af"" f 3 ; an 1 14 AVgcbb!ePrcparatioiifor As similating tiKToodandBegula ling the S tooadss andDowcis of IVomolcs'Difcstion.Chcctful ress and Rcst.Contains neither jDprum.Morphtne nor Mineral. i-ivoT Narcotic. r ! rJU f vtaaWAAJtr - J9 tii a am.: r t - A perfect Itemed yf or Constipa- i tton, sour :Monccn.uiarrnoca, Worms .Comoilsions .Feverish hess and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NWV "YORK. 1 XXACT COPT OT VRAPFCB. t!.OatrtAI:ftfrX;t( El.. ,-:. . f.rt.t. .... tariu...a V;Tt i I 1 -- a ............... T .. ... 1 n .f ,.. IILI, . Ui it"! 1 1 a. w aa. a Tua .s .TVsr ti.tiv vim- yi..a. ,jn-' - f "l! a""" ;-aaJ- - .-M tmVfi. GW iT.mE! MONTHS' fWU in f 11. M. Ht- an- a 1W kct L -! 1 ill . . r. IW 5 C i H J"f -j-i ilriritl rarrs. ilm r mM hi t ffii ir J ir ti ! rnr ii-ififiiniiiiii i . jv s j CEWARE OF IMITATIONS 5.551 r I T H jf InM. H.tMl.llliaMHTirt.nMWuMrtimM 1 ' J lllv ,:" 1 Til I n C UUHUIliiSi fiint w mimw run Btn I H ftt . ...- A H ---I " "'Ot UK rr rue 1 I I V??! .-, H I I ?3! SOLID OiHRTFB SlWm flSK IflSf Ktl eitmrT.HMp.n.t. mm f,??YTjf'-Tr Svl l i i. arfc ajar, km ..-. mnl a IMM Mr Fja I ,"'sii' ' V3tl "mx-rioa Bwk llr J knaaarmarannn aM ditkr rial or UKJ ' .N V-V THaiinhinrTort 4 S-Tar giaal C mmr is arat ajlh rTf'T aarame. II tUb IS TUU . atMl r rarnl that .a arc .r ro" t rT ':r fplrSt md f-f f fO. ta ckXat OT"R al.fca if t tinr vitHia it-w uAitt v. mi .r vor'anr r ?t r;a4t4. ;u Mr OTT iJklATt" f-art-. W' .'. rr TH'.rvw. t-ti finMf.- tor. I Wirrss. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. -Inc Chicago, III. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVES. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, -Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations. i- . . . 1 in quantities 10 suit nuenaing purcnasers, at reasonable pnees and easy terms. Inquire of n s k bxjick; S. n-avaarg(s alaa. u g M WYLIE PILKINGTON, ISoccwor to General Blacksmithing TROTTlNa AND RUNNING PLATES A 'SPEClALT. . RXPAIRIXG OF ALL. KIXDS PEOilPTLY DOSE. kiP on Caruer Wublngtoa and Kane Stt Keieba.i THIS BIS aa.m.a..a. Jlr i.uraii'T . fW :aaaas, . j rwrTTDiBff ,ti-ti.iB v -THj wy Th Mr jtA-qJfeTT he wnt tm- dtKrtct." Vren Monthly. T etr-afai ri-statcae to Tac 4eoart4went at-re boiled TbacataMfnke 4 r-f-mnlT a wrrrbntl.e t nryr.or - ,3 ?,6-cjr a taw bnaM r pa-a znr'llinr (tivenf UiixrtaoaroinBll iv h I K-jv-ai -..''--The linn. ;. a. K-ttthfuft. - enM ut Th-iKl .f rlmflereitrarta. f4 Ji eu a4 r mm4 ymm l i-wbr tW 4.nt ht b rHatw m. A-Miwa, etJkR5f ROEBUCK. & CO. HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS J VaalrM(raaeCS3.25.MaMajB ' OUR OFFER: f a oataiMl anui to u- Inelo a itckkJ .izel aunpia of vbe nart tkmim ninm. aiut cut it Oat aa Bar tha Motl .1 twiMlhl ln-l aar laarial artr ...Hi mm4 m erau rtlr. u, rT paraure. Men Ml auk la af rk I. rar kair nM, ad avod to yno hr aall. paatpaid.and it rom ar. nrt prrftl a.iWArl, return It and aa wul iauxamiiaU:.. rWand your mtmv. Oar arWJ 0rr !-ri u rtm ", '- "nr. I"ng aunn, 65CI abort at, Ocl -aut2-in. lone. abort atwn. 9I.2S 22-la. lone, abort aim, 91.50: a-ot, Mn.lofur.ahonaiHi 9 mi . '1 ' 4on5: "". 3.25. .luaimi l.;Ja vtawwaa in. Wht irrada oa the "1 . aw a, Taar an; rrt.i If ,M ara aa , Ihurdnta, allilniai. -t SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO.flne.) ChicB. A C. an Itinaialf ' To The IJnfortitnatc Dr. Gibbon j This old reliable aim ! the in t t aaoroaslul j w'ialifrt in Kan Frau- ; rlato. aii!l cnnllouea tut cure ail Sexnml and Seminal Diaeaae tuuk -.J... Stricture, Syph Ills lo , all its forma. Sikin Dl- Y.t a uonnorrncn, uieet . J'.r aeaaea, rWrteava ebir Ity, Impotcncy. bemi- - oal WetkncM and Lama I Mf: e( nanbood. the come-1 ?aenee ol sell abuse an I exc.nie prolucln the ol lowing ijrm ptoma : aaliow cuuutcnaucf, Oaik i f pot under tbecfea, jin in llic hi-ad. rinRinit 1. haa.H nmm tt t ..7 I - wv. wi .' i. ji n. ii uuuui;i.'i ill a). roarklrif atraotrcni. palpitation of tlie beart. veakBaaa of Die limb and back, loss ol mcmorj JVB! pie on the face, coueba, cououmption rtc. Eft. GIB BOS baa practiced iu Han FmnniFeo er thirty year and tbocc troubled abould not ail ta eon.uit bim and receive tbe benefit of hi treat tkill and experience. Tbe doctor cure jrbeo other fall. Try bim. Cure (uarantep. rVnwn cured at home. Chn;e rcawnatlc. U flarrlta. IKf. F. GIBBON. i" Kearny fit. Kan Kran es)o. ci TbeRorAl Northland Semi-weekly ! PiArPEAtER loth one year for onlr 2 i frirvof nno psr nloilP. j 1! Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature Aw The Kind You Have Always Bought. ufloruit Tr crwrikuit coMNr. iffw vom err. lTHTWI0i5",-Mii , -. m 1. 11 ni.u in i.. us V I Q I 1U 1 male-rial Iy HOT AW OA livX S SOLID OiHRTFB SlWm flSK IflSf Ktl ClllifT. tear; timt ktMt 9 .i.Wa mnnL narid rm nwrom W1 I-in lriu-th tt, ana hrxi tn u.ra f w .ti:..i i-n Hwra m nwr ratiiwt ItnHji. fiiwt tU-Li4 rinrr tin ; i. m-t. four trrcoir rmmnrKinyililmti tant IIm ln Mwh irai rm. ' ' ' ' - "Miin irri. mi XDrrJullna Titrattna thank. auttflr lwfWT) -r itHsrr. n.iuaki. H-In aatrit Inflita iihrralor.Harmrml rfl. -ii:fhi rr-Mi Jrtnc inprmrd hrl rairrr. alral a.lHhr. rarrnt itt.wpanl. M W tin I il lum.1 mm taau WUIH NU " "' . wr.f w n County, G. W. SOAH.I tAAAArAAAAAAAMMi 4-POUHP CATALOGUE FREE CATALOGUE ? M HW. CilOWinV mm, C -Btau , -fly fims latbaH . Kta. it-wlr?, tHi-a, tintitonl lUfA. trtiMrf, Biw-ii, 8Mv, rktar Wft, taM, inlnm rUuaar TMJrf if rtlnimtiHl fc ft. Teiitt Juj-t Lt yoar store keeper kt botnc nunt p.y for ne haymana wiu prevent om iromoMrrsinrin); - mi boT;etpNUM iu"t bow to order, bow aKt the l-mb r mn win it m nytALHff 10 yoer wwn. i m tg i1i-pIt 1.f. the roata alone iMeetiU. OUR FREE OFFER. iT'..t" h-.D I lb- 54 oeni MKLJure. nw IM B4c BmIi will W teal to m rtUC ipala.and if worn d'Hi't thltik U to wortli im.te t-be loent o M w win feBBIUW vvtapB ywr I b rwta HR T THE PKFM a ATA ABw( T THI CATALwCTFi 'U i a moBuaKiift of bvataet ixtfotTpaUon." Miniieapoiii. (Hizuk -A wor-rterfnl pteeeof w.w alnrt National Trlbona. ie t'.jrur i a wonoer' Mavncntter i m. t aioa. "fcean. hoeta-k A Ov one of th iarst aoitnea of tU Und i CT.tarKwTiiufo lntrr'trean. eatatftrqe forms one of tae flDen faopptnp wediunu toat Clikaffn. down." Atlanta fVwTtittlon. d im. llttraim Kwnl HtrraM. (inc. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. U. S. A. Noice to the Public. UoMiitL'BG, Ok.. October I'I, ljj'jy. Xulice is hereby given that tbe under 8iiDed, i lie Irusleo of I lie bankrupt es tate oi Daniel C'urtin, w:ll receive and consider I'ropofcilions lor tbe porcbase of wbat is known as tbe Curtin r?aw Mill, eitusleJ near Corrwtoc.s, Oregon, all prjioeitioi.B subject lo rejection. Address ma at liuseburg, Oregon. Date (or closing the receipt of (be earte will be tbirly days from tbe date hereof, Dated at ur-, Oreguii, Ibis mt day of Octol)?r, lS'j;i. J. T. I'lUimiEt-, Trustee. Dyspepsia Digests what you cat. It arti Sci all y tli pt s f be f ood and aids Nature in Ftrcni'ih.Miiiig and recon structing tbo 'xbausK'il digestive or pane, Itlstbc. t.-stflit-covereddipeKt-antand tonic. So lAhvr preparation can approach It in ctliclonry. It in Ptantly relieves and rxunan.'ntly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, SickHeadadGfcVamr J1 Other results of iiiipcrfeetdigestion. ("tPr' fcy E- C. tit Witt A Co , Cfylcaga. Cure. Circuit Court. Circuit court convened Ibis wo.-uinii wi'.li JaiK Uamilton -oa tbn bencb. Tbe following is tbe docket : OLD CASKS. A. Thus UitBt vs Emtna Nasburg, iMtiutiuu; D L Watsoa Any ior l'lff, A M Craw ford Aitr lor Delt. 15. Tho.-. Hirot vs Emtra Nasburg partition; D L Waisou Atty for l'lff, A M Crawford Ally for Deft. C. II. WMleubetg vs Grant Leveus lo recover tuooey ; J C Fallerton If W Bauson Atlys lor l'lff, Willis & Kice Atiys (or Deli. D. Julius Atubruui ys Jobii l'res cberu lo recover money ; Brown & Tus iin, Attysf r llff, F W Beiioou aud O P Coebow Atty for Deft. E. G U Warter et al vs Cbae Bru uctutt al aciiou lo try; F W Ben- sou aud Coebuw & Stieriiian, Aitys (or r.ff, A M Crwlord Atty for Dfi F. AC McCulloct vs Frauk Newlaud el al, suit iu partition; br you & Lh.jj, Attys for l'lff, .Villis & Uice Auys for Deft. .G. Jobii L Ata-ier vs Isab.-lle Fieticb ei al coDliruulijti ol sals;F V Be n sod, Atty ior Piff. 11. GeoHuiilb vs A S Irelabd et al foreclosure of mot tge ; J C Fullerton Ally for Plff, A M Crawford Atty for Suie Lmd Board. I. IF Brown vs Fannie H liarl ttal couiiruiaiiou of sale, Coelio & Sheridan Ativs for Pi J. J. Geo W Kimball vj 11 Djer as aduir, el al, confirmation ou sale ; Willis & Kice Attys for l'iff. K. School Fund Cooimiesiouert vs James W Conn et hi confirmation of sale under mortgage; A M Crawford Any for Plff. L. School Fund Cominkeioiieis vs David McColluui et al, 'nfirmaiiju ol sale under mortgage; A M Crawford Ally forl'iff. M. Carion Bros vs A M Uoee to re cover money cnGrniaiion of sale; A 51 Crawford Atty for i'lffr N. James S Wells va li W Coumtock ac'ion to recover money; confirmation of rale; Chaa Hamilton Atty for riff. O. Soloman Meudell vs Nancy II Uecdell suit for partition real property ; L F Ccnn and F W Benson Attys for Deft Willie & Bice Attys for Plff. r. State Land Board va W F Briggs confirmation of sale; A M Crawford Atty for riir. 2. Gertrude E Kice ys 11U G Kice divorce for trial ; J C Fullerton Atty for Plff. U. Sophia E. McK'inney v. TUe Southern rarific Co., action lor dam ages ; A. C. Woodcock and J. E. Young Attys. for l'lff; Fenton, Brnnaugu & Miner and Wiliis A Kice, Atty. for Deft. S. T K Sheridan va John I' Duncan, et al, motion lo condrm sale; Cosbow & Sheridan, Allys. for riaiotiff. T. G W Kimball vs 11 Dyer, aa Adair, et wi, motion fcr confirmation of le, Willis & Kice, Attys. for Plaintiff. SkW CASKS. No 1 G G Warner et al, vs Cbarle liruneaa. et al. action at law; F W Bsnson, Cosbow & Slwridan, for 113.., J S Medley and A M Crawford, Attys. for Deft. No 2 John C llass-y vs B L Min- ard.etal. suit; Cosbow & Sheridan for Plff., Willis & Kice for Deft. No 3 F E Fremont vs John Shullx, writ review No A Caro Bros, v II J Bobiaett, actional law to recover money; A M Crawford for l'lff. No S J F.Bar. er vj Fred Alexander action at law to recover money. F W Beoson for Plff. No - G B B Sutton va Clark and Bak er, action at law to recover money ; Cc sbow febeiidan for Plff., Willis & Kice for Deft. No 7 B L Sabin vs Joy & Neff, ac tion at law lo recover money ; J C Ful lerton for Tiff. No S Eose M Malvany and Malvaney va Magdalene Liar dm an, suit to recover money; William I. Vawter for Piff- W. M. Colvig, Deft. No 0 IF Kice vs J A Mundsy. fore closure; Willu & Kice f r l'tff. No 10 Aster Marks, Adtnr., vs. Jas II Short, et al, action at law recover money ; J C Fallerton for Plff N II Emma M Carlisle vs Djrce B CarlUle, divjr-; J A Bo 4ianan for Plff. No IS WFJewett, et at, vs War ren 1'ayson Keed, et al. suit; Cosbow A Sheridan (or I'i ft , F W Benson and J C. Fullerton for Defte. Nj 13 J a toes Kichards vs N T l.ridge and S I Thornton, action at law to recover money ; Cosbow & Sheridan for Plff., Byron & Long, for Deft. N T Bridges. No 11 Slate Land Board va Synlha A Bjoii, etal., foreclosure; A M Craw ford for l'lff., J. C. Fullerton for Deft. No lb Nathan Selig vs City of Myrtle Creek, review; Coshow & Sheridan lor Plff. No hi G G Warner, et al, vs Cbas Bruneao, et al., suit in equity; F W Ben son and Cosbow & Sheridan for P!ff Medley, Crawford, Woodcock acd Hey bum for IMce. N 17 K L Sabin vs W G Patterson, action to recover money; J C Fullerton for l'lff. No 18 E (i Young vs Geo E and L:llie Mcl-taugall, action at law to re cover money; W F Benson for l'iff., Geo M Brown for Delt. No. 19. Noonday Mining Co vs Chut Brttneau nut in equity ; F W Bcuson and Cot-how i'i Sheridnu for Plff, CrawforJ, Mediey and Woodcock for Defts. No. 0. J M Young vs Frank Scben ker et al foreclosure; Cosbow & Sheridan for Piff. No I'I Amelia Deutscbkey vs. Eroest Deiitfcfikey, guit in equity; Byron A lying for l'lff, J C Fullerton for Deft. No .May Stewart vs 11 F S ewart, divorce; Byron A Lung for Plff. No t'3 J II WsKenblaat va Katberiue WairenblsHt, divurt-.e; J A Buchanan for Plff. No 24 J F Barker A (Jo vs F I. Ash, lo recover money ; V W HenHon for Plff. No L'l 1) M OmIkhhiio A Co vs U.ivlnn Williams and Arthur Williams, to re. coyer money; Cosbow A Sheridan Icr Plff. Vo 2G J. C. Comstock vs Sadie Con slock, divorce ; J C Fullerton for l'lff. No 27 W T Emeiy vs P S Durlaud, to recover money; JA Buchanan lor l'lff, A M Crawford and C 8 Jackson fcr Deft. No 23 Charles M CIom vs Geo W Ridi'lr, et al, foreclosure; Milton Smith ml I B Riddle for Plff, Cosbow A Sheri dan tor Defts, G W and Helen Kiddle. No 20 Francis Freeman va lea F Rice, i aduir, Est A Hose, Dec'd ; Geo M Brown and Geo M Brown and Cosbow A Sheri dan for Plff, Willis A Rice lor Dift. No 3J John Cocklerease vs Mary Cocklerease, divorce; Byron A Long for; Piff. I No 31 WM Wilkinson, ttal, vs W 11 Cole, tt al, partition ; J A Buchanan for Plff, J C Fullerton for Deft. No 32 Mrs II A McClaren vs Foeco Burt, action to recover money ; J A Bu chanan for Plff. No 33 A F Brown vsC W Ciaybourne and wife, foreclosure; Coehow A Sheri dan for ritr. No 34 Wrn Irwin vs n C Roberts, to recover money ; C L Hamilton for Piff. No 35 Dufur A Meuefee vs J P Sive ner, etal, action on note; A M Craw ford ft r Piff. No3i Lee Love va Wm Woody, writ of review; Byrou A Ling for P.ff. No 37 W A N-wton -a C E Bogus, M D, damages; J A Buchanan for Plff, I B Riddle for Deft. No 33 Mrs II L Harrison vs A McN Harrison, divorce, Ira B Kiddle for L'lff. No3'J John Seiber vsCbasJ Andei son, damages; Willis A Kice for Plff. Coehow A Sheridan for Deft. No 40 luis McLanhlin vs U G Mclaughlin and Martha E McLaughlin, maintenance; Frank GMicelliandJ A Buchanan for Plff, Byron A Long for Delta. No 41 Mrs M Joeepbson vs E L Lilt rell, to recuver money ; Co how A Sheri dan for rill. No 42 11 D Laughlin vs P J Jennings, to quiet lil'e; Walton A Markley for Plff. No 4.1 Chu.chi l AWtbtiey vs E L Littreli, to recover money ; Coehow A Sheridan for l'lff. No 4 1 UK Ublsen, rt al, vs. Fletcher A Fatterfon; J A Buchanan and C S Jackson for Plff, Byron A Long for Defts. No 43. Cbas Beunett vs Eddie Rob ert)", Geo Bloerock and J P Keuiiog- ton, action on note; A M Craw lord and C S Jackson for Piff. N46 State Land Board vs E H Otey, et al, foreclosure; A M Crawford forPlffa. No 47 T J W -Mams vs J E Williams to recover property ; Willis A Kice for Plff. No 44 J F Hamilton vs Geo 11 Sleph neon, foreclosure; C L Hamilton and J F Hamilton for Piff. Nj 4'J Continued. No 50 Est D U H liibaog vs Sooth era Pad tic R B Co, damages ; C H Jack on, AM Crawford and FG Micelli for Plff. No 51 Jas Richards va L J and L C Perdue, foreclosure; Cosbow A Sheridan for P.ff. No 53 Douglas County Bank vs Josie Curvillian, actios on note; J A Buchanan for Piff. No 54 Z L Dim wick vs E J Page, Admr Est Archy Adams, forcloeure; J C FolUrton for Plff. No 5-5 Emily Drool hart va Henry P. Brookhart, divorce ; Cxho A Sheridan for Piff. CBIXIXAL CilXNDLB. No 5G State of Oregon vs Jainea Jen nings, malicious injury to personal prop erty ; Geo M Brown, Dirt AUy. No 57 State of Oregon va William Perkins, crime, larceny of a horse ; Geo 11 Brown, Diet Atty. No 53. Slate of Oregon vs Nora Etta Cole, crime, larceny of a horse; Geo M Brown Ditt Atty. No 59 State of Oregon va Walter Brookhart, assault with intent to commit rape; Geo 51 Brown, Diet Atty. No GO State of Oregon vs Wm Perk kins and Nora Etta Cole, lewd cohabita tion ; Geo M Brown, Dist Atty. No Gl State of Oregon vs Bab Burns, larceny ; Geo M Brown, Diet Atty. NoG2 State of Oregon vs Joseph Murphy nd John Miller, larceny of tore;!. e3 51 Brown, Diet Atty. A CHICAGO TRICK. Bat Somehow the Uraaamcr Couldn't Seem ta Make It Work. "I saw a queer trick iu Chicago the other day," said the drummer as be lighted a fresh cigar aud pared his nails With his pocketkiiife. Of course two or three of the group wanted to know all about it, and he continued: "One of you let me havo a clean fl bill for a moment Ah, that's a daisy of a bill just off the press last week. Inow, then, I lay the bill face down ward on the floor thus. The chap who did the trick was not a prof essioual jug- tr". out bo did it with neatness and -.n-tch. I don't say I caii do it myself. but I'll try." ."But what is tho trick?" "Why, I take iny knife nnd cut the bill lengthwise so. Then I cut it cross wise ki. That divides tho bill into four equal portions, doesu't it?" Every ono in tho gronp answered that it did, and tho drummer ca.ed nt tho pieces awhile and said: "Tho trick is to blow tho nieces to gether ho that thocdgoswill unite. Tbe Chicago man did it, but just how I couldn't find out. Let's see. I will now blow. Ah, they do not uuitc. I will blow ngiiin" "What iu the Old Harry ure yon try ing to do?" demanded tho owner of tho bill. "Why," I'm trying to blow tho pieces together, " iuuoeently replied tho drum mer. "But you can't do it." "No, I see I can't. Tho Chicago man did it, but I'm not on to tho trick. Here are the four pieces, ami I guess you'll have to get n bottlo of mucilage and a slient of paper and paste tin in together. Awfully cute, trick, but I can't do it Wihh I could, but I can't." And, htraiifi.Jy enough, tho owner of tho bill looked at tho pieres, and from the pieem to tint drummer and bark, and then called the dm miner a double dyt:d idiot and walked on' w ith thooVcln nn inn tlutt. Int'd like to .tnim-li i1v'n heaiL JMroit Free Dress. 1 MP la the reolt of repeated acuta attack. The liver and spleen are principally affected. They act aa storehouses for the malarial eolion and tha blood take it tram them. Tha poison mart be ttriren out of theiyitem. Hl'D YAN will destroy the action ot the polton and event ually driraost the last particle of it from tha syitam. In addition to this, HUDYAN will reitore lha loat app e. II will bulla up the weakened system. HCDYAM will mala new blood tV'S l 2 ..2 3 5 and new fleah. The pains in the brfne will disappear. If I'D YAM has cured others and it wilt euro joii. Wo describe tbe aymptom. Study llicin mreruUy. They are your. Do not delay longar, but take III' U VAN now and you will be cured. HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS: 1. CONSTANT HEADACHE AND TRO0BT.ED BRA22T. Take HUDYAN and your bcailaelin will disappear. 3 3. PALE OK YELLOWISH COM PLEXION. HUDYAN wilt establish a free circulation of pinv bluo t and cause tha ebeeka to assume their natural t-olor. 3. LOSS OF APPETITE AND OS AW ING IN THE STOMACH. HUDYAN will restore lh appetite and Ibe digestion of food will become perfect. 4. FEELINO.07 WEIGHT OVER THE LIVER. Thlt I dua to the enlargement ol tbe liver. It i filled with tho poison of ma laria. HI UTA will drive out tbe poison and causa the oif .tn lo assume Its natural size. 5. HEAVINESS IN THE REGION OF THE SPLEEN. The spleen becomes f really enlarged. HUDYAN vill len-n tha coo jest ion and ta'im the bcariness lo disap pear. You are sitlT-rnz (mm chronic Malaria and you ran be cured. HI DT A.N' will reliere roar errry symptom and male you well. Hl'O. VAN ran 'm obtained of all dmrriati for Me. per pat'Lace. or a package) for Si M. If your irurit doe not keep it, semi direct lo tha HI 'MS AS KKMKUY COMPANY. Ban Fran rlco, California liememlier lhat rou can roiiMilt Hie Ml II VAX DOCTOR HE8. Call and see the doctor.. You mar call and see them, or write, as you desire. Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY. Car. StecH-a, Market (a Ella) AH., tea Fraaeisc. Cat. i u nr. Till DIRECT BOCTKT Montana. Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. laKce choice of two favorite routes, via tbe CMOS PACIFIC Fast Hall Line, or Use EIO GRANDE Scenic Lines. Look at Uie tiioe ii days to Salt Lake 2li days to Denver 3a days to Chicago 4a days to New York Free Keclialas Cbalr car, I'p belatcrctl Xoarlat Sleeping Care, Pol I tat an r a lace Sleep ing; Car operate, oa all train. Fo. farther lnlot-ros'l-r pply lo J. F. CJIVAN5, Agt., Rceeburg. C. O. Terry, W. E Co man, Trav. rasa. Act. Gea Aft. Ml Third St., fell at o Or. QNtv SP..75 6E.KDNO MONEY, lull - S:. aVaasJ -aU lA wMt. l4itg Car sMaiiu aassf WAria. U-o mm. r vt Hsctot 4Utt4 aaw t kmtt atvat a' SJxl nll farrxt fa UV'rfCt IwlTliMftHI ICAVtl cum ch prs-. i i- . fn to Tjrinal4a. )os rat. eaajaisaa. ajsai trr i vm tV4 tt fnesi rarvpti waawwaa law p, tUMtv aM va . . . "111 a' s ravta fwr tv-a isstauiea. THIS CAC 19 LA. TC8T 8TVLI FOR FALkand ariniia, a. i. r-Tia. aa rtirti aa aa nalaa liarilaa an. rri latV.fT itta-h-. Vm err ruM inea. 13-larfc apfM-r i- li. I war taa. aa tars a.a.r. aaaatl fUtiT tr.-un-d al . h mntw a.ltk wal fan apr rana rriaim-a vtH thee. ma. aa4 vollar attb ta-n row. oT a a.i .lr pi .Ul Hftual araaateata. Tata aaa. la aarlaliar il i ajfc at saS rnaal n ranaa that aril a mwflhtn t- M. IK. prVe. WpIm tmrtrm fart Cat.lal... SEARS, ROEBUCK ak CO.. CHICAGO tSaara. a.;Vfl aa. at iainaHj nllimi Km j Roseburg Bakery. WHITE, GRAHAM, AND RYE. f ' . BREAD f also All kiuds of Pics, Cakes, aud Cookies. H. HANI5CH, Prop. Administrator's Notice. VTOIICK Id HEREBY GIVES THAT THE undeniened was on tho 2nd day of Oct. 1899, duly appointed admluistrator of ths catats oi nunuci i urner deceased. All persons liar lue claims aaainat said eatato are hcrebv re. 'itiired to present the same, properly verified, to luvaaiu aumininirator at (xunisbunr, uouRlas t'ounlr, Oregou, witbiuslx mcnthifroni the uate nerem. Hated thla 5th dsv of Oetobcr. !X:4. .. . W1LUAM J.BL'KCHABD, AUmllllStrator al thn r.laln nf Kamiint i urucr, aucvaaco. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership Notice is berebv given lhat the psrt nership heretolorf) xi8tin t etaeen li. H'. Kruee and 1. H. ibambrtiok, bas bten rtisolve1 by mutual consent. The rani U. V . Krnse has ueeumed all tbe indebtedness of said firm and will collect all moneys die said Attn. Dated this lGlb day of Oct, 18D9. I). R. Sll AMBROOK, G. W. Kri sk. Atjf NTS W'ANTKD Flllt "THE LIFE AND Acbiuvcmeuts of. Adininil liewey,'' tlie world's irnteKt Oaval hero. Ily Murat HaltU-ad. thu lifO'lmiK friend and sdinii-er of the nation Idol. Hii!i;est and bc-t btnik : over oOO page, Kxhitt.clic; neitrly Urn imgrii halftone llluttra Ittus. Only 1 .V). Kuoruious demand. Big nliiituiilniiN. Outlit free. CIihuco of a life lima. Write quick. Tho Dominion Company floor (.'axtoii Uldir.lrhicrqo. I XUa. a w triar aaa ar kaar at, J Bar ta eiTN-na aaeft aar aM-r4al f aVearWSl.73, aa Maa. ainii, A Ktrrra. cSsrees I Dollars are not Found On Every Bush, But you can save them Iron Ware atJourStore. ALL COPPER NICKEL PLATED WARE. Wash Boilers guaranteed to last a life time, quarters for Fire Arms and Ammunition. Churchill 6R0W A ' C1IASE & SANBORN, Importers, Boston. For Sale by Mrs. N. Boyd, Dcaler in Choice, Staple and Fancy Groceries. 8SSSr" Roseburg, Or. Triumph Prune Grader Foi Green and dried Prunes. Compact, Practical, Accurate. Send for circulars and testimonials to WALTER M0RLEY, Patentee and Get your- SCHOOL Welhave a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS , ever bro.ught to this city.J Our Prices are Right. . . . A. C. MAiiSTERS & GO. 'VVAfAVA, -A. Va-m, --f., P W P. Benedick. Any Job Work doneat Reasonable Pat vSan, StHM A Ik ara Utaraaakly rUi.-AlUr.) SaMlal $I3.5oW : "fP ii -. ft- ' e in buying Tin and Granite See our Head- & Woolley's. Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon. SUPPLIES js-AwnAtiAlarsters. . .vtaVV. fAV 1 . UntJertalpi1 end EmtelmBi1, "J SEMOMJOIUR Cat thi 4t. OUtaUttl af-l)l to u mn4 ailtjarntl thlstsjaar lM Myto t9 9mwm !-. sUawjfwsirissj sawal Mas taja. 9tmm tommy&Lr, snvlvre ac c hm Hockj MtMAMtauns. by lVsaC.aVaVllailtl ta YoUCain- uniwr U at MirfYetirh(.dpot if founsl perfrsUly MUcrfWCorw ml tW twswfst $ hmr fraiat you rtrw or hf-avrtl of wf tit frstaM awww. OUR SPECIAL OFFER PRICE S1375Q lrsthrl OOiwi.t l(honl.r or !. w frwrtt Hi.iaatirr.lKkt ararara ahaotai.te hrtnn MSnilMt THIS STOVE IS SIZE Ne. 8. Oraa la Mxl7ill . tacbaa. Tyla BtSI ttwhea; matta fmas hat sAf li ... extra avraa auetv baary eovent. cut arnter. haatry Uataas ami srataa. hanl-om nkkel platatl ornaaarata aad trilaminar!. ntraaiaa oven aittminiM uaau OT.n ttoora. itra tar. Sara aait.lala a. 1 1. airi.l., Mul-im. larva tte ornamenwd bar. T CtAl ItlNfl Mill, it arrtVrt tnt karaar. ls B ABIMIHNU WlaAVrsa wltharar. atave.alKl.eaaraBt aafr (tellTerr to Tour naarea railroatl atatton. .ARS, ROEBUCK CO. (loo-) CHICAGO, IU Mat CaUtara. taalka ha aa aaaUntlaa. Al4ran FOR. acrrTV. HI 0.R.&1 GO "TO TIIE-- E: A S Tr wires the choltwof tw Inns-1 f - tontineulal j'yAfm- ROUTES GREAT Norther ORZCOn Chert LI.'. 3 VIA VIA Cpokane Gait Lz'Xe r.linnearjol.s Denver St..Pau Omaha A5D ASD Chicago Kansas City Lowest Rates to all - Eaatera Cltleaw. Ocean steamers leave Pmt Und every' . fiiclday -FOR SRH FflUCISCO S lea Bier montlily from Portland to Yufco -oma aa Hong Zoag la eon nec lion with t Js O.t. 5. . or lull detail call on or address J0H5 F. G IV" ASS, Agent. RoaHbarw, tDrcsoo. . W. H. BIJMXBirSTs OeneraJ Paasesrsr Afeal o. au jk j. csv,.;' "vOaatf, Oreso Railroad TLnc Tab. KortabooDd Eoasborj local, 27a. 17 depvrta70a. m. . . Kootljbonal Koeebojx fecal. Ko. 23, arrivea S 20 p. m. Korthboaod overland, TSa. rivca io uJ5 a. m. ; departa 10 :4S iiia. Soolbbocnd overland, Na 6, irrl-rj 4:15 a. m.; departs 45 a. t. ' raXJUHT TAAIAS. North bound fast tbrocfh treicbt, Sa 221, arrivea) 4:10 p. in.; departs t JZSp. m. Southbound taat tbroogb fxsigbt, Kw 222, arrives 7.-00 a. tn.; departs 8:00a m. Korthboond raised train Ko. 22?aniT at 2 -55 p, m.. Soodayt. Wexlnsawiava and Fridava. donarfa O-Ori aa If t - aa aaiatJUatfB Tbnrsdaya and Saturday. oonuooana anted tram o. 326 ar rivet at 3.-00 p. m., oa Sondays, i!m. dayaand Fridays, departs 7U5 au b. Mondays. Tbnrsdaya and Satordayi. JtrntotHsT Cacara coraer ol Xaia aad taae stracta. Soadav Berriesi: fiaa. fcfn n aa 00 f. .; Sabbat school, M a. am.; U A. Walker. BuseriatiKteiit: riaaa Hrii at ctae at the aaornla serriea: XpwerOj Laps 7A)B. au P. 8. Godtrcr. rraattiawl. v.c. Meetiut WcxijoerUy,at7:p. at. G. K- A laoup, Paator, raisABaaw. eaiaui Xaia aat laaa. Cxma Baaraaaji CMiraca-tM, rsVriti t&iaday attrrioa. Pray- r Saeeuos;. TkursUay STesinc. Jtrs. Loct M. CcTiir, Pastor. St. Uaoa..a s Carsxa. Corser Caaa ual Main stptete. 6errioes sa accoad sad tour. baBxlay Borala ol each tnoath aad crery 8oa- jereminA- Special aerrieea aanaowaeed trosa awtoUme, Bar. Joata Dawsow, MlaaicaarT. M. K. Caiaia, 8JCtw.-8eiTiceaevei geaday Biag aadereaiBa. ' - Bar J T Cairo. PaiTu Bajti-t CaiacH cotbct si Laaa and &a ,treeU- Soaday aerriee: Prcachina; at U a. u aa47:30.aa. sabbath School at At a. au, O. P. Coshoar, sapcrintcadeat. Itayer soeeUBa; at 7:30 Wednesday evening. - S. A. QucLaa, rastox. Pust CaauTlAJi Cavmca Comer at Fin and Woodward abeets. Boaday aerrieea Preaching both atarain; aad trceaiac. Saaday school at 10 a. at. T. P.8.C. E. atJB a. aa Prajer usee ling each Wedaeaday evtaiaf at 7J9. A cordial wckoate and treating avails 'aH. W. A. Wooa, Paster aad Boats streets. Sunday service: " Puair1 worship, 11 a. av, ant a p.- a-r Babtaii chooU 10 a. nu T. P. 8. C E. at 7 a. so. Prayer ateetlng, WtMacaday evealag 7iS9p . J. A. TowitaSjra, -- Paator - Tn W. c. T. C. will hold iu regular avsetlsga oa the second and fourth Xondaya at m-y month at 738 p. au in the toesa ol tho X. K. Cliurcn. Summons. v - ... - TS THEOBCriT COCKT OF THE STATE 4f f St'aam tan nivil taa J.C. fomsloek. Plaintiff, j TS. " V Sadio H CuttMttxk. Defendant-V Tu Sadio H. Comstovk. tha above aaaaed defendant: . In the name ol the t-tatt ol Oregon, rtaa r hereby reauircd to appear and aaawas. tha conipiaiat hied acaiua you in tha above a tUied eaae oa or before tbw first ttay ol tUo ae.rt rrguiar term ol said court towit: Xoaday the lA day ol November B-. And 11 you fail tu so amar aad answer taa tsud eomplaint, piainUn w ill apply to saud court for the reiMf deuianded In aatd complaint towit: . That tha niarriaKC contract bow existing bts. tween yonrseif and ssid plainOir be drwi-red and lhat pUunt Iff have judgement ia said court Kir Uie coots aad illxharaemcnts oi tha stud suit and sueb other and further reiiet aa taa court mar adjudge equitable. This aummona ia published oader and by rirtura oi an order made by Hoa. J. W. Hamil ton, judgs ol said court, dated tfc-tober 3od 19, at Roaeburv. Oreiron. The data ol tiu. Ant MiMiMHun lul.. - t . v . . v-Jiug Uliimn . U1W oth day of October, 1NJ8 and the las pabricatioa thereof bein Thursday tho fcrd day ol Novem ber, li. The ssiel period be-ott noro thaa six eonaecuUve weeks between the nrct publtcatioa i'... mm utw ate oc tae atat paoueaaltas thereof. (0.1) J.tPTIXETOS, Plaintiff-s Attorney. Notice for Publication. United State- Land Offlca Roebura-kOr..NoTcmbe7.U93. . vi - iiciw fi u tag souowinar named settler has filed notiee ot his intentiMt to make final proof in support of hs claim, and that aatd mmox will h Itafnn. tx. rmui. and Beradrer, United Stair Land Otfica al Boaeburtf, Oregoe, oa Doevaber 14, Ijaa. tl4; - IVa Y tr V.. dit. .... . i. .... ' wT, wr um JJUl f. X. , Ni.; aevUon XS T. i South, B. i West. E sum llta ... i j .- u v. cintintattia iMiik-tiia .mm at . said land, via: Jones oiigh, Adufe tioogh. ol Oakland, Ort-axtn: John Hnhs,ot Wilbur. Ore- t.i .ij nn. ta vaaiauu, .revo. . a. siuvuu, (9t7) Register. Administrator's Notice. TSJOTICK W HEREBY SiVEN THAT THE undersigned halS hfl'll laV fliafj illl at V all m. of rxmidas t ouuly, nuie ofOregun, appointed the administrator of the enlale ol Huldah Wil son, deceased. All persons bavina- claima againat said estate are hereby reuirv-d to prea aut tbe saute, duly veritied, to the onttertigsied at Riddle, UouKlas Coaaty. Oreaon, within aix uionins from tbe data ol this nonce. Dated this I'oth day of October. :.. GEOKGK al. OCINK, Administrator of tbe estate of HuMah SYllsnn. ievmsctt. ttatf'i It makes no differencs) liow bad ' tta wound if you use DeWiU'a Wibh. TZ3l Salve; it will quickly beat aad learn BO car. . A. C. MARSTERS St CO. . Geo. Noland, Rockland, O., gave. "Mv wife had pilca (grtj: yftrff. . tV Witt's WHcb Uel Salva cnrsdte?, is tiia best salvn in Ameriffs' j li I $ everytbina and cure all 14. Z"i 1 C. MmntPr- A Co.