The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 18, 1899, Image 2

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    r:n n a ndealer
fubilkbw J:0;.a.-; - Thursday.
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. Sbcrlptlon
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f&TPt HoBth.
DECEMBER 14. 1899.
Judge J, C. Fallerton is mentioned as
a possible candidate for the nomination
for state senator by the republicans.
Copies of the Roseburg Review, Ku
gtne Guard, and Salem Independent
were received by the inhabitants of the
island of Negroe, who gave credence to
the staff tbereiu, and rose up in arms
Some American were ki lfd Wood
burn Independent.
lion. A. M. Crawford msv oaeeut to
allow Irs tmme iu Im pieiid before
the republican Mint? conver.ii n as a
can t:ta fjr t tale tenalor.
How is this for Orgon? Frank U.
Mason, consul general at Berlin writes to
lb stale department; "In respect to
dried apricots, peaches, and pear, it may
be said that thee fruits from the Pacific
coast of the United States dominate and
rot.lrol the markets of coutioeu:al Eu
rope. Nothing comparable to them in
point of sise, flavor, teodernets of pulp,
and general excellence had ever been
seen in Europe until they were impo.ted
Ir. ra the United State. Thev have ee
hlihed wholly new standards of excel
Unce, and created a new market, which,
if the trade is protwriy aiausgcd. they
can bol l in future acainst all prob e com
petition. Hon. A. C Maietere has a lot of
friend iu this county who" woulJ be
pleated if he would cuuevLt tu allow hi
name to be prefcutrd to the -utui g re
publican county ronvruiion ana candi
date for Ulo eeutor.
Governor Geer has allowed himself to
be goaUed, by the dtn cpou pre-, into
the publication of a denial of Uie alleged
Pituaier leal. Fur m-:nthe theee black
mailing papers have leei. de.-n ending
that tie dery these euly chrrgi, over
bis ori signature. N;w that h has in
poiilive, unequivocal language braoded
the (tory as wholly and Jsoltitely false,
these slanderers, are no mote satisfied
than tbev were before. No man in pub
lic life can hope to escaue the vi Ilia nous
attacks of unscrupulous enemies, and
when be starts in to deny or explain
very silly or malicious charge that is
made against him, he will be kept busy.
As we s'ated in theee columns some
days ago. the men woo are responsible
for tbe election of Guv. Cteer took it for
granted that Uie charges were false aid
asked fcr no denial or explanation, and
the men who oppose him would not ac
cept as satisfactory, any statement he
might make. The most contemptible,
despicable bebg on earth, is tbe man
who for pucely selfish, political purposes
will aeek to beckeuthe character of an
honest man.
Outlook is tbe Senate is Rather Om
inous for Him.
Jiw York, Dec. 12. A special to tbe
Herald from Washington says :
Apathy among Senator Quay's friends
is making tbe out'ook in the senate
.rather ominous for him. Senators
Chandler and Penrose appear to be the
only persons who are doing an ac'ive
canvassing in bis behalf, and they are by
no means encouraged by tbe prosrees
tbey are making.
Tbe lack of interest was forcibly illus
trated In the case of a senator who waa
approached with tbe suggestion tost he
make a strong speech io behalf of the
constitutional right of a governor to ap
point when a legislature bad failed to
elect. This influential senator had
spoken in behalf of Senator Corbett, and
was ured to repeat the same arguments
that be advanced in that gentlemen's
He has declined the it-quest on the
ground that wheu he supported Mr. Cor
bett, both Senators Quay and Pen rote
refused to vote to seat him. The sen"
ator stated that he would Tote to seat
Mr. (joey, but be did cot see how Penn
sylvania's senators ioa!d consistently in
sist upon his taking cbsrge of the case
on tbe doer of tbe senate.
It ia liecoming more manifest every
day that Mr. Qi ty liai con si Krable can
vassing to At Jo mike his seat in tte
aenatea certainty.
There are to j tuanr name ou the non
committal column to make the outcome
certain for bits at this time. Mr. Qosy
is expected here Wedoesday, when it
may be expected that he wilt work hard
for himself. Ooe of the plans his friends
are talking about is to induce a suSicieut
number of Mr. Qiay'a democratic friends
to absent themselves on the day when
tbe flasl vo'e is ukn, and in this wsy
assure a majority vote iu hi favor.
Cairns Valley News.
Dick MsninJi'u it e-ill very low
typhoid fever.
Camas will have an Xiosa tree; al
ready a very aiisfactory eubrcripiiou
baa been raised.
Mr. and Mra. l'iokertou of Buxelder,
Neb., passed through our valley enroute
to Coquille City.
Mr. Chas. Noah and Lillie Davis wo e
married on last . Monday, 10th. Uev.
John Standley tied the noptial knot in
tbe preeeoce of a few invited frieods.
Mr. and Mis. Noah are amoog our best
you eg people and we hope tbey will de
cide to remain reruianrutly with ns
At present we are having the worst)
Storm of the winter, aljiuet a continual
downpour of snow and rain. j
' Wears going to have a!
match on Saturday. 23rd. at O. H. Al-j
iison's store, command get a fat (urkey i
for your Christmas dinner.
Lincoln Thrash is preparing to start
bis saw mill soon.
Ladies, if yu are lookiDg for white or
colored tsffeta silk, you'll find'a uice line
here. Novelty Store. k
Mied, Wounded and Missing Num
ber Eleven Hundred.
General Impression Is That the
Check at Tugela River Is Only
London, Dec. lti. The wr otlice has
received a diapatcli announcing that
General Buller has met with a serious re
verse, losing 11 gone. General B tiler
was aiteiiiptinc to cross the Tugela liver.
Flndiog it impossible to effect his object,
be order d a retirement in order to avoid ;
greater losses. He left 11 guns behind.
The lot-see iu General Hani's brigade
were very heavy. The Fourteenth and
Sixty-ninth field batteries also eullertd
severe loeser.
liullei retired to the camp at Cueveley.
Prktokia. Wednesday. Advices from
Mafeking Bay au attack ou a ttnall
British fort has been made with good re
sults. The fort was demolished. Heavy
cannon firing is poceediu-. Co'onel
Baden Poce'.l bs sent the Biers a
notice, advising them to lay' down their
arms and return to their homes, pioiui?
ing protection as Boon as Great Britain
has taken over the Transvaal.
Pretoria, Friday. An oSicial dispatch
from AI odder river rays: The Boers
captured a great quantity of loo, includ
ing 200 Lee Metfords, cases of cartridges
and hundreds of bayonets. Great num
bers of the British forces have retired in
tbe direction cf Belmont. The loss of
toe triusu was very great, mere were
heaps of deal on the field. Tho aouud
ed are le:n attended to lemporaiiljr at
B esel s farm. The tappers and Miners
must have suffered severely. The Rjeis
soflered heavy losses iu bomb. 1 can
not otherwise decri e the battle-field
tnan a saJ au '. tcnible slaughter. M jr.
dsy was for us a brilliant victory. It
has infused new spirit in our a en an I
will enable them to achieve greater
London, Dec. Jo. A revised lUt of
the Britieh'caeual'iei a', the battle of
Magersfontein sbowi t: e total to be 903,
of which numbir 70 were officers. Tbe
Black Watch were the.htaviest totters.
Of the rank and file, 42 were killed, 182
wounded and 111 are niisring.
Temperance Address.
One of the bst temperance addr eset s
heard in Kos'eborg for many years was
that deltve red ia tbe Christian church.
Wednesday evening by Mrs. Lucy Tbur
man of Mich igan, superintendent of the
W. C. T. U. work am ong the colored
At the appointed hoar the church was
filled to over-fliwin g many not being able
to find seats. Mrs. Walker sang a beauti
ful solo, whicU was greatly appreciated.
After scripture roiling by Mrs. Keece
and prayer by Rev. W. A. Wo od, Mrs.
A. C. Mareters, president of the local
W. C. T. U. in a few well-chosea sen
tences, introduced the 6peaker of the
Mrs. Tburuian has been identified
with tbe work for more thin twanty
years, has attended most of the national
conventions, and has a large fund of
reminiscences of the struggles of tbe
W. C. T. U. iu its infancy, and knows
thoroughly tbe history of the great work
it has accomplished. She told of the
origin of the movement in IlillsSoro
more than twenty-si x years ago sod icter
esting circumstances attendiog the first
meeting. She attended the greatest .
C. T. U. convention cf the world, held
in London in 1S95.
Mrs. Tborman speaks in a clear pene
trating tone that carried conviction to
her hearers, and eloquently pleads for
the cause which she has espoused and
labored for so long. Her address left a
marked impression upon her hearers and
at tbe close she was greeted with a
round of applause.
On Thursday evening, Mrs. Tburman
delivered a second addrass, her subject be
ing her work among the freedmen of the
What Scrofula Is.
Scrofula is a disease as old as antiquity.
It has been banded down for genera
tions and is the same today as iu
early liases. It is emphatically a di
sease of tbe blood, 'and the only way to
cure it is by purifying the b'od.
That is juat wbst Hood's Sareaparilla
does in every case where it is giveo
a faithful trial. It eradicates s 11 impuri
titi from the blood, and cures the
sores, boils, pimples and all forma of
skin disease due lo scrofula taints in
tbe blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla has won
the grateful praise of vast numbers
of people by its grand and complete
cures. Don't allow scrofula to de
velop in your blxd. Care it at once by
taking Hood's Sarsapsrilla.
How'a This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., rrops. Toledo, 0.
We tbe undersigned have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 vears, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to car
ry out any obligations made by their
Westifc Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldiug, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon tbe bl'iod and
mncons surface of ttie system. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold hy all druggists. TJf.
moniHl free.
County Treasurer's Notice.
ia hereby tfveu t Prte
Lo,Ji" c .uoty warraute in-
u,rw" r,or " "nu ,DC,uuln5 -"
IBSJ'J.t'j present ttiesatioat the treasurer's
office at the court house for payment,
as internet will cease thereon after the
i date of this notice.
DaUd this tbe !4tbdayif December,
at tbe CitF of Itoseljurg, Oregon.
Geo. W. DiMMicii,
Count v Trcafurer, Douglas County, Or'
Society Elections.
Officers have been lately elected by a
number of the secret and fraternal so
cieties of Uweburg ss follows:
l. o. o. r.
N. G., CUa. Oleaou; V. G., B. F. Gil
bert; Sec , N. T. Jewett; Financial Sec.,
D. S. West ; Treasurer, W. T. Wright;
Trustee for 3 yeira, Joe Williams; Sex
ton, S. VaoZile.
i.. o. T. M.
P. L. C, Mrs. F. J. Connolly ; L. 0.,
Mrs, F. M. Zigler; Lieutenant Com
mander, Mrs. E. II. Otey; K. K., Mrs.
E. J . Stroud ; F. K., Mrs. E. C. Morris;
ri,..u;n Mm ir l-. ..ik . c ....
Mrs. C. II. Fisher; M. at A.. Mrs. S.
Henderson; Sentinel, Mrs. A. T. Mor
ian ; Picket, Mrs. W. J. Ren'ro.
V. C, Geo. Bj run ; W. A., Dan Fish
er; Clerk, F. Arthur; Banker, F. M.
Beard; Escirt, C.C. Verrell ; Ssntry, E.
A. Post; Watchman, J. L. Smith; Man
ager, Jobo liolcher; PhvotciAos, Drs.
Hoover and DuGas.
Consul Commander, J. A. Buchanan ;
Advisor Lieutenant, Joseph Jones;
Clerk. N. T. Jewett; Banker. W. T.
Wright; Managers, Lee Wiraberly. Story
Sheridan, Frank Godfrey.
l. or m. a. r.
President, Mra. W. A. Frater; Sr.
VLe Pres., Mrs. A L. Kidder; Jr. Vice
Pes., Mrs. N. J. Wiley; Sec, Miss
Daisy Frater; Treas., Miss Clara McCoy;
Chaplain, Mrs. E. D. Howell; Conduct
or, Mrs. Woodruff; Guard, Mrs. Parks;
Assistant Conductor, Mrs. II. C. Smith;
Assistant Guard, Mrs. G. W. Noah,
u. a. a.
Commander. E. D. Howell; Sr. V. C.,
John Curtis: Jr. V. C. Wm. Perry; Q,
M., J. AY. Wrignt; Cbaplaio, Geo.
Churchill; Ad jt,, John Hamlin; O. D.,
M. McCoy; Bur., Chas. Steinger; Senti
nel, Joseph Campbell.
M. A., F. P. Browo ; Supt., Mrs. Em
ma Faulkner; Inspector, J. L. Stratford ;
Sec., Mrs. Madge Kagsdale; Treas., Lucy
Meier ; Sr., Conductor, J. C. Comstock ;
M.of C, Isabella Sedjewick; Jr. Con
ductor, Marguerite Reed; F. C, A.M.
X. O. IT. W.
M. W., Frank . Alley; Foreman, S.
J. Keisenstcin; Overseer, H. J. Faulk.
neriRec., II. T. McClallen :.Financiar,
D. S. West; Receiver, .T. Wright;
Guide; L. U. Carter; IneiJe Watchman,
Lee Wilkics; Ou'eide Watchman, Ira
Pres., Mrs. Electa McClallen; Sr.
Vice, Mrs. Jane Willis; Jr. Vice. Mrs,
Martha Perry; Sec., Mrs. Jennie
Stanton; Treaj.,.Mrs. Anna DuGss;
Chaplain, Mrs. Bell Frater; Cocdoctor.
Mrs. Sadie Cannon ; Guard, Mrs. Clara
lilac cim.Lt.
Past Guard, Mrs. E. Otey; Guard
Neighbor, Mrs. M. E. Shupe; Advisor,
Mrs. A. Morian ; Cierk, Mrs. Madge
Ragsdale; Banker, Mrs. V. C. London ;
Magician, Mr. Al Cloyd; Attendant,
Mrs. M. Lobr; Inside Ssntinel. Mr.
Fickle; Outside Sentinel. J. II. Shupe;
C. of G., Mrs. Dr. Houck ; Musician,
Madge Ragsdale.
P. C. of H., Adeha Uadlcy; C. of H.,
Mamie E. Houck; L. or U., Mis. J.
Byrnes; Co! C, MerrittWest; Bee.,
Dora Wilkins ; Financier, Ida L. 1 'sing
er; Receiver, Alice Ridley; Uiber, Mrs.
S. E. Henderson ; Inside Watch, Mrs. E.
McDaniels; Outside Watch, Mrs. Lulu
r. of r.
Jo.. Micel.i, C. C; J. C. Aiken, V. C;
F. G. Micelli, P.; Cbas. H. Fisher, K. of
R. 8.; L. A. Sanctuary, M. of W.; Geo.
Carpy, M. of F.; W. T. Wright, M.of
E.; B. W. Strong, M. at A. ; S. C. Flint,
L G.; James Templin, O. G.; Char. If.
Fisher, Trustee.
Drain News.
ties. Wilson, cf Yoncalls, was in the
city, Sunday.
O. F.Thiel, of YoacalU, wa; a Drain
visitor Friday.
Mrs. Ella Burt made Roseburg a brief
visit tbe first of Ibe week.
Mrs. L. M. Perkins waa a business
visitor to Cottage Grove, Friday.
Jake Sawyers drove over from fcotta
burg, Saturday, with a load of passen
gers. Fred Weatherly, of Klkton, passed
through our city Monday, enroute to
W. W. Ca'.hcai t of Portland, was shak
ing bands with his many friends iu this
city, Sunday.
Mis Maude Basset t spent a few days
in Roseburg the latter part of last week,
a guest of Mr. F. J. Connolly.
Mrs. Hannah Ellenburg, who has
spent the past few months near Eugene,
returned to Ibis place Monday.
Miss Maiy llolj tielJ went to Creawell,
Tujsday, for visit with her son, Ed
wa d, and family.
Tbe Watchman editor, who hai been
so se ioualy ill, is somewhat improved.
We hops to soon chronicls her entire re
covery. Mrs, S. R. Lane, of near Koieburg,
was a guest cf her brother, C. D. Drain,
and family, the first of the week.
Mist Mary WesteoheiBer closed a term
of school in Tin Pot Friday, and re
turned to ber home in Yoncalls, Satur
day. Miss Jeunie Hefty, who b as been in
Comstock for the fast twq months, re
turned to this city Sunday, for a two
weeks' stay.
Al. Kent returueJ home from a two
months' vieit io Omaha, Neb., Saturday.
He reports t'je weatber cold ia the East,
and thinks thare it ao placa lik) Ore
gon. D. Dickinson, of YoncilU, accoiupau
ied by bis sister, Mr. W. H. AVilsoo,
passed through on Tuesday's train en
route lor Olympia, Wash., where they
had been called to tbe bedside of their
sifter, Mm. J. D.jwner.
Min Sueie Buckley, one of Elkton's
popular youug ladies, came over from
that place Saturday, and after a brief
visit with friends in Hits city, left for
Koeburg and Ashland, where she will
probably spend the winter with be.' sis
ter, Mie. O. Mattoou, in Ah!aud, for the
benefit of her health.
Aguinaldo Crossed Cordlleras
and Marsh Turned Back.
Town of Pamposa Surrendered Gen
eral Conception Tells How to .
End the Insurrection.
Manila, Pec. 10, J:15 a. in. Major
Peyton C. Marsh, of the Thirty-thirl in
fantry, has abandoned bis pursuit of
Aguinaldo. and has reached Bignen, in
the heart of tbe Gran Cordillera, where
the range ii 10,000 feet bib, and ahere
food is scarce and travol aluioat imp-.ts
From native com ieri and Spanish pri
oners, it was learned Aguinaldo Uft
Bjntoc, in the province cf the same
nams, with three womea and two sol
diers three days ago and'hsadol south
ward, evidently fjr Bayoaabong, in the
proviuce of New Viiecaya. wbure it is
thought be may encounter tho Ameri
Major Marsh's command was depleted
20 per cent by the two days' march from
Cervantes to Esifuen, so he returned to
Cervantes December 10.
Scat.erel binds of Macabebes, which
have been operating in the north, are be
ing collected with the intention of send
ing them back to Manila, as there ii
much sickness among them and they are
unfit f jr further mountain work.
Mountain Town Surrenders.
Lieittenaut Cbadwick and a ccirea
pondent tf the Associated Press, the
former commaodiog o3 Macabebes, have
visited the mouotain town of Pamposa
and received the surrender oi a company
of insurgent, incluliug three oiicer,
with their arms and auiaiuoitijn.
General Concepciot and other Filipino
officers, who have surrendered, have
been taken to Vigan. Concepcion, who
is cheerful, imisls Uat bo insurgent or
ganization will bd maintained, even in
tbe districts wbere the Americans are
opera'.ing. clsiming tbat the Filipinos
can use their troops whenever they de
sire. He suggests tbat toe only method
of terminating the war is the capture of
Aguinaldo and tho obtaiuing of an oidr
from him for the troops to surrender
their arms. Bat Conception believes
Aguinsldo will never be captured.
The Colored Aristocracy.
This company of fifteen people wilt
present to the theatre-goers of ibis city,
a performance nnequaled by any com
pany now touring this coast, and on ac
count of their reception thus far are al
ready booking return engagements for
next season.
They come direct frjcu New York
City, via. Ltie Angeles and New Orleans,
and bare received tbe universal com
mer.t of both the Eistern and Western
press. Tiiis, together with the fact that
ths company is under the personal di
rection of Mr. Geo. II. Williams, is
ample assurance of a first class perform
ance in every respect.
The management of the Rote burg
Theatre have had tbe good fertuca to
make satisfactory arrangements with
this company, for the giving of their per
or m acted in tbe Rweburg Tusatre, for
two nights. Monday and Tuesday, Dec
ember IS aod 19, with an entire change
of bill nlghtlj. Admusion 10, 20 and 30
A first class restaurant has been
opened on Cass street, opposite tbe
dejot, at which may be bad fresh o?i
ters, chicken, steaks, stews, lunches, and
besides meals at all hours, if gulsr meals
are served. Lunches and quick meals
for railroad passengers a specialty. For
that hungry feeling be sure and call at
Duffy's restaurant, prices reasonable.
Ed LaBrie of Garden Valley, was in
the city today.
Postmaster Leonard, of Diliard, was iu
the city Saturday.
Tbos. Wilson, Cauyonville's ruellixg
merchant, is in tbe city.
A big reduction in Eastman Kodaks,
at Churchill & Woolley's.
The R. R. Dancing Cob will give a
grand X mas ball, December 25, ISM.
Hudyan is now sold at 50 cents per
package by all druggist;. Get Hudyan.
Tbe imiling countenance of Rev. Leon
ard of Diliard, waa visible on the streets
"The Colored Aristocracy," Opera
House, Dec. 13 and P.). Prices 10, 20
and 30 cb.
8. K. Adim?, a leading business man
"f Yoncalls, came over on Saturday eve
nin'g" leca).
"The '.Maple Qty Quartette," Opera
If "se, Dec. 18 and l'Jtb. Prices 10, 20
e..' 30 cent".
aimon Csro of Oakland, wsa shaking
Lands with his many friends in Rose
burg one d.iy last week.
Mr. Ira Wimb'rley.Hone of tho prom
inent business men of Drain came io on
tbe local Saturdsy and returned this
Miss Sina On el I will go to Roseburg
Saturday where sbe will "sub" for the
central telephone operator while away on
a three or four weeks vacation. Bohe
mia Xugitett.
Copyrights Ac
Anyone tending a sketch and dpaertptlnn mav
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether am
Invention Is probably patentable. Communica
tions atrlctlyoonlldeiitiaL Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patent.
I'ateiita taken throuah Munu & Co. recelre
tpKlat notice, without ctmrite. In toe
Scientific Htiiericati.
A hiidP"mely lllnstrated weekly. Largest elr
"iilittion or any acicnMBn Journal. 'I'eruis, .'l a
ypr: tniir months, tl. Bold by all newsdealers.
ItlUNN & Co.39,B New York
itranrii (.m. o. 1 V ft., Wn'hliiKlun, I). C.
Suicide at Gardiner.
(Secll to tho Plain dkalsb.)
The liltlo town of Gardiuer wsi thrown
into a lever of excitement last Wednes
day evening by the suicide of Mr, Joseph
Austiu. He had sufTered more or less
for a number of years from a trouble in
his head caused by a sunstroke in 1891,
and has previously att mpted to tike his
life. Of late be has bssn mote content
ed and has seemed mors rational, and to
all outwtrd appearances himself again.
On Wednesday Die. 13, he went lo bis
work as usual, performed his daily labor
and seemed as rational and
cheerful as usual. On the preceding
evening he has watched a young man
load seme cartridges for hi gun a .18
caliber Winchester ind duiing the day
made it quiry cf the young man if he bad
loaoed all his cartridges. After the work
at the mill was done, he went to his
room ij the. "Bunkalation" and while
his ion Walter and about 25 other mill
bauds wera at supper io the me8 hou ie ha
went to tlie room where the joung man
kept bis Winchester, delibjiately loaded
the gun, placed tbe mnzi'e at his right
temple, and literally blew the top of his
head off, killing himself instantly. Al
though only abuut 30 or 40 feet from the
meesbouee d iuiug room, those at supper
there did not bear the report, and tbers
was no suspicion of thesifact until after
supper, when Mr. Stoims went to his
room, and to do so had lo pats through
the room w here tbe snicide occured. By
the light of the lamp he bad lighted, he
was confronted by a sight not soon lo be
Mr. Austin was boro iu Shelby county
Illinois, Dec. 23, 1807, aad bad he lived
uutil Christmas day he would have been
a .la a . . i . .
years ou. &i insane oi 17, be was
married to Miss Cynthia Jones, also ol
Shelby county, III., who survive him
lie lived en the lakes about 21 miles
uorthof htre, at or near ih tost office
of Alene, where has a bonu stead. His
wife aod youLger children remain on tbe
farm attending lo it, while be and bis
eldest son Walter, were hands in tbe
Gardiner mill. wbil a daughter Miss
Lura is ataylng with I he family of Iter,
II. II. Buckcer acd unending school.
sir. .tusun was an Honest man, es
teemed by his neigutors acd his death
casts a gloom over, the entire community
and town. A messenger was at once dis
patched to communicate Ibe tad news
of his uutimety death lo bis wife ajd
children, (raing lo the conditions of the
reads, it is thought lbat be will le in
terred here iu GarJioer.
Attempted Suicide.
News oi an attempted soicide reached
hers earlv yesiet Jr moruiic from Thief
Creek, a boot tiioe miles northeast ol
hero. A bachelor oaned Jolioa Wetzeil
waa atxused ol killing a neighbor's steer
lot beef, sod Dpon being preeeed about
ihe matter, aod tM tbat he was liable
to land iu the penitentiary, he drew a
knife and attempted to cot bis throat,
bat was retrained. IJttteo totk a vial
coDUioioj poisoo, from bis pocket, swsl
lowed the contents, ana soon after was
IbooshtdeaJ from tbe effect. Justice
J. W. Krewsoo went oot to bold ao io
quest, bat before reaching the place,
found that tbe man bad revived. It ia
thought that be will recover Drain
Edwin rtarkbam.
The appearance of the poem "The Man
With the Hoe" is one amoog the great
est productions .ol tbe iast quarter cen
tury. Tbe author of this remarkab'e
poem was born within bearing
of the Willamette Falil at 0ego City,
April 23, 1S52. Edwin Mir'.ham was a
son of pioneer parents who bad crossed
the plains from Michigan shortly before
his birth. If is father died while be was
ioite youa and hit mother with ber
family moved lo California when be was
five years old. His spent his youth and
youi.g manhood on a crttle ranch in
Central California, having only tbe edu
cational advantages of the rode country
schools. Oregon Teachtrs Monthly.
tvangeUct L. A. Kcs, who baa been
holding meetings at tbe Freebyteiiao
ennrcu throaga the week and at the
Grol opera house bunday nigbta for
the past two weeks, clcssd his meetings
last night, and after lidding a series of
revivals at Alhamcra, will go to Oregon,
lie was was mott successful here, and
preached to a crowded bouse at every
meeting. A number were won over to
Christ and interest in church mat'irs
stirred and revived by bis meetings.
Santa Ana Evening blade.
In a accident the other day a
nuin sustained ten complete fractures of
tbe Ixwes of the limbs, three fractures of
the pelvis, and a score of bruises, gashes
and sprains, and yet he is recovering. Men
ami women sometimes
withstand great physi
cal violence, but suc
cumb to the invisible
germs of consumption
so small that they
can be seen only under
a powerful microscope.
The starting point of
consumption is in the
stomacn, wnich, w hen
deranged, makes bad
blood because diges
tion is not perfect, and
in bad blood the mi
crobes multinlv and
flourish. Sooner or
later the lungs are at
tacked, and in the weak
spots the germs begin
their deadly work of
tearing down the tis
sues. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Diu
co very stops the encroachments of con
sumption microbes. It builds up and
fortifies the whole system by aiding the
stomach in its many functions. It assists
in the proper assimilation of food. This
scientific remedy cures lingering coughs,
bronchitis, bleeding at the lungs, and
every other symptom that eventually
leads to consumption. Dr. R. V. Pierce,
of Buffalo, N. ., who makes this won
derful medicine, gives free, fatherly ad
vice to all who write him.
" Last spring I m taken with severe pains in
my cliot, nud was so weak I could hardly walk
nlxmt Ihe house," says Mrs. G. K. Kerr, of Fort
Dodce. Weustrr Co.. Iowa. "1 Irird uwni
phyiciau ami thev told me I had consumption,
but that I iuijl)t ' brush it over ' and perhaps live
A Rood ninny years. I heard of Dr. Pierce's
Oolden Modioli discovery and I thought I would
try some f it. Ik iore I had taken the first bottle
I was very much better; I took five bottles of it
nod have nut yt had any return of the trouble.
1 have also t.ikeu Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescrip.
liou and 'I'lcauinl Vellets' with good results."
When the bowels are obstinate, take Dr.
Pierce's I'ieasant l'ellets. They don't gripe.
"The Coon Solvation Army," Opera
Howe, Dec. 18 and 19tb. Prices 10, 20
and TOn.
is near at hand and
The Furn i t ure Man,
as just what you need. tr
What's the matter with a White Iron Bed for a
S Christmas present. Also a nice White Curled Hair
Mattress that you will wonder how yon got a long "a
without after using one for
a ry. t..
Oak Chairs are sensible Christmas presents
Q A nice Ladie's Desk
Table will fill the bill
Our line of rnckpr?; is
y r
lots more coming in about a week. To see them is
2j to be convinced that we know what nice chairs are.
See our White Fur Rugs. Also a good lue of
Moquette and Smyrna Rugs.
Call on us you will be
J, need.
Roseburg, Oregon.
A .
v. ,v. : i Ail vis ivv is. jjs.
Has removed to the Sheridan Block. He now has a
fresh full Hue of
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Satisfaction is his motto and his aim to please all. See
his window display of dishes given with Baking Powder,
and convince yourself that they are the finest dishes in
town- You are respectfully invited to call around and see
him in his new quarters.
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drags, Toilet Articles, Patent Medi-
einea, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
Soaps, Paints and Oils.
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plits
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cam eras.
Call and Examine them.
Should call and
of China Ware.
day trade. Anything you want at
China Novelties
Artistic Celluloid Boxet and picture frames; beautifully decorated
China dishes ; fancy photograph albums of new deeipna; handker
chiefs of finest Japanese ailk ; tine wicker ware and useful orna
ments ; doll carriages, dolls, and toys of every description. Differ
ent from anything ever before brought to Koeeborg. AU new
goods at prices tbat Bait yon. -
'Cor, Jackson and Douglas Sis., ROSEBURG, OR.
Mrs. S. McConnell, late of Eugene, has invested
in the Home Bakery and will overhaul everything in con
nection with the bakery.
Everything new and
Give us a trial and
Pierce's Cash Grocery.
Is the place to go to get good
goods at reasonable prices;
New, Freeh, Clean stock. Also
. Floor, Feed and hay at lowest
W. V. Pierce,
Winchester, Ore.
For Infants and Children.
The Klni Ycu Hays Always Bought
.Signature of jftMAvUc
"I'flFWfl ft 81 9
', '
a month.
t.ui j : . r
or a Fine Oak Center 3
'- 4
lirvtn-rlatp anrl up hivt
sure to find what you
:n . . ; s :
.mi. cinnim.
see the magnificent display
A special line for the Holi
...MRS. N. BOYD.
of the very best materials.
we will please you.
Letter List.
Kemalning uncalled for in the Rose
burg postonice:
Bennett, F. W Churchill, F. W.
Bedell, W. F. Copeland, Miss Gno
Bonds, Z. M. . Langell, Mrs. N.
Berry, J.J. Newport, T.J.
Brewer, 3. W, Randies, Miss Loca
Coleman, Wm Smith, Miss Cora
Persona calling for these lot t era will
please state the date on which they were
advertised, Dec. 18, 1899:
The letters will be charged for at tbe
rate of one cent each.
Wm A. Frater, P. M.
A Christmas Tree.
A Christmas tree will be Riven at Pine
Groye on Christmas Eve. Everybody
cordially iuvited to attend. By order of
tbe committee.
Roseburg Ac
Winter term will begin Dec.
ii, 1899. ' :
NoniiiL, Clahhicax asi iristia
Couese. t
Thorough prpratloo foe- O -'"; -U
ToacblOf , or lor buaineaa. Int'Xtr'Mi
in Latin, OrkvFrencVerruan, a.,
Natural ttcleDi-e. Huftory, fnsrUsa, nUoruisoi,
Typewriting, Penmanadip, and Hjs1s, Abie
iwtatanta, Joar ratea. For lartier p.'Ucuiara
C. T. Whittles itt, A. B.
Boeebnr?. Or.
Iiesideace, Cor.- Uooglas and Chad-
wick bts., one block above
Court House.
Here is ao opportunity lo Ret
First-Class Fhotogrsr. at "
tbe very lowest ratea T'AII
Bizee from 8X10 dowa lo tba
very smallest.
The Latest fed
la a Calling or Basizsm C
with your photo (staaip s
eight positions ia set of 1
Set-10O-neat car da wit i p t :
name, bosinees tod &d i
desired thereon, only 1 1
The Wagon Gzll
John H. Taylor,
waaon byudeor (iua Phninm-i-bbop.Jacluonttreet.
JrUOtOgTape ; .
Administrator's Notice.
N otic is in bisibt enrrs Tsur
undent gucd has been br IV, -i -of
Douariaa County, State ( O:-' '
the admimacratoe of tbe .ti uT.
son, deceased. All persona oav it
afainst asud estate are brreby numie i
cnt the amine, duly verified, to tbe ca
at Biddle, DoaxLa. CoaDtT.Oresoo, v
months from tbe date of tiua octice.
Sated this 26Ui day of October. M.
Administrator of tbe estate ei HuiJ a v-Uevt-aacl.
Notice of Final Settlement-
Joaepb Celiera, deeeaaed, has filed her :
account as each administratrix ia the Co
Court of Douglas Coonty, Hlate c Ormms, n
that said Court has at Tuesday, the c
of Janoary, isa, at the .Ml of 111 o'clock at.
said day al the court boose la Eowim'-sr. I .
Us eonnty. 8tate of Orrron, as uut
plaee forth Consideration oi said Snalair ,
and for hearina; objectioDs thereto, a 54
the final aeulement of said esta.e.
Sated this Ath day of No-r amber, ism.
Administratrix of -the estate of ive--
ten ieceaaed. U--.7.
raited States land orce.
Eombcba, Or., Nov. : :
To whom it soar coneera:
ouce is Hereby pren tbat t he Ori
California KailruavX Co. basfilAI ia U, . b '
list of lands situated ia tb toirwh-r .
below, aad has applied tor paieat fc.r
laads; that the list ia ovca to the cibi i,
speciion ad a copy tiwrcot by deaerit.:ve
diYiakins, has beea aasstni in a ;avr.
place in Wis oSiee, lot Uie iowcUi r
persons interested and the public
eoulhof base line aad West of Vi...
ToS, Rl.
Part ol t'. See 2, and part of W'i gcu. 11-
Tii, R.
SW'iSE'iSecSl. ; "
T2.M.I - -
Lota 1 and 2 Sec L ,
Tut, Rt "
Lots l. 2, s and , See. a.
Pil?f Sec 1. od Prt oi SK?i Sec. r.
T29, Si.
Lot i, Sec. LT.
SW? NWiSec.17.
T JK, R 4,
'f'Ji-S. II. 1 1 17, M, 2, J.
27x -2, 30, S3 aad ix
Witlua Use nut sixty days tollowii) i
of this notice, protestaorcsjsOBta a.
claim of tho eompauy to unj tzaet or
ioa within any sedion or paxt of a-1 i
scribed ia (he list, on Use groand tisas tc -
is more Tsioattie for mineral tiian h? a -tural
parposes, will be receiTrd and D w
report to the Ceaenl Land Office at .
tl. -
Notice; .
Orrtan Sr.-".
Laxa (.in a.
BosehonS. Oresosy F-T jg, 1; : .
To wboiu It may concern: T'ft-'
Notice ts hereby giyea that Dva0rre3 A C
toraia Ksilroad CompaBT haa sUnd ia c
a !it of lands sitnatad la the towni: t
acrlbed below, aad has applied for a p '.
said lands; that the lis Is open to the ns . -inspection
and a copy thereof by .-.-.
subaiyUjona, haa beeaf posted in a aa.3,
plaoe in this office lor the isarpeetioa ol i i
sons Interested and to the public seaer -
booth of base line and Bast of V-
etle Meridian. .
Sooth olbaae line and West of Willtaittta
To. i5, H. 4.
Part of S'jSec.3; part of WV Sec. St
SSScc S. and 6?,' SB; Sec .
S'svti Sec. s.
fp 37, R 7.
Within the uext auty dan Ir)Inini is. .'
of this notice, protests or contests asm..; -?
claim of the Company to any tiaet or : v.
ton within aa section or part of sev .aii. l
scribed In the list, on the (round that t .a
is more valuable for mineral than iur a -ural
purpose, will be receiyed and noteu i..r
port to the ln;nerai Land uffic at Wacxii..-
i ;,r.
New and Improved Paaceoger
ment, via 5uut Rocte.
Kew Orleans Express (No. 10) and It,-
cidc Express (No. 9) between SaaFraa
Cisco and El Paso, have been en:pf.l
with free reclining chair cars, Iresb frc n
the shop and in every convenience of ap
pointment equal to the beat In operallc a .
Each car is equipped with 53 roc iiHiX z
chairs, nine of which are in a separa!
emokioz compartment, -Both first as i
tecond-class tickets are accepted for f
aace in these cars. These special con
veniences and the conzenial climax
through which these trains pass mil
doubtless make the Sunset Boots very
popular for travelers this winter.
Shows the state of your feeling! and ths
state of your health as veil. Imoore
blood makes itself apparent ia a Dale and
sallow complexion, pimples and akin
eruptions. If you are feeling weak and
worn ont and do not have a healthy ap-
.w. d ...... .Vnn F I ... ft L. T1
Elixir. It cures all blood diseases wbere
cheap Sarsaparilla and so called partners.
iaii ; anowins tnis, we sell eveyv raCti
on a positive guarantee.
"One Minute Couzh Cuiali. oie best
remedy I ever used for coogbs and colds.
It is unequalled for whooping cocgh.
Children all like it." writes H. N. Wil
liams, Gentrvville. Ind. Never fails.
It is the only harmless remedy that
gives immediate results. Cures cosghs,
colds, hoarsenees, croup, pneumonia,
bronchitis and all throat and lizz trou
ble. Its early use prevents eoLsarnp
tion. A. C. Marsters & Co.