The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 13, 1899, Image 4

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    r v
w5 ? r?4 l:v-
S"l 2 S F ir n
iw aBr k i r At m w - .
Tlio Kind You Have Always Bonyfet, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has homo the signature of
aud has heen made under his per-
, sonal suxcrvi!ton t-iueo its infancy.
-tf7 S-cccUte Allow no one to deceivo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes aro but Ex
periments that trif.e with and endanger the health of
lulaats and Children Experience agrainst Experiment.
CiiKtoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregrorie, Drops
ami S-yrups. Tt is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains ..cither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Ils"ag-c is its pruarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething; Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Fowl, regulates tho
Stcmaeh and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Jlother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
- sr
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tc rrNTMvn rcKMR, tt ntitnv tTntrr, nc vo cr-nr.
www1 wi iywwiwppwwf!wywffr,f,wiwww"
VSfJS Bttrt.r-Ot this
om ar4 -iul w u s mi
will ae-id you SU1 KII.U
CHASE KB UttDET l9U iEwiKS triCrillE MiM.r...Mt t..-.aauaa-
Lm. t 041 ema examine 11 a vur uearr-i ii-cit-at oepot ana ll Mat.
ill wy mirfiwtq.f I v inffwmrt. e,.alia anealai law .en
a. akraaa mN.u Tk fcRktrLsV ttktulU lot v uu i ... i.
,'u.""""' Ssecizl Offer Prise $15.50 Xaw
jus, frripht rftarr. M-Mhin .-):- I.H aM trfr-rtrM will
wvt eea for rh io nttm. CVE IT TMSEC MOUTHS' TSUI--
yotrwib.ui wwill return vturl&.M svt.t uav axe n-t
Wtittni W sa-4 i mi wkm mm4 ?rmimt (Wc Bwitimat sV-&V
tO.U. flL-M. S11.4M- m4 wss aul fui.T ri-nrfd n mir hw tN-u
mrtfCati . tat flat, a fwVha lRUT CAB2ATT .U sU-il-i. ia
UaetHU.of?n4r mmmmw tuVr rwioui naram. with Tmri a -a-
Dkl STTS WF fcOSli. Made fcy ti
Iff ! AierW
. ri crA, tue otberopm witk full hrnrth tat-te ud d in f-M f
pewrat. 4 timty 4 Ul ls utMnlktrnfimd. ftajteieii. em-
bfsefl ADd oeecrmted rmbinel flnKii. ffnt Qk-trH drawer rait. ret on foar
, Waa. rx!t:ve foor moUoti fel. Bif thre4linv TibntiTtr faaftt. aurotw
koHiia wiCHler. aojimable bearum. patent ifsxioo lihera4r.iproTl iooaa
vtieei. irutfvf presmTeTooc. unnrovea Lauifcamvr. natcm eej- iar.
parent drvtv froard. aa4 U ham tmttj 4mm4 aad irtwwH sad WaUWy
If wif t if mmr , Kv(7 tain ittirtawi hi fMM and er Fred Io-
trnctioo Book tellf jovt bow anvoneeanrua it and do ettnerpiain or aiy
kind of raarT work. A ftO-Tan latottm 1 i mart nth fttfy aaefcrna.
ino Tottr nrreceeper arm a a.v i
V., aod te ft ecrlr-fd that ytm are Avin? t:w.w KMM. pa? your frrirbt aeenf the 16. ff-O.
1 1 T Brrrni TVt H t rr nmevumavnrpe noniaaTos nr yoa arv bob auaea. u iwnii
DOJTT MLAT. (Near, kiwmvi- vo. t tr-eirnrw venaoie. fiuar.t
Aodms, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (inc.) Chicago, III.
88 n I us
AIonK the Umpqua.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
;ucoeaor to G. W. XOAH.l
General Blacksmithing
Stiop on Coruer TVasblnlon and Kane 0t., Boftcburg
THIS Rifi CATALOGUE tun. nixxi it-Jc
K.MM Lla-trUonf. the town, .! l m4 l.wpHw t.l.
EVCRTTfliU te-.miM t Jtf)'"" I " i7i
im laiut. tkiki. iii i. ftt hm, Kucta. Mi,
KnrW. Iiraiw iMkM. iwkwj. Una, Hai l.iti
.-bta:bi4 U, rhkta TMkk, )'
fc.ii, rte. Tells utbArottrsWkrkprM h.ime Blurt J tot
tfr:hinz he ha sjhI wtkl preTwit turn f mm owrrlurinntt Ton ntt
tinvtliiiK yofl bu?" ; expiaJB Jnt bow to oftir, bow doHi tb
xmoor a.UiH h on uirtblnc To Ttmr (own,
I ke Mckwak
Id eaSWr e iwnt tnto airtrtt." BoiWs If ohUIt. Lwo.
Olln FBCC ArrrO tuttht.d.ontnl ra4tot
hep v me u emu, poctatrr. mm wUI k. mM to KMI
b; blU iwiiM,unl tf too di't think it IB worth lObtlRMtbe ltveota
won MD1 a" a ker to ihe lweit .bnlnait prtoen of everything,
gCKJw will hwiitoHT m.r. yr t '
"i: i- inoimneitt ot bimcei tnlormtrloa " HumtinautmMInn )
-A ondrrfa! T of wm V.'u,hlwrtno National Tribute.
TbeCtAlruM' wonder." seancblrl N. K.i lolon.
"Starr, boetiurk J: Co. w on of tbe Urged kotuea of It ktad
Oirw"-"-4'hirmjro lnterfcren.
The bir eainJcwue lorma one of uie tUKnnorrpffiS meoraini ui
.rntiliww la a Taut oeunrtment Kt"re boile4 down." Aliari ta Corwtitutl'm.
rv ..i.n. k. i ..t.Iw a uwli.iwllufnrrrii.nia " 4 htrairo t.nwrrl li Herald.
A MW nooid be nmtnrO romnriltrr in. cmuOone In ail puMJr aehoola." The Hon. ti. A. Southtotm.
lfeeotjllqoottbntrwt..f-trMareTtrarte. balltaakalwnarf rea vlll reee the 4-ial hk T retam
tux mm tuut mnuau u uuk
7 naw at arant po s J, the eaaal et
llan tkatiwtlll atJLtk.gX
OUR OFFER: ( U ed out and eend
vrr.n. toBa.toeiowaavod aunt
aniiueof tu mM aaaa wantnl. and eat it
otttae Bear tbe roou a. poaaibie, incloas
Noicc to l lie Public.
: Pay poatae, and w wtu awke ta. m - u
! toatek rar kalr exaat, ad eend to Jon br
anall. postpaid, and If row are not perfnti y
aatlaned. retam ltandwawill Imariubia
refund rour money. .
JkaraaeatalOfcerrtoaaafcOa.,, awftch
A MOI k-ox.B4a.Jona, abort atenv Qt.25t
' !-oa. B-tn. lone, abort item. fl.60l x-ox.
f ma. looir. short atem. 2 .2 5 1 t-ox -ln.
Ions', abort mem. a I umiiru
i .1 ok the feurbest erala on the
1 mar wwwateewaedst Uanasaeial
anesa. Tear am, wlaiaas If rae
SEARS. ROEBUCK 4 CO.flnc.) Chicaga.
KosKi-.i kQ, On., 0.:tobt-r "1,
Notice is berebv given that the nnler
eined, the trustee cf tho bankropt es
tate of Daniel C'artin, w;l! receive nd
consider prop3t-.!tions for the purchase of
what is known as the Curtin f7 Mill,
situated near Conintoeke, OreRon, all
propoeiticcs subject to rejection.
Address me at IioBC-burc, Oregon.
Date for closiog the receipt of the same
will be thirty laye from the date hereof.
Dated at liooe-vnr, Oregir, this 21st
day of October, 1S!)!.
J. T. Bridges,
To The Unfortunate.
Dr. Gibbon
Tbif old reliable and
the most uocsiul
Bpwlaiift in bun Krau
rlepn. atlll continues Ut
core all Sexual ati1
fwminal Dtacaxc eut.ti
Ji. Strlctnre. Syph'lils (n
li fr - aeases. Nervous LebiU
i-'r-C-; Hr. I tn potency. &esni-
' al Weakness and Uhi
a'- of rianliood, llic w.w-
Jiuence ol wil abuar mi l ri"w n Influx tec
oliosrlnE ymptrtn: saiiuw uMiuieusuiv. finrk
pots under the even, pain in the t' ml. nuirn'R
lntbeears, lrM of ctiUtMonce. liJi''t;ii:e iu a-
irnacniun avraiiKr., pbiiiiibwiii .tic -n, , . . - . ,.
srekkneasnf thelimtx and bntlt. loss ol tiii-m.iry i Itartlflrially ti : tfc( S? 'if I0Cd and aids
pimplesnn th.r oouahs niniumption .etc. ! Nature in fitreiiZt h I: Hit' ailfj rcCOD-
OTeTthirtrrearr.nd tboM- tr.ii.i.-i M.ouM not i si'ruct.njj t i,e -xhaiM- d ciicestive or-
atl to coniiilt him and v the U-nt'titof : goQS. It IS hO. '1 -St discovered difret
nit great skill and expericucc. The doctor cum ant and tOilic. K) CA iicr PrcDaratinn
when others Try him. nres j anility-p. nrmrn-irh 1 1 in .i,.i, t i
Persons cured at home. Chaick ! pPr0,,,.'-n ,c ,,!, l0"O r- It ln-
cu orjsrhte. , Btantly relicvt'ssitia p.iiiiarifritlyciire3
DR 'J. F. i.tBBON. 6iS Kearny fit. Hun Frau Dvsnonsia. 1 nfli x 1 ;.n Tti.url V.,.,r
ayspe isia bure.
DIgestii ivhit you eat.
: HatlileiiCC. Sfinr S!ini:ii h. Knu.iP.1
Sick H eadache.G at .y,;n. Cram jis, and
A firsl-clps grand square piano for frnfij Other results f !i!r-rfi'ftiipestlon.
cheap. Enquire of
AVush'mon ttrt-ct.
F. Benjam
- Prepored by E. C. Da.Vitt & Co.. Crjitogo
For tale by A. C. Mareteta & Co.,
(The following article is taken from n old
nutiiir of the Overland Monthly.)
Uardin r City is a little town oa the
Umpqn liiver in Southern Oregon, a
hipping puint for the lumber manufact
ured ut the two sawmilld of tbe place,
liic!i re loc tled a few ruilei from the
month of the tlream.
Tbe population are what tbe people cf
logging camp and luilling town maally
are. W-tny ot tneni who Dave nieir uu;o
homes along the niendo lieyond the
village or among the ptreatn that feed
tin river, nr Hlill bo fr fiotn the hurry
of tbi world and the oWrva'ioa of Mte.
Giundy that they have utuph time and
room to cultivate the'r own inuikitl iudi
vidualiiiei. Uut the fietiurfv of the
mails and the dive apiro ich of t ie rail
road wl.iob u no but two dtjs j tnmay
away have tl iven to n tnort. remo'H
spot some of th eat her pi on ern of this
plac, men who were only nt hom on
thi extremo edca of tivilirxtiot:, and
happy when paddlitis; lt)ut ow the
placid stream iu an ln.iij.ti e.tiioj with
an Indian compatiou, perhaps ue duuib
as the ca'moa thf-v would spear, or hunt
ing the v&mo that ptowted the uutroddf u
timber that covered the Meep hilloides t i
tbe w ater's edge.
Thirty years agi a t&I1, t-louJor,
sliifbtl stooped man, with bright eyes
re, well back undfr Li4 high white tore
head, shaded by an o!tl hat gent rally in
the last etoges of Urt p.-ir, act clad in
a flannel or btickekia eliiit and uveralle,
ecjjyed the proud dietiuciion of being
the "oddest geniuk" on the liver
Many of his tiat-cr sayings and doiugs
are yet told with feelicg by the uldet
citisens, as sit altout Ihe fire in the
t-tore," and rap yarns ou the rainy
winter af lernoous.
Schomarsh, s Le was knowi, was
man o! considerable education and an
unusually good survey vr in ihuie early
days, lie was at time employed m that
wav. bnt only wcrked long enoogh to
procure money fjr the tnpply of bis ioi
midialH wants, which were lew, ami to
bur materials fur the mauy curiotia ex
periuientB he waa continually t-ying, the
working models cf tbe inventions which
he ocade but never patented. One
of tbtse inventions was a contriv
ance to propel a caaoe by ibe pressure
of tbe f' et, leaving the bands free to use
gun or fishing rod.
Nuaiberleei curijus snares aud tta;
for bird t and wild an: mats be mads, as
he lived slot e in bis little one-roomed
cabio, wheri be did bis own cooking
when and ho Le likrd. He was a close
observer of N .tore, and her wveds were
aa open book from whose pagia be loved
to read at all hours and io all weather,
Atdiwp. 'at midnight, or at noonday
bis boat would be seen gliding about
over the dark river, or hi gun be heard
far in tbe odorous silence of the woods
by tbe logee's aronnd their evening
campCre or at their noonday ret-t.
He was fond cf Lis own queer jokes
Tbtir humor was only appreciated np to
a certain iiaii'.ed point by Ihe most of
bis contemporaries; afur that was
reached, the laugh continued, but it
would be at him. And icdeed, it would
almcet seem that be might be icsine,
tboogh such wts net tbe case, even
when be spent several days and some
money be could ill spare to rig op an
old canoe with a long, stoat rope acd a
harpoon, with tho purpose uf anchoring
it to a little whale that bad gotten across
the bar into the river at high tide, and
for a week or more was teen, evidently
not knowitg tow t p' t out lo sea sgaia.
When aAied what he wanted toda tbu
for, and bow be expected to get asbore
again for it wis impossible to capture
tbe creature with "n means at band
be answered that Le coa'.d easily aw im
ashore, bath a wasted, to see tbed
thing tow that cl J canoe over the bar.
So one day be paddled down stream
with a jannty little flag flying, and the
rope and hrupxia in leadiuess. He
loitered down nearly lo the bar before he
saw the wbale blowing at a little dia
tance. By the time he got there it was
somewhere ela: and that continued to
be the case for a tediously locg time,
before he had I goiJ chance to throw
the harpoon into the blowhole cf tbe
animal, cs he had planned to do.
He was almost over it at last, and aa
it came a ow'y np Le plunged the wea
pon is, standing np ready to pay out the
rcpe aa it would go the bottom. But it
a always the unexpected that happens
Th- w hale did not go to the bottom
just then it forged ahead with startling
speed, throwing the cauoe high in the
air and the taan twenty teet away in
another dirtctioa. H t.ea be came to
the surface and da.hed the water out ol
his eyes. Lata tue capsized boat spin
ning through tue waitr in a white line
of foam, far Ahead, and in a moment it
Ail this had been watched from the
shore t y a party of huckleberry pickers
three chiMicu, fat woman, and
girl, laey (ia come down tiie river
early ia Iberoorning, aud tbtir ekif) was
secured a few yards from wbere they
were picking bet rite. When tbe girl'e
sharp eyes raw the rteult of the strange
actions ui the man in the cauoe, she ran
to the water, untied her skiff, poled it
out wit'iher osr, and in two minutes
was rowing towards the swimmer, who
Lad rtrut k out for the nearest shore.
When she was alongside she stopped,
and he called out quite cheerfully :
"Hello! di.l you corn 9 cut here to
pit:k mo tip?"
Her duly at.e-r was a sbcrt inclina
tion ot tier t:esirt. He clim'ied Juto the an i naiitrid to lake the oars, but
nhe peddled to Um otltt-r cat, which he
took obediently, a. dripping figure, bare:
looted, hatlees, clad on!y in shirt and
overall-, aa ba had prepared to enioi
ashute. He wsn not exp-cling lj be
pi' kt d r. in tti:s way, am) felt that some
of (he thjry had been rutihcd from lite
i.'lv. tit are. He was conscious of tru-
borranni itit aud a Slight sense of re
pel ttufi t lit (ore the calm regard cf (his
ying woman, who atked no queslions,
aid nhop face ws hiililfri in the daik
civemf'f h r lutiiriei. Was slie iuinli.
r only tit usually careful ot her woidf ?
U'l.i we r!'.', unvwtty?
He wns aSotit l aek her, when, follow
ing her ihitice, l.o looked hack. au3
ti ere l paw (he little whale on tho bar
rending up a blcod stained spurt of
water, and lasliiiig about furiously. In
the memory of bin recent exploit he for
got bin temporary eiubai raement, and
told his rescuer all about bis planning
to seethe little whale towing Ihe old ca
noe, with its flag Dying, over the bar by
the harpoon fast in his btad; how it
would probably attract the attention of
passing vessels, who would lay by and
endeavor to capture Ihe strangely mov
ing craft, but in vain.
The girl laughed, tbo first round she
bad uttered since be got into Ihe boat.
"Did you do all that on purpose?" she
'Yes; I iuiended lo swim nelare. I
didn't s up pore the hhined thing would
npset -.he boat right awsy."
Attain a long pent of laug'Qter.
"Well, ye air the piumhest tjit. Il I
bad V known, I wouldn't 'a' gone alter
Just then they touched the sand, and
a ihe boat was drawn up tbe declined
he many olTers uf aesistanco from tbe
men who had ttlltcled on the shore
from the quarters t the luiiian nserva-
iiii on the bank ab;ve, from where
the mnneuvers of the docorated canoe
ad been na'cheit for some lime, and
he rtsotie i h l.r i : Is if deep interest;
but paying I'O at'e..noii to any remarks,
the itirl disappeared in the huckleberry mj qniikl, that ch "inarcli did
not h.tvo a chaniv M rpeak to her again.
Nor could he rit.d uut ai yttitng of ber
identity f:otu the men he eatnLioed at
the niees dim ei with an account of bis
Lstfria thdty lu saw th) eiiff,
loadtd wi;h child'eu, the fat woman
and t ie l-uvktn if lierrie:', go lljing op
s .re jiii under a h iup of sail with favor
ing wiud and lidd. Ttitotigh the Jars
be culd ee the berry ataiu-fou tiie laots
of tbe children, aud Ihe blue .houuet at
ihe tilitr rbje.
But what did the o: her woman have
on lier neck? "Mutt be some tiew kind
of womau'a'; they are a queer lot
anyhow." So be gave up the pottle and
got iuto his ou dried clothing.
He soon hired an Indian and cuoe to
lake him home, where his dog met him
with evident relief of mind; as he bad
nut been allowed to accompany tbe ex
i-ediiion th't day, be hid had serious
doable att.'Ut i s tn-iug a wlee tce.
Not wi . I tout fjuuJatioti in the piat
was ibid tl"'i t i.i the uiiiid i f Scho
march' led hn ud, (or he bad Ueu the
tuuo-'ut virliiu of an ex(er4 iieul lha
bad culiniiia'.ttl pien aiuiely.
in tt.e beavi iiir,li -4 that time lived
gieal nuuM.vtr: i-t t latk bear, whlcb were
bard lo bunt, d flier, L l kill, ai-d
troublesome to ail kinds v( atcck. How
to get rid ot theee aoiuial, by some mate
expeditions ineui'.a bad long been a
problem lo ihe dwelleis alocg tbe rivtr
one that t-clioumrtti at lart proudly
announced be wtuid eir. He bad a
quantity of hard wood piugt t-jmtd
some six incha long by one and tne
lialf in tiiamcttr. He then toted boles
of a corresponding size in asmanytr -e
where eizna of tbe bear were fre
He then fided art of ihe cavity with
powder and eome matcbes that were to
be ignited by a string lunniog throu.h
a groove, and connected with a piecs of
bait that burg, when all was ready, jott
where the sharpened ping, diiven right
into ibe bole, would be cent through
the lesr's head when he scraped the
matches I y pulling lh meat away.
This scheme was admitted plausible,
but il entbusiam was not expressed io
a gratifying decree, the inventor did not
let it diwouraee him. When all Lis
preparations wtr complete, bo hired In
dians to bting canoe loads of bait from
down the coast where a whale had gene
ahore, and carryiug tbia on Ibe back of
a snoiticg ai d intK'b difgnsted pony, Le
went thrUj;li the o-od, cartfally at
Uchicg seductive morstli t the peudenl
Strings of bis loaded trees, LU eld deg
watching him.
He bad not bctn allowed to eat any cf
tbe meat, for sauitarv reasons. Bat
while Schomarsh was fixing the second
tree, (irabem turned over in bis mind
tbe folly ol letting that other piece of
meat so t- waste. Ilia master mutt
have forgotten it ; at any rate, it would
be mnch better buried wbere he wool!
be sure to Gnd it next, and yield,
inn to Lis inntr prompting he ran
In a lew minutes N:hosuatsh and tbe
pony were ttartled by a terrific explo
sion, followed by the voice ol Urabem
in a keen wail ol surprise aud pain
Harrying through the brush, Schomarsh
met the limping dor, bleeding profusely
from a torn shoulder, wbere .th-) sharp
encd stick bad tt-uik him. Ho x
pressed remorse ant liumnuiion eo
plainly that bis master look biuitothe
river and bathed bis wound, inMealcl
kicking him, as tinhorn felt he w iu'd
have Imen justilitttl io dvdog.
At intervals lor wcks expli-eiors
woold be heard at ail hours of tt.ed.y
and night ; soon af-er Schomarsh woold
be seen paddling in that direction, but
never to find a victim. He had, then
some alleys of brash built ou either side,
and in one of the he did lad a bear
with tbo peg driven into its brain. By
this hi felt so encouraged that be re
newed the bait on all the remaining en
gines of dedtauct'loa.
On one of bis expedi'ions for this pur
pose be met a" woman among the trees
with a gun oyer her r-houlder and a d g
at ber heels. After Ihe second glance he
recognized ber as the same one that
came lor him in a tkill the day of his in
glorious wb.tliog cruise. She acknowl
e-.- 'd his greeting by a fleeting nod and
ce as she passed on, but he paw that
o face under the bonnet was fluebad
end tbe eyes very bright.
Sebomarsh wondered why ho did t,ot
tnet-t the tat womau or tome of tbe
children, but be saw no one until be
caruo to the eled trails worn by the trees
as they were dragged from far iu the
woods to the nearest river hank. Pres
ently be heard men's voices and Inog li
ter, a-id then through the leaves he saw
them t f inding ab-jut the eight yoke of
panting oxen attached to a great felhd
tree, as resting hr breath they had
halted in thi bhade.
A breeze stirred the tops uf the tall
firs and spinces. b it nuder them among
the mottonIfSt leaves and over the
myriads ef gurin wh;tr chipi :htt were
scattered aiti'in tho Hpriugy carpet cf
fallen n-e ilf", a sill hat res'.ed,
and ihe.v the piney sweot ordor out ui.til
they seemed It ha visib o iu tbo haze
over the darning red of tho vine-maplo
eaves and frost-touched blackberry
vines. Jtibt men ttiu men's voices ebbed
nto silence a moment, and iu that brief
breath V space he heard the vibrating
tattoo of a yellow-hammer's bill, and a
quail's warning, ''Quit that now. Quit
that now."
(To bo Continued.)
Is eat ol order it you havs the symptoms
numerated on this chart. Tow can be tared
without the aid ol Calomel, Blaa Mass er
Quinine. They are minerals and are apt to
poison the blood. Why not add your asms
to the already law list of people cored by
B CUT AMI III DYAN baa eared 10,000 oth
srs and It will enre yon. KITDYAN ia the
(reatcst vegctahls remedy ol the century and
will relieve all the following symptoms :
111 DYAN can be bad ol all drog fists lot
IS cents per package.
A 0 H E Relieved by!
YAN will cause the yel
lowness to disappear and
the normal, healthy colot
to return.
HUDYAN will clear the
tongue and make the
breath pure ar.d sweet.
TION. HUDYAN will clear the stomach of
the excess of bile, relieve the pain and cause
the food to b pcrfevtly di jested.
HUDYAM "'It lessen Ihe congestion and re
duce the liver to its normal size.
r.l'DYA will cure all the above symp
tom and mskc yon well. Po not delay
longer. Go to j our dru;gi"t at once and pro
cure a packaneof III I VAN for 90 cents or
packages for V. If your druggist does not
keep it. send direct to the BFDYAX REM.
EDY S'OJIPAXY, San Francisco, California.
If you are not satisfied with the effects, re
turn the empty III DY AX box and we will
return your money. Remember that yon can
consult the HUDYAN DOCTORS
PUKE. Call and see the doctors. You may
call and tee them, or write, as yea desire
Car. Steeaioe, market and Ellis Sis-,
Saa Freacisse, Cel.
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
lilvrs choice of two favorite route, via the
CSIOS PACIFIC Fast Mall Line, or the
RIO GSA.NDK Scenic Unes.
Look at Ibe time
i days to Salt Lake
2 2 days to Denver
3a days to Chicago
43 days to New York
Free Recllstiusr Ctaatlr cars, t'p
aiolaterott Tonrlat SiMplnsx
Care, Iallusan Pwlatce: ttlecp-
ing a. at rat opcraiiarsi
Fv. furthtr iBforms'icp apply to
J. F. OIVAN, Agt., Koeebarg.
C. O. Terry, W. E Coman,
Trvv Pan. Alt. Gen Agt.
1J4 Third St., Fcrl a: o Or.
fir 1 1 a-
ONLY $2,75
6tNUhOMOfcfc V. '
U. ofSl. tstid tatlMI u st, J
wMr rvact aa4 sja-h, v.o t3m
tw-r f IncJtnw aVTartf sr2 J -a
el wwrt .r-r) viMwarl !
itunut tt ti:mh.iiej.!
Ckl'tt Car vki . fiWt
1 .l I'.. kfsrt to Tfn:neaUcr-
o9 ru i&srllM svr.4 try tl vt
! roar uemrm mtvrc of.
smiibb-i. ntsn7 gt r--
".. 5 . --j r -;' cafs; is la
S j v.'- -'..ri. - A TEST 6TVL
f-.-.7jtc : - 53 rr etpee-.
t V-'- "C"" " ?-Jw asw awe .r-l
tJFTea. rk,ri-,l
u 10 t
rent, foe a-i
at: - I .ass mile. Tlt'S
.ti WINTEH, ie
'4. . Tre, aq etna . . tm
keen an u-mt atark w
1 rewala Karl lew Br.
e--ee?efk.?i ii;e Uitff. Terr tuit .weefi. li-tek etr
eafv , i r , ( ?!'.. lawrM,w4umtae.M,,ill
falte tl.iil Wi:a Mark Slt. aral ar, tlftw-e e,-a
tr: nirri O a.ih three rw. In4 collar wttk tw re,rf
kx m-rri- rjiui ernaaMnu. Tka ear k
fc.eJWfertit ,wwl ard eoal u eare th.l aeilat
nr.r i n d.-nS:e :sien-e. sawlwlrwnwtia
5ttA??3e ttOf BUCK A CO.- CHICACO
tsUSUSa. -.- a St VrmIJ nSASkkSSJ aWilM
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the slate of Oregon for
tbe ounljr of the matter of the
rotate of I. rl. dtx-cascd. The
undenicned Adminlstiator of said estate hav
tug tiled his linal account in said court, notice
i hereby given that Monday the Hh day of
ovelllbt-r. IV), at 10 oilix a. m., at the
County Court room, in Koseburg. Douglas
county, urcson. la t lie lime and place aei iir the
lunge t r-sltl court, to hear objections, if any
mere oe. io nt'.d nnai accouut ana to mo ai
charseof ssid ailniinlstrator.
Datol at Rwebiirc. Orecou till, the &)th dav
oi nenicmDcr, uvi.
11. II o. K. AnaaS.
AdiuiiiUtrator of the estate of D. ir. Mi-Camp
ocil, oeceaseo.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding Douglas ouoty warrauts in
dorsed prior to and including March 10.
lS'J9,to present the same at the treasurer s
ofJice at the Douglas County bank for
payment, as interest wilt cease thereon
after the date of Ibis notice.
Dattd Ibis the ISihdayof Septemter
WW, at tbe Utty ol luxebnrg, Uregcn
Geo. W. Dim mick.
County Treasurer, Pcnglas Ctunty.Or
Administrator's Notice.
undeniiirned was on tho 2nd day of Oct.
1SW, duly appointed administrator of the estate
of Satnuel Turner deceased. All persona hav
ing claims against raid entitle are hereby re-
qiitreil to present the same, properly verified, to
the said administrator at rjcollsbunr. DouRlaa
County, Oregon, within six months from the
aaie nereor.
Dated this 5th dav of October. 1W.
Administrator oi tho estate of bamual
lurner, deceased.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnershl p
N('tife is liereby given 'hht Ihe part
nershtp heretofore existing let ween G.
'V. K'Urr) and 1. K. Shanibrtok, Las
been tliesolved bv mn'utl roneent. Tbe
said G. W. Krue has atsuuied all Ihe
Indebtedness of said firm and will collect
all moneys d'19 said firm.
Iatd thin 10th day of Oct. ISU!).
G. W. Krvsk.
Achievements of Admiral Detvey," the world's
res lent naval hero. Bv Mural tlalstead. tnu
ife-long friend aud admirer of the nation's
Idol, jliraest and best book: over 500 naaea.
8x10 Inches; nearly 100 pages halftono illustra
tion!, tnny 1 1 m. i-.noriuous aomana. Big
commissions. Outtit free. Chance of a life
time. Write quick. The Dominion Company
rd Floor Caxton BI(tg.,ChIcrgo.
Dollars are not Found
On Every Bush,
But you can save them in buying Tin and Granite
Iron Ware at our Store. See our
Wash Boilers guaranteed to last a life time,
quarters for Fire Arms and Ammunition.
Churchill & Woolley's.
.wsr m M$M
CILiSE & SAISUORK, Impoilcrs, Boston.
For Sale by
Mi-5. N. Boyd,
Choice, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Roseburg, Or
Corner Jsclson and
Cass Street
Triumph Prune Grader
Poi Green and dried Prunes.
Compact, Practical, Accurate.
Send for circulars and testimonials to
Patentee and Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon
Civet lhc!iy.C3of two lna
Norther OhortLIno
Spokane 0a!t Lake
.linneaooUs Denver
St.LPau Omaha
Chicago Kansas City
Lowest Kates to mil
Eaietcrtt ClUsaw.
Oeeaa steamers leave PjttUnd every
SAfl FtflflCISCO
Bteamers monthly from Portland ta Yoka
hama an Hong Kong la coanecUoii with tbe
or lull details call on or address
Eoeeburg, Oregon,
wr. Ha HCRursT,
General Passenger Agent
O. WLm Jfc If Cm
Portia aul. Oreaxoas.
Railroad Time Table.
JiorthbooDd Rose burg local, Ifo. 17
departs 70 a. on.
Southbound Eoeeburg local, No.
arrives 5 50 p. m. -
Northbound overland, No. b, ax-
rives 10:35 a- in.: departs 10:43 a. m.
8ooth bound overland. No. 6, arrives
4:15 a. m.; departs 4:25 a.m.
Northbound fast through freight, So
221, arrivea 4 :10 p. m. ; departs 50 p.
Southbound fast throngh freight, No
222, arrives 7KW a. m. ; departs 8.-00 a
North boo od mixed train No. 222 arrives
at 2 -55 p. m., Sundays, Wednesdays sad
Fridays, departs 9.-00 a. m- Maoda-ra-
Thnrsdays and Saturdays.
boatnnoand suxed train Ho. 226 ar
rives at 3 p. m.. on Sun da vs. Mod.
days sod Fridays, departs 7:15 a. m.
Mondays, Thursdays and Bslardaja.
gaNotice for Publication.
Cnited States Lead 01Ee
Boaebanr, Ov Xoveraber 7. 1SS9
Kotice is hereOT riven that the ioiiowiBsr
named settler has filed notice ot his mveauoai
loauke final proof ia support ot his claim, and
that said proof will be Blade before the Kexjister
and Receiver, Cnited staiea Land O&ca at
Eoaeborg. Oreror. on Oecembee in, 1ES9, via:
Oa H. S. Ko ceia. for the Lot 2, SFi.
NE!, Section 32 T. 3 Sooth. R i West. He
namee the following wi In easts to prenre hie
continnons residenoe upon and cultivation e
said land, vtx: Jooea Gotulh, Adn.e Googb, at
Oakland, Oreeon: John Huxha, ot Wilbnx, Ore
gon; Henry Ree ot Oakland. Crreeon.
J. i. SaUXaJES,
(aSC) Register.
Get your.
FTimm At Marsters.
We.have a Complete
stock of TEXT BOOKS
and the Finest Stock of
ever brought to this city.
Our Prices are Right. . . .
P. Benedick
UndertaBi' unci Emialmeiv
Any Job Work done at
Reasonable p-
' trMk '- W i- m'K
dT.. -! i ! . S x ..." ' e-' S- mm
ttn iast atiwrl aarts
UI felKl thl9 Sjr lwMs4a MVaBWnl ltSBrnrf(tTB)s)n
Kaisji-s sir Cvai sbbsI Wsm! Cms. mm to aoay sWdrwn
4vnvbr nbI of thm Hockw Mountsuna, b
IMsrMUasK,tsakrtt Yoonni
svmlirSj tt at your frtrbl d4po nvad if rouavst
psM-frctiy smtf-ctonr 4vn4 IW iwsmst srs-
ymlf. you ver-aw or hfanl of mmy tsv sYHtta mpmt
leaa Uietl.0Ua,nt with onler.or SIS. Hal ftwkrM
ekaeeMirrelKhf aTerareaabuataiasfurSTeryMMni Ileal
THIS STOVE IS SUE Ne. a Oraa la Ms 17 sit
inches. ToplekMtlf
Inches; made from kaat ,lff k ,a, extra la raw Suae,
hearr eoeera. cut center, beav, UniiHra aad vratea,
alekelad orea .he If. alitmlnlaa llaad (ma doora.
hand-otna nk-kel plated orwaaaeata aad telnuniamv
tr. aaartmim. larsw
(Ssfcis, Rsswssk a Ce. are
haaey ornamented haw. ($T CtAl lUINil MAtl.
ana w. rurnlvk rKLK an axtra wood rrale.makinir
It a aerTeet w., karaer. WB IHM klSUIItt
M taa-VTsS with .err store, and tiaraataa aafe
dellTery to yoiir aearest railroad itatlon.
P.iWal ktewCilaHsai walM fea aa ,,llaa, Address
niUkefc-UlUr.) 8f AR9, K0I8UCK 4 CO. iac CHICACO, ILL
roiled Stales Land Office,
Roaam-Bw, Or., bent 1, 1893.
To whom it may concern :
Notice ia hereby riven that t be Oreron and
California Railrnatd Co. baa Sled IntniewfBcea
list oi lands situated in tbe township described
below, aad has applied for a natest for said
lands: that tbe list is open to tbe abUe far in
spection and a copy thereof by deacxiptiT. rnk
diviaiona. has been posted in a convenient
place in this office, for the inspection of aU
persons interested and to tbe public reraerei; y:
Sotita of base Une aad West of W iUasseUe
Meridan. .
Lot J, See 34.
TJ5. Ri.
SJi E4 and SWU X1EJ. See
T22, &i
SE'V fcE1. See 3.
T J9, RS.
SiiSE'i See 7.
I 29, Rl
Within the neil sixty days foUowina; tbe data
of this notice, protests or cooteata aainst th.
claim of the company to any tract or aabCiTav -ion
within any section or part of t rtiin. de
scribed ia the ut, on the ground that tbe s.e
ia more raloaoro for nuneral than k; r-vs--taral
porpoaes, will be received an-- rd tot
report to ihe General Land Office at Itaahin
tnn, D- C. r
IllO BeeeiVwX.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In tbe County Court of the Bute ol Oieaoa ia
and for tbe County of Douglas;
In the matter of the estate of David Greoot,
Notice is hereby riven that tbe nnderainiedl
administrator of the above named estat. baa
hied in said court his'final accoont in tbe settle
ment thereof, and that said court, by order duly
made and entered in the Journal thereof, has
fixed Monday, the 6th day of November, 199, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. an. of said day, tbe said
day being tbe final day of the refruiar Nowens
ber, U89, term of said court to bear objections,
if any there be, to said final account and settle
men I of said estate.
Dated ar Boaeburg, Oregon, Uua Ssth dav
September, 1S9S.
(o2t7) X. LA SAUT,
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Oregon, September , 1499.
-.- """ij ..wai auava ura juuwwuisj.
named settler has filed aotloa of hie intention
to make final proof in support of his daim, and
that said proof will be made before the Reciicr
. nt 1M.IM T C t CALu I b B) V
, . . - i.mi V"-V. . aWUSJH,
Oregon, on November 9, 1S99, via:
On H. K. No. T88S, for the SEW SAT VNKV BWV
S1. Sec. Si Tp. a 8, at S W. He ,nm
the following witnesaee to prove hie oontinuoun
resiaence upon ana cultivation of said land,
vtx Kilwaril t awtilAtt Ink. k.n i 1 . :
- - - v - ., - - u u uwa wca
Asa Cole, all oi Oakland, Oregon.
(o2p) Fegiater. -
Notice of Final Settlement.
' underatrned administrator of the estate of
Charles Lapoint, deceased, has tiled his final
account (as such administrator tn tao- County
Court for Douglas County, itale of Oregon, and
that said Court has set Monday, November.
6, 1,-99, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day
at tbe court house in Roaeburg, DouxIrs county.
State of Oregon, aa the time aud place for hear
ine obieciinn. thri., ni.1 Ta, k..i.
nient of said e-ta;-
Sated at Rbui g, Oregon, this soth day ot
September, 1SW. .
, . . , N. LA R ACT,
Administrator of th. Ftat. nt ,h.-.Ln. r.'
point, deceased. (otT)
1 fill!
Administrator's Notice.
undersiiincd has been bt-tkarive rn-t
of Douglas County, Mute ofOregoa, appointed
,uo auuituistravor ot toe estate oi uuidah Wil
son, decvased. All nersons havtna- illw.
against said estate are hereby required to pres
ent the same, duly verified, to the undersigned
at Riddle, Douilaa Countv, Oregon, within aia
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 26th day of October, ;jn.
GKORijE K. QCrSxt,
AdmJnistraUit of Uia ektate ot Huldah WUson.
Deceased. eck(7
It makes no difference how bad the
wound if you use DeWitt's Witch llazal
Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no
car. A. 0. MARSTERS a CO.