The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 20, 1899, Image 4

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    The Kind You Have Always Bougrlit, and which has been
In use for over 30 years, lias borne the- signature of
, and has
fj?- ' , sonal Ktiirorvision siuce its Infancy.
7&0C&tAl Allow no ono to deprive vou in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations aud Substitutes are but Ex
Itpriiuents tlint trlUo with and endanger the health of.
. lufuuts and Children Experience against Experiment.
Casriti is a sultstttiitc for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Sootliin; Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ag:e is its rnarautec. It destroys Worms
. and allays Eeverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething-Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
- Stomach hud Dowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30
m mTiiimni Tin '3 '
Vou ru uninr il avL Your nn-r; Irrtnt arcMtt
m m ud rait wnrt kki sot v'r'--V - ..v-.""
" w special uttw price
route wmjEtit inrnU an1 tbfrrt:rlrt iU fc s.
ttimilr. filV IT THIEE MCMTKS' TilALl" f s -Si
ni; mnrt tir.- mr vi voq rt not BLr - r.1.-'
mrt ctt for rt
TowrwtboBf.and w wnii
- sad asv, ml! fui;r avr.m in onr
tfcr wrrrmM -raiac ever efrrH t by a mar.
RCWADF Or lftJTATmNC bTtjataaapacwcr:
4wmw. W threaps
A martwn a;. :t-r fcfnB aartu-, -with Twinis
f mM ia tJtK-t aaa . wa w nr4 iWts e w W iw straw.
tins n rrr SOW US
C'f 3'HiK TUB.
VyM.- li.&3a.
. l-i t ms'rr
1 he l;-4
--4 "-' v
r tx.r
r z.uc xirrrH;e'd
rr:r jvt .
rrarr:ri Eo?iE i.'5
I '.a tnry .-:. A
ta.nt. .-il If k rrfn ?
i Mv.r.i
ii W i.!
Aw.-ess. SEAKS. ROESUCK & CO. :lnc.) GJiicago, !!!.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
oar coMMiwiuiy.
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranees, Timber
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in clioice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
fSoccanot to G.
General Blacksmithing
Asm m xojuaEHHOKiar.
Blip on corner Washington and Kane Him., RoaetiarK
T'i oif
.OOltf nrnflilT be omt Iwto l!rtrlrt."Iojr Konlbly. tujro.
-TWrreieloriM t depertmmt irtore b'nlrd ..'-itliHitaCoriitltntloB
" X biwbouid brfusi?lronirmrrtlieoiwof thitlwelB.II mlicw)l." The 1
K.rnnM nuo thrntit- "f 'miLr -rtr-I UM at u "l rhlfc.
'Tbeemt.loTietoemelniye iMrfBiiwirnrTnw:. v i.i.-. ... -
MlU. Ul Ak ttAilt 8MIT UL L. Muh
ewr Urn b-m 6o to S.25, le MaU el
Kiiiininirimii . u(.oe. '
OUR OFFER' ' Dt thl d outend tend
ton.. Indole .iid
aeiinilo of the t.i ill... wanted, and nit It
out a. ajemr tbe reote ee poambie. tncloae
ear aairlal artes aeala mmd ft eeaia ratra to
pay poateee. end wa wui aaaae tea awr-e la
I Mire year hair ezert, aa arnd to Too by
ttau. poatpaia. ana u Ton are not prfernly
aatlBfled. muni ttenawewill iisroadutely
i refand year mtwf.
I tlilkUOtrrfriaraafellawai t,,
V. . .uuk. -'--a .mw, Q9ci .nun awm,
f. 90CI t-oz. tun. lonr. abort eten. ft 1.2 5 ;
' . sis. t2Jj Lwp. nrt t.wn tl.Rrki .
' f-u-la.toair.abortatera.S2.25; SI4-01. -ln.
- liooe abort wan. (3.25. HI .uium
1 3 lE "U1 tbe LiKbeat (rrarta on th
I !y Biarket. treretaae.aar tkMaapwlal
, J i.aa.. Write for Free Catalogue oS
t ruurGooda. Add rem,
aatee SEARS. ROEBUCK ft CO.rlne.) Criirane.
(Snm, hnkia. a Ca. arlHrnlrWHM. teliaa,)'
To The i ..fortunate.
Dr. Gibbon
This oi4 reliable ao1
the most auoMful
HiciaiiM in San fran-
Ji " rure all Sexual aud
jcminei triaeaacT- m
" a flonnorrhora, Oleet
v'r Stricture, 5vph Ilia in
.V-.V ail forms, Sikin OU
'.' - aeaaea, Nervoaa llebil
&." il v ImtMvteflfv. Semi
-i '- - ri -r -f -'- ol nanhood, tn comm.
aaence ol eli abaee sn l rxceme irix)uclnr tbe
following yiupum: lio coiiuteuKiice. lmk I
pot. under the eyre, pain In Hie h-wl. niiuing
lntbeear. loaa ol connlenw. airiioetice in p-
weaknecaof the limbii ami t.ack. Lmol ineiiiorr It artificially d ipe1 St W food and ald9
pimpireon th-(ace, ojueiw, t'ormiiuptinii, etc. : Nature in si renttt h'-ri i iin itnd recon-
DR. (ilBBOS bk practiced In r-n KrHiioimo ctnictirifr 1 lif -y humt irl rliirout Iva r.
orerthlrtT veer.and Ihiwie imiiU.-! ,ii.,iij uol I BirUCUng lllfl XtlJIISK (I UipCittie Or
aU to co'niuit him and reeeivi; Hie U ntlli .( ; gaDS. 1 1 IS t ho . t t StdlSCOVercd dipet
aii great H and exierlence. 1 he doctor cun-a ; ant and tonh;. fit iiiir preparation
eben other, (ail. Try him. ;nra guaranty. ; ran nnr. r i ii;,.ir , i tn
Perron, cured at home. Charg.n nawmallo. ! cf n approaril It, in eiliCIOliry. it ln-
caUorwhte. .
DR.l. r. i I B BO . fiis Keamjr ft. can Iran i
coiio. ra; !
Pimples, eiupiioDS. eut LimuJs and
feet are cnrid by ITndyan. All drn$r;riMH
boon made under his pcr-
Signature of
ad. unt ana mmkj met ana
w win wndTOT HI NHtM
aad tf mm4 m, hi
f rw Sitx s4Pf
.1; i FoKKfM
v roeoi'voarMkM'-
l?l8nViXT, IMt
fin Aerr.
J ?ri in M;ficrr CAicn nif ego wsi tiBHfrr.Wfw
"-"-w " T-. ,wh.
otlrofnm Willi lnrtb tat te .r.i h.d In ho ir
ra.1 inet ilni-b. Brei tm-M itrnw rt-M n f-r.r
irvMij. nalrer t lrwi "turd Ihmi Urw Nk rw
.M. trMwi. riJABCVTFD lb .4Tlra Hub. BmmUw4
?"? bowiitt mirn i: d tthr p'.A.a twr any
St-tarm ier irutw e:it with rw maohin.
it at .ao tc
i''.1 fSJ.JO. t-t y-r t;wlft m-t SIS fO.
Lands and Mining Properties,
W. K0AH.1
r kau T lOWttTlfKOUSAtieniCAM fllCti M
lu. .miamr. (Mi, Bi in. IU mm !ir. aAa, Bwka.
Far. wwr. ..rtnalarsl lliU, .Mllm Harm, g..m.
RicHn, Mr liwiwj. Om. Kl, 1"'
rMlkr. . rlt Tl krjrtw, rtaUcrpkia
im. . Tri! Jurt wbM Tour ur-keprrat bom murt pjr lor
e"rrll.Jur h Imri sad will prTrnt him from olT-!riin 7oo
ftDUiini? yon bu t ; explaijM Brt how to order, bow mw'ti to.
nrmor hiU will M on mrtbinir to Jor tnwn. Toe M fcoofc
t p 1H UrSH.UpotUn. u4lhBw B will Ww IUI
krullpWHli.iM tf Tnoo.nx'1 thir.k It tn wort I0ttowt l oeon
yoo kL.ii kf-T to the k-wrt wbolemle price of TC7Uunt MJ
SO rrl w will IwolMrf. Mm mr 1i twlfc '
"It i wtumucent ol bBainen tntormottop." MlnnropiimJimo-i
"xJwfii! plm of work -trilncto ttril TribsM.
Roi:rk Co. I. km of tbe largest bouse, of lukinditv
ouiornw lonu one 01 uc nni hdojpuib wk-iuiuu. uw.
The Hoe. . A. Snntbtoon.
Noice to the Public.
Hoschi rg, Uk.. Octulicr il, 1S'J'..
Notice i hereby given tliat the under
signecl, (lie trustee of the bankrupt es
tate of Dauiel Curtio, w'll receive and
couoidcr tiropjeitioriR (or tlio pnrcliaBe of
what is known tbe Curtin Saw Mill,
eltnaterl nejr Comtocke, Orrgon, all
propo?itiors ubject to Tf jectioo.
A'iJrejs me at Kofiebarp, Oregon.
Date (or closing tbe receipt of the Barce
will be thirty days (rom the date heroof.
Uate'l at i: ;eeMir, Orepon. thia 21 Bt
day tf O .tober, ISM.
J. T. I'kid'jkk,
7 B Fi
3yspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
M,auuy lenevus iuia r'i mawnuy cures
Indiypstion, Heartburn,
i C5ickIleadache,Gasti!t,'i:i.Cramps,and
For tab ly A. C. Mareteis & Co.
Along the Umpqua.
(The followlut artk'lo Ik taken from an old
number of tbe Overland Monthly.
lie was obliged to tie'p tbe doctor set
tbe broken bine, and it seemed to him
that be felt as tin on every pang sue
endure 1 with sacli heroic silence, thou.b
she trembled like a ieaf and her face was
beaded with drops ( ony bi(ure the
operation was over, lie was lut.'nseiy
relieved by the doctor's hopeful viw of
the case, and could even smile faintly
at his chafiini allusion to Cupid armed
with a patent bou- extoraiint r.
You have- made an unusual impres
sion, old man. N w is the time to tiring
out that high hat, andttmee store clutties
you keep hanging up coiuHwheres, and
(it aiouud wt.ere shr can observe tour
good look". Yon woul tn't b9 but:h a
dumgdBted crauk if you had wife to
give you terfnir I'urtnin iec'ures, and
kerp your clothes clean."
Ttien, as ihwy ,'.nte.l where S :iio-
maieu's c.uoo ana tied atnoag the
rushes, and guarJuil by the anxious
Grabem, "You had better tu at. er Mrs
Pamsfn tonight. Sbe is a better nurse
than Mrs. Smith, though she csn talk
the door from tbe binges."
So Scbomars'i pulled up stream again
with acMng muscles, and afur what
seemed to him a long time tie ! bis canoe
at the footofthj pith leading to the
Pams y cabin. At the first toned be
made, a woman's voice can e out of tbe
darkness sbjve him,
"Is that you. DjJ Pauise) ?'
"N , I am Schjiiiarjb."
"Whero'd Dad Tarasej? Where is
Ad'iiue Anu ? I bain't seen that girl all
day since breakfast, and I am just
worrited to ddatn. Dir me !"
WI.en Scbouiareb gut where be could
see her, ha continued :
I left Ad'iine Aon at l'anl btnilh'e
She met with an acviiienl her am is
broke J. It was caused by the explosion
"Fur the land's pake! I alvns told
ber that gun would explode, and kill
somebody that was not look in' fur it,
neither. Anl Dad has not come yet
"Mrs. Tameey, I think he is coming
I heard oars behind me coming np the
river. But you must go back with m as
quickly as you cad. The Doctor t links
yon cau care for her better than Mia.
"Law me! Ad'lineAun! Is the go
in' t? die? When did it happen? I
tclJ ber paw he should never V get ber
that gun It is jist Hying in tbe face of
PrcviJecce fur a woman to go gslirant
in' around the kentry after critters with
a gon. She even tried to get me to
le.rn ho but law me! I wouldo tech
Uietiiing! Then ber paw's bands air so
unsteady he can't kidnutbin; and she
allowed that we must Have some meat,
They bad reached the cabin. 6he
waved bim in acd shoved oat a chair,
talking continually, showering question
and exclamation upon bim, not allowing
more than half an answer to leave bis
lips until a fresh view cl tbe case would
occar to Ler, demanding immediate ut
terance'. The three children gazed io wonder
at the strange', silent until they beard
that eomelbing was the matter with
Ad'line Ann ; then a wail went np that
eil-nc:d even il f-ir mother's voice for a
Mr. Pamsr-jr made bis appearance in a
short time, wben the chilJren and their
mother all 'alked at once for at !eat
three minutes, io an endeavor to tell
him what a dreaJful thii-g had happened
to AJ'lice Ann.
He turned so pale and looked in so
helpless and bewildrr I cay at Scbo
margh that the lattt.- rose to his feet,
and tbe old man beckoned bim outside,
wheie, safe from the Babel that raged
within, be beard tbe particulars ol -his
daughter's .hurt, softened as much as
Shomarsh could do it.
"Poor little gal! and away from ber
dad. tool"
He quickly added, as if in apology:
"I jist kinder wanted to bear about it
from you, quiet like, so I brought ye .out
here. MUs Pameey, she do have such a
power of -conversation that it sorter
mixes me all up like. Sj she's goin'
back with ye, i; she? Well, she is good
where there are sick folks. I suppose I
had better ttay with tbe children. But,
L-?rdy, I wirh my little girl was at borne.
I don't rightly understand about tbem
bear traps of yourn ; but il seems it ye
mhjLt pnt up a hign say in, 'I'm loaded,'
or something, on all them trees; they be
Schomareb expressed Lis keen regret,
and bis intention ol making them all
harmless the next day. .
When they resumed Mrs. Pamtey was
thrusting small white parcels int the
yawning jiws of a carpet bag, all tbe
while admonishing the three children,
or fer.dicg them on errands to different
parts of the roo-n. Wben she had put
enough things into tbe bg to have fur
oishe 1 a email household, it seemed to
the feverish mind of the waiting man,
she turned tudd-i,ly in the midst o(
an injai.ction to Dad about feeding tbe
chickens in Hie coop meal only, and
ejaculated :
"Liw, stranger, you look well picked
yoarsaif ; is your health gjo.l?"
He answered that it was, except when
he was hungry.
"It that so?"
And iudeed, it was; fjr Schomarsh
bad not takrn anything to eat since five
o'clock that morning.
"V.OBey, g-t that pie ou the milk
shelf, and Joey, t ring the bread. Now,
ye sit right up here, an have a snack
with Dad PaniHey, I had been a-keepin'
his coifee hot. and had forgot clean about
his not bavin' bis supper yet, all along
ol Ad'line Ann's a ahooting faeiself.
Have some of thiri. My folks is dread
ful fun I o' huckleberry pie. I think it
ia pretty fi'.liu' for the price, myself.
No! Mofey, you mustn't have any more,
I don't want you to be sick while your
mam' awar."
Ai this dreadful possibility dawned
upon Mokp' youthful mind he began
to wail aloud, aud would not be com
forted ; while l is mother put on a large
nu. ('if iili wi le Bleeves an I a fringe,
laid a iiui'i-i mi a chair, and produced
from under the bed a largo air cushion.
Ah (-he ii llalcd bin tears were for
o'ten, and wild Dad I'd many and a
Im, tern hu led the way to the river.
' Ijiw sakes alive! If ye haven't got
a canoe! I'm alwnvs wairt to death of
nw, mid a fikiitinh )ikr. Yon jnflt
wait. Dad, give me my pere rver,qu:ck ;
I will put it on before I get in there."
And to Kohoiuarsh'sJ amazement she
thrust ber head wiih.coifroderable effort
through the circular opening iu the air
cushi n, wbiob then rented like a huge
dislocated nimbus on her shoulders as
she cautiously took ber seat, all tbe lime
talking; but at last they darted.
"Wait. L'ad, spank Joey when you
put him io bed. 1 promised him he
should be for tying the cat to the call's
Although he had heard of thia woman'
ability :n that line, he was astonished at
her continual words. She gave him a
minute account of Ad'line Ann, her
bildhoodtietes aud habit ; wherein
she resembled her father, what she bad
said that morning, what the herself bad
answered, and her reasons for doing so.
How many peopie bLo knew bad been
shut aud died, or got well, aud wtial they
died of afterward. The many virtbes of
her children al leng h. why she married
.lr. 1'amsey. bow she made can age.
How a rick man bad recovered from tit
uudtr tier Ire tmeut, aud had given hr
lire ali-cusbiou, which she Considered a
life preserver, wore as such, aud indicat
ed as the preserver. by the was afraid
ol the water was he aure the canoe was
uol leakier"? 6ue "fell to clout to Hie
water," ye names, age, aud r
peaiance wheu fuund, of people whom
she knew or ha I heard of, who bail been
diowtnsd. Her opinion of the pott mas
ler, the lodian agent and bis wife, uud
the mail carrier.
At lulervals she would draw a quick
brea.h, and thruel her tongue out to the
edge ol tbe lips.
icboiuarsb, watching her w lib farcin
alion, wondered if it were not (or the
purpose of cooling that over active mem
ber. U seemed to bim ti at she talked
of five tiiousaud different topics during
the tiuie. they were in the boat together
1 to Seep track ol Ui r conversation waa
like ir iug lu follow the flight of a glass
bopfer; a '.d it-WkS with a fee:iuj of re
lief that ho ! Il her al t lie Stuilhe' ljur
aud slipped I -i.i'y l ack lu the a .titer
of bis own roo'.
Never bad il edout-e s-jeiul ro ie-1
ful. 8j much h.d ha ptiie-l ihal day
be felt years older lu experience. Hi
muscle acheJ, and Lib brain: throbb
with the ouu-iual demaiila undo upon
Iu a few days Ad'line Aun was moved
to heroeu borne, and evtry day be came
to see ber, and brin ber game or bsh
Oae day be brought ber a wide hat, to
tk-j the place rl the bonuet be bad dec-
troyed, be said. 1: framed her face be
comiogly, and for the first time be
noticed that it was a p' easing oae Io
look at. During the infrequent pauses
of Mrs. Pamsey 'a conversation be some
times would get a few words from Ad'
line, brief, to be euie, but showing feel
log, and at times a wicged ehaftof wit
that never failed to hit.
She chafed at ber to forced helpless
ness, be thought, though be never beard
ber complain, until one Sanday after
noon as be tied bis canoe, be saw at a
little diataoce ber skiff among the willows
and in il a iiills Leap of dry goods that
moved, be thought. Wben he went
over to get a nearer view, the bundle sat
upright, suddenly disclosing the tear
stained face of A t'iiue Ann.
He looked at ber a moment, then with
out a word be on tied the boat, anl step
ping in moved silemly alotg tbe bank in
the shadows for a few' momenta; then as
be lifted the oar a and watched the drops
fail in a glittering fringe be asked:
"What have ibey been teasiog yon
about, that via come down here to
She looked down and hesitated, hot
at last with a burst of pent-up fueling
ebe told bim that some four cr five ol the
neighbors bad come in and told so many
dreadful things about people beiog shot,
each one that arrived adding some new
story, garnished with ihe sickeniog de
tails that seem to stimulate tbe crude
sensibilities of some more or lesa illiter
ate people. Mrs. Pamsey bad several of
tbesa nariatives, and had detailed them,
Schomarsh knew, to each new comer.
Adeline's own hort was discussed
again and again, until feeling herself uo
able to stand tbe train on ber nerves,
she baJ stolen out and to her loved riv
er, to escape tbe teaeijg cariosity of ber
well-meaning neighbors.
"Ob!" she exclaimed, "will I never
be able tJ row any more, and get out . in
to the woods where eyertbiog is still,
and (here's noboJy to tell one anythiug
they know already? Mam Pameey does
talk and talk. S.ema 'a if I couldn't
stand it no bow, when my arm hurts so.
But I guess you'll think I am just silly."
"No I don't; I understand. Yon poor
little girl ! I am going to come up here
every day ai.d take you out like this.
You don't know how sorry I am about
your arm. I would gladly bear it my
self if I could."
"I know, I snow," she said hastily,
adding after an instant, "That Uid Siin
mous, be allowed that you ought to hs
prosecuted for disturbin' the peace by
loadin up infernal machines in trees."
"Gid Simmons! What is be prowling
around here for, I should like to know?"
"I do' know; he said he wasn't set
ting no bearl raps anyhow"; and as she
pi ked up tbe wide bat from tbe bottom
of (be boat and put it on ber head, bo
saw two rare dimples in ber cheeks.
Tineboat rides were of frequent oc-
f" r ..ce in tbe week that followed, and
S .uQiarsh found them more and more
absorbing. Ha was known to have pur
cbared a small mirror and hung it on
me wan oi ins uweiung. At tbe same
time be procured a broom and tradi
tion said that retreat was swept out for
tbe first time eiuce it was built.
Grabeoi found a painful change in bis
roaster from day to day, aud watched
him with alert ears aud uncertain tail
one morning as he shaved off his strag
gling beard before tbo little mirror,
twisted his moustache into a jaunty up
ward curve, and from an old chest in tbe
corner brought out a broadcloth coat,
very long in the taila aud generously
proportioned about the collar, a pair of
trowserH that were a triflo short but with
ample width and creates, and a gorgeous
velvet ve t. A necktie and high silk
hat completed his toilet and tho despair
of his dog, who saw him disappear
around the bend with so strong a convic
tion that something was going to happen
that he howled himself hoarse.
(To-be Continued.)
Bilious hpgdac.lie, yullow skin, coated
loncne, fevered lips. Ilndyan cures.
All lrnil, 50 ronta.
cniic np
Is tha result ot repeated acuta attacks. The
liver and spleen are principally affected.
Tbcy act ai itorehoutoa for tbe malarial
polton and the blood takes It from them.
The poison must
be driven out of
the system. BUD
YAN will destroy
the action of the
poison and avenl
ually drive out thr
last particle of it
from lbs system.
In addition to
will restore I ha
lost app a. It
will butW up tha
weakened sy.tem.
HUD VAN will
make new blood
and new fl.-sli. The pains In the bones will
disappear. Ill' I) VAN has cured other, and
it will cure you. We deacrlbe Ihe symptom.
Study Ibcra carefully. They are your.. Do
not dvhiy lonjor, but take HCDYAN now
and you will be cured.
and your headache will disappear.
PLEXION. KUOYAN will establish a ires
Circulation of pure bli 1 and cauaa the cheeks
to aoume their na-nral color.
will restore iho app-tila and the digestion of
food will become perfect.
LIVES. ThU is diij to the enlargement of
the'liver. It Is filled -with Iba poison ol ma
laria. IiruYAX will drive oul Ihe poison and
cauae the or;; .in to a'sume ita natural size,.
OF THE SPLEEN. The .pleen becomes
er-atly enlarged. HUDYAN will lorn Ihe
congestion and ca-ij the hcarlnea. to disap
You are .uSi-rinir from Chronlr Malaria and
vou can be cured. Ill OV AS will relieve vonr
every symploti and make you well. HUD
YAM ran he obtained ol all drnggiau for ooc.
per package, or 6 package for .'.io. If your
ilrticitlM l'W- not krti it, send direct to Ilia
ric tlaliiornia. Krmember Ihal you can
roliMill the Mt D YAN DOCTORS FREK.
Cail and ee the doctors. You may call and
see tbem, or write, wa you desire. Addrca.
Car. SlocVtoa, Market serf Ellis SH..
tea Fraaciaoe, CaL
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
Give choice ol two favorite route, via the.
rxiOS PACIFIC Fait Mall Line, or tbe
RIOUKANDE Scenic Liaca.
Look al the time
i lt days to Salt Lake
22 days to Denver
Si days to Chicago
4ja days to New York
Free Rccltalus; Cnalr cars), l"P
nolwtcred Tewrisl Sleeptatt
Cars, Pwtltaaa Palace Steep
ms Car operated on all
FM furtber iniorsss'iep apply io
J. F. 01VANS, Agt., Roeeburg.
. O. Terry, W. E Coman,
Tr. Fsaa. Agt Gen Agt.
Lit Tbird St.. Fcrl si a Or.
a vh.. hvI u 9imim
Wr arisart sra . i ituts-
tvr of as a sm.aj eaiy a4
V et are, f .; ftrewt IfcM
) ou rw, v,iaMiajtf s4 try ll nil
tW n4 IX f orswJ fsrvftra
lltiih arwair-j, snaMrf ry
arvtti r cH
rr i . 7 5,
aM4 snpiMa lair
npiea eaarara
id areratfe S te
aa ree'a fur earh
IBiiea. THIS
WINTER, aaada
fncta aa ..Ira tmm aa4
a-a-r aB l aa ar aaa.
eeealee Karttae lira-
T-r.tia. 57 lnrh. br. verv full -p. Ikierk npet
r.v..;rc falL I re raaa aaa lara. ttmrm aaKa.. faveult
I.I1t li-;n.l rtta al-rfc Battla m( far, aperr rare
inmtn ai'li three row. and enllar nl I" roara ct
w hnlii ri'th battoe emamaeta. Taa vaaa la
Sae laltar saa. neli.l and equal to rapra thai aril at
wr tran octjMr thapH. Wra. tmr fcaa rw.h
ittt, Bartieak a a. are laeraaaalr rjuria ITfavj
Roseburg Bakery.
All kiuds of Pies, Cakes ,
and Cookies.
Administrator's Notice.
av nndereiirned naaon the inddiiy of Oct.
1W, duly smointet admlniiitratorol tbe estate
ol Samuel Turner doeea'ied. All persons hav
Inx claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present theaamc, properly verified, to
the said administrator at Scottsburg. Douglas
Countr, Oregon, within six months (rom the
date hereof.
Dated this 5tb dav of October. IK9.
Administrator ol tbe estate of Hamtiel
Turner, deceased.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnershl p
Notice is bereby given I bat Ibe part
nership heretofore existing letween G.
Y. Kruse and . U. Sbambrook, bas
been dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe
said G. Kruse has assumed nil tbe
indebtedness of said firm and will collect
all moneys d'ie said fiim.
Dated Ibis lGib day of Otx, 1801).
D. R. Suambrook,
(. '. Kri'nk.
Achievements of Admlml Dewey," the world'.
rrestest naval hero. By Mural Hatslcad. the
life-Ion friend and admirer of tho nation's
Idol. UlajjeM anil ImsI book : over 500 paKcu.
8x10 Inches; nearly lm pners hnlftolio illustra
tions, (inly tl M. Kniiriiinun ilvmand. Big
wiiiinlwlon's. Outfit free. Chance of a lifc
llin.i. Wrilo iinick. Tho Dominion Com psny
rl Floor Caxlou HI'li;.,! hicrgo.
Dollars are not Found
On Every Bush,
But you can save them
Iron Ware at our Store,
Wash Boilers guaranteed to last a life time,
quarters for Fire Arms and Ammunition.
aam Me ...
AllaiiiiJjIiLl' -
C1LVSE & SANBORN, Importers, Boston.
For Sale by
Mrs. N. Boyd,
Dealer in
Choice, Staple and
Comer Jackson an J
Cass Street.
Triumph Prune Grader
Foi Green and dried Prunes.
Compact, Practical, Accurate.
Send for circulars and testimonials to
Patentee and Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon
Get your.
n AtMarsters.
Welhave a Complete
stock of TEXT BOOKS
and the Finest Stock of
ever brought to this city.! ,
Our Prices are Right. ...
P. Benedick
Any Job Work done at
Reasonable PnTg
VlWarcs Rowc A ia, am UrBkIy rtU.bla.-iiar.)
-. Z II
iq buying Tin and Granite
bee our
& Woolley's.
Fancy Groceries.
Roseburg, Or.
Dndertahp land EmialmBP.
MTBti 4h,apr ltMal.1 1H piataii IslSjH rdsj
kawrnr (tai tm4 Wsaasi laMt. $iea to any sMKlr,
ftnhrr M in hurky Uovutauaat by
W4arM i'.CKlX,a toactasmrMtsaa YtCal
mirtsj tt l jfnrfrsniEhttlpH ml tf (tHimi
psyrffCtly iatifVCtorT aJHl HWrin H rat kar
ttiat Yuu vr ?w or hranl of pmj Up tVaaaM avt
thH t!rtl withonlrr.urU.MtvWfH4sM
(4tarvr(rYiarht vni2WboUtI tW forvry jaMtnirr)
THIS STOVE IS SIZE H: & Oyb hi i$,i7u
laKhtMI. TnpUiatxaiS
t.v-h; m Jr from awa ivktr Irtsa. vitrm Unn Musrtt,
bMtvY covst, cut crntrni. liMDtrs aa trn.lts
nHkrlHl own hif. alumlntn liomi omn door.
hAndnonv ntckvl pUtM urrutinentei avoU trtisajninirtv.
vilr Urww V arts.ais imr4 pMrsr. handtome l rvo
4mryoinanintdhsa-. ($T CIAI IURN(R MA,
and w turnlh iNta an xira wom srmw.maktntr
it a BrtVrt wsl aartps-. W lcVt s & B4MIU
til AtlAXTlal. wiih eTtrnr tors. ami KuaraiateM aamfr
f.ltTtTT to y'ir nrarrst railroaul nCatton.
Hrxlal StaratalawTas nftlkel fW aa am-liMlraa. Aldns
r. -ai
Gives the ctuieaol two mn.
(oa'Jnental ,
Chort Line
vu ;
Oalt Lake
Chicago Kansas City
Lowest Kates) to all
Eastern CitlrauM.
Ocean steamers leave i'oitlaud every
B learner, monthly from Portland to Yoke
boma an Hong Kong in connection with tbe
o.a. v.
or lull detail call on or address
Iloefburg, Oregon.
Ueneral Paasengmr Ageat
O. K. Jfc If a Ca
PortiataicS. Oreoau
Railroad Time Table.
Northbound Rose bar; local, No. 17
departs 7 :30 a. m.
Eonth bound Bowbrarg local. No. 13,
arrives 5 0 p. w. 'Xi
Not lb bound oTerland, So. 5, ar-
rirea 10 :3o a. m. ; departs 10 :4o a. m.
Sootbbonnd overlarx). So. 6, arriTM
4:15 a. ra.; departs 4 a.m.
raaicuT traiss.
Nortbbound fast tbroogb freight, So
I, arrive; 4 :10 p. ra. ; deparu 5 :20 p.
Sootbbonnd fast tbroogb frtigbt, K
2, arriTes 7.-00 a. ra.; deperta 8."0a
Northboond mixed train No. 223eniYca
at 2 -55 p. m., Soodays, Wedoeadaja ad .
r riaays. OenarU 9 :0O a. m MmuLxra
Thnredays and Saturday a.
oontnboond raixed train No. 228 ar
riTes at 3.-00 p. m.. oo bondaTa. Mob.
days and Fridays, departs 7:15 a. a.
Mondays. Thnredays and Saturday a.
XanraoisT Cacacat comer of Xaia mad Loa.
strseta. Sunday Bervtoe: Preacatnc. U a. at
and l p. a.; Bavbbatb school, M a. as.: L.
A. walker. 8u peris tetxlent; Qaaa Meetisf at
closa at Ua asoraiaa; aerriea: Xawerft Lescaa
7.-09 p. as. T. 8. Sodfrey, Prsadesl. Prayer
MeeUiix, Waditeaday, at 7:30 p. nu
. G. R auoLD, Faator,
FanoaMaj, corner mala aaa Laaa.
UatTxn Barraaxx cacacai oa fovler street.
Sunday Berviee, a 11 a. m. and JO bl nu Pray-
' oteeUnc Tburaday evenlnc
Mix. Lcct M. Cctllt, Faator.
Sr. Gsva.,1 s cacacai. Corner Cass and
Mala atreeta. Serrieea on aeeond and foarta
Sunday aacsninc at each month aad ereryBaa
day evenias;. Special serrloea aaaoaaeed troaa
Uavs to time. Ext. Joan Davaox.
M. S. Cacaca, S5oct a. Services every gtiBdT
moraint and eveninj.
Rxv J T Corroa, Pastas '
Bamsr Cacaca corner ol Laaa aad Boa
atreeta. Sunday eervio: Freer ting sills, aa.
and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at H a. bl, O. P.
Coahov, saperinleBdeaL ftayer aveetinx tt
7:30 Wednesday evening.
8. A. DuCGLaa, Pastor.
Ftarr CaaisTLas Chi. men Corner of Piaa
aad Woodward streets. Saaday asiihjea
Prearhing both morning and erasing; Soaday
school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C K. S16J3 p. as
Prayer meetiac each Wednesday ewaixc. at
TJD. A cordial welcome aad freeiine; s vails
all. W. A. Wooa,
Fisst Faawaricaaaji Cbxsch Corner ol Cass
and Kosw streets. Sunday service; PsXir
worsbip, 11 a. so., ant a p. at.: fn
acbooL 10 a. m. Y. P. B. C E. at T p. as.
Prayer areetlnz, Wedacsday evenin r.JO p
ot. J. A. Towjrsajro,
- Pastor
Taa W. C. T. C. iU hold iu refIaaeetlis
oa tbe second sad fourth Hoaaays -tt evd.f
month at TJO p. m. ia tbs Zpwoith Leavma
room ol the X. K. Church.
a oi Orec-oa ia and for Douglas county.
J. C Conutock, Plaintiff,
vs. J
Sadie H.Comsiock. DefeDdanL)
To Sadie U. Conutock, the abova aaoted
Ia tbe name of tbe Statt ol Oregon. ya sr.
bereby required to appear sad aaawar taa
coniplaiat iiWarains. yon ia tbe above en
titled eaase on ot- before th first day of the
next reg-ular term of said court towit:
Noaday tbarthdayot Novamber 189t. Aad
II you fail to so spneax aad aaawer the aud
complaint, plalnud' eill apply to said court ler
the relict demanded ia said cum plain I towit:
That tbe aiarriaxe contract cow existing; he
tweea yourself and said plainun be dinolTed
and that plaintiff have Judgement la said eoort
for the costs and disbursement oi tha said suit
and such eiber aad furtber relict aa tho court
nay adjudge equitable.
ommon. ia Dublitbed under and be
virtura of an order made by Hoa. J. W. Hamil
ton, judge of said eoort, dated October 3nd
lsw. at Riweburr. Orecoa. The data of tba
first publication thereof being- Thursday tft.
ith day of October, 1au and the las. pablicathw
thereof beins; Thursday the tird day of Novem
ber, 1S9. The said period beiax saore thaa sax
consecutive weeks between th. first pablicatioa
hereof and the date of the last pabltcaUuss
Plaintiff's Attorney.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office
Roeeburg-, Or.. November 7, 1399.
otioe is hereby itiven that tbe toaowtnjt
naiued settler has filed notice of his inteatwa
to make final proof in support of his claim, sad
that said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver, United btatcs Land C& at
Kosebur., Oregvw, oa Dwmber li, 1S9, yia:
ln H. K. Ko, W19, for tho Lot 3, HXli,
BecUou iCT. 2a South. &. & West. a
Dames lbs following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, via: Jones Gouch, Adnie tfoosh, ol
Oakland, On-n: John Hushs, of Wilbur, Ore
ton; Henry fceea oi Oaklaad, Oreroa.
(n9tT) Uecistcr.
Administrator's Notice.
undersigned has been bv the County Court
ol Douitlaa County, State of Oregon, appointed
tbe administrator of tbe estate of HulJah Wil
son, deceased. All persona havtur ciaiaaa
aaainst said estate are bereby required to pres
ent the same, duly veri.'ied, to the undersigned
at Riddle. Don alas Countr, Oreiton, within six
month, from the data of this notice.
Dated this .'ith day of October.
Administrator ot the estate ol H W Wilson,
Deceased. eiT
It makes no difference bow bad tba
wound it you use Tt Witt's Witch JBazal
Salve; it will quickly beat and laaTft oo
car. A. C. MARSTERS & CO.
Geo. Noland, Rxkland, O., says:
"My wife bad piles forty years. De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salyo corod ber. I
is tbe beet sal ye in America." It bsa
everything and cores all skin disease
A. C. Marat era & Co.