1 The Plaindealer Job Printing A f'ilE HEAWS LETTER J f EAb. HILL HEADS k ENVELOPES. ETC. LiecuUtt o short Botico at price con tit tent Hh (sod work. 1 READABLE. RELIABLE. REPUBLICAN. ' N. better field thaa Southern Ore no better medium through which Advertise. PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY Vol. XXX. RO&EBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1899. No. 85. Pi Tw A T piR - IS 11 J i 11 J 1! M JL t ! 1 r THE BRITISH ANXIOUS The English Forced to Retreat Gen YdIcs Killed K LONG MR IS CERTAIN. The Boers arc to Have the aid of 13,000 Native Troops Destroy Railroad South of Kintberley Kew Vokk, Oct. 21. A dispatch to tbe World from' LoBdon aaya : The minister and their supporters are now realiting that tbey plongod iato the war with reckless haste, and the qaeen's message, ia which she speaks of "dear U boucht victories" and "dreadful loss " indicate with a plainness which au!oever before permitted herself to iudate in, onder like circumstances, ber disapproval of tbe war. ' ' Tbe British forces ia Natal have al ready lost in killed or wounded nearly 500 men in three days' fighting. The Gordon Highlanders lost only one officer and 6va men killed in their famous at tack on Dargai Heights in the Afridi campaign, while at Eland's Laagto tbey bad foor officers killed and nine wound ed, 30 men killed and S3 wounded march, and it is since reported that '.'All's well on the Washbank river." General White fought a successful action with the Orange Free State force today on tbe road between Ladraniith and Newcastle, and should join hands with General Yale this evening. Gen eral Yule reports his wounded are doing well. Boers wounded on our hands are treated just as our owo. and I have every reason to believe the Boers will treat any of our wounded in their hau ls in a similarly humane manner. - Mr. Wjndhaui added: "I may re mind the bouse that the Transvaal is a party to the Geneva convention." Lord Wolseley further says : I have also received from General Walker, at Cape Town, the following message." Tbe last message froai Kimberly, Octo ber 22, at 2 p. m., reports all well. GENERAL YULE'S POSITION. Boers After Him Red-Hot fcUmbeney la Panic-Stricken. Chjcaoo, Oct. -4. A special cable to the Chicago Tribooe from London ays: Tbe position of Grtierel Ynle at Glen coe is causing considerable anxiety wh:ch is not allayed by Lord Wolseley 's summary of tbe bitnation. read in tbe house of commons,' to tbe effect that large column of Boers wire Monday morning advancing from tbe north and west, obliging General Yole to .fall back from Dundee and concentrate at Glencoe Junction. This operation appeared I-v n .- - , i vital tbat it was necesrary to leave the Tbe Boers distinguish and Shoot the' . . ., - officers by reason of their carrying no rifles, their uniforms being the same as that of. the men. Tbe squadron of Hussars and the sect ion of mounted infantry which pursued tbe Boers after the first ficbt at Glencoe, last Friday, are still missing. . Prolongation of the war beyond Brit ish expectation is now regarded as cer tain. . BANKING ON BRYAN. Believe that His Election Would Mean their Independence. BUILD HOPES ON HIS ELECTION. pRononoN of funston. Losiwx, Oct. -4. Hie war office here baa this morning been attempting to ex plain tbe summary of the situation in Ratal, famished by Field Marshal Lord Wolseley to the boose of commons yes terday. II is statement know said to have created unnecessary alarm, and it ia asserted that what tbe official note called General Yule's retirement vooid he more accurately described aa "a change of position for tactical reasons," and that tbe alarm for tbe safety of the wounded ia got justified. . It is further explained that tbe wound ed could not be moved, but tbe fact that tbey bad to be left to their fata while tbe British forces made a strategic nioye ment to the rear ahowa the suspense of tbe bouse in tbe absence of subsequent news ia amply justified, and that tbe Leavy fighting on Friday and perhaps Saturday 'is, perhaps a prelude to still sterner work. In tbe absence of authentic news, there are a number ol contradictory ro caors afloat, but tbe most reasonable in terpretation of the various reports seems to indicate that there was some artillery oractice at Glencoe Saturday and Sun- -day, but no fightisg at close quartet. The afternoon papers here sharply criti cise Wolselcy'a summary of tbe Natal sitaaiion. Tbey aay it has a distinct re (" Slaoce the statements of the f i cuiry when preparing their oMU&rrmen for tbe news of the disaster at Sabkago. This, however, is peobably an over strained view. There U no denying, however, that greet suspense and anx iety exists, which has been increased by tbererjort in circulation purporting to emanate from official quarters to the ef feet that the Boera have secured the ser- oities of 12,000 natives. Sews has at tengtb been received direct from Colonel Baden-Powell, dated Mafeking, October 15- Zt confirms the statement that in the armored train fight tbe British bad two men killed and 15 wounded, including lieutenant Lord Charles Bentinck, of tbe Ninth lancers, slightly wounded. Tba latest advices from Kim barley on tier date of October 21, said tbe Boers attack waa still pending, and that large Boer forces in tbe neighborhood bad de- atroved bit sections of the railroad line north and south of tbe town. TODAV'S ai'MMAET. Loxdo. Oct. 24- Parliamentary Sec retary of War George Wyndham, in the house of commons today announced that field Marshal Lord Wolseley, com mander-in-cbief of tbe forces, sums up tbe situation in Natal today as follows General Ynle has fallen back to effect a junction with Sir George Stewart White. He camped yesterday evening abttat 16 miles south of Dundee without seeing aaytbJng of the ene my during the wounded at londee News from Glfucue, and from all points at the front is of the meagereet sort. A special from Lady smith says "An ingusuman named heilly says that when he was leaving Dundee camp. on baturday night, tte Boers were shelling the town and camp with heavy guns and that the English guns were en able to make effective return for tbe rea son that they could not reach the Boer batteries. "This is tbe reason why General Yule shifted his camp a mile away, so as to be out of reach of the Boer guns, which were directing their fi""e against bis mag azine." ? Kimberly is still panic-stricken and Declare That American Casualities Have Been Thirty-five Thousand. Niw York, Oct. 24. A dispatch, to the Herald from Han Isidro, m MimAIs, srys : General Law ton is giving his per sonal attention to getting bonis contain ing subsistence and ammunition stones up Uie Rio Grande. It is a serious pre b leui to undertake to supply troops he re, as the water is too shallow for lanncr.ee. Twenty American prisoners art re ported to have been moved uorth. from here two days ago. A Filipino newspaper makes Vbe stare ment that Independence will be given to tbe islauds in December wheo B-.yan will he elected president ot the United States. ' Tbe newspaper also makes the statement that American casuaiti ea have been 35,000 since last Februriry and that tbe policy now ia a retreating fight. Wabhi.sijtox, Oct. 24. The war de partment has received tba following: "Manila Hoghes reports the Panay insurgents driven out of Negroe, Byrne struck one band, killed 10, captured 13, and native troops struck another band and killed six. No casualties, Otis." WASHixurox, Oct. 24. General Otis' account of tbe latest Filipino peace over tures is as follows: "M anila. Oct. 22. October 20, a mes sage was received at Angeles, under a flag of truce expressing tbn desire of 11 ! - 1 . xion. rreeiueoi .guioaiao lo send a commission to Manila to arrange tbe difficulties connected with ttw delivary of the Spanish priaouers, and to dieews a tn alter of a particular character. ; Was Warmly Recommended by Ms-or-Qencral rtlacArthur Was Ap I rov4l by General Otis. JansAh Cirv, .Mo., Oct. 25 A dis patch to tb'H Jourrrtl from Washington snys : Brigivdier-Ucafcral Frederick Funston is to be, breveted major-general aud Col onel Wilder S. Msiealf, of the Twentieth Kauaa J, is to be breveted brigadier-general, jy thti president Bliortlv, on uc corjnt of K-'iUut atul meritorious services o'; the t j lvausus soldiers in (ho Philip pines.' The prouiotiuns have been re- couiiujuirled by Mijr-General Kiwell S. Otis, couinandnii: the eighth army corps- The letter of recommendation of General MacArthir reu Is as follows : "Frederick Fuus'on, brigadier-general, U. S. V.. to be major -general, V. S. V., bybrewt, for g;!laut aid meritorious oervicoe throushout b campaign against tliu Filipino iutViceou from Febrnary 4 to July 1: particularly for daring, courage at the p-iag o'lhe Kio Grauitn)de la 1'ampnga, My 27, while Ojl.nii oi the Twentietb Xansa volun teeia. 'Wilder S. MetcaW. coionel of the Tacutielli Kansas volitiitrer, to be tr!ui!iiv Keuenl by brew't for Reliant and meriforions service ttiroiun the campaign sgaiiettue Filipino in?cr,en'J from Fetxiaary 4 July 1, daring hich period he waa wounded on two s? pa rate occasicos. WILL PURCHASE A CANNON. SHOE STYLE SHOE COflFORT. : ? " i a a.zs.zi-j ix: via .six. iv;-vis iv: -. . ; vi : : : General Wheeler's Letter. MANILA, August 2a, IS'XK I am confident that if we would withdraw our army now Agninaldo could not hold hiussell in power without carrying on wsrfare against other tribes, and this would cause a constant warfare and turmoil for years. Of course, there would be looting of cities and seizing and destruction of property, and the business people and property hoidsr would apply to ' some strong government to restore order. For as to withdraw our army : now would be criminal, and for such an action we would be arraigned and ' denounced by tbe civilized nations of tbe ear to. I believe that when it is fully understood that our supremacy ia to be maintained in these islands there will be an influx or population from tbe United States and other countries. . There is no question ae to the riebners : of tbe copper and coal mines. It is true that heretofore they have not - been properly managed. The receipts at this port from customs (it is the port of Manila) are averaging 1000,000 a month. This, with the internal , revenue, I believe, would in ordinary times pay the entire expenses of the government. An idea seems to be prevalent in the United States that this is an un healthful country, and that white men cinnot live here. This is a great mistake. There is also an impieasion that to retain these islands would be a b yen to oar country. That these views are errors should be impressed upon tbe American people. JOSEPH WHELLLR. i A ' A ; continues, through Biiodee, to call for help, bnl now it is to be secured at pres ent puzzle for the war department. The Indian transport Palatia arrived at Durban on Monday and disembarked a squadron of the Fifth dragoons. These may go to Kimberly, but it is unlikely, in view of Yule's predicament at Glen- cos. More troops are expected at Cape Town daily. Captain Chichester baa gone there to arrange for the military bal loons brought by tne Palatia to be sent to the front. Destination Not Known. QcxM8Ton-jf, . Oct. 25. The ' British cruisers Fur ens Peterus and Pactoius sailed from hers this afternoon en route to Cape Clear, where they will meet eight battle-ships and two cruisers ol the channel squadron from the north of Ire land Tbe fleet will tbeo proceed osten sibly to Gibraltar, but it is thought pos sible the fleet's destination ia a Spanish or Portuguese I port, as the vessels have taken out bills of health from the con suls of theee countries. Prompt Action Taken By the War Department. The meiiibers of Orcguu's ital'.AUt regi ment ot voluoteers tbe uatiy latuous Second Oregon are ech to receive a bronremed.il as u evidem-e of the ap precisticn of the people of tbe 'stale for tneir noble service. That theee medals will be manufac tured. for distribution auntug tbe vulun teera is now aRured, for Governor T. T, Geer yesterday received from the wr department a letter intormiog him that the depa rtment bad authorized tbr par- chase of a Spanish gun to le need in casting nvedali for tbe Oregon volnnteers. The following is tbe text of tbe letter bearing ds te of October 17th, from Sec retary of "War Elihu Hoot, and received by Govenat r Geer yesterday: "Having reference to my letter of a few days a fo, informing yon that Gen eral Otis b.w Lean cabled to send by early trans p ort, ii possible, an old bronze cannon from tb& Philippines, to cast medals lor th Oregon volunteers, I beg to quote cable graur of this date from Ma jor General Otis ad reply thereto: "Only one bronze cannon in store. Cantnred bv Xebratk U Those takea at capitulation ot Manila, returned to Spain. Can secure one for Ore.on Pric fdeeired. Otis.' "'Olia, Manila: S;retary of War authorizes purchase of gun for Oregon. Forward same to San Francisco. Cor- bin. "I doubt if there is aay appropriation from which we ran r (or this, but we must not let tbe boys go. without their medais, if we base it pay the bill ourselves. Ol course, the gun will be as truly a caot nred cannon as if it bad never been returned to the Spaniards' Brave Oregon Men. tf "The testis the Cheapest Experience teaches that good clothes 'wear longest, good food gives best nutrition, and a good medicine that cures disease is naturalh the best and cheapest. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medi ciriz money ca.n buy, because tPfes ivhe'faall others fail. Poor Health -"iko poor htdth for years, pains in shoulders, back and hips. vxih constant headache, nervousness and no appetite. Used Hood's Sarsaparilla. gained strength and can work hard all day; eat heartily and sleep tuetL I took it because it helped my husband to whom it gave strength," Mrs. E. J. Giffels, ISoose Lake, Minn. 3iocdi Saucxi Bd'.fW. rrrHrriH.;th. nnn-lrrltattnn an jg&j .cathartic to tk wlib Howl Swuaarilia. tiffa BATTUC NKAB LAOYHMJTU. Losdon, Oct. 25. General White has telegraphed the war office of Kietlontein under date of October 24, saying there was fighting near Lady smith. Twelve of the British force were killed,' and 89 wounded, five missing, tbe casualties be ing largely among tbe Gloucester regi ment. A special dispatch from Cape Town, dated at 9 :15 this morning, says there has been another battle at Lady smith and tbe Boers were repulsed. British casualties were placed at four killed and seven wounded, all rank and file. A special from Ladysmilh dated Octo ber 23, fjrf the troops of tbe Light teenth hussars, hich got astray in pur suing the Boers after tbe battle of Glen coe have arrived at Ladysmith, tba troopers having fought their way through with a loss of three horses. Davkt Will Resign. Loudon, Oct. 25. Michael Davitt, an Irish nationalist member for South Ma yo, announced in the house of commons today that be would resign tomorrow as a protest against the Boer war. MaiotGeiieriil Nelson A. Miles, com manding the army of tbt United State, waa asked in Wasbioetoii tbe other day what he thooght of the tightin qoalitiea ol tbe Serjond Oregon regiment, ana in reply said: "Having been stationed 26 years west ot the M ississippi river, and 10 of those years on the Pacilic coast, I am quite familiar witn the ciiaracter of tbe west ern people. In my 'Personal Uecollec lions,' pnge 3t?o, I wrote that the 'strong est, the. most resolute, enterprising and ambitious of our men have gone west.' Naturally their children are among the niooi resolute, enterprising and intelli gent of our people. I was as well satis fied 12 months aco ae I am today tuat the men of the west who were accustom ed to handle tbe rifle from the time that tbey had strength enough to bold one ep, man v of whom were accustomed to obtain a good part of their food by befog skillful inarksiueu, and who had defend' ed their homes against tbe savage fee would make the best of soldiers. They were self-reliant self-confident, skilled in landcraft. and have a perfect knowl edge as to how to take care of tbeni selves under all circumstance .absolutely fearless whether alone or acting in a body, and who are the best material in tbe world for military service. "Their intelligence favors disciplius and promotes reBpect for superiors, aa well as absolute lovaltv to tbe cause in which they are engaged. It is . not sar prising that they should have made a splendid record of patient endurance, undauteJ courage and noble sacrifice Coming from tbe ranks ol the best of our citizens, they have made a bright chapter in our history, and will return to their dillernt communities to become ( sgain most highly respected and worthy citizens. "I feel sure that tbeir welcome will be becoming alike to the communities that will receive them, as well as to heroes who return, and that their noble cervices Mr. Scbaffenberg, oi Mount Tabor, wiu ever appreciated." who is now in Copenhagen, writes to j Captain W. J. Riley that he baa secured tapiorers Keturnea to vaiaes. iou pairs oi partridges wtucn will be Tout Tow.nsend, Wash., Oct. 24. A reply waa returned that the com mission accredited . by any other than insurgents, could not be recognized or re ceived. There has been no later cor respondence. Oits." AiixiLA, uct. -4.ltje insurgents around Calamba and Angeles have bothered the Americans lately with their repeated attacks, which, like most of the Filipino attacks, consists oi shoot ing a lot of ammunition iuto tbeir op ponents' camp from long range. Msjor Cheatham's battalion of the Thirty-seventh infantry, three compan ies of tbe Twenty-first infantry, a bat tery of the : Fifth artillery and a gatling gun sallied out this morning from Cal amba, drove tbe Filipinos from their trenches and pursued them for three miles, inflicting heavy loss on them. One American was kilied and three were wounded ot tbe Twenty-first infantry. 'Lieutenant Furgeson, with 20 scouts oi tne lwenty-tixtn uegimsnt, recon- noitering near Labao, encountered a party of mounted Filipinos. He killed six ot them and captured eight, with 10 rifles. Four men from the gunboat Marivelos were lured ashore 18 milee from Ho Ho by a flag of truce, and tbe insurgents killed one ot them, wounded one and eaptured a third. The gunboat was un able to fire for fear of wounding the Americans. The (Second batallion ot the Nine teenth regiment, Major Keelo command eg. embarked for Ilo Ho today to re-enforce the troops. MORE GAME BIRD5. Can be combined in the same pair of Shoes, if correctly fitted. We are prepared to show the most complete line of Shoes ever shown in our store, having succeeded in reaching the best and largest Shoe Fac tories in the cast. We should like to have a chance to make you acquainted with oi stock and prices as we feel assured that both will please you. WOLLENBERG BROS. SSaSafcaB SS. slsaaslaalaiaalaaSS ASB AM A lisll AAaAaaaAAaaAaaeBVa AAAAAAAAj There is a Quality about our Drugs j Which secures permanent patronage. WeS buy in small quantities, and buy frequently, therefore we always have a Fresh Stock of t Full Standard Strength Drugs. S Our aim is for Quality, aud we hit the mark J The merits of our prescription Department have built up a large trade in this line. EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE - or tiii Southern Pacilic To. Kxpraa trains laav Portland d&ilr. (WP. M. I At. Ozden Ar. I 1:W K M. 6.ur P. M. Ar. lienrer L. (:ti f. M. : A. M. ( Ar. Ilmtiii Ar. 1 i A. M. SUP. M. I Ar. Chkairo Lv. i P. M. (OA.M. At. Im Amri-1? i 9.A P. M. Mif.H. Ar, Kl ! Ar. 1 P. M. 4:l.i P. M. I Ar. Fort Worth Ar. : A. M. A, M. Ar. Sew Orieaos Ar ! s. P. M. Dintuar Car otMervaUoas Cars. PoUmaa Sretreiaai and lourit can attached to all traitl. . filiaata Kxpresa Daily. A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Druggists. Prescriptions com- v t a - t . pounaeu uaj ana signi. 5 -' " a At Alhan j ao4 Corrmllla connect wita train oi Corrailis a Kasicm railroad. Independent PaMenger Dai'.y (except unday) i his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered lor sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which A e invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick- . els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. Wc cairy the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. ti sr- T SW A tlr? C. "" ft ka, w. iAKrvz? x vu., urocers. j KOXBLKK. C H. MABEUAa. fcUaacer- fan. AceoL POITLAHD ORXGOX. IMivcl eonnwtion at Sao Frmm-tvo with tranuhip ltn ti-r Hawaii. Japan. China. Tbe PhiUipftiDM and Anttrana. FvrlhroBih ticket, mmi rates ca'l on or A 6nv L. B. UOORJC Aprnt or V. C. LONiXJX, It's a fact t tU Cor. Jackson and Oak. get ill That at Currier's Groccrj you can the best eoods for the least money.' Call around and convince yourself that our prices are right; satisfaction guaran- teed, lust received a fresh line ot raj Groceries. Wm, Currier. SEIRECORG--- Name it? English Partridges to Be Turned . Loose in the Valley. shipped to Oregon. A sum of money was raised among local sportsmen for tbia purpose and entrusted to Mr. Scba? fenlerg for expenditure, as be was going to Europe. He also ordered 10 pairs of black cock, in Sweden, which will be turned loose in tbe yalley. The part ridges are strictly field birds, and stick to open country and cultivated lands. The black cock ia more of a brush bird. Telegram. . The United states government expedi tlou in charge ot Captain Glenn, went north to explore fShuebitna river, bas re turned to Yaldes to winter. It was the intention of the expedition to winter on tbe Sbushitna tiver, but, owing to the failure ot arrival ot supplies in time to take them up the river, the expedition waB compelled to return to Valdes, I where supplies were landed by tbe I steamer Cleveland. Why, spell it backwards and you have it- Nice fresh stock of Staple and ran cv GROCERIES constantly on hand. Fine Teas and Coffees a specialty. Canned goods Flour and Feed. Fine fresh goods at reason able prices KIDD. Give me a trial order. MRS. A. C. IS'J 1 1 Staple and Fancy Groceries. We have a complete line oV -" - FRESH GROCERIES, TABLE DELICACIES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CONFECTIONERIES, FRESH AND TROPICAL FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC., Which will please you in both quality and Price. G'veusaCall. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK. 8 S g?. f9 gii' ,C ? A Complete Jine of now on band. DEY GOODS. Ladies Dress Goods, Ribbons, Trim mings, Laces, Etc., Etc., Also a fine line of BOOTS GENERAL DIRECTORY r. (O.W. 1 stats ov oaaeoa. rj.8.8enator... Congressmen Governor.. .... Secretary of Mate. O.W. McBtTda (Thoa.H. Tones iH. A. Moody t. T.em State Treasurer.. H'ipt. Pub. Iomruttio Stale Pnuter- J. imakax Attorney General Supreme Judges-. n U. Arkeraaa W. H. Ueda Black bur. F.A. Koora c. K. WolTcrtes tL 8. Baa sacoao jcdicial oirraicr. adite. J w. Bamiltan Pnwecallac Attorney .., Geo. M. Bnrnm of the beet quality and latest style. Staple and Fancy GEOCERIES. Wood, Willow, and Glassware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc., also oa band and at prices to sait tbe times. An ap-to-dale line of CUSTOM-MflDE CLOTHING nheep Izupector rjci:isrr umciu. Jimticei 11. w '.on.Lt,.- n I'. H. G. STANTON. Myor i'uimaaier- Ut Ward.... tad Ward rrd WanL Itb WarrL.-. Rcconler- Treaurer aaraaal rben at i l-mr. u.ttr. - a.m. I Lv. -!.. I Ar. Portland Ar. Roaeburt L. Ban Fracriacn Lt. L!:i" r. . UVT.U. :' r. . citt cocacii atxTtac. Tbe Ciiaunon l oaneil of tbe city of aoneben oieeu tbe erst aotMlay In eaca moo lb o ciocz . m. cocar saauoaa. Tba Circuit Court lor Dooclaa Couatr : three times a Tear aa foiiuwk: Tka ad day in Maicfc, tbe 4ta Monday in Jane, ani tfca iu aonaay in ueeemtier. J. w . iu-aliw X &osebanr ludise. Oro.X. Brown, of (wMx proaecauaK aitotuey. County Court aseeu tbe 1st KrdimUj sfW the Ut Monday of January, Karen, May, July. September and Soyember. Joa. tywm. al train. Judge; M U. Tbompaoa of Sootubtu acd Jam. Byron, of Oiaila, coaxnuaakiDefm. rrobat Court ia la aeaaion ranuiitmi, Ja Lyons, iudze. u.IL. - Portland Ar. IM ja. M. 'Jit. stlLr. Rnseburg Lr. !'"3a.n sj r. , I Ar. - Ban Franc iww - Lt. . f r. . Corral: ia Mail Daily (Except euudaj). Attorner au.l Cunnwll'jr at Law. Milling aj Wat.-r Eiirhty n.l asjwialtt-. Marter Bid. tOSEBCK.G.RFi;iw JO a. a. tea. a. Lt. Ar. ForUand Corrallia Ar. I 6:50 r. L. I JDr. iOf. blL. : r. I Ar. r. . 1 Ij-. - Portland - McMiDTille Ac Lt. Lt. - & A. M. S.M'a. . 4-V A.. JJil C'HEALLE, M. I. D. D. S DENTIST. in the little tr.ck opjiU Roseburg, Or. Oftce EaJ. mm mm "Sceaic Lice ! tne World" Tbe Favorite TranEcontiuetiUl Konte Between the Northwest and all roints Kast. Chuica ol Two Koutra TbrougU the Famoaa Rocky Mountain Scenery And Foor Koates East ot Foeblo and Denver. All l'aaae Direr b aranted a day atop-over in tba Mormon Capital or anywhere be tween Oiwn and Denver. Personally conducted Tourist Excursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and the East. For Tickets and aay Information Re garding Kates, Koates, etc, or for Ie acriptive Advertising .Matter, can on Aeentstof Oregon Railway & ISavigaUon Co., Oreeon Short Line or Southern Pacific Companies. S. K. HOOPER, General Pass. A Ticket Aitent, Denver, Col R. C. MCHOL, General Agent, 251 Wash. M. Portland Or, Receiver . Register c. a LASD omca, aosaacaa. -Henry Bflotli (. T. Bn4gea Otscrrtr .. iens-ujr Kepreaculatiyca v. a. wiaTBaa ai'aaao. Tnoa. Oi TIerk.. neriir. trvasurer School Snperiuleudent County Judge 1HCLA1 COtrKTV. A. W. lUed l',. oonacoti W. W. WUaoa (J. W. Conn I. F. Gazler K U fltepswsw .. ii. W. Lfin stick Commlasiooen- Snrreyor coroner.. U. B.6i!)etto JfjsvLyosw it. D. Tbompaoa Jaa.Fyroa OM-arThlel Dr. E. V. Hixrrrr Tboa. Satltat MiEer Kither citt or Boaxaeaa. .A C. MarsUra .W. A.Iraier cocaciLSsa. tr P Brown Jc W. Farka t F. W'. Bmob w. B. W i'lia A. fields W.J. Lander )H.C.6ioenm U.K. West y. W. Diaii Proreaaloaal Cards. QOMMODORE S. JACKS05, Q.KKt.aiE M. BBOWN, Attorney-at-Law, Booms 7 and S Taylor a WUson Block. KO&XBUBu.C. L RA B. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, Room . tiliAila Bik, aoiiBuac. oKxuufs. F. W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. Room 1 and 2 Review Buiktnz KOEBCRt;, OKEWK W R. WILLIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will mcUc ia all tk. oomrt. nt lt Htate. ). tea ia Jtaracrrx Baildioz. Dontaa m? M. CRAWTOKD, Attorney at Law, Roocm 1 A i, Martters Bldg, KOfXBCHd, o If Buinc before th. n. H. Land DKr. auuiug caws a specialty. Laie EoceiTec D. S. Lal Omi - rfCHANAN, Notary Pnblic. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Room I Marsters BaiMiug. BObEBCBG, OB p W. H.lYNEsi, DENTIST, Review BuiMinc, Telephone No. 4. KOr-SBl'Kti, OBXGOW Q Si. GEO. E. HOUCK, Physcian &. Surgeon. O&ice Po&t Olticv Bid. Pnouc. Maiu M KOSKBCRU, Sacletr iVtcoUao. p OSEBURU DIVISIOS KO ITfi. B. OF U 1 a meeta every second and fourth. Sunday. WOMEN'S RELIEF CORPS NO. 10, HUTS first aad Utird Fridays in eaca month. p KSO POST, SO. , G. A. R-, MKtTS THB Av first aud third TQursdaja of each Btoath. at 1 p. m. ALPHA LODOS, SO. i7, K. OF P.. MEXT8 everr WednesdaT erenina at Odd MIsh Roaeburs P. O. Hours. Week days. 6 ;S0 a. in. to S p. m . mi days and boadaya, 0:oU to 'J.W a. in. and 5 J0 to 7:30 p. m. BTACiS ROL'lkS. RoBeborj; to Marshfield Departs ev ery day at 6 a. m. ; arrives every morn ing. Roseburg to Myrtle Point. Departs every day at 6 a. in. ; arrives every morning. Roseburg to Millwood Departs eyery day except Sundays at 7 a.m.; arrives eyery day except Sundays at 4 :45 p. in. Roseburg to reel Departs Jdaily, (ex cept Sunday) at 7 a.m.; arrives daily, (evcept Sunday) at 3 p. m. Roseburg to Lurley Departs Tues days and Fridays atlp. m.jarriyea Tuesdays and Fridays at 11 :od a. tu. Hall. Vuiunc Knitfbta UaUylnrilcd tn i:end., la good standing i LAUKFL LOIX.K. A. F. A A. M , RJCOrLAB meetincs the id and till Wedaeadaya tw each ctou'.b. Kft;ESK L. PARROTT W. M. S.T. Jitwarr. S'ecy. It you suffer from tenderness or full uess on tbe riht side, painn uudt'r shoulder blade, cotietipatiou, biliousree sick headache and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid and congested. T OSEBURU CHAPTER, SO. 8. O. S. 8..MKTB --v tbe nr?t and tbirvt Tbundaya oi mcntb. UBB1K COSHOW. W MAl'DE RA6T. Sec y. TOPERS WOODMEN" OF AMERICA. MKKT i'A on first and third Tuesday of each ruouib in tbe aid Masonic ball. II. W. Miuji, V. C. U. L. M VRSTSRS deck. Catcv 11 XtHHiDMES OF THE WORLD. Oak So. li mevu at tho Odd Fallows' Hal in Ruseuurs. every 1st, 3rd aud 5th Monday erening. lsitiug neighUs alwavs weleosa O. P. Cwhow, c. C. V.C. USDOS. Clerk. pHILETARIAS LOuOE. SO. 8. I. O. O. F. A meets Saturday evening of each week at their bail iu Odd Fellow Temple at Roseburg. Memhcrsof the order iu rood standinc areiurit ed to attend. B. YV. bl RONO. N. U . T. Jiwrrr, Sco'y. D. S. m. in. Sec. P.O. ELKS, ROSEBIKG LOUtil, NO. r. hold tbeir regular eoiuinuuiealions at th I O. O. P. ball ou voud and fourth ThursdaT r of each moutb. All member rvuuetel to at- tend reKUarly. and all viMUng brothers cor dially invited lo attend. CHAS. L. IIAULEV.'E. & DeWitt'a Little Early Risers will ...:'" "Ll""'""' you promptly, flewantJy and Perma- j RluSi, nently by removing the concsstion and ! ech mouth i7:Ai p. is. at Odd Fellows hail . i-i I.,,,., ij Members ol tha order to good standing ara tD- causing the bilo (luctH to open and flow Tited to attend. naturally, tiiky ark r.non ni.n. j . p.r.Wwi, A. C, MAR.STERS A CO. - ' WKr. 'IHW,r-