The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 19, 1899, Image 4

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Tho Kind You Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
; and has
"fyfyjfe., sonal
-...v -a -av vaa v va v.. ,.. f j J VU A XX tUIO
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex-'
. 7crimcnts that trifle with and endanger the health of
lufants and' Children Experience against Experiment. '
Caatoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,-Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
mid allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
... In Use For Over 30 Years.
mrav' w vmmttmm, ftftft. my um,m - v. - am
jmm mmm It raeU,M mm guilirt ' '
OU PRICE S3S.50, iM.r
Heh whtcb is eojrrat4 dinwt
ft. tm laYMT kTTU. mBPtUUK 1
CEXklt! ajtfc.4t taebes laatca Ixtn wtdeaad
. cntuuaonam. 11 mn, loltowa i
THE rAKLOK CEM actioa enatnuof tit
s arc on), adin liM
Uilsan,kkM DUtMtt.Mllw.rta,llio
ntkerii nl& THE PARLOR CEM tormnixWd
vvh & MlH pt&b, ft rencs aurror, airtel pUftrd
ft maaca. aaa ewrr awueia upmRMM.
tftto W
f no ot-aaioass oc wjnc u uy parr pM Mt v
Trv i on vionta and VI 11
vwfnna maarx if yfw ar Mat rrfly wtisflI.
flbcioBill be rold at S33.SO. etULK
ouwELiASiLrnr s estasusksp
wnt tu u& Tosr acv.ii twr ki-u.t .'.write
lbvtw4J Bank. wfom Put cf LbKmT.;
r(fiitQ jir-!rr Fi;. t Y(tt;r- ;
nUmmn or nrw -wn,Tir Chrc. v -kMeiitl4f
-w fr9ctft.wu.o-l. c-rn.-T catrrr
and rattaOj nwr'y ; poTvlr ia twr i -a
illMH a; S Oftftsftftrft, 1 t . . .
lfc4i fcn0iHinll iMllin r
ti.lj Sim lln T1 i t " - - 1-
r. 1 1 ii 1 1 1 - - - ' ' - " - -- m- Ha.
nAa fltiw m4 eyniw wwrtjitng iw rovtv4 irwtrjgitat at T.ffrs vV- pivft. Writ f tt ff nw-etaj
SEARSROESUCsC & CO. (bcFoltoa, E-t-rt a43 r. tx SU CK5CACO, ILL.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
d. s btjtok;
TO MJfm-m aI aavas
ISuecetapr to G. W. KOAHJ
General Blacksmithing:
-( . .
Mhai 00 Coraer WaMtttlngrton
OatbeS. P. R. R.
Douglas County. Oregon
HOTEL constant
ly open' for recep
tion of guests.
Water cures Rheu
matism, Dyspepsia,
Kidney and SHn
To The Uiiaortnrmte.
Dr; GMon
ThU old reliable and
cbe mott anoocwiul
isrciaiit in Ban Pran-
jp ---S ninco.sUUconunae to
'-'X4 nn all Sexual and
ActBlaal Dicaac aach
"7. as Ooaaorrbaa, Olect
. ! 'tStiietr, 5ypb Ilia in
; JaJl il lorma, Sikta CM.
". ;jcasca, Nervaoa DcMI
I Jr.--, Jlty, iaipntracy. Semi
aal Wcakaea and Laaa
fcif.- ml nnhaa it, the eonaa.
venoe ol aeii aoaae and exceaae producing the
touoinnr cymploma
apot under the eree
owing crmploma: aallow oounteuanoe, dark
tatn in the oeaa. nanni
iatbeean, loa of conndenoe, diffideoce in ap
pmacBtnx ctranra. palpitation of the heart.
weaaaeak at the limb and back, tow 01 memory
pimples on the face, eoogh, conmrnj lioo, elc
Dfi. GIBBOS baa p radioed In Fraooinco
iu thirty yean ana thoae troubled ibouid not
aal to contnlt him and receive the benefit of
ai trreattklll and experience. The doctor curea
when ailien faiL Try him. Cnree cuaranteep.
Penooa cured at home. Charges reasonable.
Call oiprriee.
DR.' J. F. GIBBOS. 2S Kearny BL San Fran
diee. Cal -
Wanted: 50 men for Jom'-er yard,
kid road, logging and saw mill work
Wages fl.50, $1.75 and $2.00 per day.
Steady employment. Apply to Tbe
Booth-Kelly Lnmber Co., Baginaw, Ore
if i . i
Bought, and which has been
has lxrne the signature off"
been made under bis ner-
supers ision since its infancy.
Signature of
1. t. J . t -
ymm t M-
M.Mirf4 t
CEMkiiKMHUul - j J'" lain 5 V 8
nrarik FresatM ulixnuoa J K t v I ( 1
trot. . phokpiik yoaeaa fucat o , -S J L v fi - " J
mat. yUelMHUiuHir Jl ' i f' t, ,
wrurl 1 .
?9 v A
rianajftl, ft
c I "-
7uun Jpm Was
avnd Kane 8tn., Koaeburx.
C siren Status Lahd Orrif k,
Kowburz. Oreson. June 30. W.
otlce is hereby given thai in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congweof
Junes, l-sT. ectiUed "Ac act for tue aaieof
umber lands in trie States of California, Ore
gun, Nevada and Washington Territory.)
of Canyonri!le. Coontv of Uonela. State uf Or.
Ron, has this day bled iu this oOice his snort
siaieruent o. tMi, for tbe purchase of the Lot S,
of Section fco. M, In Township No
B. Bnge Ko. i W.. and will offer proof to ti
that tbe land songht is more valuable lor Its
timber or stone than Uit agricultural purposes
and to establish his claim to said land before
tbe Register and Receiver of this omceat Koee
burg, Orr-con, on haturday. the Xh day of
august, v).
He names as witnesses: William Briges. Jr.
Kobert Courier, Thomas Wilson, t,. W. t uckett,
of C'anyonTille, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming advmely tbe
above-dtacribed lands are reouestel to file their
claims in thk office on or before said )th day
v. uus At' J '
' J. T. BRiDGKS,
022j) Register.
yspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Itartlflclally dizeststhe food and alrla
Hatare in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans, ltisthe.ttestdiscovereddigest
ant and tonic Ho other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It In-
stantly relieves and permanently cures
iryspepsia, jnaigesuon. Heartburn,
Flatulence. Sour fctoroach. Nauspa.
SickHeadache,Gasti algia,Cramps, and
all other results of i mperf w t di gestioa.
rrvparca cy c- b. ucwitt Co., crjlcogo.
For aalc by A. C. Marefer & Cc.
Achievement' of Admiral Ilewev." the wnrlrl'.
greatest naval hero. By Murat HAlKU'ad. tne
ufe-lonr frieud and admirer of the nutlm,1.
Idol. BIjrirwtt and bent bwjk: over &U0 pages,
fctlO inches; msriy lull pagea halftone il lustra-
uons. my ..!. cnonuous uemand. Big
Tommiwtons. Outfit free. Chance of a lilt.
Hm. Write quirk. The Dominion Cnmr.nv
rd Floor caxtoa Bidg.,:hicrgo.
Marion County's Crop Amounts to
Four Carloads This Year.
Salk-m, O.1. 17. The first carload of
dried pruuea to leave Martuu'cuuutj this
year waa ELipped iroui Saleoi last - even
ing. Tlie Iruit will be abipped by Cliaa.
L. lailiy, formerly a member ol the
state board of horticulture, and it will be
sent to Eastern atatea.
The total prod act uf dried prunes in
Marion county this aeaou ia about 100,
000 pounds. It iaooly within the last
few days that it has been potnible to
eettle the uiuch-discutwd queatiou coi
cerning tho extent ot the damage to the
prune crop by the epring freeze. Prac
tically the whole crop in Marion county
is now in the Wallace warehouse in Sa
lem, and is conclusive evidence 9! the
yield this year. The whole crop will be
shipped in fonr cars.
Mr. Daiiey said today that the prunes
dried heavier ibis year than ever before.
Usually b0 pounds of fiesU prunes make
but -0 pounda wben dried ; this year the
fruit dried in many caaea to one-half its
original weight. The prices received by
the grower j are iuqc'u better than last
Aa the cop was small Uie growers
usually sold without grading or sacking,
so that the prices given were not on the
eame basis as heretofore. Making al
io aucee for racking grading etc., the
growers hare received i to 5 ceuta f. o.
b. for. the 40 to 50 size, with the half ceut
variation for higher or lower aizea. This
is the same price as quoted last Satur
day at San Francisco. Usually prices
in Oregon are considerably lower than
in California.
Mr. Dailey has always urged the neces
sity of making a good reputation for
Oregon prunes in Eactern markets.
For several years past be baa,takea pains
to pack his prunes in neat and attractive
shape, shipping only good fruit aad put
ting a brand upon tbe packages to that
the retail dealers and consumers may
know from whence tbe goods came, lie
says tbe plan results even better than be
expected, lie thinks that if all Oregon
grower, and shippers would be .careful
in packing fruit and then ship it year
aiteryear under the same braod the
prune industry id ibis state, would be
greatly aivaaced.
Wheat Prospect.
The fact that there is little demand for
wheat at the preeent time should not oc
casion kay uneabiccas among the farm
era. If we are not very much mistaken
tbe outlook waa sever more encourag
ing. Nearly all the transatlantic steam
era are at preeeat engaged in the prepar
ations that are being made for a rigor
ous campaign in Sooth Africa. And
eince war has been commenced, w hile
there ia no doubt about the aoccess of
the English hi the end, it will be a most
sanguinary and stubbornly contested
conflict, and howerw deeply we deplore
the necessity of war, it is only natural
that we should inquire what effect a pro
longed war ia that country will have on
the price of American bread at ufls.
There can be but one answer to snch a
query, and that is that it will have a
most stimulating effect. It may not be
felt at once on account of tbe scarcity of
ships, now otherwise engaged, bot the
American farmer ' may depend npon it
that better prices will very shortly fol
low an active conflict in Jhe Transvaal.
General News.
The Canadian govertiment talegraph
line has been completed to Dawson,
iov. btcXile ol Kansas, will etomp
viiio ror me repawn .a sute ticket this
A new cottoa
Kichmond, Vs.,
dred Lands.
tniil is to be built at
to employ several hno-
Tbe New England Beet Sugar Com
pany will erect a fcXW.UOO Plant at North
Judeon, Indiana.
On Diwey day at Three aks. Mich..
Miss Helen Gould will unvail the Span
ish gnn captured by Dewey, and won by
the village.
The army officials are walchinz tbe
tests of the aatomouile aa an ensine of
war with great interest. Opinion favors
its adoption.
Six widows aud 123 children and
grandchildren attended tbe funeral of
Conquering Bear, an Indian killed by a
street car at Omaha, Neb.
Missouri is shipping eggs and chickens
by the car load to Cuba, Alaska and
Manchester, England. This export
business has all been built up within the
paet five years.
When the Tennessee regiment," the
last of the volunteers to leave the Phil
ippines reaches home it will probably be
greeted personally by the president. Its
debarkation to take part in a supple-
tueniary fight was an example of the true
Americaa spirit.
The report that Queen Victoria would
abdicate sooner than consent to a war
with the Boers did not prove correct.
It has been known that she- wished to
finish her reign in peace. But it was
not likely that tbe o'd lady who ecjojs
her authority, would be anxious to give
it up for the sake of a technicality.
Postmasters bays received a depart
mental order to have all tbe mail passing
through the postofHce between October
4th and November 6th counted, and the
statistics prepared aad forwarded to the
postmaster-general. This is tbe first
time in twenty years that such an order
has been issued. The task is one of
great proportions. Tbe greatest care is
necessary in figuring out the weight,
number of pieces and class of every
piece of maiijpassing out ol Jthe poetof
fice, and all this mast be done without
hindering tbe'regular dispatch of mail.
The order applies to every postofBce in
the United states, and it baa been is
sued Uiat a table of accurate statistic
may be prepared. ' " .
An Unexpected Bath.
Ye editor was a member ol a party
that capsized in a sail boat in the bar
abreast ol Porter Sunday afternoon, and
11 was a ctose call from , going , home to
McGinty's cabin. Poking boles in the
biy with one's head so far off shore is
not a peasant feeling to experience by
any means, but there's one thing sure
that our retcacrs looked finer, than as
many Deweys, in tbe eyes of tbe ship
wrecked party, when they gathered 08 in
out of tbe wet and front off tbe bottom
of the boat to which we had been clinf-
ng like June bugs to a sweet potato
vine. Tuoy h aye our nn bounded thanks 1
Marshfield Sun,.
Large Families Cost of Maintenance
Small Inveterate Smok-
."The Filipinos are a very prolific peo
ple," says a returned army officer, "and
it may take longer to aubjugate them
than many people suppose. The aver
age Filipino family is composed of from
10 to 15 children, and it is no uncommon
thinatohear of tbe 35th son of hignor
"It is not much trouble or expense for
Filipinos to raise children. They need
very little in the way of clothes, and
nothing until they are 8 or 10 years of
age Boys from 10 to 12 yeara of ae
with nothing on were a common sight
and girls trot around in the same condi
tion until they are from 6 to 8 years of
age. is they grow older a garment re
sembling a chemise and made out of na
tive clolh is the only thing worn. r?oth
food aa is reqaireJ is plenlifol, aud the
average Filipino can easily support a
family of a dor.n or 15 children. There
appears to be bet little ekkness among
the FiUpiooe and doctors are hardly
known amoog then. When a child gets
good at J sick it is expected to die.
any of the Filipino girls are .hand
sorpe, bat they age very yooog, at 30
havi.ig the appearance of a woman of 50.
Nearly all smoke. Women stop you on
tbe street aod aek joa tor a light, wheth
er tbevx have the pleasure of yuur ac
quaintance cr -col. Children not over 5
or ti years of age ate - i.f ten seen poffiug
cigars that they are scarcely able to get
into their months. Nearly all smoke ci
gars and vile some of them are. These
"smokes" are all shapes and sizes, some
raeernbling a crooked cordwood stick
and others a fence rail. There are ci
gars a font an1 a half in length. No ef
foit to obtain uniformity in eiz or shape
ia made inthe manufacture of the cigars
need by the natives. Tobacco ia cheap
and a gcxxl cigar can be booght for 5
cents. Mor cigars coetiug from half a
cent to a cent 1 h n tuoee costing 5 cents
are smoked." r
MormonUm and Polygamy.
Discussion of .CongreMman Itobcrts'
case has given nee to uiocu coofurioa re
garding Mormit.i-iu atid pAjftaij.
Tbe two terms are osrd Ireqaenlly aa if
synonymous. Yet they are as distinct
as Christianity and monogamy, and to
entercbange them is to weaken the case
against CoowrMJinao Kobertsof Utah.
As a mormon be baa a perfect right to a
seat in congees, but as a polygamiat be
is on a level with any other coofeesed
Morniooism is not a sect of Christian
ity, but a distinct religion, tbe aame as
Mohammedanism, Sbiutoism, Uadd-
ism, Judaism, or Confucianism. To be
sure, it accepts the Bible, both Old and
New Testaments, aa inspired, but. it
claims three etbr bocks as also inspired,
namely, "Tbe Book of Merman," "The
Doctrines and Covenants,"' and "Tbe
Pearl of Great Price," These three may
be called the Koran ' of tbe Mormao
churcb. They a; I come from the found
-. I at' , . . 1 t. ,., ,.
ui iu tunxcu, joperju ?aQ,t&. Jue
Mormon church believes also io coctinu
00s revelations. Polgygamy was not a
a part of the original Monuocism and
might be entirely eradicated without
necessarily interfering with the growth
of the church. .
A Chicago clern man. Dr. Notmao, de
livered a lecture Wednesday evening of
last week to bis own people on Mormon-
um, in wuicu he dicoeed' tbe Roberta
case, and made the remark : , "With the
A.ormon people I have no quarrel,
With the Mormon system it must be war
to tbe death."
11 by this Dr. meant merely
that Mormonism is no part of Christian
ity and must not be countenanced in any
way, then the position taken is right and
should be maintained by all Christians
Bat the government of the United States
as such baa nothing to do with "the
Mormon system.-' and baa no right to
make war upon it. "Tbe election of
Mr. Roberta to Congress throws down
the gauntlet," says Dr. Notmao, "to the
American people." That is true enough
but that gauntlet is a challenge to mort
al combat with polygamy, and not Mor
monism. Whether the Mormon tvstem
vu-iu uui iumt toe eradication ol p
lygainy is a quest fop for tbe furore to
decide, and quite immaterial to the doty
of Congress and the American people in
connection with tbe Roberts caae. Ex.
- Tbe Death Ansel.
lue death augel swiftly and silently
brooded over tbe home of F. Weatherly
oa the night of the 15th of October and
bore away to tbe Savior's bosom, the in
nocent and spotless soul of one of tbe
twin sons. Tbe little lamb thus gath
ered to the fold of the Good Sbepbard is
an immeasurable afllicti'on to the sorrow
iog family. The little fellow was on
1 1 i ; 1 . 1 1 . .
ueuanj urijjui aou lovaoie and was
tbe great pride of the fund
parents anu wouiu iiave been seven
mourns 010 me .'1st ot tbe present
' bo little now I ksn of yoc-r blessed bon-
me puce,
I r- ken its home, where we shall sea
lis face.
1. aill surely be enough for evermore to
be ,
Ia the glory of his presence In our . own
"Like a babe to its mother, a wee birdie
to its neat, , .
1 would fain be going now unto my Sa
vior's breast.
cor lie gathers in his bosom little pre
cious lambs like tne,
auu carries tuew XI 1 111 belt to tits own
Synod Resolutions.'
fresbytenan synod at Salem
paaseu toe following resolution : t .
That churches observe temperance
day with appropriate exercises in com
pliancs with tUe recommendation of tbi
general assembly. , I
That this synod hereby asserts and do
Clares its confidence in the maxim tad
down by tbe supreme court of the Unitj
ed States that tbe saloon bas no natural
or moral r!ht to exist, and tbat therJ
fore, it becomes the duty of every Chri J
Can to strive to secure such legal enact
ments as shall eQectually suppress thl
saloon and all such -traffic in liquors al
lead to tbe establiahlns of such vil
" of resorts. ' '
Is a chronic disease. There Is aa iaflamsaa.
tlon of the Inner coating of the stomach. A,
thick, ropy mncnsfsfaU
and this causes thrmora
pronouneadsymptaias. It
remalni In the stomach
and decern pose. Then,
ot eeorse, digestion can
not be properly perform
ed. Tbe great Tegatabla
remedy Ht'DTAS nsrsr
falls to effect a cure.
BCD YAM ran be had of
all druggists or 60c per
packsge. 8 tody your
ymptomsrarefully from this chart. Eaahnnaa
ber represents a symptom or a group of sjmp
tom. Yon have the symptoms. Use OVD.
TAX aod they will disappear.
more pronouuied In the morning, HUD
TAN will relist the besdarhe.
HUOYAN will cause the redness to disap.
Ippear and mike the eyes assume their Dor
rs!, healthy apiwaranre. '
the tongue, mate lb breath pare and sweat
and cause tbe bad tut to disappear.
TBZ STOMACH- This It doe to Inrtig-av
lion. Mt'DYAX 1U eanse the food 10 b
eome r-rrtoctlr dl;rted aad the pain aad
tenderness wt'J dUapi4ar.
X.1VEB. HUOYAN "HI le-sen ibeeonges
tion and reduce the enlarged liver to Its oor
msl site.
ai'DTAN' will reilere you of the a bore
STiEptomt and make you srell. Do not delsy.
Go to your drcc-at on re and procure a
package ot HTUYAAfor Utc. or for r.
If ytirdn:-g:t dor no! keep i!, send direct
to the HCOVAS Ra.niDV COHflXT,
San Franriaco. -a! , aod they will asnd it to
you. You ran consul; tbe great HIDYAX
DOCTOR.1 REK. !o not forgft that.
Call aad eee tliem If you wish. You assy
call, and sea them, or writ, aa yea desire.
Car. tlacalaa, atsHwt sad Clb Its
aa Frsaanea, Cal
11 01
Montana, l!lali,
. Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
Clves choice of tao route, Tla tb
r.MON t-ACIKIC Fast Mall Una, or th
KiUtiaAMJg PoenlcLln. t
Look at the tin
ils days to Salt Lake
2x days to Denver
3 J days to Chicago
4 j days to New York
l-'rec Rcclitslnsr Chair- cart, Xv
tsolalerod xessrlat Slecptos
Car. Inllman palace Btccfa
lajc Cant operated ota all
, tralna.
tat fur ber iaforaslop apply to
J. F. UIVANS, Aft., JtoaeboTt.
CO, Terry, ' W. E. Coman.
TrT. !'. Agt. . Gea. Ajt.
Ul TtM St.. Pott si d Or.
ONLY S2.75
WVaA. saMat. aaaal M3a4 to VawV.
jam-s-JsfeM l ML -WaliswMritM
mm , sus4 wi:l tjpa4 hm
lS' ahercae
Ul tnnn tm mm
mm m tor aaa
I atlM. THIS
row raiXand
WINTEM, ssao
a aa asam 9mm aa
mm mmt mtm mr mtmm
awataft Kapllaa BWa rnrhn km. aar tall sap. u-ta mprr
cmra. mttn fall. taaartaavaWlavaavlafaiaBaa, kawu
tnuy tnaitaaa vita kajak Silaj aaal tmrt apprr eapa
lilaaai S wtta (hraa raws an4 eatfear ant revs a
la I ill knUi etnta BMtoa araaaaaala. nai aaa la
a li II 1 1 ! fti ii i mam ftt aa4 ui torarvr taat arlla
BnmlhltailMvltofrW. WrftJ. I Ifeftft Cimmk Cll.pfti.
sajS( aasaass a v. an tsasaacssr
Administrator's Sale of
' Real Property.
TntheCotintv Cotsrtnftbr Ftate'of Crraosi in
a and lor lxiuclss Count. In the malirr (4
theeaute of Karl KimrneL,!tvcaed.
Notice Is brreby KiTt'D tUat pursuant In an
ordorof tha aixn-e entllli'd court nade and en-
terea in the roxmls ( said rourt on the Mb ilay
of ."epu-nitx-r. Iff. The undersirned adminis
tratrix and administrator will on aad after the
Hth day of October, lKfJ, procettl to sell the
lolltmint; di-scrihcd n-al property belonging to
said estate at private sal, on the premlara near
mo uiwn oi anjonTuie, uoujrisa county, VI ra
aon.towit: Bvinninr at a point J2.M chains
North, and Ju.7i chains wit of the onarter
se-iiou post on the line betwern sections K
and 11 iu township 30. south ranee b west, V.
M-, ruonini; thence west 1.V10 chains, thence
south u rhsttrs, thence west 15 chain , thence
snath V chains, thence cast 30.19 chains, tbenc
norm chain to nlncv ol t'Sninir. The
name N-lnir part nl William fnnlon s donation
claim. No. 44 and conlainlnf acre more or
1ck, li ir cash In band,
listed this lb dae of R- ptorabcr. AD. 1899.
, . Administratrix.
(fll) Administrator.
Notice for Publication.
VstTao (t'ts Lsd Ornca,
Jtosehunr, lirt-sun, rk-pU'inber IS, 1WJ.
Kntlca is herehr clvcn that the following
named settler list tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said pmof will be made tWor tbe. Ksarister
anu Receiver, u. . land OlQce, at JtOftcborg,
Oregon, oa Out. 20, lx".9, vis : ,
nn titia If V ft l ii,' i , , I, V" L l '
" ... - - J" V - III. i'v J, , ,
Section W, Townslffp 30 R. S West. Ho
namea the followina witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence uxn and cultivation of said
laud, viz: William Moore. William Murray, A.
Coon, Byron Carry all ol Camas Valley, Oregon.
: J.T, BRlbuKS,
14p ' Keg liter
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby giveu to all parties
holding Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior to and including March 10,
IS' present tbe same at the treasurer's
oOlce at tbe DoiiKlaa County bank for
payment, as interest will cease thereon
alter the date ot this ontice.
Dated this the )S!hdayof September
1S'J9, at tbe City of Rosebnrg, Oregon.
Geo. W. Dimmick,
County Treasurer, Douglas County, Or.
Administrator's Notice.
iinilenuirucd was ou the 2nd day of
18'.9, duly appointed administrator ol the estate
of hamuel Turner deceased. All persons hav
Inir elsims against said estate are hereby re-
niurau to prcM'iit the same, properly verinrd, to
i ne saiu anminist
County. Oregon,
admlnistiatnr at (krottsburg, Uouglaa
within six months from the
(into neretit.
lialeil this &th dav of OrUiber, 1 W.
Administrator ol iho estate of Bamuol
T timer, dcccaoid. n
V . IH'TrtTl fu Tiwati UtfiS
t .JF f1'', " If
V Yeaeaaaaaatlaa aa4 ary U eai
J jt at 7ir aaaisan iinaai at
n. aaa K f Mfti .!
-, - aataaataar, mm mtj mm waw
t$H i 'it. . ViSi --r
. ' .' ys' "- mmw aaraSat
s sa. 7 a,
J . r mm mmmm linn
'- - 1 -' " -
CHASE & SAjNTWRX, Importers, Boston.
For Sale by '
Mrs. N. Boyd,
- Dealer in
Choice, Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Corner Jackson and
Casa Street.
All Wire
Are Up.
Unt we will save you 50c
or more on crer 100 rods of
Sec the M. M. S. Poultrj-
at a less price than Common
1 -s" .
li fe. ,
,1,IA iri 7
We own aaJ occupy tbe t:i sr.enartile tITiinj in rfie werrd. We iam
m aeooa customers. Sistxa hendrrtf cir.'ks are taot!y '
eufsfea c;uz(
Saveao deecrlptioiss
each cop,
jrocr food
a ww.iriv w w.tcra. I g
NERAL. CATALOOUt u the bo-.l'of th- ret :t . 1 1.2.
Price to Eeerybotfy. his orer i.rar'i, i". .on i::J - ar il I i .
We want ym to hare one. SLND FlFTiiES C'.N 13 ti s -a ,"ti
Ssitb.asd e'll seaS yos a copy FREE. w:-.h u.:: c-i-rei rrx-.i. I: s"
Triumph Prune Grader
For Green and dried Prunes.
Compact, Practical, Accurate.
Send for circulars and testimonials to
Patentee and Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon.
Noah & Linfars.
General Blacksmiths and Wagon Hakers
Repair Work arid. Horseshoeing a Specialty.
Prices Reasonable.
Get your-
jE&At Alarsters.
We have a Complete
stock of TEXT BOOKS .
and the Finest Stock of
ever brought to this city.
- Our Prices are Uight. . . :
J P. Benedick
i A qy Job Work done at
Reasonable p"
3 I I IA f V 111 I I
Roseburg, Or.
fence, Strongest aud Best
Poultry Netting.
& Woolley's.
- ... , ivi' -;. 1
outI - tows orders.
Sbtioon JacltM3bt Dcsr Vttr
Dniiertaler1 ?nd Embalrnep,
Si A' in
mm 1
cf artiilt wuh rrkea. Itmaiit-v.iuH-uicri:! T : I
5 I
1 v ,
Ch:cCo -f'i
H'.tt theeboxeaf two uaaa
tentineotal ROUTi5S
r-Jcrthern Short Line
f'A TJA '
Spokane Salt Lake
MinneaooHs Denver
5t. Pau Omaha
Chicago Kansas City
lowest Aaua t all
ICaMcra citlaw.
(teexn sttasaera Iare F on Is ad every
tjm inonUlv frcsa PortlasaL tm takm
b-ma a ill, af loss ia eoasectiua wtlk lha
or full detail eaJI oa r address
IVatborz, Oregon. ,
W. I. HtKLBflT,
OcBcsat PajacBferAttst
O. K. tk H. Cak.
11-1 latavcl. Oria.
Railroid Time Tabic
SoTthtxnisd lioeebors locaJ, 5. 17
dparta730a. m.
arrive 5 p. to.
SortbfaooBl overlaod, 5j. 5, , ar
rives 10.j a. to.; departs 10:43 a. xa.
SoolLbooEd orerland. Jfov 6, ttfrtm
4 ;15 . m. ; depart Z a. as.
NortiiboanJ fast throe ib frmibt. So
l, arrirea 4 :10 p. m. ; departs SO p.
Ecsthbouod Urtnbrasgb bftgjtt, Xe
, arriTta 7iX) a. m.; Jpcrt
North bene J mixed :ra:n Nn 59? an r aaai
at 2 -5 p. rs., .Son-iay, Wednesdays as4
rncara, cprtA -JIM m Moodars
TbQrsdara and Saturdays.
Soothboand mixed Xraia Ko. 23 ar
r,fM at 3 . O- Cl 00 SnnrisTW Una.
darsasd Fridays, depart 7U5 a. aa.
M cedars. TQcndars aad Eatsrdanu
, Co::ed alea Laad OSSce. '
Bamtmr ma. iMemt.U .
Tn sua it nTmrs
Xow a hrlT sien tat taaOeafea aaat
aU!(-rDta tmij'ta . ha S'.e4 ta Uks oaV a
5i of latui situated ia tba masalna Saw iTinl
):rrm, mjri baa asmUcs tor a ssttms mw mm-
taat tb I1M ; mprm to tbe jMidie for ra-
r-!!oo ! a anpr tlsereef I aas a
u a eoaTcsuaBt
1 'c ta tfe j ee, kt Lie lisstgiUuis, mA aU
frmrn .Mrmnt &4 to the Jessie avnaTaZr
.Mtol butt l:sas4 West el TVl71asr rii
i'x.Vx " '
Ss,of Nr,6te2A
1 St. k. a.
Lt-i X. --
TS -, Ei
S n , acd SHI 5 S L
T i. a. i.
T j i. R i .
'. See A
T J4. R .
M Jc . See I
T--. E.
f i FV See- T.
V :thi tb next irty dari foilvwtaa; tka ataj
oftr a..-t-e, vrowaa or rmma mix Ot
c--a ',L asta la aae trart ar fab4rr
icm snthta jjt secjoa mr pmrt ml aaecaoav cVa-
vm ftov aruuaMi kshbs Lae
M icore vaiaai t asiaerai than snr
lira! r-"'.-T. w-.U be Wurnl a4 Beaasl
wn toiae GeBeral LssdOSnai w
Notice of Final Settlement. -
ia tfac Cov-tj cocrt of Use S!a cat Cnras iw
tsd kriCiiiBfTniri-.'.. .
L r " im
NUre is benbr rtrra that tlw suseWssneSl
srt'.p.-w ifc, a bora saraed eataat fess)
tir t auacosut bufinaj arrwant till uatij
men; tbat isud eoort, hr oxsrrooif
aeinad eatered In tbe Jxrrwal taeoiC. baa
t.xed if or jst. tbe h day of SoreBber, Vtm. a
tneconrof o cSocA a. sa. al aai4 dar. tba smtH
f1? t"nit tbe Saal 4ay of tbe resraiar Sui
ber, torn Of said eor.rt to km o-rd.w.
neat of sal et:e.
laie.1 at l-nbarf . Oregoa, ULs Stbdaj
Aitimi laiin
Notice for FubIication.
CsrTTb?Tiis Laxo Cmra,
R -rfcnTX. .rrra. September . IMS.
oCtce!s brelf rirea tkat tba fttlivsrta.
Bautvd artUer aa 1M Bodca of has inaraiJOa
tomsi: fiaal prorl m tuppurt oi biselalm. and
Uiat mu1 proof will be Bade before the JUsrivfcw
I "ll KnIIW 1" ftt I . IWU. I . T i
- - -vk-w mm atansux,
(.in-con, on Novfjtibrr S-.SMi, xit .
On H.' E. Nov r for tb. sst.- Vti vn ' awn t
?r See Si Tp. 3 S, S T. aaaati
tbe lol.owinc w-itoenan to aeora biacoaOiraaoa
'esidenea twin aad tn-i-mrmi cf taud iaad
via ImmUM I i-. , . . .
Asa Cfce, all of tMiaMrer-
Notice Pnr DitMrr?w
- w a aa vssva.ftawaaa
KosaBvaw, .aa Aorvm3a,ijav
7 ."""J m.wrm uu wia) SDaawiBSa.
nacied :tU.T bas Sled aotiraof bw latetMa
-v uum. v iiiu pnvifti ib nippon o Sis eauaa, aad
thai ftalit n...f will - , . k B .
. 1 - " ftft.w . fto u,mmm
r aod Keeirer, United stain Laad Ofiea at
On II. E K.x r fat- tba KH-sr. See. la. T.
w - He itanea tba foUowinc
wltbeM to tirnrw K'a mmImimm. -
U5sa and cnlUvauoo of sai.f bud. tU: tiacaaa
K ii I.honl"' " " Ubor Omroa. ana
lav!d UcKa and Z. Peuaurli. oi i.k',.
Notice .For Publication.
Omlaled Tract)
. rr&uo iao salt. f
tsrria STarxa Laaa Otrxca
flu.. Inns I Ii
' pursuaoea of instrurta rmm tba Coat-
miwiiuieroi tb (jetteral Land OSca, andcr au
tMiriiT rested la bim be bevboo r.S. Ear.
Mat., as ansebiled br the art of Co&)rna at
iwvwl Feliniary ai, lsa, w will prucaad
to otier at i.ut.Uo sale ea tba 19ta day
ol Aujrut, i.ji, at this offae. the followtac
tract ol laud lo-wtt: Lot S, See. a, T. 3t. & H
Any and all prrwin daimiaf adrarae:. tb
abov-Kwribe! Uads are reqaeatrd to SUa tbesr
r ss lu tb : ortx-e oa or betora tba day aaoa
dtKtiateil lortbeeoounencemeBt ol said saOtv
eihorwi their rishl w Jl be forfeited,
.'ulj 1, tsu.
J. H. BOOTU, Bertsta.
KeoeJtee. j-P)
Notice for Publication.
raited !tata Laad OtSe
Roarburg. Or.. eparnitra. 1S9.
Nolie is berebr irlrea that tb toUowina;
ourted settler has tiled notloo t bit inxitwa
bi make final jiroot In support ol htseJara, aail
tbat said front will be roaite beior U i Kcisar
and Kei'virer, t'aited state Laad OAcw at
KoM'burg, Oreciss, on Xotembr-r 7. ISW. tu:
On his H. E. Xo rfiA lor the KI; gmc
SK'4.-t'. SW'See. l T.: 8., R. 1 ta. Bo
nanus Hie (.;:, :ns wlraeast' to prT bla
c-.iuttuauiis r:lro-e Uivo sad eulUTttmno
salt land-, it : Jame HiliK-huin, L. Hilda
h'.irn. RiKbnrj, unvou. T. f. Frshar, of
ulalla, Oregon, (J. S. ahol ol Riitdio, Oro
Kon. j.t. tuoaes.