The Peoples Store; I AIwva the Cheanest. eg - No Shelf worn stuff at our store. Everything bright, new and clean. Remember when you buy a suit of clothes, hat or necktie at our siore you get absolutely the BEST and LATEST in STYLE . which puts you in line with well dressed men. Excellent values in . 1 DISS II. Ml (3 A3 Shoes for everybody at visit our store we will treat you fairly and will convince you of " our ability to save you money and that g- 7 "IT PAYS TO TRADE AT" $ The Peoples Store, i I. ABRAHAM, Proprietor. & THE PLAINDEALER. DECEMBER 4. 1899. LOCAL BREVITIES. -4 bicycle (ladies') to trade for Apply at this office. A good i:;tia. To exchange for wood, a good second hand White sewing machine. Apply at . his office. Trembling hands, weak limbs and on- ' steady gait. Hodyao cares. All drag- g'St, 50 cents. 1 A. good black kid glove can be found at tbe KoveUy Store for $1.50. It will pay you te try oar kid gloyes. Female complaints, pale, sallow com plexioas, headaches, nervous dyspepsia. Hud? a a cores. All dmgeUts. When yon come to Portland remem ber and have your teath fixed by I)r. M. W. Davis. 163.S' First St. (j--) After all others fail to give you eatis faction take your watch to J. T. Bryan and be will make it ran for yoa. (nl4d) P. F. Roberts and F. Boyd of Glendale and J. A. Rice, Myrtle Creek, were reg istered at Hotel Oregon last week. Val ley Record. A fine $65 C. G. Conn, cornet model Solo alto horn, burnished silver, go'.d tipped, good as new. Only $23 at T. K. Ricli&ruboj'i. Dr.Twitchell is at Pottiand attending the trial of Frank McDaniel, who is Charged with tbe murder of Clara Fitch on the night of Jaly 19th. Tw oteads are better than oce." If theVae yoa have is dall and heavy yoa need Hood's Sarsaparilla. It will give yon prompt relief. Tbe Ladiee' Aid Society of tbe M. E. Cbnrch have for sale carpet rags sewed and wound. Call on Mrs. O. F. God frey or Mrs. A. C. Mareters. ' airs. R. ChBrchill, Berlin, Vt., says, "Oar baby was covered with tanning sores. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cored ber." A specific for piles and (kin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. A. C. Mareters A Co. ACKERS' ENGLISH REMEDY III stop a coJih at any lane, and will care tbe cold in twelve hours, or money reloaded. 23 cts. and 50 cts. For sale at Lapp's d. ng tiore. We desire to call attention to the holi day advertisement of Yonng Sam on our ;.-2''.h page. Sam is oce of Roeebarg's c'ir A citizens and oar people eboald give L "3 a fbare of their holiday trade. v . "1 bad dyspepsia fifty-seven years and never found permanent relief till I need Kodol Dyspepsia Care. Now I am Irel and feel lixe a new man," writes S. J "Tieminc. Vlorray. Neb. It is the bes- ducestant known. Cures all forms of in digestion. Pbysiciacs everywhere pre en be it. A. C. Marsters A Co. Hon. W. F. Benjamin writes ns that himself and wife are located at 424 Mc Allister St.. San Fransisco, and that they are both enjoying good health. They have been somewhat disappointed in the weather, which has not been anything to brag on since they have been there. Wanted Two hundred wood choppers and 20 teams. ' Highest prices, firtt class tim ber, steady work. Campbell A Alexander. CotUK'ork, O.-egoa. HELLO! SANTA CLAUS. Bring me something from that very pretty assortment or Bohemian Ware at the Novelty Store. That's what Mothers, Sisters and Sweethearts are saying. They know too that we can save old Santa a good bit on his numerous presents. Any of tbe following are good suggestions for presents. Beautiful Dress Paterae, Best Kid Glove, Pretty Dressing Sacquee, Capes and Fur Collarette, Silk Hoae Supporters, IcaJJ Fascinators, Silk and Wool Mittens, Infants Initial and Silk Handkerchiefs, Shoes $10 Menfc' Knit, Ladies' ttOVELTY El III ill. I prices which always please. For first class dentistry Little of Oakland. f U Ur For fine ehoej aak for Dr. A Reed'c cushion 6hoe, st Josepheon'e. Willis Kramer, of the popular Myrtle Creek mills, was in Roseburg Saturday. Special as le of s ik for 25,40, t 50 and 73 cents per yard at Jot spawn's. Bond, the watchmaker sells spectacles at lowest prices and can fit them cor rectly. FpR Sale. A good milk eow. A good I horse to trade for wood or grain. En- j quire at ibe Plaisdealkk office. (da24) E. DuGas. M. D.f member Board of Pension Examiners. Office. Marsters building residing corner Douglas and Jackson street. Dr. Isabel dgick has now secured! offices and -esiJenca at the S. E. corner of Case and Main streers in the hone of Mr. Geo. II. Cnorchil. J. B. Clark, Peoria, I!I.,eaye, "Sur geons wanted to orate on me lor pile, bat I cared them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Beware of toniter-1 feite. A. C. Marsters A Co. 11 you a l vet look us yoa h ate made mistake. We are the people yoa are looking for, we have them. Low prices are at our store. R.tE&Rtcz. Houi Ftinishers. Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his child's life by One Minute Cough Care. Doctors bad given ber np to die with croc p. It's an infallible core for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and throat and lung trouble. Relieves at once. A. C. Mareters A Co. It takes but a minute to overcome tickling in the throat and to stop a cough bv tbe use of One Minute Cough Care. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre vents consumption. A famous specific for grippe and its after effects. A. C. Marsters A Co. M0KI TEA POSITIVELY CURES sick headache, indigestion and conetipa sioo. A delightful herb drink. Re moves all eruptions of tbe skin, produc ing a perfect complexion, or money re funded. 25cts. and 50 eta. M. F. Rapp, druggist. Mrs. M. E. Wilson closed ber school at Scottsburg last week, and after a few days visit with her cousin, Merchant Ira Wimberly, and family, returned to her home in Roseburg. Mrs. Wilson taught a very creditable term of school at Scottebarg and gave tbe patrons of that district good satisfaction. Watchman M. M. Strawn'of Yoncalla, while wprkicg with the S. P. section men near Comstock last Saturday, met with a very severe and pa'nful accident by get ting his foot mashed. He was brought to this city and after an examination by Dr. Wade, be was ordered sent to tbe Company's Hospital in Portland. We hope to chronicle bis complete recovery! soon. Watcnman. We earnestly request our patrons to bring their new ads or changes for old ones, to the office on tbe day before press days, wbich are Mondays and Thais- days. We deeire to accommodate oar friende, bat when we set ads on press days it sometimes makes as very late in going to preee. JisT Received. A large line of string ine'raments, violins, mandolins, gnitars, banjos, also a large Etcck of smaller in struments. Violins from $4 np. Mando lins from $7 np. Accordions $2 to $10. Other instruments in proportion. Great value in these instruments. Seo them at T. K. Richardson's. Umbrellas and Mackintoshes, Purses, Large Assortment, Rhinestone Combs, Glove, Necktie and Handkerchief Boxes', Dolls, Tea Sots and Toys, Perfumes and Toilet Articles, Fancy Shoes, for all feet, Slippers, CASH STORKS. filBI If you will A fine line of epiay pttmus ill & Woollens Cooicl Eugene Porter, of Rice Creek, km a c ly vis'tor, Friday. Oar good friend, Wm Vincent, diepped in Saturday for a chat. Read every word of the Novelty lore's new ad. It will pay you. Pi ice reduced on WincV.edte." iles at Cnnrcti'.! & WoollyV Pain in loins, puffed eyelid?, palpita tion of heart. Hudyao cures. All drug J gists, 50 cent. Special sle cf bdd en's t vfetal wool underwe I. Cerent r- JrTe t, at Josepbsoa'a. Mrs. Ab Harolia and children of Port land, are visiting tbe family of W. If. Drenan in Roseburg. Either chickens or turkeys can be hatched io a Petelunia Incnba'.or. Sre them at Churctill & WcolleyV. Do voa snow a bargin when tot ree it? They are lookio you 6t-a:gbt in tbe eyes when yoti are in our store. Rica & Rice. A cumber of persons have ssked n who to apply to, fr an appointment as censns enumerator. Ail appiii.ntPti eboohl be addressed io B. C. Wino, Al bany, Oregon. Hoc. S. H. llau&'d nd wife cf Empire City, C job county, wer in thU city Saturday on their return rom Salem. Jast see tie money 30a old hive made if yoa bad - bought an incubator last season. Talk with Chart-bill A Woollev. Capt. Mttbers left on the morning local for Portland where be will attend to business of importance to this part of tbe state. DeWitt's Little Earlv Ri$rs puni the Mood, clean the liver, invigorate tbe system, rsmoas little puis lor con stipation and liver troabe:i. A. C Marsters & Co. T. B. Johns of Glendale, who has been attending Circuit coort, drooped in for a chat Tboreday, and took occasion while here to drop something into tbe exche quer of the old reliable family newepip?r, I was nearly dead with dyspepsia. tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew worse. I need Kodol Dyeyep- sia Care. That cured me." It digests what yoa eat. Cures iodiyeetion, soar stomach, heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia. A. C. Mamers Jt Co. Ex-Governor Lord will leave in a day or two for his new mission in tbe Ar gentine Republic. He goes by way of Washington city where be will consult with the praident aqd the state depart ment in regard to his duties. Mia Annie E. Goanijg, Tyre, Mich., says. "I suffered a long time from dye- peppia ; lost flesh 'fend became very eak' Kodol Jlrvopepeia Cue completely cured me." it chests what yoa eat ana cares all forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give immediate relief in the worst cases. A. C. Marsters & Co. ACKERS' DYSPEPSIA TABLETS are sold on a positive guarantee. Cares heart burn, raising of tbe food, distress 1 - after eating or any form of dyepepsii. One little tablet gives immediate relief 25 cts. and 50 cis. For B ile at M. Rapp's drug store. Rev. S. Jones, psstor of the Piesby terian cbnrch at Jacksonville, Ore., spent Sunday at Myrtle Creek, where be held services and tben came on to Rose burg on tbe overland. Tbe Rev. gentle man made tbis office a pleasant vinit this morning and departed on tbe mora ing local for Salem. A Half Dollar in your hand is worth saving. Guess on Gold Watch with every Dollar Purchase. Men's Hats or Neckwear, Ladies' Dog Collar Belts, Men's Fancy Dress Shirts, Boys and Mens Sweaters, Jewelry that wo can guarantee, and at very Seasonable Prices, I. A. Den, o( Kiddle w:i city vis' r Saturday. A b'g leduciinj .n Etb.u.. lim i at CbnichU & WcDlley'e. Jeeeo T. Totnphson, of 0! Valley was in Roseburg, Fiiday. Walter Kent, one of Drain's populnr merchants, was in Roseburg lut weok. J. B. Harris, one of Myrtlo Creek'ri piominerit Iruit growers, watt in tiie city Friday. Ladies, if you are looking for white or colored tslftsta silk, you'll BlJ a ii .ca lin here. Novelty Store. Mr. TuniclilT, agent of the Wells Fargo Express at this place, left on this morn ing's local for a t'Fief visit at Wallace, Idaho. Tbe show windoR of our ui'Tt hauls thus tsrly, iodxale that tbe stock of htlidny gjods will be of more ttiAii usnal t iauty and vvlue. Miss Laura E. Jones, of the Drain Watchman, errived down, Wedneeday afternoon, to spend Thanksgiving with relatives end friends. Collage Grove Loader. Mrs. John F. Matthews bas returned from a vitit with relatives at Fort Jones, Calif. She was accompanied by ber father-in-law, Mr. J. S. Matthew?, who will visit here for a short time. Engineer Jack and family, la'o ly of Roseburg, have moved into tbo Conklin residence on Euhth street te cently vacated by Mrs. Thorn ( sou and family. (irants Pass Observer. Mrs. Tbomas Kr, who bas been vis iting ber dar.gbte-, Mr. O. f. Ccehow, in this city, - oei io Ashland tcday to joiu Lei LoebiLd. Tliey expect to go to CaiiitTiiia soou to spend the win'err Auvjiitf oar bus. Less men who under stand ai)d upprtciate the vauecfawell written, well displa;td adverti-t ineut in agojl, live Lewspapsr, it Ilia firm of Rice A tlice, the llocee Eurcishtrs. Look out for their holiday ad-. II. L. McN j'lb, ul S evenf, who spent a few d.ns via, ting relatives iu U:B:l.urj W is a neii-o i d cailer h this office Fri day. II lepoftj t ia mes in his neijt.borh 1 have pre ly neJ completed tha s-uo's iwing t.f grain. Frel J. M-jnter a i l tuo;her, Mrs. Fr.d Meiuier, if Yuca'Ia, wero vL-itii.g in (1 rjve, during t l.e part Wi ck , Ttiey went to fbed I, ibi et ito, M ii-lav, k-r a viit -w its Wm Tait i.od fjinily f. iineily uf tliis plv." 'Jotii3! i ove LnU-r. Ine mary 1 i ' C- .dir or .l CI V3 .'I S i ' S! tit !! S-.i io th ru-:!j y i x ::-r.,:e j 1. a n rr-.-c 1 n i.h sti. iVuii t' .'1 k ,ci a lew (' iiii 1, no 1 in t;cea ft-r.d to his run, with the same standing cn the took of the totcpat-y as befoie his eus r. The .. 1'. 11. ri.ii. jj overland pa'eeoger t'a'n. i.u 'i kit len fioppioif t Ud ,-'H l-.r iiea!r!, now t.kes b'r.iiil St heie, ui:' ut ive na hi; wed for that pitrp e . f k o cl 1 to note tiiat the tssuuif 11:1:1 iu c. 1 . managers gave cur eo,ile of the auvin'ares to he de rived frjm the new ion pro tria ul here, wete not underrated. Oa Dec. 12ta tbe Grao Opera Company wi'l appear a: the Opera House io their rea"est enes "Wang." The theatre goiug people and those that ere not reg' u!ai patrons should turn out and see this splendid company in ibis comic opera It only bv the greatest effort that Manager Strocg bas secured com pany for above date, snd if reop"e want them to come back aain at some future dale, they must tarn ont and piiron:i9 them and assist tbe management in fill- iuz the hojfB to its canaci.r. Capt. S. S. Mathers, special ant of tbe general land office, arrived here by private conveyance from Cottage Grove Taesdav. Capt. Matbets keeps op his work ia wijter as well as summer, and although .not long a resident of tbis state, Le manages to get along ith the gentle "Oregon mis'." about as well as ils rative uregomans. this cuice ac knowledges a very pleasant call from the jovial, intereelicg and good natored Captain dating his brief stay here, lie left Wednesday for Roseburg to dine Thanksgiving, with, to use his ova ex pression, "tbe best woman on earth" bis wife. Watchman. Tbe trial cf Frank McDanWl charged with tbe ma.der of Mies Clara Fitch, at Portland on the night of Jaly 19tb, is now in progress in that city. Up to -.ha lime of adjournment on Saturday, nine witnesses were examined, their teeli mony relating almost wholly to the find iog of the body, its condition when found and iu removal to tbo morgue. As is usual during such trials, the court room is jammed every day with a morlii ctowd of people anaonj whom have been a large number of women and youths Tbe case will no doubt occupy tbe atten tion of the court for a week or two. Mr. A.E. Nichols of South Doagla? made as a pie. sant cull laU week while in ti e city. Mr. Ntchuls is one of the best known and most highly resptc:ed slock mea of Doajas cjutitv. lie served out the unexpired term cf Mi. W L. Wilson, as coiiuty comn.'!;s. ner i 1S97-S, niaSiirg a veiy cji'jKh and eL ; em commitsioue '. Mr. Nichols bas majiv ;(;i u03 wiio tiioutit mi euouia have had l!ie uomiajfion fir commission erlaet ye.r, and li e? will ite'.el ibat be be gvi'ti iho nonintioii next yrar, Theie U nj do i'ot bat ill .t he ran elcc.i-d if u'i:iuii.'.t!il u.l tiii're appeal to he a dlrpobitioa on the paitof the ft publicacs to jiivc Liai tbe Lominalion. Com. EICE. In tbis ciiy Nov. 30, lS'A to Mr. and Er. M F. Rice, a daughter, Notice. There arc in progress a eerit-s of union meetings he-id in the Wttt Itoaehor chapel to continue every evening dtirin the jiresout week under the leadership o Rev. E. M. Marsters. All are cordially invited to attend. Oakland Letter List. Remaining uncalled for in the Oaklan poetoffice. Persons calling for the ie let fers will please state (he date on which Ihev were advertised. 1 Dec. 4, 1899 Blount, Jack Oliver, A. K. Dunhing, Mrs Josia Reed, J. V. Lowman, Harry Scott, John Nfjland, J. J. Thorne, Ed D. Vernon. Ralph The letters will bo charged for. at the rata of ono cent each. V. C. U.vnsuwooji. Postmaster. Commencing with November ist, we will give with each $1.00 cash purchase, a chance at the $50.00 prize, which we will give to the person holding the lucky number. The drawing will take place on Our prices 011 Ladies' and Men's furnishings, Millinery, Boots, Shoes and Hats Are right, as are those in our other depurtments, and inspec tion will convince you that w emean what we say. Mail ord ers promptly filled. Send for samples. 301 and 303 Distinguished Testimony No secret society in the wri 1 stand higher in nohle a.ns and charitable accomplishments than the Knights of Pythias. That order is doicg great good. and one of its haest institu tions is the Ohio Pythian Home, at Sprimnield, Ohio, which is ably presided over by Superintendent Lc Fevre and his wife. Mrs. Ca'.ii I. Le Fevre, the matron. The latter has recently written a letter, which will command widespread attention because of the promiuence of the writer. It is as f-il'ows: Messrs. W. H. Hooker & Co., New vork: Last vear I imxX Acker's Engiish Remed ckcr Kemecv s-.icjettion of ft frientr. senoas. loa-stAsdicg ) r.t the s lor a ser ttiroat difficulty and iv hard cocrh. I many we'.l-sjv-ikcn cf prcpira- ti-as without rctci. I tan honet!v sav that Acker's Fnglish Rcmetlv removed the d!ic;ilty and;i;td the "...u. u.u uv. t r.Mi. or use more tnaa tarec tot- ties, and at least oae-half of ths Ust is nicians with no permanent res i.ts. The friend to wham Mrs. l-e Fcvre Englili Rtnstuv n Mrs. W. Is. Ch;'.:oa. wife the j.tesidest of the 1 107 Transfer Co., of "Troy, Ohio, where t'i:s remedy ha accomplished rna-.y other cures in Throat and" Lung Trouties. In conversation with aa acrjuaiaUmco Mrs. L Fevre also said: "If you will ca'l on Mr. W. H. Sehanss, a proniiaent china and art merchant of Springfield, 0' yn-i will fir.d that he, too, lias had any amount of experience with Acker's Eci;!:!: Remedy ia his fajaily, and thinks they cannot keep house without it."" Acker Engl:h Remedy is .i.a ry fm! roar hmmt vill be rt!!!! in tis Vartrd State. od Cuuit Ia !:ns'a.-'S. For sale by M. P. School Report. Folloaing is th teport of tlits tcbool in Diet. o. 00, eadirg ov. 24, 1S'.J: Naoiber of duvs taught 40. Number days atlimiauce 41. Namber ecrol'ed 29. Number times tardy 11. Number boys enrolled 11. Number gi la enrolled 9. Average No. belonging IS. Average daily attendance 16. Thoae ente ed on the icll of Lonor are: Mildred Htcee. Elaio Hai3tj", Ivan Haines. Oliver Haice, EJith Ilaioec, Agnes Hiincs and Dorothy Ua:ree. Thofe averegiag aUove e5 per cent in Seal elimination were: Ralph Wais- ecolt Mildred IUinep, Ivmii lUi.ej, Ag - nes v aiu'eou, u.ivr iMHie.', r.u.iu .... j . .- I t . - 1 .U liaines, Walter Haioee, CV-.l Fred Kiiey and Dorothy Iliue. MaR 1'. CilNX 'N, Teacher. DUFFY'S RESTAURANT. A Prst-ciass retUuract lias been oiie'i'-d on Cts b'reet. opposite the I r10'. hich maybel al la- 'i ovf- t . tii cten, tcau, ?:e'.A, lone!;'..', r.nd :d. aieitl t.t oil hour, reti! n-t i)s rorwd. "I.'iiicbra and ijuitk int.;!-? i a lr-ad v.a?eji't-r.s fwou'tjf. For liiit hnn,'.y ieelinj be r-ure and call at DulIVe reftdurar.t, price" refi.c.i't'le. Bill Poster and Distributor. Having bill board in thebett locations in towiv, I am prepared to d ) all ROtk in thi line on short notice. If. G. Hot titoi.iM:it, Iloseburs, Orc;oa. I 01 niiliiiiiiL That is why 'our business bus more than thribbled in ,the past year. We started with the belief that a pleased customer would be our best advertisement and such has proved to be the case. Eiraijs mmn m i best ii m i m -- m m. DRY GOODS, CLOTHINC5, HATS, CArS, BOOTS, SHOES, FURNISH ING GOODS, FAN Of" GOODS, NO TIONS, RUBBKR 1JOOTS, OIL CLOTHING. Agents for the Salem Woolen Mills Tailor Made Clothing and MeCalls Bazar Patterns. C. FISHER & BELLOWS. Wi Cash Iven Away. Jan. ist, 1900. Jackson St. I -. r PfVBi- Oh: PTlr.ta.1 Hotnft. on I and. I also coasmtea phy- tSieC) Cauir 1: L: rivKe, refers as hsViUy s.iggcsted Ackers 3"i;.ti under a po;t-re r:i-nte i.;u. . r?; 1 i '. k. . r. eai toe. r '.a ?i Rapp, Druggist. Notice. ! Vr.i'.eil states Lan.l OT.c?. f:.i.r -.. Or., Nov. :sW. ?j it v eou.vra: . h.-ri.f cura iSt t iv Orvjtja and i l ; -.v, r.i'-l tie- svV-"1"' m a Kr ruO iaa ;'. ir.; tat- m: i tvv put sc tot in- '.vi.:n, ha !en vn-u-J iu a onTer.tent : m t;r, r." :c, .i tT'!i jr.t n .it -1 J '1 ct.i.a o! U i (s i'.h o' I a-.- U; Wfst of Vs Ulamett i 1! ri I T . R 1. 1 .. K J.. I'srt i K'j ice :', and d;t 'V, S.c. 11. T K J. L-! 1 r,J .-I.e. I. j T -T, R I. i 1 A K 4 V-ls 1,1, 3 r.-l l,S,c. 2?. 1 . ' K S. 1 N ' ' so l. 1 1 FurtniS1. Sec.'Jl atvl -artcf .E'.Sv-c. '. 1 T.M.Ro. 1 I. : l ot O. 1. . T T . 3, 1: , 17, l .'.ei, .j.'.il. r.;.:il i:iiiii i!i ui-jl fi;ir jiuvs ij'-Ww ing the title ut ni.iv-e. i.iot cl r-r v.utest a:n: Ihe eiaim ol the1 ri '..-! jiuh to ay Irct ur mbiivi iiu withan av.r section r frt ' Mftiou, le- eribel la itt. :it. t'i !, aroait'l that the Mine l mure vi ;aui tor i;u,irai 1'ian !r asmeoi taral n. m , .u 1 1' rf" h 1 cni ntd tat r'Ir; to ttic ltc;irl IjiiiJ OQiiv at Wahicg toil, V. C. J. T. ERI!XiE. K':r;.ser. J. II. BnT Keeei'.ut. "One'-. Cure is th- best remedy I tver c 'ujhs and roldi. It ia titicij'i'J! 'd If who.pi.'itl conslt. Chi. drill u l it," wr;!en 11. N Wil liatu, Li. i:tr v.Ile, Ird. Never fails. I' i.o the c::!v LurtuitS' remedy that yive immPili.'.te reaoll. C;ir- cciih?, e )l l, hoas:'Rf, croup, i itentnonia, hronvbfiji si'id ull t'i".:'a d iutig trnu t-le. rstiuly ti-n p-evei.t consntnt tion. .. C. Mai:i f iS: Co. 1. K. STORE. i Tinier jh. JOSFIPHSOFS 1 y- t&i l L i3 I Roseburg, Oregon. STATE OF OREGON, EXtCmVK UEPARTMEXT. Salm. Koven:hpr 21. 1S .0. In accordance with tbe provisions of an ! ac; entiiiei i'An act submitting to tbe! electors of the Male cf Oregon at the ten-1 eral election to bo held on the first Mon day in Jane, l'JOO, tbe pending proposed ccnstitotronal amendments," a; proved Feo.'oaiyl?, ISid, I, T. T. (jut. (iover- uor o! f Ilia ril. r I ri. A., fc cu:e t:.e fcl'ow:cg prcpDtd rniecl- met.U to the cocslitnticn cftboStite cf Oregon, as cert'Sed to by Vie Secret -v of State, to be published for live crsei - ! ntive weets in "Te Eoe!org . Plain-- "c cg" ar'a "1,Jec to tbe relation an ! deal a," a niwpaer published in tte l ccn!f0' c v e a'j io th9 macner pre Stecnd Juiiqa! D -tret ' ftheSta'e ofiECriie1 b-T C-t tbe right to nse Oreir-n. " n! i ? n e s-?ch wateti shall be Done at te Capitol, ; !eal!- at Si'ttn, O.e?on, thia tuenij-li.-ttday of Nov- .einuer, A. D. Is.r3. T. T. OLLE, Ey the Goytrnoi : Governor. F. 1. Pl'MlAB, SecTejry cf S:ate. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION No. 4 Le it isEolved b- the ticnate. the House eonenrrirg, This tbe following amendment to the CcotUtotioa .f the fc-tate of Oregon be and is hereby pro ! "That Scticn 10 ot AttiJe XI cf the j Constltoticn of the S-ito of Oregon b ana tne Fame is tere-y abtci'.t J and ui s lieu thereof Sectioa Ucf Article XI rhll b? t fallows: AkTil LK XI. "Section 10. No county, city, town school district or ether municipal corpo ration shall be ollowed to become io debted in any manner or for any p'irp- ti to an amount incluJir.g present extticg indebtedness in the segregate cxt-eeding five per centum on the value ifth tax able property thereto to be ascrtaiued by the last aeee!mett for Stale and County taxee previous to tbo icenniag of eoch indebtedness. "Adopttd by tbe Senate Jan. 30, 1SJ3. C. TV. Fi ltox. Treeident cf the S-nate. "Concurred in by the Houie Felv 2, !Sv3. "V. P. K.vdv, Speasei cf the House. "Adopted oy the Secate Jaa" SI, 1SU5. JcErn Slvos, PrcfiJent cf the Senate. "Concurred in by the House Feb. 4, ISM. Chas. D. Vookes, . Speaker of the lloure. SENATE JOIST RESOLUTION No. 13. Da it resolved by the Senate, ti e 11. use concurring: Tuat the following amendment to the constitution cf tha Siale of Oregon, in lien of Section Ten of Article Seven (7) be and the me is hereby proposed, to wit : "Sev-tjcs 10. "The Legislative Assembly may pro vMe fur the election cf Supreme and Cir cuit Judges in distinct classes, one of wlvch cLsies shall cocsist of five Jus tices cf tbe Supremo Coiirt, ho shall n y. per.'orm circuit doty;acdtt;e other i bsi shall c insist cf as many Circuit Ju.Ig.s as miy be deemed i.tcessary, who eha'.l hold full terms wiihr.e.t allot ment, and who shall h kt; tie same oath a t:: urelIle JuJe:'. ' The Lea'slative As(fmb'y may create as u;any C;icu;?! t8 tuny bo nices ary. "Adoj-t.-d by t.'.e Senate Feb. 15 lSt'3. C. 7. Ft LTO.N, President cf the Senate. "Concurred in by the House Feb. 15, 189.1. V. P. Kevdv, Speaker f the House. 'Adct t. d by the Senat ? J in. IStVj. Jossrii SiM' .s, President of ihe Senate. "Concurred In by tbe House Feb. o, 1395. Cms. II NUvkks, speaker ! life IL-rse." HOCSE JOINT KESOLCTION No. U. i Ui'i'olv.d by tlie House, 'lie Sin.ite cocurrin$: Timt the followii; aiiii;:il ment to tbe Constitution ot tli State cf Oreou be and hereby ia propo?d : "Thrt the Constitution boatiende l bv dddiiiK Article 15) aa f..l'owJ, to-wi' : Ar.Ti''LE xix "Se-tirn 1. Tlio icesuv rte of '-ir the cot-strm tton i f res' r storage basing kr the pnrioe of irr'jM- j or f . r lights of wav f-r li.e coi stiticli'X- of canaU, diteher, flumes ir lip?. t c-i-1 vey water to tfce place of us for uny n-e ful, boneSv'iil, ur neeasearj purple, i r j for draiuano r for dranuu id mines or ' tlix workit-s there of, by inoaiiM of loads raiUo-nls. tratuwars, eitt, iunns. i-h.'.-. h ':': works, d'liup or otlur neee-isary means to lluir complete devtilupmeiit or any jher u ae neosflaary to the cempleted S ib s'te or p-- s-rv r i )r. of the health f j its inhabi ants, it her ;',y dlared to be puu.icaseaod ei'jict to the regtila- tion 3 J CQatr-'l of the s ate. v.u. n,e Mjui to appropriate tie naappropruted waters of any nataral stream to beneficial uses shall never b- denied. "Section 3. The use of all water t n-w appropriated f jr sale, rental or dis-ria-tioD.atsoof ail w'er orivinally appr--priated for privjt tt., but whrcb. af er toeh appropiiat-o!., h bt-re-'ed-re bees ior.n,9r n'T. Ur ' tented or di- S triou'e - ' her-i.y declared to be a pnb- E';'3 to -r.cj ir v sior.j of taw foe tbe umgei prive property forpablkor private te aa tori ,'ed in Section IS, Ar ticle 1, of the Constita'.ioa of the Bute of Oteoc. "Section 4. Tls right H collect Ui 03 or compensitioa f:r tbe os4 of wate suppi'd to oy conoty, city, town tr w -.u t dun . 1 1 r nhi iaau thereof, ia a' fr;ch.:f-, jr.! earno; te t zeroised rx ept br R)!hii y of and in a saanver EtetK-rt'ei i.v . A.,opte , ly Uo fA ' , s ce ' 1! r.-h - iv, . Sicker of the House. "Adop'cd by the Senate Feb. 17, 133 (S gee j March' 1S03.) C. V7. Pines, Pfe-'tltat of the S nate. "Adopted oy tha House Feb. 6. 1395, Cms. B. Moo km, Speaker cf the Hoose. " 'Concurred io bv th-i Senate Feb. 13, JoiKH s-iiiojr, r.'esx'.-ct of the Senate. iitiusE Jc-ixr it evolution no. 2 Propoeio; aa amendment ti tbe Cji stituti)a of ;ha S:a:- of O.-egja by te--peairc S?c:i:n 33 of Article 1. '"Reeoived by the Hwre, tba Senate concuiring: That Sec: i jo 35, of Article 1 cf tb Cjn-itit i-lm S e aid hereby ia refealtd. "AdopteJ ly the Hose Jan. 11, 1S93. W. P. KetDT, Setker o; the House. ' Concuned ia by ti e Smte Jan. 3Q lS'.'o. C. W. Fcltos, I'resiJest o' the Senate. ' Adcp:ed by t!w Honai Jan. 30, 1S95. Cuas. B. Mooau, Speaker cf the Uooae. "C '.imrro'l ia ry the S.nite Feb. 12, 1S0-5. Jvisern Srxox, Prf ;d-n: if the Senate." SENATE JOINT KES ;.-r l'fmxr x-r, Co i: resj v. d hy th) Senate, the Hon foscinrli-s: Ih.t the following ainc-i ilmet.: to the Constitution of the State of Drem b anJ ii hereby pro- o ed : AliTtCIS I. "Tne elective fraccSia in this State shi.l i.ot hereafter bt proai!ited to any ciliien oo a coaaf o sex. "Adopted b: th - Setiut . Feb. 6, 1395. JoM;ru Sim os, President of the Senate. "Adopt, d ly the House Feb. 0, 1395. Chas. B. Mookks, Speaker of the House. "Adopted by tbe Senate Jan. 31, ISJW. T. C. Tavlok. rivtvieui of the Senete. "Ad-p'ol by ilie Hotisa Jan. 31, 1S99. KY. Caktek, Si-e-kr vfthe Uonse." UNITED tTATES OF AMERICA STAli: OF OWEC.OX, Office olSecre ti'T ei 6..-. e. I. V. I. DUNBAR, Sec ictary of S ate (-i the State of Oregon, and Cu?l Aliau oi tbe Seal of said Slate, do heieby esrtity hat I have compared 'h fr cmlin copy cf Senate. Jciat Res ilutioii No. 4, A ihe Legislative Assi-uioiy i i .uuiucipai muciM.- , dness Au.ei dn'mt ;" Senate . Joint lle-luti v N Ij cf tte legislative Assembly of ! Si 3 . "Judiciary Amend nu!t;"l'' ' n Uesoluliou No. II) i f th I. -viri -nv A-sembly cf 1S93, Irrigation Aniendn nt ; Houe Joint Kesol ition N . 2 v I the L?i:i-la!ive As Fvmb'y i f 1S5., "Repvalin Amend ment mid Senate Joint U-oiit:on Sit. J of tin' Afni!y of 1S 5, "Eijn.'d SiitlVsie Amen.tineut," wish copies no ; riK, ii tt.i ollici? aud that the same is a co-rei". trarecript therefrom and the whole thereof. IN' TESTIMON Y WHEREOF. I havj ... It 'nint'j e a nv Hand (.j. t a:i : : iVwtl heioto the V 1 S a of the State of Di e at ihe Capitol, nt Sal in, Oregon, thi Third day of Nowmber, A. D., 1S579. F. I. DCS B AR, Secretary r.i 5tate. !1