The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 05, 1899, Image 3

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111 111 111 111 111 111111V ni1VxnVl
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 29 and 30.
You are invited to call and inspect our new line of trimmed Fall Hats
A comparison with any other line, will bring out plainly the reasons,
why you should not miss this showing.
Hi v. E. M. Marsters ami f.imily of L. D Carle Returns Home From the
Cleveland have taken up thfir residence
in thisuty.
Cndirwoar iu nil tics for either res
in several grades aud rock Im: torn prices
at tlio Novelty Stoiv j
Miss Laura Cox, of Medford, is enj y
joying a pleai-nnt vi-il in thin city, the
guest of Mrs. A. M. Crawford.
! I.tdiea do nut forget tliat e have a
j tiro essortiuenl of fur eollaretten wnd
t eat es at Ihu rijhl Xnveltv Store.
l l I I I I I t I I I I I I I I
Klondike With $20,000 to Mis j
I.. I. Carle returned to hid home in i
tins ci' v last i 11n.nU y evening alter
having spent the putt twtnty iin.iithei
iu the far famed Klondike eo'tn- j
trj. Mr. Carlj luoki the picluiej
i( health and naturally etiuiiglt is in
lie t'i(-t of spirits, hsivhu verage.l a '
7 o -3
We Are Also Showing Attractive bargains in
BLANKETS, COMFORTS, Etc. Our low prices keep us busy.
Are you getting your share of these bargains? Come in and sec us
before making your purchases, we promise to show you better values
than the widest search will reveal.
Here are all the kinds that are good. Here is no kind that is not
good. Volumes would say no more. It pays to trade at
.The People's Store.
1 dealing up of juet one thotis.iul ilollairr
Gentlemen we give you 11 good hat for j a q,l.,,U, during his absence. j
$1, a better ouo for $1.5 and the beet j .Soon after arriving in tbia city he de
fer . Call and tee ibem at the N'ovol- . jailed asackcontaiiiiiitellpoiiii.lsof nuff
I" p-lo-iiato jewelry tt J.T. Bryan's.
Bond, the watchmaker, c'o?s eDgray-
Fcr rirst dags
1 Little of Oakland.
dentistry go to
Johu Ueckiev of Oakland is spending
the week in Koeburg.
To exchange for wood, a good second
hand White sewing machine. Apply at
this cilice.
liar.-? I o!tr is very tick at the home
cl his ia:eut, Mr. and Mrs. B. t.
Lohr, with typhoid fever.
Mrs. C. A. Seblbiede was tend, red a
very pleas act reception by the Woodmen ,
Circle last Monday evening.
i-.. .1 ;,i n ,1-. t;i !in w.irk in the
,- r mil, Ad-' Attorney A. M.' ford was ;.tale:n
. - -T, . , loosing after 1 g il matters before the so-
V 1 l r . , ITU t.' . '--51 ,
. iu.' " . v - .
Gloce cl a paciic building by l resident
t fr1TSTilov in that fifr
Mr. Orant l-evens 01 ct"j
tv Store
Fred To!le?, Koaehurg'i genial fcigo
writer and punter, will go to Cottage
(irovj Saturday, where he contemplates
City Uecorder D. . West will please
a Cr pi thethun'.it o! the I'laindeauu
foroo for u generous mpply of grapes
List iuesouy.
Keep up to ditehy buying the "Now
Ideit" iO cent pattern. No kooiI pattern
: "ow P'iivd No lo priced pattern as
go d. N vlt Svie.
TuiadJia 1'- , luve pii'diae.l U.
11. U.xon's tin; I rid of dairy cow,
which : l ey have .t!cd to their newly
eVatiKehed dairy 111 the i'.ushey farm,
neH' itiWli.
Nathan Fallert has ;: ef.e 1 a posi-j
jaairj.M. F. Kapp'fl drog.'or.-. lie is c.
of'a htihrest yo ng men ir :i
will no d rib' alike i cjiopelent ;.i d
jjenut i l --k.
M .. II. K. Iltpoei-et i.f I'ur land,
an I sii e, Mri Urcbel Kii g vi Tula
dfl'.ii, are enj iyin a paa-it viiit
wit'i Mx- Hirpeaeti'e dautjhtr, Mm.
W. II. J :riesoi.
L'r. K. 1.. Miliar an I f.nniiy have e-
' turr.-d I: j.o- fron ail eaj jah't viit
,t Myrtle l'cin'. While
Ililipst price raid for butter and eggs
at Mr?. Hcvd'e. '
! Mr 1"; .1. Bond returned vesterday
; Enoiti. F.odsoa, .-i this city, has our iroin her vieit to Peel.
l 1 1 lor Lar,in. ana . . thanks for a subscription, renewal. j l'iiwplee, eruptions, eweaty Lao ig and j relaiirc
! Rond, the waUhiuakrr teils epectaclea re cured by Uudyan. All dru.-gints j j., Q(tM t.. ,y jl(.y v'wi'e I D 'd 1 1 by
at lowest prices e ud can tit them t-or ' bO cents. ! the se aud iep rt a very p)eia. time.
: fettly. The Koral Northwest and mi-eck!y , iv.-pite t!!i I that huii esj is in-
! A go d bicycle .ladies') to trade for j 1'LAiMJtAi.ETi both one year fur i.nly . ! crejsiii): uad nvre unl u?re patients
; woovl. App'y at this cilice. A good ' I,rit"e of paper alone. j earning in lr. I'.Uinjton hj loan-
bargain. For your watches, clocks and jeaelry i Loauce tint his s av m Ujseburg cannot
; A few nhee'.? iifcd for reniicg during j K lo J'yan. His piicee will please you ! be extended after tjtub-r 1) or 10. All
the eaainjtr. U r 6.!e ver. cheep nt "ai1 bis work is Gist class. ; chronic ctes. e-p-cially eye, oar or ca-
Martters. ' "Like diamonds raiodro, gliften." ; tan!, cases eeci .1 y invited. Cor-.s.u-
TLe I'rebyi? ry and Jycod of Sju.hero i l-rops of llowlV Soisaparilla are precious ,i4t,'Ja ,r-'-
OreicnwiU n eel at Oakland and at i jswels lor the Mood w:r,e'j glisten in tlieir ltietug-.r iac:cry tia-- iroeien-Kur
Salem this mont:2. ! use. ; ctrlotds of n'.'if, whkh will be sUu-je-l
II. (j. Householder has returned home 1011 pioiuci win ee.
! Irom Albany, w! ere he Lss been work- ' lh ,-t Oran e O .e cir il fur
ics with a crew t f rail o id bridge car- JI " on 1 r r.ijjiu. n lor i.-
When vou come to Portland remem- " oenters : ker City sod the other f. r hoae d-alers.
ber and bare your teeth fixed by Dr. M. '".1? ! r D ' n 77 ; Attornev I. B. Riddle and J. 1 Ham- Tbe 200 sacks . f sur .h,l was m.J
XV. DaTis. !03'8 First .t. (j24) rd" J;3 S ilton have len enjoving a UuU recrea-. 'rom last'a s-r,Pa .ouP!e ul w,ek
E DnGa- M. D., member of ; qu're at lbe 1 LAIM'LAL" J- ! tion hunting in the Coaa liar.,,-moun-l .9eoll almost b.l.rei- h.Ho
Feneion Examiners. Office. Markers . Uivernor t.eer has gone to Uucago uJm ,eft 0, ,own thls Meek , wme -.-ool in ll.e ck.
building residing corner Main aad Cms j te PBl VIK Utrvev l:. Lounib-ur. traveling! C ;ro Broth-rs movcd tLe-r Ue ge.
street. f?" 1" i agent of tbe S. I. Co.. was in tbe 4 i eoer.l merd.ndi.e store ,0 OakUnd
; today looking efier the compaoy'a iMer-; bis week, where they wi'l soon open np
gets and gld dust at 'he First Nutloiuil
Bank, which when properly displayed, j
fairly dizzied ui.cs viuioii. This fiuu dir.- j
play of nuggets has l e u a sjurccoH
great curio-ity at d iu:e vit to Mr.
Carle's many friends its deposit at
tbe bank aud has given many ol cur citi-1
Ejus a reneaei attack of Klondike fever, j
B -sides (his gold duht Mr. Carlo dis- j
played about fSOOO in draft" making a !
total of about 120,000 to bis credit .
Though no less gct.ial, plain and ur
assuming ua of yore we note that Mr,
Carle now sports a glittering diamond
ring and other valuable jewelry, manu
factured from gold of his own difc'gk.g
and set with valuable stones, some of
which was brought as gif s to hi 1 w ;f ,
daughter and grand child.
Mr. Carle has always boro t'.t; r. pnt.i
tio:i of bring a rualbr and bi ',! V-
Eervedsuccrsi io the Kl jridik is c ,u-!
cliive proof of J bis ener." . C.iii uuJ
enterprise. He left G; 1 ': u i int lo ;
iuil-s'fnn Diwso" Sp' i'.-i mat. i !
the trip in lb days. In tlu f.i'i.e
pany was included tho Berry lir j., h-
brought out 220) pounds of do:t. Mr.;
Ca'le nay there ia yet fortiui: to it;
niade in that ountry b-u does n .t a '- j
vihe aoy one to g there idi u .y p i'. '
ive assurance of mc.efs. i
11 s'.i.l re'atni vUtbij mi 1: 1 1 ;Vr
eels in the Kloodike, but ai yit is 111 '
tided in rgard I t r-io'ninj ! tin
country. He saysa 'grett t;ai.f r.i;a
At our store Bverytliing- in School wear
for boys and girls. We make a specialty
of wear resisting- Shoes and Clothing
for the young people. We are exclu
sive agents for the Celebrated
ack Cat Stockli
yiwvu 4.4, UJ U(3
ior Boys and Girls. The
ual are as low as they can be made on
high grade goods. Eemember we have
everything in school wear forBo ys and
Girls. Parents give us acall.
7 rr i r--.
j o
! ZrtULkkiLkkkkkUkkklLil nllilA 1
Will reopen Sept. 11, 1899.
C .r;:-r.
I'ri'i aia'.ivu f-r coilv P'.'-'i-l'i'. I
ILoroti.tb iuhtrnction ia MatLi-Oi&t-;
ic. L'iti:-, GrM-t. IVencb. Ciprruan. i
' Hifturv,' Huii'iNL
arid UuoLkeecinf;.
; The school w i ; 1 re-opf n at
Tue Hai.ks Britusu i
! oa Jackfon fc't., llose'onr''. Or., ia the
tioo has been brought 'out sip 'here ' rcotus formerlr occupied by Jrdgej
'r bin tbe paet taoyvr-. (i 1 rder ! Hamilton. lVrsoas interested please :
now prevails; a I .pI uMi.-lr mrr. I cfi'' o cr tdilres tho principal.
chai dise can 'e p irchise I at upsr.i
tively ressinalne rate, tdei'.ii iu : co:n
nmnicitiotiS is no ati'tidrd w U -
oaUide worlJ and travel au-l 'r.ti.-p .tia
tioii baa been redure I t a uittii.ti'i ti.
lie repr.s l'r. B;ait!ey, .'t.rt.e
Card e l J. E. Cartw t he kud other
Koseburgrrs as prop- ring.
To the Public.
thanks for
L i4 1.-
the very liberal
v..tijii. c nave
V. T. Wfhttleset.
Uospl-nrp, Or. :- ,- .
(ifti,-.. f.t Mr Wbitr.At'- v c Ouw tills lard Ot
Cu- rt Hoine. ' 'patronage we have had from vou
;soia fiuy-;j:i- imperial wheels this season, double that of
ony previous year. And v.e congratulate our-selves that
we had the- "&od fortune of turnincr 01U the best wheel on
.-rai,, on earth, the rc-d. Wc know this for we have had 110 exnens in
Hianos and Organs
M-. Carl- mad- ua a p r-M cl. to- j " - b in... bee one . kccping thc5C ,vJ:etls in good ruuail5i; order. Th" speak
Tar.diiw. ih u.uh intupM that 1 -'- e.iu- oran. Prices f f ,t - fo A , aiic) spcdJt
;e" listened tn. ...oi.... f ... the ' ' M.:t the tirxei. Oar u,i tncui.seivcs, ana our customers are well pleased.
t.,i. .-t in the citT looking after : " " 1 8: and made this othc- a pleasant call. i-ussness m u.e une new umck ui hop
1 ...on-;-,, l.i. ! inspecting some property in the; . . .... ' F Broti The faoii'r will 20 to
lint iku .itlP-a and mterteWlSg IMS S'...r.lT ICEi. T.irn.. .nti;, .is, .,lr "J"". ..U.".- fc 'V
vuc.wcnw - . . . , j . - . . . "i i" ... .... ui.-'.i.
i Althouse dia!rict rtturce l home Satur-j
; day. tirants Fa-s Courier.
Dr. Isabel Kedg?kk 01 Portland, wiio !
ttsrted on their return to ti.U 1
lliis tuorntns liieir prisoner, it!iet-
roacy friends
Mrs. Harry I'iaketoa and dausbter,
Ml., Inra were over from Oakland ceogswit. 1 oriraou, wuo : je w-0 Ut i:ir j .u, the fo il ui'ir
yesterday. They were the gee of Mr. fke chirge ol Ur. Mjrm brown s ; der of Mr K j80n at lhA,
J ' ! nractuv. ia now looieJ at .ku. 11. Ctiur-1
and Mrs. J. I. Chapman. It-m- !,-.. ' L. Jones, the r.aateu rexua lioret
Mr. tDd Mr?. Lt Dirutcick of this city ;
went lo Oakland yesterday, where Ibey '
Oakland r.ex' we k, an,l will cccnpy the
chill's. Office hours, 1 to 5 p. m.
It makes no difference bow bad
r.. ..1.
.1 1 t :.i 1... f 11
-n : reMu'.ucc jjimejiy uvvui--u ... ...
Bay. Messrs. Caro g:-tiial ar.d obiit
ing busiue&s a,ea, aud ws uishthein
tjecees ia their new location.
. 1 t ri. 1 . t .. I
: man, will be in Kosebnrg Saturday with i J' cu " . "J
tbe ! -V) tMd uf Loraea which !. nl'l fr 1 "oocaT, ot tbe drowning 01 01 uept.ew
j B. F. Aiken, that inorniag. In Ten Mile
. --a 1 t s . t . IKU 11 ,1.. (. II.. r 11 . . . ....
far tbe firm of Caro lircs. ! it will Meekly heal and leave no opportunity to secure a team or a j Ikp,j9 BMr ,-ew-eto- I Jlbo- Tbe
Mrs Jas M Yonog telurned home r. A. C. MAKSTEUS A CO. j fidinS horse. rS "'vV . T
airs. Jae. a, aouug vevitg party of the K. iV N. when the
last Monday troai ivacsas, ucic cue ... . , juniuuuu, 11 .ii;pe, ouu?, coiua
spent the Euaimer viEit'iDg with lriends. the Myrtle Creek hotel. n:ade the coontv j croQj, a!j w-i,w,n;i,s t-,j,jP red-ly yield j
Jim sa"-s the oil home is once more what 83at a baeinf ss visit, TotsJay. .Ve uo-Q iie Minufe Coog:i Cni-n. Fee thisi
it used ta be. i lice'1 l'lat 1:8 "Jrove ho:EC "ilb fia1 ; remedy ii ti-"e an i sn-- a d ctoiV bill
selol iiaruefe. or tbe nndcitaker V.
Fete Mocach, who lately returned: M A U ? T F K iV CO.
Jacob Iticbey of l;ain, weslo-king.
.tpr hnsinef s msllers at tbe c-jucly seat
Tuesday, lie uiade th.a ctuce a pieas- irom n.o .To.cierc iiuu.o m nwcu, ine piace to gel ate
and carried off a receipt lor a went to l ieasaui ioint vcsieroay, 10 at fctrrng'a 1 uruiture
. accident occurred, an I a I -t'er r:.1 ivoJ
i from hiiu but a sYirt time beforu dated
' lht lie wcald e j:i u j 11 in & 1 'i 1 1
; had mauy frieal- to wtn n tbe
: neas ol his sudden d ?atii c j ns as a Re
! vere and eh'ik. Tiie r.d mes-
K'ondike. We corgratulale .V'. Car'.e '' .oat-st I -r the su'.e glade
at oa bia well deserved sweet at.. I .'.d ' ' S " :' 1 V( r 1 t-Vnglaa county.
We are a.. o ag Lis for the
Coming Attraction.
; p.. '.n f:- ';e at Pctla-jd (.(.'.
i esauii: c . ur Lf w
nets .er:r.
eat Eilcrs :
Cad : nd
and ;he !
T. K.
The popular Jessie Shir!c Co. will
Visit llostbcrg the wek rd Oct s"li re !
ser.ting a new repertoiie cl coo. diet ur d '.
dramas. The coaipmy i str it .- tine ;
11 was when Leie before, tLrev t e mem-1
bers being added to the traupe. 1 aiu iacria. :i. : :.:y
n, i. .... i t- ttu;I iy 10 u. ore K
... , , iuoM Uuy usisuriu j uwi salary,
tbroogbout tbe north and CanaJa ; ivjj oll or ;.,(jr;f s
Roseburg Pharmacy
Liht Wctkar.d Used Salary.
ant rail,
mat nice
'tore. He can
' spin oskaai for Capt. Hans Heed's new give you a better variety aud valaes tban
1 J titUrnrinllnn
iCKER.1;' ENGLlsH liEMEDY ; veseel. Ccos Lsy ews. : any other firm in Djuglascoaa'.y. Have
wiiietopacouUfct any lion, and will j Dr. Cheadle has a new remedy for tbe: one cr two machines that will close out
car the worst cold iu twelve hours, cr j extraction of teeth. No cocaino or ea- j at ?2) ea.b.
money refunded. 25 cte. and 50 els. jcaice is nseJ. FatiaaU with heart or .Shobihasu: Tie ciaes ia shorthauJ at
V ,r ile ct Kapn'a dru ' store. IanS trool-ies ao ose it w ithout any bad j the academy is exacting to begin work
U'O . about Ov-t. 1J. Any persons desiring to
after eilects.
.. ., r 1 . ..n tli.r n'icVit
i.Kmnau.- vu ,,".. wun'ed --5J rceu for lumber varl : study shorthand this year, will find it to
attack cf Dyspepsia by dieting, o that it j f " , lheir aJv.ntai?e ta ' thtt r!n.
-i Ilranpneia UnrS Biiu ruau, iut:u; uu ea uiiu uik. i
WU1 cure iiocn. - j--r 1 . .
wnx cure if; it "digests what yoa eit"lB V-- nJ - er dy
nd restores the digestive organs to Steady employooeat. pply to the
health. A.C. MAKsTEKS&CO. Eootb-Keliy Lumber Co., tagmaw, Or.
J. L. Stratford, of tbe l'LAisufcauiR, is , the li(;lKk4U AESembiy, was unable to ! Hvered the prisoners Drew, White and
oionrnini at Glendale and w o.t CreeK;, h anDointment hnra Utt mppU. Nosier to tbe pjnitealiary. .Sheriff!
this week, pickic- up new eotesribere , . - , j : railroad m-1 -'2e had a hard time tracking these
I saga was from W. H. Kenudy, chief J
engineer of lha . II. & N atl'-jril icd,
and gave i.a particula'a except that
ewry possible eiTart wm being tnsde to
reoverlhs bidy, aud nikinj what dit
position bhouid ba male ot it wbn
found. Mr. Aiken iu reply dire-led that
the remains l e sent to S ileal f r iutn-ment.
winning fresh laurels to their!
ity. Mies Shirley will pnseiit tome of
the latest eastern euccvtea such ;:i
D.iria, Married in Haste, Tii'oy, Clever
Fool and a Ua.ue 6f Wits. '
The people of Kwburg tin less-,
sored of a firet-claet week' entertain-.
ni'Utand bhoulJ take the c jMrlcnity 1
as theompauy wtil not ariiu com t'lis
way for sani" liae. ;ien'.ng b: 1 a lii be
Married in Haste, a pssiirI ccu.idv in!
four acts. Tickets fcr sato at f.rorsgV. !
1 ";..e:S s.r.J i.-h jr
; !!intn 8ndiix;2
F. KAPP, Prescription Druggist.
vi.-t Artici.". iv.ti.l Jleu:-
C'ijirc, SUiticfctj-, Toilet
. Ajuiaor,
U- -g, Or.
Paints iad Oils.
100 Msn WacteJ j I
10 at .1 ; I baud e II. It. locomotive j !
wo.i aud vork ia the tiailer. Wages ,
?l ", ter day. II gbe:t price p id for1
to l'J :
oujpsuy's ciSce at
tnl a lec; 1
Benefit Entertainment.
:r cr by e'tfr t )
I.::a;t r C., Kiddle, Ur.
bratci Ma.;:::e Cyclone Plate
Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Call .v, 1 ExauiLp tberu. -
cipal or Miss Urahaui before that time
SJierin" jage of Coos county was in
this city Wednesday evening en route
home from Salem where be'safely de-
and business for tne 1 laimal.b. ",cijeIit on tbe Southern
eent in eight new names as a resu ti;
' bis first day's work and says that this j
paper is wincicg in popularity in that j
Day News.
Next Monday morning an excursion
i ninnlrfi fmm c 1 . 1 1 n , l f r l,.-.(li...l
Bection of the country. With oar nne i
The rale
Coos uien 1,111 0,,'y arrested them and se
cured their conviction, for tbe robbery of
Loreox store at Co;uille City.
On Tuesday evening the nceiubers of
Judge Willi Elected nay or A Light
Vote Polled.
uonciue couavrjr u :wi!lpa6SlLroU6h Ko-ebnrg and
new JOS press ana lu , ,oaJ t, ers L?re
our rapidly increasing Cl "d br ,te round trip will be f7.
ana jjo PrioauK uuu. - ---- , for one ww.k
rn is comicg to the front with rapia fc
Ett is comicg ACKERS' ItYSI'LI'tIA TABLET:?
1 are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures
Tbe October term cl tue apreuie , i1Mrt.brn raisins, of the food. diBtress
tbe M.E. church and many friends of ' cf wards
The city tlection patsei clT paielly
last Monday thtre being but tbtea
offices contested, those of mayor, record
er and treasurer. A canvas of the bal
lots ca-t, which was lighter than usual,
showed the toibwing results:
mayor (by wards.)
Kev. and Mrs. Geo. K. Arnold, tendered
theai a very pleasant and cordial recep
tion in the parlors of the church. Ap
propriate addresses were made by Dr. .1.
A. Towncend, Prof. Wbittleeey and Uev. ! D. b. West,
l.ucy cutlip, to wnich Kev. Arnold j. x. Long,
W. U. Willie,
II. W. Mille'.
i Willis.' majority
1 -
7 J'J
i; i;
liaw'5 This?
Wc i ifer Ur.e Ss ur.ure 1 Dollar
lraty case tt l a.srru toat c
The poceels to be applied tjaard cor, ! 1 v lliUV C'.arrh Care
Tbe ladies of Liiac Circle. Wouiau of
Woodcraft will aive a dime eo':il in S;r.
coin's hall on tomorrow (Fridavt even
raunotleiS lUilL
i Iranta-. ti. r.s and i'.s.
!iv obligation laiido
WeV- A Trcax, WI..-1. sale
r,.i.d ., t.
Waldin,.. Kir.r.iiti Mux:
! sal Drucgi.-'s, Ti-Icdo, Ol.i i.
! Hall's Cat.iri ii C.:n- i t .V.
J. ta
and t t.ieve ;
ia all t-as.css ;
y able to car- j 2
i Hi
uiiLiai in
i-v ti.cir
i Total
5 j 1 . 0 i
i 43
, Jivailk was U, aaaa-uc va - "V awwa, WlD.( tCO j
court opened on the -'ad inst,, the af(er efltin? or any form 0f dyBpppgia j responded in Lis usual pleasing andiu-j
lli .l oj
It! o
lowiDg beiog among tbe recent orders Qno ViUe ta,)M ive(J immt.d,ae reli( :, j teresung manner. ocal solos were j y. W. Diliard,
-. . a It- ...hunAM a -t. -I . . 1.1 . I 1 1 Tl r T T
U. Wi'.lis, respondent, vs.
ol OJ
oil J-.'
For sale at M. F
".1 -l. and 50 cts.
A. M. Crawlorc, oppeiiam; "u it3rp's drug etore.
stipulation that tbe sppelarfs tioje to ;
erve bw brief be extended to October j MOKl TEA I OirlTIN LL CLRLs
! sick headache, indigestion and constipa
"'i'bi'.ipp Merriuaan. ics;Bdent. ve.-tion. A delightful herb drink. Re-the-Victory
P. Mining Company ct al., ; moves all eruj tionti .f tbe skin, produc-
L'aisde!. appellant; motion to : ins a pcncci c.i:uH;e:miijf cr mor.ey re-
to renew i innueu. .ocis. an-i oo ci. m . r . i.jpp,
I drnggisr.
S. V.
.licmies overruled, with have
fie motion r.t the heirins on the merits.
yery creditably rendered by Prof. L. K
Traver and Mrs. !eo. Estes. After tbe
informal program was 'concluded ex
cellent refreshments were served
and every, thing passed eff in a
most pUasing and happy mauner,
which was evidence of the high esteem
in which Rev. Arnold and family rre
held by n'-t only the luembrrs cf their
church hat o'ir citizens geiierallyi
defraying tbe expenses or the case id a F. J. CHENEY A CO., Fro; a. To'edo
toucglady :n the Ocod Simaritaa h-s-' We t;:o underelre ! iisve known F
pital in Portland. - ; Cher.t y for th. las V v
i Uix;i;.im. . hiu- i f r:'ct tiv i.o::
Itif '.I I ii f.rhi1
, . (
Vocal duett. Mi-seS Kubr Jordan and ! r?
Oeorgia Jacobs.
He'ciiatiou, M.ts Amata .Sikitb.
YochI solo, Mrs. tieo. Eftes.
Instrumental dnett, Will Liw.-k n und
Dac Langenberg.
Recitation, Mies Ceilha Estes.
i?ong, Stanley Carpy.
Song, Lncile Ragndaln.
Ins'ruroentat dnett, Mrs. Ma.lgc RgS'
dalo and Dan Langenberg.
Ail re cordially invited to attend
A lu'icb will be served after the pro
i S. v . Vi i,
tr:!'.irh.Ht ia 1ST7.;
ug varieties of thorough
ly .. low iS.
s in
, Wtiole-
iv, rutins itirrt'v liivn tt i l oI and I A
: mnc.nis sc.rt .! f t the fyteni. 1 r:co , .x"
I ps-r btt;e. S i.f iy til dru.r.!i-! s. Te.
' monij; f- e .
OU si!
trams sent
3 .
We k-p ii!y tli- Ix-.-t yarn
av li :id'in;irt r mi Yani -. e
tb. ;oUi:. FLEECE YARNS.
Th's-' Yii;;i!- villi l!;- ildoi Fb-i-cc
tickt-l "ii very bank it.thi half a:ii
Many yai'!-!) tl.v "iiad r hauk :is
;:iiy i'!m.t brand. Ti.:- puility the bu-t
and b- :n;lu;il I:-! !: n!y f:'-t bla- k.
?eVtsciim strick WOLLE
YARNs'arc lirst )!!ality aud uii'-'iuulcd
in Saxxnv, Kiiittin-.' and Zephyrs.
-Vf I
Will buy yni a Cor
set proof against
rust. Th- name i WARNER R ! I
PROOF nsk to see. them. There ari
more than one i-tyle. The only corre
guaranti.i.-d t. u- absolutely riist-pnxif
W ; carrv a larife. line of crffts1 m sever
Hosiery Bargains
Ranisli inisiv ing. Just on tin- e-l.-f
cold weather j,roiib- reat value s
r you in Ladie-' ;uid Children's
r eotton ho.icry. liui.)rti'rs aniioiiiii-i-
a material advance. That make;' our
present pei'lonnanrT almost i-.'eeiitiK
H.Slocurr, IS GO o'J 37
Ciee.Carpy, 12 -'5 i'7 12
Slocum's roaj )iit ,
Firs' ward, Dan Fisher.
Second ward, II. WoPenberg,
Third ard, O. V. Kruse,
Foarth ward. F. W. Woo'ley,
.(udge Wi'.lis beiiu a h )!d-ov. r cjouc I
man from the -'rd wnrd, hn tlection ss
mayor will necessitate his re iani igas
CO'iiicilman and this vaejuey wilt be
Riled by appoiutaient.
Tho new officials at ail good men,
the majority f whom hve long been
idcutitieo iviih the upbuilding ot Ree
burg. lney are irrgtesiive inter
prising and conservative bas-iness men
in whoso bands the bilsiuerH airaiis cf
tho city can le safely entru'ed, ami
wo are assured of a goo I economical ad
. uiioutratiou under their management.
I Satisfied With Hop Crop.
There is one little maxim
That now I will name,
Which may bring what is belter
Tban riches or fame.
All those who will heed it
. Good appetite find,
S:rong nt-ryss, roy cheeks,
And vigor ol mind.
It will banish dyspepsia.
Rheumatics and gout.
That Tired Feeling conquer.
Drive scrofula out.
And here is the maxim
I's widom is sure
Take Hood's SarsspaiilU
And keep your blood pure.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Ha?3 Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
.I'll I Will
i.t.srASt;:u- roK"iE xvo. asi ' w iTi f i r -si k IIIih
A. tue mi. nt- ( A.lmUiil Hiv.iy, i: nor'.ii' s I VS'ti!iiJ: SUla
It Tl '.
civii Wl n a Vat l aero. Hv Mil rat ilntat. tilt
lifo-ln iririid mhnirtT tin? n.ti'nu i
ttlol. !Mj:cot In1! tcr .V v-v'C,!'i !
Sxht iiKlio; lu-arly vakvs ha!ftuo i'.iubtra- j
' toti-. Only Jl .A Kntnn"u lrmi:i'l. Ki j
?nmmi-MMn. On: r.t frw. c of k Ui-
tiiii.v Write Mi'h'k- 1 Miniaio:i 0mpnvl
n! Floor t'tixton ii'Ti.'., hicr :i.
S :
If you see a man
Losing his Purse
deorjie .1 . .S'ean.H, a prominent hop
raiei tf tho Calapjoia, ia regiutcred at
'the l'eikins. He exioeane hiuiself as
1 satis-tied with the crop and piorpcct for
tiCO .on
You would surely tell him about it
waitintr for an introduction. Wc
loosing money every day !y not buying Itvui
us and must tell yon at olkc, for our -iiixs
arc lower than any stoic here and the
counters arc groaning beneath the weight t
bargains offered.
Every dollar purchase entitles the customer to a guess ou Gold watch given away.
pend ten miniik- looking at the differ- prices in lb'j:', though nearly onc-fouit i
cut offering her.-. You'll .1.. more than ! of his hops was lelt unpicke.l on account
1. Mil, even HimIwIi inilr inn... Iu. I, vim i of the lUljlvl. !
! Ilceaved 20,000 jound-j in lirst-class
! ehapo, hoaever, aud 12,000 pounda he
! had already contracted to eel! to Albany
I ...... ... 1 ...n.a I Inn Ittilin.r Ima
! begun in I)ju,;I'B co inty, and he does
! not consider the bop ui irki t fairly
! opened yet. Haling has been deferred
I on account of the dilliculty in obtaining
j hop cloth, but the product ol hU Colds
is raleiy boused in good hhetla provided
for t hi purpose, and baling ran proceed
at his leisure. Orcgoulan.
i Big Surprises hi
i.l .i:.:ox t;.'".i;o-i.L r v.C..:
C .1 ses llov.-rc.i c:'.P 5'.:o:i;
vain ii invche.-tur. i i;.
f?rirj;. ti : eor: . dvi-.d
cr's Env'!h '"?n"- r.r
t".-. v-'.-t i w.'v'.i v .. .''..'...
t:;. be.-; iu-:-.i.'.
?.i.y buiMhUNi a .i. i
; aj.ii; i-iiJ
Our buv aUJ t.
bvca iavc
i-v C'.'.-I 1
x.i :.v .v. v- .
i Krl.l 'v.. ;
v. . v..; '.
y .: ;'::ct six years ago I was
a-d '; trouble, because you.
.. . v .. . .Uut t;n:e caused ternblo
1 (.ould hardly ta-vc, i '.oopcaused istcisesu
k r S .It
A V.i.h I
u-i row
ix. AOlj
Men's and Boy's Clothing, Shoe?, tall and ii
Winter Goods, Skirts, Jackets, Mackintoshes
Furs, Men's and Women's Furnishing
Goods, Table Linens, Ouilts. Ulaukets. Ex
amine our goods aud prices, and convince
yourself that you can save money by making
your purchases at the C. I. K. STORK.
. .. s
1 1: .. .
t '!.'.;
is a .
v C.
U'.l K
. . ..u there plenty of peo-.-.i
m o'.ud ;: r.i. ie think of go
.se they would of leaving
v c-uv.: '.uily lesivi'.sible when
yi-. ' '-'.: croup, because here
. . cverv time."
';:.'i:'i:;-. r:.ovi Fowler.
i; I.r it:ve -.lamnteo
-.. v , ii! si a Lottie 111 . '
: '., P..;.i!r,Ji''. lor.
For sak by M. F, Rpp. Druggist.