r, r si i The Plaindealer i Job Printing 3 READABLE. RELIABLE. REPUBLICAN, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEAD., KILL MFAD5 ENVELOPES, ETC Ne better field tha l Southern Ore. Exeiuua short aotica at prkaa r fen ' a. h. Mtdin . i w ..lil L canateteat with g eed work. overuse, i PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. Vol. XXX. ROSEBURG, OREGON MONDAY DECEMBER n, 1899 No. 98 PLAINDEALER. ANIMALS IN EFFIGY. THE FAMOUS COLLLXTION OWNUD BY THE SMITHSONIAN. now Carta Are Made of Bar ami U0U7 Animals Proor That the Whale Could Bare Held Jons.a Of Valne to Student "y. Historians. Strewn along for a distance of 60 yards ia tbo rear of the Smithsonian in- t .Huuui aru luucks et piaster ot parts ui every Imaginable shape, some of large fi ae and others fitted together as if to fv.Tui boxes. For tbe most part they look i i k e the ref aso of w ark-shop. Here and there one frag mooter another is seen to resemble a part of a fish or other ani t al, perhaps a tail, or a head with a I -.lit of fore flippers. A big slab bears the impression of a snake, as if the creature, having bnrieditself in mud for the win ter, had raked from its torpid state and craw Jed away. Other objects yet mora strange are faces and various parts or La m an bodies apparently fossilized. These odd looking things are molds The Smithsonian institution has been collecting them for SO years past, and some of them hart cost a great deal of money. Quite a number have been fetch ed a!I tbe way from Alaska, represent i various animals peculiar to the re ?of the frozen north. Ifaqueerrep ulo'far fish is found anywhere, there is , nothing better than to make a cast of it in plaster of pans. By this means its chape is copied to perfection., and that is a great help for museum purposes. When, a few years ago, a whale was f trail dod on theKew England roast, Dr. Palmer, taxidermist cf tbe Smithsonian institution, was sent to mako a copy of it in papier macho. This he did that is to say, be made a mold of the cetaoean in plaster, of which he took several bar rels foil with him, and the papier d ache cast was produced afterward in Washington. Only one-half of the whalo was cat, however, representing what might bo termed tbe port side of tho animal. This is now hung up in the National museum. On one side it shows tho out ride of the creature and from the other side the inside. It was a clergyman who on a certain occasion not long ago was steering some incmsers of bis nock through the building, toad, pausing in front of the whale, remarked, pointing td tbe capacious interior of the great marine mammal: "You sec, my dear friends, that there was plenty of room for Jonah!1' In such ways, the Smithsonian insti tution has collected Isolds and made casts of a great variety uf animals, of ten sending long distances to get them. Of reptiles alone it has eocured several hundreds, e.-.ch representing a typical species, while the fishes run up to 1,200 and upward. From es.zh plaster mold about E0 casts may be made, if de tired. This facility of multiplication - ig rituised to a considerable extent in another branch of the work not re lating to animal at all. To schools and to museums all over the world the Rm?tr.mian institution eends sets of tTpical aboriginal implements of Amer . ica. These are valuable for purposes of study. A mold from an actual stone ax will furnish 60 facsimiles, which only have to be painted in order to look ex actly like tbe onginaL II more .are wanted, another mold is easily made. While it would not be easy to ship a whale or a walrus to the Smithsonian institution smaller animals are readily transported. Nearly all of the creatures of which these molds are made are sent . to this city for that purpose. When Tracti cable, two living specimens are forwarded. One serve for the mold. The other is a model for the artist Be fore going further it should be ex - 'iaed that tbe casts are intended to r -"sect tbe ardmaln themselves in the zm, affiT'tbey must be as lifelike . thle. . They are painted by men v . 0 ere skilled in this branch of art 2&aQ making a mold from a the animal, if alive, receives a dose of chloroform. It mayor may not recover. There have been instances where ser pents have got over the effects of the chloroform two or three times in succes sion, only to be subjected to further doses and made to serve again and gain,' Perhaps an anaesthetized opbid ian will be coiled gracefully about the branch of a tree, and tbe mold will be taken from branch and snake together, to be subsequently painted, of course. Or if it were a rattlesnake, it would probably be coiled in a spiral, as if ready to strike. In the west wing of tbe - Frr,ithannH institution is a beautiful exhibit of tbe rattlesnakes of the United - States. They look as if alive, though only casts, so well are they painted. with surroundings of herbage, eta, to counterfeit nature. It is the same way with reptiles of ether kinds. There are ever so many Gueer species of lizards in this country. particularly in the western deserts. The . horned toad is one of these, not being in reality a toad at all, though it looks like one. There are the ediblo lizards of Death valley and others which are able to outrun tho fastest race horse. Such creatures as these are easily mold ed, every scale in their armor being re produced with wonderful accuracy of -. detail With land mammals it is differ . ent- for a cast of a creature with a fur coat can hardly be made to look like life. Nevertheless Dr. Palmer's collec tion includes caste of portions gfmajy ' Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent Made from pure, grape cream of tartar. (tOYAL BAKING lauiTuianTuiais. l"or Gianople, hanging on the wall of his studio in the rear of the Smithsonian institution is a plaster head of a tapir, taken direct from the animal. When he has occasion to 6 tuff a tapir, he will not be obliged to guess at the measurements of that part of the beast. Close by is a cast from the head of a sea lion that was killed in tho Pa cific. Another cast is from the tongue of a bear. Some day the taxidermist will desire to set up a stuffed bear with its month open, and there will be a tougue ready. There is also a calf's head which is very lifelike, though it would uot make good soup. Washington Star HE ARRIVED LATER. Coloael Joliu S. U ks Did Not Meet Gen eral Sherman In UraatL Everybody knows lhat Colonel Wise fov.gl.t as a mere boy in the southern aruiy, became a Republican after the war and ran au unsuccessful race for governor of Virginia. He has been on tho field of honor mere than oucc, but no longer believes in the duello as he did in his younger days. While a Vir ginian to the core still ho is not a native of tbe Old Dominion. At that famous Astor House dinner a few years ago mado memorable by tbe eulogy Mr. De pew passed on President Cleveland, General W. T. Sherman, in the course of a very interesting speech, alluded to a trip rondo by him to California in 1S-1G, via tho cape. He stopped off at Rio Janeiro on Christmas eve to pay his respects to Hon. Henry A. Wise, at that time United States minister to Brazil, and was hospitably entertained. "What time did you leave the minis ter's house?" queried Colonel John S. Wise, who was ono cf tho guests, inter rupting General Sherman. 'At 9 o'clock, Christmas eve, " re- t ponded old Tecum sch. 'If you had just waited two hours i longer, geueral, I'd have been glad to mako your acquaintance," said Wise. Two hours later the young W iso made cis fcrst appearance on tnis terrestrial globe. Washington Post Somber Christianity. The Add Licht kirk when Dr. Chal mers visited it was a terribly bare little building. The elders were a grim set They kept their bonnets on their heads till the minister petered, and they bad each a " largo stick in his band, which they used for "cbappin" their noses through all the service. Tbe minister wore no gown or ban as. lie gave a very long sermon full of sound divinity, but without the smallest practical ap plication and without a vestige of feel ing. At length Dr. Chalmers got out the dismal worship being ended, and his word was, "If these people ever get to heaven, they will lire on tbe north side of it " San Francisco Argonaut A Great Memory. The Journal of Speculative Philoso phy gives a remarkable instance of a farmer in Indiana who could remember what he had done on every day for 20 years. He was repeatedly tested by ref erence to the nctes made on previous examinations, and never failed both to name the day of the week and to tell what occurred to him on that day. The words used in his narratives often varied, but ho always had tbe events as bo had mentioned them before. A Dileauna. Friend Have you completed your novel? Author Not yet I am sorry to say. I have made six couples happy for life, but I have still got an old general and a shoemaker's widow on my hands, and somehow they won't match. Fliegende Blatter. somcieaiiy cewarueu. Tho latest joke at the expense of the French Society For the Protection of Animal is to the following effect : A countryman, armed witn an immense club, presents himself before the presi dent of the society and claims tie nrst prize. He is asked to describe the act of humanity on which ho founds the claim t "I saved the life of a won, replies the countryman. I might easily have killed him with this bludgeon," and he swings his weapon in the air, to the im mense discomfort of the president. "But where w:is this wolf?" inquires the latter. "What had he done to you?" "He bad jurt devoured my wife," was the reply. The president reflects an instant and then says, "My friend. I am of opinion that you have Iku mfScicntly reward ed." New York Po,t. llnir. The hair crows lot tor in light than in daikr.css. becaa: e t.f the stimulating ef fect of light and 'sunshine It has been oftea noticed i:i the case of men wlw sit in office with ue .' ido always turned toward tho light I !.t the mustache or beard of that sideg.ws Vnigfrthanthit m tbu. other. A Great Landowner. A toartst was bang driven over a part of the country in Ireland where his infernal majesty appeared to havo given bis name ' to all the objects of iutero-t iu tho locality, for there was tho Dev il's bridj;i. the Devil's caldron, the Devil's glen, etc. Said the traveler: "The devil seems to bo the greatest landowner in theso parts." "Ah, sure, yonr honor, " replied the jarvey, "that is so, but he lives in Eng land. I think he's what they call an absentee landlord in Ireland. " Louden Gontlowomau. POWDER CO, NEW YOSK. HER SILVER SPOONS. THEY REMAINED HER PROPERTY, BUT WERE VERY COSTLY. After Buying Them Three Tluics tho Ite fused to Risk Them Any More A Little fctory Bearing on the Question of the Wife's Property Kiglit. The following story was told in a pa per read by Mrs. M. J. Coggctshnll at n meeting of tho Woman's Snffrago so ciety of Des Moines aud published in The Saturday Review of that city: Today, when wo women liavo not out grown the pretty fad cf collecting sou venir spoons, the great variety and beauty of which were unknown to onr grandmothers, allow me to recall tho story of a great aunt cf ours who also loved spoons, but whoso plain cupboard drawer contained no sets cf dainty after dinner coffees like those from which wo love to sip as wo sit in our clabs and talk of culture. This aunt when a young woman was a teacher in a country school until she had saved enough money to indnlgo her great desire for a sot of silver spoons. Sho was married soon after to tho young man of her choice. Six years parsed by years of hard work and economy for both, happy years, though no children had come to bless thuir union when by a sudden illness the husband was taken away. The day after the funeral the grieved wifo was surprised by tho en trance to her home of the two brothers of her husband, bringing with them the villago lawyer. They told her they had couio to set a valne upon their brother's property, iu order that sho uiin'l:t knew what part of it was hers. She held her peace as they tct down tho worth of cr.ch articlo of fornitoro in tho littlo homo, until tin y finally came to the box of Kpoiius. " Thru she spoko and said: "Tme ara mine. 1 bought them with my own money before I was married. " "Yes, ma'am," said tiro lawyer, "but you know, ma'am, that alter a la dy is marric.l everything belongs in law to her husband. " So all tho little property was divided, the brothers taking half, and she took th8 spoons with the rest at Uiq price that had been set upon them. Cut it obliged ber t3 give up the home, and she, with hir few effects went into rented rooms and began lifo auow. Oc casionally teaching a school and always sewing whcit possible, sho supported herself very comfortably for about three years, when a lifelong friend cf her husband, an excellent man, offered her his hand in marriage. Sho liked him well, and her friend told her it was the best thing to do, and she thought with pleasure of again be ing mistress cf a borne. So they were married. In a few years ber husband's health declined, and fur many months she gava him most tender and unceasing caie. She had a few times spoken to him about making a will, but as it seemed an unpleasant subject she had ceased to mention it Finally tho end came. There had ccnio to attend tho funeral his nearest relative, a nephew from New England, whom she had never seen t-3 fore. In a day or two bo brought two men to the cottage to appraiso the prop erty, and again was there a price f 't upon the well preserved spoons. On the evening of that day as she was prcpar ing supper the nephew entered the kitchen and said: "Aunt Liza, I am disposed to be very easy with ycu. The worth of all of uncle s property has been carefully estimated, and I will al low you to include in your half of it any article ot lurmturo you may choose." And again sho paid the price cf ber first darling purchase of silverware, but there was not enough left after tho half was taken for her to keep tbe house and lot so they went into tho hands of strangers, and with her cat Aunt Liza again went into cozy, but hired rooms. She was a pattern of thrift and tidiness. as a smart widower of the neighborhood was well aware, and in less than a year he made a call upon the comely matron. He was wise enough to'mako his first visit short, but lingered a moment in tbe door and suggested that in tho near future they become better acquainted. Sho answered, "I am living hero very comfortably, and I think, Mr. Johnson that it will not be worth while for yon to call, "and closing the door hastily she turned to her cat and said: "No. Tommy, I Lave bought thoso spoons threo times, and I don't intern to risk them any more. " BooKht the Ship That Brought II uu. An interesting anecdote is told of the late Captain Theodore Julius. Some time ago Captain Julius went over to shipyard in Camden to tako a look at the old packetsbip Tonawauda, which was being converted into a coal barge. The captain took a particular interest in tbo old ship, becauso of his having served as mate aboard her in tho early sixties. While he stood watching tho old vessel, a tall stranger approached him and asked, "Isn't your name Julius?' Ihe" captain replied iu the affirmative. "You were a mate on that ship in the summer of lfcG3?" "Yes," said thocap- tain. "You don't remember me, " con . tinned tho stranger, "but I remember J you very well. I was a steerago passen ger on mo louawanua at mat inno, Do ing on my way to this country. I've been pretty prosperous, and I've just bought tho old ship and am going to mako a coal bargo of her. Strange, isn't it, that I should como to own tho ship that brought my, practically penniless, to this country?" Philadelphia Record. A Misapprehension. "Only think," exclaimed Feudorsou, "of tho many uses to which paper is now put!" "I know," replied Bass. "I was at tho theater tho other night, and I was told it was nil paper, aud it was a fine, jubstantial - looking structuro too." Boston Transcript nary JU xjer. Mrs. Mary E. Dyer of Winona, Minn., has been elected school director from the First ward. Tho women of tho town desired to havo her for a director, and she obtained tho Ropublican nomina tion. She was supported by tho best part of the city press and was elected by i. handsome majority, the women thom 6elves casting a largo vote for her. It is tho first time that any woman has been chosen to such a position in Winona. Ignatius J. Loyola had tho faco of an ascetic, with sharp features, worn with, fasting, hatching fcqd prayer. THE GARDEN. Clicked with 111 weeds my garden lay a-dying. Hard was tho ground ; no bud bad heart to blow. Yet ehono jrotir smllo there, with your aoft breath sighing, Have patience, for tamo day tho flowen will grow." Some wmls you killed; you made a plot and tilled it. My plot," you said, "rich harvest yet shall rive," ith sun warmed seeds ot hopo your dear h.-uids filled it. With rtn aott tears of pity bade them live. So, weak cniong tho weeds that had withstood yon. Ouu little puro white Cower crew by and by. Vou could not pluck my flower. Alas, bow should you? Vou set the seed, but let the Uossom die. -Fall Mall Budget FAME WON BY ACCIDENT. Caatlen Lepage' First SDOcewful rietnre Waa an Advertisement. The great French painter, Bastieo Lepage, was pursued by unmerciful dis aster through his youth in bis efforts to study art. His mothev worked in the fields to keep that sickfy boy at school. At 1 5 ho went to Palis alone, starved for seven years, painted without success, but still painted. Ho had just finished a picture to send to the salon when Pans was besieged, and ho rushed with his comrades to -tho trenches. On tho first day a shell fell into his tudio aud destroyed bis picture, and another shell fell at his feet wounding him. no was carried home and lay ill and idle for two years. Then he . re turned to Paris nd, reduced to abso lute want painted cheap fans for a liv- . One day a manufacturer of some patent medicine ordered a picture from him to illustrato its virtues. Lepage, who was sincere, gave bis best work to tho advertisement Ho painted a land scape in tho April sunlight Tbe leaves cf tender green quivered in the breeze; group of beautiful girls gathered around a fountain from which tbe elixir of ycuth sprang in a bubbling stream. Lepage believed there was real merit in it "Let mo offer it at tho salon, "he asked bis patron. The manufacturer was delighted. 'Bnt first paint a rainbow arching over tho fountain, "ho said, "with the name cf my medicine upon it " Lepage re fused. "Then I will not pay you a son for the picture!" Tho price of this pic ture meant bread for months, and the painter had long needed bread. The chance of admission to the salon was smalL He hesitated. Then be silenced his hunger and carried tho canvas to the salon. It was admitted. Its great success insured Lepage a place in public recognition and his later work a place among tho greatest of living artists. Current Literature, Some Railway Mapasakinc. "This won't do," said the general passenger agent in annoyed tones to the map maker. "I want Chicago moved down here half an inch, so as to come on our direct route to New York. Then tako Buffalo and put it a littlo farther from tho lake. "You've got Detroit aud New York on different latitudes, and tho impres sion that that is correct won't help our road. "And, man, take thoso two lines that compete with U3 and make 'em twice as crocked as that Why, you've got one of 'cm almost straight "Yank Boston over a little to tbe west and put New York a littlo to the wet, so as to show passengers that our Buffalo divi.-ion is the shortest route to Boston. "When you'vo done all theso thing I've said, you may print 10,000 copies but, say, how long Lave yon been in tho railroad business, anyway?" New York Herald. Bow Flies Walk on Window Fane. The microscope reveals tho neat con trivance which enables a fly to walk up a window pano or defy tbo laws of gravity by gliding aloup, back down ward, cn tho ceiling. Tho magnifier chows tho fxt to bo made up of two pads covered with tine, short hair, each pad having a hook abovo it Behind each pad is a bag filled with a sticky liquid which oozes out whenever tbo try puts his foot down. The amount which is pressed out of each f ct is very small indeed, but taken all together it is am ply sufficient to hold tba insect in aliy position ho chooses. SL Louis Repub lic. Nero's A p pea racer. In his youth Nero wa remarkably handsome, but early in manhood his habits cf dissipation tuado hint exceed ingly corpukr.L To jodgo from his medals and tho descriptions I'-ft of him he must havo weighed ovt r 000 pounds His features were regular, bat his eyes were fo protuberant as to I almost a deformity, and ho was uirrsiyhtcd. so much so that ho could net roeoguizo his acquaintances acres tho street. .V rablt (N'ot frjm .tisop). An f.rv l or.t rr.-.iJ: "Who so trlsi ts I! lie? tiie tjcf- fJ my lie!: c?2 tho six of my . - 'c: , 1 iJ mo u ia a ttw at: I err, 'Who: who! v.'uo: soUncsI?" T" diU-ras Ixjan tocaclrlo .-.ii-l (1y, " . The mlibiti oit to their IiuKm IIi1 liii!, TU n.toc t Jn- hid in the trranary. T it a Ik- r i:!i a pun rtole oat oa Uio aty. A:nt liK-w Hut owl to eternity. Th-.t .!. iK-iii)ip. tbous'u Tcnr , Iii l triju-iicitt-iiNiy ndvcrtii. 1-on't mlvi-rtiso your wi-ak pointa te jotir i-ouipvtit. r. . -Adapted (hhii Vat id O. Page. "Necessity is the Mother of Invention, It was the necessity for an honest, reliable blood purifier and tonic that brought into existence Hood's Sarsapa rilla. It is a highly concen trated extract prepared by a combination, proportion and process peculiar to itself and giving to Hood's Sarsaparilla unequalled curative power. lis 'wonderful record of cures his rmde it America's Greatest Medicine. Rosy" Cheeks " have good health dr.d rosy cheeks, thanks to Hood' s SursAparilU. It builds ftie op nd saves doctor bills." Mdry A. Burke, East CJdir St.. IndUnApotis, Ind. Hood's Pills ctirelleM!lt : the non-Irritating sad uiiTyestlis'rtic to Uk with flood's HsrtspsririiT 1 F. BARKER & CO MITCHELL WAGONS J. I. CASE PLOWS. SHOE SHOE Can be combined iu the same Sboes, if correctly fitted. We are to show the ever shown in in reaching the tories iu the east. We should like to have " a a chance to make vou acquainted wun our stock and prices will please you. There is a Quality aoouc our Drugs Which secures !-tiv in cmnll nii!int?t5i: nnrl hnv freniTeTlt 1 V. -"j ..... , j 1 j i therefore we always have a Fresh Stock of Full Standard Strength Drugs. Our aim is for Quality, and we hit the mark The merits of our prescription Department have built up a large trade in this line. A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Prescriptions com-. pounded Day and Night. SEIRECORG - - - Name It? Why, have it Nice fresh stock of Staple and ran cv GROCERIES constantly on hand. Fine Teas and Coffees a specialty. Canned goods, Flour and Feed. Fine fresh goods at reason able'prices. Give me a trial order. MS. A. C. KIDD. Staple and FancyGroceries. We have' a complete line of -w- FRESH .GROCERIES, TABLE DELICACIES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CONFECTIONERIES, FRESH AND TROPICAL FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC., Which will please you in both quality and Price. QiveusaCall. KRUSE r'VfaV''V'aV'- s We To let you know that Staple and Fancy we Our stock is enlarged, hence new. COUPONS GrOcErIeS a holder to a selection from our handsome decorated porcelain china. A chance to get something nice for nothing. Come and see. Everything at the lowest prices at Jackson Street, Phone 2U. Snow Flake. &lIt STYLE COn FORT. pair of prepared most complete line cf Shoes our store, havine succeeded best and largest Shoe Fac as we feel assured that both V0LLEN6ERG BROS. 5 Z ! permanent patronage. We Druggists. spell it backwards and you & SHAMBR00K. pay for this.... 44J" have a fine selection of being constantly replenished our goods are always fresh and and given with every cash purchase which entitles ZlGlflt'S GROCERY. A Complete line of -now on band. DRY GOODS. Ladies Dress Goods, Ribbon, Trim- iniDga, Laces, Etc-, Etc., Also a fine line of of tho best qna-ity and latest style. Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. cod. Willow, and Glassware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc., also oa haDd and at prices to so.it the times. An up-to-date l:ne of H. C. STANTON. EAST AND SOUTH VTA THE SHASTA ROUTE Southern Paclilc t. Eiprase traiae leave Portata daily. 7 Our. M. I Lt. Portland - Ar. Eoeeburg Lt. San Freceiaro Lt. turn. liu r. . :0S r. u. i -i) a. u. I Lt. K Us., t Ar. 5.00 P. M. S:rfir. M. 6.4) . M. h;lSP. M. 7 09 A.. M. Lt. Lt. Lt. Lt. Lt. Offdea Lt. DenTer L. Omaha Lt. Chicago Lt. Loa Ancelea 5 AS A. M. 7:00 A. !!. 436 P. H. 7 ti A. M. 1:J P. M. P. M. S:15 P. M. 4 ISP. M Lv, El l am Lt. l.r. Fort Worth Lt. :U A. M. S.9 P. M. ;:5SA, U. Lt. Kew Orleans Lt Oinlstx Car Observation car. Pullman finrticlaa and tourist can attached to all trains. rshaata Kxprcaa Dally. ii m. I Lt. . roruana - r. i . a- - 5r. .ILt. Koeebarc - Lt. poejA-n : r. n. I Ar. - Pun rrencisco - lt. i ifv r. a. c 1 soa-i Corralli Mail Daily (Except gandsy). .a. I St Portland Corrailia Ar. Lv. i.M r. 11 SO A. . 1-jOr. At Alhanv and Corvallls connect with train. ol Corraius Eastern railroad. Independence Passenger Daily (except nnday) BIS SHOES SCf. a. Lt. - PorUand Ar. S:i. . 7-r.. Ar. - McMinTille Lv. "-- S aOr. . Lr. Independence Lt. 4-"a. . a. KOXHLER. C.H. MARKKA. Manager. U. W. rae. Age i. PORTLAKD OBIGOX. Direct ronoerrtlOB at San Francisco with steamship lines for Hawa'i. Japan, China, The For through tickets and rates call oa or ad dress L. B. MOOKK Agent or V. C. LONDON, komburg. Sccwic Uae ef the Werld" The Fa tot ite Transcontinental Kon'e Between the Northwest and all Pointa Eset. Choice ol To Routes . Through the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery And Four F.cu'.eeJLast of Pueblo and Denver. All rSBcnsers granted a day stop-over in tbe Mormon Capital or anvwherete twren Oden and Denver. 1'eteo.ally conducted Touriet Excursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and the East. For Tickets and any Id formation Re garding Ratw, Koutes, etc.. or lor le scrsptiye Advertising Mstt.r. call on Agents)! Oreson Railway A Navigation Co.. Oresou Short Liue or. Southern racifla Companies. S. K II00PEU. Geueral fat A Tn krt Atent. Denver, Col. R C. MCHOL. General A&eut, 251 Wash. St. Poitland Or. Roseburg P. O. Hours. Week days. C :30 a. m. to 8 y. m dats and holidars, 6:30 to 9:00 . 5nn- a. nt. and 5 :S0 to 7 :30 p. m. ST au a wciu." . Roseburg to Marshfield Departs ev ery day at 6 a. m.: arrives every morn ing. Roeeburg to Myitis Point. Dent" every day at 6 a. m ; anive exerv morning. Rofeburg to Millwood Hepartp eer day except Sundays at 7 a. m.; arrivrn every day except Sundays at 4:4 p. in. RotxdMir: to Peel IV pa it 'daily. (- x cept Sunday) at 7 a. nt ; artie daily, (evcept Sund:iyl at i! p. tn Uoidt)r; to I.nricj IVp.i't Ttie duys ami Fridats nt 1 p. lu.; a rives Ttn-H.tas and FiM.)S ;l 11 'A . n II yen suffer f -um ellderue6 i t !ull ness t-ii the right side, p-tins under Hhoulder Itlade, eot.etipatii'n, bilionstiTS, eick Iteadaclie aud (eel d tll..l.e.tvy utul sleepy your liver is torpid aiidt,oti!tet-t.-d. DeWitt's Little Ettly liiceix will torn you promptly, pleucautly and pertna neotly by removing the cot gtsiioo and causing the bile ducts to open and It oaturallv. tury are qooo i-ills. A. C, MARSTERS A CO. iloMlO. t - GENERAL DIRECTORY STlT of t,aao. tJ.B.Uenators. Jjoaeon aiavun Congreaunto In. A. Moody GoTernor -----T- T. tteet Secretary ol Btate ' i-mmmmj Stale Treasurer L. a. nacre Sopt. Pub. Instruction J. H. Aekerssao . Bute Printer , W. H. Leeds, Attorney General D - .iaeau it. A. Moore Supreme Judges. C. B. Worretton SZCOKD JUDICIAL DISTHCT. judge J. W. Hantilloai Prosecutinc Attorney wo. - orewa o. a. la orrtra. aosnoae. Recwlrer . . , wwry BMta Register i. T. Brtogt r. a. wcsTsra atrasAU. Observer.. Tkoa. (rtoetft DOCSLAS cotnnv. Senator...., A. W. Seed G. W. Wonaeotl BepreaentaUTes W. W. Wileea '4. n. tan flert l.r. Galley herifr ft L. Stepoeae rreasurer M. W. DimmtcJL School Superintendent - Aaneaaor H. B. Ginet'e County ...Joe-Ljoae Couunia-onera. IfiVST anrroyor , (W Thlel Dr. I. V. Hoorrr ' Sheep '"Tr-j-'T . 'riMM aaOta rsxtiscr orrscna. Justices... H. W. atiEer -r...t,i. n p. f;r ber cirr or sosiniti. MiTfr. . a c Minnws fn.in.iiw ,,, w A.Xrater COCHCILBIV. tat Ward If. r v . - t m ear tad Ward li - TT." tad Ward It' f ,7I it?' W Wt1 ith wart : ; is, J'-ir:' g" r Weal. Ti Carey Marshal 7. W. BiUa4 ctTT rocaciL Eznve. The Common Council of the city of Kos.be ft me is tbe first Monday ia each ssonth at o dock p. m. . cocai naaioaa. The Circuit Court for Douglaa Ceoaty ateete three uses a year as follows: The ad . Mam day In March, the 4th Monday In June, and ta ut Monday la Jferesaber. i. w. Uamlltesiei Roseburc iwle. teo. at. Brown, of B aaahrg. pmsecntinx auot ney. County Coirt meets the 1st Wednesday afl the 1st aonday of January. March, May. JalJ. wwalw and aioremoer, Joe. Lyoaa. Dram. Judge; M. It. Thempsua of Soot tabor scl jaa, it yron, ef Oiaiia. esaaiawias rrotate toon la la session eonunaosuUT. Je Lyons, fudge. S'J- laloraal QOMMODORE S. JACKSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Jlininz Law and Water Bizhte made aej:ialty. Marsters Bid. R031BCBG. VKX60 JjjJM. CHEADLE, 3JL I. D. D. S. DENTIST. lnte little biicc oppeaii eJoenm a Roseburg, Or. Office Bait. Q.EKOGE M. BROWN, Attorney-at-Law, Court Ehuc Downstairs. ROeUUR6. G BA B. BUJDLZ, Attorney at Law, Office n Ct nrt House ith DiL Atty. ROSXBCRU. ORIGOW. F. W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 1 and 2 Ceriew Building. ROSBCRQ, O&XtiOM R. W1LXI3. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will prvUe la all is nnu m4 ta tstesa. jt Sea ia Manter BaUding. Dwaglaa sweaty, Ol. ' at. CRAWTOBJ3, Attorney at Law, ousts 1st Marsters Bldg R0BXBCB8, OB. aVBusineas before the V. 8. Laad Onto are auBiag cases a specialty. Late Receiver D. 8. Land Owiee. J A. BUCHANAN, Kofatj Pohlic. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Room 3 Marsters BaiUlire. KOSEBCKQ.OR W UYNKH, DENTIST, Review Building, telephone No. 4. ROSSBfRG, ORXGCX QK. GEO. E. IIOCCK, . Physcian & Surgeon. Qtbct Pit Office BUI. t tK-ne, Maui i ORSSOX IMsctelp .Vtrwaiaisra. TX) rBl'KtJ DIVISION SO 7S. B. OP LI, mnr-b. .-very veeoitd and fourta Sunday. 1 1 'OMSK'S RCUET 0 HPS Na W, er-t n-t ti.trd PtMays In aark tn r UNO -OsT. Kt. S. O. A. R MTKTB TBI t- Bri n,i third TUnnulaj ol earn at t p. iu. vi. 7. it or p.. arrre ventnc t Odd Fetiowe ' -ii.- ki ne-Mi. iu uiikiiM ear . ;.i fc, ttit.t i".K. A. f. A A. M. KFrLA stfl tb WHtiHdsys la l.lK. K OKNE sWiTT. rtery. L V A EJSOTT W.M. N.T. ROSKBPRt-CHAPTER-NO. . O. K.8..MRrTl tne nn-t and thirt TUuratays ol eacai " LIBBIE COSHOW. W M. MAI DS R A.T. Sec y. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. MEET on rir t and thl-d Tuest.y ot raeta most a in tbe kill Ma-nnlr n I. IT. W. Miuja, V. C. H. 1- Makjtkss, Clerk. -OODVES 'f Til E WORLD a tamp No. inet at the (Mil kcllow Hall in Ktvlur4, every lt. ;rl niul jiu Monday .rviiini;. Viiiim m-igubu alwax-s welcome O. P. foe-aow, CO. V. t: L)SiM'S, lerk. tllMl.tiTAKlAN lAitiK. XO. , I. U. O. r. ' iiHt-if lurtly . vrlllliit u( irh week at thvir h.-.li tit 1KU1 Fellow TVmidc t RuavNnra. MimiiU-i-i l--t-ordvr la eiM.t statiilns: an-invtt-t to -.u-:..l. B W. al UtNU. it. tt S. T Jswsrr, sk-e'j. 11. S. WaV. t iu. . P. t. ELKS. KEBlKti LODOK, Natl hili! their regular communications at the ( U. ). K. hall on seoud aud lourth Thursday h ini-uth. Ail uieuibers rvquealed to ai-u-ml res jlarly, and all viailiug brothers er liUy invited to attend. lHU'tiLA? WAITS, tt. K IR.V KlIiULE. Secretary. OOS.Bt'B; lOIKig, SO. la, A. O. V. W unit the ws-yuJ and fourth Mmi.lars i-x-h uiouUi st7:A p. m. at nM Fellows h.l Neinhenof the order la good steading ara Lq ii'od to attend. . R ouch, itnottlu,