The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 21, 1899, Image 2

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,-ul Thursday.
Sv ft. ST4ATF0M1-. .... Lditot and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
(Si Ifontbj .
1 00 i
lares Hoaths.
DECEMBER 14. 1890.
a -mmmt i
We wish all oar reader Merry
Christmas and s happy New Year.
There are but 9,000 Mexican war vet
trans left, sad they are dying at ilia rate
f a thousand a yur.
An American cable ia the Pacific is
oaiionat necessity, ami aleo a Bound
baeinoa proposition, but it will never be
laid by oti-xpiiftoQi6t8.
CoQgrratnian Sibtey, of reuut-yivaiaa
has inch rw J I be gold alan.intd. In 1896
tbe populist wan'xt to cutuinate bitn
as tbe free silver candidate for Presi
dent. As Aguinaldo dodges from place to
place be continues to express faitb in tbe
lection uf Bryan as preeidvnt. If be
caa keep this op until next jeaf , be will
be an interesting feature uf the cam
paign. Tbere will be no paper issued (row
(bis office on Monday, Ch-iatmaa day.
We dislike to miss au Usae, b tt our em
ployee bave earned a holiday by faithful
service, some of them for many years,
and we can only give them a well de
ferred reel by tuiseiug Monday' issue.
Gut. Geer baa wuuen a reply, which
it roocbed m very at rung Ungusge, eni
pfaatkaily uenyiug tbe ivport by oce
riummer, uf l'o.k couuiy, lbs tie ac-
cepied T2u00 fur the pusniou t4 eupeua
leodentof the peniicuiiarj d that be
baa receipt, stating aa uiucb. Few
people erergaTe tbe repurt any credit,
aod tbe governor's answer was wholly
aaneceesiry. Coquille Bulletin.
Tbe Southern Pacific tbroogb freight
trains are enormous ones nowadays.!
Aa exceedingly largo amount of freight
is being transported over tbu road and
oat of tbe city, lite Yrek Journal has
tbe following to say: "Toe Son I hern
FadCc ia sending 10U0 empty cars into
Oregon, with watch to remove the pro
dads of that alate down Ibis way to
Baa Francisco. Tuere is said t o be a big
surplus of all products in state tbis
VVe bare a letter in oar poeeeeeion
from Hon. Binger Herman, cemmiaaioa
er of tbe general land office at Washing
ton. Mr. Herman has not given any in
formation to tbe Associated Frees, nor to
anybody, that be ia pledged to support
Settlor McBride for ie-election nor lias
be pledged ba support ant ooe for that
office. Tboee who know Mr. Herman
beat, did not believe any eucb stuff, as
be ia the must careful public man to
soaks pledgee, who ever lived in Oregon.
Democratic papers ate handling tbia
kiss report with much delight, as I bey
tbiok tbe fooluu story will injure
Mr. Hermann. Baker City llepobli
ean. Spreckles Owns the Road.
As stated in last ieeae, an extension of
time was refosed R. A. Graham, and ac
cordipt to agreement tbe neceeraiy pa
pers, ikb were beld in trust, were
taraed over to tbe Messrs. Spreckels,
aaJ theC. B. R. &E. It. R. became
tbafr property. On yesterday afternoon
acting on instructions from beedqoaiters
W. 8. Chandler, local manager for J. D.
-4prcksls Bros. A Co., took poeeeeeion of
.be property and placed men in charge.
He called a meeting of the employes of
be road Monday evening, and conveyed
ia tbeea tbe welcome nes that Mr.
precklee would pay all tbe legitimate
iebts ef tbe read, statement which
til received with applause. The men
'tad given op all buee of itceiving their
ack pay, and i mafuanimoos treat
.iKnt accorded tbeui met with their
ttearty apprwlaiiou. -tlr. Chandler told
tam that tbey c.u!J cuuiiooe on tbe
read. Toey aaeedted to tbe proposition
he made them, and agreed to recognise
bis authority attd work for the interest of
their employer.
By request Jitiiu Kjliioe, foreoian oLj
the macbiue ettop, read a telegram from
William IrelMSe. (Io explanation it
might be suied thatTreleaee waa boss at
tbe machine shops, and always bad
great faitb in Graham ticg able to raise
tbe necessary foods. At bis solicitation
the men were persuaded to keep on at
work, and when be left fer tbe city a
abort time ago, be promi'.cd the men
that as toon as be learned anything defi
nite, .be would notify iLetn. -id tbey
ioald rely ou his statement.) Tue du
p itch was as follows ;
"Spreckles lias co tuple ownership 4
tbe railroad. AJvle employee all legit
mate debts will rte p-iid by them upon as
sumption of control by them. Chandler
antborised to take oene8-iun. Employe
bould recognizs this authority and
render bim assistance.
. We learn fro a reliable authority that
tbe Messrs. ripreckels intend to go ex
tensjrely into boeioess io tbis section.
Tbey can nee a large quantity of coal
daily, snd will imiuedutely resume work
at Beaver Hill iu what is known as tie
new mine. Other mines will also le
opened, and logging operations and
freighting will tie stimulated by naming
rates which will meet with the approval
of tboee ioteres eJ. Toe bueioers inter
ests of the bay rei-oguizs the importance
of tbe traosferof the road to a company
poereseed of tbe means to develop the vast
resources o( this tec: ton, and the general
impression is thai u era of prosperity is
dawniog, not only as (ar as Coos Imy is
concerned, but for Coos county iu gen
eral. Coos Bay Nes.
A Christmas Tree.
A Christmas tree will be given at Pine
Grove on Christmas Eve. Everybody
cordially invited to attend. By orderof
the rommirlfx'.
General Law Ion a victim of a
Filipino Sharpshooter.
! f ELL IN
Was Walking Along the Firing Line
Unprotected, When an Enemy's
Bullet Struck Him.
Manila, Dec 10. General Henry W.
La ton has been (hoi and killed at (fan
Mateo, lis was standing in frout of his
troop, and was shot iu the breast and
died immediately.
Lawtou etarted trout Manila lad ught
with cavalry under Captain Lockelt, and
battaliouH of the Twentieth and Twenty
seventh infantry, tinder Lieuterant-Col-onel
Sareu. for the purpose of raptur
ing San Mateo, wbero Geronimo was
said to bave 300 insurgents.
11.P. M, General Law ton left borne
Monday ni:ht, having returned from his
northern operations Saturday to lead an
expedition through Mariquina valley,
which hsa been tbe insurgents' strong
hold throughout the wsr. Tbe valley
has several times Iteen invaded, but
never held by the Americans. General
Geronimo was supposed to have there
the Urgent organic) fores north of Ma
nila, and General Otis wiehed to ganison
Tbe mgbt was one of tbe worst of tbe
season. A terrific raia had begun and
is still continuing.
Accompanied by bis staff and troop I,
Fourth cavalry, General Lawton set out
at y o'clock in advance of tbo main fen-e
ConehUog of tic Kltveuth cavalry and
one battalion each of tbe Twentieth and
Twenty-seventh infantry, which stalled
from L Lom jit midoittbt. With a
small escort he 11 the way through an
almost pathlrsa country, a dietsuce if 15
miks over bills and through canebrake
aod deep t lie horses cliiabiog the
rocks and sliding down the hid. Before
daybreak the command bad reached the
bead of tbe valley.
San Mac co Attacked.
San Mateo was attacked at 8 o'clock,
and a three hoars' fight eotoed. To is
resulted in but few casualties on the
American side, apart trom the death of
General Ltwton, but toe attack was d;f
fic'il because of the natural defenses of
the town.
General Lawton was walking along the
filing line, within 30J yards of a small
sharpshooters' trench, conspicuous in
the big white helmet ha always wore
and a light yell jw rain coat. He was
also easily distinguished because of bis
commanding suture. Toe sharpshooters
directed s.veral close shots, which
clipped the grass near by. - Ilia staff
officer called General Lawtoa's attention
to tbe danger be was in, but he only
laughed with his usual contempt for bul
lets. Suddenly he exclaimed: "I am
shot," clinched bis bands in a desperate
effort to eland erect, and fell into the
arms of a staff officer.
Orderlies rag tied scroM the Geld for
surgeons, who da&bei op immediately,
but their efforts were nselnss. The body
was taken to a clump of bushes aod laid
on a stretcher, tbe familiar white helmet
covering tbe face of tbe dead general
Almost at this moment the cheers of the
Americinroops rushing into San Mateo
were tniogied with tbe rifle volleys.
After tbe fight six sUlwart cavalrymen
forded tbs river to tbe town, carrying
tbe Utter on their shoulders, the staff
preceding with tbe colors and a cavalry
escort following.
Manager Strong annannces that on
Wednesday evening, Dec. 27tb, "A
Cheerful Liar" will make its initial ap
pearance at tbe Roseburg Theatre with a
boat of capable comedians and a bevy of
pretty woman. Tbe comedy comes here
with an excellent reputation of a New
York and Chicago run of 450 nigbtr.
This comedy waa originally made
popular ia the East by the well
anown comecian, ioha JJiJlon, and. is
being presented throughout tbe wet tern
country by an exceptionally good com
pany beaded by that charming comedi
an. Miss Stella Bowman, who is making
her first appearance on the Pacific coast.
Taken all in all tbe attraction is a worthy
one, and as the prices bave been limited
to 5, So aud 50 cents a packed bouse
should be in evidence. Tnursday even
ing "A man from Japan" will bj the bill.
Mr. F. A. Brownell baa been .tuite
sick for several days, but is better at
Win. Merchant, for many years a clerk
in Gardiner Mill Co. store has ceased his
labors with that firm and moved bis
family to Msrhfield; many friends re
gret their departure. -
Mr. Lot i baa rented the Harry Draut
bouse; echo says, "What next?"
Our smiling friend. Mr. Seal is clerk
ing iu the Gardiner Mill Company eto
Fred Perkins is clerking in the mill
tiood times wben every one can get
work that mauls to.
The stores ere retpleudent with
Christmas goodr.
Mr. S, Perkins of Smith river, is stop
ping in town a few days.
What Scrofula Is.
Scrofula is a disease as old as antiquity.
It has been handed down for genera
tions and is the rante today as in
t-nrly times. It ie emphatically a di-
M-ase of ttie blood, and the only way to
cure it is by purifying the t-i-oj.
That is just what Hood'e Sareaparilla
does in every case tiers It is given
faithful trial. It eradicates all iropuri
. ...
ii-n irom iw uiuou, anu cures uie :
sores, boils, pimplea and all forms of j
skin disease due to scrofula taints in !
the blood. Hood's Sarsapgrilla has won
the grateful praise of vft numbers
of people by its grand and complete
cures. Doo't allow scrofula to de
velop in your hi tod. Cure it at once by
taking Hood's Snaparilla. .
S. F. Call Pictures Two Of Eugene's
The San Francisco Call has for soma
tinio been devoting one page of its Sun
day edition to reproducing photographs
of the trautiful girls of California, under
the title, -Pride of the West." With
commendable impartiality it is now in
cluding the photos of Oregon girls, and it
ia well to remark that Oregon, or Eu
gene fcr that mattes, can furnish eaougb
subjects tu keep this page filled for some
The ieeue of Sunday, December 17,
contuua line- pictures of Miss Stella
Rotitneon and Miss blanche Taylor, of
Eugene, and Misa Aona ltitxinau, of
Iloteburg, most popular , and talented
youug ladies. Eugene Guard.
the . Sunday
Tbe following exercisf a will t held at
tho different churches in the city :
At tbe M. E. thnrvb, Saturday even
ing, there will be two trees, beautifully
decorated, and load d with nice things;
there will be a short progaam, and cue of
the interestiug features of tba evening
will bo the electric star.
At the Episcopal church will be boly
communion at 8 o'clock and sermon at
10 :30 Monday morning.
At the Christian church tbe Ferris
wheel will be the sttraction Saturday
evening, there will aUo be a short pro
Baptist Sunday school will have a tiee
Saturday evening, with profuse decora'
tions and short exercisee.
The M. E. South will hare their tiee
Saturday evening with literary and mu
sic. I program befitting the occarfon.
There will be grand L-igh mass cele
brated at midnight Sunday, at the Cath
olic church. Tne decorations are prc
grceEing nicely, and the Christmas ser
mon will be delivered at the high mass,
U w hich the public is cordially invited.
At the Presbyterian church the exer
cises will be Saturday evening, with s
musical program mi. also other special
exercises are being prepared.
There will be exercises, a tree and a
specially good tint a at Edenbower.
W. C T. U. at HyrJe Creek.
A reception was given en Friday even
tag, Dec. 15, 1SW. at tbe home, oj
the piesident, Mrs Jennie Gabbert, to
near members, ten in number, who
joined tbe Union three weeks previous.
An enjoyable time was had, mnsic) read
ing, recitations, charades, etc.
Three more members were added and
last, but not least, the cake and cocoa
were pronounced delicious.
Everyone went borne happy, hoping
there mtght be another reception very
"KlVfcSK Krvtic."
J. S. Beckley, of Iloseburg, was in
town Tuesday.
Mrs. D. C. Kutan is visiting friends in
T. L. Gravee is visiting his brother, H,
D. Graves, at Bosebaig.
Mrs. Jane Tapp, of Salem, is visiting
relatives at tbis place.
eron Jlarcy baa returned from a
few months tuy in Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hutchinson, tf
Dunsmuir, Cal., bava returned to their
old borne at Kelloge, near Oakland.
Misses Bessie an ' Grace Grubbe are
expected home tbis week, from Eogene,
where tbey bvd been attending school.
Tbo south end of tbe bridge across tbe
Calapooia at Old Oakland, went down
Toeedar, with several men and a baud
of cattle on it. No serious damage being
Tbe entertainment given by the
Women of the Woodcraft, on Tuesday
night, was largely attended and eojoyed
by all.
R. L. Stephens, of Roseburg, waa on
oar streets Wednesday.
School Report.
Following is tbe report of the Eden
bower rchool work lor term ending Dec.
15, lsyj:
Popils that averaged above 85 in the
final examination are, Percy North, John
Fergus id, Loren Harvey, Uorton Hunt
ington, Jsscn Everts, Annie Berks,
Floyd Stephens, Cassie Ferguson, John
Munson, Willie. Johnson, Howard Cal
kins, Wilfred Pentney, fleeter Fergneon,
Geo. Hansen, Laura Everts and Nellie
No. of days taught, 5'J.
No. of days sttendaace, 1771.
No. of days aliseuoe, 340.
No. oi boys enrolled, 2o.
No. of girls enrolled, 20. '
Total. ' j
Eliza Havvkv, ' I
Ojk Creek Items.
Mrs. Joe Scott has returned to Riddle
after spending several weeks with
friends and relatives here.
Miss liertua 1 born ton has gone to
Roeeb'irg to stay and many are tbe dis
consolate laces left behind.
Our genial merchant, August Schlo-
man is still buying turkeys snd ducks
wbicb he expects to ship to Portlsnd
Roads are still quite good for this time
of year and many large loads of turkeys,
begs etc., are constantly passing on tbe
way to market.
Miss Pearl Corn is slowly recovering
from her loug illntee, and last week was
able to be moved from Scbloman's to
Price's. We now hoc for her ultimate
Tiiere will ha church at the Mt
Scott school house next Sunday at 11
o clock. Go one aud all, and take the
children with you, for this is the happy-
1 f'ftvinf ni'ta titviaa U'ltAei
. .
be devout.
hearts eboaig
. ,
" l0u raiu 18 lOTkinIS remarkably
11 In ui. ('. e oaly trouble
being a scarcity of it. Hi much rain
kept farmers from putting in as .much
an they would have liked, consequently
a large portion of th ground will he re
served for spring sowing. '
, . " " OtiRE-
Boers Could Not Cross the River
to Take Them Away.
Many Americans Said to be Offering
to Join the Boer Army.
London, Dec. "0. A special diepatcb
from Durban, Natal, dated Saturday,
says it is rumored that General Buller
called fur volunteers to recover tbe
abandoned guns, and that a parly issued
from camp af tar ntidoight and brought in
the guus. wbica were uninjured.
London, Dec. V0. The. last uews from
Mafeking, dated the bib, has jnst Lcen
received. Il says a desultory bombard
ment was continued and that sharp
shootors were eogsged in a smart due
mornings and evening". The dirpatch
aleo dear! es a novel met nod of s Hiding
messages adopted bv some Bier on De
cember 4. A five pounder shell fired in
to the town that day did not explode.
It was opened and found to contain s
letter as follows :
"Doar Powell: (Co'.ooel Bideo-Pow-ell)
Excuso the iron' aiessager. No
other means of communication. Please
tell Mrs. that mother end the
family are all well. Don't drink all tbe
whiskey ; leave some for ns when we gtt
A revised lifct of British casualties at
the battle of Colonso show 137 non-com
missioned officers and men were kill'd.
Americans Seek to Join the
Uoer Army.
Nkw Yokk, December i0. Charles
D. Pierce, consul in this city from tbe
Orange Free State, said Ust night that
applicants f,r enlictmeut in the Boer
army were still visiting his otlice in a
steady stream.
"1 caunot do ai.yth.Dg for tberu," :d
he, "because I have jh authority to take
such a course. refer theui to our con
sel at The Hagoe, at.d tell them tbey
will Lave to pay thci' oan rxpenses
which would amount tj about $400, in
getting to South Africa. Tbe majority
of tbe applicants are American soldiers
who fought in tbe Spaniih-Ameiican
Asked what be thought about tbo way
things were going in South Africa, Mr.
Pierce said :
"The British can send 1,800,000 troops
down there ins'.ead cf 130,000 if they
want to, and still tbey won't get the up
per hand for a yer or two. Il is not
the side with lbs most troops that is go
ing to win, but the side that shoots the
B. Bailer and wife werg in town a
days ago.
. G. Grubbe made a visit to lar
diner on business recently.
Philetus HcNeoI and wife were dow
from Puaiif creek, recently.
Childhood s g'ad an J nappy season
tbs 23 Ji uf December is again very near
Preparations aie being made fur !leb
log for shipment by several parties near
tbia place
J. Uedden baa a fine lot of new goods
for Xmas and various other lines to suit
the needs of customers.
Tbe mails from Loon Lake
failed to make tbe trip cn lime, last
week on account of high water.
Miss Mary Freyer who has been
making her home with Mrs. Majorie
for tbe past summer and fall has re
turned to Co'.taga Grove.
Tboee who wish to attend tbe holiday
pleasures st Gardiner will be taken
down by the steamer Eva at reduced
Grandma Andrewe is very ill and the
light of the lamp of life, burns very low
She is attended by several of her chil
dren as well aa other relatives ; Mrs.
Andrews is the mother of Tuos, Andrews
of this place, also Martin Andrews and
Mrs. Wm. Spsnlding, Mrs. John 11 end
erson Mrs. Mamie Henderson, and Mrs.
Belle Sawyers.
Forrest Jones aud wife of Elkton
came down Friday snd went down the
river to Scbofield to take charge of the
farm of Mr. Oar of that place.
Mr. Pague, of tbe Portland weather
bureau, is to be temporarily removed to
Chicago, and tbe weather will be turned
out in charge of other officials now we
can but feel a bit nervous for fear we
shall bave worse spells of weather than
Miss Gussio Cheshire who has been
visiting her father for several davs has
returned home.
To tbi editor and employes of the
Pia'ixdealxr, wo extend our best wishes
in "all" sincerity for a very pleasant
Cr-Kitmae and happiness for lbs coming
1 year so near st hand ; may peace
....a prosjterity be theirs in x am pie pro
portions. V-
A hrst-ciass restaurant has been
opened on Cass street, opposite tbe
uepoi, ai wuicu may oe nau ireeu oyr-
tere, chicken, steaks, stews, lunches, snd
besides meals st all hours, regulsr meals
aie served. Lunches and quick meals
for railroad passengers a specialty. For
that hungry feeling be sure and call at
Do fly 'a restaurant, prices reasonable.
Uoseburg Alarkct.
Eggs -oc per do,.
Butter Country 25i.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 2.50r
4.00. - . j
Priinee--Italimi 35; rilver, extra
choice, 58 per lb,
Wheat 40&42C
Oats 2530c.
Millstutf Bran. 117: mi Idliuua 22:
shorts, $18.00; chop, $10.00 per ton. ;
Hay Timothy'9(ll ; clover. I7(ft3
Oregon wild hay, $0(i 7 per ton:
wool 1J(i10C.
Potatoes .Vrfi 60 per sark. ,
To Indian War Veterans.
EuGicNB, Ore. Dec. 18. 1803.
Editor Diily Register:
Please allow uie space in tour columns
to eav to all ludiau War Veterana that
they can procure, at the nominal sum of
twenty cents to pay postage, a copy of a
book entitiod -The Early Indian Wars
of Oregon," written by Mrs. Victor.
The book is well bound and contains
moro than 700 pages. Mr. T. A. Wood,
whose addrees Is room 10, Odd Fellows
Building, Portland, Oregon, has chares
of these bocks and will send one to all
persons who are entitled to one for tbe
small sum mentioned.
In n letter to tho writer, Mr. Wood
says: "I am very anxious that all old
ludiau War Veterans should secure a
copy of Ibis book, snd bave sent out at
my own expense 100 copies, and am
willing to send mo:e on the same terms
to all who are not able to pay for them."
This, to say tbe least, is a very kind
offer on the part of Mr. Wood.
In the interest of those coucirued tbe
writer asks that all the papers in the
stato pleaee make a note of the above.
S. Uajsdsakkr.
Calves Brlnj $15 Per Head.
Lakkvuw, Or., Dec. 19. W. H. Mc
Call and others ol Silver Lake, ia this
county, have just sold a'l the calves tbey
bad to eparo to William Connelly, at $15
per bead. This is $3 per bead more
than was evtr paid for calves in tbis
connty before.
Town lots and real estate generally are
looking up. Tbs rush in the spring is
expected to bi greater than ever for
homes io this county, aa Inquiries and
activity point to that fact.
Points East.
Tte "Potlland-ChlcazJ Snecial."
which leaves the Union depot at 8 p. m.
amy is equipped With strictly un-to-data
roomy Pullman sleeping cart, and free
reclining cbair car, steam heated and
electric lighted. The European plan
dining car service is a special .feature of
excellence on this line. Delicate chins,
Bowers, spotless linen, first class cooking
snd attentive servants add to the coin
tort of travelers.
A new library car Lj attache 1 to these
As the name indictee, these cars are
fitted up as a library ami reading rooai.
Book cams containing all the standard
works, tie current pero-Jicals aod daily
papers are at tbe dispor al of all first and
second class psecger.
Time never hangs heavily on the pas
sengers' baiids white traveling on Ibis
train, and before one is aaare of it the
train pulls into the Union depot at Chi
cago.'. For full information regarding the
movement cf these train, rates, ttc.
call on or address
V . A. ScUiUJXG,
Tortland, Or.
Or J. F. Givxxs,
Kofebur j. Or.
Bill Poster snd Distributor.
Having bill board in tbebert locations
in town, I am prepared to do all work in
mat une on soon nonce.
U. G. HocsiiotDxs,
Rosebnrg, Oregon.
TheKural Northwest and 8emi-woek'y
LmirALXRbo:b one year for only $3
price ofone papjr alone.
The most
terrible cap
tivity a wom
an caa ex
perience is
to feel her
self com
pletely inca
pacitated for
all womanly
bound hand
aod foot, aa
it were, by
some nerve-racking-,
draining: dis
ease or weak
icii. Ia
condition she
'A v4 cannot be a 1
AN tf mother; abe
) t -? efficient hou
happy wife or
he cannot be an
1 it efficient housekeeper; she
1 ' 'z cannot re a woman at all
fW in any complete or aatis
M factory sense.
I wu iniKira tor irrfn
tern month," writes lira.
Rlinbcth J. BntUrrl, of Winnie, Bladen Co.,
ft. C . ia a stfrnifkant letter to Dr. R. V. Pwicf,
of BnBata, N. Y. " I van confined to the nous
and yard all the time. I eould not be on uv
feet but a Terr little. I could not lift tbe weight
of a cup of cuflre; and did not hare strength, to
peak more than a lew word at a time.
" We tried three doctor and a lot of patent
medicine which coal over one hundred and
twentr-fire dollar: and I found no relief. I had
loot all hope of ever petting any better when my
friend advised me to take Dr. Pierce'a medi
cine. My hushand aid we wonld try that next.
lie iroi me nve oomemoi - meonte Prescription
and three of '('.olden Medical Discoeerr .' :
commenced taking these medicine and toon
lound reiiti. nen I had taken one bottle of
each I walked half a mile to chnrch.
" I commenced taking it the fin of January
1S07: the fimt of the following Jnne I look my
erasing in n.ina inu nave cookcu lor eleven In
family all thrrmch the minnier. It waa rtr
Pierce' roedkinc that gave me all the relief I
hare received. I recommend it to all cnnVring
females, for it i his medicine and tbe help of
i .i . . . . r
Every Mtffenuir woman in this land
should write to Dr. Pierce and !earn how
certainly he can help ber to health and
strength. It nothing to write and
receive entirely irec the advice of one of
the most experienced physicians in this
country. His (rreat thousand page book the
t-ominoii :-ciic ileuical Adviser will be
sent free fur si onc-cent stamps, the bare
cost of mailing.
County Treasurer'sNotlce.
Notice is hereby given to all Parties
holding Douglas county warranta in
dorsed prior to and including March 14,
lS' present the saruo at the treasurer's
office at tbe court bouse for ttavment.
aa interest will cease thereon after tbe
date of tbis notice.
Dated this the! 14th day of December.
ISM), at the City of iloseburg, Oregon
Geo. . DiMMtCK.
County Treasurer, Douglas Count y, Or
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and deacrlntlnn nay
fliilcKI, asrertnln our opinion free whether an
liiTWHIon Is probably pnienlahln. Communlea.
tlonsstrtctlrcouadciitial. Handbook on Patent
sent free. OldeM agency for securing patents.
Patents taken thmuith Slunn & Co. recelra
iprrlal notlet, wit hout charve, Iu the
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllltslrnted weekly. Tjinrett elf.
"iilnllon uf nny soientllln luiirnal. Teriin. f.1
T-:ir: t.mrni.niths, 1. 1U by all newsdealer.
rviUNiM & Co.38' New York
JlruiK h txni-e, V lit, W.ihtiitiii, 1). S,
w H
I a. . .'
is near at
The Furniture Man, i
just what you need.
What's the matter with a White Iron Bed for a i
i Christmas present. Also a nice White Curled Hair
i Mattress that you will -jronder how you got a long U
$ without after using one for a month.
A Fine Oak Extension
ft Oak Chairs are sensible Christmas presents.
tj A nice Ladie's Desk or a Fin Oak Center 3
y Table will fill the bill.
p Our line of rockers is up-to-date and we have H
lots more coming in about a week. To see them is p
to be convinced that we know what nice chairs are. l!
See our White Fur Rugs. Also a good lne of p
j Moquette and Smyrna Rugs. j
Call on us you will
Roseburg, Oregon.
Has removed to the Shtmdan Blotk. Ht ndw has a
fresh full liut of
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Satisfaction is his motto and his aim to please afl. See
Lift window display of dishes given with Baking Powder,
and convince yourself that they are the finest dishes in
town- You are respectfully invited to call around and see
him in his new quarters.
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drugs, Toilet Articles, Fatent Medi
cines, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
Soaps, Taints and Oils.
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Call and Examine them.
Should call and see the magnificent display
of China Ware." A special line for the Holi
day trade. Anything you want at
China Novelties
Artistic Celluloid Boies and picture frames ; beautifully decorated
China dishes; fancy photograph albums of new designs; handker
chiefs of finest Japanese silk ; fine wicker ware and useful orna
ments ; doll carriages, dolls, and toys of every description. Differ
ent from snything ever bofors brought to Roseburg. All new
goods st prices that suit yon.
Cor, Jackson and Douglas Sts.. ROSEBURG, OR.
Mrs. S. McConnell,
in the Home Bakery and will
nection wnh the bakery.
Everything will be new and
Give us a trial and
Pierce's Cash Grocery.
. . A .
la the place to go to get good
gooas ai reaaonaDie prices;
Nevy, Fresh, Clean stock. Also
Floor, Feed and hay at lowest
W. V. Pierce,
Winchester, Ore.
Tor Infanta and CMhjrejt.
Tha Kind You Kara A!wajs Bought
Bars t,he
Eigature ef
: i
Table and'a nice set of
be sure to find what you il
...MRS. N. BOYD.
hand and
late of Eugene, has invested
overhaul everything in con
of the very best materials.
we will please you.
! Mow'4
' We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any u CaUh that ,cjmnot
t eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned bave known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 vears, and believe
mm perfectly honorable in all business
transactions snd financially able o car
ryout any obligations made by their
West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Welding, Kionan A Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internal-
lly, acting directly upon tbs blood snd
r , . t . .
m utoub Buriace 01 tne system. J.Tice oc
per bottle. Sold by sll" druggists. Tit.
nontalj free.
Sick headache, fullness in stomach,
pain in bowels. Hudran suite. All
dnggists, 50 csnte.
Winter term will bc;u:
Thorough preptA
Ttthlnf. or lor baatno,
In Latin, Greek, French, Cv
Natoral Bclence, History,
TypewrltlDf, Penmanship, at,. . ,
assisunta, low rates, for innu.
address the principal,
C. T. Whittlectt, A.
Ileidence, Cor. Douglas and
wick Sis., one block obov
Court llooae. ,
Here is an opportnattv f - t?:
First-Class Fhotoir-' "
the very lowest '
sizes from 8X10
very smallest. -'
The Latest fad
Is a Calling or Brnriiissa C
with your pboto (slaup s
eight positions in set c i 1 .
Set-10O-neat cards with p L
name, business and fcl
desired thereon, only t
The Wagon GaUsry,
John H. Taj!
Wagon by side of tiua ptmtAy"'
bbop, JJtou Street. JrnOlOgTf-..
Admiaistrator Notice.
NOTICE W HKKXBT GITrjr - -underminte!
h.a hjwn k. t
of Doagiaa County, H'j c mi r
ue a'iminist ratoc V1 .
son. deceased.' AjUt--against
aaud ewtale id km.
eut tne sura, dnlv VMlfud ,.. .
at Riddle, Ixxiglaa Coaaty, Of '
nuauu 1 rum uie aaa of uua s .
Kaied this &h day oi OrreT,
Administrator of Ute estate of L.
Deceased. .
Notice of Final Stttlernent.
nadenigned, stdalniatrathx ol tne t
Joarph Celieis, deceased, haa filed n - t
aceooat aa such administratrix is tbo C. ..
Court of Uouglsa Coanty, state of Oer, .
that ssud Ctmrt ana act Tadxy, tbe t.
ol January, MHO, at Lbehoarol no ekka. n. ,
said day at the cwtrt booae ia Bomeban, l
las coanty, State oi On- on, ax the tue .
place ior toe coosideratioa oi said final a-v
and for hearing obetions taereto, aud . .
the final settlement ot said estaMS.
Dated Uua SKh day oi November,
Siaav i. Csuuru
Administratrix of the estate oi liw- - - ; .
iera .deceased. (a .r. )
United States Land Of.;?,
Ro-aaiKi, OrSov.a, i
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby pren that I he Owr-n t
Calilornia Railroad Co. haa Sled in tiuj o f
list oi lands situated in the tosraahipa 0m ;
below, and haa applied ior a patent kr
lands: that the list ia open to the paitUe i- r
spectioa aod a ropy thereof by deacrifi?e .
diyiakaa, ha beea posted 1b a eon 1 1 '
place in thia ofSee, foe the intsnection at
persons interested aod tbe puoiie r -.-
South ol base line and VI est ol wtai:
Mcridan. T3S.BL ' " .
T Si, R H
Part oi jec and part ol S 6et U.
T 25, R.
Lot 1 and 2 Sec. 1. s-
T27, Rt
T3, R4. -L .
Lou i, 2, S aad 4, See. a.
sSf a l8" n' r51 t E? Bee. ZT.
Lot 5, get IT.
T3&. RS.
S! SWJ. .ec 17.
AI'Jer-4-. 5.3 , 11. u. is, r. ia, a. .
z7, !, SI, 33 and ji.
Within the aesl tlsty days toUowina; di
et Uua notice, protests or cooteata aumia-t :
claua oi the campany to any tract or r-
ioa within any tectioo or part oi aeecorj,.
scribed ia tbe list, oa the groozxt that u e -
is mora valuable tor minenl Uuta (or
tnral soiwtn, wUl be reeeiyed and no-:-'
report totLo Geaeial Land Office at 'ViuL. . -Uon.D.
Ri- r.
, J. H. BJk, . i.
Cxrrra 8Tfre,
Las Orriti.
Koaeburg. Cregon, So, -To
wkott. it may ctHseeni:
Notice ia hereby gjyeothat Ui-Jf .
''mi "i'ttiti Sst '
a oi laruU rjttw2 taa;,
aid landa; that the list ia opea Iu Uie ou:
inspeetioa and a copy thereof by de -cnbdlyiatona,
haa beea" posted ia a eoa. .
pLaoa in Uia oftice for uie inspccUua oi i.i -sons
interested and to thepubiie nn-n
South oi base line and East oi .
lie Meridiaa.
T3?, KL
Sod th of base line ami West oi WUIamcUa 1 '
Pan of S5 Sec. 3: part ol Sec. 31.
Tpis.fc. J.
S5i ft-.- - nJ Set J
TP37, R7.
9?- Sec. 35.
Within tha usrl ii( ,1..
or this luitiM umimi. a ... . .
claim of the Company toaay tract or sr:?w.
..ui. m- rcini w pan oi secuoa.
scnoed ia the list, on the gruand that too
U UOia Tn.M. W MiMMl it... .
port to tWoencral La4 office at Washiag:
j.t. Banxirs
Rr- vr.
J. a. BCKjiii.
Sect . cr
New and Improved Passeager E?u'
ment,vU Saruet Route. '
New Orleans Express (No. 10) and Ps-
cidc Express (No. 9) between San Fran
cisco snd El Paso; have been equipped
with free reclining chair cars, fresh from
the shop and in every coo violence of ap
pointment equal to the best in cparaticn.
Each car is equipped with 53 reclinlr
chairs, nine of which are in a sepanua
(Uiokiog compartment. Both first en J
ecood-dass tickets a r Accepted for paa
sage in these cars. These special con
veniences and the congenial clima'.i
through which these trains pass will
doubtless make the Sunset Route very
popular for travelers this winter.
Shows the state of your feelings and tha
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent ia a sale and
sallow complexion, pimples and skin
eruptions. If yon are feeling weak and
worn out and do not bave a health? h r
pearance. you should try AekjtirDod '
Elixir. It cures all hWl" Jisja wh,
cheap Sarsaparilla ajj to called puril.ra
fail; knowing this, we sell every boi;ja
one positive gunrntc ,
"One Minute Couet I MfA naA.1 f.
It is unequalled for whooping cor
Children all like it," writes H. N.
liams, (jsntryville, Iod. ever i
It is tbe onlv harmless remedv t
gives immediate results. Cures con
colds, hoarseness, croup, pneamel
bronchitis snd sll throat and lus? tr
bits. It early nse prevents eousr
(ion. A. C. Msrstsrs & Co.
1 . .