The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 23, 1899, Image 2

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    - ' 1
Rockers. Lovely Ranges aud Cook Stoves. Good Eastern
I for I12 others as low as $8.00. Air tight aud Cast Heaters
The best Cupboard in the country for the money. Window
lought before the raise. Scud us your order, we can fill them lor you
-prices. We are here to serrc you.
THE plaindealer
rubluhcd Monday aud Thurwta; .
f . . TKA1T0R1 - -.Publish, r
TT. . CONKER Editor
J. U eTRATFOKU ..... Mgr. aud Solicitor
Jac Year
n Month
Caree Mouth
..- w
.. 1 cm
All hail to "Columbia
the turn ut the
ir Thomas Lip'.on should have chueen
tbe lour-leaved clover as a talisman in
stead of tbe three-leaved t-hauirock.
It ii Blranra bow Be re re It the yellow ;
interviewer avoid Dewrr aud 1 untton !
aincfl tbev reached home and can
falsehood on tbe spot.
til a !
Tue Boerj have shed English biood be- li0urB n,! ? "Vi-n burs tinted be
tora. but never aroused tbe Dii-ieh Eui- j f-'10 ,aet l5r -ian l l,t uut of
pirs as thoroughly as oa this occasiou- iction.
Tterwill be a fight to a finish beyond! The luh tVi.ters aid Kii.s tiibs,
a doobt ' n'D'bilo, had advat.ied to tbe aigaalt
1 and were shooting their woy np tfm bill,
Xw York evidently txhansted her-j driving tbe Boers luck from she! ler, un
aelf in making arrangensriU for the j til the final rosh cf the ttrinsli rarrieil
Dswty reception. Having raised all the t tbtm to tbe summit,
wind in eight, the yachts have b.en ceni- A curious fad was tl a. teveral times a
pellsd to pot np with a dead calm.
Dewey's diagnosis of Agnina'do's case
is that he r eeis a larger dw cf war'
ships. Xone cf the inu-rviewer tx
trarted this idea from IV ey on hi wsy
home. Bat then they never saw him.
Tbe amis are becoming the an- j
tes. Ancient biatory is made Tery faM
tbeee pushing diys, and moss on tbe !
back crews quickly when one getc be
hind tbe procession. Salea States'
A Span'urd was arreste I in Manila re
cently for printing and publishing sedi
tious documents. Carl Sbuiz, Edwin
Banitt Smith, and Elward Atkinson,
engaged in tbe same bo-ine s in Chicago,
go scot-free.
Tbe much talked of meeting of the
Multoomab county democrats in Port
land, last Friday fur tbe purpose of
"promoting harmony" not called off
as per schedule, there iot being a quorum
b attendance.
bit Thomas Lipton aod bis yacht, the
Shamrock, will have to return to Eng
land without the ove'.ed American cup.
It was an ill wind for Kir 1 bom as that
came Friday and enabled tbe Columbia
to prove ber prowess.
General Lawton is get'.ing to
again on the right flauk of the Tagals I
north of Manila; tffocaptaios wrt killed ! London, Oct. 21. The war office has
last week, one from Oregon, tbe other j announced that in the fighting yce'.er Jay
from Alabama. .The No.-iti and Soutn j let ween Glencoe and I'jnJpe 31 non
eUnd shoulder to shoulder as ths flag is ' commissioned officers and men were
carried forward. Globe Democrat.
It is not strange that Graver Cleve
land is opposeJ to expansion. He was
very much opposed to the annexation of
Hawaii, and would mucu pref-r to go
Ikbing tbaa troubU himself wit'j the
duties incident to tbj deve'opment of
any new territory. Albany Herald.
Referring to Jerry S.inipauu'a Wichita
speech,' J. M. Dinsmore, who was speak
er ot the populi't house in 1833, wrote to
the old soldiers at Topeka a long letter
in whicti hesjye: "When any man
publicly applets the insurgent forces
who have been shootiug our Kansas
hoys, 1 ray hoot hin on tbe spot."
Gen. Funs'oo remarki (hat "the seat
of all tbe trouble at this lime is tbe Fili
pino junta at Hong K"ne.T' The Gener
al will notice after he has been home a !
few dava that tbe juuta baa cloee rela- In Oiios;o last week tbe anti imeri
tiona with certain newspapers in this j aliste, alias the anti-Auierictnc,
country. Koetburg is accreJited with formally effected their org.iuizition, and
cot aod it isn't tbe Plmsdealei? either, opened their campaign against tbe ex-
llnrin k-.iii..
The going of W. J
tl speak for ioetel has aroused the ire of
tbe anti Goebe! DdiuocraK, and tbey
swear tbey will oot support him for
President. They have believed all along
that at the last momeut Bryan wou'd
reconsider his promise to come to Ken
tucky and interfere iu tbe stat cam
paign. Another great victory is announced in
tbe Philippine!. Gen. 0:i ha captured
a jH.e at a proyresvite enchre party al
Tiie I'alace in Manila Cuttae Grove
General Us is ii carryiogon i-u
gent and couragou cainpair
intelli -
the Filipino inn'k;eut, and the copper
head press is carrving on an ignorant
ud cowardly cuupaittn sgaicst General
'Otis Both campaign nre watched with
Lt-ret by th An.erican people.
t'nder the new read aw the i-r unty 1
courts w ill at their January terms re-ar 1
range the road tlirtiictn of the county, eu
that tbey will cmfjrui with ihe voting j
districe, an4 evry two vra thereafter I
make such changes deemed some time .-n the Applegate property
necessary. In June there shall he ; about Ave miles from that pla.
eleced supervisor f r each disni.-t, who j Upon their arrival tlic-y fouud an ex
Shall hold bis office f jr two years. If he ! cedingly good (bowing o: dipper, but
refuse to accept the office after being j baroly in sufficient quantity to justify
elected be shall bo tiued I25 The conn- j taking hold of it at the present times.
ry court shall fill all vacancies. Nugget.
furniture, Hardware, Beds and bed-r
dings, Carpets and Linoleums. j
We are Retailers ami Jobbers of everything in Hcd-';
room Suits ranging in price from $11.50, $14, $15, $16 audi
upwards. Fine line of Dining Room Furniture. Extent
sion tables, Dining chairs. Handsome line plain and fancy
More Particulars About the Cat
tle ot Glencoe.
Boers Also Had Many Killed
Wounded and arc Consider
ably Demoralized.
and i
London, Oc'. 21. The early li. !
regarding jesterday'a lat'lo conveyed .
t lh ft immftci.ii tlmt tlm u 1 , rw. mfttx'.T mfla '
over iu a conpitj of lK-nrp, the Criti h ar-:
tilli ry sileucini; tho Uoer) guns aud iu-i
ifiuiry, and then pimp! clia'Rin tigbt
over tbe hill. .Vcrwdinj to l.tft-t aJ-
I, Lowrvrr tiie Ijat'lo Id'-teJ eniil
! lull occarreJ in tue hring on thAa sices,
i tbe Briish ioUotry apparently taking a
breathing' spare in the ttitT climb and
the Doers ho ho!din back their lire.
Tbe magnificent practice of lb- Biilieh
gnns was an itnruf ore h'lp, ai d tbe e ic
cess of tbe ase an t was gnuMy due :here-
j to. Once the Lritieh bayonets tbowed
toP cf Le L" treated, and
when o deseeding oa the other side
tbey found a Lr.Ueh la tery an J Lntuh
came a rent.
The BritUh guus followed, acd, un
limbering from time to t:me threw t hells
into the rlyu g foe. Heavy raia began
falling during the afternoon, which nat
urally impeded artillery tpcrjtions.
It was a q iecr coincidence that yes
terday was the an mvereary if a tiruilar
feat of Efmsh arms in India when tbe
Gordon Highlanders sttraied tbe heights.
The Outljck published a dispatch
from Cape Town dated yesterday, alleg
ing the Boers are not likely to make any
further considerable offensive movement.
Tbe correspondent says : "They are ut
terly demoralized and tbe mm refuse to
tske rifks."
Lonuox, Oct. 21. In tbe bot tie which
lock place between Glencoe and Dnndee
yesterday, one colonel, three captains
and fiva British lieutenants were killed,
one general, thres maprs. six captains
and nine lieutenants were wounded.
General Symons wounds are considered
killed and 151 wouoded.
Tbe list of cfficeis killed and wounded
shows that while the British victory was
complete, it was bought at a heavy
price. This beavyjoes among officers
was due to valiant conduct in sticking to
tbe traditions af tbe BritUh aimy aud
refusing to ate tie cover of which tbe
men availed themselves during the
storming of tha Boer position.
Among tbe rank and file, the h'JBSira
bad eeven wouuded, the artillery one
killed aud three wounded, the Leue-iter
regiment one wounded, King's ritlaj 11
killed and 08 wounded, Irish fusilee s 14
killed and 30 wonoded.
The Boers are also (aid t btye sob
ered a severe los, not less than 8 J J be-
ling killed and wonodeJ, inc'uling tev-
! eral officers.
The "Antls."
j panfcion policy
Of course Carl
of the administration.
S:baiz was there, and
"spoke at great lenRth."
This ihronic ' anti" would talk for
days in two or more languages in opposi
tion So anything that the majority of
Americans ate for.
J. Sterling Mortal), wbo has been try"
iog for m -roths to get a few men to join bis
party, which has hitherto
consisted of hi'iisdf, wai promi
nent. There were other cele
braties, mostly good n.en, but altogether
a lot of men wbo are in such matters as
is now ergroseiog public attention are an
' impracticable ai.d incapable of wisely
I ) . . . t . . . . .'ii r o a I j t i ! I Ir i. t I l i i
"u' 'lll6 a,B"lt "" '''
as our most emieoi uocior ci.iivii.ny
would te to bauJie the Ihgehip of a tluet
of war veeetls in time of action.
Copper Showing.
lifct Saturday Wesr?. J. M. Sherwood
aud Albert Zineaker accompanied byC.
H. I'aik of the VfSuviiiH group went tu
Yoticalia to iiiHpect a tlmiug of cupper
formation which has heen known tor
Cook Stove, warranted, No. j
the Best aud the Cheapest.;
Shades iu an abundanc;
Write us fori
Hiram Shook Assaulted and
Probably fatally Wounded,
Robbed of His Money aud Left to Die,
Description of the Robbers
Who arc Supposed to
be Tramps.
Oa l.iat Saturday in min at a poiot iu
North Douglas couoly about three miles
n.-i.Mi of f ',ni at.-ti-k riil nmr A l.tanitl
& CampbeT wood crap, Hiram hook
was &Lut aud probably fatally wounded,
Ly two unknown tramps. Mr. Shook
ws approached by tbe tramps, one of
u '.om rtlrred a watch for sale. When
Miiwk proJuccd tht money to pay for
tbe watch, he was assaulted by the part
ies. He drew a revolver aod tried to de
fend himself, one shot a, his as
eailauts. who then seized him aa 1 while
onecf them A'.tempTeU to stab him iu tbe
back with a knite, the other one forced
the inuii'e ot the revolver apainet his
body and fired two shots both of which
t.ok tffect.
While one of tbe wounds was slight
the other a very eeriuus, the ball ec
teiiai the lueact tear tbo heart aod
pasting through tbe body loJged bhiod
tbe rbou'.der.
Tbo robbers then took bis revolver
and money and disappeared. No trace
of the probable murdrrs bus been found
op to this time. One of them is de
scribed as being about 5 feet, 10 inches
ta'.l, l:gbt or randy whiskers and mus
tache and complexion, having on rather
shabby clothes. The ether one was
smaller, quite dark complexioned, with
dark mustache and beard, and dressed
in shabby clothes, the vest and pants be
ing quite oily.
Mr. Shook, who is a ion of Jasp:r
book, who liven north of akiand, it a
young man aud unmarried. His physi
cians express but little hopes cf his re
covery. We sincerrly hope tba. the
parlies wbo have been guilty if this
olTerte will ba caught and puniEbed.
Ex-Governor William P. Lord, it is
uuJerstooJ, has bten otTrred by the
president the appointment of minister of
tbe United States to tie Argentine He
public. Notice was received here of tbe
offer seme days atr. Judge Lord has
had it under consi oration, and yester
day, as The t' eionian learns, he signi
fied his acceptance of the offer. This is
one of the best of tbe foreign missions.
It carries the title and dignity of "envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipoten
tiary of tbe United States." The ap
pointment is the hightst honor yet con
ferred on a citizen of Oregon by tbe
present administration, and the rccep
lent is well worthy of ir. As juetice of
tbe supreme court of Oregon and as gov
ernor of the stale, he has made a reputa
tion for ability in public statioo and for
conscientious devotion to duty. The
Oregonian congratulates tbe state upon
this appointment, and JuJgs Lord upon
his signification of intention to accept it.
O.-rgor ian.
Klamath Republican : In this tlate
the heat M politics will bo at its height
next spring. By having elections in
June, it is made necessary to go to tbe
expenee annoyance of two elections dur
ing the year of a presidential campaign.
We can learn of no good reason why all
elections should not be held in the fall.
There are only a few ttatej that deviate
from the rule of holding elections in Nov
ember, and Oregon is unfortunately one
of tlioui. Besides the expenee and
trouble, elections are of no earthly bene
fit to tbe locality or state, uud tbe fewer
of tbem the 1 etter.
The Spkeeman-Keview notes with
pride that almost tbe entire Washington
regiment is for expaneion. Tbe boys
say tbe islands will prove a rich pjscees
ion fur U.icle Sim, that they will ad
vance the commercial interesti of the
Pacific coast and better enable the Uni
ted States to protect her interests in
China. Evidently the seditious litera
ture of tbe Tagal sympathizers in the
East did net have the desired effect up
on the Was liogton boys at least.
Pendleton Y. O. Dcm: William J.
Bryan is now at work helping out the
democrats iu Kentucky. He has a hard
job in trying to elect State Senator
Goebel, who is a prohibitionist, goterior
of KentiK-kv.
Today's Market.
Pohii.ami, Oct. tl. Eggs Oregon,
'IV j cents per do..
Butter Best dairy, -'5('35c; lancy
creamei v. fiOmu'ic per roll.
Poultrv Chickens, mixed, f3.O0m4.00 j
Prunes Italian 3:5; silver, extra
cboici, b(i per lb.
Wheat Walla Walla 40 i oOjc; Val
lcviiO; lihu'Stem 01.
itn White l'5fti27c choice gray,
:;()!.;;:!( per imfhel
MiUftnii liran, fill; mi Idlings (14;
thorifi, f lo tu ; chop, (fMi-oO per ton.
Hay Timothy $!w1l; clover, 0f.3;
(rfiion wild hay, foi" 7 Prr Ion.
WW Vallev, 12i'13e: Eastern Ore
gon, 8(( I t, M'obair, 20(u.:W.
Potatoes Oregon Hurbanks, 50fCiO
Pr sack.
v e
To let you know that
Staple and Fancy
Our stock is being constantly replenished and
enlarged, hence our goods are always fresh and
CCil IDOM given with every cash
VUUrUllU purchase which entitles
holder to a selection from our handsome decorated
porcelain china. A chance to get something nice for
nothing. Come and see. Everything at the lowest
prices at
t Jack?
J Phoj
son Street, 7IPil
one 2 s;.
To The Public
We have iu stock at the present time the
tTuest line of Pianos ever seen iu this city
Prices rauciutr
aud Organs $45 to $125. Also 7 octave or
gans, iu stock at this time.
Prices lower
where, and on
for particulars.
T. K.
Regarding Homestead Contekt5 Be-
fore the tieneral iana unite. ;
WsuiuioN. K.t. 21. Coinmieaioner
. ,, ,.i l n.l '
umuer neruii., o .;--- -
offic, has deciJe'l thai Jintuu lion f ;
the land till e s noi acquired u nouie-,
stead cantcsU Ouless the coulcst alb
.1..;. .i.ii r,-,.;firai! licitf that the
abandonment is
... t to tri iurv tr
naval service during the
inain. Those itetituling conteU In i
the United StaUS land offices will te
pente bv availing the -
4Bavd much x
selves of this dtcision,
as many ai:ei
before tbe department haTe been con.
pelled to recommence their cases.
Pointed Paragraphs.
n. . ..f ic 5.t
now is "Columbia, tbe Geni cf
Tbe i rice ol mutton is high that all
tbe tecret societies in the Und have been
obliged ta place extra guards over their
"Have you at) y L4ey coitra: cue;
asked of the dry goodj clerk. The
clerk stammeied, ''I don't know what
yon mean
"Why, colois thaUv.ou t
Some waUr.nelons are causing a great
deal of t:oiUe in the country village cf
Wocdhnrn d jwn the toid. Several boys
nrndjwn Uieioid. Several boys
mght stealing Mr. Miller's melon,
he demmJed seven dollar. f-r
were c
dropping tie mutter. It was paiJ and
tbey bad him arrested for concealing a
ciiae. He was acquitted. Then he be
gan baviDg them arrested one at a time
for larceny, snd the eud is nat io eight.
Looking Glass News.
Mr. II. A. Fellows has returned to
home, at Etna Mills, California: bis eon
Uufus will remain here.
Mr. Job lenning left a few dava ago
for Coqaille City where he will visit his,
sous Frank and Wm.
Miss Flora Andrus has icturned home
from Reeton where she has been for sev
eral weeke.
Mr. WtUy Miller, Oavid Morgan, and
Mr. Edward Morgan's ion Eddie arrived
here Tuesday from Eastern Oregon.
Mies Ethel Duncan of Reeton was tbe
guest of Mrs. H. Seig:e tbe first part of
this week.
Mr, Fred BiarJ has returned home
from MarshtielJ where he has been
t - - I
working lor ecyerai iuouiuo. j
.Mrs. Jiaoison anu u.i v..w, .
Kellogg returned home a few days nine
after spending reveral days noting
Mr. Harry Seigle is employeJ by
railroad company. Harry uas got
a railroad u:ao now.
10 te
President fllller's Report.
President Miller has filed tbo follow,
iog report with the slate board of horti
ciil'tire. "In the country betweeu Cottage
Grove and Drain WJund severe injury
f a tbe February freer-e. Many trete
. .edead and others were dying.
"The southern limit of the freeze was
ihe Calapooia uiountians, the worst ef
fects being felt in the southern part of
Ine couuty. Ac roe 8 the mountians
trees were not injured, and growers have
a fair crop.
Peach and young prune trees were
severly injured in the southern part of
Lane couuty, while in the northern part
of Douglas county peach trees were
fouud ladeu with fruit, and prunes and
other trees were not damaged.
"Between Drain aud Gardiner I found
a fair crop of peaches, pearj, apples and
prunes. Tbe country along the Uuipqua
from Elktou to Scottsbutg, is especial
ly well adapted lo the growing bf
The apple canker mid Bcab weie the
woret diceaecs foin.d in thnt section.
Tbe coili in moth hits been gaining a foot
hold since IhOG
The D.tton .TournsI is the latist Oe
gon newepsper caudidate ceeking public
favor. It is a neat tuveu column folio,
well tilled with local and geueral news
and stmts out with a goml advertising
patronise. S. M. Dillingham is its able
editor. Kncceen to the Journal,
r i . . a a a a T
uav lor mis.... u . r 1 '
have a fine selection of
FD'x PlDlirFDV
from 2co to $a$$ on Piano,
II IllVblllllf llllilJ
than can be obtained else
installments to suit. Write
The Donkey Brays Again.
Traver is trjiog to detract attention
(.,.... ;n.nn.iulinr. ... .-..! ... k
by in(.iitI,tin, , yovnUt pupil coiitet.'
something alter Iho manner ul yellc
journals that get op popular policeman
cotitetts in ordi-r to ho-iiii their cir.nia
. ,ion. The sct x4 boa-d flmuld sit dow n
,1!iri, Q)icn eucu ,lllM!e which cau on
y make Koseunr pi-ar r:d;rn'ous in
! the ryes of ths rtate if large. It e nrg
i Bwiew
s ti. . f . i . I : I
u j w uW
- u r BUli'aeT H Hi Oil I.e. t 11 iTB
and the above c Buse 11 was t.rrange-1 to
, . "7V .
1 e"8 u"r ' w'4 !?
i I-UI l-l'u c HI ULl 1919 ruuuiu
manifest (he pubic spirit and
; pic:refivtnefiM t-i pat cm after
; tbe l't rtlai.d pui-l c H.iioo'.a and iu orde
; to rai.-e a small fuud to be applied on tbe
: itirchfte of a few luacb-nr cded vol
I fur Puu)ic 'br'y bus
j inaugurate a little eipedient and nnob-
jrctioiijbie system which nnder the head
;of "Lobular teaclier cunte-il.M was
'.occt-bsbilly and sat sf.c'oraliy emploj
;(jjuiho Portland public et ho A Lst
aainnitr in 0.jer lo r4ig:. , ,xtu f.10d
j for school purposes.
nr.n little content is Uionng along
quietiy, in no way detracting tbe attec
' tiou of tbe pupils froji tbrir s'udies, but
' if anything invreisiug their pride and in
j terest iu tcbol work, while tbe result
i tbuj far is very gratifyiug to tbe teachers
and school board. There is no one, so
far as we have been alU to learn wbo
: ' .- .
j L" rd ,he h"1 uu u
j ner, e.cept lky F.her. at
to the
mere was or could be expected uf him. H
bears the reputaticu. Kith at home as
abroj.1, as being a natural turn kicker
ard tLis rri n ation u-ntl be nia!ctaiL.ed
at all Lizi'dJ, duut Ut know!' IKw
AtAr t!iri i -irl:iifitr rinn irttir
1 which the school boa d wou'd be fully
j justified by our ei;.i?LB in taking vig
j ous action at the very earlies. date ar.
'J ! lint i (. ,r tlm taiar.t l.i rrrml in trfvd
- j
to the office of the i.eeeburg Keview au
there tepara.e'y aud ccllectivcly eit dow
so harden tha. rantackeroos, dickey
editor, that he would not be able to
command u ind mough iu a decade lo
operate his dismal he haw, agdio. The
Keview is duirg more ttian any oi.e else
to make ''Koscburg appear ridiculous i
the ees o! the slat at Urge."
All Right in Europe.
Senator Jones, of Arkansas has jost
returned from Europe, where be fo-iud
every indication tint William Jennings
Bryan will be nominated for ihe 1 resi
dency of tha United States Chicago
j A WlJll3n j.aa 0,Ued an office at
1 jj.Jtr)p.t.r u,x r,.ai egU,e ttllj xm brok-
A London was set upon by a
pet oraiiK-outang iu a house he was
robbing, and was so trolly bitten and
niulilatcd that he died.
Most of the so-called protections
against burglary, do not protect any
more than most ot the so-caIlet
'remedies" protect from the
burglary of the
" house of this
body" by the
crafty burglar
, Disease. Like the
regular burg-
lar, disease
'cJe" works with
III ill turbance as
U5 possible.
rtf You think
you nave
that jewel of
health you
possess in
perfect safety. Rut little disluriKUiccs if
thev were beetled would show the burg
lar "at his work. I.os of appetite pre
cedes loss of flesh. Then comes weak
ness followed by the more disturbing
symptoms of lingering cough, sore
throat, bronchitis ami bleeding at the
lungs. When any or all these symptoms
appear, lcgiti the use of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, the lust of
all medicines. It is non-alcoholic. It
helps the stomach and s.-p.irates the good
parts of the ioml from the lad. It sup
plies thin, jnijxivei ished, nm-rlown IiUkmI
with the ns-eiu-d rich red corpu'-cles. It
makes solid lle.-'h -the sort that strong
people have I.: you value your health,
don't allow the dealer to sell you some
thing else. Insist ii)hoti having Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
"I must ..y Dr. Pierce's Cotileii Medical Dis
covery i the nul wnmlcrful nie.Hciue I ever
uietl." writes ie. S. Henderson. Iv-q.. of lcn
aud. Co.. l loiirta. "1 h;t h liitd liruisc on
niv right cnr. ami mv hlool wci4 ImhIIv out of
order. I trie.! t.ical d.K turs but with no. rood
reult!i. l-iii.illv I wrote you the xjrliculai-. in
invcase ainlvni nd vised vour '('.olden Medical
Di'scoverv' w'liicli I r :ih to take. I toiu the
first Iwittle I Ik;-, hi lo feel Letter and when 1 had
tuVeu etght ! Hies llic wire js heuK-d up.''
l)r. Pierce s Pleasaut Tellets cute constt.
patiotand Liluitn-utss. They never grip.
ft I
Is the Place to buy Furniture.
t r" hi
Have you seen those cast topheatiug stoves. They
are the latest and hard to beat.
Our line of Blankets
with the discount all off and
Havc added some new
ment aud also have a large line
Rugs ranging in price from
1x2 feet to 9 x 12 feet.
We have the goods to
and can make the orices that
4 j - j j .
Our motto is honest values aud good goods.
328 Jackson St.
Bicycles at
Reduced Prices.
Send for Descriptions.
We have a few wheels ou haud which we
have used fur renting during the summer
all '99 Models, High grade, in first class
condition, and fitted with G. & J., and
Dunlop Detachable tires. Wishing to
clear our floor for the coming season we
will close these wheels out at a very
low figure.
f! Lter-
V IT $ l iv 2V(C:-,
Honday Oct. 23, 1899.
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 181.
l I'reaou in and for Uuuglsa vntjp.
J. C. Cvimstock, flaintirr, 1
Ss-l;e H.Comstock, IX'tcmlsut.)
Tu adi H. Comtovk, the above numrd
vie (ends nt:
In the nme o( the Mau if Oregon, you r
hereby reiiuin'd to appear and answer the
couii.tiai tiU-d sgains vou in the alove en
titled ctw on or before the first day of the
next regular term of said court toivit:
Mod'Iht the 2Tth day of Kovamber 1SW. And
If you (ail to wi appear and aai-r the Mini
complaint, plainlift w ill apply to f aid court lor
the relief demanded in said complaint ton it :
Thnt the marriaKV contract row cxitins be
tween vonrwlf and mid plaintiff be dissolved
and tliat plaintirThavc Judevmcnt in said court
lor the cost aim msinirsenicnT i me fn suit
and uch other and further relief as Ihe court
luav adiutlge equitable.
This summons is published under anrl by
virturoofanordcr made by Hon. J. W. llamil
ton, juJp- ol ald court, dated October 2nd
l.W, at Kiwcbunr. Oreiton. Tbe date of the
first publication thereof being Thursday Ihe
5th ilav of October, 1N.'J and thu "u; pnblicatlon
thereof being Thursday the Urd day of Kovcm
ber, IS'). Tbe said period Wing luotv than six
consecutive weeks betwean the rirst publication
hereof and the date of the lal publicatioa
(OM(i) .J. f. Fri.LERTON,
riaiutirr Alioruey.
Ho, for Boswell Springs!
Commencing May 1C, 1S'J1, and until
Septetuljer 30, 18'JJ, apecial ticket to
Boa we 11 Springs aud return to this city
will be sold as follows: 30-day ticket?,
$1 85. Tickets going Saturday and re
turning tbe following Mondav, $1 40
Unariinl tAB a ram ail fa"i nivan (rnm Pitl t.. t
land ind intprmediiite iHjinlfl.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
SOvt tiKna
aud Comforts were bought
the buyer is to get the bene
patterns to our Carpet depart
of Symurna and Moquette
75c to Si 8.00 and in size from
make vour homes comfortable
vou can afford to nav
...B. W.
The Furniture Man.
the only
io His Latest Comedy Drama,
By Spf cil ArTatgement Jacob Litt
Diriclion cf Arthur C Aietoo.
i uu uisii auia snmuui
a kxr u 65c t. SS.IS. M
OUR OFFER: CstthawioulaawKod
Mmp.oltlM M ateas waaMdTaad t IS
out as new th. rooa a. poaubla, laeka.
Mr tfll prk mm4 S MU nm to
iwy paMaira. and mm awt. ika ruk t.
Jr lr aaa wad to too by
BMil. post r io. and ir y oa ar. no prrrti
MUsned, man it and wm wUl losaMdiaui.
refund yoor itmarr. , v
o.r ri. osw rn sTswiteh
Ei!. . " JbT .
Ocie-la. tout, short steas. Sl.tSl
1-oa. ys-ln. loag, short stn, SI.SO)
UtaH, abort Mrm. J2.5t 3
loM.ahortwem, 3.J3. smwaaAliTU
ro.rtr. UiS-7 hul"
iiVliiiM tsnuogu ot
'SEARS. ROFRIira- a rn iw. ov:
. What Scrofula. Is.
ScrefuU is a disease as old as an'iijuity.
It I. as been banded down for genera
tions and is ti e same todny as in
esrly times. It is emphatically a di
Bciise of tbe blood, and tbe only way to
cure it is by pmifyiog tbe blood.
Tli it t is just what Hood's Sarsaparilla
docs in every case where it is given
a faithful trial. It eradicates all imparl
lice from th tlxJ, and cores tbe
Bore", boiie, pimples and all forms of
skin disease due to ecrofula taints in
the blood. I loci's rsaparil!a has won
the grateful praise of vaet numbers
of people by its grand and complete
enree. Dou't allow scrofula to de-
n vour bl hxj. Core it at on Co by
inking Hood's irfgparilla.
woS CO. , Ktw VOSH.
fk jJfaC ":i
Roseburg Bakery.
.f BRJ&D
All kinds of Pieu.Cakes
aud Cookies.
Pierce's Cash Grocery.
Is tbe place to go to get good
gool at reasonable prices-.
New, Freb, Clean stock Also
Floor, Feed and bay at lowest
W. V. Pierce,
Wiuchet-ter, Ore.
at rMTMi null, fa. u wtt
lb. petr. rMrgt t MHn. u. Vt
tutm it (it tw ftmeriT. wy
t r-r ,M wish Alir VrMT. Tl or M
mA. .at ud WNltiUll trmiAk ricl
wit yir . M. 1 ym
nmnd,.toittrrtpn to l.r. 01 w.M -. m
O.MT tnetot r.r.d Ut tody am . lut
npuit, my wtetttrr ntrtar. I. m rltrht mr left tiiti,
ut w. will mt either traa to ynm tfe.
MBdlBtr. i. M . prrlM m m rnmt tm I m .
rM wtm U.r pHrti tipA raaia H.mmA mm
will r.t urn jour money. T- ...
. Ma nrr v m jtaTII IWHIC ' mr9
III - -- b. In ) IS
gala daatt ut rmm. mm mttrlwrnM tm t I
SEARS, KUtBWfcRvg.www
Notice for Publication.
Kmctnrx, Oregon, September), U09.
Notic Is hereby Kit en Uut Ibr totitm io
named wttlrrbas riled notice ot his intentluB lo
mue final proof in tnjp..rtof h ciajim sad
thai aaad proof will be made before the Jtariaicc
od Keccirer, C. S. La mi Office al Bosebwf,
Orefon, on October 17, 1&H9, rU :
On hU H. E. So. err, tor the Uita .4 6.SccJ,
KH l, Se to, ip- ,- K- BtUUKlIM
kulnwioc .wiinewes lo prove hia caatinaou
residence upon asd caiUeation of. Mid land
u A. Smith. N. H. Rune. 2. P!livl. SMtrt
Bant all of Oakland, Orvxoa.
(rtlt6) Regiaier.
The Home Bakery
701 Oak Street,' Opposite
Central Hotel.
Fresh Baked Bread Every Day
"Boston Baked Beans."
a specialty.
Notice. -
LaM Ornii,
Koaeburs. Ore son, Aont 23, XB33,
To "torn it may concern:
No lie. i. bervby firen that the Oregon t Calt
fomia Baiiroad Company has Sied in Ihta oSc
!u: of lands utnaud In the townships de
icribed beow, and ha applied for a patt-Bt far
said 1da1; thai the lut is open to the public iar
infection and a copr thereof by deseripUT
subdirutons, has been posted In a contenieat
place in this office for the inspection of all per
sons lntereeted and Ihe public generally:
South oi base Une and West of the WiEas
ette Meridian.
Tp , RS.
Vartot W'SccSL
TpJ7,K 4.
oW4sV4, See. 11.
Tp. 3. R. 7.
Within tha next sixty dsys faUoviac the data
of this notice, protests or contests aguiwi tha
claim of the Company to any tract or aobdiyta
kn within an .ecUon or part of section, de
scribed in tbe list, on the ground that tha an
is mora valuable for mineral than fur agrfcalf
sral purposes, will be received and noted fur ra
sort to the ticneral Land OSce at Waahingtoaj,
i Becatvtt
Notice of Final Settlement. '
T n the County Court of the slate of Oregon lot
Ihe CouutjCol Douglas, in the natter of h
eslato of 1. S. McCanjpbcU, deceaaed. Tha
nnderstgned Administrator of said eataSe kay.
iug tiled his dual aceonnt la said coon, notkw
is hereby given that Monday the 6th day ol
November, li. at 10 o clock a. m., at tba
County Court room, in Koseborg, Douglas
county, Orezon, is the time and place set by tha
judge of said court, to hear objections, if an
there be. to said final account and to the dia
charge of said administrator.
Dated at Roseburg, Oregon this the aXh day
of September, ISW.
(Oct. 2) 9. K.An
Ailminutratorof Ihe estate of D. McCaatf
bell, deceased.
Notice for Publication.
Reburg. Oregon, Sept. it, BsST
Sotlcc is hereby given that the following
nancd settler has fUeit notice of his intention
to make tiual proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Ihe Besnatar
and Receiver IT. g. Land Office at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Nov. 3, 19, vis:
On his H. E. No. vt. for the M KI
ec. T -S, 8. R. a W. He names the foUowiiig
witnesses to prove his coutinuoaa residence op
on ami cultivation ot laid land, vi: Job
Whitlow. St. M. Whitlow, J- U Watn, H. L
KnglvN allot Peel, Oregon.
(Oip) J. T. BRIDUZ8,
Keg is ler.
Notice to the Public. .'
RosKiicRO, Or October 21, lS0d.
Notice is hereby given that tbe under.
signed, the trustee of Ihe bankrupt eo
Ute of Daniel I'artin, w ll recere and
cjosie'er i ropoeiiions for the purchase of
wht is kcown as the Curtin Saw Mill,
situated near Cood stocks, Oregon, all
propoeitioos subject to rejection.
.Address me at Roseburg, Oregon.
Date for closing the receipt of tbe tame
will be thirty dya from the date hereof.
Dated at Kcieburg, Oregon, this Slit
day of October, lS'JO
J. T. Baitx'.ts,
True tee.
It makes no difference how bad the
wund ii you use DeWilt's AVitch Hazel
Salve; it will quickly bflred leave so
car. A. C. M USTERS CO.
Wanted: 50 meu for lumber yard,
ski l road, logiitm and saw mill work
Wages l."H, l.75 and T2.00 per day.
Steady eoHioyiueut. Apply to Tbe
Baolh-Kellv Lumber Co , Saginaw Or,
Riuging in ears, noised in bead,"
twitching of eyelids. Hudyan cure,
flifty cents. All drngtisti.