$ The Peoples Store; No Shelf worn stuff at our store. Everything bright, new and clean. Remember when you buy a suit of clothes, hat or necktie at our store you get absolutely the BEST and LATEST in STYLE which puts you in line with well dressed men. Excellent values in (9 ( f O) (o L r (o III RESS Oft IK, Ill UlliB. B r v Shoes for everybody at prices which always please. If you will visit our store we will treat you fairly and will "convince you "of our ability to save you money and that "IT PAYS TO TRADE AT" The Peoples Store, !. ABRAHAM, Proprietor. THE PLAIN DEALER. i HI NOVEMBER 23. ISM. II. M. Oilman, of Myrtle Ciek from 01f.ale!,nth "- yerttrJmr. I veeterdav- ! Ju:es R- SkiffinRton, cf Myitle Creek ! i. f v.Ait-. ; did Roeehnrf venter.U VUIUB VI lilUdlcri wu; w No coM weather yet. L. L. Hard can e in George K. LOCAL BREVITIES. I the city Tuee !ar For first class leut'-trv n I aire. at. Koterl ol Kent i.ouii, ii tr i been quit ill (or Baton days. Special sale ol auk pluehe? lor 6o, w, I Littlo of Oakland. J jfr J. J. Monro b is returned fr ui an 60 ol 75 cents per yard at JoeephwTe. j jolin E Kerley, of Grants Pas, was eit?ol1 vicit in WashicRton. C3ooaiderable developement work is le-. in the city Tuce iay. Mr. H. Wellenbvig n! Frcl ing done in the Nickel mine, near RiJ- Qeo gtevenpon, of Myrtie Creek, ! have returned how from a ri-i: t Port Yon citu Ket iiioe frrsh lre-I at ri.y tiina at Mre. Kidd'it grjeery. A fine line of epr y paiipn ' C i t.'i h ill & Woolley's A I):k retincliou in Easlm.vi Kodaks, at Chuichill & Voo!leV. Piice rekc.d on Winchester rilles at Cbnrcl.ill & Woulb ; V. E L ill if, ( ti.inleu valley, w do ing business in town yeaterd . J. F. Compton, Keneral agent of B ink ers Li:e Intiir nce Co , was in the ihy yetterd v, in h interest of his cnn piny. Justi.ee tie money oti eould hive made if yon had bought an incubator last reason. Talk with Churchill & Wool ley. J. ()'. Bushmill, wh ha heei i Ko'c buru, doinjt ciriieoter work for several month", lun returned hom .lOiaiiy Democrat U. T. BUkety and Charley Baikt r. cf Oik Crick, fri oiIh o( the I'laixpealkii, called todiy. They brought in a law band of hogs f"r F. B. Waite, ho shipped them to Sin Fraacco i his morning. P. P. MeKv, ol Wil-inr, brought 11 turkeys I j-t Tuesday, that avcrasjel 15 pounds each ami ii-itjd hiii f l.'J3 -a.:h, one of them hroUK'it $3.tH). Mr. McKiy says it pajs ti rai-e tut key in good ra-publi-sn times. Bub Iwidiild rt tained frtni hit jutii g at t!:e u iDes, Tuesday, and icpoiti having bail a good ti bc. ra8 the mires are now raontnj; dxy and nilit, mitn tLe in dications o a eplt-n lid outt-u. .f the prr'"o' metal lor the wi .tt r We present to a i.u r of ojr city subft ril'i'ts tcUy, a h mppl'ttient, pipit ar Wdlta tun; hs tiun in tiie l"uh i: g fare, "Brown'a in T n." Du.'l fa;! to hear it at th Ki-t.u- G-ra bouEO Friday eyenin, No(v. 24th. cniiNs'.eu . i.o re . grvceties t "he mmmmmtmmmwmmmwwmmnmwmmmmm!! oo in Cash Given Away. Commencing with November ist, we will give with each $1.00 cash purchase, a chance at the $50.00 prize, which we will give to the person holding the lucky number. The drawing will take place on Jan. ist, 1900. L I 3 3 Our prices on B Ladies' and Men's furnishings, Millinery, Boots, Shoes and Hats Are right, as are those in our other departments, and inspec- tion will convince you that we mean what we say. Mail ord S: ers promptly filled. Send for samples. 1 S 301 and 303 Jackson St. 1 SON'S, Roseburg, Oregon. Qlcndale Items. P. E. Dc-v has reniovd Irs fan.ily d'-ee. ! was in Roeehnrg Tuesday. A sro-ai bicycle Uadies') to trade forj For fine .cej ask lur Dr. A Keed's wood. Apply at this offiee . A good ; CU8i1;on 8!l.:rt fc Jo?eph9o:.V. turgain. Mr, u xe, of Oakland, has been Bilious headache, yelbw fkkfi, coieJ j Tlei.icg the fatuity t-f Mr. Fickle, in this torgne, fevered lips. HuJyau cures. jcity Fifty cents. Conj tbe watchoiaker seils fpectachs To exchange lor wood, good second at loweet prices and can fit Ihetn rcr liand White tewiug niacbiu. Apply at ! rect'y. ihisffSce. j iinjpje, ernp ioi s, saealy ban la aid Heartbam, coated toog-ie, bad breath, : reet sre curej j,y Hudyap. All druggists c wtition. Ha 1 an ccr?-. AH drnj-; nuiBm gists, 53 cents. j Tne Eoral N,)tlh,est aa , S.m;.eek!y Vhea voo come to Portland remem- tier aai haTe year tf-3'.h fixed by D M (j'24) W. DaTis163l4 First St. Miss Lela Carter, who pent ter in Rosebo'g. ha retnrned to Port land U atlecd tbe Bu-im si CS.U g. Sam Evan, of Ua.pqoa Fer -y, was in the citj last TiH-sdy. M. Kvans tays tiiere'a rain a plenty" st Colts Valley. After all other Uil to cive you eatis faction take your watch to J. T. Bryan and be will make i. ma for you. (r.H J) j Plaindelkk boih ci:e yea' fo' m'yt2 j price of .ne pa;. r a":one. i Judgtnj lrj :b ta:dly ot-ditun f iug HAWAII ii'c ouum uti'i ing rnsst be i 1 f-i'l I la-U Mr. F. M. Cri-cser, of PjitUud, cime in from Grdit.er ye-t'ediy wh-re he has b.tn risking t-ia ton. A tarkey brio a'ioa. a uea.-h money as a calf, end two duxes tgie aie worth more t'jan a toii 'l of wbea. land. Sol Abraham has telnrnad home frcin an ex'ended visit to Pottla id ai.d o:her points. Special ele l -hildenH fi-i'ht a'l wool underwear f jr GC'-nt it .iroient, at JoeephtonV. Sick headache, fuil irs in ftnwct, pain ia bowels. Uadan cores. All Wm Curiier hi? movnl of liic ftiK'k room on ihe cat fi 'e if Jackeoo Mrctl, J to the lioldhui mine. j IrtrtiiBily oc-upd bp M F. Kipp's diDg! R.v Travr, -d fie Sjei Dir A l- stor'. -M'. Cirri r aiii b g!jd to i-ho - c,nr,.i, i t.r.wh t (.1-nl.l I hi- ne hture fi hi? fri-nds hrn tl.ey h. eveninx al 7:3'J. cjII drujgisls. 50 cents. Union erv;ce will b hl-l Tiun civicg dr t the SM'heT churon at Mirtl Crrek. Conductor F.. P. Tyaan, o Fr.ink Andro:i aid fimily am visit ing in lvjjf-u Mr. A d-ro: i rc-.v eiing nicely from h recent experitnes iu a riiroi l wrc' n -jr U eb i'ir, but i; wi'.i bj q'li'e ah'l bef rc t:.;cm re sri. e J'lb on In fii4;.titf. E ueae tJaar J 1 air. ani Mr: (no. A. i-n. aao Mrs. O. P. Csihow, of Erownsvi l?, and lkrn. at tlie Wolf I k :m i hw NdVfinVr W, lo Mr. ail ilrr. U. Weiland a 12 . tvjy. Peaceful prosparity prev ii a lilen dale. Evert boar is oocai-il, ac. l lliete are nianv new arrivals everr Uy. Mr F. A. Dockhorn, a Hi- Mmi Home, is htvinir an eaoknt run of cottom and certsinly deerrt-e h-r su-: "Brown's In Town. Mrs. S. Carpenter of S tlem, who have ca?e. been vitic8 at tbe h:me ! Mr. ad (i., .(Cn. B,..j jr. V:il Mrtbidist i Mrs. J. M.llowe. in tb's c.tv. for !ew I r ifi.u.i-. -. .i..i i c, .3 . . i t. . .1. : r I uifriaMi umu-.w.iu ui. uiuiuiuj. wortQ jjl t thia place an I iiMr l.'is- bandi a'tended tlo lod,; ff A. t.& A. iiwj I Eugene Ga r I. "Xficefsitv knows do law." It is e law of Xa'ore that the bhl must be kept pure, and Hood' Ssreaparilla does A fine C. G. Cinn, cornet uicdel Swlo alto born, burnished silver, gold tipped, good as new. Only 1 25 at T. K. EieharJson's. The Ladies' Aid Sjciety of the M. E. Church have for sale csrpet rags eetred and wound C!l on Mrs. O. F. God frey or Mrs. A. C. Maraters. ACKERS' EXGLISU REMEDY will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or " money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. For sale at Eapp's drug Etore. Father Lve?que whhes to announce that he will bs absent from the city un til Saturday, having been called to Camas Valley. Next Sunday fine sing ing and music at tbe Catholic Church. 110KI TEA POSITIVELY CCEES sick headache, indigestion and conetipa-fc-iorv A deliehliul herb drink. Be- Oikland. M. thd same rvf i.iu Hotel Glesdale u crodr.i. M ts Ma? Kel tVg ietu:n d home from w,,n ' "m " movVS ui eruptions oi me biuj, projuc ing perfect complexion, or money re funded. 25cU. and 50 cts. M. F. Bapp, druggist. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Peterson and child, of Grants Pass, went through on tbe north bound local, Tuesday mornin;. They intend visiting with friends at Wil bur, Eugene and other points north, and will stop at Kiesbnrg on their return and visit relatives iu this city. "A Hot Time in the Old Town" that night. Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. CGtb, a Society Cake walk and ball will be given in the Opera bouse, by Prof. Swacton. Mr. S. C. Flowers, cf Da tineau, North Dakota, m visiting the f.imi y of , Judge J. S. Fi'xagh in tis city. Wasted A Kiddie aged lady or kirl, to do general housework. Address A. E.G. box l'ia, Kosebarg, Oregon. Foa Sale. A good mi!i cow. A good horse to trade fcr wood or grain. En quire at the Plmsdealeb office. (da2t) E. Da'Jas. M. I)., member Hoard of Pension Examiners. OlSce. M infers building residing corner Douglas and Jackson street. Dr. Isabel Sjdg wick has cow secured offices and residents at the S. E. cooier of Cs and Main streera ia the home cf Mr. Geo. H. Churchill. Miss Addie Black, of My r tie Point ar hed io Ashland Saturday, and this morning aa enrolled among the stu dents at the Normal. Ashland liding. Est W. S. Taylor left for Portland, Thundiy evening, and will remain there some time, under ths treatment oi an eminent oculist for hi failing eyesight. Ashland Tidlcgs. t W. W.Scott cf Cleveland, made the pLArsDEAXEB a pleasant call last Tues day. Mr. Scott is one of tbe staunch re publicans of the county and always stands by his paper. If yon cverlcckcs yen l ave rrsde mistake, we are the people you are looking for, we have tbem. Low prices are at our store. Bice & Rice. House Furnishers. Yon never kooa what form of blood Pass, vioitel hi parent?,. Mr. an i Mr I. ! M. Tvnao, at Oikland, this week. j Mrs. R. M. Caki'njr his gjre to Slt j Like Ciir. loiV'n h-r imshin . Ttiev i will prolably make ti;-ir f t i .. ho ue iu j loonoir, CaliL-rnia, l-st week. that city. j Pjge & I) mi ick reca vvd a lare as- Among tho? !torn t- np ths passing eortment 'X n . pv.Jt !his week. throns in Uieeh'-r4 Tn-?1 y, were Mr. Mrs D. P. McK ail Mis Frnkie Dimmickof Wiihnr. Do vcu know a La-fin wl.en you tee it? They are iojkinc .un F!r:gbt in the eyes when yon are in cr stoie, Hice & R:cs. Mr. liiraai fc; ooi h a o far recover ed as' to be able to a.i ear on tbe streets. EJ.M. Tynan and 'at ily. cf Grants u of wboos w;u be EU to a nt i 1, ret " a mo lei hoet, for na!nees an I r ler at. 1 gensrat g kkI cheer. Mr. and M". K. r nedy are expert hotel keepers. Col.Wm.J. Mirtin. will our hoaie this winter, aud e will te pleasr.1 in t.av hia old friends visit hi in t any Rehearsals will commence Tuesday, Nov. 14th.. and tbe dancing classes wi'. ! tion and liver and bowel nnncn nnlil it f.V '.ork in lhn evecinz C. MsrSters V 13. after this. A nuuber cf personi hive asked us who to app'y t f'r on appointment as i census enuoifraor. Ali applicauone should i-e addressed to B. C. Winn, Al bany, Orrgor.. Geo. F.t e, or c-"ui? rid popular station szrnt. La reiumel home from San Frinci-cj ihaie l.o went to attead a meeting of th O. II. T., of wh'ch or der he is presi.it t.t. Dr. C. W. Cirr aLnjunces that hia ar rangements are completed to take an ex cursion from tbe Williamelte rl!ey and points south, to leave Salem, Tuesday evening, Dec. 2, for San Francieco. Ueavf shipments of lurkejc are being mide from Roeebnrg now. As high as 13 cents for live atd 15 cents tor dressed weight has been paid. Most of the ship ments thus far Lave been north. Tbe city ist) be commended fr the much neeied improvements on fie croes walks o! ths etreats. It ij to be hoped tbe good work will gj on, until at Ieit, tbe walks in the much used streets are thoroughly repaired. J. D. Bridges, Editor "Democrat," Lancaster, N. 11., eays: 'One Minute Cough Cure is tbe best remsdy Jor crtup I ever used." Immediately relieves and cures coughs, colls, croup, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe and all chrcat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption. A. C. Marsters & Co. ACKERS' DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Doisoa will loliow coneunauoo. i.eepi: . . - .... h.w,i.is,n niinn n.Wiit-a Lit tin . heart burn, raising of tbe fool, distress alter caticg or any lorm ol dyEpepbta. One little tablet gives immediate relief 25 cts. and 50 cts. For sle at M. F rass, are viai ing nw moia r, airs. ai. fa h- )M,,b j, ,3U)e Ui f r. .'---.". - . Ci, Marth4l Diud, f Roseburg, Miss Laima lUtsti e lef Wednesday I pent a Jiy t GIenjt1 it wek 1-wk luwomjiuroojiu, nmnuiown, " jg ,or j10oo3 aud hatdkert liiet etc. icm.ia.iimu n .Mi.Bit. 1 Srtm-of na are m nus our cash alsi cor Preparations a-e b.-icg made hr tLel bantlk?rchirfs. Sid lr and wiM-r fjv.bil! gaum l-ttaien Oakland cud I Jfo.jl, never buy anything from a tramp r,..: w . . .. . i . . v -. I The 'social g.ven by the Kpwor h , ujimiuuKet i,ffo last S.turd.v was a mraea stock cf lnrnitirs aa ! h irne,s to hi new txiMy financullv. Ti e program ba:tl.02lariherdjantiie ttree. . ,rraogpdty tbe prrsidett, Mrs. R. R .M.sj Ue e:i JVd ey letorced home J Montgomery was a good one atd ery last wetk from lladicn, Or., wLera the I ve'd rendered. Rfcitvions by Myrtle has been viait u her anal, Mr. J. O. Marshal, Oilie Jane and Dorlesco Ch re Johnson. I were excellent; a dnet vocal and initio- Too Epaorth Leajue will aiva a bjx I miotal by Mr. Montgomsiy ard Mrs euppcr on Nivember 30, at Young's Lsdy was loudiy encored ; alaa the ao'o Hall, which a l are invi?ed to attend, by Mrs. Lady, "Tbe sweetest story ever Tl .. .1 Kr,.,,',, ;,. T..n 1 7 wa i i w x u nwut hii-h i ih- attrai-tiin a' 'he Opvnt Uoutu Fii-lay, N v. 2ith, i d-ridedlr cuini ;ic i'el ard tha roaij i fj i-'iii ura if. Tli-) i:i,e aiHjoi thtbUL t! e sf lull iU ji'UUK nun lo ke; his rnai iW! tccl fr -ui I.i latli -r. Infir h i am ., of hi. ptn he pud hi Lri i p lo n uiitry i!U (.-relLa fa'lir anitt-t lttT u atiero friet.didio ii, ipit fiv a c:d-i.t oi cj'.hs- , and to (tin Lt tr tit - Pir i b.it.'i B o n a id hia a if--. When the t iilier rri7L's up u Hie tsea he ie tvld Lis s ;r is vii:it g a :i: .n t v the iia.f- '.t kroau. ThU iiaiii'ai-y c.iu(--ela ' lie iu'.roiluc :oa of Mis. B uwu.. weli; i. li-.-r husliicd. Une lIiIu- diecdi in 'If; iirsutv of ihe ruiriae ii persuaded j o pi') tiio iii oi Bruwu. ll- rlu-.s it mt.r t tj In liking aud prcceeeda luait-u ijve to the l.dy in earoet, a pr- jcei!inj ai'U-h the Lufcband ii per)e l I revrn', i holi rvvethn.c iur Vtrj thii g he iaujii-i iu iMal M'tri re ('ir.l.rr n.uipilclr.l hy lhf fact Ih t il-e wttjil. Bn-aois enpp.il ittl two wives to suit the differrtii eiiiri(rn.ij ma is dlskv accountra m.-iui-u ii ttie irsti io:u faiaer hu t.s cu?ed alt tbe trouble. Ultiicately u.atters tiava .traigbWned on: y ihe ton couffSrii-2 th fact that te i tuirritl, ui d at tC til gentleman baa tt-come viry f Jtd if Mr. Brwo he tiaa ly gives the t.'u hicegingand evert tning ends happi y. SInirei Be'chrr aid Hninesy call tliii farce an ex'.raoidiury cue, for the reason that it is widely different from anything tnal has bten on the s'age in a i-u :u It; r id years. U : bsil: on novel ikes eiaaiiai ! j Hut .f "Why Smith Left Heme.' I s d:a'or.e is criap and fieth, and ia action it is (aid to be about as bri;k as they make Lvw. Moreover the peDf loiu tt.e caat are cjrpetent, tfcey re Mark Sac, Maude Knoaltoo, J. T. Webber, Jetsie Mm Hall, Jis. J. Cae- aidr, Monico Lee, E. Lb iee. Minnie Ward and ttLera. One long merry laugh BROWN'S IN TOWN, With an extraordinarj' Cast. Mark Swan. Jttrtia Mai Hall, James Cailr, J. Webber, " Mamie Knowlton, Monica Lv E. Ebner, Manniu Wanl, Symphony of Song, A Dream of Dance, Festival of Fun. Prices: Children 25c; Flat and Gallery soc; Raised A seats and first row in Gal lery 75 c. .'4 X 'tl t'i1- , I .. S X ,i :.l "Vf 1 An icteresti: program hn be.n ar ranscd. Mrs. Helen D. Harford, national lect urer f ?r the W. C. T. U., was io Ojkland last Sa'urdiiy and Sjnday. Her lectures wore greatly enj jved by ail who attend ed ; a temperance union was orgmized with Mrs. Kile (iruhha as president. Early Risers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for coostipa- troaoies. a. Wanted Two hundred wood choppers acd 20 teams. Highest prices, first class tim. ber. steady work. ' CAHPiitLi. t Alexander. Comstock, Oregon. Jcst Received. A large line of string infctruo.ente, vi jlins, mandolins, guitars, banjos, also a Urge etock of smaller in strument?. Violins from $ 1 up. Mando lins from 7 np. Accorlicn3 $2 to $ 10. Other instruments in propsrtion. Greet valne in these instrument;. Se them at T. K. Richardson's. Rapp's drug store. Tbe attempt ol lha city to secure ha'if work enouzh from the hobos to pay for their board while in the city jiil, U both amusing and exasperating. The ball and chain would perhaps be mora effect ive than anything elea in eucb perverse- n?3 as was exhibited on tbe street yes terday. INVESTIGATE THIS ii TlE are in need of money to discount our bills. In order to do so, we will Vreive you the discount. We will with few exceptions make some mar- velous offerings the coming days that will save you money aua win neip us to meet our obligations. Call early and be convinced mat we mean uusiness -Ms We will Soon EWjlay a Fine Line of Holiday Goods. ftOVELTY CASH STOREYS. iiilliilliliiiliUiUilUlUlUlUltUiUUiUlUUiUiUlll Died. ATTERBL'KY. At his home on Oak Crtek.on Monday, Nov. 20, 1 SOU, G R. P. Atterburr, aged 7tj years. The dmeral and interment t xjk place yes terday al 11 o'clock at OA Creek cem etery. The decput-f d leaves etwn grown chil- d'Kii, four sons and threo daughters, acd a large min:ler of fricniU to mourn his death. Mr. Alterhnv was an old settler in Douglas county, at:l ws respected and honored as a good citizen and up right man. Tae Pl.vindeai.eh joins with other friends in tendering sympathy and condolence ta the beresvul re'ativca. the re?iJeoco of her pa- tJd,"'wa eroetea tv rouna-i ii ap- p'ause; a liUle socg ty Z?phi Wilton was nicely rung aud much appreciated. Rena Plotuer excelled iu Iiot reii'alion. In fact all did well. The rtfresl.menta seryeJ were delicians and an exctl.er.t lixe was had by ad. The committee, J. F. Smith. Mr. Mol.t Wnsoa, Mifs Weaver ani Miw Redueld, have the commendation oi all for Ih viry nic way in which all was carried out. Moms. Today's Market Orecn, Roseburg Pharmacy M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist. Drngs, Toilet Articles, f ater.t Medi cines Cigars, Statiocery, Toilet . Soapr, Paints and Oils. photographic $npplie& The releKrntcrl Afncra -An? Pvrlom Plate C Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras. Call and Examine tbem. tanct Portland, Xov. 23. Eggi 27'-M30 cents pe dcx. Uutter Ben dairy, SOiif-tOo; creamery, 43(2 55c pei roll. Poultry Chickens, mixed, fj.w..w Prunes lUltan silver, extra choice, 5gCperlb. Wheat Wall Will 51 ?$ o.'c; ai ev 52; bl'ie6lem 53. Oats White 3ttS5c choice gray, I.". . At. . I I I o-'"Ojc per uneuei. Miilstuff Bran, $17; miidiiuits f.'J; aborts, $18 00; chop, $16.00 per ton. ; Uy Timothy U(tii; clover, jiyj Oregon wild bay, $0(7 per ton. . Woo! alley. lUirff.'c: taMern wre- per sack. JONTiS. A renin Mr. nr. i Mr. C. SehnenrBtein. gon. 8C?12. Mohair. .!.:.;,.. t.i.. ! Pctatoes-Oregon Rorbinke, Mrs. Fred F. Jaue', aged 17 years and 9 months, The funeral services were held al the family reeideore in EdeDhoaer, at o'clock p. in. yesteiday. GENGER. At the home of M rro her in North Uvebur, Wednen'ay, Nov, 22, 1 S91, L' s'er Gender. The (uo :ral will lake p'.a ;a irjm the fauiiiy neident e at 10 oVlojk tomorrow, Nov. 21 h. th ' ii.termmit being in the ccuieterv on Njitii Uer Crek. 50a55 YOUR FACE Shoaa the 6t!e cf yuur tcelinisa and the state of ytur heahh as well. Impure tloud makes ise;I apparent lu a pale auu callj complexion, tiiiiplea and skin truptious. If yon are feeling weak and aorn out and uo not have a h'altby ap pearabce, you should try Acker's Blcod U:xir. It cures all bl-.oj diseases where i heap Srsuariili and to called purifiers fail; knowing this, we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yoa Haia Always Bough. tAltAaaaaiaMaaaAaaaaiaaiaaiaaaaaaiaaaaaa1aaat - am a aam, i Bears the Bignatuxo Ur. W. Wixou, Italy Hill, N. Y., aaya: "I heartilv recommeiid One Minute CotiKti Cre. It irava mr w ife immedi ate relief in vnffocating a'llima." Pleas an' to take. Nvi r lil ' qoicklv rure h!1 coaihs, ctildti, t'iroat and lung tn.-uhie'. A C. Mart-.ra & O . A Letter Received. It h low generally couceilea luat a loiter bus been received from the missing deputy sheriff, U. J. Oay. and it was mailed from Great Falls, Montana, 1- tli'jusli tht oiitonts of the same shows that it vas rent to that place to be pasted. Eugene Guard. How' This? Wo ofler One iluudred Dollars Reward Ujt any care of Catarrh that cannot he cur;:.i by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Totcdo.O. We 1 1 io undfrnincJ have known F. J Cheney for the i:it 15 tears, and believe hiir perfectly honorable in ail hosiucBS traiiPacti iii.M and financially ablo 'o car ry out any obligations made by their llrm. West A Trnax, Wboletalo Umnniets, Toledo, O. Walding, Kiniiiin t Marvin, Wholc Biilo Drupgists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cuw iu taken internal ly, noting directly upon the hl-wd and mucous surface of the ayetem. Price 75c pur hntllo. Hold ly nil" druggists. Teal, tuoiiiuli free. 1 DUR III IB: 1 1 1 111! IB Hill That is whyour business has more than thribbled inthe past year. We started with the belief that a pleased customer would be our best advertisement and such has proved to be the case. nil usirai, fill. 1 MS 1 HE DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, FURNISH ING GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NO TIONS, RUBBER BOOTS, OIL CLOTHING. Agents for the Salem Woolen Mills Tailor Made Clothing aud McCalls Bazar Patterns. C. I. K. STORE. FISHER & BELLOWS. FOREST 111 II ! (Established in 1ST7.) The leading varieties of thorough bred fowls. Eggs from the finest straius sent on short notice. Send for Cata-. logue. Address J. M. GARRISON. Forest Grove, Or. t Bled Quarts at a Time "I am aknife makcrar.d worked for a number of years in the New York Knifw Co.'s factory at Wa den, X. Y. First thing I knew I commenced to bleed from the mouth. Sometimes cs much as a quart of blood would come up from my lungs at a time. Every t.:r.e I coughed the blood spurted out. It was in thw fnll I rrnt nlnil m! 1 oi-imrch V -a ...,.........--. r," o -v I IV rconle told r.'e I h: u 1-ctter make my fcacc with :::c l.ord and prepare lo O.o. ii r ! vould not live li"! ; -Ty l on;e doctor col' 1 v.' t '.? .-: y shx1, but advised me to t i New Yoik City !': .: ii n. They final"! y.toi'k r..v i a med ical college. rd .1 c lot cf physicians r:;0o v. let they called a diagTcsi . 'j lure were several Etui'.e; i..k -.r-r on. One professor had a iitvlc ivory hammer, and wit:; this he pounded my chest and held his ear close to listen. After a while the professor looked at me solemnly and declared: 'One of your ungs is about gone and the other is affected. There may be a slim chance for life if you quit working in that knife factorv.' I went back home, but didn't imnrovc. One day I saw aa :ul rv-encr.t cC free samples ol Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, be-.rv " . m- ay by our home drug gists, Valker & Eaton. I got one of these bottles. ..r. '. it relieved me. Then I b ught more of the regular sue, and my improvement w is continuous, although slow. My doctors were astonished end so was I. After dark I hated to spit, because I was afraid it might be Wood, and I wanted to know for sure. I hav no fear now. for at last I am a solid man again. Although one lung is gone, the other is as sound as a dollar, aud answers as well ,i two lungs, so far as I can see. I want everyone to know the facts and thai is why I tell them here. (Signed) A. II. Simpson. At-Uct' rnlish Ketno'.v is so;d bv ll dniKe sts ur.tter a positive guarantee fiat ro'ir imi:t v will be n-tuiulcU i! iase t failure, r-c. ;oe. nn 7 Bottle in Vnilel SmicHnnJ CaiimU. in KnlaiKl. ts. .-J . .s. i!., ami 4s. 6J. WcvriforUcthculwcgwirilutiC. 11". II. HtmKt'K t K., "frit Imt, Xm Yorb. For sale by M. V. Rapp, Druggist. BUI Poster and D stributor. llftviiits bill board in the be t loc.riona in ton, I m prepared to d !1 vm k in tblt line on short notice II. fl. Iloi siioi.nm. lioeel.nrg, Orefton. 1 1 X f X A Wfw "I hi i dyy-ia nfty-eeven ven and never found reriiument relief till I used Kcdol Dyfyep.'iit Cure. .Now I am wel au 1 fel like a new mm." nritea S. .'. Fleininir, Murray. Neb. ft is the bes- 1 diceeltnt known. Chms .ill forroa of in cribe it. A. C. Martteis A t'o.