The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 18, 1899, Image 4

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    t 7 a
V. ii
sa m a J K
The Kind You Have Ahvajrs
"in use for over 30 years,
7&J5j sona
rCc-CC' Allow
.. - v... jvuau.
All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
xrimcnts that triflo with and endanger the health of '
Infants aud ChiMreu Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
- .substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fever ishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
- Stomach aud Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30
. . . - . . . .4.. .T f T ' I g
u MS. VS. aaa Tfct kiultT ClKktiS lot a....i .ll.i..Y ' ' v ".SL
l""? -! Spwal oner Price S15.50 N.-".t .
4 f it cirht rMTRM. iriliif wxifi. 1 ifUlutt- H
yMrowra btB.iknd will ivturn
turla.j0 unr nit
ntftfd. HkMirf yjmaiaT - WmIiIbii m M
lw. ill.n, (UH ir, i fully dmmhM in our
mm i l hut !. I.rhii iif KM UmitKUHt to
atractica Book
kind of lanry
anfl If eoti''..lTl (Hal joa r tannr riu u fH ... rT ror frrrrit km 1x- f I s o
linTES nrk 41. if mmt una wrthin t h w mn'hi .t toc a TV act MUffiid. CKTMLC In lii T
DCS T DSLAT. fSrars. K"tw ; f ( o-1k...,-h f r.:ub.- IH.tiT.I
Address. SEARS, ROEDUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
iuccenor to
General Blacksmithing
Map Corner VTaablnxton and Kaaeat., Kotcbn .
rrthia; bs
caaraaor aaB
eaata aw araH
aeap pa j tbe
K -""3 '
repMaWytwaatittatoadfrtrlrtr Vwm Xorthlr.'ha(r-.
"Theireatajorojs is a rat department Mire boiled downrAtlsnts rVmivtJmtlon.
Thsealatoa-oetserrtainlTS awlavidM rni-vrtpe4ls.n hiraKo F.paorlti HermM.
-A law .hoald be ?,,. Mrwmielline Utr oeof Uil ratalone faail .ablk-arh.-jl."Th Hon i. A. RnuUitoon.
we ooaM qante t awand. .f vtmnarr-rarta. Is emu at aar. a Ma HiiIm la. mm4 hmmk hf rttwrm
7 ilk aaill JtKk i,.,t
ar aair f fraw 6 3c a S 3. 2 S . ae aaaal al
OUR CFFER: ' ot c" out and send
tons.inelosffnod aeed
sampis of tee rsael wanted. and eut it
ontss Martin roots as poauble. Inrlon
war aiml aria awaud and A m.
par postsee. and aa will suks tke .w-ra i.
raar kair eM, and send to Ton K.
,ll;,pr!,,,lU- A1 " yo" perfertli
atiafled. rrwra It sad we will inunedisteia
ref and yonr monrv,
nr II. . , Ui Otw- frl a. UtWn, Un. swltrh
rr.T'J T11 ". 65CJ abort SW-m,
.w. fi-in. lonr. short etem. l.(K:3-ox!
fat-to. long, short stem. $ 2.2 5; -o-tn.
i I
i , .7; .if a. a W.UUTU
( 3 ln" burbert irra1. on the
trt tkaa pdsl
I im.. write for Free Cataioe-uo off
halrOwaea. Addrses. -MJO1-
tEARS, ROEBUCK a CO. (Inc.) Cntcaaa,
" Mwanikli ...! ISMal.
To The Unlortunate.
Dr. Gibbon
This old reliable aot
tbe most suocoasful
Specialist in San Fran
cisco, still continue to
cure all Sexual and
V -v,'.-!Vft 4etlal Disease1 sues
vvVj OotiaorThaea, uleet
V-NiTe Stricture. Syph Ilia to
all iu lorms, Slkla Oi
ease, Nervoua Debil- I
My, Impotency. Srmi- I
nal Weakness aud Loas
affi' of rianhood, tbe count-
ouenoe ol self sbuae and excaae producing the
fohowioir sympiomts: ssliow imuti-uauct-, dxik
pots under tbe ejes. pain in the h-ad. rinci
iu toe ears, ion 01 eon Udeiice, dinnlciice in
proscuiuf stranirera. paltnlstion of the he
weakness of Uio limbs and bai k biaa al nmmnr.
pluiploson the face, coukIl, oiniiumption etc
UK. W IB BOS ba practiced In Ban Francirco
OTertblrty years and those troubled should not i Itftrtificialltrrli.Toctc t h. tA -u.
atl to consult bim and receive the benefit of -nil. rilunaiiy Qi 0 1st he fOOd and aids
at great skill aod experience. The doctor cure Wature in fitreiiglncnitl"; and reCOD
w ben others fail. Try him. Cures suaranteep. StrUCtlllg tlie "Xhilllstt'J digestive or-
cXjirrite at hon,c- c,'e gane. Itistho. test discovered dipest-
KfrJ. T. 0IBB0N. 625 Kearny tit. 6s n Iran , aDt an( tonic. $0 01 her preparation
sfo.cai . I can approach it in efficiency. It ln-
; etantly relieves and permanently cures
TbeRonl Xor.Lwe.t ... Semi-weeUy j gSSffife LTaSa'
J ArKDEAiEB Lotb one year for only 2 ! SickHeadache.GasttA'fri:, t-a.r,o Vi
pries! e-fooe paper alone.
M..,- I,.S ,V1
Bought, and which has been
has borne the signature of
lias lecti made under his per-
suicr ision since Its infancy.
nn ttl A Hoiwlra vnii in lita
Signature of
VMM., mccr. Mrw vMnc em.
Mjf riartlt wiil
RTF R SlWFn nr uw trst ciiiirr.Mto.
FS .Vim
sssssss. flflSV U
'""' va.-iou miws, wua .artaai to- r VI . l 1
. rrerr ansi iarrtaT. i aP ? -if , 5!?
T WO. rmXTOS Ptll BH.H I rt.K-. J 1--1 !
- ! bus. wmi the a.f 1 V ' k Jncearl II
1 ii
mm mxa aroipuic lro .ii.t to t urd a a nor uMr.
otrop ntlt luil Innrtk Uhl ud In tl (of
bocwd and annMnlaM (Much. flnrt Mrkcl drawer pall, rrrtu on fiwir
rrtm an joMabi. iin. iuii Kyth iron KuhL fhipMnylkkira
brae. iwut f.r amloi fwL Mf Uirrulinc Tioratinr mkaltir. aaumatK
boMan .indw. adjonable bari. natenl InMoa li bprator-impronH kw
whrrt adjuKabi. nroswre foot iamwl ahatUr rmn patral Mxlktar,
arat u a.m i.ilj aii.ia.ij aaa aiaawi.m aa aiaaUhal?
a. iry kaan Ha III k faml .it aad aar Fra I-
n boanTnnea ran it and do ritbtr plaia or an.
rk. 4 8-ftr' ai.alat .iiaaa.i I, antltk mt toarbuta.
Las 1
O. W. SOAH.l
UK Ian, Caafkarj-Wnraaa, han, Mnl
k analava, Wia Hka, SHjllia, P
1 jaat Jtt 7 oar store kaa per at bm oiq
Tells jaatvha tov ctorrkariicra btmcaraaC oar for
bttys sod wli nrevrnl hiss frosi orarr a reins rus oa
.T : t xpiadBA j.Kt kaar to order, fcow aswk (Jaa frrMM.
vilf tie on snrthins; to 7 oar ton. 1 fee Ms; huh
r 1 . Ibe foatair alone im M eeaWL
M ernl sostace. aa IM Bis Baak wyi a. east ton. mi
T H pamiaal.sH if to don't think tt tsworta wetmetle I. rent.
yon sotd. a a ke. to the kraeat wbnlenaJe pOoas of arerrUUB, aaj
SO and a. will laiaiillililj rrlara jmr I i atala.
-1 1 ta a BMauaieB of buuum icXonsa4ios." Minneapolis OLtaa.)
"A wonderful piece of ork..'WailiBrtoa National Tribone.
The (sukvw Is wonder.'' awbealerfN. H.tlntoa.
ear.EoebarkacCo.aoiie of tbm Unest bouses of its kind la
CWrajro." Tacapo IntrrOotaa.
Niicsto the; Public.
Koseiiceo, Ok.. October 21, lS'J.
Notice is hereby given that the nnder
eine.l, (he trustee cf the bankrupt es
tste of Pariei Curtin. n:ll receive ond
consider proposiiicnt U-t the purchase of
what is known as the Curtin Ssw Mill,
B taatd near Couj-tock?, Oregon, all
pr ijwitior.8 subject to rejection.
Address mo at Koeebare, Oregon
Date for :Ioeinj tlio receipt of tho earte
will be thirty dys from tbe date hereof.
miei at Koee inrg. Oregon, this 21st
day of 0 Holier, I SIM
J. T. Lkidgeb,
Digests what you eat.
tU other results of i
J Prepor.l by E. C O.uWtVco.rcVcog
l.ra. WtlaoB'a Rrport o lear'a Op
rratlon a ad Armaancmt of tke
Capital City.
(5en. Wilson, i-hicf of engineers, has
made a report of the operations for the
defense of AYnshing'tou. These works
are in eharpo of Lieut. Col. Charles J.
Allen anil Lieut. Jay J. Morrow, his r
sistaut. In regard to the defenses. Gen.
Wilson says:
"The defenses of Washington ure lo
tated at thref sites two ou the lift
bank mid one on the right bank of tin"
Potonine river. One of the 6ite on the
left bank is in charge of an ordnance
sergeant; the other two were garri
soned during t he year.
"At the begiuiiiug of the fiscal year
permanent emplacements were com
pleted Tor four ten-inch guns on disap
pearing carriages aud three eight-inch
guns on disappearing carriages. One
ten-inch It. L. rifle, intended for tests of
experimental parapet, had also been
mounted teniHrarily for defense dur
ing the war with Spain, with funds
from the appropriation for 'national de
fense.' This gun was subsequent ly
mounted ou the platform built for test
ing experimental parapet. Jn addition
to tm foregoing, construction was in
progress upon two emplacements for
ten-inch guns on disappearing car
riage and for two four-inch rapid-fire
jruns. under allotments from the ap
propriation for 'national defense.'
These batteries were entirely complet
ed during the year.
"Construction was commenced dur
ing the j car upon emplacements for
eight 12-inch mortars, two sis-inch
purs on disapM'aring carriages, two
five-inch rapid-tire guns on balance-pillar
mounts, and two 15-pounder rapid
lire guns. At the close of the yeargood
progress had U-en n;nde on nil these
litttcries. with expectations that they
will be completed during the present
wcrkiMg season. An electric light and
injwer station was completed for the
w-rl;s on the left bank, and construc
tion of n plant commenced for works on
the right bank. The tortcdo store
house in process of const ruction at the
close of the fiscal vear was completed
I s rd ixf upied. and work liegun on an cs-
t- !-')! to the mining casemate. The
. pl.-rlnc mines planted in tbecbanne!
i':e war were maintained for
n short ti:i-c after the beginning of the
vc::r. vl en all the material was taken
up. cleaned, repaired and stored.
"A number of type 11 rauge finders
were mounted in the completed batter
ies, ami steps taken for mounting those
of ly pc A. One lottery commander's
station lias been authorized.
, "A cu:er of minor repairs to the va
rious batteries were made during1 the
yrar. ineiiy to slopes and parapets in
jumi iy the weather.
"The experimental parapets, the test
of which bad lcen delated bv the war
with Sjiain. were kept in repair during
the year, and the tests finally made
June 29, 1S99." Washington Star.
t.eaerallr lasproTlsr. with Itaal
iMalea or aal.aTa far Iha
r lrwtrwtla of Trasai.
Many ditpatches from the Trau.vaal
rcfvr'to the armored trains which are
tisiti to trausort troops and passengers
through the district in which military
opi ratious arc going on, and inquiry
ituRilly arises as to what constitutes
a train of that kiud.
t. : ..r . -T
ii nuiuing more man a train o
ordinary freight cars which have been
strengthened on the inside with sheets
f metal aud jHerced with lioles through
which nries antf small field pieces may-
lie nsl r n an attacking panr. A flat
car or gondola, with a heavy piece c
two of artillery, may lie a part of such
a tram, ai.o in some instances enough
of the cloj-ed cars msy be taken away to
elloxv a maxim ptin to lie placed in po
An army officer in speaking of these
trains said: "They are always impro-
tisea ami fitted v with tbe material
nearest at band, i bis mar be railroad
iron, sheets nf steel or sandbags, and
sometime nothing more than heavy
tuuiiM-r. e used armored trams in
1'orto Kico and in the I'hilippincs, and
the trains about which we read as lje-
iiig- used in the Transvaal are probnhlv
m mot rcspei-ts like those improvised
jiortablc strongholds. There are some
Tirs. like the new steel cars, which
have advatitag-s us means of trausiwr
tatiou iu a country made dangerous by
an enemy, but almost nnv kind of cars
may be turned into tb class now-
known as 'armored' at short notice, and
the armoring will depend on the me
chanical skill of the officer is com
mand." X. V: Tribune.
I.aMKrTtty nf Watrhea.
Watches are famous for their longev
ity, and some seem to licar a charmed
life, despite sundry visits to the pawn
broker nnd other vicissitudes of for
tune. The other day a little girl found
a gold watch and chain in a field at
Woodbum. Ilucks. The chance of dis-
cmcring- the rightful owner seemed
faint, indeed when the article was rec
ognized by Mr. Arthur Cripps. of tlreat
-Marlow. It was one which Mr. Cripps
nau lost wiuie hunting over 10 rears
ago. otwithMai5tling its-prolonged in
iriiucui tnr worhs or tne watch were
scarcely injured. London Telegraph.
Improving; the Pkoaoa;rapk.
tn tne principle of the sounding
imru, w uicu repeats a sound at so short
an interval that the original and tbe
repeated waves impress the ear in uni
son, a device called the polyphone bas
recently lieeu applied to the pliono-
grapn tor tlie purpose of doubling the
volume oi sound issuing from that in
strument. A phonograph with the poly
phone attachment has two horns, each
provided with a diaphragm and stylus.
Not only is the sound made louder, but
its (juslity is improveLYoutb.s Com-
During the tremendous excitement of
gold discovery in California, the great
est production in the United States was
$(",5,000,000 per annum. The regular
gold, production of the country is now
greater than that, and ft is annually
increasing about 10 per cent.
The expenses of the queen's house
hold are estimated at 172,000 a year.
Probably the oldest toy in the world
is the top. It has been used all over
tbe world for thousandsof years, andin
some savage tribes is used in the per
formance of religious rites.
Drinking glasses called tumblers ow e
their name to the fact that they are the
successors of little round silver bowh,
so perfectly balanced that whichever
way they were tipped about on the
table they tumbled into position again
and there remained with the rim up-1
.St a . -
waru, as ii asking to be refilled.
To the man w ho knows nothing about
the rate of swimming that is to say, to
the great majority it will probably
seim that Mr. Jarvis, the amateur
champion, did not do a very remarkable
fent in swimming a mile in just 23 min
u:. at Leicester. England, the other
d:iy. Xt cm ti lets ibis is a world's rec
ord for tiie distance.
The chalk plate process is being used
w ith satisfaction in the various month
ly reports of the Climate and Crop Serv
ice. Married people outlive the unmarried,
the temperate and industrious live
longer than the gluttonous and idle, and
the residents of civilized nations live
longer than those of uncivilized coun
tries. Sir Kobert Hall makes the statement
that of 30,000,000 suns tbe existence can
be proved scientifically. Around each
sun its planets revolve. The electric
flash which girdles the earth seven
times in less than a second might travel
straight ahead for J.800 years and not
reach the farthest of these known suns.
Liquid uir is so cold that mercury im
mersed in it turns solid, and can be em
ployed to hammer a nail. Vet, when a
glass tube containing fiquid hydrogen
is immersed in liipiid air the hydrogen
gently boils, nnd gradually turns into
vapor, like w ater simmering over a slow
fire. The temperature of liquid air is
312 degrees Fahrenheit below zero; but
that is "hot" compared with the tem
perature of liquid hydrogen, which is
about 4U0 degrees below zero.
The St. Lawreuce canals will attract
a great deal of trade when thev are com
pleted. The capacity of the canals now
Hearing completion will at first lie
about 3,000.000 tons a year in one direr
tiou, but by degrees as ships are built
more to the requirements of the trade
the capacity may be doubled, and w he
the jiower of the falls for lighting pur
poses is fnlly used and the canal system
comes under the government's coutrol
12,000,000 tons each way mar lie ban
A suatt winch has just been com
pleted by tbe Itethleheni Steel compnn
for the Boston Elevated railway is 27
feet 10 inches long, nnd the titamete
of the flywheel fit is 37 inches; ih
diameter of journal. 34 inches; th
diameter of the crank disk fit 32 inches.
The shaft is hollow, the axis hole ln-ir
17' i inchts in diameter. The weigh
is r;,410 pounds. The shaft is of fluid
compressed nickel steel bydraulicall
forged ou a mandrel, oil tempered ati
Lo adorn District Post Office Closed
aa4 Hoaaea Orerraw fcy
the Radeat.
About a tear ago on important dis
trie', jost office in London was closed
If bad been opened for stamps, money
orders, post office crders and telegram
till midnight, aud it was in the rente
of a thickly-populated district. On
day the doors were shut and a card af
fixed, slating that it was closed for re
pairs. Weeks passed and it was not re
opened. The tiost master genera! re
ceived complaints by the score. Hut
the weeks became months, and still the
doors remained closed. And the peo
ple aroucc wondered why.
trie trutn is at last out, ana some
of tfie families rtsidicg near know
to tneir cost, tne iost in ques
tton had to be closed because it ha
become the happy hunting ground
vast hordes cf rats, who consumed let
ters by the bagful, and many postal or
cei. money order forms and other of
ficial kihts. Tbe rats forced the pos
office to lie closed, and after numerous
attempts to rid tbe placeof the rodents.
It was found possible to do so on!
oy putting oowu entirely new ccmen
foundations and entirely retimlitrin
the place. As nearly as HiliV th
iot office had, but for its mere shell,
to -lie rebuilt. That done, the trouble
of the immediate ucighiiorhood Iwcame
accYntuatrd. Driven from the post of
fice tbe rats have journeyed to the stir
rouncmg houses, which are now in
festcd with them.
The cvrres)ondeut from whom the
above information comes has had sev
eral cats in his place, and thev hat
done something to keep things down
but. to use his words, "to go home is
to find the wife and the maids with fiv
ing petticoats rushing up the stairs
servants won't stay in the house except
tor a very snort time, mats and pictures,
some of the latter several feet tip the
walls, have been consumed, my wife
is terror-strickeu, and when I reach
home at night I often find bar locked
nair starved, in an npper room afraid
to move about aud too nervous even to
go near where the food is kept until
com in." The informant states tha
his experience is similar to that of many
reccing near nini London riews.
Eafeets of W ar oa Came.
I heard two South African sportsmen
discussing the other day the possible ef
iects a campaign spread over a l.irce
area might have on the dwindling big
game of that region. Tbe conclusion
they arrived at was thnt the game had
already receded beyond the possible
sphere of influence of such operations.
At the tame time war has before now-
had strange and far-reaching effects
on the uistribuUon of local fauna, as,
for instance, when the cannonading
1S70-71 drove great bustards across the
seas and into our eastern countries in
numbersunprecedented since that mag
nificent bird forsook this islaud for
good and all many years ogo. London
Her Majeaty'a Portrait.
l ror. Angeli, the queen's favorite
painter, who has recently been intrust
ed w ith the execution of a portrait of
her majesty, enjoys her highest, confl
uence. .No secret, be bas been telli no- nn
interviewer, is hidden from him. The
last time tbe queen was sittinsr to him
nt Windsor castle, on the occasion of her
eightieth birthday, she wished to be
taken simply as a woman, not as the
queen. This portrait, at her majesty's
re, is to be reproduced for circula
ii nmong the English people. The
;.een, however, will not allow theorig
al portrait, to lie used for reproduc
tion, so t-ror. Angeii will make a copy
v. men go limes-Herald.
Abrahams "Ikelsteiu, has lost his
wife." Solomon "Yaas, an' it's a total
loss. Dere vas no insurance." Phila
delphia North American.
Running Xo Risk. Maud "I'd hate
to think that you'd throw yourself at
xreu. .Mamie -ytny not7 Jle s a
good catch." Brooklyn Life.
Maude "They say there is no longer
any man m the moon. Edith "H'm!
They have made a summer resort of it,
suppose.' lioston Transcript.
A Mean Insinuation. "Ves, I'm onlv
L'O. Ask Dr. Pellets my aire if vou don't
believe me." "Is be the oldest iiihab-
taut?" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Subbub "Iteastlv weather! Mud a
foot deep." Mrs. Subbub "Oh, I'm so
glad: Perhaps we'll be able to keep tile
cook over night." Tow u Topics.
lie "I think, dear, that you are say
ing things you w ill be sorry for." She
"Well, if I'm saying anything I'll be
sorry for I'm glad!" X. Y. Press.
Mt-Stvat "Me son. Tim. has 500
nun' under him." McTueh
"Plint'I !:e !uin" I'littin ;i royf on a
tiiu nu i.t 1 1 1 1 1 s liustoi. Hi laid.
Is oat ol order if you hare the symptoms
snumerated on this chart. Tom can be cured
without the aid ol Calomat, Blue Mass or
Quinine. They are mineral and are apt to
poison the blood. Why not add your name
to tbe already Urge list of people cured by
Bl'DYANt III DYAN bai cured 10,000 0th
rs and It will cure you. MITOTAN Is the
(reatest vegetable remedy ot tbe century and
will relieve all the folio sing symptoms :
IICDYAN can bo bad ot all drufiU lot
H cent per pac kage.
AC H E Relieved by
YAN will cause the yel
lowness to disappear and
the normal, healthy eoloi
to return.
HUDYAN will clearlhe
tongue and make lb
breath pure and sweet.
TION. HUDYAN wi clear the stomach of
tbe excess of bile, relieve the pain and cause
the lood to be perfectly digested.
HUDYAN wiU lessen the congestion and re
duce tho liver to its normal sixe.
ni'DYAN will core all tha above symp
toms and make you well. Do not delay
longer. Co to your druggist at once and pro
cure a package of ni'DYAN (or 0 cents or
packages (or It'. If jour druggist doea not
keep It, send direct to tho IICDYAN REM.
EDY COMPANY, Kan Francisco, California,
if you are not satisfied with tbe effects, re
turn the empty Ill DYAX box and we will
return your money. Remember that you caa
consult the HUDYAN DOCTOHI
FREE. Call and see the doctors. You may
call and see tlirm, or write, aa you desire
Car. ttacktM, Market aad Ellis ta.
Sis Frsaciata, Cal.
Montana. Utah.
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
Utrcs choice if two (avoritu routes, via the
CMOS PACIFIC Fast Kail Une. cr the
KIO G KAXDK sceuic Lines.
Look at the time
1 1 i days to Salt Lake
2l3 days to Denver
lYz days to Chicago
4j days to New York
Free McclIniuK CbaUr can, l
bolalerea Tourlat Bleeping
Car. Pnllinan palace Blecp--x
Cars operate on all
Ft- luribcr iuiorma'icp .apply lo
J. F. til VANS, RcseLurg,
C. O. Terry, W. E Co man,
Tray raae.Ar.1
Gen Agt.
l-'l Third St., Fct: etc Or.
In theluootyCuurt, (or the Countr i-f JJoog
w.a w n l VJ' til .
In tbe matter ! ih atai .,1 ir,,i.i.i. u u.r.n
To Wailare Mjoalt, Frank Mviialt, 5Iry
Wanvheiihciiiier. (-srah Macet, iU Maeet,
ASJce J Drown, ltcth Lee Msget. Harriot kom.
Rului Jlsret. Msitle Maget, tlbel Hal es, Vvli
Hayea and liattie Hares, greeting:
lu the name of the Hate ol Oregnn, you are
hereby cited and rcuuied io umr In tha
t'OOOty Court Of the Slalff nf n,rn rxr Ik.
vuuni)oi uoocias. at tDe court room thereof.
. niAcvuiK, iu tne voUDiy Ol UOUglSS. on
Tuesnsy, the 2nd., day of Jannanr. A. Ul 1.
at 10 o'clock, in the Inreoon ol ibat day, tben
and thereto show eanse if any there D-, hv an
order ol ibis court sbould not be made, autbor-
1- r a "ncu,,8 " aaministrator. t.eorge
K. Uine. to ae.t th,- real nr.irrt hiinnFin m
said est tc. at nrirsle aaiv loro.ah l h....T
oruvriopay on toe inoebteunraa ara ntsaia
etatc, and lo y tb eou and upentes ol ai-
minuiiatiou. bald U roperty is deacrlbed aa
fOllOW. tO-Wit: ll., lllh liall nf Hnnilln.
claim nnmbciod 41 of WUlism L. Wilson and
wife, being part ol section Si. In towohip0,
8. R. , V. V ill. Mer In touglaa County, biale
ufOn-son, tbe Mid south bail of laid claim
containing lfo.ji acres moror less. Tuinnta.
t ion ia founded on I lie verified petition of said
uuiuiuinuii, Hm pvmnn oeiugnowon hie
in said court.
Wlturas. Ihe Hun. Jno l.ini.liirf iK.
Coun'y Court, of tbe Slate of Ou-gun. (or the
Countv of Donglaa with the seal ol said Court
affixed, thi Sih., day ol November, law.
. . Attcat: J. F. Gaiijcy, cl-rk.
) By F. A llifiu, driut.
We Have the Best
Cheapest PIANOS
' ''-' '"'VTv. V U,eB
The favorite of the Army and
No. 5, $35.
St. Paul,
All goods fully guaranteed
t .: - IV.V' . r-rts- Jiij
. -a ' af' .
Guitars, Banjos, MandolinsViolins, Accordions, Autoharps.
ne musical line can be Had at
aataWWwaaaiaS MSI il aaaarajaaalaaaaaaas!awa,i, awa. aiiUM l'aaajaa:m,mt
You Purchase!
Our stock is chuck full of the useful as well as orna
mental. Call and see
Cass Street Market
Fresh and Cured
Fish and
Hay, Grain and Flour.
Phone Main 181.
?P. Benedick.
2 Any Job Work doneat
f Reasonable Pf -,
Triumph Prune Grader
Foj Green and dried Prunes.
Compact, Practical, Accurate.
Send for circulars and testimonials to
Patentee and
Get your.
We have a Complete
stockjof TEXT BOOKS
and the Finest Stock of
ever brought to this city.
Our Prices are Right. . . .
iillllM'lilll1 iWim
Besides these we have other good
Pianos but cheaper in price but not
in quality.
Navy. A few of the ships
derfer Typewriter during the Spanish-American War.
"Kvf"' -. ' . -
and sold on the installment
& Woolley's.
and Retail Dealers In
Game in Season
Undertake? End Embalms?.
Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon
.At Marsters.
III- I LIllllULIlLLlls
equipped with the Blickens-
No. 7,
The Blickensder
fer is rapidly dis
placing the more
complicated aud
higher priced ma
chines, as it does
the same work
equally as well (if
not better). 40,000
now in use.
plan. Baud Instruments
In fact almost anything its
Administrator's Notice.
A' uudersigued was on the 2nd day of - -:.
lTOf duly appoinUd administrator of th. tua
of tSanuei J'urrier de:eawd. All pereoos i.tT
ing claims against taid state are hereby r
quired to present the same, property eri3ed, lo
tbe said administrator at bcottaoer. tii.
Count-, Oregon, wtiblasix mcntb (roai u,
dale hereof.
Jested this 5th rfsr of October. 1MM.
Admin istratMr ot to. il oi fear' e
Turner, deceased. ....
, : 4,
Railnr4 Time
Roslhboa; d RoMborg local, Ko, 17
lepart7 JO a. to. .
SoothrMinrK. Rowbarf local. No. 16,
arrives 5 20 p. at.
NotthbooDd oterUnd, No. 6, ar- c
ritrea 10 :35 a. m. ; depart 10:45 a. ra.
'Southbound orerUnd. No. 6, arrirea
4 :15 a. m. ; drpana 4 .25 a. go.
raaiauT tradis.
Nortbboond fast tbroogb freigbt. No '
221, arrive 4 :10 p. m. ; depart 5 50 p.
Soatbbound fast tbroogb frrfgbt. No
222, arriyra 7.-00 . m.; departa 8:00 a
m. .
North boon d miied Irani No. 223amv
at 2 -55 p. no.. 8oodaya, Wedoesdari i', !
Friday, depart 9:00 . m., Moucr s
Tbnrsdays and ralordaja.
Sontbboond mixed train No. 22'"
rivea at 3.-00 p. o., on Sanrlay,
day and Fridat. depart 7:15 a. a
Monday, Tboreday and 8atarda;a.
3lrrnoii(rr Cacacu-comer of Xala aad Ls
atseeu. Saaday Berrioa: rreaealnr, O .
and 00 p. l; BabbsUi achool, a. m.;-.
A- Walker, Superintendent; Claaa Meir-v s
Cloa of U aaoroln aerritar Kpvorta U-, t?'
7:00 p. at. F. 8. Godfrey, PraatdeaL Frsyar ,
ateaUnc, Wednesday, at7:3B p. m.
G. R. Aanou), raatnr, w .
Panooare, eornar Mala a4 Laoo.
Cwrrzo turiiu Cacaca-oa rovter Mraet.
Sunday eerrica, at 11 a. m. and 738 p. as. Pray
er aieetinf. Tbnraday reninc.
Mr. Lcct If. Curur, Paator.
9t. Obok Cacaca-Coraer Caw ','-.
Main streets. 8er1eeaoa aceood aai .h
Snnday atorainc of eaea month aad .tv y t.a
ereniog. Special aerrieea annoaHc ' :;
'mt to time. Rar. Job Cava-. .
U'jtivz. - 7. "
M. K. Cauaca, SocTii.-fieiTiceaerery gat 3 j
otniof and erenlng.
R J T Cotto. past &
Bsjtut CacacH comer of Laae aad
treeta. Sunday aerrice: Preaching at 11 a. M. -
and 7:30 p.m. Eabbath School at SJ a. bl, O; t.
Coahow, aaperintendeaL tayer tint t
730 Wedoeaday evening.
x. A. Co Co La, Paatnr.
flarr Caatimajr Cacaca Ceruer of P!n
and Woodward atreeta. Sunday aerrice '
Preachinc both morning and erening. Baaday
chool at M a. m. T.P.8.C. E. at I JO p. m
Prayer meeting each Wednesday eresisg at
7 JO. AeordUl weleome aad greating awaits
W. A. Woob,
Tixsr PaTTXBtAa CBTBca Comer ef Caa
ao1 Bo atreet. Snnday aerrice: Pnhlk
worship. 11 a. m., ant p. ss: Babbata
achool, T. P. 8. C." E. at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday erening T.X
J. A. Towsaaaa,
Ta W. C. T. U. will hold ita wmlar meetinjs
oa the second and fourth Mondya of rrery
mooia at 7 30 p. m. ia tb Xprworta Leagua "
room of the M. X. Church.
taiiai i niaaocuc Aaaav,
Fast gait Lake. Dearer. Ft Fet
Mail j Worth. Omaha. Ksa- Mail L
p.m. sasCirr.St. Louis, c hi- C:Sp.a
Spokaae ' WalU Walla Lewiatoa. I Epokaue
Flyer j Spokane, Minneapolis, J Flyer
3:4 p. at. St. Paa Unloth, Mil- Sa. aa.
wan kie, Chicago and i
East j
p m. , ocxjix Snjunsor ! 4 p. si.
. AH Sailing dates subject
i tocaaage. i
ForSaaFrancifo ;
Sail Dee ,S,118, 2S,j
'is, and rrery i days.
i P- .
jKx. Sea.
Cotraaia Rirax
To Astoria and Way
Landings. IxUDds'
p. m.
lOp aa.
WiiL.rrr Sirs
Oregon Citr, Kewberg.
Salem A Way-Land s
Er. Sunday'
l-SBp. m.
m Wiuinm In v . : y
ToeaThnnl blu. RiTaaa. .if.t
ana oat. i wcoa otr. narten aad r-
aan " sy-inaings.
a. I Wliuatm a... I..aa.
lues.ioursi u.i
oH- ronami n iorraina ajK aad I zL
I ana nay-Landinga t
Bsajta SiTa
Riparia to Lewutoa
I Lea
I Daty
8:38 a. to.
1:9 a. m.
J. F. Givans,
Agent, Boaebarg, Or.
W.H. Huribart,
Geo. Para. Agt.
Portland, Or-. -
ONLY 02,75-
sm aaoa u as.
ukIms aroaatl tea at
mmt will w.f i
I RJaTliaf(l.
ajars aa easaslm-,
s try u
a4 if toaad arrax ' .
aiawly as r-.
pay Um nvn, -
Siimrt ar aaut
aa4 nana. :
! ekar-tan,
iJ arair si tn
a caals toe
! aula.. THi i
c"e is t.
FOR FilAsrili
. WINTER, saa-.a
ftvaa aa aura aaa a ,
hum? an aaai SSmS ar
eak. W tnehes loag. wrf NUrw U--nr w
taps, ra tail, tlpn . aa aaani MHsa.
fnlly tnaima aiia alaa BalU aHl tan aa.aar
tnatmM with thrasrows sn4 aollar mith aa,,, re-si
aaa eka kanoa imuama, TWa
aaa mW aaa laraaaftaaS sad milI to mm tlul a. I
wTinHw,,iB.K wrMaatrSMoa.nM.
a ara aaaraaakil
Notice of Appointment o Exncct
tlx. ; -.j'"
Njotice is; hereby gin that the undisiKT!4 ' ,
' Was ou the 14th rUv .,r
daly appointed aa executrix of the laat will ans .
lesiameni oi oeoira T. BueseU. deeeased. Ad
persons naving claims airainst aaid estata ara
btfrebr reunired to maiut thA Un .
verined. lo said extvittri v ,i V.. .
fao'y. Ori-gon, within U moutaa Irotn
Dated this lo day of November, 19.
for Publication
TJsiteb Statis L5n orrt,
Mitico is hereby given that ti!e tullowinr. I
named aetUer has filed notice of bia inatauJa t
9 ?".nnal proof in support of bia claim, sd 1 I 1
tnaiaaiaprootwlil .be made befot the Hewi.
r1 """"'w vuiuhi states i ua oic at
Boseburg. Ore., on December , 19, i
T313,K6Y. Ho names the foJiowiusr .
neasea to proro hUcoutlnuou residwjee v .'
,cuIuron 'aid land via: ure Qv j T
ia eas,siaa
'nlnW saaaa ,
- -V. saarssaar awMl
t t i Fjr t
- 'J jr '-:-