The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 23, 1899, Image 4

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    , -o tL. Lai: ,
JcUitklarationror As
similating BToodandRcula
ling the Stomachs aDdBovvels of
ncss a rvd Rest .Contains neither
Opium.Morptinc nor Hincial.
Hot Narcotic.
Ax Jam
A perfect Remedy forConstipa-
HOn, oour otuukM.ii.LMuiinvw
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
tiess and Lo ss OF SLEEP.
lacSimtte Signature of
Iimp 1 ok!i: ir -wx y.,r ui-rvri i: i irci orfw.i
m h- Special Offer Prec $15.50
mi trr- ,
11-M. tlS-W mt ii IuUt K -rrta ia ur
' but iU. lor Ihi Mk aJ.1.T
rat CMfM. Ju iuue uri. c i'!-aKltfc?rpirtit will ? , 2 - !
i.u.-eirtiM gi rr thiec mskths thai in i. 1 I
lbtm.m4 will re:B ..virli.ji uy uir rm air Dt t. ; f
ttpmftC.ITm(Ut ii u .-- avt ku muk with na-
n d UUrikMm mist wmhi hMM ru
Kf. the
NFWtnK. Itarj
raster. 1;tai r
tructioa Bock
and tHc ff fw
that are mvh
n I T ii
!L ' 1 m Ml t
AiMress, SEARS, ROEOUC.K & CO. Inc.) Chicaso, IJU
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
HfMCtour at, mmm mm A M tm :mmmm mm
i n
General Blacksmithing
Mm oa Corner Washington and Kane Bta., Boscbirx
nnribtnc jw
' rir rrtXVTin vf
1 "twaim.
eonM nMiftIr n Mtlt Into a dlrlrt." tVTi- Hnntblr. OKacn.
Taeiratalnene Is a .-t dvpartmrnt Mora boiled owti.' Atianta Onrtltotlon.
ThawttorolgrtinlTa awrriainn or Tclopwdia." ;hMwir. hwrlh HTM.
hawhouM hma')'ntillinrtbenof tlil.rattrflB.II-uli rti.M.o,."Th'Hoii.t.. Kothtoon.
Vt mM W" llKir' - Inlllr rt-vtl. 4 li at mm yam i ilk i-r4 M kr rptwm
an. Aodroa. SEARS, ROEBUCK b CO. (Inc.), CKICACO, ILLINOIS, U. 8. A.
tux ui ait iiAil mmuia Itaut I
tkaWanwaie5CiaS.2S,tassaaala -
s.iiis taat Mllll ai as.tajiaas.asv .
OUR OFFER: ' " " send
v"tn' toualnckawagooil smo
aaiapjsof Uo csatt tkiis wttwt and cut tt
out mm near too root as poaibla,iDrioa
wr s, rlil art, siini aas arats .sir. to
pay poatace, and a wHI saaka Iks swr-k la
sjaUk faar nalr
creaM, aad send to yam hj
mail, poatoaid. and If Too are not prrf ortl
amarneo, rvtam itanawnwui
iwrnnd roar moorr
kpiiiiionvrriiarasfcllswst t-oiL fwftirh
M-m. kmc. lone 69C short stem,
fiOCS son, tt-in. Ions, short stem. 1.9 ftt
(" V ' ttonr". S
Vos. B4n. Ions;, snort stem. SI.BOl 3-o-
KmK.aBortakera.BZ.29 SH-ocnvin.
anortnesn, B3.23. nBMalUkTlI
WtrSk tka tmrhaat rraoe on the
C OtwarataataaadsM thaweaKlal
arwaa, saar wiii uliisil If jmm m aal
f 1 'rlt for Fms Caxakaru of
hairttooda. firtiias.
SEARi. ROEBUCK t CO.flne.lChiciaa.
dsnvkj aVssni
' -T r"i nftirti Ullss J
To The Unfortunate.
Dr. Gibbon
This old reliable and
the most successful
Specialist in ban Kran
i risio. suil cnnlinuea to
' care all Sexual and
5esniaal Dlaeaae. mu
i OooaorrtHBa, Ulart
: Stricture. 5ypH lit It)
ail iu forma, Slkla Dl
aeaae, Nervoua Debit.
Itjr, I m potency. Semi
nal Weakness and loaa
of nanhood. the conap-
? tMnoe o( sell abuse and ezoeasos produciua the
oilowlnr symptoms: saUow countcusDci'. riArk
apota uodef the eyes, pain in the head, rinnlng
in the ears, loss of coulideuce, dlBidence in ap
trtoacblng slramrem, palpitation of the heart.
weaaneas of meiimusaua oack. lossoi memory
pimples on the fane, coughs, coneumption. etc.
UK. uibimj J nas praciK-ea in nan r raneikco
over thirty years and those troubled should not
'ail to consult him and receive the benefit ol
oiarreat skill and eiperience. The doctor cures
when others tail. Try mm. t;urea f uaranieep.
Persons cured at home. Charges reasonable.
Call owr rfte.
Olio. Cal
fiii Kearny bt. San Fran
Pimples, eruptions, sweaty bands end
feet are cured hy Hodyan. All drngitihls
50 cent.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Beats the
You Have
Always Bought.
tmc ettrru comt, nrw w cmr.
with ms u.
Vi. oat nl vcn.i T, u: 3
tvi.irtr.1(MinBK,CI j!
inu 11 gcw wr-xfc
nUaUMCI. u
rvrtT imi
-- L ' -. ... . y
i v ' . j ii 111 '-: i
Ant?t.te -if
cm in rHfiRTra tiwrn Aiirriiiirti eniMrr.i
othwppn wit full lennk tat' 4 In pte for
4i !!. Imws 1M Ai Ihm h i. mmd puwsnl. Mi
tma. cnuinSm ta irxwi fttAAd. rM tan Hie aw
Im. foor bhU4b ffd.anf UnvadtnffTitKvUfMT akattk. autoaaatic
lx4-iQ mmifr. atljumafelr brannrik paimt WnsaMi li aerator. Imprnvrd
MlHil o n. w pua i7 aaa h nnry t'wrMN aa taiawm mmm a
afctfcH CUAKAHTE6D WBrhiraaalta. aliwiMnt.
I? aaa iiuiiani ht fwii. min our Free i-
eitJit hw a m rai ron Ian4 tforttber plain or any
nr. a tanrr vrk. a Ti-ia ntTg vaaraa. intwitnTTTT nnraiti.
ITmf?T55 Vnil K0THIG t.afaa-aTa.bterKrTrttwrtb
tho your fforfl.wpfr wiia at ti.fl
i to
1:. to Ht-.tA, i-aT rfr freirnt arrat t)S "O.
:ucceaMi to 6. W. KOAH.J
Tuic cierininaiE iui Ii4 buy. "iisiuitrie
V HiM. ro
roataiidorrrWvjM oixXaSiooa.
WIS THE l9wtT WNOLt.ALt CMtvAvfl rlLt
Tiill.ii ltiu. Mum., riliw, llfl Ii
I rt.r - - ii 1 1 m 1 1 mil tmm bmm. whom. i, .
fci . urioiurd lutanki rrliam Mllfc
hitkIMk titan. FhW fKtk, WiJli. ftiwjlill
Ttllii ith;iir lorMtperl nomeiiw w ior
w bun and illmnl him fnw oTCMunrtnit rot on
btiy ; ripiain. ,ut how tordert now awn tb
wnt b
with lb mU i" iteais to
b.p ! ti-S4ci.tpouur. nliwl wUI lM to W HU
kr uu il.,.ad tr Ton don't think it i worth HttnMtti Ikectita
yoa wnd. a. a key to th lwrt wbolMi) prices of vTrjruuag, J
O M w fnHWflt Min rw I ( Mil. .,
-lint nuut u( IxoiiMM tnlornjaUon.' Xlnacapuia UUnaJ
-A woMtorfo! ptw of work."-'Wh1rto Kattoral Trlbnna.
m.J.uLu tl.tMhMUrf Jf . H.i lEdoa.
Koeixwk Co. t. on of Ua Uisck kutuca of Ita kind la
Chi-aT." hliro IntrrOooaa. k .
-Toe blrraialniriM forma out of tb Cneat ebonplnc naeoiama un
Noice to the Public
HosEiiina, Ok.. October 21, ISO'J.
Notice is hereby given that the imder
eitrted, the trustee of the haakrapt es
tate of Daniel Curtio, receive and
consider propositions for the parclusa of
what is known as the Curtin tx Hill,
eitaated near Coniloi-kg, Oregon, all
propositions tubject to rejection.
Address me at Roeeburfr, Oregon.
Date for cloeing the receipt of the aarre
will be thirty dnyi (torn the date hereof.
Dated at lloteiirj:, Oregon, iLia 21at
day of October, H'.ri".
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
TfcartlflrMltrrl;Ctal.A .M.
iiauuii; in pi 1 1 iiivrn i iiij ttuu ItHlU-
structingthe "xhausted digestive or
gang. Itisthc. test discovered digest
ant and tonic. Jvq ot her preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Hour Ktornach, Ifausca,
Sick II eadacl i c, G at i a pi a , Cra ni ps, and
lU othe r resu 1 f s jf i in tm t Jec t d i pest Ion.
Prepared by E. C. DeWitt A Co., Chicago.
For sale 1-y A. C. M
Atone the Umpqua.
(The following article is taken from nu old
nuinlici Overland Monthly.
At Patnsey'a landioR he looked about
n the willow and loond a carpet bK.
which h Ik-MoahJ rnug'y in the caooe,
nJ walked back and forth on the peb
bly chore, now and then flingm. ooe
kipping across the water. As he rose
o liia feet after a 8?rch among them
or another ol a suitable rhape, he met
the ciitH al uUnce of Ad'liue Aon. Her
arm bad then been oat of the sling tor
several d.i)f, and she wore a pink print
diees ai:d the widu hat; iu'o ita band
ere twiated a few dry wild flowers the
uior of her dress.
chouirrb uncotered his head aud
aioid vluwly towarJ, her ttiinkiutf (hat
her eves weie the color tif the still, deep
water uuder the shadow of the leaves,
where an occasional i-halt of sunlight
falls. A mischievous ttuile curled her
lips as she made a feiut uf soing back,
sayiug: a long lime eiure I see
such it peart lookin' stranger in .these
pait. Air ye lookin fur Mr. Patm-ey ?,'
llestoedin the pith iu f runt of her.
'Aunie, ia your arm S'rng eujuu to
so around my nck?"
"Law no, it ain't!" drawiiig bick.
I'll j'ist see if it is."
And stooping ijnickly be lilted ber
with oue arm about the knees, and stood
erect looking ioto the startled face a'roye
him. Of court e uut ouly the Uuie arm
but ihe othtr mImu had gone around hi
net s, in an instiutUvs effoit at se!f pres
Kies me, and Til let you walk."
Wtll iheo, I'll have to carry yon
and he set her ft in the prow of the
canoe, and then held it steady until she
found her seat at tbe othi r end. In a
mo lent they were out in the stream and
quickly around tbe bene. Theu La
shipped bis paddle and regarded her
Sweetheart, sre voa sure jou are not
going to be afraid of me any more.'
"Welt, I tlo' know. tt look kinder
s . s - n t r 1
quetr in mat tiaijana your wuititn,
ih'y covered yoa up aome."
lie took off his high bilk bat and fet it
carefully io ber lap.
"Now do I look more natural 7"
lie was not particularly haodeome to a
casual observer perhaps, but omribing
in tbe girl's ere seemed lo ear she
found him so.
' You are not goiog to lake back what
you promised yesterday ?"
lie slipped a slender ring over one ol
Adeline's little br wn fingers, and kissed
them all, saying, 'Jobn .SchpmaMh, his
mark and seal."
lie txik his hat and waved it over his
head with a cheer that echoed from tbe
hillsides again and again, as tbe little
craft flew over the water under his rapid
At tbe mouth of Smith's Kiver he ran
bp to shore ud whistled. In a moment
a young Indian appeared, who after
few sentences in jargoj from Schumirsb
got into the canoe also, and they moved
oat ioto the Umpqua, drifting down wi;b
tbe current until they met the op-going
learner, which they hailed, and as she
stopped tuey climbed aboard, leaving
the Indian in tbe canoe. Lie shouted at
the retreating steamer with wide grin
on his wooden face, "Clahiam, six
Scoocum tillicnm!" lie looked at the
letter and the money Schomarth had
given him, and the grin grew yet wider
When Dad Famsey laboriously spelled
out the epistU that tbe nodemonstrative
aborigine placed in hi haods a few
hoc r, later, be expert need many emo
tions; but they fioally settled into one
of satisfaction, and he cackled softly to
himself for a long iiu.e before he showed
it ts his wife. - Tuis is hat she read :
Mb P.tMSkv.
Dkaji f?u:
Mies Adeline Ano l'amsey
and myself have decided to take a joar
Dey to Roeebnrg for a few days. We did
not have many preparations to mate,
and so said nothing about tbem. I have
some government bonds that will enable
me to support Adeline in comfort, and
have in the will I have made, left them
to her, ia case of my death.
I have reason to believe that you have
no personal oljec ion to the relation
propofe to assume, otherwise I would
have considered the step I tak Jbon
orable one.
I let. I luat tbe simplicity a our ar
rangements will have saved Jirr. Tarn
sey more or loss trouble. She will find
the kty of my cabin uoder the third
clipboard from the left corner of the
roof, and if there are any changes there
that tbe kindness of her heart may tog
g-et for Adeline', comfort, I trust she
will make trieni at any, and believe
me grtttful.
Yours with great usppiniss,
P. S. We will go to Scottsburg on tbe
Waeh'T.Kton, and be married there this
evening, et.d stay at Lyon's ontill the
etage starts in the mornicg.
J. S. reading the above, speech failed
the worthy Mrs. Pauisty for several ruin
otes, but she made up lor them later on
when her patient spouse turned over
many times and sighed deeply many
tiuies more before be was allowed to go
to ricei.
Soon tbe lonely Grabem was eurpr'sed
by a visit from Mrs. Pa m sey, who took
the key from its hiding-place, opened the
cabin, ant gave it such a thorough
cleatiiog that it did not seem like home
to him. Various poti and dishes ."ound
their wy into a litiie cupboard made of
a dry-goods box, ard a bit of white cur
tain hung over tbe pohched little win
dow wheu Ad'line Ann utid Svbomarsb
returned from their wedding journey.
The Eod.
llonr Mie Did It.
TrivTtt Miss Flop claims to have
nindo a thuusatid refusals of marriage.
Dim TliatV'iii-ily explained. Wln.ii
ront) CalK'W asked hi r to marry him,
replied. "No; a thousand times na"
Lutiili'ii Tit-f;it.-!.
j tY''.". iniies wro so caiiwi by cv
'""'" l0 lieVIt'VKlK thtfUl to bo O
ie h wlneli Jie bad readied
i'V Miilitu toward the wtnt.
Will (Siireeed In Time.
The minister of instruction at St. Pe
tersburg has presented a scheme to the
council of etato in favor of permitting
women to practico medicine. This is
the third or fourth attempt of tbe same
kind; but, as in the present instance It
is strongly supported, it appears to hare
a chance of success.
A Jersey Blasphemy In fellow Set
Fjnr.phon of bile.
Probably the most rouiarkable hit of
color to he fonud within n radins of 100
miles from this city is the littlo hamlet
of Sayrevillo, N. J. From an artist's
point of view Say re vi lie is impression
istio iu the nightmare souse of tho word.
Its surroundings are boautiful, for it
stands on a littlo bluff overlooking a
spreading marsh, through tho center of
which n sparkling river rnus to lose
itself iu a rift of the faraway hills. Tbe
marsh is a dull, grayish blue, tho river
gives a steel blue effect and far away
the distance of the hills blonds iu soft
gradations into tho line of tho sky. In
the midst of this gem of a landscape
stands Sayrevillo, yellow in every sense
of the word. It is a blasphemy in yel
low set iu a symphony iu bluo.
In the neighboring villages thcro ia a
legondas to how Sayrevillo became yel
low." They say that when the town was
Hist bnilt there wasn't a painted house
in it, nnd that ono day nu eutorprisiug
peddler on his notion soiling rounds
saw in this an opportunity for money
making. Ho procured a largo quantity
of damaged paiut at a nearby city, all
of the paint being in various hues of
yellow, from br'ght orango down to the
dullest buff. This paint ho carted to
Sayroville and sold at low prices, and
still with large profit to himself. Theu
the town set about painting itself yel
low. Some of tho people pooled their
interests and their paints and ornament
ed their houses with tho combination.
Others ran to stripes, and having rased
up one tint filled in with the rest One
man tried polka dots in chrome on a
background of greenish bnff, with bril
liant effect. When tho work was done,
the peddler came back with a big con
signment of staring green, which the
townspeople bongbt, and with which
they painted their blinds. The result
was pleasing to the Sayrevillers, but
startling to such few outsiders as
chanced to journey to that town.
In tho conrso of time two household
ers found courage to break away from
tno pi evailing yellowness. Ono repaint
ed his house in robin's egg bine, tho
other tinted his a deep magenta, aud
now these two buildings stand ont con
spicuously and give just enough color
tone to tho villago to accentuate its
amazing effects in yellow. New Tiork
Fields Many Ultra Sqaaro Fairly Teemina
With Seals.
Late in February tbe Newfoundland
sealing steamers break through the ice
in St. John's harbor and make their
way to some northern outposts, lying
there until March 10, the earliest date
on which the law allows them to go
to the ice. " They stand ont to sea until
they meet the immense fields of ioe
from tho Arctio ocean. These fields are
often many square miles in extent and
fairly teem with seals. A great seal
hunter told me that the sea seemed
suddenly converted into an ocean of
seals and ice. Tho steamer breaks into
the jam and floats with it or skirts
along the edge, the crew, 200 or 300 in
number, taking to the floating too and
living there for days and nights.
The young seals fatten so rapidly that
sealers say yon can actually see them
grow while yon are looking at them.
The poor creatures are easily killed,-a
blow with the bntt end of a gaff finish
ing them. The hunter then "sculps,'
or skins them, inserting a sharp knife
under tbe fat, and with marvelous dex
terity taking off the "pelt" skin and
fat together in about a minute and a
half. A parry of men will "pan" their
pelts pile them up to tbe number ci
about 1,000 and thrust a gaff with tbe
ship's flag into the pan. When there
are pans enough, the steamer breaks in
to the ice and hauls them aboard with
a donkey winch, or the men drag tbem
to tbe vessel's side.
The Newfoundland seal hunters al
ways speak of seals as "swilcs," and
for our word carry they say "spell." A
schoolmaster who had been listening to
a seal hunter's story said sneeringly:
"Swilesl How do yon spell swiles?"
"We don't spell 'cm," replied tbe
hunter: "we most generally hauls
'em!" Gustar Kobbo in St Nicholas.
The) Other Kind.
Not long ago a well dressed woman
entered tho savings bank in a western
town and told the clerk that she witdied
to deposit some money to tbe credit of
George Sampson.
Recognizing her as the wife of a man
of that name, who already bad an ac
count open, the clerk rightly guessed
that tho money in question was to start
an account for one of her childreu.
"Is he a minor?" he inquired.
"Well, I guess not!" responded the
depositor indignantly. "That's some
thing wo've uever had in onr family
yet! And if Georgia shows any Icanin
toward it when ho gets old enough he
ain't bnt 10 now I reckon his pa can
tell him yarns about mines cxplodiu
and shafts fallin on top of folks that'll
settle him quickcr'n a wink!" Youth's
Orann Ti
An orange grove in full bearing is
one of tbe mo t delichtful sights tbe
eye can witness. Tho trees are a beau
tiful shape if left as nature made theirt
The limbs come nearly to the ground
so close that an orange picker goes nu
der tho treo fiat on bis back and often
ccts 100 oranges from the tree before he
comes out Oranges are never picked,
but arccut off with shears having
spring between the handles. An oraugo
that has no stem on it is considered
"cull" and is not packed by a first class
packer. Pomona (Cal. ) Progress.
What tb Boston Man Said.
tseiievo mo, dear, l lovo you more
than lifa I swear by the honor of my
ai -tors, by my hopes of happiness.
1. sacred cod
"Ah, Harold! Now indeed I believe
yt a I" New York Recorder.
Cooti Natured Advert lalng.
The merchant or business man in anv
line who desires to reach the public, and
profit in doing so, should give his an
nouncements and invitations a genial,
frank and good naturcd cast The-ad
vertisement that bears on its surface the
indications of a disordered liver does not
attract. It repels, and instead of doing
the writer good, it injures him and
drives people elsewhere. The merchant
who smiles through his announcements
and over his counter makes friends and
money. "We go this way but once,"
and ieoplo turn asido and pay good
money to meet a warm hand clapp and a
Keep Ik-fore tho Public
To a certain extent general advertis
in creates a want. It announces new
tfiitijrs and familiarizes the public with
old ones. General advertisinff is of as
grout value to the advertiser in keeping
an established urticlo liefore the publio
as in introducing a upw ono. Tho most
successful business men realize this, and
they never kt the public forget their ex
istence. The oft repeated assertion that
advertisements are not read is proved to
I; a lie of the most senseless kind by tbe
advertiser's record of results. Journalist.
minmun mnrnnin
... H I H Mm I
! uiiijuiiiu 14111
Is ths result of n-pCHicd acute nttarks. The
liver and spleen are principally affected.
They act at storehouse! for the malarial
olson and the Mool Ukcs it from llicm.
The ihIkoi) must
be driven out of
the system. Ilt'U
YAN will destroy
the artlon of tin
poi.son nnd event
iitillydrlveout thr
last particle of 1:
from the system.
In addition to
this, 11 1' I V A
will restore tire
If rat !'P e. It
will t . '. 1 . 1-4 up the
woskfnctl systi'iii.
II t' I V A N w ill !
ii'.nke new blood 1
Tin: mms 111 the bones will I
ippcir. llt'UT W list eured other mid
it wilt lure Jim. We l'erl!)e the symptoms.
Study Iheiu rari'c'ullv. Tliey aru yo'irv I
not ilflriy lt,:iT, b:it tako IIl'lYAN row
and you Mill be eured.
aud your lien lm he vi!l li-.-.piH'ar.
PLEXION. HUOYAS ttiUes-.n'.Ushairee
eiri-uUtion of ptir.; bin 1 a;i I cause the rhet Li
to SMiuiiic Ibeir lit ur.t! l o'.ur.
will re. tore 111-" ap;t'li. un l th" d K'-sUou of
foo-1 nil! become -rV't.
LIVES. T!ii Is du! to th' enlare:iient i
thelirrr. It ii filial with iu uf Ma
laria. UI DYAV t. ill drive out the j.ois -n aud
cause the one iu to as-iume its o utirnl si ?
OF THE SPLEEN. T.i - ,.!. .! h e-:.,e
ireatlv cuiarxi 1. H'JI)YA?i h --..i the
eonifeitien an l a the hvi-js In .ii?p- i
You are sMff "tirtJ fr-i hr'ni ' M !srit aa-i
rou ran be rurfl. Ill iVM n illr. iievc if ;
every kympiom and ir.tiie yoi H. lit 1- j
If A." rsn ! tjiiisiny.l t.t an in'2?iu :or .. i
per pai-kaee. or i ni(' lor o. If your
Jrntiin m-i rA; k-p ir, sond direct to t::e
lit lit AN lt- slKIY CIIMHIM, hn 1 run- !
cie. t'aiifurnfi f:c:reinl-.r Thai ki r.n
ronull the HIDYIV ln( rui: HftK.
tall and ke the ! !or. ai n,v ra'.l aud
them, or write, . you deire. Ad las
Car. $t5c'.lo, Market snl .!: Stt..
Sss Francirs, Ci'.
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and a!!
Eastern Points.
litres choice of tno farcrtte route, via the j
rXlOX PAfiriO Fa-l Mad IJue, or the
EtOtiANDE Seentc Uuc.
Look at the time
ia days to Salt Lake
2jj daj-s to Denver
3 J i days to Chicago
4j days to Xew York
Free RrcllntuK Clialr tars, 'P,
bolKlcrcd Tourist Slccplnjj
Carw, I'ntluiati Palncc Slct p-
ltK 'furs opcralrd on an
f u. inforn : P a; I 'y t"
J. F. 01VA.N5, Ap'., K.etl urs
C. O. Terry. W. E Coniati.
Tr-. rk. Ast. Ast.
L'l Third St., f'r:. ; o Cr.
. i-. i-.. i fit
cur v-r 4 t
rr fiar -1
-" nawW4 9 1
fic'ifeX- j ' -.- . zjt t. e, . -
nit now
Mfff A ijGet your
jl -V , . - CAPS 1 I -
"'. Te Jl o . . -
j-; a, v-.r f.t-c.'- - J "
' i: '!'. I Tfr rrr - tW'. r
' f i !
aeUIsfur' : r-..V- r.-.J r-t Ft'
tsrvi n.. r-. . w a-. w. . -
Roseburg Bakery.!
WHITE, -f j
II i.
All kinds of Pies, Cakes,
and Cookies.
Administrator's Notice.
A' undentlcned sit on the 2nd duy of Oet.
IS90, dulv aioint(d a imlni'trator ( the estate
of Parallel Turner deceased. All icrm hav
inir eluiuis against mid estate are hereby rc
iiuired lo preseti. the same, properly verified, to
tho said administrator at Srotthunr, Uoiiftlan
tountr, Oregon, within six men tin front tho
date hereof.
Dated this 5th dv of Oetober.
Administrator ot the estate of Samuel
Turner, deceased.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership
Nnliep ifl licrebv liiven I hat 'I c putt
rfrliip I cretoforo exiftin lHn!i j.
x. Knifo ami D. K. Slmn.bii'oii, Las
hrsn liaaolt'il liv mnttlitl I 'll Hi I t The 1
said (. W. Krilt li9 itf t5i!tne I ihei
indebtednen ol said firm ami w nl rot left
all moneys tl'ie f-alil Ann.
Datml Ibis lti'h day of Oct. IS'."'.!.
(!'. W. Kni KE.
Ai hiovemf nts of Admiral 1'iwey." I lit? wot Id's
irrenteM naval hern, lty Murnt llalsleit 1. tile
life-Kimr friend ami mlmlr-T ( the nation's
idol. Hiccc't and best honk: over ."yd tisrrs,
Sl( inehes; nerly Ilil pncis hulltotic i'.lii-trn-Uons.
( tiilv el. Kuoriiiniis demand. K.
riliiiailssloii". Outfit free. Chance of ft life,
lima. Write quirk. The Dominion Company
co f loor C'axton llldg.,CUicr go.
Dollars are not Found
On Every Bush, --
Iiiit you can save them in" buying Tin ani Granite
Iron W are at our Store,
Wash Boilers guaranteed to last a life time,
quarters for Fire Arms and Ammunition.
Mrs. N.
Dealer in
Choice, Staple and Fancy Groceries.
I Cort.r J.ickson and
Ca Sir i t.
Triurnpfi Prune Grader
l'c: Green aud dried iVuucs.
Compact, Practical, Accurate.
Senc for circulars and testimonials to
Patentee luiJ Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon.
'a. At Marsters.
We.have a Complete
stock of TEXT BOOKS
and the Finest Stock of
ever brought to this city.
Our Prices are Right. . . .
P. Benedick.
. . .
Any Job Work done at
Reasonable P."fp
'fe 6 '''V-
V. :
n- 1 '.i.'.Mj vV- -?-'- . . v
f ( Trr ,--k
' v- JZ-y' "S- '
"f 1 ti.Vik,'-: '-";Va-i.
"A ?-mrP'--'Sx- V
Vi'SI'"'"' -..s ,
(Sun, Liibrt X fa. ara Uinalil rtlialrk. -tUUur.)
- A. . ' '
bee our
& Woolley's.
! X,-. r"-
Sale by
Roseburg, Or.
Urisrtaei5 End EnMiTis?. $
Ai, "a-iv
f?Tn ir. 1 n
vv'i-:'Z u-An '7d
!;;irf. f Y3i -I tMk tn Co .-.: s
n ,v !- ' vC Thy K' !.t Mi',i;v.iu:. ty
t'rv jhi i-O. i.,Huijr-l 10 r--?.ioiilo. d-j ri v -Atni-t
it -6 n;i'Pri;M.i!f1i.'i ,nl if iV.ttui
It- - i .,fsi ti's!!! vi .tii4 'it t ...r t.o ia tn-tarki
th aunc o ai.r. nv. u. i-xuxia
. - - -11 tiwhiw. T-'t1 --S
-1 . irnin Iwt pi Irvsv, t-tr Uiw rtufs,
1 " v t t t.vntTs. boavy limi:,.' ft-ul arratf.
.j n-t,..-l o..t 'iif. s;;riM!'iro li:(e'l PV.-U !,
I'-A'l- 'iiM' iu rl iAltl ir:i;,.:it Mtt rtrtd t n m a: P i c
V rfii la
p wtrC-'iin l!inl rs-r
if I pt HiM-t Vtmvvl (ttirncr. W I.W K i l.iMMMi
rv t" v.vir nt-ttrvf rri'rl -f.'!iiti.
Srit Sf" r t t' ft hitsH (rr- rm a-Liirrltt. A iHrt's t
-to nu:-
f.ivca the th cjof to frsn - '
Short Line
Spokane Salt Lake
Minncaoolis Denver
St. P?u Omaha
Chicago Kansas City
Lowest RaltH to all
IZc teru Citti....
ivkii st aviem l-.avc I'mtauJ evrry
F..Ii ,
Sflf, FRANCISCO titnthly from Port!ani Ui Yoko
its n Ifi.iig; Ki.r.g in esntiection with the
o v. y.
or !u;i detailii en or aiMrew
JOHN GIVANrf. Ag.nt.
t'jjgt t.uig, Oreuon.
vr. M. IllltLBl'HT,
UtccTal Passenger Agent J'
O. R.&N. COh
rorllantJ, OrCaTOB.
Railroad Time Table.
"o-tJ.bonr.d Iloeebnrs; load. No. 17
f!e,r:s70 a. m.
on;l boon ! Eoeeburg local. No. 13,
anives 5:20 f. ri.
N'jtthbound cverland, No. 5, '"Jef
rives 10:;. a. a.; lrparts 10;45 a. m.
S xthhoend cvi-rfand. No. 6, arrive
4 .! a. ni. ; dppiria 4 ;25 . u.
N r:lii uiid Let throush freight, No
errive 4 :10 p. m. ; departs bSO p.
Soi;t!sl.un.! fast through freight. No
arrives 7:W a. m. ; depute 8:00 a
Nf.rthWir ii mixed ir:n No. 222 arrives
"12 oo l. m.. Snnrlava. V inerfat and
Tbo.'ilayj cd S'nr!at .
.""outhUii.nJ D,uel train Na. 26 a r-
fiv i tt 3.-(M p.m. on Sandare. lion.
d.jsand Fridata. tleri r:s .7:15 a. m.
.iiuiiuay:. luarfiuTi 9LU paioraajS.
M rrnoDisr Ceirch eorcer of liain and Laa
rr. , . .
s-Jce'j. Sunday Serriee: Preaching, 11 a. as
aud S fs p nu; ga.f l.ata school. 10 a. .; U
A. Wtkjr. enfreiicreEdeiit: Claa HeetiBg at
c'e of the EkDrning irTiee: ESrxrrti faxaaj
7:u.)p. m. T. S Gi."reT. Ppe-ivlenS. Prayer
aeeua?. We-Jaesday, at l.M p. m.
ii. R. Ahold, Pastor,
Pirvm;p, mraer Main aj)4 Iauie.
L'SiTia EarraiEs Cucaca oa Fovlc street.
Juadjy rTic a: II a. m- and 7:30 . aa. Pray
er rictirj. Thorsiay eveninr.
Mrs. Ixct X. Ctnar, Pastor.
ST. l-EuBE S CUl'itrB. CoiBcr Cat and
Miia l:te!. aerriees on kctood and foarth
itady njnalcg of each nvnib sad e-rery Son
day ct;aiag. services anaooqeed from
time to tia:e. Rav. icmx Daarjcs.
U. E. Cki utii. jk-tTH. -Sc:vieeseTy Saitday
lao cirg aid eTenin;.
Est J T Cott-jji, Pal -i
n . -. - ' i. . . ..r T i A
" -- . . :i (ti v i aiaj wh r njrf
itrct:. Sin!y ycrvU-c: r-eichinr at 11 a. Ui.
ti.d T. i?. . m. JcLtath Sihool at Id a. na., O. P.
Corttvw. a;n.riateniieot. rrayer wrtluc
T X V. "c-iEeKtay evenia?.
S. A. IXiKiLaS, Pastes'.
F:it Cii!tias CaiarH Corner of Pice;
ia I M .wiiTir-t sireetv sonday terricea
Prvichirj hf.h ri'orciiig and ereniag. Saoday
cUo-A at i'l a. Y. P. S. C. E. at :3J p. a
P-ayer itcUng esch Wednesday eveoiasat
7.0). A conliJ trelcoaie aad greeting awa-ij
U w. A. Wooa,
FlKT I'titC TtaiiS Cnrnf H t'nrner ni faaa
aad Kce strcels. Sunday service: Pnblie
w.r?l-irs 11 a. ra anl 6 p. bl; Sabba'Jj
jchool. Id a. m. Y. P. e. C E. at 7 . m.
Prayer meetlntr, Wednesday eTcaicg 7.24 p
ei- J. A. T0WKaJt.
' PitOT
Ta 2 W. C. T. C nilihoM iu rejular aweti- -s
ou tLo second aud iourUi Monday 5 r :- "t
niijaih at 7::a p. ai. io the Eptro-a utgi
luon of the M. K. Church.
x oftircon iu am f. r I ousia cvunty.
J. C. Coais:oek, PiaiatiJ, 1
vs. S
adie lf.'.'o3;tt-k. Deieudsnt.J
T.i s.-uiie a. CorostceW. taj above named
1: ttse uji:e of the Matt if Orgon, yon arc
hir- ' v revuiftl ;. appenr aad answer the
coiuri nil hied atains yoa in tlie above fa
tititd n. se oa or hoforo the first day of th
u-x- uvular term 01 said eourt twit:
Morj!y the .7th day of November t. And
ii yn'i tail to so npiwtr and answer the said
eor.-.plaiat. p.aiaiiit willaply toa:d coort tot
ti e reii. f demanded in sai.l eomplaint towit:
lhnt the tasrria-ecfniraet pit exutinic be
twreii yourself urs.l s-id plain:irT be diswlred
and that pisintiiThave Jadir-ment in said coort
for the ev-st. and dubur-eaieols of the said suit
sad t 'i other and f-irther relief as the rocrl
may aiijude eiuilable. samiiious is published under and by
virf.ii-,- of aa order rua.le by H03. J. W. Usaoil
t..i;. ,.a1se s-tid eourt dated tetober 2nd
1-.'.' t Kohnr. Oreirtio. .'he date of tbe
ilrt t u: -d-,Ua ;h ro! eeinir Thuriay tho
.'th Jav cf (H-'ofvr, 1-:I and the as. pob ication
then-it l-eiiis Thursday the i!rd day of Novem
tu r. is.'.'. Thesai.i xn-rioil beine more than six
eor.v eutive weeks between the Brt pnblieatioo
h. r, .11 and the date of the last oablieatioav
(0. l.- J. C. PCLLERTOS.
PiaintiiTs Attorney.
Notice .for Publication.
Crated States Land OrEce
Kosebure, Or . November 7. 1SS9.
N.-tVe is hereby itiven that the followinc
naire J settler has t:I-ii nutiro of his intention
tn innki.. tiual prwif ia st:piKrl of Uaaciaua. and
t! a! s.i:l prKil will be made befr te Reaisie
ai d Ktv-iver. ruili-d t.t(e l.ani Othee at
Kife' un;, Otvsw, on Pecemrer la, IS??, yU;
t " H. E No !!, for th Lot ?, SEi.
NK'jP-titUm T. 'Jj Son'b. R. o West K.
i!aci.'8 the foUowinit wifUesaea to prove fcis
tnti:iuou reside nee uron and cuilivalionol
si-id liit-.d. vii: .'iaes ilontb, Adnie trfiaxb. of
Oakland, tin-son; John Huith. of Wilbur., Ore
miu; UenryKeesot Oakland, ureeon.
(St7) Rejuter.
Administrator's Notice.
iN iiudersiur.ed has Lreu bv tte County Court
i puiulas t .i'.i:ty. s-t.i te i-l 0.'on. appointed
:headi.;i!ii:r:r.or nf the estate of Huldah U-
detvnsed. AU p rus bavins: claima
.ic i-.-t said estate are hereby requited to pres
cki t'i-rtt;e. iliriy erii:el, n itie undersigned
at !;i !s'.:e. Poiiciaii Countv. treann. wilhiu six
tiini! its 1 r. ,i-i Hie diiie ni this e.
l'lUtd tl-.'.s . th .lav of H-tln r. ;.ti.
Ad-.uiintr:i!or of the estate ol Huldah Wibcn,
lKeenvil. .e"Bi
ll mukes no diffen IK' how bad the
ttt!il it you us.- PeWilt'a Witch Hazel
a!ve; it will quickly ht ai and leave no
oar. A. I". M.VKSTKUS A CO.
1 Wtitid, li'ik'and, O., savs:
"My ii" liit piiea forty year?. le
Witt'it Witch IIzil Sislve cured her. I
it tins K-st fcalve in .Vineries." It bea
everTthitiis and cn res all skin distast
A. C Marstcra & Co.