WW TKH n A N DEALER ratti-ae. .-u4Taaisday. IT) riausBEA - . ishixq ou. . rnUTFOli)-. ... ,utorearabllsarr bscription Rate. fa Year. B 00 3 00 jf tlx Eoataa . tare .ton ths. DECEMBER 14. 185)3 firyaa will prepare himself for nest year's campaign by talking against ealUopt for two or three week in Cali fornia. It it claimed cine prosperity track the country the (rodders of Hlrtr aiess uree thirtr fonr inchw around l?r it hand. The revenues of the United Srate for Koveoober exceeded the expenditures 16.000,000. RepuUiimn tUMoee ineth ads of running the country are euccesa In!, whether too like tbera or nut. The tobacco trust ha raised the price of plug four centa a pound. If you don't like it yon can offer a resolution do-j honnciDg the trusts, hot a better' plan '-would be to chew long-green or masticate lata tobacco. The prica of quicksilver ia op again. There are plenty of nndevelued mine in Soothern Ore-row, in D-siitras and Lena counties. Enough quicksilver in the hills out there to supply the aorld'e A etna ml. Statesoian. The one candle-power editor of lbs Review, insists that the editor of this paper sometime, somewhere was a pop. Well that's all rixbt. Charley. Wise Buen change their winds, loots never do. Yoor beet friend have uo hopes that yon wilt ever change your mi: d. .Sow the Pbilirri'" isind will be fiv es a forernmeD' '"deftvipg its just pow ers from the confer. t of the governed." It was first neceeswrv to have the wild inhabitants come to order thai we may cava a clear idea as o ht kind of a government tbe natives wi'l consent to. It is at idle b-iast tc sy th t- America j is the storebons of the w-rld. The Csar Las bsea picking up horses ia our markets, muta are etiil nei. g shipped to the Tianrvaal country snd a later con signment to S-ioth Atrici is a shipment of 300 American wajr na w. ch will be seed in haolicg British supplies. Bryan has invented (00.000 of bis profits in U. S. government bonds. If on could gain access .to these partial la r bonds he won', I, of conrse, find plainly written acmes the back of each one of tharo in red ink a record of gUr. Bryan's williogDeea to accept psyment of both priocipaJ and intereet io any kind of old dollars tbt may be aboot as good as Utxlcan dollars. Mr. Bamoel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Ll-or mads an iAteresting statement before the indas .trial commission laet wek, in view of the talk about trut legislation at the cosaing aeeston of congress, lie sid that the organisttioa tie repreaented aid sot desire any legislation agaion trosta, bersose it waa nut certain at thia time whether Uiey were tnetk-ul or injarioos te the wage-earoer of the ou- try. "2Soma of our old-time popuKet ciiizena w!io need to begin teaeiug the iold dragon in the tuoraiog. and eo-l the day by Mepping on the tentacle of the octo pus el plutocracy, bare show a slgcs this year of a desire to ecoow productive members of the oooiuanity. A notable example is Ira Wakefield, the populist Nestor of Jackson county, whi is said to tte preparing to pat op a sawmill in that county.-Oreguoian. Wakefield waa a middle-of-tbe-roader last election and repreeeots that faction el the party bow as i's organizer in Ore gon. His salary frjaj thetgold standsrd republican managers ought to explain bis Coaucial advancement, lie ia cer tainly an example of g M atindatd proe pity." The above nncailI ftr ao 1 a'.aoderous attack on one of the oiost hnnorab'e ciii sns of Jackson county is taken from the columns of the Eueeburg Review. It bows cooclosively Low the democrats krvs tbeir popoKs: brt-thren. Ashland Tidings. BINGER HERflANN. A Washington corresix-ndent of the Eogene Register lias the following to say in regard to Hon. Binger Hermann: "We looked in Vudy upon lbs commis sioner r( the general land office and toand him the s&tiie genial, generous bearted Bingr Hermann ai of old. He grinds out a big grist of public business tjsch day and seems to thrive upon it, aVd ia always ready to d? a kind t iro for his Oregon friends whenever calied upon." BETWEEN THE IEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA. IUre:ly a-.naaing t n way t'te Pop papers are Houi dering aiound between the devil and tbe deep sea, on tbe prosperity question. Take last Monday's issue of the Review as an illustration. Tbe first thing o i iis editorial page was a frantic appeal to the voters to get to gether in regon, fn as it were, to Save tbe country from otter ruiu at -the bands of the gold oluarcby, which, it claims, is opprawipg the people, and grinding tbe fau of the poor. In tin same coluoio thin pi-er 'toasts that ita business daring Hie present yer has beeo the bet io its history, and that its collections have t-eeu I'O per cent better than ever before. In the same tiaper ap pears s statement t tbe condition of the First National Bitik, of Koeeburg, ehow iug that the people of l)-uKl(s county hsve on depoeit in that bank alone, more than $300,030. Aud yet. those whining, beily-acbiog hypocrites, prate aboot the oppression of tbe people by the trusts and tbe money power, and in- j sist that tbe voters must "fuee," and go, contract. The court holds that the in baek t Peoooyerietu and crankism in struction como'ainfd ot was error, and rder that we may tiave rotkI limes in j the cane is rpyenied and remanded for a Oregon. new trial. FROM GOVERNOR GEER. He Denies the Plummer Receipt in Strong Language Says He Would Make It Stronger It He Knew How. Tue folloninn article, wiiicli appeared in lat week's inut- of the Scoot, iub- liliM iu Union county, Governor (Jeer's ulil Iti ine, i lit to .alisfy the bluck-guaida who h-ve I t-en demaDiliu that li jret ioti pit, in r r 1 l tha alleged Pi urn rjjer reoeip s: Salem, Oregon, Deo. 5, lf'JJ. W. 11. McComas, Eq Union, Oregon. My lr St: Yoor nrgi-ut nquet, hi a rweut i-ue uf lbs Scout, for a word Iron u.e regarding the alleged "leciipt," for the sale cf an office, under tlii ad uiiiiHrUjo, lias reached roi, and, coat ing as it do.r-, frjrn ivy iioylioo.l home, aiier-i my frieuds are uot t-early limited by poll ical lines, has persuaded tu to change .my uiiad and do wli&t pulilic men Cannot ami need not often do that is take notice of calumnies that lew ( them ever escape.. Allow me, therefor, to ray there is uo Unrig atmtevtr, iu tlie'rottsipi" you re fer to. Tt.eio u not lor the very good re&toii thai thtie id no eoch teeeijt nor ever was. In o:her words, 1 aiu not a tltiik fool, and a as never before accused of being one. No man has in bis pos seeeiau, nor ever tied an agreement to appoint him to ai y kind of ollice any kind -of consideration, signed by tue What a man, who boaaliogly advertises himself a a successful briber, may do iu the wkv vl torgery, I do do not koow. That belos to a epeies of dirty politics Ua I hive been a streamer to, and hive no time for now. Most disappoiuted oflice m-ekers are houorable men, who understand the dif ficulties of the appointing iwwer, but there is uuth"u:g to prevent lbs ljweet cla- of men (rooi applying, alo. and it iatbe duy of tlioje io pjwor, to te?p thetu out litis has eea d ine, hence the bogus receipt and vigorous eqaeal. If iheuiau who fiaes his on place in the public ef;iuialLu b parading him self a a b-iWr in order to inj ira the man alio protected Ui public st-rvke by keeping hiiu i ut. we in Hie olfi then the public miubt, well c-xitvtnd. Bit a ietft"cUy honett and ct.uine-'ent ,a .snpermwn tent o: me pa--i.cn- tiary. The written agreement to 'which you ref.r, is a UbrlcUion mch cinmoy e- etrncii on that it bears its rrfu'.a'.ion from every ioit of c-jusiJeratioa. To heliere such a thing true would impeach my intelligence quit as much as my integrity. In 'he first pUce, il a man would sign suth an agreement and ac cept a sum of money, he would very naturallv so ahead and make the ap pointment. X j man cm b-? fouad whose iugenuiiy could aaign a reson why a dishonest governor should not jimp at the chance to appMn j Jt such a man as the ooe ooder consideration, specially if there was a sum of money to be made by it. There would bo the peciniary profit the rirprint' no of the transaction, and the ww . i-r f nrswervingloyaltv of and constiut in ststance by him that the governor was the mot admirable man to be found in the state. I had the opportunity to exchange the appointment for debt that I owe but refused, and instead appointed an honest man, wham everybody knows it ti3 poor to Lave paid a dollar for the of fice, i- he bad been disposed. In doirg this I supposed I bad d jae a creJ itable thing, and if I have a supporter ia the aiat mho thinks I should bavs done otherwise, I confess be has a right to be disappointed. If there u inch a paper in existence, as the 'one mentioned, it i aa huut and malicioas a forrerr as war ever uttered. I would nee stronger lan guage if I knew bow. If there is a man in the eUte of Oregon who believes that I have been knave enough to sell my ambition, my a It-res pect and the good name of myself and children, and stupid enoogb to eigu my name to a bill of sals, snd fool enough, having signed the contract and received lbs money, to not make the appoint ment, as the only weans 6f covering op such a transaction or idiot enough to re turn the money without getting back the bUlofeale, tbe lines are not written for him, for bis opinion is wholly w itti out value. I do not expect '.he poliiica support of those who differ from me on nnlitical oaesiions. but I do crave and prize above all things else, the respec and esteem of all datens of my fellow eitizsna. I have been Veiy careful as to the fitness of every turn appointed to of' tk-e and r this administration, but trust I am not 1 1 be held reej-oosirile for some I bsve kept out. I am giving direct attention to every detail of the duties of tbe high oibc Io which I have been elected, snd I do not believe any just complaint c in be found anywhere. I have do other public am bition than to give the people of Oregon a clean snd successful business admioii (ration, ably aided as I have been by my aasociates, and I am glad to 8-e that, as a role, even tue democratic paper., in eluding your own, have beeu disposed, not only io this matter, but io all others, to be impartial and courteous. You may give this letter whatever pub- llicity yoa see fit. Sincerely your old friend, T.T.Gbek. The supreme court has banded down the following decision in tbe case oi Asron Rose, plaintiff and respondent vs. Hymau Wollenoe.g, dWendent and ap pelant, appeal from Douglas county, Hon.J. C. Fullerton jadne; reversed and remanded for new trial. Opinion J bv Aiwociate Jnetice K. S. Bi?an. Plaint iff and defendant in necau.0 sureties on tbe otlicial bond t f V. L. Arrington, treasurer of Douglas county. Arrington defaulted in tbe sum of $22,t"J0, which urn the sureties wert? compelld to pay in equal part. 1'iaiutitf brought Ibis action to recover f 4 ,003."), alleciog that at the time of the execution of tl.e Ixn.l i' was agreed that plaintiff should be liable lor oi--tbird, and defendaut for lao-ttiifds of tbe bond. l)efei!ait deiiicil toe contract and tbe trial reeult e.i in a ju lument for the plaintiff fur the amo'int trayed for when defendant ap taUd. the court having iottrue'ed the j'iry tliat, aitbout an express contract, au uoderstaridinz lietween the enreiirs t tbe etfect tha: plaintiff siionld he liable for oue-third of the bond only, W,UM m autfi.'ient proof cf a i im plied TAYLOR INAUGURATED Kentucky Has a Republican Gov ernor In Office. His Aim Will Be to Secure Repeal of the Present Election Law of the State. Fkankfokt, Ky Dec. 12. William t. Taylor waa inaugurated as governor to- j day. The crowd was much smaller than iu past yean, due to a December Mir.- iii J. The inaugural ceremonies were simple. Hetiring Governor Bradley, in1 his speech, said that he hoped that the Goebel election.'iaw, which had brought so much turmoil to the state, would be wiped frum the staUte books. Gover nor EUct I'ajl-jr, in his inaugural ad drets, raid: "Tbe verdict rendered hy the people abt November waa a mandate of tbe people in favor of civil liberty ; it was s riuiuph of tbe people over a merciless, remorseless, partisan machine, erected to enelave .tiem." Ho said cue f ll.e chief aims of his administration would be to secure tha r.-peal of the election law. The demo cratic candidates tor state olucea today bepai serving notices of contests against the republican candidates who received certiticstes of election. POPULISTS UNITED. Action by the Two Wings of tbe Party in Jackson County. Valley (Ashland) IiacorJ. Pursuant to a call aiguad by J. S. Mc Cain, fusionist, and Grant Kawliogs, midroader, a largo and enthusiastic con ference meeting was held in Med'ord betwetmbe two wiugs of the party. A committee on resolutions was e'ected, consisting oi two from each of the party, which brought in the following report : Resolved, That we, your cjamittse oa resolutions, indorse the Omaha and St. L-uis p'atforrcs, recommend straight peepla's party sciion and oppose faeion or anion in any wsy with either ihe democratic or republican parties, and we recommend that all populists regardless ot former did-rccces get together in their respective precincts and organize clubs, This was adopted unanimously sod forever puts sn end to fusion iem snd mdrodivm, and makes a united popu lism founded on the grand principles of national platforms, with a plan ot or ganizalioa whose basic principle is the initiative and referendum and impsra- slive mandate. It puts sn end to the tricks cf dirty poaliclans. Tbe wire puller, the boodler and the office-seeker a re laid on tbe shelf. Every voter gjs a chanci at m axing nominations and shaping the party policy. No more "platforms to get in on." o more tricksters to get in on them. Tbe plat forms will be mads from' principle as seea by the great common people and not from expediency by a few shysters Tbe office will seek the man. There will be conventions which will simply ratify tbe action ot Ihe dabs, and take such steps ss are necessary to com ply with the election laws. What Scrofula Is. Scrofula is a disease as old as antiquity, It has been bandM down for genera tions and is tiie .-a me today aa in early time. It ii emphatically a di sease of tbe blood.'and the only way to care it is by purifying the blood That is just wbst Hood's Saresparilla does in every esse where it is given s faithful trial. It eradicates sll imparl lies from th blood, sod cures tbe sores, boils, pimples snd all forms of skin disease due to scrofula taints in tbe blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla has won tbe grateful praise of vast numbers of people by its grand and complete cares. Don't allow scrofula to de velop in your bl cd. Cure it at once by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, O. We tbe undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 vears, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions snd financially able o car ry oat any obligations made by their firm. Westd Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Welding, Kionan & Maryin, Whole sale Draggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internal ly, acting directly upon tbe blmd and m neons surface oi the system. J'rice 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. TJt. monialj free. Hudyan cures dreams and nrgbt all druggists. sleeplessness, sweats. Fifty bad cents County Treasurer's Notice. Notice ii hereby given to all parlies holding Douglas county warrants in dorsed prior to snd including March 14, 1899, to present tbe same at the treasurer's office at the court housa for payment, as interest will cease thereon after tbe date of this notice. Dated this tbe 14th day of Decern! er, 18V9, at the City of Rosebarg, Oregon. Gi. W. Dim MitK, Couutv Treasurer, Douglas County, Or The Ladies' Cook Book. The Experience Cook Bwk wliich ibis oitiue is publishing for the Ladiea' Aid (Society of tiie M. K. Gnurcb, will, we hope, tie cut in a few ila). It is no em-ill j )h for a country office to print and hind un edition of 500 copies of a 140 I age book an I at the same time publish a semi-weekly newspaper like tbe I'lai.v ijealkk. But the work will soon be done aud it will be as nice and neat a job as could ba turned out anywhere. Io Kentucky tho republicans have been allowed to sent the candidates they electe-l a monlli ag. THE BRITISH DEFEATED This Time On the River. Modder BRITISH LOSS IS VERY HEAVY i J Geo. flcthuen Attscked Twelve Thou sand Boers on flondsy, but Found Their Position Too Strong. Loxodn, Doc. 13. Ths war office re ceive! the following diepitch from Gen eral Methuen, dated Tueediy, December . "Our artillery 'helled a very strong position held by the enemy tn a long high kopjo, from 4 until dunk Sunday. It rained Inrd last night. The High land brigade attacked at daybreak on Monday the south end ot the kopje. The attack was properly limed, but failed. The guards were ordered to pro tect the Highlanders' right and mar, cavalry and mounted inftntry, with a howitzer artillery b.tttery. We attscked the ene uy on the left and tbe guards on the dgat, were supported by field artil lery and howiizer artillery. They shelled the position from daybreak snd at 1 :15 1 1 ent the Gordons to tbe en trenchment until dusk, tbe position ex tendin?, including Ihe kopj", for a die tanci of six miles to Modder river. To day 1 am holJicg my position and en trenching myself. I bad Io face at least 12,000 men. Our loss was great. Obangk Kivkk. Cap Colony, Dec. 13. Three haodiel and t a eoty British wounded, including 27 offcers, bare ar rived here frjoi ModJ r river. COURT PROCEEDINGS Cases Have Been Disposed of as fol lows in tbe Cirtult Court. Na 11 Euiui i M Carlisle V Djrcs B Carlisle, divor:-; J A Bi:haoaa fur I'lfl. Continual. No 27 WT Kmery vs V S Djrland, to recover money ; J A Buchanan lor Pld A M Craaf wd and C S Jackson for Djft. Jadgmiol for Plff. 154.61. Nj2S Charles M Close va Gs. W RidJle, et al, foreclosure ; Milton Smith and I B Riddle for Piff, Cothow & Sheri dan for Defts, G W and Helen Riddle Continued for set vice. No 29 Francis Freeman vs lea F Rice, aduir, Est A Rose, Dec'd; Geo il Brown and Geo M Crown and Coshnw & Sheri dan for Plff. Willis & R-ce lor Dt ft Judgment fir Piff., 307. Nj 30 Jcha Cocklereass vs Mary CocklereaM, divjree; Byron & Long for PUT. Continued for service. No 32 Mrs HA McClata vs Fo:CO Bart, action to nearer money ; J A Ba chanan for rQ. Continued fjr service, No 34 Wm Irwin vs R C Roberts, to recover money' C L Hamilton for 1H Default and judgment for piaiaiiiT for 1339.40 and f 15 Altys. fees. No 37 W A Niirtoa vs C E Boxue M D, damsges; J A Bocbanan for Plff, I B Riddle lor Deft. Jcdgment for Plff. $77.10. No 3'J John briber rs Cbas J Ander son, damsges; Willis & Rice f -r Pin. Coehow & Sheridan for Deft. Judgment for riff., 200. No 40 Lizzie McLaughlin vs U McLaughlin and Martha McLaughlin maintenance ; Frank G Miceili and J A Buchanan for Plff, Byron & Long for Defts. Dismissed. No 41 Mrs M Joeephson vs E L Lilt re!!, to recover money ; Coehow A Sheri dan for Plff. Dismissed without cost. No 43 Chuicbill & Wcolley vs E L Littrell, to recover money; Coehow A Sheridan for Plff. Dismissed without costs. No 44 O U Oblsen, it alj vs. Fletcher & Patterson; J A Bocbanan and C S Jackson for Plff, Byron & Long tor Defts. Judgment for Plff., (100. No 45. Cbas Bennett vs Eddie Rib ertsoD, Geo Bluerock and J P Reming ton, action on note; AM Crawford acd C S Jack ecu tor Plff. Judgment for Ih't. No 47 T J Williams vs J E Williams to recover property; Willis & Rice for Plff. J. C. Fullertoa and Geo. M. Brown for Deft. Judgment for defend, ant. No 50 Lit D U tjailbaug vs South ern Pacific R R Co, damages ; C ti Jack son, A M Crswford snd F G Miceili fcr Piff. Continued for term. No 51 Jas Richards vs L J scd L C Perdue, foreclosure ; Cosbow A Sheridan forP.ff. Decree. No 53 Douglas County Bank vs Josie Curvillioo, action on note; J A Buchanan for Plff. Jadgmentby default. No 54 Z L Dimmick va E J Page. Admr Est Archy Adams, forclosare ; J C Tallerton for riff. Continued. No 56 State of Oregon va James Jen nings, malicioas iojary to personal prop, er" ; Geo M Brown, Diet Ally. Plead c i i y. Mrs. EJ .Siogleton went to Graai's 1'jbs yesterday for a visit. A. II. Black, one of the leading mer chants of Myrtle Point was in tbe city Tuesday. John Weaver one of tbe most prom inent fruit growers of South Douglas was attending to business matters in Roeeburg Tuesday. F. S. Weatherly one oi Klktoti's prom inent citizens, was in tbe city yesterday. Mrs. II. Kslph of 'Ashland ia visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. S. K. Quick. Mies Jeannie Buick accompanied by he- lit tlo niece, eva buick, left yettei dy (or U-tddi'-.g OA, where they expect to r ci d ti e winter. DUFFY'S RESTAURANT. A tirst ciuts restaurant has been np.nned on C.'Pfl stieet, opposite the depot, at ahich way be bad fresh oye tern, chicken, bleaks, stews, lunches, and tieeidee meals at all hours, regulsr meals aie Hetved. Lunches and quick meala for railroud paBsetig rs a specialty. For that hungry feeling bo Hire and call nt Duffy's reNlaiuant, prices rcaeonable. AGUINALDO IN IIIDINti About Two-thousand Spanish Pris oners Released NSISGENTS ARE SCATTERED riac Arthur Hss Captured Mablnl, Ablest of Insurgents, Founder of Their Government. Washington, D. C, Dec. 1J. Gener al Otis had some stirring neB to report today from Manila, his advices going to show that the insurgents are, as he pre" dieted a few days sgo, at the end of tbeir resources, from a military point of view, and are running away before tbe tapid advsuce of tbe American troops at all pointr. Ilia cablegrams were as fal lows : ''Manila. Fifty men ot the navy and 50 men of the srmy transported by tbe navy, took Laoga on the 10th inat. Gen eral Young, with his staff, followed the next day. Ha report i that Howe, with he Pennsylvania battalion of theTbirty- foa-th infantry, followed by a portion of the Tbirty-tbiid icfsntiy, passed north to INdding, east ot I.aogi. Marsb'a bat talion of tbe Thirty-fourth, was at Cevao province of Lepinto, on the 7tb iost. The Third cavalry was along the coaat and in the mountains pursuing tbe ene my. 'Yoanj stalei that his extreme north ern force patsed over the mountains, driving ths insurgents, under General Tino, who was badly wooudtd, killing 50 and wou&ding many. He made large captures ot rifles and property, with ail Insurgent transportation and released all tbe Spat, tab prisoners in that section to the somber of about 2000. Oor casual ties were two wounded. Our troops are pursuing the remnant of Tino'a com mand. "Marsh's baltalioj re;orU from Cay ao, Lspinto province, on the 7th iost., that be bas destroyed Agniaaldo's body guard, killed General Greggrio Pilar, re ceived the surrender of General Concep don and staff, kilhd sod wounded 51 insnrgeots, released 575 Sp.nitb prison ers, including 150 friars, aid captured considerable property. His loss was two kil.ed and nine wounds I. My informa tion ia that Aguinatdo bas disguised bis individuality, abandoned his troops snd it biding in ths province of Beogue'." Otis second dispatch is as follows : "Manila. Admiral Wa'son iufuras me that tbe province of Cayo surrend ered unc:ndit:oaslly to Captain McCalla, of tbe Newark, on the 11th iost. All arms were surrendered. Msjor Bitcbel- der is 90 miles south of Appsrri, sod tbe co uam a nd is in good condition. Tbe nsvy will tike supplies to Batcbelder Tbe surrender doubtless includes the provinces ot Isabella. "General Bate, at Zamboang-, it ports affairs there as satisfactory. Nearly all rifles have been sunendered MacArthnr, at Bayomboag, 'e ports that be holds as a prieouer tf wtr, Msbini, the ablest ot the insargenta and founder of the late government." Pierce's Cash Grocery. la tbe place to go Io get good goods at reasonable prices New, Fresh, Clean stock. Alao Floor, Feed and bay at lowet prices. W. V. Pierce, Winchester, Ore. A CT1AR.1ED LIFE. In a railroad accident the other day a man sustained ten complete fractures of the bones of the limbs, three fractures of the pelvis, and a score of bruises, gashes ana sprains, ana yet ne is recovering. Men ami women sometimes withstand great physi cal violence, but sue curnb to the invisible genna of consumption so small that they can be seen only under a powerfnl microscope. The starting; point of consumption is in the stomach, which, when deranged, makes bad blood because diges tion is not perfect-and in bad blood the mi crobes multiply and flourish. Sooner or later the lungs are at tacked, and in the weak spots the germs begin their deadly work of tearing down the tis sues. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery stops the encroachments of con sumption microbes. It builds up and fortifies the whole system by aiding the stomach in its many functions. It assists iu the proper assimilation of food. This scientific remedy cures lingering coughs, bronchitis, bleeding at the lungs, and every other symptom that eventually leads to consumption. Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. ., who makes this won derful medicine, gives free, fatherly ad vice to all who write htm. " Lat priug I was taken with nevtre paina ia my chrM. and am m weak I coiilit hardly walk atibut the horn,"' nay Mr. G. K. Kerr, of Fort Dodge. Webster Co. Iowa. "1 tried aeveral phy:ciaii ami thry told ntc I had consumption, but thai I might ' brtah. it over ' and perhaps live rood many veara, I heard of l)r. Pierce' Golden Medicaf Discovenr and I thought I would try some of it. Before I had taken the first bottle X was very much better; t took five bottle of it and have not yet had anv return of the trouble, I have also taken Dr. Pie'rce'a Favorite Prescrip tion and 'Pleasant relicts' with good results." When the bowels Rre obstinate, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They don't gripe. .kM' SO" YEARS' V EXPERIENCE D Trade Marks Dcsions CopvmoHTa Ac. Anyone senrttn asketrh and description may qulckl ascertain our opinion free whether ao invention Is prohably patentable. Communlca linns strictly conodetitiHl. Handbook on Fat-uta sent free. Oldest asaney for securing patents. I'ntenla taken throuvb Muna A Co. recelTS iprrial nutlet, without charge, la til Scientific Hmericam A Imndsomely lllnstratad weeklf. Tjiraest etr. ulntion of any solwllBc journal. 'J'erms, 13 a ynnr: lour months, IL child by all newsdealer. mliNN & Co.3e' New York liraiich Oflk-o, ICS F Bt, WasbiUHtun, X). C. Taj a w, n kt 1 id at-kW i 1 1 CHRISTMAS is near at hand and W. STRONG, 'A 1 V. . B. The Furniture Man, .Has just what What's the matter with Christinas present. Also a Mattress that you will wonder how you got a long without after using one for A Fine Oak Extension Oak Chairs are sensible Christmas presents. A nice Ladie's Desk T 1.1 :il 11 s ;ii j-iiuic wm un ixie uin. !j Our line of rockers is lots uiore coining in about to be convinced that we know what nice chairs are. Sec our White Fur Rugs. Also a good lne of Moquette and Smyrna Rugs. Call on us you will be. need. B. Roseburg, Oregon. WH. CURRIER, Has removed to the Sheridan Block. fresh full Hue of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Satisfaction is his motto his window display of dishes and convince yourself that they are the finest dishes " in town- You are respectfully him in his new quarters. M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist. Drnga, Toilet Articles, l'atent Medi cine, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet Soape, Paints and Oils. Co Co The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Pi its Cameras. Triumph Cut F'ilm Cameras. Call and Examine them. EVERYBODY Should call and of China Ware. day trade. Anything you want at China Novelties Artistic Celluloid Boxes and picture frames ; beautifully decorated China dishes ; fancy photograph albums of new designs; handker chiefs of finest Japanese silk ; fine wicker were sad oeeful orna ments ; doll carriages, dolls, and toys of every description. Differ ent from anything ever before brought to Koseborg. All new gocxls at prices tbat suit yoo. AT Cor. Jackson and Douglas Sts., ROSEBURG, OR. CHINA LILY BULBS." NEW BAKERY. Mrs. S. McConnell, late of Eugene, has invested in the Home Bakery and will overhaul everything in con nection with the bakery. NEW BAKERS. NEW BREAD. Everything will be new and of the very best materials. Give us a trial and we will please you. $13.50 V '"j ! f J r .... ....... A W 11 .. v - t N. a -i saa a a. 4Min, BMbsjcii ace. are taereatalT reUaBle.Iltar.) -A . i , i , A A. A. i A A 'A. $ 4 A n A - you need. a White Iron Bed for a A. : t a nice White Curled Hair A a month. A, A i "A 'A a ?i A, i A R H A H H A . A H A t A Table and a nice set of or a Fine Oak Center up-to-date and we have a week. To see them is sure to find what you Vf. STRONG. He now has a and his aim to please all. See given with Baking Powder, invited to call around and see .WM. CURRIER. see the magnificent display A special line for the Holi ...MRS. N. BOYD. FROM CHINA. YOUflG SAM'S SEND ONE-DOLLAR Cttt thl ML OUlaVOSB SaTtv4 to o and w w ill swod thMsMr vmm etw ms, IsiirMlrCwsJaaasl Wst Csjsk 8sa to anv 4drrat wn tauna, by tuiTwber a of tk Kocky Mow WnK99-tmmimmm.imimA'am You cava x untn W at your frlrM tipo4 sukI If fouad psrf tMUy sjUa5fm?tor b4 Ut i Ms si lsr tm yoa vrrfmw or havrd of psayth frriirM safvM OUR SPECIaL OFFER f RICE $13,50 less the 11.00 at wHiioniar.arais.Ma hUl fkaienirmirtil aTaraeas aboutai.oo (oramry MaU THIS STOVE IS SUE Ne. a. to Ttallall . laches. Topis aMttf tncbaa; mao from aval ,1 aa. extra larva fluea, beaTT eoTera, out center, heavy lituaaa and srat nickeled otfn shair. alamlalaa Uaed OTea door. baadsooMt alrkal plated ornaaseata and trtnuniaya. lira awe eer p aaea mil nr. aannsorae larva MTTorasawteiltaM. ItST CSl IUtCI Mttf, ana we lumbfe sua aa extra woon sratenaxine It a aerfrt weed baraer. S lesTS A ailU tH'iU.eras with eerr store, and KMaraate safe detlrerr to your nearest railroad station. MBNial IMfmlHi aisiwa Ire, ea aaetteallea. aldress SCARS, ROEBUCK CO. t lac) CHICAGO, ILL FOR. D Roseburg AcasI Winter term will begin Dec. ii, 1899. Nob mil, Classical asd Bviisu Course. Thorough preparation for College, tr-' -TjachlDf, or lor bnatoeaa. Inatrnctioa f'vea in Latin, Greek, French, German, afatemalic , Natoral tscleace, Hlatory,' Fncliah., Soorlhaa i. TypewrlUnc, Fenmanalilp, and Uygieae. At .a ssistanu, ksr ratea. for farther partieuia s add res tbe principal. C. T. Whittlesey, A. B. Bosebarar. Or. Residence, Cor. Douglas aad Chad- wick ota., one block above Court House. Photography. Here is so opportunity to get First-Class Photographs at, tie very lowest rates. Ail sizes from 8X10 down to tbe very smallest. The Latest fad Is a Callicp or Business CaxJ with your photo (statu p sire eight positions ia sec of ISO.) Set-lOO-neat cards with pbcto name, business and address if desired thereon, only $2. The Wagon Gallery, John H. Taylor, Waaon bjr aide of Uua ptirktri(r---,l,--. Shop, Jackson Street. nOlOgrapcer. Administrator's Notice. NOT1CK 13 HK&IBY GIVES THAT THE anderaigaed has been by th Consty fm of DougJas County, Mute of Oresjoo, ap " V Um admiaiacrator of (be eatai oi UakULU t t son, deeeaseo. Ail peraons bavins; e'ix. againat said estate arw hereby required to pres ent tbe same, duly veribed, to Lba andenifcni at Kiddle. Doaslaa Coaaty, Oraroo. witbia six moo lbs from tbe date of thia aoties. . baled this 2dUi day of October. lJt. Gioa.E K- Qcnnr, AdDiniatrator of the estate ! HoJdah Wuaoo, Deceaaed. AM7 Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE IS BXSKBT GIVES THAT TES aoderstcned, admintstratilx of tae csiaie Joseph Oilers, deceaaed. baa filed her ooai account as racb alminlstnirix la the Couair Court of Dona-las County. -laie of Oreyon, an that said Coart has set Toeaday, the 2nd. day of JfJiaary, lStiO, at the hoar of IS e'eioek a. bl of saia aay u in conn noose ia aoaeoore. ikxiz. saa eooniy. fciate oi uregon. aa tbe taA and plaee for the eooaidt ration of aaid iBtlamnst and for hearing; objection thereto, aad fear use nnai aeiuemeni oi aaia eauue Sated this Zria day of oveat cer, V&i. Jf aax J. Causal. Administratrix of tbe estate of JoaeobCei- len .deceaaed. (B.SC. ) Notice for Publication. Coiled States Laa4Cffie BoaebBrg. Or.. Sovember 7. iff. Hotice ia hereby riven that the follow i e named settler has filed notice of his inteaixxa to maae nnai proof in support of hiaeiauaa, aad that said proof will be matte before tbe husz-t and Beceim, Cnited State Land Oo at Koeeburg, Orrgow, oe Deeemser 15, isse.ru: JOHM On H. E. So ml tot the Lot J. 5rC. St!, Section 32 T. 2 Sooth. B. & Via, r nasae the foUowina; arttntasra to pterc hi con tinooua residence npoa end enlurauon it mid land, tu: Jones tiouga, Adnie tioegti. cf Oakland. Oregon; John Hogaa, of Wilbur, Ore goo; Henry Kee of Oakland, Oregon. i. x. ssunrja, (uSt;) Jtaciater. Notice. CSITBB STATCS, ' i LaJIS OV7K.X, Roaebuig. Oregoa, Kot. a, &'.'). To whoa. It may concern: Notice is hereby siren that tbe Oregon & CV1 icrnia Eaiiroad Company baa Sled in UJs o- a I Ut of lands ai naiad la the teeaabi-n i tenbed below, and has applied for a pateat U said lands; that the liat ja opea to the pebt.e tor inspection and a copy thereof by deacriiu; aabdletSHna, has been postnt la a eoaTesieat place in thia omce for the iaspectkaa of all pca sons Interested and to the pobiie itaewir booth of baae line and East of Vi jl&o stte ateridiaa. Tp, RL aooih ot base line and West et WiBaaaeUs Xer. Tp., B.4. Part of SK Sec J; part of TT See. a. Tp 24. R a. SE'i 6 i r See. X and S", SKi Sec S3l Tp7.R7. 8?8ecJS. wlibin the next sixty days foUovlnaT the 4asa of this notice, protests or eonbasta aaainst tr. claim of the Company to any tract or sulfctivt ion within aa sectioa or part of aectioB, ee scribed In tbe list, oa the ground that the sarae is more valuable for auneral than for arrico s u ai panose, will be receircd and noted tor ro portie the General Land Office at Waahiagtoa J.T. MP (aU0) BeeelrtT ew and Improved Pasaeager Eju.'q ment, via 5anset Roete. Sew Orleans Expreas (No. 10) and Fa cifie Express CNo, 9) betweeo SaaFraa Cisco snd El Paso, bsve beeo equipped with, tree reclining chair cars, fresh from the shop and in every convenience ot ap pointment equal to tbe beet ia operation. Each car is equipped with 53 raclialsz chairs, nine of which are ia a separate smoking compartment. Both first and second-class tickets are accepted for pas ease ia these cars. These special coa veniences and the congenial elim&la through which these trains pass wCl doubtless make tbe Sunset Route very popular for travelers thia winter. YOUR FACE Shows the state of your feelings and state of your health as well. Imptxra blood makes iiselfapparenl ia a pale sad saltaw complexion, pimples and si la eruptions. If yoa are feeling wuak and worn out and do not have a haltbv ap pearance, you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cores all blood diseases wber cheap Sarsaparilla and so called puririers fail ; knowing this, we sell every botiia on a positive guarantee. Roseburg Market Eggs 25c psr do. Butter Country 25c. Poultry Chickens, 4.00. mixed, $2.50(3 Prunes Italian 35; silver, extra choice, 5(g6 per lb. Wheat 40(942c. Oats 25 30c. MillstuiT Bran, $17; miJdlinga $23; shir's, $18 00; chop, $16.00 per ton. ; liaj Timothy $9(11 ; clover, $73 Or-iron wild hay, $67 per Ion. Woo' 13dUt5c. Potatoes SSfiT- tiO per sack. Bill Poster and Distributor. Having bill board in tbe beet locations in town, I am prepared to do all o k ia tbat line un short notice. H. G. HocoiroLDSB, Rosebnrf-Oregoit. a -Vr-r CASTOR I A For Infants and CMldrtn. Ths Kind Yea Hats A!3ji l:zp Bears the stir .TT Signature of t&ttjti' 6 t '