The Kind You Ila-re Always Bought, ami which has beeu iu use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of zf - and has been made under his per- jj&frf-f-- sonal supervision since its infancy. , V4$V5T J-CUcUA'. Allow no one to deceive you iu this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes arc but Ex tHTiiurnts that trille with, and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CAStORIA Castoria. is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant; It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the rood, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S9 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmc rcRtaun ccwMNf, rr tfMif mvmT. mrm vo crrr. nsnp HO MONEY AUMCMhU IbiOlCl SEWit MACHINE 7 frteM.C... taaasw iMOUt euuauie iim j our btwl irMaij. wvki man m fcfefc 9-m, 2d TUX fcftftUTIEXT fcAKUal IOC w uKM,rMSrwirial Offer Price $15.50 jmm fiifhi r oar iid fmfM eMifM, tUbrfaine V3i wmn nrtthpfrpirM will ymrwiM.Ml w will rKwre vourfii a svnw omt !.. mmt , mil tuilr or mrr in oar fRMlWemimt. felTtll 1 ttfftt KCPTHS BEWARE OF IMiTATIO THE BURDICK 1r hr fwM ttifMt r aa, Lb Jul lit Hi 1 Id mwr srraetioa Rock i kind ot fanrrorE- IT COSTS YGU and tlm tr tm)wcwl tnu r wmc VI t arrru TOT! ii.H it mxnr w witniomrrr TinifT ptr.1T (Sean. Rw ( . rv tfcmirn:T rpliAHlc Mitor. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. tine.) Chicago, III. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending prices and easy terms. Inquire 01 n s k BincK, WYLIE PILKJNGTON, , ;ucceor to General Blacksmithing ' rROTTLNQ AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY. REPAIRING OF AIM K1SD8 PBOalPTLT IXJSE. SbP on Corner Wasbinsslon and Kame Ma., Rotcburx. THiS BiG 1 4 Arfasr- HAT -It is a n- ' '.V'- . . . ; 1 A wonofTfnl pffreof wor. . K'.r.e'" . J TheJataiinieisawoiifJrr." ! t ' ' 'ArriS,,; V5a farr. ltoel Briro. Kni,, ol Tt bir ,lIvagjTb(wnt lrroatrW. liort MonliUy. Chirairo. TWireataloeTie t aepartinent ot boiled down." Atlanta Connltotlon. TVeMtaJorne 4 cwrtainlT a iiff handiew t lorfdia." Cfifccairo Kpaortta Herald. brnawalrimnellinctheaivof UitrataMelna4lpnMieacJi"rt. Tne tton.i.. a wiuiwo. KtmUiIol' th-"nd of mmliarertrarta. aa A aaSSi SEARS, ROEBUCK fc CO. BOSMLL SP INQS On the S. P. R. R. Douglas County, Oregon HOTEL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. To The Unfortunate. Dr. Gibbon Tbia old reliable and tbe moil eaocesftful r-TH-cla'.lKt in Baa Kraii : rieco. Kti II continue! 10 1 cure all Sexual a lid Stricture, iyph Ilia In -j 'aii in lorma, Sikia Di C ..;.. v;;laee. Ncrvou Uebil. ' itv. Impotcncy. Semi aOJw : ".y, V.-l Weakneaa and Loaa m iti-"-ii v flaribwad. lh; couwj- queuce ol self abuse and exctw prrxiuciUK tbe followliiK symptoms: saliour conn leu s,nce, dark spot under tbe eve, pain iu the head, ringing in the ears, loss of confidence, difliilcnee In i proachlnf strangers, paljiliation of the heart, weakness ol the limbs and bsck, tos of roemorf pimples on the faoe, courbs. consumption, etc DR. GIBBON baa practiced In Kan Francisco ewer thirty yenr and ttose troubled should not ail to coutult him and receive the benefit of ms (treat skill and experience. The doctor cures when others faiL Try him. Cures groaranteep. Persons cured at home. Charges reaaonablw. Calloirwrlte. Da i. F. UIBBOtt. 62S Kesrny EC San Fran Signature of aw m. tew tnt ad. out ana Mnd t a a and will yi uv sot V b TRIAL ftarrlnl T 1 otMTBH Mica t ' jt- ; it) i x?.' i r a BD'wrTtnwriM, witbuiln i- r 4 K I ,rl h ewr nnm iseaoiMi vt. I "J mw 2 ) f J ctvkt fcooa Nn v !(. - cv tsv.,v tT J..j r1! t BDI IMDIXI ItM. WITB T f 1 I '.-'. .' " ' TO""! " it uuim w KKk. Ma fcytWIiA.V.V.-.V ' . .1 1. in oiiirttr tiKrn nir ttarcrst eiimrr arountu irt'ia tucitt to br cwhI as a ottaerofns with raHlnrtii taMf and bd In atacc f uawda&dOcoratearmbinstfla.eaP atrte ra vtrfQ'H. rw -b foar aaartert. aa1jti4e trradjr. friv Krn T-tb i-r itUjmL lat C fMfnciTvfovrMocioafwa.arif ttofaiinff vthratiav Uta.autooMtw fcoitan i-JT. adjartablf bju-lr. fiant befwoa ltbrrator.lKpravvxl lonaa TBrti tejwwM pr'ww loot, improved MiatUr eafTwy. patrol ard nar. aaa-nt drraa rttard. a 1 1 i i n Hj ai axa tarf n i aW aMiMlfaltf CUARANTEED lka Iwn bm Mlirtasil h fariafcnt acta Mr FTM la- teiln rut bovn?f iinin it and driiar abtiaor acy a w-iwt r m gantwtta rry aaaciwe. WOTHIWS ?K?Jr,7S?o s - - w:u iw.w. p. mr Tratrht iral irp lis Ml my iaiM nunncn tHuiu iti msxonr. purchasers, ;at reasonable G. W. KOAH.) POUND CATALOGUE FREE CATALOGUE ia hi i rntinsovfcr hiO.Ajo naomirtn. r,ww. AWtS THE 19VEST WMOltSAlt CNlCAvS fllCti OS t. cumt. im, km. ai : . . ani. IiMnn, Dmm. tcnntenl b(taak, fanlar. InKS IVrrW. ftniw lutlw. Irwn, Ornat, Hn, bM l,r,1i, liittUdM. tn, I1M TU. MrntU nlli, r. Triid jvjt Lt yoor torlcper bci imiM rjr for cvrrrtiungbebBTiaodwiU pwnt bm fr;w orhrzinii imoi manikin tob buv ; exlaiitf jot howloortfr, bo atiHi the tovfcl, qnaot 'h will b on wiYthinir to your town. The Mc hem rlT l.KI. the Txt li'W ir Menu. iiib rnrc OCm? CKu.rt4 wnatom vUK rKCC Urrcrt, with ia t IB Hamra to u. . ..i.,-. U1MK M will kcarwl tolwUI 3J uil wMM.ul i( Tf of .'t it i worth ! imrfthe lkeau "onffi. a" try u ttx- kw- 1k.tV- price of vcrjrUunc aajr THE PUt .Ya A1WI T THIS CATAUMSrFl nuai-nl o. btuioe ujurmauom.- ammTpm Wahineton National Tribune. -Mancbrrurt V H.l I nlon. o( lb Largest bouaca f its kind ta ta lot-lie (ms one of tha ftsett ahopptse mediann ttiat it MUataaxaad wa HlrcertwiIW -, ! wa wj rww (IncJ, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. U. 8. A. Notice to the Public. RosKiiuEG, Ok., October 21, 1809. Notice is hereby given that tbe under signed, the trustee of tbe bankrupt es tate of Daniel Curtin, will receive and consider propositions for tbe purchase of what ia koown as tie Curtin Faw Mill, situated near Comt-tocks. Oregon, all propositions eobject to rejection. Address me at Roeeburg, Oregon Date for closing the receipt of the eatte will be thirty days Irom tbe date hereof. Datfid at KnBfltturt, Oregon, Ibis 21et day of October, Trustee. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartiSciallyuiKovtsth'! food an d al d s Nature ia streucthening and recon structing thfi "xliaiisR'rl digestive or gans. It is the. Most discovered dipest antand tonic. No othr preparation can approach It in tllU;i nry. It in stantly relieve and permanently cures ! Dyspepsia, Jnciitiestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlcklleadachcGastilgiii, Cramps, and ill other resul ta of i rn perfect digestion, l-ftporad by E. C. CeWttt& Co., Crjicago. For eale by A. C. Maratsra & Co, Treasurer's Scini-autiitai statement of tho county ginning April 1, lSW, anil imditiK September s (jKNKRAL COl'NTY FUND. To blam on hand, last report liexeive.l from BlitfrilT, tax of 1808 Received from i-heriff'a tee book KKCEIVED FROM Received from redemption tax ealea. Received from sale of tax certificate Received from tax collected on deliuqueut Clerk f-R from the book KkXKIVKD FROM COUNTY AHKKSSOK. Received from poll tax of 1809 Received from property tax Received from Bale of properly on Hor farm 170 00 Received from premium on court bouae warrants 107 00 Received from coroner and transferred from accouut to general fund Received from issuing liquor license 13y caeli paid out on slate tax By cash paid out en calied couuly warraula Transferred to common school fnud To balauce on , TobaUutv ou hand Held for redemption of called warrants for payment COMMON 6C1I0OL H'SD. i'o balance on haud laet report Tr.iDbterred from general county fund lU-ceiyed from fine Received from interest on ii reducible state Dy caeli paid out on supeiioteudeul's order liy csb on Laud to balauce Cab ou band IIOl l.LA COl'NTY 1UK1.DI To talauce ou baud laet report M-tXIAL 1-CliOOL. HSU. To balance on hand laet report Rvceived uioce last report l'aid out'otf special receipts Cash on hand to daUuie -. To cash balance mi hai.d . . . . hl'El'UL Tj rasii balance ou band last report Received since lat report ' I aid outua special receipt To cash balance on haud To balauce ou hand ROAD FIND. I To balauce ou band l.t report Received from salo of elate lands Balauca on hand INDIGENT NOLIIIKH's Fl NO. To amount on hand laet report iy cafch paid oat on eoldier's. warrants By cash balance on hand. To caali on hand. INSTITtTk To balance on hand hul. report Received ironi achool Buperiuteadent, fees By cash paid out on superintendent's orders By c-ieh on hand to balance To cash balance on hand . More About Uoats. lthai been geheraily known for a noaiber of years tbat Western Oregon is well adapted for tbe raiting of Angora goats, and the climate, ratu'all and pma tarage Itrcn the combination for tbe pro duction of the tinest liraJea of mohair. That tbia is a paying ndusty needs no further proof than Uie referring to those Lohave been successful in the goat basinets iu the Willamette valley daring the last few years. Below we give ex tracts from a letter from the Stanford Mi'.la, Maine, to Mr. Geo. A. If oack : "I am pleased to hear of your success in Orejpa, and nope more people will go into the growing ot mohair in that fctate, as the climate and feed seem so well adapted for mohair in that section of tbe country. This country should grow enough to keep op with the demand and keep our money on tnia fciJe of tbe Atlantic, instead of sending it to Turkey. We have placed orders in Constantinople for 1X0 lags of foreign mohair. This will keep ns going until the new domes tic clip comes on tbe market next spring. Now regarding tbe price of plueb, all our goods are sold through the large wholesale or jobbing booses, we do not sell any plueb direct from the mill to the retailer, and as we make some ij or SO different qualilir, I could tiot name a price cnlets I had a sample to see the quality. Thote long pile fancy squares and rugs aie something new, and have nut been shown in tbe market yet; another year we expect to have them in for sale but could not fill orders tbia sea son. The wbuleaale price of our plush runs from 75 cents to $1,80 per yard, ac cording to the quality; at retail, the price would be much higher. I thought the laamples we bent you would be a drawing card, lliey wiii always command attention." Corvailis Gazette. ACCIDENTALLY KILLED. Tragic Fate of Otis Whitmore Near Laurel. HiLwiioiio. Or., Oct. 23.Otia Whit more, w ho resided near Laurel,-was yes terday accidentally shot and killed at a point near Liu re; and Newberg. Whitmdre and his Jjrother-in-law, a man named Ornduff, were hunting. A grouse flew up, and Whitmore fired at it without effect. Ornduff then fired and brought down the bird. Whitmore then started to pick up the bird, and Ornduff was in the act of re loading his grin, heu the weapon dis charged, and the load of shot struck Whitmore in the back, completely eJialertug the left lunn. Medical aid was summoned from New berg and Hilleboro, but all, efforts to save the life of the unfortunate man were un availing, ai he Boon expired. Whitmore was 30 years of age. He! leaven a wife aud three children. He was eol'er and induetrious and his death is generally deplored. The Rural Northwest and Semi-weekly 1'i.aikdkaler both one year for only $2, price of one paper alpne. Statement. treasure r ot DoiihUh county, Oregon, be UU, 18W, inclusive. 25,927 17 72,021 84 0 05 COl'NTY CLICK. 334 00 18 02 tax roll of 1S'J7 16 25 1,2(15 20 1,0'JO 00 4 10 dead man 'a 13 'JJ 800 00 o0,3Wl C3 00 4, 80S 07 I101.S01 -si 4.S0S 07 4t01,SJl not presented 4, SOS 07 I 0.7SG 5S lo.l'Uo IK 115 00 echoed fund 7J77 oU ' 1S,7.'3 U5 ' J.UJ7 W W.IV: 87 .-. 0,367 SI C1BLK SCHOOL FCXO. 28,112 87 1,030 00 f 4otf 8 5,'JOS 37 5.31W 70 lo4 M ;,30j 12 , CITY H'NU. tK4 52 0 oil 2.U'6 Hi 1XW 73 133 S5 J2.132 $-'.132 6S 4 til 7'J 01 83 'J2 tlS 73 35S 85 259 83 folS 73 20 J 8S 018 rtND. .' 112 05 U) 00 10S 00 CI OS $172 05 o C5 172 05 Late Mining Locations. IKHoLtS COIXTY. David Ivy, l'itcher quart claim, on Horse Heaven creek north of Calapooia mining group; located October 10. ' John F. Allen, qtartz on Meadow creek, Bohemia district, located April William Keed et al., Olympia uuarU on headwaters Steamboat creek. Bo hernia; Sept. 2u. Will jim Keea et al., Dobuekie, tiuarU on heat waters Steamboat creek; Sept. 26. George 8. Batty, Home Fraction, o03iG00 feet, oaartz, on east side of Grouse mountain and adjoining Argyle on the west and Home on the east : Sept 13. Deeded by U. Catty and wife to F. T. Griffith; trustee ; Sept. 20. G. S. Batty, Hurt and Eetelia, t.n south side Grouse mountain, Bohemia. Deeded by G. 6. Batty and wife to F. 1. Griffith Sept. 20 ; consideration $200. George S. Batty, Twin listers and rayiock, quartz, near south side G route mountain and adjoining Argyle on the north ; located July 25. Mrs. J. Dixon I-eola, quartz, '2 rul'e south of Calapooia Mining Co. 'a proper ty, Bohemia; located ept. 12. D. J. Gover, Julia Linn, quartz, ex tension of Taragon, parallels the Hornet Bohemia; located Sept 13. W. H. Falkner Altia May, quartz. ex tension of Iowa, 3.. mile south of Cala pooia group, Bohemia; located Sept. 12. D. J. Gover Iowa, xuartz e mile south Calapooia group, on the Steam boat creek trail, Bohemia; located Sept. 12. W. L. Chapman l'aragon, quartz, ad joins Leota, Julia and Riverside, Bo hemia; located Sept. 13. E. Wallace and L. F. Wooley, Good :. i.k, quartz, !4 mile southeast Grizley mountain, adjoins Yamhill, Bohemia; located Oct. 10. L. l Wooley and 8. E. Wallace, Lady quartz, east slope of Grizley mountain, )4 mile from summit, north of Idaho, Bohemia ; located Oct 10. Helena Mining and Milling Co., Saly, quartz, adjoins Helena and Mountain Chief, Bohemia; located June 2G, amended location Sept 13. Helena Mining and Milling Co amended location, Mountain Chief, quartz, adjoins Laurette, Bohemia; lo cated July 12 by It. J. Jennings. Alfred Johnson, Gold Dollar quartz, east of Story and west of the Midnight Bohemia ; located Sept. 14. W. W, Cochran aud O. G. Gilbertson, Cripple Creek, quartz, )i mile northwest of Pilot Rock, Bohemia; located Sept. 16. W. W. Chocbran and G. G. Gilbert- son, Lost, quartz, 450 feet southeast of Pilot Rock, Bohemia; . located Oct. 13. W. W. Cochran end O. G. Gilbertson, Straton. quartz, 700 feet north of Pilot Rock, Bohemia ; located Sept. 18. Min ing Journal. 1 TDDR HVE. sua cC ta nt ot order tt you hs? tne aypjfUai numerated on this chart. Yea can beVared without the aid oi Calomel, Bin Mas ar Quinine. Thry are minerals and are apt to poison the blood. Why not add your-aana ta the already Urge Hat ol people cured by BUDTAN1 HIDYAN has cured dq.OOOi Oth er and it will cure you. BVDYAN it the greatest vegetable remedy ot tba osnturyDd ill rtlierc all the following symptoms : ni'DYAN can be had o! all druggist (of 19 cents per package. POINTS OF WEAKNESS: 1. BILIOUS HBAP ACHE Kellered by HUD VAN. 2 3. JAUNDICBOF THE EYES. HUD YAN will cause tbe yel lowness to disappear and the normal, healthy color to return. 4. COATED TONGUE, FOETID BREATH. HUDYAN will clear the tongue and make tbe breath pure ar.d sweet. 5. TENDERNESS AND PAIN IN THE 6T0XACH, DUE TO INDIGES TION. HUDYAN "HI clear tbe stomach ot the excetaoi bilr, reliere the pain and cause tbe tood to be perfectly duelled. 6. ENLARGEMENT OF THE LIVES. HUDYAN '! leswn the congestion and re duce tbe liver to Us norma) size. nt'OTAN will cure all the shore symp toms and make you cll. Do not delay longer. Go to your druggUt at once and pro cure a packaged lll'DYAN for SO cents or ( packages for . If your druggist does not keep It, send diret-t to the HID VAN REM EDY COMPANY, Kan Francisco, California. If yon are not satisfied with the effects, re turn the empty H I'D VAX box and we will return your money. Remember that yon caa eonsnlt the HUDYAN DOCTOBS FRKE. Call aud see the doctors. You may call and see thera, or write, as you desire Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. tteektDo, Market ead Ellis Itk, Saa FraactSM, Cat. B1 II Rl THE DIKfcCT EOCTKT Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. (Jives choice ot t0 favorite route, via the CXIOX l'ACIFIC fast Mail Line, or the RIO liRANDK Scenic Liar. Look at the time 1 1 z days to Salt Lake 2i days to Denver 3J daj-s to Chicago 4 days to New York Frees Kc-cllnlusr ciuelr cars, Vp liolHtcrcd Toarlat Slecplns Cars, Pallntan Palace tllccp- ing Cars operate! on all trains. For further lnfurmslop apply to J. F. U1VANS. ApU, Koeebarg. C. O. Terry, W. E. Coman, Trr. i'sks. axU Geo. AgU niTbirdSt.. Port etd Or. ONLY 32,75 6ENO NO MONEY. Cat uu d. oat. aaa aa4 to aa, ataM TOW Y xrmit atrd try U am nrmmm ll to tMiiatdj mm wtsssvi i9Hm aw m f.75. rrn eSaraaa lU averaca SS to as real r ear I.ane ak. THIS CC IS LA TEST STYLE CO FALL and WINTEW. saaO - ., : .. -r.- rrra aa ira Saa mm i - 1 V knilnrftMirMK Kraals KaHlaa BW . . . v ?. inrfc' t"f.wr foil nti. U-iarfe aevt ..a(.-. K-rrnana, braatt !a .- M rim a a.iti m ar nrvr r '.:. Ta r mwii an4 rolUr anta Ivi rowaoT S.r 'r wiMir'i'lh iMilt'in oraaaapala. TMi aaa la a .. i .uninml ami raal trar that arllas Efcf.K -.-. ROEBUCK A CO.. CHICAGO vjtaaataaau.aitaiaaisijrlitiai Ullat J Administrator's Sale of Real Property. TU the Conntv Court of the State of Crrcon tn A and for Douglas t on u it. In the matter of the estate of Karl Kimruel.dvceaMMl. Notice in hereby ciTcn that (tursuast loan order of tbe above entltltvl oocrt made and on- tered tn the m erdsi-f aid court on lheSth day ol sojileruber. iku. 1 tie unnersiguea SAiminie Iratnx and administrator will on and after the Uthdavof October. Droceed to sell the foliowiiij; described real projicrty belonnius; to aid estate at private ale, on tbe premises near ine nwn ot i:anTonvuie, iMnsias county, ure- (nn. towit: BvIuDini at a point 12JH chains North, aud 3.T& chains west of Ihe unartcr sevtlon tiost ou the line between secuons A) and 21 in to'.rinlilu 30. south rauire a west. NV M., ninnins thence west 15.10 chains, thence south 40 chains, lliouro west 15chalnx, thcuce soutn i ehaiua, thenee can HMO chains thenee north U6 chains to place of beginning. The same Ik-Iiii; i-arl id William lrvtou e donation claim. No. 44 and containing acres moro or km, for eaah in baud, bated this 9lh day of tVptcraber. ' A. D.. 1839, FRKUR1CK A K1MMKL. . . AdminlKtratriz. (iEO. W. CARTKR. flll) AJmiuistratur. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice i hereby given to all partiea Iioldint; JJouglaa county warrants in dorsed prior to and including March 10, lS' present tbe same at tbe treasurer'a office at the Donglaa County bank for payment, ag interest will cease thereon after tbe date of this notice. Dated this the IStli day of September 18'JD, at the City of Kosebnrg, Oregon. Geo. W. Di.mmick, County Treasurer, Douglas County, Or Administrator's Notice. vrOTlfK IS HEREBY HlVEN THAT THE niiitereiencd was on tho 2nd ilnv of Oct. IS'Jti, duly atiiHiiiited almIuislrntor of the estato if 8nmiicl Turner ilei eiiteil. All persons hav ing elaiuis aKKtiiat salil estate are hereby re quired to pn seiit the same, properly veritleit, to thuKald ailraluistratiir at S-otisbuiy, liouRlas Couuly, Oregon, within six lncutbs from tho uato nerem. Ualed this otU day of October. 1I9. WILLIAM J. BVKUIARD. Administrator ol the estatu of 8amuel Tu ruur, deceased. Notice ot Di5aolulon of Paroershl p. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between G. Y. Krnse aad D. R. Sbambrook. haa been dissolved by mutual consent. The said G. W. Krnse has assumed all tbe indebtedness of said firm and will collect all moneys U'ie said fiim. Dated this 16th day ot Oct, 1899. D. R. SlIAMBROOK, G. "W. Kauaa. 6RQWA CHASE & SANBORN, Importers, Boston. For Sale by Mrs. N. Boyd, Dealer in Choice, Staple and Corner Jackson and Cass Street. All Wire Goods o Are Up. But we will save you 50c oruiore on every 100 rods of BARB WIRE FENCE. See the M. M. S. Poultry ai a less price than Common a 1 Churchill We own aad occupy the tallest mercantile building ia the world. We have over l,sooIaoo customers. Sixteen baoared clerks are coostaatly engaged filhng ent-ot-towa orders. OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the book of the people it quotes Wholesale Price to Everybody, has over loo pages, illustrations, and Cano descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 7 ceota to print and mail each copy. Wt want you to hare one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show your good faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with ail charges prepaid. .UCJIT60MERY WARD & Triumph Prune Grader Poi Green and dried Prunes. Compact, Practical, Accurate. Send for circulars and testimonials td WALTER MORLEY, Patentee and Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon. Noah & Linfars, General Blacksmiths and Wagon Hakers. Repair Work and Horseshoeing; a Specialty. Prices Reasonable. Roseburg, Get your SCHOOL We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS , ever brought tojthis city. Our Prices are Right. ... A, C, MARSTERS & CO; P. Benedick Any Job Work done at Reasonable p Fancy Groceries. Roseburg, Or. fence, Strongest aud Best Poultry Netting. & Woolley's. CO."";?" Shop on Jackson St near Deer Oregon, SUPPLIES sAt Marsters. 5 UndBrtalpf snd Embalmei1. JISSlHy O.RAfiCO. -TO THE- EAST Givea the choice ol two trans continental ROUTES GREAT Norther TlA Opokane ORECOn Short Line VIA Salt Lake Minneapolis Denver St.&Pau Omaha AND A5D Chicago Kansas City Lowest HJtlea to all Eatatcna Cttiaw. Oceaa sUtaBcra leave Portlaad esery BreJays -rOR SRJi FRANCISCO B teamen monthly from Portland to Tofce homa alt Hung Xaog ia coDBectloa with the O.K. K. or full detail call on or addreaa JOHN I'. G1VASS, Agent. Roaaborg-, Oregon. W. H. Hl'RLBl'RT, General Paaeencer Agent O. K. Jk Jg. tzo rortlassd. Orec Raiiroad Hole Tabic. Norihboond Boaeborg local, No. 17 -- depart 7:30 a. m. Sooth bound Rosjeburjj local, Xo. 18, arrivee: 1 :20 p. to. Northbound or err land, Ko. 5, ar rireg 10 o a. m. ; depart 10 :43 a. g. . Soatbboand oreriand. No. 6, arrirw 4:15 a. m.; departs 4:25 a.m. FES16BT TRAQtB. Nor Hi bound fast throoeh rwiaht .5a - " ' w - 221, srriYM 4 :10 p. m. ; departa 5 -30 p. m. Son th bound faat through freight Ke . 22, arrirea7.-00a. bl; Jeputa 8.-00 a m. North bound mixed train Ko. 22?anrraass at 2-55 p. m,, Suadaya, Wedneadava and Friilavs. dnarta 9:0U a. m Unvlm Tharadava and Satordava. booth boa nd aiizad train So. 226 ar rivta at 3 iX) p.m.. oo Sandara. At on. dayaand Friday a. depart! 7:15 a. a. Mondaya. Xbandaya and Satardav. Notice. raited Slates Lead OSce, Bianra; d t. t;.,.t i taan To athem it mav ooDeern: Xodoeia hereby jriren that theOregin aad Ceiiiornia Railroad Co. baa filed ia truaoAVa a list oi lamia situated ia tbe towBahip descnoed belov, and has applied for a patent lor said lands: Utat tbe list is ooea to tbe public for in. rpeetioa aad a euvy thereof by deacnpdT eub diviaiuaa, baa beca povted ia a eoaveniest place ia this office, foe the inpectrio of ail persona interested and o the public trnaraCy: booth of base line and M eat of W uiaaacuo Meridan. T ja, R X an; of m IS. Rl. Lota,ccSL T, Hi SJi SE'i aad SW HCU, See L T2I, Ra. TJHEi, SE4tE'..8ec3. T24.R. XrBW'a.Scel T j9. Ra. See 7. fi),l. HfEWtSeeT. iiiia tho sol sixty dart folloina; taoeJat . of this noUx, proteaUoreoOMsta agaiaa tho eJaomof tbe enmpany to any tract or mtxEn. ion within any secuoo or part of aeeUosk dav aenbed ia the lift, oa the groan that tbaauM ta more valuable for mineral Ua for mtroll tural I purpoars, will be received aad Bote tor report totbe OeJaerai LaadOsoaat Waaatias- J.T.BRIDUJB, - Rc1str. J. H. IMJOtB, 1U0 Receiver. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of Uje State ol Oremn ta and for the County of Dourlas: dt5aSj.,n"r 01 Glr.- Noiiee ts hereby eivea that ths C!eni-- - administrator of the abma named asaausrAai -filed in said eoart hfiBal account ia the gettia- '" roent thereof, and thai said court, by eeder dnl rnade and entered ia tbe Journal tberenf. kaa ?LHorKl" V ' T of Noreaber. at djy being tbe final day ol theSar jLZZS. . w wun w near oojortlena. li any there be, to said final account aad aaaxle ment of aaud estate. 5.&.Mtai' 0tten- ' N. LA RATTT, Adminlatrator. ' Notice for Publication. CMTTD ST13 LsJIDOrncK, v.,, Vemnj, Orefoa, September S, Uaa. nmmed rttler hmm filed aotfe of bit IntMim tn maka final . . A . , - that said prooi will be made before tbe Kexistar Oregon, oa November 3, 1SB9, tu: " ARTHCa T. DCXCXV. tTf f, S-3a. Tp. 31 8, st W. He lm Use fuliiiwiii. i& 1 1 i.i - residence upon and cultivation et said laad. Xsm Cole, aii of Oasiaud, Orvra (t) Beaaasei. Notice of Final Settlement. VOT1CK IS HE! 11 nadcrdgned, i Charlea Lapuint c HEREBY GIVEN THAT TRI administrator of the estate el . ; uieu ais onai tht (t.1ou1 Cooaty. btate of Orreoo. anil ft. 19, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day J... . , A " ""uij, uuiiKiaa county, state of Oreiron, as the Ume and place A hoai "jwjvuvuaww:w auu lor vie uuai sattla meut of said estate. v HatAit at BnK.. r .V . . Pteiber. lsw. " " W sm, ..v. point, deceased. (oitT) Notice for Publication. Cnited States Land Offic ,. . Roeeburg, Or.. 6.-pU.mber26, 18. ------ ""VVJ," ma me iouowisz named settler haa tiled notice ol hia intenUoa . to make final proof in aupiMjit of hia claim, aa4 that said proof will he uiade before the Recrister and ReeaiTcr, United States Land Ofhco at iww.uun.unTOs, on November 7, uav.Tla- t.n his H. K. No 7ti9, forth S1 XR'-' SanV W T names the follow in witaesee to prove hia coutinuona.reaidenoa upon and cultivation of burn, of kost burg. Oreson, T. F.' Fisher of Olalla. O reran. L. a. u K..i. ni n.-.i.u.. goa. ' " fwJ.T. BBJ? J (sap) Administrator's Notice. JyJOTICK IS HKRXBY GIVEN THAT THK V "nderaigncd has been by tae County Coc of Douglas County, HUte of Oregon, appointed th. administrator of tho estate ot Uuldah Wil son, deceased. All persona having r.ii against said estato are hereby natuired to area. e ae, duly veiitied, to the undent! gued . .V..K .VUUVT. VICWL WIUUD My months from the date of this notice. aawu uus zoa uay oi uctoner, l&sv. GK0R6K K. QCINI , Admlniativ fnrnl th. Mt,tnf di.l . ww ..vw4 UlUlMil WllSVSf Deceased. txlt,n It makea no difference bow bad tba wound if yoa am PeWiU'a WUch Hazal ch Hazal Salve; it will qaicklv heal and bo car. A.CMARStp' 1 i t r