NDE 7". The Plaindealer i JobPrinting 3 READABLE. RELIABLE. REPUBLICAN. 1 NOTE HEADS. LETTER I I AD.", BILL l(FA ENVELOPES. TC. Ne better field thaa Southern Ore- Executed short ootk at srkc consistent with work. T A a. Auvcnix PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY Vol. XXX. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, iSqq, No. 78. IA -1 JlIJlLi OUR HERO ARRIVES Two Days head of Scheduled Time. GRD, ENTHUSIASTIC WELCOME The Famous Flagship Olympia Ar rived in New York Harbor Early Tuesday Morning. Our Coun try's Metropolis Wild With Enthusiasm. Xw York, Sep'. 26. Tb Olympia, with Admiral Dewey on board, arrived off Sandy Hook lightship at an early hoar this morning. The vessel is two (all days ahead of time, bavin? made a fast run from Gibraltar, sailing from (bat port September 10. At first it was believed that the war ship was ibe Cnicaxo. Admiral Howi eon's flagship, as it is known that the ' admiral is about due from &uth Aooeri ca, bat soon the identity of the Olympia was established beyond question, and then the news spread like lightning. In a short time thousands of the whistles along New York's water front we e blowiog in welcome to the returned hero, and myriads of email boats of all kinds were potting oat toward the Olym pia, in a t-hort time a swarm of water craft surrounded the vessel, and this in creased in density ssthey passed. . Ia the city the committees that have Dewey 'd reception and entertainment, in band, were hurriedly getting together and arranging for the pie limi nary enter tainment and in a ebort time had every thing well in band. The orderly who carried dispatches ashore said that the vessel Lad bad an oneventf al but pleasant trip. A KOYAL WIXCOME. Saw York, Sept. 26. Tte .flagship Olympia, with Admiral leey m board, passed inside Sandy Hook at 7 :14 o'clock this morning, and acchored in the lower bay below the "Spit." The admiral's early arrival was a mat ter of great concern to the city authori ties who are arranging for New York'a official welcome. Tbe secretary of the reception committee wait to tbe city hall early and at ence issued a call for a meeting of the committee. Mayor Van Vyck harried to his office, where be found the lollowiag telegram : "The O'ympia arrived this marning. Will go to Tompkiosville tomorrow Geo. Dewey." The mayor authorized lbs calling to gether of all of the ity's committee and telegrams were sent oat calling on mem bers -of various committees to meet as quickly as possible at the city balL - Today for the first time in maoy years an admiral salute was fired in New York bay. Fort Hancock saluted with 17 puns when the Olympia psssed, coming in. On tbe terrace below the quarantine elation are letters nine feet high spelling "Welcome Home." Bear-Admiral Philips, at Brooklyn Navy Yard, de tailed Lieut. Dewey, nephew of tbe Ad miral, to go up on navy yard tog. Traffic, and proceed to Sandy Hook toneet the admiral. The tug carried besides tbe mail. Ma tills medals for the officers and crew and a silver service for tbe officer, presented by fbe town of Olympia, Washington, and the Dewey ehield for tbe battleship, Committees will meet Admiral Dewey late today. - Soon after noou a health officer left uoarantine on a tag to board and in spect tbe Olympia. Many vessels pot ling to sea steered close to tbe flagship and sainted. Among them was the Cun ard liner Anrania. Juct after the An nuls passed, a launch from the Enn, with Sir Thomas Lip ton on board, went alongside tbe Olympia, and the dispatch boat Dolphin, with Rear-Aduiiral Samp con, or his representative oo baard bailed Dewey's ship shortly alter 11 o'clock and fired tbe admiral's salute of 17 guns. By noon many tags ana launches were around tbe Olympia. Some of tbe crew of the Olympia wLo came ashore at Sandy Hook asked : "How is I eddy l.ooseveit. and on being informed that he was in good health they .expressed their gratification Tbe crew spoke in tbe highest terms of the admiral and said be 'was very kind to bis men. Dewef elept rat'essty laet night, and at 2 o'clock this morning Lis scrrsnt told him that the lights of Jersey coast were in sight. Tbe admiral got np and looked through a port at the rays of brightness, his Grt view in 23 months of American shores. Tbe Olympis slowed np to one-quarter speed, and at dawn a pilot was spoken snd put aboard. The flagship dropped anchor inside of Sandy Hook about half past 7, within 209 yards of tbe ship channel, aod not far from the moorings of tbe Shamrock and other craft of Sir Thomas Lipton's squadron. "It is mighty good to be home," said t6 admiral to a reporter of tbe Assoei ia.leA i'tese, who went aboard. "1 know that Z am a little ahead of schedule," be contineei, "but as the weather looked a trifle equally, I thought it betler to lie in side the Hook than outiioV. Contain LamberleoD, Lieutenant Bruiuby and I considered whether we had better utmt down toward Hampton Roads or come inside at once. Tbe latter was thought the better thing to do, and so here the Olympia ia. Oflicially, though, I am not yet arrived." The admiral sent telegrams to the sec retary of the navy and General Butter field, announcing bis arrival. He spent most of the forenoon reading ptpers and in talking to reporters. The admiral pleasantly evaded inquiries tbat turaed on political or military questiios in tbe Philippines. Sir Thomas Lip ton, Mr. Mactay and others, of Sir Thomas Lipton's entourage called as Admiral Dewey finished his mid day breakfast. "I suppose you bsve called for your tea," said the admiral heartily. alluding to Sir Thomas's gift at Colombo of five pounds of tea to each man aboard the ship. The sailors clustered at tbe bow of the Olympia and cheered Sir Thomas as the launch with the Sham rock flag sheeted off. Tbe steamer Saale. outward bound, came close enough for tbe passengers crowded at tbe rail, to see tbe admiral. He lifted his cap in respsnse to the wav ing of handkerchiefs. The Sanle's band played 'Tbe Star Spangled Banner," and the Olympia dipped her colors. The Anrania passed going out. She fired tte admiral's salute, and the Olympia'e band played ' God Save the yaeen." Many tugs and sail boat! came op close to look at the Olympia. Sue looked as smart as though just oat of tbe drydock, while her sides having been scrubbed clean, and the weather Btains robbed off. Of course everv piece of brass was polished. The ship is sound except that two blades of bcr starboard propeller are twiBted oat of shape. She ran into one of tbe Sure canal banks and since then ! tbe propeller has not h;en used. The Olympia came from Gibraltar at 10-knot speed with one propeller. Eleven of the crew of 375 men are sick with a mild type of trphoid fever, none of the cases being serious. Tbe Dolphin, flying Rear-Admiral Sam peon's flip, was sighted about 1 o'clock. Tbe Olympia rei a salute and the marines were called np tj receive the rear-admiral. A moment afterward' the rear-admiral and admiral shook hands: Dewey said : "Look at those marines, Did you ever see a finer body of men?" The rear-admiral complimented them and said to Dewey : "Are you well?"' "Djn't I look well?" asked Dewey. He certainly did. He was clear-eyed and hi brown complexion and smart step showed his perfect health. 'I am well, admiral," said Dewey, a moment later, "but I feel a bit tired. When a man's been aboard ship nearly two years, he needs ssmething of the shore. I am awfally glad to be among my own people again." Dewey has no plane of hie own. He is in tbe hands of the CMuroiltee ou recep tion. In a general way be thinks tbe Olympia should join the eqiadroo off Tompkinsrills tomorrow forenoon. PRISONERS RELEASED Encouraging Nevts From Lieuten ant Gilmour's Party. STORY Ot TWO ENGLISH SAILORS Aguinaldo's Purpose in Freeing the Americans is to Impress Foreign Powers No Tidings From Cap tain Rockefeller. H. E. CONFERENCE ENDED. Appointments Made by the Confer ence For Coming Year Cline Found Guilty as Charged. New Store ! New Goods I Uncle Sam's Welcome to Dewey. New York, Sept 20. A dispatch to the Herald from Manila says : The two Englisnten. who assert tbat they were shipwrecked in a small open boat near Bigaa, at tbe northern end of Luzon, bring a message from tbe insurgent gen eral, Pantela, that 14 Aonericab prison ers who are now ueld at Tarlac will be released on Tuesday or Wednesday. The delay in releasing thu prisouers, as Vomiaed several days ago, is due to tbe fact tbat the Filipinos wish to furnish the men with new clothing when they set theoi free. The English meo state further that Lieutenant J. C. Gilmore and the op to red boat's crew from the Yorktown are still at Bigaa,. but will be released later, ia accordance with the decision of the Filipino congress, and the subse quent decree of Aga'.oaldo providing for the surrender of all American prisoners. Tba admitted purpose of the Filipinos in tLos freeing ths Americans is to impress forr ign powers. 7'he Englishmen say that LUutenaot Gil more snd bis men are not being treated well. TLey are only receivirg ?J cents a diy each for rations. The releMcJ Englishmen as-eert that three American who were taken prison ers have accepted commissions in the insurgent aroiy. One of the three is aid to be a sergeint, but bis regiment is unknown ; another H said to have bcei a corporal in the Califjrnia res'ujetit, while a third is a negro. - Fiva effieers of the Jatjnet armv are 1 assistinz the insurgents ia their war preparation. Tbe Filipino authorities sent word that no trace cao be foucd of Captain Rockefeller, of the l'Uh infantry, who disappeared in April, and wjs euppoeed to have bean capture-!. The railroad bridges ia insurgent ter ritory have been w'cJ out, and the to ear gee ta are having dikuitr in supply big the troops in the immediate front of the American line. The insurgent army has a c'retceiitoui supply of arms. .Sometimes there arc four types of rifles to a regiment. The main resistance to tbe Americiu al'auce is to lie made at Tarlac. n the way to the American lines the Englishmen were taken on a wide de tour away from tbe ineugent front, and were thus nuable to see tbe insurgent forces, which are reputed to be strong. tbe What? here at last! Come in, come in Well, Admiral, bow be yer? Yer're welcome borne from 'cross foam, " We're migoty glsd to see yer. It does seem good ter have yer back With as, yer blood relations. Yer've been awsy so long, ter stay Amongst them furren nations. yer quite frequent a4 Woman s Work 0 XT T tf lr Pun'J oo foot, Vie constant cure causes sleeplessness, loss of appetite, extreme nervousness, and ihil tired feeling. Dui a wondcrful change comes tvhen Hood" $ SarsaparlU is taken, h gives pure, rich Mood, good axppelUe, steady nerves. We've heard from since Yer took oar Eastern tiller ; We read it yit, that note yer writ So plain upon Manila. We liked tbat message that yer sent Them folks who riz yer dander, It showed direct, we'd git respect When you was our commander. We sent yer off, a commodore, Fes knowed or cared about it ; But now yer name is bright with fame And all tbe world can shout it. Yer went away an unknown man, Yer public praise was zero; But not it's flung from every tongue, You're back agin, a hero. Yer actions show U3 what yer be A plain man, though a hold one; . They show as that yer wear a hat No bigger than yer old one. We love yer, not alone because Yer fought a fight and won it ; It seems to me lots more ter be The manly way yer done it. No see, we Yankees like a man Wbo'e tlere all kinds er weathers Wbo doesn't shirk, but does bis work Without tbe fuss and feathers. That's why. George Dewey, we're here terday, Ter clasp yer hand and ehake it. With this addrees, "The hull U. S. Is yenrn ; step in and take it." $40,000 Worth of Cattle. J. McDiruiott, of San Francieco. will get all told about 00 head of beef cattle from stockmen and farmers in the im mediate vicinity of Aehland, and the number received by Mitchell, from the Dead Indian stockmen last week reached approximately 000 head, making a total ' of about lL'OO head of beef cattle secured in the vicinity of Ashland this fall, by outside buyers. Tbe prices paid have been the highest known in recent years, 3c, 3'4; and Sc The cattle probably average 10U0 lbs. eacb, tnus bunging about $31 per bead. In round numbers, over $40,000 will have been paid out for beef cattle ship ment, to growers to and near Ashland in cold cash, by Oct. 10. And not much is said about this being a stock country, either. A Notable Wedding. NgwrOKT, K. I., Sept. 25. The Epis copal marriage service supplanting that o! tbe Russian orthodox church, that was observed yesterday, which made the Prince Cantacozene Count Speranski, cf Russia, and Julia Dent Grant, daughter of Brigadier-General Grant and grand' daughter of General TJ. S. Grant, bus bsnd and wife, was celebrated at All Saints chapel at noon today. Invited guests, notable for social and military distinction, made the ceremony ooe of the most brilliant ever witnessed at Newport. Bishop Potter, of New York officiated. This afternoon tbe Prince and Princess left for New York and St. Petersburg. Insurgents Routed Near Cebu. Wasuix;tok, Sept. 2ii. A dispatch from Manila tolbe war department states tbat General Snyder attacked tbe posi tion of insurgents, five miles west of.Cebu and destroyed coven forts and quite a number of smooth-bore cannon. The insurgents were utterly routed, and Gen eral Snyder returned with his force to Cebu. The Tennessee regiment was al ready aboard the transport to come borne, but disembarked to take part in tbe engagement. Our loss was one killed and four wounded. The enemy's ioei is estimated at 40. S.u.em, Or. Sept. :5. The 47th annual eejsiou of the Oregon conference of the Methoilist Episcopal chinch adjourned sine die at 0 u'clct k this eveuing, after transacting in one day more business tbau it had tranflttc'cd since it opened last Wednesday. The most important feature! of the day were the cousolidatbu of Willamette and iVrllaud ui'ivcreities, the expulsion from the ministry of liev. C. E. Clioo of Portland, and the a-aiuuicnt oi minis ters for the comiui: yi tr. After its disposal the rep.rt of the spe cial committee to invveibate charges of fraud against Kev. C. E. Cline, of Port land, finding him guilty of laWehoxl and unministerial conduct and fixing the penalty at expuliiou Irotn the ministry, was adopted. Dr. Cline filed notice ol appeal to the appellate court of the church. Keporle showing coll-i-iiui.n for the fund for orn-out miuisteis, fir which, there are HO claimants, KC'eAiing nearly $ 1"00, were read, as nere icporti from nearly all the chuuh t-ocieties and committees, and then the conferctce went into executive seis6!ou to consider the educational committee's report. MINISTERIAL ASMOriMfcSTS After a few remarks by various mem bers of tbe conference Bishop Vincent read the list of minis erial assignments for tbe com in.' year a 3 foil ws: Grant's Pass district (formerly Ash laud) Althouse, lobe cuppl.t-d; Atb land, S. E. Abbjtt; Caoyooviilf, to be supplied ; Ceutral Point, lo be supplied; Fort Klamath, 10 be supplied; Glendile, to be Eupp'.ied ; Grants Pass, N. F. Jen kins; JacisjDvi I--, to be supplied; Klamath Iodiau tuusi'jn, E. C.G.tff; Klamitb Falls, to be supplied; Lake view. G. F. Kounde; M-Jford, W. B. Moore; Merrill, B. A. KrUtuw ; oAland, J. II. Skidmore; Paisley, lo bo supplied; Roseb.rg, G. If. Arnold ; Ten Mile, to be eupplieJ; Wilbur, G. 11. Prker; Wild erviile, to be suppli-d ; presiding elder, D. T. Summervilie. Eugene disUic". Albjuy, M. C. Wire; Banloa and Coqtii:!e, C. M. ll'vio; Brownsville. S. L. .t; Cottage throve, M. O. llrink ; Cor villi-' , E. Memiogtr; Creswell, U. B. E'.woiihy; Hollas. C. G. Harmon ; Drain, W. S. tiordou : Eogeoe, W. B. Uoliingsworth ; Falls City, lo be upplieJ; Gardiner, U. II.Buckcer;UaI sey and HarrUburg, E. F, Zimmerman ; Indcndeuce, W. II, Mottershead; Jeffer son, Alvin M. Bigley : iJunetion City, C. T. McPherson; Lrbanou, II. Gould; Marfchfield, R. C. Ltc; Myrtle Creek, G. F. Moore ; Newport, to be supplied; Si le'z, E. II. Bryant; ShedJs, K. M. Cor ners"; Springfield, M. P.Dixon; Toledo, to be supplied; 1 residing elder, T. D. Ford. Portland district Astoria, Isaac Peart; Beavertor;, to be supplied ; ClaUkauie, E. Y. Smith ; Clejne, An ire Monroe; Greeham, Maurics L. Ilardingbam; Knappa, II. L St. Clair; Montavilla, Gabriel ykes; Mount Tabor, A. S. Mul lign ; O.wego, D. M. Shannon ; Port land, Centenary, S. E. Rockwell; Cen tral, W. T. Kerr; Chinese miseion, C. A. Lewis ; Clark, Gjrgs U. Bnns'.t : FirU church, II. IV. Kelloji; Grace, 11. D. Atchison; Sillwool, W. J. Wa!; Suo nysids, S. A. Starr; Patton, D. G. Steph ens; Trinity, A. L. Hawley; University Park and St. Johns, John Naugle; Woodiawn, tubs supplied; RiLier, A. C. Fairchild; St. Helens, Doual i Mc Liuchlin ; Warrentou, Gorg G. 11 iley : Seaside, to be supplied ; presiding elder, G. W. Jue. Sdeai diitricl Aaii y. II X, Atkin son; Brooks, L-U II. Pedersn;Canhy, R. II. Dunlap; Cornliuj. A. K-rahaw; DjjIoii, C. E. Crandeli; D.lly, lo be supplied; Fores. Grove, T. L. Jones; Ilillsbore, Harol I Obrrg; Marquam, C A. Lusa; Lnco'o, J. M. Stveuey; M hauia, to be supplied ; McMinnville, G. W. Grannie: Nehalem, B. M. Howell; Lafayette, to be supplied; North Yam hill.D. 11. Leech; Oregon City, R. A. Atkins: Salem, Firs', John Parsons; Leslie, R. C. Blackwell ; Salem circuit, to be supplied ; Silverton, W. II. Myer; Sberidno.-to be supplied; Tillamook, S, A. Smith; Turner, Edward Gittins; Woodburn, L. F. Belknap; Viola, to be supplied ; presidiug el ier, ). A. Wat- ters. The next anuuil session of the con ference will ha he'd iu AshUn I. The conferance rl03ed (oniiht with another ijlers' It rocery A FULL STOCK OF Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and Sold TAYLOR & WILSON BLOCK (j Low Prices ! Frae Delivery AAaAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAfl A ilA4JtAAAmAfAAAAAAAmAaAAAA flf 'WvlTlflff If lllf Jffrff rWWFW WWW WVWV There is a Quality about our Drugs Americans.Buy a Sugar Estate. Havana, Sept. 24. Congressman Hawley, representing American capital ists, has purchased the Tlogaary sugar estate, ono of the largest in Cuba, iu the province of Matauzis. Tbe estate includes 20,000 acres, which with other large properties along tbe south coast that .Mr. 1 low ley is arrang ing lor, will, it is expected, produce 100,000,000 pounds of sugar. A lare part of the land purchased is virgin soil, j upon which ft ,590,000 will be expended, including the cost of improvements. Which secures permanent patronage. WeS buv in small ouantities. and buv freauentlv. t X l J ' therefore we alwa-s have a l;resh Stock of Full Standard Strength Drugs. Our aim is for Quality, and we hit the mark The merits of our prescription Department have built up a large trade iu this line. A Complete lino of GENERAL MERCHANDISE now on band DRY GOODS. Ladies Drees Goods, Kibbonc, Trim iniDgs, Laces, Etc., Etc., Also a fine line of BOOTS of the bebt quality and latest 6tyle. Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. Wood, Willow, and Glassware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc., also band and at prices to snit tbe times.? An op-to-date hue of GUiUflDHIlf; H. C. STANTON. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE or TBS Southern PaciUc Co. - Kipr U&ina leT PortlaaS daily. T.uur. m. 1 Lt. Portland Ar. 4 ?' r. a. I Lt. RoKburg Lr. 7 4' . w. I Ar. - San Frmr.ciwo Lr. '.:! li9r. B t-T'- r. ,vw P. M. I Ar. OgdcB Ar. 1:10 f. M. :(. M. I Ar teuvr I.t. I S: V. M. 6 i A. M. I Ar. Omaha Ar. j s 50 A. M. 15 V. M. I Ar. CUkgo Lv. f M I'. M. 7.00 A. M. i Ar. Lew Angik-s I F. M. :1 V. M. j Ar. LI l'ao Ar. S Y. -M. 4 UP. M. I Ar.fort Worth Ar. I :0A. M. 7:mA. M. I Ar. N-fW Orleans Ar I t) r. M. Dinlnic Cars Observation Car. Pullman fiift.clat ami loor.nt can attached lo ail t raiila. A. C. MARSTERS & CO.!; Druggists. Heburf nail Daily. Sua. a. -20 r. m. L. I Ar. Portland Raaeborg Ar. I Lt. I 4 air. a 7 30 a. I'orralUs Mail Da.lj (Except condar). Prescriptions com pounded Day au l Night 7: jo a. K. 11 tea. a. ILt. -Ar. - Portland -CorraUia - Ar. Lt. 4-Mr.n UOr.M I At Albans and CorraUU connect with traina , oi Corvaliia a Eaalero railroad. I ludi pendtnee Paengcr Daily (except nndaj) his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which rve invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. V. w. rAKi tu., uroters. j 4.40. M. ILt. T J r. h. I Ar. e r. u. 1 Lr. - Portiaad - McMinrlUe In.llnlene Ar. Lt. Lt. S 2 a. . S.'U'a. a. 4-Ha. m. GENERAL DIRECTORY statb or oaxeoK. 0, 8. Senators... Congressmen Gorernor. . Secretary of 8tale SUM Treaanrer.. i.W. M Bri iThot. M Tmu i IS Supt. Pub. Iaalruclion state rruier. If. A. Monriy ..T. T.ti V. i. Irtl.Mr . C H. Moore J. B. Arkrmaa W.H. Lct .1.B. K. Blaek bora . Voora - WoiTen.a Beaa BKCOKD JOOICLal. DISTB1CT. indge......... J. W. HamfloS Proaecating Altornei Geo. M. Brow a e. s. laud ornca, aotsacaa. Recti rer . Unry Btotb EeKiater I. T. Briars Attorney General Supreme Jadgea rF.A.l . ?C. E. (E.8. I Obaorrer v. a. VI ATB IB SCBIAU.- Tboa. Oi doi'clas coerrv. Senator A. W. Seed Vf. Wonao.ft -epreacnlatiTta )w. W. KUwn II. W. Conn Tlerk l.r.iil herir. R L. Stepbtaa rreaaurer G. W. bimmiek School Hnperiuteudent ajaeaaor ... n. . uuieue County Judge. Conuniasionera 8arreyor l.oroner Sheep Inspector. .Jos-Lto-s H.D. Tbnmtoa lia. Bjrroo Ow-ar TtitX . .Dr. E. V. Uoorer Taos. Hail ik Justices.. raaci5CT omegas. Ooot tables.. H. W Mil er I. Y. rWKer Mayor rusunsjter.. lat Ward.... fcid WarU... fed Ward. 4th Ward. . Recorder.. Treasarer Manha) citt or acxescao. A. C. Marstns W. A.traler CUCKClLBBa. F P Brow a 0. W. Parks (P. W. Benton " JW. K. W litis I A. Fields -. jW.J. Lander )F. W. oollc7 ' fH. CElwom !.. West uisra rc earn no-La at a y. w. d. citt tovacu. asxTiB. Tbe Cunvmon Council of the rttjr o4 BoMban meeu tbe brtt MoimIst m o clock p. m. cocbt acauoaa. The Circuit Court for Dona-las Couatv aissta three times a year as follows: Tbe 3d Hiai day in March, the 4tb Muaday in Jon, and im lat Monday in December. J. w. HiailM al Koaeburg jmige. Geo. ML Brown, ol BoseMua. proaeeauog aiunuey. - County Coort meets tbe 1st ardnewlsy 1 the 1st Monday of January, March, May. July. September and Norember, Jua. Lion. t Drain, judge; M. l. Thompao of Soutisbqi and Jaa. B ion, of Olalla. eommusionera. Probate Court is in Miian eontiaMlT. Jo Lyons, iudce. Professional card. QUMMOIX HE JACKSOX, Atturnvy and Counsvllor-at Law. Mining Law aud W'atrr .light mad a sicialty. Mamtcrs Bid. RUfeEBCKG.OKlLfS Q.EH1XJE M. BROWX, Attorney-at-La , Booms 7 and S Taylor a Wilson Block. KOtjXBt KG. V B. COXHLEB. C. U. MARKUAM. Manager. U. E. Pass. A genu PORTLAND OBXGOK. Dirvr-t cvnotiniwn at !an Franelsco with vteamabip lines for Ua aii. Japan, China. Tbe Pbulipmna. aod Auslraha. rortnrourn tiraeuaau rates can on or aa- Baom s. Taylor a W Uaon Blk. dtvn L. B. Roeeuunc- MOORK ARtnt or V. C. LONDON", F. 11 1 rid ma R. WllJLiIS, Attorney and Counselor at Laar, Will nraetia. ia an ta mart of ta Rtt. fja. tes im Marsters Ba-ding. Deaglaa eammty. Or. -Steak: Line of the WerU" Tbe Favorite TranEcontinenUl Uouta Between tbe Northwest and all Points East. Choice of Two Routes Through tbe Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery And Four Rontee East ol Pueblo and Denver. All Passeusers granted a Jar stop-over in the Mormon Capital or anywhere be taeen 0en and LVnver. Pereonallv condocted Tourist Excursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, . St. Louis, Chicago and the East. lecture by Boy." Bishop Vincent 011 "That Sigsbee's Daughter Dead. Xw Voiik, Sept. 20. Captain Chss. D. iSigsbco left his vessel, tho battleship Texas, which is at anchor with the rest oi the fleet iu the bay, and started fur Uehobetn Beach, Del., having received a telegram from tbat place announcing tbat bis daughter, Ethel bad died sud denl of heart disease. Prosperity for the Indians. W. C. Elliot, th government survey or, who with a corps of rssistsnta has been running government lines to Klam ath county most of the summer, has completed bis work and Saturday left for Portland. Mr, Elliott has run n hat is known as the treaty Hues around the whole Indian reservation. Tbe treaty was made in 1S05 by the government with, tbe In dians, and ratitied in 1S70. Through some niiscouceptiou, however, what are called the ''excluded lands" were squat ted upon by settlers. According to the survey just completed by .Mr. Elliot theao excluded lands amount to SCO, 000 acres, and Uncle Sam will pay the Indians DO rents an acre for them. This means the distribution of nearly a half million of dollars among them in tho near future. One Oregon pioneer has left a double inouuuieut to bis name, Eugene Skinner for after him is named one of tbe pret tieet cities in tbe state, Eugene, and one Tbe large Dangeoess coal wine in 1 of tbe most imposing buitei, Skinner's. est Virginia, which has been lying! Mrs. Skinner did the christening says idle for two years, resumed today. the Albany Democrat. The Peudleton Kaet Orejouiun (ells about a farmer delivering nearlo 12,000 pounds of w heit at the Peudletou ware' house with one team, and at ouo load That team though, comisted of eight horuea and three wagons, two of them trailiug. There were IK) sacks weighing 130 pounds cadi, Speaking of High Grade Wheels! While we Lave Imperials at and $50 our $35 wheel is just as UKiH (.RAiEEscur fSO t ce. tbe difference beiDg simply in tbe finish Tbe above mentioned wheels are just as bigh grade as any wheel iu tbe market sud NONE is (superior in material or tnecbauisuj. Tbe oldest wheels cow in ot-e in tbe c ty are Imperials. These wheels have been in con6teDt use siDce 18'J ,,T. K. RICHARDSON. 1 1 Staple and Fancy Groceries. We have a complete line of FRESH GROCERIES, TABLE DELICACIES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CONFECTIONERIES, FRESH AND TROPICAL FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC., . ( Which will please you in both quality and i Price. Giv e us a Call. & KRUSE & SHAMBROOK. 0 P. Benedick. Any Job Work done at f easonable Rates. VIAVwtaS,sraVVva( 1 Undertaker1 mi Emhalmer1. V a For Tickets and anv Inkrmaliou Re- gaidiog Rates, Routes, etc., or fur IH scnplive Advertising Matter, call on Agents.ol Oregon Railway & navigation Co., Orecon Short Line or Southern Pacific Companies. f. K HOOPER, Geueral Pass fc Ticket Agent, Denver, Col. li C. XICHOL, General A sent, 251 Wash St. PoitlandOr Roseburg p. O. Hours. . Sun a. m Week days. 0:30 a. m. to S p. m days and holidays, 0:30 to 9:00 aud 5 :30 to 7 :30 p. ui. ST.Ui- llOLTaS. Roseburg to Maisbfield Departs ev ery day at 0 a. m.; arrives every 0:0m ing. Koseburg lo Mvitle Point. IVpurt every day at l a. n ; arrives eve morning. KoFOOUr to .Millwnoi! ivpaiiH eer day except Sundatsai 7 a.m.; arrlw every day except Sundays t 4 :t i n Roebiirg to Peel iVpait "daiy, ( 1 cent Sun. lav) at 7 a. m : a'tiv.. ,U;lv (evcept Sundatl at 3 i Roehiirg t l.nrley IV.iIk Tue-- days anl rrulttv ul 1 p. m. ; .iT.ves Tuen!as snd Fi'l8 at II ::? If you 6uffer friu lemU-rnem or !nll nees on the litiht side, piitm nnd shoulder blade, cotidtipmion, lititni8i. t-, sick head.ichc and foel dall, he.tvy and sleepy yt livr is torpid id toiiKestel. DeWiit's Little Early Uiteis will core you promptly, pleitiit!y and perma nently ly removing tho cm gratioti and causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally, tiiky ark hood pills. A.C. MARSTtRtJ&CO. BA B. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, BOSIBCBG. OBZtiOM. W. BENSON, Attornej--at-Law. Roobm 1 and 2 Renew Building. KOtKBCRG, OBXUOJI H. CKAWTOItD, Attorney at Law, Rooms Ui, Marsters Bldx, HOSXBUKO, OS. aaBuaiDcss before Um C. 3. LaaU Office a4 cases a special;;. Lata KeceiTer V. 8. Laad Ofllea. JA. BUCHANAN, Notary Public. Attoi ney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Btxtn3 Vanters FuiUiug. KOEBCBC.CR SSL HAJCBY, DENTIST, Review Buiidioc, telephone So. 4. ROsEBr&U. OBJl-O yTRA. BROWN, M. D. OFFIC-, 309 Jackson Street, at rvs idence ol Urs. J. BiUer. KOdEBCRU, OB QH.GEO.U. HOUCK, Physcian & Surgeon Qllics Pwt Cilice EM. rnone, .vatu . 1. RObEBCKti, OHiGOS. wclt7 necUafw TJOSKBCRU DIVISION SO 476. B. OF L. aV mevta .Terr second and fourth Sundar. IVJOMKN'S RKUEF CO-PS KO. 10, It KITS ' first and luird Fridars in each KtoaUt. REN O POST. KO. , Q. A. R.. If KITS TH1 first sad third Thursdays ol each mouth, at t p. m. ALPHA LODGE, NO. 47. E. OP P.. HUT everr WednesdsT eTenina at Odd Fallows Ball. Vlxitinc KniKhts lla-j invited lo attend. iu good Han ding cost LAUREL I.OIHifi, A. F. k A. M., RJEUCLAR meetingk the i& and iih Weduesdajs ia each month. ' El GESE.U PARROTT W. M. N.T. Jiwstt, S ecy. KOtfKBCRH CHAPTER. SO. 8. 0. K. 3..M--TB the tir-t and third Thursdays oi each mcnib. UBB1E COSHOW.W M. MAI DE RAST, Sec y. MODERN W OODMEN OK AMERICA. MEET, ou tint ami Ilili.l Tuosdar of each month in the old Masonic boll. It. V. MtLLkS, V. II. L. Mvkstkr.s Clerk. C. IVOODVES OF THE WORt-D. Oak Cama V x. nxt l the Odd Fellows' Hail in Kici'Utv. t'vi'ry 1st, :rvl aud 5th MuadaT ovenins. Vniiiu neighbors alwsvs wvlcwme 0. 1". Cosaow, c. C. V.C LiM0l, Clerk. PHILETARIAS l.OGK. NO. S, L O. O. P. meets Satunlaj evening of eacn week al their hull in Odd Fellow Temple at Rosebura. MeroiH-rol tV.e order iu exd standing arainTit Hi to attend. B W. stTROSO, N. O N. T. Jswktt, Scc'y. D. S. VsT. Fin. See. P.O. KI.KS, KOSEBIKU LODt-iK. SO.JM, holl their mriilar i-viiimiiiiK'aiii'na at ths t O. t. V. liall "li M-voud aud fourth IhuradaT if oai li uiopth. All nii'mW-r teticUd to at tend nxnlitrly. aud all visitiug brothers cor Jitilly invited to Kltt'ttd. t'H.. 1.. H AlllKV, K.R III A V. UHlil.K. Seeretary. ROSEBCR'i I.OIHiF, NO. W. A. O. V. W. n't fhr widoiI and fourth Mondays oi vh month at 7:.) p. in. at Odd Fellows hll MrolMt"f the order (u fiwd atanding are i riltd t attend. F. W. RoajJS, aeurlr. D . Waal. Ftnaraiaar.