price reduced on Winchester riuVs at
Churchill & Woolly V.
Wanted To purchase a good panther
skin, inquire at this office.
l John Beckley went to Oakhin I Inst
j Tuesday morning on a business trip,
i Special sale of children's scAilet all-
wool underwear for 35 cents per garment.
at Josepbson's. '
Dr. L. H. Hamilton has returned
home from Portland to visit during the
Tiembling Lands, weak limbs and un
steady gait. Hudyan cures. All drng
g'sts, 50 cent?.
A fine euy rocker is a j-jy forever and
S'rong has a lite shipment that " will
cake anyone joyous.
Chas. Keller, who lately opened a
jewelry shop near tbe depot, has ,quit
and returned to Myrtle Creek.
Either chickens or tarkrs r.m h
hatched ins Peteluma Incubator. See
them at Churchill & Woolley's.
Do yoa know a bargain when yea tee
it? They are looking you straight in
the eyes when you are io oor store.
Rick & R:cs.
Jasteee the money yoa eould have
made if yoa had bought an incubator
last season. Talk with Churchill &
Wool ley. ;
The rail road yard was full atd run
ning over Monday night and it required
rustling U arrange t ie yard so there
would be no delay.
""j jM nearly dead with dyspepsia,
tried doctors, tisited mioeral springs,
and grew worse. I osc-i Kodol Dveyep
sia Cure. That cured roe." It d-gests
what you eat. Cures indigestion, eonr
stomach, heartburn and all forms of
dyspepsia. A. C. Marsters & Co.
It is reported that Miss Nettie Cain, of
Aumsville, Oiegon, recently died at that
place, with diptheria. Miss Cain's
former borne was at Riddle, where her
brother Frank lives. Sbe had gong
to Aumsvill to fill the poskion as tel-1
graph operator for tbe S. P. Co. Her
many friends will be grieved to bear of
her death.
are sold on s positive guarantee. Cures
heartburn, raising of tbe food, distress
after eating or any form ot dyspepsia.
One little tablet gives immediate relie,
25 cts. and 50 cts. For sale at M. F.
Rapp's drug store.
Miss Lanra Jones of the Drain Watch
man is seriously ill. Dr. McKenney
was called to attend her and left on San
day morning's overland, returning in tbe
afternoon. He received a letter on yes
terday morning's train from her brother,
stating that sbe was no better. Eugene
Register, Wednesday.
Frank McDaniels, charged with the
murder of Claire Fitch at Portland was
convicted of manslaughter, tbs extreme
penalty for which is confinement in the
state's prison for a term of 15 rear. He
J will no doubt get the extreme penalty of
, me law. lne verdict was a surprise as
according to tbe evidence he was either
guilty of a most brutal murder of a yonng
girl or he was innocent of any crime.
A big reduction in Eastman K'tJaktV
at Chuichill & Woolle) 'a.
The R. R. Dancing Club will givo
grand Xraasball, Decora be r 2, 189l.
M, O. Warner, tho piano tuaor of E't
gene, is looking after his work in town.
Mrs. VanBuren returned home Sun
day night ftoui her visit in Now York.
Mr. Jehu Canuday of Oakland came
Monday and visited several dttya in tbe
There will be a grand Xmaa ball given
by the R. R. Dancing Cla', December
Tired limbs, aching joints aud pains ia
muscle?. Hudyan cures. All druggUts,
50 cents. 1
Mr. Spangli and wife of Lou king Glass
weredoinj; business in the county e.'ot
Ed Riddle, late of the 2nd Oregon vol
unteer, has tafcun ix position as fire
mau on the S. P.
Wanted Tho address of some one
convenient to Roeeburj. who will diess
boarekuis for roi;s Notify this cilice.
Ladies, if y m are Icoiing for whito or
colored taffeta silk, you'll Cud a nlcs lir.e
here Novelty Store.
Bond bag the nicest Iroi ie clocks for
holiday present?, must le sold at some
price. Come and get one.
Uucle Jeff Singlaton want to Portland,
on Wednesday's local and will remain at
the hospital a week or two, tor treatment
of his i yes.
Miss Liara Junes, editor of lb Drain
Watchman, has been seriously ill. We
hope so m to bo able to report her com
plete recovery.
Jutt arrived at StroigV Fnrr,i;u:e
Sure, a Isle tbipment ot Cue rockers,
call and ete tbem they are wurih looking
at atd wid uot last Ion.
The lay car pasted tbrongti going
eon til, Sunday. Its coming is always
welcome to our people, as it puts many
thonsand dollari iu circulation at once
in our city.
Mrs. M. Cox was culled to Cottage
Grove, Wednesday, by the news that
her' boy' had been quite badly hurt,
while scutllm. It is hoped tbe injuries
will not prore serious.
Dr. John Wright, father of Mre. W. T.
Wi igbt, left on Tuesday tveting's local
for San Joee, Cal. Tte Dr. wus rectmly
from the east, acd had been vieittog bis
dii'iiht jr in this city.
Engineer Frank McDonald bos been
enjoying a to week uit from bis
father. The elder McDjnald retnrned to
Sacramento today, where bo has' charge
of an engine in the S. P. yards, Tiliog.
The Y. W. C. T. U. will not met this
Thursday evening as usual,, but .will
meet Friday evening, Dec 7J;h., af Mrs.
V. C. LoodonV. The first regular meet-in-
will bo Jan. 4, 1900, in the League
room of the M. E. church.
Conductor Ge. E iwicht and wi'.e re
turns 1 to Asbiaod Thursday from San
Francisco. Tbe former has been having
a three week's Tacati in, while Mrs. En
wicht has been in the bay city Xar the
past three months. Tidings.
Flook & Dyainger are thoroughly over
hauling their wood manufacturing plant,
farnishin; their offices ia fine style and
are ready to show their patrons tamplea
of work equal toany turned out ia the
coantry. This is sn enterprisiog firm
and are helping to build up oar town.
Remember tbe Presbyterian Sunday
School Christmas exercises Saturday
evening at 7 o'ekek. Tbe church is dec
orated with evergreens and s brick fi re
place is building. A enowsbower has
been ordered and is expected to arrive
along with Santa and tbe Brownies.
The public cordially ioyited.
We were invite 1 down to tbe Sash &
Door factory of Flo A & D.sinzcr ti see
tbe Ferris wheel which they have con
structed to be used in tbe Christmas ex
ercUes at the Christian tnurcb. This
will be something new and the effect will
be very pretty an J plessios. Tbere will
be 12 cabinets representing tbe 12
months in the year and these cabinets
will contain the presents to be distribut
ed. Tbe whole will bs nicely decorated
aud will be well worth seeing.
Mr. E. L. Hoppaogarner, who like
been station agent at ibid place for some
time past, left on TbesJay afternoon for
Oregon City, and will take the office
there. Of coarse we regret that Mr.
Hoopengarner was stationed at his new
place and we are pretty sare he also re
grets it for many reasons, some.ot which
are not present now. Before bis de
parture from here be was presented with
a beautiful Knights of Pythias watch
charm, by bis assistants in the office
here, Meesr. Claude Young and Sam
Irvine. Independence Enterprise.
Wood Choppers Wanted.
Near tunnel 7, six miles north of Glen
dale. U pay $1.15 per cord, cash,
All wioter job. Address or apply to
Cuas. Feikkkt,
Glendale, Or.
Mackintoshes, Boots, Childrcu and Ladies' Wool Underwear,
Men's Underwear, Flannellette Night Gowns, Wool Hosiery,
Wrappers, Dress Skirts, Petticoats, Blankets,- Clothing,
Hats, Etc.
GROUr. At Looking Glass on Dec. 13,
1890, to the wife of R. D. Grout,
daughter. All doing well under tho
care of Dr. DaGas.
Fatal Accident.
George Noah, the engineer at tbe
brewery, was instantly killed at abjut 10
O'clock this morning. It seems that In
attempting t adjast a small belt about
tbe machinery, he was caught t y some
part of the machinery and was almost
instantly crushed to death, every bone
in his body was broken, bis skull
crushed and his bnrlns scattered about
tbe room.
Mr. Noah was about 33 years of age
and was nnmairied. He came to Rose-
burg last spring, and bad been worxlng
in tbe brewery for some time. He hsd
no relatives in tbe west, so far as known,
and until his papers are examined, it
well not mobably be known where his
relatives, if he has any, reside. He wsb
little known in Roeeburg, except to his
employers y
The funeral will. probably Uke place
oo in Cash
" Given Away.
Commencing: with November ist, we will give with each $1.00
cash purchase, a chance at the $50.00 prize, which we will give
to the person holding the lucky number. The drawing will
take place on Jan. ist, 1900.
Our prices on
LadicsVand Men's rurnishings, Millinery, Boots, Shoes and Hats
Are right, as are those in our other departments, and inspec
tion will convince you that w emean what we say. Mail ord
ers promptly filled. Send for samples.
; 9
OSEPilrS.O-- rSo
301 and 303 Jackson St.
Roseburg, Oregon.
Cold, clear, sunshiny weather prevails
In this valley, succeeding tbe smalt snow
storm of last week. Tbe high waters
are subsiding, and it may indicate pleas
ant weather for Christmas.
ClemmenU and Wall are ling t give
a grand bill on uun mas mgui, at
Woodfor'ds hall. We are informed that
the supper will bs given by Mrs. Will
Smith at the New Glen Jala hote1.
Col. 8. W. Blaisdite, snanag.r of the
ABC mioei, spnt Sunday iu Glendale.
J. L. Dewey, manager of the Douglas
mines, cams ia on ouuaay evening,
aud will spend some dayi here, looking
after his largs businosi interests io
Dr. P. A. Harris, oor popuUr M. D.,
ia kept bnsy day and night, attending
upon bis patients. ;
Col. MJaiy lioloijs spent Svme days
at this place this week. Tue colonel re
ports prosperity in his pleasant neigbbor
hooJ at Holmes Valley.
Married, at the residence of C. P.
Totten at Glenellen, by Rev. Uandsaker
of Wolf Creek, lit. W. P. Totten and
Mies Maggie Oiinghouse, on Sanday,
Dec. 17, 1S90. The wedding was private
only relatives being present. We ex
tend to onr popular P. M. and his bride
onr heartiest congratulations.
Mrs. F. T. Lady will leave for Portland
on Thursday erening. where she will
spend tbe holidays, visiting relatives and
friends. She will be tbe gues of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Nelson.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Ellid vinted Mr
and Mrs. C. S. Jackson, at Rojeburg,
last week.
Rsv. D. T. Summerville preached to a
goodly sized congregation, at the Glen
dale school house, last Wednesday
Joseph Warner, of Forest Grove, is
visiting his sister, Miss Maud Warner,
and other relatives at Glendale.
John W. Reddeld, of Boekydell, a
prominent pioneer of Oregon, visited
Col. W. J. Martin, at Glendale, List
Charles Mann will leave on Wednes
day evening for Idaho. He will spend a
week visiting relatives at Oregon City
and Portland while en'ooto ta his new
location. v
Jacques Dros., the energetic farmers,
who have a contract of R. R. wood, on
their place, are getting along nicely, and
well deserve their prosperity.
Walter Benlzcn has sold bis interest in
tbe Glendale saloon business, and will
leave with his family tomorrow .evening
for Canyon ville.
Mrs. M. A. Dubell is visiting relatives
at this place. She wilUeave for Canyon
ville tomorrow.
Ed Boyd, of tho Gold Bug mines, is
visiting his family at Tbe Cedars, this
DaWitt'a Little Early Risers purify
tho blood, clean the liver, invigorate
tbe system. Famous little pills for con
stipation and liver troubles. A. C
Marsters & Co.
Elkton Notes.
Mis. II. Vdun Las reltiraeJ Jrooj Cot
tag Grovo.
Soma snow fell here last wtck,
Mies May Rjb-rts, who has been vis
iting her aunts at this place, retnrned
h)me on Toelat'd stage.
Miss Mary Freyerof Scoltsburg, passed
through here ThurLiy earoute to Cot
tag Grove.
Wm lidnedict umia a trip to Roeeburg
Mie3Saie Retkley hii gue to Ash-!
land tJ reawia for soma time.
J. A. Sawyers took a load of passen
gers to D.-aio last Thursday.
Mrs. Ferguson, a sister of Mr. Fen
Sutherlio.of Oakland and an aunt of
Johnson aud Cyrus Levins of this place,
passed through here on tbe stage one
day last week.
Miss Be 3ei j Sawjera spent Saturday
and Suoiiy with her parents.
Prof. Mshammed, a Torkub herb
scientist gavd an entertainment on Tues
day and Wednesday nights of last week.
Mrs. Cheshire, who hat been vishing
he.' parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Palmer
of Scotts burg passed through on Thurs
day's stage.
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Jones hive gone to
Gardiner. Mr. Jones has rented the
Oir farm and will reside there.
Good Service, Good Goods, and Good Prices
During the Holidays?
" 1
Miss Anaid E. Guani.14, Tyre, Mich.,
says, "I suffered a long time from dys
pepsia; loet flesh and became very weak
Kcdol ijyspepaia Cure completely cared
me." It digests what yon eat and cores
alt forms of stomach trouble. It never
fails to- give immedits relief in the
worst cases. A. C. Marsters & Co.
Noice'toths Public.
RoeKisi'EQ, Or., October 21, IS7J.
Notice is hereby given that tbe under
signed, the trustee cf tbe bankrupt es
tate of Daniel Curtin, w:ll receive and
consider propositions Uit tbe purchase of
what is known as the Curtin Saw Mill,
Situated near ComMocks, Oregon, all
prjpoeitions subject to rejection.
Address me at Roeeburg, Oregon.
Date for closing the receipt of the ease
will be thirty days from the date hereof.
lUted at Roeeburg, Oregon, Ibis -1st
day cf October, 1399.'..-
J, T. Bridges,
Have us call twice or three times a week for y
orders, if you- are within the city limf
irop us a postal card or 'Phone 201.
Call in and see our Fancy Decorated
Haviknd China and other China Ware.
M A r r-
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Itartiflcially digests the food and aids
Nature tn strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. 1 ti3 the. M est disco vereddipest
ant and tonic. No ot her preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, neartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
fell other resultsof Imperfect d I treat Ion.
Prepared bv E. C Dawitt A Co.. Cbicaoo.
That is whyjbur business has more than
thribbled in;the past year. We started
with the belief that a pleased customer
would be our best advertisement and
such has proved to be the case.
Vupou our many
y express our sin
I their many acts of
jmaaus of extend-
anks to all our many
nobly cam ) to our
in our hours of
djath of our dar-
Agents for the Salem Woolen Mills Tailor Made
Clothing and McCalls Bazar Patterns. . 1..;'..
Proprietor Lyceum Shell Qyter Parlor, ofRocbsatar, tsJ
Obtained $2 J20O Ufa tnsaranco PoBcy. '
''My business as proprietor of the Lyceum Shell Oyster Parlor. 345 Jli
street, Rochester. N. V.." writes Mr. Charles W. RW ..c Ji ZZZdZ?
that my laegs became effected. My doctor told me I'd cave to leave the stc
and POtOirnrlc St (nnr.
tfcingoatdoors. He said
my longs were in bad
shape, and I knew it
fast as u-ell as he did.
The trouble bad been
growing oa me for a
long time. Like roost
other people. I tried to
make, myself believe
the trouble was not in
the lungs. 1 called it
stomach ttrmbieor ner
vons disorder, bet I
kept coughing, spitting
acd wasting away right
along. I lost ia weight,
falling from 140 to 115
pounds. Somehon r
other, I got hold of Acfc-
ir' Knrlich
for Throat and Luog Tror-bJes, and after taking it aotrdiuir to directions. 1 wJ
as well as anv nun i-, V-Vl- ctr- T 1 .. .
tore I took the cold w.itc'i c.vae so near killing me. I now weigh 150 poands-l
ten pounds more tbaa e After recovering, I applied for a life iMoraaC
policy. V hen the utor ivgan examining me. 1 was afraid he wtmld discovc
that my lungs bad once bcea atlccted. bot he didn't. I passed all rieht. an
was prt nonnccd in a tirst-c!ayi condition. If that isn't proof of the raot dob
tare kind that Acker s English Remedy is a great medicine. I don't know wha
you cad proof. I give it my warmest endorsement. My address is given abort'
Anyone who wishes may write me personally about my case."
Sold at 35c.. 50c acd $1 a bottle, throughout the United Sutes and Canada
and m England, at is. rJ..;s. 3d.. 4S. 6d. if you are not satisfied after buvinr
return the bottle to vor Jriicis' a"i . i-. pnn. v '
- ;.z . " . "hi uivttt.
!r t uUhorLr i&c Uvr i. Whik lR Jt CO , Pnprieton. Atw l ort
For sale by M. F. Rapp, Druggist.
: I -A:--'. - . ii t. LSI .ii-rX .1 1 1
The Ladies Aid Society will bold a
church fair and military bazaar, in the
Edsnbower school boose, Tuesday, t)ec.
19, 1800. Doors open at 1 p. ni. and
contiaaios open all afternoon and even
ing. Military dinner and lanch iil be
served; menu baked beans, brown bread
and coffee, pie and cheese. Bazaar,
fancy and useful articles suitable for
domestic purposes, Christmas presents
and etc. Proceeds to furnish the (new)
Bethany M. E. chared. Come one and
all, and help us in this good cause.
Trices reasonable.
Mas. Lccy Ohkx,
Graham Post No. 76 (1. A. R.
Comman.tor K. D. Howell and Qms
tr-ma4ier J. W. Wriitbt of Reno Po
G. A. R., .-f ihU c:tv, went to Canyoi
ville, Tueday evening of last week, arf
organized r ii. A . K. rt !hat plicl
with lhe following tfficfr--: f
Commander, John I. Oto : Sr. V. d
Wm.T. Lidy; Jr. V. ;., Laww Asl1
A., James O. Piwce;Q M.. Jamra J
Pool; Senrt., S li ct. J.ln; Cbaplais
AVm.viral.xia; O. id D.. 1ac D Erani
O U U , Wm. Fl.K.k ; Q. L rvt.,
Real Estate Bought and Sole
c AatJatJiSBflaKsir ,
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands anu Mining Properties
Prune and Hop Lands of best qnaiiiy, iu choice locations
in quantities to suit intending rmrchasers. at rensonftHlf
w r -p.j
pnees and easy terms. Inquire of I
mwaala Btt.' wwA
General Blacksmithing:
J Stiop 0.1 Corner WashluKlou anil Khiic st Itoiebu.K
FOR sass.
and who were so
rtj to comfort ua
and for the manv
o sympvthy wo an
111r nwiiw