The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 14, 1899, Image 3

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"V i
; i -It"
f TO;
C-tDECEMBER 14. 1899.
Wallace Freyer of Kellogg vu in Roee
barg yesterday.
Attcrtey John Lous went to Myrtle
Cry k on bosioess Uet Toesday.
J. M. Ithrn, fornierly'staUon agent of
the S, P. at Gervias. is ia the city.
Wallace Frier of Kallocg, ia io the i
city shaking hands with friend:.
rixples, eruptions, sweaty bands and
feei are cored by Hadyan. All d.upjribts
J ceat.
A good black, kid gloye can be found at
the Novelty Store for $1.50. It wilt pay
yoa to try oar kid gloves. '
lir. A. S. Simmons, formerly a photo
grapher of Roseburg, came io from
Fcrtitnd Tuesday evening.
The specific remedy for troubles of tbe
blood, kidneys, stomach, liver, is Hood
Sareaparilla, tbe great blood purifiar.
'.Vhen yoa come to Portland remem-
ber and bare yoar testb fixed by D. M.
W, Davis, 163) First St. (j24)
After all otbera fail to give yoa satis
fiirtkn take roar watch to J. T. Bryan
snd be will make it ran for you. (ol4i)
D.F. Fox, deputy internal revenoe
elector, left ThuradayeveninR for Doug
t -Yj.t tj on official business. A6bland
,' .' .:rs.
r.k-a a "squint" as yoa pan by
& Woolley. See tbeir win
. .--play of silver ware and Eastman
L, L. Hard, one of I be Plaxeax.u's
; lends, came ia from Glendale jester
Ci?y and made Ibis office a call daring
tie diy.
A oe $65 C. G. Conn, cornet model
b:o alto horn, bnrnisbe'd' silver, gold
t!r ped, good as new. Only 25 at T. K.
J. LI. Ieham-arrived in Asbland Friday
'-era Hceeburx, and baa gone to work at
r y operator in tbe S. P. dispatcher's
tZcs. Tidings.
The Ladies' Aid Society of tbe M. .
Church bare for tale carpet rags sewed
&wi wound. Call on Mrs. O. F. God
f; f 7 or Mrs. A. C. Marsters. -
FrenrbFement will give a pound
w-iool bouse on Friday eve
r'-g, Dec. ISi 1S99. Tbe proceeds to be
Zizzled to Mrs. J. M. Reeee. Every
b:lv invited. ,
Mrs. E, Churchill, Berlin, Yt., says,
"Our baby was covered with running
cores. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
t -e i ber." A specific or piles and
t'.in diseases. Beware of worthless
o: ..nlerfeits. A. C. Marsie rs & Co.
fill step a cough at any time, and will
r :-n tbe worst cold in twelve hours, or
r ;.aey refunded. 25 cts. and 50 eta.
3 c r file at Rapp's drag store.
I Irs. Lucy Tbarman the colored lady
Michigan, spoke to a well filled
l. :r.5s at tbe Christian church last even
ij; tbe is one of tbe most impressive
t: titers ws have ever beard. She will
; ; . i at ilie same place this evening on
: e work among tbe colored people; yon
should bear ber.
"I Lai dyspepsia fifty-seven years and
r : : foand permanent relief till I need
. . I I Iyspepeia Care, ow I am wel
, ..' :-! Kke a new man," writes S. J.
i ec-icc, Murray. Jieb. It is the bes
.' ct'act known. Cures all ferns of in
u:;"tion. Physicians everywhere prc
cr.oe it, A. C. Marsters & Co.
Bring me something from that very pretty
assortment of ff
Bohemian Ware
at the Novelty. Store. That's what Mothers,
Sisters and Sweethearts are saying. They
know too that we can save old Santa a good
bit ou his numerous presents. Any of tbe
following are good suggestions for presents.
Beautiful Drrj-Pateras,
Best Ki&Gibtetv
Pretty Dressing Sacques,
Capes and Far Collarette,
Bilk Hose Supporters,
Ice Wool Fascinators,
H Ik and Wool Mittens,
Initial and Silk Handkerchief, Shoes
til Mpna' Knit.. ' T.aAiom'
Now's the time
and Here's the Place.
The People's Store; Always the Cheapest.
We specially call your attention to our lines of Linens,
Doilies, Table Scarfs, Etc. The prices are right and will
please you from any point of view. A multitude of good
things for the Holidays in Collarettes, Fancy Skirts, Fas
cinators, Gloves, Etc. Seeing our full assortment is the
only method we know of that will convince you, that you
have made a mistake, in not buying your goods from us
flfTHfmPn? e are showing an elegant line of Holiday Novelties in Neck
wear, Fancy Shirts, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Muf
flers, Fancy Suspenders, Etc., and speaking- about prices,
we are not only as low, but lower than other firms, whose
boast may be that they sell cheap. Goods and prices talk
for us.
Our line of shoes is unsurpassed, we sell and recommend
the well known Douglas Shoes for men, which means ab
solutely the Best. Get into a pair of them and make your
feet glad. Pay us a visit and we promise to show you
more and better values than you will find elsewhere.
I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor
For first class ten;iur- g to
utue ol Oakland.
For fine etioej ask fcr Dr. A. Heed's
cushion shoe, at JosepheooV.
w. v.. arncr one o anemia s uuo -
' j
opec .e oi sua p asuos lor , 4U,
50 and 75 cents per Tard at Josepbson
Bond, tbe watchmaker sells eoectaclea
at lowest prices and can fit them cor
J. W. Kirgcry of oncalla was among
tbe out of town visitors to RoFebnrs
Ileartburn, coated tongue, bad breath,
constipation. Hadtaa cores. All dro
gists, 50 cents.
Yoa will find jast what yoa want in a
pocket knife, out of that last consign-
Pension Examiners. Office. Marsters Ptm" V? l G1?ndle wal ln
building residing corner Dooglaa and!"' and called at tbs
Jackson street.
ur. Isabel .S jdgwick has tow sec o red
- a . i
oaices ana reeiaence at tae &. t. corner
of Cass and Main streers in tbe home ol
Mr. Geo. H. Churchill.
J. B. Clark, Peoria. 111., says, "Sur
geon wanted to operate on me for piles,
bat I cared them with De Witt's Witch
Uai-1 Salve." It is infallible for piles
and skin diseases. Beware of counter
feits. A. C. Marsters & Co.
If yoa overlook ns yon b ave aide
mistake. We are the people yoa are
looking for, we have tbem. Low prices
are at our etore. Rics & Bit i.
House Foroisherp.
Mr. 3. Sheer. Sedalia, Mo., saved his
child's life ly One Minats Cough Care.
Doctors bad givea ber np to die kh
croup. Ii's an infallible care for coughs,
colds, grippe, pneamonia, bronchitis and
throat and long trouble. Relieves at
once. A. C. UatBtera & Co.
Miss Susie Ceckley eame in from
Drain on the local Monday evening and
stepped over to visit friends in the city.
She intends going Ob to Ashland today,
where she will spend lbs winter with
ber sister, Mrs. Mattoon.
It takes but a minote to overcome
Uckliog in tbe throat and to stop a
cocgb by the oseof One Minute Coaith
Care. This remedy qaickly cares all
forms of throat and long troubles.
Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre
vents consumption. A famous specific
for grippe and its after effects. A. C.
Marsters & Co.
sick headache, indigestion and constipa
sion. A delightful berb drink. Re
moves all eruptions of the skin, produc
ing a perfect complexion, or money re
funded. 25cts. and 50 cts. 31. F. Rapp,
Just Received. A large line of string
instruments, violins, mandolins, guitars,
banjos, also a large stock of smaller in
struments. Violins from 4 op. Mando
lins from 7 np. Accordions $2 to $10.
Other instruments in propsrtion. Great
value in theee instruments. See them
at T. KL. Richardson's.
Rey. B. Men of Saginaw, Mich., has
bought the E. D. Handy farm at Cleye
land and will soon come on and occupy
it. Rev. Men has been connected with
a German Lutheran college for 12 years,
and will have charge of the religions and
educational interests of bis charch ln
this part of Orpgon. The fact tbat be
has cboten Douglas coauty for his borne
will no doabt be tbe means of bringiog
many of bis people to this county. We
are glad to welcome the reverend gentle
man among as.
Umbrellas and Mackintoshes,
Parses, Large Assortment,
Rhinestonelflap be,
Glove, NeckiiS end Handkerchief Iiox 8
Dolls, Tea bets and Toys,
' Perfumes and Toilet Articles,
fancy bboes,
for all feet.
A fine Hoe of spray pemps at Chnrch.
; iu oolley V
j Price reduced on Winchester rifles at
i Cbnrcbill & Woolly V.
; w.nted-To purchase a good pantber
sun. Enquire at this office,
Baiou, beadacbe, yellow skin, coated
j t0DgQe fevete j u
Fifty cent.
bpecial sale cf children's scarlet all-
wool underwear for 35 cents per jrarment,
at Joeepneon'.
capt. JJa-ters took the northbound
train Toeaday morning for Eugene and
ottier points north.
Tbe Edenbower ecLo.I will five an en
lenainment Hay evening, Dec. 15th.
Admission Id ret t-.
citner cliictens or tarkeva cjh be
batched in a Petelaaia Incubator,
1 them at Churchill & Woolley'e
i office for a chit
with the Plaixdealeb
I man.
Do yoa know a bargain when yoa cee
it? They are looking yoa straight in
the eyea when yoa are io oor store.
Rice & Rica.
Jaets-e ite money yoa could have
made if yoa had boagbt an incubator
last season. Talk with Ch archill A
Rev. Towneend, of this city went to
dtants Pass Monday evening to help in
stall Rev. Hayes us pastor of tbe Presbj"
terian church at tbat place.
DaWitfs Little Earlv Risers uurifv
the Mood, c!sn the liver, invigorate
the system. Fjoijus little pilis for con
stipation ana liver troubles. A. C
Mareters A. Co.
Winter, which has bren eiJotraoke 1
somewhere for a month, came down on
os this mornirg unheralded and ocen
noanced ushered in by quite a fall of
warm, wet sncw.
Mise Anni E. Gannij;, Tyre, Mich.,
says, "I suffered a long time from dye
pepsis ; lost flesh and became very reak
Kodol uyspepsia Car completely cured
roe." It digests what yoa eat and cures
all forma of stomach trouble. It never
fails to give immediate relief in tbe
worst cases. A. C. Marsters & Co.
We desire to express oar gratitude and
thanks to the friends wbo so willingly
and kindly rendered tbeir assistance at
the time of the illness and death of oar
child. Tbss ministrations will not soon
be forgotten. F. Aetuvk, Abtiicb.
"I was nearly dead with dyspepsia,
tried doctors, yisited mi neral springs,
and grew worse. lose J Kodol Dveyep
sitCare. That cared me." It digests
what yoa eat. Cares indigestion, soar
stomach, heartburn and all forms o
dyspepsia. A. C. Msrsters & Co.,
Cbas. Beckley, of Elk too, passed
through Taecday morning on freight No.
221 with several carloads of bogs for
8an Francisco. Ibis is abont tbe last of
aa unusually heavy shipment of bogs
rom Douglas county. The boys have
been rustling this fall and winter.
are sold on a positive guarantee. Cares
heart-barn, raising of tbe food, distress
after eating or any form of dyspepsia.
One little tablet gives immediate relie f
25 cts. and 50 cts. For sale at M. F
Rapp's drug store.
Wood Choppers Wanted.
Near tunnel 7, six miles north of Glen
dale. Will psy f 1.15 per cord, cash.
All winter job. Address or apply to
Cuas. Feikeet,
Glendale, Or.
. rntt.
A Half Dollar in your
hand is worth saving.
Guess on Gold Watch
with every Dollar
Men's Hats or Neckwear,
Ladies' Dog Collar Beits,
Men's Fancy Dress Shirts,
Boys and Mens Sweaters,
Jewelry tbat we can guarantee, and at very
iteasonauie l rices,
. F. Young, tf Roeebo
fcrkins. Oregonian.
A big reduction in Eastma
at Cbutcbill & Woolloy'a.
The U. R. Dancing Gob will giv a
grand Xtuas ball, December 25, 1893.
Stephen LaRaut of Garden va lley was
among the lloseburg visitors Tuesday.
Trof. S. J. Biiloy has closed a very
tucceseful term of school In the Dyer
There will be a grand Xmaa ball give i
by the E. R. Dancing CluK, Decemler
25, 1809.
Sick headache, fullness iu stouiaitt ,
pain in bowels. Hudran cures. All
dru?ia!a,50 cents.
Mrs. Iri U. Riddle, of R teaburg, is in
Tcrtland, to remain nntil after tbe boli
dajs Telegr,iiii
Ld:es, if y u are looking for white cr
colored laflV.u uilr, you'll fiud a ii.ctj Hue
here. Novelty Store.
Wautc-I Tbe addresi of some oce
convenient to Rosebarg, who will dress
bear 6kms for rugs. Notify Ibis cilice.
Elder D. T. Samiiwrville held the
first quarterly conference fur the M. E.
church nt Myrtle Creek last Sa'urJav
and Sunday.
W. L. Cobb und family arried Friday
iroru D.ilard, tj vitit tho former's
brothers, wbo are students at tho Nor
mal. Asbland Tidings.
Lieut. .., cfconipar.v B,
Second Oregon, stopped off Iu Eugene
today for a short visit. He is enroute
from bis borne at Uoeebarg to Portland.
Eagene (uard.
A hveiy little fl-.irry of nr-w put in its
appearance Saturday afte-n n, th Qni
ofthaseasou. Frilay cwoiij, i ;o
a depth of seven inches whs rep ntudi
Sukiyoa. Tidings.
II. T. McCIallao, of Koeebor,:, came
up rom Jacksonville todav, and ail!
spend a day or two herein tbe
of the Native Sons of Oregon, orginizt
Uon at JackOavil e, and the migaxics
the "Nstiva Son," Tidings
1). F. Fox, depa'y internal revenue.
collec:or, of Ashland, swooped yarns w:th
the Pi-iLSDEAijEB editor, at this office!
Tuesday. Bro. Fox reports more water in
Jarkson county thai for many years, at
this season of the year, and that the
miners are therefore happy
StJtioi Agent Geo. Estes wi 1 leave in
few day j on sn extended trip, and will
be goae several we ekr. Daring bis ab
sence be ia his official rapacity as
president of the O. It. T., meet the tffi
cialaoftbe A;lant:c yit;m at New Or
leans for a conference oa matters relat
iog t? the orgaouation of which te is He
John W. Frater cf Eitoo, Colorado,
nephtw of Postmaster W. A Frator,
came in hundiy to vtit Lis uncle's
f-mily. Mr. Frater lives ia tbe great
potato growing ;or;ioo of Cooraa, ad
like most persoos in that o't oi the
state he thir k: tt.ey erov the fir.e t po
tatoes ia ttie wcr! !. Wi iio i.4 our
bisatiestioa ai cai'cd 'osii p.tiVx;,
which averaged ia weight ibrce pounds
each or IS pads for tl.e t He ad
mitted that they were about as fine t
ever saw, but expressed lu opicion
that they re the only noes of tliiii size
be found ii the ouaty, ual woea
openel a two-baehel sack full snd
dumped theui oat oa the floor ia front cf
iiu h's eyes tluck out as birf s tbe po-
tatoesand behad to admit tbat they were
little tba best lot of sends ha ever Ban J
Tbe potatoes ia question were grown by
K. Melroee, and had just
been brought ia by him.
II. D. Martin of Wolf Creek is visiting
his ;
latber.UoI. W. J. liar tin at G!cn-
Born, at the faoiiiy residence near
jlendale December 4 lt9t', to Mr. and
re. Charles LUogherty a daughter.
Born, at the family residence near
lend&Ie, December 4 IS'J'J, to Mr. and
rs. Cbarlei T. Nail, a son.
E. A. Jones, business manager tf tbe
Reuben mines, who went to Port-
seeking medical aid has returned
much improved in hea th.
G. W. Kearas acd A. Roeenbauiu
pfomicent bus:n:sj niea of Wolf Creek
itited Glendale lat week.
Tbe various mines tf this lccality are
running day snd night aud tbe pros
for an excellent winter run is evi
; the most noted mine being tbe
Albany Group, owned by Senator Jones
Nevada, and managed by R. A. Jones
Glendale. Tbe next is tbe A. B. C.
owned by Addison Camp & Co.,
mauaged by Col. S. W. Blaisdell ;
third ia tbe Doaglas owned by Perry
inkle of Skagway, Alaska and man-
by J. L. Dewey of Glendale.
ile there are miny other mines in
section, tbe output of gold from
three mines alone, would make
tbe best shipping point in Southern
Oregon for supplies etc., and tbe people
Giendale are j istly proud of tbeir
sy littla town.
Mort Perry of tbe Vindicator Mine on
vet Grave Creek, is a guest at the
iuer'a Home; be reports mining in bis
ou as booming.
Hotel Glendale, M. J. KeoneJy, pro
prietor, is crowded with gaeets at.d they
cannot entertain all bo have called
ring the past week; although the new
building erected last summer gave tbem
more than twice tbe room they bad a
year aito; wo are informed that another
large addiiiuu to this hotel ia to be built
at ouce.
Mrs. F. A. Dcckhorn, of the Miner's
Home, is having a large run of custom
at ber ptpular hotel.
Rev. D. T. Sumuicrvilie, presiding
elder for this district is at Glendale,
look iog after church matters.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. rotten of Gleuellcn
spent some days last week on Days
creek visiting their daughter and family,
Mrs. E. J. Uassctt.
Henry Holgate lately of Portland, wbo
has bought out tbe lu tiering hue Lines
in this place has bla miwket fixed
np in an excellent mantnr, and keeps
on hand the best meats of all kiuds and
is doing a good busimts. Ho wel de
serves tbe pitronage ho Is rocoiving.
James CI mens, artist, hns
hi rooms nicely fitted np, aud is doing
well; be also keeps a confectionary
store in connection with his bminees,
Mrs. Hardy Eliif, Mrs. A. P. Langen
bergandMrs. F. O. Plotner, went to
Canyonvllle last week to visit Mr. and
Mrs. J, L. ClouKh.
Commencing with November
cash purchase, a chance at f hp K
- - vUv.vV pii(V, vmcii we win ofive
to the person holding the lucky number. The drawW will
take place on Jan. ist, 1900.
Our prices on -a,
Ladies' and Men's furnishings, Millinery, Boots, Shoes and Hats
Are right, as are those in our other departments, and inspec
tion will convince you that w emean what we say. Mail ord
ers promptly filled. Send for samples.
301 ana 303 jacKson bt.
Good Service, Good Goods, and Good Prices
During the Holidays?
Have us call twice or three times a week for your
orders, if you arc within the city limits.
Drop us a postal card or 'Phone 201.
Call in and see our Fancy Decorated
Havil acdChinaand other China Ware.
J. F.
rom a Pastor
1 am the paror of xhe Earnist Churrh at
Port Jcrris, N. Y.. and sometime am called
upon to taze part in evangelistic vrk a ay
from home. Not long
ago I vent to Sandy
Creek. X. Y wbk-h ia
reept by tl.o damp
winds from Lake On
tario. Here I contractei
a bad cough, and be
came so hoarse that I
could hardly
hoard of Ark-
er s Engurh lmcrty ana, after service. I
bought a bottle and began taking it. The ocxt
night my throat was nearly well, and I deliv
ered my sermon without difficulty. In a few
days I was thoroughly cored. I conceive it to
wnij duty to benefit mankind physically as
well as spiritually whenever I can. ami am
glad to write these wols ia praise of this
grand old medicine. Those with sensitive
throats and those w bocatcb cold easH v should
certainly take Acker's English Remedy."
(Signed) Ker. Ezka Tesbt Satosd.
Sold at 2c. cae. and CI a bottle. UmMMtnrft tlw. rmbj
euti-aand CaaatU; aad ta 1 SU..a.kU
a.d. If Ti art otasUiOrd Air bur!n. ruia Uk
ouie to jor drufcat aad gei your oauorj hKi.
V. U. UWKLR dr CO.. PnQ.'rutvn, .Vf IVi.
For sale by M. F. Rapp,
The Ladles Aid SxUy will bold a
charch fair and military baxaar, in the
Edsnbower school hoose, Tuesday, Dec.
19, 1899. Doors open at I p. m. and
continuing open all afteroeon and even
ing. Military dinner and lunch will be
served; menu baked beaos, brown bread
and coffee, pie and cheese. Bazaar,
fancy snd OBefal articles suitable for
domestic purposes, chrietmas presents
and etc. Proceeds to famish tbe (new)
Bethany M. E. charch. Come one and
all, and help us in this good caoee.
Prices reasonable.
Mhs. Lucy Owen,
Pi evident.
1 Vh
VI congregation.
VI i J It was not only
P"" J I bodily sense,
I I but extremely
f 1 cmhamsdi!gto
I enter the pulpit
f fi ( in this contii-
KJ L I 1 tion. I bad
That is whyjour business Las more than
thribbled inthe past year. We started
with the belief that a pleased customer
would be our best . advertisement aud
such has proved to be the case.
Agents for the Salem Woolen Mills Tailor
Clothing aud McCalls Bazar Patterns.
in Cash
Given Away.
Dj uU fir(rl tbe btzaar, which tbe
latiics cf the Christian church will open
next Friday at 10 a. m., Dao. 15:b.
They will have an elaborate display of
articles euiahl j for Chtisttroj presents,
cccsistioutt dolle, pii'owf, fancy work
anJ nortl'lcs cf all kind.
A hot thicken sapper wiil be served
from 5 until 7 p. ni. for "o cents. Lancn
the entire eTtDing 10 cis.
A serial entcrtaituent wiil be provid
ed. Ai'missi-ju free.
fniled States Land Ofl-ee,
KosjBi-Ktt, tr., Nov. 2, ls9v.
To m hoiu it icav conevrn:
So;!o U hi-rvliT invru iht tiieOnfon and
California Uailnad Co. tu fi!eci in Ultsofice a
lut of laiil fitualtd in tUe townthiria detenbrd
la-low, ani his appUvd for a patent for (aid
lantit; that the lift ern to the pab!ic Kir in-p-uon
ml a eopy thereof br dcacri;liv ub
Oiruiotu, ha been posted In a convenient
place in thla ofTire, Utr tbe inspection ot all
perxiiu inieresUfi and the pub.ic reneTallv
Ku;ho! base Lnearni W'm of Willamette
T S6. K 1.
SW'i NK'i.SecJ..
T Si. H i.
T j;. a i
Lou 1 and 2 Sec, I.
T I", R 4.
Lt 1, 2, 3 and 1, S.-C. i.
'';. Seel.
T & R 1
tots! st i;.
TS,R 6.
Tis Be.
kl-0i?-Ji- i- 1S 1T-1?-.
!, jl, S3 and S.
Within tbe util Mxlydayk following the date
of thin notice, protiiii-or rontwtg aeaint the
claim of the cumpativ to any tract or subdivis
ion within anv section or part of
cribvd in ihelivt.on thonround that the same
ia more valaau?e for miueiai than for agricul
tural purposes, will be received and noted lor
report to the Ueucral laud Ofliee at Washing
ton, D. C.
J. H. Booth,
n.Vtli) Receiver,
"One Minute Cjuijh Core is the best
remedy I ever ORed for coughs and colds.
It is unequalled for whooping coimh.
Children all like it," writes If. N. Wil
liams, Genlryville, Ind. Sever (ails.
It i? tbe only harmless remedy that
gives immediate results. Cares coughs,
colds, hoarsenefs, croup, pneamonia,
brouchi'ia and all throat and luug trou
ble?. I's early um prevents confump
tiou. A. C. Marsters & Co.
Ml lit
- i ni,
ist, we will give with each $i oo
co nn nrtrrtx rUiU ' .n .
Rosehurrr n
executive txPAanmrr.
Salmi, November 21, 1809.
In accordance with tbe provisions of an
set entitled ? An act submitting to tbe
electors of the State of Orejpnat tbe gen
eral election to be held on the first Mon
day in Jane, 1900, the pending proposed
constitutional amendments," approved
Feonury 18, 1899, 1, T. T. Geer. Gover
nor of tbe State of Oregon, do hereby
cause tbe following proposed amend
ments to the constitution of the State of
Oregon, as certified to by the Secretary
of State, to be published for fire consec
utive weeks in "Tae EtMeburg Plxki
dbalsh," a newspaper published in tbe
becend Judicial District of the State of
Done at tfce Capitol,
-.SEAL'- S2. Oregon, this
, twenty-first day of Nov-
ember. A. D. 1899.
By the Governor : Governor.
F. I. Dvxbak,
Secretary of State.
Be it reolved by the Senate, the
Uouee concurring. That the "following
ameedment to the Constitcticn vt the
State of Oregon be and is hereby pro
posed: "Tbat Section 10 of Article XI of tbe
Cocstitotion of tbe State of Oregon be
and the eame ;a hereby abrogated aod io
lieu thereof Section 10 of Article XI shall
be as follows:
Akiilk XI.
"Section 10. No county, citv. town
school district or iher municipal corpo
ration shall be oUowed to become in
debted in any manner or for any purpoea
to aa amount including present existing
indebtedness in the aggregate exreetling
five per centum on the vilae r.f th tax
able property thereiu lu be ascertained
by tbe last assessment for Sta: and
Ccunty taxes previous io tbe iccarricg
of each indebtedness.
"Adopted by the &?nata Jan. 30, 1393.
C. V. Fcltox.
Preeidfct cf the Senate.
"Concurred in by tbe Iloue Feb. 2,
y. p. kedy,
Speaker cf the House.
"Adopted or the Senate Jan" 31, 1S95.
Joseph ElMOX,
Preeident cf tbe Senate.
"Concurred in by the House Feb. 4,
Chas. B. Mooass,
Speaker of the II oue.
Be it resolved by the Senate, tie
House concurring: Tbat the following
amendment to the constitution of the
Siate of Oregon, in lieu of Section Ten
of Article Seven (7) be and the same is
hereby proposed, to wit :
"Sbctios 10.
"Tbe Legislative Assembly may pro
vide for tbe election of Supreme and Cir
coit.Jadxcs in distinc: classes, one of
which rUsses shall coosiat of five Jus
tices of the Supreme Court, who shall
not perform circuit doty; and tl other
cits) shall c insist of as many Circuit
Judges aa my be deemed recess ry,
who (hall hold full terms without allot
ment, and wbo shall take the same outh
aa the Supreme Jude?.
'The Legislative Assembly may create
as many Citcuits as may hi ncce ary.
"Adopted by the Senate Feb. 15 1S93.
C. W. Fl LTO.N,
President vf tbe Senate.'
' Concurred in by the Ilouw rl. 15,
W. P. Ksadv,
Rpodker cf the House.
"Adopttd by the ?eute Ju. 31, 1S03
Jostrii imos,
President of th Senate.
"Concurred in bv the Heine Feb. 6,
Chas. B. Moohks,
Spenker of the Hvrse."
Uco!vd by the Housr, tw S-nte
co lurrinjr: Tim1 ; t fjll! ,:.) niut i..!
mcnttttlie Cv.'iiBiiii:'u,'i ol t!;-S'at ,.(
'Ireful! r, and hereby is 'mim.,.-! ;
"That the Coiistitnlioii i h hthI.! i l
.id'liutc Article 19 a f'jlluw:, to-wi' :
htki k six
"Section t. The rewfSArv tu
lands lot the ronttnu tion of ris; rv.itrt. r
storage tiavins fur the purport- I irr -or
for riuhts of war lt the coi pttuclii
of canals, ditches, fluaies cr I ijis ti con
vey water to ll o place of use far ny nsi
ful, beueficial, or necessao purpose, r
for drainage or for Jramao f
mines or the workings there
of, by means of loads, milrotd.
tramwayB, cuts, tunnels, chaft, bis!i:i):
works, dump or othtr necew-ary maus
to tbsir complete development or any
xhetase necessary ta tbe oap ef
the State or preservari.v, 0f ib. healfli 0f
spubhenseand .ject to tbe j,.
tion and contrcl of the St.te.
lbs .nappwprutej w.t6r cf BAtara,
stream to beneficial oaes ahallMrerb
"Section 3. The use of all waters now
PproFriated for aa!e, rental or distribu
tion. ., of miten ori .
pmted for private n, but which, after
such appropriation, bas heretofore been
or nr hereafter be sold, rented ordia
tributed, L, herehy declared to be a pan
ne oe cd sat ject o the retralaUon and
coctrom ,,. Suu ja (b, OUM
fcr:bcd ty I. B5t h f
ad appropriate soch waters shall be
aafcject to soch provision! of law lor tbe
tsfangof private property for public or
private ore . p,c,ided ia Sectioo IS, Ar
ticle 1, of the Coo6tiiu!in of the Stats of
'Section 4. Toe r-ght to collect Ux
ea or colo ;.,,ti fcr the ass of water
applied to any county, city, town or
water d.strk t or inbabiUnts tLsreof, ia a
frarchiee. snd carnot be exercised ex
pt by aothoii.y of and in a manner
prescribed ty Jaw.
"AJopted by tbe Hoaee Feb. 15, ISM.
(Syned Ujrch 7, 1893.)
W. P. Ktjjy.
Spesker ol the Hoose.
"d...p:ed by th Senate Feb. 17, 1893
(Sirred Mirch 2S, 1S93.)
President of the Senate.
. "Adopted oy the Hoasa Feb. 6. 1895.
Chas. B. Mooass,
Spak'r cf tbe Hooe.
"ConcnrrvJ w by tb Senate Feb. 13
Joskpu Smos,
President of tbe Senate.
i .'opjeia? an amendment to the C
asKoTunoltheSutoof Oregon by
fx-aiin aecwoo 35 cf Article 1.
"Roived by the House, the Snte
cjavoiring: That Sectioo 35, of Article
1 cf the Conxtitutioa be and bnbv ia
"Adcpted by the Hooee Jn. 11, 1893.
W. P. Kkabt.
speaker if tbe Hoaee.
'Concurred ia by the Senate Jan. 30
C. TV. Fcltux.
President the Sinale.
"Adopted t the Houee Jao. JJ, 1S95.
CuisE. Vowtj,
Speaker oi the Hoose,
C..irn d ia by the S- n.-ife Feb. 12.
JoMrii Sctox,
President of i;ie Senate.
Be it reaoived by the Senate, tbe
House CDncuiring: lbt the following
amf"ln:eutto;be Coosiitutioa of tbe
State ol Orejfui b anJ i hereby pro
posed :
"Tne elective fraccliiaj i:i this State
shall cot hervaiter be r-iobi-iired to
citizen on account of nx.
"Adopted by th Secata Feb. a, 1395.
Joscrit Sisijs, .
t'reviJout oi t;-.o ,Suate.
"AJopted by t;ie Hoae Feb G. JS95.
Chas. B. Mooks,
Speaker tf the
"Adopted by i.e Sen. te Jan. 31, 1899.
T. C. Taylor.
J'rriMiieHS Cif the Sehf te.
"Ad p ed l y trH ms-Jjn.31. 1399.
K. V. Caktek,
S,e k'i f the Houfe.
ST. VI i;:l DkEGOX, OtSce oiiiwere
l.y i e. !, F. I. DUNBAR. fec
ict. ry ..i S :e .( t!:e Stte o.' Oregon,
an -ICu-t-xiian the St-M , fid Slate,
do heicby tvrtity hat I tn.vj compared
fh f r-cetdttitf owjy of Sen I'e Joint
Resolution N.. 4. ot the Legislative
Ass-.iiit.iy f is;3, "Mnnicipnl Indebt-el;n-
A ve: -Sum nr Senate Joitt
Uescln't N . IS if the UgisUtive 'S. a. "Judicury Aoieotl
uiei t;' il l . Keiolnlh-n No. id
f t! I. ,.irl.:ivi Assembly 0( 93
' Ini.ti ! Atm- .!!i.iut;"Hcu?t Joint
Resobi.-oi. N... . i tbe Lej:i- lative Aa
ti.ii.t.v,.i S3. -UVp-aUmi Annf- '
inei.i, i .-n i,. joii-.i Kn.iition
N . Tottlie I.-ki-! h AssemMy of
ISiio. "Eq ;.l Sfff.. ce-. ttn-"iu,-
wi lt niir jiiat eupk-s iw t,u filrf in Ihi-t
ttir. and Hint th H,mu ie h vyKrc.
WuiisoH't therefrom HnJ the whola
t ' - Itrcunto 8l my Hand
'sFl' and arlixed heieto tbe
C " sa- of thu State of
' Or- to j.
thn at the Capiloi, at Sal. m, Oregon,
tbi i'hiid tUv o( Npvoaiber, A. D., lsw.
. ' F. I. DUNBAR,
. ' Secretary cf Sta.