The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 12, 1899, Image 2

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    Rockers. Lovely Rauges and Cook Stoves. Good Eastern
8 for $12, others as low as $8.00. Air tiht and Cast Heaters
The best Cupboard in the country lor iue money, w inaow anaacs in an aouuaance.'
Bought before the raise. Send us your order, we can fill them for you. Write us fori
prices. We are here to serve you.
Published Monday audTtrirsdaj.
I'uU'.Uii r
.Mgr. and x-licitor
One Ycr
rtiv Month
three Month.
1 00 j
octobek 12, i;y.
1 - 1 (
-enalor Warreu, of Y turning i
Bryan ia losing eroutiJ iu tli Wmt be-
twSfaT ,l,VeriS ded ieiW 50 tb1 j
1.1,1. ti . c ,i -.-.
ragtime aanira Iiaa be-o a 'anted to the '
Dew democratic cry of "Haul down tbejence, their Loniee, ajJ their republic I woaiau bad co:umitted euiciJe by hang
Bag." m m jtbey fight, j in The scene of the tragedy waea
"7 England at one time annexed the place Luov.n as the Trebla farm, a Wit
u v.u u.., urmwrtia,
laadere for trj ins to appropriate George j ,
JJwey man who has no conception of !
ooaouu. siae. j
A feure of tbe Djwey crUUntioa in
ioon wsh ce me arrangement oi ev-
aM! hnnili.l a'irki-vl ef r a wn larrti 1 fm
word "Atkinson." Sir.
Dawey is mistaken about bis ability to
make a speech
llia address to the cap- j
mpi. "You may fire i
taia of the Ulympi
when ready," is the
of elo-!
A uiiddle-road jwuiiirt cotitrmpjrary
lieges that repuMican ml i no better
than democratic rule. Mo-t people
thick they notice a dflercnc tictween
1896 and IS09.
Intereiews with the "itti Dakota
bys daring their two hour ai ibis place
Tuesday revealed the fact tiat tbe re
turned soldiers are'in favor of a rigorous
prosecution of toe war and keeping tLe
Before he spouts too much on ami
etpansion Bryan th u'.d conjiJer tbe
lata of Jerry Simpson, who was hissed
off the stage at Wichita when he ex
pressed sympathy for Auiuald i. VVood
bura Independent.
It is the coosUnt uw of the advertis-
inirmlnmnl Itut cim. Thu mih'ii imr
lorget today what was advertised jeiter-1
dar;but today's
advertUing is before
thorn. To adver.UHt at the riht
ment ia to advertise contiuuu-iv.
Ttie people can stard McKinley aud
ezpaoBloo, but they cau'i stand I be
gang. Capital Journal.
Very true, indee-l, Bro. 1 l ifer! lbe
copperheads and flg-furleis ais an inso
lent, motley gang. Better come over on
the other side !
About tbe first thing ibe here of Ma
nila did upon landing in New York har
bor was to ask for files of tbe newspapers
containing interviews had with him on
the way over. If it ia take interviews
the admiral ia desirous of perusiog he
shook' apply for a few bck numbers of
tba Roseburg Review.
There is at leist one democratic editor
lo this ata'e who has taken a liberal
broad-minded vie of the Philippine
war from tbe very first, and that is Bro.
Nulling of th Al iauv Democrat. In a
late issue of hii paper lie said
"October bascoue, ih tn.iitn when
the Philippine war is to be pushed
Tbe sooner Aguiual I h captureJ the
better for tbe whole business. Give
him fits and end tbe w ir." There is no
calamity and coppcrlead foolishness
about Eaitor Nutting, and there it no
questioning his democracy either.
Tbe 1st itt decisive action of the Presi
dent is not more significant than tbe
course of Admiral Itewey in prompting
it. Like all representative Americans
who bave been in the Philippine, the
great Admiral kuoe no other policy
than "Forward." Hi advice tj tbe
President is a atiugiog rebuke to the in
consequential cle'grmao a ho, friuie
months ago, fairly qnoUd Lim as lop
posed to the subjugation of tb rebels.
Tits sending of six or eeven more war
chips to Admiral VVateou will make cur
Asiatic flset stronger than any other in
Asiatic waters except possibly that of
(vreat Britian. It will Im notice to all
tbe powers of Europe and Asia that tbe
United States proposes to sobd ie the re
bellion and to control in its own way the
Philippine is'and?. It will be notice
a 'so to the copperheads in this country
that tbe American tia has been nailed
to the mast in Luzoo, that it will never
come down, and lb. tt he who tries to
check this Nitiou's forward niarcli in tbe
Orient is an i-pui enemy f the United
Hate government.
Dewey in Vermont.
inikliiuhnk, Yt., ct. 10. Admiral
Dewey ii l.oiue a tst. and is happy to
m within thesliadow of tbe Green moun-
I nu u m 1 t . a .'.tan . .f f n
Champlaiu, away from the noise and j
bustle that have tilled his ears Bince hie. i
flagship came in eigut of iSandy Hook.
Tbe fact that the admiral really was in
Vermont was signalled tonight on tall
mountain iieaks by bonfires and electric
searchlight froui one end of the e'ate to
the tbir.
Admiral Dewey i the guet-tof Dr. W.
8 Webb, at his magnificet country rei
cnre, Khelhurne Farm.
furniture, Hardware, Beds and
Js '..
uniy tdipcib
Wc are Retailers and Jobbers of everything in Bed
room Suits ranging in price from $11.50, $14, $15, $16 and
upwards. Fine line of Dining Room Furniture. Exten
sion tables, Diniug chairs. Handsome line plain and fancy j
For Their Altars and Their Fires.
At last the Ji is ca t. It ie to b war
between tbe Bunch empire n: A the
South Afiican Republic. The Boera.
alert and courageous, are readr to mler
at once upon an tctive campaign.
Tbe iseue ii one of priciple. Tbe l'o
ere are determined to be iudependeut.
For more than fifty jrars tliry bave
Striven to kf p British hsoda off their
fireeides. Thev wire tins pionppis in
South Africa. When Great Britain be-
came the !onnuant owe ia Cape (.' J- (
fun!ed tvll.e Date J. ll K m r j
migrate. I heooil British doniiniou.
Wheu Gr'at Brit iiu invaded their new
republic the Doers migrated agiiu. Now
there Is British territory to the conflict
thetu, to tbe west of tbetu, to tlie north
of tbeui. Tliey cannot migrate furtliir,!
D1 rather than j leld up tlieir in.lepeud-
TiB( . Boera u.ade so fierce
twern the two fovr! ntiienls
were defined in the conventi m o! Lon-
don. This treatr or acreemeut cnaran-
twl ,he indepen Jne ot i6 s.,u'h Afri-
iJtn repnv,vCi provjjrt that tnere shail be
j no lmenerence wild ius nouienur auairs
?.i i j . it :
; of ths republic, and the word suzerainty
IS not used. To protect her own in?i-r-,
1 ejts in Africa, however, England at that
tima insisted npon a rgbt to veto trea -
ties which the republic might make with
forehrn nowers. That was all nd that
is alt on which Mr. ChamlierUiu now'
bases his contention th.t the republic is !
ssozerain power.
After all the minor controvereit-a are
ciear.d away, this question of suzerainty
is the n isue. The Boera contend
that under the Lmdon convention they
are absolutely independent as to all in-
teroal affairs and that nndf r that con
vention they are authorized to deal with
tbe ontianders as regard all questions of
revenue and citizenship.
Contending that t ie T ansvaal is a
eczerain or vassal power, Engtaud, as
represeo'ed by Mr. CnamberUin, has
raised the it6u of revenue in tbe drt.a
mite monopoly, th question of citizen
ship in the franchise legibla'ion, and the
quX'ioa of cu'tons finance in the
system of the republic
One by oue these q ieeliou have been
settled or scooted from tbe fie'd and lost
to view omit England's aole demands
" "Pnbhc S',nl 'rhi
to foreigners alter five years' residerce,
and that tbe Boers shall admit the prin
ciple or suzerainty.
Ths B.-ers have offered to grant tl
franchise cn five years' residence with
the usual stipulations as to loyalty aaJ
services to be rendered by citizens.
This would in effect make the oullanders
citizens of the republic with pledge of
loyalty to tbe republic rather than
English citizens pledged to loyalty to the
British empire.
This is uot what Mr. Chamberlain and
his party want. Their programme is to
incorporate by fair means or foul tbe re
public in tbe British empire.
The declared purpose of the Boers is
resist this freebooters' raid to tbe end.
So we bave a great empire aud a small
republic on tbe brink of wtr simply be
cause tbe republic v, ill not yield up its
constitution and its independence to
Great Britiau.
On one side we see a religious aud pa
triotic people fighftng for republican in
stitutions; ou the other side a string
monarchy striviou by force of srms to
crjsh, rob, and iinperializj that people;
on the one side, a nation going forth to
loot; on tba other side, a people landing
fast for their altars and their tires ; on
the one side, justice, honesty aud self
defense ; on the other side, gr.-ed, ag
gression, and wanton onslaught.
That is the line on which the war is to
be fought and the vi 'lory won.
Toi'kka, Ku., Oct. II. Upon the re
ceipt of the bulletin announcing the ar
rival of tbe Twentieth Kansas st San
Francisco, bedlam broke loose inTopeka.
The wbisiiej of all the manufacting in
stitutions began t screech, and evety
churcbheil in the city rang out the glad
tiding. The ttreeusoon filled w ilh peo
ple, aud there was gret rejoiciug. Re
ports of similar demonstrations coiue
from Lawrence, O'.tawa, Hutchinson aud
other cities.
Be! .Andreas is to wiry the horse
back mail this winter.
M - Lucy (i ub ' i- staying u. the
hotel IVair at preeut.
Miss E li h Bit'ler is down the liivr at
present viiiting her grand parents.
J. Luckir.g.r, vrl.o has been in pt-cr
health for a week oi so, went toGir li
nerHatnrdy for medicAl treatiueu.
flu .ilm on catcli will tie tiroiiKii' to a
j focus sojn uo that Jamuj Burnett and
j son of Dcain have arrived on the s:enu.
j Supervi'or SitaDird w ith a f ;rce of
j mcu and tea ha heen mailing im
i nrovemcnts in the line of icravel the
August S-gabard is fo handlo the reitis
for the four horse stag-, for tbe coming
ffutrr. Mr. Sj. thown cotlraKe and de
termination in undertaking the ardu-ius
j ah.
A meeting was held on the evening of j
the 7th to mate an eff'irt lo organi a
lodge of the members of the A. O. U. W. j A new steamship line will scou bo es
of which there are several lesiding here tahlished between Portland, Ore., and
and mar by. .Manila'.
dim uiiuicuiiib.
Cook Stove, varr.iutcd, No.
the Best and the Cheapest.;
Mrs. Lizzie Rondeau found Hang
ing to a Tree.
1 nc v,u ,otc ruur "'cs r m
Roseburg the Scene of the
i'iite au (.xcitt-uiont was catited in our
city this morning by tbe repoit that
four in ilea w eel of town. Ittetm that
the husband was cutting wood on the
place, aud coming home in the eening
ho ioiuid the haby crviog alono in the
Thinkini! the mother near by (he filh
er took the ch'.ld and waited fur h r to
come in. Afier waiting eotnc time
j search for tbe woman was mado when
the was fouod bangiog to a tree
Hi course there are various surmises as
1 to the motive for the suicide.
! The follow ing is the verdict of th
ie cor-
onerV iurv : rut .-oronkr's m kv
We, the jury, enapannelled to inci'iire
who tbe deceased was, when and where,
jnd by what mans ehe came to her
i death, find that the deceased was L:zzie
. Uondeau, wife of Cieo. VV. KonJeau, age
: 20 yeara, that she came t
i to her death on
October 11, t&lh), on tbe premises known
as tbe E. P. Pre hie place about 4 miles
from Kosebur. Oregou, by banging ter
sen uy trie neca, and we attacb no
blame to anyone.
Dated this 12th day of October, 1S99.
M. C. lilCKI.K.
E. P. Pa eh it.
D. SiviKwsiL.
Kai.iii Mask.
A. L. KlDllER.
E. Mi BaoM.
Funstoa's Position.
It is tiie policy of ths anti-expausioa-itts
and copperhead to represent that
every officer who hu ibstingnished hijj
self in ths war in ths t'ai'ippiues is per
serially opposed tc l.t war policy. Few
American papers h ive the courage to
represent now ihit Admiral Dewey is
opposed to the w. r. bit this work has
been taken np by tbe newspapers in
England and France.
General Lswton was at one time quot
ed ns hostile to the plans of General
Otis, but General Lswton took particu
lar pains to put himself right before the
people. Aa attempt was made to put
General Wheeler iu a false position ss
eocn as he arrived at Manila, but this
was unsuccessfully.
An attempt was also made" and per
sisted in to misrepresent General Fuu
ston, formerly of tbe Twentieth Kansas.
The story published some weeks ago
was to the eject that Funston, out of
sympathy with tbe war policy, was leav
ing the army in disgust. Whether he
saw these reports or not. General Fun
ston, ia a letter to a friend at Fort Scott
"I would like to see tbe war through to
the finish, uot for the position I hold,
but becauso my tightiog blood is op. I
am coofident that ty spring it will be
oyer. Tbe indications are that an ag
gressive campiatin will be inaugurated
this fall, and they will have what they
lacked before, 3,'JCO cavalry, absolutely
indispensable in a guerrilla war. Lord,
wouldn't I like to command a cavalry
I have never for a minute bad any
qualms as to tbe justice of this war.
We are rigbt nod they are wrong. I
hope that when they are conquered tbey
will be made to feel for many years the
iron hand of military rule, the only kind
for which they are suited. 1 think the
inlands a nioit valuable acquisition.
Their natural resources are almost be
yond compulation. From a strictly
money standpoint they are great.''
This is as complete au answer to the
anti-eipausionitt intimations as to the
position of Ganeral Funston as could be
Funston, like most of those who have
taken part in the war, whether serving
in the ranks or holding csmmissions,
whether serving In the navy or with the
!nd forces, hel.evos in tbe justice of the
wtr; believes that the rebels ate wrong
and that th ) Americans are rigLt, and
believes in holding i.iHt to the Philip
pines. Thin declaration of General Funstuu'e
will Fpoil many a democratic speech
based on falsehoods published in copper
head newspapers.
Not Capable of Self-Oovernment.
Sax FitASttsco, Oct. 11. General I
Funston, of the Kausas regiment, when j
asked what he thought of the Filipinos,)
said : . J
"They have some pretty good fighters
there and some pretty good shots, but I
the majority of them are lather poor!
lie added that while kouio of the Fili
pinos were intelligent, he did uot think
they were capable of self-government.
!$ It's a fact--a- a
That at Currier's Grocery you can get
the best goods for the least money. ?
Call around and convince yourself that 5
our prices are right; satisfaction guaran-
teed. Just received a fresh line of
Groceries. sjj
Cor. Jackson and Oak.
B. W. STRONG, Mgr.
and her excellent company in
and Dramas.
Tickets at Strong's ioc, 20c,
at 1 1:30
Name it? Why,
have it Nice
Teas and Coffees
Flour and Feed, l ine fresh goods at reason
able prices. Give me a trial order.
A Stop of Nearly Two Hours in Rose
burg Last Tuesday.
The .South Dakota regiment U. !. vol
unteers wbicli arrived 111 San Francio
from the Philippine!', early m Sep'emtier
and were recently iuutrod out in that
city, arrived at this p'sce Tuesday, at
ab u. !):3J o'clock a. m-, enrotite home,
where cn Siturdav they expect to hi
met at Sionx Falls bv not only the gov
ernor of their state, hnt also President
McKinley and member of bis'cahinet.
when a grand reception wiil be tendered
We have never s-eu a more sturdy,
tine looking and weli (shaved lot of uit-n
thai -those comprising this regiment,
which was undtr the command if Cul.
Frost and Lieut. Col. Stover. The regi
ment oiiginaliy numbered IOCS officers
and men, hut the'.r losi, however, was
considerable, onlf one regiment having
seen harder service, and that wai the
Nebraska regimect. Toe Dakotas suff
ered a loss of 05 killed in batte and r.ear
ly as many more died from disease. In
cluding t'e number sent. home on ac
count of sickness and .disatiliiy the regi
ment had dwird'ed downtoou'y abcut
600 men, which nuuibr composed the
two reciions of the train that passed
throo this city.
The boys all seemed to favor a vigor
ous prosecution of tbe war and ths re
tention .f the inlands aa a partial com
pensation for tht ir gtllaal services aud
ibsir heroic sacrifices. However, few
words of commendation were beard for
Gensral Olis, who, ths bo s insist, his
proved himself incompetent for tbe Im
portant position to which be was as
signed. But since be has surrounding him cow
such a large number of our ablest mili
tary men, a vigorous, brief and success
ful campaign is promised and the early
suppression of the insurrection seems
Tbe regiment's mascot was a moat in
tereeting and apparently very pofu'ar
personage, being uo less than a sturdy
looking, bright young son of tbe Sand
wich island. This young native of the
islands joined the regiment at Honolulu
and accompanied it through tbe ettirc
campaign, being on the firing line many
He was gaily al ired iu the U. S. army
uniform, appeared to be about IS years
of age and somewhat resembled the test
specimens of our western Indians.
On their return to Honolulu be ex
pressed a strong desire to remain with
the boys and accompany them to their
homes, which wish was granted bim and
he has become a member of Co. It, and
will mske his home with its member'.
Tsittcoos Anglings.
Editor Plaisdealku: This part of
Douglas comity has, for some time, been
enjoying very fine weather. Last San
day, 21, being one of the hottest da8 of
this seaBon, the thermometer indicating
a temperature of 60 degrees in ths shade.
Just now it is raining a little.
flock is in fine condition, tbe August
i : shaving caused a line growth ol
Dr. Patteisan was cailed la.-t Sunday
to see K. M. Black, of Iluby who was
quite ill. At this writing we are inform
ed, Mr. Black is on the road t recov
ery. ilefro Sioiiacln-r of Five Mile mid Jas.
Furnish uf Fiddle creek arc smiling.
The former i father uf a very young
son, the hit er of a fair daughter. Con
gratulations !
Ti.e t'ridge across Fiddle creek is pro
grcscing and wiil be liuisjird in n few
days. The wet weather in Aunuit de
layed the work very much. The con
tractors are building a good hridge for
less money than such u bridge was evtr
before constructed in Douglas couuty.
County Supt. Waite was with us two
weeks ago ou ollicial l usinoss. We arc
alwujg glad to see him and he ever has
a welcome iu our midst.
The road between Fiddle cieek aud
Maple creek i now a good wagon road.
Supervisor Anderaou uud his crew of
men having lately finitdied the work.
Including th bridge, moro than f 1000
has becu expended on the aGleuada road
this eeaeou. We hope to see the wholo
line completed in a year or two,
S. M.
Wm. Currier, S
a new repertoire of Comedies
Opening in
30c. Concert and drill daily
a. in.
spell it backwards and yon
fresh stock of Staple and Fan
constantly on hand. Hue
a specialty. Canned goods.
Pointed Parapraphs.
An epitaph to an honorrd ciUzeu :
Here lies, in hope of resurrection,
(This moral life is onlv vapor.
i A msn who helped the church coil eel. oa
1 And always took Ins county paper.
es,itenlle Anni, at all slag parties
; there i some came.
In the sahxiu there i a bar t many a
j man a success m :nv.
No man is quite so proud of a p xr j jb
! as a sell made n hi-.
A ut 11 inn has lievtun work ty turning
over some new leaves.
A woman altay hits the nail on the
bead that is tini-r rai'.
In attackuu the Uri nh lion Oom
! Paul i-f coin alter pretty big game.
i Tbe astiono.-r.cra ari:riiig to make
ioot tint Hit polirMar is a cae of trip
I let.
Daily reports if Djwev'a tngaeenient
! tJ ent efs'ern widows may oow
j be lo ke f lor.
j Tne e l tori of the Uview thotil I ijiii
jaciiui that war if thy ohjol lo hpicg
! called copperheads.
Ta leave hon- with. ut an umbrella
; often aos tttrr than a congregation's
prayirs f .r rain.
j Aaimaucften tru-tsa man with bir
I heart, tln ili ste wouldn't bt him bold
j hi r 1 une rive minutes,
The short nksrt craz-t bs struck Aus
! tin ; s m of them come a litt.'e high , but
the girU have git lo have them. Globe.
After a. 1 it U probably do wjrtetogo
ifihing cn Sauday than it ia to goon
; Saturday and lie about it all day bun-
': djy-
i Wh!t ia the ma'ter with Admiral
i Dewpy and bisar ieut admirer (?;tle
; Itoset urg Keview? His name hasn't
! at peare-l iu is columns for a fortoicht.
Many wives tell their husbands that
I they aie not worth a cent, hot wben
: thefe same hubuds are killed in a
: railway atxio'enl the wifrs sue the com
I pany for fiOvW damages.
The editor of the Tillamook Herald
' thinks be sees signs of an early and cold
I wider in the fact that the clerk of that
county issued tix married licenses with
in a week.
Today'5 Market.
J POKTLANK. Oct. 11. F.ggS tleOH,
itri cents per uo.
buttvsr Best dairy, Si'-w 25c; fane
creamery, 4)i50o ti roll.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, i-50roo0
Prunef Italian 2.33's; silver, extra
choice. i per Ih.
I Wheat Walla Walla 5S 5S-c; Val
i i..,i . i i . ..,
trw, uiiiraitrm til.
Oats White 4jc45; choice gray,
42! lie per bushel.
MillstutT Bran, $15; mtJdiins 22;
shorts, f 16 50; chop, $10.50 per tou.
Hiy Timothy $'J:ifc; clover, 0y j;
Oregon wild hay, $om 7 per ton.
Woo' Valley, 13;M4c: Eastern Ore-
i gon, !( 12, Mohair, 2o(rf;W.
a oiaioeg uregon uoruaniis, TodisO
tiarnet Chiles, 1.503f t. 75; new ff.00
01.25 per sack.
" f never courted m vs)apcr notoriety,
vet I am not al.vid to speak a good word
for your 1'avoritc Preset iption ' and
' Pleasant lVIIets.' Over a vear aj?o I
suflcrcd terribly for nearly four weeks
with prolapsus' and weakness. After
usinjr one U.tlle of ' l-av.nite Prescrip
tion ' ami mi.- of ' IVUcts." I was a well
woman. I have taken no medicine
since aud have had no symptoms of mv
former trouble." .Mrs. I-. A. Bender,
Keene, Coshocton Co., Ohio,
"fcViitt hi
'vntotfr ' .
Is the Place to buy Furniture.
Have you seen those
are the latest and hard to beat.
Our line of Blankets
with the discount all off and
Have added some new
ment and also have a large line
Rugs ranging in price from
1 x 2 feet to 9 x 12 feet.
We have tLe goods to
and can make the . prices that
Our motto is honest
3 28 Jackson St.
Bicycles at
Reduced Prices.
Send for Descriptions.
Wc have a few wheels on hand which we
have used for renting during the summer
all '99 Models, High grade, in first class
coudition, and fitted with G. & J., and
Dunlop Detachable tires. Wishing to
clear our floor for the coming season we
will close these wheels out at a very
low figure.
tories in Ihc
Cass Street Market,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 181. Props.
A itlOnvAn In nif (nr n.tiiirl.. snn!v.
j. v. lomuock, fiamuu,
Sadie 11 Comst.ik. Ucfoudsji
Ti sadie ii. Coni-Uxk, the above named
In the usjiic of the butt Oregou, you arc
hereby reiiiired to pioj and ansuer the
complaint illc-d asaius you in the above en
titled cane on or before the tirst day of the
next regular term of said oourt towit:
Monday ths JVth day ot November lR'J- Ami
if you fail to hi appear aud antmvr lha Mid
complaint, platntifl will apply to said court for
tbe relief tieniauded in said complaint towit:
That the maxriaxo contract H"v existing be
tween yourself and said plaintiff be dtolTcd
and that plaintiff have Judgement in raid court
for the rosta and divbuncmcnta of the said suit
and such other and further relief na tho ounrt
may adjudge equitable.
This Summons is publishel under and by
virturouf an order made by lion. J. W. Hamil
ton, judp' of said court, dated October -'nd
1-&J, at KoneburK. Oreiwn. The date ot the
tint publication thereof being Thursday the
Mli day of October, lh'.'J and tho ':is. publication
thereof bcliiE Thursday the -trd day of Notcm
tier, l.v.19. Tne said period bt'iuc nioro thaix six
consecutive weeks bctwea tho liret publk'iUion
hert-oi and the date of the lssl publication
(0)t) J. r. Fl'I.LKRTOX,
Plaiutitl"! Attorney.
Ho, for Boswell Springs!
ComrnenctUiC May 10. 1SUD. and until
September 30, lS'Ji), special tickets to
Boawell Springs and return to this city
will be sold aa follows : 30-day ticket.
$l.S5. Tickets going Saturday and re
Inmini, fnlt.a-t ntm fnn.l.,n Al Jil
Special rates ara also given Iroru l)rt-
land and intermediate points.
uwr tfovwm
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
cast top heating stoves. They
aud Comforts were bought
the buyer is to get the bene
patterns to our Carpet depart
of Symurua and Moquette
75c to $18.00 and in size from
make your homes comfortable
you can afford to pay.
values and good goods.
...B. W.
The Furniture Man.
Can be combined iu the same pair of
Shoes, if correctly fitted. We are prepared
to show the most complete line of Shoes
ever shown in our store, having succeeded
in reaching the best and largest Shoe Fac
cast. We should like to have
a chance to make you acquainted with our
stock and prices as wc feel assured that both
will please 3 011.
Fruit Graders,
It ha boon iniprovcJ'anJ is the best
machiuo on the market. It separates
the fruit without bruising or mashing it
and with srreat rapidity. " Inquire of
Wilbur, Oregon.
What Scrofula Is.
Scrofula is a disease as old as antiquity.
It has been handed down for genera
tions and is the same today as in
early times. It is emphatically a di
sease of ths blood, and tbe only way to
cure it is by purifying the blood.
That is just what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does in every case where it is given
a faithful trial. It eradicates all imruri
ties Irom the blood, and cures the
Botes, boils, pimples and all forms of
akin disease due to scrofula taints in
the blood. Hoo-I's Sarsaparilla has won
the grateful praise of vast numbers
of people by its grand and complete
cures. Don't allow scrofula to de
velop in your blood. Cure it at once by
taking Hood 'a Sireaparilla.
Roseburg Bakery.
All kinds of Piea, Cakes,
and Cookies.
Notice For Publication.
Csitsd Eraraa La x D Orncr,
Koaebarf , OTVgon. July 2b, 130.
Notice is hereby glrvn that In compliance
with tbe pruvMioua of tbe act ot Cocfreaa o(
Jane i. ISTS, eotlUetl "An act (or tba sale of '
timber limit in the state ot California, Oragoari
NaT a. la aod WaahiOKton Territory:" -
ofGranu fas, county of Jonrphlnt, Kate oi
Oregon, liaa thi day filed in thla oSlca hi
worn talemcnt No. l, lor the purebaas of tb
HE of section No. l. In townahlp No. IK ft,
rauie No. 3 W. and will offer proof to inow that
lbe land song-lit ia more valuable for It timber
or etvne thau for aKricultnral vnrpoaea, and to
catabluh his claim to aid land before tba Bca
iatcr and Recelrer of this onV.-e at Bosabiuf.
Uregun, on ri'lar, tbe 30th dav of October.
He names an witneaae: William K. KiBwer,
Richard Miller, W illiam Hammond and L C.
Brown, an of branta raas. oreiron.
Any and all perrons ciaiinlnc; adrenrlr Uw
aloe-leiM.'rlbed lands are rcineated to fl ta their
claim in this office en or before said Via Aav
of October,
Notice for Publication.
Rosebanr, Oregon, September 9. VS.
Notice is hereby given that tbe fellow-lag
named settler ha tiled notice of his intention to
mue final proof in snppnrtaf his claim and
that said proof will be made before tne Bagisier
and Receiver, C. S. Land Office at Rossbaig,
Oregon, ou October S, UC9, vU:
On hl H. E. No. 6797, fir the lou i& , fee
hh i. sec in. i p. zj. p. h 1. weal. Ha naiin n
following witnesses to prore his eantlnuoba
residence npon and cultivation of, said laad
A. a. fmith, N. n. Rone, Z. Fella nd, Herbert
Bant all of Oakland, Oregon.
I. T. BBID6E9,
(lltS Reaiatcr.
Notice For Publication.
, , - Boa-bare. Oregon, hept lfi. KM.
Notice is hereby riven met tbe uDowtag
named srttler baa tiled but ice of his inietiUoa
to make final proof in sapuurt of his claim. d
that said proof will be made be lorn the arii-
and Beceiver, D.i Land office at Koseb-rrE, Or.
roo, oa Oct. 20. I. vi-;
.OB r. NOAH,
oa his H. E. So. t, for the Lot 1.
Sectkm , Township s, B. S West, W. U. Be
name lbe following wiUKe to prore bar eon
tinnous residence npoa and cultivation of said
Land, tlx: t. M.Uoudman W. U. Moore. J, .
omh. I. C. Wiley, all of Caaaa Valley, Ore
gon, t. T. BRIDGES,
si-p Begurter
The Home Baker
701 Oak Street, Opposite
Central HoteL
Fresh Baked Bread Every Day
"Boston Baked Beans,"
a specialty.
Csim firsTis.
Lxd ormi, '
lUavbare, Orrjeon, Aaftat B, U39,
To wLom it may concern:
Ptotice is hereOT girea that the Oregoa a: Cali
foraia Eaihtiad Company has flied in this e43eo
a ! jti oi lands si'.oated la the townships 4
tcribed below, and has applied for a patent
said lands; that the list ia opea to tbe pnbUe for
inspection and eopr thereof by descriptive,
subdivisions, has been posted in a eoavenieM
place in this office for the inspectioo of ail per
sons interested and the pa bite geoenilr:
eoath of base line and West of Lbe WtUaas
ette Meridian.
Tn Jf-, KS.
Vsrt of w ' sec fl.
a -t-sw'j, Sec. ji.
Wiihin the next suty days folloa ina the data
of this notice, pcolesu or contests iqimt tha
claim of the Company to any tract or subdiTis
ion within an section or part of srcUoa. de
scribed ta tbe Lh-t, oa the ground that In tame
ia more valuable for ssiiionsi tbaa for agrteml
oral purposes, will be re-wiTrd and noted for re
port to the Oeneral Laad OOco at Waihingtaa.
J. T. B&IDGE3, .
Notice of Final Settlement.
N-OTIOE IS HKSFbT r.rvwif trit tow
nnders' gned, administrator ot the eatale of
Charles Lapoint-deceased, haa filed hia tiul
account aa sach administrator ia tne Couary
Court for Doujlas Ujualy, rtaie of Ofiron, end
that said Court has set afonday, 'oember.
S, 1.-99, at the hoar of to o'clock s. m. of ssid day
at theco irt house in Riweonrx, Dounlaacownty.
SUte of Oregon, as the time and place for bear,
ing ob.H-ctions thereto aud for tbe final aettle
nient of said estate
Dated at Boebuig. Oregov, tliia 30Ut day of
September. Is.1?.
Administrator of the Estate of Chatka ta
point, deceawd. (oitT)
Notice of Final Settlement.
To the County Court of the state of Oregon foi
thtt Countrlof Douxlas.ln the uatter uf lb
estate of D. . McCampbeU, deceased. Tbe .
nndenigned Administrator of said estate haTN
lux hied his final account In said eocrt. boUm tr
is hereby (riven that Monday the Mb day ot
November, 1?9, at 10 oclotK a. ul at tba
County Court room, in Bosebanr. Coaelaa
county, Omroo, is the time and place set bv the
Judge of said court, to hear objections, ii any
there be to said final aecoaut and to the dla-
cnarrcoi saiu. aumuustraur.
Datel at Roveburg, Orvgon this the 30th day .
of September, U9.
(Oct. 2) aK.APAws,
Administrator of Uie estate of D. 3. McCamn
bell, deceased.
Notice for Publication.
Koseburg, Oregon, July , 1899.
Notice is hereby given that ia compliance
with tbe provisions of the art of CniMna ,.f
June Jrd, Ists, entitled "An act for the sale kt
Umber lands In the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territorw
Of Grants Pass, County of Josephine. State ot
Oreiron has this dsv ti led in this office his sworn
statement No. 6A) for the purchase of tbe M. a.
4 ot section So. u, In Township No. SS
Kance No. S W. and will ofler nnut tn show
that tbe land nought ia more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and
to establish hi claim to said land before tbe
Kei:iter and Receiver of this offlee at Kosebnre
Oregon, on Friday, the A'lh day of October
He names as witnevvs: John &. Bale Rich
ard Miller, William Hammond, L, C. Brown
all of Grants !', Oregon. Any aud ail per-
sous rluun.n adversely the above-described
lsnds are requested to file theic. claims In this
otlice on or before said -.Vth tlavof cvtober, rssa.
(jrtli'p) Register.
Notice for Publication.
Koseburg, Oregon, Bcpt. ii, IS.1.
Notice is hereby given that the folluneVj.
uaised settler has tiled notice of kls lnteuW'i
to make tin si proof in support of bis claim, and
that said proof will be made before the fieglsler
and Receiver C. S. Lacd Oltice at Roseburg,
Oregon, ou Nov. 3. lNM. vis:
On his II. K. No. 7S04. for the SS U
sec. 'Ji T '.Vs s. R. o W. He uamcs tbe followiug-
witneMiesto prove hiscontiiiuoes residence up- flL
ou aud culuvatiou ot tald land, vis: John V
W billow. M. M. Whitlow, J- U Watsou, H. U
Kugles.all of lecl, Orvjoa.