What the War is About. I - -t i ii i i i n i " ' - ! B 1 jNtgclaUcPrcpitioiirorAs slmilatiiig thcToodandRcgula ting the Stomachs andJ3ows of PromolcsT5Icstioi,Chccrful ness and Rcst.Conta'ms neither Opium.Morpiunc nor Mineral. jSOT NARCOTIC. 7W Sal- Mx.Smnm j(Uii SJti -static M HfKmamt - IHrmSerJ CmOirJ Smamr . Anrrfcct Remedy for Conslipa- liou. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca. Worms .Convulsions .Fevcnsn ness and Loss OF SLEEP. . Tac Simile Signature cf OTV YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of fltrl If n m EXACT COPyCF WRAPPEB Th Kind You Have Always Bought. Boswcll nincral Springs. TVf CtMTkUR fPW. f P C'TV : Aa the world well know?, there has I heen constant friction between the lcr8 j and the English (or many yetrs. Tbe j recent development of Africa hue made i it more at ue and the war nt hand must jdi'oidti whether South Africa is to bo composed of small, independent states, I possibly coutt'dttrated, or mtit-t accept J the prepoudiuinl influence of the Brit i ieh Kin piie. .Bejonil doubt Entgland j would be willing to yivo South Africa the ' status of Umad i or Australia, nut 10- accept this would be regnrded by the Boer a as the surrender of a national ex ieteuce. lliato-icallv, tin relations ol the Boer 8 and the British have been un usually c implex. Many years ago, before (ho oinv ol Natal was Annexed by ireat Britain, the Boers micr.iUil t tho wilderness and set up for iheuiseives. Grett Brit ain acknowledged their independence in 1852, but annexed them in 1S77, a pro ceeding tha. Boers resisted witli arms and with partial success. In 1SS4 the British government acknowledged the right of the Transvaal Kspulilii: to govern itself in everything except it? treaties with loreigu power?. The situation was d.simbed by a i e v t. a'u cf events. The great ditcovcry of gold in the Wit watersiraud, Bier territory, caused a he. ivy immigration of while men, chief ly British, tailed by r. e Boer "U.tlaud erf." But fur thin unexpected access of population, and the questions relating to it politically, there would le no war at this time, thongii probably it would have come later, for there is little congeniul- ity bttwecu Boer and Briton. llosli'.ititrt have not heen caused by any tiuestiou about foteiu treaties, i he British contend that they are simply protecting the lights of British citu-.us oppretwel b? Boer laws and exception ally heavy Ji-n'iiitiee. The Boer legia- SEND NO MONEY m.l. out avnd vu(l 1 c ns iwt we wt.l ond ou tlil HiGM IAKW CAlHttT IbBOrCl StW,Hi !iiCf trr&uf.o..- t. Iim i4i ma rxaaiuir n ait y-t-ir na .-l rurhl uTl t-n it (an grtS1 mod fTT-urht btrtf. Ma wffvtrv tm& (or e&rta yoartviBonf.tnd fl.U fit. i luiiTdr-cni in wr lre -x V'S'- ltrtiiiTiiiUlii btttflLM for tfaw Mf CAKiXkt ftlEDUk m k mi Maw arr ritaM md an THEBURDICK ' ft. MaK-tun it - ;3l x .;;tiur"1thp tirrfct will I , f f I ! -carta 30 mikv. Ct IT THSEl M4MTNS' THIAl in f - -1- o fT d we will return o;r15. i.y iurr.u irr Dot f 'i ' v IffMlMkaiHd rtAHtf Snc lartiMfvit Ki". r -jail i 111 H lu H unrlt r variou- lUatXM, tth thi Mi mmrm M atw rrltahl md arr R- " r5rrr t ta bct material ' . . i rmm taaiv. -am - : 3 y .1M if v r. m i r a s i a SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK l?fsl'llKtI-n'? : Tu un'ituir inn Miut to ir - nwr aar j Iff- r Cue otter open with fu'.i U-niTto trie and l)-d tn r-' r wwinr. 4 fkary arrcti. taurt iMil kx fraawr. carved. Miw Jtti. m- bKrJ and ooora-d caNj.nct flnjrh. fit ci Lei drawer pulla. rv-t n C-ur rartrrik adjustable tretie. nnmw sw;h irm stand- tt larfv Hia rtne U'KT tnn-n ftU. .f thrra.lmr Titniine hu;:. atit Mi, trtM.n wirj'irr. al;utJble frintL'. yvaToni teBci-a ii' rtr mprov-i li wheel. 'inuiaie prTire 1- mnrfi it.t.ti;-cmr. pint nmt't-ir, ru'rrt dr ,-sf- eua-l. h4 U bmiI lrratr ul miMfi a4 WaOifetl) atHif CUARANTEED tewiMrmlat. a4 arl 4rlranntiwaM' w latvt atLatiaapat Is larakM ard rir j-w 1Q struct ioo Boofe te.lf 3't how rfitifna rn it and do r:ir j-.ain w L-im; ot taTK-T or. A ilKTwi kviMtimc ktuWN XlU tilt tri T niW"Uii IT MCTC VP! I aVftTlJIal a4 eaaailhK afltia, rOMW it tth 11 w1 J nvi tio- our Moiva"tr frilw at ta.Mt to pm., wl tbrw if ennnred thai -hi are mvii r to v. r? y-ir irnnt a-rni ye jis.no, AWress, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. Inc.) Chicago, 111. Real Estate Bought and Sold x ?u:xjc2fta:jEatJK.2a. Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranees, Timber Lands and Mining Properties Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terras. Inquire of - - 3D. S KL BTJTCK1, Few people who go a'jroid to various health resorts, hive any id. a what they may secure almost at their own doors. This fact is very forcibly impressed upon one when we consider how rn hly Ore gon is blessed with mineral springs all over the state, but none have gained the prominence and impo'tanc of ihe Bos well (formerly Suoden) spring, in Doug las county, two miles eouih of Drain, and were they hid in some epcliifive miiuntaiu. inaccessible fur the iuvalid. would bo sought from every stcinii of the Union. These springs are located on Ihe Southern Pacific railroad, UYi miles south of Portland, and the i-pringa and hotel arri within 200 feet of thu t'ack, hero lo daily trains pass, and the local makes a short stop to give the pas seugera aa opportunity to tale of the. health giving waters. There are two pring', one of which contains 4;!o and the other over -',000 graii. a of solid nutter. The traveler gets enough of thu laiter with a small lose. Tn wateis from these springs contain iodine, biouiioe, potattium. the carbon ates of iron and li ne, cl.lotidee of cab ciLni, am,-' i eh in in aud so liun. The propaittor, Cap. Ben I). Bosell evidently has confidence iu Ih-j medi cinol (lualities ot thes! 8; rings in Lis prop .mion to give to any one alllicted with "ilieuuiatisui, not accompanied aith any other iliseite, ln will take the baths nod drink the waters, under tie direction of liie allendicg physician, ono entire month's board fice, if a enre is not c fleeted." Tneso waters re known to Imvc cured aggravated cates of rheuuratisu), nasal catarrh, catarrh of the stomach, dyspep- fia, dialeie, uiuralgia, malarial poisou- ii.g, kivlnev trouble, constipation, diseas es of the skin, liver and bowel:1, an 1 t re lature is a close orporation. In the up-! c9pecijl!y recmimendad l-y physicians p?r hcne tuemUrs are chosen excloeive- rr lhB ,is aes with whh li females are iiioel fn ipiently elici ted The bo'e. is a i rf cl iioiue. Nj bel ly by the families of original settlers. T.ie lower cliamber ia electa! by iuli- lie I Vuleie, tiut no I'itlander can Vote u.r acv0!, , , i.,ii9 L.uld le found or itsiied. I lie. labL' is f-ti'p'ied with the test in the Hi i krl. In atMi'lvll to ti.ii--the invalid b. i he luxury ! pure rn'Mibt a n air. and it be m ih -m.-m, can have in un'e'S ;!d ;e tdd, n rrotertant, a reel deut of tin republic for a long teim of years, a naturalized citizeJ and an own er o! Isn.itd propettr. Tte voting iual- itijatioi s in IS ! eie varied so that th- i ine elHJ,i ; n,.. tum.uiidiiu l.liU 'WVWVVWVWVWWMVW WYLIE PILKINCTON, ;Snccr to G. W. SOAH. General Blacksmithing rROTTINQ AND RUNNING PLATE5 A 5PECIALTV. kFFAIRlVr; OF Ail. KINDS PROilPTLY CONE. Shop on Corner Washington and Kane St., KosehurK. r 4-EOUNP CATALOGUE FREE THIS biG CA.TALCGbe ; V-'A.- n MB.o.r.ianiE.tvr l''. ijoouii fVESyTHfi.S r'' -rr) tuu in fcwrm. xi w iu., I tiii.., llul IMw iri ts. swtimi. irlrf. Bis Huotjit. H. IrnnHml lfi.., t .riirr. Bre. S!l, Hse. f mw MmrUm. rwkrrj . rr.. P.m. antral iwmMm r.firf.iocti. aM.ln, r.vki.e Tirll.. H.l. Cmms. Te.u ji-i-t ht yovr H"rrsmi t ie must iy for cervl!.t:i:r b ovanl will rprptit litm from CTerrhaTTii. y-....a riuniu- T.m I tiv; explains j.i-t how to order, bvm R,n-hthf-Mpmor'siilvl'l ! cn iivrhiiiff to f.ar fr-wn. 1 be biff LvvK OUR FREE DrFcn. .,th , t,- tn btu. i - " . i" u i r k. bu: r.K.r.nd if vnbtf'm'tthirk it i "r Mtim-Fthr irnl yonwnl.' Krrtntnl"th.';faie KI CTcrytijlDg.ijr M It AT TBI. IMir- fVK AKU T TIIIS CATLM.I I.. !i i i L.DrtUi ld--ice-s information.' Miiuitap.jan-HiaB.1 r. Uw.ii.-k A V. w . of tte Uir-it i.u. "I it klnUM fill -n." lip-miro Inl-r. irenn. ..n,rijalL-u i- wt rtrtmmt i.i.ri l.oned d..-n.- - At.nt ror.fitl'.TV Mil. AddreJ. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. lnO, CHiCACO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. consent cf two-thirds of the burghers :n a ward was necessary. Plainly the .Boers have aimed to ex clude new voters. The go'd m'r.ers are taxed 2's iieceat, bat thu miners Lave been practically flint cut of the Legisla ture. In recest neg itiatious the Boers of fered to modify the ipialitications of vot ers that boldly coupled this with the de mand that there should be no further claims cf British tuierainty. To all ap pearances this ia a claim of complete na tional indeper.dei ce. The Bo-rt" have gone 10 war and all Briiit-h authority tor themselves and for other Africanders who will join with them to mke South Africa Boer instead of Britian. In tbe larger senm Ibis is the question at stake. At the end of the present struggle Briti&h authority will be su preme over south Africa or the Afrik ander will coutrol it through a confeder ation epeakiDg the Dutch language and asserting a distinct sovereignty in the company of catious. So far as oppres sion ia concerned the Uitlanders assert that they are the only euderers . It ia perhaps nnfertunate for the Boera that they once stormed a Britisn position, taking it brilliantly, a .d killing several huudreJ of its defender?. Tbey are im prudent to measure their prowess by that one battle. B-.u iu any cine the war tbey have entered ictj will decide tie problem of BazsraV'y, which is at bert an indistinct and r. -satisfactory word. The Boers have undertaken .to discard it altogether, an 1 the only way to do it is to fight. Bat it id a desperate, venture in view of the edds. So far as thirst for empire and gold is concerned one side has no greater incentive than the other. Success would give the Boers unrestrict ed dominion over the gold mines and substantially over South Africa. If they lose, they will be British colonist, and tbe Canadians and Australians are rais ing tro.ps to force that fellowship upon them, or rather Ij vindicate the idea that it has always existed to soma ex tent. The Boera deny it. The problem is tangled, and the solution is near. Qa BOSWELL SPRINGS On the 5. P. R. R. Douglas County, Oregon HOTEL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. To The IjiifortiiiiatCa Dr. Gibbon Tli la old reliable ami the noil mieewiiiii rij-i!in in San Iran- j I nw-o. Hill e'Hiliiiiie to ; 1 cure all Sexual airi . 5eminal DiKaic mind j at Oonnorrhcra, tileel , Stricture. 5ph llis In , nkttl LM- Debil- Semi- ' " ! It'.alflir.tltlKl l.M. w-pru nr'iyi'''" -if rtanhood, the count: ?Unc ol auii abuse and eiee-i pnalueiiiy the oliowinu armptomo: aaliow iiiiii:iiaiiee, tlrnk spou under tlie eym. pain In tit" ln-a-1. rinein: In tbe earn. loa of coiiii'iemv. liili'l-tir-e m i proaclilng Uraiiirni, p!fiilii"ii l 'If it'iirt, weaAneuot the liiubs and bai k. l-k...l ii-nn.rv pimpleafin the wmnha. oiii-iiii.piinii -t-. UK. OIBBON hux uractierd in San If ronciM i , over thirtr vear and those troubled klmui.l not .A ll -U Notice for Publication. t'Mikn ttk I.imi min c Kim-bun;, re.iu, Ju'.y Nolii.-.. is ln-rcby f.;vtn lliat in .-oini'liniiee uitlittie .rnMMiiiiv (,i iU. a, t ii Luiii:rt- o Jure ard, InTk. rittiiltd 'Ad art for tbe ante of tiintx-r lamis in theJSIac-s of California. Ore on, Nevada and H aliini;tiiii T'-rrilor. WILLIAM U Ml'l'KK. (t j-anl I'u-, Coiiniy of Jti.ophine, rjliite l Oreaon li;i t!i;i day l.li-d ill Iliifc olln-e Ins sworn Ial mi-nl .Ni. i;'. Inr tbe inircl.aKe ol the . k. '1 of f-eclien No. !. In lonhiii No. l.iLiii;i Ni. 'A V. and trill oiler priMiI to 1.I10W lual the laud i-ouulit ia mon- vaiuubic for it- tim ber or liUnie than for agricultural jmn0. and ti eatatilirh bi cIhiiii io ail lanil I .el i in- t tie Recinl-T and I'.eeejver of tliih oflice at Koaebun; Oregon, on Friday, tbe 2"tli day of Octobel IK'.l. HtiUMi' tiltnenai-a: John Ii. Hale, itich aril Miih-rt Wi'.-iaiu Hammond, .. ('. Brown all of (rianU 1'in.". r-eoii. Any and nil tier mii rla-m.r.ir ml-r-ly the above -ii.-eriiK'd la mis are rviueMed to lib their etiiinm in iblp ortiee on or before sai l Jiih dnv ol x-tober, ll'.'J. J. 1. BKIJX.E.S O.Ttirji) Beglettr. YOUR LIU U ont of ordir ti you hava the aymptonn numerated on thla chart. Yo can Bo cured without the aid of Calomel, Blua Masa or Quinine. They are minerals and are apt to poison the blood. Why not add your name to the already Urso lint of po-iple cured by Hl'DYANi IIVDVASf ha cured 10,000 oth trs and It will euro you. BTDYAN U the freatcst vegetable remedy of the century anrl will relieve all lb' folloarlnf ijmptoma : lUDYA.X cm be had of all drug(ilta lot Kniita rr ptiekase. POINTS OF WEAKNESS: - 1. BILI0TJ3 11EAD- ( rT.M ACHE- Relieved t'y !)t HUDYAN. V 2 3. JAUNDICE OF THE EYES. KUO YAH will cane the yet liw nes todispar and the niirmal.healtby cotoi to irtum. 4. COATED TONGUE. FOETID BHEATH. KUDYAN wlUclearthe inn nue and mak the breath pun af-i aAfct. 6. TE?JDKHNE3S AND PAIN IN THE ST03IACU, DUE TO INDIGES TION. HUDYAN c'er the atomach of tha cxeevaol I. ii.-, relieve tbe pain and cause the food to le perfeelly disisl-'d. 6. ENLARGEMENT OF THE LIVER. HUDYAH wi.l lea-en the tni:.qos-.ion and re dute the liver to lt normal izc. I'.t'OYAX will cure aii the ebov ayrrp tom and nil.e you e!l. 1m not dclr.y lon-er. .tio to jour dniigii-r a! one and pro cure a pa.Weof IIMV AN for "o r-:i: cr .... f.ir f '.'.I. If yrur druizi't dea not keep it.aend dire t to the IllOYAN KKJI HOY t'OSIPANV, San Kranrivo, callfurnla. If von are no! !itiet wiih the e!Iic;, re tiirn the empty HtUVAX Ux and we will return your money. Kcmember that you can consult the HUDYAN DOCTORS KtlEK. Call and ee the do-.tori. You maj call and -e them, or write, ai you deaire Addrcia HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. Stockton. Marfcat and Elba Sta , Saa Fraaeiaea, Cat. 111I rtlfe O RAM COX TO THK --"", ! E.AS T - ! Hi tll''ce tiana- cwnilnental X Boston. till mift :rl U' . a . -TT - i ..-Sit I att. . . C1L1SE & SANBORN, Importers, I'or Sale by Mrs. N. Boyd, Dealer in Choice, Staple and Fancy Groceries. Roseburg, Or. Corner Jacksuii and Cass .Street. j ' J-1- liUUtlllg tttei. tear aiitl cougars, bd in tho va.letf g-iHife. ijuail, plieasants and fodow tlii stream. ( r trout. There could not b-j a more p-rlrc. rretut, even were the tpjeslion of I lie heallb-rcfturing i quail ies of the spungs taken out of con aideration. Ihe mrroundiug are grand and picturesque, while one tied tn art Studio in the hotel it If, the walls of which are lined with paimicg oui the most uoted artists, aud a large number of which ate the woiks cf Mri. IVjewell herself, which will staud coaipa-ie u with that o( artibU of national reputa tion. ThotewhoLayo tested the waters of these springs bear testimony to their health-restoring naltlies and as tbey become the popular resort for the altlict ed. Captain and Mrs. Baswel! are ever ready to add to the pleasure cf their goeets. Tbe foMoaing .it the otlk-ial analysis of the w ater per gallon aa made by l'rof. Arthur Lochtnan, I'll. D. pro fessor of chemistry of the State Univer sity of Oregon, on the S'-b of Sept. l&tt: Potassium chLride, 545.4 grains; potassium Ironside, 0-37 grains, potas sium iodine,t0o3 gruius ; sodium chloride, 211.7 grains; magnesium chloride, 10.1 grains ; calcium chloride, H3'j-A. graics; calcium criona !e, VJ.O grains; iron car bjnate, trac'i; other cooititunts ap proxtin, .23. lVrt'and Dispatch. I t uiium Lin THE DtRE'T kOCTKT Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. tiiifa choice of la-i favorite loulca, via tiic UNION PACinO Kat Mail Line, or tbe KIOtlitANUE J-ceuic Lima. All Wire Goods Are Up. Hut we will save you 50c or more on ever- 100 rods of WAN GREAT Norther vIA Spokane Minneaoolis St. Pau AND ORECOn Short Line VIA' Salt Lake Denver Omaha AND Chicago Kansas City Lowest Rates to all Lantern Cities... Ou:au tteaintra leave PiJilUad eer7 fivelduys -FOR SRfi FRANCISCO rileaniera monthly from Portland to Yoko h-jina an iloiif Kos- In connection with tb O R- V. or full details call ub or addiesa JOHN F. GIVASS, Aget. ItoM burjj, Oregon. W. II. IIIKLBVRT, ticnerai FaaMnarrAxeat O. R. M. rortland , Orcsrj. BARB WIRE -FENCE. See the M. M. S. Pcullryfeucc, Strongest and Best at a less price thau Commou Poultry Netting. Railroad Time Table. NjnhoJDc! Boseburg local, J o. 17 deparbi 7 :G0 a. m. . Southboan I Eoeeburg local, -o. 18, airivei 50 p. n?. Northbound overland, 5o. 5, ax rives 10:35 a. in.; departs 10:45 a. b. Soothboond overland. No. 6, arrirw 4 :lo a. m. ; deparu 4 :23 a. rr. raCGBT THAC-S. NorlLboan I fiat tbroogh freight. So 1, arrives 4:10 p. m.; departs 5:0 p. m. Southbound fast through freight, 2Te 3, arrives 7:00 a. m. ; Jeputa 8."0Q a m. Northbound mixed train No. amiss at 255 p. m., Sundays, Wednesdayi and Fridays, departs 9 :00 a. m.. 3IxtdaTs Tharsdays and Saturdays. booth boand mixed tram 20. TM ar rives at 3 :00 p.m.. on bundava. Moo. days and Fridays, depart! 7:13 a. ra. Mondays. Thursdays and galoraaya. 3J5 AX bwk at the time days to Salt Lake days to Denver days to Chicago days to New York Free neclloluic ciialr cars, Vp liolHtcred Tourist SleeplUK Cars, Pullman Palace Steep iojc Cars operated on all trains. Kjr further iuforma'ier apply l J. F. OIVANS, Agt., Boseburg. . O. Terry, W. E. Coman, TrsT. t'sat. Act. Ut Third St Gen. An Foil a: d Or. SI7 A ture. '- K--all tia forma, bik X !, f -'-cijfii'aeaaea. Nervoua f ' ":-5;X ty. Impotency. - r . f. rial W eakncaa hii yyspepsia Digests what you eat. ItartificiallydiK--itlio food and aids Nature in Mif-iiutlienino; and recon structing tli ,xli;itit''d digestive or pane. Itithc. t-t-t discovered dipest antand tonii-. St nthcr TUfpar.'ition can aMimneli it. in ftJicir-nry. Jt-ln-ptantly rli;vo,T!id ,wunainnt.ly cures Dysrxii-ia. Indn'cstion. Ucartbuin. rail to conault him end receive the beu- l.t ol f laitllOllce, NUIT M'lIIIlll'll, . JSaUSCa. I sis neat akui and experience, i he do tor eim-a : sickllcadaclio.Ga-t ulcia.CraniDs and when oibers fail. Try bim. ,ure auaraiiie.-i f , .' SaUonAriiTd "l hnU'V- C,'areWrC'",,,KN tlSSirix'- 'irnR0N' f "m' M' F"n I - ''V A. C. Marstern & Cc. A Filipino Uenerars' Offer. A nut very credible, yet by to means impossible, story, that Geueral 1'io del l'ilar has made proposals to (General Otis lo sell ont, and deliver up his army f jr the medtst miu of JdO.OOO, cr for 500,(.Hkl with Aguicaldo included, comes frorr. "Manila. Its plausibility lies in the tha-acter of Filipino "generals" that is expjees. l'ilar knows Aguinaldo sold out to Spain, and beiievss be would sell out Fgain to the United States if he were oil'ered a great sum ; hence be thinks be will bo first with a liberal offer. As to patriotism, and battling for liberty," anJ all that, about which the "aunties" prate so much, "Geueral" l'ilar knows no cm h noble sentimeuts. The insur rection is that of Aguinaldo and a junta of hypociitee and speculators, who are "out for the Huff," whether they win or lose, and this "general'' ihiuks he might do a little busineeH on his own account. N sitter ia it very remarkable if be really thin'. 8 that such a proposition niicht be entertained. We settled with Spain witL nionsy. We pacified the Cuban army, or attempted to do bo, with money. We. proposed to the Filipinos to surrender their gun for money. It ia no won ler if this mercenary "general" thinks that Americans will entertain any kind of a money proposition. He Kept His Church Center chuti. tain Miss S, a,'' It was rutijrsed in the city of Frovi- ilenc-! awiiilr ' 3 that Ihe pastor of the rag about to marrv a cer- autiful societv woman. but belonging naAbe Episcopal church, sjys Life. The good people of the past or's church talked it over and came lo the com bn-ion that he might choose moien ixely. Finally, it was left to the f!.li r i In wait upon and expostulate with him. They visited ami expressed to hiui the fe' lings of the church. Tho pastor lis tened patiently until Ihey were through and then laconically remarked: "(!en tlemen, there is more than one Congre gational church in tho world; there is but ono Mtos 8." 1 to kept hifl church. Drain News. (Watchman.) Married, at the residence of the bride's parents near this city, Wednesday. Oct. IS. IS?.-, Mr. Wdbert Koaa and Miss Edna Dunbar. Invitations are out announcing the t. olden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W.1I. Wilson, which will occur at their resi dence near Yonca'.la, Sunday. - Pres. J. B. Walker went to (irants Pass yesterday to taka part tn the Jose phine county teachers' institute. Mrs. Allie Young, o Roscbuig, ar rived here Sunday for an extended visit with relatives and many friends. Victor L. Low has received his rertifl- cate aa registered pharmaceutist, from the regon State Bjard of Pharmacy, by whom lie was examined 00 th 3rd, in stant. Mrs. M. K. Itoonry stopped olfat this place Monday for a rief vMl with her sister, Mrs. W. F. Colviu. Mis. Kooney has spent tbe past summer in FteUrn Oregot, and was on her way to her for mer home at Myrtlo Creek. Alex Ensley and daughter, Miss Myr tle, were in Portland last wetk to secure the services of a skillful oculist. Mies Myrtle has had cootiderable trouble with bt r eyes lately, but with the aid cf proper glasses tbe doctors say sbe will in a few years entirely recover. Mies Carrie Gardner stopped off at tbio placo a few days ago for a brief yieit before leaving for Merrill, Klamath county, where she will visit with her brother and wi(, Mr. -.aud Mrs. K. II uardner. in a letter ot recent dale we learn that she has reached her destina- t: 1. .) ick Frost visited us last week and done considerable damage to garden veg- ettbles; cucarnoer anJ tomatos vines arealinos', if not entirely killed. How eyer, we have bad an unusual teason this year and needn't be surprised if we have the ref-t of our summer in Ieiem- ber. Mies Cornelia Lawson and brother. Master Car!, arrived here on Friday s stage from the Umpqua Life Saving sta tion. Miss Laweon was on her way to attend the St. Mary's Academy at Jack sonville, while Master Carl will enter the Boseburg public school. Miss Lawson attended tho C. O. 8. N. S. two years ago and hss many friends in this city. Tbe 1 ilk ton correspondent says : Prof. Mtilkey had the misfortune to break his arm last Monday wble trying to tack large ioip to the wall in tbe school bouee he fell in such a way as to break one of his v, ii-t bones. The arm was set and it is hoped lie w ill recover soon. Mies Nellie Mulkey will take his plare in the scuool room until 1:0 ia able to resume his duties. The government apparently contem plates sending back to Canada the Creek Indians who are wandering about Montana. ONLY S2.75 V out. Aid la Uk iaasr Mir Mt bsssl. ftlro BUM- a4 thin :aUsllOR. ' rar. cxTnr ar tr it a at T-r.r rsnrt cipTT of Wasius it f.mv siiwi'y saiiJsiaaf isari. m tvf tT l--r r in. tx? rnjnO Viv5 tEACTiKL VttlTtlMWEI ctaT c: fT t ettf rnt ssr artHstl a4 1 airs a rstrr. f - r-nr-. r'nTtf I xcrjs,i 14 to O rat,t I t.r -h . mile, this CAPE 15 LA TEST STYLE FOR FALL and WINTER. ntfl sra H mn staHsrMM nth in.-v. I r.r rrrr fiii -rr. I'-nv-l. air-c f .'M. I rffarr niar a4 Ury lmrmwttmr. rruti- ,1 ..,.! w.Ili fc lle fr ttlHr tap .-. -;ia i:.rr r'- cellar with rowfol irl.cr mir laracsasjt r.tl tt rrr trllACU 44Mffi '4 1 Churchill & Woolley's. 11 1 vrtt was IT Tl -rHr h . 1 ii - J-4 t.fiu.v. JT e it Wc own and occupy the tallest mercantile builjins tn the world. We have over a.ooo.oue customers. b:xtr?n hundred clrrs are coaatantly engaged fcliij tut-cf-iewn orders. CUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the took or the pecp'.e t qcoU Wholesale Prices to Everybody, his over l.oco paes. xO.cw ilIutrt;or.s, &nd 6o.oajc descriptions ef articles w:th prices. It costs j cents to print and rr.aii each cop?- We wart yoa to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show your Rood faith, and we'll send y?u a copy FREE, with a.i charges prepiid. .MONTGOMERY WARD & G0 'V53sAci;so,,St"t' Notice. I'Bited Stalea Lan.1 OBxe. KoKBra.i. Or.. rieDL L MS. To horn it mar concern: Notice is hrrrbT :tch that t be Omn and California Kaiimad Co. baafllcrl ia lauoCeaa I lit ot laii: situated in tbe tow nam p deaenbed b.-low, .ad baa applied for a patent lor saUal 'nda: tbat tbe : oiq to tbe pablie tor la apectioo and a (viv thereof bv deaenrHivs aub d viaiona, baa ta poMef ia a eoarenietu piace ia this ofrirc, fur the uuracetios ol aii F rona in trctrd and ! the fMiblie miBlly-: Sie.ihof le line and Ueat of Vi iilaaattts Mer-.dan. I.,Ri SW'iof NE'.EecJ. TAR5. Lot X See ii. IS. Ei N! N t t aud iWU SEJ !w 1. fi2,kl. -SW'4SW'4Six-3S t T .1). R . - . M'SWi4,See t T--. B. 4SE4. Stc 7. E1 j Sa'Stf T. iihiii tbautil aixirdars foUvarias the data of thia riice, Motraoreraioita aaia la claim of the company to any tract a anbdivtaa. ion witbin anv aeetioa or part ot secsiaa. aa-K-ribed ia tbe li-t, on the ground that I be aaaaa ia mora valuable for mitral Uiaa for aarriaai turai parpocrN ill be rev-ei ved and noted aar report to the General Land Office at Waaaiaa !d,D.C. J. T. BSUDtiES, Borjater. . H. BOO IE. SlUO Buy,.. SEARS. ROEBUCK ACO..C cacara, kirVva a . an taanaaaij raiw Administrator's Sale of Real Property. In Hie County Court of the Mate ot Ctegen in and fur Doutrlaa Cmitilr. In the uiat'.ri ol the ealate vl Karl Kiiumci.d.iea-ed. Notice la hervtiv given tin purMuut tn au order of tho almve ciitill-l court made and en tered In the records f "aid court 011 the .'ith day of September, 1 M. The uuiteraicued almln:a tr.itrix anil admini-trator will on and after the tub day of Oclotier. 1W, rvH"eed toaetl the (oi;i ilescrited n-al pr-N-rty Ix-loniiiiii; to aaid ettale at priv ate Mile, on the prcmUea near the Uiun ol L'Hnyonvillc, boticla cxiutv. Ore toil. to it Beuinuini; at a point 1M chaina North, and 3'.7 chains weat of ttie iiarter ae lion Htou the line between aecumis J" and 21 in ton uahip CO. louth ranee j neat, W. M., running thenee wcat l.VKi t haina, theoee aouth ' chains, tticui c weal 15ehaln, thcuee auih V c'haina, I hence caat ;V. to cliaina, thenee north '." chains to plncc of Ih (tinning. The aaine Ix-inc vart nf William l'n-aiuii a donation claim. No. It ami containing ZIZ acres more or lea, fir caali ill liaitvd. Hated tUia i'th dav of Scptcmlter. . 1 . KEUKICKA KIMMEI.. Adminitratrix. OEO. W. CAKTEK. (kU) Adminiatrator. Notice for Publication. I'nitkd Sr ateh Land Ot rn k. Hoaehurv, nrennu, rx-pteiuber 1.'. tMli. Notice la heretic gieu that the following, named settler haaiiled notice of bis inteution to make flnnl pnof in nupixirt el lua claim, and that aald proof will le made Im Tii.t the Kcgi.ter and Receiver, V. C. Ijiud Otliee, at KoM.burg. Oregon, on Oct. 2J. l";".i. viz: CiEoRciE (-LATER, on his H. E. No. Mir., for ttie NE1,, Section l. Township : 8.. R. Weal, lie names the following wltncaaes to prove hia con tinuous rcaMcncc upon and cultivation of said land, vijt: William Moore. W 111 in 111 Murray, A. Coon, Hvron Carry all otCamna Vnllev. tiregon. J.T, BKllHiKS, allp tieglb'.er County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all pirtics holdiim Douglas county warrants in dorsed prior to and including March 10, lSW.to present the same at the treasurer's office at the Douglas County bank for payment, as interest will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated this the lSihdavof Sep'emler 18W, at the City, of Rosebnrj, Oregon. ; IjEJ. V. DlMMKK, Cevt Treasurer, DoukUb County, Or i-.r' Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY I.1VEU THAT THE lilideraiirud wason tlio '.'nil dnv of Oct. 1 ;!'. dulv amiohileil administrator of the eatale of Samuel Turner dei eased. All persons hav ing claims against aaid csIhIc are hereby re quired to present the same, properly verified, to thcaald administrator at Scottliirg, DnuuUs CountT. Oregon, within six men 1 ha from the data Hereof. lated tills .Mil dar of October. IS'. '.". W llXIAM J. DUKCHARD, Administrator ol tho cainte of hnm T u rner, deceased. y u Triumph Prune Grader F01 Grccii and dried Prunes. Compact, Practical, Accurate. Scnc for circulars aud testimonials to WALTER MORLEY, Patentee aud Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon. Noah & Linfars, General Blacksmiths and Wagon Hakers. Repair Work and Horseshoeing! a Specialty. Trices Ucnronalilc. shop on Jackson si near t'er Rose burg, Oregon, Get your. SCHOOL SUPPLIES agi-a. At Marsters. We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Our Prices are Right. . . . A. G. MARSTERS & GO. r r 1 1 . I . DcricUlLK 1 Notice of Final Settlement, In the County Court ot tbe Suite ot Orcsjoo. Is tbe estate ot DaTid Cresot, and ior the County ol Douglas: in loe matter 01 1 at. tia- . deceased. Sotice is berebr riven that the naderairaed admini-lrator .( tbe abova laiml p.1.1 i iticd in aaid court bis boat account in the settia mem t Vreof. and that aaid conn. h. w ai made and entered In the JtjnfTr-mmal. baa titcl Monday, Ihe tilh day of ata.J.tcT, IKJ9, at tne bouroi loo'ciork a. duot Mdkar, tha sard .lay b. iu? tbe f nal day of the reguiar Notsjsb bcr, term ol aaid court to hear obiectiens, ii auy there I, to said tiual account and aeUie n-.enl of said otaie. Da led at Foeburg, Oregon, this Ssth daj Sfptoniber, 1?9. (1") S.LABACT. . Adsainialrator. Notice for Publication. rMTTO srAias LasDOrnia. Koscbunr. Oregon, Sepu-niber , 1SSH. olice is hereby given that the follow uif naraed witter has filed notloa ol hia tatasttoa to make linal proi in support of hia claim, aad thai aid proot will be made before tbr EcetstLC and Receiver C. s. Laud Orhca rat KoaetrWraL Orcvon, on No' ember '., 1S, via: " ARTHUR F. DCNCAX. & 4,.-V... A p. C, A. . 1. xia I the following witnesses to prove his conttouotat residence upon and cultivation ot raid laad, vl: Edward l evulett, Jehu t book. Jual Coat, Cvtc All ol Ovkiataiitl, Orvft'O. , , J.T. BRIDGES, (o-p) Begiatcr. Notice For PublicTX UNITED STA TE8 LAND OEyiJ . , KosKBi a.:, aim. Auristai,!. Notice ! hereby given that tha fuMwing uauicM settler has filed notice of hia iureuiloaa :o mak e final proof in support of hia claim, aaat that said proof will I5 uiada beiora tha Regia tcrana Receiver, raff'ad State Land Office at Kcscbin, cre.. oqecstober T. 1.W, via I'KTERs. CBAUrONK on H. E.. So. r-Tls for the N'j V&i Sei M, T. - c " a ... lie uaniea ue tuiauwtaa witnesses to proxe hia eonlinnou. iiwii aim cuiuvauon 01 sain iaad, vi3 ajaorfa """"i nomas ivarv 01 v nonr CnvgOB, aau David McKay and 2. feiaugb, ol cakiaau. Oregon. "-t J HBBIDUFS. - Resistor Notice of Final Settlement. VOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THK x uudenfirutHl. .lmiTiiir.r.t.r twMi.t..i thark-s Lapoint deceased, haa tiled Ilia anal account as such aduiiuUtrator in tue County Court ior Douglas Couatv, Slate of Orafwu, ami that said Court has set jl,iu.laT. S. XNh, at the hour of It) o'clock a. 111. ol said day t ihe court house in Roseburg. Doulaaconnty, Mate of Oresiin, u the time and place for hear. tug objection thereto and for the final setUe- iiir'n oi iii estate. Datec at R.setujfj. Oreseti, thia SOUx nay Ot eptembtT, 1L.. . s UtHATJT AamiuUtrator of the Ks'ato'nf chartea'Ta. point, deceased. fXCtTi aNotice for Riiyication. Notice named e United Stitw'Land Offlee K 1 1 Xf till r v llr . iti.t.mhii.ik I ...h. . l. ,1. tiiuvi v. wj?. l hereby niven that the following titer haa riled notice of bis intenticur Any Job Work done at Reasonable u' ,.- v . . . Undertaker1 end Embalmer. $ t to make linai jinnif in support of hiaclaim, and that said proof will be made before the Register ami Receiver, inueu Mates Land Orhca at Koseburg, Oreiroti. on NovemN-r 7, 199. vix- AI.BtRT TOMFKISS On his H. E No Tti.-y, ior the N' SE', BW'i SE4, t-K', NVt See. It T.i8., R". 7 West. He names (ho foilouing witnesses to prove hia continuous residence urou .nd cultivation of -said land, u: J aines Hildcburn, L. Hilde- luirn, .it Rosx-burs, Oregon, T. F. Fisher, ol Oinlla, Oregon, U. S. Nichols, ot Riddle, Oregon. (s2s,.J J.T. BRID6KS. Kegislor.. t i k..