' 1 1 tgclablcPrqjarationrorAs slmilstirvg UicToodandRcula lin ttK 5 tamachs aolDowcls of j PromotesDifcslion,Chccrful ncssandltest.Conlains neither Opium.Morphinc r.or Mineral. Hot Narcotic. Ma Smi- Ax.Stnn AiUrSJls -.-Wtr M -rswrrnaaf - fijrm Strd - i ' A period Rcmcd v f or Conslipa- Hon, sour ioEaaui.LHdiiij.a, Yorms .Convulsions .Fever ish ncss and Loss of Sleep. Tic Simile Signature of new -Yonic. pT v3yj rnlr-i r rXACT COFYCF WRAPPCB. SEND NO MONEY MAM MM CAIHI.T lyfiD.CI SWI6 KtACN turn. 1 ta ca ruoiuir it ai your n-art- mm .Irk m M M. and TilE fcRMTLKT KlU SfZ- K Special Offer Price ijfVIStt "l IA mmmm and frrnrtrt cMrw haohine wMltt- IJu poundvftmlthefr-Hcrht will awrare;entiFfnreeaioonil. 6lE IT TttlCE MONTHS' THAI Mi ynrnr o-r har. and wa will t-e?torft ;urtikj any amy rua arv not ftifW. rtlaitvaiaaftaa araanaf 6-Mt iMbnl f C fca. .H. Clt-M. kil full. ofotiM m nnr MMIMHfM Wil inrwif u . 1 RFW1RF OF M TAT ONSW-hmmwtw IiIi.iiH iff i n f Mtam rfci.ii un'ii-r tjhu THE DURD1CK h9 w-rr IOMH urn no roinw ' IMI1SI UK. uuiliWMtl. adjwtabie ivK'iir.if:.ir f4ftm.M, ard then 1f eWTTirel that a are mtiw to .. pay yer freirbt aceat e SIS ftO. VI irmi TltTV !. if t wit umevithia three ntotithaToa t Toaare not tU9fted. tNI fV-bAl XX)1TT D7JIT. Oears. KHwk . o- re th-ri-hiT ratable.- Vrtir. Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. Inc.) Chicago, III. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, ASD IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVES. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of D. S K BXJIOK, e PILKINCTON, ruiwteOf to General Blacksmithing Wk.X m HUMNKSHOKISdi. rROTTINQ ANL RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, EEl AIKING OF ALL KINDS rKOHITLV COSE. Mbop on corner Wattlilaictoii THIS BIG rwlibM. 4.V1' ir- 'Sllai.c W. U i D F n a eonldrwiiblTheaent tntoa dlrtrk-t "Tloyre'a Monioly. hiram. - TSeir rau orne ta a art department pwn) boiled down'AUanta ConltntJon. -Tbe catalofroe ta ertainlT a mrhantie erv-T-iv,pia-" i'nteapo Lpworth Herald. a ww abould be named Hmpe;lma tbeuaeof this catalogue in all puhIlrarboola."The Hon. . A Sonthtoun. w, e ronld anote tboniud. of xtmilareTtrarta. fwi laaialaat ee aw4 ywa will reeehe la. 4-awi hawk b. rrlara Aodrem, SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. (IncJ, CHICACO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. atu hi mti nun hum u taa awy aak- at craw 5C . $ $. 2 5 tae aaaal tt awwekwa Uat null al ti. a w ' OUR OFFER: rntJltoutalKjeend toaa.loclowaaKood aized ample of Uj etact aaaa wantad, aad cot at oot aa near tbe root, .a poaaibia. Ineloaa war everJal artce nnl aad A eeale eatra to aTpoataire, and wa will maaa taa awrtek to eaalek yaar katr amaat, aad Bend to Ton by mail, postpaid, and if Ton are not perfectly axtsfled. return tt and wa wiii iDunodiatela refund your money. . ( "7 onaT. lon no, Sct abort item, 1 1 f MCI -oa.r2-tn. lone, abort stem. SI. 251 1 tl-oa. Kin In. .Kw . . mX.'T lone. abort Mtem 9i f &lomr. abort atem. t.94. aiu iiani I wi wusa mi nurneet irrade on tb wwi. ware aaaa aaa awl taeeefrpeeaal prteaa. ttmr .an relarBMI If yaa ara bM waad. Write for Free Cataloarue u( Hair Good.. Add rem. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.ftnc.) Chicago. tfi nraikinnbli mllaku ktaai 1 To The Unfortunate. Dr. Gibbon Thf M reliable mx T-Jfr&lZK t!i'IaiiM iu bun Frn s. f.iM'o. tiil continue in (V'Lj ure ll Sexual nnd "i 'ur;'! 5cminal Disease tiut-b . ... jj U i-' ..I U..L..Hiil I Ma niira" kiM''!'!!!"!' r ' of flnnhood, llu tMnM. ?iieuce ol aelf aiiune au1 exc.' trH!tif'i upr th olltiwine aym jitouiK aniiow 4'iuiii;ii8iic-. tlnia poll untie; the even, t.ain fu the hi-ai. rint iiijt intbeeant, Ioh 0 cuniiiivnue. !iirnience iu n; pruachiric ulnnrtTt, iai)iitatioii n( Hie luait, weaknesiiof tlif liiuli. au back, liwi ol inciiinry iimplea on trir fw, ruuut'k, tniiinptioij, etc. DR. UIBBOX baa rirrcUceiJ in riao KninciKca over thirty yeareand lto irtuliiel thuultl not ail to coiifuit him and receive the lienetit of ma (treat akill and ezperientse. The doctor cure wheo othera fail. Try him . Cure Kuariiiteep. Persona cured at home. Charge reawinitile. Call otvnle. DB 'J. F. UIBBOX. ii Kt-Kruy ft. Salt Fiau CJaio. fa; A rBt-c!asB grand e juare piaiio for pnlo cbetp. Enqaire of V. F. Eenjini Wuhinvloa ttrret. (o2'f f.) Ml fciV pa' s; J?-ri ' Oonnorrharn, tlleet . - - fetrtcture, Syph Ilia iu tJV t """'ifVf-. il in forms, Sikin Di- w T ' ' J',7j'r- itr. Impotencw. Semi- mm fil For Infants and Children. llThe Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. IP a ta va m & ei !Slj TMt CCMTAUH COHrtNV, ntWVCM . illiTiBiiWnnBsS n (hral M UHA to 1IPUM1HM invi iki IT Til Ma4e7tkc AW Ah wua tens mnii.nnii i i a bbbbs I. iMV nu i-riMl l.t n .n1 V a CP I I i .ill va an men I ? rT-iTI l . X I I 5u r-.n-niOTi"! naa li w i a j iCJ-Il IK J M .tt.r. v4l I . , t- T 'f X tot .i. li. ..I u v r. $15.50 .., o wt oar adver- . 1 1 HIS 1 ?il PT - 1 ' J tj SOLID QUARTER SAWEO OAK MWjfS! CAimrT,-;!- cioad i ba4 dropM& irr-m ai.'ht i to he awd m a ataur tW Ua4 . tbf othrropta wiih ftiU Imtrth table aad fcrad In place for ewittr. 4 tmmrj drawvea, Hmmmt IkM a4-aa f ! , earrtrd. paaried. en landeroratedrahinetfl(uidt.flaetBtckel dravcrnalla. ret on four ra. adjnstaKte treadle. frenoineSairtfe Iroo rtand. fflaeM larv rm ponuvc fourmouoa fed.apir (apradlne vibratinir paimle.auUHnatK ia winder. fcljwUM knnsn. ciasent tertftion liherasor.trotirored looaa prepare font, inipmred fcntil- earner. ateai neediehar. mm. aM t in I imlj ifm aad wmwiN i4 WaallMly CUARANTCEO ikHrWarwat. aMMdaraUva aaM ifc.ilm arfctat Iwiy kwn aMirtaurt ta ftjrahhi and our FTM Io- atrucrjoo Book tells Jn aow tnton ran ran it and do eit ber or any kind of fancy work, a f-TeatV kmi iii neat wit a erery lachifie. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING aeMa.. eompare H fntb thoe Toor MkiTwr e Is ai ata.M to . W. KOAH.) ana Kane Stt., RotebuiK .4-POUND CATALOGUE FREE CATALOGUE fT!'" V2?. T?TT? "HIZT RAPES TNI IBwtST WMDliSALt CMKAvV niCti tH tutu tan, tmtmn, rtoko TMkns HTn. rIMii Tcils jurt wht roar slorr keeper at home avat pay fur evervthinjr Im bora and anil prevent bian from rrerrbrtrtn von on .mthin? yon Imit; cxpIaio jurt bow to order, bow mtK b the h itafcl. eiarraaor auHarill hr on anthm to ynar town. Tbe aaak euhaiaMTt; the alone ia M oenw. OUR FREE OFFER, l'lt'" ht,p tla lD Man,4lMllc ". wMI Wwat aaraw lltl hratau aMpaM.an4 if too don't think tt i. worth iotttmeatbe Ikoenu you arna. a key to the lowen a b" legale prtcot of eorjUuog, aaj BO and w will waitiwHr rrt.r. ywar 1 1 erwta. V HAT THK r"lirl lVI ARol T Till CATWrE ' It it. a monument of busuwa uiformaUon." Xinncapulu tMuuu Trioone. -A wondrrfat piere of work.,,-'Wartiinrto TTationat Tnbanc The Caulorur if a wonder." )lan-nertT H.l Inlon. 'Kears. Kr A t'o. in one of tiie Urgent bouaea of Ita kind in OiH-a?o.w hieacro Inter rean. -The bireatairvue lor ma one of Uac finest sbopplnc medium that Nuke to the Public. Hosfclll liG, H., O.'t'j'ai r il, IS'.fll. Notice is hereby given thai the isii'ler EiKoeJ, the trnsie i f ilie lmiikrii)it es tate of l.tnie! fiiriin, receive ami coneider jTop w-itioti!" fur lim jMirt liafie of what is kfiuMtn the Curlin Sin- Mill, situated tifar Oum-torkr, Orruoii, all pr jpoe-itiui s eiil'ji.'ct t r j-K:lioii. .JJr.-s mo :if KiHfhu-i.', rt-Mi. Date for ciotim: iIih rrceitof tins eatLt flill In; Shiny Uva Iroin the ilato hereof. I4t4?l at KotMj'tir, tjrrgon, this Jlat day of D :Vhvr, $:):. .1. T. ISkiuols, Trueiec. yvsoeusia ture. Digests, vjhat you eat. i Itartifjfiiillyciitrest'if ho food and aids ! Nature in fst trritit hvninjr and recon structing the xhanstfKl di (festive or : gans. Itisthe. trstt'iscovereddiprest- ant and tonic. JN'o oihtr preparation j can approach it in oflicienry. It in j etantly relievos and pfnnanently cures ! Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, I Flatulence, fcifiiir Stomach, Kausea, j SickHeadach.GMi.ilcia.Cranips.and JF f?M H 1 fr. a P i'l other resu 1 1 s 1 r 1 n 1 pi 'i f wt d I (?est Ion. Prepared by E. C. DeWItt & Co.. Crjlcaso For eale by A. C. Marstera & Co., DEATH OF CROMWELL. II Oamf n Ifte "Fortunate Dar" d While aw Tri-rifle Storm Wh Racine Cromwell was now 5St years old. Kifflit j-rnrs before he hnd written to his wi.V tint he felt the infirmities of over him. His rl.tist en v I ir.-en foiisuim-il l.y the cx ,::( ! of his earevr. liisfrtiitt i:i li-iive his le and n lire into v, :nvl for four o;- live tlnys he k.ni with inttileriiMo pain in his I.: M-e .. his ie vs. !'; 1MV. ri for i-.i- tin- : i l;i;i.!lv t'.iii.M (u i 1. fortii . v. i : f.-r ! thi.i- ' nt ! vr.ir.lv the km . ! I'ucU, r.ir.r-'itij' it impossible : l.-cp. Up r'tio nt ;n-e nt T his lift.- frtianl. n:ul spoke fieorcc Fox, f:vfirii(j the fihun if worship for the iVforc I rsmc tt him," snid ; :ul fell a waft of death gt him." ;ui on his bed he repined riinht'th; and then his . -pt bnck to Kobert, dead . i'twil 1:1 years ti(ro; and he 1 ve to i heck his tears with 1 that f-'oripture which he ". bv heart. T!- Iii !' f that had followed t'rom wfll :u t'.!i-outh his life thnt he was pi h i if. ! l:i hold personal communion vi;h tie M :;t m.irh (iod was strangely mai'ii. . -;vd in these last days. He be s :o;"'!t tVe Lord that for the pood of Hi. lit;! I Nt'l-.iJ'N I! .!';: ; i'llf r :.. rf d lie would spare his life yet a r. He t lien nssurttl hiscoun !:: iiis prayer had Im-cij jrranted, t inner of such mysterious con thr.t his hearers were trans witli amazement. Fleetwood s.'iit a ipiitk message to Henry Crom well hi Ireland that his hifhncss had :i:nle very preat discoveries of the Lord, and h:td received assurances of being restored; to which Henry replied thai the communication had given him some relief. Tut there came a night when all saw that the end was approaching. They tried to get him to name his successor, ami in his thick death-gasps they af fected tn believe that they heard him say liicnani. iney ottereti lum a drink. "It is not my design to drink or sieep," he said, "but my design is to make what haste I can to lie gone." AH nijrlit he tossed and all day lie drew his heavy siispirations. The wildest storm that England had known was raging without. It was the anniversary of his great victory of Dunbar the nnni versa ry, too, of his great victory of Worcester. And fn this, his "fortunate day," his spirit passed out amid the lightning. Samuel Harden Church, in LUCULLUS AND NAPOLEON. Faunovn GeatrvJa Wkowe Appetites OTerrmle4 Thetr Better Jadaaaeat. In his'T?right Sidesof History," E. II. House has something to say about the appetites of famous people, "lou know already," Uncle Claxton began, "that Lucullus was a great general at one period, and that he led his armies vie loriously through many parts of Asia Minor. The kingdom of Tontus was completely subjugated by him; and the spoils collect ed from its principal cities formed the basis of the enormous for tune with which he afterward enjoyed himself and entertained his compan ions in Rome, liut gold and jewels were not the only things that attracted the attention if this man of varied tastes. The city of Cerasus, on the shore of the F-uxine sea, was celebrated for ita cherries, specimens of which were of- fered to him as the choicest delicacies of the legion. He was so delighted with them that he ordered the fruit to be cultivated on his estates at home, and from that time cherries began to be known in Italy. You may be sure that Lucullus the soldier was a different being from Lucullus the Sybarite. It neexls a clear head to wiu battles and govern kingdoms, and while he waa bosy with those pursuits he could not have wasted many hours in revelry. He had before him as a warning the fate of Alexander, who threw away his life in dissipation while be was yet young, in almost exactly ti.e same part of the world. "You were telling us the other day," said Tercy, "that Napoleon Honapart had no time to think about what he ate." "That was often the case," Uncle Claxton replied, "when he was out campaigning. He had very little time.-, and not much inclination. Even in the peaceful intervals of his reign he was extremely abstemious. Hut he had his fancies in the way of food, and it has lwcn said that he was punished terribly for indulging one of these at the wrong time. Iioiled mutton with onion sauce was a dish of which he was often tempt ed to eat tx much, and on theday of the Kittle of Leipsic, when he should have been especially careful of his diet, lie chose it for his principal meal, and ditiPtl r-o heavily that within a few hours a violent colic seized him, and he wns compelled to leave the field nt a mo ment when all his skill was needed to avert disaster. Other causes have lieen assirned for his defeat, but the story v. li it li I give you was believed at the time, and I do not know that it has ever been proved false. The harm may have come from his habit of eating too fast, for which Xaoleon was notorious. He did not ordinarily allow himself leisure enough to enjoy the few dishes he liked liest. His famous rival, Wellington, waa just as careless, and even more in different." St. Nicholas. Xot AVorrjInn; About tbe Malty. An old negro man walked into the More of Harlan &. Harlan on election day ami asked for a land slide for a turning plow. Mr. f. C. Harlan gave him what he wanted. The old man took out some small change, but not enough to pay the bill, and, handing the money to Mr. Harlan s.uid: "ISoks. I'll jes' gin ycr dis on' let the trick May here for awhile, till I kin go out an pit up the yuthcr money." "fan you pet the money in town?' asked Mr. Harlan. "Oh. yessiih." "Does anybody here owe you any thing?" ".No, Ktih, not n blessed cent." "You are going to lxirro-.v the money, then, tire you?"' "Nossuh, I don't borrow nuthin." "How do you expect to get the money, then?" "Oh. 1 isn't voted yit." Calhoun (Ga.) niraainK the AnlmaJa In Mesieo. One of the moM piet urenpie customs in Mexico is that of bles"-ing animals, called the lilessings of K;ni Antonio. The poorer class take their domestic animals, of all kinds, dogs, eats, par rots, sheep, hotves. burros, etc.. to be sprinkled with htrly water, and to. re ceive, through the priest. St. Anthony's blessing. It is the custom of 1 1 111- tnon class to clean and bedeck their animals specially for tliiw blessing. Dogs are pay ly decorated with rib bons tied urouiu! their necks. Sheep are washed thoroughly until their tierce is. w hite as snow, and then taken to the fill ber to lie blessed. The beaks of the parrots are gilded. Horses and burros are adorned with garlnnds. Cor. St. T.oiiisOlohe-rVninerat. ABOUT CORN FODDER. Some Valuable Hints About Shredding, Storing and Feeding. Combined corn buskers and fodder cutters or shredders were used to a lim ited extent iu this section of country some years since, but I think none ore used now. Imperfections in material, workmanship, and in principle of con struction, as then made, and the ex jiense of operating, will account for their failure to obtain a foothold among the labor-saving machines of our country. All except the last, of these objectioim have been overcome in the latter machines, which are now be fore the public. For several years past nil the shred ding that, has been done in this section has lieen with the common siimll-grain thresher mostly with old machines. While, they do not do the work quite as well as the sin-cial corn, machinery now in use, the expsyse of purchasing the latter is avoided 'ny the ii.se of the thresher. As a shredder, the thresher, used with nil of the cylinder spike and two RACK FOIt CORN FODDER. luilf-rov.s of concave spikes, is a de cided success, doing the work rapidly 111 well in fact, much more of n suc cess than as a Midler and clearer of the grain, which usually is left ouu w hat broken ami not clean cjiough for market, though in good condition for feeding purposes. If. however, the ground has lieen wet and is frozen when the threshing is done, causing the enrth to adhere to the stalks, a cnsiileroVle ii;intity of lumps of frozen earth aliout the size of corn kernels will lie foun I in the grain. If the com is dry when threshed (a condition essential to liest vork and easily secured west of the Missouri!, 'here will lie no difficulty iu Vccp'ng the rrain in bin and the stov-r in large jii:i"ti!ies in mow or stack Our drv eu: I'tn'-s are verv favorable for this work, v hicli is usually done in Novriiler ami IVceniber. I know that in rortliern flliio the corn wrs never toady to shell ami sfi-.re in bull; liefore wintvr f . t in: therefore. I th-r.k the buskers and shredders should le liet ler adapted 1t t'-rt rod other sections w l.er the season is corp:!r:iticly short niitl the autuoMi rioist. I"ar corn can le safely stored in large ijiiantitie it hen s damp thai if shelled and piled i:p it would certainly l loM. As Ix- fore strtcd. the f.nidcr must le dry when it is threshed: for damp stover is a prrrt material t j develop h-at when shred'led nml stored in large quantities. A lit'le of the natural juice remaining tithin the stalk is not nearly si bad as outside moisture fr:m rain or dew. The western plan is to run the shred ded stover directly into large racks in the. feed yard, where two or three men mow it away, same as they would n ow or Mack straw from the machine, being careful to keep the center fuli md well tramped so it will turn wa ter perfectly. A rack 1Cx32 feet should hold a good-day threshing, or about 1 acres of ordinary fodder, without mak ing the rack very high. Racks are made by .setting posts iu the ground and tailing on fencing, lieginning four or live feet from the ground and running them as high a neceissary. To keep the thing from spreading, the wiresare tied together by putting wires across and twisting them together with ft stick to tighten them. Around the rack a manger is constructed with fencing laoards and poMs for the cattle to eat out of. The sketch herewith will serve tc fliow the principle of conMriioting: it shows a MiiaU'rack which is very con venient for feeding ftraw or hay in the yard, as well as for folder, when it is made on a larger scale. The lower part of the manger. leiiig the oiw-nit-g for heads of cnttl- to pass through, should In Kianled up tight for feeding fodder. The railing about the opening should lie u strong pole or a hardwood 2x4. George. T. Pettit, in Ohio Farmer. BLOOD AND TOMATOES. 'A 'reppoaetl Traajcdr That ProTed to B at Pcrfeetlr IlarasJeaa Affair. Unusual excitement disturbed the quiet of s Philadelphia residence one recent Sunday evening, resulting in the hurried visits of a policeman and two doctors to the house. Just as the man of the house and his wife reached the front step on the way home from church the door was hurriedly thrown open and out rushed the cook, who called for "help!" When she saw hrr mistress she declared between sobs that the kitchen range had exploded and that her cousin had been killed. The mistress ran into the kitchen after sending her husband for the doctors and found the place covered with ashes aud a young man apparently half-dead lying in a chair in front of the range. His head and face were apparently cov ered with blood, but it was soon discov ered that he was still alive, as he said he was only stunned. The housewife immediately set to work to wash the man's head and face to prepare lum for the doctors, but she was moved to merriment when she found that the supposed blood was only tomato juice. In truth the cousin was not injured at nil. The explanation was that the cook had placed a can of tomatoes un der the grate to melt the sealing on the lid and that the explosion, which scattered the ashes and tomatoes, fol lowed the expansion of the frozen liquid in tiia can. W hen the policeman and dt :ors arrived they were told the i i..ry and joined in the laugh, which w as on the cook and her cousin. rootball and the Seed Market. An agricultural seed market veport is surely the last, place in which one would expect to lind a discussion on the influence of football. In the last re port of the London agricultural seed market, however, the connect inn i clearly pointed out. There has been a steady decrease in the sale of canary and other seeds, and this has been traced to the fact that huge number of people, especially in the ii'-rth of England, who used formerly to keep cage, birdu or devote their leisure to small garden now give all their spare time and interest, to football. W'cst A Doctor' tranaje Fcea. A correspondent has snt us on ex tract from a letter received from his brother, a medical missionary in Seeh unn, one of the inland pro inees. of China. "I had." he w rites, "a very dis tinguished patient this afternoon. She is the wife of the sao-lal of Tientsin, in Chih-li proiin a man who ptoeri!-.. an area probably equal to half a dozen. English counties. She brought Itr fee with her; a fowl,, a duck, ho err", two pounds of cakes anil n It ;r of !: ' t ton! Last time she came shr I.k v not quite so much, but since 1l - I has sent over eight Muck" of Iva-stif . rhrvanf hcmunis." British Medical 3L 13 l"r- 3 YOUR LIVER Is out of order it you hava tbo symptoma enumerated on this chart. Yna can beenred without the aid of Calomel, Blue Man or Quinine. They are mlnerali and are apt to poison the blood. Why not add your name to Iho already laren list of ponplo cured by BCDTANt III UYAN haa cured 10,000 oth ers and It trill cure you. HI DYAN la the greatest vegetable remedy ol the century and will relieve all the following symptoms : niDTAN ran bo had ol all druggUU foi K cents per package. POINTS OF WEAKNESS: 1. BILIOUS HEAD AO HE Relieved by HUDYAN. 2 3. JAUNDICE OF THE ETES. HUD YAN will cause Iheyel Ion nets to disappear and the normal, healthy coloi to return. 4. COATED TONGUE, FOETID BREATH. HUDYAN will clear the tongue and make the breath pure ar.d street. 5. TENDERNE33 AND PAIN IN THE STOMACH, DUE TO INDIGES TION. HUDYAN will elr the mVimach of the excess cl bilo, relieve the pain and cante the food to be perfectly dSscsied. 6. ENLARGEMENT OF THE LIVER. HUDYAH will lessen the congestion and re duce the liver to ita normal size. nt'OVAX will care ell the above symp toma and make you well. Do not delay longer, (to to your druzajat at onre and pro cure a packate of Ut DV AN for SO cenrs or ( packagea for J.'.'o. tf your drug civt doea not keep it. send diretl to the Hl'DYAN" KEM EDT fOMPANT, San Ktan-Iso, Califorru. If you are not satisfied with the effects, re turn the empty ni'DVAX box and we will return your money. Remember that too ran consult the HUDYAN DOCTOItS FREE. Call and see the dot tora. You may call and are them, or write, as yon desire Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car- Stacate. Market aad this ts., taa Fra ectece, Cal. I II W.I .HU UIKItT KOCTKT Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. tiitcs choice of two favorite iwiium, tie the UNION I'ACIKIC rasl Mail Line, or tbe t U HH. KAMi K Scenic Uuta. lk al the tunc I days to Salt Lake 2)2 days to Denver 3J1 days to Chicago 4jj days to Xew York Free Kcclinitiic Chair cars, l"p tiolitterecl Tourist Hlcepluic Cars, I'ttllusau Palace Hleegs ias Cart operated on all tratun. fu. un tier iu!ortiei' apply J. F. UIVANS, Apt., Koeefcurg C. O. Terrj't W. E. Comaii, Tnn. Pass. Asf, ticn. Ai:t- Ul Third Si., Ii: i J Or. S k : o h -1 ; 4V.:- 4 w. - j-K -1' - "i -.: U ' - tmA av.li V w v-jr. - r -a-a a . e.u rii. rn r 1 mSJrt-v, ei ? 'XtX if . " T mmf k.:r4.. I "tlYw. r r r : e:: ( rajn tor ) C-Tf) iPlf, 3 CAPc l."- TE5T S TV I if umrcc. n... ta 4t aafr t4 rrrtlMh, T7 in-lr Vnr. rr fu.t wfr., ,:ir-h ih-tt rrw. s.r U'L rtrmrir m4 lrr imrm alr. be-' II fullr tMiweM ajrlii, Mtxk HW mrti fri nrvr r.r fryirr 1 n neip r-n-r-. wriw iww r-w.-r. SEARS. ROF.RUCK . CO.. CHICAGO tatart, abcta . at laaraaaluj rallai la l Miar.i Notice of Final Settlement. In the tVunty I'.mrt of the Mate of orccen lot the County of IKMiKla, in the Mailer tf the estale ef 11. Mt-t'ampii'll, dvtvakol. The untlersicitcil A)itnnistia!"r ol fid estate hav itttr hied his tinal account in said court, nutitc i hereby given that Monday the liih day of Novrnibcr, at 10 oi-ltk a. m., at the Votiuty fourt room, in Roaeburv. Douglas contily, Omtiiii. i the time and place M-t by the jntiKe tif aaitl court, to hear objection, if any there be. to mhl tinal accoiiul aud to the dis charuc of said atliniiiiatrator. Iiatrtl at Rtxt'burt;, Uitgon this the th day of Septcmlivr, lew. (Oct. ) 8. K.Al'AMs. Administrator of the estate of I), f. Mci'amp bell, deceased. County Treasurer's Notice. Nuiieo in Ik rehy nivn to all parties Loltlini; )jti(Ia ciiinty warrants in ilurnetl prior to ami incliitlini; March 10, IS'.h.i.io iire.HMit the fjniont I lie treasurer'" ollice at the Dotulte ('ouuiy tutr. k fur payment, as interef t mill cease tbereca after the date ( lliie notice. Pattd litis the IS Iirlayof rVtcmler 18'.H, at tho City of Koseutirir, Oregon. .i. W, Dim mick, Coitnlv Treaeurt r, l iifint Cu rly, Or Administrator's Notice. VJOTICK IS HEREBY tilVKS THAT TIIH i' uutlentiirned ivnton Ilie imltlnv of Oct. Is'.'.', duly aptHiiiiteil atlmluistra'.or ol the cstalu of Snmin 1 Turner deceased. All persons hav lnir clninis acHinKt faitt estate are hereby re quired to present the came, properly erlHed, to the said administrator at Scotisburc, DoiiKlas Coiinlr, Oregon, within six mculhs from the date hereof. Dated this 5tb dav of iVIoImt. IstM. WILLIAM J. UTKCTIAKI), Admin Istratur ol the estate of riimucl Turner, decease J. Notice of Dissolution of I'artnershl p Notice is liereby tiveti 1 lu.t the iiit nership heretofore oxistinn let ween li. '.V. Kruse ami 1, K. MiainliTook, has been iltpctilveil ly iiiiilual eotaent. The pai'l ti. W. Ki iish liast usbuisici) al! t lie indubtedneaa ol fuid tirm and vi! collect all money d'te paid tit 111. Dalnd this IO1I1 day of Oct. ISlW. D. 11. UAMUKOOK, (i. AV. Kbi se. AGENTS WANTED KOR "THE LIFE AND Achicvrmrnts of Admiral Icvey." the world' Eieatest naval hero. By Mural Halstead. the lift'-loiur. friend and H.lmirer ol the nation's Idol. DlEnest atul best bonk: over (Ml paKes, 8vli) Inches; nearly 1UU page halltoiiu lllustra iuiis. Only (1 M. Enoriiioiis demand. Big "niiimisMniiK. Outtit free. Chance of a life tiin.i W rite quick. The Dominion Company rd floor Caxton Hldr.i hlcrgo. m -Z f:1 A I- .1- A w.r twmeJi t J-Hli hQttnn (inumftite. T-U rr rm ta.V Mat taa-awliesawt Md )tTi rr hel ll Dollars are not Found On Every Bush, Hut you can save them Iron Ware at our Store. ALL COPPER NICKEL PLATED WARE Wash Boilers guaranteed to last a life time, quarters for Fire Arms and Ammunition. Churchill 6R0WA l iiJi CHASE fc SANBORN, Importers, Boston, For Sale by Mrs. N. Boyd, Dealer in Choice. Staple and Ss,ree,ksoaaDtl Triumph Prune Grader Foi Green and dried Prunes. Compact, Practical, Accurate. Send for circulars and testimonials to WALTER A10RLEY, Patentee and Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon Get your. SCHOOL SUPPLIES rn At Marsters. Wejhave a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Our Prices are Right. . . . A. G. MARSTERS & 00. r r n i r. oeneu.CK . . . Any Job Work done at Reasonable Ratesv. $13.50 art tkartatsly nUsahw-Ialtar.) fct rt,H : V-S1-!' -i i ?w w tMback A Co. liter in buying Tin and Granite See our Head- & Woolley's. Fancy Groceries. Roseburg, Or. Undertalcei1 und EmMmeP. SEND ONE DOLLAR Cut this ad , out aiMl itenti - ' i awwwaww aw i wi i i f4t un saiwU arf n wil I wiMi lh is mm, laM htW tW mmmmi hatfc 11H1 Btrenir Ml mmt Wl Immk Mm to any etrddrnw. artTwhrre (tut of th Kocky Mounteint, by annne It at y our frpiicht dtto and If found payrf tcuy amusiaotorr anu imm i i inn ni , nm vou ftrmw orhoarrl of mtUW ?itfct mil 'our special offer price $13.50 lerothesl Waent wlthor,ter.orIS-Ma fralaat eaaeaaatfreleht aTaraireaaboutai.OOforrrvMawa,leal THIS STOVE IS SIZE We. 8. Maiti" laches. Tnpls 4.txtt Inehrs; wiarte from aewl al leaa, extra larra Sues, hearv cutrers. eut eenters. hear? unlnes ana aratea, nickeled oven hlf. aluminlna UdJ oren doors, handsome nickel plated ornamenta and trtmmlaira, xtra la nr. are. aarealala Itaea raiartalr, hand;N,me Unre bearr ornamented Sf CDSl ISIStB and wa rumn rata an aitra wma raie.niaain It a Berfeet aaaa aarwer. WI ISSt A BlttHMI wliMa.VTtiC wiui .Terr sut. and aniarautea sat rlaltrar to your nearest railroad station. Kaeelal !ttavCaUhww aaalM fraa aa aaalleatM. Address QIAR9, ROIBUCK at COa (lae.) CHICAOO, ILL, FOR. E Hi O.RAflCO. -TO T1IE- EAST Gives the cbiiceof two iranr- , conlinental ROUTES GREAT OnEC( Norther Ohort Line vU VIA Spokane Salt Lake Minneaooljs Denver St. Pau Omaha ANI ASO Chicago Kansas City Lowest Rates to all Ka atcrt Cltlau. (icean steamers leave Pjttland every fivdays roa srh Ff?fliHciscaA. btcamera monthlr from Portland ta Yoka boma an Hong Ion;' io coauectioa wltb tan O R- V. or full details tall on or a4dia JOHN F. GIVASS, AgeaU Koetburg, Oregon. trT. H. HIKLETKT, Gcnerai PajaenseT Areat O. R. a K. CO rortlaad, Ortrsem. Railroad Time Table. North bound Roeebarg local, 5o. 17 deparUTOa. m. SootbboaD'! Botwborg locai, No. 18, arriree 5 JO) p. m. Kofthboaod overland, JTa. 5, ar rive 10 :35 a. m. : departa 10:45 a. IB. Booth boand OTerlaml. No, 6, 4:15 a. m.; departa 45 a.m. FBIIGHT TXAIHa.- a Northbound Lat tbroozb freiabt, So .'1, arrive 4 :10 p. m. ; deparu 5T0n. m. Boutbboand but tbroagb frr'ght, 2T arritas7-llla m - .lanarta B -fVl a f . .vw - h.. , ffw V .WW W m. Nortbbonod mixed (rain No, arriTs) at 3-55 p. m., Saodaya, Vedriadara aad Fridays, departa 9:00 a. m Moodara ' Tbaradars and Satardaje. boatbboaad mixed train No. 228 ar rives at 3 :00 p. rn.. oo andava. Mob. days and Friday, departa 7:15 su ts. Mondays. Tbamlaya aad Satardaya. Notice. Cnited Slates Land OfBee, Soazacau. Or tsenc 1 UBa. To whom it may concern ; N'otieeis brreby riven that t be Orr-wrjn and California Railroad C o. baa filed in Ulia .Aire a uat ol lanoa situated in the tota-oahip deaerioed below, and haa applied for a patent lor said lands: that the list ta open to tbe public for ln specuoa and a copy taereof by desaaripriTe sob diTtaioos, baa been piated in a eeavenient plats in this office, for the inapeetiva of ail persons interested aud to Ibe public reneraJIyt botuh of base line and W est of uiaaette Mendan. T jsi, R 3. SWUof NE'a'.Secrr. T J, R 3. Lot i, rV-e SJ. TSS. ti. S'j.NE1, aud SW'J. NKKa, 6ee Tr, s i. XW?-4wi8ee3i TJi,Ei SK'. BE'a.fSee JS. r u, ii vK ', See I T R, S!TSE'i. Stx 7. ' AH , , K!S riee 7. w ithin the utvt sixty days following; use data of this no Uce, piotesu or contest, again"!- ctaun ot tee tjmpatnw to any tract ot aurj ion within sit aeclioa or nart ol scribed in I he list, on the croand that lite i la more valuable for mineral than for aa-rieat. tarsi ptirpowe. ill be received and noted tor report to I be oeaeral I -and Office at Waahiiw tou.D. C. . J. T. BRIDGE?, Rearuner. J. H. BuOtH, slllo Receiver. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon la and for the County oi Douglas; in the matter of the estate of David Orenot, deceased. Notice is hereby riven that the undersigned administrator ol tbe above named estate haa filed in said coort hia&nal account in the settle ment thereof, and that said coort, by order duly made aad entered in tbe Journal thereof, has fixed Mondar, the 6th day of Nov era ber, l&B, at tbe boor of W o'eiock a. m. of said day, the said day being the final day of the rearuiar arwB ber, term of said court to near objecoofla, if any there be, to said tinal acoottiit and settle , ment ot aud estate. Dated at Boeeburg, Oregon, Ibis Sth day - : September, 15. (olIT) 5. LA RACT. AiirranisUaXor- Notice for Publication. rrTTD!TAiax LAMDOrnt a, Koseburr, Orvgon, 5eptcmber 9, 19". Notice la hereby riven that tbe foilow ma named settler has filed notice of hia tntsntioa to make final proof m support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Resristcr and Receiver C t-. Land Othoe 'at Soeebarr, Oregon, on November , 1899, via: " ARTHUR F. DO'CAS, On H. E. No. 7SS5, for the EV' JTWP.' 8W V NW, SS' sec. ii, Tp, S, R. W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cultivation of raid land, vU: Edward Lev tile tt, John shook, Joel Cole. Asa Cole, ail oi Oakland, Oregon. . T. BRIDGES. (o-"p) Begiater. Notice of Final Settlement. N'OTIf'B 18 HEREBY GIVSN THAT THE nntiersened, administrator of the estate of Charles Lapuint deceased, haa filed bia final account (a such administrator in toe County Court for Douglas County, Slate of Orevoo, and that said Court has aet afouday, November, 6, al tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the court house in Roaeburc, Douiclascoanty, State of Oregon, as the time and plare fur hear ing objections thereto and for the final settles raent of said esta.c- Datcd at Rosebuig, Oregoa, this loth day of September, lssw. N. LA RACT, Administrator of the Estate of Charka La point, deceased. (V-tT) Notice for Publication. Cnited States Land Office Roseburg, Or.. SepU-mberarj. 1S9!. Notice ts hereby riven that the following named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in supiort of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before-the Register ami Receiver, United States Land Office at Koseburg, Oresop, on November 7, 1S99, vis: ALBERT TO-Xfr-hUNS On his H. E No 7oJ9. for the N- NE', 8W. NK4,SE'4 NW48ee. HT.308..R.7 West. Lie name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of saitl land, vis: James liildcburn, L. Hl'de burn, of Roseburg, Oregon, T. F. Fisher of Olalla, Oregon, V. S. Nichols, ol Riddle. Ore gon. J. T. BRIDGES (sp) Kcgiat Administrator's Notice. VJOTICK IS 11EREBY GIVEN THAT THE -i' undersigned has been by tbe County Court of Douglas County, State of Oregon, appointed the administrator of the estate of Huldab Wil son, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pres ent the same, duly verified, to the undersigned at Rid. lie, Douglas County, Oresou, wlUUu six month from the date of tils notice. Dated this -Jdtli dav ol October. 18J. ' GEORGrv: orrft. Administrator of the cslal Oilwi 'r5 Wflton, Deceased. TlrJBtJ It makea no diffaroDCw how bad the wound il you use DeWiti's Witch Hazel Salve ; it will quickly heal and leave no car. A. J. MARSTERS & CO. V i