s 0 GR AUD ALLIHERY OPEillMG Friday and Saturday, Sept. 29 and 30. You are invited to call and inspect our new line of trimmed Fall Hats A comparison with any other line, will bring out plainly the reasons, why you should not miss this showing. DAHAUES WANTED. The Bohemia (liners at War in the Circuit Court. iiiitcrtainment tonight. We Are Also Showing Attractive bargains in CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, FURNISING GOODS, NEW DRESS GOODS, COTTON and WOOLEN FLANNELS, (9 BLANKETS, COMFORTS, Etc. Our low prices keep us busy. Are you getting your share of these bargains? Come in and see us before making jour purchases, we promise to show you better values than the widest search will reveal. Here are all the kinds that are good. . Here is no kind that is not good. Volumes would say no more. It pays to trade at The People's Store. I. ABRAHAH, Prop. 0 o THE PLAINDEALER.j -tchauk.r wiis pelade . ev ivcr 1 invo 4uu 11 u urui .vi StriKMBKK 2S. 1891'. Jirgaina ia bicycles at Marelera. ". B-lJ for bargains and your watch re-pairio-. C. K. Weslenbeieer of Youi-alla, was a Koeeburg vibilor Wedneeday. ladies') to trade for this office. A good reclly.' I I A good bicycle j wood. Apply at ; bargain. j I A few wheela need for renting during' i tbe eo turner, for ea!e very cheap t j Marstere Uirain lierwond and . HaJy.n cure, aleeplessne. J . MuIwoojf doiog hotioen 1 HIT V H l'p-to-!ato jewelry at J.T. Bryan'. lioad, the watchmaker, does engrav ing. Allof tbtt Koeeburg bop pickers have returned home. For nret-class dentistry go lo lr. Utile of Oakland. ! Municipal election Monday. An mi- eventful election is promised. Charles, of r, beK" 1 city yeeteroey. dreams and night sweats. fruitgrowers are paying aa bigh as To exchange lor wood, a gooJ nJ 1 20 cents a bos for picking prunes in the band White sewing machine. Apply at j ViiUmctc Talley. tbie office. j MiM jjjjy Badger, a graduate of tbe Kicking h'aias'jet. b ery eye, weak Ceotrtl v;Ute Koraiti K)WJ at Uraio, is new, noises in bead. Hndyan cures. J in (lie city mjtiug f, vaie. All druggists, 50 cent. j Fmtle complainU. pale, sallow cow- WanUd, girl to do kitchen work 10 the j piexione headaches, nervous dvspeieja. country. Wages 12 per month. Ad- jHodyan corw. All druggists, 50 cent. dresM)o93,Ro6ebun5,Or. j G. V. Davie and family, who have When yoa come to Portland remem-, heea re8ij-int, in living Glass valley ber and have your teeth fixed by Dr. M. j took tLeir jeparture Tuesday, for East- W. Davis, 1631- First fct. ii- ! ern O.-econ points. I horse to trade for wood or grain. Eo- The denee smoke is an indication that Dr. Irabel Sedcewink oi PortUml. who ! quire at the PuusiwaLU office. (da24) tbe forest rangers are having something j wiil uke charg8 ol Dr. Myr Brown'8 to interest them in the way of subdumg j pract j, a DOm located at tbe McClallen fires. j House. Office hours, 1 to 5 p. m. , E. DaGas. M. D., member Board of j D. i. Sbambrook and family have re Pentioa Examiners. Office. M are t era j turnet, noni8 from tbb hambrook hop buHding residing corner Main and Casa ; yT(Jj Bd Mias Flossie again occupies street. j her case in this office, having greatly The family of L. 15. Moore, the new j enjoyei her three week's outing. X T .nnt. arrived in UilS City irom Eoeeburg, Wednesday. GranU uiorinj tlieir the I stock of good lo 4 ak!aut Monday. Of ail the horrid wilting weather, that which comes in September is the witti est. Pale, emaciated, thin, weak men and women. 1 lady an cure. All iniggh-t, 50 cent. Heartburn, coaled liugue, bad breath, constipation, lladran cures. All drui; gilts, 50 cents. For your w tehee, clucks and jewelry go to Kryan. His riee will please you and his work is Gret class. Fos Sale. A nood milk cow. A good H)b rl Martin, Charles Uerk, U. T. Martin, 11. James and II. D. Tellt have each separately and apart institut ed suit against, the Noonday Mining Company, a corporation, Charles M. Collier, C ti. Warner and 1. D.Mur ray, to recover iu eaih case, damages in the sum of (5,050, or a total of (25,150. The complaints, each, in brief, allege that Chas. M. Collier procured the plaintiff j arrest on iuforuiation signed j and sworn to him ihorglug them with hindering him and by Jforce preventing i him from surveying a claim in tle Bohemia mining district, by a duly authorize! ollicer ol tbe U. S. court and the plaiutitla were urraigned on taiJ charge at Eugene, before a U. S. com missioner for the District of Oregon; that t'ie other def-uJin'8 herein aud C. M. Collier contriving and imlici xiely intending to injme the plaiutilT, con "pired aud coufrrated togethtrr aud maliciously and without prjhab'e tause t rocuted plaintiff to be arrested therfor. That on Augu3t 1-', 1SW, the plaintifTa were cxaminrd before V. .S. Coimuitson er J. J. Waltou, for the supposed crime, wbofouud Ihetn not guilty. Thai for the purpo.su of dvfeuEo in this prosecution tLe pUintill'i peiii money in employing attorneys iu their de fense, also were compelled to loss time in leaving their homes, and in trav eling to Eugene and for payment for lodging?, etc., each ol the plaint iff a were damaged iu the sum of (50. That plaiutills io ot! erwiso iojurtd aud dtin'Rged ou aiLxuiit if their in jured fee'irgs, ueutal eutlV ring, anguish and humiliation in the further uiu ol fV00 each, or a total of (l',L'At. Alt jrtieyi A. C. oo Icoik and J. S. Medley ate retaiutd t y (he drli-nm-. This ia probably the outcniiie of Hit) suit begau by ('. M. Coliier against t'tias. Bruneau, P. J. Jeuuiu4. I. J. Jeuuiogs 1 and .lames J. .l-unias, a fe days ago, for the sum of !0,oS0,dauiage. tJoard. Program for I lie eiititaitiiuiit ti )e giyeu I'V the W. C T. U. ai iIik Uptii' Church Tlmrailay evening, (Sect. M: Opening soiii:. i.oiigiegation. loug by ttie children, "We Art Coin ing." Children' harvest Lome work, Mrj. U.K. Ferguson. Music, select! d, male quartette. Hecitaliou, Cussie Ferguson. Music, selected. Heading, Amata ISmith, "The Nine teenth Century Queen." Address of welcome, Virgil fchupe. The Pansies (eo'o), Stanley Carpy. Cluing addrees, Orin Hill. Kefreebmente will hi served. An ad mittance of 10 cents will be charged. All are cordially invited. Looking tilass. Prof. Jae. Dvia vieil-d the count? seat, Saturday. I. IL. Howard has gue to Dillard to pick prunes fvr a while. Some of our farmers -ave already commenced soainrf the ir fall grain. Mr. Palmer is contempt iliiig moving to the Willamette vallej. next wrek. Ksv. W. M. Haoip'oo delivere.1 a very interesting eermao here, Uf-t Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCoy have moved to lloeeburg to reeide for a while. Frank (Joodaiau left on the first of lion. J. W. Conu aud lauiily have re- this week, lor Oios count v on busines. Mr. and Mr. ). II. Burll have gone ! to Oak Creek to v'eit irauds aud rela tives. Pass Dr. Cbeadle has a new remedv for the Courier. ; extraction of teeth. No cocaine oreu- Icaioeis need. Patients with heart or turned home from Eastern Oregon, .Mr jConn being couiCtrtly improved in health. Pneumonia, la grippe, combs, colds croup and whooping cough readily yield to One Minute Cough Cure. I'se this remedy iu tiiuo aod eave a doctor' bill or tbe undertaker's. MAUVTEKsCO. J.-V. Cusick ieft Sunday for Doswell Jiu s troubles cjn nse it without anv bad Springs, in Douglas county, wuere aire. , aftr 1, Coaick is stopping for tbe benefit of ber i health. Albany Herald. j Engineer S. B. Fres was in Ashland j veaterdav from Uoceburg. at lormeriy ran oot of this place as fireman lor En giceer McCarthy. Tidings, Ashland. j Miss Kate Duick, mansger of the . ! C. and Wells Fargo A Co's cfficei at j toowourg, .w.a - '-"T"" I after eaUog or any form of dyspepsia Upper Sola Spnngs.-Asbland Tid- w immediate relief For Bale at M. F (jl7) Wanted : 50 men . for lumber yard, skid road, logging and saw mill work. Wagea $1.50, (1.75 and (.'.00 per day. Steady employment, pply to the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Saginaw, Or. ACKERS' DYSPEPSIA TABLETS are Bold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-barn, raising of tbe food, distress togs. Wednesday was tbe birthday anni versary of Mies Silvia Stearns of tbe pLiisxjtALta force, on which date she became tbe happy recipient of a nice fold watcb and chaio. Attorney Dexter Lice and wife have re-1 community . a I . I Kav .a.l.ll.O inn, in lUroVU UUUJO HVUi kUVH t. vuu.u rvH. northern California points, and have be come happily domiciled in tne neat teei deooe of Dr. J. W. strange on Lane street. 31r. Geo. Uaynes, of Brockway, uuite sland holder and stock owner, called at this office today accompanied byilr. Ilildeburn, and paid for tbe Plaikdeal ki one year in advance. Come again gentlemen. Don't think yoa can cure that Blight attack cf Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it will care Itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Core wija cure if; it "digests what you eat" and reeVores the digestive organs to liealtb. A. C. M.VRSTEKS & CO. liv. and Mrs. E. A. Koss euterUioed wbout a dozen of their friends at dinner Fiidav evening. The host contribnt'd 25 cts. and 50 eta. Kapp's drag store. Married, at the Lome of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Allison, on Pine street, Wednes day evening, Mr. Fred Jones and Mies iMarv Scbneurstein, both of Ibis The bride and groom left for Oaklaud Ibis moroiug where they will make their future home. By reason of having some operations to make that cannot be neglected, Dr. Pilk ington finds himsolf compelled to remain another week or ten days, bat not longer than Oct. 5th. AH sufferers from any form of chronic trouble and especially any disease of eye, ear, catarrh or lung trouble will be given free examinations. References given. Office at McClallen House. With much pleasure, that it was, the good people of Koeeburg received the news that Uev. li. R. Arnold, who was pastor of the M. E. Church of this city last year was returned to tbe same place and relation for tbe ensuing year. Dur ing tbe past year Uev. Arnold has en deared himself to the people of bis own to the pleasure of the evening by reading i church and congregation and aa well to several sketches of negro life in dialect, ! the people of the city in general. Tbe year was a very prosperous one indeed, the church taking advanced ground r-"ol which be is a tnsster. Tidings, Ash land. MOKI TEA POSITIVELY CURES sick headache, indigestion and constipa- linn. A delizbtful herb drink. moves all eruptions of the skin, produc ing perfect complexion, or money re funded. 25cts. and 50 cts. M. F. Rapp, droggist. along all lines. Tbe church, Sabbath school and league are ia a prosperous Re- i condition and the outlook for the pres ent year is bright indeed and it is with gladness that we join Mr. Arnold's many friends ia exteuding a hearty welcome to his place among as. Mrs. L. L. Burlenbbaw, wife of Attor ney BurUuisbuw of Myrtle l'oiot, is in town accompanied by ber mother, Mrs. Gray, ana family. The latter wiil spend tbe winter in this city io order to lake advantage of our excellent public school facilities. C. F. Cat heart, ex-alifrilTuf this coun ty, but now represer.U'.ive of a Port land wholeak iiouee. is iu town locking i alter business and shakiug bands aitb bis many old friends. The Plaivuealkk was favored with a Uriel, but enjoyable visit during which time Frank and ye editor recalled many pleasant memories of by -gone days when we were bcLojI matee. Miss 1-aura E. Jones of tbe Drain Watchman, stopped off at this place Wednesday for a brief vhii with her sis ter, Mrs. Conner, on her return home from an enjoyable visit at Urania Pass. She is accompanied by Mrs. Ira Tomp kins of ( ranis Pass, who will be a guest of Miss Jojes at Drain, after t'jeir visit in Ibis city is concluded. A delegation of Odd Fellows consisting of twelve of our leading citizens slatted for Gardiner one week ago laet Tuesday, and eo well were they treated by tbe good people of the city by the sea, that they prolonged their visit, not returning until yesterday. Tne boys report a pool time, and like everyone who visits these bospitsblu people and their beautiful town sing their praise in the highest terms. n the arrival of the delegation a sumptuous banquet was spread in the 1. 0. O. F. building, indicating tbat they did not la.l among loes, but were so journing among friends. An excursion to the beach, a visit to the lighthouse, life saying elation and a trip to sea on the tug Hunter, were some of the fea tures of tbe entertainment. The I.O. O. O. F. lodge, as everything else, at Gardiner, is in a prosperous condition and the boys were loathe to exchange the pare invigorating sea air for "the smoky, duety heated atmoephere of the valley. Geo. KoLibaeii, of Uoseburg. was at tending to businee s malt rs lu-ic a few days since. G. W. lUvii and family iii leave for Eastern Oregon next Monday. We wish them success. Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Hut nuns were visiting frieode and relatives at Koee burg, several days latt week. J. 11. Shupe, one of Koeeburg energet ic citizens, was looking afier business matters in our valley U?i Monday. Am num. Died. At the residincs of her grandparent, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Powel1, near Ump qua Ferry, Monday, Sept. 18, 1899, little Grade Madalene, iufaut daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Shook of Green Valley. Physicians wera cjl'ed and eyerytbing possible done to save the little one's life, but the was called to her Heavenly home after three days of lufferiug at the sge of five months snd two days. Al though she had been but a short time with us, she was the idol of the family acJ loved by all who knew ber. Precious darling, she has left as, lft us, yes, forever more ; Hut we hope fo meet our loved oce Oo that bright and happy shore. Lonely the house and sad the hours, Since our dear one has gone ; But oh 1 A brighter home than ours. Iu heaven is now her own. mmmmmmmmmmm?mmmmww?! Parents Will Find Sr At our store Everything in School wear for boys and girls. We make a specialty of wear resisting Shoes and Clothing for the young people. We are exclu j: sive agents for the Celebrated Black Cat Stockings tor Boys and Girls. The prices, as us ual are as low as they can be made on high grade goods. Remember we have everything in school wear forBo ys and Girls. Parents give us acall. 3oi-33 Jackson St. D. Card of Thanks. JOSEPHSON'S, Roseburg Academy Will reopen Sept. n, 1899. N-jkmal, Classical anu CortisK. Ik'SlMbS I'mihji a FtHHt, Or., j Sept, -5, I desire to express our heart telt ics, thanks to the entire commuuity for their i History kindness during our recent bereavement in the loss of our little darling. Mk. ami Mai. Jam.s Shook, Mli. AMI Ml. HlKAM PonaiL. The Motion Denied. i'retiiiraliuu for college a'specially. Thorough iuhtructioa in Mathemat- Latio, Greek, trench, Uertuau, LWIisb, Natural Sciences aud Dookkeepiuj;. The school will re-open at The Marks LhiLr-iM ou Jackson fc't., Roseburg, Urn in the rooms roruierly occupied by JpJge llamiltou. I'ersous interested please call ou or address (be principal. (J. T. WiunxtsET. Iloeebunr. Or. Oflice at Mrs. Whitney's, opposit lourl lloute. Fresh Family Groceries. My stock of Staple aud Fancy Gro ceries is kept fresh ;ind new, and is com plete, Fresh Vegetables. Tropical and common fruits constantly nit hand. Large stock of plain and fancy glass ware going at ccst to make room for new goods. Cream Puff 16 oz. Daking Powders for 25c. Produce taken in exchange for Goods. e) (o cp e) (9 o) (9 e) (0 ) (o (9 ANNOUNCEMENTS: More than a week ago the Plainoal ku uoted the hearing of a motion before Judge HatLillon lor the dissolution ol s temporary ioinnclion in tbe case ( Ki it Warner et al. vi. Cliaa. Lruurau and j Jennings Ures. Some seeks ao aj temporary order was made restraining the Jrnninic Bros , who have povegeioo of the Helena or Dadger mine in Bo hemia from working the mine, and ibis order (bey sought to have revoked. Jndge Hamilton, after having the mat ter under advisement for a week, denies the motion to dissolve the injunction, j which will have tbe effect oft log the property up untu uie nnai otpoH'ion el , i Lereby aucouoce myeeII B candidate i tbe suit wnicn decides we ownerabi,.. i for election to the office of citv record- ....MRS. N. BOYD. (9 For City Treasurer. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate ' for re-election to tbe office of city treae- urer at tne elect ion to be held oo Oct.!' 2nd, m. tiroai E t iRi v. For City Recorder. Notice f er, at the election to be he'd on October 2nd, 13W. D. S. Vt. Strayed from lvoae'a pasture ou .-ep (ember IVth, one black t bred Jersey cow, described aa fol'ows: Diaik, near ly all over, a little red or brown aioog tbe back, short straight horn, low, heavy set. 4 years old. Either has a calf or about tube fresh. Information i 2nd, 1. leading to her recovery or return to 15. i W.StrooR, owner, wilt be liberally re-j For City Recorder, warded. j 1 hereby aunuunce myself a candidate (or the omce of city recorder, subject to For City Marshal. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of tity mar shal at the election to be held on Oct. F. W. Dillauo. GOLD WATCH- lltEE. Every dollar purchase entitles you to H gUfbb. MANY LITTLE THINGS. A sttvfl as much iu pro- . at - 4- dollar you oyu-. DRESSING THE BOYS. It liAAn a lonir RnmniAr nlav. a nil . nnWiftn fin AVArv ii now there s a wmter of work ahead- fQI big tbinKB auywhere as you will fehcool time and tbat boy needs uavo oU the little thiags here your clothes. Let us do the worrying. : 6avings would aruouut to Hometbing; We've everything be wears- Clothes, nickle and dimM are the -,. .. u foundation upon which by lorlunes aihoea, Hats and I urnibLings. Send . JotTmiiclat bh well start tbe auiis measureuiente, or better btill, 6tructare today by layiDg in a supply ibriDg (be boy to the etoro aud we ' of UNDEUWEAlt, Mens, ladies, of uarao(?e satisfacLioD. ! childreus, none better, none cheaper, Oregon Industrial Exposition. M'ECIAL KtUlCKK B VTKS l J l'OKILAM . Ou acoouut of the Oregon Industrial position to be held at Portland fr.in bept.l'Slh to Oct. 2Sth. IS:'. inclutive. Special round trip tickets to Portland and re'.uro, ioc'jdini( '2 almiesions to the lair, will be oo Bile a', this station ou Wedneeday of each week beginning WedaesJay s.p!. "J7th and ending Wednesday Oct. -Mb at rato c f 11.10. Limit t days after da'e of sale. . SI LUAL UAV UOIU kClCMN. On Oct. l':h a special exc jreiou (rain will leave Ashland fjr Portland at 6 o'clock a. iu. Special tickets aie on sale for this train at talc of fVA round trip, Irom ICoicburg to Portland. At tached to each ticket is a a rebate draft for ft, Do which will bu refunded to the original holder on preteulatien at Koee burg etalioa oo date of return, making net rile of 17.00 for the round trip. Passengers w ill be relume I on regular trains. Hot. Em'cs, Ai nt t P. Company Koteburg, Ore. Oakland Letter Ut. Hcmaiuiug uncalled for in tbe Oaklaud poetollice. Persons calling for the let ters will please state the date ou which they were advertised, Sept. 23, 1893. Aldrich, N. Acoets, Wm. Acusta, Mrs. Lucind Brown, Mm. Dora McDermott, John Powell, James Peiffer, Albert J. Uunt.J.C. Fitzpatric, Jno. Dalan, J. J. CovcP, Chas. Covell, V. Custer, Wm. Gardner, Ljdii C. i2) Hathaway, Mre. Jcnni.'. Johnson, Mm. Kitio Kanville, MifS Minuie (2) The letters will be charged (or at tbe rate ol one tent each, W. C. I'SIIEUWOOIJ. Postmaster, koaeburg Academy Removes. 100 Men Wanted To cut aod handle H. tt. ki-ouiotive wood aod work in the limber. Wage fl 50 per day. lliRbest price paid for woodcutting. Good timber nl a long job. Entuire at the cjmpsny's office at Doe creek spar or by letter to Gto. W. Kiuulb, Wood iV Lo tuber Co., Kiddle, Or. the decision of tbe voters of the city of Hoseourg at the election to be held on Oclol-er 2, lS'.M. J. T. 1x.n Roseburg Pharmacy M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist. Drug, Toilet Articles. Patent Medi cines. Cigars, Stationery. Toilet Soaps, Taints iud Oils. photographic Supplied The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras. Call and Examine them. - Pianos and Organs. Mow's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Keward for any case of Catarrh that rannot be cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo. O. We the undersigned have known F. J. f.i - f i. - i..i ie I i.i: Allelic tui UIQ IMOb Ivl Tni, 1UU UWiQlQ j him erlectly honorable in all business i (rausactious aud financially able to car-! ry out auy obligations made by their j flrm. . .... ... - ! w be leieived up lo uoon Sejt. 2S, estA Iruax, Wholesale Druggists, j or e reQt o lbe L)cwgls county Tol',l.0, ... . .... . jfair grounds for a period of one year, W aiding, Kinnan A Marrin, LIe-dati roul tKU ,. ,sW. V,Mlll n. sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. L lh rizht to re,t anv and .11 Best bargains on earth. Deal pianos in the worH the Chickering. See one tine 7 octave piano case organ. Prices on all our go-jis to suit the times. Our price are the lowest for the same grade of goods ever oQercd io Douglas county. We are also agents for (ho great Filers piano house at IVtlaod Or. Call and eiamine our new large slock acd he prices aod terms. T. K. Kh.uaki-m.in, Koeeburg, Or. Scaled Bid Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- i bids. 1 w aii-t i n (T a1ipMfl nitrtn tm Isliwvl ai nl ' mucous surface of the svstem. Trice 75c paaliculara ii .,nire of H . per bottle, bold by all druggists. Test, ler, secretary. tuonialj free. W. Mil- I There is one Utile maxim That now I will name, Light Workand Oood Salary. 1 aui increaiiug my business and wish Which may bring what is belter lo employ 10 mure gentlemen and six Than riebea or fame. ' more lady ansietanU o i gool salary Than riches or fame All those who will heed it Oood appetite find, Strong neryes, rosy cheeks, And vigor ol mind. It will banish dyspepsia, Kbeumalics and gout, That Tired Feeling comjuer, Drive scrofula out And here is the maxim Its wisdom is sure Take Hood's Ssrsaparilla And keep your blood pure I Call on or address Mas C.J. Akmitaok. j Kosebnrg, Or. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought II Established ia lin.) The leading varieties of thorough bred fowls. Eggs from the finest strains sent on short notice. Send for Cata logue. Address Forest firnvp. Or. J. M. GARRISON. J. F. At - BARKER'S & CO nuiii WMR Bears the Signature TOO LONG A STORY. If we began now to tell you about one of our new Capes and Fur Collarettes each day, next spring wonld still find us describing them. Thats a bare hint of the variety you'll find here, as a hint on prices you know our repu tation is, not to be undersold. ROSEBURG NOVELTY CASH STORE, The aUi'iiilam-e ul the i 8cbuiy Acad emy is iucrcaping ro rapidly that il has been urcessary lur the u liool to r-eek larger quarters. UolUis have been se cured al llic rear of the Baplint Church, where u is expected the school will re main for Ihe rest cf the school year at least, Mr. Whittlesey intends to re move his lauiily here soon. If you see a man jj Loosing his Purse at s You would surely tell hint about it without waiting for an introduction. We see you loosing money every day by not buying from us and must tell you at once, for our prices are lower than any store here aud the counters are groaning beneath the weight of bargains offered. Also CHAMPION BINDERS, MOWERS. HAY RAKES- Horses for Sale. The uudersigued will be at Uoeeburg on or about (Jet. 1st with 30 bend of good work and saddle haves. Some tine matched teams. Will be sold cheap for cah or approved nolefl. L. JoKF.a. 5 Big Surprises in 2 m w Men's and Boy's Clothing, Shoes, Fall and Winter Goods, Skirts, Jackets, Mackintoshes Furs, Men's aud Women's Furnishing Goods, Table Linens, Quilts, Blankets. Ex amine our goods and prices, and convince yourself that you can save money by making your purchases at the C. I. K. STORE. FISHER & BELLOWS. A Mother's Plain Words I suppose you will be astonished w hen 1 tell you that six years ago I waa in a most dangerous condition with bronchitis and lung trouble, because yoa can see how well and strong 1 am now. The attack at that time caused terrible pain in my chest and lungs 1 could hardly move, audio stoop caused intense suf tenng. Someone auvtscu Ack er's English Remedy, and I thought 1 would try it, although 1 confess that down in my heart I had little faith in iu The i;rst bottle gave great relief, and the second bottle niailc me the healthy woman I am today. My hustwnd's lungs arc weak also, and he cured himself with the same grand old remedy. Our boy and girl have both been saved by it from death . by croup. " I know this is so, for ' when they were attacked in the night I had a bottle in the closet, mid by acting quickly that fatal malady was easily overcome, Wc always give it to the children when they have a cough or cold, and wc would not be without it for anything. My sister will tell you also, if you ask her. that it is a medicine that can always W. depended upon for nil the , troublesof the breaming organs. 1 tell all our neighbors about Acker's Englit-h Remedy whenever I get a chance, and there arc plenty of peo ple around Mechanicsvlllc, N. Y whete I live, who would noinore think of go ing to bed at night without a bottle of it in the house than they would of leaving their doors wide open. As I look at it. parents arc criminally responsible when they iillow their children to die under their very eyes with croup, because here is a certain remedy that will conquer tho terrible monster every time." (Signed) Mks. I loyo FowtEX. ArVer's KnifHsh RemiJv i sold bv alt JriiRuists unJer a poH;ive gurant tlmt vonr monev will 'e refunded in case of failure. .--.c, . and $1 a botUo ia t'nitvd Stales and canaiU. In Knglaml, ii. -d., j. jd., and s. id. Wc au!l.rizc !!r ;,iwi.M.t' t . II", . HOOKER & CO., Proprietors, St. York, fW sale by M. F. Ran, Dmt'.ist.