, w The Plaindealer r READABLE, RELIABLE. ' RCII'BUCAN. No belter Held thaa Saathcra Ore on: no better medium through which to Advertise.' .1 PT , A T ATTW A IT u e I o 1 ""ft '"""g NOTB HEALS, LSTTSJt r-IAI. BILL HFABS- PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. ! ; ? ; . - - Vol.. XXX. Lecutd aonaltUat wiU gotd trk, 9 a aaaaaaa ' : VI BOHEMIA TRANSVAAL SITIATIO Question of Ptace or War Rests 71: i : With krogcr. NEXUtWDtt SKILL DETtRMIX New flomentarily IZxpectcd 1 hat (he Boers Have Crossed the Natal Bor der-Blj Fire at Salem. . of London, Jpt. 2. Never at any stage of tne Transvaal crisis Las peace or war . rested so entirely witbio the bands I reideU Kroger. Tbe longer be delay precipitating a definite iesoe, tLe better are tbe cbance lor peace. He now knows wliat be cn rely on sections of south Africa to npboK! him, and be real- Ueetbat the Britibb will, if possible evaw a con diet until tbe last transport lands ber men, aod be is to wiley a leader cot to know Ibe military advantage that cornea to tbe "aggressor. His appeals to tbe loreigo powers to in terrene bare ap parently been hopeless, bat bis efforts to drag to tbe Orange Free State bare been aocceemul, and u be boneetlv intends to - - daly Great Biitaia be never will baye a better opportunity tban at present. It ia such rrasonirg wbicb is upper moat in tbe triads ot tbe thinking Brit ish, and which' prompts tbeni to 'ear tbat before neit week's cabinet meeting tbe Boers w ill have passed over Na'al'a border. It they have not, tbere will be mocb ground for behevirg Ie.id. nt Kroger iatends an ultimate batkdown, though whether Ite U strong encnh to carry bis people with him in ruch action ia open to great doubtr. SALEM FLOUR MILLS BURNED. Loss, 9200,000 BusbcU of Wheat 50.000 Little Insurance. Damaged At about 4 o'clock Friday morning a fire started in tbe fan rooau cn tbe third floor of tbe Salem flouring mill , and spread with marvelous rapidity, it con nmed tbe mill proper and the large warehouse in which about 150,000 bush belt of wheat was stored. Tbe origin of the fire is not definitely known. Tba millers' theory ia epontan exras combustion, bat .whatever suited tbe first spark, It foond conditions moot, favorable f or a conflagration. Tbe mill was running and tba fine dost with Lkh tbe air was charged, and tbe ex cessive dryness of everything it side, ' mad the blaze spread with the sadden (tees of an explosion. Too Salem Flooring Mill Co-, is a cor poration with a paid np capital of r200 (XXL Tbeo. B. Wilcox, of Portland has a controling iotereet in it, and tbe re maining stock holders are Breyman Bros., Ladd & Bush, of Salem, Cbas. Ldd, Corbett AMacleay, of Portland, Bad tevwal persons in Scotland. The lose to tbe company is estimated at about $1 50,000, with $5,000 inaor aace, w hich would make a net loss of 135,000. Tbere were about 150,000 bushels of wheat in tbe mill and ware bouse which was nearly all owned by farmers and wheat buyers. Koontz & Co., of Haleey.bave about 20,000 bushels, May & Sender, Harrieburg, 15,003 bosh- els, and Baber & Co., cf Junction City, a boat 12,000. Tbete lots are insured, but none of tbe balance is, except what farmers have money borrowed on, and, as Manager Holland says, "it's a pity they haven't all got money borrowed." Taking out what Koontz & Co., Baber & Co.. and May & Co., own, tbere ia about a round 100,000 bushels of wheat in tbe wreck. Of this there is possibly 20,000 lost by tailing into tbe race and by fire, Jortonntely tbe bins on tbe side next to the race were not ao full as tbe others. This leaves about SO per cent of tba fanners' wheat on the ground, which will BO doubt be apportioned pro rata to lb proper owners. It will be worth over 35 cents per bushel for food, and several carloads have already been apt&en for. IS BOOMING WILL VISIT PORTLAND ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2s, .Sag. . . J - ENVIOUS' OF DEWEY. I BILL HEAB&- aa hort itoUc at frSfA J 1 .mm Outlook for the district Brighter Than Ever. NAURU 0LTLET TO ROSLBt RG By Way of Sleimbost Creek and th; NorJi Uaipqua. A Wagon Road a - Good Investment fjr This County. The Bohemia uiininr d:ttrit t in lvni. lat .n.l I t . - wuuues is atirACtintr con- si lerable attention. More than $1,0C0, OIK) has bten expended in improvements and good lesults have been oblained. On tbe Noonday property alone im provements to the value cf near! 100.- 00J hive teen msds. Over U000 feet of lunnelini has bees run. and 1000 feet of ahaftj has been tunk. A 20-stamp mill with modern improvementa bus been erected. , j Tbe afaeick group, which rectntlv w.n -.1 r . boiu ior pj,wh, ia undergoing extensive improvements, an 1 its owrers will soon be in a position to realize on their in vestment. Tbera are a score of other good mines which have been mr,r or less improved. The promoters sre to' section to boom tbe district, bat are guina ahead and quietly developing their properties. knowiog tbat they have a good thing. At a resntt of tbe activitv in tLe Bo hemia dibt-ict, Cotuxe Grcve. which is the present gateway to the mines is d iiDg a lively busines?. w hich mil.t be shared by Rosebnrg bv the construc tion of a good wagon rosd up the North i-iupqua ana Mcauiboat creek to the mines, a route which is said by old min er to be the only natnrtl outlet, aod one entirely feasible ever Lab a road might oe ccn strutted with out any great outlay of capita). The mines in this district have demon-; strated their worth, and are uow on such a solid footing as to offer safe in- j vestments to capital, which is not slo to recognize the fact. Returned Idaho and Minnesota Volunteers to be Entertained No. 75. r. New Store! New Goods! PORTLAND SCORES A POM. Transports on Whfch theTh'rty-fifih Will (Jo to nanilo to Take Sup plies at Portland. Goldwin Smith Thinks that Dewey is Overestimated. ASKS WHAT DID 01R HERO DO I he Canadian Answers the Question! Himself by Ssylng that tie Shot to P.eces a Lot of Hulks. A FULL STOCK OF A Complete Jinc; of , GENERAL HERCHANDISE GENERAL. DIRECTOR V stits or eaaaon. lOBXLAAu, Sept. 22. Four houdred Tolunteera of the Idaho regiment will ar rive in Portland via the Southern Patific Wednesday. lne Minnesota regiment will leave San Francisco for Portland October 4 Governor Lind and ataff, of Minnesota, wui arrive 10 the cilv a ko by steamer. beneral lienry J. cijttseu, a staff offi car, was in the city loda , and will leave lor Spokane tonight by way of the Sound, where he wili amait tbe governor.- AdjuUut-lieoeral J. L. Weaver, of Idaho, is in the city, aod will leave this evening to accompany tbe Idaho regi ment Lome. 1 . t The trustees of the Chamber of t'oin metce held a special meeting tins after noon to prepare to receive tbe troops and wili send them a special invitation in the name cf the city. A recep'.iua to Governor Uu '. and staff will also be arranged for. Tbe Ore gon Ked Cross Society aod Ka.eremy Corps will have a representation prtfent in order to Iks of assistance in any man ner wiiii-ii may be suggested. ..'l ties are anxious that the returning sol diers shall ba made to foel at luuie. Both regiments were entertained ai t a a . . - iea cy mo L-otergenry C.rps n they parsed through Portlaud on the:r a to ent, Toko.nto. Out., Kept. I'-'. 'Joldwin Smith, writing in a local paper, says: "Nothing could show the extern to which the bead of Columbia baa been turned by the war more thau her adoration of the hero Dewey. Whit did the hero lJewey and his con raJ a do'.' They eat in alm;n perfect ea'ety arddeetroyed at long range a line of helpless tubs, with some liundiedi of the toor .Spaniards who iiianut-d them, and who alone bad any of puitunity of showing Leroif m on the ova-ion So perfvctly secure did tbe Acicr'ians feel that they adjourned to breakfast in the middle of tbsir sport. There was among them a single casualty. utd bal they all gone tiger hunting one caeualty at leatt probihlv would have occurred. ' For this, howevtr, lewey is ilecUred to be the rpal of the K'ett seaman who contjajred in the terriblo days of Abou- kir, Copenhagen. Tiafalgtr. if be were so iuclioed tie uiinht proSably I elected president of the I'nited States. "Canada cannot possibly tako part io the celebration of De wet's liiamubs !' j without an evidence of discourtesy tow laru.-pain.a iriendly nation. wb:cb has doDe Canada cu wroog. Sf.aiu, let it be id I rememlered. th Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and Sold TAYLOR & WILSON BLOCK . Low Prices ! Frae Delivery McdiiL-mnpjtn niiAf .1. . .. . 1 - v aaww. uu uict uaiat niHi-v war tn i ant i,ni Oregon Notes. There is a sex icity of carpenters just now in Portland. The Ciorad Mingua farm of 320 acres, lying two miles west of Medford, was sold Saturday by 51. BeliiDger to F. M. Popull5tjconomyin Jackson. Pooh Bab Crowell's "brief" in lbs railroad tax suit has at laet been if sued from bis press at Medford. it is a vol ume of over eleven hundred pagea and tbe cost of it already fignres up 788.1K), with 25 yet to be added to this to pay tbe cost of bindicg. Tbe county of course has to audit this bill and pay it oot of curreat funds just S'olber heavy expenses iu the suit have been paid, and tbe only chance the tax payers have of getting any of this money back ia in a reversal of the decision of the circuit coart, by the supreme court. Tbe railroad company requires ouly 250 pages to state its case in the brief prepared in the same suit by ite attor neys, for tbe supreme court, and tbe artrsge taxpayer will no doubt wonder why such a voluminous affair was neces sary on the part of the county. Ashland Tidings. 44 Woman s Work is Never Done' The constant care causes sleeplessness, bss of Appeide, czitcme nervousness, And tfut tired feclir.g. Bid a. wondcrfut change comes tuhen Hood' s SarsapsrilU -is liken, li gives pure, rich blood, good sppeiile, steady nerves. 1 11 ' 1 11 1 in Near the Walla Walla penitentiary Friday O. B. Ejland shot and killed his brother. Grant Byland, and his wife, and tnen committed eciciJe. Jealousy was the cause. The government cjnlempkte baying th3 locks at Orejon City. Tbe board of engineers appointed to suryey aod con demn tbe property, bare forwarded their report to Washington. Thirty-five persons left Tillamook Monday over tbe Wilson river road for Oregon City, to file on timber lands. very r.ouveyance in that town has been brought into service for Ibe occasion. Twenty persons left here Monday on their way to Oregon City for the same purpose. togaoe Guard. One young Willamette .valley woman out in a bop held averaged 10 boxes per ay, which at 10 cents per box amounts toff per day. If she worked 20 days, as she might, she earaed tbe neat little cum of $30, of about f G5 net, w hich is more tban tbe average shop girl can save in a year, nd she bad tine, health-giving exercise besides. A man left Oregon a month sgo and went back it North Dakota because he lound to much moisture here to suit bim. If he could know just w hat the month subsequent to bis departure has been, be would not rest o-.til be had in vented some kind cf a machine tbat would kick bim all tbe way back. Tele gram. J. . Smith, of Pendleton, has sold to Kea Brothers, of St. Paul, over 15,000 lambs and ewes. For the Iambs he re ceived 2 a bead. Mr. Smith looks upon the prospect for livestock men as being extremely bright, be ' graea being io good condition aod bay being plentiful. Mr. Smith has made a great success in tbe sheep business and is regarded as one of tbe moct successful on tbe exist. Telegram. Leander Cboaleand .las. Doughty, tbe Wisconsin capitalists, who have been in tbe Jenny Creek timber country for the past fortnight, returned to Ashland Tuesday. During their stay there they became tbe purchaser of a good many quarter sections of timber land, aggrega ting all told upwards of 4,000 acres. Still further purchases are being negoti ated. The price, per quarter section, ran all the way from $700 to 2000. Tidings. The S. F. "Examiner" of laet week printed a picture of Lieut. J. E. Thorn ton, of Ashland, late of Co. 13, Second Oregon volunteers, together with a de scriptive article detailing the gallant work of tbe lieutenant and his command of scouts at Tarbon bridge, which the writer referred to as tbe most heroic single act of the war in the Philippines, and for which Lieut. Thornton will re ceive a medal of honor upon the recom mendation of lien. Lawton. It is reported that a party of profes sional deer hunters, from Douglas coun ty made their appearance in the upper Hogue river country," last ' week, and were getting started into tbe business of marketing venison on tbe quiet, w hen tbey Kuddenly became alarmed and took personal friends in the citw General Weaves says tbat the UaSo regiment will arrive on a special t-efore the regular train. They will.leave ue nine aunng tue atternooo, in time to' reach Boise, Idaho, the next, iuorijni; They will be here for bicakfast. There were500in tbe regiment, t'pon thear rival of tbe transports 20 were on the sick list. Tnirty are now in the hospit al, anl o2 will return no more. Triey gave np their lives for their country. There were loo prominent Idaho peo ple on hand to welcome the soldiera at San Fr;inci?co, among them the covern- given a breakfast aboard the transports by tbeir home people and then a royal dinner after they lmdd. General Weaver says the boya looked tired and worn out when they landed. They had betn on the bring line five months and had a hard eige of it. With tbe exception of the Kansans, the general thicks the Idaho regiment pro ably suffered the most. ' The special train which will bring them through has been chartered out right by tbe state of Idaho. capsule of restornlion. Tba British government will hardly that k the Canadian coveroiuent for making her ao implacable enemy." I There is a Quality faooitt: our Drugs Which secures permanent patronage. We! bttj- in small quantities, and buy frequently,; tnereiore we always have a Iresh Stock ofj Full Standard Strength Drugs. Our aim is for Quality, and we hit the mark 1 lie merits ol our prescription Department; Have built up a large trade in this line. CAPE NOME JUNES. Miners W&sh Out $10 to $250 a Day With Rockers. Wahus'Oonv ipt JO.Geueral Shatter baa cent to tbe war department a copy of a dispatch which be has re ceived from Major P. II. Ray. It is dat ed St. Michaels, August 31, and ia as fol- J "I find at Anvil and along the beach between 3000 and 3-300 people. Fully 2500 people will be compelled to leave there before the close of navigation, owing to a lack of foel and shelter. From all I can learn theie will be but three steamers here to return before tbe season closes. Unless the people can get away tbere will be great suffering and probably loss of life, which it will be impossible to ameliorate. - "As a rule all have plenty of money to pay their passage. 'I therefore suggett tbat tbe transportation companies.be warned of the condition of affairs, and the treasury department bo asked to tr der cutters there as late as pofeible to meet any emergency. I ABl LOL ftLV mcll IN OOLU "The Cape Nome district is one of the richest ever discovered in our country, and will rival Klondike. Beach w ashing is a godsend to the destitute stranded here. There are from VO0 to 1030 people along the beach a' d they are taking out from f 10 to $250 per day per m&n with rockers. The gulch distritt is as yet not fully developed, but chows great richness wherever worked. I look for greatest results next season." ' Attorney .L. A. Roberts, of Myrtle Point, visited Ccqutlle last Thursday in company with Stale Land Agent L. B. (jeer, of Salem. Mr. Roberts is agent and local attorney for ti e state land board, and with State Agent Geer was investigating lands and the conditions of loans made by tbe stale board in past years in Coos county. Mr. Roberts has filed a suit iu one case already, that of tbe State Laud Board vs. Thos. McBee and wife et al to foreclose a mortgage. This bueinees for sumo years past seems to have been very carelessly handled, greatly to the detriment, of the stale and school fund, bat it ia the intention of Mr. Geer and local attorney and agent Roberts to straighten out affairs and place them on a secure, basis. Ooqullle City Herald. V LA fjRANDU SCOAR FACTOR V. The Same Old Cry of the Scarcity of Laborers. The Oregon Sugar Company began slicing beets Wednesday, lhete is a scarcity of help, from 300 to -100 men be iag needed in addition to thos in eight at this date. j two!jrTIucmc'li6rX 16-08 dons can ha gained Irom statements ot the manager, Joseph Barton. There are 2300 acres in beets this year, with a probable yield of 25,000 tous of beets, and an approximate output of 4.000,000 pounds ot refined eogar. The successful operation of the plant at this place means big things lit the State, as thousands of acres of land form erly considered useless for any purpose are found Io be thet adapted to culture of the sugar beet. The building here i'l accomodate machinery ior double tbe present capac ity, which will be put in as soon as the supply of beets demands it. lhe culture ol tbe beet is pasting from the experimental e'age, and wLile pro ducers lost laet year from want of prac tical kcoledge in preparation c f soil and care of the crop, the result will be differ ent this season. Sunshine is all that is requitel to ensure success thi year. A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Prescriptions com- rv . . pounded Day and XiyLt. DrUgglStS. ttttttttttHifsaanaaitaiw.- i 'w'-ww-w",,"wssBttaaB)swie)e)a) now on hand. DKY GOODS. Ladies Dress Goods, Kibbon, Trim mioffs, Laces, Etc., Etc., Also a fine line of O.S.Smatora.... ifl.W. VtH) ; JJmirtk fUskM Soiigrwamen l Z2Zr at. a. paoei Governor- T. T. Hwretary of Hit 1. 1. BrBtr Uflre?"rer c- SUbt. Pnb. Inslniftlnn 1 n i UU Printer '. W. H. Lmj BOOTS m li of the best quality and latest style. Staple and Fancy GROCEEIES. Attorney GDcnI 1.. jr. Blaaatojs supreme Judceau. 3c. E. WoHwrtas (B.B. Baaa SBCOKS JCDICTAL DIITBICT. odg.. j. w. Hrr!ta rroteeotlna- Attorney Geo. . KMi " ' v. t. tiB wnri, Mmw. . t. HeaiMer.. Obmrrer.. Senator... e. s. viATasa atraaan. ' I RvpreacuUtiT -Tlerk heriir.. treasurer. Z wood, Willow, and Glassware. Crockery, Cordage, Etc., also band and times. DOrLAS COCTTTT. -zL. . 9. W. WMa&tt wt:u Caa l.v.Cea - U Sir! . W, Irmatiafc t9. w. 1 iw. w. . w. at price to suit the Juue An up-to-date hue of IComniiloBen 8irrTOr 1 uoroner.. H. B. SUMS) I Jam. Brma .OtearTtHt CUS1II-C IK Sheep Xospector Sl r iawi wrm aaan ortio. i:ri rkHutablnL " -Dr. E. V. Ta SaUik H. w mfTTav --D. P. r(kr H. C. STANTON. MTT IW aMarw u A a 'iqiMlSf , w. a. im'.n corvcujny. EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. tat Ward... fad Ward ... Jrd Ward iti Ward. ... Recorder Treaurr Maabal (F T Br t . C. W. paTka )F. w. BMoa , ' w. , tJi IF. W. Wooury H. C Siarvs . D.S.Warf 6e. (nr T. W.WUa-i Prw tnioM laa PvUaad ir. m. 3i .. 7 .. i-r. - Portland Ar. 1 - Rnvebart - Lv. I Ar. - Ran PrBcetaoo Lr. H.ior. aesp. Ottleo Ar. benrrr Lr. Omaha Ar. Cbicago Lr. Lu Angcln El Paw Ar. 3 our. M. I Ar. Olden Ar. r . .1 . I Ar 6 t A. M. Ar. .IS P. M. I Ar. 7 )0 A. M. I Ar. I ". P. X I Ar. I U P. M. : Ar. Fort Worth Ar ;:A, Jt. I Ar. Sew Orlrana Ar DioIbbt Car otMcrraUon Cars. Pullman firat data and luaM nn himIxI to alt traiila. Kaveburg TIaai-Uavilr. 1:10 P. If. : P. M. f :SO A. M C M P. M. 9 :J9 P. M. J 35 p. M. I:IA. M. 8: P. it. enr coracii nrnu To Conmoii CoonHI nf lha rivrmi a o'clock . ra. cocas saaiiosa. 1 n t-ireuit coart tor Do!aa CckW aSk daj in aiaich. tbe 4th HimaaT la m MOOOaT In Dvmnhw T im D. proaecai couolr Court meeta lha lal a. tore Umea a yrr aa fotiowa: TkVlZ 5 j una. imri, efl u lat aaondar ol Janoarr. Man h. M Z Wober and Knm.W - " "t - ami in. Byron, of O Lai la. rraDtwunnit in Lronajuttee. , WadaaMay of aymtaMa Iro feaa I o nal Catrilaw I his is the Place Ueneral New s. Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock, of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which -e invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos iu Southern Oregon. I C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. a. 'A r. a. Lr. Ar. - Portland K"ebanr - Ar. I.T. 4 JO r. a l- a. a CurralUs Mail lailj (iUi-vpt -untiaj). QOMMOWtkE. 1. JACKSOX Attorney and C"onnllof at Lav. Mining Lure 9hd W'ster .Rights ffaia ROSEBrse.oarMs a t-ialtr atanten Bid. 7:t. II as a. Lr. . Ar. - PorUaad -Corralli . Ar. I Lr. M r.a I jop . At Albany and CorralUa connect with train oi l orvaliii As Eaaiern railroad. Indt pradt nee Pa-nger Dauj (except trnda;) QEKtXiE M. BROWN, Attorney-at-Lan, 7ift r. a. s XT. a !. 1 Lr. LAr. I Lr. - Portland McXinriile Tndepe ndence Ar. Lr. Lr. S 2 a. a. 5.1 A. 4 a. a. Soomi 7 and S Taylor k Wiiaoo Block. oaun. ea R.COEHLIB, C. 11. MARK HAM, Manager. ti. P. A Pmaa. Agest. PORTLAND OREGON. -goi.ri!!-,"!1'1,. aJ Iicti L. B. MOOBE Artnt or V. C. LONDON. RoMburi. JBA B. RIDDH, Attorney at Law, p w. BENSOjr, Attorney-at-Law. Roonia 1 and 1 RcTlew BoJ kilns. ROSUrR. OUWJ j Attorney and Counselor at Lair, ! TTOl Bfaetiot ia all ta aowta of tk I 1 taa ia MinKn Baudiiuc. Ooaaiaa nra. iftkafca. fj. 7.O. Attorney at Law, Roomt 1 A t. af amers Bid--, EOSEBCXS. OR. BSEaa'Buaineaa before Uia C. S. Laad om uA auiung caeea a ipeotaltj. Late Raceirer D. 8. Land OMem. a hanfv ileiiHrtiirn. tirolialilv aiisnectinsr that a ilp.nnt simn war.fen trait on their' Tb Seer System of - MedfOJ J IS HOW track. Tliellatter are making it warm I under e onstruction,;and Is belrig vigor Ior dwr ekimicra amrgame TavrTrealterT ouiily piwftel' by Ins Western Clay com' n Boulhern Oregon tbla year. TidingB. psny of Tortlaud. Dreyfus is said to ba eujoyiu bis free dom iu tbe sooib of France. Five instead ot tbreo persons perished io tb St. Vlocent de l'aai bopital fire at Norfolk, Ya., Friday. Tbe ti. A. K. Mill parade in tbe Dewry celebration, haviog been given Ibe place of bonor in tbe procession. Tbe 13, 000-ton Kritith batlle-ebip Lon don was laanclied at l'ortsmoutb Friday in tbe presence of a lare crow I of peo ple. Tao f rei;Lt trains met in collision on a btidge cn tbe Omaha railroaJ, near WiuJoui, Minu., Tbursday, killing four men. Ky tbe exploeiou of a soda-water foun tain in a bakery at Vacaville, Cal., Fri day, Karl Aller, an employe, was killed. Mr. 1'bil Armour stepvd before tbe Cbfcago tax review board, tl.o other day, and, voluntaiily raised bis aeeeesment $1000,000. An enactment of tbe Texas legislature provides for the teaching in the public schools of a courec of li"tr.ano treatment to aunimaltj. Abner McKinlcy, brother of tbo presi dent, and a select party of friends are ou a tonr of tbo l'aciUc coast states, and will visit I'ortlaod. Rear-Admiral Moutojo was Ftiday condemned by the supreme court of Spain to retirement for allowing Dewey to defeat bim. One thousand dollars was secured from two pans of ditt from the Angle and Brown strike, on Mount Sterlings near Ashland last week. Divideuds paid by tbo Transvaal gold mines iu IS'JG amounted to $7,450,000, In 1807 tbe aggregate was 113,500,000 and last year reached $24,150,000. The richest known gold mines in the world are involved in the Doer question. St. Louit Globe Democrat. Choctaw Iudiau girls, under the di Vision of the tribal f unds, are now worth each 550 acres of lauJ and about $1,000 in cash. Consequently they are much sought after in marriage by while men. Between now and tbe first of October, it is expected tbat tbere will not be less than 1.001 marriages of white men to fn dinn girl. "Soilc Uat of tae World" The Favorite Transcontinental Route Between tbe Northwest and all Points East. Choice of Two Route Through the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery And Four Routes East ot Pueblo and Denver. All Passengers granted a day atop-over in tbe Mormon Capital or anywhere re ween Ogden and Denver. Personally condocted Tourist Excursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and the East. Speaking of High Grade Wheels! While we have Imperials at 35 and $50 our $35 wheel is just as high c.itAi E sa cur ?50 one. tbe difference being simply ia tbe finish The above mentioned wheels are just as high grade as any wheel in the market and NONE is superior in material or mechanism. The oldest wheels now in use in tbe city are Imperials. These wheels have been ia constant rise since 18'2 ,T7 K. RICHARDSON. IP-' 1 8!l Staple and Fancy Groceries. We have a complete line oV my - FRE5H GROCERIES, TABLE DELICACIES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CONFECTIONERIES, FRESH AND TROPICAL FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC., Which will please you in both quality and Price. G'veusaCall. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK. v 1 M--- P. Benedick. Any Job Work done at f Reasonable Rates. 1 Undertaker1 end EmbalmBr1. t -1 JUCHASAS, Notary FnbHr, A R Attoiney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Boim i Vareten Bttildiot- K09raj,B SC. HAJMBT, DENTIST, R.ticw BaiMina, Telephone So. 4. aosxBr&s, oiikv J-XRaY BROWN, M. D. OFFICX, SW Jacson SUcct, al rtav Uenc of itra. 1. Bitaar. lodBBcaa, oa For Tickets and any Information Re garding Rates, Routes, etc.. or for Ie script 1 Ye Advertising Matter, call on A sent slot Oregon Railway A avigatton Co., Oregon hort Line or Southern Pacibc Companies. S. K. HOOPER, General Pass. & Ticket Agent, Heaver, Col. R. C. MCHOL, GeDeral Agent, 251 Wash. K. Portland Or Roseburg P. O. Hours. Q R.GEO. E. HOUCK, Physcian & Surgeon. OtSc PoM Offir BM. Phon, Malu SI. ao?BBr"s C&BttKt. daclatr JiMtlaik ROEBCRO DIVISION NO C I. OFLI. mia every coond and lourtk Cuaday. VirOSIES'8 RtUEF tX)RJ8 VO. Orkt aal ti.trd Ptidav la is, umt wt araata. RENO TOST, SO. 2. G. A. first aud third Tkundar B-. aim rn firU aud third Tkarodar of each areata. at p. ai. Week days. 6;30 a. ni. to 8 t. ni. Sun days and bolidas, G:30 to J:iX) a.m. and 5 :30 to 7 :30 p. m. STAUS BO'.'T&S. Roseburg to Matshfield Depart ev ery day at 6 a. m. ; arrives every morn-tog. Hoseburg to Myrtle Poin:. iVimrts every Uay ai 0 a. ni ; arrives every morning. Roseburg to Millwood Depart e rr day except Sundays at 7 a. w.; arrivif every day except Sundays at 4 :!" p. 10. Roseburg to Peel Departs Maily, (ex cept SunJay) at 7 a. m ; arrive U:ly. (evcept Sunday at 3 p. m. Roeeburg to Lorley IK'parta Tues days ami Fridays at 1 p. u. ; amves Tuestlays auJ Fiiil ns at 11 :30 a. in. AU'Hi LOLKiE, NO. 47, K. OF P., YX1TI tTetj ednelT eveutnp at Odd Falleaa Hall. Yiilu kjitsMa la cood .taadlaa; mat l'mif lDvttr-1 to atteud. LXCRKU IOim.k. a. F. A A. BBerLAft mtMiiiiK Ut id &ud 4ia Woduwdar ra tva moo' n. S.T, T. ...K L. I-AKHOTt . ROKPt' CH 4 FTr.R. SO. h. O. K. MISTS the Urt and tbint Thuiriar -t m nib. LIB Bit ttsHW. W" IT. MAVDK RAST, to y. JOPERN WOoDMKN't K AMERICA. M f it 011 lirl am! ihd terms y ot h Milk in tbo t.l.l Ma-onic b 1. II. W. Mtita. V. r. It. L. Xa'tss Clrk. No. I'.-. F 1iK WORfJ. ran : ill" t ibr Md fellowa' HaTi tn Rvebiirii iit-ry lt. Sf.l nd ola Honda; WDiiix. YfehiKs iH'iKlilx.i alwajs wclcoma O I. (.'OMIOW, f. C V. C L'MOJ.ti:rk PHtlJCTARl AS I.OUtiE. SO. mt SMnr.tifcV fvtnlnii ut . i. a o. ?. their hut' in LKivl Fellow Temple at Botebant. Monr!roi t-( order tn rmxl tnnin arvlnviv l toaispmi. B W. STRONG. N. Q N. T.Jkwiti. fec'j. D.B.WW. Fin. P. B. r. O. F.LKS, ROfcEBCEG LODfil. NO. SM, hold their tvsrular communtcsfionn at tba I O. O. F. hall ou second aud fourtb Thurndar it each mni'th. All meicben riurstd to at tend rwuliirlv. and all Ttt.itina hrfttneia 1 I JiUy invited to attend. CHAS. L. HAULET, E. K II you suffer from tenderoers or full uees on the right side, pains under shoulder blada, coi.etipation, bilieuDt, sick headache aud feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid and congested. ; IK A B. RU'DLK. fcwwtarj DeWilt's Little Early Rirers will cure you promptly, pleasautly aud perma nently by removing tbe congest ion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow aaturallv. mt arb oood pius. A.C, MARSTCniACO. ROXEBCRti LOlHiE, NO. 16. A. O. V. Wj. mevtt the MHond and fourth Uoudaj ol evh month at?:) p. si. at Odd FeJlowi ka : lismbenol tba order In food ataadiaa ara in- Had to attrnd. w. rvoxjyi. Ainaot: 1