I cgctablclVcparatiottrar As similating usfFoodandRegula ling the Stomachs andfiovcls cf Promotes Didcslion.Chccrful ncss aiviltest.Conlains neither Opiutn.Morptiine norlincral. ISot Narcotic. 'rr AVfc - y&rMaJU fkrm Sctil -CnrkfJ Sutr . ADcrfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature cf jTEW "YORK. tXACT COPY OF MTIAPPEB. SEND NO MONEY? MAtU tW CAIIhtT IvBwlCft SEltB ACr.. ? ttv. You old rusiLt it a. jour nr-. I : i-rht 6T'i at mt-iu.w. ... Special Ofler Pric? $15.50 and f ?-itrLrt fta;Tr' i--iuLt? e.:.- f--t-x.f p,th 1 J a : I. Hi i 4 mre ;i w (or cfc -fc i e: IT THRtt MCNTNS' TtlAL In yoarovi fanf.tnt wt wiil return .ur !x-a any .utna tre D-it HUAd VrM ml aaUj m Swritf Ulwi at t S. !-, lt-a aai tra, ail luV.r Jtnd IB orr rr K-wWt Iiiilia tout for thU MOP Mft4 (AELM.T MUHk s tnr rv aistc a rf T r naw BEWARE OF frVflTAT.OI -y a.r ba.. J i 'ATIONS tta""mm fil iBUmrttnivlittkaMitainM. 11 ft- THE BURDICK inipi 9niHS llfKinillAT. fi J J .i'"? -I UlufV iUKi mwd p..iKTor nmT n.H I VI rw.--, t Sit ti 4.4I1K ! IaDF, WITH THK I I ?. ' '? V ?ZJk . :rr: "... . I ri-i I HrT patent ii arlitT rtractiofl Book tell L fctTHl ot tanrr w ort. A H LUl TUU ta.m, and ti If pociTitwS lhx iMTirc fc.i."J W HC. VaT jTur (fvitt t airent f' f 15 fO. Tt BrTf'Sl Tt"B if T t t(m ithia hre ra.-wirh yon ry are Dot a.ubvL 4K1UX lU!f DOITS I)ZAT. tSrar-VrHort i.o. tV"firh"T piaMc- ;..r. . Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. inc.) Chicago, III. MaaMBaaaaaaBaBBBBaaaaMaaaaaaBBaaMaaMaMaaia Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AJtn IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock "Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands -of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending, purchasers, at reasonable prices and eas- terms. Inquire of ID. S K. BUIOK, tacli HfltM bounty, UpA JtK. X 1 l 1 1 Buccessot to General Blacksmithing V A.va JR v SflL ? Kf9 X X JK Vji rROTTINQ AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, , EEFA1K1XG OF ALL KINDS PROi-'PTLT DOSK. SboponCoruer WubiDKton aod Kane 8la.i RoKbarg THIS RIG rMtalnw a rt derairtBveTit rtore boited MTKBMt.kMTiAtaMrtMinlvA mrrhandtienTelfmaMlia. 'ftifr' K.Dwnrt-h Herald. A iw should be paVaed Mfnniiin? th ueof tbf a rataione In all puttiir chf"l."-The Hon. ti. A Konthtonn. WaaYraM quote tbn.nd of --imilareTlraets. MrflifnUitMraurf raa will re la 4-pmm4 hk W rrtara a. Aodroa, SEARS. ROEBUCK Ac, CO. lnc9 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. a urns ilub tirim uu. klr (raa 6SO S 3. 2 S. Ck wul l OUR OFFER: at 4 utM rend to at. Ioeloi good .irl arapiacf Uicrtxi Mate viitd.uid cot It ootM nr ti root .. pomi tie, f nrlu Mtal ptta mu u4 a waia nln to py posu. ud win ta nfxk u kalr Ud kuI to jft bT Bait poatpaid. ami If Toa am not prrfn la atianed. rvtum lta&awQwliltmmediatcia rrf und your moncr. : V V . long, long att-m, 5C ahort aK m, L . ' 90CI a-oz.l2-in. lour, abort atrrn. i 3s ' 1 i5"01- -ln. lowr. ihort tm, SI. 60: i-o. rv '3-4n-'OI.rtm-S2.25;s-oi.s-ln. ' ljfcUmr.aho-tirtn, S3. 25. K ttaJuXTkl l ue urut frrada on the "- mumry rnaraaa If fm ar. aal halrbooda. AdVlrcM, SEARS. ROEBUCK A CO.flne.) Chicaoa, To The LnfortiEiiatc. Dr. Gibbon Thi old reliable ul the moat nucnoio-iiil i'jx'Cleiift in Han Kran V"iiv 'ii-''- '""Putney- Senrt- ! . nal W caknesa and Los rfTakaajwa--- of nanhood. Hip I (Uenceol aeil at, um' nl urniw irKliiciug the I oliowlnif yinilmit.: aatiow iiniiiKtMe. dark I DotK under tbe e"-a. rain iu lue tn-a'l. rinina apots under the cy-a, pain iu tue hrad. rinin- lntneeare, lima ot conndence. aiimibiice in aji ! 1 rare aii Sexual anl -1 "V Lli '-vti Seminal OIease iur. T V Oonnorrha-a, U jC .-Stf" ?e; Stricture. ph Hi. tn V?-t,Ti iu '"rma, Sikio li- v . 1 SX's-' acaaea. Nervoua Uebil. weak neat ol the limu and tatek. hum nf niemorv i t artinfiuliy (1 ij:t"t t llC IOOd and aids pimplea on the f. eouabn. ensiiropii.ii. et. ; Nature in fit rcnut hcliilii' and Tecon Dfi. OIBBON ha nracliwl In Sin Knim-Wo ctructin t ho "ih-u-tcI '! I iroet I vt. r,r over thirty ycarani the tn.ul.i.-d h..u!i not X " , u . ' "'e-'CStrie Or- ail to con.uit liiin and receive tlie l-uel.t of , PnS. 1 1 IS t he . "If st CliSCCiVercd dltrest oia ereal skill and experience. The do Uirciin-a ant and lOilic. Sid Ol her preparation when oibem fail. Try him. Cum irni w : f.iiVlr.iirtr lr In Persona cured at horoc. t hart?ek re.soi.al.ie. ', ' 11 CaU o.write. : stantly relieves nnd iKTruaiK-ntly cures dr 'j. r. t.iitBOS. r.iu Kearny st. nn Fran Dyspepsia, I ridiei-tion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadacli.G.T-tulKia.C'ramps.and A firat-clase eraud equate piaitofxr rHle cbetp. lvnqaire nf Waohin.ton afreet. F , IJenj.im fci2GlfO 1 11 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. Ana - f..rM will ;a if It i At jV u IS s w 'Til Win TMC CfNT4U COMMRT. Nt 0H CTT. 1.1 .if SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK 8W.tSl "tT'Vf ur p(4&ir lrm )rt to he aw-d 5 twuf tUv. ta4 r uir otbr open vit tnM itcrtn tebre and Atd in fxacc ir fnn. 4 tear nwr. Iain lt3 LrtMi ftaaii. rrrtsl- rnWtl. rta torrj jid ieci-rirlraMDct firirh. f.w-t nxS.H ar werrali. ivl on fur r-trr- acj'.-Mat i l?rdlf. im:mnnjti ira Aard. Itat lav Ntr Arm Ixtbi3 winder. iw!juptAti banchni. patent tnjoci lthrtor.UFirTl i vbe4. ajuiab pre!? ftwH. lir.prnvt huttir-f ritfr, patent rnli tar. CUARAMTEED itM Kavrv anaraipat la rraMa4 and nor Fr Xo- Vnt how tvrifrtn ran ilu4 d her plain or tOYa ataaac UiniM i r nt vith macbtre. ttTdnr ton.vr m-i) 1 ; 4 to ill VJ A G. W. XOAH.J 4-POUND CATALOGUE FREE CATALOGUE i " niuut.-ti Kti laiUriraltcr: . la l-rrU. t twpW aad pHad mtalarw fwnNM MIFFS THE lOWttT WhOUSALC CHICAGO ftlCtS 0 EVrKTTMitB ii,iu'iijwr-er)vh.ftr Ufaer lmn, WrtM4. S Uak, (Vbn, llaala, a. IU m4 fchiiu Watrtea. i7t Baaaa, BaHvtn. hm Arrirakanl laiataMla, rmrr, Rarwa, 6a44lra. wtT, fiwiav iMiln. Uaary. Orr&a. riaaM, Blatral limainf . iarmUtwtCiiaa. fcaa, Bjt, iateff Taealf, Bkry, Paamacraa ai. It. Tel. jurX v bat too r rttrr keener at bom mut pay for rerrtfcinhe htiyi and will prevent htm from oerrtoarvirK Tour.a am thiir ym luv; expiate jut how to order, bow mtrhUe n vhrat, ciprcacr aull mil be on any thine to your town. X1m fctf rUt rT 1.wv. th rUrt alone MwdU. Aim trOITtr OCrCD Cn thip ad. out and annj to u vvrt rntt vr r C rt wllb i& to tamp to b;p ia Hi 5 cent pot4ak-:, a4 lb c aaa will a arat to pw VKhK wiuu pwpaM,and if tom don't think H in worth lOvtimfatb liwnu too 6nu. a- a key to trie nw-Ft w bVeaie pnoea ot everTtbiDK't aaj ao and w wII laafjflt rera yar lvata H MAT THi: PKJ fcVH AWK T THI CATAWXirEi lt i- a i&uCiiHiesit of boslatt-e iuXormation." Jtina)apoiia tiUiuw Tribune. -A wonderfnl pteeof wortt Wapfclnrton Katkmal TribUD. The ;atai'rui? a wonder.' MarrbeterV H.itnion. "Sean. Kneturk a Co. ) ne of the largest boue o( its klcdlfl OiTuro " hiffo lnwrrean. T he bipTmtaurue lorme oac oi toe nDen&DOT'PU'B roexuumt uiaa down." atianta fmstltntlon. Noicclothe Public. KotnuKO, .., October -1, IS'J'J. Notice is hereby given that the un'ipr fiigned, the trustee cf Ihe bankrupt es tate oi Dan'e' Curtin, receive onJ coDBiJer propositions for the purchase of what ie known as the Curlin Saw Mill, situated near Comstocke, Oregon, all propositions eubject to rejection. Address me at Roseburfr, Oregon Date for closing the receipt of the same will be thirty tUys from the date hereof. Dated at Roee nug, uregir, this 21et day cf October, ISO.'. J. T. Dkidges, Truster. ,VA Sfewto" S lUSPCi NS I J? J V ( J U JOB & - r 4 Q L ? ' a , . f . digests what you cat. i uomer rcsuitscn trti-iTeclolpestloa lrpard by E. C. DeWllt 4 Co.. Ctjlcago. For eale by A, C. Marptnts A C o. Sure. Alonj the Umpqua. (Tin; following article Ik taken Irom 111 old miiulicr of tbuOvcrlaud Monthly.) lie ba l for nno'her fmir socomls the arti-t's in nition nf tde pictme before him, K.i b s rieprel into ttni road slinbtly n' ov,' iliei ine.i ir their red and blue fhir's and o.eialls, t?roiied ia the un-conS'-ioiH fiisn of iniio!i-ued Btrenlh abou' (In riiik-t of he ivy hull e I, wtii'e horneJ .xvn, itli motionlesa heada held do n, the dark perspective misi rf tbere' iree sirelchin; bark into the ehadoav n's'.eM of i'a el iiudis:urbed felloi." Then iraUtin lurked and the voices rose agaip. "Hello. Maraiiniailaa !' a nickname pvtMi by (tie am tit clerk in tho grocer b-csuee h n consider able 8 jfl -lik , and no' i-o very 6weet either." "Well, old man," cunlinued a voice from the loggers, "e came very near tiaviit' to Fet , ii ttiH reumins of Marcus O'Kf tliiiti j t-it iiOA, as a eelf-ofUiiuU'-.d corrinoi'e jury knowin' he wouldn't keep long. He saw old man l'aoisey'e giil no by j jst njw with her do and lmic tp,"St? the oM man cau t shoot no how, f9r pbe g ts all the game they have, and Marky here must gia ilat- tt rin' after her, and say a lot ot fctuff, What was i, Mi.r.y? Siy it over." b'g, red-whistered lii huian as sumed a position of easy gal.autry by Ks'.ii k one loo' lii the log, while be iold ho w -d accosted the giil by fajiug i:.:it him was paiaing a toll road, and t hut he was tull ma.-ler. She did not pause and he started after her; but when he turned quickly and he looked along a gua barrel into a pair of deteruiiued eyes that drew a bead on Lia crawuy prtsoti at utiCO'ufortably cloe quarters he immediately levari to a Ulu'raw, but his coaQpanione jeered -and be spoke again : "Come now, ye are loolin'; je wouldn't hurt a likely boy fir aauliu' tJ kits yt, an it's no harm at all Tut t.Y yer Klioolin' iron, no. Ye aw after ditr, I know, but jv have pietced this Ollti'tl iieait widoul hliOulin of biui'; nU'l he took a step ct-arrr. "Uo back I" the aaid. "1 aiu't a hiKitbi' Viruiii td today, hut I kin rhout o'.ie if I have to." After that fcbe retreated unmolested, alit e the men's ljiul.tcr re-ethoed at the d:-c.iruGture cf their couia!i;o:i. Oa '.he gcutiemanly side oi Schomareh thc-r,' s a ihy feeling old time court- esty lor woman, she ininilirg of tender meu:o'if8 of a ten Ie mother, and of Lis fat he: V msiiDer tjaard her. Noa !if ft It revolted by I be gwd-ua tured 1''. half tipey and tirual fc;rtup mn. That Marcus O'lweiley needed to bi a -ot he did net for a moment d.nbt, though lefore he had many timea been entertained by his ready wit and onto tore! tbisceophy. To ibid philosophy was due in part the el ght charge in his name which Scho marsh himself hal made. A copy of Marc is Aareiios was Scbomarsh'a con stant companion acd authority on nearly all deputed suljecta After a puzz'ed examination cf this volome one day O'Keiley bad said : "Barrin the spelliu' cf his uame, that aulJ ancestor of mine iound out nearly ti icnc'j as I ktiow myself; and he pota it in such biz worrnds, too! Ail the O'Rti'.ejB are fall of 'em to this day, As S-homaiEh strode away from the men, he remembered all he Lad beard cf .the Lew family that bad recently come to liva oa the iiver. The old man was rather feeble ia h allh acdapirits. The girl a as etid to te a good shot and fisher, always rovicg about over the rivei or gliding thu h it be woods with her dog acd gun ; but S3 f by, or proud, or ipieer hi-: luformants did not know which that she would not come to any of their dii.ces in the ngighborbcoj, cor join ia the iree and eapy jokes cf the vooDg men. She was ntver beard to g g gle as the other girls did, and she had never been seen b H once without her sanbonnet. Then she had come to a Fourth of July dance, and had been taken out by a jouug logger to walk through a quad rille. He was a litt'e tipsy and bis legs a tride unsteady, and in the iotiijacies cf the fancy steps Le attempted they got hopelessly tangled, anl befell heavily to the Uxr, otnitt llie noiey laughter of the others. The girl wcot ou: of the rear dour like a flash, seizing hei faciei 'a anu aid tak ing hi'ii with her. Before her partner recover-d himse'f th.v were oat eight, she hnrrjing 1 er f a'.ber into the ooai; ana not unit mr strong ;oung arms had sent itfro-it upou the s-.lent river toward ho:n were her excitement and outraged feeliogi c uW. She h: d feh bke some shy, wild (hi t:g, with all those Strang) eyt'3 ujuu br. and who i aa opportunity cims for es cap', t wai i'reiijtitle. fcomiii iDiycuQ.'er mn uad since thei as'ieJ her to accompany them to other amus' uji.i:a of the same kind; but ehe eitrp'.y said frhe did not want to go, and they west away tbashed by the directnass of h-r refuel, and the calm' ness of her iiaemilitig but attentive re' gard, ahe listened to t'leir difficult conversation. Da l Pamsey, as he was known, wai i gentle-voiced, harmlera old man. tfcho marsh had met bun and drawn from him j a certain amount of cotifl Jence about bia lortuncs tna latDi y. a fie lormer were but poor, and ol the latter but one te- maine ! :tu girl, Ad'iiue Ann tbe child of a former wife. Alter some yeara ne nail married a widow with two children. The lapt epi sode he announced with a gentle sigh, and tbe explanation "Melvina had a gift of conversation, most powerful !" Be tween Ad'line Ann, so shy, but "power ful heady," as he said, and her father there evidently was a strong bond, for ber mine appeared often in bis limited convereatiotip. Suhoaiarch experience! a vayu sense of sympathy with this ml-nt and plucky young woman, wlm, liko hiuia If, found a joy in being alouo with iianue. He even wondered for a moment boa; ehe would look witli th it hideout pasteboard thing olf her head, ttut j'lttt theti (Jrab em burknd at a raccoon, who3tt ringed tail whifcked into a hole leyoml his reach tinder a reck. An owl, startled from his morning nap Hailed over bis head. Tno gun went to hia Bhoulder, but he reflect! that the charge was for bear, not birds, and low ered it attain. He l ad forgotten all jibout the girl by the tiire lie reached he next treo lo be newly baited, and re sliced to see fresh liear tracks near. tirabetn came out and sat panting at a discreet distance, Inn ears expressing ex treme solicitude while hia master lied ou the piece of meat from the b..g be cut- ried. A sharp explosion rang tLrcugh the Still d woods from some diatauce, and the dog, remembering hia former hurt, yelped sharply and rau Into the brub With his tail betaeeu hia legs Sclio- marh knew thit the charge iu one of his loaded trees had been exploded, und grasping hia gun, be hatiteued in the di rection of Ihe souud. At iuteivala, aa be sprang over briar-taugldd logs, and crashed through thickets of sallal Ury bushes, be heard i he deep bayitiit oi a hound. Hia dog followed that auuud, unj reached the tre belore he did. A tlack enedholiwas ail that either eaw when they reach tba p'ac;1. Tue b.ti was gone, and "no b.-ar tracks among ihe leaves to be teen, tuougu urabeui waa circling abant aa if somethiog unu-uil rvas tbe matter. Preeeatly a houud sueAed acrosittia little opening into the trail beyond. Schomareu (elt cjntld;ut that he had taken the bii', aud would have shot tiim. but that h-j noaed the ground au I voiceJ that echoing cry aain. Grabem j tiued him, and I bey started tjward the river. Schomarsh followed cautiouily. iojxiug for some sign of the creature the doa were tracking, lo bid actoniahment he sivt blood on tiid wido pluali-Liad oiri ice of the thimhleoeiry leaves that hung across hia path as high aa hia treast. What could have dropped it ttiere? The doga did not bark any more, but he could hear them whiuing aooiewhere. Once through the thicket, be came out on the Band. In it were ihe dogs' tracks, and with theiu the irregular print of a little shoe, aad here a drop ot blooJ on a Stone. He felt suddenly sick with a Ie.r be could not name. He remembered that Ad'iiue Auu bad a bound with her that mornii.g. I1 1 dew to a clump of ttilloat), where all the tracks ted, and there ou the cand, leaning agatur trc-e with her eyes eliut and her priui dresi e'aiiud deeply i h blood from tlutliouiderduwii, uy the girl tier-ell. Ho ihrew .u.i liia gou and kutlt bea'.de h , w.lli i. txclaiuallou of compaesiua and ;iirl Sbeehrauk aay ad eiie p utd li-i eyei atd raw buu. llo liiouhl the bad the aiuie look a deei'a have wUeu ii is mortai. y wounded, and the huuur goea lo pluuge a kniie into the slender, belp!e throat. "t-ioad t; Jd,,, be cried, "Dou'i Ihiuk I am goicg to hurt ;oj! Where are you hit T L?t me help you." Toe frightened e)ti a ill tegarJed him and tbe white lipi moved. "Lrii.a oie aame water. There'e a liu in tbe boat yonder." Her skill" was red to a snag, and be brought ibe tin bailing cup filled wah water. Le drank eagerly, and be urged ber t) let him examine her hurt. "Some one mutt 'a' tbot tue. she aaid. Can yon Hit your arm?" "No." "I am afrtil your arm ia broken, poor child! I must tie it up tight and e'.op the bleeding." He searched iu all bis povkela for a handkerchief, but fmnd note. Hers would not reach twice around her upper arm. anl be said, "You must let due have thia," touching b;r bonnet. Tbrn takicg it ctf gently, with two jerks be tore tQ the rape frill from the lower edge, and after cutting away her sleeve made a snug baudage above the bleeding wound in the white fifth. She was perfectly silent except for a long, quivering sigh now aud then. The man was filled with regret and pity that were only expressed iu an occasional low exclamation. Tbe bound came and licked Lis mistress's white face, aad whined. Can you rise now? I will late you to Paul Smith's jutt around the bend, then I will go for Doc Lister to eet your aim. He lilted ber to ber feet, but the was faint irom pain aud loss ot blooJ, and alter a few steps her bead dropped help lessly on hia shoulder. Ha put ber io the boat with ber head oa a little roogh jacket be fojod there; then be was roon sending the light traf; up stream, with long nervous stroke, Lia heart ce.iliug heavily. The bound was bow ling dismally on tbe recediog shore, and be cursed him under bis breath for bein; lh cause of all this trouble. "Why did the girl go prowling around iu the woods like that for, any way?'' lie looked at tier again, lliesunwas in bir face; the thick eyelaahcs ijiivir.d ovtr the white cheek, wtiera a ie freckles thowed. He stopped long enough to arrange hia own hat to t-helter ber face, and was pierced by a new pt.g when ber eyei opened, and she Fail, "I be a heap ot troib'e to you," yet un knowing that he waa responsible for ber burl. He tbou.ht he must tell ber, but the more ho thought abo it it, the harder it seemed to do; and as the prow touched the landin-placa at Smith's- clearing, be decided to'pontpone itto a more conven ient time. An i witn a harried explana tion, to the bustling and terrified little h-iseaife, be left Ad'iiue Ann on ber -t bed and hastened bjck in search of J octor. As he pulled over the shining river, under the noonday fuu, he felt more dis turbed i ban be had believed it possible for him to be. He was a little sbycf womankind at all times, as creatures to be considerately dealt with, and as a pus sibly dangerous element, not to be un- neceerarily disturbed by flippant conver sation. Tbey were to indirect; he could not understand why they said so many things and so often sometimes why they said theiu at ail. Now he bad injured one ol them, perhaps fatally she would have been dead iu a abort time if ho had not been near. He felt that Ihe coinuitmtijii cf circumstances bad made him re 'pouttiblu for her care and recovery. With tho help of wind and tide la reached Gardicer in the middle of the afternoon, and found the doctor hoe ng in his garden. The Jocior waa'.ed very liUlj time i.i comments or preparations, aud with the help of anoiher pair of oars the little craft was creeping up stream again along the cool shadows near the hank, now ou this aide, tbeu on that, as the cm rent-varied ; but it waa night be lore they reached their destination, where they found tbe gill feverish with ihe pain af her swelling arm. (To bo Continued.) CBROII in Is the result ot reixated acuta attacks. Tba liver and iplccn are principally affected. They act aa atorchoutca for the malarial poison and the blood takea It from tbem. Tbe potion muat be driven out of thesyatem. BUD VAN will dcatroy the action of the poison and event nally drive out the last particle of it from tbe system. In addition to this, HCDYAN will restore, the lost app a. It will bulla up the weakened system. RUDY AN will make new blood 1 and new fioah. The palna In the bones will disappear. llt'OYAN has cured others and It will cure you. We, describe the eymptoins. Study them carefully. They are yours. Do not delay longer, but take IIUDYAN now and you will be cured. HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS: 1. CONSTANT HEADACHE AND TROUBLED BBAIN. Take HUDYAN and your hcadaelic will disappear. 2-2. PALE OB YELLOWISH COM PLEXION. HUDYAN will establish a free circulation of pure blool aad causa the cheeks to asaume their na'ural color. 3. L033 O F APPETITE AND ON AW ING IN THE STOMACH. HUDYAN arlll rMtore the appetite and the digestion of food will become perfect. 4. FEELINQ OP WEIGHT OVEBTHB LIVEB. Tult U duo to the enlargement of the liver. It U filled with tin poijon of ma laria. Ul'UYAM will drive out the poison and cauce tbe org in to assume its natural tlie. 5. HEAVINE33 IN THE BECKON OF THE SPLEEN. The spleen beeomea treat ly enlarged. HUDYAN will lessen the congestion and ratiM (ho heaviness to disap pear. You are suftVrine from Chrome Malaria and vou ran be cured. Ill O Y AN will relieve vour evrrv svmplom and make you well. Hl'D- YA.N ran be obtained oi an aruieiau tor w ner i'' ke'. or 6 iackag) for SJ.'O. If your ilmtriM oe not keep it, send direct to tba lit its AN HK.air.iiY t unrisr. can rran ctco. t alitornia Kememoer tnat you ran rmiMill the HI II VAN DOCTOR" PKEB tall acd aes the doctor, lou may call ana see them, or write, as you desire. Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. ItocHoa. Market aad Ellis taa Fraaciaca, Cat TUE DIRECT KOCTKT Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Ives choice of two favorite routes, via the CMOS PACIFIC Fast Mail Line, or the UIO U StAS DE Scenic Lines. Look at the time I a days to Salt La"kc 2jrclays to Denver 3J3 days to Chicago 4) a days to New York Free Rccltalta Cbalr cars, rp Itolatercd Toariat Sleeping Cars, Pnlluaara palace Sleep ing; Car Irnlua. operated on 11 Fo further informatrp apply lo J. F. UIVAN5, Apt., Roaeborg. C. O. Terry, W. E Coman, Tru. I'aa. Art. l-'l Third St., Gca Act. Fell at a Or. ONLY S2.75 ,.1. .(. eVJ-rtl M-tM lo Da, lAlr VVT IE A-Tffn t?t TBWaf ( IUVCI X. llV CAff K .iprra i i . 4V4a a M rSBniMUtm. ,wriJ.ruaviMan4l ry ti m RvtmI If I esq iK. swrfcniy a-it ar aacrtal aTerati.7S, a4 flam cai:. xrrra chars.s t!l areraca M to Sa rmta for lass aulni. THIS CAPE IS LA TEST STYLE FOR FALLand WINTER. mJ ferm aa nut aa Wat .D aa ar ala. traalar KtrllM lira. r -UiK. T lrwb Ic-QC. vtt tu.i wo. IJ-larh orpet ew. .Mraftll. I s?e a tar, .tara awli f AC. . lira I 'til. IBwiolwwar.aTO.w.ii.r r-:! Irii-H -ri-.S Vh k.'ue Ml tan apoer Cap. trlir:-v tltree rr. arl collar Wllfc two r f bt -:r k-ri: t"k hut 100 w.mrnu. Tk nr ki . t.rW av llnil .at anl eli.al to cate. that fllt D. r. n an tv prf-. rfca -r tr t MS (HI-. SEARS. ROEBUCX & CO.. CHICACO iSaao. brW; lAtn .i lasall rilulm HWar i Roseburg Bakery. WHITE, -f GRAHAM, AND RYE. BREAD also All kiuds of Pies, Cakes, aud Cookies. H. HANISCH, Prop. Administrator's Notice. X?0T1CF. Id HEREBY CilVEH THAT THE Oct. aN iimleniiiriied was on the 2nd day of ls'.'.i, rtulv aiiKinted administrator of the estate of arouul llirncr dei'eased. All persons hev lne claims again.t raid estate are hereby re quired to present Ihe same, properly verified, to lie said administrator at cottsburr. Douglas Coiintv, Oregon, within six mcntbsfnim the date hereof. Dated this 5th dav of October. W.m. WILLIAM J. BUKCIIABD, Admin Utrator ol tbo estate of bamuel Turner, deceased. Notice of Dissolution of Partncrshi p Notice is hcrebv given 1 hat the part nrf.l.ip heretofore existing I el ween (t. 'V. K'neo and 1. K. Shanibruok, has been iliaaolved bv tmttusl consent. The aid (?. W. Krti bia afiiined all Ihe indcSte.lni n of end tirin and will collect all nionevH d'io mid ti'in. Dated thia lliih day of Oct, I SOU. I). U. SlIAMBHOOK, G. V. KKl'tsli. AOKSTS XV ANTED FOR "THE LIFE AND Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world's K realist naval hero. By Mural Halstcad. the life-lone iriend and admirer of tho nation's Idol, ltireest and IicnI book : over 500 naaes. 8x10 Ini liea; nenrly lim pages halftono illustra- uoim. rttiy si . r.noruiotts aemano. tstg foiiimiMions. Outfit free. Chance of a life. tints. XV rite quick. Tho Dominion Company rd Floor tax to 11 lildfr.,chlcrgo. f J 5 - FRESH 1 H. Dollars are not Found On Every Bush, But you can save them Iron Ware at our Store. ALL COPPER NICKEL PLATED WARE. Wash Boilers guaranteed to last a life time, quarters for Fire Arms and Ammunition. Churchill growv It CILVSE & SANBORN, Lnporters, Boston. For Sale by Mrs. N. Boyd, Dealer in Choice, Staple and Corner Jackson and Cass Street Triumph Prune Grader F01 Green and dried Prunes. Compact, Practical, Accurate. Send for circulars and testimonials to WALTER MORLEY, Patentee and Get your. SCHOOL SUPPLIES af-rawa. At Marsters. Wejhave a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this gity. Our Prices are A. C. MARSTERS & CO. fVfV-VVV P. Benedick. . . Any Job Work done at Reasonable p" (8aualBtMs.Ca. an iWMf.lj nUMt<ar.) $13.50 V " -'"Tf mm o in buyiug Tin and Granite See our Head- & Woolley's. Fancy Groceries. Roseburg, Or. Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon. Right. . . . rr1 Undertaker nnd EmbalmeP. SEND ONE-DOLLAR Oat thl avi. out (and mi1 to aa ! w II frnl this otur l)MW4v ll asH fchU, iraaW KS)aioir 1-aMl aaW Waaaal Vaxaaft 5t to tvnj Vllrr8, anwhtr aait nf ih Kocky Mount&inv, toy WaRlU C 0. asx. ,MaxJ4 lJatia, Youcalfl tmin it at your frulirh dpot am) frf fituDd par(tx"tly ixtiraVHory and tM frpadsat tala you fversaw orhMnl atjmrt thMiMi OUR SPECIAL OFFER PRICE J3j)) la- aiu-vi.wueni wnDonifr,or9B.ti iHTvtvht Tmif about. mrwrrtY bmUr THIS STOVE IS SI2E No. a Ow m unrnt Imeh. Top u A9xa.4 lnrhrs-. mads? from We. sjr Inaxt axtrm laxp tfuem. hfMtvr rvvm, cut entera, hfTj Un.nirs 4Ui4 grat, nivkrled oven ai.lf. atum.nln lined ov?n doorv, handnn ntcktel latd ornamrnta and trtnuninirav alra larf Wa aMaslata Umr4 r wisjar, handwm lanra nrTurninr.ntjM. ltT CDAl lUMtR MABf . and we rurnlab rRKC an extra wuod trratcmakinkc it a rrfWt m4 rtrr. WB ISM B A W?IWI l AstAYTklf witb artxi-T stow.anti suarantea aat iVIlTtarT to tout nearant railroad station. Ha,! taNtlaa bmIsH trr aMitoaitaa. Addms SIMS, KOtBUCK & CO. (lac) CHICAGO ILL FOR 0.RAJ1 CO. -TO THK- EAST Gives the chtfee of two : nn continental ROUTES GREAT OREGON Chort Line VIA 8a!t Lake Denver Omaha ASD Norther VIA Spokane r.iinneaool's 8t..Peu AND Chicago Kansas City Lowtil Katea 10 an Eastern ClUeaw. Oe.-an steamers leave Portland every fi.-edaya -FOB SRfi FRfl5CISC0 6teamera monthly Irom Portia ud to Yoko homa aa Hotia lour la connection with tb. B. K. or full details call on or addnaa JOHS F. G1VANS, Agent. Rose burg, Oregon, wr. n. h I'suirRT, Ueoeral PaaaeiicerAf eat O. K. Jk Jf. Cow. Portland, Ores as. Railroad Time Table. Northbound Roeeborg local, No. 17 deperte 7 :30 a. m. Soothboouc: Eoeeburx local. So. 18, arrives 5 :20 p. m. a -w Jtotthboand oTerland, So. 5, ' rives 10 -.35 a. m. ; departa 10:45 a. nfs SootbbooDd overland. No. 6, arrfraa 4 ;15 a. to. ; departa i 25 a.m. raaicHT Taauca. Northbound fast throogh freight, Ko 221, arrive 4:10 p. m.; depart 5:20 p. m. Southbound fast through freight, Net 223, arrive 7.-00 a. m. : JeparU 8.-00 a m. Northbound mixed train No. 22 arrive at 2-55 p. no.. Soodayt, Wedoeadaya aad Fridays. denarU 9.-00 a.m.. Mmdava. Thursdays and Sal urda) a. eoathboond mixed tra:n No. 226 ar rives at 3 .-00 p.m.. oo t-ondara. Kan. days and Fridata. departs 7:15 a. sa. Mondays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Xrmowrr Carac a corner of Mala aad Laa. iwetm, Bnaday Bertiee: PMaMiafrM. u a. at aad (.-OS p. aa.; Babbatk school. IS a. aa.; L. Walker, Saperiateadent; Claas Keatiac at clow of ta aaoroinf aerriee; Xpvwrtk Uaga 1X0 p. au T. B. Godfrey, Presdeat. mm If ee tine. Wedneaday, at 7 JB p. ax. G. R. AanoLS, Paaior. Parsooae. corner Xaia aad 1 aw. Csmto Barraaaa Cacaca-oa rowler street. Baadaraerrteax. at Ua.au aad 7JSb.bx. Pray- r meeting. Taaraday eveoia. Xra. Leer at. Ctrrtar, Paatoc ' Sr. Gaoaoas CacacH. Corner Caaa aad Maia atieeta. Gerrice oa seeoad and loarta Sunday morniBx of each moalh aad every Su day ereaiag. Epecial aervieea aaaooatad fraaa ttave to tame. Rat. Joas Dawsoa. Viatioaary. at E. Caraxa, Socth. Services erery Saada- . Bar. J. T. Cottos, Pastor street. Sunday serriet: Preachlnr at 11 a. aa. andT: p, m. abaUi School at 10 a. aa, O. t. Coabow, aaperlnteodeat. Prayer meetittc i 7:30 Wedacaday evealos 8. A. DocsLaa, Pastor. Jiast CaaisTLui CircacH Corner ol Fin. and Woodward street. Sunday aerricea Preaching both morning and evening. Sunday school at 10 a, m. T.P.S.C E. at 6 JO a. aa . Prayer meeting each Wednesday evenin at 7 JO. X cordial welcome aad greetiaa; awaits aH. W. A. Woo, Pastor Fibst I'axaTTKaiaji Cacaca Corner of Caaa and Boat street?. Sunday aerriee: Pablie worship, u a. au, anl S p. aa.: Sabbatk school, 10a.m. T. P. B. C . at 7 a. m. Prayer anxtinr, Wednesday eveniBg KM a ax- J. A. Towysjjro, Pastor Tat W. C. T. C. wiU hold iu lexular meetlBSB on the second and fourth Moadaya ja tf month at 7 p. m. ia to Xpwoith jAsartt ' room ot the M. X. Charca. Summons. TN THE CIRCriT COURT OF THK STATX of Ureaoo in acd for Douglas rouatT. J. C. Comauxk, Plaintiff, j vs. J Sadie H Cosnuxk, DefendanLf To Sadie H. Comtock, the above named defendant: Ia the name of the ittak of Oregon, yon ar. hereby rerjaired to appear and anawer ta corup.aiat hkd againa you in the a bora en titled caase on ar before the first day of tb next regular term of aaid court towit: Monday the th day of November 1S99. Awl II yon fail to so appear and anewea th. aaid complaint, plaintiff will apply to aaid court for the relief demanded in aaid complaint towit: That th. mamaire contract cow exatinc be tween yourself ami aaid plaintiff be diaaorred and that plaintiff have judxement ia said eoart for tbrcota and disbursements o( th. said suit and suoh other and further relief aa tba eoart mavadiudg. equitable. Thia summons ia published under and by Tirtur. of an order made by Hon. J. W. Hamil ton, jndge ol said court, dated October 2nd 1W at Roaeburg. Oregon. Tbe date of tba first publication thereof being Thursday tbe. &th day of October, lsf9 and thelaas pnblicatioa thereof being Thuralay tb. srd day oi Novem ber, I8119. The aaid period being more thaa ats consecutive wwks betwera the lint pnblicatioa hervof and the date of the last pubilcatioa thereof. (O-'ts) J. c. rCLLERTOX, PlainttfTa Attorney. Notice for Publication. Crated States Land Offic . Roseburr, Or November 7, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the following; named settler baa tiled notice of hia Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tba Register and Receiver, United Statin Land Oatcw at Roseburg, Oregon, on December lot 139. via: JOHN SBKDORF On H. R. Ko. 1, kr tha Lot 3, SPI. NK' SecUon ST. 2a South, R. 4 West. Ha name th. following witneawa to prove hia continuous reaidene. upon and cultivation of said land, via: Jones (rough, Adnie Gough. of Oaklaud, Oregon; John Hugha, of Wilbur, Ore gon; Henrx Kecs of Oakland, Xregon. J.T. BRIDGES, (u9t7) Register. Administrator's Notice. TSJOTICE Id HEREBY GIVEN THAT THS A' undersiKnvd has been bv the County Court of Douglas County, State- of Oregon, appointed tbe administrator of the estate of Huldah XX tl son, deceased. All persous having claima against said estate are herebv reiuirvd to pres ent Ibe same, duly verified, tb the undersigned at Riddle, Douitiaa Countv, Oretton. within six months (rout tbe date of this notice. Dated this '.'5th day of October. IXJ9. GEORUE K. iiUINE. Administrator ol the estate oi Huldah Wilaon, Decease!. o'JKi. . It makes no difference how bad tb wound if you use PeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve ; it will quickly heal and leave no car. A. C. MARSTERS CO. Geo. Noland, Rockland, O., savs: "My wife had pile forty years. Da Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her. It is th best salvo ia America," It heals everything and cores all sklu diseases. A, C. Maratprs A Co.