The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 11, 1899, Image 3

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    f The Peoples Store;
r Always
ess as, in, in. inn. us.
Shoes for everybody at prices which always please. If you will
visit our store we will treat you fairly and will convince you of
our ability to save you money and that 33"
V .
JaJge Riddle tu ia the city Friday.
II. L. Eagles of Feel, was in tbe city
llua. Wb Perkins of Drain, was doing
i-osines iu thn city Saturday.
Csp. Boiwell ofBoewell Springs was j
shaking hands w unfriends 00
the streets
A Rood black kid glove can be tonnd at ;
the Novelty Store for f 1.50.
It will pay i
yon to try our kid gloyes.
When yon come to Portland re mem'
ber and bare your teoth fixed by D. M
W. Davis. 163 First St. Q2i)
Af:er.H others fad to give yo isatii .
faction take vour watch to J. T. Bryan ;
hi, will m'.k it rnn for too fnl4d)
. . , . i
rieyj tksotL weci to taginaw mis
week to stay with his father, R. At
Bsolh. for a time. Obstrver, Giants
poSe. i
. , , , j
J.E. Farmer, who has been for some
lima S. P. agent at Oakland goes to Cor- j
rsilii ihnra he will occupy a similar po- I
A fine $65 C. G. Conn, cornet model
tlo alto born, burnished silver, gold
t'p ped, good as new. Only 25 at T. K.
..fCsn. Tnompeon, of Umpqua Ferry, i
FjHsnt last week in Roeeburg, returning j R. K Montgomery and family arrived
to Oakland. Saturday morning, on hisjbere WedceEday from Glendalo ar.d Mr.
!.v tome. j Montgomery Las taken the position as
."Twoteads are belter than ot.e.'
the'oae too have is dull aud heavy
If i
need Hood'e Saraaparilia. It will give j
yon prompt relief. j
lliss Rose Emmitt, of Umpqua Ferry, j
jo . ; , . - , !
is in tbe city, the guest of Miss Lula j
Willis. She will go to Oakland Wedcet-1
day, and to her home Saturday- ' j
Tbe Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. j
Cbnrcb have for Bile carpet rags sewed j
u w vuuu. w. - - -
frey cr Mrs. A. C. Marsters.
French Settlement will give a pound
eocI&I at the school honse on Friday eve
ning, Dec. 15, 1899. Tbe proceeds to be
donated to Mrs. J. M. Reece. Every ;
b:dy invited. j
Friday morning a northbound freight
iiea about a mila north of town, de
: e ' a car. A helper and force, frcrn
. .- t - t things right and no mate
. ; :i . a was done.
: 2. !l. ChirchilL Berlin, VL.says,
r was covered with running
tres. DeWiu'i Witch Haxel Salve
cured her." A specific for piles and
ttin diseases. Beware of worthless
counterfeits. A. C. Mareters & Co.
ill stop cough at any time, and will
care the worst cold in twelve hours, or
money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 els.
For sale at Rapp's drug store.
"1 had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and
never found permanent relief till I used
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am wel
and feel like a new man," writes S. J.
Fleming, Murray, Xeb. It is the bes
d instant known. Cnres all forms of in
disretioo. Physicians everywhere pre
en be it. A. C. Marsters & Co.
P. Q. Bart goes soon to Monmouth,
Oregon, where be will become the agent
cf tbe S. P. Co. This is quite a promo
tion for Mr. Burt, but one which he lias
earned by Ltithful service. We com
mend him to the people of his new loca
tion as an honorable upright man and
Bring me something from that very pretty
assortment of
Bohemian Ware
at the NoveltyStore. That's what Mothers,
Sisters and Sweethearts are saying. They
know too that we can save old Santa a good
bit on his numerous presents. Any of tie
following are good suggestions for presents.
Eesntiful Dress raterns,
rftt Gloves,
Pretty Dtewing Sacques,
Fur Collaretts,
ti'k Hoee Supporters,
Ice Wool Fsscinators,
ilk and Wool Mittens,
Initial and Silk Handkerchiefs, Shoes
$10 Mens fnit, Ladies'
the Cheapest.
No Shelf worn stuff at our store. Everything bright, new and
clean. Remember when you buy a suit of clothes, hat or necktie at
our store you get absolutely the BEST and LATEST in STYLE
which puts 3rou in line with well dressed men. Excellent values in
fl, 1
. - - a.
The Peoples Store,
Judge G. W. Riddle km in the city
Friday. ' ' .
For first class denlbtry g t) Or
Little of Oakland.
For fine shoej atfc for Dr. A. Reed's
cushion ehne, at Jose phson'e.
Special sale of silk plashes fur 35, 40, (
50 and 75 cens per yard t Joseph', j
Sol Abraham of Kofb:irg was in town
i Tuesday on business. Observer, Grants
Bond, the watchmaker seils spectacles
at lowest prices and can fit them cor-
. DuGas. M. D., member Board of
i Pension Examiners. Office. Marsters
I building" residing corner Douglas end
j Jackson street.
! Dr. Isabel Ssdgwick has now secured
j offices and residence at the S. E. corner
Mr Gm H Cnurobill.
Cards are out annenncinj the marriage
of Mr. E E. Gore and Miss Hattie
Warner, which will take place Thurs
day, December 14tli. Ere, Medford.
J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sar-
geons wanted to operate on me for piles,
j cured lhetn with DsWitt'a Witch
Haiel Salve." It is infallible far piles
and skin diseases. Beware of couutcr-
! feita. A. C. Marsters & Co.
If yon ever lock os yon h ave made
mistake. We are the people yon are
looking for, we have them. Low prices
i are at onr store. Bice & Bice.
House Furnishers.
assistant agent at (he depot. Observer,
Grants Pas.
Mr j gher, Mo., saved his
child's life by One Minute Cough Cure.
Doctor8 R'T'J ,i'r P to die wjth
crocp. Ii's an infallible cure for coughs,
Rrippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and
throat and lung trouble. Relieves at
once. A. C. Marsters & Co.
it takes but a minute to, overcome
tickling in tbe throat and to stop a
r. rrt - 1 .
Cure. This remedy quickly cures ail
forms of throat and lung troubles.
Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre
vents consumption. A famous specific
for grippe and its after effects. A. C.
Marsters & Co.
The following is a list of marriage li
cense! recently issued by tbe county
clerk: A.E. Martin and Kate M. Mc
Beth; Charles E. Noah and Lillian
Davis; R. W. Marsters and Lizzie
Blain; Albert Weather ford and Emma
L. Landers.
lick headache, indigestion and constipa
sioo. A delightful herb drink. Re
moves all eruptions of the skin, produc
ing a perfect complexion, or money re
funded. 25cts. and 50 cts. M. F. Rapp,
; Jcst Received. A Isrge line of string
iaetrutnente, violins, mandolins, guitars,
banjos, also a large 6tock of smaller in
struments. Molina from f 4 np. Mando
lins from $7 np. Accordions 2 to f 10.
Other instruments in propsrtion. Great
value in these instruments. See
St T. K. Richardson's.
Mrs. Lucy Tburman, a colored lady
from Michigan and National oi of the
W. C. T. TJ. work among tbe colored
people, will speak in tbe Christian
Church on Wednesday and Thursday
evenings of this week, Mrs. Tburman
has spoken in the laggest churches in
Portland and was spoken very highly of.
You are very cordially invited to hear
ber in Roseburg.
Umbrellas and Mackintoshes,
Purses, Large Assortment,
Rhinestone Combs,
Glove, Necktie and Handkerchief Boxes
Dolls, Tea Sets and Toys,
Perfumes and Toilot Articles,
Infanta Fancy Shoes,
for all feet,
ABRAHAM, Proprietor.
A fine Hoe of spray pumps at Church
ill & Woolley's
rrice reduced on Winchester rifles at
Churchill & WcolltyV.
Wanted To parchase a good panther
skin. Enquire at this office.
Mrs. Geo. ProUmaa and Mrs. J. A.
Kicks went io jncc-;oa Friday.
J. B. CawlSeld went to San Francisco
Friday with a shipment of hoce.
The telegraph cfEce st Wilbnr has
been closed and the instruments re
moved. Special sale of children's scarlet all
wool onderwear for 55 cents par garment,
at JosepbsonV.
Tbe Edenbower ecIojI will give an en
tertainment Friday evening, Dec. loth.
Admission 10 cents.
Severe nervous epel!?, bearing down
pains, loss cf appetite. IlnJyau cities.
All drugiisls, 50 cent?.
Either chickens or tnrkeya can be
hatched ia a Peteluma Incubator. Se
them at Churchill & Woo'.ley V.
Doyoa know a bargain wben yon fee
it? Tbey are looking you Etra:gUt in
tbe eye3 when you ars in cur store,
Kick & Rice.
Tbe condition of our street crossings
would surely furnish an eicuse for a lady
holding her dre;s up a little, over two
feet. "
Just see iLe morey jcu touM have
made if you had Loouht an iccntator
last te&son. Tlk w ith Chun-hill fc
DaWitl'a LiUla Eirlv Kieera purify
the blood, clean the liver, invigorate
the system, tsmoushlt'e pills for cun
stipation an- liver troubles.
Marsters & Co.
A. C
Mis E. Uonuiji?, Tyre, Midi.,
says, "I SDfTered a long time from dj a
pepsia; lost fltr?h and became ery es
Kodol jjyepepsia Care completely cared
me." It digests what you eat an I cnres
all forms of stomach trouble. It never
fails to give imni9dut9 relief in the
worst cases. A. C. Marsters & Co.
"I was ueiriy Jul with dyspepsia,
tried doctors. yiitel mi neral springs,
and grew worse. I use! Kodol Dvsyep
si a Care. Tbat cured me. " It dcests
what you eat. Cares indigestion, sour
stomach, heartburn and all farina o
dyspepsia. A. C. Mtrsters & Co.
The Grau Opera Co. is the best known
and considered the best opera company
that yisits tbe coast. Yen cannot afford
to miss this performance tomorrow
night, Dec. 12th at Op?ra House. En
tire lower floor reserved at 75 cents and
are sold on a positive guarantee. Cores
heart-burn, raising of the food, distrees'
after eating or any form of dyspepsia.
Ooe little tablet gives immediate relief
2-5 cts. and 50 cts. For sale at M. F
Rapp's drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Roberts returned
last week from Glendale, where tbev
have been stopping for several weeks
past. Mr. Roberts reports the mine cow
ia splendid operation. The company
has plenty of water, many new ditches,
pipe and in fact, everything which goes
I to make an active mine in good shape
and the promise ia very flattering for a
rich clean-op. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts
will remain in Medford for the winter.
Medford Mail.
Wood Choppers Wanted.
Near tunnel 7, six miles north of Glen
dale. Will pay (1.15 per cord, cash,
All winter jab. Address or apply to
Chas. Feikebt,
(ilendale, Or.
A Half Dollar in your
hand is worth saving.
Guess on Gold Watch
with every Dollar
Men's Hats or Neckwear,
Ladies' Dog Collar Belts,
Men's Fancy Dress Shirts,
Boys and Mens Sweaters,
Jewelry that wo can guarantee, and at ver y
Reasonable Prices,
J. A. Byron of Olalla s in tin nr
The froei. last week utmost kil.u l llio
flowers In the yards.
A bi reduction in Eastman KoJuka,
at Chujcliill & WoollejV.
Reports from different parts oi the
county indicate that fail sown grain is
diiiig well.
Lxdies, if you are looking for whito cr
colored tulleta eilk, jou'll Cud u
here. Novelty Store.
Spots leforo tho eyes, despoud.-::cy,
constant worry. Hinlyan cures. All
druggists, 50 cents.
Rev. John Dawson attended the con
secration of n now Episcopal church iu
Eugene yesterday.
Dr. J. C. T icl.ell has returned from
Portland when he was a wi!nen in the
McDinicl murder c is-'.
Attoruey Wo idcock of Eugene, .;
attending court in this city ',FriJ.y ai.d
Saturday of last week.
Cbas. Kelley, if Myrtld Creek, wil
opcu a jewelry store in tho ucw buildiug
adjoining tho DufTy Reeturant.
Wanted The addre34 of some ore
convenient t Roseburg, who will drees
baar skins for rtgs. Notify this oflice.J
WaDg tomorrow night at Opera House
(Dec. 12th.) Hc'cute your eeats and re
member that tho entire lower floor is re
served. W. J. Maboney, who has been day
operator for the S. P. Co. at Medford,
takes the position of niht operator at
Hon. Sol. Abra'tii m, o! Roseburg,
was in town Tuesday onJ Wtdneoday
and made oar office iU aont calt.
Grauta Pass MinTn Ju'imi!.
Hon. J. 11. Booth, ncelv. r of the land
office at Koeeburg, made GrantJ Pass a
visit on Monday, returning in the even
ing Grunts Pass Mining Jonrnal.
Pat Tynan, one of the maal popular
conductors of the Southern Pacific, hs
been appointed traveling conductor, a
new poeiiioa jutt created. Portland
If there is anyone uho has subscribed
and paid for any. oihtr paper iu connec
tion with the FLAiNDKAii, which I Ley
are not receiving, they sbonld notify
tkh office at once, and thj matter wiil
ba looked np.
Oa Friday afternoon about -1 or 5
o'clock, while the family wcie duwn
ton, the repiJenos of W. W. Tl.aikrab
wgfl entered, by Kome persyi or persoos
ouknowu, and a gild watch and cbaia, a
silver watch and a ea.til amount o
money tto'en. So far as we have learned
no clue has Lcen ub'ained as to wbo the
guilty parties arr.
Mr. Eli Stout, an Indian wcr ve'.tran
no etavisg at tUa Soldiers' Home,
called at Ik'u t lli.-e Friday in company
with his comrah, J. V. Mossman. Mr.
Stout is a pLn er of the pioneers, having
crossed the jhins in 1S43 to Walla
Walla, Wellington. Hi came to Ore
gon the year fo.lowiug and 6ettled in the
Waldo Hills in Marion county. He was
engaged in carrying the mail from the
moutu cf the Umrqaa to Port Or.'oid io
1561-02. Was engaged iu the Cay use
Indian war, haying enlisted in April,
The LiJies Aid Society will hold a
chare ij fair and militiry baziar, ia the
EJauboHer tchool house, Tuesday, Dec.
19, 1S'J3. Doors open at 1 p. m. and
continuing cp?n all afternoon and even
ing. Military dinner and laoch will be
served ; menu bak?d boane, brown bread
and coffee, pis and cheese. Bazaar,
fancy tnl cscful articles suitable for
dome:tic purposas, thristmos presents
and etc. Proceeds to tarnish the (new)
Bethany M. E. church. Come one and
all, and help us in this j.Ojd cause.
Prices reasonat I-.-.
Mi.e. Lccv Orts,
Attorney Ira B. Riddle left jetterJjy
for Wyoiiiiog, where he will enter open
nis uutiea as a epeciai a ent o! tne gen-
oral lond office. Itwidbe his duty to
examine certain lands, which baye been
selected by different states and territories
nnder the desert land acts cf congress,
and decide whether or not the lands in
question are desett land and should be
transferred to the etat. Bab has many
friends not only in Douglas county bat
all over Ssuthern Oregon, who are
pleased with his appointment. His wife
and son will spend the winter with rela
tives in Portland.
WOODRUFF. To the wife of E. T.
Woodruff, of Cleveland, Ore., an 8
po nnd girl baby, Dec. 9:h.
A very pretty, but quiet we'ddiug took
place at tse residence of Rev. . M.
Marsters in West Roeeburg at 12 M. Sou
day, Dec. 10,'13'J9.
The contracting parties were Mr. Re u
ben Marsters and Miss Lizzie L. Blain,
both of C.'eveland, this county. Rev. E.
M. .uareters officiating. There were
only u few of the relatives and frieuds
nreetot anions whom were A. C. Mar
sters and wife, Mrs. Rebecca Marsters
M. E. Marsters and wife, H. L. Mar
stora arid wife, Mrs. L. Williams, Mr
Henry Richardaon, and Misses Mattie
Blain acd Minnie Stanton.
Tbe bride and groom wero tbe recipi
ents o! many nice presents. After the
cerexony a splendid dinner was served
at the home of the groom's parents,
The groom, R. W. Marsters is a son of
Rev. E. M. Mareters and is well known
in our town and county, and is a man of
sterling, worth. The bslde who is also well
known and highly estimated by our reo'
pie. wax a tt jili nt at tbu Drain Normal
sdi'i-l nnd is ono of tbe efficient teachers
ol tho canity.
Hit) iLAiMiiC.MKH Kind tlnir tit.irt
frieuds iu congratulations.
A Fatal Accident.
Luft Hunduy uatl.rve boys wcie out
for n little hunt on Deer creek, one uf
their iiumher wus accidently t-hot by
another. J jco'o Haupetli's two boys, 10
and H, and a Mau'in boy cf about 16
yearj weiocul together when the gun,
carried by the latter buy, was accidently
discharged and the younger 1 1 an Beth
b iy received the full charge in Lis right
breatt at short range. The unfortunate
lad lingered until the next day when he
died. Observer, Grants Taen.
Commencing with November ist, we will give with each $1.00
cash purchase, a chance at the $50.00 prize, which we will give
to the person holding the lucky number. The drawing will
take place on Jan. ist, 1900.
Our prices on
Ladies' and Men's furnishings, Millinery, Boots, Shoes and flats
Are right, as are those in our other departments, and inspec
tion will convince you that w emean what we say. Mail ord
ers promptly filled. Send for samples.
301 and 303 Jackson St.
Good Service, Good Goods,
During the Holidays?
Have us call twice or three times a week for your
orders, if you are witbin the city limits.
Drop us a postal card or 'Phone 201.
Call in and see our Fancy Decorated
Haviland China and other China Ware.
J. F.
rom a Pastor
I am the pastor of the Baptist Church at
Port Jervis, N. Y., and sometimes am called
upon to take part in evangelistic work away
from borne. ot long
ago I went to Sandy
Creek, N. Y., which is
swept by the damp
winds from Lake On
tario. Here I contracted
a bad cough,' and be
came so hoarse that I
conld hardly
y. prcacn to my
Uj congregation.
-.It was not only
Vdiirressinsin a
preach to my
bodily sense.
but extremely
enter the pulpit
in this condi
tion. I had
beard of Ack
ers IJJRiisn wancuy inu, alter service, J
bought a bottle and began taking it. The next
night my throat was nearly well, and I deliv
ered my sermon without difficulty. In a few
days I was thoroughly cured. I conceive it to
be my duty to benefit mankind physically as
Well as spiritually whenever I can, and am
glad tu write these wola In praise of this
grand old medicine. Those with sensitive
tnroats and tbosewbocatcncold easily snouid
certainly take Acker's English Remedy."
(Signed) Ext. Ezka Texbt Exsrotn.
Sold u Sc. tap. ud n bottju. throortoot the TnitM
E!aiauCuiiU;udti Iuttud,uit.t,a.L.
ouUM to your dnccMI aad get jesr Buarf wck.
i'f avtSortet tXe abore gwxnuUet.
V. II. UQOXLS 4i CU, frophaan, yew lor.
For sale by M. F. Rapp, -
Letter Ust.
Remaining uncalled for in tbe Rose
burg postoffice:
Persons calling for these letters will
please state the date on which they were
advertised, Dec. 11, ISM:
Churchill, G. F. Lawborn, G. W.
Cox, J. M. Love, Lee (2).
Calloway, MJ3 May Matthew Mrs Hattie
Duffy, J. D. McMeekin, Frank
Davis, W. R. Satley Mr Mrs J H
Fields Mrs. Synlhia Trapp, Chauncey
Foster, N. A. Thompson. W. H.
Howell, George Winsby, Miss L. C.
The letters will be charged for at tbe
rate of one cent each.
Wm A.-Fkatsr, P. M
That is wliyour business lias more thau
thribbled inthe past year. We started
with the belief that a pleased customer
would be our best advertisement and.
such has .proved to be the case.
iLliJl I;W - 01 ill.
Agents for the Salem Woolen Mills Tailor Made
Clothing and McCalls Bazar Patterns.
in Cash
iven Away.
and Good Prices
BARKER & 00.
Do cot forgtt the bizsar, wbicb the
ladies of the Chtbtian church will cpen
next Friday at 10 a. m., De . 15; h.
They will have an eltbora'e display of
artiilts tuiiabie for Christmos presents,
ccr.fisting of dolls, pillows, fancy work
ac.l novelties of all kind?.
A hot cbickeu surper will be served
from 5 until 7 p. m. for 25 cents. Lucta
the entire evening1 10 c's.
A social entertainment wiil be provid
Ai'miseioii frcf.
Tniled Stmn Lmd Office.
Kujim ii., or., Nviv. i it9.
To hoia it mv concern:
Nu'.icr it brn hjKiwD t b Orvf on and
Caiiiitmia Riii.l o. fcu tile.1 in tbu office a
lUt of liuiitt tttuatnl ia tbe (wroth:., tl escribed
below, and hm . implied tor . patent h Mid
land: tbat the iial . open to the public fur in
pcotion and a toty l!n.sf br draiptiTe ib
O'.rUii'iu. ha tvn ported in a coaTeaient
p!aco in thi office, fur the inpcc(iun of all
tvnnni intcreU-t and the public receralir:
soma ci 14C l:nanu nesi 01 luameiie
T 56. It 1.
SW'i NE i,eccJ5.
T . K a.
Part of K'i SecS, and part ofW Jj S. 11. '
SE'. St'.See.S.
V . E' . Sec "I.
Lou 1 arid 2 $cc. 1.
1 l", K t.
L..U 1.2.X and LtecS.
I'art of !'; Sec. 21, and Mrt ol i-E' Sec XT.
T , R 5.
Lot 5, tree 1.".
Stt'4 KVi Sec. II.
Ail of teca. t, 3, j. 7, S. 11, 1 !, li, 17, 19, 21, U, 25,
T, 29, SI, and
Within lb. mil sixty davt fnllowlng the date
of thi notice, piou-.u or contests aeainut the
claim of the ouipanv to any tract or subdivis
ion nithin tar section or part of. section, de
scribed in the ii-t, on the (round tht th. Mune
is more vaiaaulo (or mineral than for airricul
tural pttrpoM-s, lU be received and noted tor
report to tbe Oeoeral Land Office at Washing
ton, V. C.
. Kesi-ter.
J. n. booth,
njinitf Receiver.
One Minute Coneh Cure is tbe best
remedy I ever used for coughs and colds.
It is unejnalld for whooping cough.
Children all like it." writes 11. N. Wil
liams. Geutrvville, Iod. Never fails.
It ic tbe only harmless remedy tbat
gives immediate results. Cures coughs,
colds, hoarsenefs, croup, pneumonia,
bronchitis and all thro it and lung trou
bles. I's early use prevents consump
tion. A. C. .Marsters & Co.
Roseburg, Oregon.
Salkm, November 21, 1S09.
In accordance with tbe provisions of an
act entitled An act submitting to tbe
electors of tbe State of Oregon at the gen
eral election to be held on tbe first Mon
day in June, 1900, the pending proposed
constitutional amendments," approved
February is, ist, I, T. T. Geer. Gover
nor of the Statu of Oregon, do hereby
cause tbe following proposed amend
mcLta to the constitution of the State of
Oregon, as certified to by the Secretary
of State, to be published for five consec
utive weeks in "Tao Roseburg Plain
dialsk," a newspaper published ia the
Second Judicial District of the State of
Done at tbe Capitol,
F4T at Salem, Oregon, this
f twenty-first day ol Sor-
-x" ember. A. D. 1899.
By the Governor: Governor.
F. I. Dtxbab,
Secretary of State.
. Be it refolved by the Senate, the
House concurring. That tbe following
amendment to tbe Constitution uf the
State of Oregon be and is hereby pro
posed :
"That Section 10 ol Article XI of the
Constitution of the Slate of Orezon be
and tbe same s hereby abrogated acd io
lien thereof Sectioo Id of Article XI shall
be an follows:
Aeiiclk XI. -"Section
10. No county, city, tun
school district or o'.htr municipal corpo
ration shall be oilowed to heroine it.
debjed in any manner or for any pnrpesa
to an amount including present listing
indebtedness in the aggregate ex.-ewling
five per centum oo the value uf th- tax
able property therein to be atceruioed
by tbe last assessment for Stale aud
County taxes previous io tbe inenniag
of such indebtedness.
"AdopUd by tbe Sooate Jan. SO, 1&3.
C. W. FrLTos.
Fresident cf the Senate.
"Concurred in by the Ilouse Feb. 'J,
V. P. Keady,
Speaker cf the House.
"Adopted or the Senate Jan- SI, 15.
JoeErii Sinox,
President cf tbe Senate.
"Concurred in .by the House Feb. 4,
Chas. B. Mookks,
Speaker of tbe House.
Be it resolved by the Senate, the
House concurrius: Tbat the following
amendment to tbe constitution of the
Siate of Oregon, in lieu of Section Ten
of Article Seven (7) be aud the same is
hereby proposed, to wit :
"Sectiox 10.
the Legislative Assembly may pro
vide for the election of Supreme and Cir
ccit Judges in distinct classes, one of
which classes shall consist of five Jus
tices of tbe Supreme Court, who shall
not perform circuit duty ; and the other
class shall c insist of aa many Circuit
Judges as my be deemed neceeeary
who shall hold full terms without allot
ment, and wbo shall take tbe same oath
as the Supreme Judges.
"Tbe Legislative Assembly may create
as many Citcoita as may ba necessary.
"Adopted bv the Senate Feb. 15 1S93
C. W. Fl LTOX,
Proeideut of the Senate.
''Concurred in by the House Feb. 15,
W. P. Kk-idy,
Speaker cf the House.
"AdopUd by the renat Jan. 31, 1S03.
Jossi n Simon,
President of the Senate.
"Concurred in by the Ilone Feb. 6,
Cuts. H. Mcokks,
Speaker of the Horse."
Refolved by th House, 'be Senate
co'.cnrriuit : That the follaipg amet.t
metit t- the Cuns;iniiii-t i tlin State; uf
Oregon Iw and hereby is pow! :
"That the Constitution ih am.-inta I l
, .tdding Article It) tt" follow., lo wi' J
"Section 1. The i.eepsfiry nsw of
lands lor Ihe o:;6tnu tioti t.f n s. rvoir r
storage hut-ins fur the purine 1 1 irr'K .
or fi t' rights ol way tor the cot strtictioii
of canals, ditches, flumes cr jipes to con
vey wator to the place of use lor any ir:o
ful, beneficial, or nece?s;r ivirpore, r
for drainage or !o,r tlrJituio . f
niinra or Ihe workings ihero
of, by tuetttis of iotd.-t, railroad.,
tramwavo, cuts, tunnels, Mi.!t, h iH'.ii:
works, dump or o'hr necessary meaiie
to their complete development or any
(her nse necessary to the cemplefel
the State or preserralioo of tbe health of
its inhabitants, is hereby declared to be
a public use and subject to the regtilv
ticn and control of the State.
"Section 2. The rubt to appropriate
the unappropriated waters of any natural
stream to beneficial usee shall never be
"Section 3. The use of all waters now
appropriated for sale, rental or distribu
tion, also of all waters originally appro
priated fur private nse. bat which, after
socb appropriation, has heretofore been
or may hereafter be Bold, rented or dis
tributed, is hereby declared to be a pub
lie u and subject to the regulation and
control of tt, Siat ia tbe manner pre
scribed ty la. But tbe right lo use
and appropriate eoch waters shall be
subject to socb provisions ol law for tbe
taking of private property for public or
private we as piovided in Section 18, Ar
ticle 1, of tbe Constitution of the Bute of
"Section 4. Toe right to collect tax
es or ompeofotion for the 083 of water
supplied tu 0y county, city, town or
water distrii t or inhabitants thereof, is s
frai chice, and car not be exercised ex
cept by asihority of and in a manner
preferred ty law.
"A.topted by the House Feb, 15, lSGe.
CSrned Mirch 7, 1S33.)
Speaker of the House.
-idopcl by the Senate Feb. 17, 1803
(S:g t March 28, 1393.)
C. W.FcLToa,
Pre sident of the Senate.
"Adopted oy the House Feb. 6, 1895.
Cms. B. Mooaas,
prakr of the House.
"Concurred-iu by the Senate Feb. 13,
Joseph Smox,
President of the Senate.
house Joint ke-olution no. s.
Propotia.1 an amendment to tbe Coo
S'.i'ati n of ths S:t- of Oregon by ra
pealii. Sjction 33 of Article 1.
Raoived by the Uooje, the Senate
cmcmuag: That Section 35, of Article
1 i f the Con-stit ition be and hereby is
"Adopted by the House Jan. 11, 1S9J.
W. P. Keadt.
Speaker c f the House.
"CVncurred ia by the Senate Jan. 30
C. VT. Fcitox,
President of ihe Senate.
"Adopted by the Houe Jan. 30, 1395.
Chas. B. Moons,
Speaker of the House.
"C'uiurrvd ia by tbe S?ut Feb. 11,
Joftrii Sdiox,
President of the Senate.'
Be i' reeoived by the Senate, tbe
Hou-hs coocutrir-g: thu the following
amentltnect to the Cjustitution of the
Slate of l)reo ba anl it hereby pro-
poeed : .
"Tne elecuve fraochisa in this Stat
shall not hertafUr be prohibited to any
citixen ou account of sex.
"Adop'ed by th Seuata Feb. 6, 1S95.
Jck-kpii Sixox,
President of the Senate.
"Adoj.wd by tne Hou4 Feb ti, 1895.
Chas. B. Moobxs,
Speaker of the House.
"Adopted by tbe Senate Jan. 31, 1S)9.
T. C. Taylor.
Prrsi.lent of the Senr-te.
"A I p'e t ly it.e Hons- Jan. 31, 1399.
E. V.Castkk,
S, i-krf i the Hours."
.s i'.v . E t : 1 ? -c LOON, Omce of Secrs
ia y . ;va .-. I, F. I. DUNBAR. Sec
ret r -a S . ' ot the State of Oregon,
an I Cu t diau of the S1 of raid State,
! hereby cvrti'y hitt I 1iavi compared
(In i r 'ce diiiu ni y of Senate Joint
Ue! !otitti No. 4. cf the Legislative
Ass. m!'v 1 1 lS'.U, "Municipal Indebt
filroH A:Tdu-rn Senate Joint
U'. 1 1 i !i N 13 i.l tLe Legislative
A'sem" .-t tii '. "Judiciary Aaiendr
tuo. t ;" " - Jo:r. Kei'ution No. 10
ttt- J.' u I :!vc AssfinUly of 1893,
lfii;:ttio Aiiu-i.iit ent ;" Hou-e Joint
lletobtt on N . U .( the LKlative A-Frtiily-i
l-SW, "Kep.alini( Aoietitl .
merit .tut S.-i' t Joint Keeo.nticn
N . 7 l ! Lfi:i-i'ive AsefiaWy f
lVa, "Ktjual Sntr-wiie AmeDtiaienl,' .
wt It oi cH'i. now ou hlit iu ihre
.l!i'. .in. I ih.t; tho o.iiue ia a uorteit
ira si-k!;t theirfrotu xnd the wbohi
. h eunto st my Hand
( un.l BihseJ beteto tbe
( )
S of llm Slato of
Or ton.
om- .it tin' Cdpito!, at Sal. in, Oregou,
l!.n ll.iul d iy tl NcvuniVer, A. D., 13TO.
Secretary cf State.