The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 23, 1899, Image 3

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We wiH iftake you Money, Save you Honey and
Charge'ypriothing for the Consultation.
We wish to call your special attention to our Ladies' Ribbed Union Suits,
which we are offering at
OCTOBER 23. 1890.
- B, i.d lor bargains and your watch ra- j
K" - I
d;i- .r.;nn. e r.t , ion. la anil :
leet are cored by Hodyan. Ail arugauis j
50 rent?. I
To exchange lor wood, a good second
band Wbi'e sewing machine. Apply at
Heartburn, coated tongue, bad breath,
constipation. Ua.iyan curee. arug-j
gists, 50 cente.
t ,
, , '
Wanted, girl to do kitca-n wor in
counirv. Wanes $12 per month. Ad
dress, box 93, Roseburg, Or.
When yon come to Portland reraeni
l5T and hare your teslh fixed by Dr. M.
W. Davie. 163s Firet St. (j24)
The "daylight express" seems to have
11 th hnainMui it can handle. Tnev
haven't been on time since inaugurated.
r. t..- r, rrA tR
. . '
Pension Examiners, Office. Marsters
building residing corner Main and Case
C. F. Caltcart and wife arrived btre,
Sunday evening, from Portland, and
will spend the winter in Cottage Grove.
Dr. Oglesby has received returns from
ne of bis coup of mines in Bohemia ;
" " Kir,ne. ,v. , , practice, is now located at the new resi
wbicb assays $120.0S to the ton, says the n.nrrM m, f p.
Junction City Times.
" C. B. Eater left on the afternoon train (
Toeeday. tor iioeeDurg. lie goea io repor (
for doty with tbe S. P. Co. alter a few j
; days lay off.-CotUge Grove leader. Bnrvejor of Doagu8 county, was survey
A big torkey appetite is being whetted j 5f,g or Mr. Tranel, Alex Wright and Mr.
lor Thanksgiving uv ine annoon;ineiii(l)0ng ia.. week.
that the prices of this great bird will be
very high this year on account of a scar- j
ACKEBs fcULltll KtJJtui
mill etop a cough at any lime, anu will ;
enre the worst cold in twelve bom .. or j
money reiuiiuou vo. uu w v.
For ule At Bapp'a drag store. " 1
Affu T f ft rX ar,- nnn trtH m I
coasia of J. S. Benson, of this place
topped cS here Saturday evening, on
ber return from Portland and spent a
lew days with Ur. Benson. Cottage
Grove Leader.
Thursday's Oregonian announces that
tUJLS- txand jury has found indict
menu against R. J. Jennings and J. J.
Jennings for preventing Deputy U. S.
Sarveyor Collier from surveying a pri
vate land claim.
Don't think yon can care that slight
attack cf Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it j
will care iteell. Kodoi dyspepsia curs
will care if; it "digests what you eat"
and restores the digestive organs to
Jiealth. A. C. M ARSTERS & CO.
Albert Poole, oncj convicted but sub
eajuently released for the Cow creek
canyon train robbery, is ia jail with a
pal named Pad berg, at Colvil'e, Wash.,
for holding op a farmer for tbe purpose
of robbery, and shooting John Hammil
who came to the aid of the farmer.
The Bootb-Kellv Lumber Company
has stacked on the railroad platform
t Sieinaw over 1.000.0CO feet of lumber
readv for shipment to California and
eastern points. Oa account of a
lack of
ears and other rolling stock the South
ern Pacific seems unable to handle the
bosjnees. At 10,000 feet to tbe car,
t nose of the largest capacity, the lumber
on band will require 10J cats. Guard.
We kwji only the bet .yarn
are headquarters mi Yam. W
Those Yarns with the Golden Fleece
ticket on every hank contain half ajrain
as many yards to the )uii"I r hank as
any other brand. The quality the Ix.'M
and lv test thc'only faM black.
YARNS 'unyim quality and uneiiialcil
ill r-asoiiy, rvuminit uno a-j'iiib.
Every dollar purchase entitles the customer to a guess on Gold watch given away.
You will smile with us when you see our in
vincible lines of money savers in, DRESS GOODS,
Pay us a visit before making your purchases,
and we will show you why, it pays to trade at
For first-class dentistry go to Dr.!
Littl of Oakland. ii"
I ,
j Bond, the watchmaker seils spectacles i
at lowest price and can tit them ccr j
rectly. I
X.J. WLiUett who has beea quite ill
ilK tVirnat Irnnl.t l in h! In Iw hollt
A good bicycle (ladies') lo trade ftr
, bargain.
i ... -. , . , , , .
i .Sick headache, fuilneM in Homact,
;ptij jn j. HaJyan cures. All
j drngj:i6:e 50 cents.
uou. 11. i. ni.iiti, i
resident of the
state horticultural b .lard, made this city
an efficial visit last Friday.
j John Stewart the borsebuycr, saci-eed-jed
in I'orcbasi.g ijuUe a number of
' Inrses in this city last Thursday.
I Fok Sale. A good milk row. A good
j horse to trade for wood or graio. En"
! qnire at ti e Plajsdealur office. (da24)
Twelve inches of enow covered the
at Long Creek, Grant county.
Thursday morning, tut
it disappeared
the next day.
John Anderton, of the Life Saving)
Service, was cal'ed to Uoseburg last Sat.
orday by telegram, which e'ated that Lis
wife was terioisly ill. fijndon Record
er. Dr. Isabel Sedgewiek oj Portland, who I
I will I.a .K.i.a gi Dr trra tltY)rn,
I va. u W vi a a a w u vMti v j - v
and Kane streets. Office hours, 1 to'5 p.
Cjoistock correspondent of the j
r . .. . j T, :
., - . lh u
tis, chnrch it Frida- evening proved
quite an ictereating and ejccessful af- j
.fair. Same an:tuj Manila costumes !
were in evidence,
jj A. UoM rctared today from
Klamath Falls and other Eastern Ore
gon points. He evidently did not con
sider Klamath Falls worth saving, as he
on y preached there a few times coming
and going. Ashland Record. j
j Dr. C. T. Bsll, who resides near Tuu-
l nel 7. was a Roseburg visitor Saturday.
In a pleasant visit to this ofiice we were
informed by the doctor that she was a
classmate of Dr. Sedgwick of this city,
and their meeting here was consequent
ly a most agreeable one.
Irving Gibson, the young student who
was so seriously ill that his life was de
spaired of and bis mental condition a
source of much worry, left for his home
at Roseburg with his mother, on Friday
last. Dr. Geiger reports him ou the
highway to complete recovery. F'orest
Grove Times.
Mr. Campbell, of Grants Pass was
called here, last week, by the serius iil
nees of his wife who ia visiting her
daughter, Mrs. J. II. Boo'.h, in this city.
Dr. Knykendall came up from Eugrus
j Wednesday night, to see Mrs. Campbell
and we are pleased to learn that she is
t convalescing.
Capt. S. 8. Mathers, special agent f
the general knd cilice, left thii morniog
; for tbe Lakeview land district to finish
np some work that ha been on Laod
for th tea years. Mr. Mathers will re
main in Riaeburic until his return. Sbe
has had in contemplation avi-itto:he
Hot Springe, but is eo well pleas.) 1 with
Roseburg tbat she will remain here.
! ' 1
AVill buy you a Cor
set proof against
rust. The name i WARNER'S Hi M
PROOF ask to see them. There art-
more than one style. The only corset
guaranteed to us absolutely rust-proof
We carry a laore line of corsets in sever
Bond, tfe watchmaker, does eigray
Chas. Feiker!, of Kiddle, was a Ro?e-
burg visitor Sunday.
We need a few wore lnadeofwo'da
this office. Bringiton.
J53J the neat new ad of the 7. piir
Grocery oa our second paj;e.
JuJa J. W . Hamilton is combining j
buoiiitT. with pleasure in a tti; to 1--r t
land. Af'er all others fail to ive on t utie
fai'liuu take your watch to J. T. Bryan
and he will make i'. run for you. (ol4d)
K. E. .Sherwood, the Cocs county
stock man, is in town irakit g ariarfe
roei'3 t-j pu ir. IS) of ti i- v juii
cattle in this viciuity durh:g tho win'er.
Dr. J. W. SrrariW wi'l be at Mjrle
Creek from Ootohei 27 lo Novriu'. er 2,
fully prei'i reJ to do euch Ji ulil work as !
may be desired Ly hia pitierts a', t' at
Ia the E i-reuie cjiuI the l iil min
order has been tnadj: W. 11. Willis,
respondent, vs. A. M. Crawford, apitl
lanthave further extension cf tseiity
days' time from October 2Jrd t j serve
and file hi brief.
Pneumonia, li gnptK, coughs, co!ds
croop and w-hooping cough readily yield
to One Minute Cough Cure. Use thia
IQ l,,'ue nd
doctor's bill
ur ins unueimrr u.
Dr. E. laGs now occupies the resi
dence jiist vacatvd tj Simon Caro at the
. mp.ior r.f anil J.rLnli fitrAfc!,
AJjia 19 vtrf desirable resiaence prop-
erty and very conveniently locatel t o'.h
for the L'r. and ihoss alio desire l it tti
vices. Police Ja foo D. S. Wei', re:urned
h L a u rrland Sa-urd.v
He visited H exr..i;i nod ie.riii
even more inieies'.iug thau utu!. 1'ort-
land he says gave etiJencj ot uru?URi
activity in all of ila avenues of business
aai1 varied ibdustrios.
Parties who weie drilling railroad
wood down the South I'mpqua from
above Canyonville to Myrtle Creek lost
beavily last week from tbe sudden i;te
in the river. Math of tbe wood passed
this place Saturday and ii being picked
op all along tbe river bank.
B. F. tl ill and wife cf Bridge, Coos
county, arrived in this city last Friday,
accompanied by their son-in-law, A. O.
Hooten, and purchased tickots for Kan
sis, where tbe old couple will spend tbe
winter with relatives and friends. Mr.
Hooten returned to bis Coos county borne
Evangelist Ross returned TaesJay
f rt in his trip tu Fort Klamath and
preached to a good-sued audience here
Tuesday evening. He departed yester
day for his home at Ashland. He tells
ua that be expects lo leave next spring
for the east and from thence proposes to
take a trip to Paris and then to the Holy
land, lo be absent altogether abou' six
months. Klamath Falls Republican.
Wm. Page, Geo. Mullen and John
Giles returned to their homes at Myrtle
Point last Friday after a year's absence
to Kotzebue Sjund aud Cape Nome,
Abu ka. They believe the latter place to
be the richett mining district yet difcov
end iu Ala- ka. Theee gentlemen have
claiuiSjO in lr not th of Cape Nome
which hive proven ricb, Page haviug
taken out as iumiIi as (420 from his mine
in two week-, with a rocker. They will
return nortii as soon as epring opens :ind
resume hoi iu their claims.
Hosiery Bargains
I'.itiiMi inis!ivins. Jut on tl
of cold weather we provide jrrvat
for you in Ladies' and I'liildren's mmi1
r cot to'! hosiery, linjiortcrs annoiincc
a material advance. That makes our
present performance almost eccentric.
Sjiend ten minutes looking at the differ
ent offerings here. You'll do more thai)
Iijok even though your purse be lean.
All communications rel it in.; ti ny
departmcnt of the publication or
business of thu Plainjjkilku. ami'ild b
addressed lo the 1'lainhi;ai.ku l'u. 1
ing Company, and nol lo any n (tiviiliiul
connected wi'h the j n per.
Postmaster Win. R Wells of Ol.iila, j
is in tot ii I nl. iv. I
Enjov luti hours l
Opera lloust iri:tr
olid inirlh ut the
Rotx'burg now has a male chorus, one
having been organized ther lasts fur
day evening Grants Pass Jourim!
M. O. Warner, the popular
tncer, mil he in Rusebure at au early
date. Leave your orders with T. K.
Woi IJj'Wr- if C inyotiville, a mem
ber cf O- . I! was i-bskiiig hands
with coiniides and old friend lu this
city las'. Frtdav r.nd Sitnrday.
ben Hendricks iu in latest oinedy
cnaracier, a leuuine 1 eii'ie.nau ' at
ine iprra ltonne tonigtit. Don t fail to
so this splchdid comedy ttraina.
Dr. J. V. H'auge will Ik at Kiddle
Tdtsday, Wednebdav and Tliura luy of
this week and won II lika to most alt
who desire tirst cUss dental work.
Mrs. Mau l Bright of New York ar
rived at tliis place recently en her way to
tMiiia to er.j iv a viKit with I er uucle,
CI. W. II. Taylor, of llio Olalh
Mrs. Prudence Salley Will accompany
her relatives to Kosebtiry fcr a vitit.
'lheyare at Maple'on and ill leave as
soon a tue s'je can go through Flor
ence '.Ve-t.
Mrs. S. S. Catchint; and taiii!y have
pone to Riddle whtre they will spend ti e
wintir with Mrs. Catchuu'a folir. Win.
A, Webber. Mis. B-IU r. m rno with
relative in this it;-
Pi !.'.(.'. I!ron. t-mviciil of the
Will'iir p:ih;io et-ho ils, w .t 1 .-king after
lui ir.ei-s inaltcrs lathis city Silurday.
Ife repoita his fcho-j! work p'ogreesing
most sd'.isf acton lly.
The Ladis Aid Society .t the M. E.
Church will give a di:i:e eocial kt the
homeofMr 0. F. G.dfrey, tu Tt.uia
day ivmir.g, ILtober ilUh. A cordial
ib vita! ion is extended to all and a pleas-
i ant evening i a.-nreil.
l H . v ocds. el I lie I'aUce hotel. 1 as
secured m Oakland, Or., and ex
pec's to bein o;erutiocs on a two-Mcry
bui!diu' ia a fw da s on the i-iht of
the burned building. The new building
will be 50x101 feel irar,ts P Minirg
A Li hi..p cieeting is cal!-.t f -.r I
groaeis a: Eugene, rest Thurs-!y, at 10
a.m.. to secure protce:i n n.ains-t the
rapicioua hop buyer. alm:n it is
cbarg-1 have c.-mbitietl to obtain low
prices. Hop rain r in Lne, Linn, Ben
ton and Douglas lOuutieK are invitrd to
Mr. Ew?i! lldlau.l, of MirthtlrM.
and Mies Da;?y Wi.-kham, of t'..ia ci y,
were married in the forn-er city Wed
nesday evening. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Wi.-kl.aro,
among our beft cil"zis. St.e i au ex
cellent ycun.: lady, and one whu claims
th h"g'.i ts'.eem of ni.ii.y a q-iabtances
here. The groo n ca:ne to this rouuiy
from Nevada City, Cal. F. r a tort
time he w:s employed in thi-i .llioea: d
proved hiaisetf wi'.iiu,; nJ ir.dutri-,us.
He readily mad? friends aid acquainted
LiuiSel! in a way to merit their cunfi
decce. Tlie lulletiu wishes ihe h py
people all povib'e happiLcsa and pros-t-rily.
C'cjuiile City Bulletin.
Mr. Holland is well and f.vorably
kcown in tliis lit and his many friends
join io extending congratulations and
bttt wipbe?.
A Very Pretty Wedding.
Miss Grace Catching cd Mr. Frank
Fijok.lo hof Rofetnrg, were happily
united at the res:. cf the t ride's
aoot Mr. 15. F. Ijhr, in Pice street,
Su-day evening the 22ud inst., by the
Bev. Arnold of tbe M. E. church, Rose
burg. Tbe weJJirg. though qu'', was pret
tiiycijnducttdthrouhoit tnl be.'poke
the gcoi taSle of M.S. Ixur who had
ma'.tera in charge.
The bride was ni.ely drcsioJ in white.
relieved with a few cho'ce roses, and
bore htreelf with charming fcrace and
composure throughout Ibe trying ordeal,
which oft timei shaken the iron
nerves of heroes ot a huadred bal les.
The groom wore the conventional
black aud appeared every inch a worthy
protecUr for the bit of feminine loveSi
cets to whom he had pledged his troth
for ever and aye.
Mrs. Loir's cjttage was very n.c-ly
decorated with beautiful cut tfoaers ia
profusion, roies such as grow only in
Roseburg and so beautiful that it is not
to bo woudered lu t the lighting barons
of old England chose Hum for their em
blems; chrysantheuois tit for the
Mikado's Court, Chiua asters that might
have CJine from the palace grounds of Li
Hung Chang, and clusters cf red berries
that involuntarily recalled Dickens
Christina" storicp.
The beautiful rcreioony was foult'.eei-
ly by the Rev. Arncll, and
the rcspousi'S were clear and distinct
from the groom and bride and delivered
with impressive solemnity, indicatitg
full realization ol their imp rt.tini in
time to come.
After the ceremony the newly marriel
people and assembled guetts partook of
a very sumptuous supper, amply provid
ed and elegantly served t y the hostes?
During the progess of which the party
was Dleasantly surprised with
a serenade from Messrs. Langen
bergacd Lasju, who ren iered many
beautiful selection! ou mandolin and
Mr. and Mrs. Flook depatled on th
uotth hound California express shortly
aftir midnight for a visit lo Oregon
uietrop.lis, alter which ho will re ume
hia ie;u!ar position on some of the
Southern Paciiiu C. 'a through or local
freight trains running out of Roseburg or
Grants Pitus, his rank in the railway ser
! vice giving him the choice ot eeveral pc
eitioi p. The toud wishes o? fiiendsac
tin JJcommui i w ill go with these young
pjople wherever they may 1 jcate and
tbe bright, propix-cls tf their present
piespcs a future, silver lined and golden
bordered, with peace, happiuesp, health
am' plenty.
The wedding party and guests com
prised, Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Flouk, Rev.
G. R Arnolj, Mrs. J. G. Flook, and
daughters Jessie mid Ellen, Miss Jennie
Gilvin, Miss l'itta Fiook, Mist Silvia
Sttarus.JMr, and Mrt. Lil'ayette Reaves,
Mr. Dan Langenberg, Mr. Laweon, Miss
Belle Catching, Harry Lohr, Master
Benny Lohr, Mrs. B. F. Lohr, Miss
Bertha lMc.f, Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo. Kales.
G. R
Warehouse of Jno. fl Jackson Col
lapsed Nickel nine Resumes
Jno. M Jn:k-oii'a wareliouwe which
ii built this l is; Siiniiner rollapted at
7:30 o'clock hat Fii.lay morning; cuuse,
faulty foundttion. Tliere were several
uieu a; m.rk in it at the lime, grudiug
m il sacking i, bit' mme were 8i-ou-ly
hurt. Mr. Peter Ulaorr and Mr.
i f beppurd received slight injuries. There
weie aiiout OoUO bushels ot, two
car loads ot prunes, a car toid of mlt and
souie hay in the building. Tti-; loss was
about j00; ii.sured on'y agaiiiht fire.)
Work has been resuiiied, after a lapse
of aUmt six yi-ars at the Ititernutiocai
Nickel mine. Mr. Fred Sunn rioi, the
ii eiintendent, bat received orders to
take out and ehip tau thousand pounds
of ore this fall. We hope tlm ii tbe be
gini icg of better things f .r tbi a rop
erty. Gene Pruuer has teturued fro a llariif
burg where he has U en ai work with the
steam bhovel. The water got too high
for the in tu continue work.
Herbert Pruner who ie aMendiig
school at Koaeburg visited hi arente,
Mr. and Mrp. Mel Pruner, over Sunday.
Born, at tao Cracker Jark mine, Oct.
16, io Mr. u 1 Mrs. Geo. Frater, a son.
All doing well ncpt the father.
Mr. Muse Ryan has taken charge of
ihe railroad Bee. ion a: Ri !d c ;i:id hag
moved his family bete.
i-1 uiiioiu reiurne.; im u i;.ne; urg
Saluidav evc-niiig, on the IhhI, Io nx.nd
Sunday al home.
Mr. anil Mrs. Burnett are combining
bu-iinehs ai.d pleatute io a vit..t to Mer
lin. Mrs Bellinger of Medfori',
Mrs. ilardmau.
is visitiiig!
Mrs. Hoggins ha lmd to tirauis Pass '
t reside. ' '
IiU,l,I.IH UOtK.
E. F. Netf was trans t: ins liu-iue in i
Portland lt wek.
M;aa Mary Medley If ii Tuesday fur her
home in Ablaud.
Mr. (i. Vaupel, of Aot lai.ii was in
tjan a few dava last re'c.
W."H. Joy h it Sat "i diy for .au Fran
cisco to be gone ab it a aetk. ;
Mr. and Mrs. CbritUntoo ot Roseburg!
were in Oakland li-t Tborsday. '.
R. B. Kites left las; week for Washing- j
ton and Idaho to be absent a ebort lime. )
"Rev. Mr. Groot of lie Firet Baptitt
Cuurch, is attending the Dapti-t Assoc j
ation in Portland. i
Taj for Buckley came down from Hose
burg tbe first of tbe week to lecoytr
from his aicident of a short lime sine.
Mrs. Mary Greene and dauguter Mha j
Orville, returned to their home iu W.lla !
Wall. Waaa., Sunday after teveral
month's visit with relatives her.
J. H. Ray left Saturday fcr Medfcrd
to which place bi family preceded him
a few days ago. Their departure is ie
gretted by their large circle uf friends.
Mr. Ray's house is occupied by Mr. S.
Hon. Geo. T. Russell has ro gned his
position as dietiict schcol clerk, which
has helJ tor the fast eight years,
bis id health being the cause for reign-
cnt. No ore
has as et bevti elected
') succeed bim.
A lirsl class restaurant has been
pened on Cass street, op;oe:t-9 the
-pot, al which may be had freth oji-j
rs, chickeu, steaks, slews, lunches, and
besides meals at all hours, tegular meals
e served. Lu tubes and tinick meals j
for railroad passergrrs a specialty. For
that hungry feeling bo sure and ell at !
Djfly'e restaurant, pi ices reafeiah.e. J
UumbolJt i'ratht, son
tf Hen. Max
artin, daughter
'racht, and Mies Susie Mart
Mr?. J. H. McBride, were married
last Wednesday, at the home cf the
bride in Portland. They tock the even-1
og train for AshlaoJ, lo mile that city i
ii eir luiore iiome, .'ir. i racni ueing me
.! -. t 1. ! , ' I
trujted manager of J. A. Gross' railroad
The lubsjip'.ion list of the Plaimieai.-
ek continues to grow at a rapid pace,
while tbe office is fairly overwhelmed
with job printing. Witti oar new and
improved facilities tor job prinliug no
office iu Southern Oreaon can turn out
as high grade woik al a more reasonable i
mien and ihe reoiilo are beroiuinir xirn 1
r. . . I D
of this fact.
' 'Tis worth a bag of gold." This ap
plies it h special force to Hood 'a Sar
Sipiriila, America's lireatesl Medicine.
The Rural Northweet and Senii-acek'y
Plainuealkr both one year f..-r utlv i,
price of ona paper alone.
Bilious headache, yellow snin. coated
tongue, fevered tips. Hultati cniet
All diu gists, 50 ceuti
If you see a man
Losing his Purse
You would surely tell him about it without
J waiting for an introduction. We see you I
5 loosiug money every day by not buying from a
us and must tell you at once, for our prices
arc lower than any store here aud the '
X couuters are groaning beneath the weight' of j
f bargains offered. j
I Big Surprises in
Men's and Boy's Clothing, Shoes-, Fall aud
Winter Goods, Skirts, Jackets, Mackintoshes
Furs, Men's and Women's Furnishing
S Goods, Table Linens, Ouilts, Blankets. Ex-
' amine our goods and prices, and convince
yourself that you can save money by "making
your purchases at the C. I. K. STORE.
& Parents Will Find 3
At our store Everything in School wear
for boys and girls. We make a specialty 3i
of wear resisting: Shoes and Clothing
for the young people. We are exclu
sive agents for the Celebrated-
g Black Cat Stockings j
lor Boys and Girls. The prices, as us- 3
ual are as low as they can be made on :S
high grade goods. Remember, we have
everything" in school wear farBo vs and
Girls. Pfirents give us acall.
301-303 Jackson St.
Roseburg Academy
Will reopen Sept. ii, 1899.
Classical axo
lliuroiiKh iTcpirallon fur CuIIeco, for
j'lrfitjiiag, or lur biinim-M. luirei lion civcnl
InLfttin. Itnlr j . U - . . i
U.l.m.l i c
I Natural science. HitioM. Fnilith. fehorthand.
I nK-wrillLC. rvniu.likliit.. ami llirlrnr I :..
'"'lant.. low rate-. Kor ftirtb-r fj artRU.ars,
1 x "'c "al.
I Io6fhurg, Or.
j IJofiJeuce. Cor. Jack6ou ami Lane
! Streets.
M CHEADLE, M I). D. i. S.
i vni-.-c 10 ir.f
: Uail.
iilllc ir.vk o'Wi!e tun
Roseburg, Or.
The Fruit Crop.
Ja Lei Kvle return'-i thii morning
from Dougbs c.uty, wnere he has been
ayii g jrnnes for Page A Son, Pcriland.
Mr Kt, 8 the Ing'as ccunty prnnes
will be very Ci e tbii year. Mr. Kjlewill
extcnMreiy rianoio pctatte', and socn
texpec's to maka some shipments from)
! this poio'. Salem Journal.
Officers Elected.
The regular tuorolbly basineas meeting
of Epworth League Chapter 5151. ws
held at ihe M. ,. Church, Friday eve
ning, and the following officers were
elected to 6er?e for tbe easuicg year:
Pre"ridi:ot, F. S. GjJfiey ; Department
of Spiritual work, Mrs. E. C. Collies;
department of Mercy and Help, Mrs. A.
C. Marsters; derailment tf Literary
work, Hel-n Y. Smi'b ; department of
Social work, Mrs. F. II. Caurchill; sec
tary, F. II. Cnurcbiil; treasurer; Lona
Hasseil; organist, Auiala Smith.
Montana Volunteers.
The Montana volunteers on their
homeward j lurney passed through this
city last Friday 70J s'f jng. Like the
other legitnents they were a itardy,
good locking, weil-tehavd lot cf men,
glad to get tit me Lut net acrry for
their experience ia the volunteer
service cf tbe United Sia'.ef. The
boys were iven a rousiog reception
at Portland .od wete served with a
! s;!eodid luncheon ly the En.ergecry
j Corps and Red Cross Society, the laLlij
! being profusely dec-.ralel with lloacrs.
Washington troij'8 wiil pass through
about Novemttr 1 This will le the
last as the other volunteers will
go east
bom San brancucj.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
t-r any en of Catarrh that cannot be
-i;r-d by llali's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props. Toledo. O.
j We the uriiJert-ine I have known F. J.
! Cheney for the iae: 15 vears, and believe
j hin- perfectly honorable in all bosincsa
trana-ticns and finaneiully able to car
i ry cut any obligations made by their
West & Trcas, Wholesale Drugciets,
I Tol.tlo, O.
j Walding, Kin nan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggie's, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting direetly upon the blood and
mucntia surface of t he system. Price T5c
prt".tt!e. S!.t tiy nil drnguists Tesr. : f'en.
r Side A g .!. gentle milcb cow,
will e fresh alwut the first r,f February.
Call on or address C. J. YanZilk,
I Rosebnrg, Or.
Roseburg Pharmacy
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
DrngH, Toilet Articled, Patent Medi-
ciue. Cigars, Stntiuii ry. Toilet
Soaps. Paints snJ Oils.
photoflpaphic opplie...
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Call nod Examine them.
(Establiched ia 1877.)
The leading varieties of thorough
bred fowls.
Eggs from the finest strains sent
on short notice. Send for Cata-
fi Forest Grove. Or.
At- -
J. F.
Elkton Noles.
11. I'rown has re'arned i-om Portland.
A E tzouf has rel un-d freai Port
Mits Sueie Berkley has returned I:cm
Phil Beckley of OaW'an I, a in to n
ore dav las' week.
J. A. Smi h is expet'iiu h's wi'e and
daughter, Mrs. 11 ice'-, hom so -n.
O. Newman, K. MrCt'llum an several
others have grne to ihe B heiuit mines.
Jos. Roberts and dtugbt.-r, TalitLa,
haagone to Portland on a pleasure trip.
Mrs. V.. Cumplnn baigom to Cittage
Grove to visit her aui.t, Mi-s WilL-onrn.
Mr. J. M. St, rk a d linh- g-a- d Jargh-
ter, lcnilorJ, uaa g re t" Tout nl n
a visit.
Gas Woods drove a ran 1 of hogs down
from his ulace and rol l the.u to C. L.
Mrs. B. Yann has retu-nrd from Aber
deen, Wash., accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. G. E. Jones.
ii i?
To Our Friends.
Myself and family desire to express our
sis e e thai ks to ihe G. A R. aud many
friends who reudered S'tch valuable as
sistance during thel.M il!es a d t tie
funeral of our late husband ard father,
Their kindness and nvniwihy will ever
be gratefully remembered
Mrs. H. J. Walsh,
R veburg, l-.. O r . 21, ISW.
Two hundred wmnl choppers and
teams. Highest priees, tirtt class lim
ber. stcM'y wort.
Comsfock, Orego.i.
Notice of Dl5otuioi of Pari:rshi p.
Notice is hereby ve i that the prt -
nerebip heretofore existing leiwe.i ti
V. Krnse and D. R. Shamh-vk. l,rts
been dissolved by tnutU'tl rois.i.t Th-
said G. W. Kruse has a su ne I ah 'h -
j indebtedness of s.iid brio and wiil co !n"
Jl moneys d ie said ti'in.
Dated this 10:h day of Oct ISthl.
1. R. SllAMMUH'K;
G. W. Km e.
Achievements of Ailtufral IWwey," tlie worlil's '
Krcatest naval hero. Ity Murai llaltcait. Inc
life-liHiff tricinl anil nilntin'r of the nations
lilol. lliKKit ami lict iMxik: over ' iajri,
a10 liiclii; n"nrly ! lnii ImHtonu illusoa
?iuu. Only )1 "41. h'.n.iitims ilumaml. Pi
oinnii-.iin'. lliitul In, i limirt; of h li('
M111.1. Write (iili k. Tli Duiuitiimi rnmimnr
rl H.wir 'xlt.n :t.l,,i lil.-i'x.i.
Do You Cough?
" I ns3 1 r.scd to be like everybody else.
When I caucht cold. 1 just let it alone, thinx-
ir.S it would
cure itself in
a few days ;
of course ihe
c o n g h i n g
and pitting
of mucus
lasted sev
eral weeks,
but after a
i -I a v
wniie i u e i
would sub.
side. I al
ways no
ticed, how
ever, that
each cold was worse than the one before. Hj
thrvat seemed to get weaker, and the least
change in the weather started the coughinx
aeain. The last cold was tbe most severe ot
all. I was really frightened. Cough drops
and home treatment tiid no good. A friend
told me about Acker'a English Remedy. I -got
a bottle, and you never saw the like of
the way it acted. Before the bottle was gon
I was well, ilj tnroal felt as strong and well
asronldbe. Since then I have had no more
trouble. I think Acker's English Remedy so
strengthens the delicate lining of the throat
that it easily resists the changes in tempera
ture, and it builds up the constitution as well.'
(Signed) Carris,
251 Gold St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Sold at 25e., oOe. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the I'nited States and Canada : and in Eng
land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. 3d., -Is. 6d. If you arje not
satislied after buyins, return the bottle to
your druggist, aud get your money back.
TIV na.',Wire Ihe iit guanittrt.
V. II. HOOKER X- CO., JVtynrtw. Scm Jar,.
For sale by M. F. Rapp,
too Men Wanted
To cut and handle R. R. locomotive
r wood and work in the timber. Wages
H 50 per day. Hiuhest price paid for
; wood cutting. Good tiinter and a long
! job. Enquire ai the company's office at
! Doe creek spur or by 'etter to
j Geo. W. Riddli,
' W t od A Lum be r Co. , Rid die, Or.
Bill Poster and Distributor.
Having bill board in the best location!
in town, I am prepared to do all work in
that line on short notice.
II. G. Hoi sllOLDEJi,
Roseburg, Oregon.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Kava Always Bought
SiKmttuie o
Mlll Willi