s, . t The Kind You Have Always ..in use for over 30 years, , and lias J'- soual (dsCC&ifc Allow All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- pcriments that trifle with and endanger the health of lufants and Children Exiverience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorta is a substitute for Castor Oil, laregorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It eontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALYAYS S7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. SEND KO RSQ335Y nr.R4.&w,? Soviet 0Pv Pr;re S.5.50 mmn fewMgriii rl-snirei. ni:e i-ni. i v. nt.etr4f hefs-fet will f IO.M. tilN. $I1M n is t.i f iitT in pur ft- .ca- lirtmUiw, bttlU.frii-? ttfiUf .s, tBIMCT bUtsriAk 4 tM rmcia( mlr rvrf mmrwm mw at CEWARE OF IMITATIONS bo .lt-r immuHHinM. lillniIHHil.nlrt4rt.1miL pup r?lirJlf'Lf e frrrr lorna-i kt niKiiM lMl OF os. S ' t a km rlr - k -iq SOUD QUARTER SAWED OAK f rst es:firT,H r -- . .-. . : - -j ii dtl-t'THK Ir-n u-:.t t te ol it fMr tMr, nt4 rr'5 ' Ty-. t iJ, !4Mk. the other o pre nh l-nrtk ttle axl head In Wori: fmjrt:ot Book ic.l? kirwi n fiK7 ort. A IT COSTS YHt) rwr ts r MTii.c Rm i Tn K 5 i- ;f l JT Tl'Te rfMn rnnhf voa it vk h.t not ;-ki6i. t-fcl'i.U " i Adsms. SEARS, ROEBliCS St CO. inc Ch";co. ill. Real Estate Bought and Sold oar coMarwioy. Farms, large and small, to Rent, ASD IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVES. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in cboice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire.of. D. S K BUIOK, rVWVWWVWVVVVWVVVWK WYLIE PILKINGTON, f (Hacotaaor to a. w. suauj General Blacksmith ing- rROTTINQ AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, EIPJLIKINQ OF ALL KISD8 PKOilPTLY CONE, hopoa Crucr Wathlntton aad Eane 8lt.i Rotebn.'i Vii f5? OUR FREE OFFER. . ?Bur-- larV. 1 w, Mall wMaala.aad If Ton don't think j-, M 1 yon aend. a. a key to ihe loweM w liniT irVi?J,.l""'1 T.8 TbeCaja-lncoelnawotK-r.'' Mancbrsterl N. H.t I Bjon. r""-V7fMlSy7a"tl "eara. bueixick & Co. ote of UK Uf-A hosaea of ita kind la - 1 re oreatainmie lorisa one oi oc nnenaaoppui waium vaaiM iKwafbty be aent Into dl-trkl-" Imrra Jfomthlr. tkwrn. 'Tfieirealaiorae la a raat rienarunent aiora boiled down." Atlanta rYRtttiiatlTO. tainrvetaeertalnlaa inerrhaiullriMTelopwdia., I'bwafo y pwrtt Herald. 4 taw .boa W beiaieoin?er.ne'theueof Uil.calaloweiiaMraii'll''ialif'l.M Then.f:. A. S"titnttn!l. Weeefld QUO. thtiald. "f i l.r r-mrt. w4 I i eeala aC arer 94 yna will recrfc. la. 4- at4 a rrtava M, KMms. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (IncJ, CKiCACO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. ! awy kair at (raw 6 S O S 3 . 2 5 , Ua aaaal al OUR OFFER it thta a4 out arjfl aend vun wren. lodoee a rood a.rl aaraila of toe asaet ebeae wanteti, and eat It oat aa wear to root aa poaaibla. loeloae aar aaaeUl aetea aaalij aa4 a aeau eilra to p7 poatae, and we will awka la. awa ta mica rear walr aaaet, aad aewd to yon by analL. poatnald. and If Toa are not pert eet la aettafled. wara 1 1 aad wa will lamed lately ref and yemr money. araealal Ofer rrlae aa fctWwri t-ot. rwitrh a. In. lona lone atem, 65CI abort atem, OOet tUoa. SS-ln.lonff. abort atem. l9.i ? i-oa. SMa. lonir. abort atem, "l.oO: 4m. ! 't-in.lon.ahortatem.S2.25; -ln. , .ikontr. abort atem. 3.25. at wtaJUTf. j Ml wtobi tha hiirbtet rrada on the T 3t tnarket. Orate at aaaa aad rat tkeae MI -i. aeMea. laar aiaafy rita,a,a If yaa aa. aet - 1 mm 4 Write for free CataJocua of hair tiooda. Aadreaa. (a SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO.flnc.) Chicago. awaawei m e aea laaiaaiaij raturiii To The Unfortunate. Dr. Gibbon TbU oil reliable ad the molt auccessti:! fepciaiiat In Ban Kraa- V cure all Secual and .1 Semlaal Diacaac." aaca .V as Oonaerrhara, Gleet nam, uuuuuun lu ' , t 'j Sfricttire, &ypti Ilia n --x Jail lu forma, Siklo Dl ' .i,'-Tv aeaaca, raervoua Debit-jf'S- Ky. P"tecy. Semi : aal Weakness and Lota jaji.-jr ' ef nannood, the diuao Jioeoee ol aeU abuse an-1 ezceasvs pmdunica the i uliowtnr aymplmnii: caiiow UHiuleiiaiidMlaTk I apota under tbe eyi-a, pain In the brail, ntiifing UUlceari. laa of roulideuue. tliflitlcnct! iu an proachina alrauxfiv palpitation 1f Hie ln-art, veacneaaoi uiciiinuaauu imcii, mw oi iim-iiku y pirn pint on I lif lur, coiirIh, cmnimjilioii, -l!. CE. GIBBON liaa iiractlce'l lu Kau Kraiiflrco wer thirty year. ami ttoai! tmutili-l timll not tail to consult In in and rtixivo tlie liif!ti ol ait (Treat skill auj experitucf. 1 lie dolorrcn arhen others fait. Try liltn. 'ipk fuaraiilivp. Pwsobi cured at homo. Cliarifin rcasonal'lo. Call orarritc. n CK.aj. r. uiouu.N. f.il kearuy hi. Mtn -run Lta M j TheHoral N itiha en a.l mi-eek!y j , , , . i Fr.artr.EAf.iit holb one yoar Ux onlv , a?Vl-; prir of t ee paper alone. . y Bought, ami -which Las been lias borne tlio signature of been made under his per- suiH --rvision since Its infaney. mi mm in iWpIva vnii in this. Signature of orVW eoncfrr. .r-T oar aw rer- K.1 with nrtMl. r iirunniit. rt the MaeVr ay the-, bust rial WI .i.o.o.J.ii.tii'1; it-jci v trj acq (imrtrd rlin-l finish, n.t nvrkH dr irrr p:i. rva ut p-'tn e iw.r woon f-ed. writ Utrvul.nr vibratlnc Miurttr. uiiite Hjurtb pswot toot. lfi;frTeit.buitl. carrier. rWnt dopuu ar. fwteM rirrtv rri. kM la fcmiWMlt rwni4 mm4 m m4 MHirNtwi CU AR ANTEED tfcwe milw. m( etM 4 wrl rt Now an ror. mn row iimi do either wor kj tft-Tffn' 4I faitwiw i ti with w ira-Vi.r. ttflTKIKG rni . w ttt ttwi r. - v t rtJ.w. rT yi-nr trc-irt trt t- fi CATALOGUE FR&S THIS EIS CiiTALOGllE it rrr. i.:iio. urt K vt ii;i;-tr-u..!,.-- Ih. Iirmt. wlmllfn4 Hn nliliw rn.M KttftS THt UW$THSltli.tCXICAC8 f!CE$ 04 fVil7KIi IIK-.UiUwreveljtnwHT lw" Urytiwiti. tab (..Mtar. Uo, D.ifc ktt Hn. WudM. Jrrtrj, tMi, Blril, c toinu. rarahan loim, SMJIn, ilm araiar irtlM. tnitaj, tfna, Rbm, InM farrtic Wm, liwhiii, r.i.- Taut, BMyctes, r.li Bucfc ie. TeU Jurt what your ton-keeper t bom mort py for ervnrihuqrhe bajrUMl viif nreTent him from cerrhannnt jout ftnvtbine jav bar; eiplaiiK jurt bo toonler, bow mubtbe wrtii or mmU vol be on e.aythinr to yoar town. Tbe kla b k eH t I . the twwtve alone J4 ofDU- l ii b Ulin ao. on. vn rnri wv w vith IS Ml. in atanip. to a wui mi i. j-ot rail M vortbiaotiaMctne iseeora boleoaJe price of rnjUung, thf puru tiv 1MI T THIS CATAtAGrd -It isa aaoBusieiauf bnakiiabs jpioraiaUoa." Minneapolis (Ulna THlHine. Nalcet'jths Public. Kobe liCRC, Ok., 0:lo!er 21, IS'jO. Notice ia lierehy iven tlitt Ue nJer siRned, Ihe trnstea of the haakrapt es tate oi Dr.iel Cartiu, will receive du J consider . urcba" f f vbtt ia known an the Curtin S.w Mi l, situated nesr Comtockp, Oretou, all propofit:or:9 euhject to rejection. Address m, Koet-hurp, Oregon. Date for cWir.L' the receipt of tiie eame will be thirty dr irom the date hereof. Dated at UoBcurir, Oregon, this lst day of Oaolier, 1 8"'.. J. T. llBlDGES, Truelce. rV 3 j PI ITfc ivspepsia hws. Digests v.'hat yoa cat. Itartifl.'ialiydi(,'cst t h food aDd clflg Nature in rti-criKtli'Mniiy and recon structing thn "xiiaisstod ilifive or pang. It is the. tost disfivf-icddijrpst- ,autaii(j ionic. (,i I'.cr iii-ji'iratu n Tran nnfirfi:ifli i(. iir p!V!Hi :wf -It. in. 'can approani It ll! 0!ri(K iii-y. Btantly relit ves ami jxi maiunlly cures Dyspepsia, irirtt'-esii.tn, ilunrttiurn, Flatulence, ik,ur St..i,.ach Katisea, SickIIeadache,GaM ialj.'i;i.t ramiis.JtcrJ aliotherresultsof irnn.-rf.-rt fiistitm. Prepared by E. C. (Jew at a Co.. Chicago I.. i i r j kj r.4 i i h A Few Philippine Csmtnonts. Elktos, Nov UO Euituk I'liandkalkr: t-ouie people there uro ho teem to know nolhio., nowadsje, Lin ituu-expaueioj, when la rehty 1 IkIiovb Hint il they would atop to thiua (il llit-j ever do lliitikj and then euuly the pant biatory of the United Suites, tliey would tiud ibat the wbole lusiuij , truui '7U Uowu, has been una oi expaucioD. 11 it ia uot eipaneiou, lueu pta tell the people what ezpaoaion a. Lei us lor a lew uiuiueuU let 0(1 to piuin, iucoulruveriible latU, audaljvk iu tu the pabt rvcoid. lu l7e3 Ureal liii iau ackuowlnl.td the complete luvlepeuduure o l.he Uuiied blulee, and fuireudend to our lore M.lif is all ol lit r ifintor ibl iy caal ot Hits Alls lot Ivpl nvii ami burth to llio lakt s, t rtu.da aud Nova S.-o;u, thnda OtluiS uu.U 0 Caiii. iual was I He aiie ol oar teriuui v Until JtUtrtoj to. It llio or.-tiacLt.ai ciiair, leu lie, .heiali.ci ol the tleiui.cr-no unM and t-arty ibal today ciiea out aaaii.ai eucu i pohi-. wrat far tta to luuke ibo pur chate ul Louisiaua from Fiance, iu Aril 1Su3. Qoeetion. Did or did uol thai expand cur poceeeeiona? Liatntig Mouroe'o .duiiuutialhiti, dur ing that era ol tax)! f.eling," our terri ary was once more expatided. lor Mon roe l i'U ( Urchaatd Fioiida from Spain, li ISiU. Folltia iug tie events ol lime on down, e come to Tyler's administration, and h le it. history we find recorded Texas annexed to the United S:at -8, in 19-15, Atu'.htr attiuiiilion if territory (bough, (OMU)ly co'. expaueion. Wealiknow tint this act waafolloaed ly tha -Vcr with Mexico," in which we gained all of the vatt teiritory known aa the "Mexican Cesrion." a very valuable tract t( land. This was uot the end o! the Mexican trouble, for iu 1S43 e find that another tract Was taken from Mt x i -o, knoa c aa the "Uadsden Fan base." Only a lew tntre eqaare niilcs added. But wo are told that this ia notexpan aion. Then in 1S07 we find the I'oited SttttS, a government that alw-ya oppostd cx pi 03, t y the way, purchased from Rasria the vast territory of Alaska, that h a trading such wr rid-wide attenlion today, on occoont of her extensive gold field.. Tiea again, this anti-expansion coac try of ours gets a hold on the Samoan inlands Coming on down, every fi'teeo Tyer o'.d child remembers the Gist of the "Ida waiiao licnbiee," and how the ileno. rat io party kicked and backed around, and Grovrr Cleveland's actions in regard to ame, and how in 1S93 the whole troop J ieliti.di were annexed tt this great re- p'ltdic of oars. Now if you please, we will look at the ca.UHQ ol our present position. Tuis tieat and graxd anli-expiueion par;y cf oars howled and brayed around oecaose Treeident JlaKtnley was a little kw in declaring aar immtdiateiy after the "Maine disaster." Bat we were fi nally piatg" d into the depths of war, and a'l we:t to fighting. We whipped Spain, and acquired the teiritory cf the Philippines, part oi the Carolines and Porto Rico. Nothing has been said io regard to getting Porto Rico, that was all rijjht. Then we went to take formal posses sion of (be Philippines and th doughty Utile Fdiy up and objected, lie said he wanted that himself. Niw let ns see if tht ra ia any reason wny he should have it. In the first place oar gallant Admir al Dcaey went ict j tho barber cf Manila at.d spoiled the S. mish fleet there. Then later, Ihe city ol Manila was sur rendered t ) Auurican armies, and not to the Fdipiue. by the way. llete we see the Americans have got ten the blinds by doing two things, capturing the Spanish fleet Gut and the city next, and when we made the treaty with Spain, we lawfully became the p eesaors of the conquered Philippines. Now because we have came possessor of the islands, and the semi civilized conti.ent of that coun'ry does not see tit to come under American rule, why these "antU" eay "Get off the island and let thctn erjjoy their liberty." We did not know that they ever had their liberty, but if they wish to enjoy liberty, bo can tbev ei.ioy it more than to become American sut-jects, and have the same rights that we, as citizens, do et-py today ?; Cjluuiuia tolay is sendini' her brave eoiia to a f irein land to fight a foreign fo. mi l here at hone are aoaie who do not contribute to her force, but stand back 8tid lnonn: e '.be couise that the admitiixlratioti is partuirg, thns eLCour- aing the Filipino and only adding powier and rpeeJ, as it were, to the missiles be is Binding in o tbe breasts ot Unci 9 Sam'a brave boys. Oi ..Il t!iir;-l llut a troo, patriotic citi z.n of Ih'.-se United States may do, he ai'l not oncoo.-ae a foreign foe, and when he does so, it is my earnest belief that BUfh is not his real sentiments, b'li simply the machination cf puliticp, and what evrr his ptluical hots says, which ia a' ways in opposition to Lis opponent's bilief, he must follow. Sacb men when following dictation tbia close, put me in the mind of the lazy Christian who wrote oat as neat a prayer a hd could, and one that about filled the bill for every day, and then tacked it on the headboard of his bed. Each night as lie was getting into bed Le would Mo; loag enough to point to tbe prayer and raiding his eyes toward tbe ceiling would eay ' Lord them's 017 sen timente." So ic is in politics today, whatever a poa.ical boss says, many eyes are cast upward and tongues repent "Lord them's uiy eectimei te." A NJ'l -AsTl-Exi'AX810.M6T. Scinrootly Owra Tor Ilia l'aper. Wlm t this o-.'i:iitry wantH iii a hichlo ridcof Mu:itt-itK Miuirtcd into tho veins of lia'f the Hii,ul;iti(iii that will aiako them i'.iy thi'ir -flchtit like men, instead of Hiinlu'i: !irtmiul i-omiTS to avoid tint-till:,' Huh- rjvditiit-K. Allien Ad-vaiifi-. To "iiilt-1 u ii;ony" in popularly sup posed to Lo mi Americanism. It is, however, f.miKl in one of the letters of Charlotte Hnmto mid was hm1 in Eng lish iMiMil;ir literature bi-fi.ro (ho l-i,'in-win t,f the present j-riitury. Humboldt had a l,n,al, veil fed, in tellectual e:oiinlcii;iii,-o that rJiowed a lo.-o fur the giwd things of lifa BOKEfUA NOTES. A General Write-up of the Camp- Continued From Week to Week. (Boliewla Nugget ) Above the German lies the famous Anaconda out of which ore assaying high in the thousands has been struck:. This mine is owned bv Tboe. Johnson, one of the old timo prospectors and mioeri of the district, whose home is in Cattage Grove. At preseut there is a controversy pend ing as to right of title, but notwiths'unil- I log operations are going steadily on. The property is considered one- of Ihe bett in the district. Just below the Mustek 011 1 he ridge, lies several other mines of lesser note in the matter of developement, but giving excellent prospects. The first ia owned by Peterson & Clncky, who are doing a large amount of fine work. Then comes the Gclden Slipper group owned by Seattle men and represented by Mr. Worley who i going after liix woik in a business like manntr. Below is tha Wall S'.reet grjup ovrnf.l by Portland men. There it a vast amount of work d ine here and some very fine free gtd specimens have been taken from this mine. James Sears' fine group lies just 1 e ow the Wa 1 Street on -which he has been continuously working during tbe entire season, and has a fiao showing which bids fair to become a Brest bullion pro ducer. Lower down on City Creek are a number of other promising claims. At tbe mouth of City Creek is the Riverside Gold Mine A Milhog Compau'y rich property which Las been undergoing ex tensive developement with flattering te suit'. The Calapooia is a short dissance above Riverside. This is an iccorporat ed company of Eugene business men who are represented here by B. E. Haw- ley who is showing bis com pany a mine second to none on the coast. Space wdl not admit of a general de script ion of t ie thousand and one claims on Mont) Rio Ridge, suffice St to say they are all good. 01 i Bohemia moun lain is spotted with damps and cabins cf tbe hardy prospectors. AtGIenwoo-1 on the line of tbe Cut tase Grove Etaae line are some fine mines. One group being ownl tj Hinds & Cj , which is a piotuUing show in;. Mr. Hinds has goad cabins acd wood sheds and ia fixed for wotk 'be en tire year, wiih timber and war in abundance. White Bros. A Co., ova auother group at Glenwood that bid 4 fair to rival tome of tbe best in camp. They have a g xxl deep tonntl 00 their mine with a g od strong rein ot ore at a value of $15 per ton, and many others in this ljcality to numerous to mention. Dawn this creek and at th janc'-ion of Martin Creek are same as good mioes as can be be found in the district. Foremost is Jenka' mines equipped with an arasta and ample water power (or Chicago electric light system. Ttere are 5 clains ia this group io a fHioncli'e dyke of vast richness. Mr. Jeoks Las been pnBhicg work steadily for about 13 months and all io good ere. Anywhere on tbe ra nnUio fide below thisoain ledge one ttM a good pan prcepect from tbe surface. Up Martin Creek are tome very fice prospects. Foremost it tbe Star owned by Jenoicgs Bro.'n'who have a 5 (tamp mill tesides other improvements. Jen nings Bros, are extensively engaged in mining and hive been great factors in the ap building of tbe camp. Tne Combination is also on this creek owned by Rosebarg burioees men, who have dona a large amount ol good work in the last 2 yeara. Over Ion the Adams mountain title cf camp, there has recently been some rich discoveries, but only a small amonnt of work so far. THE WC0D3 BY WIGHT. Sounds Siahta anil Shadows Among; tho Trres and Cnshca. "Sit etill ia tho woods at night aud look and listen," said an old timo nat uralist to mo oae day, "and yon will seo or hear rtrano things, not to bo seen or heard savo by rarest chance in the bufy hours of tho day." I thoegbt of the remark as I sat per fectly still in a small opening cf tho Adirondack woods at tho close of one day last summer. It was twilight, and out cf tho dim, uncertain light loomed tho outlines of the treo iu the valley and ol tho Ampersand uionntam iu the dis tauco. Quickly I saw tho shadow of a moving figure, which I made out to bo that of a fox. How t tealthily tbe sly follow crept along! He made no noise; not a twig broke beneath bis catlike tread. As ho turuc-d, for tho first time ho noticed me. - Ho looked at me, and I looked at him. Then reynard revealed tbe cunning of his kind. Still keeping his eyo on rue, ho sidled nway until ho reached the dark shades and recesses, when ho disappeared in an instant I knew reynard was out on his nicht- ly foraging expedition. Perhaps he was looting lor a wild rabbit or a fat oar tridgo, or perhaps he intended to rob some farmer of his choicest fowls. Tho fox is a night traveler. Ho makes his jr ncy after dark, finds his dinner and t . .es always before the break of day. Our Animal Friends. The Largest Medical Library. A writer ia the Washington Star says that tbe largest and most complete med ical library in the world Is tho collec tion of medical works located in the Army Medical museum, in that city, under tho caro of tbe surgeon general's office of the war department and tho im mediate supervision of Dr. John S. Bil lings, U. a A. It may he said that tho card indox systom of medical publica tions used by tho library is lao meet thorough and practical iudex of medical works in tho world. Tho library now includes about 112,000 bound volumes and about loO.doo pamphlets. It in c timatcd th;it tiii collection comprises three-fourths cf tlio medical literature of the world, r.;:d utiWt niuo-tontlis of tho medio:;! litt ratuin which has been published within the last ten years. ''A I.lai-y. I'irnt Djj On tho high i-eas; stormy tviatiif r; di.-i'.t;reeatil(i company. Second I .iy -Captain very admirable; maile a ili elanitioii of lovo and offered nio hi-; heart- and hand; rejected. Third ). y Captain rututua to tho charge; threatens to kill mo, commit suieido and blowup tho wholo vessel with oi'' pirstais; rejected. I Vui li. Day .Saved the lives of 300 persons. Loudon Globe. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH It a chronic disease. There la an Inflamma tion of tho inner coating ol tho (oraactal A thick, ropy mocui forms and this causes the mors pronounced ynsptomi. It remains in the stomach and decomposes. Then, ol course, digestion can not be properly perform ed. Tho great vegetable remedy UCDTAS never fa 11a to .effect a cure. Bl'DTAN can be bad ol all druggists or 60c. pet package. 8 tody your symptoms i-artlully from this chart. Each num ber represents a symptom or a group ol aymp tnita. You have tbe symptoms, lie ni'D- TiN and they will disappear. THE SYMPTOMS ARE: 1. BILIOUS HEADACHE. This la more pronounced in the morning. HUD YAH will relieve tho headache. 2 3. KED AND W ATE BY EYES. HUOYAN v. Ill raute the redness to dlaap- ppt-ar and la.ke the eyea assume their nor rjsl, healthy appearance. 4. COATED TONGUE AND FOE TID BBSATH AND BAD TASTE IN THE MOUTH. HUOYAN will clear the tongue, mate the breath purs and sweet and cause the Lad taste to dlanppear. 6. PAIN AND TENDEBNE38 IN TH2 BTOMACH. This is due to Indiges tion. IIVny.lN will cause Ihe food to ba ;orr.e perfectly digested and tha pain and tenderness will disappear. 6. ENLARGEMENT OF THE LIVED. HUOYAN wl K-sscn the conges tion aud rclcte the enlarged liver toils nor mal t'.ie. Ul'OVAN will relieve you of tha above symptoms and make you well, bo not delay. Go to your druggist at once and procure a packsge'ol niUYAN for iOc. or lor 12.50. It your druggist does not keep il, send direct 10 tbe IHl.YtN niMfDY tOMPAKT, fan Fram iMo. Cat., and they will aend it to yon. You rati consult tha great BCDYA!f DttCTOrtS r KJiE. Do Dot forget that Call and see them if you wish. Yoa may call and see- them, or write, as yoa desire. Addrtcs HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY. Cor. tecktwa, Market ewe Ellis Sfah, tsa Fraaoiaos, Cat TUK DIRECT ROCTKT Montana. Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. tiives choice oi two favorite routes, via tho CSIOX PACIFIC Fast Mali Line, or th. RtOtiZAXDE Scenic Lines. Look at the time 1J2 daj-s to Salt Lake 24 days to Denver 33 dajrs to Chicago 4ja days to New York Free Rccllaslnar ciialr car. t7p- tiolajterctf Xoartat'CSlMplnar Cars., Paitastaai Palace sieci itsjc rstra opcKatt-tt oat 3 all trail tats. Fim liulher iuforma'W .apply to J. F. OIVANS. Agt., Koeeburg C. O. Terry. W. E Coman. Trt. Pass. At. Gen Agt. L't Third St., Perl at a Or. ONLY S275 Be NO HO MONEY. fta., u . i..J t.u (r USV yoar vetrM akswal Wart:. avt t. Wr aif rracieC OTfUU-J b-ad . cl bani if. asr-elt VJt-i s --t1 ft ; fU(Tm HtTIIBlt(5Uai tlfi'ai tltH to jca by eu-rv-a . !. i Hutrft t CnjrIO.XtawU V C1 ili. rakrtie gUrsi fUj m m.1 mr CfsrTMtiprt' ?f VValTWl it ItVUPd a,a-aa 'f W.siLa-iiasi,i, arUy sva t pstr nM iprrs MP srvrval VrKW2,73, asfatl psyM akaan.ii . Will TerT e) to m vsriiu for esvrh IfWaBli-, THIS CAPS IS LA TEST STYLE FO FALLAr.d WINTER, ex ffem eU rU ffta aaj Wtm mH teal taa,l!asy aTVtatalaW Kar4l Raa Trrs-l-rtaWtT !ff!r V-aT. vrr full -? p. W-rr.l ttppaaf rw. vtr fnlU 1 tpr ttft avtaal mm mmt braiutlw ftjllr trtinntfr Vlth Hrm sUltif aaaJ tJ THr ear tr,mmrl with thrr ron r4 colter mnm to row-of 9w ittii r Wwiiali tUh but :ua Cknacvmertit. TV4a - ! aW-ItviW md tkr-jaiaasrl aitd row I toe-nf that fwllM SEARS. ROEBUCK A CO., CHICAGO Roseburg Bakery. WHITE, GRAHAM, AND RYE. f BREAD 11111 1. also All kinds of Piea, Cakes, and Cookies. H. HANISCH, Prop. Administrator's Notice. NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEH THAT THB undersigned was on tho 2nd day of Oct. 1W, duly appointed administrator of tho estate ot amtu'l Turner de.-eased. All person, hav ing claims agalnxt .aid estate are hereby re quired to present the same, properly verified, to the said administrator at Beotiabure. Douelaa Countr, Oregon, within six months from the ante nercor. Dated this 5tb tlav of October. 1S99. WILLIAM i. BUKCUARD. AdminUtrattir ol the estate of bam 11 el Turner, deceawd. Notice of Dissolution of Partnersbl p Nitjeo is herebv given I hat the part nership heretofore existing letwtpn (r. V. Kmipo end I). It. Shamb'ook, lias been diaaolved by mutual consent. Tbe said O. W. Krnn has assumed all Ihe indebtedness of said firm and will collect all moneys d'ie said fi.ro. Dated Hi is Kith day of Oct. 180". D. K. SllAMBnoOK, G. W. Kbvsk. A 0K NTS WASTKD Foil "TH K IJFK AND Achievement, of Admiral Dewey," the world's rn-atest naval hen. Ily .Mural llalsti-ad. the llfe-luni? friend ami admirer of the nation's lilnl. JllzL-e-.t and liest book : over ioii usee.. 8x10 iuclic; ncnrly hm pngia halltono llluttra- uous. iniiy ji ..1. i-.iioriiious nemanu. nig nlmnilvlons. Outlil free, t'lianco of a liio. .n.i. Wrlle tiilt'k. Tlio Dominion Company f hmrCaxu.il liilg.,t'hicrgo. u I .1- Tl Hi "V3 19 v - - 1,11 "aH ISSWsSVasaatMIa).lrtiaSaBsa a m aia,Wnln p s,lpt.l, .i.iaiau .u.artt-ltraiCT.SJMialaaiia.. ..M.11 ... ij iw.i l ,i Wl&iZgl -TO THE- t . i I .1 Dollars are not Found On Every Bush, But you can save them Iron Ware at "our Store. ALL COPPER NICKEL PLATED WARE. Wash Boilers guaranteed to last a life time, quarters for Fire Arms and Ammunition. Ch u rch ilI?&Woolley 's. Cass Street Market Wholesale Fresh and Cured Fish and Hay, Grain and Flour. D0Z.ER & MaRTIN, 'Phone Main 181. China Novelties Artistic Celluloid Boxes and picture frames; beautifully decorated China dishes; fancy photograph albums of new designs; handker chiefs of finest Japaneae silk ; fine wicker were and nseful orna ment. ; doll carriages, dolls, and toys of every description. Differ ent from anything ever before brought toRxebarg. All new gxili at prices tbat suit yoa. AT Cor. Jackson and Douglas Sis., ROSEBURG, OR. CHINA LILY BULBS." Triumph Prune Grader F01 Green and dried Prunes. Compact, Practical, Accurate. Send for circulars and testimonials to WALTER A10RLEY, Patentee and Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon Get your. SCHOOL Wejhave a"sComplete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Our Prices are Right. ... A. C. MARSTERS & GO. 5 P. Benedick. Any Job Work donerat Reasonable p h. au a ! Hyrlml mew-filahwa. wallwl waa aa l,Ur4llaw. Add-Ma ttasra,CMkMrfc.r tWrsmkl, ralUalsUllar.) SgARS, ROEBUCK A CO. tlae.) CHICAGO, IU Ulft il 11 i 1 ' (V It r--t.J in buying Tin and Granite See our Head and Retail Dealers in Meats Game in Season, Props. FROM CHINA. Y0U1G SAWS SUPPLIES i-ita. At Marsters. UndePtaer und EmLalinei1. ccun nuc nmi in cut tin, aa. 0Ll.' Uflf. aJULLWrl -d III MI -j-- , ,,,, , 1 , wwrrau an na.i,Mi,lilu;kMn, an.ah.rr rart of tfe kinky Mutiutaina. br awlawl C O. .,.a..rl a a..aHaiaa, You can x amine it at your frrlht depot aad M (oant prrlrrtly aatlnfaitorT and ta. aw ana Mm war raia jrtMi e.rrw er heard of aa; ak. MrUaaal wurt artuiaL orrtrt rmcE wit crj !r thrsl.ootawl with ordor.or .ls.a.aa. ft .am rhtm.frrrlaiitaTeracwaaboutai.asruranrv&diM.ii. th 1. r.nur i. n.r a . . . ' inis eiuvc 19 ei&c ww. o. v.m. m lasiisu . . tnchea. ToplatSrMH tnrbesi made from aal par wwa, eitra am heavy (own, oil erniara, hra.T lining-, and rntfa nirkriad orra .hair, alumlnlne llaad n doora. handsome nk.kal nlalad orn.jn.nta .n.l triMni.H " - - T p., i.i.w . n.l '.ir. panoNooia la nr. leaTr ornamented la. KIT CIAI llltNCI Milt j. and we furnl,h rata an 'witra SZ Vria." rkini II a aerfrrt weed bwrwar. B UvM a a ai.XSIMI wi.au.-t.aa wunarrrv itoTe.anu auaraute. talr illlry to ronr mml rai I road .tetioa. FOR I ill EAS T Gives the chtfee of two transcontinental r 1 11 1 1 1 j f ' m. - - -"asar " "aa a . GREAT North er - VIA Spokane Ohort Lino vu 8 alt Lc!io Denver Minneapolis St-aPau Omaha AKD ASD Chicago Kansas City Lroweat Rate to mXi " EaatcrasCItleaww. . ocean .teamen leave Portland every 11 v.. days -FOB ' SRfi FHflflCISCO Steajnera montfalr frosa Portland to Toko aorna an Hong Ions; ta eonneetloa wit too a. V. or full details eail on or address JOHX F. GIVASS, AgenL Kom borg, Oregon. W. H. Hl'RLBCKT, Ocneral Paswingar Agent ' O. R. ft x. eK, Portia asal. Orcsoa. RailrtMd Tlata Table. Northboocd Eoseborg local, Ko. 17 deparU70a. m. Sonthbx)aa Rosebarg local. So. 13. arrive 5 :20 p. m. 5octhboocd overland, 5o. 5. ar- rivea 10 :35 a. m. ; departs 19:43 a. ra. Sooth bound overland. Jfo. 6, Brrr? :15 a. m. ; departs 4 :25 a. to. . rasiaHT TaUCfS. Northboond fast tbronsh freishL Sa 221, arrives 4:10 p. m.; departs O20 p. m. South boo nd fast throoath fr.foht. ITa 222, arrives 7. "00 a. m.; deperta 8.-00 a m. Korthlinnnil mirnl tram 44wmm ar. 2-55 p. tn., Sondavs, Wedsesdays and Fridava. rla-nartw oon n. U..n Tharadays and Satnrdajs, C L L a . w X niuuiintiiia Bisea tram no. ar rivea at 3 -00 n m nr. Snni4a s,r day and Fridaia. departs 7:15 a. ra. Mondays. Thursdays and Eatardays. Xztbchhst Caxsca cormer of Haia aad tasa Eieeta. Bandar Berries: rira.li In. 11 a aad S.00 p. aa.; Babbata acaeol, le a. as.; l w alker, Buperintemdent: Clasa Vasadar ai cloas ef Ua aaornlna; serrtceTt XpvorOi LearM T4Sa.-w a fl c1 fM- m at eating. Wednesday, at 7 M p. sa. r - " -j , 1 aaa ww I III ICS G. K. Assola, Paafor, Paiaooage, corneT Xala aad liusa. CaiTio limui carmen n rm? Soaday serrlce, at U a. aa. an4 7 JS p. aa. Prajw t sweeting. Taorsoay ereniac. Mrs. Locv It Cvtui-, Kastor. BT.6BOBGCS CacwfM.-Cormer Caaa an-1 Maia streets. Berrieea on aeoaod aad toorth Sunday ajorninx oi each moatk aad every Soa- ixwrenuia;. special amlcea aaaooceed Jro: ase to Ume, JUt. Jom Dasrsos, . Viaakwiary. H- K- Cacaca. SocTaL-tevteevwry 6 an is y o-niBf aad cveoiog. Rav J T Cottow. PaaUa Bimrt CHracH corner of Laaa. aad Hoea ireetv Saaday service: PToaehiag at 11 a.?. sad 7:30 p. m. Sabbath Bchool at at a. aa O' ?. Coabow, saperintendeat, rYayer meelioai t 7:30 Wednesday rening. a. A. DoCGLaa, Paster. Pibst cisiraur Cnvaca Corner ef Ptna aad Woodward sueeta. Easday service Preaching both anorniag aad evening, Sooday school at 10 a. m. T.P.8.C. X.atSJO . K Prayer meeting each Wedaeaday evening at 7.30. A cordial sn-Icoiav. aad greeting avaiia W. A. Wooa, Pastor Tost PaaaBTTiaLiw Cacaca Corner of Cos aad Boss strceta. Sunday aerrW: PntiUi! worship, a a. bl, aal p. au; SabbaU scboos, 19 a. m, T. P. 8. C. K. l 7 Ma. Prayer ateettng, Wedaeaday veaiag T:2 p J. A. TcrwTrsijrD, Paator. Tn W. C. T. U. will hold IU regolar Beetlsjts on the second aad fourth Xondaja of everr saoata 'at T 30 p. m. !a ta Ipworta Lessrsa room of the X. B. Chorea. Summons. TS THK CIRCCIT COURT OP TH STAT3 . C Umutock, Plaintiff, 1 is. Sadio H.Coaostock, Defendant J To Sadie H. comstock, the a bora named defendant: Ia the name of the SUU ol Oregon, too s-e hei.br lannlmt mw - 1 . . eompiaiat hied again yoa ia too above r-i- - vu wc uciiits uiai nrst nay Oa me aext rrarular term of said eoort to wit: Moadar Ih 77 th rl.v ,l KAMaaW. icoa a II you fail to so appear and anawrr the a J complaint, plaintuT will apply to said eoart tot the relief iLmi,nilMl li. mI.i i-- . . . vuaupcaMW. MW&: Tnat toe marriaffw eontraet wnw .r.hn. twwn Tojrjeli and saij niaiBtiir sa d Jt--i and that plaintiffhave fodavment ta said eocrt Itir thn rvw la a n.l rii.lmi i i f .1 i i :. ' . lu.u ,n MAO nuM BUI, and acea other and further relief aa the court mar adtodrw equitable. , ma summons ia puoiianea under aod by virture ol aa order made by Horn. J. W. Hanut ti tn Initwe rff i.1 MnM j.mj r-.. .v . . - .--a- vm. vw-.w VMMurr il-i 1, at Roseburv. Oreeoa. Tbe date ol tfi Brat pnbllcation thereof beinr Thonnlay ti 5th day of October. l!4 and tiwlaas poblicatica thereof being Thursday the tSrd day of Novtm ber, The said period oeimr aiore thaa ix eonsecuure week, between the first publication hereof and the date of the last pubucauo. (O-to) J.C.PCIXrBTOS, Plain tilTs Attorney. Notice for Publication United States Lead OfSc . . Roaeburv, Or November 7, 1SPJ. notice ta nereoy piven that the follow ir. named settler has filed notice of his inte-',, to make final proof in support of btsc" ""V mJU pro01 wm oe maae Bel ore a- rZhIT" and Beceirer, United states n ilf Rceeburg. Oiegm., on rrnVr,?. JOHN Stfuiuv T ' On H. K, Ko. W19, tortbaf T -i: r.mi. t or we Lot 1. ill i. conUnuoua rea'i-2, i", .,P"'TC h;! gon, Henry Reea of Oakland. Or Administrator's Notice. JJOTICK 13 HKRIBY GIVEN THAT THB son, deceased. All persons havlnir " alms aa-ainat aa it . i "V"5 r1" - - - - iruj rctturvu so pres- ...,n.i,.T-.T.T;.rr-."! v"","V. wiioia ai i-. . j L r u,tw oi tais nouce. uaica inn -iMlx day of October. ISdB. .... . GEORGE K. QCINB. Aumintstratnr Af IV... u. . ... . f tT..t.i-w u- t , v "v aiiv v uuiuia T lieUQ-M tieci-aseti. cl&u Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE Id HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB Joseph ttillore, doctra-ied. huei.itd her tintal are. Hint as a. ,.ka . Jw i -.1 . -: , V . i- n anvwaiseHaut u ail UIIU13UalII - iaaf! 4stf- wWlJllVT Court of Douglas County. Stat Cretfon, a J " wva.w we eras a vavwiira y,air llt, QMt of January, 19, at Ibenoarof 10 o clock a. m. of saai.l ila w sat IhaAiUia. W . . . : -, . ESWMV u.w VOM I fc MtlUSV LU AlWOUIXt irOUjra. Us connty, fetate of Onuoii, a th um u4 nhiPw fr.r the rvtnaitlasrati ir.s a.r Hs.i . . vnwi waiww Na. aass) IVS 14 J teSat SSWWJTJUXI w. and for hearing objections thereto, aud for . . v rhutiiiciii w pwiii wata.o. miea uia .-Jin aay ot or.mber, 339 Maa J. Ciuiij. Administratrix of the att.i. a. IUAhr.i. OwkUh:. .Jon Go"e. Adrtie Hoorh, of bur, Ore kia (dcccaai'd, - - - Vt I